Uncle Daddy, Ice T and CoCo, Cuomo Charges, Liquor Shortage and more.

Published Aug 4, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! It's Humpday and you got this. Who here got an Uncle Daddy in their lives? What's up with Simone and Melo? Happy Birthday President Obama. For now, what the NY Governor is facing looks to be civil and not criminal just yet. Bitterman's darkness knows no bounds. Certain states are experiencing a firewater shortage. Chanel still likes her rack and so does Tutuola! Today the show wraps up with the crew showing love to the baddest airline in the sky!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all look back then, giving them just like theming bu bu things, and it's not good at tother don't join Jo. You gotta use that turning very you gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out the water the water. Ya come, come on your back, uhh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on, dig me down, want it only? Steve Harvey got a radio show, man on Man on Man. I just I have to tell you this. How good is the God I served? How amazing is he? That's that's all you know? And you know, really, man, when I try to explain um how I feel about what he does for me, really, the words that I come up with that they just they inadequate. Man, They don't they don't cut it. They really don't. You know. I could say amazing. At one time. I even just got that. I tried something real ignorant. One time, I just said, you know, God is just super casual, fragilistic as be alladocious. I just tried that to see how that felt. That's that's all the change he is with me. I just try to because see how that felt. But then I ain't feel right saying that the fact that he's amazing and awesome and he's an awesome God. You hear people say that as it's bigger than that too, man. So you know, as as hard as I try, no matter what I do every day, I'm gonna come up short with trying to explain to you exactly how he works and how he is for me. So I just thank him every day every chance I get here. It is it is your determination and your effort. Listen to me carefully. It is your determination and your effort. I think that the average person, and I'm not knocking you, I just want you to hear me out. I think what stops the average person from becoming successful is that we don't realize the effort that it takes. And that's just truth. I found that to be so true in my life and my talk to people and meeting people, and people aren't asking me questions about it and me trying to figure out the way myself. I don't think that you really can comprehend the effort that it takes to become successful. This is the thing that you have to wrap your mind around very quickly. If you want to be successful on any level, in any area, the dream is the beginning. Good Lord, let me tell you something. The determination and effort is massive. You cannot be overly concerned with sleep. If you are a person who is always concerned about sleep, get success out your mind. A fit to happen partner is not fit to happen. You cannot be that concerned about sleep. Now listen to me. You have to get your rest. But this was my philosophy. I'm just sharing you with what how I did it. My philosophy was I stopped being concerned about sleep. I got my rest, but I got just enough to get back to it, and I got back on the grind to hop into hustle. I got just enough rest so I could go and put forth some more effort. But listen to me. You cannot sleep a third of your life away and expect to become successful if you're not already successful. If you are asleep for eight hours, that is a third of your day. You cannot be asleep a third of your life and expect to get successful. Not after you get successful, you know, you learn as you go to work smarter, not harder. So as you get successful, you may have eight hours available to you. But on the way up there, I don't see how you can do it, I promise you. I don't now I don't. Maybe somebody can come forward I did it. I ain't. Yeah, probably lying, But okay, tell your story, because everybody I know that's successful that I've sat down ahead real talks with they wasn't concerned with sleeping. You cannot be concerned with sleeping if you want to be successful. How how can this happen for you? Listen to me. The effort that it requires is massive. It's an all out of salt on your dream. Now you got to make an assault. It's requires and all out of salt on it. And you can't be sleeping. Fight at the same time. You can't fight when you sleep. Man. I wish I could get y'all understand this right here. Understand that the effort that is required to be successful will take everything you have, and when you think you've given your all, it's gonna require some more. The quality of your chill is amazing. See that's okay. Listen me. What is sitting around having a bill every day? Fault? What? What? But I'm sitting down smoking weed for every day fault. Come on, man, for real, But if you took that beer, drinking weed smoking chill time and apply it to progressing yourself towards your dream. When you do carve out a vacation, guess where you be able to go. Guess what part of the world you can go see? Guess how you can you Now I'm instead of you just driving every year your family to the family union, sit at the same picnic table. Everybody pull their money in to ten families. Don't never pull they money in. They down there eating like y'all eating. You got attitude because the day or they side don't ever chip in, and no they down they eating the extra potatoes that making place. You're not not arguing about this every year for real? Man, They ain't got the T shirt money. You know they got to say a T shirt, don't. They ain't put in that really, man, so so so so so you want that to be it every year? Or do you want this year I'm taking my family to New Orleans, or I'm taking my family see the Grand Canyon. I'm taking my family down to the beach this year, and me and my family gonna go sight See, we're gonna go ride Coup the River on Chicago, me and my family gonna go skiing this year, and me and my family going out to La Man, We're gon We're gonna go out there for the weekend. You know, you know it can happen like that. But if you ain't working, listen to me. Average effort gets average results. That's that's all it is to it. See, ordinary effort gets ordinary results. But if you put forth an extra effort. See, the only difference between extraordinary and ordinary is one word, that's extra. If you do extra, you can take ordinary right on over to extraordinary. Do you understand you have to have a massive assault on your dreams? Quit sitting up in here, man, trying to chill all the time. I'm sorry, man, I wish I could tell you another way, but it ain't one. Here's what I did. I wasn't concerned about how much sleep I got. I just had to get my rest. And once I got enough rest to get up and get the task done, I got up. Somebody sent me a tweet the other day, a partner of mine. He's someone to see if I can pull it up while I'm talking to you, But he just sent me a little sign. Just wasn't nothing, just a little something to say, Hey man, I ran across this, I thought about you, and I sent it to you. It said no alarm clock needed, My passion wakes me. It's in blockprint. He said, no alarm clock needed, My passion wakes me. That's what you got to be about, even Her Morning Show. All right, everybody, look at the day. It's Wednesday, you and hump Day. You you got this, You really have this. Now you will slow down for Monday and Tuesday, but now you're up in hump Day, hump Day. This is the day you got this. Two more damn days and you got it? Is that right? Shelly Strawberry take good morning. We got a jay on this hump day. Good morning to you. Boo oh, whoa, whoa. We can't deal without for real? What's up Carla? Baby? What's going on? What's up? Baby? Midweek? Hump Day? What's up the Jay? Shelley Tom hump Day? The King of pranks? Not the King the King of pranks? Time time? What's up with your man? The chapp Is hill top top rumble, young man, Rumble, rumble, yellow man, rumbo You s a baby? U s a pust down. I don't know if y'all been watching last night, but baby that you were saying that Track and Field is putting it down. It's getting really good. You know. At first you like, well they'n have anybody in the stand. He didn't want to watch. But now you you you're watching it, you know, and Simone, she did her thing, go ahead on. She got the bronze, the goat. You know, she could sit out, come back and get it together and still win. We love her more medals than mister t started set. I mean, she got more. And she said the bronze means more to her than the goals because of what she went through, right, but she had to go through preseverance. Ye, we got some goats still living. I don't think either of us could walk on the ballast feed and cutting the flip. Just walk. It's not going to try that. Why would I try to with that something? For real? Why would I shot at I'm not trying that back. Let me tell you some there's some people out there. I respect. I respect these people in this, in this in the Olympics. I respect the man to go up way up on the building and wash the windows I'm sorry. It's just some people I respect. I'm with you. I respect anybody in tights doing, anybody in tights or short doing any damn thing. You got my respect. I alas respected the men who built those bridges, who built the bridges. Yes, yes, just sitting up there like nothing's happening. Yeah, I tell you, I really respect the guy at the other end of the shot putter. I respect his just standing. And it's coming your way. Okay. Oh you know who else? Shout out to the billboard, the people that put up the build board. Oh my god, what came through it. I can't do it, no way, No, because you don't like heights you're saying it, I don't like. Listen, we can't roll it from the from the ground. It's not gonna get up there. If you can't, if you can't drive, then read it. Then I'm not going up there. That's the way I'm with you trying to drive, didn't read it. That's the way I respect inmates. Of that. I respect indmates. I can't do it. I know I can't. I can't do it. I can't do it. All right, the fish will continue. I have thirty two minutes after the hour. You can believe that. Ask bitter man, Ask bitter man, and he's not gonna help you, So don't even think about it. About it right off, right after. I don't need it right off. You're listening all right time now for ass bitter man and bitter Man. You have a disclaimer before you will you will not be helped. If you will not, you will not be helped. Go ahead at all. Do you understand the point of the segment, though, I just want to be it's says ass. I don't hear anything about help. It's his ass, Okay, as long as we're clear, all right, bitter Manny. This one is from Cynthia and Monroe, Louisiana. Cynthia says, I'm a thirty two year old single woman and I've been messing with my son's dad and get this guy's and my son's uncle for two years. His daddy is a truck driver, so he's gone a lot, and uncle spends a lot of time in mommy's bed when daddy's gone. My son is two years old, and I think he's starting to figure things out. The other day he called his uncle uncle daddy, and my heart's stoddy uncle Daddy. Is his great title. It's right. The boy got it right straight out to bed, that is uncle Daddy. And you got back up. You got good loving, and you got love and back up, and that's what you need. You got some backup. When own boys own the road hauling whatever the hell he hauling, you tell uncle Daddy hauled his ass over here and take care of us. That's correct. Your son is not old enough to really figure out what's going on, so you gotta got a couple more, maybe a couple more years before he goes Aha. You just answered her question. Her question was should we be worried that he knows what? Hell? No, he too, don't wear it back now, I don't know. He got a couple more. You give him a Sippi cup and centers asking the room and uncer Daddy come over. Don't win back, but Uncle Daddy didn't come out of nowhere. He gets haul a little he could get a little two year old genius. Yeah, the Terrible Tunes. Okay, it sounds like a nice sitcom though, Daddy Marlin, Uncle Daddy, all right, Um Jennifer and Columbus says um Columbus, Ohio says, I'm a twenty eight year old female and I tried to save myself for marriage. But a year ago I met mister Wright and all of that changed. After a year of fighting temptation, he was able to charm the panties off me. Then he took them. We've had sex five times and he's taken my panties each time. My friend said, I need to drop him because he's a psycho. What if he's this is just his way of staying close to me? Is this strange? Should I be concerned a man? Nothing wrong with collecting a few panties, nothing, nothing more, you know, but you have to go by size. Okay, some glove compartments can't hold a real large pair of panties, So I'm just telling you what those might have to go in the trunk? Okay, what is he doing with these underwear? Man? That is not to be discussed on this show. Thank you. If you if you collect and panties, that's yelled thing. You're not hurting nobody, you're not driving nobody. You just a panty collector. You know, you put your panties in a certain place so you can go back and reminisce on what it is you're doing. Like I said, it's size. Now some some bigger ones might have to go into matter. He won't fit in the glecical partment. But that's you. That's You're finished, nobody. You ain't hurting nobody by collecting some panties. Go right, Okay, So we're halfway through in this segment as bitter man. Are you comfortable with your answers so far? Yes, I am. I am very comfortable. Cod im okay, just checking all right? Moving on, China Dollar, North Carolina says, I'm a forty four year old single woman living with my parents in the room I grew up in. I have always been close to my parents and I'm a daddy's girl, so he's like my best friend. My aunts and my grandmother think it's time for me to go because I drink around my parents and have gotten unruly a few times with my mom. I've thrown a few parties, and my nosey ants come to the parties and kick it with me. So why is it such a big deal for me to move out? How do I get them to mind their own business? It's time you can get your ass out the house. It really is, you know, I don't know you I've never met you in mind of time life, but you got everything wrong that says you shouldn't be in this house drinking, cussing your mama and you know, and having parties that your mama don't want you to have. Yeah, it is time for you to go. It comes to time when you grow out grow the bid that you were sleeping in. Once your feet were over the bid that you were sleeping in. Your ass need to get out the house. That's just me. You just need to get out the house. You need to go in other ways. I'm gonna see what your mamma wanna say. Get your drunk ass out this house. Okay, your mama all all right? Good a man. Here we go. Moving on, Amaryllis and Baltimore said, as I'm in my mid fifties and I own a boutique with my best friend. She's the bonnet and public type of friend that comes to work and then puts on her makeup and an outfit from our boutique. She dresses up daily in the clothes we have to sell to our customers. Is nasty, and I pleaded with her to stop wearing the merchandise. Is yeah, yeah, yeah, I know this is affecting our friendship and she won't listen to me. How do I get through to her and make her stop this? People, well, people don't understand the phrase. It's a very important phrase. My mama would use it. I'm sure Tommy, your mom used. All of us parents have used it. And the phrase starts like it starts like this, you got one more? Damn time you got one. It starts with that, and then you can take it in any direction you want to go with it. But we can start with let me find that, let me find that, put these clothes on, let let or could go like this, dame it We already talked about this, and I liked that with two, Yeah, this is my mom. What's this? Sugar honey iced tea? I'm here? Yeah, or the one my mom used to use a lot I thought I told you, because you know, she's checking to see if not she told you. That's why she starts that with I thought I told you. And then after that, after that, it's over with Frank, we gave you. But we helped on that one, sherlot. We really did. Yeah, yeah, all right, all right, better man, thank you as usual? Uh you didn't help? Wow, man, imagine that next a nephew tell me he's run that prank back. Right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour of Miss Anna's here with our national news for to day. Today is our forever President Barack Obama's sixtiest birthday. Yeah, birthday. I a crash the party. I think I'm a crash the party, I really do. I think I'm gonna call crash drip good luck. Plus Carlos here with today's music news. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now the nephew is here. You hear them with run that brank back for today? What you got for us? Nap, paper CLiPPA, paper clipper clips, real simple paper clip. Say women, paper clip, paper clip, paper paper clip, paper clipper clips. Let's go get I'm trying to reach for Rona. Could she however, Rona? How are you doing? My name is Philip, I'm from CORP. How are you doing? I'm good? Thank you? How can I help you today with the company here? Um? Uh see you just left about what six months ago? That's correct? Okay? And you left with a severance? Am I right? That's right? I'm sorry, who a month, Philip. My name is Philip. Philip. I'm actually calling on some security questions and wanted to reach out to you. Now you you own your own travel agency, now that's correct? Okay? Um, Now you actually left with the severance when you when you left the company, is that right? That's right? Okay? And how long were you actually with? Uh? I was with the eight years? I'm sorry who as things are again? My name is Philip. I'm with security and what can I do for you? Philip? Uh? Well, we got we have you. You started this business? Now? Did you start it before you left? Philip? I started with the stickness after I left there? You started it after you left there? That's correct, one month? One month after you left there? Okay. So the reason why I'm giving you call, and I've been you know, we've gone through some security tapes and things of that nature. We're missing so many rims of paper, we're missing thousands of paper clips, we're missing so many office supplies, and it's been brought to the security's attention that it's targeting that you are the person that has taken all of this office. I'm sorry, let me get this right through you are calling my place of business asking me if I have used paper clips and paper. I have customers in my establishment right now. I can't talk to you about this, Okay, ma'am listen. I know that I'm sorry for calling your place to business, but I want to say that we're at the point of actually picking you up behind items that have been taken from the company. So I wanted to call and see if we could get it taken care of over the phone. Now you gotta go, then I'm gonna have to actually come out to your business, and that's something that I'm trying not to do. You know what? Hold on? What that? Ca? You hold that? Who does this on my phone? Talking about the damn paper clips. I have been gone from there for six months and you calling me now about some paper and someone paper clips? Man, we're missing at least five thousand paper clips. I'm gonna tell you what you can do this. I have been out of that company for six months. I worked for y'all for eight years, and you all let me go. I didn't take anything from you, Okay. Have you ever used any paper or any paper clips outside? Have you done that? Of course? I used paper every day. I run a business, okay, but you're using our paper for your own personal business, your travel agent or whatever it is that you have. You're using office supplies. That right there is against the law. Oh no, I will go and buy you some damn paper clips. Okay, Well we don't want paper clips. Man. Now we've given you a severance play, and for my understanding, it's been a substantial amount. And right now it's gonna be filing charges and taking you to court over these paper clips and paper I'm gonna tell you what you can do it in five thousand paper clips, I paperclip them together and hang you out for by y'all, I ain't seeing the damn paperclips. You're gonna call me six months talking about some paper and paper clips, ma'am. I don't want to go back to Philip. I'm sorry. This is some Phillip. So are you wanting to return all the merchandise because it looks like I didn't hate no merchandise. I don't have to steal nothing from y'all. I work for you for eight years. About for eight years you stole paper paper clips, You stole all the supplies, scissors, masking tape. You have taken markers, pins. We got it down to know what video tape you got, Phillip. I ain't steal nothing from y'all. I was an employee of the year. You won't gave me at severn package? How dare you call me six months later? You can take the paper clips and shove them up. You're behind Excuse me? Are we done here? No, we're not done here. So take your videotape and your paper clips and your scissors, and you know what to do with them. No, no, I don't, ma'am. Now listen, what we're gonna have to do is you're gonna get served right there, Ettra Travel Agency. Where are you located me? So you know what. I'm gonna give you my address because you come over here. I got sensors for your Philip. I don't have time for this. You want my address, you can come on over here. Look it up Google. We want our paper clips back, Google me come get them then, matter of fact, give me your address, Philip. I bring them to you. Feel no damn paper clips. I'm a Christian woman and you have me on this phone cussing and fighting with you. I'm not fighting two little paper clips. What's your address to up? We're listening over five thousand paper clips and we need those. Now, what's your address. I'm gonna bring your damn paper and paper clips to you. How about that? So you are tell you are guilty of using a paper aren't you? We all used paper Fillip, I don't feel, which means guess what. It's against the law, which means you have something. If you have taken one paper clip, it's against the law. And well, you got pens in your car, Philip back for corporation. I bet you do right word for the company. I'm trying to run a business, so you're stealing too. Give me your voice this number. You're calling my damn phone talking about some pens and paper clips to watch you mine. Give me your address. I'll bring the pens and paper clips. You ain't got to you thinking so many pens and so many paper clips, but I was run up business. Don't call my phone within about something. I'm gonna play this to you now. I'm gonna go ahead and order. I'm ordering the police to come and pick you up, okay, because I'm trying to get the problem. Taking care about the phone. Bring them pliceing you come with them, Come get it. I got something for you when you get here and bring them. You're calling me about some paper and paper clips. I've been going from there for six months. Dam you have stolen paper clips from the company and we want our paper clips. Bring your over here. You want to getting damn paper clips, and I'm gonna call my man so he can kick your over here if you want to. You want to add dress, you want to address up. Come on, I'm a professional. I'm trying to run a business. I got to walk away from my customers and get about some pens and papers and paper clip ups because you stole five thousand play for your face. And you also you better be ready because you're stowing some stuff for Tommy and he's been over here. Wait a minute, wait, Tommy says, you're stowing a bunch of his stuff. Listen, I don't know nobody, mad. You don't know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't know him? What's the day? I say, Do you know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Do you know him? You gotta be kicking me. Your girlfriend dorth Thea got me to prank funk. Call you I'm gonna kick her. I'm I'm gonna get her right now. I'm gonna kick her. Come down you you made me step in the back room on you. Hey, let me ask you something, baby, what is the badest, I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Shows on all right, bangy nephew. Coming up at the top of the are the Entertainment and National News. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well in today's Entertainment News, Today's our forever. President Barack Obama's sixtieth birthday boys sixty looks good on you, mister President, and he is throwing an outdoor sixtieth birthday party this weekend at Martha's Vineyard. There are COVID nineteen safety protocols in place, and in lieu of gifts, the Obamas are encouraging everyone, all of his guests, to donate to programs that support our youth, like My Brother's Keeper, Girls Opportunity Alliance, for instance. And there'll be lots of performers, lots of guests. Performers includes the Roots, John Legend, Common d Nice, and the guests of course, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan and George Clooney, among other so Um sounds like a yeah, it's gonna be a good time had by all. So I got my invitation in the mail. I'm so excited about this. Um, I'm musical. He just I got my invite in the mail. I'm you know, I told him I'm a little busy. I'm doing something, but I'm I'm gonna try to make it, you know. And uh and I promised him, you know, hey, I'll try to show up with it night. I don't want to heart broken about it. Yeah, you know, but broken. Yeah, he's gonna you know, you know, it's his sixties, it's his it's a milestone. He wants me, you know, he wants me there, you know, and monkeys will fly out of my but yeah, my goodness. So UM scheduled Jay to take a helicopter from BC to this weekend. That's on this weekend. Yeah, crashing the party this weekend. And yeah, you know, President, I'd like to do my impression of Tommy trying to get into party. Here. It is Amy Rara, me me who stand up change? All right, Well, Carlo is here with what little time we have left with music blues, but you got all right, We're here's some music news for today. The United States Senate pass a resolution that recognize August eleventh, which is coming up, national hip Hop Celebration Day. Cool. This is so cool. And also there is a resolution that November is hip Hop History Month. This is great news. Yeah, the news would share via tweet from the official Senate Periodicals page, which also revealed that the vote was passed. A unanimous vote was passed for that, So this is really really big. Yeah, celebrating hip hop celebrate. Yes, what would be the best hip hop song of all time? If you had to pick one song? All, oh my god, you can't do man all time? It might be pop, it might be some tupop rappers delight. Yeah. Yeah, And I speaking of hip hop, let me say this real quickly. Versus Battle last night Madison Square Garden, the Locks versus Dip set. So if yes, so I know all of New York was on five Billy Jada kiss all of that. So hit me up at Lipsma Carl and tell me who you think won the versus Battle New York Business. All right, Jay, time for the headlines. Let's go d everybody. It's time for the news with miss an trip. Thank you, good morning everybody. This is a trip. Well some positive I'll start it with that, or at least hopeful news for the thousands affected by the expiration of the National Eviction Ban. Officials that the sentence support Disease Control and Prevention are announcing a new sixty day eviction ban would and go to the end of October, since so many Americans are still directly or indirectly affected by the pandemic. However, President Biden, who also wants the band extended, but in a different way because he says it may not stand up in court. Any call from moratorium based on the Supreme Court recent decision is likely to face obstacles. I've indicated to the CDC, I'd like him to look at other alternatives than the one that is in power in existence, which the courters declared they're not gonna allow to continue now. And what this is about is the High Court says that the band cannot be extended beyond July thirty first, which is gone without congressional approval now, and that's doubtful since not only Republicans but even some Democrats feels time for the band to end, So stay tuned. There he's asking again the President to get the CDC to do another thing, or say it in a different way, or something so that it does not run into what the Supreme Court says needs congressional approval. Of course, the big story remains the one hundred and sixty three page report issued by the New York State Attorney General, Letitia James, which details the details of eleven women, current and former state workers who accused Governor Cuomo of unwanted and inappropriate feels and kisses. Are you now calling on him to resign? Yes? And if he doesn't resign, do you believe you can be impeached and removed from office. Let's take one thing at a time. That, of course, is the President Biden, who was asked about it at a news conference. Meanwhile, Cuomo proclaims his innocence by way of showing a fourteen minute video accompanied by tons of pictures him hugging and kissing both men and women, young and old, black and white. He says it's always been his way of trying to make people feel comfortable. He says he never meant to abuse anybody, and he says he's not resigning. I welcome the opportunity for a full and fair review before a judge and a jury, because this just did not happen. He also claims it's a political plot and that he is not quitting like he said. Health officials and meanwhile say just two states accounted for one out of every three cases of COVID last week, Florida and Texas. Meanwhile, Louisiana holds a distinction of having the highest coronavirus infection rate in the nation. Meanwhile, the Congress is a warding Capitol Hill Police with Congressional Gold Medals due to their defense of the Capitol building and the lawmakers who were barricaded inside during January sixth riot, which was an attempt to overthrow the results of the presidential election. Four officers have since committed suicide since an insurrection. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. Come on, Tommy, you guys represent the same team. He is the PRESIDENCYO of Team Tommy and that time. Oh of course we're team team. I'm team him, him, Team me. We're teamers, all right, team you and I'm Team Tommy. Okay, Yeah, So I'm team you stop, Jake. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, get ready. We're about to get ready to go into a mind, the mind that you've never traveled them before. We're going deep, We're going to we're going halfway into the matter. You can see something you've never seen before as we're going to the mind. Anthony Brown, I'm traveling a lot um, you know, just just driving around, just maybe trying to get some things done. Yeah, and I'm seeing I don't know where they're coming from. I'm seeing too many damn babies. I don't know where all these damn babies are coming from. David, No, no, you gotta hear me out there, especially in the airport. They have taken over the damn airport. And will the babies. When did babies get their own damn luggage. I'm from the old school. Your drows, touch your grandma draws, and touch your baddage drows. Everybody had their drows. And one nine they got damn luggage. They can't even stand up, and they got a backpack on this child. That's it's the same damn size of the damn child. And what if what is in there? What what does he need? What what what is he carrying? What? What are the valuables in his suitcase and in his backpack? Okay? What what does what? How much stuff does he need? He's he's not even one yet. He's he's in the way, tripping people up on the damn plane with his luggage in this big ass backpack. There's too there's too many that. Look, let's let's do an airline that has an all baby flight. I mean they're good for the theaters baby day. So you got a baby, you fly on all baby days. And let me tell you, people, these damn babies. If you got a stroller or carcy and you don't know how to fold it up and in a matter of time, we don't. If you can't just and it's folded up, like you know, your ass not need to be on the plane at all. You don't need. We should leave you. We should leave you at the damn yate. Because it's it's it's it's it's not that complicated. The umbrella people have figured it out. You touch an umbrella and open up, pull it close. Why I have a de stroller? People figured this out. Talk to the umbrella people and see if you can get this working out. I'm just saying I'm tired of it. I had enough. I can't last thing, last thing. If you got a baby that's flying, turn him around. I don't want to look at his ass. I don't want to see your baby. We've got to go bitter man. Coming up thirty four minutes after the hour, will have Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, what is going on? The New York Attorney General's investigation into sexual harassment allegations against Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo found that Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women. Attorney General Letitia James announced on Tuesday the office found that Cuomo harassed current and former state employees age James also said that her investigation found that Cuomo engaged in unwelcome and non consensual touching and made comments of a suggestive sexual nature, and that conduct created a hostile work environment for women. Yesterday, now President Biden said Cuomo should resign. Governor Cuomo denies sexual harassment claims. Take a listen to this. Please. First, I want you to know directly from me that I never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances. I am sixty three years old. I've lived my entire adult life in public view. That is just not who I am, and that's not who I have ever been. Really shocking, shocking the results of the reports. Yeah, twelve women women, what I'm saying the same thing. And they introduced like one hundred and seventy nine people, you know, leven eleven I think it was eleven women. Yeah, yeah, somebody so sound like you touched some Damn. I'm telling it right now. I mean, just remember last year, everybody wanted him to be president. They were hoping that he would also run. You know. Oh the money have fallen and they say that this is civil, it's not a criminal case just yet. But they're not done. Um. And also, as we switched gears and other presidential news, yesterday, President Biden extended the eviction moratorium to October third. There was a protest to demand this extension, led by Missouri Congresswoman Corey Bush. And this is great news. This extension will temporarily help keep millions of people in their homes during the pandemic. So that's yeah, that's very good news and news. It's good news with COVID and it's just crazy, right yeah, yeah, for sure. And the Progressive Democrats and the Democrats, they have to work together as a party to get results, to get things done. So hopefully this is a step in the right direction with them working together. Yeah, that's the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans. I mean, the Republicans stick together even when they're wrong, no matter what it to me. They're definitely party over everything. Every boy more like rad or lie yeah yeah, and they don't lie small they like dude. They can still go with it, you know. Yeah. But the Democrats, you know, they kind of fight them. They fight amongst themselves a lot, you know. Um, all right, well we'll see, you know what works when the mid term elections come up next year. We'll see how this is going for them. Yeah, he think his brother would report this story or just leave it alone all together? Oh, Chris Cuomo, you mean let's get after it. Yeah, yeah, that's so touchy. I mean people, let's leave it alone. Huh, it's gonna be not Let's get after it. Yeah. Renamed them because they're so clear. Got a new segment called Let's leave that alone. But honestly, how could that not be a conflict of interest? But yeah, that's what I said, right, right, And then by the same tone, your journalist and you have to bring the news right and yes, that's true. Horrible position to be in because they're very close brothers, close knit family. You got to just call your brother to say, looking at I'm gonna go on in another hour. I got to I got to do you today. Now, I'm just telling you, I got I got to put it all out there. Don't watch the news tonight, don't watch don't watch tonight, watch tonight, watch Fox watch what they're gonna really they are, but it won't be me doing you. Yeah, and if and if he did this, then you know, the victims they deserved there. They're should not be an office. Yeah, he should not be. That's what one of the victims said. She said, I'm not crazy. I know the difference between you know, trying to help me in sexual harassment. I know the difference. Hello, yeah, all right, coming up next the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. That's coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject social distancing inside my home. We'll get into that in just a little bit. Wait till you hear this. Yeah, wait, just wait. But right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his nap? That ain't my brother's baby. That ain't my brother's baby. Good, Okay, I'm just telling you not that ain't my brother baby. Let's go, Catt, don't worry about it. Something I need to take care. I talked to man, I speak to Tearry. My name is Darrel. Damon is my brother. I don't live in Dallas where y'all live. That I'm the one that live out of town. But we didn't have a family meeting and talked about it. And uh, I know Travis is your son. He eight years old. But the problem is the reason why i'm calling you, Terry is called. We didn't found out that Travis ain't none of Damon's child. Excuse me, Travis ain't none of damon child. He'd been paying you child support here for the last eight hold On, and you said your name, I'm Darrel, I'm damon brother, and who gave you this information. We all have found the information out. We actually gonna go down there to the courthouse and get all this stuff rectified. But we didn't found out that Travis ain't ain't none of Damon's child, and he's been sitting up here sending you money seven to eight hundred dollars a month, and this child ain't even here. Now, I hate for Travis to find this out, and he gonna have to find it out, but he ain't going to find Why are you calling me? Look, the family didn't had a meeting, and I'm the one that they decided to make the phone call and tell you what's going on now, don't you you you you don't have a damn thing to do with this. You You ain't nobody daddy over here. So I'm not sure what you're calling for. Who God made you keen or wanted you to be head in charge to call? But that it's not gonna work out. But let me why Why are you doing this to my brother? That's what I'm saying. For eight years, the man been sitting you seven hundred seven dollars a month and and this ain't even his child. You know, I'm why why am I even talking to you. I'm not really sure. Your brother need to call me if he has any problems of questions. You have a good ding Hello, you don't hang No, damn phone up on me. Damon told me the last was hard headed anyway. Now, look, you know what you got the wrong one baby like you. I'm trying to not lose all my religion today, but you're about to make me lose it on your You don't know who you over here. So like I said before, my fund your nephew that you're trying not to claim. But I don't know why you came from wherever the hell you said you came from the Dallas to try to I came from California down here to Dallas, and I'm telling you need to take your breath back to California because down here if you don't know me like that, No, I don't know you, but I'm fend to know you. And Travis been to know that my brother ain't his daddy. No, I don't know you know you need to talk to your brother again, That's what you need to do. And you don't need to be talking to me. You've been to send us all the money and my brother didn't sent y'all I and when I do. Look when I said, when I sent all that eight years worth of money back, you're gonna send every dying back because it belonged to my brother. That ain't my brother. Child. Now we ain't got time to be going on, no mar pover showing nothing to find out who you know what? Like I said, you kicked the wall one of it'd be your best been not to call me anymore. You actually it is a good thing that you call because if you can't knock it on my bow, you to got y'all with today, No you go, that's my second thing I've been to do. If we can't rectified over the fall, I don't have a problem coming over there knocking down some does and getting some questions answer because damn it, this ain't Damon's baby. Obviously you must wish it was yours. So you're taking so much entry. No it ain't mine, but but it ain't game Won's either, And we got to mus not had any and looking for from But I'm sorry this was taken over here and Damon, where we continue to play? When you owe Damon, don't open that's far with your brother's made I want to play. I'm sorry. He's gonna continue to play, and you can call wherever you want to come, do whatever you want to do. So go back and tell your mama and everybody else who's waiting for this meeting to let them know it ain't having me. Look, my mama ain't got nothing to do with it. Mama been. What's your mamma? You say your mamma, Now, y'all got to get us. She's the same way, like, I'll see where you get it from. You're like, just like car, Mama knows that y'all from knows it. People, My y'all, damn business. That's a grow man. That ain't. My mama said it from the get go, that it wasn't Hunt, that it wasn't Damon's chime. No, I mean your mamas the two faced lock because you're ain't what your mama said. You ain't been to sit here and bring my mama up in this well. If you know so much, then you're back come back on my back. I'm not if you want to, we didn't done the math. Seven hundred and fifty dollars times twelve times eight is seventy two thousand dollars. That's how much money. And my brother didn't send you, and that's how much we want back. And I need you to get to working on this money. Nah, okay, why don't you come over here and get it. Don't get your whoop today, Terry, come on over here. You don't see you on your pay You in Dallas when I don't care nothingbody but I'm in no Dallas. You ain't johnni for on you so what I don't even know what there is? I don't I'm I don't even go Why away from my time talking to you? Like I said, your brother is a week if he got to call you, y'all had him meeting and you got to be the one to call. I'm not really understanding. Look, I got one more thing I need to say to you, is you're listening to me? You know you know my damn nerves. That's what you're doing. You respect me? Are you listening to me? What this is? Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got right, Oh, you just got pranked by your sister Tanya. Baby, she said, talk to her about her baby daddy and that baby. I don't play with the chill. Oh my god, I'm all right. Let me ask you this. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Get a drama something, you don't get a prank of something. Baby, She's ready to face. She tells you to go back to California. You in Dallas. You gotta know where you at. Okay, okay, Sweetest Day Comedy Show, y'all, Sweetest Day Comedy Show coming up. It is a Sweetest Day Comedy takeover. It is happening in Detroit, Michigan. It is Saturday, October to sixteenth. Tickets are gonna seale right now. It is at the Music Hall. You got Dominique. That's a bad bad girl. You got Rodney Perry. That's a bad boy. Old Tommy Davidson titles. It does all get out Guy Tory in the building. Hosted by Yours truly nephew Tommy. Yeah, Music Hall, Baby, October sixteenth, Saturday night, Detroit, Michigan. You do not want to miss it. Tickets on seal ridden now ridden now back on stage? Boy? What what what? What? What? What? It is a good feeling, man, Oh I feel good. I love Dominique. No Dominique is funny. It's all get out. Uh hilarious. Great lineup. I like that lineup. Yeah, ump out and then get with the big boys. By putting it, I think I'm not gonna I'm I ain't gonna see it yet, but I think I'm with some more big boys. Come come New Year's Eve. Call oh, oh, I think the boys are badcast state stand by. I'll keep you posted. Oh, we're gonna make about four or five stops. Oh, I'm not going. Last time I hung out with Tommy on New Year's Eve. A month later, two months later, covid here, I'm not doing it. You're not doing it no more. But we're partying. We bring it in twenty twenty. We like I'm talking about Shirley. We was bringing it in so hard, yea Loanda Adams was in the dressing room bringing it in, bringing it in. Tommy, we had was taking pictures. We was counted down and look what that Shirley and Shirley, thirty thirty minutes to an hour after New Year's had had hit, said the entertaining It's still count down ten like every five minute, said count again ten n we are the blast. So that's when you always back on New Year's zve like the year before, what did I do so? I thought about twenty twenty, I said, Oh, I hung out with nephew talking. We ain't doing it and it's a good feeling to know that we might be able to do that again this year. You know, if everybody goes vaccinated and do the right thing and does the right thing, you know, Yeah, I hope anyway, all right, nephew coming up Strawberry letters, subjects social distancing inside my home. Will get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for it Today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry letter because we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here. Yeah, I want you to know it's up and hold on tight. We got it for you here it is. Who knows this letter could be yours? Thanking few subjects social distancing inside my Home. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty nine year old single mother of a seventeen year old son. My son's father has never been in his life, so I was blessed to have my dad to be a role model for him. My dad passed away in twenty eighteen, and since then, my mother moved in with me. She's home with my son daily while I work, and she helps him with his virtual classes. I allow his friends to come over and hang out in our theater room because it's the safest way for them to hang out and not be in overly crowded places at risk of getting sick. My son's friend wear mass unless they're eating, and we practice social distancing inside my house. My mom thinks that I'm too lenient on my son and I try too hard to be his friend. My son is a great boy, and as long as he's not breaking any of my rules, it's fine for his friends to hang out in my base. This past Friday night was just like any other Friday night. My son told me he invited some friends over to watch a movie and he ordered wings and pizza. I saw three girls, my son's best friend and another guy had never met, walk in. I went downstairs around one thirty am, to let my son know it was time to wrap it up. But when I got downstairs, all I heard was soft whimpers and moans. A few of my good blankets were on the floor, and my son and his friends were having some kind of sex party. They did not even notice me in the doorway. I woke my mom up and told her what was going on, and she told me to get back down there and be apparent. I didn't want to wreck his party. Well, and besides I was too embarrassed to confront him. Then he did the complete opposite of social distancing. I need to address this issue with him so it will not happen again. How do I start this conversation with my son? The fact that you have to write us to ask how do you address your son about having a sex party in your abasement is a serious, serious problem, and I'm with your mom all the way on this one period. It is time for you to be something you obviously haven't been to your son, and that's apparent you are not his friend. And the thing that really got me about this is when you went down there and caught them in the act. You mom said you didn't want to wreck his party, and that you were too embarrassed to confront him. Then, mom, they were having a sex party. What huh? You should have turned on all the lights, snatch those good blankets off of them, off the floor wherever, and made them get up and get out of there right then and there. I mean, come on, really, who's a parent here? Certainly not you at this time? When did all have you ever disciplined him for anything? It doesn't sound like you have. You said he's a great guy and all of this. You know, obviously you don't know what's going on. Clearly he didn't think or care that there was anything wrong with what he and his friends were doing in your house, right under your nose. They were doing it. The moment is kind of gone now because his friends needed to hear you go off right then. They needed to hear that. But you can bring it back. You're the mom, it's your house. You can bring it back with your son. Tell him you need to talk to him, and then when when you talk to him, just let him have it. You gotta do that. He's got to know that you mean business, okay, you know, tell him don't ever disrespect you or your house like this again and from now on no more company. You gotta step up, Mom. You gotta let him know you mean business. Tell him he'll get put out, have to find someplace else to live. If you ever catch him and his friends in your house or having sex in your house, or whatever they were doing, I mean, take something away from him that he loves his phone, his iPad, whatever it is. Computer, don't let him drive the car. You know as a parent that kids need discipline, right, they need boundaries. They need to know that they can't do whatever they want to do in their parents' house without some type of consequences. Well, these are the consequences. And if none of that works, you know, I don't condone violence, but you might have to punch him in the face. I'm just saying. I'm just saying, because this is ridiculous. The sex party. First time I heard you say something like that. Let me recap here a little bit. Mom gives son okay to have a party in the basement. She goes down there and see him just blankets, moving up and down in the room, is all steamed up. She goes back upstairs and tell him Mom. Mom's like, if you don't get your behind dying there, YadA, YadA, YadA, and deal. Surely you're absolutely right. But here's the thing. Here's two things that's upsetting to the mom One, you're having sex in the basement. And number two, these are my good ass blankets that you got down These are mine, I know. And ann Lee Brown always go I know, damn well, you ain't got my good It could be anything. It's always her sometimes wasn't that good, but she always went with that. I know, damn where you ain't down here naked on my good ass blankets. Boy, If you don't, if you don't get your naked ass up right now, that's how she should have went in there. I know, damn well, you ain't got oh my good. Oh flood, please tell me. I'm not looking at my good ass blanket, my good ass blanket. Oh, if you don't get your ass upstairs, oh, oh father God, oh oh Jesus, help me, oh lord, and get a hating your chance when you cause oh, oh father God, yeah, whoop his nicket behind would have built. That'll change all that. That's how we were raised, all right, all right, Jay, hang on, there's a part two to this letter. The subject is social distancing inside my home. We'll be back and hear from the nephew at twenty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back. We're gonna recap today's strawberry letter. The subject is social distancing inside my house. This letter started off so nicely and then it took a hard left. All right, the subject, yeah, didn't it though? The subject social distancing inside my home. It was written by a thirty nine year old single mother of a seventeen year old son. Son's father has never been in his life, so she said she was blessed to have her dad as a role model for him. But her dad passed away about three years ago. Since then, her mom moved in and her mom is at home with the son while the mother goes to work. And the grandmother's at home with the son. And he does virtual classes, so she helps him with his virtual classes. And he's seventeen. So the mom allows his friends to come over and hang out in the theater room because she thinks it's the safest way for them to socialize during the pandemic. Well, her mother, the grandmother, thinks that the mom is a little too lenient with the son, but the mom disagrees. She thinks her son is great as long as he's not breaking any of her rules. And you know, she thinks it's fine to have the friends come over and hang out. So Friday night they ordered pizza and wings. She saw three girls, his son's best friend, and another guy that she'd never met walk in. So they were all, you know, in the basement, she thought, just kicking in, I guess, And she went down there about one thirty am to tell them, all right, time to go, party's over. But what she saw startled her, and that was that they were having some sort of sex party down there in the house in the theater room, and the three girls and the three guys and as Jake so eloquently pointed out, on her good blankets, and they didn't notice her in the doorway. So what does she do? Nothing? Nothing, she said. She didn't want to break up the party or embarrass them, and so she I've never heard this from a gent before in my life ever. Ever, So she woke her mom up and told her what was going on, and her mom told her to get back down there and be a parent, But like she said, she didn't want to wreck the party and she was too embarrassed to confront him. So m she said she needs to address the issue so it won't happen again, and she wants to know how should she start this conversation with her son nephew, which you got exactly. It's time for a social distance ass whooping if that's what it's time. Fuck. I want you to put your man stone and I want you to beat the living lightside this boy. Okay, I want you to call him to the kitchen. I want you to tell him to bend over and grab the real on the on the stove, and I need you to light his behind up. This boy needs But this don't need to be no conversation, this don't need to be don't do this again. We got to whoop his ass this time about this right here? You're talking about they having some kind of sexual party. That's how orger going on. It's sex people in there naked. What are you talking about? Some kind of sexu part You walked in on an orgin later, that's what you's out. You should have whooped every button naked body that was in that flow. That's what you should have been doing. Everybody. I'm talking about the boy. You don't know his best friend. Them three girls everybody out here beltlet's crossed their ass, crossed their back everywhere. You should have beat day behind and your son him need his butt whoop right now, and you better not let this go. Do not let this go without matter of fact. I tell you what here, what you need to do? Matter of fact. He's something I want you to though. This ain't the first time this has been going on on Friday, just the first time you walk down. Now this has been happening, and now you got there to say I want I didn't want to erect a party. What is your time about erect a party? You don't want to break up the orgy that's going on at your house? Hello, it's something wrong you know what not on to do? The boy? I need a whooping? You need one? Your mamma need to get you a whopper. It's something wrong with your wrong with you? Yeah? What's wrong with you? Lady? Have you lost your mind? This boy need his butt whoop. This don't need to be on conversation. No, I talk to him. No, this needs to be an ass whooping. This is the one that he's supposed to never forget that time my mama whoop me when I was seventeen years old. This time, so let me tell you something. I don't know. If you gotta if you got a brother, if a pastor, you know, you need a man. The whoop is behind you need to let something he needed. But matter of fact, bring it down to the radio, say let me and Jay whoop is as he needed this butt whoop, We'll hold him down. Will that. I'm sorry, I've never seen and I don't I don't want to just put a race on this, but I ain't never seen no black mama walk in on something like this and then turning back around and then go tell her mom, you're not gonna believe what they do. And your mama got to tell you to go be your parents. Lady, have you lost your mind? You should have beat everybody in that fuck Yeah. For her to say she didn't want to wreck the party, I don't want to wreck the party. You don't want to understand there as orgy. You're not people having clothes on at a party, okay, r She she acted like she was scared. Yeah, you know what this is. This is a prime example of there's not a man that lives in this house. Yeah, because I promise you, if a man live in this house, you're not going to go down in this basement and think you're gonna pour this all you're trying to put on your mama. Man, this boy needs his button. Boy, This don't need to be no conversation. This don't need to be No. I talked to him. He ain't gonna do it again. It needs to be an ass whooping and he ain't gonna do it for a month myself. What city is this? Can I get? Can we trace thisself? No, we need to trace this. Let this This is it. This is why I used to have that joke for you know. I hope she can fix this. I really do, because this is this is terrible. All Right, Well, thank you guys. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve RVFM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after Sports Talk. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All Right, we gotta say congratulations because we are so proud of Simone Biles. Simone Biles won the bronze medal. In the balance beam, congratulations, relationship through it, but you came back and want a metal did your thing, no question. She is the goat the greatest of all times, the greatest of all times. It's called presseverity. Yeah, she fought through it, the champion, Yeah she did, she did. Yeah. Yeah. All right, tell me what else you got? I got some sports and now I got some nuh. Let's see you you know. Uh, let's go from the Olympics to the NBA. How about that. Let's talk NBA? All right, bring y'all up to speed on something, right, because it's a free agency fringes frenzy going on right now. Called Melo Anthony all right, that La la hub called Melo aix Us Okay, I'm sorry, has signed one year deal with the Lakers. One year deal with the Lakers. So I think that's so good. That boy with that boy with that good bad hand in Atlanta. You know what I'm talking about. I like it, Oh, I love it. That boy right down, two hundred and seven million, five year deal with the Atlanta Hawks. Balls. What time he gets hundred and seven million for five years? Okay? Can I be like somebody stupid? Once they hit people get a lot of money when somebody stupid that says is you know, taxes eat most of that up. Ye, yes, it is sure all right. And fresh out of the NBA Finals, Chris Paul got that purse, baby, Chris Paul signed for one hundred and twenty million, four year deal with the Phoenix Suns, and last but not least, dwhite Hoywood is back with the LA Lakers. The Lakers are stacking up on the crazy. One thing I do know about basketball. Dwhite House got more jerseys in his closet than anybody. He just went to him see him coming out with the wrong damn jersey on forgetting who he played for. Because it's this third times. Yeah, time that money. Kids, get that money, boy, you got you need to get that money. Man. You got some babies now he does. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he got about eight to nine. Yeah that don't happy for Chris Paul. Chris Paul got that. Yeah, Yeah, I love Chris Paul. Well, congratulations to all of them. Two hundred and seven million. That's a lot. That's about a good bad haut right y'all? Money? What does that mean? Good bad hair? Because it's pretty, it's pretty, but it did boys, pretty boy, you know it's it's the gradest pretty just be going different ways from it. Okay, all right, thank you, nephew, I had houses out twenty six. Hey, thanking of you coming up. Iced Teas wife Coco is still breastfeeding. She's still nursing. We'll find it. And her daughter's five. We'll find out what that's all about right after this. You're listening morning show. All right, guys, check out this story and trending topics. I sed Tea's wife Coco. Well, Coco is still breastfeeding and her baby girl, Chanelle, is five years old. But Coco defended herself. Um, you know, she said it's her decision to allow it. She said, Chanelle still likes my boobs. It's a big bonding moment for a mother and her child. For the record, she says that Chanelle likes steaks and burgers, but she likes a little snack every now and then. And Coco went on to say, why take that away from her if she doesn't want it? All right, that's where you stop it. But I'm not going to say no. What is then when you stop? I mean if the baby to the refrigerator to reerat and pull you a glass of milk. You are in a body. I'm with you. And when when a baby can say, hey, y'all, I'll be back with jowl in a minute to play. I gotta go in the house to get some milk. That's to me. That's just me. That's a little bit burgers and steaks, though, I'm thinking, look, look, don't hurt baby say. Baby said, I'm going to get milk. Any y'all wants something, nah, we'll pass. But I mean, you know there's tons of nutrition in the milk. You know. Yes, that's what the that's her parenting style today. I made you some ice cream, Just going and get your scoop and you, guys, I hate to break this for you, but that's what they're for. That's what breasts are for on women. What is he I'm asking what's the cutoff? What is the cutoff? I don't know, and I've had I've had a child. I don't know. I think, you know, it becomes more difficult if you're if you have to go to work every day and things like that. You know, so you may cut it off sooner than later, if you know, if you work in a corporation or an office or whatever if you have to leave the home. It's not a schedule. It's not just work. It's a it's a physical thing too, it's breast feeding is not that easy for someonem No, it's not. It's not a difficult. It's painful. It can be a women thing. Yeah, well we know it's going to be as Iced tea. What he feels about. This is definitely getting into his breastand it's a good thing. He's driking iced tea. Thinking looks exactly like him, exactly like him. Yeah, exactly. Cute little baby, But I mean that's it, that's her baby. What will she be sick? I don't know. Sure, don't matter. But when when a baby, when a baby walks up to you need one button that because this is and you're lean over a little bit. It's lean over just a little bit, thank you. All right, hold it right there, right, all right? Stop? You know you can do this and wash dishes at the same time. All right, I'm listening. I know you're in the shower, but we're about here right quick. I'm oh, I go to school. That would be fun. Remember when Iced Tea and Cocoa had their reality show, right they need to bring it back. Hey, how about this, mom, I just made a peanut butt in jelly salmon. Really to go with that? What's the what's the billboards with the mustache players? That god? Milk milk? I asked you? All right, Okay, we're moving on. What I'm when the baby go to school? When the baby go to school, are they gonna come by there? I'd like you to stand in the refrigerator, Mom, A little chill on the milk, just a little, just a little chill, just a nice Okay, I'm all right. We'll be back with more. This ignorance show it twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the string Show. Well. In today's booze news, the shortage of liquor in many states is getting quite serious. Okay, in particular states like North Carolina, Ohio, Vermont, and South Carolina. Those are the states that are being hit the hardest. Vodka like Kettle One and uh Tito's Tito made in Texas. Wow, they're really they're really hard to come by right now because of the pandemic. Um you know that shut down, and glass manufacturing shut down as well. So if there's liquor. There's not enough glasses to bottle it. So you see, even if there is liquor, they don't have to take a bucket down there. How are we now out of wings? And yeah, this is a crisis figure for the Super Bowl? I know that. Well what is this August? Oh yeah, man, yeah, Lass, you're right, surely it's the glass shortage. That's that's one of the main things. You're out of glass. Yeah, you just gotta go down there to the you know, to the distill whatever they're making it look at yeah, distillery end. Just you know, get your bucket five gallons, one of them home depot buckets to put it on the air. You know. Let me get five gallons of t too, please the house? Right, yeah, yeah, gi me on pump six. Let me get five hours we get fit it out of t toes if you don't matter, feel that up all right. We'll have more of the Sea Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well in today's Entertainment News, Today's our Forever President Barack Obama's sixtieth birthday, Boy sixty looks good on you, mister president, and he is throwing an outdoor sixtieth birthday party this weekend at Martha's Vineyard, COVID nineteen safety protocols in place, and in lieu of gifts, the Obamas are encouraging everyone, all of his guests to donate to programs that support our youth, like My Brother's Keeper, Girls Opportunity Alliance, for instance. And there'll be lots of performers, lots of guests. Performers includes the Roots, John Legend, Common d Nice, and the guests of course Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, and George Clooney, among others. So um, sounds like a yeah, it's gonna be a good time had by all. So I got my invitation in the mail. I'm so excited about this, uh musical. He just fine. I got my invite in the mail. I'm I'm you know, I told him, I'm a little busy. I'm doing something, but I'm gonna try to make it, you know. And uh, and I promise him, you know, hey, I'll try to show up with it night. I don't want to red heartbroken about it, yeah, you know, but heartbroken. Yeah, He's gonna be well, you know, you know, it's his six, it's his it's a mob. He wants you know, he wants me, you know, and monkeys will fly out of my blood. Yeah. Um, scheduled take to take a helicopter from DC to this weekends this weekend. Yeah, crashing the party this weekend and yeah, you know, President of Black Obama even I'd like to do my impression of Tommy trying to get into party. Here is a me, me who change? All right, Well, Carlo is here with what little time we have left with music, Loues, what you got Carla? All right, we're here's some music news for today. The United States Senate pass a resolution that recognized August eleven, which is coming up, national Hip Hop Celebration Day. This is so cool. And also there is a resolution that November is hip Hop History Month. This is great news. The vote was passed, a unanimous vote was passed for that. So this is really really big. Yeah, coming up, it does our last break of the day. No, dude, that's it. We No, I'm sorry, there's no more. Hey, hey, we're done, there's no more. She'd got here earlier. Now that was the last one. Sorry, see tomorrow and we'll close out the show forty nine minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, Here we are our last break of the day on this hump day Wednesday. It's been a day. Let me get something right. Well, I've been here for three damn days and nobody said whoa, whoa. We didn't want to. We didn't We didn't want to bring it to your attention though. We didn't want to do that. Goodness and in a row too. That's the Oh my god, what is wrong with me? We love having you here, Jay, What is wrong with you? Here's a question, guys, what is wrong with everyone? Okay, especially everyone that's having these meltdown meltdowns on these airplanes. Have you guys seen all of the stuff that's been going on on these airplanes. We need our air marshals back that first of all. First of all, we want that. Okay. It was a viral video. It's this drunk guy coming on the plane, just screaming it this Frontier Airline screaming on the plane that his parents get this are worth two million dollars, all right. He also touched the flight attendants breasts. He also punched a flight attendant. This is the most recent one, Tommy. However, front Frontier Airlines flight attendants don't play. They duct duct tape his behind to the flight to the seat. That's what I'm talking about it. There's so many behind But you gotta und you gotta really think. Why does the plane have duct tape? Do they? I don't know, but I'm gonna start packing it now, carrying on to the ch Is this for the wing or wheel or something like that. I don't know. What do you? Why do you? Just so if you get on the plane and you see duct tape on the wing, off the plane did off the plane. Yeah, he was touching the flight attendants. The flight attendant said, don't touch me. He did it again. Then another flight attendant came. He punched him and that was it. It was over. After that, he was front Frontier Frontier Airline flight attended. He was over. That was a brother too that he punched, right, Yeah, yeah, he won't be able to fly no more. These flight attendants are all on they're all unpaid leave depending an investigation. So there you go. And they taped his mouth, they had to. He was yeah, they taped his mouth. He was lit and just like yesterday. He has become a member of that time, which is that you say, say saying, what is it gonna be with his family? Man? You remember the time he's gonna play asking the damn food And I never let that down. That was the creative way to you. It's the most it's the number one. It's the most popular tape of all. You see it everywhere. You see it on fenders, you see it on it catch, you see it on the broads, you see everyone. I'm just I'm just sharing what I'm seeing, Okay, But apparently it works though. Yeah, they take dude's mouth everything from tape. It is a shut up tape. Really don't know how to breathe out your nose. Get that mouth closed up. You're gonna really know what it takes breathe out. And I hope when everybody got up the plane, they let the luggage hit his ass in the head, you know how you everybody everybody any it was the last one to get off the plane. Yeah you think he or the first? Oh yeah? Do you think he was sober by then? Oh? Yeah, he sobered up. Yeah, being that tape was sober you up by the way, No, no, no, no, no, no. The first the first lick from the brother that was working on the plane, that lick right there was sober your behind up immediately, no time. And the first time you hit that tape that what's what's that for? Oh you'll see, you'll see. So we did learn that airlines carry duck tape, and so does Tommy at this point. Ye. And then take that table, and what's going on. It's the seeding. The seats are two people are too clustered in together, the seats are too close together. Least little things sets people up. They already get on the plane edged out. You mean they got that going. You know. It's tom He was drunk and he was bringing about how much money his parents had, two million dollars and I'll listen to all that, so whatever, But what's going on with Spirit Airlines? Guys? They grabbed that a whole bunch of flights. And have you ever been on Spirit? You have no spirit. By the time you get on the plane, spirit kills your spirit. And I understand people flash spirits because they have to fly a cheap way, but you're at the mercy of this airline and they don't give a damn. They could kill and they don't know, so nice on the commercials. On the TV commercial, I'm rather take a great hound in spirit, I just get on the bus. I'm sorry, So so is it? Because I heard it? One story said the employees were on strike, but they didn't tell anybody that. I don't know what happened with all the delays in the council flights. On their website says operational in nine hundred flights. I think you're right, it's a striking. They don't want to say it. They don't want to say what it is. No organization. No one was saying what was going on, telling anybody what was happening. No spirit, Yeah they have no spirit, but they don't have any rate. Yeah there's a rumor of a pilot strike, but they they're saying that's one hundred percent false. So wow, nobody did calm down? People call the planes, sit down, sit down. If I put the duct tape on your way, all right, Jay, take us out, all right, everybody, we'll see Tomarra, Tomra. Watch that didn't for all. Steve every contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.