Ugly Ass Date, Florida MacGyver, Chuck D, Unvaccinated Folks and more.

Published Oct 1, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The CLO must be candid with a listener about what is special to a man. The NBA and United Airlines are among the companies that require vaccinations for their employees or else. What is up with Chuck D's comments? We get our favorite gentleman of leisure giving us his NFL Week 4 picks. Comedy Roulette gives us the things your family will say to let you know that your date is not attractive. How do you capture a gator with a trash can and flip flops? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve wraps up the show talking about Cardi B. and Beyonce.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them just like theming bus things and it's not good. Steve Hartley, I don't join jo. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out to turn the water the water. Y'all come, come on your back. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on now, dig me want and only Steve Harvey, God, what radio show man? What you're doing with it? Trying to do the very very best I can with it? I really am. You know, I get tired sometimes on my journey. I'm not gonna kid you. UM. Trying to make something about yourself is a task. UM. If you want to attempt to do something and and and understand going in that that the if the thing you're trying to do is to improve yourself, to better your position, to better your relationship, your family, anything, you're trying to be a better you. You're trying to make more money, you're trying to get it together, you're trying to change if any of those things are in your hopes and dreams. Know this right here, you are about to face some challenges. But you might as well go ahead anyway and face those challenges, because if you don't, you have a whole other set of challenges to face. You know, it's a it's a it's an amazing thing. Man. How people sit around and they watch other people strike out to become successful. They sit in the stands watching these people play out these games, and they and they, and they criticize, They boo, they laugh at their efforts and everything, and they talk about the fairies. He missed that game when it shot. Boy, he sucked. Man, he did this. He ain't worth that. I hear people who sit in stands who criticize people who are out there on the playing field. Now, when you're on the playing field, you have a set of challenges in front of you. You're going to be open to criticism. You're going to be open to ridicule. You're going to be talked about when you don't know the people who are talking about you. Now here's the upside to being the player on the field that's facing all the challenges, to criticisms, the laughing, the joke, to being talked about he has something going for him. This person, boy, woman, child, girl, man has an opportunity to win. They have an opportunity to win. And then the game of life. Just because you lose one of the games, or you lose one of the matches, it don't mean you've lost. You don't get put out. You keep playing. And when you're playing, here's the upside. You have the opportunity to win. And but guess what, You're gonna win some of the matches. You're gonna win some of the points. You're gonna make some of the dunks. You're gonna hit some of them over the wall. You're gonna hit some of them out the park. You're gonna score some goals. You will if you're playing the game. Here's the problem with the people who don't face criticism, who nobody boos or cheers for, who sits in the stands and knows neither victory nor defeat. Those people, without realizing it, are facing a set of challenges also. And the challenges they're facing is how I'm gonna live with myself, What I'm gonna do? Now? What direction am I going in? Where am I gonna live? Wonder what job will hire me? Wonder if I can get paid for criticizing all woe is me. I can't find the purpose in my life. And man, I'm just waking up in a state of confusion. I don't know what to do. Now, let me ask you something which one of them said, of challenges you rather be faced with. Because if I'm on the flow playing, if I'm on the field playing, if I'm out on the court playing, then guess what I got a chance at winning? But guess what I'm doing every day while I'm playing. I'm strategizing. I'm waking up with a purpose. I'm waking up trying to come up with another angle. I'm in pursuit of a goal every single day. Versus the people in the stands who know neither victory nor defeat. Get in the game. Face the challenges. Better yourself, better your wife, better your children, better your condition, better your employment status, better your job, better your career. Take a shot. Come on, man, what you're waiting on? Because the alternative is to watch other people play the game? You know what I just do? Sometimes Sometimes I just I get Forbes magazine or Money magazine, or sometimes I still grab a copy of rob Report. I just flipped through it just to see get I used to get these this book called Unique Homes. Unique Homes is a magazine that just has a lot of extravagant houses that's on sale across the country, across the world. I used to just flip through. Man, let me just see, man, what the people that's playing the game out there doing. Stop watching other people become successful when you could very easily be you if you make the decision. But when you make the decision to become successful, get ready for a series of challenges. I think it's more difficult not to accept the challenge. I think it's for me. This is just for me. It may not be the case for you. For me, I think it's far more difficult to wake up and just see how life gonna go today, because man, it could just deal you any kind of hand today. You understand, I don't like, you know, spades. Let's talk a card game, folks, the game of spades. Really, man, it ain't a whole lot you can do if you don't get no spades. Really, it's a little couple of little strategies you're gonna do. But you can have all this age King Queen Diamond, all you want. But man, you ain't got no spades. They're cutting them. You're in trouble. Be it whist different game. You can create what's in your hand. You got dealt a hand too, But you can create a hand. You can call a trump. You can make diamonds your spades. You can make it hard to clubs your spades. That's what I'm saying. That's what it is. You can do something with it. It's a different game, man. You can strategize. I would rather have a say so in my life than to wake up every day and just see how it's going. I think it's more difficult to not accept the challenge to be something than it is to accept the challenge to be something. I think it's more difficult to sit around and not be nothing. I think it's harder to watch everybody's life going somewhere but mine. I think it would be very difficult for me to sit here and hear them talking about other people and never mention my name. I would be difficult for me to see everybody rise and getting promotions accept me. That would be difficult for me. It may not be for you, but for me it would be quite challenging. I would rather accept the challenge of making something out of my life than to sit there and criticize those and then watch and see how my life just may go. Okay, just a thought today you're listening one two, one two three. Somebody said that was dancing in the streets. Somebody told me, what what boy? Wow? Did you get that from? Somewhere in the back of my mind? Somebody said that was dancing in the streets? Boys and then As the brothers. Don't you know, Jay, I don't even don't know where that comes from. Joas stay with you, stay with They make them all constant when they I heard that coming back, Junior boy, I know I'm in the band. We got we got two days and everything back on. I know, I know. I saw the tourists called the step over tour. Well, you can't want to talk about it, you know, that's what one of them fall, just step over the step over to ladies and JENNI let's get to electric sliding up in here. Steve my girl calling good morning, Steve. What's happing the crew? Happy Friday? Jody sees president on their fan club. Junior Kill spates who the dog demented and bit to j Anthony Brown. Yeah, I love that King Planks nephew Tommy Top Top is pride to Steve. That's what it is. Friday. Yeah, that's right, another man on Friday. Right, nobody's having a fright. You ever had a meeting that's on your schedule and you know it's coming and you don't want to go? Yeah, every every day, every meeting show yeah, Court, A lot of them are at Court. I definitely didn't want to go down. I'm meeting good news. There's some money meetings out there. That's some good meeting, money making meetings, money making, good meetings out there. But this one the day. You know you got a meeting today? Yes, yes, yes, in person, in person. And you know what's crazy, h You know what's crazy about this meeting? What I know that they're going to lie in the meeting. I don't really know how long you take to the lot I was gonna take to get to the life right away. Hey, good to see you. That's a lie. And then after that, you know, because it because if my lawyer gonna say, okay, so let's just get to the meat of it. As soon as they open mouth, it's just gonna be alive. It's no I'm not in legal trouble or nothing like. This is just man, y'all, who said the lawyer? When the lawyer speak, Oh yeah, I've learned to quit going to beat me by myself calling him later, it's never good. All right? Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening to Steven show all right? Time for ask the CLO. Steve Harvey is the Chief Love Officer. This one is from Ronda in New Orleans. Ronda says, I have a new boyfriend that lives in Florida, and I put forth the effort to see him on the weekends. And when I get there, he doesn't have anything planned. I have to come up with date options or plan a dinner at home because he is not a take charge kind of guy. I'd love to sit back and let him take the lead, but we'd be sitting home every weekend if I did that. I told him that he doesn't make me feel special, and he called me spoiled. Am I wrong for feeling this way? Should I rolls be reversed? Well, First of all, y'all have a long disim relationship. You make the effort to go down to Florida? What do you got to do? You've taken the lead, and so now he in the back seat and he letting you drive. And then when you complain about it, you spoil. Why are you seeing him? I don't understand. What is the benefit in it for you? Nothing? He don't even come see you know him? Right? You gonna see him? And and you know why. He ain't got nothing planning because he don't care if you come an you really do do you? Can? I tell you something about men. If a man ain't treating you special, it's because he don't thank you special. Hello. If a man ain't treating you special, it's because he don't thank you special. One more time for the women in the back time far back are they they've far back? Say a man ain't treating you special, it's because you ain't special. Hello, that's period. Men treat you the way they think you are. If you're getting special treatment from a man, it's because he thank you special. Yeah, so you've done? Now you want special? What? So? I ain't got to fix nothing for you? Ain't got a hand none ready, I ain't got hand no plan. I don't care where we go because I don't care if you come. Yeah, hell see your next weekend bringing eat. Yeah, I mean on your way down here to Florida, stopping else. When you get up the exit, grab when you get off the exit, grab grab me some of the plane. All that. Let's go to the movies. Benefix got a new movie out. All of that. In fact, go past the exit and go to the other chicken place I really like, and then yeah, yeah, all right. Moving on Marla and Hammond, Louisiana says, I've been in a relationship with a guy I met online. He's forty and I'm thirty eight. Neither of us have been married, but he's helping his ex girlfriend co parent her two children. They were never married, and he is not the biological father of the kids. He said. He dave this woman for six years and he's the only father they've known. I think the children need to be close to their mom's new boyfriend, not mine. Is this crazy to you or am I being selfish? Well? I mean he's telling you that he's co parenting and they've been in a relationship for six years. I believe you said for six years. The only dad they've known. He's the father figure in their life. That's the relationship he had before he met you. Now you don't want him to have relationship with the kids no more because you own the scene. What forty you old man? You know, don't come with no baggage, no history, no nothing. So when you met him online, he's never been married and has no kids. What do you think he'd been doing for them forty years? So do I think you're being a bit unreasonable? I think exactly you're being unreasonable. First of all, he didn't have to tell you this. You're in a long distance relationship. Most of those wouldn't have said that. Most fellas I'm telling you. So he's told you what you're dealing with, so you will know he'd only dare da've ever know hid some people, some of me and love these kids? Yeah, and just because me and your MoMA ain't working, man, I still love these kids. Yeah. Thing to take care of someone else's kids, that's kind of nice. Now are you being selfish? That's you know, you're thirty eight, you want your own kids. I don't know what's happening lead that man alone with that thing you're doing over there. You know you're doing way too much, all right, Big Pat and Alabama says, I'm a fifty four year old woman and my husband and I went to a swingers party. We just watched, We didn't participate. A few days later, my husband says he wants us to swing, but in the privacy of our own home. He wants to invite this woman he met over to our home and have sex with her, just him and her behind closed doors without me. I told him that's called an affair, not swinging. And there is a difference in the two dot dot dot right broke this. Yeah, let me ask you. Didn't you say in the letter that she was fifty four? Yes? And you typing me asked me that y'all went to a swingers party together. Y'all just watched, right, You didn't think why watching? Was nothing gonna cross his mind? Whose idea was to go to the swingers party? Ere we go? Somebody had to introduce the idea? What you are him? Now? Whoever it was? Now, your husband went off on his own and met this other woman and won't come over to the house and have set her behind closed doors alone. Now, Big Pat, that's her name, Big Pat the big Pat. I don't know why they call you big Pat. I have an idea, but I just I can't assume that. Let's I'm just gonna go with you, big Pat. Big Pat, you're going along with too much. Yeah. Now, if he was a little cute ass pat, would you tolerate this? But since you're calling yourself big Pat, he thought he'd run this by you. I'll tell you what. Bring over here and shut the door. See what happened. I'm gonna sure you why they called me big Pat. That do don't stand the damn chance. Okay, all right, thank you? Swinging coming up, nephew, would running that frank back right after this. You're listening to the String Show coming up at the top of the hour and Trending News, Chuck d responds to the backlash over his r Kelly comments. Also in Trending News, YouTube bands all anti vax content and and are tell me something good. Segment will tell you about a heartwarming video that has gone viral. It's a story about a father supporting his son who's battling cancer. We'll discuss all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew is here to put a smile on her face. Would run that prank back which you got for his neph today. Yo, drunk husband, Yoda, drunk husband. Cat dog if you would would would, if you would cat? I understand that cat dog? If you cat dog? Can't we Hello? You gotta hold on a minute. Okay, I got your phone. I'll give your wife a call. Hello. Hello, right right now. You're inebriated, sir, okay, right now, to be taking you in, but I'm not gonna do that. Man. You let me if you're able to come and pick you off, I'll let her come get you. All right, all I'm Brian's gonna Officer Brian's gonna put you in his squad car. I'm gonna call your wife. I've got the phone dialing now, all right, okay, Hello, Hello? Who is he? Hello? Whom I? Who am I fishing with? Please? Who is this? This is Officer Daniels out for Daniel. U is Kyle from? This is my husband? Number? Who is who is Outficer Dane? I am Officer Daniels Man. Yes, your husband's actually being pulled over and he's been uh actually he's in another officer's car. He's he's a little bit inebriated here and we're trying to see about getting him picked up. I'm trying my best not to take him in today, so I'm trying to be a good Samaritan. I'm trying to get someone come and pick him up. Hold on, hold on, hold on, back up, back up, you got my husband? Uh? What I got here on the driver's license is Kenny Kenny, and he's with you now. He's actually an office to Brian's squad car right now. So he was actually bobbing and weaving out on the road and we pulled him over. He's not creating any problems. The young lady wasn't creating any problems. So what we're trying, what we're trying to do is get somebody to come and pick him up. You don't have my husband because my husband has a worked so he can't be in No Officer Brian in your car and backup? Did you say tim again? Did you say somebody's with Kenny there? That was a young lady in the car. Man. We're actually letting her go because she's not in hee created. I'm gonna look over at somebody. She's calling somebody to pick her up now, man. No, I can't believe it. Kenny, and I know that dirty song gotten a back in my car. That's my car. And you said that he had Timidis officer Timidus. Look at that, tell it what she looked like. If that'd not be there, that'd not be the one. I think you have no idea. Excuse me, ma'am. I know. Don't you learn about it in my cause he's supposed to be working. I'm sorry. Ja Jasmine, Okay, you're Jasmine? Okay, no, just say we'll talk to you in a moment. Yeah, her name is Jasmine. I'm not sure who keep them? Keep keep it? Yeah, holding that TI. I get there. I'm on my way. I'm on my way right now. Hey, Bridget, I want you to watch these children from the time I get back. I'm going to see if I can give me a ride up to the truck stop and I'll be back in a minute. Hello. Yeah, Hello, there, I'm here. Yeah, I'm here. I'm here. Okay, man, listen, I can't. I can't stay here too much longer. I can. I can say maybe another fifteen twenty minutes. Somebody come to get the car, and but I gotta keep moving here I'm just trying to do a favor. Nothing. I'm on my wait. I'm all my way. I'm all my way. I got my purse in my hand. I'm all my way to that fuck stop. Please don't take that nowhere because I got something for his And when I get there, I hope like hell and they they's been calling to with me all through the night. Leave for the attack. Get there because I got some things that I need to take care of. This thing. Don't move the squad car to I get there. I'm all wait right now, right now, I be there in a minute. I well, that took my time. Picked up the to date, we don't had arguments over this. It's better not do that. It's better not I better if better not be here, it's better not be here. I'm all my way. I'll be there in a minute. I be there. Can't I get them? Okay? Well regard that was with Kenny. Let me close my door. She can hear me better, ma'am. There was another gentleman that was in the back seat of the car that was riding with Kenny and the young lady. I don't give a I know other riding with Kenny. You just make sure he's there when I get there. Okay, okay, now do you know who this other gentleman? Do you know? Nephew Tommy? I don't care. I know Nephew Tommy, Nephew Tommy synth you. This is Nephew Timmy from the steam wavering morning, your baby, your usban. Kenny got me to Frank Fall called you man, got you got you ain't Kennedy just gonna happen to Kenny. Nephew Tommy happen to go down to bank Head in two eighty five. When he gets home, he's still on. Oh my god, you are Oh my gosh. Now I'm gonna check. What are you at times? Oh? Man? He told me, he said, man, my wife, don't play, he said, man to pray my wife. You are said, I'm dood time. Maybe I'm doing I'm doing what Kara though? He did work, work, work here in your car at work he worked you, Dina, get work, Hey baby, tell me this what the baddest radio show in the land, Steve how it shows? I don't know. Would you if I touched, if I kiss, if I had time? Yeah? Wow, what's coming on? Stupid? It was pretty stupid. I'm trying to get a stupid rebuttal from y'all. How stupid work? It's pretty stupid. I don't even know why you ask. Yeah, I mean you're gonna say to ask your question. Has it this show or the people on this show ever complimented you on anything? Intelligence? Yes? All? Has it all been stupid? Other than intelligently stupid? It's intelligently stupid. And that means for live, yes, stupid and intelligence by having half um one what I'm seeing, that's my boy, that's my boy right there. You see that talking about Now, that's how you back somebody else. If you meet somebody and half the time they're stupid and the other half they're intelligent, which one you think wins stupid? Nah, because that's stupid shows up you're not intelligently thinking right now. And that's that's got right there right there. I mean, I am intelligently stupid, and and if it takes a lot of intelligence to be that stupid, I mean, that's what stupid. That's how you don't remind you that you're the stupid. Ain't you to say, well, Joe, see that's hardy okay, but he intelligently found out it was not a possim. So there. I love team Tommy. Come on, Team Tommy. Oh you mean he looked back there? All right, we gotta get out of here. Coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some trending news headlines right after this. You're listening to public enemies. Chuck D is clarifying his comments about R. Kelly after they sparked controversy online. After it was announced that Kelly was found guilty on all counts, Chuck D took to Twitter to share his thoughts. Abused in youth and addict as an adult, Ike Turner served eighteen months in prison. Rick James did similar time. Ike came out a changed, positive human being. How long should R. Kelly spend in prison? And does a USA system give a man a chance to change his world around well. Reactions to his take on the verdict were met with backlash, and he took to Twitter once again to set the record straight. Just to be clear, I'm not the R. Kelly fan here, adding that his actions were criminal. Now the tweet continues, My apologies if the wings of perception loomed beyond the words on this slave app Okay, he got deep there at the end. I don't mean, but you get the gist check D. Justice for the victims period. I can't. I can't go with none of that. I mean, look, oh yeah, defend our black women as he I Turner did. How much time he said? He said, eighteen months in prison and rightfully so for abusing Tina Turner his wife. Yeah, he's his wife. And that's when you physically abuse a person, you got to do some time. We talk about kids here, yes, we talked about kids and sexual start, sexual trafficking, racketeering. But but listen to me. I understand, I understand what Chuck D was trying to say, but that ain't high I got took. Yeah, but it came off like he was defending our colley. That's everybody got out of there. I'm not fit to be confused about that. That's when yeah, everything, But you know, look he what Chuck D said when he said, when does a man get a light to the chance to write his life? He had the chance when he was first acquitted, and he walked out that court room with that big giant cigar. God had given you a chance right there, dog to go to go either get yourself from help straighten your life up. Man or star dating grown women of their own will. But you could and you went worst off. You wouldn't got some more kids. No, man, hold up, that's it. That's the problem I got. And it's a tragedy talking as straight b as and you know, man, look it's a tragedy on all levels. These victims, first of all, and you have no idea to damage that's done to them, and there's no way to measure it. It's also a tragedy that a man didn't take the want in shot and do something with the want in shot. Brother, You ask most people, they will tell you. You know, man, I did this before, and I should have stopped. I did that, I shouldn't have did that other one. And if I don't, only just went on the mouse. Most people get a warning shot. Man got a big shot. Most people get a one thought. When he kept getting arrested for all them abuse calls them them was OJ's warning shots? That woman called the police nine one one? How many times went down there with bruises on herself? How many times pictures I heard? Yeah, bro, that ain't you you? You go away with it now? Finally here you go? Yeah, okay, man, Some of those people think they're invincible, they're untouchable. You know, they use their celebrity all of that. But anyway, up, Chuck D. If somebody related to Chuck D, he would be thinking differently and speaking different that's a good time. Yeah, point, that's right, that's right, that's a point. That's very well. I think he cleared it up, Chuck D. I think he put it up, and I understand why he was trying to say. But like he didn't come out and tried to say the wings of perception. Yeah, he tried to get zeep at the end. My apologies if the wings of perception loomed beyond the words on this slave app. I don't know what the slave on there though. You don't you don't use loom that all. You can't call it a slave. Yeah, but you're on it, right, you're on the slave app right with the first message. What did you say, Tommy, He don't use loom. He trust a regular word. But that's the word he yelled out for give me a big word, loom. All right, We're gonna try to move forward, crazy people. Because in other trending news, YouTube has announced they announced this yesterday that it will block all anti vaccine content, taking their ban on false information about COVID vaccines and expanding it to include content that includes misinformation about other approved vaccines. The move comes as tech companies like YouTube and Facebook are being criticized for not doing enough to stop the spread of false health information on their site. That's here you go, Yeah, that is that's really good. That's really good. And take down Trump one, take that down to you. I mean, congratulations, that's great. But I mean, since we now we've got something we can all agree on, why can't we agree on he hate groups? I think all the information for the clan and the skin heads and anybody that hates another group, I think that ought to be taken down too, you know, thank you, Yes, don't reason be doing that now. It's because day kids are sick. To see soon as something happened today kids. Yeah, all right, all right, we're moving on. Thank you, guys. Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we'll look into the mind of Jay Anthony Brown. Right after. I don't know you're listening, all right, come on, Steve, it's your buddy. Introduce him, please, ladies and gentlemen. J Anthony Brown? What up? Everybody? It's the Wedding of all times. On the twenty first of October twenty seven, twenty third Atlanta Comedy Theater and twenty nine and thirty, I'll be at the Island Comedy Lounge in Silver Springs weeken to Maryland. Baby, That's where I'm gonna be. Now. A lot of you Auntie's uncle's, mom's, dad's, cousins, friends. Because of COVID people have moved back in and that's okay. And you've lost control of your house and that's not good. Well, I'm here to set you up with some rules that will let you get more control of your house if you decide to let somebody move in. First of all, money up front. No, we don't pay when we get paid. We paid for we move with damn boxing. We paid straight up front. Okay. And you gotta make it uncomfortable. You only get a bed in your room. You can't have a computer, a TV, a chair. Sit your ass on the edge of the bed. I'm just trying to help you out, okay, Sit, sit sit on it. No chair, no, no, why are you lounging in my room? You lounging? No, that's not what we do. Now. If you can't afford a small refrigerator. Okay, you can use the big refrigerator, but you gotta put your stuff in that bottom being the bottom being stuff gold in the bottom. Because I don't want to look in that thinking it's mind. Then I eat it. Now. I got to hear your mouth. Why why I don't need to hear that. These are for people who move in. We need harsher rules so that you understand whose house still is. I love your house. No company, oh hell no, no company, no, no, no, nobody, and nobody can drop you off. You can't sit in front of my house in the car and talk. No, no, don't. I don't know your friends. Pick your ass up at the corner because I don't want people to know where I live. You know these people, but I don't know these people, right, No, ain't gonna be no man. This is very important if you don't want an older person. Most older people might get up between four, five, six, and seven. Some may sleep to twelve, so which means your bathroom hours seven, eight and nine. And you don't need to be in there when I got the pe I mean really, because yeah, you don't This is everything? Yeah, all right, thank you? Jay More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty four minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to say Morning show. Uh, what is going on? Then? NBA is looking to get all of its players vaccinated. That's a good thing before the start of the season. Amid new executive orders in San Francisco and New York City, any unvaccinated NBA players who cannot play will now have to forfeit their pay. Okay, I makes four hundred and thirty five thousand dollars a game. What he's saying he's not taking a vaccine. Okay, look, man, brothers, I'm just gonna say this to all y'all. This your livelihood. Y'all sitting up in here tripping about the research done on the vaccine, which is ample enough for them to make it worldwide. I don't know what you're tripping on. And you can talk about this my choice. It's your choice. But when your choice affects the livelihood and welfare of other people, it's not just your choice. You're in a locker room in close quarters every day with these group of guys, and what you can't do is coming there sick and then affect their livelihood and their money. It's a team sport. Now, brothers, get this damn vaccine and carry your ass on. Kay remakes four hundred and thirty five thousand. What do he let three up? Give me? Y'all three up? Lebron got vaccinated. Yeah, I should tell y'all lead by example. There you go. I got the vaccine before Lebron. I'm not a follower. I don't need nobody's permission to take care of me and my damn family, right, And I don't want to hear your theory. Right. Oh yeah, and listen, it's my choice. It is until it affects me. Right. It's your choice to be in the clue klux Klan. But if you come over in my house with your sign and your hood on, I got something for your ass. Now your decision it is fit to affect something. Now your rights actions have consequences. Thank you, caller for red An employees to have the right to try to protect all their employees. And that's what they're trying to do here. And we don't know what the hell you got man, either. You take the shot, get tested up Tuesday, you ass home and forfit your money. Here's the way that's a lot of money to force a lot of pay. But what about regular jobs? So people in the airline industry. Ye, but you know what, see calling it's all relative. See just caused Kyrie make four hundred and thirty five thousand dollars a game. I've heard that number before. But when you make four thousand dollars a month and somebody telling about you can come get this four thousand or you get nothing, I'm gonna go get this shot because it's four thousand. That's my four thirty five games. Yesterday, yesterday United Airlines fired over five hundred employees yesterday they refused to get vaccinated by the company's deadline. A federal judge can mandate the New York City teachers get the vaccine as well. So I mean getting fired or getting the vaccine, these are your choices, and you choose to get fired. You're sitting on this plane with all these people and you ain't vaccinated, working around you know, baggage claim getting this shot, that's that's that still If weed smoking ass people talking about they're not taking the vaccine, you don't know what's in that bag. You don't know when they to sprinkle something on it. You don't know what they're doing. But we buy dope, y'all kidding me. You buy dope. You don't know what's in it. You're just taking it. Have to go with weed, smokers, though you could. I wanted to jay because I wanted to hurt you that I tried to hurt you. I led with weed because I know how you feel about it. You couldn't done something up. I still have to go back. You don't know what's in the soup that you got to eat at the apple bitzer in the damn soup. That's what's all right. Coming up next, we're gonna switch gears, and Nephew Tommy is here with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject it's time for a change. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for a snap? It is time for a prank call? All right, All mind's clear, heads about, eyes closed. You prayed for a job. That's what you did. You prayed for a job. Cat dog. If you would Hello, I'm trying to reach a Carolin. Please listen, call hi, callen, listen. My name is Lawrence. Lawrence. I actually go to the same church you do. I saw you last Sunday where you stood up in the church and I heard that you were talking about you going through some bad times or your job supposedly got rid of the department that you're in and you were now seeking a new type of work. Am I right? Just just work period, because you're looking for a new occupation and you I was there when you asked everybody to pray for you. Have you Have you found anything yet? I have an I've been praying up. We prayed again today. I asked for the churches prays again today. And there are things gonna work out, because you know he said you take one, Steff, You're gonna take two. That's right. I'm propping and I know what's going to happen. I know. Well, listen, I think I may be able to be of some help to you. I actually owned my own company, and I'm thinking that you could be the perfect person for a position that I have available. Now, what what type of work were you doing in the past? Give me some of your qualification. I'm executive secretary administrative assistance. Anything like that type ever will is a minute y even take the old star shorthand often do at all. You just said what you need and I can do it. Take care of your executives to come through the office, anything that's needed, travel expenses, That's what I do. Okay, not good to What type of hours are you used to working nine to five? Sometimes I'll come in at hey, I don't have a problem becoming at eight. I'm coming even earlier if you need me to come in earlier. Are you opposed to working at night? No, I don't know I'm working at night, but I mean it just it just depends, you know, right, No, Burgers can't be choosing I ask and I being given to me. Okay, well, what kind of hours we looking at? I have a I have a an offer for you that it would be Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. You will only be working three days a week for me, okay, just from know, I was looking for several female hours of a female days any like full time. I have a family well to day right right, I understand, but listen, I think the actual amount will suffice for that. Now, I'm going to offer you seven hundred and fifty dollars per night for three nights a week. That's that's two thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars for for for those three days, for one week, seven hundred and fifty dollars a night, and around you're making a week, man. And if you do the math on that, that adds up to about nine thousand dollars for a month. I'm so good to be true. But now I put a living within I turned it earlier. That's we expected it. I do it in seven hundred fifty dollars a nine. I mean the books, you know, because I do have the accounting too. Well, let me say this now. The reason why I say it's at night is because I own a nightclub, and and you would be working at the nightclub for me, And so you will put in about four or five hours every night, and and for three nights a week like I stayed at Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and and of course i'll play your seven hundred and fifty mint. Of fact, I'll actually pay you your first two weeks in advance. And I know I'm sure you you know you've you've lost your balance. You need to get back on your feet and everything. Yes, yes, yes, okay, um, so so you know I'll be doing it to I'm sure like I can do office work. I'm good like accounting. You tell me a clip front. I can keep your books going right? Well, no, not necessarily. I don't need you to work the front door. Um. I'm actually gonna have you in the club working. Okay. So, um, I mean how are you? How's your physical condition? Are you able to get around? And you don't get tired quick? Do you? Now? Are you in good physical shape? Yes, don't get tired quick at all. You need to do something like being able to bar tenders or something to work to the board to make sure the money nobody's stilling money from you or something. No, no, no, you're not at the bar either. See because what I'm gonna do now, have you ever done anything like, you know, anything close to dance or anything like that? Have you done that in the past? I do live ballet when I was younger. Uh drill sat cheering. I mean do you ever watching the while you do the dancing here and there? Okaying around? Okay, Well that's good because see what what I wanted you to do is I want you to do a little bit of dancing in the club. You have something like ball dancing or something that you need me to teach you. I don't want to do the ballroom. I can't work with nobody on that stuff like that. No, I'm not asking you to do any ballroom dancing anything like that. What I need you to do I want you to dance on the pole on the post. See I have a strip club. I want you to dance on the pole pot dancing party. Well, actually I own um the silk Stocking, which is a strip club. I'm not a strip stock. Look that have mean? You don't want me drugs? About the mother? Listen, you must watch your man. I don't bring my poet and nobody you can say that play listen with that room name. You can shut that pole up here? What's watch your mine? But don't you want to make this money? I got seven hundred and fifty dollars a night for you. I don't need some money. Tell you right now you're a polar bear. You can put that polar shove it up the being. You want no business calling me about no birth and on no pardon I believe got no church. I'm trying to get you a job. Baby. They told me that you was in need of a job, so I'm just trying to need it. I'm not a need a return, Joe, I'm not a need more rows. I'm taking off my beard. I'm running some more. Brought one bar at birth on the day Pols wanted you. Okay, what if I bumped up to a dollar allars? I don't take two three ft five thous Now I'm taking my jows out the no. I want you that pole. You know you ain't gonna see my n che in church. I re me free. Let's tall. You need to be out of me talking about your guys. You know, just when I see you bad church next Sunday coming to bush room, I'm a coming as you and win there where you get your butt on the pole man? What let me say this to you? Are you listening to me? I don't listen to wait just a minute, Caroly, I want to say this. This is nephew timing from the harm In morning show. You just got pranked by your cousin, Ravina, my cousin. I need some money, you give me, give me Come there. You got her right, that's all I want to know that I get it. I'm draws off. I don't care if you jumping up to three five thousand dollars in that we still call hill screaming that hard to get on the pole. Oh my god. One, I don't know no ballroom dancer, but I can learn. Yeah, did a little, a little better, A little drill. I was a drill major real chinn. I know I don't drill too folk. You know no pay seven hundred major retch. You know I type eight of something words. I mean I do shorthand eighty from words of a minute. I ain't. I don't know who do that. Oh I can type, Oh you can type eighty eight words of me. Man, I'm took typing in school. I'm type thirty four words a minute. Little mistakes. I ain't attack more than that, but they'd be spelt wrong. Every dog I'm talking about, man, And you remember the slogan you had the type to touch all the cubes only yellow some moon. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back. Yeah, oh wow, the quick fox jump over the lazy dogs back. That made you touch all the keys thirty folwards a minute, committiate Kate else, Thank you guys. All right, coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject It's time for a change. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letters Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live. That's for Jay on the Like. We're doing this one right here, right now. Never know, it could be yours could be Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter. Subject It's time for a change. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a board certified registered nurse, and I was raised in public housing by my aunt because my mother had me when she was sixteen. After I graduated from high school, I found out my aunt was sleeping with my boyfriend, so I beat her up and spent time in juvenile detention. From that point on, I was told that I wouldn't amount to anything. I beat the odds and I got a nursing degree. I'm thirty years old. And I just bought my first house not far from where I grew up. All of my female friends from high school are still fighting over the same men and working two and three jobs to pay the bills. We still have house parties and go on vacations, but I usually pay most of the expenses when we plan anything. I have been dating the same guy for ten years, and I'm really out of the man he's become. I've been patient with him while he completes his degree, but I don't think he's taking classes right now. When I evaluate where I am and who I associate with, I get sad. At work, I'm a different person. I got to talk to the other shift nurses and doctors, and it's a different world than what I live. And when I go home, my boyfriend loves to say I'm different, and I talk proper. When I'm at work, I am aware that I'm two different people, and I enjoy the progressive side of life more so than the one I grew up in. The more I hang with my girls on the weekend and we drink till three am, the more i know that I'm not growing them. I'm ready to walk away from everything that's familiar. In my life. But I can't do this anymore? Am I being a sellout? If I pull away from my friends? Am I supposed to keep waiting for my boyfriend to get himself all the way together? Is there a way to distance my self receptactfully? Wow? If anyone needs a change in their life, I would say it would be you and those of us who have lived and have some experience at life, we will definitely tell you that the one constant in life is change and we can't avoid it because it's going to happen whether we want it to or not. And guess what you're feeling and what you're going through right now. That's a good thing. You distance yourself by trying new things, different things, and staying busy. That's how you do it respectfully. And you can say no. It's okay to say no if you don't want to do stuff with them, like hanging out and drinking till three am. You know that's not what you do anymore. Change means growth, and you already said that you are out growing them. You feel it, you see it, and that's okay. Trust me, you will not be the first one to get a new circle of friends it's nothing wrong with that. You should accept and embrace it where it's taking you. This is your path, now your journey. You're on your journey. You're not a sellout, and don't let them try to make you think you're a sellout because you want to move up and move on and move differently. They just they just don't want you to outshine them, all right, that's where that hate would be coming from. You're thirty. Now what is your man doing besides putting you down, talking about you talk proper and you're different? Now you said he's not even in school taking classes, so you have no idea when or if he's gonna finish. I say, stop wasting your time, go ahead and live your life. Please, don't waste any more of your time with your hating friends. You have to pay for everything with them anyway. What is that about that says to me that they're users letting you pay for everything? That's not right. So if they don't appreciate the change in you, that doesn't ignite like something in them to be better, I think there are plenty of other people out there that will. I just say, go on, live your life, be great. Steve, all right, the subject is this time for change. Let me say this about Shirley's response. Every single word Shirley Strawberry just said was one thousand percent true. Period. There's no getting around what she told you. Nothing like this. Sometimes you have to hear it a different way. Now, what Shirley did was she told you exactly right. I hope you hear that because she told you almost in a way where your new, better and more improved side could understand and take it in. So, since Shirley has so eloquently done that for the new, improved, new you, I'm gonna talk to you as to old you so you can get both sides. You can pick which one you now. I want you to understand. I'm gonna say the exact same thing Shirley just said, but we're gonna take the other route. Let's break the letter down. Here we go. I'm a boyed, certified registered nurse. I was read in public housing by my aunt because my mother had me when she was sixteen. After I graduated from high school, I found out my aunt was sleeping with my boyfriend, so I beat her up and I had to spend time in juvenile detention. Okay, great, let's break this down. Your mama had you allie. You moved in with your aunt. Your aunt was you know, tricky. You found out she slept with your boyfriend, and you whip your aunt ass. Ye did what happened? Now you jumped on her real good because you got charges pressed. And now you then went down to juvie. Now you were told that you would never amount to anything, and then you beat the odds. You got out. You rose above your circumstances. You did exactly that. You have a nursing degree. You're thirty years old, and you just bought your first house not far from where I grew up. That was the mistake. You bought your first this house not far from where you grew up. That was your first mistake. Because now it has kept you too close to your past. And I hate to tell y'all this, but the anti in the hood, you got to keep it real, the real anti should be. You got to keep it moving. Hang with why Yeah, hang on. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after today's Strawberry letter subject It's time for a change. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject It's time for a change. Young girl had a very who's thirty ye old woman is writing this letter had a very similar past to a lot of people. Her mother was young when she had a that's not a problem or sin. Are you raised by your aunt? And then you found out when you graduate in high school, y' aren't sleeping with your boyfriend. So you beat the ass and you had spend some time down in Julie. And from that point on you was told you wouldn't amount to anything. And then you did what so many of us have done. You beat the odds. You got a nursing degree, You're thirty years old, you just bought your first house. Here's a problem not far from where I grew up, right around them, very same people that said you would never amount to anything. All your female friends from high school are still fighting over the same end and working two and three jobs to pay the bills. All my female friends from high school are still fighting over the same end and working two three jobs pay the bills. I'm gonna save my next statement. We still have house parties, go on vacations, but I usually pay most of the expenses when we playing anything. Surely said it this way. You need a new group of friends. Why it's your ass trying to hang on to something that is not providing a benefit to you. You know why, because you are suffering from what so many people you as an emotion that has turned out to be the most useless emotion in the world, and it is called guilt. Stop suffering from guilt because it's a useless emotion. It serves nobody any purposes. U the person who's applying the guilt, and the guilt is being applied by your friends since they can't afford to do nothing and you can. You got to pay for You need some new damn friends. Here we go, but I usually pay for most of dispressive. I have been dating the same guy for ten years, and I'm really proud of the man he's become. I've been patient with him while he completes disagreeving. I don't think he's taking classes right now. And when I elevate what I am and who I associate with, I get sad. You are now sad with where you've gotten yourself, because where you've gotten remains to stay too close to where you're from once again, the antigen, the hood. If you got to keep it real, the antig is really you got to keep it moving, so you have time to try to stay true to your roots. When your roots is sick, your roots are poisoned, your root is gonna hinder and throught the development of your growth as a plant because you're trying to stay true to your roots. Well, your roots ain't moving, they ain't an't good soul, they ain't being fertilized or nothing. Now you got the same guy for ten years. You're proud of the man he's become, but you don't think he in classic right. You don't even know what he's doing. So now your association, if you continue to associate, you remember the saying association brings on participation. If you keep hanging with him, guess what you keep doing what them is doing. So now you're through on the house parties and you're drinking. What what's the benefit at work? I'm a different person. I get to talk to the other shift nurses. Oh, you get to talk with the people who are like minded. Oh okay, you could talk to other shift nurses and doctors. And it's a different world than when I live in When I go home, that's because you bought your home in the wrong place. You know, you ain't gotta keep it real, you gotta keep it moving. And this is not an anti hood statement, because all the great things in my life is from the hood. I couldn't stay there and elevate at the same time. So Number one, you need to think about that. My boyfriend loves to say I'm different and I talk proper when I'm at work. I'm aware that I'm two different people, and I enjoy the progressive side of my life more than one. I grew up here. It's because you're there's time for you to grow up and to move on. Some people are in your life for a season. There are a lot of people in your life that are seasonal people. Everybody come with you can't go with you. You got to stop trying to hang onto your past when it's throating your future. You can't keep hanging out with what you used to be when God has something clearly he wants you to be. But you have the power of choice, so hanging on to what you used to be is prohibiting you from fully reaching the potential of what you could be. I'm not ready to walk away from everything that's familiar in my life. Then cool stayed out throughout your growth, continue not to grow, go to house party, drink to three o'clock in the morning. Day the man that ain't moving forward, that's tripping on you because you're different and you enjoy the difference, But you ain't ready to walk away from everything that's familiar with you. If you stay in your comfort zone, that's where you're gonna fail. That's true again. If you stay in your comfort zone, that's where you will fail. Success is not in your comfort zone. It's on the other side. And if you want to be successful, you got to get out your comfort zone and prepare yourself to get uncomfortable. Am I being a sellout if I pull out from my friend? Now? Hell? Now, you ain't being a sellout. It's called moved out. Yeah, you ain't no sellout. You moved out. Am I supposed to keep waiting for my boyfriend to get himself all the way together? Is that way to distance myself respectfully? No? The way you distance yourself respectfully is that you you stopped hanging with them. Stop, lady, you know them nothing they're going to say, keep it real to you. They're gonna say you a sellout. All you can stay there and regret it the rest of your life, or you can go and move on and see what God has for you. You ain't gonna be less. Black. Strubberry Letter at Steve Brvey FM, on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strubbery Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hours. Junior, right after this, you're listening Steve Morning Show. Here we go, Junior is here with sports Talk. What you got, Junior? I need my man, Pipper. This ain't about just Junior. This is about biding. What's going on? Anybody? Go ahead? Junior was hot last week fourteen to two New Picks Pepper, Yeah, tennesseew York Jets pip used me say it again? Tennessee at New York Jets. Oh, Tennessee Jets ain't going to win the game. Oh Man, Kansas City at Philly, Kansas City not gonna lose three in a Kansas City. It is Carolina Panthers at the Dallas Cowboys. No, Man, that's gonna be hard because Jim Panthers just playing man and I do not like them, but they are starting to win my heart, man, Cowboys. I don't even like picking them, but I got to tell the truth though. Yeah, New York Jazz at the New Orleans Saints, New or In Saint Jamison make a comeback. Oh he would go. Detroit at Chicago. Ooh, that's a go nowhere a game. I'm gonna go with Detroit. If the Motor City hit you on, I'm gonna be with you on this. Pick right here. Pepper Houston at Buffalo Bills. Oh, Buffalo man, I don't know what to stop this here now quickly. Indianapolis, Indianapolis coat at the Miami Dolphins. That black dude that replaced Tonka Luga, whatever his name, Kobe said, yeah, I can't say his name either. Yeah, over the Indianapolis coach. But I'm gonna go with Miami man, just the supplies and met Washington football team at Atlanta foal, Oh, Washington gonna make a comeback. Nice game last week. Hawks. Whatever you donna name your birds. They always name their teams after birds around name somebody something else. Damn gonna hear you at San Francisco. Oh, it's gonna be crazy, man, because I russelled them lost last week and Frisco lost too and Bass Minute and Russell them struggling. I'm gonna have to go with San Francisco, man, even though I won't Russell to win eversold at the Los Angeles Rams. Oh, that's gonna be a monster game like them, man, Rams Rams. It is Green Bay and Pittsburgh. Oh man, green Bay, Baby, come on, I hate this still. It's ain't no win nowhere. Oh man, that's gonna be rough. But I'm gonna go with Lamar Baltimore for the win. Yeah, okay, Temple Bay at New England. Oh he oh he going back up there. He gonna beat Bill Bellichicken as the Cleveland Crowns And I don't give it that who you say? Who a Minnesota? Minnesota finding you will all right, Thank you, Junior, Thank you, Pempin. Coming up in the top of all my picks top dot com Brown's comedy Roulette. Right after this, you're listening to the show time now for Jay Anthony Brown's comedy Roulette. Take it away, Jay and set it up for us. Please. So simple. It is just so simple. You take three subjects, any three subjects you want to put them on a wheel. Word stop. We will make it funny, damn it. All right, here are today's category. Things millennials will say to let you know they're having a bad day. Okay. Way as you say to the family, your date is not that attractive? Oh really? Or the last one TV shows you don't like to admit that you watch? All right? Oh it stopped on. Ways you say to the family your date is not that attractive. Oh no, here we go, commedy roulette. Ways to let your family know your date is not that attractive. Don't try to look into that wandering act because it won't be looking at you. Okay, don't throw yourself off trying to look at it. Oh yeah, yeah. Things you say that the family to let you know that your data is that attractive. You know what, I really think it's great we have matching headlines. I really do think that. Ways to say your date that isn't really that attract you know what, she looked like her daddy, But she got a good spirit, you know what I'm saying. Spirit see nice. Ways to say to your family your date ain't that attractive. Okay, listen, we met at church. Yes, it's we met at church. Ways to let your family know that your date is not not that attractive. Okay, he's gonna have to take his jacket off because his hump sweats. Okay, so when he gets in the house. Ways to say to the family that your date is unattractive. I mean, come on, Grandma, you don't use all your TVs. Ways to say to your date that isn't that attractive. Look family. Way to say to your family, I'm sorry that your date is really not that attractive. Listen from the neck down? She cold? Though cold? Neck down? Tho cold. I'm just telling you who for good. Ways to say to your family your date ain't that attractive. Listen, it was a car accident. See what you're talking about? When she get him, just listen, it's a car accident. I ain't coming to Roulette. Wait to let your family know your date is not that attractive. He has a neck, Okay, he has a neck. Neck behind. Ways to tell your family your date is not that attractive. Listen when she come in here, I'm gonna eat all these lights off. Okay, and she liked talking in the dog. She don't like lights. Okay. Ways the thing of your family, your date just isn't that attractive. Listen, Listen, the lord works in mysterious ways. You know what I'm saying. He just works in mysterious ways. That's all I can say. But y'all get rid of ways. Safety, your family, It is your date. It's not that all right. When she get here, be not nobody say nothing. That's it. I'm gonna tell you when she come in here that not nobody say a damn fast. That's pretty damn and I mean nothing nothing all all our heavy breathing nothing, all right. That's comedy roulette. Janthony's Janthony Brown's comedy Roulette. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and trending viral video news. Did you guys see a black military veteran. His name is Eugene Bozzo Bozzi, Eugene Bozzi. He's a Philly native and has only lived in Florida for one year. Well. He officially became a local hero when he successfully used a trash can a trash can to fight off and capture a six foot alligator just loitering in a neighbor's front yard. This was crazy, right in some flip flops. I'm trying to trap our alligator. First thing, I'm gonna do a gippy damn flip flops. All cannot get this foot hull up at no moment in this attempt. Flip flops are known to do that. He got over firstful he was with the trash can. Who would have I would have run the other way for sure. Noah, Sure, I'm not going over there. I'm good at giving instructions. I don't say I give instructions were a trash came like use the trash came from the alligating. My trash can would have had trash in it. If I go outside to get this alligator, he gonna be dinner and a belt. I'm shooting. Yeah, Navy Yard, good name as a brave dude. He really is. Yeah, yeah, black Dundee. All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh, what is going on? Then? NBA is looking to get all all of its players vaccinated. That's a good thing. Before the start of the season. Amid new executive orders in San Francisco and New York City. Any unvaccinated NBA players who cannot play will now have to forfeit their pay. Okay, Barry Irvitt makes four hundred and thirty five thousand dollars a game. What he's saying he's not taking a vaccine. Okay, look, man, um, brothers, I'm just gonna say this to all y'all. This your livelihood. Y'all sitting up in here tripping about the research done on the vaccine, which is ample enough for them to make it worldwide. I don't know what you're tripping on, and you can talk about this my choice. It's your choice. But when your choice affects the livelihood and welfare of other people, it's not just your choice. You're in a locker room in close quarters every day with these group of guys, and what you can't do is coming there sick and then affect their livelihood and their money. It's a team sport. Now, brothers, get this damn vaccine and carry your ass on. How ky rebax four hundred and thirty five thousand. What let three three up lebron got vaccinated? Yeah? I should tell you something. Lead by example. There you go. I got the vaccine before Lebron. I'm not a follower. I don't need nobody's permission to take care of me and my damn family. And I don't want to hear your theory. Oh yeah, and listen, it's my choice. It is until it affects me. Right, it's your choice to be in the clue klux Klan. But if you come over in my house with your sign and your hood on, I got something for your aunts. Now your decision, it's finn affect something. Now your rights actions have consequences, thank you, caller for rever And employees have the right to try to protect all their employees, and that's what they're trying to do. Safe work environment. Come in here and we don't know what the hell you got. Now you take the shot, get tested, or you stay your ass home and forth your money. Here's the way. That's a lot of money to force a lot of paper. But what about regular jobs, so people in the airline industry. But you know what, see call it it's all relative. See just caused Kyrie make four hundred and thirty five thousand dollars a game. I've heard that number before. But when you make four thousand dollars a month and somebody telling about you can come get this four thousand or you get nothing. I'm gonna go get the shot because it's four thousand. That's my four thirty five games coming up. It is our last break of the day on this Friday. You're joking, right, Actually, yeah, it's a leste damn looking for another break. But okay, coming up in forty nine minutes after closing remarks from our one and only fearless leader Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day of the week. It's Friday. Yeah, it is m first day of October, October. It is yes, every birthday to my brother Dial, my dog, Happy birthday man, my brother seventy five today. Whoa that's my youngest brother, my young brother. Oh okay, okay, that's October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Months. Yes, it's the Mess of Violence Awareness Months. That's right, Chirlts Halloween, Halloween, Carlo's birthday, Marjorie Harvey's birthday. Jesus, A lot of stuff going on. You gotta buy something birthday, don't you? Bar Hell? Yeah, you mean, we can't hear you? Hell yeah, I bet not. I act like I bet like can't I forgot that? I don't forget No way, I tall. Here we go. This is my closes remarks It day. I was I was watching TV actually last night, and um and you know that show that comes on A and E called Intervention where they where they try to intervene and get their family members off drugs or alcohol or whatever, you know. And I was watching it and this girl on the show was twenty four years old. And then they had another episode where this man was fifty, the girl was on rugs meth, and the guy was an alcoholic but he was fifty and she was twenty three. And I was watching this and both of them said the same thing which prompted my closing remarks today. Both of them said, what could my life have been? Both of them said that at one point, man, I've messed up. What could my life have been? Now? That's really hard, man, when you hear a twenty three year old say that, But for me, as equally as hard when I hear a fifty year old say that. Because what I want to say to everybody out there is talking about what could your life have been. I want you to realize that that's a trick, y'all. Don't let the devil fool you with the thought of what could my life have been? That's a trick. Your life is not over. I don't care what you've done. If God wakes you up, it's because He ain't through with you. Your life is never over until it's over. Don't let the devil fool you with the thought of what could my life have been? It's a trick. We all make mistakes, every last one of us. We will continue to make mistakes until we lead as world. Now listen, one of the mistakes that we all make is sometimes we make decisions that are contrary to what God actually wants for us. We've all done this. We all make mistakes that cause us to take and make detours in our life. And the detours that we take in our life are oftentimes leads us into another direction counter to the one that God had planned for us. Because God's original plan for you is to prosper. But we make decisions along the way that causes detours. And because something that is delayed doesn't mean that it's denied. And I want you all to stop thinking and allowing the devil to food you talking about what could my life have been? Your life still has opportunities, chances, decisions that can be made. Your life is still valuably because God keeps giving you life. Don't let this devil do his masterful trick. His only mission in life is to rob you of your destiny. You can't let this happen by allowing the negative thought to come in what could my life have been? Your life can still be. Everybody makes detours. I was looking on the line the other day and I saw Cardi B an offset over in Paris, right for fashion week, and Cardi B was decked out. This girl bad in the fashion game. But I was listening to my assistant tell me Cardi B story how she used to work out a grocery store and she couldn't make ends meet to her talked her into another profession, which was to become a stripper. Now, God ain't never told nobody to strip. You can believe that, But we make decisions. But anyway, long story short, Cardi B saved her money, went and met a radio personality and did a track, made a song. This was the story he told me. How true that is? I don't know, but I loved it right. Cardi B now is famous as an artist, but she took a detour. She was a stripper. God never had intention for Cardi B to be a stripper. Cardi B was to be a mother, Cardi B was to be a global star. And Cardi B this is her career. Her mission is still being unfolded. What Cardi B is going to be? She ain't even reached it yet. What Beyonce he's going to be? She made out, I've reached it yet. What I'm going to be? I'm getting there. I took some detours in life. I made some decisions and some marriages. I made some decisions with my career. I ended up homeless. I took some detools man to get here. Don't let the devil fool you with that statement of what could my life have been? Everybody makes mistakes that cause it detools that are contrary to God's plan. But don't you let the devil fool you with what couldn't your life have been? Your life is always processing. We are all in the process, even when you make a mistake, even when you cause a delay. But because it's delay, don't mean it's denied. We are all in the process. Don't get tripped out because your process then took a detool. God ain't through with you yet. I'm telling you, man, your life can still be great at fifty. Your life can be great at twenty three. Don't be fooled with the trick of what your life can be. Trust in God. Talk to God, call on him, and let him show you what your life can be because He got one. See your money. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.