Uber Story, Bill Cosby, Samuel L. Jackson, Trump Taxes and Rallies, Work Until Death, 225 Million Phones Closing Remarks and more.

Published Oct 3, 2018, 2:45 PM

Happy Humpday its a new day baby. Uber driver catches cheating wife. Bill Cosby has already spent 1 week in prison and is doing ok. There is a viral video of Samuel L. Jackson. Trump was a millionaire at age 8. How far does the rabbit hole go for the Trump family tax history? Trump's rallies are staged like a comedic set. Would you work until you die if you could? There is a Presidential Alert Test involving 225 million phones. Closing Remarks today covers visions and dreams plus much more!

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know, y'all bag all song looking back to back down, giving them moong, just like the bling buck bus things and it's cub y'all too good to the hearty yeah, listening to move to other for sto bar hand quickly read honey, why don't you join yeah, join me into being men. You got to turn yeah, you gotta turn the turnhow a the time you love me? Got to turn out to turn the water the water go, comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody, y'all listen to the voice and now come on DIGNI one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show one more time partner, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. How amazing is that? How good has God been to me? How good has He been to you? Just check yourself sometimes, just sit up, Just let's run a survey. Just look at your life where it's at. It might not be where you wanted to be, but that's probably some decisions you made. But really, though, in spite of all the crazy mistakes out have made, I mean, man, I I look back at some of the decisions I didn't came up with and and man, it's it's it's just amazing he let me live. I mean, it's it's and and and to exist the way I exist, it does nothing but grace, mercy, favor all that is. That's what my mama praying for me when I wasn't praying for myself. It had to be it, because, man, I can truly tell you I have made enough mistakes man, stuff you would never even know about, and recovered from them all you can too, and I don't care what you've done. Marvin Sapp has a song out that says he saw the best in me when everyone else around me could only see the worst in me. You know that that's an important song man, especially you know. I want to talk to men today because man, being a man is so so difficult. Please no, it has been my quest ever since I was a little boy. My father had one ambition, son, I don't care what you do, but when I get through raising you, you will be a man. That's all I want you to be. He never cared what I did for a living, and it never made a difference to him. You're going to be a man. Manhood is difficult now ladies just listening to this. I'm not saying womanhood, ain't. I don't know what it takes to be a woman, so you know, I'm I'm but I do know exactly what it takes to be a man. So you know, sometimes when you talk to people on the radio, you have to preface things because people are just go he trying to make it look like womanhood ain't. No, That's not what I'm doing. I'm just talking to men today to explain to them that dign by the self and struggling trying to figure this thing out, that you are not alone in your quest for manhood. That is difficult, even though it's interesting. Yesterday, the Dating Game guy, he said the reason I didn't get to say this on the air, but I read his profile. He said one of the reasons he was still single because he was trying to find himself as a man. He was forted too. But I'm I gotta I go. I gotta tell you, man um manhood is that kind of difficult and becomes even more compounded if a young boy does not have a male role model. I've said it a thousand times, I'll say it again. A young boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map. While I have a suggestion for everybody that's struggling with manhood and all of the men out there that are men. This messages for all of us, and it's for me too. You know. I was listening to Joyce Myers the other day and um, she made a statement. She said, sometimes you gotta do the right thing even when it feels wrong. You know. One of the difficulties of manhood is pure pressure and the misguided principles of manhood. See what God wants us to be as men and what we believe manhood is is sometimes two different things. Give you an example. I wrote this book for women, right and I was telling him the three ways that a man shows his love, and I call him three p's. We profess, we protect, and we provide. Every man who is a man, that's how he exhibits love. We're not talkie talkie comforting with our great nurturers. But when it comes down to to it, what we all want to do, what is in our day DNA, is to profess our love for something you as a woman, to protect you as a woman, and to provide for you as a woman. That's in our DNA. Now, sometimes that gets messed up, and I'll give you an example. Sometimes when a boy doesn't have the proper, real role model in his life, he takes that principle of love that we all possessing us every man, the professing part, the protecting and the and the and the providing part, and we misplay it. That's why gangs exist. Gangs exist off those three principles. What's the first thing a gang member do? He professed, He claimed the hood. That's the first thing you do. This's neighborhood. I'm deuce, tray, I'm triple h, I'm due, de dupe, I'm purple, I'm I'm red, I'm blue. The first thing they do is claim. That's professing. That's how we show our love. But it's misguided though. Now we're professing something that ain't even good for us. Your hood, your gang, your click. Now guess what. Now we got to protect it. So now as a protection part of our love, here we go. You come down here, we're gonna do this to you. You go over there, they're gonna do that to you. You protect your hood, this your turf, this all you got. You ain't nobody coming down here. With blue owned. Can anybody come over here with red on? You can't come over here with purple on. You can't come over here with black and gold on. And we and we protect that because that's in our da name. And then what's the third thing we provide? So guess what the game need money? Guess what we do. We're selling drugs, We're selling women, we're selling guns. It go back to the same thing. Man. I don't know how God gave it to me that way when I was writing a book, but he showed it to me along the way. That's how men love well. When you don't have a role model in your life. Guess what? Not that love is misplaced, is misguided, It's off track. Ain't no man told you that. Really you're supposed to take this love and give it to a woman. You're really supposed to profess, protect and provide for a woman, not your gang set. Now you're professing your hood, repping the color, you're protecting your territory, shooting people driving by coming over you on your street. And then you provide. Now you out here selling drugs and guns for the same thing. When a boy does not have a male role model, he has a misguided way of looking at manhood. The reason I'm saying is today is cause fellas, this is what I'm saying, cored tripping yourself out, man and find out the type of man God wants you to be. Here's the deal. See, God created all of us in his image. That means He's put some of our DNA in him. That's why it's in your DNA to profess, protect and provide. Because guess what, that's what God do for us, because we his children. God provides for us, He protects us, and he professes his love for us. He claims us, he died on the cross for us. He done all that for us. I'm just talking to me and right now, you don't want to be in your house when the when the cop knocking on the dope. You want to be laying the PC when my doughbell rang and go answering because ain't no police coming over here, cause I ain't done nothing for them to come. You can't go to your dough like that. When you got weed in the back, you got crack in the back, you got cocaine in the back. You can't go answering your dough. You hear that, you gotta start flushing tarlets and stuff. Man, that's crazy. I'm just telling you, man, I had to wake up about five years ago. I wasn't doing what God wanted me to do, and then he shook me. He said, Man, I'm gonna bring about some changes in your life. I'm gonna call some things to happen that's gonna put you in a position. And this time you're gonna listen to me, because if you don't, you're gonna keep living in this pain you've been in. But you put yourself in this pain. I own no blame to no one else but myself. Please know, I know that. And that's how we really get to manhood. When you figure out what you hadn't done wrong. You can't blame this on none of your exes because you're a man. You can't go my ex dear this. No, No, you're a man. Partner. You gotta take responsibility for yours and yours alone. If you got kids, you got to get to him some kind of way. Write him a letter, send them the money. If she won't let you see it, for the money, whatever, send the money to a mama. Do what you're supposed to do as a man. Do what God wants you to do, man, because he's not letting us off the hook for what we're supposed to be just because you ain't doing it. And if you do it, you turn your life around. Just holding that the fellas today, that's all. Sorry about that. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen and everybody else. May I have your attention please? This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Make no mistake about it. Here it is. Ain't nothing else to this. Good morning Shirley, Good morning Steve for real, Good morning Steve, Hey, crew junior. Morning up Tom Tom, big dog, it dog sitting up in here, trying to be about it. Hustle and floor. That's it. How are you feeling, Steve? Uh? You know, I'm actually really really good, excited. It's a new day. I woke up. I'm grateful. I got some plans, I got some dreams and stuff that I want to accomplish. Yeah, I got the stuff written down. I've been reworking everything. I write some most stuff down this week. Man like you, who has so much and who has been blessed so wonderfully and beautifully, what else do you dream about? For the people? You know? I got some bigger stuff. You know, I want to I want to do some things to change some other people's lives. H giving, that's right, you know, we are, thank you. It's actually been on the list. You don't have to worry about getting on there. I'm available for anybody. Won't do something big man, you know, anybody want to do something big. I'm looking to grow my company. Uh as an international businessman. That's the thing that I've laid claim to. Well, you know why I asked you that though? Why because people people need to know. You know, you can still dream, never stop dreaming, and never stop you know, believing in yourself. And you know, just no matter how big, yeah, no matter how big you are, you have a lot. But there's some God or God is big and you know he can do over and above. You know, there's a scripture that says, um, a man without a dream or vision shall perish. So you can't stop dreaming and you can't stop having visions because I mean, if you don't dream of nothing, if you if you don't want nothing else? What what what's what's the waking up for? Ye? Then go ahead and just go on right, yeah man, because you've got to Yeah, man, you know, you know you have to press and and I suggest that people aim extremely high. I think people should. You should want stuff that's in your imagination. Go way over there. If it's in your imagination, if you've ever imagined it, won't it won't it. That's that's where your real life is at. It's in your imagination. So all the things that you have now that you currently have, you you've dreamt about them at some point in time, at one point in time, even when I even even though some of this stuff I didn't even know existing. That's what I was going up. Can I tell you, Okay, when we come back, can I share with you what that really is? Yeah? Yeah, And I have a great story for you to Steve. Okay, all right, when we come back, I'll tell you what that is. We'll be right back at thirty two after the hours you're listening to. Alright, Steve, we were talking about dreams when we opened up, and um, we just got into a great conversation about dreams and never stopped dreaming, and you know things like that. And you were going to tell us because Tommy was saying he was wondering because I got some stuff that I didn't see you know what I'm saying. Um, some of the stuff I didn't imagine I was gonna get because I didn't know it existed. You know what I mean? You know, people, people, people gotta you gotta understand that party. When that happens to you, that's called grace. M hm, that's called grace. See. Justice, Mercy is when you don't get what you deserve. Justice is when you get what you deserve. Grace is what it is what you get that you don't deserve. Okay, Grace is what you get that you don't deserve. Justice is when you get what you deserve. Mercy is when you don't get what you deserve. Say a lot, Oh please Lord, have mercy on me, or mercy. But grace it's when you get what you don't deserve. Anything today, But yeah, getting right. That's right. You didn't write it down on a piece of paper. You didn't hope for. It wasn't on your list of things to accomplish. The next thing, you know, you were there and and and like you say, and and time is because you've been just putting in some work. And so when you put in the work with the faith, what God does is he puts some grace on it. And that is where it gets crazy for you. And he just keeps pouring on you. And and and what I had to learn was you hear old people talk about this is your season. What you have to remember about your season is you cannot look at seasons like seasons in the calendar year. When it comes to God, like this is your season, like this is your spring and summer. A season to God can be thirty years. Yeah, a season for God could be twelve years. Well, you know, when it's your season, man, don't be scared about it drying up. M this is your season. You ain't got to worry about it drying up. God don't do droughts. He does when he when he when he's giving you the stuff that's in your season, it's your time to harvest. It's it's your time to reap. And it ain't no time limit on that, even if you have a dog day in the middle of the heart about that. See, yeah, so you can't go always over for me. Now, well against my season, it's up here comes so and so again, Man, so and so just a rainstorm today, It's gonna he sunny tomorrow. And you go right on back out there, picking them grapes, picking them apples out your orchid. That's that's what I'm I learned more and more about that as I get older. Okay, all right, well that was a good lesson. Thank you. Yeah, some people need to hear that I did, because you know what, a lot of times I'm saying stuff, it's because faith comes from hearing, not from having heard. See, you got to hear something at a certain time for what to click in you did, see, faith don't come from having her Well I heard that long time ago. No, No, something happened to you right now to make it click for you. Oh lord, I believe that faith comes from hearing, not from having heard. So that's why sometimes when I'm repeating this, even though I've heard it before, it's for me because it replenishes and restores my faith that I need to continue my journey. Yeah, they stay hearing and listening. There's two different things. Boy, that's right. I can't boy, man, wait a minute. That was good. It was see every now and then Junior, he gonna say something that's stunning, stunned. I was like, damn dog, you'd be going, what's that? Tommy was that nephew Tommy's that Mr Miles you speaking because you know, Nephew Tommy got none of it. Now let me see if I can get to this other story, Steve, this is this is fun funny. A woman was busted having an affair after her Uber driver turned out to be her husband. This is just an awkward case of my mistaken identity. Uh. This all happened as a Colombian woman was meeting up with her boyfriend. The pair called an Uber to take them to a motel and you know, so they could have a little privacy. Uh. The woman, identified as Yemmy and her boyfriend hey Zeus, confirmed that they did not know the driver before they booked the ride. They thought the driver was a man named Leonardo, but when they got into the car, they realized the driver was actually the woman's husband. I'm driving off, I don't notice. Yeah, that's okay. Turns out her her husband had borrowed his friend's car and Uber account to work as the driver that night. Alright, but just so you know, it is against Uber rules and their policy for people to work. Yeah, you can't do that, but he did it. You're not supposed to do that. You can't do it. You're not supposed to use another driver any of that. Yeah, we sit in the car and it's from the front. He Hey, baby, Hey, so they in the car? Yes, any more reproach because really I don't see how I don't even see how this made it to the Newsy Still alive, all right, we gotta move on. Never, Tommy Never. Timmy is back with a frank phone call. Run that Frank back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in the top of the hour, and entertainment news Bill Cosby's first week in prison. Samuel L. J acts and reacts to the Cabinet pulp fiction viral video. But first, before we got to the prank, Steve, before we went to break, I was telling you about a story where a woman and her boyfriend, she was having an affair with this guy. They called an uber to take them to a hotel. And who was the driver, No one but her husband. So they were straight busted. So what would you do get out of that? Yeah, doo doo, doo, doo doo. Shut your do put your seatbelt off. Okay. Then I look up there and I look at the eyes in the rearview mirror. Yeah, Tom Man, hold on, hold on, hold on, Look, lady, lady, if you don't get your damn hands from me and get out a mob, I don't know who you are jumping this down open I got Oh my god, she tried to kid at me, sir, can you my damn dope back here? It was baby a little while ago. Yeah, that was pretty good though, Steve, that was good. You got to do something. Yeah, but you got to get out that call otherwise you just busted. But he already know where y'all going to. Yeah, yes, oh yeah, Oh that's on his phone when y'all yeah, the moteldy know. Oh man, it's no getting away. Yeah, you just surely. But when you get busted, you don't stay in the bust. You can, but I'm just saying it either way, you bust out. Yeah, all right, come on, nephew, it's time for the praying phone call. What you got? Well, speaking of busted, here it is your wife is in the limo. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to I'm trying to read Rob Robert ro Rob, what's up? Boss? Hey? Hey, how you doing? Hey? Hey listen, man, my name feel Dog I know you threw some other people. Your brother, right, yeah, that's my brother. Yeah, what's happening? Listen, man, I'm calling you cause little something going. First of all, everything al my brother, like you need this? Ain't no, ain't no trouble is it? No? No, no, no, no no no straight man, just a no. You're married to right, Yeah, that's my wife's boss. Okay, we'll see. Man. What I'm trying to little man? Um, I mean, what's happened about? Listen. What I'm trying to explain to you was getting my name for you because for a time I drive Limo and uh I'm actually driving right now. Okay, that was up. Well, I had seen your wife, you know, I knew you were a little brother. You know. I was like, okay, this this right here ain't cool. Hold on, what do you see my wife? What do you mean my wife? You know? What are you talking about? Okay, we'll live. Okay, okay, Rob, let me ask you. It's your wife there right now? Love? My wife been gone, man, she was out with us up in her home. Girls. Man, they've been gone. What are you trying to get at? Man? With Okay? I got hey, hey, I understand. Just listen to me. Man, listen, hey, man, I'd have been dog got a minute time by some ladies. You know what I'm saying. I just hate to see brothers get done wrong. I don't like where are you coming from. Don't listen down, you need to go and stood out with all the revenues, I didn't get the drive drive. I drive limousine. And what I'm trying to say to you is that you're trying to say, man, spit it off. Your wife is in the back of the limousine and I'm driving right now. She in the back though, what what the girls out and like that? No, Man, if it was a bunch of girls got I wouldn't even be calling you, bro. Your wife is in the fact that it's limousine with a man. What the man? Oh my, hey, hey, y'all step bout hey, y'all, stop by the room for a met man. Step by the room for a minute. Step by the room, just hold on, hold on, step by the room for a met man, Step by the room. Helo. Uh hey, hey, look man, you need to come correct man, because this ain't gonna matter right here. Dog you're saying that my wife you you got my my wife in the back of the limits and you're driving. Man, she got on the dog? What she got on? What come of it? Is that she got on a black transfer with white lines and what you know. I'm trying. I'm trying, hey, hey, hey, hey, I'm trying to make sure I got the right person. Say look what she had on, saying you know, my brother, you ain't got that accomplished. And you said that you got my wife and what she is the house? We're talking about this this look Cutelets let's I went starting this look cute and you say, hear back for your car? Where are you driving that dog? What are you driving that? Man? That's all I need to know about you. You need to have who the dog? Who do? Okay? Dogs? Listen? Man, Well, I'm trying to say this to you. See so I've been around, I've been on this road here myself. Man. You know what I'm I did tell me this man to you, it's it's it's the wrongest sitting in the back. She got the curls coming down on the side. That's all I need to know. Do she got the curls just dangling on the side. You know I didn't hear you boss. I hear you speak up? Man, I said, yeah, Man, I can't talk. Man, they are you in the bag. I can't look a little man. You're calling me though, and this continuious. You don't call it. You're trying to make it straight right, so you bring it only over to where I'm at, boss, Dog, I can't do that, man, I can't bring what do that? You're gonna a crazy people? Crazy? Up? What do you call me? Put it on the phone. Put it on the phone. I can't get a phone to a dog. Get a phone over there. You need to drive where I'm at, boss, find that where I'm about, because this is gonna be hand right now. Just got look, I said, I want going back to my whole hold on, hold on them man, I can't hear you. Dog, you listen, listen all these whisping. You need to need to stop this car and say you need to put some stand outside the car and tell me where the others that I can come meet you with the lu Do you need to do around and tell this you gotta take a detour some down because you go okay, you gotta calm, calm man. You don't even know me. Man, you will even mess with the one dog to listen about. Here's the thing about. Look, I'm easily gonna find out what little vas over the river you drive and I'm gonna find y'all, or you're gonna have to come and find me. Don't you don't mess with the wrong one. Put on the phone box, put on the phone and pushing the phone. Man, They ain't got standing to be, ain't looking looking enough, and you don't help me out. Appreciate the call man, put up your phone. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Rob, Rob? What man? Okay, listen, man, you say this is a game. Man, I'm gonna come first. Do you want I'm gonna go. We don't let out? Hey, all I know is they're gonna stop at the hotel for a minute. Man, it's rain slack heel, what do this? Black? Hey? Look you out? I'm on my way. I'm on tell don't come on, man, don't don't act like you at all. Don't act like that. Man, Hey, look, you got one more time to be trying to tell me how to act. Great. Okay, I'm gonna tell you man to listen to me. I want to tell you one more things man, I ain't got chancel no more. One more things. Do one more thing. You need to be telling me when you hit dog? Were you at man? This is nephew Tim maybe from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got prayed for your wife. Now, Man, Man, my bad man, You got the man god Man? Before we go Rob, what is man? The bad Radio show Man? The Morning Show with Nephews Time is crazy? Thank you, Nephew. Coming up in entertainment news, Bill Cosby's first week in prison and Samuel L. Jackson reacts to the Kavanaugh pulp fiction viral video that's coming up at the top of the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Bill Cosby has been in prison for one week, and TMZ is reporting that it hasn't been all that bad for him. According to sources, Mr Cosby spends his a's chatting with the prison staff and just strolling around the prison guards. You know, he still has not get entered the general population, which is likely for his own protection. They're saying. He eats breakfast in his cell every day and then lunch and dinner. He'll do that either in a cell or in an open room now since he is legally blind, let's not forget about that. Kasby does have a personal guide who walks him around the prison. Uh, to the library, to the yard, and to other facilities. TMZ also learned that he's been able to speak with his wife Camille on the phone every single day for just for a few minutes though, and most likely they talk about his appeal. And uh, it won't be until next week when he'll be able to have some visitors come and see. Yeah, here, nobody on the outside. It ain't been that they They ain't in there two weeks usually of orientation to prison and then they put you in general population. He'll probably go straight to protective custody because he's a high profile case. Uh. And if they do well, they have protective custody every yees. Yeah, you can't just dump people in there with with them boys that ain't ever get Now, let me ask you if he got a guy, is that a prisoner or someone that works? Yeah, well, you come on, because you know they have people who work at the hospital in the medical department that pushed the guys to their appointments and you know, in wheal chairs and stuff like that. They got that's like a job within the prison often times. Trust yeah, ain't nobody coming in to do that. What you don't want to be is a non inmate working around the inmates. Yeah, and you hate to go that. Ain't no life. I had to deliver a paint to the prison. Yeah, the prisons waving in the prison. I didn't move that truck. I need somebody with a uniform off. Oh yeah, come on, now, where is somebody who free? Who get to go home? Yeah? Yeah. What you can't do is just be surrounded by everybody locked up because they company. Yeah no, left that paint at the gate every damn time. I had to put the truck in there, but all the people that worked that came out. Then I wouldn't move because the inmates said, come in, you'll tell me what. Come on a little started. Let me tell you about this Samuel ol Jackson story too. If you spend any time online, you may have noticed this viral video going around that feature Samuel l his character from pulp fiction. Remember that character grilling Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh If you haven't seen it, The video combines clips from Kavanaugh's testimony in response to Dr cuisine Christine Blasi Ford's sexual assault allegations against him, with clips from Samuel's iconic monologue from the beginning of the movie UH. Samuel L's character also rose Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, and so far my visional viral clip has racked up pens of thousands of retweets and likes on Twitter. Samuel L. Jackson gave a clip his stamp of approval UH and called it funny as heck. He said it was funny. All right, Steve, let's move on. It is time for today's headline. Well, ladies, gentlemen, miss and Trip, thank you very much, everybody. This is and Trip everyone. UH. SENA Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says that full Senate is going to vote on President Trump's pick for the Supreme Court later this week and that the FBI should complete his supplemental background check on Brett Kavanaugh maybe by the end of today actual lee and submit its report. It will be made available to each Senator and only senators will be allowed to look at it, and that's the way these reports are always handled. Meanwhile, more than five fronted law professors from close to one hundred law schools around the country, including Yale, have signed on to a llwage to the Senate, saying that the volatile temperament displayed by Kavanaugh during last week's appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee should disqualify him from sitting on the nation's highest court. And now, Judge Kavanaugh has announced that he will not be teaching a course at Harvard Law School he was supposed to this coming January. He doesn't give a reason, however, word is at least eight hundred Harvard Law School alums signed a letter calling the school to rescind the High Court nominees lecturer appointment because the sexual and physical assault charges made against him quote recredible, grave and called into question his character and morality. In Chicago yesterday, the white cop charge of murdering a black teenage named Kwon McDonald in two thousand and fourteen took to the witness stand. LaQuan was only suspected of using a small knife to puncture years that night. Obviously, Jason mcdyg Vandyke, though, said he had no choice but to kill the kids yelling at him. Dropped the knife. I yelled, I don't know how many times, but that's all I all, I yelled, and did he keep it advancing forward? He never stopped. How close did you get to you? Probably about ten to fifteen feet away from me. Guys are bugged now. His face was just expressionless. He waved the knife from his lower right side upwards across his body towards my left shoulder. And when he did that, what did you do? Often? I shot him? You know how many shots? TI? No? What happened when he started shooting? I'm sorry? What happened when you started shooting? I'm sorry? Could you repeat the police what happened to with Kawan McDonald when he started to shoot? Eventually he fell to the ground. Did he ever drop that knife? No? After you realized that he fell in the ground, did you stop shooting? Once I recognized that he was on the ground, and I stopped shooting. He shot him sixteen times. Prosecute say the dash cam video doesn't show any of that flailing around with the knife. It just shows that Lakwan was walking away from him, and that he was on the ground, and that Officer Van Dyke shot him sixteen times. Prosecutors in Virginia charged fore Man in connection with last year's races violence in Charlottesville, U S attorney Thomas Cullen among other victims. On Second Street. These men assaulted an African American man, two females, and a minister wearing a clerical college. They can all get to ten years in prison if they're convicted. Finally, today is hold on to your Money Day. And that's if we want Moon money, Moon money, Moon money ears up. Steve Harvard Nation find out if uncle Steves Smartland his nephew back in twenty minutes after the hour and the Steve Harvey Morning Show you're listening to show today in politics, Well, Steve, you were right again, um this time about Donald Trump's taxes because you told us even before he he ran and all that about the women. Now you know we recalled when you told us about his taxes. Well, the New York Times is reporting that President Trump made millions by helping his family dodge taxes. They didn't pay any taxes with the help of Donald Trump. The president was a millionaire by the age of eight due to his eight years due to his father's empire. The Times investigation with a Trump lawyer, of which a Trump lawyer, Charles Harder, said it was an accurate showed Mr Trump had received the equivalent today of at least four hundred and thirteen million dollars from his dad's real estate business. Yeah, that's a lot, a lot of money. Four hundred and thirteen million dollars in today's money. It's equivalent to four hundred thirteen million today. Okay, the time, Yeah, you did, you did the time. Not just to listen to me. He got way more than a million dollars from his from his dad, way more. No, see, ain't no million dollars, that's what he said when he has campaigning. There's no one million dollars that has turned into four hundred millions somebody lifetime. But what at that hunt? Well, The Times reported that much of that fortune came to Trump because he helped his parents evade taxes, setting up fake a fake corporation with his siblings to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents. During his presidential campaign, Mr Trump promoted himself as a self made real estate mogul who started out with only a very small loan from his businessman father, Fred Trump. No, no, no, see they don't understand how much money his father actually gave him. He he's not self made. If he was self made, he would be a lot more compassionate. He was given everything. It's nothing wrong with that. But you also got to understand. Now, you know he didn't break any laws. You know, no, he didn't break any laws. He's saying he broke a law. They're definitely looking into it. These are tax evasion is a law. These are brand new developments. Listen to me. Tax evasion is a law, tax avoidiance. That tax evasion is a law in criminal tax avoidance is not criminal. Well, dodging, what is that? Dodging? Pain? No, no, no, no, no, no, no words. It's avoidance and it's and it's evasion, evasion, get your ass in prison? All right? Listen, um, we're gonna play our favorite game. Are you smarter the Nephew Tommy? Coming up at thirty four after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, time to play our favorite game? Why is it so stressful? Though? Are Yeah? It is? Are you smart of the Nephew Tommy? We're playing Tommy and Junior are playing today. Yeah yeah, and Steve is keeping score, so that's different. Okay, oh okay, alright. Question number one? At what degree point does water freeze? Thirty two degrees on a traffic light? Red means stop, green means does yellow means? Where does Santa Claus live? What legendary performer was known as the Godfather of Song? What type of beverage is Heineken beer, beer, garter, viper and boas? Uh huh? Don Lemon has a nightly TV show? Come on? What is the name of j Anthony Brown's comedy club? What is the Day of Tears Foundation? Here's hope? Hey? Are you answering him? Damn? What was the first former NFL player to win Dancing with the Stars? Who was Mrs Smith? Which state is called the Peach State? Georgia? Prago and rag ou are spaghetti sauce pasta? Hell, we don't need the tally, but it's just fun. Let me say this hill storekeeper. Here we go, Junior, I think okay? Was the first read the question what degree point does water free? I thought it was thirty eight? No, so Junior got oh I didn't know that at Yeah, yeah, Junior got it. Answer when did you have? Well? I just be going who go first? I thought, oh? The boys? Okay, all right, I'm gonna do the questions and answers now, and what degree point does water freeze? Thirty two fahrenheit? Thirty two degrees fahrenheit. Yeah, traffic light red means stop, green means got What does yellow mean? Now? This one was kind of crazy because it was a bunch of stuff. Yeah, they were just down caution. Yeah, okay, what slow down is that? So I had to get at the Tommy Okay, our officials, it's okay, you can have it all right, We'll give that one the Tommy. Uh number three. Where does Santa Claus live? Yeah? What legendary performer was known as the Godfather James Brown? What type of beverage is Heineken beer? J Yeah? Surprisingly, you did way late? Okay? Garter, Viper and boa are what types of animal? Don Lemon has a nightly TV show? Yeah? That one? You do it, Keep Up Your Speed as a nightly TV show on what night network? That would be seen in Tommy. What is the name of j Anthony Brown's comedy club, the J Spot? Yes? What is the name of Kars Foundation? Okay, you can take it out and see what ye Who was the first NFL player to win Dancing With the Stars, Emmett Smith Junior, Yeah, which state is called the Peach State? Or Georgia pray go and ragu or what types of types of spaghetti? Spaghetti saghetti sauce is the answer? Alright, so Junior got ten, Tommy, you got to since we gave you j he did have, Yeah, he did have, but we gave Tommy the other one, so it brought it down to ten. All right, Look, nephew, Tommy's up next. He is the King of Pranks. He's got a prank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harpy running show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today's subject, my friends freaky husband. Sounds like a prank phone call. That is the subject my friend's freaky husband. But first it is the nephew, the King of Pranks, with today's prank phone call. What you got your husband's pusscription? The same thing, same thing, your husband's pusscription? Real? Hello, Hello, howre you doing? This? Is uh parmacy. My name is Brian, I'm the tech. Here is Mr Donovan? Donovan? Is he available? Now? What can I help you wish well, he dropped his prescription off about an hour ago. I wanted to we wanted to call let you gos know that the prescription is ready. Prescription for well he Um, he dropped off a prescription. I'm assuming he must have looked like the doctor just wrote this prescription today. So I'm assuming he uh seems like he would probably need this uh pretty soon. So I wanted to let you guys know it's ready. Okay, And what exactly did he get a prescription for him? Um, it's a Maxa seller, a Maxa selling, a Marxa selling. When you've got him at least fifteen tablets, if he could take two tablets a day. Right, My name is Brian. Yes, I'm the technician here at the pharmacy. Okay, well let me okay Donovan, that's my husband. Let me make sure you have the right Donovan, because well, let me let can we take the birthdays? Are you allowed to do that with me? Oh? Definitely definitely? It's um, Is that correct? Yes? Okay? So what exactly is the Maxa selling for? MANSA selling was an antibiotic, ma'am, So any type of small infections of some sort, diseases or whatever is it pretty much cures it. So are you telling me this nasty then got something? And when it got it on my first off, that sayin't got a prescription under my interest? Just trust and he would have got something, you know what? You know what that Brian, I'm coming down there. I'll pick up the medicine. I don't get it and if people want that medicine, he'll check him with me at my counter because I got a check And he then wrote the not cast. I'm gonna beat the hell out just he do not know, he does not even you know what we brought it. Awa. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're you're what what? What can I call you about? Your first name? What's your name? No cammum, miss, that's fine, just cammunist, no communist? Okay. Uh. First of all, I want to apologize. I had no idea that you were not aware of the actual prescription that he's that we've just filed for him, you know. Just just on a personal note, I'm just curious, is there a possibility maybe maybe you could have given it to him? Brian Noble, you did you the Lost song of mom. Now, first off, you don't call my phone First off, note you. I'm glad you called my phone to tell me it's my interns, that's why. And then you wantacuse me of giving that the something? Are you scoring him? Don't you ever in your life call somebody's fault and this is a courtetrol. That's none of your business. What's going on in my okays none of your business. You get out of my way. There ain't none of your business and you I ain't get it none. To answer your question, I've got something for y'all. And if he want to come home with STDs and you want to ask me if I gave him that cities are okay? What was the manager? Let me speak to your managers, ma'am. I was just I was you know, I'm not trying to be unprofessional. I was just asking a personal question. I should not have asked you something like that, and I do apologize. Uh, should we expect someone to pick up the description I just told you I'm gonna be taking out. I'm gonna coming um. You know what, blind, you don't know who I am because I got I got a couple of words for y'all, and I still want to speak to your manager. You did you were very unprofessional and I don't appreciate you coming at me. I'm trying to eat you me. Tell me he didn't got me st D didn't ask me? Did I give us a him and you all up in the flame out? No, I'm not trying to get all in between your legs. Man. Apparently that's not the place to be considering you guys need a mixo zone, you know. But you're getting you in lost shot. Like you know what, Ryan, I still got some stars left from the first and guess what, I'm gonna like them. So, y'all, you don't play games for me. You do not even know. You do not know me. You don't know who I am. You don't know who I know and what I got. I got something for y'all. What does this prescription? Ask? Because I know it's not the one by I know it's not What did he take his trifle? Where are you? Asked? Because I'm all my way now? Uh? Would you like my managers here? Would you like to speak with him? Man? Yeah, put the manager on. Put your manager own. I want to speak on down. I ain't gonna say uh huh, hello, Hello, you're the manager. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Horban w on his show, When you just got prayed by your husband Donovan, I'm hearing him and you what pill me? He needs to be out looking for job, saying work than three months. Don't plit with me like that? Got my blood pleasure? You are? Oh no, I'm coming down. I'm still coming to get you. I'm not a baby. You can't frm get me better be glad? I love yase? Oh my god, say my wife don't tolerate no cheating. You know, ain't know I'm crazy. You ain't right, you won't. I got one more thing to ask. You know, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the late Steve Love Morning Show? Why would you ladies accept that call right now? That was nerve racking to hear that? Do it? How do you come up with these pranks? Tommy? Oh man, I got one? Oh sure it ain't at home. What do you mean? You're asking him how he come up with him? He died there already, he down, Yeah, you know he he exists in ignorance. And then you want to know how he come up with all? You guys? Do it? Be still for me. He just stuff popping in his head that Yeah, it's like who thinks of this kind of stuff? Hey man? When last time y'all been to an auto show? Years? Yea, the last junior, you've never been to a shore. Last time I went to one was in Detroit and that's when we was all with the same read was not conceived. Yeah, I went to the L. A. Carsh Auto Show this year. I thought it was last year, but it was this earlier this year. What your kind of car you be looking for? Why do you think don't even be on the road, Jim ask him when the last time y'all want your car? You? No? No, I was with you and Tommy that was the last time that that's rightful? That Fantom came out? You got that fanom I still right there looking at that thing. Put it right on the vision board. Wants to look at God. I remember when you got when you first got yours, when you turned fifty, you got your first Fantom. That was a goal and a dream of yours. Remember remember the Maybach. Remember that was the most beautiful car that you That was outstanding. That may Buck you had Steve, he drove it so slow to was no hurry I drive on my Carlo. It was like fast going out the speed limit whatever the s yeah the speed limit for real, Junior, You be turning with one no, no, I keep just with the heel of my head. They'd be in the air like they wave here like that. I turned with the heel on my hand. Your mother five never grabbed the pimp. So cool. That's remember that made boxes. Yeah, it was beautiful. That was so pretty that yeah, oh yeah that it was black right, but you know white one I cause it watches. Oh yeah, you have a thing for watching. All right, Look, we got to get out of here. It's time for the Strawberry Letter coming up. Subject my friends, freaky husband. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right now, it's time for the Strawberry Letter for today. If you need some advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click Submit Strawberry Letters. Steve tell them yep, just like Mitchell Letto, because we can't wait to read, just like we're gonna read this one right now, and hold on tight here it is the Strawberry Letter subject my friends freaky husband. Dear Stephen Shirley. My best friend and I have been the best of friends for over ten years. I met her and her husband at the same time, and we all just hit it off. One day, I was at their place, sitting on the couch and my boyfriend was sitting next to me. My best friend's husband was in the other room. I looked up and her husband was standing in the other room, rubbing on himself while looking directly at me. I was so shocked that I quickly turned my head and didn't say a word. The next day, I called him and told him that he is disgusting and if it ever happened again, I would tell her. When I first met her, she would always tell me how most of her girlfriends want her man and it's always been a problem. Well, not this time. I don't want anything to do with him. Recently, I was talking to another friend and I found out that he did the same thing to her, and her younger sister was with her and she saw it too. And talking to more of our girlfriends, we learned that there are rumors at his job of him having sex in the supply closet with one of as coworkers. My best friend's cousin, Yeah, and the supply closet steve with one of her co workers. My best friend's cousin told her about that rumor, and she chose to believe her husband, and then she stopped talking to her cousin. My best friend's husband is a real life pervert and he does not care who he offends. Now. In the meantime, my friend has been seeing her ex on the side, but they haven't had sex yet. Do you think I should tell my friend about her nasty husband. I feel like we're close enough that she will believe me. Or should I mind my business and leave this freaky couple alone? I think you already know the answer, don't you. You already know what you're supposed to do. Mind your business? Boo uh. You see what happened with her cousin. She's she's not trying to hear any of this. She's not And if you tell her about her freaky husband as you call him, she's gonna treat you the same way. How can she not know about him though? I mean they you know they've been together for a while. You guys have been hanging out for a while. Uh. Everybody knows about the supply closet, all the girl friends. When you sit down and compare notes, everybody knows this. She's got to know it too. Uh. And and you know what, speaking of her the wife, I was feeling, you know, sympathy for her, I really was. I was feeling you know, sorry for her in a sense until the last few sentences of the letter when you said she's seeing her X on the side, but they haven't head section this. This is a mess right here. This is a mess. Um. Is everyone out of their minds in this relationship? I don't understand. Uh. Please please stay out of this crazy match mass. You already know the answer. Mind your own business and leave these people alone. Um. They know what they're doing and you don't need to get involved in this, Okay. I tell you one thing though, You should tell you man. Why not tell him and then see if the husband does that again? Steve? Um, Well, you can't tell you man, uh what the dude did because you was over they house. So ain't no need you telling your man that you was over they house and he was in another room looking at you rubbing himself. Because it ain't a damn thing he can say to that man in his own house, So she can't do that. Ship Huh, Tom, Okay, I mean man did something crazy. He can't know. What I'm saying is he can't say that. The man can't say nothing to the other man. If Shirley come over my house with her boyfriend and I'm married and I'm looking at Shirley and I'm in my house rubbing myself, and then Shirley tell her boyfriend her boyfriend can't come to me and say a damn thing. Oh, we was in my house. Steve, that sounds crazy. What do you mean it sounds crazy? It does? It sounds crazy. It doesn't matter if you guys were in his house. He could still her. Man can still say something. He can still step to the husband about offending his girl. He could still do that. Surely. Do you know what that's gonna lead to? Yeah? I do, Yeah, absolutely do. Yeah. But probably your he was offended, you know, he offended her. He can't. He can't go to that man about something he did in his house. He didn't see. I'm just telling y'all that ain't high work. You go, I tell you what's gonna do it. See what happened? He say he could say something if he saw him do it in his in the house. What he what? You go? You at another man house? He doing something freaky in his house? No, see, Shirley, she looked at this man, she said, No, the couch next to her boyfriend. She looked back in the kitchen, this man looking at her, rubbing himself. She turned and tell her Boyfrid. All they can do is get up and get out. All she did was look up though, I mean, you know, but Shirley, And all he did was rubbed himself looking at her. He did, Shirley, But Shirley, you when you in this man's house, you can't say what he can do in his house. Now, if you're in the workplace, that's sexual harassment. You come into man's house and and that happened right there. No, no, sir, you're not an employee or nothing. All right, Well, okay, we'll just answer the letter. Then go ahead and answer it. I'm just telling you you say something if you want to, but you completely out of line. And if it's starting to something, you're the one wrong because you you can't you can't tact this man in his house. This his house. Maybe he go on the kitchen to rub himself. That's what are you going to kitchen? I'm looking at her while he's doing it this couch. But okay, all he got to do is say, I go in my kitchen and I looked at my couch and rubs myself. The fact that just sticking on that couch sounds crazy. But you cartag to court. You you can't when we can't going to court, Steve. But she's just going to her man. You tell him what you're gonna get. You're gonna get your man as well, get his. Surely you ain't in a position. What do you girl? You ain't got no beers over the food house? They're friends. What do you mean they're they hang out together all the time. Your girl working out? Is something wrong with tommy? So are we talk? Well? You just you just give an answer to the letter when we come back. Okay, we're just stuck. I was doing that. Okay, you ain't like my answer cause he wouldn't need the same as your All right, we're gonna come back and get Part two of Steve's response to the letter at after Okay, my friend's freaky husband apparently it's okay if he's at his own house. You're listening to show all right, here we are part two of the letter subject my friend's freaky husband. Now, let me explain something to you all. It's ain't no need us trying to reset this letter because obviously it ain't gonna go. So just let me tell you a couple of things. Here's a lady with her boyfriend to her best friend house. They've been free and for years. Her husband is freaky. She discovers it on her own because she's sitting on the couch next to her boyfriend. She looked up the man in the kitchen, rubbing his self staring at her. Got it, got it, got it, Shirleys said in her response, she should say something to her boyfriend. My argument with that was, it's nothing the boyfriend can say to this man in his house. That's the point I'm trying to make. You can't say nothing to this man in his house. Then it got to said, but she felt, you know, some type of way because this man was doing this. But see that could be what he do in his house. See, once you go over to other person's house, they got different rules in the house and if you don't like a person's rules at their house, you can't go to their house. So I had a partner. Man, every time you go over there, he had kids. Everything. He smoked weed in front of his kids and everything. I didn't like that. So when I went over there and he smoked weed and his kids in the room, I got I had to go. I couldn't dog even when I mentioned it to her, I said, dog, you think it's cool smoke weed? Run these kids? Hey, man in my house? Okay see I got to get out now because he said, it's my house. Okay, man, you're messing your kids up. Though. What stupid as kids are there? They can't even color? No, seriously, his kids couldn't even color. We ain't no colors, ain't nothing. Now here's the other deal. I was so shocked I quickly turned my head and didn't say. Well. The next day, now here where it got crazy. Now this is where she too should have told her man. But the next day I called him, right what this letter? Crazy? You called a man and told him he was disgusting, And if it ever happened again, I would tell her why you call this man? I just felt like that was wrong that. It's so many things that can go wrong. You calling her husband to tell her husband he's disgusting. I just felt like you shouldn't have did that. There was a better move. Well, if you're gonna do it, you're gonna tell your boyfriend when y'all get home. Look, I don't I didn't like that. I've looked up he was doing this. Then your boyfriend's best mood would say he was doing what. Hey, we ain't going back over there. We threw food with them. What the boyfriend can't do is confront this man about what he did in his house, because even let's say, let's say it results in a fight, okay, and then we had to fill out a police report. Do you know when the police report get filed out and you say I was defending her honor because she said he was she was disgusting because she looked up he was rubbing himself in his house. He was in his house. Son, Did he touch her? No? I'm just that's that's just how it's gonna go. And that's all the response I gonna make to this matter. Because I don't like my crew's attitude about this. I'm not no, I really don't like y'alls. Y'all disgusted with me and I on the break that I was talking too much. I was talking too much, talk throughst No, No, it's all good. But I'm just telling y'all just the way it really work in real life. And if you fill out a police report from a whipping that you wouldn't jumped on this man for rubbing on himself? Who are looking at your girl in his house? That ain't a case, partner. I can't. I can't. I can't whip as nowhere else? Yes, you can. You can ask wherever you want. I'm just telling you when the police report get filled out and you say, why did you whip his ass? Well, my my girlfriend told me when he was over his house and he was rubbing himself, looking at him and where were you? Did he touch it? No? Did he say something to it? No? And where were y'all at his house? Excuse me, sir, he coming back to his house, He was in his house rubbing himself, and you didn't jumped on him? Down here to drive the Okay, I guess you're being charged with the salt, yeah, because it was after the fact. Now and okay, okay, Now let's imagine she tells it to him on the sofa himself, and then he go over there and whipped the man ass. Guess what he gonna get charged with a salt and he going to jail. Yea man, I understand saying. This isn't a domestic violence case. This would be two dudes getting in the fight over something that the girlfriend said happened. And as he said, she said at that point, and she saying he was rubbing himself and it was disgusted. But he in his house, they say, the case show. So I noticed. He's upsetting me, y'all because y'all thinking, I'm saying that the man got the right to do what he want to do because he in his house. And that's damn near what I'm saying. Yeah, that is what you're saying. They called. I think when what people do in their home, once you into their home, you in their zone. If they Satan worshippers, if they into emin s if whatever they're doing and you go to the hon ain't no needing you tripping for dinner? Candy? Yeah, ain't me you getting mad after damn candy and we're having candy for dinner. You can't get mad at the people cause they eat candy for dinner. Don't all right, listen, please email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's strawberry laws. Second thought, don't Dave Harvey f M I know right, or at my girls, Shirley come up? Coming up in about ten minutes, the President says, this is a scary time for young men in America. Wow, and the president Yeah, And the President mocked Dr Christine Blasi Ford. Wow. Who is this guy? Yeah, that's coming up right after this. You're listening to the stew President Trump continued his defense Tuesday of his Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, sang, boy, this statement right here, it's a very scary time for young men in America because of the possibility of false accusations. Take a listen to this. Well, I say that it's a very scary time for young men in America when you can be guilty of something that you may not be guilty of. This is a very difficult time. What's happening here has much more to do than even the appointment of a Supreme Court justice. It really does. You could be somebody that was perfect your entire life and somebody could accuse you of something. Doesn't necessarily have to be a woman, as everybody says, But somebody could accuse you of something and you're automatically guilty. But in this realm, you are truly guilty until proven understad That's one of the very very bad things that's taking place right now. He is a problem with that statement. If this is a difficult time in our country right now for young men, I'm just assuming, since it's a difficult time for young men now, it had to have been a horrific time for women back being well, he never mentioned that, and that's the problem. But that's what I'm saying. See, if you're coming to the aid, if this is a difficult time for young men in our country right now, how difficult of a time must it have been for women for all these years who couldn't come forward, who didn't have the platform, the back, and the strength. Because if you come forward like this woman did and make this accusation and all of a sudden you have a Senate hearing and a president slamming you, Wow, how much coming forward does a woman have in her? And this is why they don't come forward because stuff like this, Yeah, so if this is a difficult time for young men right now? Now what this president? Probably, I can't even guess what. Probably he doesn't even make any sense. Also, did you see the president mock Dr Christine Blaise Ford at a rally he was in Mississippi on Tuesday night before, intimating that she belongs to a group of really really evil people. Uh set out to destroy other people's lives. Take a listen to this what he's going through. Thirty six years ago this happened. I had one beer, right, I had one beer? Well do you think it was no? There was one beer? Oh good? How did you get home? I don't remember how did you get there? I don't remember. Where is the place? I don't remember. How many years ago was it? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what neighborhood was it. And I don't know. Where's the house. I don't know upstairs? Downstairs? Where was I don't know? But I had one beer. That's the only thing I remember. And a man's life is in tatters. A man's life is shattered, His wife has shattered, his daughters, who are beautiful and credible young kids. They destroy people. They want to destroy people. These are really evil people. How life and that night couldn't have been a pick hick for her. So when he see the problem with Trump is he goes to these UH fan base rallies where his base comes out. They handpick who they put behind him. They make sure that Trump lovers, they sell tickets. They come and he does a set. He does just a comedic set. He comes in, he's doing jokes. He's got a routine worked out. You're the president, man, you're the president. What are you doing a routine for the president? It really is embarrassed. He is the worst person to be leading supposedly the greatest nation in the world. We have the worst representative that you can have for what America is supposed to represent, fair and equal. Bring me your huddle masses. We might as well knock that statue of liberty down while he the president, because that little slogan over that bring me your huddle masses only refers if you're coming probably out of the West Europe. Just say it probably the west. You can come in from the West, and you can come in from Europe anywhere south of Europe. Let's just tell the truth. Anybody with pigmentation in their skin pretty much is out. So the president of the United States just made fun of a woman who claimed she was sexually assaulted and he made fun of her at a campaign rally state of Mississippi. That's what he did. And he had and he had thousands hearing while he did it. That's the other part. Yeah, November six is election day, midterm election day. Please people register to vote and get out and vote. That's the one way we can make it. And you know something, man about Donald Trump, Uh, he's not funny at all. But his attempts at humor, Man, it's in bad taste all the time. I mean, man, that that marking that woman who this was really real for this woman. This woman ain't making up none of this. Now. I got what you're saying. This man's life is destroyed. I got that part you're saying, his lovely wife and his beautiful children. I got that all of this could have been avoided. Had I don't know how, you know, man, I would have I would be a little bit more accepting of this guy. If he said, you know, I got drunk in high school. I was seventeen years old. I was aggressive towards this woman. It's one of the horrific mistakes of my life. I changed and became a better person. Yeah, second chances I could. I could listen to that, but when you lie about it trying to paint that Sunday School picture man a choir boy interview. All right, we gotta go, guys, we gotta move on. Coming up at the top of the hour. Uh, do you still want to work till the day you die? If possible? Do you? We'll talk about that when we come back right after this. You're listening to show. All right, here's a question for you, guys. Do you still want to work till the day you die if it's possible? All right? Because you know everybody says if if if you do what you love for a living, then it's never really work, right, You've all heard that that statement. But don't you think even if you do love what you do is a time to retire? And you know, maybe you want to enjoy other things in life. So what do you guys think? Steve? We'll start with you. Uh, do you love what you do? When we know you do? Do you love it so much that you don't ever want to retire? So what would you do every day if you retired, I mean, because you love work, you work all the time. I work when I retire doing what golf? Yeah, that's what would you do? Is that that's what you're working on? Yeah, be on a boat yachting? Uh? What else? Would I still? Mental? Boys? But if I had a billion dollars, if somebody says, Steve, you take a billion dollars and never appear on television again. A billion? Yeah, who wouldn't take that ideal? I take less than knocking cameras crew as you go back camera. I'll actually take less than you were just golfing yard and mentor and mental kids and try to show some other people how to be called successful. That's so yeah, that's what that's what I do, teaching people. Yeah, open up a bunch of stuff. That be about it. Though, I damn sure won't be standing on here. I ain't got on my last radio show that huh? After this? This is it? Yeah, girl, I want you're not gonna stop until you get a billion. I mean that's my goal is to be a billionaire. I'd like to see it. That's like, I will be so happy without a billion though, But now you let well let me tell you this. You all, I know how you want to know how you all know I got a billion because the next day I ain't coming in here. I believe that. Oh yeah, but you wouldn't call us and let us know you weren't coming in. You just not show up. Call you. I have a call job. We usually know ahead of time. Yeah, you call us from VAK A lot of times you get bored, but then you get mad. We don't ask it up. Yeah, I'm mad at Mississippi Monica. Right now, she has not returned a text from her supposed leader in a day and a half because she mad. Oh really, well, that happens. People get mad, Steve, you get mad. You get mad, I know you. Yeah, he can't understand. What is it about it? You don't get pointing that finger over there. You didn't hear what these other two would do? Ask them the questioning fire time. Well, I want to work to the day that na, But you don't you love it? I love it, But at one point in time, I'm gonna be serious in my life. But I ain't gonna be funny all my life. I'll be serious at one point. I gotta keep my ass out this game. You asked me a question. Ain't be nothing funny bout it and be asking really gonna be serious? But if I did every time I'm gonna do. I'm I'm probably gonna travel. I know I'm gonna travel. Oh yeah, you want to see the world. I really want to go see the world. I really enjoy when um, I go out the country and just seeing some of this this life that God created out here for me to take him. Man, I really want to see that. I want to go walk to Big Wall to China. I want to go down and see what that looks like. Are you? Um? It's marriaging it for you? Maybe one day? Absolutely, somebody gotta take care of me. I'm doing a horror a job. I stuck at taking care of me. I'm eating out every day? Did you eat out every day? Just about? On some days I'm sitting down at somebody restaurant. Yeah, but couse, when we're gonna cook, we come home at night at night. What's wrong with that? What's you mean? Eating out every day? What's your what's your point? Man? You need to hook up there? What did your point? Mary can use the company? So you eat out? Yeah? Chill? Why do you think they got restaurants. What are you talking? That's yeah, that's what I wanna travel. That'd be my thing. Okay, alright, that's cool. All right, let's scurry on over here to the nephew, nephew, do you want to work till the day you die? If possible, to the end, going all the way to the going to the end. I'm talking about the red Fox style, going to the end, George Burns to the en. You're never going to retire, Tommy, No, just keep going, playing on being financially right, going to the end. Work. You're gonna work like you old taxes. Yes, you're going to be doing stand up, not necessarily, but I'm I'm gonna work to the end. What about your family? If they want you home, you know they don't want you leading out and traveling so much. This is the same dude, remember Shirley. This is the same dude who said if he hit a lot of to find a way to get rid of his family. Get That was before he got married, right, didn't he said? No? Tommy said, trying to help him, I'm trying to help million. He has got to find a way to get rid of his family because death, no way he's gonna be explained to her where he tell me, I tried to help you. I told you to never say things I know, but cause I gotta see a foe hunted me. I'm taking I'm faking my death in front of them. I'm not laughing. I'm fin against somebody in Hollywood, and and and and my whole chest can explode right there, ignorance, I shooting give me right after this. You're listening to show, all right? This is something new, the presidential alert UM. It's similar to the state level systems that let police and local authorities send out amber alerts and stuff and weather warning. The biggest difference is scale. The nationwide system is designed to blast a message to all two hundred and twenty five million smartphones in the United States, and that reaches about of the population. News of the presidential alert test drew almost immediate criticism on some corners of social media, with some people vowing to turn off their phones. They turned they said they're going to turn off their phones because they believe that they will be held captive by President Donald Trump. UH and some even UH thought that the president would allow that would allow the president to tweet to every each and every American. So they were like, yeah, this is all wrong. It just means that it's a high um level of an alert system, you know, where you can send out amber alerts and yeah, and you can send out weather warnings. But when they said presidential alert, people automatically thought it was the president it getting ready to tweet them or you know, be on their phones, and they didn't want to have anything to do with it. Well, I'm turning off my phone, that's what they were saying, because it's gonna happen today though this afternoon. Yeah, President President at what term? So I can take my bad at it says two hundred and twenty five million phones this afternoon, my battery were taking out watch. But it's it doesn't have anything to do with President Trump. That's the thing why they just called what they called the presidential because it's at about to eighteen pm Eastern time, FEMA will send out the first message testing this. But it ain't the president. It's not Donald Trump. They're just calling it the presidential alert. They need a new name for the high level alert. Okay, it's a h L a high level alert. Call it that. They want the police and local authorities to be ready. You know, it's a test to send out amber alerts and weather warnings and things. Have a misconceptionist. Yeah, I think it's going to be the tweeting to them and stuff. So, yeah, they don't want to have anything to do with that. Not looking President Trumpet directed at me, I'm not this is for a national message. Yeah, yeah, you can know what's going on with the weather and amber when you when you hear President, don't you feel like his face in the and it's him talking or getting a tweet from him or something. Yeah. So yeah, so this afternoon about two eighteen pm Eastern, I think where you gonna be. I'm hopefully man be playing golf on the golf course. Now I'll be a little than the ninth hold. At two o'clock this afternoon, m alert is going to go to every smartphone in the United States that's turned on within a range of a second. Gets you a dumb ass phone, not a smart phone. Flip phones coming back like a sworn last week at the judiciary hearings for Brett Kavanaugh and Dr Blase Ford that Senator Lindsey Graham had a flip phone in his hand. I believe it. Uh yeah, I got five books for you. I got three letters all this when I was in Nasville. Three letters, eight T shirts. You brought all this stuff back with All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Will Steve malls that over right after this. You're listening Dave Show. Bill Cosby has been in prison for one week, and TMZ is reporting that it hasn't been all that bad for him. According to sources, Mr Cosby spends his days chatting with the prison staff and just strolling around the prison guards. You know. He still has not get into the general population, which is likely for his own protection. They're saying. He eats breakfast in his cell every day and then lunch and dinner. He'll do that either in a cell or in an open room. Now since he is legally blind, let's not forget about that. Cosby does have a personal guide who walks him around the prison. Uh, to the library, to the yard, and to other facilities. TMZ also learned that he's been able to speak with his wife Camille on the phone every single day for just for a few minutes though, and most likely they talk about his appeal and uh, it won't be until next week when he'll be able to have some visitors come and see. Yeah, karem nobody on the outside say it ain't been that they they ain't in there. You got two weeks usually of orientation to prison life, and then they put you in general population. He'll probably go straight to protective custody because he's a high profile case. And if they do well, they have protective custody everyone. Yeah, you can't just dump people in there with with them boys that ain't ever getting Now, let me ask you if he got a guy, is that a prisoner or someone that works? Yeah, well you want come on, because you know they have people who work at the hospital in the medical department that pushed the guys to their appointments and you know, in wheelchairs and stuff like that. They got. That's like a job within the prison oftentimes. Trust Yeah, ain't nobody coming in to do that. What you don't want to be is non inmate working around the inmates. Yeah, and you hate to go that ain't no life. I had one of them jobs used to deliver a paint to the prison prison. Yeah, the prisoners waving the prison. I didn't move that truck I need somebody with a uniform on. Oh yeah, come on, a little man, where is somebody who free? Who get to go home? Yeah? What you can't do is just be surrounded by everybody locked up because they love company. J Yeah. I left that paint at that gate. Every damn time I had to pull the truck in there, but all the people that worked that came out. Then I wouldn't move because the inmates said, come in, you'll tell me what. Come on, a little man started, We don't make good decision. Let me tell you about this Samuel Ole Jackson story too. If you spend any time online, you may have noticed this viral video going around that feature Samuel L. His characters from pulp Fiction. Remember that character grilling Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh if you haven't seen it. The video combines clips from Kavanaugh's testimony in response to Dr Cuisine Christine Blasi Ford's sexual assault allegations against him with clips from Samuel's iconic monologue from the beginning of the movie Uh. Samuel L's character also rose Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, and so far my visional viral clip has racked up tens of thousands of retweets and likes on Twitter. Samuel L. Jackson gave the clip his stamp of approval UH and called it funny as heck. He said, it was funny all right. Coming up next Steve Harvey's closing remarks. Don't go away because you don't want to miss it. We'll be back at forty nine after the hour you're listening to. Last break of the day. Steve Harvey, take us away with some insightful closing remarks. I know you have some for us today. Well you know, um, I think it's imperative. Yesterday we talked about how hate is so counterproductive. Um, well, let's talk about something today that is productive. And that's one of the major principles of success. Uh. I don't know if people understand the real value of dreams and visions. I don't know if people understand the real value of writing it down. You know, having dreams and visions is one thing. It's the writing it down part that solidifies it and makes it more doable and concrete. And the reason I'm saying that is because writing your visions down everything you want on a piece of paper, creating a vision board isn't just a principle of success. Well, it is very much a principle of success. But it's a scripture. It's actually in the Bible. He God has laid out for us exactly how to have the best life possible for you. He's already laid that out. He gave us words of encouragement. He gives us wisdom, he gives us understanding. That's what Proverbs is all about. That's what the Psalms is about. He gives you an examples of people overcoming throughout the Bible. He gives you examples of what real faith can do. He has he He shows you seasons of what can happen to people. But one of the things Rebekah too and two says, write the vision and make it plain, so that he who reads it will run to it. And even though it terry, terry means take a long time, wait for it, for surely it will come at an appointed time. It's so important man, that you as people, that we as people, never forget the significance and the importance of writing our goals and our visions. I wants our dreams, our hopes, our yearnings down. It is imperative that you write it down. It's not it's not um anything that that should be taken lightly. This is very very real. It can change your life. It really really can. Man, it could do so much for you, because see, where you are now is temporary. You've got to understand that. But you've got to have a dream and the vision to get out of that place so you can move on to your next space. All of us are being tested on some form, shape, or fashion. All of us are being tested on some level. All of us. Ain't nobody Scott free of the test of life. But man with with the dream and vision that Herbecah two and two, writing the vision and making it plain, it can get you into your season a lot sooner. Uh. Bishop Getty sent me something. Bishop gettys is minister uh down in the Carolina's who came on my show once and we've become friends every since. And he sent me something one day and he told me, he said, never judge somebody based on a season. Are y'all listening? Never judge someone based on the season. He told me. He said, one season, David was a shepherd, the next season he was a king. MHM. One season Ruth was working in the field, the next season she was owning the same field. One season, Mordecai was sitting outside the King's palace. The next season he was inside the palace, and what he was saying to me was, we serve a god who turns things around, and that is the God of unmerited favor. You can't judge somebody stone the season. You don't know who you're talking to. You don't know what God gonna do for this person. You don't know what this person written down. You don't know what this vision this person has for itself, and you don't know what kind of grace God gonna put on this person. So, like we were talking about on the radio show, we were talking about have have you gotten more than you thought? Or did you get everything you ever wanted? A lot of this stuff I have I ain't even see. I didn't know it was nothing to want. I didn't know to want certain things because I didn't know certain things existed. But he gave it to me anyway, because he has this thing called grace. But what has helped me a great deal along the way is writing down everything on paper, making notes in my iPhone, having vision boards. It has completely turned my life around. It'll do the same thing for you because of a scripture Rebecca too and two write to vision and make it play period. It can change your life. If somebody told that to me, I tried it, I really would. Those are my clothes remarks to day, drop it like they don't go right there. Hey, y'all have a great week here you hit them straight. Since you volu your girlfriend the day, I'm going out today, hit around. Got a couple of friend are gonna go play for all Steve Every contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.