Tyler Perry or Madea Stops By - 10.20.17

Published Oct 20, 2017, 10:18 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all sung looking back to back down, giving them just like theming buck bus things and it's y'all to be true good Its ste how guy listening to me together for Stu Barn to listen. Mommy, why don't you joy? Yeah, Moby, yall join with me? Honey said dot turn be hiding in the go go y'all go. You gotta turn to turn the turn. My hobby got to turn out to turn to turn the water the wanter go. Come come on your back at it? Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody, y'all listen to the bars, come on dig me not wanting on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Man on Man on man, grateful for it comes with a huge amount of responsibility. I didn't really know I was gonna have to be this responsible, you know? Um, can I share something with y'all? I started out to Finally I had gotten on track and was able to see a way to even uh pursue my dream. It has been a long, a long trip that I've been on, and I've gone through so many phases of it. It is rewarding along the way to accomplish your dreams. What I'm saying is this, let me, let me put it together, because I got so much running through my head right now. You know it's it's one thing to accomplish your dreams, but there's joy in the process of achieving it. See, some people are so caught up in the goal, the final goal, that they find no joy, no enjoyment in the process. If you have found what it is you want to do and you strike out on that journey, please understand you are far more blessed than the average person. Do you understand that to know what it is you really want to do, to find your work in life, your purpose, to find out what direction you want to go in, is such a blessing. The average person, if you sit down and talk to them, oftentimes don't have their life on track. And it'd be some people that you're looking at you think God are going on because of their appearance, their swagger, or they walk like it, they talk like it, they look like it. But if you sit down and talk to the average person, the average person man does not know what their purpose is, has not discovered what they wanna do, and have no idea how to get there. If you are on the other side of that, if you understand your purpose, if you have an idea of what you wanna be, and you are on your way there, you are truly blessed. And in that blessing, you must recognize it as a blessed. You must recognize the fact that you are you are on the right side, and that there should be a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of pride in you that you are on track to accomplish your goal. See what used to happen was sometimes I used to keep my nose so on the grindstone that I wouldn't even look up and realize. Man, hey, man, I know you're trying to get here, but Steve, hold on, man, can't you see what you've done so far? Can't you find just some joy in the process. See, a lot of us lose the joy of the blessings God has given us because we're looking at the end too. I ain't there yet, You're on your way. I'm gonna give you an example. I had a friend who told me that they wanted to be a million now, and they asked me some questions and I told him, so they started the process, and I am telling you, this dude works extremely hard. So about a year later we were talking. He had found this business, he had uh set his goal, and he was working towards it. Then about two years later I ran up into him again. We were talking about it and everything. It's a man really really appreciate advice. He said, Man, but this is this is this is all jacked up, man, because I still ain't made that million I was talking about. I said, well, hey, man, just just keep at it. It's coming. He's a man. Keep at it. Man, you know how long I've been doing this? And I got quiet because, yeah, I know exactly how long you've been been two years now. And I didn't say that to him, but I said to myself, yeah, two years. He said, Man, I've been grinding so long. Man, it's just it ain't having it from me. I said, wait a minute, man, hold hold on, hold on. I said, about how much you're making right now a year? Man, about two hundred fifty thousands. I quit breathing. I said, well, my man, two years ago you didn't have a clue. Two years later, you're making a quarter of a million dollars. I said, Man, do you understand how blessed you are. I said, man, your family was about to get put out two years ago. You don't borrough the house? Yeah? Man, but this ain't the house. I really won't. Oh partner, whoa I got that? I got that house? You really want make mike car five eight million? I don't know. But man, y'all got a house, you're making a payment, you're driving. You ain't out nor more. I said, hold on, mane, you gotta stop. I said, you got to stop. I said, man, because right now, man, you you're coming across as real ungrateful to me. So I know God, who has done all this for you got to be looking at you with his own folded. But then he God, so he probably handling it all together different. I was just speculating with it. And so he said, man, why are you tripping like that? Man? Man, you act like don't nobody want to have nothing but you? I said, whoa? Man? Where are you going with this conversation? I said, Oh, I didn't come to you. I just came to you and asked you how you doing. And I'm trying to point out to you that the journey that you started on that you are on your way, and you are in the process of accomplishing your goals, and can you not feel some joy and some pleasure in your accomplishment. Quit tripping on the fact that you ain't made a million yet. You on your way. You don't went from your He thought, this dude was making fifteen now was a year? You making quarter of a million dollars in two years? May come on, man, can't you see can't you see? So? He said? Eventually a man, I kind of see what you're saying. But that ain't about nothing to me because I ran up into him a year and a half later. How you doing, man, man, I showed wish I had appreciated my life when I had it like that. I said, what you mean, had it like that and just fell on some hard times? Man, I'm right back why I was. And then we talked. I said, hey, man, don't worry about it. I said. Once you know how to accomplish something, I said, you just reapply the same principles and start on over again. Man, you know how hard it is to be the start over? Okay, my man, Hold up, partner, you've been do yourself like this again. First, she wasn't grateful for what you had. Now you're looking at the fact that you might have to start over, and you know how hard it is to start over. But you have the knowledge, the principles, and you got a little bit of money to go on and get it going again. I said, Man, don't keep doing this to yourself. I said, Man, you ain't grateful no matter what God do for you. So what you need to do, partner, stop reassess yourself the fact that you were not grateful in the first place. Could that be the reason why? You know? Man? Maybe I'm not calling it cause I ain't God. I do not know how he thinks, nor do I claim to know. But let's just imagine for a moment. Let's just say, maybe for a moment, maybe God said, Okay, you ain't happy with this. Okay, didn't handle it your way? You obviously ain't happy with the way I'm bringing it into your life. You want to handle it your way, Go ahead and handle it because He will let you have it your way. Can I tell you that he will let you do it exactly the way you want to it because He gives us all the power of choice. So then maybe he said, Okay, you don't appreciate the way I'm doing it. You don't like the favor I'm showing you, you think it's take it too long. I'm gonna let you do it your way. I'm not gonna turn my back on you. I'm just gonna let you do it your way. Just just say. Maybe he said that, and now he right back where he was. So what I try to get the young cat to understand was, man, appreciate your life for what it is. Because like um life, Jenny's got that song that he got out off this album. Still, I still believe it could have been worse. And now that it is worse, what's on your mind now, folks, if you are on that side of life where you have figured out what you wanna do, you know how you're gonna get that, and you know your purpose. You're accomplishing what the majority of people never ever do. So be grateful for your process. Don't tumble yourself, don't throw yourself off the cliff. It's gonna be all right. Success takes a measure of time. It is not easy. If success were easy, everybody would be successful. All right, y'all. I'm sorry this morning if I sounded a little all over the place in a little jumble, but that's how it came to me. So you know, uh, y'all keep your head up, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. Listen to me. You are listening to the Bad and Mortar Show. What kind of team is the championship? You better know it. Man. This is radio live, vivid and in color, all day, every day technic color. Today's show is dedicated to unhappy people. Oh dom going listen to this show and get yourself some unhappy people. John Moore, Dude, I grew up with John Mole better known that Onion. This show is dedicated for your miserable, unhappy, stay unhappy because always something wrong. Man. Kelvin sands, what's happing? Boy? Tom? Who you got always unhappy? Larry Rockamore unhappy, asked Larry J. Who you know some of my x y You know who you are talking amongst yourselves? Pick one? Yeah, I don't want to call no body the name, but one of them was really unhappy. Talk amongst you talk amongst yourself? Really matter? Which one don't matter to me. They're just gonna be talking about you calling you know somebody unhappy? Yes, I do, but they're listening, so I can't get specific. Go ahead, well, pen picture, yeah, my ex, Oh, I know who we're talking about, Junior. Let's not speak of doing your name. I don't know you call a name. Well, if you don't think I shoot it off board right now, that ar'll be on the way. That arrow would be in the eye on this way to you at some damn radio station and your happy. I just don't know what name the moment I can connect the name his as fit to get it. That's with my girl caller I Protect Hull Joe Punk callor handed to those days she keeped that call. Shelly s you like name names, John Mo, Kelvin, San Tommy, my baby, and Mama. You're starting to go off tracka Lockamo, Just stay stayed right there, don't don't don't let Jay suck you in your track. I'll tell you who I think A boss. Oh yeah, who that this show is dedicated to that t J M. Man. I like that Jay. He just goes there, doesn't he? Man? Oh my goodness, I can't believe you, Yes, you can't. All right, listen, we gotta get out of here. Coming up next, coming up next, something funny, and we're gonna ask the CEO of the CEO is gonna tell us when we come back at thirty two after we did, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go with something funny. Uh, Steve, you want our listeners to know that your stab acts just like the folks at their job, at their job, I should say, and you know what we missed boss's day. Happy belated boss, happy lady. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're the best CEO, and yeah you are the best. Nobody better nobody, But anybody think about being better, they can't do it. They forget about It's my mom used to say, seriously, blew for real and we we we just really saw. We're in a good place. How can we forget? We forgot? I did not we supposed to buy him something? Well, I mean, just acknowledging at least say something. I mean, come on, but that's that. You didn't mean that, Tom, Yeah, that wasn't from the heart. That wasn't from the heart. Who you want to throw away? And you got nothing to say to us? You don't say something? Quiet, Let us begin. You're You're welcome, You're welcome. I ain't no welcome because you forgot boss's day. But I'll tell you what. You know, there's a lot of people and listen to this radio show every day, and somehow they think it's a different working environment than there. You know, they just think, oh, y'all having so much fun over there. They think, well, but let me tell you what. As the CEO, I can tell you for a fact that this radio show is very much like the place you work at every day. They don't know what. I'm gonna go down some facts. I'm gonna show you how this radio show it's just like where you work. Y'all ready, I'm going into the CEO void, just like your job, Jazz, like your job. We got someone here on the radio show who thinks they're smarter than the ball man down the job. They don't say who it is, but on this here job, I do. And we have several people who think they're smarter than the boss on this job. First of all, Mississippi Monitor think her ass is smarter than everybody in here because she got the two damn degreed. That's for start you calling names. I'm calling names because they don't do that on your job. But I'm blasted. She thinks she's smarter than everybody down here. Now, just like your job, we got someone who thinks they do all the works and everybody else just sitting on there. But don't nobody work like me. I'm all worked in here, all putting pressure on me. That's called that's all prayer. And every time you ask or something, you feeling here hardy, y'all just get your ass ready, man, Yeah, it's see you. Y'all want me to do the bit here go. Just like on your job, we got somebody here makes they too good to be here. I'm so good I should be somewhere. I don't know how ideal with y'all. Right, we all know who that is. Yeah, that's yeah, that's her. Let's just go keep on getting mad. That's like on your job. We got somebody here just happy. Isn't he get what happened? They just happened. Now, I'm not gonna say who it is, can't damn it is? You Junior're just happy to be here. He don't give a damn what you wanna do. I'm your man. Let's go on. Yeah, like somebody on your job, we got somebody work here that just by talking to you think they come from rong, y'all. You know it's of entitledment. They way mold than they really are. Y'all got somebody like that on your job when we got his ass here to come. His name is Thomas or Matthew, Tommy or Thomas My heres, which damn wrong he come in here? Like on your job, man, we got somethbody out of year that hate everything, just hate, hate, hate hate. I ain't gonna say the only thing he liked it white women. Need I say more shows? Yeah, just like your job. They all talk about the boss behind I'm not gonna say who it is. The biggest ones that talk about me behind my back is the three musket Team. That's shellyte Tommy that called or they're gonna get it. Oh, they'll be on trip. Sit next to show. Right, there's about coach time to get the middle seat. I don't even ask for extra legal Tommy in the middle talk about my Tommy buying him food, all the food and drink on Tommy. Yeah, that's how job worked down. Job Miss happy busses man Tommy All tom depends on Boston released it all Missing Monica show. Didn't think she was gonna be genius sitting over there all right, coming up next, I know, right, nefew temmy is in the building, would run that break back. You're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show coming up next at the top of the hour, Miss and will be here with today's headlines and now news. But come on, nephew, it is time to run that prank back. Doctor's visit is what it is, Shirley doctor's visit, you know, and get checked out doctor's visit. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Roger Balton place. He's not here. May take a message. Um, My name is h Mark, ma'am. I'm calling from the clinic from Dr Robert. Good music down. Hold on, I'm sorry to say that again. Okay, can you hear me? I can hear you. I'm trying to reach Roger. He's not here. Okay, I'm calling from from the clinic from Dr Robert's office and try to get some information to him. When we do you know, when you actually be in No, actually I don't. Um, is everything okay? Uh? Well, you know, everything's fine. I mean nothing that cannot be handled, but um, we we're trying to actually get some information to him. So that he can actually come back in for the results. Okay, well I don't. I don't know when I can. He's supposed to be here now, I'm not sure when I can tell you he's going to be back. Okay, I'm sorry I didn't ask you earlier. Man, who am I actually speaking with? This is his girlfriend? Uh and your name is Jan? Okay, so uh, Jan? You don't you said you don't know, you know, you don't have an idea when he'll be back. No, you it's trying to make me kind of get a little concerned though, No, no, no, wow, Okay, I'll tell you what. This is the number that he actually loved us to give him a call on his results, and we're not getting an answer. I don't have another number on hand. Do you have any specific time I can actually call back and maybe I'll get him again. I'm you're making my my stomach is getting nervous right now? What is what is the problem? Well, actually you know what are his man is? Mr Rogers came in for to take a few tests, and he took some tests and we actually have the results in and we'd actually really like for him to come back. Anything about I'm sorry I didn't mean to intromuct you, but I don't know anything about any tests. He hasn't told me anything about going to a clinic anything like that. I see, So what kind of test are you talking about? Well, I mean, I'm not really not at liberty to give you any kind of information unless you're actually on the paperwork. So you know, it's not even something that I can discuss unless the patient has signed off that you are the next of kin or the person that can we can actually give the information to you. Do I do? And I'm pretty certain, I mean the way we operate in this house, So I'm pretty certain that that I'm on the paperwork. So would you be um when we pull up Roger stuff on computer here and I'll see what I give me one second please, Okay, okay, let's see now, let me scroll down for next to kid. Okay, I got a Janice. That is me. I mean, everybody called me jam, but that's me Jane. Wow. Okay, tell me your name again. I'm sorry, what's your name again? Mark? Mark? Like I said, I'm the clerk here at Dr Robert office. I guess I am at liberty to tell you what's going on. Mr Roger came in and took UM some STD tests st D yes, and I guess at this point I should just maybe both of you guys would come in and wait a minute, everybody, and everybody, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I need you to finish what you were just saying. Well, that's what I'm saying. Man. What has happened is he's been diagnosed with UM as well as you gotta be kidding me. You have got to be kidding me. I'm not hearing this, not you do you understand what that means? Do you understand that he lives in my household? Do you understand that that means that he has been dipping somewhere else? Because I have been not doing anything that would even come close to bringing something to him like that. So it's how parent that this man has been outside of my household and doing when he has no business doing and bring it back in. I'm not I'm not at liberty to make any accusations like that. I cannot say anything like that. All I can say is I'd like for both of you, you know, would be good for both of you guys to come and then because then we'll tell you this is something treatable, it is curable. Um, I don't care about it being treatable or curable. What I care about is the fact that he apparently has been somewhere with some trick and brought something back home to my household. That's what I care about. I do understand that Ms. Janis. I do, but you have to understand my position of what I'm trying to do. I'm just trying to reach it out and and well, listen, you happen to call my household, you just happen to have to be on the end, on the other side of it. I'm sorry, you're kidding most of it, But I tell you what what you need to do is you need to make him an appointment and I will meet him there. He will be wait wait, wait, wait when he wait wait a minute, I'm sorry. You need to make him an appointment to come out to take a look at these results you're talking about, and guests who will show up at the door before he gets there. That's next. Kid. Wouldn't better you just messing to tell him what's going on. Since you know this is the plan you need to give him. You need to give him a call. Gonna give you cell phone number. Yes, Okay, I got it. Okay, you called him and set a twelve new an appointment. Trust me when I tell you, when he walked through that door and seize my face, he will know. Okay, Okay, Ms Michele. I'm not trying to create to let Mr Roger know that we need him to come actually into the building. Could give to about the call. All I know is you make that appointment. I would get there before he gets there and his own I'm telling you that's how it's gonna roll. Do you understand me, Mrs ms I can't allow any chaos to be going on in the building. I cannot allow that. Let me because you create it. Let me tell you something I don't care. I could care less about what you feel about it and what you can and can't do. All I'm telling you is you called my call. I'm looking for Mr Rogers. You called his suit to be white, correction correction sud to not be white. I got one more thing I do need to tell you, though you know what I can't deal with another thing. I swear to God don't tell me anything out, but I do have a po make your appointment. That's all I care about. You, make your appointment, to make your point. But I need you to ask for somebody when you come to the clinic. I need you to ask for one person and then they will take care of you. Who do I need to ask for us? Okay, you need to ask for nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show, because that's who I am. You just got branked by your husband, Roger. You know what my tell me? Tell me Tommy. I listened to you everyone I know. Oh my goodness, I am so embarrassed. And wait till I see right all right? Oh my god, I am, I am all. I'm done. I'm mane. I can't believe you. I got I got one more thing. I gotta ask. What is the baddest that, I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, the one I wake up to every morning to Steve Carley Morning Show. What y'all Thinkbody give me some feedback? Ignorant? But I want that though. That's what you all? Right, stupid and ignorant all at the same time. It's going down to night Memphis, Tennessee. Mama's Boy is in the building. Make sure you get your tickets tonight. We got to show at eight o'clock. And we've got two shows tomorrow night, three o'clock and eight o'clock Memphis, Tennessee. Come see your boy, um and and Jenny Kill and Robbing. Yeah, man, how Robin's doing great? You asked everyone? Don't you get Robbing to call him? That would make his day? That really would What are y'all talking about? What? Rob You think you're gonna get Robin to call you? Right? Got it like that with Robin? You ain't heard nothing about it him and Robine. It ain't calm. Yeah, no, rote Miss Anna's coming up next to today's National News. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. President Trump denies offending fallen soldiers families. I'm sure you guys have heard about. This has been all over the news. The White House says President Trump was completely respectful and a phone call to one of the grieving military widows. According to The Washington Post, one of the falling soldiers, Sergeant La David Johnson's mother said yes, President Trump did disrespect her son during that call. Kawanda Jones. Johnson went on to say that President Trump sarcastically told her son's widow that he must have known what he signed up for, not to mention that the President never even referred to her son by name, and that is something that reportedly stuck out to his widow, Mysha. She was crying the whole time, Joe Jones Johnson recounts, uh, and when she hung up the phone, she looked at me and said, he didn't even remember his name. That's the hurting part. Of course, Trump has denied it, and he said he has proof, and we on this show just want to say, uh to all of the fallen soldiers, offer our condolences to all of the gold Star families for your love's loved one service, for their bravery and for their courage. Thank you for your service. Thank you, and definitely our sympathies and condolences to the families and the children. I mean, and we still don't know what happened over there and share and the president, you know, he's under scrutiny because he started this politically, the death of these fallen soldiers. He started it by talking about President Obama and his predecessors and now he's Obama's name, Yes, yeah, yeah, he just hates Obama. He has a misunderstanding about a principle of success. He thinks that by making him appear less, it appears to make him to be more, and that never works out for you in the long run. But in the Art of a Deal, See when you read his book, The Art of a Deal, that's one of the tactics that they use. You have to in some way show your superiority to competitive companies and things like that. Well, he's taken that into the presidency, and so he that's why he still talks about crooked Hillary, what Hillary did, the mistakes she made, what Obama did, what the mistakes he made, Because it's to say, even when he makes a mistake, you should be okay with this because look what they did, which no one gives a damn about that man, because you're you're the president now and it's time for you to build your own legacy, and destroying other people's legacies while you're not building a legacy is nothing. See, you want to destroy repealing replace Obamacare, but you want to do it by starting to killing subsidies to low income people will help people? Are you kidding me? So you start there's not a leader, he's just well he's not he's not the great leader that we're used to having and want to have because he's never been a great servant. People who have never served don't make good leaders. Sorry, has anybody ever this is didn't he just quit? A resigned. I predict that he will not finish this term. I think he think he's going he's gonna I don't think he's a no. No, I don't he's gonna be made to quit. One thing. One thing he is we know is a fighter. He is a scrapper. We do know that. That's why I don't think he's gonna quit. But he's not fighting. He's picking on people. That's a different bullying. Yeah, Twitter through Twitter. Yeah, every morning that is getting longer and longer, getting alright, Steve, we gotta move it on over Tennesseeanne, Now, ladies and gentlemen, she's here. Without further dude, the lovely and talent to our very own news anchor, ms An trips See. Good morning, everybody. This is a trip as the news well. White House Chief of Staff John Kelly's defending President Trump and how he handled that condolence call to the widow of an army sergeant. Kelly is a retired Marine general whose own son was killed in Afghanistan. He says he was stunned and broken hearted by Florida congres Women Frederica Wilson's criticism of the words of Trump's used. He says, he feels all the talk about it though should end. Let's not let this maybe last thing that tells sacred in our society, a young man, young woman going out and giving his or her life for our country. Let's let's try to somehow keep that sacred. The President has also been criticized over his administration's handling of the situation in Puerto Rico. However, Mr Trump met with Puerto rican and the governor Robertao sat Joe at the White House yesterday and has expected He graded his own performance by saying, basically, it couldn't have been any better. I'd say it was probably the most difficult when you talk about relief, when you talk about search, when you talk about all of the different levels. However, things don't look so perfect as a prefect ten on the island. For instance, it's been four weeks since Hurricane A restruct only of Puerto Rico's residence, how electricity almost have no access to drinkable water, and the death toll is now forty eight. By the way, it looks like President Trump won't leave the issue of the NFL players taken a knee alone. Now he and Vice President Pence or actually circulating a petition on the Internet that demands at all players and fans stand for the national anthem. According to the GOP website, the petition asked for signatures, names, emails, and zip codes. There was tied security on the campus of Florida State University yesterday because of the speaking engagement there of a white supremacist named Richard Spencer, and there was no major violence, even though his supporters were outnumbered ten to one by his protesters saying Spencer go home. That's how he was talking to the crowd. Hundreds of other anti racists demonstrate his weight outside the whole where there are a few minor skirmishers. The winds have died down a bit in California fire fire to say that's helped them make progress in bringing those wildfires under control. The blazes have been burning for over a week. At least forty one desks are reported so far, one death of a worker driver delivering water when his truck overturned, and today finally is National Suspender's Day and national just say no day. No no no, no, no, no, no no no, Okay, I get it, I get it, I get it. I get it. EUGENEA butterfly. Twenty minutes after the hours. Stay tuned to this de Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh, Steve, please introduced Jay so Jay can introduce I beloved butterfly. I need him? Whoa do you know the butt up flat cola? Dude safety? Do you know the butt la colla safety? Do you know anything they know? The fly? Hold? Do very good? Thank you so much, good morning. See when Timy, Shirley Carling do you think do you know but seeing ladies? Do you know the butterfly? Because I doe time they ever asked me to say I was ready. We won't do that. What's trying to say? Are we good? Thank you so much? Everyone, Thank you. It's a bit much sometime times. Listen. Today is Friday. You know I'm calling this um Pumpkin Friday, Pumpkin pie Friday, and all my friends are coming over and we're doing pumpkin pies. I'm onna invite each and every one of you out to come over and do pumpkin pies with black people. Don't on the path, sir. It just ain't over requirement. It's only about two black people that are eat pumpkin. Are you making pumpkin pie or pumpkin pock what you mate? What need it again? Up? Are you making the onkin pie or you make pumpkin pie? There's different. I'm making pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pumpkin pie, peple. Okay. We like sweep potato, Yeah, sweep potato butterfly. Well, you guys been on there before a long time. But it's it's Halloween time of this every year or so. Color yeah, right, but into it. We know the difference that when we do. Yeah, we know the difference. I asked you all to come over and do pumpkin pie with me. Now, who's all coming? Fairly in Carla? Okay? What time? What time? Later? On seven o'clock today? Yeah, okay, I'll come. I can't do it, top I got practice. I'll come, but I'll bring my own dessert. So much for a pumpkin pie party. I really thought j Anthony Brown would have been there with me. We have to go by the fly. I'm so sorry speaking he was asked everybody when they coming, and all they said, we know that's your damn SI man. We gotta go. J Anthony Brown is up next. He's gonna murder another hit. We'll be back at thirty four after you're listening. Steve Harvey Morning Show, Ladies and gentlemen. Here he is with another class sick murdering the hits. First of all, I'd like to say, Tuesday night, it's going down yours truly, Jandy down the Jay spot one and only. Thank Lunelle for her thing. Dubsters. Thank you, Steve. You might lose a friend on the song. Yeah, yeah, you were doing good. You had a nice run we did. I don't know if you could call him now if he's up, but if you know John Legend's personal number. I didn't know. I didn't do anything wrong. It's just what are you doing them? Twice? You already murder the hits. That's what we do. Murder they hit. Oh God, murder Marven Morning Show, check it out, stop saying show yo, what's up there? Man? What's happening? Man? Everything's good, everything's good man. Glad you're opening the club? Well? Yeah, you know. I had Lunelle up there and I'm up there on you know this week, and then on the Halloween night he got flames speak It's gonna be a nice Halloween party. Oh my jam Myles Coal. Please can't listen to what I want. It's your car. But man, man, what you got against I don't have nothing against John Legend. I'm just not into his music. Do me a favor. You know that I don't like the song, not for a second, because even one second to long. No, don't make me about this car. Don't give a damn if I get hurt. I can live with the car. I can nut shot when he starts. I need your bloods, please while I'm in the car. You know that I can't stand a Legend song. I need you to turn it down, Ralph. That's all I ask. Keep it away down till the song is over. We're not gonna fight about it. I want you to turn it down. You know that I can't stand the Legend song. I need you to turn it down, Ralph. That's all I asked. Keep it away down till the song's over. We're not gonna fight about it. I want you to turn it down. Who turn it down. I can't take no more. Damn man, turn it down. That's it, let it go. I'm playing John Legend now. I love you, John Man down. I'm not turning it down. Jay. It was it was a fire jam. But I mean, really though, Ja, he gotta pull up. You think light skiing won't jump on you, That's that's your problem. But I love how Jay is like really into it though he's a music a singer. Yeah, but I'm sure with the millions and millions John is making He really don't give a day so that every night your damn club just opened back. But he just did. Just when you start defending John Legend, were boys, didn't he? You just open your plug? Yeah, tell you one day when you do bring yours in it, it's gonna be cold as hell outside because he'd never been in one. Rice Ja were from that old school coming through? Why is it too black? It was a great song, though, Jake, thank you, thank you. Hey man, I'm really straight and hurt. Where's the right guy? Yes, sir, just screamed at that's crazy. Well, I apologize, John le just stop it alright. Coming up next, Nephew Timmy's frank phone call you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour, get ready for today's strawberry letter. But right now it's the nephews turn with the prank phone call what you got nef? Surely this right here is the ring? Ring? Ring? Yeah, you know you know that an engagement ring, the ring, the wedding. It's the ring. Ain't it all about the ring? It's about the ring, the ring. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a den Yes, this is she, Hi Denise. My name is Gavin. I'm I'm actually the head jeweler here Diamonds. Know how you doing? I'm good. You brought your ring in? What was it last week? I actually wasn't here, but you gave it to one of my salespersons and you wanted to get it resized as well as getting a praise. Correct, yes, yes, yes, and you don't have to tell him my own Okay, wow, okay, listen, I actually do the resize the ring. And first of all, let me be the first to say, um, congratulations, when when is your wedding? Thank you, I'm getting married and stuff. Come there, Well, congratulations to listen, I don't know how to tell you this now. As far as your praiserless concern, I've looked at your ring over and over and this this ring is probably worth maybety do excuse me. I've been I've been in this business for over twenty years. But you know when I'm confused on what you just said. And I understand that. What I'm trying to explain to you is that I've been in this business for for twenty years. I've seen so many different pieces of jewelry and this is something that you that you buy late night on an infomercial for this is a Cubic Zaconian stone and the gold is not real at all. It's like wait, wait, wait, wait wait, you lost me. You lost me as much money as my hand make and as much money as my father is putting down on his wind or half put down. And you're understand everything you're saying. But Denise, honestly, what I need do is hold on. Wait wait. I need you to hold on because we need to convict us. Wait. Wait man. First of all, I can't wait wait wait, wait, wait, wait, hold hold on because we don't want to say that you wait wait, wait what are you trying to what you're trying to do, sir? I need I need you to repeat what you just said to me. Okay, I need you personal stuff, man, Oh you it it's personal now, So I need you to hold on. Okay, oh she called her man. Okay, thank thank hello. You listen to this jewel that's on the front. I want you to hit it. And he just told me, what's what's the problem? What you mean, what's the problem. He gonna tell you what the problem is. Gonna hit on, sir, gonna hit on. Hello, Yeah, who's this all right? My name is Gavin. I'm from Diamonds. And actually your wife, I mean where your fiance rather, she brought her ring in to actually be re sized, and we we also did an appraisal on the ring for her and actually the ring is estimated to be only, in the words of around fifty dollars fifty that's what the man said, sir. Obviously there's some sort of mistakes, sir. Now what you got to say about that fifty dollars? That's that's got to be some kind of mistakes. What did you say your name was, sir? My name is Gavin. I work here I'm the head jeweler here. I've been here for twenty years, and there's there's no way that that ring is worth fifty dollars. I know what I paid for it. So obviously there's some sort of mistakes. There's out of mistake. I've been dealing with jury. I've seen it. I I can't pretty much look at a ring, but I actually went into detail on this one, as I do all of them, and so I promise you this is probably maybe between forty and fifty dollars for his workers. Absolutely not. That's that's impossible. How is that impossible? He's the jeweler. You heard him say, he's been doing it for twenty That impossible. I don't all the money that my dad putting down on this wedding, and you're gonna pay fifty You bought a cheap ring, sir, No, no, no, I did not buy a tea. This is this is this is obviously some kind of mistake. You didn't got it? You show that you show got right? So what you got to say for yourself? Don't this? You kn't I believe that that's right. This is this is obviously some kind of mispah. It is a mistake, a mistake and thinking I'm gonna get married to the man of my dream. I do have the engagement ring that was purchased and bought for your wife. I don't think you I don't think you do. I don't think you have my ring, because if you have my ring, you wouldn't be telling me this is words fifty. I have the ring that your wife, your fiance brought his wife. Yet hold on, hold on, the man trying to explain, I'm trying to get to the bott. Thank you, so you have I don't think you have the right ring. I have the right ring. Or what I'm letting you know, sir, is that this is something you buy on an infomercial in the two ocock of the morning on the home Dude, you know I ain't bottled damn ring on infomercial. I bought the ring from a reputable establishment. I have the receipt, I have the certificate. So obviously the mistake is on your and where you're mistakers out here. You bought a piece of junk. He's been doing it all these years. How hell he's gonna make you mistake? Where you come off telling me I bought a piece of jump I know what I bought. If there's any mistakes that's been made, it's on your end world where it's not on my end. Yeah. Hold don't don't ray. You want things that my dad is paying too much money for this wedding, but you don't goa pay fifty dollars. You wait till I tell him this, chill. Hold on. First of all, I don't appreciate I want to tell you this. This is a typical case of you're trying to put it off on us because you bought the piece of stuff for fifty bucks, money that you don't and I get fifty words of a ring, then he's hold on, let me talk to this where you gonna talk because I never heard of it. So your wife knows exactly where she's the one that brought the ring. And I'll tell you what. I'm gonna come down there to see the ring that you're talking about. If it's not the ring that I gave my girl, I'm gonna take seventy six hundred dollars out of your because that's so. Now you want to jump on me because you bought your wife a piece. Come on and you want to put it on mate? You don't tell me what the I'm known what the I spin on the ring and you I don't kind of trying to pull. First of all, I don't appreciate you coming to my household trying to mess my and you want to come to me with this. I know the ring better be real. If I were you, miss de niece, I would not marry somebody that's gonna be I'm coming. I'm looking for your pocket and you know what. You don't get the ring and a right me and you're gonna go in it. Can I say one more thing to both of you? All better? I'll tell you what if they did don't want to hear me, and you're gonna have some more problems. This is nephew telling me from the Steve Orbit Morning Show, y'all just got prank. But the niece's sister that that why she ain't got no man to be man. Wow, that's how clear time you're about to start. I think. I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I would I want to ask you something. What is the baddest radio show in the law? But he was upset with him. Man, why don't you Oh yeah, you would be too much? Whoa that's why you get both him on the phone at the same time. I'm like when they're breathing changes. All right, tell us about Mama's Boy I told you about Mama's Boys starring starring me co star Johnny co co star Robin Gifting co co co CoA star Uh Jack Harry then co co cole, Uh Shirley Murdoch. But I'm star then anything co co cole after me, Steve Harvey. I heard get your nephew. Please, No, I ain't gotta get it. Hedn't get it. Yeah, yeah, but eventually he gonna get himself because somebody's gonna show up that you've seen something because he's sling. How many times have you seen the play? I haven't seen it yet, but I played whoa, whoa, whoa what? Surely you ain't seen no, because it's hold up, Hold up my girls, right, my girls, right? I don'd up with tommys your home girls. It's a little more Tommy. Where you gonna be this weekend? No? No? No, what? What? What? Why? You guys know you ain't going have you gonna see your hand? I ain't man money, I don't go to none of it because I don't think never gonna last. This one didn't fool me. Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee. Tonight been on at the Orpheum Theater. Get to tickets tonight and tomorrow, two shows tomorrow and then Sunday, Montgommery Performing Arts Center. We are in the Gump on Sunday, baby, two shows in the Gump, Montgomery Performing Arts Center. That seven. Yeah, this is going like really really well, thank you, just really really well. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show before we got to today's crazy strawberry letter and this letter. Really when you're coming to the plate, Oh yeah, till you know what I was. You know, that really is a big question, because you know, for y'all talk to used my nephew for the things y'all have used him for you and Carlin you you? Who is you? Who you? Carla asked? You know? But yet y'all always using my nephew. He generous with y'all, He feed your drinks, take your places. If we go out to dinner with Tommy, who else is supposed to pay? You think we're gonna look hurt that time? Wow? You stay no obvious. Let's move past this. No, no, no, no, we move, go ahead time. What's your question? When is you coming to the plate? Boom? Oh you talking to I'm telling to you, you know, good hair well to do what the surprise? He is. I don't know why you want to bring this up in front of but I'm not coming to the play because I don't know how long they're gonna ever lay. I'm going down to stuff to get counsel. This is the first two of you have been on where I'm scared. Yeah, that's wrong, Mississippi Monica was supposed to come to Jackson to see the play but didn't come, but still wanting fifteen tickets. Don't they do you like that? They always You're giving me tickets this weekend for my family to go to see you in Memphis. What's your point? This chickna looks real funny, That's what this point is exactly funny. And don't come to Houston. You probably have to save me. You're working for free working, he working for Yeah, he probably won't be in the play in Houston, But we were you real good because you don't want to get one of them tickets in Houston. Yeah, get famous somewhere we here. You're real good in the play though, you know, you get a lot of applause and everything more than trying to get weird of the side. Peace section alone and Houston's gonna kill him. Yeah, you will have a tough time spreading them out. You're talking about there you go in the back. Yeah, up, yes, everybody, spread out. We just got to Houston, come tack just that time. Let's go up. Hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. It's that time. Buckle up and hold on tight. Strawberry Letter twenty three. Thank you Tommy object outside adult advice. Hello everyone. My mother forty nine in parentheses and father fifty have been together for twenty one years and married for eighteen, and for thirteen of those years, my father has been cheating on my mother. The reason I know this is because ever since I was a little, ever since I was little, when they got into arguments, which is often, he probably throws the fact that he has a couple of women on the side in her face and sometimes calls his mother and tells her how stupid my mom is for staying with him when she knows he is cheating on her. Now, recently, my dad decided that he was going to change his ways and go back to church. I do commend him for this, but my mom has told me that she feels like it's a little it's too little, too late. After all the verbal, mental, and once or twice physical abuse, she feels like she should move on. She feels that she is too old to deal with this, and his temper and hygiene are are getting worse as he ages. So basically, I think my mom should do what makes her happy. But I know that God frowns upon divorce and a child should stay in his or her place. More importantly, my mom faithfully listens to this show and maybe you all can provide some outside adult advice. Wow. Well, dear daughter, First of all, I gotta say that you sound like a very loving daughter who who wants her mother to be happy. And yes, the Bible and some religions, you know, they frown on divorce, you know, although there are divorces in the Bible. But the Bible also speaks of being equally yoked. Husband's loving their wives as Christ love the Church. I mean, there's a lot of stuff in the Bible, you know, on this particular subject, But this is what I do know. I know that the Lord wants his children to be loved and treated well. He wants them respected and not humiliated. And if your mother, you know, has been that for all her years of marriage, or for at least thirteen of the twenty one years of marriage, then maybe it is time for for for a mom, for you to move on and Um, you know, not be subjected to this kind of treatment. I mean, this is humiliation, This is wrong treatment. Your husband is out of order doing this to you. I'm not in the situation, but based on what your daughter says, yes, this is wrong. You should not be treated this way. And it probably is a little too late, too little too late. So you know, do what you have to do. This is your decision, and you know, if it's right in your heart, the Lord will forgive you if you ask him, you know, And that's basically what I have to tell you. You know, I mean, this is wrong. He's humiliating you, you know, calling his mom, he's cheating, throwing it in your face. You know, you don't have to deal with this. You don't have to put up with this. Steve Um. First of all, the girl that wrote the letter, I didn't um get her age. Yeah, I didn't get her age, but she's obviously old enough to write, intelligently say and want some outside adult advice. So um, she's been raised properly. She's a good kid that wrote this letter, A good daughter anyway. Um, the mother's forty nine, the father's fifty. Uh, this girl has overheard some crazy conversation. First of all, this man, I don't know any man who argues like this. I really don't. You get into an argument and then you're proudly throwing the fact that he has a couple of women on the side, and you're telling this to your wife. I cannot tell you how that conversation is really supposed to go. But I don't know many women where you can throw this in her face mo thing one time, not that blatant of a statement. I got a couple of women on the side. That's that's some doggish behavior right there. That's how men get the title of dogs. Now that right there is some doggish behavior, because now you're just gonna do dirt and then you're gonna smith the mud and the crap in her face. Come on, man, that that's a bit much. Then sometimes you re call girl's mother and tell her how stupid she was for staying with him. Wow, who is this guy? What guy arguses like this? Your mom has had some low self esteem, But it looks like your mom is getting it together. But it's coincidental that she's getting it together at the same time when dad is trying to get it together. See not your dad decided that he was gonna change his ways and go back to church. I do command him for this, and I do too. But guess what your mama feels like. It's a little too late. Guess what your mama is feeling exactly what she's supposed to feel, and it's a natural reaction for her to feel like it's a little bit too late. Your mother's forty nine. She's not over the hill and done. When we come back, let's discuss the hygiene Paul. Part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour you're listening show coming up in about twenty minutes People season two, Season two of Bad Acting Theater with the Chapman's coming up, and also don't forget at the top of the hour. At the top of the hour, our good friend and family member Tyler Perry stopped by he called, He's come on Steve for two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. Let's go just about this woman has been married to this man for twenty one years and uh, she's forty nine, he's fifty. He's been cheating on her. The girl the daughter wrote the letter, wants to know if we could just give a mom some advice. And he's been throwing in his face that he got a couple of women on the side, and sometimes he would tell her, tell a lady that how stupid she is for staying with him, and when she knows that he's cheating on her. Now, recently her dad decided that he's gonna change his ways and go back to church. Not a little girl commends him for this, but her mom told me that she feels like it's too little, too late after all the verbal, mental, and once or twice physical abuse. She feels like she ought to move on. She feels that she's too old to deal with this. And his temple and hygiene is getting worse as he ages. Right now, that line right there made me start to fak His temple and hygiene is getting worse as he ages. See, men always do things for reasons. I'm thinking maybe this the fact that his temple and his hygiene and got worse as he ages. Maybe that that's what pushed him back into church. Because see, he'd been crawling his little nasty, stinky, trifling eva lass up in these other women's bed. Now they didn't got tired of it. Don't come over here, no unless you can wash Listen to me, hold on, hold on, I'm tired of you crawling to me, smelling like every bit of us going. Hi is your butt ashy? Your whole body is at Now you're gonna fly them on top of me. Let me tell you something. Don't don't come over here no more. So now he'd got a couple of them women that they're finally as he didn't age his temple. Now he mad, but her mean, no, come on come on here no more. You heard me? What you now you're gonna be nasty and act nasty. Don't come over here no more. Now guess what. Now he back at the church. Now come see the law to take you nasty, ashy and sk stinking. Now he back at church. But guess what, your mama don't deserve this. And sometimes you got to pay for your actions. Sometimes it's just time for pop to pay, that's all. Pop. You can't just because you want to straighten it up don't mean it's gonna get right. You cannot do women wrong and expect them just because you're ready to change. Now them to change too. Well. Guess what while you was cheating on them and whipping on them, they changed to tell your mama that it's perfectly fine for her to go head on. The church might frown on divorce, but hey, let the church sleep with him if they want to be accepting other man. Let him split the church. Take him in your mama, don't have to keep taking it. Tell you mama gonna find herself some happiness, you know, and don't even worry about it with his big stank you all right, Steve, you know we gotta go email us or Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my girl, Shirley, And thank you so much for joining me yesterday and every Thursday. Don't forget for the after show Strawberry Letter Live. I appreciate you guys very much. Alright, switching gears now now, Carla, I know we talked about this. Did you see the main event on b et with Gucci man and his fiance Kisha Or. Yes, I did see the wedding. Yes, yes, they got married this past Tuesday evening at the Four Seasons in Miami. Uh Keisha k Or walked down the aisle on and it was an elevated platform. Her dress was beautifully blamed out. Now, according to People magazine, this is a who's who of hip hop and Atlanta's social scene gathered for the ceremony. I mean everyone was there, every big sean. Let's see they said, did he was there? Yeah? Did he was there? So many many people it was. I mean everybody night. Wasn't he No, no, no, no, he wasn't and he's out. Obama's well, everybody on the hip hop scene. Who's who in Atlanta's hip hop yesterday? I didn't even think about it. Wasn't there, wasn't There's how much this wedding cost? Though? How much? At least two three millions? Okay, very close a little over though, Jay one point seven million dollars one point seven million couple through a lavish rehearsal dinner ahead of their their nuptials, and Gucci Mane, whose real name, of course is Roderick Detlantic Davis got him and his bride a pair of matching rolls. Royce Race. Whoa that minister didn't say his real names? You want you want to take this one? He had right? Yeah, legally, Yeah, it's not going to last. What do you say that I don't see happiness the j Yeah, an the best? Well, you could check him out on the main event unbeaten. Well, that's the first time I've ever seen a wedding that looked serious. You know that that even sounded serious. The rest of them don't sound serious. Pretty bad. I'll tell you that she's gorgeous body. Oh my god, her bodies it's otherworldly. It's other world like, yeah, man, her body is sick. Yeah, some photos we all I have all those in my phone. What did you say, married man? They'll check it out. The main event ten part mini series premiering on b ET. You gotta you don't you don't want to miss it. Let me tell you something. It's look like something that I'm not supposed to look at. If somebody send me something, one of my dudes, as soon as I look at is deleted. You don't even stand in your phone a love what Can you teach your nephew. I don't need that in my life. Can you teach your phone? Nobody get in here without my phone? Well, I was asking you, can you teach your nephew that you got to have this in order to get in their phone? No, no, no, I don't know how you're gonna do that. All right, we gotta get out of here, because see, everybody can get in my phone. Coming up Season two of Bad Acting Theaters. Hey, Tyler Perry here coming up on the Steve Harvey Show. I'm talking about a new movie boot too, and make some fun of Tommy. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour. You don't want to miss the one and only Tyler Perry. He's coming up. But right now it's time for one of our favorite season two of the Bad Acting Theater at the Yeah, we got out back on headed cat picked up. Welcome to another episode of Steve Harvey's Bad Acting Theater, starting the cast of The Steve Harvey Morning Show, hosted a nar rated by Me Shirley Strawberry, starring Steve Harvey who plays Earl Chapman. You know Steve Harvey, star of The Thunderdome Family Feud, Little Big Shots, Showtime at the Apollo, and Steve Harvey's newest show, Steve. All Right, if you missed the reunion show last week, well good for you. Here's how it ended. I gotta say, You're acting is pretty darn horrible. I think this whole damn things. The righting is bad, the sound effects is always late, y'all, don't steady your lines. I'm thinking about taking my name off this whole damn thing. Can we just call it bad act acting? Bad? Well? You know what, shut up, Junior? Why? Well, I've been getting told shut off a ten week. I'm so disgusted with this that I don't know if I want to write another episode. Alright, well, paging mess, paging doctor hot mess. But that was last season. So here we are with the first show of season one, I mean, season two of bad acting. Already, I'm starting off on the wrong foot. Uh, it's been one week since we found out what's happening in Arrogant Texas. But let's pick it up with KK, who is still on the run from the Popo and who was being haunted by Beauregards. Ghosts O the freaks come out at night. Hey, gay, where are you? Where are you bothering me? Because I know what you did and you need to apologize and turn yourself in to the police. I'm doing a damn thing. Don't make me kill you again. Whatever. You can't kill me because I'm gonna ghost. I need you to apologize to me and then go to apologize Earl. I'm sorry I killed you, and I'm sorry for trying to kill Earl. Not leave me alone. Huh, that's what I wanted to hear. I'm wearing a why I recorded the whole damn thing, and I'm going to the police. Oh my goodness, the ghost is wearing a wire. I guess we didn't see that one coming. All right, now, let's see what touch it is up to. What he's interrogating Junior about the work bouts of KK. What do you know about Arld Chapman getting shot in the butt with a bow and arrow and a blow dart. I don't know nothing about it, and I don't like you in insinuating that I may have had something to do with it. Shut up, Junior. We got reports that, uh, you were in the vicinity of the convention when the Arrold Chapman was shot in the butt with a bow and arrow and the blow dark you matter if I coming in and look around. I'm gonna look around the dust this place for Prince. It's dusty enough, thank you very much. Afterwards, I'm gonna need you and your get your hat and come on down to the station and make a statement. I don't wear hats, Thank you very much, campe Alright, all right, let's take it back up at the hospital where earls But is facing the heavens after being shot in the behind with a blow dart and a bow and arrow. Dad, I don't know who could have done this to you, but I'll help you figure it out. Well while I'm in the hospital, I'm gonna need you to ask around whoa, whoa. We're not doing this again, okay, let's just move along with the episode. Please that that I know this is not a good time to tell you. First of all, I want to thank you for everything you've done for me, but but the lifestyle you chose for me is not the way I want to live my life. This is the hardest thing I ever had to say to you, and looking at you your behind all bandage up. It's not making it easy now now that you're laid up like this, this is a great opportunity to he for me to speak to you face to butt. I know you two built the big pork Ryde dynasty for me to take over. I want to thank my my friend Ramon for giving me the courage to say what I have to say. You know what, you know what? Hold of? Let me stop. I can't do it. I can't do this no more. This is it. No, this is me talking. I can't do this no more. This is horrible. Man. This whole thing sucks that. I ain't joking either, man, I mean the whole bad acting thing. Oh is this don't make no damn sense. I know I said it last week. I don't really think I can do not not a whole season too of is man, y'all y'all could do this without me. If you're not doing it, I'm not gonna do it. I'm not Steve not doing it. I'm not doing you say. My part is never really big anyway, So well, Steve, I mean, if you're not gonna do it, I won't either. I guess if you ain't gonna do it, he said, it last week. I don't believe him, but man, well keep writing it. I do everybody. Paul, you know I mean Mama's Boy. We're gonna be in Memphis tonight at the Orphan. You do not want to miss it and tomorrow, uh in Memphis three o'clock and eight o'clock. I talking about everything is stupid about this? Why did I Why do I even get shot into? Why didn't you have butterfly get shot at? Excuse me? Stopped because I'm not even in the shower, because I need to say I'm I'm supposed to believe. I'm supposed to believe that there's a ghost. Jay only rode himself back in here so he could have something to say he was already dead. Or you're really pulling back the curtain. Well let's see if there is the next week. If you like bad acting theater, or if you think it's really bad and still want to hear it, leave us a message at Steve Harvey dot com and Jay Anthony Brown dot com. We are right, Steve, often right me. Nobody want you with you would for me to be on Ain't nobody asked you to be in? That makes it work? I really don't want to do? Are you for real? Though? You know you can't do it? Weird? You ain't? You broke character and everything. I don't even find out what Chester was gonna say to you. Right well, maybe I'll stick around for that. Okay, all right, you're listening Steve Morning Show, and y'all our special guest does it all? I told you, I told you he's a living legend right now. He really is. He writes, he directs, stars and plays. He got television shows written, movie blockbuster movies, created, and performed, is hugely popular, Medea character and madea is a complete and utter mess star of Tyler Perry's Boom Too a Medea Loueen and it's in theaters right now, Ladian and gentlemen, one and only feminine. Can't you believe it? Here we go again? Can't you believe it? Man? Boy? We wanted more when we saw bull one Tyler. I mean, let me tell you what happened this When Joe cuts loose? Man, Joe, what if we do no? No? When when we when we keep sitting in for the rating, he came back rated R. I had to dial him back. He's out of healing the movie man, I love Uncle Joe, and you know how to make a movie, Perry, you know how to make a movie. Keep us entertained. You really really doan you and we need it right now, don't we. With all it's going on, we need to laugh like never before. Man, because that White House lord every day, every day, freak day or something every day. I want to ask him, Man, just give us a break. You're wearing us out. Just take just give us two days and no tweet. Just something we had to part where we need to take the keys from Grampa. That's what we need to Yeah, we need to take keys from Grandpa. Y'all know who get them keys? You know what, Man, that would be a good idea. He just took like a week off. Just give the country a break. Please just shut up for a week. Yeah, we need a break. We need a break. Yeah, I just need a week because it ain't been NonStop for the last year and a half of negativity since since he since he was running to where he is down. They're just like, okay, all right, that's why I'm going to see boot myself. I saw we've been looking at these trains. Ok, no cutting please, just that Trump, you better get your feep already because I'm getting all this once again. He has fine money. I keep telling y'all, it's a certain piece of freedom. Come with this type of place. Yeah, I said it. My bad checks in the mail right and man, we've been looking at these trailers man for the movie. The movie looks scary, but you're so ignorant in it. I'm confused. It's now you mentioned uncle Joe, but it's it's mcdea turned all the way up in this movie, but then turns all the way up. But I'm telling Joe is killing the man. Joe won't. Joe won't let her go. Man, Joe off the car to go to go to handle one of the goals. She gets out of the car. Joe goes he started the car. He get ready to leave. They you gonna leave yourself and he's like, I don't like that, dude. So he's cut loose man. And then he says they sit down, and she's like, she says, Joe, close your legs. Joe say you can't close your league. Tyler let go and Tyler, what was the shoot? Toged? How long did it take you to make this movie? Five long days? Man? Laugh was five days too, and it's when I got coming out with Taragi. It's incredible. We did it in eight days. It's incredible. Wow, you changed the game on making movies. Man, Yeah, man, I got I got a good team. We pull it together. We're getting all our coverage, We're doing a lot all at once. So so we we figured out a whole new way to do it. And you know, they don't want that in Hollywood because they everybody trying to justify their jobs. They want to waste money, you right, I want to waste money and time. Well, Tyler, I have to ask you something. This This has nothing to do with the movie right now, but I have to ask you that. I have to ask you this, Tyler. You know I love you, but um, do you know Tommy's in this play Mama's Boy. It's touring right now. I just want to know because he told us you were there one night, and we none of us believed. Is it the truth? I was not lying? Let lying? I'm making I knew I went, I went, no question. If you've stayed over there, stay over that time. All my all my folks in that show. Shirley Murdoch was in my first place she's in the show. Tommy killed it. You know, I've worked with Robert Given, Johnny Gilds, a friend of mine, all all of my folks are there, man. So yeah, I went out to support and Janet went to that he much. Not only did she go, but she was saying how much she enjoyed him all of this, Tyler. But no, ain't ain't no picture. But he didn't take a picture with Janet. I didn't want to. I didn't want to take a picture. I felt like I was gonna be a group if I asked you, you know, you know how you know how they think they are when they think they got it, they'd be like, nine, take no picture. Picture, They ain't. You're just standing. I'm time. Ain't take no picture with you girl. Okay, one more thing, Tyler, and then we'll get back to the movie. He said. Tommy said that when he walked on on stage, he got as much applause or more than Johnny gil Why crickets, Let's let's go back to talking about both. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the don but are you gonna come up against my mind? Alright? Alright? He put it. Okay, half ever was true, and then the other half wasn't all right? Tyler, thank you for clearing all that up. I'm so glad that I was able to help in this very important something around there before you get out of here, Tyler. Yeah, what what is the number one thing that people should get out of this movie? Hey, y'all sit tight. We're gonna ask Tyler the all important question when we come back, and it has nothing to do with Tommy. What has to do with the movie? Back? You're listening, Steve Harvey morning? Alright, y'all, we're back. We're back with our special guest family member talent Perry. Uh. The movie Boot is in theaters now, everybody, It's in theaters now. It's Boot two, a Medea Halloween. Uh. In the movie, Uh, you aren't Bam, Hattie and Veal running for their lives, Monsters, goblins and the Boogeyman. And who is really turned up in this movie? Is that damn uncle Uncle Joe Off the Hook? Off the Hook. I gotta go see it, yeah, man, I just want everybody to go out and get out and go see it, because I'm telling you it's it's a it's a good laugh, it's a it's a hundred and hundred two minutes of just laughing, just NonStop laughing, and with everything is going on in the country, just go laugh, don't go and that being too serious. And I just want to say to all of my critics and all of the Academy voters and on the people who vote for oscars and all that stuff, you ain't been like this damn movie. You ain't gonna like it for more people who just want to go out and have a good time. That's right, you know what. That's amazing that you've come to that point. You've always been there. But then after the critics and the criticis you just went wild that the people I really need to please are the ones who are the fans who need to laugh, and who's gonna buy these tickets? That's right by the millions. Man, Listen, if you look at the having him not to like even they love me, it's wrong. They're like two and a half million people watching that show, three and a half million people watching to Happen have nots. And you know, never got any recognition for anything. Ain't gotta day I'm in Double Act nomination. But people love it for what it is. And when we start trying to please everybody else and and walk away from who we are and what we like and try to be into our stuff to make sure that everybody else like in the hell with that man. You go somewhere with that man, Thank you, thank you. I love the fact that you do you and you believe in yourself. Yeah, and you know who your basis And I don't all right this dude right here right yeah, way pass, all right, Yeah, get up your trades and do some reading. Yeah, it's way pass all right, man. I can't wait to see it. I really can't have to do this right now. Guys, go out and see it. Go see Boot two. You're gonna have a good time. I'm just wondering why Tom is so quiet. You know, I just like watching your work. I like it because I like you know you you be paying attention. What were you on Twitter? Instagram? Something? Yeah, you're still be helping me promote this movie? Did I didn't? I come see your plate man. Ladies and gentlemen, make sure you get out and see Boom starting one and on this town. You do not want to miss it. Hi, I'm a huge fan. Can't wait to work with you again, So please don't be man. That's right, that's right, because you get more applause than Johnny kill Man. Oh it's starting to turn star. This is what's called networking. Yes, sir see, I'm actually texting him a text right now. What say radio, Tyler? You know we love you, We love your work. We support everything you do. I mean you know, we we just love you. We do get it man, Yeah, all the time. Anytime you want to promote something, come right here. This is your family, this is your home. Boot media seven five million, baby, I count it two total. Yeah, all day long. I take thank you, gentlemen, Tyler Perry get to the theaters together. Mr. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. President Trump denies offending fallen soldiers families. Uh. The White House says President Trump was completely respectful and a phone call to one of the grieving military widows. According to The Washington Post, one of the falling soldiers, Sergeant La David Johnson's mother said, yes, President Trump did disrespect her son during that call. Kawanda Jones Johnson went on to say that President Trump sarcastically told her son's widow that he must have known what he signed. Up for not to mention that the president never even referred to her son by name, and that is something that reportedly stuck out to his widow, Myesha. She was crying the whole time, Joe Jones Johnson recounts, uh and when she hung up the phone, she looked at me and said, he didn't even remember his name. That's the hurting part. Of course, Trump has denied it, and he said he has proof. And we on this show just want to say, uh to all of the fallen soldiers, offer our condolences to all of the gold Star family for your loved loved one service, for their bravery and for their courage. Thank you for your service. Thank you, and definitely our sympathies and condolences to the families and the children. I mean, and we still don't know what happened over there, and yare and the president, you know, he's under scrutiny because he started this politicially, the death of these fallen soldiers. He started it by talking about President Obama and his predecessors and now he's Obama's name. Yes, yeah, yeah, he just hates Obama. He has a misunderstanding about a principle of success, he thinks that by making him appear less, it appears to make him to be more, and that never works out for you in the long run. But in the Art of a Deal, See when you read his book The Art of a Deal, that's one of the tactics that they use. You have to in some way show your superiority to competitive companies and things like that, where he's taken that into the presidency and so he that's why he still talks about cricket Hillary, what Hillary did, the mistakes she made, what Obama did, what the mistakes he made, because it's to say, even when he makes a mistake, you should be okay with this because look what they did, which no one gives a damn about that man, because you're you're the president now and it's time for you to build your own legacy, and destroying other people's legacies while you're not building a legacy is nothing. See, you want to destroy repeal and replace Obamacare, but you want to do it by starting to killing subsidies to low income people will help people? Are you kidding me? So you start there's not a leader. He's just not well, he's not he's not the great leader that we're used to having and want to have because he's never been a great servant. People who have never served don't make good leaders. Sorry. All right, coming up, we'll close out the show with just one more thing, our last break of the day, and we'll have a very special guest, the one and only comedian Rodney Perry. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go with our last break of the day with just one more thing. We're gonna talk to comedian and actor Rodney Perry. Steve take it away, introduced him. Promise we got special guests joining us now. It's one of the great stand up comedians and actors. He's starring in the new b et movie Digital Lives Matter hashtag Digital Lives Matter. That's gonna premiere tomorrow, October twenty one at eight pm Eastern. Let's find out about this new project. Please welcome our buddy, my man, Rodney Perry. Man. First of all, what's we need to do, manual? This championship team here, running man, y'all, got y'all running boy, y'all y'all to win and got Kevin Durant h Crown. Now y'all don't care now tell us about the project. Man, It's called Digitalized Matter. It's a great movie. It's starting of the young kid DC Young Fly. Yeah, Rope, I mean directed it and her company produced it. And I got a chance to come in there man and um and really rock it out and play the dad. I'm like, I'm a new dad. I'm about to start saying bang bang bang, go ahead. What is it about, Ry, Well, it's it's about social media. I mean, it's it's kind of movie for the millennials. It's a lot of these young kids out there. And DC Young Fly is he played basically played himself. He's got like three million followers and he wakes up one day and all his followers are gone, and so he has to figure out how to really connect with people on a real level. And so it's kind of current in that respect. And it's it's the type of movie. Man, it's funny. It's it's one of those new classics. I'm glad it's gonna be on BT where a lot of people just gonna get a chance to see it. Now. Our girl, Terry Jay Vaughan directed this movie. This is her directorial debut. What was it like working with Terry and how was she as a director? I would love to hear about that. She leans as hell. I'm just Terry will punch us when we walk on the sit everything. You know. You know, Terry is a sweetheart, and she directs that way with a kind heart, and and she takes you along the way and she's just talking and she knows her stuff, like she got some some crazy throp shots in this movie. Man, And I was just impressed to be around her. Man. She's she's an awesome talent. Okay, Yeah, congratulations to Terry, our girl, Steve. You should be very proud of her. She played Levita alas a Jenkins. Yeah, that girl always doing something good. Trying to find a project for both of them right now, Okay, bring them back? Yeah, bring said back him. Yeah, a lot of shows are rebooting now. I said, I want to do it. You know you got I got a little chubby black dude that are coming in, Rodney. I don't want to do it, don't want you know, I ain't gonna try to take a man job. But if you don't want it, hey, Rodney, let me ask you this. You sound really good, You sound like yourself. How are you doing? Yeah? Rodney Perry for anybody don't know, I had a stroke one year ago, almost to the day, like this time last year, I would learn how to walk. So you know, the short answer, Shirley is that man, God's awesome, and he took he took a guy like Rodney Perry. He let me walk over to the edge and look over, and he let me come back. And uh, I mean, I'm blessed. I was dealing with high blood pressure, my blood pressure for one for one forty when I went in the hospital, and so I changed my life. I changed my habit changed my pres not high after you d have existing conditions on this show. I'm a diabetic, and diabetics I know they have blood presture. But I changed my God. I stopped eating meat, so that made a big difference for me. You know, you know, chicken, No chicken, I'm telling you right and no joke. I want some chicken so bad now, right now, and when and when I go back in on chicken, it's gonna be sad. You might eat a live one, doesn't. Wow. Well, it's good news, buddy. I'm glad you're hearing that. Yeah, glad to be heard, man Y' y'all time created you do the movie Digitalized Matter Rock this weekend on BT Saturday. Uh, it's gonna be crazy at eight o'clock. So let me ask you, man, how would you on a percentage wise, how would you describe you overcover? And that's a great question, Steve. I'm in like nine nine seven percent. Could get back in the choir. I wasn't I wasn't strokes. I don't like when the hair strokes. And will come back to Vera in the choir because you throw this way off, you can't go on just for a couple of months. I'll be honest. But I got my sway back, and you know you there's a lot of things that you recover. First of all, you have a lot of fatigue, cold stroke and stuff like that. So I'm doing great. Man, to look at me, you can't tell I had a stroke, man, Rodney, that's that god you sir? Yes, yes, And I'm back on stage on these jokes. I got twenty minutes of a good hot stroke material. I love it. I'm back because if you hadn't come back, I go you all that stuff, take all that all that media, your jokes. I'm not running theater that's why I'm closing the Digital Lives Matter. It will premier tomorrow, October on a m Easter on B E T, starring Rodney Perry. Thank you, Rodney. We love later. Man. Hey, y'all, it's that time, folks, have yourself and absolutely wonderful freaky yea yeah baby. Finally you'll find a love toil For all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.