Tyler Perry Billionaire, Biden in Kenosha, Carla's Reality Update, Sheryl Underwood and more.

Published Sep 3, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The Chief Love Officer has some parenting advice for an interracial couple. Tyler Perry is officially a billionaire. Biden will meet with the family of Jacob Blake in Kenosha. Jaime Foxx has a new Netflix comedy special. Sheryl Underwood is here and she is talking about a wedding. Is there another T'Challa? There might be in Carla's Reality Update. In trending COVID-19 news, Dr. Fauci warns us to be part of the solution and not the problem this Labor Day weekend. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve speaks about the importance of the black vote. To whom and why!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and its not true. Good to mother. Please, I don't join me. You gotta use that turning you. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn. You got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your bab I shore will come on and everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that? I'm telling you God been big in my life. I'm not gonna kid you. I'm telling you in here do the same thing for you. God. God is a gentleman, you know. I want to I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know, if you say you got it, I don't need you, He let you have it. If you say I need you, come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing, man. So always say to people this. If you've gotten yourself into something, please know I have. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well, might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes, so when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, just hope it'll be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope. It's the beginning of faith. Hope. It's just is there a possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, hope it's okay, man, Because like I say, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change from me, that something could be a little bit different from me, that maybe, man, just maybe for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued, Things could turn around, it could head an the other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, maybe somebody will just say all right. I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher. She taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mamma used to say, when it get real dark for your son, prad changes things. She said, When you seem like you lost and you can't finding your way, stop and pray, she said, because prad changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more and you just don't know what to do next, she says, stop, suh, pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said. If you pray just hoping, she's saying, that God come through for you. That will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while you quit hoping, she's saying, you start believing. She's saying, that's when you're on to something. If you can turn that hope into belief, that hope into faith, the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see. See hoping a little bit different from me Now, I'm pretty sure, Like I say oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you, but just from my side of it, being as real as I can be rich. See, hope helps. Man. If you ain't strong enough to have faith, have hope, and then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer, then that hope gains a little confidence and after a while that confidence becomes faith. Now ain't just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing in something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here, and not just faith, but my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See A lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? And then they started going down this whole list of all these different religions out here. But really an essence, man, when I talk to people about faith. I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? How much do you believe in the things you can't see? How much do you believe in the impossible? How much do you believe see? Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to just oftentimes, if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way, his blessings just poor. They just come. And it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice, see, it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money and now, man, that ain't it. It's coverage. It's every time my plane and safe. It's every time they predict bad weather and I get up in the sky and it don't be no bad weather. You know this, This is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody call me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity, you know something. Somebody say, Hey, man, I don't know, but I sent this to you. I thought you might be interested in it. Somebody has sent me a scripture, or somebody will send me something that's favor, and it always comes at a time when I need it the most. That's favor, that's pouring out blessings. Now I'm also the recipient of a lot of other blessings too. You know, I've been blessed with health. That's amazing blessing. Man. I've been blessed with a spirit of not quitting. I've been blessed with the ability to shoulder huge amounts of responsibility. See, blessings come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God, once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed what God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on, if you're sitting in the cell this morning, why why would you not change? You have a chance to turn your life around with a relationship with God. What you're waiting on? Are you gonna just keep doing it like that. Huh. Really, come on, man, why would you do that to yourself? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life so you can get the way he want you to be. God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking up. You're listening ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, animal trainers, monkey lovers, people that's crazy about chimpanzees, and anybody in Peter and all those people who care for fir. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We are deliberate today, extremely deliberate, which means, in common terms, we bout it, share a straw, baby bouted, batted baby. Good morning, see call for singing baby? Good morning? What's up? Crew? Well? That that that that that don't gold Junior bart in Morning, Up, Morning, everybody. I will wear alligators as dog. Put him right on in the form of a belt of bag, shoes or vest. Don't make me no different. I'll put it off. I got alligator hat. Have you guys ever eaten alligator? Hell? Yea eat alligator? Hell? Yeah? Yeah? Louisiana, surely stop making faces. You never even tried it. I would never try it, surely? Why you don't You ain't never tried rabbit. Just do this. I would never try rack because it's a rabbit, and because it's an alligator. I can't just my mind won't take money. I can't do it. You don't like see I'm walking across the table, and that's why you eat me? Do it? I ask you a question, it how do you fix in your mind that this chicken? How do you fix in your mind yet? Because it's a chicken? New right? I grew up with, you know, knowing about chicken eating chickens, So I mean that's something I'm used to. Cow. You know, like when you're driving down the street, like down the road in the country you see a cow. Don't never bother you that that competer one. I'm fascinated by cows. I'm always I love I mean, I'm always saying, oh there's a cow. Yeah, it is bothered me. I don't eat hardly ever. He read meat, so wow, it isn't bothered me. But an alligator, when you get exotic like that, it bothers me. I've had ostrich everything. Wild Boy had turtle turtle, turtle, soup turtle, soup turtle soups, delicious, frog legs and all that. Probably damn up eating them. It wasn't. But hey, nobody drop stick, do you know? Yeah? No, oh, no oh yeah Buffalo no oh Buffalo Buffalo Burke is the best. That's BiCon, it's the best. Surely you like some great things that you can't what. I can't eat it. I can't. I tell you style, I can't do it. Sorry, I don't play when it comes to food like that. Just don't. If alligator could eat you, he surely I can't know I can. I'd be happy to wear them a pair of shoes, a nice bag, but eating them, Nope, no, thank you. Kudu. You never had coudu goat what? Uh? Goat? No, goat? Lamb I've had lamb. I have I do like lamb chuck Yeah, no, no, you know I'm not going All right, Look, we gotta get now coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, Ask the Clothes the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this. You're listening to the Stow Time Now for Ask the CLO. All you have to do is go to Steve Harvey FM to submit your questions for the Chief Love Officer. Are you ready, sir? All right? Calvin and Seattle says, I'm a forty seven year old married man and I have a blended family with my wife. She's Caucasian and I'm African Americans. My children are both in college, but her two teenagers live with us. We've never had the same parenting style, so I just bite my tongue and overlook a lot because they both her children live with them. My children are both in college, but her two teenagers live with them. Okay, okay, we've never had the same parenting style, So I just bite my tongue and overlook a lot because I know the children will be out of the house soon. But over the past three weeks, her sixteen year old daughter's boyfriend has been spending the night at our house. If they fall asleep watching the movies, they sleep together on our sofa. I don't like it one bit, but my wife says it's innocent and she did it when she was a teenager. Should I let it go or put my foot down? No, walk in the awake his ass up and say, hey, loo man, it's time for you to move on. Yeah, I don't care what the waters say. It might be innocent. Get your innocent ass up and go home. Two different parentings. This ain't about parenting. This boy ain't changed your child. Wake up, my man, Wake up. You got to go home. It's talking about that. You can't spend a night in my house. You're not married, you know. I don't care about this. Bye where your parents at? You know the daughter's gonna run to the mom. He not staying over here, spending night at mine house. I'm not sleeping with this boy in my house. I don't know him. Wake up somebody else staying on my bed with a butcher night? All right? So the dad the house should go wake him up. I don't care who. You're not falling asleep over her partner. Let's go. Let's move home, because it's okay with the mom, So the monitor. I was in college and used to fall asleep over my girlfriend's house dog. I had to go home. I had to go home. Yeah, yeah, And we was dating heavy in college when we was both in Cleveland. I couldn't spend night in her You got the gold, my man. Whatever y'all doing in college, that's on y'all. But when you come here, you gotta respect my house, all right. Moving on, Clo Sue and Columbus. Georgia says, I've been married for almost forty years, and I think my husband is cheating. We're both retired, but he's been helping out his friend that owns a hardware store since then. I've noticed a big change in him. He is very conscious about what he wears out of the house now, and he doubtses his clothes in this new cologne he got. I usually give him cologne for Christmas, and he's been wearing the same one for years. He told me his buddy at the job gave it to him. I didn't press in the press the issue, but I am worried that there's another woman in the picture. Do you think he's cheating? Well, first of all, let's start with this cologne. You get him married Christmas him, won't it no more? You're gonna try somebody answering you y'all been married for you people gets it could brute, you know, everybody won't brute by Fabridge. Everybody don't want no avon wild country. Everybody don't want Everybody don't want an old and gray flannel. We're tired and smelling like gray flannel. Everybody don't like fan height Yeah, oh wow throw back, Yeah, still buying your man Polo. He don't want polo, No mo, Polo, no Mo, no mo. He conscious of high he dressing? Who gotta dress up at the hardware stough always noticed that change in behavior. Just red apron on it. Come on down hill, right, ain't sister place where the harbor with the helpful hardware man? Yeah, well the a's hardware man is real health. He's cheating. You think he's cheating. No, I ain't say that, that's what. I didn't say that at all. But where's he dressing up at the hard un and who he wearing? This cologne? Fault? What dude gave him? So? What dude? Give a dude some damn cologne? Manta man. I hadn't had partners my whole life. I ain't never gave a dude by la cologne. I don't give it, dann a heist smell because if you stink around me, jokes on you, partner, you're gonna get a nickname. Funk it dump. You're not saying it, Steve, but it sounds like he's cheating. You're not saying that. I'm not saying it because I don't know that, but ain't no man bought another man no cologne? Who you know? Dress up down at the hardware stop. Sounds like it to me? Or she asked he's getting ready to how about that? Because he didn't ask as she didn't ask for next question. You just don't want to do a Cope's a man, Constance. It ain't that, it's just there's no proof. But you got ever this trust your intuitionally. Yeah, you always, that's right, that's right. My husband and I have been married for six months. This is from Constance in Tampa, and I found out he had a newborn baby two weeks before our wedding. My husband's mother told me, and I was so hurt, but I didn't cancel the wedding. My husband has done all he can to regain my trust, but he won't control his mother. His mom always throws the baby up in my face and since pictures of the baby, saying how much the baby looks like my husband. In due time, I'll warm up to the child, but his mama needs to chill. He says, he's not getting into it with his mama. Was marrying him a mistake m was married him a mistake. Well, let's look at this. You found out two weeks before the wedding that he had a baby right now, he'd been married six months later. She found out two weeks before the wedding that he had a baby. Okay, and the baby kind of bought it up, new born, and now the mama keeps sending pictures on him. Butter boy looked Jit like you and you want to know what book Jit like? You don't want it. He don't look like will What do you right? I mean? Was it a mistake? If you have regrets? Yeah, all right, thank you. Cello was always coming up next he's not here, but the junior is in for the nephew. Would run that prank right after this. You're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Avil have today's national news plus an entertainment news still trending. Tyler Perry is a billionaire with a B and in other entertainment news, people are really upset that Nancy Pelosi went to a hair salon. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, Junior is in for the nephew. We've run that prank back. What's you guy for us? Junior? David Man. That's in David Man. He Ka, Miss Brown, Okay, David Man, come on night, Hey, miss Sandraw, how are you doing? This is yes Man, We're gonna prank phone call your son David Man today. All right, okay, So here's what I want you to do for him. I want you to call David and tell him, Hey, then people came over here asking me by paying that bill and I'm not paying that bill. And that man got small with me and I shut the door on him. I told him to call you. Okay, when you get through with him, I'm gonna call him back as if I'm that man. Okay, Okay, I'm thinking to do add on this. That's what you call the ad. Okay, do the ad on them? All right, Okay, we'll figure that out. I'll call you when we get through. All right, Okay, all right, you did good, though, he'll call you back in a minute complaining that we didn't prank him. All right, okay, all right, God bless you, bless all right, let's go. Hello, I'm bring me that paperwork on Parkment three fourteen. Hello, I'm looking for David. Please, this is David. Okay, this is Jim about it Barton Green Apartments. Is your mother mischel? Yes, yes, sir? How can I help you? Okay, we got a problem here now. I'm the new general manager here and I'm just getting this thing brought to me about your mother not playing the Waterville or and we got to get this matter taken in. As of right now, I've been instructed to actually go in and get your mother and take her completely out of the apartment building. Okay, so what tell me what the problem is. Get to explain to me what the situation is, sir. The situation right now is no one that's played this water bill whatsoever. She thinks for lying to standing that she only owes one hundred and six dollars and she owes far more than that. She has not paid a water bill at all. Right, and how your mother? And I first want to tell you your mother is very rude to me and slam the door in my face. Okay, so so let me yeah, let me. I'm just trying to understand the situation. So the water bill hasn't been paid in how long? For what I'm looking at, it's at least four or five months on what looks like here on the paper. Okay, so it's four or five months behind, Yes, it is, okay, and so how much is it. I'm gonna have to tally all this up and get everything lined up as far as the numbers as of right now, sir. If no one is paying this bill in the next thirty minutes, I am instructed to put your mother out and pack her things and put her out, and that's what I want to do. But as rude as she was to me, you know, at this point, I'll tell you what, baby, I don't give a damn, sir. So I just mean I'm just here to try to help make the situation better. So I need you to take a deep breath for me and calm down, because I'm I'm calm. So let's just let you know. I'm just saying that. And how I would be I would be calm to had your mother not to slam the door in the face and send some things before she shut that door. And I'll be trying to work as calmly as you're working direct So so what do we need to do. I won't be able to do it within thirty minutes, But how much is it? Just find out how much it is. You know, from what my understanding was it was one hundred and nine dollars or something a hundred and six dollars for at least four months. That what the problem is? No, what it is old right now? That one hundred and sixty dollars, sir, is one month? How is it? How is it? I guess my question is how does the water bill? One hundred and six dollars or one bedroom apartment with one person one hundred and six dollars water bill is kind of hot, don't you think? I mean, I don't. I don't have no idea of what your mother's doing. I don't know it runs a lot of water, or I have no idea about it unless she's washing every day and running all the water every day. One hundred and six dollars to one for an apartment is a bit extreme. I mean, wouldn't you say so yourself? That's a bit high, sir. I understand that you have some issues about what the amount of the bill is. That does not get in in the middle of the fact of how far behind we are. That's the problem we have. How far behind are I'm just trying to I'm trying to resolve you. We are five months by hot months behind. So how how much is the bill for five months? I'm getting I'm getting her to tallly that up as of right now. But let's get back to the issue of someone not being able to get here in thirty minutes. Is there no one that can get here and take care of this bill in thirty Let's let's think out how much it is and well, I'll try to get that worked out. So if you can give me kind of a tally on what it is if I had to get tomate. I mean, let's let's look at the fact that here it is one hundred and six dollars on one month. You know, let's say it's roughly a hundred buck to each month. You know, you're looking at five hundred bucks at least. Yes, I have to say a hundred and one hundred dollars for us I. That's that's as true. You know. The problem that bothers me that you people won't pay your bill. Wait a minute, now, I need you to relax, because I pay my bill. Well, you got a mother over here that's apparently you must be the caretaker of and you're not taking care of your mother for what it seems like. What I need you to do is relaxing, not not be accused of church. That's what I need you to do. I need you to well, and what I need you to do is standing up, sir and take initiative. But whatever your responsibility is, and if you're responsible for your mother, then you should. You should take care of your mother. You know what you're upset right now and you're not gonna get me upset with you because you don't know what's going on and what do you not care about your mother? Because it's not the case. I can just got a phone with you right now. My job is to get her out of the apartment and pack her things up because the bill is not paid and she's saying she's not paying it. To take it up with her so that what you're trying to do get me to be where you are. I'm not gonna go there with you. I'm not trying to get you to be where I am. I'm trying to get you to take care of your mother if that your responsibility, and if it's not, I'll leave it up to you and I going back and forth on the phone and you you having the attitude that you have. What what good are they gonna do? And what is it gonna solve? Are you somebody that sits at home and you need to get your and get a job. What do you need to do to get your mom taken care of so I can get this page? And this is not all my I'm not gonna be another angry black man with you, sir. I have a lot more sense than that. So what I what you're not? You're not an angry black man. You're a lazy black man. That's the problem with you. People? With you? People? Well, what are you people? When all that I don't want to work? Want to sit around check every day? When the rest I was out here houseless and puffing out when the who who's out busting what? I don't know? If you're you're the manager of the department, you want to know who I am? Yet I am nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and your mother and your father. David Nahan Junior got me to prank yo behind. I just hid him because I'm about to get him fire. What's up? David? You are the first celebrity kept his composure. I hate you man. You got me, you got you gotta do this from the David Man. Mister Brown, what is the baddest radio show in the Lake? Steve Harvey Morning Show. I got freaked by nephew Tom. Huh see see see David Man, That's what that was. Praise yourself because I'm telling you, because when you come up with just a regular name, didn't let you know I'm a king right there? I just see David Man. All right, thank you guys. Coming up in the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and national news for you. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and entertainment news. As we told you yesterday, Tyler Perry joined the three Coma Club, a remarkable feat considering he was once living in his car. Steve Harvey sounds familiar. Yes, So, Tyler's officially a billionaire with the Bee. According to the accountants at Forbes Magazine. They calculate his income in the last fifteen years to be one point four billion dollars. Tyler earns so much because check this out. Okay, he demands to own one hundred percent of everything he writes and produces, and he writes and produces everything. This includes twelve hundred TV episodes, twenty two movies, and two dozen stage plays. Okay, he opened a quarter billion dollars three hundred and thirty acre Tyler Perry Studios Atlanta, where his TV shows are taped. So I mean, you know, right now, I'm taking that right now. Man, let me tell y'all something. Tyler Perry. It's one of the smartest guys I know because I know where it comes from. Now, I don't know all the details, just like nobody knows all the details about anybody. But when I tell you somebody who really really put the work in, Tyler Perry put the work in. You don't get to be a billionaire without some serious effort. I can promise you that because I'm not one and I know how hard it is for me to just maintain this. This boy right here is one of the coolest dudes many. If it's for information, he'll take the time to give you information. Now, don't go over there asking for no money. I ain't never done that, but if you want some information. And the most advice Tyler has ever given me has been mostly spiritual advice, mostly you know, nice, you know when we talk. You know, we talked mostly about you know, faith and and and God and working hard and dreams and visions. And he's just an extremely inspirational dude, you know. And I mean he has survived all the tabloid mess, which once again has taught me a lot about how to handle it because he just keeps it moving. Man, Yeah, he keeps it moving. Let me ask you something about you and Tyler's relationship. Have you guys ever talked about collabing doing something together. I got one thing I'm gonna take to him first time ever and you'll find out. But you know, it's like this man, I've never really I don't you know, I'm really not other than the kings of comedy. I never really got with people to collab. It's not that I don't I don't want to. It's just I'm gonna tell you the truth about this business man. It doesn't do a lot for unity. This business is so few parts available for African American men that very rarely can they band together to do things unless they create. The person who tried it and it was the most successful for a brief time was Eddie Murphy. And he did it because they created the rat Packer was him Arsenio, Robert Townsend and uh, the Wands brothers and a couple of other people. And it didn't last. But when he did Harlem Nights, it was his way of reaching to the great Red Fox Richard Pryor, you know. And he got beat up for doing that. But the dude and Eddie Murphy made a real, real mark. But this this boy Tyler, the truth, the real truth. Yeah, great, great guy too is yeah, all right, well, thank you. We look forward to that. Collabo, Steve. Let's go to the headlines now, please, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne trop thank you very much, everybody. Yes, and after that there was the Blackpack, which included my friend Isaac Hayes and Denzel Washington some others as well. This is Anne trip of the News. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden heads to Kenosha, Wisconsin, today, one day after President Trump went there. Biden's reportedly scheduled to meet with the family of Jacob Blake, the now paralyzed young black man. He's expected to address the reason for the continued nights of protests police brutality, and also though to condemn the violence which he has done all along. Donald Trump talked about the protest yesterday, but instead of meeting with the Blake family, he met with a local gathering of law enforcement to support them and talk about his concept of law and order, something that Biden says reveals more about the current occupant of the White House than people think. He may believe Morvy and the words law and order makes him strong, but it's failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is. President Trump, meanwhile, was in North Carolina yesterday where he declared the port city of Wilmington a World War Two heritage city. By the way, Wilmington just shows you know folks out there less like Tulsa, Oklahoma, was a scene of the massacre of scores of working in middle class blacks back in eighteen ninety eight because they were voting, and they had a lot of positions of power, and they worked in hand in hand with the white population of that city. White supremacists didn't like that Wilmington went from a prosperous, mixed race city to a majority white one overnight. McDonald's organization is being accused of racial discrimination against black franchisees, allegedly denying them the same opportunities that their white counterparts get and therefore setting them up, they say, for a failure. The complaint, filed by fifty two former franchisees accuses McDonald's of steering black owners to less profitable locations, often in the poorest crime written areas, and because of that, the number of black OLM McDonald's has dropped by fifty percent over the last twenty years. McDonald denies the accusations and get this the late Brianna's ex boyfriend. Brianna Taylor's ex boyfriend says that the district attorney in Louisville willing to pay real dirty to keep free white cops from facing charges in her murder. The ex JaMarcus Glover is reportedly implicated in drug case, and NPR says that his attorney says prosecutor is often of a plea deal if he would lie and claim that Brianna Taylor, an emergency medical technician, was actually selling drugs with him, and he said no, that's what Attorney Scott Barton says. The client refused to falsely implicate the dead young woman. The Rock says he has COVID nineteen, His children, his wife, they all have tested positive, but their whole families on the mend and they're no longer contagious and sad news. Yeah, we're talking legendary Mets pitcher Tom Seaver, who has died at age seventy five. They say he died of dementia and COVID nineteen. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Today, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will travel to Kenosha, Wisconsin. He's going to meet with the family of Jacob Blake, the black man who was shot in the back seven times by a white police officer in front of his three children. Citizens, of course, were outraged and this caused protests in Kenosha. Joe Biden will also hold a community meeting in Kenosha to try to heal and address the social injustice challenges we face. Biden's visit comes after Democratic Governor Tony Evers asked President Trump not to visit, but we all know he did it anyway, But he did it, and he went up there to draw him up more support for his base because what he talked about man even when he talked about the seventeen year old to kill those two people, he said, you know, he was trying to be of assistant, and I mean, you know, I mean he could have been afraid for his life. I mean, there's a lot here we don't know. No, man, you took a gun and you went and you killed two people. Yeah, we saw the video. News. This right wing organization I heard today is paying for his defense fund. Yes, I read that. He is a real very conservative attorney and all of that. It doesn't matter. Man, you killed somebody people because you took a gun somewhere. To me, that's premeditated. That's murder. One. Let's stop all this manslaughter. You took a gun down there. You didn't have to take a gun for what. No, man, this is wrong. He mentioned that, and that's what he said about that, and he never mentioned Jacob Blake, not Trump, and his idea of calming it was, you know there's police that they choked. It happens, they choked. Yeah, you know, I'm gonna go. It's choked. It had gone from time to time. No, everybody kill a black person, is they choked? Yeah? Stop, hey, y'all, he has to go it's nowhere around this here. Yes, so please let's send everyone to vote dot org. If you haven't already registered, and if you haven't registered, what are you waiting for? It only takes like two minutes. Go to vote dot org. Please get all your early voting information so we can be ready when it's time, so we can mail in these ballots. Take your ballot to the post office. Don't even play with these people, and take a picture of it with your camera phone so you'll have proof. Yeah, make sure you sign it all of that, man, don't don't miss nothing. Double check, triple check. Yeah, this is important. All right. That's vote dot org. Okay, coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we're going to switch gears. Parents, what have you done to embarrass your kids? We'll ask Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to Hey Steve, you know, um Jamie Fox is returning to TV. Okay, he got to deal with Netflix. It's a comedy inspired by his daughter Karen Fox. It's called Dad, Stop Embarrassing Me. It explores their relationship. It will also start David Alan Greer. And it looks like, you know, it sounds like it's going to be really fun because we exparents. I mean, yeah, we live to embarrass our kids and they hate it. I wake up to embarrass my kids just for fun, Yeah, just for fun. But so, Steve, I got to ask you, what have you I know you've done things to embarrass your kids. What have you done to embarrass your daughters or your sons? It doesn't matter. Oh they hate it when I put him into jokes. Oh really, dad, dad, we want you to stop putting us in your joke, every last one. I don't give a damn I said, y'all see this, y'all, y'all see this house, said swimming pool out there, she can cause y'all drive. You said college education, y'all got jokes, jokes paid for all this. Now seeing us, how y'all don't write no damn jokes. Your ass is gonna have to beat the damn chow. Yeah, you got to make a contribution to have this here life. So they're friends here. Yeah, Oh man, your father said this about you on the radio, Tad, could you stop mentioning me on your radio show? Oh? Really, have a private life? What was you on your What did you say on your show? All my friends was texting me, I don't know what I say something about it. I'm stupid. Oh, don't Daddy just be calling y'all stupid on the show. I heard your father say on Family Few he got seven on minutes and each given day is for y'all. He don't even won't stop saying that. All that's true. True. It looks like it's gonna be a fun show. Dad, stop embarrassing me. Jamie Fox and his daughter Karen Fox. That looks like and David Ellen Greer. Yes, you could be on there too, Steve with your stories. I mean recently, what have you done, Steve? Look, what have you done recently to embarrass one of your kids? Something? M h who do you embarrass them most? Let me see Winton? Not the daughter's day? Really okay little daughters? Huh? You know you know I we stuff like you know, I'm old school player. You know I ain't even dressed like you. So then what do they say when you have like like like I'll talk about something they got them? Dad? Just the latest? Well that's because it's I ain't got to like it now? Yeah? How tight is your damn jeans? Boy? Dad? D's a skinny Jane. But then, but you got to win them now, Dad, everybody wear them. I ain't got no right then, I ain't got man. What about you, Junior? Yeah, talk you know. I love your feeling. My mom was just pulling up at the comedy show at the at the ticket win to just live my son is the headline. But the hell you mean, ain't no more tickets? She don't know. I told her I got her ticket. She arguing with the lady. Let me, I'll tell you right that, holding the old lineup. Call the caller. Everybody is he back there? Is he back there? Hold lady, don't touch me. Yeah, she's not secure off there, just calling the fuss at dude, like I've told I see it. Just call me. I got your teeth. They're not going up the airs. Call We'll call it. I love it. Cute. All right, guys, go to Steve Harvey FM on Instagram or Facebook and tell us what you've done to embarrass your kids. All right, And coming up next, Nephew's out. Junior is here though, for today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the String show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject He's louder than I am. But right now Junior is in for the nephew with today's prank. Phone call what you got for us today? Junior? You know Shirley. Right now we're just doing name pranks. Today. We have scar Face. That's it, just the rapper out of Houston Scarface. So this prank today it's called Scarface running Cat. Hey, I'm trying to reach a Brad Jordan, aka scar Face. You might have a long number. Who is this hill? Who is this hill? My name is Craig. I'm with our ncr A, that's a No Cussing Rappers Association. Man, I speak to a Brad Jordan. Got the right number? Okay, this scar Face? Should I say? Mister Brad Jordan? I said ncr A, No Cussing Rappers Association. And what we're doing is we're shutting down rappers that do all this cussing and this profanity on these CDs. Okay, hold up, sir. First of all, I'm gonna tell you this. I just want to sit out and have a meeting with you and listen to your CD and make sure it's no crazy lyrics in it because I am with the No Cussing Rapping Association. Yeah, who put you on that? What you mean? Who put me on this? Sir? So what do you set up and set up an interview? Meet me, meet you at I'll tell you what. This is what I'm gonna do, sir. I don't I don't want to really, I'm self appointed. Okay, So what I don't want to do is I don't want to call Jay z A, Jermaine Dupre and get them all in. This is all I want is is to hear your thing here, your CD before it's dropped. Because what I'm not gonna do, I'm not gonna let it get released if it is not what I want on a CD from now. Ncr A No Cussing Rappers Association, we are here to stop all cussing on these CDs. Okay, all right? What you got a big mount in the clown? I want to see you do that. You and how many you and one army gonna do this. I have quite a few people that are following me with the n c r A. There's quite a few. Matter of fact that there's two hundred and fifty strong at this point of the No cussing Rappers Association. Sir, you give or take a few, all right, bring with you you're gonna need them, sir. Listen, I'm gonna say this to you one time. How can I get your CD in my hand so I can listen to it? Verify that it is good to go to the shelf or not go to the shelf. The one thing I want to tell you is this here. We don't have a fear of any of you rappers. Let's get that out there now. Now. I know your name is mister scar face, but I will put a scar on your face. Hold on, let me let me. Let let me make it real quick to you. Man. Let me put something on your mind so you can feel, you know a little bit better about itself. Get you some business him and you're balking up the wrong tree, hall boy something. Not gonna play no games with you, But you say, out of my business, sir. All I'm saying is I want to hear when you're two hundred and man bottom, you want to hear that what you do, download it. I'm not gonna you. You ain't gotta do, you ain't gonna do, but make it smart. I'm definitely that that way. You can definitely have a problem, sir. So I'm trying not to have a problem with your mind. I want with me. You're gonna have a problem, and I'm gonna leave it like that. Man, you can take it how you want to take it that I'm not leaving it. Yeah, like I'm scared of you, I'm not afraid of you. I am with SCAN. I don't give a who you wouldn't, man, just be with whoever do you want to be with you? Look, man, I'm with n c all A No Cussing Rappers Association. You know what your mind is playing tricks on you. That's your playing tricks on you. Watch you, sir. I'm gonna say this one time to you, and I'm trying to really keep it formal. Mister scarface? Hello did he hang up? Calling back? Mister and mistress Scarface? I'm calling back again, Gonna prank your hard and Tommy's gonna win. Hey, why the hell you hanging up on me? You ain't man? Looking man with me? Man, let me tell you something. Man, I ain't no here, fire me, get me fired. I'm not You're not a minute man. I want to hear that. Man, ain't yourself employing. I'm I'm employing myself. You show all right? All right there, I as you work for man, but you stabbed my business. Man. I'm with no Cussing Rappers Association, and I named me. I don't give a damn. Who are you with? Homeboy? Look him? Man? You get man, he burned up my menu. It's too early for this. You do. Do you want to meet me to squat this away? Because I don't have a problem with that, But you're not gonna be cussing on these albums? I mean that where you want to meet at homeboy so we can get this? Wait, how do you want to do it? It? Don't make me no. I told you I got two hundred and fifty follow give but take give a damn how many people you had? Man, I don't you know even you can't even begin to imagine what's trying to go down. If you play these games with me, man, I would help people. I'm packet. Look him, man, I'm gonna put the brakes on it right now. Man, because you you you piss me off. You can call me with this like you like man, like you showed enough for to pull train to stop my man. Look him. Man, instead of being concerned about what you know, what I'm saying and what I'm doing. Man, you might need to step back and take a look at the condition of these in the first and water in that boy. And I ain't what I said. Ain't got to do with it all right? I said winning list man. Y'all y'all put that on me like it's my fault. I know what I'm talking about and you don't. Huh, what is you talking about? Winning Lynch? What is you talking about? That's I read about it? You? Oh, you're trying to act like you got more knowledge than me. Now, I'm not trying to act like I'll tell you what though, And I'm gonna say what I wanted and just said him Arsen hear you with non too, no rapping, cussing us, no cuss You know who I'm with? Yeah, I know where you're gonna be with you keep with me? Who Okay? Can I say something else to you? I don't want you can't say to me, I'm fool with you. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harmin Morning Show. You just got prank stop face, but y'all wrong face? Where you have baby O. I'm trying to figure out who offer sitting up there. I'm trying to do what you real quick. I'm trying the fifty people. Lord a mercy man, y'all got me? You got me, I got your face. I'm from the crib. You my whole boy. I had to go get you. Man. Come on now, man, you do me like that? Man, you know, I don't say no bad word like that. Yeah to me like I was. But that was a good one dog, all right, brother, That right there was a good one man. And no matter how to the no Rappers Customs Association trying to point that blame and at what these rappers is doing. Man, it's a lot to have Wayne told the rappers did it? Are you right about that? Now? You know what I mean? That's real talk, that's real talk. All right. Let me ask you one more thing, baby, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Yeah, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, you already know. And you got me on it too till Steve, I say, was handling man. That is scarface to much and Rappers Association. He don't want him custing too much on his album. That's that's pretty much that prank scarfaces. You prank somebody from Fifth Pranks? Yeah, yeah, that's good way to get whipped. Yeah, what y'all time is not here. I want to say this. I'll protect him, you know, because we family and everything, and I go down with him, I'll fight with him. But I am really looking forward to the day when he get jumped off. No, don't say that, Steve, you I and and when it happened, I'm gonna let a couple of blows get in for our jumping, but I'm gonna make sure they touch his ass real good though, But I'm so looking forward to that. It's just gonna Oh no, I want it. It's all that's good, but just you gonna get you said that? Man, Man, I'm gonna about about ten seconds. I ain't gonna do nothing. I'm gonna act like I'm getting up to come over there. Yeah. But you know the thing about Tommy is, and I hate to say this, Canda, but not really. Oh yeah, here we go what sees? You know? All it is it has to have him because he just all right, thank you Junior in for the nephew. Up next, it's the Strawberry letter subject. He's louder than I am. We'll get into it right after this. You, Timmy, you're listening well, only sixty days left until November third. Go to vote dot org and get registered. You can do it right now. It only takes a couple of minutes. Plus you can get all of your early voting information for your state that is vote dot org. We are serious, we are not playing. This is not a game. Okay, vote dot org and it's time now as we switch gears for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve harveysm dot com and click submit to Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Ladies and gentlemen, it is that time. It's time for today's Strawberry Letter with my good friend Shirleys Strawberry. Thank you, junior. Subject he's louder than I am. Dear Stephen, Shirley, I am a thirty three year old woman and I recently started dating a twenty five year old man. The age difference really didn't bother me at first, but I am starting to notice that he seems to be a little bit inexperienced when it comes to sex. The first time we got together, there was a lot of kissing involved, so I didn't quite notice how much noise he makes in bed. I did notice that he was talking really dirty, and maybe he thinks that all women are into that, or he hasn't been with that many women. Now that we've done it a few times, it's starting to get at awkward and embarrassing. The other night, we tried doing it in a few different positions, and he got louder each time. He was moaning and cursing. Then he started to scream my name, and I thought the neighbors were going to think something was wrong. I should probably take it as a compliment, but this is too over the top to me, and I think he might be faking or exaggerating because he thinks that's what he's supposed to do. He got very embarrassed when I called him out on it and said it's completely natural. I told him I don't like to be rude or obnoxious to my neighbors, so he needs to work on being less noisy. I know this is a strange request because usually it's the the women that are the most vocal during intimacy, but this guy cannot keep it down. I have tried to play music or I'll leave the TV on to drown out all of his screams and curse words, but nothing works. He's a great guy, and this is something we can work on. I need some advice. Wow, you just got to say something. I mean, you gotta let him know how you feel. You said you you've talked to him before, and he said it was natural. But I think it's a little more serious than maybe you know you guys think it is, or especially him. You want the sex to be good, but you don't want it to be annoying and embarrassing like you said, and awkward. You don't want it to be too too loud. I guess because of your neighbors. He's just in there, just cussing and just hollering. Huh. Anyway, your neighbors don't need to know all your business. They don't need to know what you're doing. They don't need to hear all it at all the time. I think the problem with letting him know you know what you want is that you know you gotta be careful. You can do it, but just don't crush the man. Don't crush you just you know, say you're telling him again because you know you really wanted to work out. Like you say, this is something you guys can work on. But just be mindful of his very fragile ego. You know men have fragile egos. He's only twenty five, you have eight years on him, So let him know how you feel nicely. Hopefully he'll get the message and shut up with all that hollering. Steve Na Shelley, that ain't it nice? Try to give a nice answer. Wholesome family entertainment. I got it for you, though, No, thready three year old woman just started dating a twenty five year old man eight years yeah, now already a man is not fully matured at twenty five. A woman is around thirty three. Women mature faster than me, So your eight years difference in dog years is about twenty years dog years. These are humans, are you? Way? Pass this board? Right here? You thirty three, twenty five? You putting something on him. He ain't all hey, and it is starting to show them and he can't help it. You say the age didn't didn't bother you, but now you didn't notice, you know, be a little bit experienced when it come to say, man, you know, he just don't know what you know? Now? Is he inexperienced or you something else? Question again, is he inexperienced? Or are you something else? Are you a low end? The whole all? Hell? Now, she don't sound reserved to me because first got together a lot of kissing, so I ain't quite noticed how much noise he was making it bad. I didn't notice that he was talking really dirty, and maybe he thinks that's what all women into. That he ain't been with that many women. Now I don't know what he was saying. We'll get to that in a minute. Oh lord, but now that we didn't done it a few times, we just started to get a little awkward embarrassing. Another night we tried doing it in a few positions, and he got loud of each time. He was mourning, Oh, oh, were switching positions? Oh, couldn't be another trick, tricking me again? Oh, now you want to put your knee on the nightstand while I got my leg on the hater He nah, crazy, man, I'm gonna do it now, he was mourning, and cousin then he started to screaming my name, I'm share Dollie hockeyst do it all this to me? Do me the fucus? Wow, not all I ain't got true? Right? Yeah, all right, Look, we'll let part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject he's a louder than I am. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. This subject he's louder than I am. Wow, ye old grown thirty, This grown woman right here met a little boy, well grown man, but he's twenty five. She ain't that putting something on it. He never had before. She ain't noticed how much noise he made his bed. He talking me or dirty too? It too. I think he was costing enough too. Yeah, but I don't want to do that because yeah, you can't do it the air. No. But then he started to scream in my name, I'm a repeat cutting name for you, just the way he said it. Ah, but shall do Okay, he just holled. You thought the neighbors was gonna think something was wrong. I should probably take it as a compliment. But this is too over the top of me, and I think might be faking it. Faking it. How you faking Holly? He hauled and cussing. I think he's exaggerating because he thinks that's what he's supposed to do. He got very in branst what. I called him out on it and said it's completely natural. I told him I don't like to be rude obnoxious to my neighbors, so we need to work on being less noisy. I noticed a strange requestion because usually it's the woman that's the most vocal doing intimacy, but this guy can't keep it down. I tried to play music, I lead a TV on the drawing out all the screams and cuts word, but ain't nothing work. He's a great guy, and this is something we can work on. I need some advice. Well, me and Shirley gonna re enact something on radio. You know it's gonna be red radio version now, So Shirley, what I want you to do? It's just not this is what we're doing. This is actually happening in real time. They're in bed and all she's trying to do is have a normal conversation. With him, but he ain't trying to have it just a normal conversation like I'm you know, just regular conversation about how to day winning anything like that. He turning it all around. Okay, yeah, hi, honey, Hi, Hell whoa girl? Hi? Way better than low. Come on over here, you I know, getting here where I'm him. We both handsome. Everything I got handsome. I got a hand and song for you. Come on over. He got about to get gnashed? Honey? How was your day? Did you have a good day? How to heir? You think my day was? I was thinking about tonight the whole damn day, babbing and touching and snatching and biting and chewing, rastling and ripping and snipping and sciding, baby lod. Really, let's all lights, all everything. I got everything overhill. Well you're hungry, honey. I was gonna hell yeah, like a snap. You fitting get like a pepper road a piece with intra meat over the girl. I was gonna just take dare you up? How steaking potatoes in a veggie that you are? You look like a steak air potato. Yeah, you look like a hungry man TV dinner. Come on me and cut that TV off? So come batter fact, cut that TV off. So the neighbor game hit me. He did a hungry man dinner. I didn't know what you wanted, my but did you just say, but that's exactly what I'm looking for, some mold. But what did you want for a dessert? Honey? With this, I got all the dessert I need. I won't so putting back. I won't so putting back that what I want? Did you want drink first? Or did you first? Nobody want nothing to drank? Girl, I finna drink your bad water? What I finna drank? Well, well, I am kind of tired. I did need like a foot rub or something, but I got tired to rub your foot. Yeah, put your foot in my mouth? What I want to do? Girl? Put your whole foot down in my nash, in myth while I'm cussing. I want your foot in my mouth wile I'm cussing on it, cussing on your toes. Well, honey, after dinner, did you want to watch a movie or something? Yeah, y'all, I want to watch a moving pawno. A matter of fact, let's make it our damn self nasty move. We don't call it two nasty people. Make it a movie after dinner, that's a lost. Everybody gonna work. I got a wold sune were after meet me seeing on the shower curtain. Well, you know this weekend is labor day, so um label you trying to have a baby? All? Are we gonna be doing it? That all? We're gonna have a baby by Friday. You were trying to get some of this hill. I wanted to know if you wanted to have people over or did you want to go to people? Are you here? Everybody can come over? Yo't shifted? Nat Neil Geraldine Neil, everybody? Yeah, we could, you know, like put some barbecue on the grill or something. Put some meat on the grill, real hot, real your he That's what I've been trying to write. Put a grill mark on it right now, look like a scratchlor went across it. Sprack, sprack. That's the problem. She's happy you got out of you old boy man. Everything you say to a twenty for his hormones is raging, and it's nothing you could do about it. I want to applaud myself for give it an edited nasty version with no cussing and very radio playable. They'll be running that back acrost to Thank you so much, puts your coming. Thank you Steve on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast one to Man Now coming up in forty six minutes after you know what time it is. Our girl from the Talk, Cheryl Underwood would be here. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour Carla's Reality Update. But right now, Steve, please introduce our girls. Gentlemen, put your hair together, give it all up that you got for Shrill Underwood. Thank you, Steve Harvey. Matter of fact, I'm so happy. I feel like singing. Love is in the air every time I look around. That's right, Junior. Today is your lucky day. You know why. I mean Miss and Nash got married. Okay, now check it out. Now wait a minute, see, I got my girls right here, I got Caller, got Shirley all right, Steve, get ready to bring out a Bible and Kater everything because me and Junior got to get married. It's Miss and Nash can get Mary. Look at here, look at him, boy, look ahead, Junior what would my last name be? Because I got a herb and change my last name so I can register the vote because we need vote Trump ass out office. All right, let's go Junior. Okay, Now, how many how many of y'all kidding people need to come to the wedding? What's that stand? How big is your backyard? What that's that's the wedding? Okay? Chicken sing? Okay? How many pop about chicken sandwich? We need for the reception because we can cut him in helm all right, now we need a band. Okay, that's good. Three sandwiches. That's for six people. Now need jan Brown. He needed to be an usher, a DJ and security at the same Who is you voting for? Stop all this sandwiches from winning? It ain't happening. Who you voting for? I'm riding with Biden man. We got things. Why Because Junior told me if you don't, we never gonna be together. I was like, all right, I was already voting for him, but that's sell the deal for me. Let's go for what we're about to be the guy. Look here, if niece and nath can find somebody that she loved and walked down out in a white dress happily. Then after that soul can I I will be wearing white. Everybody that I ever slept with, don't call in start talking about what we used to do. My life is different. Now I can wear a white. Damn it, don't you say nothing. I can wear a white. So, Junior, what is your favorite cake? What you want jumping from scratch because we gotta have wedding cake. Um, we need a band, can we get you know what? Roger Troutman Zap Zap is still a good bad old them boys is cold. Let me tell you something. The boys get on the bus. This is gonna be the best wedding were Now. Look, I'm thinking confunction because I need to hear straight from the heartwalk down the aisle. But maybe the old jas if I can get stairway to heaven and the old j we cry together, maybe I can get that. It'd be just like the hoodies, but it'd be our wedding j Now you can eat pork cake because we don't have swine because the markets I call it right now, if you believe that, me and Junior, if miss and asking get mad, me and Junior gonna get what what? Congratulations? Where can we say thank you, congratulations, thank you? Did he ask? We got all right now though, coming home our maids up, honor y'all maid of Anna and your security. Don't let no walk up on my man at my w Carlin's reality update coming up right after this. You're listening, all right, Junior, come on, introducer, let's go. All right, ladies and gentlemen, it is that time. It's time for our reality update with my girl caller for real. All right, thank you, uh junior nephew, this is your segment, and you know what next week, Steve, I want you to give us an update on ninety day fiance. People have been asking for you. You got fans out there, so we'll take care of them. So let's go Real Housewives up Potomac. All right. So Ashley was getting ready to go to Monique's house. Monique invited the ladies. You know how it goes, Steve on the trip. But it was to the lake house and her husband, Ashley's husband, Michael, was like, you're taking the baby, right because Ashley just gave birth to their son and they have a lid beattie baby, and uh, Ashley was like, yeah, I'm gonna take the baby but he was like babies that at his age they meet their mom. So you're taking your baby and taking our babies. So I didn't like the way he said it nerves with that, So anyway, boom, there you go. So the ladies they start arriving to the lake House and getting settled in and Monique okay, so she's an animal lover. So she has this pet bird, Oh my goodness, and she caused the bird to challa yes, just like give get the character from No. Yes, yes that's the name of the bird. Yes, Junior. Anyway, the ladies don't understand what's up with Monique and taking this bird everywhere. The bird is getting on their nerves. So they're at the lake house, they're getting settled in. There's a new housewife. Her name is Wendy, and so Wendy arrived. She's upset that Ashley brought her baby on the girl's trip to the lake House because Wendy just had a baby girl too, so she was going in on that, Well why did you bring your baby? I could have bought my baby. It was all of this, and the ladies on the show was like, look, Wendy, this is your third child. This is her first child. She's a new mom. Let I have that, Let I have that moment. Anyway, she was going in. Wendy was saying she wants to get to know the ladies on a deeper level. And when she said deeper level, this bird took off and attacked hers. I don't know if it was oh, okay, just bird when I'm talking about attacked her. It was hilarious. It was when she said the word, I want to get to know y'all on a deeper level, the bird said chie right, yes, yes, yes, yes, So it was really really hilarious. Come up in my master's house. Starts healthy exactly exactly, So we will see what happens on the trip. They had a dinner. You know it was drama. So I will keep you posting and let you know what will happen next week with the Lake House. The reality competition show Dancing with the Stars is set new hosts, new EP executive producer Tyra Banks. Yes, so shout out to the sister Tyra Banks doing it. Yeah. And the celebrities for Dancing with the Stars Junior season twenty nine are Nellie Yep, Carol Baskin YEP, Tiger King YEP show. If I'm her partner, I'm not being here. I ain't got no money on Nellie d was on there. I know how to be shamed YEPS and Nellie's on there. The Catfish host you know, you know the guy that hosts YEP, Nev Shulman. He's on the show Your Boys. Steve NBA star Charles Oakley is on Dance from Cleveland. It ain't gonna be good. Oak's nickname is Big Country. We grew up together in Cleveland. This ain't who you want. He's gonna knock your ass out. Oh good, Well, no audience on Dancing with the Stars. So we'll see it with Tymer Banks. Hit me up at Lips by Carlo. We'll talk more about reality. Update on the Gram on Twitter. What you guys, Shirley Girl. All right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending stories twenty minutes after. We'll be back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. What's going on in COVID nineteen trending medical news. Well, doctor Fauci said, be a part of the solution and not the problem. This Labor Day weekend, this would set the tone for the outbreak for the fall. Don't forget the fall is coming. It also appears that new cases and positivity rates are now surging in the Midwest, like Iowa. Also, the CDC is telling states to prepare for a Corona virus vaccine distribution as soon as late October or early November. I even heard on election day they wanted out okay, yeah, yeah, every giving you everything to do but vote. The CDC, it seems like they are being pushed to change things, change their recommendations, move up deadlines. I don't know a yeah, that guy uh huh, that he had picked and put in charge of the CDC. That's what I think, if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, even the Coronavirus Task Force, I mean, you don't hear hardly anything from them anymore. They used to update us every single day, you know, but now you hardly hear anything. And it seems like there's a problem with doctor Fauci. Five thousand people or have died from this disease. How do you feel like you shouldn't be updating? Right? And over six million people have it? All Right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and more trending stories at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show Time Now for ask the CLLO. All you have to do is go to Steve Harvey FM to submit your questions for the Chief Love Officer. Are you ready, sir? Ready? All right? Calvin and Seattle said, I'm a forty seven year old married man and I have a blended family with my wife. She's Caucasian and I'm African Americans. My children are both in college, but her two teenagers live with us. We've never had the same parenting style, so I just bite my tongue and overlook a lot because I know both her children live with them. My children are both in college, but her two teenagers live with them. Okay, okay, we've never had the same parenting style, so I just bite my tongue and overlook a lot because I know the children will be out of the house soon. But over the past three weeks, her sixteen year old daughter's boyfriend has been spending the night at our house. If they fall asleep watching the movies, they sleep together on our sofa. I don't like it one bit, but my wife says it's innocent and she did it when she was a teenager. Should I let it go or put my foot down? No walker in the wake kis as something. Say hey, loo, man, it's time for you to move on. Yeah, I don't care what the wife said. It might be innocent. Get your innocent as something. Go home, different parentings. This ain't about parenting. This boy ain't changed your child. Wake up, my man, Wake up. You got to go home. Talk about that. You can't spend the night in my house. You're not married. I don't care about this. Bye where your parents at? Because I'm not sleeping with this boy in my house. I don't know him all right, So the dad should go wake him up. I don't care who. You're not falling asleep over here, partner, Let's go. Let's move home, because it's okay with the mom, so the monitor. I was in college and used to fall asleep over my girlfriend's house. Dog. I had to go home. I had to go home. Yeah yeah, and we was dating heavy in college, but we was both in Cleveland. I couldn't spend night in her house. You got to go, my man. Whatever y'all doing in college, that's on y'all. But when you come here you gotta respect my house. That's okay, all right? Moving on Cello Sue and Columbus. Georgia says, I've been married for almost forty years, and I think my husband is cheating. We're both retired, but he's been helping out his friend that owns a hardware story since then. I've noticed a big change in him. He is very conscious about what he wears out of the house now, and he doubtses his clothes in this new cologne he got. I usually give him cologne for Christmas, and he's been wearing the same one for years. He told me his buddy at the job gave it to him. I didn't press the press the issue, but I am worried that there's another woman in the picture. Do you think he's cheating? Well, first of all, let's start with this cologne. You get him married Christmas? He don't. Won't it no more? You won't try somebody answers. People get sick of group coming up into our last break of the day, last break of the day, and coming up in forty nine minutes after some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to all right, two months exactly sixty days left until November third. Go to vote dot org to get registered. Takes about two minutes or so. Plus you can get your information at early voting in your state. Just what you need to do, what you need to bring, all of that, if anything, Just be prepared. We want you to be prepared so you can vote and vote early. All right. That is vote dot org, Vote dot org. That's where you need to go. That's what you need to know. M Yeah, I'm getting excited about voting too. You know, let's go ahead and do it and let the chips fall where they may. Well. I think your parents should all be excited about voting. I think this is the election where we could really really prove a point. This is the election where we can make ourselves known as a powerhouse voting block. This is the election where we can take credit for his direction. Let me give you an example. Joe Biden was not doing well in the primaries until congressmen, senator, until he got in there and got everybody out to the polls in South Carolina. It resurrected Joe Biden's campaign and it's been that way every since. Everybody is trying to win the black vote. Look at Donald Trump's Republican National Convention that was televised. Have you ever seen that many black people around Donald Trump anywhere? No? Ever, the five of people that they sworn in as United States citizens, he don't even like Africa or Haiti swam them in welcoming them to the country. He doesn't already said how he felt about them two countries. Man, This dude was so obviously trying to attract the black vote. We have got to understand that our vote is attractive to everybody, So we should start wielding that vote like it is the power block that it is. We can control what happens in November. If we show up at the polls, we get to say what we won't tolerate anymore. If you don't like the divisiveness in this country, you can vote to do something about it. If you are sick of our president not ever mentioning black lives matter, only blue lives matter. That's sad statement to man, because you know, listen, I'm okay with that. Being a lot of great policemen and women out there, I get it, and it is. It's a lot of bad ones. It's not a few it's a lot of bad ones. It's not only the ones that pull the trips or choke the people out or sit on their necks. It's the ones that's right there with them and let it go down and then collaborate when it's time to fill out the police report, to come up with some other type of incriminating evidence to make it sound like this person's Do you know that they have Jacob Blake who is paralyzed from these seven shots in the back. Do you know that they have him a handcuffed to a bed because it is to insinuate that he has broken a law and he is a criminal. So as they put their story together in Connosha, Wisconsin, that's why he's handcuffed to the bed. That don't make no sense, man, that's inhumane treatment. The man is paralyzed by no action of his own, and we got a president that won't admit to that that. We have a president that condoned this seventeen year old boy taking a rifle and killing two people because he said, you know, it's being said, he could have feared for his life. There's a lot to be learned there. No, man, he took a rifle and he killed two people. It's nothing else to learn. Do you know the Attorney general in the state of Kentucky who will not prosecute or bring charges against the police officers that killed Brianna Taylor? Do you know that he spoke at the Republican National Convention. Do you know that he's a thirty three year old black dude and he keeps saying everything he can to talk about where still under the investigation. What you went into a woman's house with a no knock ward looking for a person who was already incarcentrating, You open fire and you kill this girl. All you have to do is take all the firearms from all the police officers that check their guns out that night, shoot their guns into a barrel, take all of the shells in the walls and in the body, all of the bullets, and comparing to the score marks that's on the barrel at all the guns, and you know exactly who shot the woman, and you know who exactly who shot into the wall. It's that's basic, man. But this black dude who was sitting up their praising Trump won't do it. And he's black and he's thirty three. He is just a much a part of systemic racism in this country than former slave owners. I'm sorry, man, we got a lot of stake this election right here. We got a lot of reasons to vote. I'm gonna keep trying to find new ways to employ and empower everybody to vote. But we got to vote. I'm calling my sisters, man, I'm gonna make sure to mine that my two sisters and brothers got they because they're old. Now, I'm gonna make sure they got their ballots in and they get their vote in. Make sure that the people in your family is voting. Y'all got good sense, man, don't let this go down. It's easy. Go to vote dot org. Vote dot org and you can get everybody registered in a couple of minutes. Man. You can get your ballots into your house, you can mail your vote in, you can go down and early vote to beat the crowds. But if you end up waiting until November four, we're going to them damn poles anyway. Cannot let this man have four more years of destroying this country that we built. And we're gonna make this constitution be ours if it's the last thing we do, like it or not. For all. Steve Harvey Contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.