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I'm looking back the back dog giving a mom just like theming buck things and it's Touble's not do me true good to tea the hardy guy to me together for sto bar quick hobby joy. Yeah, well by joining me, Honey said, you gotta turning in a mom door. Yeah you do very run y'all. You turn to turn them out, turn my love, You got to turn out to turn the mony. Comey, come on your things, dat uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You'll listening to the voice. Come on dig one and only Steve Harton got a radio show. Here we're going today. I think I have something for a lot of people today, at least I hope I do. And this is about on your journey, And this is about something that happens to us all. I mean, what happens to all of us from time to time when we get discouraged. What happens to all of us when we feel like quitting, What happens to all of us when we have that turn back moment. What happens to all of us when it don't seem like it's gonna paying out. Because I want you to understand something that everyone, every single living soul has those thoughts about something at some point in their life. I mean, you know, look, I've oftentimes been discouraged about things not happening as fast as I like them. All things don't paying out the way I would like for them to have payed out. I mean, there's so many ways to get discouraged. But what But what my encouragement to you is when discouragement comes is understand this. It is a part of the growth process. It is a test. It is a test of your faith. How bad you wanted do you really believe? That's That's all faith is. It's simply, and I've said this how many times. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. So when discouragement comes, setbacks comes, it is a test of your faith. At least it's been that way for me. Now other people can explain it another way. I'm not other people. I can only give it to you the way it's come to me and throughout my life and man on man on man. Discouragement sometimes it's tough to deal with because it seems at times when you are discouraged that is so absolute that this means the end. And if you allow it to set in, it can be just that the end of you. When Milly Milly, it was a test, that's all it is. But the majority of people that I know who are not successful or who have told me the story of how they gave up, it was it was because at a moment of discouragement that they allowed it to set in, and it became so engulfing that it became the reason why you shouldn't finish. And then they started justifying it with here the one that I hate to hear. Well, if if it's God's will, excuse me, if it's God's will that you fail. If it's God's will that you're not successful, If it's God's will that you lay down and give up, it's God's will that you allow yourself to amount to, not to not reach your potential. That's God's will. That's not the God I know. That's not the God I served, That's not the God I've read about. That's not the God I believe in. I'm sorry, I just my mother always taught me something that he didn't bring me this far to leave me. I just don't believe that. Not for a second now have I convinced myself or some things yell, Have I allowed the devil to come into the picture and paint a different one from me? Yelled? Yep, I've done all of that, But you can't blame that on God. Now, come on, So when when discouragement comes, try to look at it if you can, as a test of your faith, and you merely have to pass the test. It could be for a day, a half a day, a few hours, a week, a few weeks, it don't matter. Don't nobody know how long the test period is. Your job is to keep the faith and keep moving. Keep the faith and keep moving, keep working, keep believing, keep hope alive. That's your job. If you do that, that's how you pass the test. It could be over tomorrow, it could be over in two weeks, it could be over in a month. You don't know. But all you got to do is wake up and keep the faith and fight the discouraging feelings. And how do you do that? Steve? Now here we go. This is the part I know about for show because how many times I've had to fight off discouragement in order to get to where God wanted me to be. What do you do when you become discouraged? Well, here's a series of things. I do. I think of the outcome. When I get discouraged about a task, I think about the outcome. Man, what would it be like if I were to complete the task? What would it be like? Man? What would the outcome be for me? If I hung on in there? If I didn't give up, if I if I, if I imagine, I imagine if I don't quit, I imagine if I don't give up. What would it be like? Man, Suppose everything I'm hoping for comes true. But if I don't quit and give up, that might just be the case. I start talking to myself like that, I think of what the upside is? What's the upside to stay in with it? You see, all this is the same thing. I'm just giving you different ways to look at it. I'm saying the exact same thing over and over. But I'm just trying to find the switch that connects in your mind where you can say, Okay, man, I'm gonna hang in there. Because if you think of the outcome, and the outcome is appealing to you, if you imagine what it would be like if you don't give up, or you don't quit, if you if you think only of what the upside is to stay in with it, and then I I go, where can this lead to? If I stay with it? Man, and the outcome comes true? What else could that lead me to? Because I mean, there's always more to it, So what where else could this lead me to? What are the possibilities? Man? What are the limitless possibilities? What could God possibly have in store for me? If I just hang in there, if I has this test of faith, if I just passed this test, now, it ain't gonna be the only one. But you gotta get past this one. No, then you're gonna hear the smooth plane. Then it's gonna be another one. It's gonna be another one. Life ain't nothing but a series of tests, man, But you gain experience and knowledge as you go through life, and it helps you with the next test. You get better at testing, You get better at testing. What's your true destiny? Think about that when you think about giving up? What is your true destiny? Don't you want to see what that is? Don't you want to see what God really got for you? What does God really have in store for you? If you just passed the test, if you just hanging that, man, and don't let the devil fool you. And don't let that other force make you think that it's over, that your time has come. That is not his will. God deal in negativity. Man, See Bishop Omer taught me something. The way you know that something has God's voice in it, It has no sin in it. Quitting, giving up, laying down, falling out for the count, letting go, losing your faith, that ain't got nothing do with God. Man, when you're thinking about giving up, when you discourage, think of the outcome. Imagine what it would be like if you don't quit, if you don't give up. What's the upside to stay in with it? Where can this all lead to? What? What can this get you too? If if you do this and you get to where you think you want to be, Oh my God, what's after that? What are the limitless and endless possibilities of holding onto your faith? What could really be out there for me? Man? If I just passed this test? You gotta talk yourself in the hanging in there. And sometimes it ain't nobody talking to you about hanging in there but you. But that's good enough because God has a blessing for you. God's got a blessing with your name on it. God has packages bundled up with your name on it. He got blessings just in boxes with your name on it. Man, I want all of mine shipped. I'll be on Faith Street waiting there to receive. I just I'm just believing he's shipping stuff. But if you keep moving from the address of Faith, if you keep getting off Faith Street where you want the packages to go, they got your name on it and it's based on your faith. But if you keep moving on Doubt Avenue and ain't no way Boulevard and the patage get delivered only the Faith Street what you keep moving on Faith Street for? Come on, man, you can't give up. You can't give us. You're listening Morning Show eighteen minutes after the hour. Welcome to the ride. It is just Steve Harby Morning Show, and it is the voice of the nephew holding it down. My uncle will be as shortly working on some coffee or some tea or something of that nature. But he'll be here momentarily. Oh just love as not good. Yeah, I must say, I must say to my counterparts, happen Just happy Monday to your Tuesday on what's happening? Everybody? Good morning? What's happening? What's up? Good morning, great man, it's going down every weekend of my life on the road again next weekend, Dallas. Go ahead, do your thing? Yes, two folk, six eight? Well guests who decided to come home? My husband. I want to discuss this in the air. How hard do we kick it in the wallets? Cross? It's still going on? Yeah? Kiss? He stuck his key in the door. I said, well, looky, look, you're lucky to still work. Yeah. You hadn't changed the locks. Girl, Hey baby, hey baby, Well now you know what you gotta do next year for a super Bowl. He deserved that. My husband works really hard, got tripped at the time. My cousins and stuff. Good coolness, coolness? Do you had to bless? Yeah? Man, yeah, thank you. If we want to thank all y'all for coming out a lot of love and that boy shut the show down. Oh my gosh, let me tell that y'all got a really big show here. You know we're not appreciating. Yeah, we're sitting them on greatness. We're looking at you differently. I didn't do much. I didn't do too much. Just um just chilled, yeah, just kind of chilled, hung out with some friends, you know, dinner, stuff like that. But I didn't do too much. I just wanted to relax because we've been going pretty hard lately, and I just wanted to chill, you know. And that's what I did. And I'm happy. I'll tell you happy. What my kids have? I hid my chains. Yeah, my kids right there, they're trying to figure out why. They telling you you embarrass your children no matter, no matter what you do, just being Remember the chill leading moment I told you all about. You can tell us again. Oh man, something. I take my little girl to this Chilean event, and you know, I'm thinking, all right, let me let me go get a bottle of water from the concession stand. My little girl out there in the heat, and so I come stand over by the fence, you know, which is close with the cheerleaders are at. But most of the parents are up in the stands and my little girl. You want to talk about the father guy, his feelings hurt. My little girl walks over to me. What are you doing here? I said, I said exactly, And I say, I'm i'm I brought you some water because in case you needed some. Um. You need to be in the stands where the other parents are beat it and you want to you want to talk about a long walk to the stands feelings. And then I got and then I got to the stands and this guy he sitting up there had up beings down there. Huh not. Yeah, you might want to sit right here until your call for It's like right now at this stage, no matter what you do, it's an embarrassment to them. Don't do anything out of line. And here you don't know this, junior, because you don't have children. But when they get a certain age, just you know, fade in the background or something, because they you will get your feelings hurt and they will embarrass you. And you're gonna you're gonna do something. Yes, you're gonna do something that's gonna that's like just totally out of line. Yeah, and they're gonna be looking at you like, Oh, as soon as these people leave, I'm going to tell you about yourself. And don't dance, don't try to be hip, don't try to use lang. Oh, don't try to drop and do the kawn, none of that, because I try to do all you no matter what you do, you will My little girl smart too, she know where the money coming from. She's like, what are you doing playing on a hufferboard? You're too old for this, and we're gonna be six months trying to get you back together. Not six months could take those old bones to hell. She's done the research. Let me tell you all this though, junior. It's not just the embarrassment. It's helping with homework. So, yeah, am I smarter than a third grader? Apparently not? Because I tried to help my daughter with her whole work. So she had like a test, right, So I picked her up from school. I said, uh so, how did you do in your tests? Well, Mom, since you didn't know three of those answers, I did, okay. But but this is the kicker. But it's okay because you just didn't know you my mom? Back on me. Let me my minute. Let let me see how y'all handle him. Go ahead, ten minutes after the hour, like twenty four. I've been trying to say the time, like you've been here, welcome sir. Turn him up in my headsets jay z H brain the beat in two three, Hey, the show must go on talking about key It's must go on, good morning, sir, Yes, yes, it goes and he got some keys. Yeah, yeah, what's happening? I don't even know? Are you still in bed? I wish I was. That's the problem. I woke up this morning. All I did was sit up in the bed and starts screaming you what do you mean screaming? Did you have a nightmare? But I realized, what that's the clock? Scream You ain't no way. But remember when we used to have those dreams all the time. Do you guys still have those dreams? I have them every now and again, those dreams where you sleep, you oversleep, you wake up, it's like nighttime and stuff all over again. You've totally completely missed the show. Oh no, I did it in New York. But I actually went downstairs dressed in the doorman said, Mr Miles, you're going out tonight. I said, no, what time is it? Man? He said, it's it's seven in the evening. Let's don't don't. That's a scary, stressful feeling right now this morning, and new right away? What was wrong? All right, we're gonna find out about Steve's morning, and Steve something funny when we come back at thirty four after the hour. You're listening, all right, it's Jr. Coming up. We have some little known Black history facts. We'll get to that right after this. Steve gave you a break. Huh is it tomorrow? It's right now? Where? All right? It's that time, Steve. Ladies and gentlemen, here we all addition Lou for Lou for known Black history more. We've changed it because I am now Rayles now Rafles Jackson, the first public commentator to be given the microphone again in my career, back right fal slavery, right ful slavery, and that I don't like to discuss my age because of those people offer. They don't focus on the lesson. Well, the bald head certainly makes you look younger like they used to do. Black your eyes make you look good, Thank you, and I got them at you. Thank you. So here we are first in egral day, Oh Black History moth, and I'm here to introduce little known Black hiftory moments. Turned it up. It's easy to tear up the language. When they took yours, I never told mine, but they had taken mind due to slavery and separated me from several of the people that I had come over here with. Can you read? Yes, I can't who you're gonna get in trouble. Yes, I can't. It just got deep in. Yeah. I learned to read because I was the one that drove the little white boy to school every day, and I took his book and said, shut your punk a. Can we hear a factor a little? Now here's a fact, ladies and gentlemen. Jor yeah, thank you. Let me explain how you became known as junior one minute. Well, I don't have time to explain it. Then here he goes J. Well, thank you. Um, listen to me. LC Collins back in eight was a swindler who he had to be a swell of defeat his family. Well, ELC got some chicken his own credit. Okay, now he didn't have the money. Now when the bill came, the people came and said we're looking for c. Al College, which was L. C Son who was ten years old after playing with the chickens, and he said, what do you want with me for? He said, we come to collect the money for the chickens, which we have found out now that C. L. College was the first child to have a bill in his name. He was the first one that was all some chickens. It wasn't before, but the people had wanted their money, and that started a long history what we now know of children who had bills in the college. Did he make you for Jackson on the top top of photos in the country that did listen, that had been another know little black history for moments that we will be contingent to. Marvel contention would be contingent to more open tomorrow. Listen, have yourself a wonderful day, and don't forget. Picking ain't easy, but somebody got it. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, Mr. And we'll be here with our natural news and our headlines. And then right after this it's run that prank back from the nephew. What you got the vacation. The vacation sound good. It really does have some sense. You will think hold tight though the vacation. Just hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Mr. And Mrs. Yeah. This is Trent, Trent, how are you. This is James with Hospitality from the uh Palms Resort. I'm doing good, abou stel, I'm good, I'm good. Listen, Um, what we're doing. We're doing a follow up on people who have visited our resort and we wanted to, uh make sure you guys had a great time last weekend. Uh, what's the what's the name of the hotel again? Palms Palms Resort as long as resort. No, man, wein't even no ton. Okay, probably got a number. No, we we have a is your is your wife? Valerie? Uh? Yeah, I know where she was at work all last week and I was out on business, so you probably got drown another man. Sorry, all right, Valerie, and not drive. Is that your address? Yeah, yeah, that's okay, we have it that Mr and Mrs. Last Friday through Sunday, we're here at the Palms Resort and definitely had a had a great time. We'll finally want to see if if you guys enjoyedia stay. I want you gotta to Mr and Mrs came and stayed. You guys had the SPA treatment for two. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on for us that let me let me let me get a list of everything we did that night that weekend. I want to list everything we did. Go ahead, okay, you guys had the SPA treatment for two where we also had a bottle of wine for you all do you remember that? I treatment okay, okay, alright, Saturday, you guys had the breakfast in bed. We wanted to see how that went. Okay, all right, okay. And right after the carriage ride, you guys had dinner about the pool side on Friday night. Okay, yeah, yeah, we had about okay, okay, who's alright? Alright? You know, how did you enjoy the How did you enjoy the golf lessons for two? Was that good golf? I don't listen. I don't even play no golf, but okay, we played golf here. Yeah, we have fun. That was nice, go ahead, golf less Nights two. And we also had let's see that you guys. We have pictures for you guys that we wanted to mel out that your hot tup picture. Everybody has a nice hot tup picture. Pictures of of me and my wife at the pool at the in the hot hot tub on late Saturday night after dinner. You remember that? Okay? Yeah, you got my actress. I want you to send them pictures to this actress so I can see you on the l on them. Titch um. I'm sorry if it wasn't me and it was her, I want to see you in the hel she was weird. Send me them pictures that let's try. Wait wait a minute, wait a minute, now am I speaking to Mr? Yeah, yeah, this is true and this is me. Okay, by treatment for two? Then about the pool sad? Hey man, what's your name? Sir? This? This doesn't seem to be going well. I'm I'm I'm real hesitant if I have the right person or not. I do apologize for the call. No no, no, no, no, okay, you just you just gave me this and everything me and my wife did, and you just gave me the name of the hotel. Song what what is your name? Nor it's palms, Palms. Okay, okay, now what is your name? So I'm not at liberty to give give my name At this point, I'm not certain if I'm talking to the actual right person. Listen, you was that living and tell me everything we did this fast weekend, so you are living it out? To tell me your name. I won't your name. Give me your name. I'm not gonna go. I'm not gonna do this, sir. All right, evidently I've made a mistake on the actual call. I do apologize. I am with hospitality, with Palms Resort. I I just called to actually recap and make sure everyone had a great time. Okay, So mr Hospitality, and let me tell you something. You ain't doing really good hospitality and work. Right now, I'm gonna need your name so I can verify who you is. When I took Frond my wife with these uh with this spot treatment and pools and golfriends. Yeah, so you just had a good tied in. So that's what you're telling me. Everdently, it was a good time. We do have you guys signed up for a lot of part of July to come back again. Hold on, hold on one more Manjula, I'm not here busting up, and she is out here, and join uself with carriage rides and the pool ride and the and the champagne bay, the bay, the jacuzza. Hold on, woman, and and and and and and the spot treatment set. Okay, don't forget about the spy treatment and the pictures. Tell me your name, man, tell me your name. What is your name? I'm not at liberty to give my name. The only thing is I'm supposed to call them represent hospitality. Okay, you was that living in to tell me all that we just did five treatment the pool side cousa, the pictures. I'm sure you know by now I'm not the myster you talking about. I'm starting to gather that, sir, Yeah, gather that. And when you gather that, gather your name and tell me your name, because sir, what what does my name have to do with what's going on? What I mean, I did your name? You was telling me all this that we did. I want to know who verified all this that went on? What's your name? Sir? I don't want to get in the middle of a domestic You already in and you in the midst you in the middle, you're on the side, you are all in between this. We're gonna get it straight. What's your name? Uh, sir? Is miss Valerie there right now? No, Miss Valerie ain't hit Vatherie at church right now. But I'll tell you this. I hope she and there. I hope she praying. I hope she paying her ties. I hope she ended up praying for the both of us. So when she gets home, the Lord's gonna be necessary and here tonight. But that what show name? Don't worry about Vaalie at telling me all this? What is your name. We're gonna get to the bottom in sun. I don't really want to. I don't want to get involved in the middle of this. Listen to him. I'm tired of going back with all this back and forth of what meeting did this weekend? Tell me your name? What is your name? Okay? I will tell you my name if you quit screaming at me. Okay, go ahead, name, tell your name. Hey man, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey mort this's your your wife, Valerie got me to break phone call you. I be well that time? And what you play too? Who was saying up in here with vat mcgawn you hear me? Well you get somebody? All right, man, I gotta ask you one more thing. Man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the Latin Steve Harvest Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, she is here, Please introduced, ladies and gentlemen, the nobody Miss Ain Trill. Yes, thank you. Good morning, everybody to work Shirley College. Tommy Junior, Good morning everybody out there. This is a trip with the news, well, protests and cities all over the country yesterday held Not My President's Day rallies, chanting things like no band, no wall, the Trump regime has to fall. President's Day marches began at noon and several municipals yet they were signs and everything. In New York City, marches made their way to Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue, and there were similar rallies in the Chicago, Washington, d C, Dallas, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and several other cities yesterday for President's Day. The Congressional Black Hawkers, speaking of presidents, says it will meet with President Trump after all that. According to the CBC's Congression Congressman Elijah Cumming, congres Black Hawkers wrote him on January the nineteen, He never answered the letter until a day or so ago. But they have laid out an agenda where they'll be meeting with him and trying to resolve some some urban issues and issues throughout the count it. I got kids have got to have schooling, I've got people who need medical care, and I've got to work with him. One of the things that I can like, where our values clash, we'll have to go tote top period. Ralan Democrat, was on the CBC's CBSS face the nation and says he thinks the meeting will take place when the Congress returns from its recess. Will she'll be next week? A thoughts in Chicago have charged a twenty six year old suspect with the murders of a man and his two year old nephew after their deaths were inadvertently broadcast on Facebook Live and new folks know about this. Devon Swan accused of shooting Lazack Collins and little Lavante White in the head as they drove by him. According to the Chicago Tribune, Cops say that the uncle was a gang member and was targeted intentionally. Lazareck Collins's girlfriend is four months pregnant. She was in the car. She was wounded, but as listed in fair condition, and her unborn child also survived. Meanwhile, other arrests are expected in this awful case. Good news for Jacksonville, Florida mother named Marissa Alexander. She's now free. Miss Alexander. You may remember she spent almost a half a dozen years either locked up or confined in her house because she she was a convictive aggravated assault for firing a warning shot at her husband, who she says was abusing her and threatening her. Remember that the bullet didn't hit him or anything, and hit a wall. Meanwhile, she had to go to prison. MS Alexander now plans to take up the fight for domestic abuse victims and push for a change and what advocates say has been the uneven application of Florida's stand your ground law. And she didn't hit anybody, and she said she was standing her ground. Oh. Finally, the most trending item on it really is horrible. Finally, the most trending item on Twitter after the NBA All Star Game this weekend was something that the Cavaliers Kyrie Irving said during a podcast. He said that he thought the world was flat. So a reporter asked him about it. He seemed to stand by the statement. Research man, and uh, you know, hopefully though either backed my belief or kind of throw it in the water. Um, I think, but I think it's interesting to you will find on the planet the right like it's a circle. So I've seen a lot of things that have been that my educationals sistance, he said that was real, I turned out to be completely things. Yeah, Now, after repeating repeatedly asked about it. That's great because people kept saying, come on, I know you're kidding. You gotta be kidding. He still sounded like he well, he might have been stirring of conversation, but I can't you decide the fact that a social phenomenon how every thinks the world is flast hilarious. I mean don't really. It doesn't really have a you know, a relealence over my life. And you know, I just feel like that the fact that it's even a conversation it is hilarious. Like there's some we gots like relevant relevant questions what's going on in the world, like what's really going but what I really believe or you know, who I really am, that that'd be nice. But the fact that that's what everyone got out of the podcast, that's you know, that's hilarious to me. Yeah, it was hilarious to other people. Really, I mean it makes no sense. I mean, what asking what's going on? They asked it. You know, haven't you ever seen a picture of the next stuff for mats? And why hasn't he fallen off? I know exactly what he said. We need to check our facts and whatever now, But you know what that's just the world we live in today. A podcast, the snap chat, the blogs, we actually care about stuff that's on that. If you're sitting up here, we for us to even be talking about it. Yeah, that's pretty stupid, though, from the expert, I'm sorry missaying, hold on, what did you just say? Tommy? That was pretty stupid right there now, he made a hell of a stupid statement. That was pretty stupid. Wow, when you didn't out done me own stupid, you feel smart? You feel smart now, genius, genius. Wow, you're shaking your hands. Said that was pretty stupid. Yeah, yeah, if I must say so muchself. What time is it? Let me see, it's seven o nine Eastern time on on Monday Tuesday. That's two oh, that's right, one, seven on nine on the one Tuesday. Tommy said that the Kyrie Urban statement on podcast was pretty stupid. I won't make note of that, folks, why because that's pretty profound. Were one of the stupidest people I know? Without questions? Yeah, you ain't never hear me saying nothing. That's stupid though. That was pretty stupid. You guys, No, no, oh, you've topped it. Just yours coll me such regularity mine is what the hell is Kyrie talking about? Yours is Tommy? What one more time, Steven, so we could be clear, uh seven o nine on this Tuesday, on the twenty, tom It made a statement. It's something that's really stupid, judge. You know the fact that he has judged it solidified how stupid it is. Yeah, but you know what on the real for us to even, like you say, to even be talking about it, we got we got major stuff going on, man, major stuff going on. Yeah, we got a president. Ain't got a clue. We got a lot to be worried about. Well, he's definitely non presidential man, he's a business guy. But this is who they voted for. And we can kill the surprise because he did. He ain't doing nothing. He say, what's gonna do? Man? We sent a bit just as surprise, like a black carcus said, you know, we gotta get some help over here and here. And then after that the stuff that they have different value of conflicts on. He gonna they're gonna go toe to toe about to but they're going need to talk about what they can get out to deal who the most eagnorant here my, Kyrie? You well and Kyrie from Cleveland, What is wrong with you? Cleveland Kyrie playing Cleve Butterfly standing by? Thank you to say, waiting in the wings with the Butterfly Blog. We'll be back at eighteen after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, the butterfly waiting in the wings. He's standing by with his Butterfly blog. Um went to the All Star Game. I don't know what he's gonna talk about today. I can't even get you the lue. What with Junior and Tommy on Star? Oh yeah he did that? Oh my god. Good morning everyone, Steven, Tommy, Charlotte, Carlo, jul You, good morning, good morning, and good morning to my public. Good morning to all of you. Are well, good morn. Butterfly. Hey, hey, how what's happening? Good morning Carlin? Other boys not speaking? Stephen Junior, Junior don't have his head? Tommy, what's happening? I said, what's up? Good? Are you? And Tommy? Okay? We heard you show this weekend. We're good, We're good. I did a dig on thing in Portsmouth, SAI. Thank you everyone in Portsmouth, Virginia for coming out and I know you enjoyed me. Thoroughly. I know you did, and I enjoyed you all as well. It's such a pleasure. And the boys did good too. They was killed anyway, Um, you prove lady and they did good and Junior closed the show. So Junior you did the dig and thinking at the end you did very very good funny it's that Junior, Steve. I'm just trying to don't keep the show moving. So here's the log. The blog is the Oscars. And you know I'm really getting back into, you know, making clouds. So Stephen, I'm gonna need some connections with you. First of all, I want to go to the Oscar, so I need you to make that phone call. Secondly, the Sunday, m M, he can make a call. Today I'll be I'll be prying around anybody listening stuff. Secondly, here's what I want. Yes, I don't want to stand in the bay. Um. I would like for you to help me with UM like ms Um Miss Viola Davis. I would like to make her outfit for the Oscars. Go to the top, baby, okay. And then of course I want to make yes they are I want to make Ms Viola Davis is I want to make um Octavia Spencer. I want to make their dresses um and then I want to make I want to make Denzel's taxed though, because you know he's nominated for Best Actor, so I want him to be on stage receiving his award in my sial. So he'll say, he'll say, really asking what he's wearing. He's wearing Eugene Ferguson on the red carpet carpet and he said, what are you wearing today? Didn't say all and he gonna. You know, he's gonna do that little smile. I'm wearing. I don't wearing. I'm gaing. I'm gonna give it. It's gonna be great. So Stephen, those are the three phone calls I need. Just give me the number on your phone by all evens Octavia Spencer and of course Denzet watching it. I know you got Denzet watching the numb because you're all friends. But they won't they don't know you, Butterfly. I mean, if you call them just they wan't to answer your call. Problems and it's Tuesday when you don't get started. Charlie Carler, what do you think about Miss Octavia Spencer in Very Nice? Do you see miss Octavia Spencer is nice peacock feathers Sunday, this Sunday, this Tuesday. That's gonna be ready. But I know how so Fa, I have someone machine, Stephen, I know what I'm doing. Did you got Steve violent Davis in that beautiful yellow gown she had? Yes? And when she gets this Eugene Ferguson, and it's gonna even be even better. You just you don't understand. I'm thinking about putting her in red. It's gonna be great. And then i'd Tavia Spencer, I'm gonna put her in a nice turquoise blue with peacock fellas are feathers around the neck. It's gonna be good. She just itching. Yeah, it's just blowing. Anybody for the way that getting the feathers out of her mouth. You gonna call Dnsay Washington and you're gonna coll him to day and tell him he went to Eugene Ferguson. T saw that's what you're wanting out his mouth? Who the hell is Eugene fergus And you gonna tell him he's one of your cow house that shot got that Steve so design. It's called Eugene Ferguson y yea yeah, So it's Ferguson Comma Eugene without the eat. Oh, it's justesting you, yeah and then Gene. So what it comes out to is, if you put it on, it's called f you fashion, You messing up. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Uh, Soldier Boy Chris Brown at it again. They can't seem to get it together. So we'll talk about that. All right, take so long? Why get this old? Soldier BOYE says Chris is scared to fight him? Oh, because it's social media. It don't work like it used to. Tim. Just meet in the street, get it over with and get on back on your bike and go on. I'm whipping. That's when the bail rain man. All right, Soldier Boy says Chris Brown is scared to fight him. Now. This is the latest episode of the Soldier Boy Chris Brown drama. SOLDI just taking a Twitter to voice his frustrations um and alleged that Chris is refusing to sign the contract for their CELEBT boxing match. Soldia even accused Chris Brown of being scared, tweeting, I caught two fades in the streets since this whole beef blank and uh, I won both fades? What gave me to fight two fights in the streets? How I knew that? I don't know, Tommy, but and he said, and I won both fights. I guess Chris must have heard and got scared. L O L. Come on, boys around and get you a dancing. He's just gonna dance me easily, Chris Brown, before we go, bad man, you just go keep old dog. Yeah, come on, soldier man. But Chris Brown was signed a contract so that the fight. Maybe you think it's stupid, Yeah, because we do. I was looking forward to actually see or you was gonna buy it on pay per view. You was gonna really get it. I want to see it. Yeah, this is a foolishness. This is foolishness. Maybe yeah, maybe Chris is no longer interested in fighting, it says, or the money in the contract wasn't enough all, or maybe soldiers just trying to keep this going because he needs the money for his attorney fees. Either way, it's like, huh, don't he wait nine? How much training video was imprisonment? Oh not at all? And him right, no trains and soldier, listen to me, I'm sixty. Yeah, I can whoop Soldier Boy. I saw his training video. So Floyd Mayweather was training Soldier Mike Tyson is training Chris Brown. God, Mike Tyson, don't think this is ludicant, absolutely ludicrutly don't see it. We got a prank for you. It's coming up after. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, update, update, update. Uh, first of all, let me tell you this. At the top of the hour, we have the Strawberry letter of the subject three way love affair. Uh Nephews coming up with his prank. And then right before we get right before we get to all of that though, Uh, here's here's a note that we missed on the Soldier Boy Chris Brown story. Soldier Boy has fired his trainer, Floyd Mayweather. That is breaking news. He has fired his trainer. He's hired Evander Holyfield again. So it's gonna be Mike Tyson against Evander Holyfield again. So what you do is you you get rid of the greatest pound per pound fighter. I love holy Field, ain't nothing wrong. He got championship quality. But you think it's the trainer. You think hold you think the reason you ain't punching hard enough, there's causing Floyd. Man, Let's hope there's a bad joke. Let's hope this one. No. I like all the old names. He's going to get though. I like Floydander again. Yeah, TMZ is reporting as to why Floyd is out. Soldier Boy felt like Floyd was too busy their interests. Yeah that's true. Yeah, that's your true statement. I don't even know nothing about this, but that statement is true. Floyd is busy. You know why? Called Floyd got a lot of money. Floyd got a lot of real estate. Man, he looked like Jimmy Walker. It's like this ain't good. Hey man, where man to talk to? Soldier Boy? Maximum Scuto? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to this is she Hi Carmen, My name is Keith. Keep from calling you from the insurance group. Hi. How are you good? You and your husband? Uh? What is it? Harvey? Harvey? Is that right? Yes? Yes? Sorry? Okay, you guys actually put applications and actually win in and get your physicals done for life for insurance, right? Yeah, yeah, that's correct. Okay, I actually I'm calling you from the insurance group. I have you alls, lab results and everything as far as your physicals and blood tests and things of that nature. Is there any way I could possibly talk to both of you guys at the same time, you and Harvey. Is that possible? Um? Well, sure, he's right now, but I can get him on the phone. Okay, it will be Uh it would be kind of easy if I kind of explained everything to both of you guys at the same time. Is that if that's okay? Okay? Some wrong? Uh? No, nothing's wrong. I mean I think I need to just try to bring a few things that you guys attention. But I think you know, after that, it's pretty much you guys decision on what you do. But I just wanted to let you know a few things about you know, the results and things of that nature, your life, insurance, the whole nine yards. Okay, okay, well here, let me stop talking to them on the phone. Hello, Hey, babe, Hey, sweetheart. Um look, got the insurance people on the line. They want to get both of us on the phone, uh, to talk to us about the insurance stuff. Hey, Harvey, are you doing this is keep keep from the insurance group? How are you? Hey? Good with that? Nicky? Good? Good? Listen, Um, I wanted to give you guys a call and kind of follow up. And you guys did physicals and blood tests and the whole nine yards, and I wanted to give you guys a call. It's kind of better if I talked to both of you guys at the same time. So if you have a minute that we could actually use to kind of get some of this information out to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna break right now. I'm good. Okay, great. First of all, we've gotten all your your lab results back everything, and I kind of got a few questions for you guys that I'm a little puzzled on. How long have you guys actually been married. We've been again about three years, okay, now, prior to being married three years. How long did you guys know each other before you got married? About five and a half five six kids? Okay, you guys have been knowing each other pretty close to nine years now all together. Yeah, okay, are you actually from the same hometowns? You grew up in the same hometown? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we grew up. I mean if I'm I'm sorry, is this question I mean, is this about the insurance or well, I mean there's a few things that's that's actually uh puzzling, Carmen, that we need to this this this is some news that I actually didn't want to bring you, guys. I mean we have to. I have to actually give you this news. Looking at our records, looking at all the test results, and let me be the person to tell you that we run these results over and over and over, trying to make sure we are completely a hundred and right. Okay, it's a problem with the test. Well, looking at our test guys, Harvey Carmen, it's indicating that you guys are related, and nine times out it's and you are you guys are siblings? Hold man, what and I understand the shot it took me? Is there everything? I had to make this phone call. I did not want to make it. But looking at our records, and we went over these records over and over and and and the blow work shows us that you guys are actually siblings. Man, kid, are you serious? Actually this is not that This is not a laughing matter, not a joking matter. You know, Like I said, I did not want to call with this information. What you did make the call? Man? Look, I don't know what you need to go back and and and double check your records or something, because we've been married three brief check with the lab man, can you check with the laugh and like Paula is back, Harvey and I and I knew those questions would have come up, and we we went over it. We went over it and over and over it. Y'all need to go over again because I don't make no babe, I got this. You make call and this gotta be wrong. So what you need to do is make another call it called a lab and call us back and let us know that you either thought they made a mistake or are you talking about me and my wife? And I understanding hard Harry. Let me ask you this is it possible, you know? And this is just a question. Is it possible that your dad and maybe her mom maybe knew each other at some point? And what you're saying by my mom and dad, that's some straight look at You need to have go back and do whatever you need to do. But I think you mu you say something like that again. I tell you my back's gonna be coming down that beach o. I'm saying that like that, hold on, baby, old baby, baby, baby, hold on baby, I got this hold on, I got baby, I gotta baby. I gotta how you're gonna call me with you what you don't know you from? People do like that, but that ain't I don't under doing, sir. It's bringing you the result. So I do should bring me the results in personally and that I want you. That's what I'm talking about. Hey, sir, even if you beat the messenger at the end of the day, that's still your sister. At the end of the day, I'm gonna want you. Look, I don't care what he's talking about. Nothing. He ain't my damn brother. I got it. I'm gonna find out off whatever jupical you in. You're gonna call me tilling about brother. It's my wife. I am having that somewhere down the line. Somebody made a mistake and you guys, my brother and sister got married. I'm not at far for that. Let me tell you that don shoot me mistake of calling. He's on one of these numbers again in your life. So I got one of this result. I do need to get about what you've been talking about them. Well else you got to say. Now that's gonna be working. The only other touch resought I have, ma'am, is that this is nephew taught me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. H I told you like I want to were I got one thing. I got the hands both of y'all. What is the baddest and I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Harvey. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show with you. That's another view. Great, buggle up, hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is Strawberry letter, subject three way a love affair, Dear Stephen Shirley. Yes, not what you think, Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a forty year old woman who has been seeing three different men for some time now. One lives with me, and honestly I care about him, but he really can't support us like a man as supposed to. He is forty nine, nice looking, no driver's license, no drive or ambition, and he is four baby mamas. He really is a nice guy. His sex game is bananas. He has called me out of my name and he threatened to hit me, but he has never put his hands on me. The second guy lives in Arizona. And he treats me like a queen. He buys me Gibbs, took me to a wife for my fortieth birthday, shows me respect, and even send my mother flowers. He is the real deal and I honestly love him too, But there are some things that I can't stand about him. He is arrogant as heck, and he thinks he knows and he thinks he knows it all. He is not that attractive, and his sex is horrible. The lurd guy is the one that I am crazy in love with, and honestly I don't know why he was married. When we first got together, he lied and told me that they were separated and living in separate houses. I later found out that was alive. We never go anywhere and he has only bought me one thing. Now. This man is gorgeous, tall, dark, and he loves his kids as well. He has a good job, and we used to have fun together. He kept telling me that he was going to get a divorce. Well guess what, his wife died and we still are not together. I honestly think he has someone else. I know I sound dumb as heck now that really does say heck to even be dealing with these men. I know I need to clean my slate and just be single. I really need someone else's insight. Surely, what's your advice? You sound like the builder there story. Yeah, but she Steve and Shirley at do I do this when they say Steve, No, I do not. Okay, I'm sorry, all right. You sound like the build a Bear store? Remember those they still have them? Well, I mean with these three different men, these three different relationships. Okay, one is good sex, you say, uh, but but no driver ambition, and he is for baby mamas. You live with him. The second guy very generous, but ugly and arrogant with horrible sex. The third guy is a handsome widower with a good job, but probably has someone else on the side because he didn't even try to get with you after his first wife's passing. After his wife's passing, you said it, Yes, you need to clean your slate and just be single for a while. In other words, you need to take a seat. You need to have a seat for a while and stop being in these desperate relationships with these men who obviously don't think enough of you and they're not even qualified to step up and be with you. Full time. You're all over the play in in these relationships. In this letter, you're you're with too many men, doing too many things. You're here, you're there, you're everywhere. Just have a seat, sit down, work on you and and try to figure out why you have a need to have all these men. Why don't you just have one good relationship? Um, I just don't think you need to be in a relationship at all, and you don't think so either, because you said it. You need to clean your slate and just be single. Think about what you're doing and what you want and a man and what you can offer and what he'll bring to you. That's what it is, Steve. Well, now we're at the end. So since you said your advice for Shirley here, what I'm gonna do? We come back? Ain't no damn. So it's just me and you cause here there won't on case Steve. And you just said I need some insight, Shirley. What's your advice? Oh you all want Steve? Yeah, Well that's what you don't get cause that's just Steve show. Right, we'll be back at eighteen after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here, we go. We're in the middle of the Strawberry Letter, Part two. Uh, coming up, it'll be all Steve three way love affairs. Yeah, because you know why and you know why we got to do it like this today. And I want to ask you about to beg my pardon because that all this letter. Then at the end I really see needs something else's in someone else's insight. Surely what's your advice? So dude, I get upset when they say Steve, I need to hear from you? Do I get upset? Now don't care about to be an adult Steve, and to steal with it. Let's make sure she's an adult. Just deal with it, this Steven sherl. I'm for they old woman who has been dating three different men for some time now. One lives with me, and honestly I care about him, but he really can't support us like a man that's supposed to. He's forty nine, he nice looking, no driver's license, no driver ambition, and he has folk baby mamas. He got drive, he got dry he just can't go nowhere, but all his drive is in the wrong place. He ain't got no ambition, he ain't got no license. You literally, he's a really nice guy, and his sex game is bananas. That's how he got foulk baby mamas. See, his six game is bananas. His driving game ain't bananas, His ambition ain't bananas. His goals and visions ain't bananas. But the boy is a baby making machhoe. So you just got to go now. He has called you out your name, and he has threatened to hit you, but they never put his hands on me. All right, you need to get out. The second guy lives in Arizona. Listen to this. He treats me like a queen. He buys me gilts, took me to Hawaii from a FORTI birthday, shows me respect, even says my mother flowers. He's the real deal, and I honestly love him too, But there are some things I can't stand about him. He is arrogant as hell. That's cause he buys all them gilts. He thinks he knows it all. That's cause he didn't bought everything, and he is not that attractive. He has to buy stuff, and his sex is horrible. He got to buy all this. You ain't frying no bacon. You got to start buying trips, cars, tiles. Is your Mama flowers, you gets to go to Hawaii, but he thanks he in that doing so. He in that Holland all by his damn self, only one in the Holland sweating up a stone. He was doing your nails while he getting it. That's the way it works. The third guy is the one that I'm crazy in love with. This how you know? She reallygnant and honestly, I don't know why he was married. When we first got together, he lied and told me they had separated. They live in in separate houses. But you ain't never been over to his house. I later found out that was a lie. We never go anywhere. How can he be seen with you when he got a wife. He has only bought me one thing. That was probably a pack of condoles. Now see she didn't aim the one thing. This man is gorgeous, ol dog and loves his kid as well. Yeah, but he don't love you though. See he has a good job and we used to have fun together. He kept telling me he was gonna get a divorce. Well guess what, his wife died and we still are not together. I don't need a divorce, not do it. She dead? Why are you still trying to hang out. You really need to find out why this woman died. That's what you really need to do is to keep looking in the high if you keep bothering him what happened to you? You need to look in the cause of death. You need to get down to the corner's office and pull some records. M hmm, and guess what his wife died and were still not together. Honestly, I think he has someone else, Yes he do. Yeah, I know I sound dumb as head, Yes to even be dating these men. Yes, I need to clean my slate and just be singing. I really need someone else's inside. Surely, what is your advice? Well, let me give you mine. You got foulk nothing, you got pol nothings. You and them three men, and you ain't nothing to either one of them. See, you're trying to figure out why all the all three of these men ain't your everything when you ain't now one of they everything. See, once you spread yourself thin, you're gonna get thin results. You're sleeping with three men, ain't none of them your everything. Ain't none of them your soul mate? Because they know what thin is. They know you spread it thin, They know you live with this dude. They know that unless you lie and too. You've been all up in Hawaii with this dude, got money, treat you respect, called your mama, give a flowers, but the agg and his hell but you just like the trips now in bed, he just a walking disaster. He the only one in there, just holl it. He didn't tow the bedroom up. That's when that's when you're going at it wrong. Lady, Are you serious? You can't expect any one of these men to be there everything, and you're none of their everything. M Hm, No, No, she's not. She just loose. She ain't fine, She just loose. M I mean you in here doing some tricks? Can you hear me? She in here doing some tricks. She flipping and turning. She didn't walk herself out? Actually, what's wrong right now? She foughted, She just tied. I like to go to the trick show. The see some trick shows ain't good. It's like going in the fun house and find out it ain't ain't really fun. Ain't fun. I bust my head against the mirrors when I go into did y'all bush you out here against the mirror? No? I usually step over all right, right, there right there. It's coming up with our national headline. Makes you think it's a hole in the flap. Just step over, man, you buchet your head up. You're listening to all right? Coming up miss Anne with our headlines at our national news today. Right after this from Solange Grammy Winner, Come on, Junior Grazzy in the sky. It's crane you show yes. All right, ladies and gentlemen, she is here with our national news, the lovely and talented miss Anne Trip. Thank you, Shirley girl, thank you very much. This is and Trip with the news. Everybody well. President Trump has elected a new National security advisor. He's retired Army Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster, and the Commander in Chief is singing his praises a tremendous falling and tremendous experience. I watched and read a lot over the last few days. He is a league respected by everybody in the military and who were very honored to have him. McMaster is to succeed General Michael Flynn, who was forced to submit his resignation last week over what he did and did not tell the Vice President about a phone call he had with the Russian ambassador last December. Before Donald Trump was inaugurated president, and therefore before he even had the job as National Security Advisor, which would make him a private citizen. If he was negotiating policy, that would be against the law. General McMaster is a three star Army general who up to now has headed the Army's Capabilities Integration Center that's sort of an army strategy think tank. A grand jury indicted a former National Security Agency contract on charges of violating the Espionage Act. Howel Martin accused of stealing thousands of classified documents over a period of twenty years. The FBI says have found piles of documents gathering dust in his car and in the backyard ship tops. At the weekend box office the holiday weekend box office, the Lego Batman movie fifty Shades Darker was number two. Matt Damon is a Great Wall came in in third place, a disappointment for him. John Wick Chapter two hanging in fourth place, In fifth place, Ice Cube's Fist Fight Really funny movie, and in six place Hidden Figures, which has made one d and forty two million dollars so far. That's a lot of means, a lot of word of mouth to people, telling people go see this movie. Speaking of which, it's Black History Month. Time now for today's black history note. Note there would be no light bulb with who were not for the genius of a Black American. Lewis Howard Latimer holds the patent for the first cost efficient method for producing carbon filaments for electric lights, and besides holding the patent for the filament inside the light bulb, Latimer also holds the patent for the screw base. Thomas Edison holds the patent for the globe. Louis Latimer was born in Chelsea, Massachusetts, in eighteen forty eight. His father, George Latimer, was an escaped slave whose capture kicked off the first of the highly publicized fugitive slave trials back in eighteen forty two. As a young man, Lewis Latimer enlisted in the Navy and later became a patent draftsman. In fact, he made many of the drawings for Alexander Graham Bell's telephone patterns. Latimer later worked for the United States Electric Lighting Company and was responsible for other significant innovations involving electric lighting. It was Louis Latimer who supervised the installation of electric lighting plants in New York, Philadelphia and Toronto, Canada. In his later years, Louis Latimer became a head draftsman for the Board of Patent Control. Louis Latimer, the man who gave us two thirds of the light bulb. A person of note, a real black history maker. You darn't tut. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Thank you San. Coming up next, Jordan Peel. You guys know him from Comedy Central's Key and Peel. He's gonna tell us all about this new horror movie that we've been seeing the trailers too. Oh, it looks scary. It's called Get Out. We'll talk to Jordan Peel after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Okay, coming up Russia, Limbaugh said, President Obama, check this out. Rush. Limbaugh said, President Obama had it easy. Let's let's stop with the comparisons and just deal with what we have now. M hmm. This is the conservative nominee for president of the United States. Let's quit talking about President Obama. He had it easy because he didn't. And who who's gonna explain this story? Surely? Oh that one? I am? Okay? After the song, and I bet you. I'll show you why he didn't back. I don't even know what it is, but get away light here the story we'll find out after this. Alright, Steve, this is for you because I know you are chomping at the bit to respond. Talk radio loud mouth, that's what we'll call him Russia. Limbaugh believes that President Barack Obama had it easier while he was president, much easier than President Trump number forty five. And the reason he says Barack Obama had it easier as president is because he's black, Okay, right, right, always always Yeah. As an attempt to justify the opposition that President Trump is getting right now, uh, Limbaugh said on Fox of Course, that Trump's problems are all about liberal media and people who love Obama lashing out. Obama was the first African American president. You have everybody falling all over themselves to acknowledge that. To reward that Russia, Limbaugh explained, Obama was going to get everything he wanted in that first year because if anyone opposed it it, they were going to be accused of being a racist or bigot or who knows what. Now that if that's not a case of reverse raciism. Okay, you need me to read it again. No, no, no, this is real simple. First of all, Rush Limball, you have no idea what it is to be black, and I must explain something to you, even not being the President of the United States, there's nothing easy about it. It's a very challenging thing to be African American in this country, as I'm sure it's very challenging to be Asian. I'm sure it's very challenging to be Latino. I'm very sure that it's challenging to be Jewish. I think it's very challenging to be gay. I think it's very changeling, challenging to come here to try to seek a life that's better than the one you had as an immigrant. I think it's challenging for a lot of people. But for you to say he got it easy because he was black, that one of the hardest things that I've ever attempted to do was be a man in this country and in this world. When I cannot take my skin color and get a break from it, three hundred sixty five days a year, seven days a week, twenty four hours a day, there is no break for being black. So for you to say he had it easy, and then to try to use the liberal media as the reason he had it easy, because everything he wanted he got. Excuse me, he got nothing. He got nothing. And it wasn't because of the press. It was because the House and the Senate decided everything he did, we was gonna fight at tooth and nail, tooth and nail, and you aid this man's first term straight misery. So when he got to the second term, he took the gloves off and said, okay, cool, you won't pass nothing. We're gonna have some executive orders. It was you all, rush who made his life miserable. This president had more death threats against him than any other president in the history of the United States. How easy was that His wife has been called names? No other first lady has had to suffer through, no other first lady who proved to be one of the best first ladies we've ever had. I have nothing against the first lady we got right now, and I don't think it's cool to talk about people's wives and family now, So I don't. I don't think that's cool at all. But you all are said he would get nothing through when he became president and you all spent your every waking hour proving it. Thus the rise of the current president that we have now because you spent eight years hating President Obama so bad that you didn't prepare another candidate. And now we were all sitting here making this work now. And then here's the deal, y'all. We have to make this work because guess what we cannot do. We cannot preach the next four possibly eight years of doom and gloom for us because we have a new president. President. Let me, let me explain something to you. What do you understand this? He's likely to be the eight years he's campaigning now, I'm telling you, man, he's campaigning. He cast the people that need to get out and vote. They're not gonna vote. They not truly. Now that he's in office and they see what's going on just in these first few days, they'll wake up and decide that they need to cast a vote in the next election, presidential election. And and I hate to tell you all this, and I'm gonna say one other thing too. I'm thoroughly disgruntled with the political system. Yeah, I'm so sick of his bipartisan mess they're doing now, and it's just it's sickening to me. Anyway we can anyway we can get Rustling Pa to be black for a couple of weeks so he can understand. What's it like? You do? Don't want to sign up? What you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're back. We got special guests on the phone. Now. I love this dude, Man, I love this dude. Man, I love this dude. I love his pardoner. Man. I ain't never laughed so hard at these two. These two funnies is on my computer. Man, Key and Peel is on my computer. I love damn near everything they do. Man has been laughing. Uh. Special guests one of him. He's an active comedian, film director, screenwriter, best known for starting the comedy Central's Key and Peel Uh and for his five seasons on Mad TV. He's joining us to tell us about a new horror movie called get Out. I've been watching the cliffs. Yeah, this ain't a comedy, Uh, this is this weekend get Out, Marks's uh directorial debut. Please welcome to the show, one for for the great team, the one and only my man, Mr Jordan Peel, Welcome, Welcome, Hey man, what's going on boy, Man your ass is funny to me? Man ain't ain't man your ass? Hey, look this this this is a different turn from me. Here it is, Man, this ain't funny. Get out as a horror movie. Man, it's a horror movie. My favorite. You know, I just I love I love horror movies because that's where it's. It's it's a communal experience, you know, going to see a horror movie, and it just uh, I wanted to make a movie for for everybody that's ever ever yelled at the TV movie screen, you know, get out the house. Tell us about it though. Man. Okay, so you know this is basically the horror version of Guests is Coming to Dinner. Okay, So you have the setup is you have you have a black man and a white woman and they're they're they're they've been dating, and they're gonna go up to um meet her parents. And it's all about, first of all, how how all the uncomfortable uh interacts that you can have in that situation. And it really is it's a movie that it's it's it's about racism. But you know, I gotta say, you got we got little rel Howary in there, who um is really funny comedian I know you know him, um, and he's kind of like it's kind of the voice of the audience in a way, so you get you know, you basically this movie is about you know, representation in all ways. It's like, you know, we we a black man is the lead of a horror movie. Um, and not just the guy that dies first, you know what I mean. So yeah, it's it's it's crazy. I mean, right now we got like we got a hundred percent on Rotten Tomatoes right now, Steve. It's it's like a people are seeing these early screenings and just like responding, it's it's really I mean, it's but it really is horrid though. I mean, this thing's looks straight crazy. I saw him. Look on the dude's face. I said, Okay, this is not a damn coming this dude. Yeah, that's that actor's name. Okay, he's Daniel Kaluya and he's he was in a movie Cicario. I don't know that one, but he's he's he's an amazing he's an amazing actor. And you know when I first went out and like you know, you try and find like okay, let's find like year old leading man, black leading man. Who who's who's gotten to carry a film? And there's not a lot of guys. It's not a lot of representation. You know, it's Michael B. Jordan's And then it's like the list is real short. Um. So you've got an actor like Daniel Caluya, who is like and this this dude, he's a star. He's a star. He's like he's like, you know, he's like Sydney Pottier meets Jimmy Stewart. Um, just just a true, true um star. And the whole the whole cast, everybody in the movie, it's just crushes it. Wow, y'all, we gotta get out to the things. If you're in the horror movie, surely you don't watch horror movies. I will watch this one even though it looks scary. I'm just so intrigued. Homi Jr. Yeah, they all go all for this because he black. I'm going to see him leave. Yeah, that's right. I mean there's you know, I've seen this with with with several crowds and look, it's like there's there's several times that there's cheer moments like the crowd goes goes crazy, there's laughs in it. It'll it'll scare you. You know. I got a couple of jump scares in it. It's the whole the whole rain roller coaster of emotions in this one. Wow. But but people, you know, it's like people. People are getting it, and so I think I think it's the type of movie you can't you can't really uh imagine how it could be done in like, uh in a tasteful or positive way because it's so crazy. But you know, we pulled it off. Man, I had a good team around me. Wow. I bet it is this Friday, everybody, the movie opens, You've got to get there. The movie is get out. How many times have you been watching the whole movie? And say it to yourself? Them two words get out. Even the ghost, the most famous words of any ghost in the movie is stay this movie. I'm going just to heart. That is not if you say it in the house, I probably ain't gonna here because I'm already outside. But congratulations to Jordan's great job, man, your directorial debut. Man, much success to you. Man. We're gonna get to the movies. Man, we like stuff like this. Man. It opens this Friday and theaters every where, man, make sure when you go to the theater, everybody, like I always tell you, make sure your ticket has get out on it. Do not let them give you a ticket and tell you just go in any theater. That's been a trick they've been pulling to hold down our box down box box office numbers for years. Don't let it happen. Make sure your ticket has get out on it. The best way to do it just ordered online. And then how your ticket when you get that Jordan Pale, my man, you catch big love to you man, get out this ride. Then movie theaters everywhere, let's go you whoa man? Oh those trailers look scary, look scary. Make sure your ticket got get out on it, man, you know. And it's almost like when you see the trailers, everybody's asking is it a comedy? Horror? That's what you're thinking, you know, you think comedy off the top. Yeah, yeah, but you heard him. He said, it's straight horror. I just nothing funny and trailer right, He looked mortified. Yes, yes, this ain't This ain't funny. Uh, what'd you say? I'm gonna do a horror movie for Russia? Limbau him. You don't know how being black and scary. I'm gonna don't trying to call trying to get alone alone. Yeah, you know, we got onto the bank. It's hard for us to get some I do want Russia Limball really to find out how easy it is. He had it easy because he was he was black. Man, Don't go that's funny. Really, damn damn, you got it easy because you're black. Better wish your boy stole back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we come back. There's a new show on b ET. It's called The Quad. Some criticism coming their way, though. We'll tell you what. People are in an uproar about right after this hit the record, All all right, here we go talking about this show, The Quad. I don't know if you got he's got gonna do it? No, thank you, major fan. It was right on the tip of your tongue. Alright. Deberly and A Niki Nika Noni Rose, great actress. They're responding to this criticism of The Quad. The Quad, of course, is the show that comes on b E T. It's about college life at hbc U. S Uh, We've told you before, HBC you Hampton University President William Harvey wrote an angry open letter about The Quad. Uh. The Quad, of course is scripted. It's fictional. Did you say his last name is Harvey? Harvey. Yeah, anybody with the last name Harvey don't try to help nobody ya big Harvey. Anyways, I was saying The Quad, as a scripted drama, takes place at a fictional, historically black university. Now, despite solid ratings, the show is doing very well. Uh. President Harvey is criticizing the show for poorly representing hbc US, calling it a sad um and degenerating story. Now b ET CEO Deba Lee and The Quad star and Nicanoni Rose are responding. In an interview with Ebony magazine, Debra Li said that she had a private conversation with Dr Harvey and while she respects his opinion, she stressed to him that quote, fictional TV has drama, you have good eyes and you have bad guys. Now, Anicanoni Rose was um. She let's just say she wasn't so pc. In her response, she said she said the show is fiction based. In fact. Uh. She adds that a lot of the issues on the show are taking taken straight from the headlines of what has happened at schools, so pretend so to pretend that these things don't happen is ridiculous. He does, yeah it does. Yeah, yeah, yeah it happens. And I think that BT is okay in this case right here, it's just like Alabama State released Dr boyd Um for no reason. Now, this woman was a top quality But hey, man, do you know that this woman has was removed as the president of Alabama State? Do you know this woman is the head now of the Harvard Law Business College. Really explain that to me, Well, because they take the stories from the headlines, they say, well, and that ought to be one of them. They can take that storyline, because how you get rid of this woman who did all these great things down there at Alabama State, which is a fine college man, and this woman took it to a whole another level and had great plans for them. But because some people down that didn't like her, the board votes her off without even a good reason. She broke no laws, didn't take no money, nothing. You know, when she ends up at in the Harvard Law Department running it, we'll be back you're listening, alright. Thirty four minutes after that, let's get to these back to back. James, come on, Cat, let's go. Hey, coming up next year. All we bought it the end. We got time for just one more thing. We'll tell you about it after the break. You're listening, Steve har All right, coming up next. We got just one more thing, Hey, Steve, you wanted to clear up something, you know I made. I was saying Harvard. I meant Howard. Howard is what I meant. Yeah, about the former president of Alabamia. I was saying that she was she had a new job at Harvard, And it's actually at Howard, the woman who was fired at a s U, which was a horrible mistake, a horrible mistake to remove this woman because they still when you look over everything that there was no valid reason, they had nothing. It was just there were people on that board down there who had just gotten on the board the day before and voted against the woman. You know. It's it's it's very political down there, and what they're doing. Man, it's just not it's not great. It's such a great institution. Is so many great kids down there, such a great campus. She increased enrollment, housing, the engineering department, the educational the numbers were up. Everything about this woman. They just didn't like her. They wanted somebody else for something. And they don't even have a good reason. Very disappointing association for me, man. This woman was trying to do so many great things at that university. Man, and it's just unthinkable. I mean, they cannot explain why, why they why they released this woman. They can't explain it. They cannot explain that. But she's gonna be fine, though, She's gonna be way past fine. Man. And and that's a sad thing, man, because that's a great student body down there. I fell in love with them kids down there. There are some great students down there's some great faculty down there. You know, it's just the board. The board needs work, man. So many just people down there, man, just voting. And the way they voted this woman out. Man, they put two seats up and added them. And the day the people got added, they voted against a woman. Craziest at man. Wow, Well Licia cleared up the school. Yeah, well that that ain't even the really important part. Really, you know, that's all good? Just kills me. Many this other this this president Trump. Man, Okay, we gotta talk about these travel costs, um he going to Florida, and yeah, the Washington Post is reporting that these three trips that he took over the weekend to Mara Lago his property down in Florida, probably caused the federal treasury about ten million dollars. That's basically yeah, that's based on figures used in an October government report analyzing White House travel, including money for Coast Guard units to patrol the exposed shoreline and other military security and staffing expenses associated with moving the apparatus of the presidency. The three mar Lago getaways, combined with the hundreds of thousands of public dollars spent on Secret Service protection during two international trips Trump's adult sons have taken to promote their father's business, caused taxpayers about eleven point three million dollars over the first months months He's only been in office for a month. For the first month of his pregnant presidency, we are tax now. Listen to this president, a businessman as the president of the United States. Yeah, that's what we have. That's what business people are expensive. Yeah, because they're used to a certain lifestyle. That's why the first Lady don't want to move to the White House. You've seen her careb rgo or she can go up there at Trump Tower. Why would you go live in the White House? Now, now, just to give you some perspective, Now, I just told you President um Trump has been in office a little over thirty days. Now, he's spent already eleven point three million dollars. President Obama, by contrast, spending average of twelve point one million on travel a year, he did spent about ten in a month something. Oh my goodness, Wow, yell, a lot of complaining. Don't complain. Flow, Wake up, y'all, y'all ain't gonna be flawed no more so. Overnight he just sold it. Overnight he real estate, ain't he? He salestof Russia. I should go own it. And you know what, what's crazy about the statement? Tom Me just make somebody will print that and put it in the block and it'll be news on the internet in about forty minutes Florida the word yeah man, And they're gonna blame this Steve Harvey morning showing instead of him made another damns. We passed that. Now we're good. It's crazy, but you know, I try to tell everybody, man, man, we're tripping. Man, We gotta get ourselves together. We gotta keep moving forward. You individually have to move forward. We collectively, as a unit and as a people, we have to keep moving forward. You can stop all this complaining, man, because it ain't gonna change the damn thing again. Wanta do nothing, body, So so I'll just go to work, man, and get through this end of the day. Yeah, have a great weekend. Yeah. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.