Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are the G.O.A.T.'s of this radio business. Happy Birthday to Nesto and Jacqueline. Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary to Nesto and Shirley. Congrats! President Trump's speech was presidential. R. Kelly's girlfriends were fighting each other. Steve was trending on TMZ. Rick Ross was on Steve on Watch. Sheryl Underwood still has feelings for Your Favorite Play Cousin Junior. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are taking a step back. Miss Carla covers Real Housewives of Atlanta in Reality Update. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about staying on the wall for a specific reason that is must listen, plus much more!
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like amazing buck things. And it's not doing me true good at Steve har listen to mother for ste please by, I don't join join me to be doing me. You gotta u turn you are you gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn out, turn the water the water. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Uh huh, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah. Man, ooh boh boh boy man. God has been good to me. I can't even I can't even put it into words, man, But I try, though, I try, try try. God does things for me just right on time. He's so cool with it. And I happened to run across Joel Oldstein on television like I often do all the time, and I was sitting there and he had such a timely message for me. A part of it was something that I've said oftentimes about if you really really want to be successful, if you really really want to change, if you really really want to prosper, if you really really want to achieve greatness, if you really really want to have something in life that's worth having, if you really really want to accomplish your goals, you got to push through all of it. He said that when you get closer to it, the more difficult it becomes. Did you hear me? He said, the closer you get to what it is you want or you need, or you have to have, or or you would love to be, it gets a little bit more difficult when you get closer. He told this story that's in the Bible that I never heard before. This is what he said. He said that was a man who was paralyzed, and he had heard that Jesus was speaking at a house, and so he wanted to get there. So he convinced four of his friends to put him on a stretcher and carry him for hours to get to this house where Jesus was speaking. He said that along the way, these friends said that they went along because he had so much faith that if he could just get to him, it could be better that he could if he could just get over there end he could see him, that he might have a shot at getting held. And so he said, they took out along the way and they walked and they walked, and they walked for hours. And then when they got there, the house was completely filled with people. That was absolutely it was packed wall to wall. There was absolutely no way for the men to get him on that stretcher end to see Jesus. This a story that Joel Osteen said is in the Bible, and he was telling it now. I'm just repeating the parts of it. I got gathered. And so he said. They were sat there and they went, wow, man, we walked all this weight and it's four and and and and and and and we can't get there, he said. And then the guy with the affliction told the four men, if you get up on the roof and cut a hole in it and lower me down, I bet I could see him men, and I better to be all right now. He then said, you must imagine how these four men must have felt when you carry somebody for hours on on on on on on the way. They had to carry some cloth connected by a couple of sticks. Said the men. Shoulders had to be bruised, had to have deep gouges in them, not cuts but just indentation where they had carried the weight of this grown man for so many hours, and they looked at him in disbelief, like, man, what are you talking about. We didn't walked all this far. He said, yeah, but if you get up on that roof and you cut a hole in it and lower me down, I can see him and when he see me, it'll be all right. After sitting there and imploring the men, they went up and did just that, and then and then the story that Joel Osteen said, the man was healed. But the point he was making was he was saying that the closer you get to what it is you really want, the more difficult it's going to become. But you've got to push through. See, if you don't push through, you never know, so you can't get right to the answer. And because it gets really difficult, started creating those little saying that we got his people. Um, well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. I guess it wasn't Lord's will. Now, man, I guess you should not give up right now. I guess you should keep pressing. I guess you should do more because see, in all of us, in all of us, when you've had enough, I want you to know something. You do have a little bit more in all of us. You can do one more. You know. That's one of my favorite things that I heard Joel Oldstein said, and it kind of made me feel good. He said, I always feel like I can do one more anything, and I tell my friends all the time, I can do one more man, I could do one more day. I can do one more anything. Now Here was the jewel that I never really knew that Joel Oldstein and God sent to me I needed to hear. He said that no matter what you're going through, no matter how long the challenge is you've been facing, God has an end date for it all. Did you hear me? No matter what you're going through, no matter what challenge you're facing, no matter what situation you've gotten yourself into, God has an ending date. All you got to do is keep pressing forward. All you got to do is hanging now. All you got to do is don't give up. All you have to do is don't turn back. That is an end date for all of it, even when you think you've had enough. And boy, have I had this conversation with God on several things. That I've been going through and I'm going I've even told him, Look, I got it, man, He said, just keep hanging on. There is an end date to whatever it is you're going through. There's an end date to your illness, your sickness, yoyo, tired of being tired. There's an end date to this relationship that you can't seem to get through, beyond over that's that's like a cancer to you. There's an end date. But you've got to hang in there. You've got to keep pushing forward. You cannot turn around. You must not go back, because when God gets you through this and you break through to the other side, the reward and the benefit is far greater than the struggle. I oftentimes look at some of the things that God has brought me through in my worst times, and when He brought me through, I went, wow, man, now that I understand that, Now that I'm on the other side and I have the benefit of the reward for it, would you do it all again to get there? Yes? I would. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen, welcome again to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Probably one of the greatest radio shows in the history or radio. I would go out there to say that. And what I just said is actually repeatable, arguable if you want to, but repeatable for damn show, Shirley Strawberry, one of the greatest, Steve I just repeated it. Thank you. Good morning, Colin Ferrera. We're goats, greatest of all times, the only wonder boy of radio, Robbing of Batman to robbin that, Damn Junior. This is one of the greatest radio shows I've ever been a part of. It's the only one. That's why. And ladies and gentlemen, since we're doing Batman analogies, God, damn ignorant one. The Joker, Yeah he does. That's that's I was gonna say the Riddler. But he's happy all the time. But the Joker come with anger and issues. He's moody. Yeah, that's perfect. Makeup Smith, damn man, fix your lipstick, choke damn mouse. Yeah, Joe, you're gonna win. Come on now, all right, So what's going what's going on? Y'all? What's up? No, I gotta get this out. Happy birthday to my husband Ornesto. Happy birthday as well, get right behind Heppy birthday to my beautiful wife. Yeah, Jack what's today's date? To night January ninth. Okay, Alison, my fifth wedding anniversary? What did you forget at one time? Did your soul? So when he gets you a wedding gift? I mean when he gets you get him a birthday gift, you combine it with the anniversary gift. No, I don't see, because I don't like it when people do that. I get him two separate gifts. Wow. Wow, that's two separate occasions. Could you know, like when people have their birthday on Christmas or in December? Chris, it ain't my fault. Should have stayed in. I don't know how you think you're gonna be bigger than Jesus. You're lucky you're getting anything. The wise man bought one gift up piece for gifts? Who bellow it? What is your hand out for dual gifts? Jack her birthday to July. That's what I would have done. I had to moved my birthday. Oh you would have moved. Yeah, get it away from christ Okay, uh, coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna start. We're gonna start off with the news headlines. Okay, President Trump wants I Ran, but says the US is ready to embrace peace with all who seeks it. He warns, I Ran, Uh, we'll talk about this right after that, right after we come back. Okay, Presidents, Yeah, right, you started the fight. You're listening to show all right. Well, yesterday, President Trump addressed the nation from the White House hours after I Ran lunched more than a dozen rockets on air bases in a rock housing uh US troops. Iranian said the attack was in response to a US drone strike last week that killed kasm Solamani, one of Tehran's most powerful leaders. Take a listen to the president. Please. No Americans were harmed, and last night's attack by the Iranian regime, we suffered no casualties. All of our soldiers are safe, and only minimal damage was sustained at our military basis. Our great American forces are prepared for anything. Iran appears to be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a very good thing for the world. No American or Iraqi lives were lost because of the precautions taken, the dispersal of forces, and an early warning system that worked very well. You know, I watched too live or deliver today. Now, though he took a moment to blame the Obama administration for supplying them with the money to do all this, it was actually money that belonged to Iran which was released. It was the most presidential speech I've ever heard this man give in the entire time he's been in office. Did they say who wrote it for him? Oh? Somebody wrote him, Yeah, but he read verbat him. He has a nasal problem because when he takes his breath you can hear yeah. Well, y'all when he breathes in. It's a little hard on him, but you know it. There was the most presidential speech he's ever given since he's been in office. And the thing that I that I got out of that was that he was trying to work this out without military aggression, and even though all the entire military leadership was behind him, which scared me because I thought he was gonna come out here and say something his own and cracking. But you know, I mean for him, for this president, this was the most presidential speech he's ever given. Ever give it, And I hope we resolve this matter peaceful. Going to war, yes, yes, yes, dude, that's the holy Yeah. Totally. Yes. Yeah. The President also threatened Iran with additional sanctions and said his administration is still considering its options and quotations. However, he also appeared to offer the Iranians and olive brand, signaling the US was not seeking to launch a war with Tehran. The President spoke directly to Iranian leaders, insisting the US wants them to have a great future, one that you deserve, one of prosperity at home and harmony with the nations of the world. The United States is ready to embrace peace with all who seek it, he added, so right, that harmony with the world. Oh yeah, But but let's just hope for the sake of our military that we can resolve this without any casualties, you know, because that's just war. I've just never seen war be good for anybody. I just I just on war is not good, man. People lose their lives, and soldiers who are innocent lose their lives. You know, These these military people that we have, they didn't sign up to die. They signed up to serve, and they signed up in peaceful times. Yeah, and so I would love our soldiers and militaries all around the world to just find peaceful ways to talk stuff through. This war is not good for anybody. Marvin Gay said it. War is not the answer, was he answer? Yeah, there were so many love Kirk Hey, We've got to find that's my all time favorite song. Um. You know, Steve, there are so many military families. Since you mentioned the military and our troops and everything that were caught off guard. Thousands of troops got called for deployment. Three thousand service members from Fort Bragg alone. This is according to CNN. The eighty second Airborne is America's Guard of Honor. Uh. They can deploy anywhere in the world in eighteen hours and they take pride in doing that. But their families are worried because these paratroopers can't tell the families where they are. So, you know, this creates all kinds of you know, problems when you talk about war and rumors of wars and all of this. Yeah, not good people West not We just pray for the best and definitely pray for our troops. Pray for peace, definitely, that's something. It's something. Boy, we live in some crazy times right now. Why we can't get rid of the KKK is domestic terrorism here right here. Yeah, But you know the thing that's always puzzled me. I do not understand how a group is allowed, because of our freedom of speech, can get a permit to walk down the street that taxpayers are paying for to spread their message of hate, hate towards any particular group, even when that group pays taxes on that street. I don't understand. We should not be giving permits to hate groups to go out and perpetrate and march the evil calls towards fellow citizens. Yeah, because that doesn't make sense. What kind of rule is that? Yeah, that's why what you mean when you say we're too free. I've heard you say that a few times. We are too free because there has to be some rules. Man, we we because people take advantage of the freedoms. Yeah, and and and they do stuff. Look, man, if you don't like us for whatever the reason, Black, Jewish, gay, uh immigrants, you shouldn't have the right to come down the street and tell us that in a parade. True, you shouldn't. Yeah, yeah, keep it to yourself, all right? Coming up next, the nephew in the building, we're going to change gears here. Run that prank back right after this. You're listening, coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment news. R Kelly's girlfriends got into a fight at his condo and Trump Tower man, you know exactly why. At Lord, right now it's time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got for us? Now, let's run that thing back. Uh. Dp C A, that's dp C A. That is Dead People Collection Agency. Yeah, dead people collection. A man just because they have passed him for you owe him some money. That don't mean you don't steal owe him. Okay, Teddy still wanted fat Guess that done the dead? Don't that exactly what it means? Dog? Let us go Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Darrel police z Darrel. This is uh Tony with DPCA. We wanted to give you a call. How are you doing today? Uh? Well, what what's what's the company? Uh? DPC Aight, what what that mean? Uh? DPCA is a Dead Person Collection AGC. We actually collect money from those that have been that have that are the seas, but people still owe them. Are you familiar with um Carlton who passed away six months ago? I know him, Yes, you could do. But what do you want from me though? Okay, it's been brought to understanding that you actually owed mister Carlton Fisher twelve hundred dollars? Is that correct? Yeah? Nah, we're talking about okay, so how how though? Then you need a clear understanding here you actually worked with mister Carlton Fisher, correct fact? Yeah? That right? Yes, okay, So have you borrowed money from mister Carlton Fisher before? Why are you asking though? I'm asking you a clear question, sir? Have you borrowed money from mister Carlton Fisher before? I don't feel like I should though, though, Oh no, it is my business because I'm with the collection agency and it's been brought to our attention if you owe twelve hundred dollars to him, I don't know what you talk about. Hey, you ain't even send me no letter, so I don't even know what's going on. I'll repeat myself again, Sir, my name is Tony. You send me a letter through you send me a letter, send me a letter though I haven't sent you a letter. I'm so I don't know why you call me that if you don't send me no letter though, Okay, sir, you owe this money to mister Fisher. See, I'll understand. I don't understand. You didn't send me no letter though, and then you're gonna call me though definitely no sense. Okay, So here's the deal, sir. If you don't play the twelveliner, we will come and take something. We will confiscate something of the same value. So I'm letting you know send me no you you even even send me no letter though. If you do that, I'll call the police because he didn't send me no letter though you know saying what I'm saying makes no sense. No, I'm hearing what you're saying, sir, but at the end of the day, you're not hearing what I'm saying though. You shouldn't even be talking to me right now. You'll send me a letter though. That's how it is the bills. He did not inform you anything, right sir. You ow you owe the twelve hundred dollars shirt. We both know that you're saying you're skipping a step right now, though that's what I'm saying. Friends you. It doesn't matter about the step, sir. You know what you owe, and I'm just gonna let you know. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you I'm gonna let you know this. We will come and compensate something of the same value. Well, let you know, but I'll let you know first though. You cannot do anything without sending a letter. You did not send me no letter and send me no nothing though you call me. You're harassing me right about now without even send me no letter. That I was saying like this the deal, this is what happened. This is when it's due, YadA YadA, even do that, Okay, So let me let me say this to you. We do know that you have a two thousand and seventeen pickup truck. We do you threaten me you, I'm just letting. I'm letting you know we're picking up something of the same value or more. Okay, you're telling me now that's not that's bulls. Threatened me now. You didn't even send me no letter. You just call me up staying like I owe you now, didn't even give me no date like Its make no sense though, sir. This is DPCA. This is what we do for someone passing. I don't care if you get your government agency. You should be sending me a letter. Sorry, you owe mister Fisher twelve hundred dollars. He's now deceased. We are going to collect this money. All we're gonna collect. What I'm saying is you skip the step. You skip the step. You did not. You did not inform me that I owe mine to him. You just tell me right now on the phone. You should want to send a letter though, sorry, do you want to send us to send us the money or do you want me to pick up even know what you're talking about though? Are you talking about my truck? You're talking about my trump No, no, no, no, no no no, we're not doing that. No, we're not. You're not touching my truck right about now. You know what I'm saying. Now, no, go, that's it. We're done. We're done. If you come from my truck, I want to for you. Hear what I'm saying. I don't care what good dollars it's yo. I'm telling you right now, you didn't send me the letter. Now I'm angry, gonna tell me my truck come at me. I will come at you hard. I'm saying, baseball bats all that, don't put me, don't for me. You'll get jump. I'll jump you. I'll jump y'all. Take your truck. Hear me, you'll stay the boy for me. So I'm not all right. I'm not I'm not playing either. So are you right doing? Yo? Yo? You yo? Yo? Are you listening though I'm listening to you? Are you listening to me? You're the person you don't know the type of dude I am. Man, I you know, Yo? You sound mad comfortable right about now? Good, don't be uncomfortable. You know what I'm saying. Okay, I'm I'm gonna let you know this. If I don't get this money by today, then then you might as well start not sleeping at night because there's a strong possibility what your car, what your car? Right not be there in your car. I'm I'm playing it as clear as possible, sir. Twelve hundred dollars are your car. Your truck may not be there in the morning. This is your car? Do you want to be there after the next one? Though? What are you trying to say? What are you trying do? Tell me what you're trying to say? What are you hit? What you heard? We heard from me exactly? Dude? When can we expect the twelve hundred dollars I'm telling you right about now don't cockle my car. I'm doing with that, all right, I'm doing with you. Don't cockle my car. So my card, okay, card. You don't call me back? All right, I'm done. Mother, hung up? Call him back? Calling back? Man, call him back? Who you think you hanging up? Mom? Man? You call me again? You damn right on me again again. I'm waiting on the twelve hundred dollars. Okay, Now, Joe, I told you this. I told you. I told you that. Now now you're getting me angry though. Now you're getting me angry though I told you this. Don't call me all right, send me the letter. You don't send me the letter. They tell me about taking my truck. I'll you up. Okay, you up? Okay, you know what I'm gonna doing. I'll tell you what. What are you gonna We're gonna do? Though, we're gonna. I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm gonna tell you what you now? Ware you gonna I'm gonna let I'm gonna go hull me come get the truck. I'm gonna let Timmy come get the truck. Who I'm gonna let Timmy come get the truck. I don't know who Tommy is? I which Tommy? Tommy? Who? Temm me tell me baby? Not you Timmy from the Steve Wabby Morton Show. Baby Joe Boy, Trevor at your job got me the prank phone call you man, you always be listening to y'all. Two man, gosh, oh my pearl office sat here and right now, man, brother, you want I'm no comment? Okay, all right, there you go. I'll tell you what. This has only comment. I want tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the bands radio show? The Land Baby is twenty twenty. Give it to me. The Steve Harvey Morning Show, y'all. But your crazy month thinking that for you? Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, listen for this. Listen to this coming up in twenty minutes to the hour, the one and only, our very own Steve Harvey uh is trending on TMZ. All right, You're sorry last night, Julian Ji. What you we'll talk about the twenty minutes after. We'll get into it. We have firsthand information, okay, but first in entertainment New Chicago PD responded to a reported battery at R. Kelly's Trump Tower condo shortly after his girl friends as Reel Clary and Joycelyn Savage came to blows. As Reel was on Instagram live Wednesday afternoon as she appeared to be gathering her things to move out of the condo, and when Joycelyn uh came in the room, both women went off on each other. Take a listen to this, please, No, that's wrong. You're listen house, You're You're not evil. I'm not evil. Baby. I need to prest myself. I need him on the phone. Keller don't need to be hitting. No, he wasn't on the phone. I think that is him on the phone. Don't break that grammar, the last fly, the one on May got the pack things and get off you fight Trump. Your everybody gonna be out of there. That's what it was on the video, Steve. It looked like it was like the doorman and somebody. You heard him say, calablaz did you hear I'm telling man, listen to me. They're not having that up there and they shouldn't anywhere. Okay. So, as Rielle said she was looking out for herself, then threatened to send Joycelyn to jail for the very thing that r Kelly is facing, having sex with a minor. Asrael claimed she was a miner when she had sex with Joycelyn. Asrael told people watching on IG that R Kelly's been lying to you guys, and claimed he had her and Joycelyn life for him too. R Kelly's lawyer, Steve Greenberg, doesn't seem to be sweating as Reelle's allegations of under age sex, telling us he says, I have a statement written by Azrael that she provided to me voluntarily after Robert was already in jail, that she never had sex with him when she was under aged. Uh. He continues, as far as this little cat fight, it is clear that it was staged to try and boost social media popularity. M Hm, I don't sound he didn't sound stage to me. I don't know. I might believe well because she was on Instagram live moving out. That's what they're trying to say. That's what the lawyers are trying. And they know they trouble can't have found that deal with their fighting. They know they're gonna give them trouble. Don't don't break that Grammy. You're so stupid. Hey, you're not go record of Red Wall. That's the last of all of those gold records Grammys. Yeah, that he's ever gonna get. Yes, that's sad, that's what a genius. That's a shame. All right, seem stupid, Steve. It's time for today's headline. Can we get to a police You can fly if it's ten Yeah, ignorance, This is entrep of the news. After ten days of escalating tensions between the Trump administration and the Iranian government, the President read a prepared statement yesterday at the White House saying that the Iranians are standing down. He explained why he ordered the killing of General Costum Saliani in the first place. Last week, we took decisive action to stop a ruthless terrorist from threatening American lives. At my direction, the United States military eliminated the world's top tourist, Kassam Solomany. He trained terrorist armies, including Hezbollah, launching terrorist strikes against civilian targets. He fueled bloody civil wars all across the region. He viciously wounded and murdered thousands of US troops, including the planting of roadside bombs that nim and dismember their victims. In recent days, he was planning new attacks on American targets, but we stopped him. Trump's stress that he wants to see Iran change its behavior and stop supporting terrorist organizations. Although the things are stable right now, he says to Rod Steele, got to pay. The United States will immediately impose additional punishing economic sanctions or on the Iranian regime. These powerful sanctions will remain until Iran changes its behavior. Trump's pressing allies like the UK, Germany, and France to join the US and crafting a new Iran nuclear deal. By the way, the House Meanwell takes a vote later today on a resolution to the nation's Warpowers Act, designed to limit the president's ability to just order military action willy nilly, but is considered really just you know, it's not going to go anywhere, so it seems symbolic. Democrats by the way of taking control of Virginia legislature after scoring big wins in November elections, the incoming class of lawmakers includes more women and people of color than in any of Virginia's history. You know, Virginia was the seat of the Confederacy. In fact, a new Speaker of the House is the first woman to ever hold a position, and Eileen Philliicorn says, there's lots to do. People demanded we act in many areas where Virginia has actually lagged behind on the list proposals to fight climate change, gun control legislation, and hopefully become the thirty eighth street to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. McDonald's being sued for discrimination to African American execs file a suit against Mickey D's, alleging they were passed over for promotions and subjected to a hostile work environment in the company's Dallas office and their treatment mirrors others in the Mickey Dmpire Today National Trivia Day. So what's the answer? Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show? All right, Steve, So you are trending on TMZ, You're all over the play. What happened? What's going all out of him? What happened was mine and my beers walking down the street. I was going to the ciguard bar with my board Cord who acting like I can go get walk down with Dale? You forgot you were famous? Oh well, Okay, well, Steve, take a listen. Here's what happened. Mark Curry says that you're still stealing his jokes. Hey, man, listen to me him. Yeah, now that I'm getting sick of this right here? Yeah, Mark Curry, need to grow up. Steve Harvey ain't been on stage since two thousand and fifteen, but he said he used the home one of your shows. Ask Mark Curry, what joke he talking about? Telling to grow up? Man? I think it was on Little Big Shots. He was making accords. Are you kidding me? Yeah? He said, are you kidding me? To the confronted you about it before and then even after he steal, ain't saying what joke it is? Get a life, get a career, don't do something man. Well, he's thinking this is gonna help him help. He's thinking this is gonna help him get a stand up special. Now, well, good, go ahead and give one. I got five on the six of them, Go get one. That'll be good. I'd be happy for him. Do you think he will get one? I think he deserves one. Yeah, yeah. Will you help him any chance he would come out on stage, maybe like make make a truth? I'm pretty sure I don't. I don't need a truth. I'm already in peace. Yeah, he doesn't know what he's talking about here making stuff up, So I'm in peace. I'm good with it. And the only reason i'm comment is because he keeps running his mouthful. Up right, let's grow up, right, I'm a grown man. You look like it. Never never stole a joke in thirty five years. Yeah, anyone's stolen from you. I don't know. I don't care. I don't care. If you're gonna make it. If you're good at this, you can make a living at this. You're crying about a joke, man, grow up and come to me like a man and tell me what the joke kids. Okay, he still won't say what he do. Put that challenge out there to him. It ain't no challenge, man, Well to come to you and then, you know, be honest about it. He's not. He's he. We've already talked about him, man, Yeah, you talked to him personally. Personally, we've already talked about It's nothing to talk about. He won't even tell me what it is, right, WHOA, that's it. I'm through with it that it don't really deserve that. I am. What are the original kings of comedy? Been one for years. I'm gonna come up to me with that. All the great Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Jammie Foxx, Bernie d l said, Lope, all of them. Everybody know who I am, what I've been in this career. Ain't never been accused of that? Man, Miss me with that. That's it for me, no more. If I wasn't talking about it, would nobody to be talking about him. I'm done. That's it, all right? All right, Well you heard it, and Steve, we got more of you coming up at thirty four after the hour. You're gonna talk with Rick Ross, the Boss, the rapper, talk about success, drug and alcohol abuse, all that coming up right after this, Steve, you're listening to show, all right, Steve, we love your new show on face book Watch is called Steve on Watch and it's on again Facebook Watch. You talk to hip hop artist rapper Rick Ross. You talked to him about success, his pack past, drug and alcohol abuse. Take a listen to this in this book. Man, you real candid man, you just real honest man about everything about alcohol, drug abuse. Man, about your seizures, your health issues from a couple of years ago. Man, what would you say was the most the biggest contributing factor. What I would say the most is it really came from a positive spot. I know that's hard to say, but when you're really chasing success, you're really chasing your dream there's something you've been doing over twenty years. You find yourself up in the studio. Everybody else fell asleep, You're still up. Nah, I want to make this. I want to make this great. I want to make this. Pull me a little bit more of that. Come on, give me a little bit more this. You know what I'm saying. Let me hit this all right? I got it. I got it, you know. And it really came from a positive spot. And I know that's hard the face sometimes, but that was me just really chasing my dreams and years and years of that. And when you find yourself waking up, you know, from a seizure or coma, and your doctor really telling you when was the last time you slept five hours in a row, And I said, I can't. I couldn't tell you. But it's hard, though, ross because it is. Look, man, I think the average person has to understand that in order to be successful. Got to go hard. It requires such a massive effort. It's not it's not for the faint of heart. Just anybody fin to hand you this money? Go ahead? Yeah, really really good having that conversation. Well, I got some people coming up on that show Man that people really want to hear from. The what's the group quality Control? The two dudes that handled the me goals and CARDI B. I'm talking with them. I'm talking with Mark Cuban. Mark Cuban was my very first guest, Mark Cuban, Mary which Mark Cuban billion now who was the first one to come on my show. That's that's who I should have just stared stayed talking to because I was. I was talking to Mark Cuban, the billion now who volunteered was the first guest on my show, Mark Cuban, very important. Cuban, see you B. I don't like Cuban. I don't like when brothers go ahead. I do, I do. I hate it, hate what. I just hate when brothers going each other like that. I was, you know, brothers going at each other. Yeah, but I just hate that, like dog really dog dot com come on it wait into the wheel's fault. I just hate to see it. You know it go down. I'm there. He know that. But tim me, here's a deal. Really, at my level, what I should have done was just kept walking. And you're talking about I'm talking about myself commenting to the TMZ cameras. But I was walking, I was having a great day. I was minding my business. You know. They had asked me a couple of questions about George Lopez's comment, you know, kind of I defended Lopez. I should have just kept walking. From now on, I'm not going to dress stuff like that my job. I have to take my own advice. Steve Harvey, stay on the wall. I wish I hadn't even really said anything, because really, man, why everybody knows the person that I really am. Like, like I always say, for those who love you, no explanation necessary. For those who hate you, no explanation acceptable. So I should just stay on the wall. All the greats know me. I ain't never had problem with nobody. So I'm asking all my fans to forgive me for having that moment that I had or being human. I'll try not to let it happen again. But the next time, Steve Harvey's just gonna stay on the wall. I did not just have to come down off the wall to address people the side wall around, go around back. Who are you looking through windows for? That's that's people be wishing to you. He wishes, nobody wishes. Okay, all right, thank you Steve for that. Coming up nephew Tommy in the building with today's prank phone call right after this you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today's subject, Tommy. This was Taylor May for you. Her husband messed up our love triangle. What oh, people don't know when they got it? Good? Yes, it is her husband messed up our love triangle. Is a strawberry letter for today. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now, let me break this down. Y'all know how things get recalled, You know, like you have a card that and get recalled. You know it might be a certain part in the car that needs to be recalled. You got to bring it back in. Well, this prank right here, y'all is condom recall the condom recall. I don't believe you. Yes, we got a certain batch that needs to come back, and uh, we noticed that there was some purchase with this credit card. We calling you to bring them back in. Oh my bad, your wife picked up. Let's go, let's go condom recall. Hello, I'm trying to reach a I believe it's Mark Davison. Oh, yes, yes, he's here now. Well, um, this is uh, this is very I work here, I'm the manager here at what Um is he gonna be? Is he gonna be home in time soon? When he can maybe give me a call? I can chat with him? Yah? Sure, I mean, so what's going on? Uh, well, we got a transaction here that he made on Friday of last week, and basically what's going on is we've had a bad batch of of condoms and there's actually a kind of recall. Uh this was a credit card transaction. So we're trying our best to reach out and get as many people as we can to let them know that those those condoms are the second So there's a recall on the Magnum condoms that we've had here at here, and what we're trying to do is call everybody that has purchased them within the last week. And you know, he purchased on Friday, So what we want to do is reach out to him and let him know to bring them to the Wait. Wait, wait, I'm sorry. So you're saying that Marcus purchased is condomed on Friday, the date I have here on this transaction, man, says Frida Hill last week. Yes, ma'am, we don't even use them. But for the fact that you to call me talking about that my husband just kind of last Friday when we don't even use them at all, I'm so upset right now, Okay, you know what I Hold on, I'm gonna call him right now. If you play, we have to get to hang on, hang on a second. Would you rather give meh sale and I give him a call and let him know what's going on. Could you just give me his number? Oh no, no, no, no, I'm calling him myself right now. Hold on, by what's up? I'm about to give in the chair. What's what's up? I'm at the barber show. I'm getting in the chair right now. No, I think you need to get up and go outside because what I'm about to say. You don't want to talk about this. If you wait, let's wait, Okay, give me a second, bro, one second? Five minute? What what's going on? What's up? What's up? We wait? I'm being expecting the funny of the folks. First of all, So why do I get a phone call from like the manageable talking about you worked some condoms and they were effective last Friday? Wait? What? Wait? What? Baby? What are you talking about? What are you talking? What am I talking about? You? Tell me when I'm talking about you? Tell me what are you talking about? Crazy? I'm trying. No, I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. This is real. Cut the boy down and tell me what the what's right now? Excuse me? Hello? Hello? Who? Who? Who is this on my line? Who are you calling me on the phone? Who is this? Okay? How are you doing your markets? Correct? Who is this? I'm Barry? I worked. I'm the general manager at W and we were calling Barry. Wait wait wait Barry? How you get my number? Why are my wife's calling me talking about crazy? About a condom of trump? Barry? What's what's happening? To get to the point, bro, y'all, I'm not talking crazy, you're crazy? Who is what's your name? My name is? My name is Barry on the general manager here? And basically what we have a condom recall and we have your credit card and you made a transaction. Uh this patch from Barry, very very very What the are you talking about? You quiet? Tira, could you be quiet? Trying to get because this is crazy. I'm trying to get ahead. Con got this okay, So sir, what it is, we have a transaction with your credit card that condoms for purchased. And what's happening is those condums are despective, so we're doing a recall on all of them. So we're trying to get those condoms back. We don't want to Barry. Yes, first of all, you made a mistake. You couldn't possibly have my credit contract you you really well, sir, Hello Barry, this is my family. I don't I don't play about my family. Then what are you talking about that I've stated in, sir, we this card. This is how we got the number to your home when your wife is and we were trying to actually just read. We weren't trying to create any problems. We just wanted to let you know that the colors were defect. That's right. I don't know Marcus. Baby. First of all, baby, you're doing a lot on them on the phone in front of Barry. I don't even know what it's coming. Frost a lot. Now you're doing a lot. We're doing a lot. Listen, baby, Now we discussed it. We passed this part in our relationship. I told you that I was done, alight, I told you that, Barry. So I apologize. Listen, Well you did you did? You? Were you in Walbreens on Friday of last week? Sir? I was not with these. These were purchased Friday around six o'clock Friday evening of last week. Barry, that's what he wasn't home, I mean not much. Is very tacitated that he was at work doing over sweetheart, right, stop, let's stop. What picked Barry? See you got my listen, you got my wife's talking crazy. I mean where you where? It is very y? Yeah, I mean it's like this is wrong. This baby, I didn't do this, baby so disgusted. First of all, we don't even use we don't even use cut baby, we don't even use at my pray out. First, this was a pack of twelve you remember by a pack of magnus. I don't we cast It's a lie? Why you want here believing this. You know what I mean. I wouldn't very. I can't believe you're doing this. Hold on, hold on, I'm very. I didn't do I'm here, I didn't do this. You got to be out of your gun man calling me with this, you got you gotta be out because you gotta be out of your mind. Are you the person at the damn you? You're cheating on your watch? Hey, dude, I didn't do this. I didn't do this. Tim Me the one didn't. It wasn't me. Wait what baby, I don't know. No, Tommy, I'm saying tom Me one to Tommy told me to call you because you're the one bought the common Tommy saying you bought who it's Timmy? You tim Me from the Steve Harmy Morning Show. Both y'all just got prankt kikay Sorry your sister Trench who got me to prank? Y'all? Man? Well, I guess we're gonna be leaving highest the holidays. Huh? Coming could have used you? Ain't You ain't churching me out on this phone? You know you know you know how I feel about all right? Man, Buddy love Bobby, y'all, y'all gotta tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Baby's twenty twenty? Give it? Tell me what is if the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Right, Steve Harlett Morning Show. Y'all got y'all, y'all, y'all, y'all got to give me something. Man, Come on, that's it, boy, huh, that's it. Come on now, well you the greatest magnums. Let's go the world going on. Let's call the recall, call them, okay, if we gotta get them brought back in now, Okay, I don't don't believe you. Really, what's wrong? You speakless? Yeah? All right, cool, yeah, catch the food baby, that'll be email. Okay. Weekend at the Comedy Zone Charlotte, North Caca lack in Thursday night was one show to Friday to Saturday. One Sunday. The food is on the way to the Comedy Zone, Shara, North Carolina. Ya ya, all right, thank you nephew. Coming up next, you're a letter. Tell them ay for you subject her husband messed up our love triangle. We will get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well before we got to today's Strawberry Letter. We got to say happy birthday to my husband or Nasto. Today is also our fifth wedding anniverse. It's so beautiful. Okay, now that's beautiful. Let me don't believe I've been married five years. That's that's good. Let me jump in here and say happy birthday to my wife, Jacquelin Mine. It's happy birthday to you, Hey, Jackie, Happy birthday, birthday jack all right, all right, good missus Miles getting on a plane going to New York. Birthday. All right, that's too y'all nasty, gonna eat tonight and everything. God, now you're pushing it not Oh, you ain't got You ain't preparing, nan, don't even think about that. Sure you ain't got the man, ain't got all these restaurants. We could just go to a restaurant, you know what, and make expect. You ought to be surprised. You have fag You ought to be because I really am. Okay, all right, anyway, here we go, Happy anniversary, Happy birthday to Rnesto and Jackie. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f AM and click submit Strawberry letter. We could be reading your letter alive on the air, just like we're going to read this one. We really think this is Tommy's a letter right this hold on tight we got ufore you here it is. It's a Strawberry letter from back in the day, from the day all right. Subject her husband messed up our love triangle. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a single black female in one of the craziest love triangles ever, and I need your advice. A year ago, my kids and I moved to a new house and I became good friends with a married couple across the street. I got really close to the female and she and I actually started dating. Okay, her husband found out and asked to be included in our sexual fund, so we let him join in often. She eventually talked her husband into letting me move into their house so we could all be together. When my lease was up, I moved in. She promised me that she would not let him come between us. She and I went on dates and did everything together while he worked and played video games in his spare time. All of our kids loved living together and they are close friends. Now. I'm telling you everything was going great until we found out that her husband was cheating with a woman he works with. The wife told him to move out and she wanted a divorce. He wouldn't leave, so I moved out because there was constant arguing in the house and it was getting on my nerves. My girlfriend still lives with her lying, cheating husband, but she says she wants me. My kids missed their kids, and I miss seeing her every day. I think she's playing me for a fool and stringing me a long while she works out things with her husband. I can only see her when it's convenient for her, and she doesn't call and text me like she used to. Her husband is childish and messy, and I don't know why she can't see it. We had a good thing going until he cheated on her. I have guys that want to date me, but I tell them I'm in a relationship. What should I do wait for her to leave him or get back on the dating scene. Please advise? Okay, I agree with you. This is one of the craziest love triangles ever I think that we've ever had. On the Strawberry letter. As far as love triangles go, but the nerve of you to be mad and indignant about her husband cheating, I mean you started it. You started an affair with his wife. Hello, So how is he wrong for cheating? And you still want to be with his wife? You still want to be there. So you guys are still cheating too. Uh. It amazes me that you don't get that part of it. So I say to you stop. You got to leave this married couple alone. You got to stay out of it. You see, she's acting funny right now, so there's a problem. So you got to stay out of their relationship. You said, you have guys that want to date you, So why don't you date some of them? I mean, if they want to date you, you're asking what should you do? What should you do? You tell the guys you're in a relationship. You're not in a relationship. Okay, they're in a relationship. You're like the side piece of you know, they're in a marriage and a relationship. Uh. You call her husband childish and messy. You're being childish right now, and you're being messy. Okay, this is their marriage that you're into, all right, Come on, Stevey. It was crazy, right, Mike will gone finishing capital. Well let's do it, Steve. Well, since I'm trending, Yeah, yeah, you are. This probably why right here her husband messed up. I love triangle this, Stephen Sherley. I'm a single black female in one of the craziest love triangles ever. I need your advice. All right, I'm glad you wrote this year. Go, me and my kids moved into a new house. Now, how do you have kids with another man? That's how you make babies? So we already know that did happened? And you made it a few times. You say how many? It was? Two? Three? We don't know. And I moved to a new house and I became good friends with a married couple just right across the street. Now, I got really close to the female. She and I actually started dating. Wait a minute, hold up, how you just wrote this line and act like this? I got close to the freemane she and I actually started day That ain't close to a female. That's that's more In that her husband found out and asked if he could be included in our sexual fun. We let him join in often. She eventually talked to her husband and letting me move into the house. So we get off, Peter, go what that's the best damn strapper, and let out of ever work. When I come back, what I have to say. It's gonna be brilliant, all right, Steve, hang on to it. We'll be back with part two of Steve's response to the Strawberry Letter. We'll be back at twenty three minutes after the hour, subject her husband messed up our love triangle. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject her husband messed up our love triangle. All I can tell you so far this lady got some kids, bought this new house when it moved into this new house across the street, and just became good friends with a married couple across the street. A nice couple came over, bought some sugar, you know, pitch pound cake, welcome to you know, love pound you know, and then you know, while they was you know, over there welcoming her to the neighborhood. Obviously, the lady over the head a trailer cookies and said you want some cookie? She said yeah. Then she said you like cookies. Hell, yeah, that's how it happened. Still, what's your favorite cookie? The ones you got? And next thing you know? Huh? The lady became friend. They started dating. Her husband found out and asked could he be included in our sexual fund? Wow, so we let him join in often. She then talked her husband into into letting me move in today house so we could all be together. It's going good. This is America too. This in to unite space. When my lease was up, I moved in. Here we go. She promised me that she would not let him come between us. Lady, you is to come between No, no, no, you can't ask her not to let the husband come between us. You are the in between you it. You didn't wedge their way into another house. You didn't wedge yourself into a marriage, and now you want everything your way. She promised me she would not let him come between us. She and I went on dates and did everything together while he worked and played video games in his spare time. What spare time? Where's you going with this letter? He was busy seeing who got two women upstairs? And you in the basement with some damn video game? How much fun? It's this video game. Dammit, it's two women upstairs. What is you doing downhill with this video game? What video man? Football? Gonna be upstairs playing tackle? What is you in? Hill? Boy? He worked and played video games in his spare times. All of our kids love living together and they're close friends. Now, I don't want to sound weird or nothing. I'm just saying you need to keep you on these kids because kids learned from parents. Teenagers do teenage things carefully. Now, I'm telling you everything was going great until we found out that her husband was cheating with a woman he worked with girl. What the wife told him to move out, and she wanted a divorce. What He wouldn't leave. So I moved out because that was constant arguing in the house and it was getting on my nerves. That was getting on your nerves. That one thing, My girlfriend still still lives with her lying, cheating husband. Wait a minute, he was living with her, lying, cheating, nass, Yes, when she was dating you and then he found out. Wasn't she lying in cheating with you? Now she found out he lying and cheating. Now you mad at her because she's still living with his lying and cheating as she was lying and cheating with you, but she says she wonts me. She won't everybody folk, everybody, My kids misstay kids, and I misseeing her every day. I think she's playing me for a fool and stringing me alonger too. She works out things with her husband. What I can only see her when it's convenient for her. Yeah, because you're the side piece. Like Shelly said, side pieces only get seen when it's convenient. And she don't call and text me like she used to. She trying to keep her family together. Hit the line out like her husband is childish. Yeah, her hold on hold and child seemed like he was being pretty man leading me. He got a wife, he got a chick that stay across the street. That the mood in he's screwing both y'all. And he got a chick down at the job. That ain't childish right there. That's grown ass man like that a matter of fact, that's that's that's a man man, lass man. So you quick calling him child? He the man, being all the man he can be. He's being all the man he's been allowed to be out. Don't know why she can't see we had a good thing going until he cheated on her. Wait a minute now, Now, there was no good thing going on until he cheated with Huh. I have guys that want to date me. Have you told any of them? What chilla asses do? See all these guys that want to date you, have you told them that you dating? Huh? Her husband and y'all's kids all now miss each other. Share that with the man that wants to date you. And see how many dudes is raising their hands? What should I do? Wait for her to leave him or get back on the dating scene. Please advise, no, make yourself known who you are on this letter and go try to put your life back together. You need to join a convent and take them damn kids with you. All right, Steve, thank you, post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey playing video games with his spare time time on Instagram and Facebook. Don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast and the base Smith doing pushups. This is what I'm doing. Yeah, you're ready to go up? Stay on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, our girl Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Show coming up at the top of the hour Carla's reality update. But before we get to that, let's get to this. Steve introduce our girl, chirl Underwood. Thank you, Steve Harvey. And I have to say Happy Founder's Day to my fraternity brother Jay Anthony Brown and all the members of five Beta Sigma before today is founders date baby, you know it. But while we talking about Founder's Day, let's talk about New Year's resolutions. Hey, Carla, Hey, Charles Hey, Thomas, ain't no thing but a check away. But I'm very upset with you, Thomas, because you could have put me juniors on your little show Ready to Love? You know what I'm saying, Oh, don't choke now, what joke? Now? You could have put me and juniors on the show, like we are not ready to love Junior? What is your new Year's resolution for us? What's gonna happen between us and the twenty twenty us to be great friends in the business and continue growing together. Nobody want to do that. Don't nobody want to do that? Nobody wants that. Nobody wants that. Know, we we wanted something hot, Monkey Live Junior playing Yeah in the world, what Monkey Love now? Fucking neck? Nothing but Vasilina flip flop, fat bellots popping together. So I playing, Junior, I was what you are saying the soul. I know how much we are compatible to each Okay, I didn't know. I'm finding that too. That's because okay, see, let me tell you what happen Carlin Charley's So we was in first class, go understanding, so because we both got upgraded, right and so I so I went to the flight attended per since and I said double love on junior drink, and they doubled up on it so that he would, you know, be more relaxed as we fly to paradise. So why is it that we can't be together, Junior? It's the first Thursday of the year, and who put everything on the day, yes, Thursday of the year, which may get it together by valatize the junior. I won't, Candy, I want hot monkey love. I want the relationship about y'all about to say something else, but it's what you as to ask for what you want. You're abosed to have a vision board. Huh the hot monkey we gotta go? Thank you? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour as prom Carla's reality update that's right after this you're listening to Steven show. All right, come on, tell me, let's do this. Let's do this like brow this ship is here. It's that time reality update with who Carla Fellow? Thank you nephew. All right, here we go Real house Wives of Atlanta. Let me sit please, yes, all right. So the ladies went on a trip. As you know, Steve, hat you not on there anymore. She's been gone. I've just been gone. This is breaking new. He is so good. Ain't on the Housewife no more? Why? Why? Lord? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, give up? What's happening now? Yeah? She didn't die, right, so check this out. The ladies went on a trip to Toronto to kick it at Carnival. Listen, Steve. So, at first Nini she wasn't going on a trip. She changed her mind, and then she talked to her life coach. Nini has a life coach and decided to go ahead and go. So Kenya feels that Nini is predictable with her behavior and she's trying to get back cool with the ladies because nobody wants to play with her now, because you know, Nini to fell out with everybody. So except for Candy, she's kind of cool. With Candy. So anyway, Kenya apologize to Cynthia. Huh huh, yeah, all I'm scared of Canny can well Nini is yeah, Ni's not do none of them. Fall out with Kenny, Kenny, the one with money and talent. You fall out with Hood you be well, yeah, fell out with I tell you you don't fool with Candy. He can do. Candy got all them trunk with all them tards in it, with thettle, an enlightening grabbit with four ears on. Everybody like you be calling all time, Come on through, girl, I tell you calls down, Come on Carla. Anyway, let's let's go for me right out of time. So can you apologize to Cynthia saying that she didn't mean to spoil Mike's a prize, you know, her fiance. He actually proposed to her. Cynthia and Steve you introduced Mike killing Cynthia. But now they're engaged and so um yeah, yeah yeah, So ken you apologize for trying to ruin that surprise, and Cynthia accepted her apology. Anyway, they went on this big edge walk tour at the Canadian National Tower, you know in Toronto, that big, old tall tower thing that's like a big landmark of the city. I know what I'm talking about. That. Well they went, yeah they did who they went on edge Well they went for Carnival. They went to have fun at Carnival. Anyway, No, to celebrate Carnival, you know, West Indies, culture, Caribbean and all of that. They did that, and that's real big in Toronto. That's where one of the friends, Tanya, she hosted the trip. She's from there. So anyway, they did this edge walk thing, but Nini didn't do it. She said, black people don't walk on the edge of buildings. She didn't do it, and uh and then Eva, she didn't do it. They advised her not to do it, obviously because she was pregnant at the time shooting. That's this particular episode. So yeah, they told her no. So anyway, Um, they were just trying to get to the bottom of some things. Your Vanna, she's one of the new castmates new friends on the show. Did she secretly record Cynthia on a conversation talking about Ninnie. So that's what Candy, Kenya and Porscha. They're trying to find out who in the group is recording conversations you know who's the snake. They said that it's a snake in the group. So they're trying to on the bottom of that. Well, when Candid don't sell technology, we'll talk more about this all social media. Hit me up at limps about Carla. This fool st called a kid the baby already back in twenty minutes after you're listening to the show. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have shot the world. Okay, they are doing something different, something unheard of in the Royal family. They're throwing in the towel when it comes to performing senior royal duties and they are now determined to become financially independent, and sources say part of that is moving to Canada. What all right, They're leaving England. They're moving to North America. Yes, Steve, yes, Uh. They announced the big change. Well, okay, here here's why they're saying that after months of reflection and internal discussion, we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive you role within this institution. We intend to step back as senior members of the Royal family and work to become financially independent. What I just said while all the while continuing Steve to fully support the queen. All right, yeah, well, I mean, come on, Megan and has had a really hard time. She's had a hard time been doing over there. She cannot take it that British tabloids. They are tearing her apart, they go after her. She can't they said, she just cannot cope with this anymore. I'm leaving the palace. Well, Harry is doing it too, Steve. He wants to protect her because you remember how the paparazzi followed his mother, Princess Diana, and he just doesn't want them to go through this. We'll continue this conversation at thirty three minutes after the hours. Steve, sounds like you have more on your mind. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. When we left off, we were talking about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, how they have shot the world. They're going to do something different in terms of their royal duties and all of that. Uh. This is unheard of as far as a monarchy. Uh monarchy, and the royal family is concerned. They are throwing in the tile tal they are not going to be performing senior royal duties and they want to become financially independent, and they're moving to Canada, but they say they will still support the Queen her royal. I'm not these years now. I'm the Earl of the Earl of alting Okay, okay, I'm the Earl of the black Earl of Atingham. Oh he said black all right, all right, ladies and gentlemen, we are here with the Earl. O hell ya, all of you. That Mato won't too much that I have for the empty view of the Earl of Artingham. His blackness, Duke, and my name is Duke Duke. Hello. Now, yes, Earl, should I call your earl or the entire title? Don't never leave it out their blackness, Earl of Attingham, what do you think about Prince Harry and uh Megan Marco moving to Canada? Go to Canada? Whoa, there's no palace now. I don't say I won't be leaving. They don't like the fact that I'm black, Elah, but I'm going to stay. Hell well, ear Earl of Attingham. They want their own identity. They want to I have an identity. I'm the black dude in the palace with the ascot never are that won't be anymore. And I'm having I'm not having key, I'm having Hennessy. This is velvet smoking Jackets through velvet Jones. I'm Saturday Night Lives. I'm wearing an ass Scott from the one and Only Rolling March. I'm smoking a cigar from Black Ash. Stay your hair, Earl of This is James Brown's hairstyle. Thank you very much. I have a visual. I have a dressor coming in daily. I have a visual. But it was nice chatting with you. I'm glad you're staying. Harry's quite a lovely old chap. Well, thank you, Earl, my back. We'll be back. Oh seven our house. Another couple of Hennessy at forty nine minutes after the hours and closing remarks from the one and Only Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we are our last break of the day. It's been a good day, okay, Yeah, Happy birthday, busy day. Yeah, and uh, happy anniversary five years to us and of course Tommy, Yeah, happy birthday. Jacquelin Miles, Happy birthday or Nest and happy anniversary to you all, Thank you, and happy birthday, Jackie. That's my baby. They've traveled to New York. Going to New York, You'll say, I got a cook, Yeah, you need to cook something. Well, I'll take him out. He doesn't do something in this marriage? Sure to do something I ever asked me to cook? You didn't got a sending his man storm and harness. He working, He got to come home to nothing. Still something shure that was not in the vows till you think you cooked and fire you. Oh that does not include I've been a snigger, he cried. That's sad. Anyway, Come on, let's get into the closing remark. I don't know aboud to eat out every day? Take God every day. I mean I cook sometimes, just sometimes five we've been married five years, just going down the hot lines and rubbing his hand across the metal pots, and I love him. Come on, something, you know my clothes remarks to day is directed at myself and for anybody who needs this piece of advice. You know, sometimes, because we are human, we are subject to air always and even in our attempts to improve ourselves and become better people in the new century. Excuse me, the new decade twenty twenty. You know, which is one of my things that's become a better person, a better man, better far, better father, better husband, just an overall better person. We're still human and we're subject to air and one thing that I have to remind myself of and it's difficult sometimes. And this goes for anybody that this may be applicable to when you are climbing and you are striving for greater things in your life. I have said this before, you have to stay on the wall. And I took a moment myself, being the human that I am, and I got down off the wall, and I shouldn't have. I remember when a pastor sent this to me, Bishop alm as a matter of fact, a good friend of mine from one of the big megachurches in LA. Something was going on in my life. I don't remember the exact instance. I had so many, but I was going through it and I was coming under attack, and he sent me a Bible verse and at the end of it he said, stay on the wall. And it doesn't matter whether you know the scripture or not, but stay on the wall means simply that stay on the wall. If you're up on the wall. Stay there. Now, that will be people who will be throwing at you because you're up on the wall. They're just haters. They only have a job. I mean, who does that? How small of them and how small do they have to be to have to throw up at you on the wall. Anyway, it didn't really hurt when people throw up on the wall. Even if the stone or rock or piece of glass hits you, they threw it up, It don't really hurt. So why would you get down off the wall to get down on the same level they own. So now they get the audacity in the nerd to feel equal. And now if they throw the rock, it's right at face level. I should have just stayed on the wall. You have to remember to stay on the wall. Steve Harvey has to remember to stay on the wall. All of us have to remember in twenty twenty to stay on the wall. It's the only place to be. If God has gotten you to a certain point, if you're the first person in your family to go to college, if you're the first one to get a supervisor position, if you're the first one to make more than fifty thousand dollars, if you're the first one in your family that's ever had a successful marriage, if you're the only one in your family that's decided to travel, if you're the first one in your family decided decided to be something other than what all of your other family members, friends, and co workers are. If you've made any of those decisions to be more than average, or if you've just decided, I just want to be a little bit above average, and you've began to climb up the wall. When things happen of the adverse nature, stay on the wall. Why address it? But I did. I had a moment of weakness. I was just walking. I thought I was minding my business, but I really wasn't because what I did was I allowed somebody else's business that has nothing to do with my business to become a part of my day. And all I had to do was stay on the wall. But you know, every now and then that will sneak sin and he wins. But when he wins, it don't have It's not a permanent win. He had a small little victory over me today, but he won't get it again tomorrow, next week, and next month, because I'm not coming down off the wall no more. I'm gonna stay in the place that God has risen me to. I'm gonna stay in the area that God has taken me to. I think you should stay in the place that God has gotten you too. Don't allow to hate us from down below, throwing rocks up high to get to you. Stay on the wall for all Steve Every contests, No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.