Trump Masks, Dave Chappelle, Coin Shortage, 20K and more.

Published Jul 22, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is tongue tied and there is a discussion about bringing things back. The Chief Love Officer gives advice about "me time" and a wife's male best friend. 45 is now telling Americans to wear masks. Dave Chappelle visits Kanye in Wyoming. Steve explains the coin shortage. Junior heard that 95 NFL players have tested positive for coronavirus and wonders about the season. Russell Westbrook has a new partnership. A kid spent $20k watching others play video games. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about what we can do in partnership with Michelle Obama and so much more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in the stubbings, Good to mother stolen join me. You gotta use that turn be hurting you. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn out. Then turn the water the water got come. Come on your baby, uh huh, I sure will A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, okay, here's what I want to share with you. Stop complaining. So I had to let you see how I let that one sit for a second. Stop complaining. Do you realize without us even thinking about it, oftentimes we just complain about stuff and it comes up in such subtle forms. Man, I don't know why they're still in that lady work there. Man, If they don't fire this woman, Man, I don't know what I'm gonna do. She driving me. She always got something to say. I bet to day though, the way I'm feeling right now, I bet she'd been not saying nothing to me today. M yeah, yeah, because day it today. It I'm sick of her running her mouth. Last time she says something to me, I should have said something to it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just giving you a small example of how it starts to snowball. Once you start to complain, it's it just carries over into so many things. Man, Stop complaining about your car, Stop complaining about your bus pass, Stop complaining about your kids can't seem to get it together, Stop complaining about your man can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining. Stop Have you noticed? I'm just asking, have you noticed that in all of your complaining, it has provided not one solution. The reason I'm telling you to stop complaining because God is able, Because God is capable. He is capable and able of fixing anything, capable and able of curing anything, capable and able of allowing you to get too adjusting to things, and capable and able to strengthen you to get through and change anything. But the key here is God is capable, and God is able. A lot of times I find myself complaining because I have not used my greatest asset and my relationship with God. You all have one. Now. You may not have nurtured it, but you have one because God created you as you as his child, He's available to you now. The fact that you ain't went to him. Okay, once again, who fathers that? Stop complaining until you strengthen your relationship with God and formulate this relationship. You don't have enough weapons. You ain't got a big enough shield to fight this thing called life. It just keeps coming. Man, And unless you develop a relationship with God, you need a partner in all of this. Maybe you got another route you're gonna take. But every successful person I know personally has a relationship with God. I have some really really some people that's kind of up there in the success term in terms of business and money and statue. I'm just talking about that portion of success. And then I have a lot of people who are very successful in their spiritual life, who have become great men of God and women of God. But look at all of them, and all of them have substantial amounts of you know, possessions and things like that. Also, most successful people I know have that even if you saw them never with a big lot of house and a lot of money or stuff like that, they had so much respect, so much love, so much power was given them from people that their life was rich in that area, you know, like a man Nu the King or something like that, or Gandhi or somebody who lived their life in service, or Nelson Mandela who came out and just man, people put stuff at their feet because of their service. So all successful people I know have that, Every last one of these people that I know, they have relationship with God. They used the tool that was available to them to give them the strength, the bullets, the arrows, the slings, the shield to fight this thing called life and have the most valuable partner right there by their side. They heavily father God because he will help you get through this thing called life. Man, stop complaining all the time. It's not fixing anything. Why don't you do yourself a favor and strengthen your relationship with God? Man, why can I never get over? Well you have not because you ask not. Man, how come I always got problems? Well, you keep trying to solve them yourself and taking them to your friends. You keep trying to do them with your own thought process. Who are you? I keep telling you, man, you're going through stuff you ain't got no business going through. And if it's you going through something over and over, and over and over, and the same problem keep coming back to bite you again. All that's saying is you still ain't strengthen your relationship with God. It's your relationship. He's not gonna make you have one with him. He is a perfect gentleman. He only comes into your life when you invite him in. But for those who do invite him, men, they have a distinct advantage on their road to success, a distinct advantage. You can do it without him, trust me, you can. How far you get. I can't promise you nothing, how well you handle it when you arrived there, I can't promise you nothing, how long you're gonna stay there, I can't promise you nothing. How difficult it's going to be without him. I can't give you that. It's going to be far more difficult. But you can. Something can happen, and you know, receive a measure of success. And you think you and this move you made, and you can describe it as I got lucky. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I got lucky. Lucky is usually how other people describe other people's success. Poor he was lucky, he was right there. Well, let me tell you what luck is. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity. If you've been working hard as something, an opportunity presents itself that comes a match. That's not luck. But now, if you haven't done that on a repetitive enough basis, that opportunity could present itself one time. You got to reconnect. Stop complaining, man, come on, listen to me. Stop complaining. It hasn't fixed a single thing in your life. And if your chronic complainer, it's because you really really have not fixed your relationship with God. He'll smooth it out for you. That I can tell you for a fact. I know that for a fact he smooved mine out. All right, let's go. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, make it happen. Get your mind right, it's about to be. It's I don't, I mean, every dude, get it out. Ever do that. I'm a little all me cheating, right, I'm a little every team Phil Danny, The Steve Harvey Morning Show, Ladies and gentlemen, Shirley Strawberry, what he said, Good morning, Steve boy. Remember tongue tied t T was the bomb? Baby? It might have been my favorite one, right, there callin for real. I might have to bring time time back. Let me see, bring t t back. What's up, Steve? What's up? Crew? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, Junior, morning morning, Every bottoms up, team, Nephew, Tommy, you ain't I'm in the building, don't you. Hey, here we go. Okay. Yet I had to exercise that muscle muscle, yes, because Sherley was the only one the translator to translate for tongue tasks, like when you see letter letter little blankety blank thief. We don't remember whatever that. I remember that that's the thief to cuss and everything, get away with it. I might have to bring tongue tack back. It was the years. Next week we should set it up where huh we do a reunion show okay on the radio and bring back all the bits we used to do. We should, man, you know what, that'll be great. Ain't gonna no, no, no, no, no, no, listen to me. We should set it up next week. We should do a reunion show. We should bring back tongue tide, bring back the pastors without church complaints, bring back the brothers whoa you, bring back slave theavl h No, sir, bring back Eugene, just just for two days. Bring back Tongue Tide, Bring back Corey that ain't that ain't deep core, Bring back Roscoe Wallace and just have a reunion show. What about dom All Gone? Oh dirty old man? And Ralph the White Oh yeah, okay, you know what we should play that point that out, guys. The things we could do back then, we can't do those, you know, which will politically correct? Time? Which one? You know what if I was in your house? All right now? I can't even throw my phone far? No, he knew the answer that as rhetorical question. Which one? What's your think? Good to do what you want to do? While we can't do what we want to do, we could do anything? Why congred say what he want to say? All right? Look, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna do some Assis clo as we always do. That's coming up with Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Time now to ask the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey is here this one Stevens from Eric in Las Vegas. I need help, Steve. I go golfing because it's the only thing I enjoy doing with my friends without my wife. Yeahs on which in two weeks, my buddies and I are playing in a tournament and we are staying overnight at the resort because it's three hours away. My wife loves the resort and the spot, so she decided she was going with me and having a spot day. Waddy. This is my first time out of the house since the pandemic, and I really want to have this time to relax without her. How can I tactfully tell her she can't go? Okay? First of all, dog, I know exactly where you at with dam she fitting ruined the whole damn trick. Cause see, when you go play golf with your boys at the resort, which is what I was famous for, and what you want to do is you want to go there. You want to wake up. When you want to wake up, You want to go have breakfast with your boys, talk smack yeah, go out on the golf coll go have lunch, go back out, maybe play nine. After that, then y'all want to shower. Then y'all want to sit around and get some cigars, talk some mo trash, come on, man, Then go to your room. And then you want to then you want to watch TV and watch what you and you don't want to talk, oh, because you've been talking to her since COVID start. Yes, now she fit to bring her ass down here and just ruin the damn trip. How can he tactfully tell her she can't go. I'm getting say y'all ain't going, and then four hours before you take off, baby, if we're back on it does take us a minute just say hey, look man, man, hey, look baby, look, I love you, but really I just need some me time with the fellas. You know, if you would just let me go down here so I don't have to don't you ain't got to wear by where I eat? I know how to eat. I'm grown. It's nothing you could say, tac quick what ship I'll say? Stay was now? Baby? You know I want to just go on down here. I don't want to have to be weired about you where you're eating it what you you ain't got to wear about what? I mean. I'm growing, I know how to order food. I'm gonna be in the spy anyway, but now I see that I you know, you know we're gonna be down there. You know I might want to just hang out with him, smoke some cigars, drink a little Scott, go home, go ahead. You ain't gotta you, ain't gotta worry about what I'm doing. I sit in the room by myself. But Steve as soon as he walking there, two o'clock in the morning. What he gonna hear? So? How much? So? How many cigars did you smoke? Yeah, we'll go on to your little funky golf trip by yourself. Okay, thank you, Love, You're going to you know? Okay? Cool? Thank you? I knew you. See. This is from a run. He's an iHeartRadio app listener. He says, I've been married for three years. When I met my wife, I met her best friend, who happens to be a man. He spend a lot of time with my wife and they're always on the phone day and night. I've never really been cool with the guy, and I could sense something wasn't right. Well recently I found out that this guy and my wife had a friends with benefits arrangement a few years before I met her. I talked to the guy man to man and asked him to stop hanging around my wife. He said that he is my wife's friend, not mine. How can I handle this guy without going to jail? Oh? Well you you asked her ron. Oh you don't have an answer for that. It's all a nothing, not really. I mean you know, seriously, if I come to you as a man and I'm talking to you about a situation with my wife, and I tell you I'm gonna need for you to stop hanging around my wife and calling my wife, and you tell me I'm your wife's friend. Yeah, then what you're telling me is what I think. It won't don't matter. So now immediately I must become important to you right away. Immediately I must do something to you to start to matter. Black lives matter, and we're talking about my black ass life right now, and so now I got to get I'm just gonna tell you, man, I mean to see, that's disrespectful. You call him as a man, but he disrespectful. But see, he thinks he got the edge because he has your wife's consent. So the way you got to do it is quit talking to him and go to the one that took the vials for you. Now she gonna tell you we was friends for I met you, and you knew we was friends, and why all of a sudden you got a problem with it, Well, because I didn't found out y'all used to kick it. And if you don't think he want to kick it with Hug again, you sadly mistake it. See wants you to slept with a chick? Well, what is it in you that causes you not to never want to sleep with her again? Unless unless something happened to cause you to hate hu? Right to hate her? All Right, we're moving on. Danielle in Atlanta says, I'm a twenty seven year old makeup artist and I've been out of work since March, so I had to move in with my brother and his wife. My sister in law is my age and she works from home. So we cooked, listen to music, and fooled around a lot whenever my brother was at work. Yes, we fooled around. I went on for two It went on for two months before I told her we had to stop. I decided it was time for me to move out and get get away from her. She got mad and told me if I left, she was going to tell my brother. Do you think she's bluffing or do you think she's really she'd really tell on us if she does what do I do a minute, Yes, this is your brother's wife. Yeah, they messed around. Y'all start messing. And if you think her man, she's gonna tell her brother. However, how that's gonna hurt you? Well, his sister messing with his wife, Well, I don't listen to me unless you unless your brother and his wife have had swinger type relationships in the past. I think the poison in that peal is when she tapped to tell on herself that I slept with your sister. Right, both relationships is ruined. Your relationship with your brother's ruined, but her relationship with her husband is ruined. Like I said, unless they've had previous swinger type relationships been okay, thank you, Celo as always coming up next and if you tell me run that prank back? Right after this, you're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. It's today's national news. President Trump is now telling Americans to wear a mask. Wow. In entertainment news, we'll tell you about the Virtual I Heeart Radio music Festival, and we'll have more on Kanye West. Right now, the nephew is here with Run that Prank Back. We're gonna talk about all these stories and stuff at the top of the hour. But nephew, what you got for us today? I'm trying to go back to the cemetery. Tombstone, baby tombstone. Let's get to a chop chop. Come on, cad down, Hey man, I'm gonna we got a problem with the stolen y'are to mess around and put the wrong name on my tombstone and wills to do it, and we got a problem. We gotta go rictify, Man'll hold on, hold on, man, calm down. And first of all, what is your name? My name is Rinty Man. But I can't understand a funeral home making nex tonament? You know what? That that don't make no sense. I wrong to y'all haven't been in the business to be doing something like this. So this is a family business. We've been doing this forty plus years. Well, yn't making mistakes like this? Man, What's what's the problem. What's the mistakes? What's what mistakes do you think we made? Okay, look, man, we're being my Ami two weeks ago. Her name is Rosette. Okay, all right, where you spare? Our name is r. O. S. E. T. T. A. Y'all got r o z E t t an she was born tune to eight, nineteen forty eight, y'all got August the six, nineteen forty y'all got the dates mixed up. Then y'all got her name mixed up. And what we're ain't going to do. That's how my anti are rifted in peace with the wrong stuff on her thromb song. No first, man, calm down right, and you can't getting a man. I can't as no way I can help you getting that now. I mean, who fix the problem? Then, man, I could check the paperwork. I can check the paperwork and see what the problem is. Now, if you gave me the wrongest, say your family gave me wrong information, then we just put down where we would give it. And if we got to change something, we're gonna change it. But it's gonna cause you some more money. No, y'all, we're here. We're not paying another damn damn to that fre all, not another damn damn. The stuff gonna get changed bom this damn tool. So then we're not paying for none. I'm gonna say this. I'm going I've decided. I'm saying we can help you out I can help you, but if you gave me the wrong information, that's only here. I didn't do that. That's only you. We didn't give you the wrong information. No, I'm gonna tell you this. You put it on the name arong. What is your name? My name is Kendrick. Okay, Kendrick. Let me tell you something. If this don't get changed, body, noney, Me and some of my cousin's gonna come out there and start digging up about it. And y'all not coming over here and digging up nothing. Y'all's my play. He would disrespect my family and come over here, and you're gonna get up what we're gonna dig up? Somebody, if you're gonna if you're gonna get the direct pound of mine toombstone, it's not gonna be no of that. I'm not having you coming over here. We gonna fix the problem and check the paperwork and I can get back to you. That's what I can do. But you ain't digging up nothing. If but me and my cousin is coming out there digging him some of them, damn daddy. But it until you'll get this damn thing, six ain't gonna be nobody coming over there. Hold on, see what now, I'm getting excited to comments. Man. Let me just talk to you like a man. Listen. What I'm saying is you is that the family seals out the paperwork, puts the name in the first date on there. If it is incorrect, it has to be fixed. I have to call the man out here to fix it. And that's gonna call some money. I have to pay him. All I'm saying is if that is the case, if the paperwork is incorrect, it's not own us, and I might have to charge you a little extra money just so I can get it taken care of. Get charge money, man, where you ain't got no more, I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you one more time, mister Kendrew. If I don't see a chat, I'm coming after this evening. And look at my handy toombstal. I'm coming out there now. If the date and the name ain't fixed, I promise you so help me. I'm finna start digging up about it. And if you're answers out there, I'm gonna put you in one of them homes up and I'll tell you what vegid you? Michael, put me in no home man, Like I said, I try to. I'm trying to talk to you and tell you what the deal is and how we will get this fix. Ain't nobody come out here and do it up? Nothing I'll be I'll bet you there. I bet you I'm digging up a hole and I'll put you in it. If you don't fix my handy tomb star, then we're both were going in the damn hole. That's what's gonna happen. Now, We're both going in that end because somebody want to fix miss around and put the room day you want to put the n spill my hand in man rung in everything. I don't even answer the damn phone. My uncle get a kisses, rigid resident. You happn fix nothing. Me and you yelling at each other, we mean, we don't do this. Yelling at each other is not gonna fix the problem. I still have to do a step here. I have to look at this paperwork. But when are you gonna look at it? Whether you keep yelling. I don't even have tiny gold with its paperwork. Every time I get really look at something, you're yelling in my head. When you want more time, I'm come at money I'm gonna come out there right now. That's where I'm gonna do. You know what We're to come on, then I try to talk nice to your tell you what to I told you that this is a fan of business. You're disrespecting me. You come out here and you ain't no because when we both going the whole days, That's what I'm trying to tell you right now. But when you because they're darntee you, you're gonna chance. I'm gonna bring then bring that you ain't no because laugh gonna call bigger both seven holes. I'll be when they get rid of them. The tom so I'm wrong all women. Come on, you ain't gonna I need to take Yes, you got to say. I'm saying that you're listening to me. Kendrick. You wrapped the sixth budget. This is Matthew Tommy. You just got break by your sector Tarry with yo, your man you Tommy. I'm gonna damn got you man, man Old he was to be here today day I knew something was funny. Yeah, you got me, But I was gonna do the whole for your today trying to dig all right, Hey, man, I gotta ask you one more thing what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lands, the Steve Hardy Morning Show. Like, what y'all want on y'all? I'm gonna ask you again. I asked you yesterday what y'all want on? Y'all? You don't want to talk about it? And it kind of quote to anything you want to put on it. No, we're good right now. I'm gonna have online. I had to do it. Yeah, you did my way. I had to do. I didn't have a choice. Pimping ain't eaging, but I had to do it. But I'm definitely getting to set up for us all to be buried in the same place. So I just want y'all to do We're gonna be dead, no, no, no I care. I'm not gonna be laying next to your ass for you turning and get out of here. So you got to make more sense than all of us because you're you're that's your nephew, your family talk. We could hunt people if we want to together, we could do some stuff we don't. We don't talk outside this radio show as okay, but but but when we pass, that might be that might be the relationship that you and I have all right, we're moving on before this gets ugly. Coming up at the top of the hour entertainment and national news. What the only thing I will do dead that I ain't already doing living is fly. We'll be back right after. I'm not talking to you now. Don't wear everybody later you're listening to morning show. Well in today's entertainment news the time like The lineup for the twenty twenty i Heeart Radio Music Festival has been announced. The tenth annual concert, which will be held virtually this year because of course of the pandemic. It'll feature recording recorded performances from Ussher, Miley Cyrus, The Megoes, Kane Brown, the country singer I Love Him Old, Play, u Kalid, Keith Urban, and more. The event will stream on all i Heeart Radio stage as well as on the c W app. It will then air on the c W as a two night event on September twenty seventh and the twenty eighth. And that's good news. I mean, chances are we'll still be at home so we could definitely watch it. Take that COVID take and you have yeah. Wow, good lineup though, and Usher and Usher oh, yeah, they'll probably make a lot of money off that. M Yeah. While you say that, though, because production value is gonna shrink. Oh, he missed me and finally gives some new content for advertisers to be Yeah. Yeah, Kane, No, not at this time. He could change, could change. Yeah, he gonna had to change too. He just needs some help. He needs to take his meds. Uh. Wow, as far as we know, you know, he definitely needs some help. It sounds like though, all right, guys, we're gonna switch gears right here and get to some national news. Miss Anne is off today. Yesterday, President Trump held his first coronavirus news briefing since April. Wow, who knew it had been that long. We knew it had been a long time, but this one. Yeah, but it was only the president though. Doctor foul she she wasn't there. Take a listen to doctor Foulch. She's sang on CNN with Jake Tapper yesterday that he was invited to the briefings. I was not invited up to this point. I'm assuming that I'm not going to be there. Of course, it's going to be in just a short while and I'm still here at the Nah. So I'm assuming it's not going to be there. When's the last time you spoke directly with the president. Oh, I had a good, long conversation with him towards the end of last week. I think it was might have been Thursday. Well, it's a pandemic. You have not talked to the leading doctor experts a week ago. I know. One of the reporters at the news conference asked the President where were the doctors and he said, they said doctor Foulci and doctor Burkes. And the President said, doctor Burkes is standing right outside. He didn't mention doctor Fauci she couldn't come in. Yeah, she's standing right outside. But I mean, we all know, we all know Steve what this is about. Okay, okay, so let me ask you a question. What did he say? Because I was trying to watch it, but I've missed it. Well, we got some sound coming, yeah, yeah, yeah, said hang On. He went He went on to say that the crisis probably will get worse before it gets better, that's one thing he said. But he didn't have a plan as to how to fix it or anything. And finally, in today's national headlines, President, who did he blame for it? Though? Well, you know, he said it came out of China. We should have stopped it before it got here from China. He didn't really blame like he normally does. He was kind of a low key president. You know, he must have been reading. Oh he was definitely reading. Oh yeah, he was definitely reading. You know how his attitude. He's a real like low energy guy when he reads the stuff. He didn't have a mask on, but he did say masks are good. He did mention that we should probably wear our masks. So he's changing sound on that him talking about that. Listen to that. When you are not able to socially distance, wear a mask, get a mask. Whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact. They'll have an effect. And we need everything we can get. And I'm behind in the pole, right, and we know that's what it's really about. And that's all it is. Because he's failing miserably in the polls, especially on COVID. The economy is hurting him too, because millions of people who are filing for unemployment. That's hurting. But this COVID thing is killing me. Yeah, not to mention that it's going to be some dissension in the ranks simply because I just can't believe that every Republican is going to ignore all of the ignorance that has come out of his mouth. I just don't believe all of them will ignore all of it. Nancy Pelosi is calling it the Trump virus now because our corona the Trump virus, because and they should label it that, because if he could pin this on anybody, he would. And that's why he's trying to turn to China exactly instead of just admitting what he hasn't done. And we all know that he brought back the briefings in an attempt to try to keep his job and revive his reelection all of that, you know, But I mean, just such a lack of leadership during this pandemic, and now he's trying to fix it, you know, stop the bleeding as it were. Um and again, I mean, I mean, why else would he just all of a sudden now say masks are effective when before he's saying he's been saying yeah, yeah, yeah, And he hasn't been leading by example, not wearing or anything. Now all of a sudden, just like you said, Shirley, just a complete lack of leadership on this whole thing, and he's trying to fix it now because he's seen what he's done to him in the polls. But I did hear Joe Biden yesterday what was his plan as BBB bringing back better, Better Back. I thought it was pretty catchy. He actually talked about it, and you know what he would do differently, And he's actually discussing a plan. And at the same time he was slamming Trump, I mean picking him up in body slam in. Here's ass. Wow. I thought I was watching w W E isself. Trump wasn't there. But if Trump, if Trump was a body double, like a like an ad balloon, dumb, he was Bobby slam in all right? Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, Dave Chappelle flew to Wyoming to check on his good friend Kanye we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show well. Comedian Dave Chappelle flew to Cody, Wyoming to check on his good friend Kanye West, following uh Kanye's recent South Carolina campaign rally and his troubling tweets that accused his wife Kim of trying to have him and involuntarily committed to a mental hospital. Yesterday, Kanye posted a video of himself with Dave Chappelle among other friends who came to visit him, and in the video, Kanye and Dave were joking and Kanye asked Dave to make a smile take a listen uplifting joke. You know all right now? That wow that I could hear the weather coming through the weather. Yeah, the brother could have been riding in a car with you. Thought was a hurricane, does thunderstorms and would sounds like he was fit to have a thunderstorm. I can't believe he flew into all that trouble just to see Kanye. But that's where Kanye needs, man, he needs a friend. I mean, you know, like he said, you need a peer and you need an older guy. Everybody has to have that. Man, if you're a man, if you can find a great peer, a friend that will be your friend and would tell you when you're getting out of line, and you need an older man to help you out too. That those are two critical pieces of a puzzle in the development of men. Everybody don't have that, but if you can seek that out, especially young guys. Man, if you can find an older guy that you can just talk to He may not have the money you got, he may not have the fame you got, He might not be in the same line of work you in. He may not be built and cut like you, none of that. But that dude knows something just from having spent so much time on this earth. He has seen some stuff, man, and he can give you some real solid advice and you need that and listen to him. Don't just have a bunch of yes people around you. No, that's what it is, man, and you because that experience. You know, It's like I was talking to my kids the other day. You know, we got into this big discussion, Dad, you can google everything, and I said, no, you can't. Dad, names something you can't google. I said, experience, Dad, what you I don't know what I said, you can't google everything what I'm teaching you and trying to tell you you can't google it. You can't google success and you can't google experience. Now I'm both of them. So no, you won't hear what I got to say, or you won't go ahead and try to figure it out. Yeah, silence after that, right, because it's truth, you know. Yeah? Wow? All right, Well coming up with thirty four minutes after the hour, there is a coin shortage, and does Steve you're here to break it down what that means? Right after this you're listening to show what is going on in the world. America is in the midst of a coin shortage and a coining. According to USA Today, the spreading of a coronavirus and the resulting of business closures could be why the circulation of coins dropped off. What do you think, I tell you, I tell you why A lot of coins missing? Really? Well, what's going on? Call? Black people are saving them in crown row bags. I thought you were gonna be all serious. That's where your damn coins is that? Oh they got it full of coins. You can't get it. But I see that's the thing about it. We save a lot of stuff. Oh, we say my mama, I watched, my mama says stuff. I say stuff. My sisters says stuff. You know what else we say. You can't explain it to nobody. We keep paper bags. As soon as we come from the grocery store, we fold that damn bag up and keep it. We got a blottle slot between the base cabinet and refrigerator. They've dined in there. Get a bag out of there in case you got to cast something. Yes, I ain't. Something else. We saved old people. All people say butter containers, crock spread I can't believe by carnola, all just full of stuff like that. They look like tupperware with no damn tops. I tell you something else. We saved shot glasses. If we if we see a shot glass somewhere, we got to get that to the house. Yes, in case you need it. Here's something else. We say T shirts that we can't even fit. No more. Everybody got a draw with some T shirts. You know your ass can't wear this shirt? No more. You ain't liar. Yes, I'm telling you. You put it up and you're gonna wear that. We say salting pepper shakers. My mama has some of the salt and pepper. I tell you something else. We saved two. We saved condiments. We saved hot sauce, packets, mustard package, catch up package. We saved chop sticks. Half of us don't even know how to use chop sticks. Sorry, sauce, don't throw that way. Put it in the drawer. Even sour sauce, you better talk. We saved old last remote that run TVs we ain't seen in the year. You know something else. Black people don't ever throw away keys. We don't even know what the kids too, but we keep it in case we gonna need that ki. Oh my god, Steve, did you be like what this kid go to? I don't know, you ain't. Yeah, And I'll tell you something that to get your ass in trouble for real, Fellas what back in the day, don't hang on the concert tickets really trouble? Hell, yeah, especially if your girl didn't go see Shard Day with you, because I know goodn't here. Well, I ain't seen shot Day when with you at Shard Day hanging on them tickets? Man, a lot of stuff, Man, you got to let go off. I got a partner man that's got these shoes, and he wham and I compliment him on the shoes, but I really don't like the shoes, right because that that hideous, you know what I mean? You know, because he's a cool brother. You know, a man that's some sharp shoes. You know, he says, Man, you know how long I had these shoes, Steve, you ain't gonna be leave these shoes twenty years old. I believe it. I believe I'm believing because they damn show out of style. I don't even own nothing I can wear from from twenty years ago. No man, So we got all the coins. Yeah, yeah, all right, Steve, thank you for putting us on that coming up nephew in the building with the prank phone call that's right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's strawberry letter. My subject is he really thinks I took advantage of him. He really thinks I took advantage of him. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What do you have for us today? Three minute remarks? Three minute remarks? Where do you hear that? At at the funeral? The funeral? At the film? Yeah, so we didn't left from the tombstone, and we didn't went back. You see what I'm saying. Now we at the funeral. Yeah, I should have ran them differently, but now we at the funeral. Three minute remarks. Watch this. Hey, hey, it's it's it's that weak for me, okay, just mad with me? Yeah, you go. It all started off the air. There we go well, yes, I'm trying to reach your brother Keith. Please. Yeah, this is Keith Keith. How are you doing? This is Lawrence over at Ill Funeral Home. Okay. We are the ones that have the um doing the funeral for sister Dolores, and that is uh you'll my understanding, right yeah okay, And as you know, the funeral is uh this coming Thursday. Yes, I'll be that Thursday. I'm giving you a call because it's been brought to my attention, uh that you were going to be giving remarks for the funeral? Is that correct? Yes? Absolutely? Okay. I wanted to call you because we're getting ready to print the programs for the funeral and let you know that they have taken you off for the remarks because they say that you're not going to be on. What do you mean taking me off? Well, what I'm saying is they say that you're you're not going to abide by the two three minute rule that they have for remarks, and they wanted they've they've taken you off and uh uh who who are they? Who come out? Who? Who? What's the name is launch? I'm Launched, I'm actual funeral director lords and who who told you to take me off one of the one of the family members I'm assuming is who who made the adjustment, and an adjustment that ain't no adjustment, that's that's changing the whole program. Who else is on the list? I mean, there's quite a few family members doing different things, uh, throughout the funeral. Okay, so how did you get to my name? Is what I'm trying to figure out that they said that. Let listen to me. Listen, Listen to me. Listen to me, brother Keith, Listen to me. What they said it is that you weren't going to abide by the time. You weren't going to do your remarks in three minutes or less. Listen, listen, listen, listen. Monty raised me. He put me through college. And you think I've been I've Beena goes there in her funeral and be under two minutes. Well, well, listen to listen, brother Keith. Brother, keep listening to him. Normally, when we have these funerals, people who give remarks, we have them three minutes or less. Okay, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what mister Lord don't list? Is she loan the list? We have a shealer. Yes, there's a sealer. That's singing her name off the list. Take her off the list and put me where she supposed to be with my current and her time is Bobby Bobby now, yes, Bobby Junior is given remarks. That's that's that's Delors's that's mister Lawes's son. Right, Yes, he's son, the one that's been locked up. He just got out of tail. The truth be told. He the one Dawn. Then put her in the coffee. You need to take him off the list too. Give me all that time, because I mean, if I gonna take nothing that Keith, let me let me, let me just say this to you. I cannot take she or Boby Junior off. I can't make any alterations to this program unless they say that. Actually, sir, you already you already taking you already taking people name off, you're taking my name off. But but they they orchestrated this though. Who is they? Who is Day? They for having my problems? They try to take me off my hockey program? Who is Day? Sir? I'm not gonna get into a family matter. But until they say that, you can't matter. Sure, I'm not gonna. I don't want to. I don't want to have this turn out to be bad and we want to have a great homegoing for sister Deloyer. Okay, damn right. And if I don't get to say nothing, I guarant tease, I guarantee you it's gonna be a truthful one in there. Somebody else don't get things and a call for tooth. I guarantees that if I don't get to say nothing, that my monkey fue Monethy didn't pay for them college. I didn't put sick. I'm not in the funeral. I bet you I tell you this. I'll tell you this, mister lord. I bet you whether I'm on the program I'm not. I bet you I say it with the fool I want to. I bet you that much. You tell by that I didn't. I didn't put me through colleagues. I put money on the funeral. I called around a few who ain't putting no money on the funeral. Fell in they can't be on the program, man, keep they when they decide who who Who's own it? If they changed the format, then I will call you back. Who who the is? Vegue? That's what I'm trying to get. Get you understand who is bad? Can I can I tell you something and I don't want you to get to I rape. Okay, ahead, go ahead, go ahead, man. I just want to say this, Keith will them. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got freaked, dude. You have gotten breaked by yo because Bobby Junior, you bum, I'm Bobby Junior Up. I'm kicking Bobby. I know that my love pleasures all up. I ain't got found the playing man taking me out? Damn program Oba. Bobby said, y'all grew up black brothers man, and you was you was basically another son of mister Lord's. That's right, Yes, yes I was. Man. Oh hey, let me ask you this man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land Steve Harvey Morning Shout. Have you ever hit a funeral and somebody actually did three minutes and was done? No? No, they always going to five six minutes. Don't know when to get off. I want to tell the whole story of their relationship. I've been the funerals and her. Some people say something the most ignorant and yes, they're not going to sit down when they say and let me say this, Hey, man at my partner's funeral. It was four to half hour funeral to start with whoa it was? It was? It was horrible. I ain't I ain't talking about grad Calhoun. I'm talking about before that. One of my mama other partners died. Wife on the front row, two kids, they're real small. Uh. This girl goes up there and says, yeah, I'm gonna really miss him. He used to call me at night and he used to sing to me. Now we're sitting here going where you going with this? His wife sitting on the front row with two little kids and ship to talk about here, I'm gonna miss him. He called me at night. He's he's to sing to me at night. Do you all remember Harold Melvin? Oh I miss you? Won't you sing it with me? In church head people saying it, Oh, the pastor the church were sitting up there with la Jesus, Lad Jesus. That's not good. All right, Thank you, Nevie, thank you uncle. I'm neck Strawberry letters subject. He really thinks I took advantage of him. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to morning show time now, guys, for today's Strawberry letter and listen. If you need advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry letter. Okay, what say? Yeah? Take two. Please buggle up and hold on time. We got it for you here it is Strawberry letter. Thank you, Sir Williams that you didn't hit it. Coot five, you didn't hear it? There you go, there you go, that's the one. Yeah, all right, thank you enough you subject. He really thinks I took advantage of him. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm in my late thirties and I'm dating a man that I met at church. I found out that he talked to our pastor about me, and the pastor Hennett that he might be ready to propose. I got excited and decided it was time to take our relationship to the next level, meaning it was time for sex. We have been together for six months and we were friends for two years before we started dating. We haven't had sex, but we sleep in the same bed a lot, and I like to sleep in my underwear. I must admit that he is a strong willed man because I look great in my underwear and I am irresistible. We have also taken a few showers together, and again he never made a move on me. He says you ain't right, or you play too much to let me know he's turned on by me. This past weekend, he stayed at my house and I slipped into some of my sexy lingerie before we went to bed. I told him that it was time for us to explore each other intimately, and he said that in due time we would. But when he lay next to me in the bed, his body said something else. I initiated some pregame activities and we had the most romantic intimate experience ever. I was relieved and very happy happy afterward because I wanted to make sure he knew what he was doing in the bedroom. The next morning, he woke me up and said we needed to talk. He told me that I was too forward, and I seduced him after he told me needed to wait to have sex now. The beautiful night I thought we had was ruined. He told me that he thought I was the one for him, but now he's not sure if we're compatible. I reminded him that he never said stop, and it takes two people to do what we did. Do you think I took advantage of him? Please help? All right? I don't necessarily know think you took advantage of him of him, I think you took advantage of the situation. And I'm going to go here. First, you mentioned a few things in the letter. You mentioned that first you met him at church, then you found out that he had talked to the pastor about you, and no matter how hard you've tried, he told you that you guys need to wait. And what this kind of says to me is that, as unusual as this seems in these sexually promiscuous times, that this man is trying to do the right thing by God and not fornicate with you. I mean, I think he really wants to wait. He's told you that he really wants to wait until marriage to have sex with you. You guys are playing with fire, though. I gotta tell you that he has accused you of being too forward and seducing him. But I don't understand what he thinks is going to happen if you guys are sleeping in the same bed, if you're showering together, and if you're wearing sexy underwear. I mean, all of that leads to sex, doesn't it. Yes, it does every time for me, every every time, right. I mean, he's strong willed, You're right about that to be able to resist all of that most of the time. But that's why I think you know that maybe he's trying to be right. By God, you guys have just been together for about six months as a couple, so I think you need to talk more and find out what's going on with him before you push this any further. It sounds to me like, you know, he might want to take it slow and make you his first lady one day, but right now he's just not ready. Steve, That's what I think. I see so much more in this now, of course you do. Yeah, let's go on, let's not let's not break this one down. Let's tat this one down. Okay. I remember, late thirties. I'm dating a man I met at church. Found out he talked to your pastor about me in the past. To hint it that he might be ready to propose. So now you got excited and decided it was time to take the relationship to the next level, meaning it was time for sex. Let's just review this right hill. You're dating a man that you met at church. This man goes to the pastor, obviously saying something to the pastor. Your pastor hits to you, this man might be ready to propose. You got excited, and then you decided it was time to have sex. Well, what church y'all go to? What did the pastor say? I want to know the conversation you in the past to head. Right after that, you said it's time to have some sex. This is a great church. Now, you had been together for six months and y'all been friends for two years. For y'all start to date and you ain't had no sex. But we sleep in the same bed a lot, and I like to sleep in my underwear. I must admit that he's a strong willed man because I look great in my underwear and I'm irresistible. Now, one of these statements can't be true. You're gonna go one of these statements ain't no way in hell can be true? And which one do you you're sleeping, You're on you like sleeping, you're on the way. Okay, that's true. Huh. I look great in my underwell and I'm irresistible. But he's sleeping the bed and he don't touch your in what some of these statements ain't true? All right, we're gonna have part two of Steve's response at twenty three minutes after the hour, Today's Strawberry Letters. Subject he really thinks I took advantage of him. Uh, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Uh, he really thinks I took advantage of him. M that's a subject. Well, that ain't high. I see it. You met dating the man in the church, knowing him for two years, you all you found out that he went in and talked to the past about you and it passer came back and told you he and you ready to propose. So right after the conversation with the past of y'all church members, now this your spiritual leader, shepherd, you just got through talking to him, and right after that conversation, you thought we standing for us had some sick I don't know what the pastor said to you. I don't know what he said to the past and I don't know what church this is, but I would be very interested in being a member. Just right off the dribble, sounds like a church I could easily just go to if y'all want. Okay, we started dating. We haven't had sex, but we're sleep in the same bed a lot. I like to sleep in my underwear. I must admit he's a strong, wild man because I look great in my underwear and I am irresistible. Man. Well, well, well, somebody ain't staying all the damn facts. Why are you hurping that? I'm just standing, you know, not checked it down or it don't stop that. We've also taken a few showers together. And again he never made a move on you. You just said you was irresistible. Now unless you taking showers in that same underwear you're sleeping in, I'm assuming y'all nked yes, And then he'll say to me, you ain't right. You played too much to let me know he's turned on. Well, this past weekend he stayed at your house. You slipped in some of your sexy laundry before you went to bed. You told him it's time for us to explore each other intimately, and he said, didn't do time. We would but what excuse me? But when he laid next to me in the bed, his body said something else. I knew it did not mind is screaming at this point, it's no longer talking. I'm I'm hauling at myself. Steve say, man, it's stupid, Steve. You see what I'm dying. He didn't Stave, Steve whistle blowing because he can whistle, you know, yeah, Steve. But when he lay next to me in his bed, his body said something else. Then she initiated some pregame activities and we had the most romantic intimate experience ever. I was relieved and very happy afterwards because I wanted to make sure he knew what he was doing in the bedroom. This is a key line to what I'm about to get to. I wanted to make sure he knew what he was doing in the bedroom. The next morning, he woke me up and said we need to talk. He told me I was too forward and I seduced him after he after he told me we needed to wait to have sex. Not a beautiful night, I thought, I had was ruined. He told me he thought I was the one for him. But now I'm not sure if we're compatible. Right now, let me tell you what happened. What happened right here. Shirley's absolutely correct. The dude was on some straight spiritual stuff. He thought he was getting something a little bit more wholesome, a little bit more pure than what he had last night. Because you was in there, you said, I wanted to make sure he knew what he was doing in the bedroom. Might as well put in parentheses, because I damn show du see see see this how I read these letters. I wanted to make sure him knew what he was doing in the bedroom, cause parentheses. I damn show due. And you showed him too. But she showed him too much. So now she in't here, just doing way ain't too damn much. He can't even hand it. Oh he trying to, he performing, But you're doing too damn much. You in't here, you you, you in't here? Oh man, you just good? What is you doing? You're the scared demand? Now you too damn much for him? Wow for one man, but not enough for two? That gummin Who is you? And what is she to you you too damn much? All right? You told me I thought I was one for him, but now he didn't shoe if you compatible Yeah, I told him. You didn't tell me to stop here. He couldn't use too much. He couldn't say stop you run into playing tag by you tag and bringing yourself in the rain. Post comments on today's Strawberry Letter and put a mask Mary, he know who you was, and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram. Please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast to demand coming up in forty six minutes after the hour Chandelion. Just let go that one way too damn That was coming up at forty six minutes after Junior Sports Talk. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hiring can be difficult, but if you're currently hiring, you face new difficulties. Housing Wire could relate. They needed to hire a reporter to cover news stories on the US housing market, so they turned to zip recruiter, and that's how Housing Wire found Alexandra Roha. Alexandra never imagined she could get a reporter job during COVID nineteen, but then she created a profile on zip recruiter. Zip Recruiter matched her to Housing Wire's reporter job because she was a great fit for the role. Housing Wire received her application only four hours after they posted the job, and just a few weeks later, Alexandra was hired. See how zip recruiter can help you hire. Try it now for free at zip recruiters dot com slash strawberry that zip recruiter dot com slash strawberry. All right, Junior is here with sports talk. What you got, Junior, really, we tell you is every week this is not sports talk. Well what is it you're talking about? You heard going on fots Quinn talking about sports talk. We don't have nothing, look anything anything. Well, I watched soccer yesterday, Junior? You did? Yeah? Yeah, I'm a person in the stands. A really don't know what the hell going on now? Ain't nobody holland? Oh bad? I'm still waiting on the corn hole. Whenever we get together, that's fine, Tommy, you're gonna get crushed, Okay, cool, I'm just talking you out your league. All I need to see tosses. I'm ready to go. When when the crew get together. Next time the crew get together, be ready, be ye ready. This is sports talk too. We like that well sports, So yeah, that's right, sports talk. You ain't never beat me at nothing else. The only thing you can beat me doing is running. And that's just so late. We'll check this out. Ninety Five NFL players tested positive for the coronavirus system. That's what I'm trying to figure out toime. And this is all the last four months now, players like von Miller, Ezekiel Ellett, they all tested positive and the NFL say they expect more big numbers as they begin, uh, you know, getting ready for training camp between players, staff and coaches. So we're gonna see what we're gonna eat and have a season because the NFL might stand for this season will not last for long. That might that might be with a stand because we can't get nothing. I don't even care, really, you just don't give it. I'm trying to get Trump out of there. That's what I'm trying to do. That more important, and there will be no preseason football games. But he goes on, this is funny to me, this is really tripped out. Uh, Antonio Brown tweeted that he is done playing football. Ain't nobody to ask him? Then he's been The NFL was done first, and so is everybody else right now, You're not the only one. But I would like to give a shout out to Major League Baseball. I saw some of the players kneeling before the game. Man. That really ok, yeah, yeah, we got players now, man before the game, so they involved in the movement. You know, your president, Junior said, that's a sign of disrespect. He said, that's disrespectful what they meant because people have decided to not allow you to change the narrative. Venus right, find something else to make as your political statement. I think the statement that these brothers are making and these other players is more important. That's right, That's right, all right, thank you, Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about tell me something good that is coming up right after this. You're listening to show all right time now for tell me something good, some good news for a change. Here's some really good news. And National Basketball Players Association has partnered with Houston Rocket Star and Steve's favorite player, Russell Westbrook. He has honored the Gift That Is a clothing line to design shirts with social justice messages on them that were not approved for NBA jerseys. The new partnership was announced After Lebron, James, and Anthony Davis chose not to wear the NBA approved social justice slogans at this season's Disney World Resorts, m Lebron stated he would have liked to have had say on what to wear and felt the NBA's designs didn't resonate with his mission or his goal. That's when the NBA's Players Association and Russell came together. So here's some of the messages for the new T shirts. Systemic racism, Police Reform. I can't breathe, no justice, no peace, break the cycle approved. These are no These are the messages for the new T shirt Russell, systemic racism, police Reform. I can't breathe, no justice, no peace, break the cycle. Strange fruit by any means, power to the people, Equality, and this one am I next with the question mark my next one. Go ahead, Russell. I'm gonna support him and I got one. He can buy something that I think would be probably the top seller. What there we go. I'm tired of this sugar Honey ice team. We all buy it? Yes? Yeah, wow for him? That's good? Yeah, go ahead. I like that. When they go on sale Junior another month or so, you know. I'm just glad it wasn't Jane Harden. They pardoned up with coming. I want another one. I want I got another one? Which one probably the number one seller? Matter of fact, all y'all, Yeah, we can feel that blank. Matter of fact all y'all, and that's a good one. And choose your last statement. I got YEA clinic can fit right there. You want Russell to call you steak? Yeah, so for he is your favorite player, that's for you. And then and then a matter of fact, we didn't got to spell it all the way out either. We can get put in mal phone now that could be two things. Right then, letting me be in charge of the shirts, man, give you another one on let me think no Julian stuff. I have some more good news while you're thinking, uh, this is trending weather news. Actually, it's some questions for you guys. It's a heatwave. We all know that it's hot everywhere. So here's some questions for you guys. Um, do you sleep naked when we're having a heat wave? I sleeps cold and it don't matter what it is. I don't understand big clothing. If clothes you mean pajamas, what a big big. I mean calling you know, you put your bed clothes on. Yeah, I was like some of your great grandmother might say, ring my momo in here. But that was Timmy to brust that up. Okay, the question with Steve, do you sleep naked since it's so hot out? Do you sleep naked when we're having a heatwave? Yeah, I'll sleep naked all the time. Now do you sleep naked and walk outside when you not? When you can't sleep I'm talking about backyard? Just just just you know, just no, I don't. I like, I like something on case. I gotta run because I can't run when I'm naked. You can't, I can't. See. That's why you should do more than that. You should try naked running, you know what I mean? No, see, I can't run. N see time you can run naked. You ain't got the same problem. I mean, I don't. I was hand all right. I try to jog, nick, it knock my ass out. All right? Coming up, we'll have more of today's trending Morning Shown. After the joke was good, We'll be back right after this. You're listening to Morning Show, All right, guys, here's a crazy story. A teenage boy charged nearly twenty thousand dollars to a debit card between June fourteenth and June thirtieth. This happened on Twitch. He pretty much spent his mom savings. He was watching other people play video games, That's what he was doing. He racked up that kind of bill, twenty grand. Yeah. So when the funeral, so Steve, I gotta ask you, when was the worst trouble you got into as a kid or that you cause your parents. Yeah, I didn't have to run up twenty thousand dollars on my moment credit card. We first of all, we didn't hand the credit card. We didn't have twenty thousand dollars. I got sent to the stolen by some bread in the newspaper. One time. They gave me a dollar and I lost the forty six cent change. O lord, I got my ass whooped so severely over forty six cent because my daddy just knew my ass had bought a doughnut and a damn pop. Oh he knew it, hunh Yeah, but to him without asking him, and spent the money, the money that he worked for her for and I told him I lost it, and I got the whooping anyway, But I really didn't lose that I had bought the doughnut, and hell yeah, I don't know why he didn't accept this. I don't even know how he knew I was lying. I think I had some blades around my all right, Steve mar Trending news stories coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening to this morning show. We comedian Dave Chappelle flew to Cody, Wyoming to check on his good friend Kanye West, following uh Kanye's recent South Carolina campaign rally and his troubling tweets that accused his wife Kim of trying to have him and involuntarily committed to a mental hospital. Yesterday, Kanye posted a video of himself with Dave Chappelle among other friends who came to visit him, and in the video, Kanye and Dave were joking and Kanye asked Dave to make a smile take a listening, uplifting joke, you know, all right? Now? That was all wow, that I could hear the weather through the weather. Yeah, the brother could have been riding in a car with the woman. You thought they was a hurricane. Would sounds like he was f to have a thunderstorm that I can't believe he flew into all that trouble just to see Kanye. But that's where Kanye needs. Man, he needs a friend. I mean, you know, like he said, you need a peer, and you need an older guy. Everybody has to have that. Man, if you're a man, if you can find a great peer, a friend that will be your friend and would tell you when you're getting out of line, and you need an older man to help you out too. That those are two critical pieces of a puzzle in the in the development of men. Everybody don't have that, but if you can seek that out, especially young guys. Man, if you can find an older guy that you can just talk to. He may not have the money you got, he may not have the fame you got, he might not be in the same line to work you in. He may not be built and cut like you, none of that. But that dude knows something just from having spent so much time on this earth. He has seen some stuff, man, and he can give you some real solid advice and you need that and listen to him. Don't just have a bunch of yes people around you. No, that's what it is, man, and you because that experience. You know, It's like I was talking to my kids the other day. You know, we got into this big discussion. Dad, you can google everything? I said, No, you can't. Dad. Names something you can't google. I said, experience? Dad, What you mean? I don't know? That's what I said, you can't google everything. What I'm teaching you and trying to tell you, you can't google it. You can't google success and you can't google experience. Now I'm both of them. So no, you won't hear what I got to say. Are you won't go ahead and try to figure it out? Yeah? Silence after that, right, because it's truth, you know. Yeah. Coming up, it's our last break of the day. It's the last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks at forty nine minutes after from the one in at least Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening, all right here we are, guys, last break of the day. Yeah, these weeks are going fast. COVID or no COVID, they're still going by fast. It seems well. We've been doing it since March. We've been locked up in these houses. Yeah, yeah, man, God, Yeah, day's doing a lot some days absolutely nothing. I'm just gonna hang out of my wash room today. You haven't been there, ain't been in there. I'm gonna go hand there. I'm gonna try to get on my roof and that come down. Well, Steve, you have some words of wisdom for us in your closing Yeah, I'm ready. Okay. You know, um, I've said that I'm gonna stay on this voting. I'm gonna stay on this social justice all the way through to the election. And I'm just gonna hold true to that. And before anybody makes the attempt to say, well, Steve, we're tired. Are you talking about the election? We're tired? Are you talking about social justice when you're gonna get back to talking about the positive things? Well, I do. I have a motive vational channel. I've got you know, Steve Harvey dot com. I've got my motivational channel. I've got my foundation. I have a lot of things that I do, my Facebook watch show, I have a lot of things that I do to stay on the very positive things about But this radio show, I want to say this, you cannot be as sick of me as you are of him. I just can't beat there I can't imagine that I've made someone as sick as this president has made us all. I just can't imagine that I got that. You know, you tune in sometimes for the levity part of what we do. You know, you want to feel some laughs and get out of the dolgiums, and we do that throughout the show. But what what we're trying to do with Michelle Obama, the first lady, when we when we're trying to get you to go to when we all Vote dot org? When we all vote dot org, It's very simple. Since voter registration is low, all you gotta do is gonna line and you have the time to go online right now. Anybody who's an unregistered voter and know someone else who isn't registered. Nearly all of us have internet access on our phones, go to when we All Vote dot org and register to vote. And if you're getting sick of me saying this, I promise you you cannot be sicker of me than you are of our leadership. You can't be more tired of me than all the lies he has told. You can't be more tired of me than the divisiveness that this man has shown as the president of the United States. You can't be more tired of me than being as sick of his non caring ways when he separates babies from parents, and and when he when he when he when he resentds DOCA, when he wants to get rid of Obama care, when he wants to no longer care whether you have a pre existing condition, When when he's ready to send your children to school in states where there's a rise in COVID and demand that your children go back to school. And if you don't open up your schools, he's not going to fund your schools. You can't hold parents hostage with the safety of their children is at state and the well being of their family. What parent, I know parents are tired of home schooling. I know children are tired home schooling. Kids want to go back to school for social activities because they miss their friends, how they miss learning in the regular atmosphere. I got all of that. But they're a parent living willing to risk their child for that. No parent wants to send their child to a place and their child may not come home. We already won't pass proper gun laws to keep our kids from getting shot down at the school, and now you're saying it don't matter that the COVID numbers are reaching, that are climbing, that the death told is climbing, that more people are showing up positive than ever, and you're gonna send our children off to school. You can't be more sick of me saying what I'm saying than you are of what he's doing. You just can't. It's impossible. I don't believe that. I can't believe you're more sick of me asking you to vote than you are tired of hearing these useless tweets. Now, the president says every time he sees somebody kneeling before a game, it sickens him, and that that that's the end of the game for him. No, it's not, No, it's not. That's not true. There's no game for you to watch. What are you talking about. It's it's it's it's it's not And people are not gonna watch baseball because players. That's the America's game, that's the American pastime. You just say stuff and tweet stuff. First of all, you're the president, you know saying, I'm just you can't be sicker of me than this guy here. So you've got to vote. When we all vote. Dot org is the website. Everybody listening should go and get your friends on board, y'all, and we're going to early vote. We're going to go to the polls and vote. We're not doing another four years of this. He's not who you voted for. What else? What else can we say? You can't be as sick of me as you are of him. I ain't made nobody that's sick in my whole damn life. Thank you, it's my clothing. Thank you. Vote for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to st