Good morning and welcome to the ride! Junior asks Uncle Steve the $600 million dollar question. The CLO must help Big Jack splain something to his mother. Steve is looking for someone. Trump needs to have a Come On Dog conversation. Nobody on the bench is funnier than Blue Cheese. Antonio Brown got a new song and Junior is not having it. Would You Rather is talking about Luther. The results are in for Tristan Thompson (que in Maury). The crew talks about the difference between mental illness and stupid. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve shares with us the 80/20 way to pray.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all all suit giving them like the milking bus things. And it's true good Steve listening to go together for stuy, don't joy. You gotta use that turn hur you gotta turn to turn out, turn got to turn out to turn the water to the water. Go. Come come on your baby, ah, I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yoh man. God is in the blessing business all day every day. God got hundreds of millions of blessings that he passes out every day. All I want to do is be the recipient that I'm the recipient of what He has for me. That's all I want. I just want God's favor, and I go. I want God's blessings. You know, of course I need his mercy and his grace, but I just want his blessings and his favor. I want. I want that in my life because it does things for me that I'm absolutely incapable of doing for myself. And I've been a recipient of many of those. And you can be the recipient of them too. You already are, really, really, you already are. If you're getting up every morning, that's a blessing. If you're getting one day closer to anything you're trying to accomplish, that's a blessing. But now let me talk to you about this part right here, folks, because this is the part that messages people up a great deal. What happens when you get off track? What is that? What does that mean? When you get off track? See, I've been off track. I can't tell you how many times, and it happens in so many aspects of your life. But what is it that makes getting off track so debilitating to some people? You know, there are some people who want to stay off track. They off course, they off the dream, they own to something else. And you cannot allow the fact that you've gotten off track to stop. You can't tell you something. Everybody gets off track. There are people who are living their life's dreams in spite of getting off track. See what happens when you get off track? Here's the simple thing to do. The simple thing is just to get back on track. Now, that's that's But that's easier said than done. Ain't it, Steve. Yeah. Because see, people, when you get off track, here's some of the things that happened. See you get the here come to nay sayers, some of them from the outside, some of them internally. Here's what gets said when you get off track. See, I told you, I told you. You know you. You start hearing that it's not for you. Okay, this is all just because you got off track. It's not for you. Okay, here's another one. It ain't meant to be. You can hear it all, you can say it. Well, I guess it's just not meant to be. But let me ask you a question, though, who made the rule that when you get off track you can't get back on? Who made that rule? Where has that written that once you get off track you can't get back on? See, because I'm gonna tell you something, folks, there's no such rule. As a matter of fact, it's quite the opposite. See, everybody in pursuit of a dream, a goal and aspiration or a mission, it's going to get off track. Sometimes you're going to get derailed. They are going to be days where you're not going to get it right. That are going to be days where you feel like giving up. There's going to be days when you're just gonna flat out get it wrong. That's the journey. But let me tell you, every successful person that I know, ever met, talked to, set out, and chopped it up with, have shared one thing in common. We all get off track. We all get it wrong along the way. I don't care who the person is. The president got it wrong along the way. Your pastor got it wrong along the way. Qui director guy got it wrong along the way. The principle at your school got it wrong along the way. The valor victoria of your class got it wrong along the way. The star of the team got it wrong along the way. They've all been off track. Your boss down at your job, he got it wrong along the way. Your immediate supervisor got it wrong along the way. Everybody I know that has any measure of success in every level that you call success, however you want to label it, has gotten off track. As a matter of fact, it's impossible. Listen to me, it is impossible not to get off track in pursuit of your dreams, goals, visions, aspirations. It is impossible. Don't you let nobody tell you that they got through life unscathed that they made it because they was just so determined and I would let nothing turn me back. Yeah, you might not have let nothing turn you back because you hear all but you thought about it. Oh, you thought about it on days when you was off track. But see, people don't like to tell the whole story. They just want you to think as much as you can about them. So when they tell you the story, they leave out the stuff alone the way it was just hard work and determination that got me here. No it wasn't, No, it wasn't. It was the fact that you got off track and the grace and of God allowed you to get back on. His forgiveness allowed you to get back on because you would not believe what some of the people have done. So when you get off track, don't allow the naysayers outside and the big naysayer inside, because let me tell you something, the biggest naysayer of them all comes from inside. See, it don't matter what other people say out there. It takes some time for you to learn this. And I understand because it took me some time to learn it. See, I have a lot of naysayers out there, but I ain't operating for them. Operating function for the ones that love me, for the ones that get me, for the ones that understand what I'm really trying to do. And so don't you be the one that doesn't allow yourself to get back on track when you get off track, because, like I said, who made the rule up that you can't get back on track? There's no such rule out there. Stop stopping yourself from getting it right. So what you started to diet at the beginning of the year, and you already off, start another one, start over, try it again, don't ever stop trying. If you stop trying, you can't make it. But if you never give up the effort, if you never give up and say it's over, it ain't over. You heard just saying it ain't over to the fat ladies, saying I never invite her, she's not invited. It ain't over to the fat ladies, saying I don't know where the fat ladies stay. I am not sending her an invitation to none of my events. She's not welcome here. She didn't ask me a couple of times how come I never get invited? Because you're gonna start saying it and I ain't got time for that. All right. Stop inviting the fat lady to all your events. Thank you you're listening show, Ladies and gentlemen. It is beyond me. When I wake up in the morning and I realized that I had nothing to do with the actual arrival of the day or my ability to wake myself up, all I could say is thank you man, twenty twenty two. If you'd have told me in nineteen seventy four anything about the year two thousand and twenty two, I wouldn't even have been able to put that on the radar screen. I was busy trying to figure out what I was gonna do tomorrow, let alone twenty twenty two. The thing I've learned about the future is that it has a strong possibility of getting here. So whatever you do today, understand that it will have an effect on your tomorrow. So pay close attention, young people. Stop even jest for the moment, because later on could soon become Right now, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kill what's going on? Man? All right? Let me ask you something. I'm thinking about it, man, because I don't know how to act. I ain't got your kind of money. But what can I expect if I ever got a hold of six hundred men, how am I supposed to be act? I don't know how you're supposed to be at, and I have no idea. A matter of fact, I have no suggestions on how anybody else should at if I get my hand on six million at one time, six hundred million. First of all, know this, if you've ever offended me or said anything about me, and you find out that I have the six hundred million, you should go into hiding. You should seek out some form of of of a witness protection. You know, you know, you get put into portion of the prison protective custody. You know, you gotta look into things. You gotta look into stuff like restraining orders, things like that. Yeah, that's first. Secondly, the people that's on my radio show, ye, my dear counterparts, Okay, I don't want y'all to feel, you know, surprised. So just if you hear that I have the six hundred millions, please don't text me talking about where are you. Don't don't don't don't do that. We should already know. Don't don't do that. Don't don't add let me tell you some question. Why are you what time will you be here? Don't do that. Don't start without you? Yeah, should we start without you? How long will you beat? Don't don't do that. Don't don't. Just go on with your life. And that's what started. We continue this later on, but that's the beginning of my six hundred mine. Don't don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that. All right? All right, well, thank you so far. You're here, and that's a good thing. We're gonna start the morning off at thirty two minutes after the hour with the nephew and run that prank back right after this. You're listening morning show? All right, here we go with the nephew and run that prank back to start your morning off today? What you got for us? Now? Your wife is cheating on both of us. Let's don't care. Dog. Hello, I'm trying to reach Terrence. Please, who's calling? Who's this? Hey? My name is Mark. My name is Mark. How you doing, bro? I work with um with your wife, Veronica. We're on the same sales floor together. I think I met you before, but I don't know if you remember meeting me. But um, I work at the job with Veronica. Is everything on right? There or what's going on? No, no, no, everything is straight here at the job, not a problem at all at the job. But I wanted to y yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, she's all right, She's perfectly fine. Man. Um, I just I just you know, I actually, like I said, my name is Mark Man. You don't remember me, Terrence, But I just wanted to talk to you. Like I say, um, you know, I got some things on that that's been bothered me for a minute, and I you know, I just I just kind of wanted to reach out to you, and you know, just kind of have like a little little hard to hard talk with you. Man. So maybe you know, uh, you know, we can get things in a in a better position. But I just wanted I just wanted me and you to have a conversation. Wait, man, how did you get my Veronica? Give you my number? Or how did you get my number? That's what I'm trying to like, what's going on? I mean I had, I had, I've had your number. I just I just I just had never reached out to you before. But like I say, though, man, this this, this has been bothering me for a minute, and I wanted to get it off my chest. So you and I can try to, I guess, fix this whole issue. But I just want us to see if we can fix it. You know, well, we'll fix the issue. What's the issue? I don't understand me. I'm not following you. I don't understand what like, what is the issue. So but now you know, like I said, I went on to talk to me, what's going on? Okay, Yeah, your wife, man is cheating on both of us, and we gotta figure out how we gotta do something about this. Man, all right? I mean, did you say she eating on the both of us? She's cheating. She is cheating on the both of us. Brown, It sounds like you said cheating. I don't know what you Veronic could listen to me tears, Verona could is cheating on both of us, you say, checking me and me, you know, and we gotta we gotta figure out what we're gonna do. Man. But as a husband, I gotta you gotta. I'm gonna need you to step up and get this thing in order. What you're talking about, you say, Veronica is seeking know what I mean with you? No? No, she cheating on both of us with somebody else. I know. I've been noticing her going out with this, you know, going to lunch with this other cat. So I'm like, I got pissed off about it. So I said, you know what, I can't take you no more. I'm calling Terence. You're saying to me that my wife has been cheating around a job with somebody else. She cheating on both of us. Dude, I don't get what you mean if my wife has cheated on what I mean, you're calling me to tell me that she's cheating on me. I appreciate that, but I don't get what you're saying. You know, both of us say. I don't get that part. I don't understand what you mean. Me and Veronica have been, you know, kind of cool. You know, last eight months to a year, we've been you know, pretty here at the job. You know what I'm saying, So listen what you mean y'all been cool? That's what I don't understand. Like, what do you mean y'all being cool? Because that's my wife. Tell me what you're talking about. Okay. All I'm saying is me and me and me and her been real cool. We've been real tight. You know. Sometimes we take lunch and then you know, don't come back. That's our thing though. But you know now, you know I'm noticing. You know, she she didn't want out, you know, she didn't want to lunch a couple of time with his brother named Alan, And I'm like, okay, no, no, it ain't gonna go down like this here. You know what I'm saying, Are you my wife? Man? Hey, that's that's not why I called you. I called you to my wife. That's what I want to do. I'm telling you about this dude named Alan. I need you to step up as the husband and fix this. But you're telling me that my wife is cheating on both, cheating on both. If she and she's cheating on me, you're telling me that you're with my wife too, that you've been messing around with my wife. That's not the that's not the part I'm trying to talk about. I'm trying to talk about the dude name Alan. Man, that's what I'm trying to get out. I'm gonna get to Alan. We're gonna get to Alan. You saying that my wife. Man, it's come crazy, yo. You know what, man, I'm about to put my foot right of your because play those games with her she's with me. Were messing around. We're doing listen doing that. It don't work like that. Do you understand what I'm saying? Do I hear what you're saying. But the beef ain't with me. The beef is with Alan. No, she messing over She messing over both of us with Alan Dal. I'm about to call her right here, I'm telling Okay, hold on, bro, I just want you to deal with Alan about now. I'm at I'm at the job. Yeah, but I'm about to come up my foot. You understand me? Now, I hear you. Man, Alan is the one that then blew this thing out of proportion. Dog. She messing over me and you with this here. There ain't no me and you. I don't share. Do you see what I'm saying? Yeah, I hear you. Fo me. You don't hear me. I don't know shiting that goes on over here? Okay, Okay, I do I do. I'm just saying, you know what are you saying? Leave me right here? Leaves me right now. I'm about to come up in where you at? Right now? Where are you at? I'm at the job. Where what Ronnie had I caller Ronnie? I'm at the job where Ronnie at caller Ronnie, I called the ronnicka Ronnie. I mean that's my little nickname too. It all right, but well, hold on, hold on, hold on, Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie right here, she's right where she right here, right here? You want huh? Okay, cool man here cool? But can I tell you what she's saying? I don't want to hear what she's saying. I'm run the phone right now, okay, But can I tell you what she's telling me to tell you? She ain't telling you to tell me a damn thing because the only thing that you get is my foot up. Okay, okay, but but Ronnie wants me to tell you this man just listen to me. Terms. She wants me to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got franked by your wife, Veronica. You know what I don't y'all up, fall y'all up, I'm gonna give your old school woman you are No, I'm not all right. I'm in the car. I was on my way over there. I'm about to go to sail. I'm messing around with y'all. Hey, let me ask you this man. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You already know, all right, nephew, I'm praying for you. I'm praying for you, my friend coming up next, it is, asked the cello. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, and Entertainment News CNN said Andy Cohen will return for next year's New Year's Eve special and some trending headlines. Judge Steve Harvey, you may know him. Judge Steve is a master entertainer. We'll get into that. Also, trending national news. Prayer of healing going out to George Floyd's little four year old niece. This was really some sad news right here. She was shot on New Year's Day. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, it is time for Steve's favorite segment, asked the cello. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Yes, yes, This one is from Jonas in Chicago. Jonas writes, I'm in my late forties and my mother has asked to stay with me for the whole summer she's retired and one st Jonas is a man. Okay, she's retired and wants to return into her hometown and hang out with her friends. I love my mother, but she will cramp my lifestyle and find out I am seeing three girls and usually at the same time at my house. I don't want to be inconvenienced. H it's right there, oh Jonas. Three girls usually at the same time at my house. I don't want to be inconvenienced. But this is my mother and I can't tell her no. How do I discourage my mom from wanting to stay with me? Mama, Mama, listen to me. I'm forty and I thank you. A nice time for you and out of Hamson now. I don't want to disappoint you, but I want you to listen to this on sad days and winstays. Three girls come to this house, yes, baby, No, no, Mamma, you know these ain't the ones you want to meet. I never introduce you to him because these ain't you. Don't introduce these to you, Mama. And as soon as they come through the dough, Mama, they starts. Can they clothes off? Yes? Yes, say mama, Mama, Mama, yeah, they get, they get straight, they get ass nagging moment and I don't and I don't and I don't. I don't want them disrespecting you like that. So now, what what else can we do? Because lear JJ ain't leu jj A matter of fact. Matter of fact, they called me big Jack. There's just one jack and it's big Jack. It ain't lively JJ. No, mo and mamma, that's some things you need to know. And Big Jack be in here putting it down. Now you can stay here, mama, But this is every Wednesday and every sad day. I sleeps all day Sunday. Yeah, no, I ain't. I ain't got time for church moment. And don't come in here talking about the church because I got to sleep because I gotta go to work Monday at home. That's what I was thinking, baby, do you can? You can't come here, mamma because your son is into some things that he don't really is Mona's mamma to see. Ye ain't a lot of God in my house on Wednesdays and said, maybe we didn't choose this way. You know you didn't. I know you didn't. That's why you don't need to come see what I had turned out like, all right, we're moving on, all right, thank you, all right. Ers in Jacksonville says, I'm a twenty eight year old single woman and I'm dating a man that won't claim me as his girlfriend. We've started having sex regularly, and he says I'm the only person he's being intimate with. If that's true, then why can't he give me the title of girlfriend? I want to read with whole sex, but I'm afraid it's too late to turn back now because he might stop dating me. What do I do? He don't want you, He don't want you. He just want you for sex. He doesn't want you for the relationship. He doesn't want you for the companionship. He doesn't want you for the long term. And he can't claim you because then that would cause some problems when he's not with you. So he don't. Won't you? What? What? What? How? You want me say this too? He don't won't you You're not the one? Next next question? Surely? Thank you? All right? Aris Um Wendy and Richmond writes that I'm a fifty year old single mother and my son is twenty four years old. My son's father called me recently to let me know that my son is dating a woman that is in her late thirties and she's serious about our son. My son's father told me to remain calm because if I overreact, my son may rebel against us. I also found out the lady's going through a divorce, and I want to present prevent my son from getting hurt mentally or physically. Do I stay out of it or warn my son? Well, you're going to warn him that awesome pitfalls in this. You're dealing with a divorcee. You don't know what type of divorce this is. Are you dealing with a woman that's fifteen years older than you? His problem is he getting something. There's some stuff happening to him in that bedroom. That's uh, that's shocking, amazing. I mean, oh yeah, he he in here getting something. There's some things happening to him that he can he he need processing, right. All he knows is that he loved her, yes yeah, And he won't to spend the rest of his ignorant ass life with her. Yes he do. And that's a problem because let me tell you something, boy, on the other side of all this incredible stuff that's happening in the bedroom on the other side. All that is the reason why that other man don't want her on the other side. All that is that now you went, you keep going down this road, you're gonna meet her. Yeah, good, good. Sexual activity is not enough to keep because when you're not in the middle of the activities, what y'all gonna do? As long as we have an activity, we find But what about when you not having that activity that the church say a man? Amen, Amen again, let's move on, she allays. My younger sister got married this summer, so she and her new husband wanted to do the cooking for the shere's Christmas dinner. Her husband is a chef, and he told me that he is out of work because his restaurant did not survive after COVID. I'm thinking the restaurant closed because of his cooking. I don't hide anything from my sister, so regretfully I told her the dinner wasn't good. She told her husband what I said, how do I fix this mess? First of all, dog, okay, how you mean, how do you fix the bed that you made? The one you have to lay in? Now you see that, dog? What made you say that the dinner wasn't good. What what made you say that? It's over? You ate it. You have your opinion about the man's cooking skills, But what made you say it? How do you fix this mess? I don't know. You can apologize to the man, tell him you didn't mean it. You was just going through something. But you know, dog, you're stupid. Yeah, so you know this portion of clo. We can't help you. You're saying a love problem. You right over there with Antonio Brown. Oh all right, listen, we gotta go. Coming up at the top of the hour, We'll have some entertainment and trending news stories for you. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So, CNN is setting the record straight about the rumors that Andy Cohen won't return as co anchor of the network's New Year's Eve coverage because of disparaging remarks he made on air last week. Um I can confirm that Andy Cohen will be back as co host on CNN next year. While co hosting um CNN's New Year's Eve Live special along with his friend Anderson Cooper, Andy went in on competitor ABC's programming and referred to the New Year's. New Year's Rock and Eve lineup is Ryan Seacrest group of losers that are performing behind us. He was drunk, he was a little lit. Andy Khan apologized on his radio show and said, I just kept talking and I shouldn't have. You know, I didn't think. I didn't think he should lose his job because of that, you know. But it's but it's seeing in a damn news station who's trying to get into the entertainment business. Well, here we is, y'all. This is what happens when you come get us. We ain't ankle people the dog. We it ain't what we do when you come get us. This is who us is. See, we're not seeing in. We ain't got to be correct. We ain't gotta read and tele prompting. You are hiring entertainers and you're an entertainment business. You know, Don Lemon said negroes that night. How many negroes gonna be at your house? You know they they tried to give Don Lemon to blue. That's how black we talked when we round each other. You know, Don Lemon ass was a little lightweight. Lit. Y'all got to come on the New Year's Why we can't say that word. We can say, Yeah, Tommy, have you seen this comedian named Brian Simpson. No, Man, I just watched this Netflix thing the other night that just about six different comedians. Oh, this dude was funny to me. Man, Oh this Brian, he says some funny stuff to me. Man, I want to find that brother. Man. That brother was funny to me. Man, cool man. He was doing some race humor. I was holling and but here, uh uh. But he was in a white audience. Here's a couple of blacks in there for this stuff. Food. Look at him, man, fool right here came out the gate. The funniest thing he said to me was he said, oh, white folks, true white folks, treat black people like pennies. He said, we accepted everywhere. But if you show up with more than four or five of them, he gonna be going. Man. Who was Dan Blakeney Blakes going on? I was screaming. I was screaming that I'm looking at Brian Simpson. Mad that dude, that dude special on Netflix. Man, Man, I wish I could talk with him because I saw I saw a couple of things. Man, if he did a couple of things, and I ain't you know, I'm just saying if he if he did a couple of moves on this dude right here, man, this dude right here adjustments. He did a bit about his grandmother was the first person to call him an Ian words. He said he was seven years old and he was downstairs playing PlayStation and he said, when old people call you, they don't care what you're doing. You know, I'll right up. I was trying to give me extra duncan. He was playing Donkey Cone because he said, Brian, come up here now. So he said. He went up stairs and she's sitting right next to the wonder. She said, open that wonder for me. So he said, under his breath, lazy blankety blank. She heard you, He said, Man, my grandmama swole up. She said, all of a sudden, she didn't have all rights no more. That's what got me. She crabbed me and threw my edge across the room and I landed upside down on my neck. She walked over me and said it word, what the blank? Let's dog? The dude had me? Gran Man, somebody knows where he at man, tell him. Steve Hart want to talk to him. Man, it's dude right here. Man, I gotta I gotta introduce him to black people because black right very not not no, but I'm talking about black people have to be introduced to what his style of comedy is because he'd do a real dry, dead pan and normally blacks don't. This dude is really really funny, man, really really funny. That's good because you don't say that a lot about you know, no never, And then I watched some specials I always end up cutting I couldn't cut the dude off, all right. Coming up at twenty minutes after the hour more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve hard former President Donald Trump, remember him, while he's pulled the plug on a plan to hold a news conference marking the first anniversary of the storming of the US capital, which is today January six, That was a year ago, and he's blaming Democrats in DC for the cancelation. Trump really just never stopped, just never stops with this guy. Trump had invited reporters from across the country to his Mara Lago resort in Florida for his speech and press conference, at which he was expected to go hard at Democrats, but on Tuesday evening he backed out, saying, in light of the total bias and dishonesty of the January sixth Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the fake news media, I am canceling the January sixth press conference at Mara Lago. On Thursday, Trump went on for a long while, attacking his usual targets, including lamestream media and crazy Nancy Pelosi. His supporters still plan a candle light visul near Marlago today, Well, yeah, do that. But see, somebody finally got to his stupid ass and said, don't you think this will further align you and tie you to the events from January six Do you really think you want to be tied in a line with so much still hanging out there about this event, that you will cool commemorate this event by giving a speech on this day like this is some great moment in our history. Somebody said that to his stupid ass, and that you excited. Yeah, you're being investigated for right now, right, And somebody told him, look, take your narcissist behavior, let's pull it in a little bit. You know, you're responsible for the six you want people to know that you were and you want to commemorate it by giving a speech on this day. You're going too far and they and that's why I stopped it. Wasn't causing nothing else. He wanted to do it on that day because he knows what that day meant to him. Yeah, today he that day, everybody need a no to hell, you not person, you come on, come on dog. But he doesn't listen. He doesn't listen. That's what Antonio Brown needed the other day. No to here, you're not. But you know what, Tommy, you know Mike Evans tried did He actually tried to hold his jersey down. Don't do that, don't take it. And then when he saw him doing it, he said, man, let me walk out of the picture frame. I think he find to do this. I think he finn take it. He take it? All right? Oh well, I do want to say this guys before we run out of time. Get ready to vote in this year's midterm elections. Okay, please get ready to vote in this year's mid term elections. All right, coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna check Steve's voicemail right after this you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time. It is time Steve to check your voicemail and listen. If you want to leave a voicemail for Steve, call eight seven seven twenty nine Steve eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, This first one is from Sandra and Georgia. Steve. Hey, mister Steve Harvey, this Sammy. I just want to kill you. This was the first day of the show, Judge, Steve Harvey. I killed you better than Judge Dude, You better than Jorge Matthew, You better than Jorge Faith, you better than all long. I'm come on, you don't have me quinn on this last gate. And you had to hold audience on TV crime and I knew if I were crimes some people at home with cremes. I tell you your ratings are are about to shoot up. And I am so proud of you. I'm so proud of you where you hand that last case. I am so proud of you. And I pray to God that you stay owned and that you come on more than just one night. All right again, Happy New Year, in congratulations George Steve Hawes. All right, blah blah, and I hope you come on more than one night that would be syndicated, and that would be a whole other level kind of money. Come on, sand But you seemed like you were doing it for the love of it. Steve, you know, I'm not better than those other judges. Let me straighten this out, because they are actual judges, So I'm not better than know I'm funnier than all of it. Yeah, yeah, ain't no doubt about that. But Mathis is the real deal, and Judge Judy the Queen of j But I'm just I'm not better than them ass judges. I'm just I have found a unique way to beat me in the middle of a genre that's really been on TV before. But I just found a unique way that they would allow me to beat me and use my own brand to rebrand something that's been on TV before. And I thank God for it. Now, hopefully these ratings will continue. God willing get the word out. I love it because it's a night so you have a little more freedom. We got another listener, take a listen to this, step Ali, mister Harvey. My name is Parry Nada. I'm just watching your mutual in the ABC and I love it. It's beautiful and you're fun under the audio and sort of fun. Everything is beautiful. Really, I really enjoyed that. Usually don't watch that much of TV, but I really enjoyed your show. Good luck, Thank you so much. That's really cool man to hear that. Wow. Yeah, yeah, that's really cool man. Thank y'all. That's wow because that's regular folks. Yeah, yeah, yeah, our listeners. Well, here's a listener. Her name is miss Martin. She's from La Hi. Seeve. This is Martine from Los Angeles, California. You know, tonight a new premier of The Judge. Oh my god. You had been laughing so hard that out here. And it's a great show and I'm in love with it. I love it, ill always love you everything that you do. Oh my goodness, you hear us laughing in year tonight. I just wanted to see that how wonderful it is. Keep going. And then I just love your inspiration that you do for us every morning. You know, at the end of the show, I really appreciate you all. Have a great one. Bye bye. Wow. Sounds like it's a hit, Steve, Yeah, show day right, Yeah. Well, you know, it's really interesting because I've never heard reactions to my show after a premiere the day after. I've never never done that before. That's really really because the last time my premiere the new show was a celebrity family few and I was out of the country when it add And then the next time I did a new show was a little big Shots and it was a hit, and I never I didn't watch it. I was gonna ask you, did you watch your Judge show. I peeped in for a minute, but I couldn't. I couldn't do it. If you didn't watch yourself, couldn't I can't. I can't watch myself, all right, So check it out Judge Steve Tuesday nights, eight pm, seven Central on ABC and Hulu and listen. If you want to leave a shout out for Steve, call eight seven seven twenty nine s prank phone call with the nephew up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is smother lover, smother Lover. We'll get into that, yeah, and just a bit, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his nept? Butcher at the weed? Who is Butcher at the weed? Okay? All right, cat dog? If you would bring butchee in? Hello, I love trying to I'm trying to reach Alan. How you doing this? Butcher man? Butchie? Yeah? You was? You was at the cookout the other day with the family. I'm I'm Christian's cousin. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, y'all was that you was at the cookout the other day. I wanted to reach out to y'all. Know the wedding is in the next two weeks, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah? You you ready for that? Oh yeah? Okay, Well, hey man, I got a little bit of a problem that you know, we kind of wanted to call you about, you know, because the family got together and had a little meeting, like and what the deal is is this here? I know, I know you're excited to want to marry my cousin, and she kind of excited too about the old thing. But you know, like the family members we got together and decided that uh for right nine, I mean right now, we've been to like we've been to call the wedding off for right now what you talk what you're talking about calling the wind off? We'll see you know everybody thank you cool and I'll and uh, you know we're real real passionate man about you know, people marrying into our family or whatever, like you know the gathering of the day, you know that was the potluck thing. Everybody brains something right old on christ Ain't never told me noing like that about what about something about not getting no married? Okay, we'll see right here, Like I say, this is what the family doesn't decided on. What the family decided on. Okay, see, this is what I'm trying to tell you. See, we're a real close knit family and it's like this here see further, all let me get you to understand this. Here you're talking to Butcher right now. All right, here's a deal. You know, we didn't decide that the weird name in the album in two weeks until like when we had we had the potluck barbecue. Everybody brains something. Why you ain't brained no, what you're talking about I'm paying for Oh oh that's what you've been to throw up in our face, that you're paying for the wed Hell yeah, because I supposed to bring Hey man, everybody brains someone we have a potluck, you know, everybody brains something contribute to to to the function or the event that's going on, you know. And for you to walk up in there and I have none, then let us know what kind of person you're gonna be in the family. We can't hand it. Who is this again? This butcher? Right? Hill? I don't know no butcher. Look. I came to the family gathering picnic. I came there and showed up, loving on all y'all, telling y'all right this was gonna be. And now you're telling me I can't marry Christian? Is that what telling me? Amen? The family that already voted to win the family vote, Dog, that's it. I ain't marrying the family, you man. You're married my cousin, Christian. That's what you're trying to do. And then you ain't been a man. Huh. Look let me calling up to my job talking like this. I'm already on hot from the day with some books my supervisor them pulls. Do not come calling me with no book. Hey man, let me tell you this here until we can decide that you good for Christian, until we can decide that you know you can handle being married to Hud and you come correct as a family member, and if you're gonna come to pot lucks, then you bring a pot. You ain't bring nothing. I ain't gotta fear, ain't nothing. I'm paying for this way, and I don't get what'tch you up there? All that money out didn't drop for this? How about two bottles of wine to it you when you I ain't seen no wine. I don't care if you got that wine or not. I saw her mamma drinking it. Okay, well, I ain't getting no wine. I don't remember nobody bringing no wine. See, butching only see anything that go on. I got class. I don't know what she's talking about, butchee whatever. I bought some wine. Her mama was drinking it. And I ain't playing that this wedding going down. I don't spend over twenty three thousand dollars on that. Hey man, I haven't already told you that the family didn't voted on that the wind name. I don't give up what the family voted on. I don't paid for this. I ain't heard none from Christian about this. Christian might not know what we didn't voted on. We've made the seasons sometimes for everybody you understand that don't include me. We let Christian know that we've been to stop the wed Well, I'm just calling to let you know before I didn't tell her what's up you're trying to tell me Christen don't even know nas. We ain't told hood and we don't agree with you yet. And then we're gonna stop the wind. We ain't told of it. Man, get out of here. I'm paid on less money for this man. You ain't stopping. Hey, man, I haven't already told you what we're doing. All right, I'm nothing to continue to go back and forth with you. You better go off my call, reading your voice at me. I don't know hell you. I'll tell you what. Let me say this to you. I don't care if I got to bust up in that church and stop this wedding because you didn't win against what we're just saying. Whatever I got to do, I don't know who you with. I wash your walls, try to stop this wedding. Look, we can handle it right now. I can get off of work. I'm already going through some books and I'm already on fire. I will come there and bust yo right now, I don't know you know what see see see what she was going with Nigel See Nigel Ain act like this, Oh what what? I don't know? You didn't bring that up me and that then already had don't even bring that came up in me? Amen, Amen, I'm just keeping it real with you. Nigel Ain act like this hill that we don't have words and if that don't want to come and bust up in that too, he get there with just like that. Man. All I'm just trying to say is a home family, hunting people all that I don't want to hear nothing about that. No, tell me where to beat and we can deal with this right now. I'm just letting you know the family then't voted, the family that already voting. Now what we will do, We'll push the wind back and then give us time to reevaluate you. We evaluate me, I don't even know evaluate you from y'all. And then Christy getting married? How do I put some money on it? All? I know if the wedding ain't happening, that the wedding is happening now I thought I'm painfall it. He's got some books you the family we're gonna get married in two and a half weeks and shot, if y'all don't come in, If y'all come up in that, y'all gonna get dealt with. Man straight on, I'm drinking that. I'm trying to say, hello, a man, I'm trying to tell you, man right now, the family don't want you in the family right now. I don't give about y'all. Ain't in love with y'all. I'm here and Christen I can give a if I see y'all ever again. Oh, I'm gonna tell you this here. The family voted on one more thing you need to go on. Don't know that while we at it. This ain't no damn democracy. We're getting married that between H and I and if y'all don't want to be there, jump off and a this. Yeah, it's one more thing. We didn't vote it on. What you don't vote it on. We voted on this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Christians and Todd family got me the prank phone call you Joss, still come to the wedding, Tommy. I don't put all that money out like that. I was like, no, Sid, I got one more thing. I got to ask you, dog, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane Steve Harry Morning Show. Baby, Tommy, I'm being real with you, man. Somebody gonna you up. That's the truth, Tommy, coming, tom I'm being real with you man. Somebody. Yeah. See, I already know that. I've been saying that from day one. Ye, I'm already going through something with my supervisor. This ain't a good day. I'm telling you now, this ain't it. Butlank you and the family. That's all y'all. Oh, y'all, I don't know no about no left but you either. I ain't coach. What happened? Was he? You know? Since y'all worked this out, I ain't gonna do this with y'all man at all. Right, right, y'all, King of Franks is going to Jackson, Mississippi, January fourteenth through the sixteenth. That's right, that's Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Jackson, Mississippi, at the comedy club called Chuckles Thickets. Don't see all right now, Jackson, Mississippi. I ain't never been there and grabbed the microphone, but I'm on my way. All right, get your tickets. They don't see all right now chuckles. Comedy Club MLK Weekend Laying in the cut ain't been now, says I was twinty something years old. Beaumont, Texas, Julie Rogers Theater, Saturday, March nineteen to eight pm. It's gonna jump off because it's down the street from my house, Houston, Texas, Baumont. Here I come all Ticketmaster outlets, or you can go to the box office that's to Julie Rogers Theater, Beaumont, Texas, uh March nineteen, eight pm. And nephew, nephewtime in friends. We're coming to town, so get to take us. Ignorance is on the way. Sorry, thank you, nephew. Coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject smother Lover, smother Lover. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com. We need those juicy letters. Come on now click submit Strawberry letter and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. It could be yours. You never know, you never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. All right, Thank you, nephew. Subject smother lover. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty nine year old woman dating a forty five year old man. We met a year ago and things started off fantastic and moved quickly. He is a very sensitive and emotional man who has no difficulty expressing his every emotion to me. After dating men that play games and aren't serious about settling down with one woman, my boyfriend's openness was refreshing, but now it's proving to be way too much. He has started to complain about me being too busy for him since I'm back at work full time. Now. I got home and need a few minutes to chill and relax, but he's in my driveway every day this week when I get home. He wants to be right up under me every week, right every week night, and keeps telling me that he's afraid we're growing apart. He told me that he loved me he loved when we were quarantined together because we were inseparable. I liked it too, because we were getting to know each other. Then he started bringing his work clothes to my house and says it's too cold to go home every night and he'd rather cuddle with me. This man loves to cuddle, wine and make love to me whenever we're together. I told him he's smothering me with his actions and smothering me in the bed nightly. I have to roll him off of me. He says he can't sleep unless he's touching some part of my body. Recently, I had a conversation about taking a break or dialing it back a little bit because he couldn't process. But he couldn't process a conversation without crying and telling me that he can't live without me. I love this type of attention and all of the affection, but I'm afraid of falling too deeply for him because he may have emotional issues. How do I handle this relationship emotional issues? I don't know. Something might be a little off here. I mean, I'm sure get off of me has probably crossed your mind, and you've said it a few times, because you know while you're with him, because all the stuff here says you say he's doing it is a little smothering and suffocating if he's in the driveway when you get home and all of that. But you also say that you moved quickly. Now, these are the type of red flags that slip by when you move too quickly. And I think there's definitely something going on with him because he is too much and he has too much time on his hands. Why is he sitting in your driveway before you can even get home from work? Where does he work? I mean? And why is he crying and whining when you tell him that you need to dial it back and take a break. These are the things that attracted you to him before you've been dating for a year, which is a good amount of time. But I think there is something a little off saying he can't live without you. He's not being able to sleep without touching any part of your body and making your body go numb. And this we're not talking numb in a good way from your perspective. And I will say this, Yes women do like to cuddle. Yes, we do love the affections and attention of a man, and all of that we like to bask in all of that glow. But it does sound like he's being a bit too needy and overbearing. So I just say it's time to reassess your relationship and maybe set some new boundaries. Steve, I'm about to do the letter now. I want to forewarn all sensitive or caring people. My response is not for you. I would like to put a disclaimer on my response. Again, if you are a sensitive or caring person, my response, you're not ain't to like. Let's go okay then, Stephen Sherley, I'm a thirty nine year old woman. I'm dating a forty five year old man. We met a year ago and things started off fantastic and moved quickly. He is a very sensitive and emotional man. Now let's stop right here. He is a very sensitive and emotional man. Ladies, listen to me. That in a man is a dangerous combination. The combination is dangerous. Now, you can be one or the other, but you can't be both. You can be a sensitive man or you can be an emotional man, but you can't be both because now you are invading on a woman's right to be either. Because if you both of them, all the damn time, When does she get to be either one of those? If you have a man that's emotional and sensitive, that's a dangerous combination. And the letter will start telling it immediately. Who has no difficulty expressing every emotion to me? Who do that? And after dating me in the play games? It ain't serious about settling down with one woman. My boyfriend's openness was refreshing, ya. I bet it was at first, but soon as she say that in the letter, but now it's proving to be way too much. Why because surely it's a dangerous combination. You can't have a man that's sensitive and emotional. It's too much, because even a woman don't want that in a man. Oh he's so sensitive. Oh he's emotional. Vote he about to drive my ass crazy. You'll see we come back. I got it from all right. Coming up, we'll have part two of Steve's response to twenty three minutes after the hour Strawberry Letters. Subject for today's smother lover will get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter the subject's mother lover. All right, this thirty nine year old woman is dating a man who's forty five. He's very sensitive and emotional. Now, I said on the break before, that's a dangerous combination. Ladies, a man can be one or the other, but he cannot be both. Surely asked me why. I said, because it invades on a woman's space to be either. Because a woman, Kate, when does she get to be emotional or sensitive if your man is already that all the time. She said that her openness, He said, her openness was refreshing at first, but now it's gotten to beat the way too much. See, So now let's get into the letter. He started tould complain about being meat, being too busy for him out back work full time. I get home and I need a few minutes to chill and relax. But he's been in my driveway every day this week when I get home. Oh lord, he in the driveway. I'm talking, as soon as you get home. You can't chill, you can't have your own thoughts, you want to decompress. You've been at work. So now he's stalking, and he sprung. He wants to be right up under me every night and keeps telling me he's afraid we're growing apart. That's another word. When your man tells you he's afraid, what woman wants a scary ass man. I'm afraid he told me he loved me when we were quarantine together because we were inseparable. Well, everybody was quarantine. Quarantine was very revealing though. You either found out you hated a person or you really enjoyed the person. But then there's also a middle ground. A lot of people said, well, be nice to get back to work, so we can just separate from each other at least grow to miss each other. But I still love him and like him. I just don't like him as much all the time. You don't got tired of his ass. He didn't started bringing work clothes in your house because he says too cold to go home every night. And he rather cuddled with me. This is another dangerous statement. You got a man that loves to cuddle. Now, ladies, I know you think cuddling is cute, but not all the time. And watch why watch this man loves to cuddle, whine and make love to me whenever we together. This is another scary ass combination. He liked to cuddle, wine and make love. What kind that's making this this okay, so let me try to work through this here, because I ain't never done that, so it's gonna take me a minute. He likes to cuddle, wine and make love. All right, here we go, all right, now we we now we love it. We're in the actual act of loving and in that act you hear it this? Now you you want him to handle his business. But what is your ass crying fault? What is the wine? Now? We through making love and we through wineing. Now he coloring, But now you gotta come down off that crime. Right so now you're coloring, then you hit this head. Okay, what is happening week? Okay, well I'm coming down off the whineing. I'm breathing home because I was We was loving because I'm sensitive and emotional. Do y'all see what I'm going with this? Hire love? Yes? And then he literally lays on half your body until your limbs fall asleep and you got to roll him off of you. He say he can't sleep unless he touches some part of my body. Oh so now we talk about this. Where therapist come in that? Now? Seeing it ain't no therapist. But I'm a judge now, so let me just tell you what iut and figured out this here letter. See, he used to either suck his he had a blanket or a teddy bell. He had all this and that got burned up in his mama's house fire back in ninety four. All that got burned up, the blanket, the teddy bell, and the pacified all they got burned up in the house fire. So now he didn't met you. Now you it you the teddy bell, the blanket, and the Pacify. See, and now you told him y'all had a conversation about dialing it back a little bit, and he couldn't process the conversation. So get what he did while you started telling, he started crying because he emotional insensitive. And then he told you he can't live without you. Well, let's see see once you tell me what you can't do, prove it, because you're finding live without me. Now. I love this thing now here where the woman gets conflict. I love this type of attention and all the affection. But I'm afraid of falling too deeply for him because he may have emotional issue, may have girl may have emotional issues. Your ass is Dayton and Tony o'brown got the wonder his ass have emotional issues. You're dating and Tony o'brown without the ball pads. Un Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f Emily Famin Facebook. You're welcome check out Strawberry Letter podcast on demand as well. Coming up with forty six minutes after the hour of Sports Talk with Junior right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time now for Junior and Sports Talk. What you got Junior, Charlotte, listen. Um, I'm gonna dress this because I'm tired of people coming in my dms talking about this Antonio Brown situation and mental illness. And I'm telling you, Tommy, mental illness is real. We're not saying it ain't. It's real. I got it, but this is straight crazy. So now, Antonio Brown didn't release the song yesterday, Okay. Let me let me tell yeah. Let me tell you it called a pitt, not the Palace. Let let me tell you something. He didn't release the song. Let me I understand mental illness. Let me just give you some examples of people who got mental illness. The lady on the movie Misery gat mental illness. Okay, that's straight crazy. That's mental illness. Norman Bates set up there talking to his mama in that chat, that was just bones. That's mental illness. Hannibal Lecter was wrapped up a whole movie because he eats people. That's mental illness. Taking your shirt off going to a Brooklyn Nets game and releasing the song's straight crazy. That's all that is. You can stop telling me that this is metal. How do you do this? Do you understand you are privileged? This is not this is straight crazy. Dropped the song. He dropped the song, and I'm gonna be honest with you. I heard it. It ain't that damn good. You know why, because you play football. That's why the song. You're not a rapper. Your ass catch passes. You are saw all you got to do, run routes, catch pass This don't make it sounds like it to me. They said he recorded the song at Christmas time, and I don't give a damn to wires out two days after you didn't take your shirt off in it in New York. Why you don't think this is playing stupid? I'm just saying, we know this boy crazy. Hey man, let's play something to you. Listen to me, and before I get in any trouble with this, let me preface this statement. I don't know enough about mental health to be an expert on it. I am talking to you as your damn uncle. Some of this stuff right here is just stupid. We've had people in sports, dude stupid stuff before. Wasn't able to put mental illness on Dennis Rodman putting on all on a wedding dress, Ricky Williams posing on the cover with a red and dress and quit playing football so he could go smoke weed. Metal world Piece changed his name to Metal world Piece. Dennis Rodman was in the league. Kyrie Irving, what is that mental illness too? No, No, Jim McMahon, the stuff he used to do. No, it's called stupidity, y'all, and quit giving him a free out with his mental illness. Though, this boy stupid. That's Arthur Steve saying dead. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Tristan Thompson, you are the father of Moraley nichols Son. Okay. Tristan confirmed the news on his ig stories yesterday with today, paternity test results reveal that I fathered a child with Marley Nichols. I take full responsibility for my actions. Tristan Thompson issued a special apology to Chloe Kardashian. For the record, they were still together when he conceived his new baby, so he cheated on Chloe, in other words, his second child again, right, Carla. And then he said, Chloe, you don't deserve this. You don't deserve the heartache and humiliation I've caused you. Oh really trying to you know, apologize yo, yo, man, man, what's wanting to do? He can get it back the baby hill. No, he has to take publicly. And he's publicly apologizing to Chloe, which I think is a decent thing to do. For the second So what's your loves stain't comment about Chilly for the second time. He cheated on her before and she took him back. What he do pattern? Okay, see now that, okay, okay, let's stop right here. He have a mental illness? No, is he stupid? He did? Hold up? Hold up, I'm let's make it personal. Twoy fifteen, when I said the wrong name at Miss Universe, did I have a mental illness or what's that's stupid mistake? Stupid to ask a mistake. Ain't nobody letting me off the hook with no mental illness? That what happened to that bo's sitting my ass up in divorce court twice. Ain't nobody giving me no pass on mental illness? No, they were just taking property from my stupid ass. I think you're Kanye with the hell is wrong with Kanye Roved comments? We gotta let that marinate for a second. Yeah, got in his No, y'all ain't listening, got in his car, drove down to t m Z, went on TMZ and said, that made that comment by slavery. That ain't mental illness, as is stupid. I think he both. I think he both. I see. But y'all, y'all using this mental illness everybody. That's the trump card now and then that's the political correct thing to do. And now everybody get a pass now because everybody's every time somebody do something wrong, now it's mental illness. That's the new out and new label. Once again, we're passing out these labels too freely. Let's get back to calling people stupid when they do stupid stuff. Yeah, sitting up in here with all these ignorant people. That damn Terrell Owens what TV crying talking about? That's my quarterback illness. That's my quarterback man in the cry for you took all your clothes off here in the front of your yard doing the workout your as supposed to being practiced. Was that of mental illness? Was we talking about? This is stupid we got with passing out this illness title, Like, that's everybody out now this boy didn't had this girl, this got another baby on Chloe. That's a mental illness. This stupid. Yeah, sometime this hill. Everybody ain't getting the mental illness with me? Steve calling it like it is? What? No, you can't be crazy stupid. You can't be a stupid person and then say something wrong you mental illness? No, you're stupid. Seen at the basketball game the day after? What? What mental illness? What mental illness? You had to go buy them tickets? All right? Look, you're stupids of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twelve minutes after right after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, see what are you telling with your random nine? Can I get tired. Mental illness is real. It's real. I understand it. But we can't keep letting everybody use that because we're talking about really stupidity now, and stupidity cannot be confused with mental illness. True, I've a turning up. Brody got no mental illness. He's stupid. Like I said before we went out, what mental illness caused him to go buy them tickets to the brooklyn Ness basketball game the next day? Now, that was smote damn stupidity, Black people. We've been known about mental illness our whole life. We we have family members. Yes, that is flat out we we ain't send him nowhere, but we don't let him go nowhere because we know don't let him. We ain't got to have this food analyzed. I'm telling you right, Nah. I had an uncle every day would go out in his garage and bob for two hours and come home back in the house and watch TV like, what nothing going on? Now? We knew some wrong? Two I was a barket't walk in the round like, ain't nothing wrong? Three minutes after right after this, you're listening, all right, guys, it is time for yet another round of would you rather here? We Would you rather is that the thing I guess would if you had to change jobs? Would you rather be an airline pilot or captain of a ship? God, that's a hard one. In the air or in the water. I'm scared of the old because I don't want to be jobs the water rough man when he get out of hand out there and all that, go down with your ship, the captain go down with this ship. No, I don't, but I don't, Okay, Junior, I'm gonna go capting the ship because if I'm in there adding them, the passing start the pilot coming out the cockpit start acting up a pim. I'm coming out the cockpit. I'm fighting. I'm not necessary to let you take over the plan. I'm pilot. Yeah, I'll be right back. Hold on, I'll be right back. With what the airlines is? It is the spirit mean what I'm doing? Yeah, I gotta know who I'm flying with it. Let's just say, well, you know what, I'll probably going and have to take the captain piet job because at least I know we're gonna land. Yeah, flying he is safe, It's just scary. Yeah, okay, all right, you'd rather be an airline pilot than captain of a ship. All right, Yeah, I've been on the boats. You got to know a lot, dude, You got to know a lot though. Yeah, okay, okay, all right, So everybody, junior airline pilot. Yeah, I'm on the pilot. I'm on them yea. And they're catching COVID on them boats. I wanted I'm gonna be on that, on that plane. Okay, all right, I'm sorry, Stephen, Tommy pilot's junior ship captain. Okay, all right, Moving on with his little sick an, would you rather like like he need to be somewhere c sick and don't want him to play? Would you rather be flying where you can get to these hospitals every day? About bad this week? I ain't letting him slide at all. Me and time to set up here and got on the plane. You're gonna take your little sick ass on the boat now you're in the middle of nowhere. You can't. All right, we got time for one more. Would you rather be reincarnated as a singer Luther Vandrus or Marvin Gay? Would you rather be reincarnated as Van Dress or Marvin Gay? Luke, I'm Luke come back at Marven No doubt you've seen Janice. I'm coming back as Marvin Head, a soul trent dancer too. You know I'm coming back as Marvin Gate. All right, that's what you're rather for today. Coming up our last break of the day at forty nine minutes after the hour, We're good. Some inspiring closing remarks from the one and only, our fearless leader, Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day. It's been a good day, a crazy day, a fun day, man, girl off the chain. We've had fun today. Yeah, it's is Thursday. The year doesn't go quite as fast. Yeah fast week. Today's Thursday to day Thursday. Yes it is, sir, Yes, sir. It just means we just work tomorrow on the weekend weekend to see it the birthday. Boy, you getting ready getting man? That's at this god willing man. I just want to stay here, amen, man making sixty five sixty five Man, that's I I didn't see it, man, I just really really didn't. I was I felt like I was so far from it. And it's still not here, and I'm gonna need some grace to get there because I'm really really shooting for one hundred and four soul. I should have a few more after this forty forty m I don't know. God told me. Okay, I don't know. God put that on my heart. Man, I just said one hundred and four all it claim it, yeah about I'm gonna do everything in my power now if he makes another decision along the way. Didn't not not can do about it. But I'm gonna do food wise and health wise, you know which, which kind of leads to my closing remarks because I want to share this through you all. We didn't do it yesterday. I learned a new way to pray, and I haven't all I've been I've been doing it, but I actually attached a number to it, which really helped me. Like I was always learned that you should be thankful first before you ask God for something. But I was watching something and a guy put a number to it. He said, when you pray, you should pray eighty twenty. And that's kind of like how I eat. I eat eighty twenty. That's to to preserve my life, to give me a healthier lifestyle. Well, if you had a healthier faith life, if you had a healthier prayer life, that would be more beneficial than anything. So he put a number eighty twenty to it. And what he said was, when you pray, you should spend eighty percent of your prayer showing gratitude, being grateful, you know, thank you and Him for things. And then the other twenty percent you present of the things that you want and desire and would like to have and need. And I found that to be interesting, and I said, Wow, I normally say thank you before I pray, but I really don't put enough time and emphasis on the thank you part. And I started praying different after the holidays, right after Christmas, and I started doing it eighty twenty. And what I did to help me show more gratitude and to be thankful, I actually pulled out a piece of blank piece of paper, printing paper, and I just wrote down everything that I should be grateful for. And you know, it's kind of broad sweeping, but then I try to be a little specific to you know, like I thanked him for my health and waking me up in the mornings, and I didn't thank him for each and every breath I take in, every second of the day. But I went down to people in my life that I was grateful for. I was thanking him for the things he's done for me over the past year, deals and contracts and relationships and health and all of this stuff. And I went down list end up coming up with about probably fifty sixty fifty things that I was thankful for. I really have so much more, but I was just doing broad strokes, maybe forty something like that. And when I pray at my desk in the morning, when I'm doing my morning meditation, I actually pull the paper out so I don't forget anything. And every day that I pull it out, I end up going, oh, wow, this too, and I write a little something else. And then after that, I asked God for the things that I want. But I've learned in asking God for the things I want to also make sure that I'm in line with God's will and his timing, because that really helps me. Man, Because if I'm asking for something, but I'm also saying I also wanted to be in your will and in your timing, it relaxes me and causes me to be less anxious, and it helps me man in waiting and being patient on the things that I'm asking for. But it also fills me with such gratitude because of all the stuff I think him for. The focus is no longer on what I need, but the focus becomes a man of all the goodness he's presented to me. So somebody surely sent me this and it said that thankfulness keeps you linked to me. He's talking about God. Now, thankfulness keeps you linked to me and anchored in the present. Wary, on the other hand, pulls you into the feud where you wonder, into buring places of uncertainty because you don't know what the future holds. So now you're worrying about something you don't even know what can be. However, you can always return to me by whispering, Lord help me man. That's powerful. Y'all listen to me. Worrying about tomorrow does nothing because when he gets he is usually not what you thought it was gonna be anyway, and nor could you do anything about it. And in your mind is not geared to worry about the future. It's the present. Get thankful and get grateful for what you have, and it'll cause you to realize that you are so blessed in so many ways, and whatever else he gives you, it's just icing on the cake. Those are my closing remarks. Hope that helps you this year. It's a new way to pray in twenty twenty two. See y'all tomorrow. God Will for all. Steve Harvey Contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve harveyfm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.