Trump Impeachment, Kamala on Vogue, Steve's Parenting, Delta Sigma Theta and more.

Published Jan 13, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are here for you in livacious color baby! The impeachment talk begins. The Chief Love Officer points out that Tommy has something in common with the first case to hit the desk. Clearly Mitch McConnell blames Trump for a few things. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will be on the cover of the February issue of Vogue. The CEO of Dherbs stops by to discuss fortifying the immune system with his Full Body Cleanse. Steve gives us his thoughts and advice about parenting. Happy Founders Day to the ladies of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Shout out to our very own Mississippi Monica! Today in Closing Remarks, Steve shares his opinion about the current impeachment process.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu bu things and it's not good. Steve Hartley, I don't join me. You gotta use that turn out, very You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, the turnout, turn the water, the water. Come come on your back. Uh huh. I show will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got this radio show. Man, Hi got here. I really can't explain it. Only by the grace of God, that's all I can really tell you. I was talking with a buddy the other day and he was telling me. He said, Man, he had an interesting philosophy about it. He said. You know, you can have dreams and visions, he say, but God, God will never show you what all he has for you. He won't show you all of it because he knows you will mess it up. And you know what, man, I thought about that, And wow, how true is that? Okay? I know that I got a radio show. I didn't see it. It's just become this major blessing for me. I didn't see it. But if I would have seen it and known when he had planned on giving it to me, I would have messed it up because Number one, my first question would have been to him, why I got to wait so long? Why don't I go down hill and start on the radio now? And then I be in radio and then tidy see that God? But see the thing about God is God don't need your help a matter of fact, that he don't really want it. All he want is you to love him and obey if you can do them two things I think. I think I could be wrong. I think he'd be really cool with us. So had I known about these blessings that he had for me, I would have messed him up because I would have put my thinking in the figuring process, and that would have jacked it all up. That's the first thing I asked him, Why I gotta wait so long? And then if he has shown me what I was gonna have to do to get it, I would have showed messed that up. Man, I ain't gonna do that. I ain't gonna do all of that. Wait a minute, I got to go through all of these mishaps in my life. So when I get the radio show, I have something to share. Man, why don't I just read a couple of books and share that experience with them? Now, See, I want you to know what you're talking about. I want you to be transparent. I want people to be able to identify with your struggle and apply they struggle to it and see that they can get over. See. God never shows you all of it because he know will mess it up. I wouldn't have any books, I certainly please know. I would not be the host of family if you can't tell you that. It is amazing man, how God works. And my invitation to everybody today is allow God to work. You know, you can ask him why all you want to. And from time to time I still do no good for me. But that old why me, old woe is me? Lord? Thing that don't really get it for me, because when I start asking him why, I'm asking somebody who has a thought process so high above mine that there's no way if he told it to me, I wouldn't even get it. You wouldn't need hunk out bright you think you are, man, You just ain't gonna get how and why He does it his way you're not going to understand it. But he has a plan for each and every one of us. And if we adhere to the plan, if we submit ourselves to his will and just say, okay, God, what you want me to do? I am telling you it is the best way to live. Now. You can also do it the way I did it early on. You can just do what you want to do and see how I go from now. And I will tell you from personal experience, it's not going to go good. My wife and I were talking the other day. As she said something women, I had to write it down. She says, Steve, you know the funny thing about sin? She says, sin casts you more than you want to pay and causes you to stay longer than you want to stay. I ask my wife where she got dim from. She says, some old person told it to it. She says, sin casts you more than you want to pay and causes you to stay longer than you want to stay. That's the problem, man, about doing what you want to do. Because we are all sinners. Man, all of us, all of us, every last one of us are sinners. You will be a sinner until you die. Now you could be saved by grace. But you're going to be a sinner man. You are going to make mistakes. You are going to in your life knowingly do wrong. I bet you will. I don't know who you think you are. I don't know who you've been listening to. But get this, we are sinners. We were born into a world that is sinful. Now it's okay, it's okay, it's our world. But we can make the best of it because we can form a relationship with God and we can go to war with this thing, you know, and we can win. You can actually get over. Being born into this world is not an end all. That doesn't mean you're doomed, nah man, because God is available to give you life, and not only give you life, but give it to you more abundantly. I have more of an abundant life than I've ever had. If you took away the finances, trust and believe, I have so many things I could tell you that I'm grateful for. For my wife, for my children, man, for my family, for the few friends that I have, for the work that I do, man for the respect that some people that I feel around some people from the repute Haitian I've earned now I ain't cool with everybody. I got that, I'm cool. I ain't cool with everybody. Everybody ain't cool with me. Everybody don't like me. Man, get past that right there. I don't care what you do. Everybody ain't gonna like you. Some people didn't like Jesus. What did he do? What did he do wrong to anybody? Show it to me where he was just out there, just messing over folks, and you could justify all that happened to him. Just show it to me. But he knew everybody ain't gonna like me. I just come to save y'all. Understand. I got you. Ain't feeling me. You're gonna spit on me. You're gonna hang me up there, You're gonna pierce my side. You're gonna do all that to me. When you get through, I still love you. That's a powerful statement. Man, God will take care of you if you form this relationship with him. He has something for you. He has a plan for you that is beyond your imagine. He will give you the desires of your heart. But he also has some stuff in store for you that you're not even asking for. That he is willing to ship to an address that belongs to you as long as you stay on the right path and are trying your best, God to ship you to blessing anywhere. Because please know He's done it to me. I'm a living witness to this that God will ship you blessings. And you ain't gonna be perfect. But if he know your heart, man, if he know you trying to do better, if he see you trying to change, if he see you trying to get it right, he understands that you're gonna stumble all the way through this thing. But if he know your heart and he know you trying to get it right, and you're doing the best you can, boy, here ships some stuff your way. Man, you really be tripping, man, You would really be tripping. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. It's crazy, ain't it. You're listening. Ladies and gentlemen. We have it, don't or do we? We're looking for it, Stee, what you're talking about? Your undivided attention, because it's about to go down. Steve Harvey Morning Show, his own living, vivid, livacious color Ladies and gentlemen owning poppet Shirley Strawberry poppet Steve, Good morning, Colin Farrell. It is on and popping. Good morning, Steve's sub junior Morning up best mentor I know, King of pranks, nephew, Tommy, your side in the building on the steed right here, right here where else? Another day going by today he must be voting on impeachment. See set up, giving some popcorn? Watch this? You gotta mixtures cheese and and uh caramel? Are you just gonna eat? No? I just see it straight. Uh, I just see it straight, that regular popcorn. You know, because you got to go back and get so much. Yeah, because there's so much going on. Girl, you leave on commercial breaks. You missed that, pitchman, what I got to come back? I'm trying to see if they can put a bathroom in my office where I ain't got to leave. Man, the United States of America is right now, see something like that. I have friends in Africa who have called me and said, this is ridiculous. Do you know this can't happen in Africa? Why not believe that? So you can't stow no capital in that Africa? No, well you're not supposed to be able to storm one. I ain't gonna say due to you in Africa, but it. It'll happened in one day, it'll be over. Didn't happen? First? Fall off them steps? Everybody back down. The president is not supposed to lie to seventy million people telling them he won an election that he clearly lost. It was the safest election in the history of elections in this country. But thinking he has all these people thinking that the election was stolen, and they believe it in their hearts that it was stolen. And a lot of the Republican leadership have fed into the lie because they're afraid of his base. They think they're such a big voting block. I don't understand why they don't just go ahead and just admit we had the wrong person in charge of our party. He hied you act our agenda and made it something of his own. I'm bad. Here's our time. Here's a chance to purge and read ourselves of Trump. And Trump is him by impeaching him, putting him out, putting some sanctions against him, and fixing it where he can't ever run again. And that's yeah, he's saying that the yeah, it's all right. Well, listen, coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour. Get ready, We're gonna ask the CLO as we switch gears right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and trending headlines. President Trump said his speech that incited the riot that killed five people in the nation's capital last week was totally appropriate. Uh. The House we'll vote today to impeach Trump for a second time. And Republican Senate House Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he's happy and he supports the impeachment. What what did I just say to get into heaven? He's trying to get into heaven, and I know what I'll try to get in a statement. I know the end is near. We'll talk about it all at the top of the hour. Uh. Yeah, we gotta definitely talk about that. But let's switch gears now because it's time to ask the CLO. If you have any love questions, please um send them to us. We'll get them on if we can. Steve, you're ready, CLO, All right, here we go. This one is from Darien and Dallas. Darien says, I'm the youngest of three boys in my family, and I've always been the shortest. My brothers have teased me for years because they'm only five eight. But here's the thing. Here's the thing. Taller women are my thing. And I've got one special lady that is five to nine, but when she wears heels, she towers over me. We have my mother's birthday coming up and we're having a small get together. My girl wants to go with me and meet my parents, but I'm afraid my brothers will ruin our visit with jokes. Should I let them meet my girl before the party? Still out? I remember, explain something? Do you ain't gonna stop the damn joke out for your brothers? Stop nothing, Stop these jokes and your brothers no more than our residence, short person is gonna stop these jokes on this damn just don't stop. It ain't no five tall women and your thing. They got to be hell you five eight? Well what what? They ain't gonna be your thing? If tall women ain't your thing, you might not have one. So we're good with that. Bro. They take your girl onto the family union. Ye have a nice time. Mama. You know your brother you the youngest they fit to eat your ass? A lie? If your damn brothers, man, what do you think gonna happen to me. Man, listen to me. Man, however old you are, you old enough to write into this show. You hadn't heard all this before. You ought to have thick skin by now. Man, take your girl on over there. Man, it's gonna be all right. She know you shot. She ain't gonna over that. Learned nothing new. I have a question, Steven nephew, ever had that issue growing up? That? Yeah, tirl, I did not write in, so we're not gonna get on me. I did not girl did every girlfriend he had riding his ass like a too were. I was sitting between the humps talking about it. But he hung in there. He got strong, you know, he worked through it. You got strong to college, you know, turned himself into some store making good money. As don't you got a big ass house calls and all like that. Don't pull up and rolled rouss it. Don'tbody even know? All right? So I hope that answered your question. Carla Really in Newark says I'm thirty seven years old and I'm dating a man that is forty years old and doesn't have a lot of sexual experience. He's in a sexless marriage. He was in one for eight years, and he said, he learned to live with basic sex. I want to turn it up a notch each time we're intimate, but he shocked every time I do something new. The other night, he said. The other night, he said, he's concerned that I may have too much experience in this area and that's not the kind of woman he's looking for. I refrain from cursing him out that night. How do I handle this situation? What is she doing in there? Well? If you you got something different every night, an he ain't got a lot of experience. But you can't come in there with all that at once, can you? Can you space it out where you add a little something different, like every fifth time or six times, so he can get some time you every night you come there with what you're doing. She says, she wants to turn it up a notch each time they're intimate. So each right, she does a little something right. See, See what you got to do is you got to bring him through this thing slow. You got to let him adjust to these new things, let him get you, let him get good at what asks no him, then introduce a new thing. Anybody year you had out Yeah, yeah, okay, Because he's been very judgmental, forty year old judgmental. He's scared of the well, he said, she's not the kind of woman he's looking for. Scared, No, too damn much. What is all this fault? What's she doing? Wait? What you got in the pillowcase? Turn that down? What is that? Turn it down? What is that? It's too loud? What is that? All right? We're moving women whom who Okay, sounded like slavery at some point. You know, he's amazing. Hola whoa whoa, whoa, whoa whoa dead No burn mayonnaise? All right, thank you? See mayonnaise coming up next to nephew would run that prank back? Hell you're listening to coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anna standing by with our national news. President Trump said his speech that incited the riot last week that killed five people in the nation's capital was totally appropriate. Today, the House will vote to impeach Trump for a second time. I know he's totally lost. Yeah. Uh. Plus an entertainment news Vogue magazine is responding to the vice president elect the cover controversy. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew is here with run that prank back what you got for his nest? But man, but man, that's the tattle. Let's go cat. Hello. Hey, I'm trying to reach von Please. This is Vaughan. This is Darius. Darius with human resources. How are you? I'm doing fun? Can I help you? Yeah? Listen, we um have an incident that has taken place at the job. You actually, what floor are you on? Vin? I'm all for twelve floor? Twelve? All right? So do you use the copy machine that often on that floor? Not all the time, but I do use it every once in a while, Okay, every once in a while. So here's what's going on. There's gonna be some actions being taken place here pretty soon, some legal actions, and we're just clearing everybody. You know, this is this is just a proper procedure that we're having to go through. So let me just kind of enlighten you on what's taking place. Someone on the twelfth floor has copied their butt on a piece of paper and the copy machine. So someone actually sat up on the Xerox machine and copied their butt. Why someone would do that, I have no earthly idea. But what's happening now is everyone on your floor is gonna have to come in and show their butt. So we're scheduling this now. I'm thinking Friday at eleven am. Would that be suited. Yeah, y'all talking, y'all talk about want me to come up there and show show my show because somebody, I'm a grown man. Okay, I'm a grown man. I didn't do that. Okay, you know what. I believe you. I believe you whole heartedly, Von, But just to clear your name, we have to, I hate to say it, clear your butt as well. So we want to make sure we're gonna find out who's butt this is on a piece of paper that did this. We're gonna find out. You're gonna find out who's You're gonna find out whose cheeks those are, and you're gonna find that real quick than our mind. All right, I'm not doing that, man, I'm not gonna come in. You said Friday, you're doing this Friday, undy eleven, Not coming in my day off, pulling my paths down. Let some strangers look at really, look at my look at my cheeks. Talking about somebody copied. I'm not doing that. I don't I don't want to. I don't want this to take a turn, Von, because right now this is if you're not if you're saying you're not coming in, then other actions will be taking place if you don't come in and follow the precedure that everybody's saying. Everybody else that I'm calling they have to come in. How many how many people work on that floor? There's at least eighty plus people on that floor. You're talking about trying to have a plus people come in drive all the way to work, so some strangers we don't even know can look at our look at our cheeks, and I'm not gonna do that. I don't know who did it, but I know they ain't me. Somebody somebody zeros there but on the twelfth floor. And we're gonna get to okay, but we're gonna get to the bottom of who did it. And what you're what you're not gonna do, Vaughan, is tell me you're not coming in. What you're not gonna do do you like your job here with this company? Okay? What you're not gonna do is act like you're gonna fire me, because I'm not gonna show y'all my sweet goodies just because you just because you from HR. You got me fooled. If you actually expect me to think that everybody that works from this floor is over here, like, oh yeah, sure, I'll call us some strangers. Look at mind, look at my crack. You must be playing, no, sir, not with me. Okay, let me ask let me, let me ask you this. Do you have a coworker name Andre Andrea? Yes? Okay, and Andrew says he knows you. Now, I'm just gonna put it out here. Andrea is stating that it could have possibly been you. Really, Andrew got the nerve to say it could have been mere? Why are he trying to single me out? Like I even use that damn copier. I don't playing games. I'm a grown man. He must be out of his mind thinking he gonna say I did it. All I know is he stated that you were a possibility. That's what That's what he stated. He said I was a possibility. That that's dumb. He ain't have absolutely the reason to take I don't even use that copier, man. I use that thing like once every two three weeks, everybody on that floor. Okay, So out of once every two three weeks, is there a possibility. Maybe you propped your butt up there and copied it. Not at all, y'all, don't He ain't even told me when this happened. I probably wasn't even working when the Booty Chicks. You must be out your mind. You can waste everybody else time trying to bring everyone in to get a free strip show, but you're not gonna do that to me. This has to be unethical and illegal on so many levels. You're trying to come in and say everybody on the entire four has to come show that. Man, you want to be kidding me? What's your name? Whole time you're trying to call me saying this is HR what's your name? Because we're not. I'm Darius. I'm Darius out of human Resources. I told you that when I first called you, and well Darius, well Darius, when I do come into work, you will I want to see. Let me ask you this, von. Do you know Leslie? Leslie? I know that better not even say my name, but so you do know Leslie? Yes? I know Leslie. She works there with me. So you're trying to tell me that Leslie said. Do you want to know what Leslie said? Yes? I would like you to know what Leslie says. So when I cussed her out, I get it right. Okay, Leslie told me to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey More on the show. And you just got frank by your co worker Leslie and oh man, Leslie and Andre got me to prank phone call you. Man, I was man, I was passed. Yeah, your uncle is right, bro, somebody is gonna whoop y'all. I bet, I bet it's this year. All right, tell me this man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Somebody is definitely gonnahoop y'all. All I'm saying is we got a copy on the paper and we need to find out who but this is. That's all I'm saying. We're gonna figure out tood day. Okay, that brain your butt down here so we can see if this your butt that's on this paper. That foolishness. No one's doing that. Who's going to do that much play? My job is to keep it stupid, Okay, that's my job. Keep it right, I'm handing him. My job is to keep everything stupid around here. You know that ain't always been your job. But he did it though. It just came so natural. We gave it. Yeah, girl, all right, coming up, coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment in National News. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well. Vogue released a statement on the Vice President elect Kamala Harris's cover model controversy for the February issue of Vogue. Some people believe that image of miss Harris in a black blazer in pants with the white shirt and converse sneakers with a pink and green sheer curtain backdrop was too casual. They didn't like it. They wanted her to look more official since she's going to be our vice president. Others were pleased that the cover was a tribute to her sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha. Additionally, there was another picture of the Vice president elect in a powder blue suit, which was a more serious leader look. The Vice President Elect's team said that Vogue did not ask for photo approval to release the more casual digital cover, and they thought the image of Miss Harriage Harris in the powder blue suit would be on the cover now. The magazine has responded the team at Vogue love the images. Tyler Mitchell shott. He's a black photographer, right, Tyler Mitchell, Yeah, he did Beyonce exactly. Yeah. Anyway, Yeah, so Vogue said they loved those images that Tyler Mitchell shot and felt the more informal image captured Vice President elect Harris's authentic, approachable nature, which we feel is one of the hallmarks of the Biden Harris administration. The statement reads also to respond to the seriousness of this moment in history and the role she has to play leading our country moving forward. We're celebrating both images of her as covers digitally, all right, So that's how they explained both covers. But do they have a hard copy cover two? I think the powder blue one is the hard cover because the one in the blue suit, I think is the one that's on the actual magazine. I think so, Steve. It's it's so confusing because they release both digital prints. Well, let's find out. But either way, I'm gonna make this announcement on behalf of black people. They didn't ask me too, but I'm gonna go out on the m and say this here. We will not be storm in the Capitol because of this not at all. Yeah, yeah, now we might some people might be upset, and they got every right to be upset. We won't be going down there at the Capitol about it. And I think Kamala Harris, Vice President ka Madame Madam Vice President Kamala Harris's outstanding. I think she looks befitting in the part. And however this cover plays out, it ain't the end off for us. I'm pretty sure that should be some other covers and maybe somebody will get it right from the get gold Vogue is not the end off, say all so right, and it doesn't. Yeah, she is a leader, she is authentic and she does she's Vice President United States. Put on a cracker jack box if you want to. She's the vice president of the United States. Do we understand making? Yeah, I don't. I don't know. I don't know if the AKA we're happy with the pink and green, but I don't. I don't know what that means. That don't you know whatever? But yeah, you know, I mean, she's she's on there. We love her, she's she's got a job to do. Uh, come the twentieth she will be our vice president, I mean right, And I think that a lot of want African Americans like, we're not on Bogue a lot anyway. They don't represent us all the way right anyway, so when it's they see a problem, they want to bring it up. Yeah, Trump was mad that Melania didn't get any covers. Well who is she? Though? Time for today's headline, Steve miss Ann trip. Yeah, I'm going okay anyway, this is a trip with the news. Everybody in good morning, let's go. Well, the President has now had his say about last Wednesday's pro Trump siege of the US capital, and he says, wasn't his fault? Have you read my speech? And many people have done it, and I've seen it both in the papers and in the media on television. It's been analyzed, and people thought that what I said was totally appropriate. And if you look at what other people have said, politicians at a high level about the riots during the summer, the horrible riots in Portland and Seattle at various other places, that was a real problem what they said. But they've analyzed my speech and my words and my final paragraph, my final sentence, and everybody to the teeth thought it was totally appropriate. Yeah. According to the latest polls, that's not what the majority of Americans think, and that not only includes Democratic lawmakers, but some GOP legislators as well. Now, with only seven days left of his only one term in office, House Democrats have introduced a single article of impeachment accusing Trump of incitement of insurrection. In the Houses. Expect to vote on that measure before the end of this week, maybe today. President Trump's claiming that the impeachment process, by the way, is quote dangerous for the country. Impeachment aside Capital building and its surrounding grounds is still essentially a crime scene. And that's where Michael Sherwin, acting US Attorney for the District of Columbia, comes in. We have already opened one hundred and seventy more than one hundred and seventy subject files, meaning these individuals have been identified as potential persons that committed crimes on the Capitol grounds inside and outside. So up those hundred and seventy cases that have already been open, and I anticipate that's going to grow to the hundreds and the next coming weeks. We've already charged over seventy cases. And now the incoming sent A majority leader Jos Schumer is calling on the Department of Homeland Security to put all known rioters on a no fly list, a process, by the way, that's already begun in a few cases. Schumer says that the law calls for anyone deemed a threat to the security of this country to be banned from boarding any commercial flight. Oh. By the way, the FBI charged a white Trump supporter over for traveling to Washington and DC with an assault rifle and saying that he planned to kill Nancy Pelosi on live TV. That guy is named Cleveland Meredith. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, he's known in the Atlanta area for erecting a billboard that said QAnon along with the name of his company. His company is called car Nuts car Wash in Minneapolis and Judge that we're seeing the trial the now four X police officers accused in the brutal murder of mister George Floyd has pushed the trial of three the four further into the year or four X cops charge in Floyd's death were scheduled to go to trial in March, but Derek Chauvin the cops scene grinding his knee into mister Floyd's neck. He's charged with murder, and he goes first. He's tried in March. The other three have tried in August. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the String Show and trending political news. According to The New York Times, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell has told his associates that quote, he is happy Democrats have moved to impeach mister Trump as it will make it easier for me to rebuild the Republican Party. Whoa oh. Mitch McConnell also blames President Trump for the Republicans losing the two Senate seats in the runoff election in Georgia. How's the Democrats plan to vote today to impeach President Trump for a second time? Remember one week ago today, the domestic terrorists attacked the Capitol Building, where five people died, including a US Capitol Police officer. So Mitch McConnell has changed his tune. Huh, you know what I mean? Look, you know, we all keep hanging out hope that you know, something will develop where it is not such such a split with the Democrats and Republicans. Because as we sit here and we look at that, we don't understand why they don't see what we see. But it's clear, like I've always known, they don't see what they don't want to see it because it's their power, position and their money. But now they have a chance to really rid themself up this guy and get back to some type of normalcy in the look, it's gonna always be difference between Democrats and Republicans, that's the way it is. And you're gonna have fights and and and and people side and just causes the party or what they sighed for with this dude. Man is pure ignorance and lies. And if you don't sign with him on a lie, man, he'd do your ass on Twitter. Well, they took his Twitter account. What y'all scared of? He can't come back. He can't even talk to him about y'all no more. They're really yeah, and fear is it. It's fear driven what they're doing. And man, let me tell you something. If they impeach him, they would get rid of his ability to have secret service for the rest of his life. That's and he would lose the pension. The bigger part is he would lose the secret service. That would then prevent him from going to these rallies and and and and drumming up more supporting these ignorantives. Yeah, you actually have a chance to rid yourself for this guy. And he wouldn't be able to run for office again either, that's right, and you wouldn't have to deal with this. Trump isn't foolishes, right and now virtually go ahead. Oh, I was on side, like with Bernie Sanders. He tweeted out, if he's too dangerous. If Trump is too dangerous to send out a tweet or a Facebook post, then he's too dangerous to be the commander in cheat right. I said, oh, absolutely, absolutely, he needs to be removed from office. Yep. He wants to be a dictator, that's it. He thinks he's a king or something. Yeah, he does. He does. Send him to Russia, let them deal with let's do that. He's got plenty of friends over there, doesn't he All? Right? Time to switch gears, guys, Um, we're gonna talk about being healthy. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, it's our Wellness Wednesday segment. It's answered by d Herbs. Right after this, you're listening to show many of us made New Year's resolutions to lose a little weight, as we always do at the top of the year, get back in shape. Many of you have already though, given up, and we know it's rough. We all fall short. But right now we are here to help you get back on track and reach your goals to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle with d RBS. I've done it, Steve's done it, Tommy, Carla Junior, we have all done it the Herbs and joining us now is the CEO of D Herbs and our friend and family member. Please welcome back to the show the one and only mister A D. Dolphin. Yea, so good morning, A do ye, good morning, Happy new year, longtime. All right, well listen, we'll jump right into it as we always do with COVID ninth team numbers. Surging A D Being healthy is extremely important these days. So how is it the DERBS program? How is that helping people get healthy and keeping them on track. Absolutely, Look, we're doing all the things. We're wearing masks or social distancing, we're washing our hands thirty times a day. But to be honest, your last line of defense is your immune system. And by doing the Deers full body cleans, what you're gonna do is fortify that system and give you the extra protection that you need during this crazy time period. I love it. I love it now. It's important also a D that we educate our listeners on how different the Deerbs full body cleanses. It's different than any other cleans out there, so let's talk about that. Well, when you think of cleansing, you're gonna have to starve yourself or drink some were concoction. The Deers full body cleanses nothing like that. You can eat as many fresh fruits, vegetables, row nuts, and raw seeds during this time period as your hard desire. Also, our cleans doesn't your focus on your colon. It actually focused on your entire body. And also I would add as our formulas which are one percent natural down to the capsule themselves which are vegetarian capsules. And lastly, the results you're talking about weight loss between ten to thirty pounds, a huge boots and energy, stronger immune system, clearer skin. To be honest, the Deer toubody cleanses a life changer. It is. We were all looking good and we still are thanks to I don't want to start a rum or nothing what you know, because this hasn't been scientifically proven, but Junior did the cleans last year, the Deer's Full Body cleans, Right, Junior said that it cleans his body out from any COVID effects and he doesn't get COVID because he took a cleans. Oh. I love that. I love that scientific and we can't we can't verify that, but that's what we're gonna go with. Go ahead, Shirley, all right. The thing we love about it is that we can eat food on this cleanse. And now for our listeners that are struggling with diabetes and high blood pressure, a lot of those they really should try the Deerbs Full of Body cleanse. But you need to tell us why because that's important. Well, if you think about it, a lot of people don't know that ninety percent of all diseases today are diet related. Always tell people that. So we're literally eating our way into sickness. But the same way you got there is also going to be the same way you get out. And by cleansing, what it can do is give you a healthier diet, put you on a healthier path, so you can eat your way out of thickness. Eat your way out of sickness. Absolutely sickness. We eat our way into sickness, So yeah, why not eat your way out. But I'm gonna tell you something that's really a true fact. It really is man A one C number, AC one number whatever the number is, uh, the diabetic number they'd gotten kind of hide I was. My blood work told me I was pre diabetic. I went to vegetables, right. I went to vegan for three weeks and my number dropped down a whole point. Not absolutely, So that is a true statement about people don't understand what you put in your body is so important, and that's why cleansing is so important, because you get rid of all that waste, all that toxicity, so your body can be on a healthier path and it's life changing. That's absolutely true a D. And we're all living proof of that. So if you want to get healthy, if you want to get started, go to derbs dot com right now, that's derbs dot com. Enter promo code radio at checkout for a nice discount Derbs dot com Promo code Radio, or call eight sixty six D Herbs. That's eight sixty six four D Herbs a D. Thank you. As always, we love you year well, healthy, Happy New Year you guys. All right? Coming up next, it is the nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for it today. The subject is he a loser or a work in progress? You know, I love saying wait till you hear like Donald Trump, he's a loser. Right, all right? What do you hear this letter? Yeah, we'll get into it a little later because right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his nefans? Is too loud? Thanks, it's too loud. Keep your nerves bad and you just bring it down a little bit to go to work. Let's go count dog. Sex is too loud. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Uh you have the wrong number? This is his? Why so can I help you? Uh? Yes, ma'am. I'm calling you from the front desk here at the at the Hilton Hotel and I'm called the room a few times and you guys, you guys haven't answered. So we actually went a little first and got the number that's connected with the credit card, and uh, you know, I wouldn't be calling your number like this. But the people are complaining about you guys on the floor. Now, you guys are staying on and they're saying that the sexes too, the sex is too loud coming from you. Wait, wait a minute, what did you say? People are on you as floor saying that the sex is too loud coming from you and your husband's room. Way, what the fuck is going on here? I am at home and that mother is out of town. So what are you saying to me? Uh? Can I get you the whole offorce? Sure, that's just that's just. This is his wife on the phone right now. But she said she's at home. That's what she's telling me. She's telling me she's at home, but she's not upstairs. No, she's not upstairs. They were doing a different thing. What am I supposed to play to? Okay? Okay, oh ma'am, yes, okay, I'm sorry. What's your immi? Dominique? Okay, Dominique, you know what, we won't worry about it. We'll fix it. What do you mean don't worry about it? You just caused me to tell me that basically, my husband is having sex with someone at the hotel, and now you're acting Mike, I'm just supposed to act like this didn't happen. Hello, Yeah, and I did hear you talking to the background. You heard who I heard you? Okay? Hold on? Hold on you all over again? Please? And uh? Where are you at? Which is this? Which hotel is this? Hold on fourth? Sucker, man, I didn't hit the you, but and he hits the whole buddy. No, she heard everything we was talking about. I don't know what am I supposed to say to it. The guy won't answer the phone, and it's noise coming from the room all day all right, hello, uh yeah, okay the Dominique. Dominique, I want to apologize. We thought we were called. Apology is not going to do. I can solve the problem for you. Wish your address? Tell me your address. I'm not at liberty to give that information. This is some book, some real books. Can you put your manager on the fine or something? Um? I mean, letag is actually in a meeting right now. I don't, Dominique. I just want to say, I just I truly apologize. I mean I thought I was calling the person that was in the room I'm really really I don't know what to say if there is nothing to say, unless you're going to give me your address right now, so I could be all my way over there. What city are you in? Don't worry about where I'm at. I can get to you and his you know what, I'm gonna call this mother myself and he better wit what? Okay? Where your whole situation? Okay? Right now? Okay, but will you await because you're gonna metch Wry. I'm gonna lose my job. I don't gonna about your job right now. Bro, you told me that my husband is some other boy in your hotel? Do you think I care? So? What's your address? Though? I could see all my way? Okay, okay, okay, mom, Mom, let me just call him. No, no, no, no, my manager, My manager coming down now. Your manager is available? How convenient? Okay, So now I don't have to talk. I don't want to talk to your manager. Okay. I thought you wanted to talk to the manager. I'm pissed off right now. So either you're gonna give me your address. Can I put this is my manager, Timmy? Can I put Tommy on the phone? Sure? Dominique Yes, this is Tommy. Okay, Tommy, what's going on? Uh? Your worker called me to tell me that my husband was having sex in your hotel too loud? And I asked his address and he won't give it to me. And I'm on my way down there, and I'm about to call my husband since he won't answer your call. And I did hear him talking to you in the background? Okay? What did you hear who he was talking to? No? I didn't. Okay, he was talking to me. But do you know who I am? No? I don't and I don't really care. But do you know Tommy at all? Do I know Tommy? No? No? Okay, do you know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show? You kitty? How to hear you? That's Tommy. I don't like. I'm not your friend right now, Tommy, and I don't like anymore. I just like, Oh, come on, tomm me, come on, stay funny. It's not funny, Tommy, it's really okay, all right, I don't want to get off the phone. And we're all bad terms now. We got to get back. We got to be all good terms when we got on the phone. Okay, come on, laugh, laugh with me, baby, please. Well I don't know if you'd be laughing if somebody called you with this, but okay, I would you have a sister. Your sister name is Lydia? Am I right? Yes? Lydia is who got me to prank phone call your basic? Oh okay, it's it's really going down, man, I got something for you at her. Let you in the streets, Tommy, okay, let me ask you this before you go. Lease give me this. What's the baddest radio show in the land. Come on, let me ask you know Steve Harvey? And that's the Tommy. You know what, Tommy? You used to be my favorite, but now I'm rather Steve. You could kiss Minna go too far? One was gonna go too far name? Oh my god? When I put it on the hole for a second, right, yeah, yeah, you know for real, that's how I supposed to go. It went just like I wanted it to go, go like I wanted it to go. Hey, that was gonna ask you for some numbers that I want you to see if you can give me like who han ya? I know you got that though, I got it. Okay, you don't need to brank you too. Much. Really, some people you need to give a pass. You need to let that go right now. Not going on? Man, Yeah, I don't think it. Show ain't gonna be the reaction you hoping for. Right Who else you want time? Okay, okay, okay, let me think. Uh yeah, Denzil got his number. You ain't called that jail? Come on, what what else you got foolishness with Tyler Pierre? Your foolishness? Man? Hell no, it's not about what they have time for. Hey, it's about the prank. Hey, Hey, they grown as people right here. I understand that. It's about the print I take now, the one that I really won't honestly, Samuel Jackson, because I know I'm gonna get some good. I have enough beats. That's the one I aught to give you. And let you be a member to Hay for eight. Oh man, he'll never speak to me. Blank my blankety blank number like this, blanketed blink gonna call me on the blanketed blank radio Blink Blake coming up next, Strawberry letter subject is he a loser or work in progress? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submid Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up an whole long time. Come on season, buggle up a whole long time. We got it for you here. It is the straw Let me do that to me right now, all right, thank you? Subject? Is he a loser or a work in progress? Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty two year old woman and I'm falling for a forty three year old man. We met online and bonded because we were both very lonely for the last ten months in quarantine. I work full time at a school, and he is a screenwriter waiting for one of his movies to get greenlit by a big producer. He said, if that happens, he will be set for life. We decided to meet up and I asked him to meet me halfway since he lives an hour from me. He told me he doesn't have a car, so I drove three hours to see him. When I got to his apartment, he said I couldn't come in because the couple he lives with doesn't want strangers inside because of COVID nineteen. He explained that he's staying on their couch in exchange for some cleaning and other housework. He said he didn't tell me because he didn't want to scare me away. I was very put off by this, but he offered to take me to punch, so that made it better. We had a nice meal and things were going great until his card was declined at the restaurant. He stepped away to call his bank and then asked me to cover the bill. He was embarrassed, but I assured him that it was okay. We decided to get a hotel room so we could spend the day together, but his card was declined again, so I put the room on my credit card. He called a bank again and said his account had a glitch, but he could pay me back within twenty four hours. That night, we had the most intense sex and amazing conversation. I haven't been back to see him because he can't afford a hotel room. I still haven't gotten my money back either. He said, he's falling in love with me, So I don't want to mess this up. I'm trying to believe in its dreams. Is he a work in progress or is he a loser? Please advise? Well, I'm gonna say a loser. Okay, that's what I'm gonna say. He is a loser, and I'm gonna say it to you too, loser. I think you're a loser too, because what are you doing having sex with a man you met online? And you did all the work, you know, to make this stuff happen. You drove three hours to see him. You paid for the food because his credit card was declined. You paid for the hotel room because his credit card was declined. It was a glitch in it. He said, you gave it up the first night. You made it way way easy for this man. And you said, being lonely for ten months because of COVID, that's what this will do to you. I don't think that's a reason just to give yourself away to some man you didn't even know. This man is forty three years old. Where is he working right now? Until he gets his big break? Usually that's what writers and screenwriters do. They have another job, and they work on their their stuff, you know, in their off time. If he's a writer, I mean, surely you would have seen some of his work, maybe publishing a magazine or online, a local newspaper. Maybe you know, he would have written you a poem or something. Did you even read or see the script that he was waiting to get produced by some big Hollywood producer? And is that really where he lives? Where he took you and said he couldn't take you in because of COVID nineteen? All the stuff just sounds suspect to me. I mean, you didn't really think he was going to pay you back? Did you? You said he didn't pay you back? Did you really think he was going to This guy is not just a loser, he's a user. And I just say stay away from him. Okay, don't worry about seeing him again. He's not for you, Steve. What is my CADI letter right here? Thank you? This is my kind of letter right here? Thank you. First of all, I won't thank you, know, I just want everybody to listen to this letter right no, right now. I just want you to know that the talent that God gave me, it's about to shine through brightly. You're about to see my ability to take foolishness pointed out at levels where a lot of people don't see. See. Schell is a nice Christian girl. You know she ain't had the life out of head. You know she ain't told as many lies as me. She been in as much situations as me, so she ain't gonna see the stuff like here gonna listening thirty to your old woman falling for the forty three year old man. They met online and bond it because we both were lonely the last ten months in quarantine. Help for everybody been in quarantine. I work full time out of school. And he's a screenwriter. He or what? He a screenwriter? Girl? That ain't even the real title for it. He a screenwriter waiting on here now this way. Let me let me show you how you little waiting on one of his movies to get green lit by a big producer? What? Who? What big producer? Who gonna green like this movie? Why would a big producer go through everybody they know to get to hell? He said that if that happens, he'll be set for life. One movie. Dog. You think, hold a party? You think if Spielberg had it just made one movie, he'd have been said. You think if Will Smill had just done one movie, he'd have been said. They think if DNZL had it just stopped at Mobile Blues, you think he'd have been sank for life? Partner? Is you out in your rabbit ass mind? You know how much stuff you got to put together? You're talking, he'll be said for life. We decided to meet up, and I asked him to meet me halfway since he lived hour for me, she told me, car, So I drove an hour to see him. Okay, that's another thing. He'll screenwriter three hours to see him. Hold it right there, Steve, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the Our subject is he a loser or a work in progress? We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap to today's Strawberry letters. Subject is he a loser or work in progress? Okay? Now, in order for me to recap this letter, I'd had to go too far. So let me just take you through it. Because the subject is is he a loser? All? Work in progress? Shelly called him a loser. I got to agree with her one hundred percent. This man as a complete loser. I pointed out to you as we go through the letter, thirty two year old woman falling four forty three year old man, man online, bind it because we will lonely do in the last ten months in quarantine, I work full time out of school. And he is a screenwriter. Right there, a screenwriter in quarantine. Could Lord almighty him and show nobody or screened that he hadn't written since the quarantine started. Anybody's taking movies out in Hollywood right now? Okay, so let's go with that right there, waiting on one of his movies to get green lit by a big producer. Boy, do you have any idea the process it is to get to a big producer in Hollywood with your new ass with this script. Ain't saying it can't be done, ain't saying you can't have dreams. But oh Lord, this one tough, he said. If that happens, he'll be set for life. Boy, one movie is not gonna set your ass for life. I can tell you it won't. If that's not how this works. You gotta put these things together, man, you gotta start stacking paper. You know, you think Brad Pitt would have been all right with one movie, Tom Hanks with one movie, Now man Eddie with one movie. Note, you gotta put him together. We decided to meet up, and I asked him to meet me halfway since he lives an hour from me. He he told me he don't have a car. Or all right, come on, farty three year old man. He told you he didn't have a car. You let that go. So I drove an hour to see him. When I got to his apartment, he said I couldn't come in because the couple he lived with don't want strangers inside the house because of COVID nineteen. You didn't drove an hour to his apartment to find out he don't have an apartment, that he's staying with a couple that's been told him, your ass can't come in here because of COVID nineteen. He explained that he's staying on that couch. What standing. This is a forty three year old man staying on his couch. See listening. I'm the last person could talk because I've been homeless and I lived in a car for three years. I met women while I lived in a car. I can tell you didn't go good. I can just tell you didn't go good because when I say said, can I come over your place, we in it. I met a girl at a one night show one time we were driving around the car. Was gonna try to go to waffle house or something. She said, uh, uh, you staying around here somewhere? I said, yeah, She said, well right here. Yeah, so I understand now you staying on that couch not and you staying on the couch in exchange from some cleaning and other housework. So now he'll made so here that cleaning targets and doing dishes and canning out garbage and stuff and mopping flows. Okay, but he'll screen right now. He said he didn't tell me because he didn't want to scare me away. You're asking to got in your car right then and turned your ass around. But oh no, you ain't that smart. I was very put off by the You wouldn't put off that much because guess what they did. He offered to take me to lunch, So that made it better. Well, oh play the food all right, here we go. So now since that made the baby, we had a nice meal and things was going great until his card was declined at the restaurant. So now it was going great because he took bought you some lunch. Didn't find out he couldn't pay for the damn lunch. He stepped away to call his bank and asked me to cover the bill. He didn't talk nobody at that bank. Whatever. He called the bank and say, you know, getting here, Well, it ain't no money in there. He stepped around the corner and told you he called the bank. He talked nobody at that bank. Matter of fact, they'd ask him and bring his ass down there so they could leave him overdraft. He was embarrassed, so I assured him that it was okay. You're such a nice person. We decided to get a hotel room so we could spend the day together. What wait a minute, what wait a minute? After all that didn't happen, y'all, desperate ass, After you found out he's stay on the couch with the other couple that he a housekeeper and he'll screen right away on the big producer. He ain't got no money, and people wouldn't let you in the house because they think your ass got COVID and you took you the restaurant and you ain't got the money. He called a bank and then would told you, y'all gonna get a hotel room. So he spend the day together, but his card was declined again. If you can't pay for the food, how the hell are you gonna get a hotel room? So I put the room on my credit card. He called a bank again and said his accounts had a glitch in it. Yeah, the glitch is called ain't no money. That's a big glitch. I've had three years in the glitches. But he could pay me back in twenty four hours. That night, we had the most intense sex and amazing conversation. Hey, can I come back on this next break? Yeah, because this is very important right here, because I want to share with you why you had the most intense six an amazing conversation. I'm gonna share with you why that happens. And I don't have the time in a little bit of time we got left, But y'all need to focus on it when we come back. You need to find out how you can have the most intense sex with a person that ain't got no damn money. Okay, all right, Well, in the meantime, post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM and Instagram on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up, Part three of Today's Strawberry Letter, Is he a loser or work in progress? Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, we're back with part three. Here's the Strawberry Letter with part three two at the subject is is he a loser or work in progress? So you left with telling us you were going to connection. So just brief amazing, let me explain something to you. This woman to met his forty three year old man who's a screenwriter. They been online and they met, and you're trying to figure out if he a loser or if he's a working progress. Me and Sherlean I already said the loser. Just a couple of bullet points to remind you why we think he's a loser. He's waiting on the screen play to get big green lit by big producer. That's one he said. If it happens, it's gonna be set for life. He fought at three. Then you drive to meet him and you told him meet you halfway he told you he can't meet you halfway because he ain't got no car. You drove all the way to see him to got to his apartment, and then you found out that you couldn't come in because the couple he lived with don't want those strangers inside day house because it might have COVID nineteen. Then he told you that he was staying on their couch in exchange for doing housework and other chores. Then he told you he won't to tell you that because he didn't want to scare your way, and instead of getting scared your ass stayed. But then he offered to take you to lunch, so that made it better. Then he took you to lunch, and when it bill came, he couldn't pay for the damn lunch, so you put it on yo it card. I don't know how good to how good that damn meal was. But then right out there that y'all decided to get a hotel room so y'all could spend the day together. But his card got declined again if he couldn't take for the damn meal, So how he gonna get a room? What the hotel was? Y'all at Glenn's Motor in. Listen to me. The hotel room normally costs more than food, you know, four hours for twenty dollars, you know. And he said his account had a glitch in it. Glitch. No, his encounter had no money in it. That's the biggest glitch of them all, he said. He bade back in twenty four hours. Now, this is where we left off that night. We had the most intense sex and amazing conversation. Well, first, let me deal with the amazing conversation. First of all, he is screenwriter. He know how to tell a story, and you like listening to him. So that's a good ass conversation. Now, let me tell you why you had the intent six. Because he was screwing for opportunity. He was screwing for a chance. He was screwing for hope. He was screwing for someway to live. He was screwing for another payment. He was screwing for somebody to clean up this bank account of here. He was screwing for somebody with a credit report. He was scoring for somebody that's working down at the school center. He was screwing for anybody that could get his ass off that couch. Because he tied and doing housework for these white people he living there with. That's why the six was so intent to got screwing with purpose. Coming up. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after the You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Since Steve we talked about this Yesterday's it's kind of all over social media since they made the big announcement. Your daughter Laurie is dating People magazine Sexiest Man Alive actor Michael B. Jordan. You couple, they make yeah, and you approved, correct, You talked about that. You're cool with it. Excuse me, excuse me? I mean I like him, you know, but you know, like I say to all of them, I might like you, I might approve of you, but I gotta a thumb sized section of my heart feel with nothing but pure hatred for your ass can come from you know. That's just in case I need it, Okay, like right now, you know, nice, but I got this little section, proud in it with I gotta do a click switch, and I hate your ass. You sexiest man in the world to me, you don't get too close. Then you don't get too close. No, no, always stay back, always stay back. You know, are you like the bad boys father and the father and the man will Smith No, no, and I'm both of them. Hey man, how you doing? I can't stand in your head, I'm not doing. But go ahead. What's your questions? But here's the question. Let's talk about the opposite because a lot of parents out there are going through this. And what advice can you give parents and kids when the parents don't approve of the relationship because so far you're cool with them, you know so well. I mean, you know you could see a lot of times. Listen to me. Let me say this about parenting, man, it does not come with the manual. And to all the parents out there who children have done something totally against everything you've ever tried to teach them, share with them, or get them to understand they once they become adults, they can go and do whatever it is they want to and ain't got nothing to do with your well wishes, your thoughts, your hopes for them, or nothing else. Do not beat yourself up as a parent when your child does something counter to what you believe is right for them, because they have to live their life and learn and they will learn. They will literally learn. Yeah, man, when it take a while not tell me that ain't no, they ain't no age. You know something, some some of them tripped for a wild man. You just got to let it go. You know, you got to love them. Keep talking to them. You know, I stop doing I don't do that praying phone not if you piss me off, I don't. Okay, all right, Nah, don't approve of their relationships. It's nothing you can do about it. If they're an adult, it's nothing you can do about it. And other people who pass judgment on you. People who pass judgment on you, either they kids ain't old enough yet or they ain't got no damn kids. They're the two right there. But if you have been in this long enough and you have kids of this age, all you could do is say, wow, I understand. But people who criticize you as a parent in your parenting skills, two things happen. They kids ain't old enough or they ain't got no damn kids, one or the two. And if they are critical because their kids is old enough, hold on, they fend to do something too. Just hold tight. Huh wow, Okay, good discussion, all right, don't get me start. You are right, tommy, mmmmmm, don't even look over here, Tommy, it is good. Okay, you just trouble out of one, I got seven three. I love them all, though, let me say that I love them all? Yeah? Nothing love? Do you like them? Not all the time? You have all the time. It's not all the time. All right. We'll have more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. What we gotta say, Happy Founders Day to the ladies of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated to found this day, DST. These my sisters over Hill's up with y'all. Y'all fine selves up in there, throw them up. Yeah, all my daughters, that's Delta's all the fine women DST. That that cake lady to make all our cakes as a Delta. Her husband is a cute, all them sisters out there. Yeah. So, what's name is a Delta? The girl that I escorted at the Black home coming at Kent State, Crystal What was Crystal's name? Crystal more Christ nineteen seventy five, Crystal Crystal Chocolate. Fine Lord him, Miss Crystal was fine god dog my freshman as walking down that album, everybody wanted to be me? Why have a little front picked out? Had them platforms on? Had that sponge jacket with the elastic in the back plaid, You know they made out of that little material. It's kind of sponging with the big big as le peons on. It had butterfly bolter girl. You're mad ateno. We an't understand. Oh oh, miss miss Keisha Land's bottom. I think she's a Delta too. Hey, we'll be right back with more to Steve Harvey Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show and trending political news. According to The New York Times, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has told his associates that quote, he is happy Democrats have moved to impeach mister Trump, as it will make it easier for me to rebuild the Republican Party. Whoa oh. Mitch McConnell also blames President Trump for the Republicans losing the two Senate seats in the runoff election in Georgia. Houses. Democrats planned to vote today to impeach President Trump for a second time. Remember one week ago today the domestic terrorists attacked the Capitol Building, where five people died, including a US Capitol Police officer. So Mitch McConnell has changed his tune. Huh, you know what I mean? Look, you know, we all keep hanging out hope that you know, something will develop where it's not such such a split with the Democrats and Republicans. Because as we sit here and we look at that, we don't understand why they don't see what we see. But it's clear, like I've always known, they don't see what they don't want to see it because it's their power position and their money. But now they have a chance to really rid theirself of this guy and get back to some type of normalcy in the look, it's gonna always be difference between Democrats and Republicans, that's the way it is. And you're gonna have fights and and and and people side and just cause it to party. But what they signed for with this dude man is pure ignorance and lies. And if you don't sign with him on the line, man, he do your ass on Twitter. Well they don't took his Twitter account. What y'all scared of? He can't come back, He can't even talk to you about y'all no more, they're really yeah, and fear is that it's fear driven what they're doing. And man, let me tell you something. If they impeach him, they would get rid of his ability to have secret service for the rest of his life. That's a fair and he would lose the pension. The bigger part is he would lose the secret service. That would then prevent him from going to these rallies and and and drumming up more supporting these ignorant lize you actually have a chance to rid yourself for this guy, and he wouldn't be able to run for office again either, that's right, and you wouldn't have to deal with this Trump isn't foolish him and then eventually go ahead. Oh, I was onside, Like with Bernie Sanders. He tweeted out, if he's too dangerous. If Trump is too dangerous to send out a tweet or a Facebook post, then he's too dangerous to be the commander in chief, right, I said, oh, absolutely, absolutely, he needs to be removed from office. Yep. He wants to be a dictator, that's it. He thinks he's a king or something. Yeah, he does. He does send him to Russia. Let don't deal with it. Let's do that. He's got plenty of friends over there, doesn't he. All right, time to switch gears. Guys, coming up, it's our last break of the day, and Steve Harvey will give us some closing remarks at forty nine minutes after the hour right after this you're listening to show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day on this very important Wednesday in Washington, in the country, in Donald Trump's presidency. We'll see what the vote will be an impeachment today. Steve, Yeah, I mean, you know, it doesn't really you know, here's a deal. This is my closing remarks. This impeachment process that's going down, It can happen or not can happen. They have a deeper problem than whether they impeach him or not. Of course, there has some benefits to impeaching him. He loses his pension, he doesn't get the benefit of having secret Service with him the rest of his life, and he can never run for an office again. So there are some benefits. But there's a deeper problem here. How did they even get to this point? And I say they because it was not us no, this is a Republican party problem that has flooded over and become a national problem. But I'm gonna tell you something. I refuse to let it be a problem of mine. No, no, no, no, no, you're trying to talk about the shame you brought on American I said, it's a shame you brought on yourself. Steve Harvard, I'm not wearing this one. I'm not wearing this one. This is on you. You who voted for him, you who enabled him, you who cowered down to him. This is your doing. This is yours and yours alone. You and you alone should wear this crown of glory and crown of shame. However you want to look at it. But we and me and my listeners, we ain't got nothing to do with this right here. See your fear of one man named Donald Trump, your fear of him, your cowardice, your fear and cowardless of his ways, his tones, of a man who acted like he was a keen You know something, man, these Republicans, y'all got to rethink this man because y'all got behind and the immoral person when y'all solely claimed to be the moral party of the USA, the GOP, the Grand Old Party, and you led a man in the front that y'all knew from the get goal was not fit to lead. He's never led, he's never been about people. He's never cared about a common man a day in his life. He's never serviced anyone. He's done nothing but cheat, connives, still lie. Borrow filed bankruptcy whole life. Got y'all trick because he had a TV show called The Apprentice, got you thinking he's a great businessman. He's slicked now, Oh he's slicked, and he find ways to get it done. And he's resilient. Oh he's all that, but he ain't good though. Ain't no stories of Mike Bloomberg filing bankruptcy eleven times. Ain't no stories of Robert Smith filing bankruptcy eleven times? And what ya? What the stories about Gates filing six seven times bankruptcy? What about Zuckerberg? It's rich boys? How about Bezos? It's a lot of rich boys out in the world. You don't hear about them filing bankruptcy? This so many times, being in this so much trouble man, y'all got hoodwinking, suckered by this dude, and you're gonna wear this when yourself just climbing over the wall and all this here, diving through windows and busting this out. This y'all, This, y'all man, we're not in this with y'all. You ain't doing no disservice to us. This disservice that's been happening to been happening to us for four hundred years and more. We'd have seen this before. It's shocking for everybody else, ain't really shocking to us. Y'all got to rebuild y'all party. And let me tell you what this is all from. You know, the whole key, And this is the lesson for us now, Steve Harve, listeners, this is our lesson. Their reverence of Trump was greater than their reverence of God. Anytime you hold a man up higher than your God, this is what happens. Because this is all that happened, man, This is exactly what happened. They hit. Their reverence of him was greater than their reverence of God. And that ain't what they party supposed to be. But you sold it for power, position and money, and now that's what you got. Y'all sitting here looking at this man trying to trying to save face, trying to jump off the band, wearing ted crews, talking around. You know, I've been against him for four years. I've spoken again. Wow, I'm sitting here looking at this dude. Man, Don't you think we fools? You blatantly lie. What I'm really trying to figure out, though, is when is the base gonna wake up and look at what he did? Then you will hear him now saying they should be punished for these crimes after he sent y'all down there to commit it. Hey, man, we don't you when y'all gonna wake up? This dude been about himself the whole time, and now y'all sitting up here. Man, y'all still following the dude that ain't leading. Y'all still following the dude and ain't even trying to help y'all. Ain't been in no rush to get them stimulus checks out to y'all. Ain't been in no hurry to fight get that vaccine to y'all. They've been sitting on this vaccine. He the president, he didn't want He keep putting everything on the state. He never led y'all. He don't care none about y'all stimulus package. He don't care nothing about y'all's dug goln health welfare Obamacare. Man. I wish I could find something that I could read to y'all that a friend of mine sent to me. I think I can find it. But if I don't, I just can't. But what you all gotta understand, man, is we could do better than this. We got to stay prayed up, prayed up. We gotta stay prayerful, We gotta stay in faith. We gotta keep looking to our God. Just like he didn't got us through everything else, he gonna get us through this hill man. But don't be fooled by this dude, man, and don't go down there and get it now. Listen to this last morning they say that something is going to happen on the twentieth. Listen to me, Steve Harvey. Listeners, stay home, don't go down there. We don't need no anti Trump rallies. Let them rally amongst themselves. We ain't got to go down there and hold up our signs. Let them do this. Stay home, stay safe, be watchful, be careful. OCAs Steve telling you that, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, thank you have your birthday DELT For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steven Show