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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag at all suit long looking back to back down, giving them mom just like themaking buck bus things and it's tub y'all to me true good at hardy listening to me together for Stu bar to hand little quickly, hobby. Don't you join yeah by join me into being me? Honey said you gotta turn Yeah, you don't want you you gotta turn the town at the time. You've got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one and only. Steve Harley got a radio show. We gotta good for you today. I was thinking about on the way in. You know, yesterday was a really, really trying day for me. There's a lot of work yesterday and I was up. I've gotten so tired at one point man that but you know, I mean, I mean I had no one to to to explain it to. You know, mom. The fellas that travel with me, they just go, they just go. You know, they know where I gotta be. They get me in place, you know, blah blah blah. But you know, you know, right about when I'm about to complain about it out loud, I also find all of the incredible reasons that I have to be grateful, and it kind of slows down to complain it a little bit. Now I'm not saying the our days. Man, Why I don't verbalize my fatigue or I don't verbalize my man I wish I didn't have to work so hard on man. But but but but but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. But when I get through with that, I have so many reasons to be grateful that it does slow it down, you know, And sometimes it might the majority terms just flat out stops it because I end up laughing at myself because you know, it's so many things are happening to me beyond my belief, beyond what I asked God for. So there's just some extreme blessings going on in my life. But man, man o, man o, man have I paid? And that that's the part I want to talk to you about today. You know, see a lot of people look at other people and they see what they think is the finished product. They don't realize that all of us, no matter who we are, are still a work in progress, that I have many flaws, that I have many problems and have many situations that come up, you know, just like anybody else. You know, I'm no different from that, you know. You know, life happens for me just like it happens for you. It may happen in different ways, but just like you know, if it's something comes up at an inconvenient time for you, it pops up for me. You know, if something happens for me that seems unfair, I know that it's happening to somebody else unfairly. But you know, um, I find myself being grateful the majority of the time. I can't say all the time because I'm a human being, and sometimes I find myself complaining about it all, you know, But but I try, for the most part to stay grateful, to stay focused, and it allows me to keep the wheels churning. But now I wanna I want to share something with you about your road to success. You know you've heard me say this probably a hundred times now. The road to success is all ways under construction, it really is. So here's here's what I want you to expect on your way to changing, on your way to becoming successful, on your way to achieving your goals, on your way to getting better. I want you to expect many difficulties. Once again, the road to con the road to success is always under construction. I want you to expect many difficulties. But here is the deal between successful people and non successful people. It's how they deal with the difficulties. That's the only difference. It's how you deal with the difficulties, how you handle the setbacks, how well you get up after you've been knocked down. That's happening to all of us, none of us, none of us are exempt from that. You're going to fall, You're going to be pushed, you're going to be run over, you're going to be tackled, you are going to be lied about. You are going to have setbacks. That's a part of the journey. But how do you handle them? How well do you do you handle everything? See? I want you to understand something. When you set out to be successful, he is difficult. Pet Pablo, who I have probably people? What is it about to quote Pete Pablo? He had a uh a rap album out called Diary of a Cinner and it was really, man, my favorite rap album of all time, because he said some things about his life that I could so relate to. I can't think of the name of the song right now, but there is a lyric a stands in one of his songs that says, I had a half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray, and a voice said, it's only a test of my faith. It said, I had a half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray, but a voice said it was only a test of my faith. It's a deal your faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see. When you say I'm going to make it, I'm going to be successful at it. I'm going to finish college. I'm going to achieve my goal. I'm going to be a better husband. I'm going to be a better father. I'm going to be a better wife. I'm going to be a better mother. I'm going to be a better student. I'm going to be rich. I'm going to start doing more for other people. I'm going to help the less fortunate. Whatever you say when you're sending that prayer, when you declare that faith, the devil hears your prayer to Now, a sad thing about the devil is he's busy seven and he has people that works for him. It's some imps out there that ain't up to no good. You all know them, You've all run across them. They always putting shade on somebody, They always barking at somebody, and they always knocking somebody down. These people that they just busy for Satan. What you gotta be careful of is that occasionally you don't become one of those people. See so when these people when when the devil hears is prayer that you sent up or what you're gonna be successful at, then your faith it's going to be tested. He got people man to come in there and try to knock you off that course, so you can get on back to this old woe is me. I ain't gonna ever be nothing. The uh man seemed like every time I try to get back up by getting knocked right back. Now, once he gets you saying that enough times, then he can start implementing some other programs. Come on, man, let's sell this dope. We can't get no job now here you go. You're off track, you're going you other way. Now he got you. He got you tied up. Now to the poort where he can get you locked up, or he can get you killed and lose your soul. So now he had worked busy he all day. What you got to be mindful of is that your faith will be tested, that it's going to be difficult to get to where you are, and you got to stay in prayer all the time, talking to your creator about strengthening you for the journey. You have to be strengthened for the journey. That's all you're asking for. Because the journey is the journey. You can stop asking God to remove all these problems in these situations because it ain't gonna happen. These out the test of our faith. This determines how bad you wanted. What I'm saying to you this morning is stay focused, stay prayerful, stay on point, get ready for him. Understand that it's just to test to your faith. That your faith will be tested. But you got to stay the course. Man, You got to stay the course. It's all right, you will be fine in due time, but you gotta give some of this stuff a chance to play itself out. Because nothing lasts forever. Ain't no pain forever, all right, I'm just trying to help you with that, because boy, I'm dealing with it all the time. Stay prayerful, God got help for you. All right, let's go. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls, May I have your attention please? Today's show it's dedicated to the men and women, to the boys and girls who have strong desires to perform at the circus. Yes, this is your day. If your dream has ever been to ride around in a metal ball on a motorcycle, fly on the flying trappede, walk on the tight roll, get in a cage with a while at him, pack yourself with thirty seven little people into a vothwagon and jump out people. The only reason I said little people cause I want this joke to stay on. I don't want to ladies and gentlemen, this show is for you. Circus people are different, Steve, Yeah they are, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean. I met the oldest lady living of the Flying wall Lendas on my show Big Shots Forever Young. She climbed up this eighty five foot pole at night with no harness, would not let us put a harness on. It was crazy, and the flagpole got skinnier and skinnier at the top, and it's swayed and then the wind started blowing. She wasn't but like a ninety pound But she's been doing this all her life. And her black black people down there praying holding that Jesus and black when we wasn't even looking up that it was just holding hand. And her family got scared too, because they never took her that long to get up the pole. So it was really really trying. So that's it. Hey, good morning, everybody. How y'all doing? It's wrong with the president? Man? I mean, but no, man, no, no, no, nah man. This this this one different. This one was a complete reversal. This was forty eight hours of heat for not denouncing neo Nazi clan white supremacy to coming out and denouncing them by name. Then the next day come back and go hold on. They had permits that the people have and the all left. What is the left the opposite of the right. Now this is on the heels of David Duke saying, excuse me, but you need to look in the mirror. We are your base that got you elected, and I'll be dog gone. Man. It was really alarming, though it threw some people. It wasn't allowing to me. He's been doing this and trying to make American fight again. What what what y'all y'all ain't been seeing me. If this is how he ran his entire campaign, people forget well, this is how he really feels. I mean, that's the only conclusion you can get from all of this. This is how he really feels. It's her party of he ain't playing real Lord ha merc right now, by round of applause, Really do miss Baracko far he coming up? Juniors, Truth be told and then we're gonna find out just how tough you really are. Mr Harvey. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, it's time for truth be told with Junior, and then we'll find out how tough Steve Harvey really is with some questions. Yeah, thank you, char I thank very much. Um listen, Uh, September this is so important to me. I have a walk and a run that we're doing in Sugarland, Texas September sixteenth, which is still awareness month. Oh yeah, Seal Awareness month, and uh this is really important people listen. I'm sorry, I'm trying to look, but I don't know his truth be told always be something else hurt. I gotta promote my walk, ain't I ain't managed, but I just I'll be waiting on truth be told. And then you lie like, oh my god, I don't never know where he going because you every time you're introducing to truth be told, we're here body announcements and everything. Well, he's promoting what he's doing. Still do that. You said truth be told, then you ought to let do truth be told. Then do a little damn announcement. I didn't do it the way he wants to do it. All right, I'm gonna let him go ahead, go ahead. So what's having to September sixteen? Now, now, I mean looking at me like he really concerned, y'all gonna do? We're having to walk run We're having a five k run September sixteen, September because that's the Sickle Cell Aware in this month, and I'm doing it in the month of Sickle Cell Awares. That's why I'm doing it, and this is the first one. Now I need everybody to go to run for sickle cell dot com. Sign up and register, Come on out, run your five k, walk your five k. We don't even matter. Just come on because we need it. It's gonna be in Oyster Creek Park, Oyster Creek Park which is in sugar Land, Taxson, right outside of Houston. Yeah. So if you, yeah, if you, if you, if you end in way Cove, you in Austin. This is benefitting to Mark Thomas Foundation, which is based in Austin. Uh. They do a lot of great work for sickle Sale. They do research, they do also they do screenings for a sickle sale and they also help families with assistance for doctors bills for sickle sale. So they do a lot of great work. It's a great organization. That's what we do. In September sixt thicker Sale Run for Sickle Sale go to go to Run for Sickle Sale dot com. There is now truth be told. He is. Uh. If you've got a job that you feel the opplication out for, don't be mad at us when we come in there. That's the absolute truth. Because I went down to the post office a lot of post of people of great work. You feel out of application? Yeah yeah for a job, you get the job, don't be mad when we come down there. Yeah, yeah, what is you talking about? You trying to see where he's going with. I'm tell him just wait stick but I mean I'm up. No, I like it. I like it, but I'm the set up is hard. I'm staying with it. Out the application jokes to set up is confusing. Okay, let me just say it like this. Okay, you feel out the application, you take the job. Why is you man? We come down there now. I know a lot of post work is at a great post works. I have a waderful time. But there's one postal worker name Helen. I can't stand right now. There is no reason why me and Helen should have a thirty minute argument about one letter. I'm down there. She mad at me because I didn't pick the wrong envelope. Now, if it's say overnight, then why is you telling me it's gonna take two days? That's what the whole argument was about. Your asks don't need to be working down now. You can't count overnight is next day? Why are you talking about fry? I need to Yeah, I need to know what you take the jobs. I asked, is it gonna get there? To Mark? No, it's gonna get there. Third, well, why are you charging me over night prices? Told? If you didn't want the job. Why you feel out the advocation? You can't get mad because I came in here, we're gonna be melling. You're gonna be melling Helen, and she needs to really not be there no more. And if I come back down there, coming over the county, not gonna all your stand down. That's all I come out. Well, you know dog she Holly, she's said it's so loud talking that other people in line. He's over here and I will be And so you were embarrassed. I was absolutely bear about because I got the wrong envelope. If I said I wanted that to mar you keep telling me, well, it's not gonna get there till Fried. Well that's not overnight there. And the thing about truth be told us these things really happened in Junior's life, Helen. He doesn't make the step Helen. Helen is fired too, fire too okay, But I will say this thirty yeah, yeah, the whole little slide that they say, no, no, I know, I already know people usually be mad. Yeah, shot, why people are always? But you stopped really shocked. Why people are always? Because they got the squeeze in that area and work all the short people whis just pack up in there, just look like somebody just put their foot on him to shut the dope. Steve, you're mad now, you're angry. It's too much. You bought the car, had all the cars. If y'all was in your price running, you could have got a great, big, old used car. You're you know you're down there. You're down there in a smart car. So you just in there looking like some play dough. You've been wanting to talk about this for a while. I can tell yeah, I didn't want to get it off. Go ahead, all right, um, this man in Wisconsin, Steve was building a fireplace frame. I want to see how tough you are. Listen to what he did. He was building a fireplace frame when he accidentally shot himself in the heart with a nail gun. Know. His name is Doug Burt Guson. He said it didn't really hurt, so he got in his truck and drove twelve miles to a hospital. Berguson is one tough guy. He said. He looked down, he didn't see anything. He put his hand there and said, that's not good. Doug had open heart surgery. He's doing he's doing fine right now. I just wanted to know Steve as anything. He nailed it, Tommy, But isn't this like crazy? Wow? Yeah, that's tough even for you. Hush, Steve. Yeah, I'll tell you one I did one time when we came back, all right, when we come back that and then nephew Tommy's run that prank back right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with today's national news. But right now it is time for the nephews run that prank. Conspector, gadge, I didn't change the title of inspect. Yeah, I'm trying to reach chair. This is Karen. Uh listen. My name is Mark. Are you married to Jason? Yes? Okay, all right, I got the right person. Listen. I don't I don't even know how to say this to you. My my um. Like I said, my name is Mark. I followed my wife today and I right now I'm at a park, and I'm almost certain that my wife is right now. I'm about two or three hundred yards away, but I'm almost certainly my wife is holding hands with your husband, Jason. So hold on, hold on, what will you see my husband at the park with with your wife? How long have you been following him? I followed my wife this morning because I just was still in like real weird about you know, something going on. And I followed her and I'm at the park right now, and you know this, I think this is I think she's with Jason. I think she's with your husband? What type? What type of call you? Do? You see Jason in Alexis? What color is it? Um? White? Okay, that's him. So he supposed went to work today and this Sunday and they had him overtown that he's supposed to been doing at work today and he's at a part with your wife close to them, So I'm not close to him, you know. I tried to stay back. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up, she just kissed him? He did kiss who she did? My wife just kissed your husband? What do you say? Your your your wife's name is again? My wife name is Veronica Vernica? Okay? What that? Uh? They are Langley Park. I'm at Langley Park right now. I'm on I'm about two d yards away from them, and I'm looking and she just kissed him. A can I cannot play? I know, well, you're not telling me that your your wife is kissing my husband. Well, how did you get my number? That's sold? Up? Back? Then up? How did you get my numbing? Who are you like? I don't say. My name is Mark, A buddy of my named Fitz Fitzgerald, Fitz knows he knows Jason. I don't know if Gerald. I don't want to know how you get my number. Fitz gave me your Fitch told me he knew Jason, and some kind of the way he got me your phone number. I don't even know who we got your number from. All I know is your husband is kissing my wife right now. That's what I know. Okay, you're just sitting there watching give me the no. But we're gonna change this right now. You're sitting there watching on some specta gatty, I go and bust all that because I don't play that. Because he said he had to work this morning, something overtime. Don't have time that? Who does that? In the part with somebody too colds in the park anyway, you can't see no ducks. Give me give me the address of this lightning park. Okay, wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. Getting the blanket out of the car. Now's what does that? I know well he ain't no roman to type an you're not gonna tell me on the car. But they're getting the blanket off the car and going deeper into the park. I cannot believe this. They're getting the blanket. What what those sheer no sheet? Now I'm looking at give me the wine and wine glasses, mark, Mark, gives me the advance of the car. You want some white boys stop, I'm trying to go out bust that up. I don't have time for that calling me. I'll started them now watching your life. I'm not gonna watch you know my hand him is that? Okay, let's stop this right now. Take your over that to the park and give him the phone. I don't have time for this. You're sitting up there watching your wife with my You're calling me? What coming you? You say what you're supposed to be up there? Get on that because the bobbs there. I'll be the slap that that I've been handing him his cap. Go hand him the fall. Stop that ad in the phone. What I'm trying to see what else they're gonna do. That's what I'm trying to do. Say you haven't seen enough. I point that be over that door and putting out a guy that what you want to wait to film? Take cans over the hand him the phone. I know, but Jason, they'dn't know Parker, nobody. I'm got my at home. I am on our fair child, pregnant with a baby. But I don't get I'll go up that whoop if why I'm pregnant? I know well Jason ain't needn't know Parker, Nope, don't hand in the phone you I want to s let me, let me go, let me stop out the truth. They're drinking wine right now. I don't give up about that gold hand in the ball, walk over the hand and the phone they do with yours. I don't play up bout mine. Oh man, they just Mark Mark Mark. I don't know who you are to go hand him, go hand him to phone. You're sitting up there watching with your week in you anyway, um U, that's my wife. He went he with my wife. You must be all because if you was one of them to go yoke up black one of the guy on this who does that? You watching them at the fark? I'm telling you now, wiping at when I see it. I'm whopping your wife. Get up whopping Jason, and I'm gonna tap. You're calling me with this. You should have to call me. Got my blood pressure start while you should up to watch this my joke. You're supposed to be all on top of that. Yeah, when I'm saying, you got that coming too. But I'm I'm gonna find this lang in the part right, I'm gonna get off the fall because I'll be up there. I'm gonna show you. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on, somebody want to talk to you. Get on the phone. Hello, come, I was this this Tommy? Tommy who this nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey morning to show your husband. Jason got me to pray phone. Oh you there's just something. You almost made me have my baby here from this house this morning. And I got two moments for though. Jason got me to pray fog. He's no better than this anyway when he come on. Yeah, so we say a little man, my wife is a no no says she ain't. She don't take no drama, none of that you told me, you know, because I was like what man said there watch the wife at the Park. What man does that? This is clazy? But you tell him I got him. I got it. Hey, I gotta ask you this baby. One more thing. What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Shows. Yeah, I'm gonna get Jason with this. No, Tommy, I'm gonna get you. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna name the baby. Tell me. Tell him that for Joe. Tell him You're gonna name the baby. Tell me, Yeah, tell tell them, tell Jackson that I'm gonna name the baby. Tommy, Huh, that's it, Come on, talk tell me how I'm yeah, I mean really got her? Yeah? All right. Well, Steve, before we went to I run that prank back, we were talking about this man in Wisconsin, Doug Berguson, who accidentally shot himself in the heart with a nail gun and he said it didn't really hurt that much. She drove himself twelve miles to a hospital. He had open open heart surgery and he's doing fine right now. So you were gonna tell us a story. He's pretty darn tough an right there. Nail gunn in mom thing I did one time about eighteen nineteen. And the hardest thing I've a deal was I was at home for Thanksgiving and I was in there watching the game and my leg was up and I had it not in the cast, but I was wrapped and I couldn't walk on it. The toughest thing A a deal was I had died real and I crawl what crawl all the way down the still bruising all crawl all the way to the tarlet. Oh my stomach through the shag copy across that hardwood float that's crawling trying to get there. Oh. Man, crawled up on that tarlet and made it. Thank you, all right, missing it's coming up with that national you're listening to the Steven Show. All right. Here's something still trending on social media this morning, this very morning, hashtag impeach Donald Trump, and then David Duke tweeted thank you President Trump for your honesty and courage to tell the truth about hashtag Charlottesville and condemned the leftist terrorists and Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Uh. Even NBA star I saw this NBA star Lebron James, who spoke out with this tweet. Hate has always existed in America, Yes, we know that, but Donald Trump just made it fashionable again. Statues have nothing to do with us now. President Trump reverted to his suggestion, of course, we uh, we were talking about this off air, Steve that both sides are to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend. He also appeared to have coined a term for counter protesters, calling them the alt left. You had some very bad people in that group. You also had some very fine people on both sides. Is he crazy? How how do you have fine people on the side of hate, racial bigotry, and injustice. The guy was chanting, Jews will not replace us. What are you talking about, Donald Trump? I don't understand it. Your son in law and daughter aren't Jewish. M I mean, look at one point in time, I mean, you just have to be smart. That's a that's a thing just called being smart. And if you're not that and you're obviously just gonna say what you want to say, that's it's that's it's an ignorance. That's man. Dog. Look, I got Racism exists. Please believe me. I know this. I got it. I know the subtleties of it. I've been exposed to it. At every level of my life, at the poets level, at the most well off level. I've seen. Racism exists at every level in different forms of fact. Everybody is not a racist, I got that. But we have a president who is the President of the United States, who should be at least trying to create the front of bringing us together, at least fake us. But he didn't do it as a candidate. Now listen to me. He was. He was trying to do it as a candid He's still campaigning. He's in there. I'm telling you, man, this, this one right here is different. This one is different. It's a little bit different. See. I love it when people say I'm not surprised. He was like this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, you are surprised about this. This is a little bit stunning. I don't give a damn who you are and what you've seen. And I don't care how many horror movies you saw. When you saw Exorcist, Yeah that's what scared. Yeah, you're saying that you would think that the the office, the highest office in the land, would would make him, uh, would change him, conform him, make him more presidential, uh, you know, and and do his job to heal the country and and all of these things. That's where is Mike Pence? Now? He can't come fixed this. Spicer he gone, yeah, yeah, because that breast conference luch got out just in time. Yeah, he got out. Just what you're gonna say now, But this right here is wrong for the office and for him personally as a human being and a man and man. You just can't condone that in any way and think this is okay. It's foul. Racism is now fashionable. That's crazy. Thank you, Mr President. Let's let's take it to miss hand now, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, miss and trip one, Good morning everybody. This is and Trip with the news. What some observers feeld could be a reaction to defections. President Trump is dissolving two of his White House Advisory Council councils in the wake of Trump's reaction to the violence and murder in Charlottesville last weekend, a response that was seen as tempered by some, even so port of a racist and anti semites by others. Several CEOs have quit now the panels that he set up in protests, so all the President says he's now disbanding the American Manufacturing Council and the strategic and policy for him. The head of the three M Corporation became the latest business big wig to defect, joining the heads of four other companies, Intel, Merk Pharmaceutical, under Armour, and Campbell Soup. Meanwhile, Charlettsville, Virginia, one the young woman who lost her life there, theiry tree year old Heather Higher, who was run down and killed by a car driven by a man who marched with racist Tons of people packed a downtown theater to pay their last respects and is Higher. All were dressed in her favorite color, purple, and her mother says her daughter always stood up for what's right. My child's famous Facebook post was if you're not outraged, you're not paying attention. She paid attention. She made a lot of us pay attention. And Susan Burrow also had a message for all the white supremacists who might feel they want some sort of victory with her death. They tried to kill my child to shut her up. Well, guess what, you're just magnified. Her rose urgent wanted to turn their anger into righteous action. In addition, by the way to her daughter to state troopers who were monitoring security at the weekend rally were killed when their helicopter crashed. The publisher of the neo Nazi website called The Daily Stormer says he's now been basically banned from the entire Internet. Andrew Angland says to the Associated President email they both go Daddy and Google kicked his site off of their their engines. The Daily Stormer also the name of a Nazi propaganda newspaper that recently made fun of head the Highest Death. Meanwhile, officials at the University of Florida denying a white nationalist leader, Richard Spencer, the green lights and rent space on campus for an event in September. The far right nevertheless reportedly planning nine rallies this weekend alone in locations around the country Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Los Angeles, California, New York, Pittsburgh, Seattle, in Washington, d C. SAD News Robert Yancy, the only child of the late singer Nat Lee Colan, grandson of Nat King Cole, has died of natural cause. As they say so far, he was only three nine years old, and Today's Old Joke Day and National Run Day put that rum bottle down, you bad boy. What back at Eugene Butterfly twenty minutes after the hour, Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on your turn to introduce the butterfly. He is here, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, Eugene. That's the best you could do. That's it. He comes in here so excited. Good morning everyone, and Steven time. Shirley Carla Jr. Good morning to every one. How are you are this morning? Hello? Today it's national I Love my Feet day. So today is to day to go out and get a pedicure. What's what's the round? Yeah, what's the Internationally? I love my feet? That do you know? I love your feet or your feet ugly. I'm speaking to you, are talking to your segment. But it's the way he addressing. Anybody feels the same way about it. Go ahead, its national. Now everyone likes me, Stephen, you are the person that creates the drought. Okay, okay, now I like you, so go ahead with yourself. You like me again? Again? I love this segment. You can't go ahead? So anyway, it's national. I Love my Feet Day today. It's a day to go out and get your feet done, get them petticured, get them um, what is the exfoliated? Pose You at work and you can't go down, then maybe on your lunch break instead of having lunch, go get your feet done. It's national I Love my Feet Day today now. So this is about going out and getting your feet done. And this is you know what what a lot of guys don't do. Go get your feet done together. Men can do this. You can go out and get your petticures together. Because women go out and they get their nails done together. Go out and make a day of it. Yeah, we do petty days exactly. So me junior, Stephen and Tommy should go out and get our feet done together. And then we can sit in there. We can sit in the you know the chairs and they'd be vibrating, you know, they'd be doing it. Yes, massage, it'll be doing it anyway. Steve, you're awfully quiet. God Stephen, you we can imagine close your eyes and imagine that's in the chair. But it's a chance for you guys to bond. Steve, bond. That is the thing that you and I have no design to bond with Eugene on any level. Bond for what we're not bond the boat, Steve, when you're missing out on the good thing. But we could we could get that, you know, my We could get when we stick our foot in the bag, and we we were not putting our foot in the bag. We got we're not sitting next to each other and no, stay, you're not gonna do that. We're not we're not taking our shoes off together. We're not doing none of them. We can put our put in a hat bag of wags. Just move on, Butterfly. They know they're not heil it in them. Rafael and yeah, go with Rafael somebody that No, I go with my friends out of time. I'm just thinking something that we could do as people on the show. We could bind and we can get right, thank you? Yeah, coming in next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, Steve, you know what, and considering the climate in our country and everything, and the president's comments and what Jimmy Fallon had to say, you know, talking to his children, his two young girls about racism. You know, how do or how should um I'll say, parents talk to their kids about racism. I'm gonna be honest with you here. You know my children, my youngest child is twenty, so they're old enough to form their own opinions, and they've seen enough. They've been around me. We've had many, many conversations about this, and they're out there in the work world not experiencing different things and learning its very much. Some of the things I told them actually happens out here, uh, in different ways. Of course, with technology, you see it all the time because some coward is always behind a computer in their world, social media doing racial slayers and stuff comes out of nowhere. Then when you're go on their page, is private because you try to find out who there. Ain't got no real picture, nothing like that. So it's very difficult now for parents to talk to their children. This is a difficult one. And I'm gonna tell you something else. What makes it so difficult for parents to talk about what's right and wrong in this country in terms of racist me even though you gotta have the conversation anyway, it's so crazy that the President of the United States makes a remark like this, and then you're sitting there trying to tell your child your teenager the right way when all over social media is his comments. The man who holds the highest office in the land has made a comment that pretty much justifies all hate groups. How does a president make a comment and then the Grand Wizard of the KKK thanks him for his honesty and his courage and for telling the truth. Do you understand, man, the militia groups, the white supremacy group, the skin hands land that are not man these numbers. This is a crazy time that numbers are going to go up, escalate. But at the same time, they'll never win. They'll never win because what has happened now is this president has created a divide in his own party. See, this isn't a bipartisan issue now. They can't jump on his side now and go, you know, we're with the president. You have to understand what he meant by that hand. Quiet, Hannity, it's over there going well, look at the tape. What he says is exactly what happened. Look at the tape. People, Wait a minute, man. The fact that they didn't have a permit. First of all, you have a permit to promote hate. First of all, what's wrong with us? Why are we passing out of a hate permit. But when somebody don't want to hate, I gotta go get to permit to I don't need to permit to stop you from hating me. I don't need to permit for not to allow you to call me the N word today. I don't need to permit. Partner said, here go. You must want this because I have something that comes with the N word. What. First of all, you get a live demonstrator. You get a live demonstration. So if you want to call me one, let me introduce you to someone. You're not gonna believe him. I just you know, I'm probably saying some things, but I'm angry because it's yeah, I'm not disappointed. I'm mad because, man, we got a system that's flawed. The electoral college vote has got to go. And now you're sitting change you think that are really over? I think they may have to look at it. It's gonna be a hard fight because the Republicans control those red states down and they're not gonna let that go easy. What Georgia gets the same vot as Ohio even though it's nowhere near is populated. Of a place, Mississippi get the same number as you pretty yeah, yeah, alright, well yeah, a lot of people are yeah, okay, all right, when we come back, nephew, Tommy's praying phone call up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after I get ready for today's Strawberry letter. But up next, Come on, nephew, what you got worker's cop just so matter of fact, worker's car animated. I been on it, man, I got yeah, I think I have. I got it once. Yeah, I got it ONCET. You ain't ever got a call just maternity right away? How would you know? I don't know what I can't hand on down babies. I'm not gonna with my legs. I'm just gonna tell you many maternity, Yeah, pregnant when you wife is back? Can can my baby be five? And I get it? If your baby is ill and you have to take time off to deal with it, he ain't ell like physically, I just think something wrong with it? So can I just well, hell, something wrong with it? That? Yeah, I tell you right now. If you his daddy, there's a high chance you walked dud right. Yeah, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your Vincent Police. Who's calling my name? Is uh Ed from the Human Resources? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely. What's what's up? Well? Vincent wanted first of all check on you. We know you're got injured here at the job. How are you doing so far? Yeah, man, I'm I'm making it. Man. You know, everything's cool and uh, you know, I don't know how long. The therapy is going pretty good though, but I'm not right, I'm okay. Therapy is going pretty well. Yeah, it's they say, I'm doing all right. The pain level is about maybe a fixed still, but it's getting done it though. Okay, listen, Uh have you been getting your your check on time? Yeah, I've been getting a man, and I appreciate it. But it really helps, man, because you know, I ain't able to work right now. They said it's gonna be a little while, so I appreciate that. Y'all the one defending the check, yes sir, yes, sir. We all want to getting the checks out and want to make sure that that's definitely getting there. So you're yeah, yeah, it's good. It's all good, man. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Okay, let me we've got a bit of a problem that we wanted to check out. Now, you haven't been doing any any strainings. Uh no, no, no, no, I ain't been. I ain't. I ain't been working at all, man. I just you know, I've just been taking it either. I can't do nothing really right now. And they told me I could do nothing, all right, And then you do know the rules are that you're not supposed to do anything to jeopardize your back. Correct, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm straight. I'm straid. I ain't been doing nothing, man. Okay, well, let me let me say this to you. We do have some um surveillance cameras that are showing us that you've you've been doing something straining with I ain't even been going nowhere. Come about survalance camera. I don't know how they go nowhere. Well, you know, the the straining was work that you're doing is actually at home. At home. I'll be inside. I don't I don't do nothing outside. I don't way, I don't even bob que man, what you know what you're talking about? Screens? Okay, have you uh Vincent, have you have you been having have you been having sex at home? What's the kind of question? Who is this is this is a supervisor or something. We're kind of let me talk to the superviler that ain't know your damn I'm with human resources. I don't know a man. Excuse me, dog, but I don't mean disrespect you that because you're paying me, you know, looking out for me. I mean you can call me and and just say any common like that. Man, about have you been having kind of you having sex at home? Save that ain't none of your business? Don't have have I been having sex or not? Wait? We kind of mean let me talk who your supervisor? Man, Sir, I'm the supervisor here and we're brought with my attention and we actually have you on surveillance. You've been you've been having sex? Now you can don't know I know not you know haper in my house? I know that and who to VI like that? Anyhow? So veda for me? You're not supposed to be having sex if your fact is hurting, okay, you you have a man you've been you've been not having no damn camera and my what you're thinking about? Uh, you've been sveada for me and having say that's a damn lie, sir. What's your name? What what what's your name? Man, sir? And who a because I'm look, I'm trying to be nice. You're pissing me off and this and her, sir, sir, here it is and we find out. I'm gonna I'm giving you a warning. No, I don't need them. I'm giving me your warning. You let me find a damn camera, my ho. I'm telling me I can't hand no sex and all that I have sexts if you're that is straining with work and you're putting it on your back and we're paying you, we're paying you. Dam about what you're paying me and what you ain't paying me. You're gonna call my damn phone tell me talking about you got some natan's camera and my house. That's okay, Well, sir, sir Vincent, let me say this to you. No what's and you don't need you don't need to say nothing to me, but but your last name and then your supervisor name. That was okay, and you don't need to worry who the supervisor is. You need to make sure that there's no more sex going on until your back is healed. Look, you don't have to cut you out and hang up on you. Man. I don't have time for this, man, ya because you'all tell what y'all do, because y'all doing some people. Y'all think y'all can do illegal and talk to people crazy man when y'all coming them. I don't appreciate that at all. Man, this is I don't know who y'all think. Y'all ears down there, y'all just do something for them. I think y'all can just call them and say anything. Man. I don't like that, and I ain't trying to be disrespectful, but you got me heated right now. Man, it's better not be no cameras in my house. Did you understand that I'm gonna tell you once and one time only, no more sex what you do put your talking about? I'm sorry, man, because I'll tell you one day that you think you're giving up some money. Now, I'm gonna sue y'all cat to camera my house. You ain't my hou never pay uh pay me no more. You're gonna pay me one big check that I'm shooting out of y'all. And now you understand that I understand I need I need you to understand one more thing. Are you listening to me? Man? You go ahead man, I'm y'all got me easy, man, And then after this he don't even call me. No more calling because it's ridiculous. Okay, are you familiar with letar man? Familiar with what? Literally? Do you know? Literally you're coworking letter? Yeah? What about him? Literally got me to prank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve arp and more than's your filson. But you been plain man out of here. Man, y'all about to have me the lord talk about my check and man, Man, what's up? Man? This is y'all have me going out? Man, y'all have me heed it. But I'm gona well, I'm gonna kicking. There's not even calling that he on the phone. Man, he ain't poe. Man, I'm sweating, like, oh so I'm still I'm still get my damn checked that that's what that beans, y'all ha be heated? Boy? I thought, what's up? Man? Nice in here from y'all. Man, y'all got me though, Man, y'all got me. I got one more question, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Of course, no doubt, man, if the Steve Harvey Morning Show always will be especially y'all got me like this here, y'all, I'll make y'all proud on No, proud is not the opperative term here. Stupid. Proud is what I'm saying. Sure, proud of your stupid that's not a term. What you just want to high five you're the king. Yeah, I need some accolad some ground that because proud of your Yeah, that was a great job. You played too much. We tell you that every day. Yeah, and that's the name of my movie. You played it. That's been the name of it. You didn't come up with it, Yes, I did. You're here from my turn, the one that Steve's gonna finance. He ain't gonna do it. I'm getting out there, man, Why shoot yourself in the foot? I don't even know about. I asked him, nephew, how much you looking to raise? Gave it to his manager? Your manager ain't no, he never mentioned it could be. What else isn't you how much you try to raise for your movie three point five million? Why you said that it mustn't see what kind of movie? That is a point? We'll be back. Strawberry letter coming up. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Strawberry letter coming up. Before we get to it, boys, Steve, ready for this letter. I'm telling you right now, but first President Obama breaks Twitter record. Former President obama social media response to the Neo Nazi violence in Charlottesville, Virginia is the most liked tweet of all time. Obama tweeted a picture of him looking at four children along with a quote from Nelson Mandela. It reads, no one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. The tweet has been liked more than two point nine million times as of Tuesday night, and retweeted nearly one point two million times. He is so correct. It's a learned behavior, is not born with it. No, man, kids when they go, when they when they meet each other, they just go play. Yes, they hold each other head dog. They don't care how white you are, how dog you are. They don't care I'm about to tech you your hair. They get your hand and they go play with you because you're you're a person, and you're my same side and you like the same things. I want to really talk when we just playing, and as long as you don't teach them hate. They don't have. They exhibit no hate. President Trump is seventy one years old. And I gotta tell you something, man, this dude has never been in politics. This dude has been running Trump towers. However he want to run it, saying whatever you want to say, doing what they want to say. Because he's been the big cheese. Well now he's a bigger cheese. He cannot change the way he is. Always remember this about money. Money and power does not change people. Well, money and power allows you to be more of who you really are. Yeah, that's what the first lady said. It only reveals you, that's all to do. I didn't see this a long time, like when he had this TV show and stuff you need to make cool dude, Oh you're talking about on the printice he was cool, dude. I just thought it was that's a rich dude. He really cool. I ain't see none of this that he can't run the country. I've met him. I didn't see I've met him before he's president and the elected president. You could not have seen this. That campaign rhetoric was if you listen to all of the Republicans, all of them was saying the same thing. What nothing but repeal to replaced Obamaca. What he did was as a celebrity. He called Ruby, oh, you know, a choker. He called Jeb Bush a low energy guy. You know, he talked about Ted Crew's wife. You know, I mean, he was just fine off. He told Jail Bush, your daddy whatnot? You know, Jail, but he was wanting to find this man. Two things happened right here. You can't say a damn thing about my daddy. And when I see you, you don't nothing happen. And you show talk about my wife. And then I see you and don't nothing go down. We may not fight, but we're gonna have words, some real serious words. You you're gonna think we're about to do so. But man, that's how. And he was on the Apprentice and he was just starting up there saying regular stuff. And he was rich. The reason he's the president. It's caused people vote for people who rich. They think they know. They didn't know nothing about this man. He was rich and he was a celebrity on TV. It's just that the fifteen of the candidates, you didn't know who they are. What then cruise come from? You didn't know that Jack Bush, What are you putting another bush in the white Yeah, just said Jackson, stay after the Bush dog and then being causing running nobody knew being carsing coustic out of Ohio. A nice guy. He was really the better candidate, but nobody knew him. You had fifteen nobody's and one TV stars standing up there saying I'm rich. Hey, I'm a smart guy. But when he said he don't pay taxes, I thought the whole race was over. When he said that he grabs a woman by her pete. When he said that, I said, Okay, that's over. It ain't no way in the world they're gonna vote for him. A woman at a rally had on a shirt with an arrow on her summer pointing down towards her thing, and the thing said Trump can grab my Okay, all right, here we go. It's time for the letter. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you, Strawberry letter. Even though here we go, subject hood winked, good morning. All well, here this crap of a son of a gun goes. I was married for six years to what I thought was a good man. Well, the second year of our marriage, he was in a horrible accident and was paralyzed from the neck down. Well, I switched jobs to take care of him, and people from his job pitched in built rants and workman's camp paid because he was hurt while working. Well, we have to well, we have let me see. Well, I'm sorry. Well we had to have three aids because I worked three jobs to make sure he and the kids were okay. Ha ha ha. Well, my neighbor came to see me one day and said she was glad to see him up and about. I said, no, you must be mistaken, because he still can't walk. The doctor told us this is all in parentheses. Uh, this injury was only temporary and he would be able to walk again. Well, still the job is helping us. While still the job is helping us as well as his Oh, still the job is helping us as well as his boss, neighbors, friends, and family. Then one day, my five year old daughter said, mommy, daddy can walk. He heard her and said what, baby, You know daddy can't walk. She said, Daddy remember yesterday. He said no, honey and started to cry. Well, I started thinking about what my neighbor and my daughter had said, So I told him I was going out of town for a few days and the kids had to be at my mom's. Well, honey, I got the tricks of my life. I came back around twelve midnight and found him up walking and the aid was in her underclothes. She had two kids by my husband while he was supposed to be crippled. They were slinking, laughing and having a good old time. Well, I walked in and he said, honey, I was gonna call you. See what the Lord done. See what the Lord has done. I grabbed my daughter's plastic ball bat and beat the heck out of him and her. They ran out. I grabbed the baby gun and started shooting. I heard them yelling stop. God did this. The next day I called his job, his mama, and my family and told what he had done. Come to find out, for the last two years airs he could walk. Ain't that some sugar, honey? I sed tea. Well, now, well, now his family is mad at me. I know, well, now his family is mad at me, and it's threatened my life and my children's life, which are his kids. I've since moved out of state out of fear. Steve Shirley, Tommy Carlo, Was I wrong? I was hurt. I had been taking care of his nasty but wiping him, turning him and whatever he needed. Why is everyone mad at me? I tried my best to be a good wife and I ended up with some horsepoop. Y'all help his sister out, signed hoodwinked. After coming, white man, we'll be back with Steve. Oh my god, this letter right show? All right, join me live today on Facebook Live to talk about today's Strawberry letter or whatever you want to talk about. It will be one pm Eastern time. You can find me at My Girl Shirley or Shirley Strawberry on Facebook at will be live. But come on Steve with part two of your response to today's Strawberry and this man right here done fake fake a two year paralysis. You don't understand how you can do that. The baby found out, that the neighbor found out, then the wife finds out been married six years. People all at the job, chipping in, feeling ramped, putting in all. Guess what, Guess what what? Baby what? Daddy can't walk? H all right, deer hoodwinked. You know, I just feel so awful for you here. You are trying to be like you said, the best wife you could be, taking on three jobs, caretaking for your husband, you know, them, being a mom. I mean, you know you were there for him, you really really uh took the vols to heart in sickness and in health. You did everything that you were supposed to do as a wife. But you've been through the ringer as well. I mean, I don't understand what kind of low life, nasty, dirty scum snake dog your husband is. I mean, he totally totally disrespected you. He did he lied to you, he cheated on you, he did everything. Why is everybody mad at you? You ask? I don't know. I mean I have an idea, because you you called his job and so now he has no means of support. Okay, so what he should be glad that you didn't kill him, you know, I mean really, I'm not saying that you should have, but he should be. No, no, go ahead, cripple his asked for real. Let's just get to this right here. Can put him down for real? For real? You know, if I'm washing you, flipping you, wiping you, turning you, it ain't nothing wrong with you. I can't figure out how he kept a scam up for two years two years. First of all, how you married his man and for two years he act like he came. Move When you sleep, you move, somebody turned over. Try to stay still while you sleep. They had have separate beds, so maybe he got a spreshal hospital bed or something like that. But even in that, he got to move, but she didn't. One morning you wake up, go he on his side. She's not thinking that he flew. Okay, why is his muscle tone still the saint because he's sleeping with the nurse. Okay, girls and guys, we gotta go email us or instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. At my girls shurely enjoyed me right after the show for Strawberry Letter live on Facebook at one p m. Eastern time. Okay, I'm excited about that, but let's finish this show first. Come on. Steve introduced that girl from the talk ryl under Girl under Wold. That's when I'm talking about, Steve, That's what I'm talking about. I'm on my way to Baltimore to perform for the Baltimore Comedy Club this weekend with Mike Washington. But I got a shout out to Baltimore City Council who voted Monday to remove four Confederate statues from public parks. Then I got a shout out Hollywood, California. Hollywood Forever Cemetery is removing its Confederate monuments, but they're working with the Long Beach Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. See that's what happens when you come together without anger and violence. See. I happened to be in Salem in Alabama this weekend, and I found that one of the last living members of the Courageous Eight, a mighty man of five Beta Sigma, is still alive. Dr Frederick de Rees eighty nine years old. But back in the day he left one hundred and five black teachers to march for voting rights peacefully because hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that. And while we salute the life of Heaven High who lost a life in Charlottesville, re remember a Detroit housewife, white girl named Viola Leozo who was volunteering to drive mark Is back and forward to Selma and was murdered by a clansman. See what I gotta ask today, brothers and sisters, is what will you sacrifice for the rights of others. We've got to join together and for all of us that believe that Colin Kaepernick is being black balled because he exercised his right to protest peacefully? Are the black players, employees, players, union inspectators? Are the NFL? Are we gonna stand up for this brother's right to do so? Why did we do it? How do we do it? Gandhi talk and Dr King talked non violence with quiet dignity. Let me tell you about the count of protests, how stupid with racism and biggest look if nobody showed up to argue with them. Let's stop calling that white supremacy because it feeds the notion that something is superior. Let's use our money, our power, and our ingenuity to fund the movement for peace and freedom. Let's vote and organize in the mid term elections. Let's support politicians and Republicans and Democrats who stand up for what is right and no President Trump. You cannot compare George Washington Thomas Jefferson to Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. While Washington and jeff may have owned slaves, they did not succeed from the union and fight their civil warw for the right to do. So, President Trump, that prejudice that we felt in your campaign cannot be advanced in your present your presidency. Why because you criticize selectively. The brother the CEO of the pharmaceutical company, married Kim Fraser after he resigned from your committee. So that's how you feel about businessmen of color who follow their own mind. See we want we don't want Trump with the F. We won't the dude. That's gonna be Trump with the P. The president. See Trump with the F. Fans the flames of bigotry and racism, Trump with a P. Understand that words have power. There's been an increasing hate crimes under your presidency, and we connected to your rhetoric. But remember the bully pulpit should be used for good. After September eleven, President Bush, words of tolerance led to a decrease in hate crimes. So while we out here talking about the eclipse, don't be so blinded in your hatred that you lose sight of loving your neighbor as you love yourself. I'm out, Steve harf Anod, I'm sorry, I got a little chumped up. The question, the gentleman that you mentioned from Merk is that the seventh business leader who quitch Trump's advisory? I think I think so, and I think he was one of the early ones and early on. Yeah, he was one of the early ones. That's the one they're talking about today. And who they're talking about who they I don't know. They won't give his name, but they're seventh person. Yeah. But see, and let MENA tell you something. We need to use radio, we need to use television. We need to have this discussion, and then we need to teach brothers, sisters how we want you to counter protests so you won't be used negatively. And stop calling that white supremacy because you ain't supreme to nobody. So let's know what you know. I have another name for got another name for for anybody to think they superior to me simply because of the color your skin. That's right, Thank you, Cheryl. We love you girl. Thank you on point. All right up next, sister Odell in the building you're listening to show m Oh, this is interesting sound le ray, my lord, my lord, my lord this morning. If you ain't ever needed the Lord, M, you need him now. M. It's a shame when you realize to Jesus it's all you need. How do you realize Jesus is all you got? No good on it? Everyone was Lord has been a weekend of news, ain't it? Yes, ma'am? Yeah, ain't find a crack this egg open? You see the real color of the yo. I don't yo all happy with it? We got him in, We got to me. Yeah, you got to me and I he'd to flip the script. Yeah, how y'all doing today? What's going on with you? Hi? Junior? Mornuses though down? Your voice is low and just a little bit. You're sick. No, ma'am, it's fine. It's summertime. That's good scause I can help y'all next time you have a crash. That called me, Yes, ma'am, Yes, what would you do? I gotta nie. Someone introduced him to Holy my niece. Is she a nurse or no, she's not a nurse? A downt well, how can she help him? Where? You know? If you get the right blame, put on your right thing. The healing powers I heard out of me at bought a lot of men is back from the day I go on the hospital and put it on you. You're gonna get over Hey, Tommy boy calling hey, sister, out Dale. How you doing, Oh, beautiful, brutalful? Hello, Sherley, Well, hello, sister Odell. I'm doing good, you know, just just didn't do it like everybody else. Yes, ma'am, I guess you've been watching the news hunt. You saw that our president reversed what he said the other day about it, and it's crazy, yes, ma'am, many crazy, and he want to be. Yes, ma'am. You know you turk you for the eight hour to come out and say it. Then you said it, then you're come back and you're on. See it just a rabbit and mine, I ain't never seen nothing could write here right here. He shouldn't have been the president because it ain't nothing president body. That's true. That's true. And he's not a politician, and he's seventy one. The chances of him changing ain't no chance in hell and him. You can't teach your old dog a new trim, and it's old dog. Got money here, don't pay no taxes. Yeah, yeah about that, you know. Then there's that. I knew it was gonna be like this, you know, cause of me, daddy. What do you mean, sister, yea, yeah, of course I knew it, daddy, Oh was what was his name? Runs called him Rock Trump one more time Rock Trump. He owned seven eight dash stations in Cleveland. Oh did you ever get gas from one? Yeah? I got gas from a couple of times. You know, I mean we got in a couple of arguments. You know, me and Big Rump. What we are arguing about? Well, you know, you know he you know, just being being rich man. He just said something to me one day, told me to head up, and I wasn't about to speed up, so he asked me to help. I drove off. What you rush, dad? You know, didn't pay for the girls. I was the reason that you came up with your sign that's on the pumps. Now pay for your promp. He's called a big romp. Trump told me to hear up. I drove off to you. Now you're gonna how about that Big Trump? Now? How you like me? Now? You know, just situations, you know, you runs into people. And then I was by at one time and I was asking him did he have any more moon pass because you know it's o moon pass. He said he wasn't, kind of no more, and I said, well why not? He said, because that's all the blacks won't when they come in there as a moon pack. He said. Uh so I went on home and I got some cousins that's on, you know, guess on. You know substance abuse programs, you know back then, uh you know, one of them stiff Airplane Blue. And then I had my little nephew that just a flat out crackhead. I went home and told them, and they came up there and burn this gas station down. Okay, no no, no no not not not take another moon pot another day. All this over moon your new moons. Now, since you'll tell for the young people that are listening that may not know what a moonpie is, could you explain that well listen, marshmaller feeling, yes, ma'am. Kind of like a Graham crocker, Graham cracker crushed and the round is about the size of a soft ball. Now you put the marshmall in the middle and then you put the two ground cracking this They shaped lock of mirk and then dived in chocolate vanilla to the use vanilla flavor that ain't year ago calculate is the best one. That's a moon path. Yeah, so that's what they. Oh, I used to do a moon pie too. They had a personal moon pack when I was young. Excuse me, I used to make a personal moon path when I was young. I used to what well I moon you? And then you had your head into a cheat him the clampton shutting. That was a human moon God, that's it. Ain't it ain't Q. But I bet you back then you're the one that your head jammed up in there. I understand that about you when I was Yeah, well, don't look at me, now, look at me? How you like me? Well for the visit today, we learned a lot from you. Uh. Carla's reality update, l come on in. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's that time getting ready to get ready, to get ready to getting ready. It is reality update. Okay, nephew, thank you very much. All this is going on in the news. I had a chance to catch up on some trash TV Basketball Wives Reunion, the reunion show. Let me just say this show Strawberry, that thing Jackie Christie love her girl, I love her crazy, I love her crazy. It's crazy. There's no crazy like you look like Christie Christie. Doug Christie, former NBA player. She's a very woman. No, he's not on the show. Well sometimes he is on there sometimes, but he's not a regular cast member. She's very attractive. Yeah, Jackie has been married, she's been on the show, and you know her and Doug, they've been married for a very long time. Well, anyway, all season Jackie and Evelyn Lozada, they have been beefing all season long. Here's jack show. Well, you know, changed from break, she's about to go back. Her buttons are getting pushed then fix her life that she had all that head on. Well out Jackie and Evelyn, they have been beefing. So Jackie didn't appreciate Evelyn getting involved in her family business. So here's the deal. Evelyn donated about thirty five hundred dollars to help Jackie's grants on when he was injured in a fire at this daycare. It was a crazy incident. The problem is this, Jackie has this long running feud between her and her daughter, and she felt like Evelyn should not have gotten she shouldn't gotten herself involved in any of her own, you know, her family business. Well, because her daughter, Jackie's daughter started this go fund me page to help her grandson and to raise moneys to help for his care and medical bills and things like that. So Evelyn donated to the right to the go fund me page. So, like I said, Jackie and her daughter have been having issues and they have been feuding. Jackie wanted to get Evelyn back, so she called her names all season, called her daughter's names, and she, like Shirley just says, she really pushed Evelyn's buttons. And like we said, Evelyn returned back to basketball wise, claiming she had changed her bad girl em buttons were pushed. She almost almost not quite. It's there about two more episode will be at this season. It's probably if this continues. So you know, that was the reunion show. It was. It was kind of messy. Folks are trying to figure out what Shawnie. She's not friends with Jackie anymore, and Shannie is more loyal to Evalence. Yeah, but she's producer of the show. Wife. Yeah, gets his ex wife. The questions is Thommas Thomas questions don't scared. I don't want because then next thing when I see him, you know you was on that talking about me. Yeah, well somebody need to be talked about Steve because their behavior. But I decide which I want to I just want to do your time and credit for his and I won't credit for my. Do you have any questions and maybe he had some questions now not about women fighting. Talked about this earlier this week when we recently reported that Evelyn broke off her engagement. Yeah, he is from Houston and she is keeping. She announced that she is keeping that fourteen point five carrot ring and shape her for the engagement, which is valued at over and probably one point four million dollars. Twitter question lips a boy, Carla hit me up on Instagram. Are you on team Evelyn or team Jackie? I think you know everyone is saying Evelyn had good intentions, but you know you can't get involved with other folks kids. What I'm talking to the parents first, I think is what team Jackie point was. But she was going off so crazy trying to make that point, but that is her point. Hit me by, Carla, tell me team Jackie, your team Evelyn. Moving on, There is a new spinoff show from Basketball Wives. It's called Baller Wives. Now. This is a docu. Yes, everybody's married on this show. Everybody light yeah, success fall and retired professional athletes, their wives and their families in Miami and executive producer is Michael Vick, Yes and his wife Khita. They are co executive producers on the show. In the premiere episode, Kheva is talking to her husband Michael about his recent comments about quarterback Colin Kaepernick. You remember he talked about his hairstyle and all of this was on social media and on the news. Take a listen to Michael Vick trying to explain what happened. Here we go, Oh, what I said the other day about Cat? Yeah, why does he have to change his hair for him to get a job? He don't. I wasn't referring to the hands that I went on Fox Sports. I was asked about Colin Kaepernick situation. I didn't look at his afro as a symbol of what he believed in. I looked at it that from a style standpoint, you know, from the face of a franchise standpoint. And I realized that I knew I was wrong. What would make you say, get get a haircut anyway? I don't know if job I was wrong. Man, Kia was upset. She's saying what everybody else is saying in my own household. So wife is coming at me. That's tough. And that's when I know I really screwed up. You know what, ka, I shouldn't have said what I said. No, when in any ray should be stereotype based on the when he looked dressed act. But it's the reality of the world we live in. Yes, but that doesn't make it right. And I know you know that that it doesn't make it right. I know I was wrong when I said and where it came out. It's just not no fun having you, you know, in the media again for negative things. It just gives me. But you know what, here's here's here's here's the thing. I do understand what Michael Vick was saying. And people say, why you got to get cut his hair? Why you gotta do this? All of these major athletes that you see, who are tremendous talents, who will not be playing all their life, they're gonna have to get a job endorsing products like peyton in Dawson, products like Cam Newton, and they're gonna have to become sports commentators or something. Look at the billboards and on Madison Avenue. They do not put that on billboards. And unless you want to represent subway a rail fact, they will not put that look on the face of their product. And what the man was saying has a truth to it. It may not be a person shouldn't have to change his look, but your ass gonna have to change a look if you want to be on Madison Avenue. All right, Steve, you are now involved. We will be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back. We're in the middle of Carlo's reality update, and the the guy who was reluctant to get in as always, jumped right in the Fires Avenue. Now, but yeah, joining us. We were talking about balla Wives. That's a spend off of basketb all wise and as co executive producers are Michael Vick and his wife Caheth Vick, and she talks about Michael Vick's statement when he talked about Colin Kaepernick's hair and being in social media. He apologized. He apologizing, Steve, you were saying you agreed with Michael. He said that it came out the wrong way, and I agree with him that it came out the wrong way. But he was saying as the face of the franchise and leading a football team, and I'm telling y'all. That's the way these boys be thinking. He is not wrong. He has been in those meetings and had to hear this. Yeah, Michael Vick had take them corn rows out of his head as the face of the franchise. Look at it, man, And I'm telling you this is what's happened in our real world. This thing called racism is on every single level. It's just done in a more subtle way. So now they can keep you out of certain things based on the way you look, and they don't have to explain it to you. But you keep on thinking that you can just do anything. Look, I'll give you an example. The suits I used to wear, the big wide legs, a big long Jackson buttons on the front. You see who I was? Okay, Okay, cool? You see where I was? Okay? Do you see who I am today? Yeah? You understand the man that I made because I had to understand that, and my wife set me down, explained it to me, and I had to understand that. They could not keep putting that look out front because they couldn't explain it. Now, that's just a suit. So now let's look at your hair. If they can't explain your hair, to the board when they're going there to say, we're gonna pay this man eight million dollars to represent our product, and they cannot explain your look to the board and the board don't look nothing like you. Ain't nobody on sitting on the board looks like you. How you think that's gonna go. I'm telling you, man, what the young cat was trying to say, what Michael Vick was trying to say, has validity behind it. If you talk to superstar athletes, they'll tell you that I got another one for you. Go and look at the Canon Hall of Fame for football. Ain't a corn roll in there. Go in there, man, Go in there and see who they put in the Hall of Fame. And y'all think that, y'all think somebody trying to stop you from being you. You you be and you may not fit everywhere. Now, if that's you want to just ride that out, didn't go ahead. But after you get through playing basketball and you want to sit in these press boxes with the owners, and you want to be on TV, and you want to endorse projects like like Michael Jordan. You know why Cam Newton on everything? Because of how he looked. You know why Lebron James on everything because of how he looked. Now, Kawhi Leonard what's his name over Santtor hell of a basketball player. You don't see him on nothing because they ain't put New car Rolls on note. You can say what you want to say, but he ain't on nothing. So Bism need to change his boy ain't. Nobody's been saying that boy boy Madison Avenue can't do it because they can't explain you to the board members that pay the money. That's just a game, y'all. It's just how it's done. Now. If you don't want to play the game, do what you wanna do. We gotta go. Thank you, Carla. As always, we will be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Facebook is going after hate speech in the wake of the Charlottesville unrest. Facebook is going after hate speech. Did you hear me? The company said yesterday it's pulled at least eight pages or accounts of white supremacists from Facebook and Instagram since the weekend. Those accounts belong to groups including the right wing Death Squad, Genuine Donald Trump, White Nationalist America, White Ringed, White Winged, Night Awakening, Red pill physical removal, awakened masses and Vanguard America. Twitter, YouTube and other sites are also targeting hate and that's a really good thing. Right, This is a question here we go, Come on, let's have it. If Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all of them are going to be targeting hey, what does that mean the artist? Are they just targeting hate groups? Or if you make hate statements, well yeah, I hate speech hate statements. So the president might not have a Twitter account, I'm just it's good poy because he is the tweeting president. Yeah. Yeah, I was listening to Pence, Vice President Pence comments about the Charlottesville comments and incident yesterday. So he was on TV and he said this, I stand by the president and his words. But as I think he's in Chili today us with yesterday. He said, but I'm I'm in Chili. Our hearts are in Charlottesville, where friends and family are memorializing this absolutely wonderful woman, the the the woman that was killed by the butthole, by this by this member of this hate group who drove into a plowed into a group of people because he hated them, because because they didn't believe that that was Such things as neo Nazis, and they didn't believe in the clan and white supremacy. So now we'll kill all y'all. Okay, that's crazy. So now Pis says, but our hearts are in Charlottesville. And then he says we should stand against anyone or any few who go against the voyage of his country. Well, let me say this. You can't get few within one person. But the one person right now who had the greatest chance to affect it is the president. And he all but condoned and made okay what happened in Charlottesville, and they're right to do that. Now, he didn't he didn't condone the death of this girl. But you pretty much said to these hate groups, there's a place for you because you gotta permit, and the other group didn't even have a permit. And then you say it in such a way that David Duke comes out and says, thank you for your courage and your honesty. But then Trump again blames both sides in Charlottesvie. He won't get off of it. Here's a dude man that who will not say I made a mistake, Michael Vick, and I think we just did yeah, I said I made a mistake. I love Michael vick Man. Just just dude, it's growing. He's trying to he's trying to get it together. Everybody makes mistakes. I just had some crazy stuff. I want some stuff back. You have to say it, really, Steve. Please don't shoot yourself on the foot right here, Please don't do it. I got but I got to go. It ain't day. We gotta go. We'll be back with just one more thing. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time to close out the show with just one more thing? What an interesting oh before? Just one more thing? Yeah? What is it? Just one more thing before? Just one more thing? Go ahead? Well, yeah, this rallid they had in Charlotte's in Charlotte Bill, did y'all know that they had take it towards us? Yeah? Yeah? Now anything for pout? Is it? I don't understand. I thought a real around are you're supposed to take a tile and rev around a stick and light it up? Ain't that I supposed to go with Georgia help keeping mosquitoes away? A Protestant getting bit? You know, yes, I have that The manufacturer of the garden torches. They were saddened to see their products used at that white supremacist rally in Charlotte'esville, Virginia. It made a lot of money, though, I'm very upset, and and that's one of the associated with horrible memories of the KKK, right, that's one of the bright lights and all of this, if you can say anything like that, is that you know, people like the manufacturers of tiki torches, and you know other white people you know, are seeing it, Like you said earlier, Steve, they're seeing you know, the air of these people's ways, the hatred. You know, we we shouldn't tolerated. There would be no place for that. I mean, you know, I'm glad to see people standing up and speaking out finally by ourselves. We're not saying that that's what they got, that's what all in the hand. Well, I'm glad, like Sureley just said, the manufacturer shut that down and said don't they don't want their product associated with that kind of right, and the CEOs who stepped off the President's Manufacturing Council. You know, people are taking a stand. People. Yes, you know, listen, I've listened to these hate groups and you sit there, and you have a very very twisted opinion. First of all, of yourself. Let's just start with yourself, that you have convinced yourself that for some reason, you're better than someone else simply because of your skin color. But they go further than that. If your faith is Jewish, you have no right to be here. Then they turn around and go, if your sexual preferences difference, you have no right to be here. And then they go, if your skin color it's different, you have no right to be here. That's amazing, man. So technically, since they want to go by all of that, technically the only people who really belong here are Native Americans. They're the only ones who really should be here. Because the Pinyatta and the mother two boats that may fly, whatever their name was, whatever, what whatever, And I never knew it when they asked me, and testing I didn't give a damn. When they came over here, you was out of line off and you sent the very people that they didn't want. Then they put them on their boats, and they sent him over here. If it were not for the kindness, the sheer kindness of the Native Americans heart, all of you would have died, all of you would have died. You ain't know nothing by living over here. But they nurtured you. They gave you hope, they gave you a chance, They talked you out of farm. They taught you how to cut meat, how to make fur and live. And then what you do in return? You stole everything they had. You took every single thing they had right there. So now technically that's who really belongs here. Oh but you want up that though that wasn't enough, then you're lazy, trifling behind. I didn't want to do the work to grow the crops you needed to live on, and then you went over there, you got us. Hold up, man, hold I keep trying to feel. Ain't got out where this supremacy comes from, Where this this sense of entitlement comes from. When you ain't even really done the work in the first place, and everybody that did the work, you take the credit from them and own it as yours. So see this value of yourself, the way you feel about yourself when you call yourself a neo Nazi, skin head, a supremacy, whatever you call yourself, it's a fake view of who you really are. Because who you really are, you won't tell nobody who you really are, because really what you did was you stole the country. You enslaved the people. That's what you really did. That's what you really did. So now you want to create this false image of yourself and now in order to keep yourself feeling superior and special and entitled. You're not degrade everybody else. You can't blow my candle out to make yours brighter. You're still a little lass flicker that you always been. You still stole America. You still you still imprisoned people. You're brought the Chinese over and made them build around roads. Then when the war broke out, you put all that in prison. Ain't nobody forgot You need to teach you that America has made some mistakes, but America got a chance to get it right. And now people in this country who have been trying desperately to fix the eels and the wrongs. I mean, look, you gotta clap for the ones that at least try, but there's so many trying to hang on to what it used to be. That's why these statues is everywhere. And then you get yourself a museum and you're going there, Look the general leave you. You put all of up in there and you can go by that cry. You can have a little re enactments of the Civil War, but you ain't having war where I'm paying types at and sight the we gotta go wrong. Steve Harvey Contest, No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.