Trump, Carla's Reality Update, Sheryl Underwood, Game of Thrones and more.

Published May 23, 2019, 11:00 AM

The show opens today with some throwback action.  Trump has an ultimatum for the Democrats.  Wendy Williams husband and son got into a physical altercation.  The Harriet Tubman $20 bill will be delayed until Trump leaves office.  The Raptors are tied with The Bucks and Drizzy has a thing for the coach's shoulders.  The crew were happy with what they saw with the semi-reboot of All In The Family and The Jeffersons.  Nephew Tommy overslept btw and the crew gave him a wake up call.  We have our girl Sheryl Underwood giving us her thoughts on All In The Family and The Jeffersons.  Miss Carla covers the latest in Real Housewives of Potomac and more.  Steve gives us his Game of Thrones update.  Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about success and failures, plus more!

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like the milling bus things and the cubs. Y'all do me good it, steh listening to the movie together for Studley, I don't join by join me in doing me. Honey, you gotta turn you, you gotta turn turnow, got the turnout, then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I shore will come morning. Everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man, Yeah, I do. Man. God been good to me. Man, He's been so good to me. Wow. You know why I say it like that. What makes it amazing is because it's been in spite of myself. I mean you know what I mean by that. I mean I mean that he's been good to me in spite of all the craziness I've done, all the foolishness I've gotten myself involved with, and not only got but knowingly got myself involved with, all of the stupid decisions I've made. Put all that to the side, and he's still been good to me. Bring it all and put it on the plate. And he's still been good to me. Man. That's amazing man. And I'm sure there's a lot of people that can say the exact same thing. I mean, come on, man, I got you, ain't famous, I got anybody, got no microphone in your face, I got nobody, ain't got no spotlight on you. I got nobody, ain't got no came in your face. I got nobody problem. Ain't your body blogging about you. But let me tell you so, if you break it down and be real about it, Oh, you haven't done something outside the box. You haven't done something ladies included. You've done something out the box. You woke up and went what did I do that for? Oh? We've all done it. So with all that said and done, God still loves you, man, God still loves you, still wants you the best for you, still considers you his child. And it's willing, it's willing man to show you your future. He is willing to show you your life. He is willing to let you take a peek at the blueprint. Man. That's an amazing God right there. Because I don't I know, I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. I'm glad it's him, you know. Today, Man, I want to encourage brothers out there. And when I say brothers, I'm talking to everybody that's of the male species. I don't care about your color. I really really don't. I don't even have time for that in my day. A matter a matter of fact. Sometimes when you get to discussing race, I just get tired of it. Sometimes I just wish, you know, some days I just want to wake up, just do me. You know, I got what what the skin tone is, I got that. But I just want to wake up some days and just going buy my business and do me. I don't want to have to deal with it. Somebody, I get tired of talking about the issues. Ain't gonna make them go away. But sometimes I get tired. So the damn talking to brothers, all the brothers of the male species. I'm talking about men today. Man, If if you ain't doing it all, if you're feeling empty, man, start today completing your process and your journey. And you know what I'm saying by that, if there's a part of you just missing as a man, and and now man, I'm talking to you. So you know, some ladies listening. But you know what I'm talking about. It's it's some part of you that's missing as a man, if you ain't really been in touch with your kids like you supposed to now for whatever the reason is. And please no, I do understand how sometimes women can use children as pawns. It happens all the time. I've been through it. I've been through it, man, I know what it feels like, man to want to do something. But because you ain't got this, or you ain't doing this, then I ain't gonna let you have this. You gotta fight through, fellas, you got to fight through. You got to fulfill your end of the deal. And I got how difficult they're making it. I got how man, it's gonna come with some drama, but you gotta fight through it, because man, we need fathers to be fathers. That's really what we need. If you're a man out there and you are a father of a child, we need you to do your job. We I'm talking about the our community, our situation, us as a people, all of us. We need you to be a father. Period. Hey man, I ain't coming down on you. I'm just your boy, I'm your man, and I've been in the same predicament, in the same hole myself, where I couldn't get to them, where they were used as pawns, where they were told things about me that wasn't even true. I've been through it. You can't see them, you don't come on, okay, okay, I got all that. You ain't sent this. You ain't okay, Hey, hey, got all that. If if you can call them sometimes, tell them you're thinking about them, tell them you love them. If you can get a letter to them, if you can get a message to your children through one of your relatives, start the process today. Be a father. It's your job now. Because you ignoring him, or you acting like they ain't over there, or you to back him out of your mind because the situation got too difficult. I got that, I got that. But you got to step up and be fatherless. You got to write a letter. You gotta send the money if she talking about it. If you don't send all the money, you ain't gonna see him. Send what you got if she if taking it over there's too much drama, Send it through a relative, Give it to a mama, give it to her sister, ask her to take it over there and do something for the baby because okay, okay, you can't deal with the drama. I got that, and I know it's much to pay when you had to deal with that, because I clearly I know hell have no fury like a woman scorn. Please know. I know that. Please know. And that's a real statement. That ain't no saying. Steve got that, that's the truth. But do what you gotta do. Sometimes you have to apologize. Sometimes an apology goes a long way to your children. Just hey, look, because I've made this apology before. Hey man, look, I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you. I was out grinding and hustling and I wasn't paying attention to you, and I should have been. And I apologize now. I imagine, man, there's days where you was telling people I was your father up at the school and they wasn't believing you. I apologize for sending you through that. But now, man, I tell you what, I made some mistakes, and I got it together. I want me and you to move forward as father and son. I want me and you to move forward as father and daughter. I want to be in your life. I ain't got a lot, but guess what I know a lot, because if you're a man and you a father, please know you know something that child don't know. You have information, you have experience. That's all they need sometimes to have somebody to talk to. That daughter yours just needs to know from her daddy, how should a man treat me? Dad? What should I look for in a man? See, they'll take that information from you because they know it's coming from the right place. And then you know that your son needs you because you know how difficult it is if you're trying to be a man without your daddy. You already know how funky that is right there. So come on, man and match your mistakes and move forward. Call your kids, write a letter, get a phone number on them, send a text, drop a message, send a note up to the school. Do something. Man. If those of us that are fathers would just be fathers, I could shut the mentor and camp down. Now. I will say I apologize because I don't want you to think I'm coming down on you. But I've been through this myself. I ain't really coming down. I'm just reminding you this is our job. These are our children, this is our responsibility. We all men. There is no excuses you don't get you don't get cut a break on that one. Sorry, you're listening to show taking it back to the early days the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Good Morning La. Remember that? Yeah, Yeah, that's how I used to open it out in la. Uh. Then we opened it like this when you think of little gotta get it on your mind. Yeah, that was another opening. Then we began with today is today that the Lord has made? Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Yeah. I used to open it like that too. We've had some other ones. Um. Then I do longer intros. Good morning Shirley, and she talked and she'd speak to everybody. Then I say caller and then she speak to everybody. Well, cut that out. We just go with this hill now. May I have your attention please? This is that damn Steve Harvard morning. You understand Sherleystrob. Hello Steve, good morning to caller for real? See how I cut off? Yeah, caller for real? Hey Steve, you cutting me off? Just crazy kill? Junior spaces boy up. Yeah, we say Tommy, if you can't nobody find this ass this more. Speaking of throwback, Steve, he's see again you're doing that. Yeah, some change. Then he got tired of people calling him sorry and all that, and he started coming to work it back to it again. Man, we're the hell that Donald Trump do yesterday? O man, I started, I don't know, it's a trip. It's a trip, but we're gonna talk about it. We got it coming up next. Actually, well, I'm good. I mean having a great day today. Yeah, we just got here. Let's go have a great Yeah. When it starts like this is always good. I took your advice, what you man, I did something. I had to do it, but I took my hands off. We talked about it. I just let go of a situation. I feel so much better this morning. Oh you're let going like god? Yeah, oh, I kid my hands off of sun. I feel so much better than guess what when you couldn't do nothing, couldn't do nothing. Man, it's amazing how fasted work. Won't he do it? Step right in there? Because he? Man, I hear it in your in your voice. Why that's good? You feel relieved. I feel a whole lot better. Yeah, man, all right, well listen coming up at thirty two after the hour. Since you asked Steve trending political news, the President has given the Democrats an ultimatum, no infrastructure deal unless investigations dropped. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the show, all right, Well, the two trillion dollars too good to be true infrastructured deal that President Donald Trump and Democrats agreed to last month turned out to be just that too good to be true. Okay, after mister Trump stormed out of a schedule meeting with Congressional Democratic leaders at the White House yesterday morning, according to how Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the two parties could now only agree that a deal was no more. President Trump has given Democrats an ultimatum if they want a deal on an infrastructure on infrastructure legislation, they need to drop the investigations into his campaign and his administration. How Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she believes the President is engaged in a cover up. Take a listen to this. Would you believe that it's important to follow the facts. We believe that no one is above the law, including the President of the United States, And we believe that the President of the United States is engaged in a cover up, in a cover up, and that was the nature I just saw that Nancy Pelosi just before our meeting made a statement that we believe that the president of the United States is engaged in a cover up. Well, it turns out I'm the most and I think most of you would agree to this. I'm the most transparent president probably in the history of this country. We have given on a witch hunt, on a hoax. The whole thing with Russia was a hoax. As it relates to the Trump administration and myself. It was a total horrible thing that happened to our country. What I'm just not gonna let him work on it. I'm gonna take a piece out of your book, Junior. Let it go, Let it go. I can't with this man anymore. Steve, what's going on? Right? He's not It's on so many levels. First of all, you're not gonna discuss infrastructure as long as there's aught investigation. So I don't give a damn about the country unless y'all leave me alone, right, Yeah, next thing his promise was infrastructure. He campaigned on that. He came in the room prepared to leave because he was mad at Nancy Pelosi because she accused him of covering up. Then he comes out and he says, I'm the most transparent, and I think you all know this. I'm the most transparent president in the history of our nation. You're the only president that ain't gave up his tax return. You're the only president that's that's ever ordered people not to obey subpoenas. You're the only president that I know of in my lifetime that I have had several cabinet members jail, their personal lawyer, jail, their campaign manager in prison. You're the only person that's threatening any of your cabinet members if they talk to Congress, there'll be some retribution. And so. And you're the first candidate to say I'm going to drain the swamp, and you did it, and you filled it up with all new creatures. I'm just looking at you, man, and I'm going But here's here's the scary part about this. The houses the Congresses. The House Congress is controlled by Democrats. The Senate is still under control of the Republicans. You can't bring about impeachment charges because the House will pass it, but the Senate won't. Because there's only one Republican that has spoken out against what the president is doing, just one. The rest of them are sitting there acting like for some well, I know what the reason is. It's their power, their position in their minds, elected, their power, position, and money, and they're just scared of him. So they're letting him run him up. They're letting him tell Congress what they don't have the power to do. They're not turning over tax returns. They're going to disobey these court orders that's ordered them to turn over tax returns, but they don't have to because the banks have to the banks have their financial records, and the banks, the two banks, have been ordered to turn them over. The ass gonna turn them over. Yeah, you better believe that's gonna him. And this guy's just sitting here man, thinking that he's king instead of president, and they're are powerful. There are things in place to keep him in check, but he don't want to be in check because he'd been in the pimp game long time and y'all seeing it now. But the alarming thing is nobody wants to go against him. Now. He did say that the people in Alabama with this abortion law, they didn't take it too far. Yeah, yeah, he said that, which shocked me. But he's not a real conservative anyway. He's always what about the bridges and the roads and the quality of life for the American citizens, the infrastructure, the things he's just said that he can't discuss it. The meeting yesterday morning. What's supposed to be about that, But he can't do it because he doesn't he wants to talk about that after they dropped these fake charges. They're not fake. You're not transparent. You didn't come and testify before Muller. You refuse to answer the questions he said in paper form. You don't want anybody else goes there's nothing transparent transparent about you. Well, you can't hold the infrastructure of this country hostage for some personal reason though. That is just wrong. Yeah, this is personal. That's exactly what he's going to do though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's so frustrating. The frustrating part of it is the Republicans have turned a blind eye, like he do anohing wrong and everything he do is wrong. Yeah yeah, yeah, And everything come that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Coming up next, Junior's in for the nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news, Wendy William's son has been arrested for assault after punching his dad, and also the Harriet Tubman twenty dollars bill no longer is coming in twenty twenty. The redesigned bill has been postponed. But right now Junior's in for the nephew would run that prank back? What's you guy, Junior? Yeah, sure, ding, nephew mote come on my phone all week. Hi, my always running. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to speak to Ron. This is run Hey Ron. How you doing. It's Folly man. How are you brother? I'm doing Folly Hey, Hey. I wanted to congratulate you man on the on the baby man. I wasn't able to make it to the baby shower man, but I want to congratulate you on the baby man and and all of that. Man. Much success to you man, you and the wife, Thank you, thank you, you you appreciate that. Folly Yeah, well you're fully man. I didn't get to you know, my my wife denieda She came to the to the to the baby shower man, so you know, she was telling me how how how nice was how successful it was man, So I just you want you know, I wanted to give you big ups. You I heard the baby came and everything, and I wanted to just a little girl, a little girl. Y'all had a little girl. Yeah yeah, all right, we'll congratulations man, congratulations Ron. I wanted to definitely called and congratulate man. And um heaby real quick, what um what baby sorrow? Was your wife there? Because we had two, We had one from my side of the family and then one from my wife's side, because you know, they lived different places and stuff. Man, So which one do you think she was at? Uh, probably on your wife's side, you know. Okay, okay, she knows my wife. Well now I see see de Nida is actually friends with U with Kendra. Now you know Kendra? Right? Oh yeah, I know kind yeah, yeah, that's good thing she was. She was with Kendra. Okay, yeah she comes. They played cards, you know. Okay, okay, yeah she she was with Kendra. Man, and um, she was just telling me how successful man, how nice it was, and you know, laid out baby shower. I wasn't able to make it. Man, I've been a little under the weather, bro you know. And uh, you know with with God's help, Man, I'll be able to get back on my feet. You know what I'm saying. That's all right, Hey, man, I just you know, congratulations again, man. You know a beautiful baby girl. I man, that's a beautiful thing. Yeah, thank you, thank you. Um. I'm sorry, man, better her. I just I can't fly. I'm trying to remember you and trying to place you in I just I can't do it. Have we met noa noa noa noa no no no my bad man. I'm sorry, dob nah me and you we haven't. We haven't met at all. Um. Like I said, you know, my wife knows Kendrew and they hang out, and uh, I guess she's she's dabbled a couple of times and been around. You know, your wife is uh, your wife is Maryland. Right, Yeah, that's no wife, Okay, Yeah, I guess she's been been in the presence of Maryland. Man. So you know, you know, I kind of got your number from uh, from my wife, man, Um, and she got it from Kendrill. So I kind of wanted to holl at you, you know, which you weren't hard on me to have actually, man, Like I said, Man, I've been I've been down for a minute, you know, and uh I uh actually you know, came from doctor yesterday and and my my bones, man, they my bones are deteriorating. You know. Uh, that's that's kind of what I'm what I've been going through, man um. And if I don't uh get the proper medication that I need, man, then the week, you know it within the next three months here, dog, it could it could get pretty bad, you know what I'm saying. And I'm sorry to hear that, bro Um, It's you know, all I can do is man, And you know, well, man, I the doctor told me that if bron the doctor told me man that you know, if I get the right medication man, that you know, I could get back up to seventy healthy again, you know what I'm saying. So you know, it's just a rare uh type of thing that I need to try and get. And I think that you might be I think you can't help me. We be strong, man, be strong, just man, sit down. It's gonna be all right. But it's gonna be all right. God is with you. I pray for you. I do all I can, you know, I don't know well actually, actually, uh, the doctor told me, man that if for six months, if I drunk breast milk, it will it would it would put enough calseum and stuff back into my bones that would get me back up to seventy to eighty five percent healthy. Yeah, I ain't got no breast. But you know it's not. It's not you wrong. You you don't you know, but you know your your wife does, don't. Whoa you're talking about my wife's breast. Man, I'm not not directly man, I'm just saying that chickens, you know. I mean, if I had her breast milk for like six months straight, man, I could get back hold again. Man. Oh go, you'll talk about a man's wife or her breast now I can kind of. I just gotta the man. I'm just just all. I'm you're asking for my wife's breast milk. Man. Man, I'm just asking y'all to share it. For six were kid sitting the breast milk with you? Man? You got the wrong one, man, the wrong one, and you said your name was but they is wrong. Man, It's wrong. I'm wrong. No, We're just talking about six months of breast milk, man, six months my wife's prest milk. We were talking about just little breast milk. And I understand I freast little man. I understand that, man, But we're talking about you saving a life. Man, A life I ain't the one. Oh come, let me ask you just one. If y'all would have had twins, man, y'all would have been breast seeding two babies. Just look at it as if we're twins. Fuck the man, I'm getting them pop this phone because I don't know who you are. You need to chill. Oh man, you need to go, get on your knees, train that your bones get healed or whatever. You got the WHOA number? Man? Listen, Man, all I'm saying is I got one more thing I want to say, and then I'll get on. I just want to get off the phone called Kendra and find out what gave you my number, because that's how you got Can I say one more saying? Man? Go ahead, go ahead? Can I say it? Damn man? This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kendra and your wife Maryland got me to prank phone call you Hello rock Rock? Yeah, Man, y'all are good man? Whoa man? My wife? Man? Man kens did I get you? Man? Yeah, y'all got it? Man, y'all going? I got them too? They don't started something? Hey, one more thing. What's the baddest radio station in the land? Man? Man? It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Man? Wow? Man? All right, and you're a good job a little time. And by the way, folks, while the prank was playing, Tommy called in and asked us, do we still want him to come? Sorry? That's true. What adult has to call me and say, do y'all still want me to come? What? What was his excuse? Why isn't he here? He overslept? Oh God, here we go. I couldn't get out after tall land being wow? All right, listen, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you right after this. You're listening to show. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, we're going to talk about last night's live reboot of the classic sitcoms All in the Family and The Jefferson's Boy. They were really really good. Yes, yes, But first in today's entertainment news, Wendy Williams eighteen year old son, Kevin Hunter Junior, was arrested for assaulting his father. The incident went down at a store parking lot near the family home in New Jersey, and multiple reports are saying they got into an argument over Kevin's demand for spousal support in his divorce with Wendy Williams, so the husband, Kevin Junior's father, won spousal support alimony from Wendy. Kevin Junior defended his mom in the argument, while his dad claimed Wendy was brainwashing their son against him. Things got physical when Kevin Senior allegedly put his son in a headlock, and Kevin Junior punched his dad in the nose, only to break the hold. Law enforcement said that Kevin Junior was arrested for assault, but Kevin Senior says he loves his son very much and will not be pursuing the matter legally. Well that's good news. Yeah, wow, her son came to her defense. How you doing? Okay? Yeah, this is today. This is such a crazy story. This is it's just a mess. Yeah, yeah, you don't want to see it, obviously, your ex husband and your son his father fighting. But no, but then you can understand how her son feels protective over his mom, you know. Yeah, after everything that's been in the news with the other woman and the baby, and it's just a mess. Yeah, and now his right to support you, right. And now Wendy's finally you know, getting her footing. She's you know, talking about the fact that she's single. Now she has her own apartment, so she's you know, preparing for a divorce. And now this, you know, trying to get into the dating all of that. Yeah, but that's get that, Kevin Senior. They you know, they're trying to work it out. Looking, what are we gonna say? What happened? Y'all know? Good will? I don't say nothing about that situation. I leave that alone. I'm just over here, y'all go ahead and comment. Well, how he doing? Who heaven? Junior? I've no idea. I'm not very concerned about him right now. Yeah. Yeah, this news, Yeah, that's why. How you doing crazy? That's a mass, that's a mess. Yeah. Yeah, Well I hope they work it out, you know, I really hope they work it out. And other trending news. According to the Treasury Secretaries Steve Mnuchin, the redesign of the twenty dollar bill featuring Harriet Tubman will no longer be unveiled in twenty twenty. The unveiling had been time to coincide with one hundred anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment, which I really think that this administration, right, it's gonna put a twenty dollars bill with a black woman on it. No, they don't have a black cabinet member. Yeah, well they've got being caused. Who was in the hood, Yeah with oreoping. Other than that, Yeah, he don't have man this White House hill Man. Yeah, they're saying new imagery Steve will be unveiled, won't be unveiled. This is really the White House. Yes, one more time as we go. This White House is really the White House. Now take us on over to miss Anne. Now over to miss Anne. Thank you, Good morning everybody. Yes, this is a trip, and here we go. President Trump walked out of a previously scheduled meeting with congregal Democrats yesterday. The White House meeting was supposed the center on some two trillion dollars in improvements to the nation's roads and bridges, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had been quoted earlier in the day apparently accusing Trump of engaging in a cover of So Trump walks in the room and says he refuses to talk about anything. I want to do infrastructure. I want to do it more than you want to do it. I'd be really good at that. That's what I do. But you know what, you can't do it under these circumstances, and he won't do it, he says. Trump announced at a press conference right after that, right after that, that he won't be working with Democrats until all the investigations into his business and campaign are ended. But Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer say the whole situation felt a little staged, especially since Trump's press conference was supposed to be impromptue, like he walked out and said something. But they say that they're already signs made up for supporters for the TV cameras. By the way, the president three of his children lost their bid to block Deutsche Bank and Capital One from providing the family's financial records to Democratic legislators. Europe District of Court judge rule that Congress does have the right to demand the documents and wants to see as part of the approbes and impossible corruption and Farnes influence in US government affairs. In a lawsuit filed early this month, the Trump family and company contended that the subpoenas were unlawful and therefore unenforceable. Deutsche Bank, however, reportedly lent Trump and co millions of dollars and has said that I was going to cooperate with any authorized investigation. So there you go. Oh, listen to this. Authorities say that a Mississippi lawmaker has been arrested on domestic violence charges. Republican States Representative Doug McLeod, who represents George and Stone Counties, allegedly punched his wife in the face because he wanted to be intimate and she didn't take her clothes off fast enough. McLeod is free on bail. Just so Joanneau. This guy is unopposed for reelection this year. Kentucky's outspoken a Republican governor WI first, he faced his first test of his reelection campaign in the primary this week. Govern and Matt Bevan did survive. He will be the Republican candidate. He was ranked the most unpopular governor in America at one point. As you heard just moments ago, it looks like the redesigned twenty dollar bill featuring the likeness of Harry Tubman about to come out much later than expected, but maybe not at all. Appearing before the House Financial Services Committee, Tregury Secretary Steve Manuchan kind of went all around Sally's barn. When asked about he said, well, you have to do security. Well, they have to do this. Well a five dollars ten dollars will have to come out first. Harry Tubmanville was supposed to come out in twenty twenty, marking the anniversary have women in the Hunter of f anniversary getting the vote? Manuchian says he won't be in office, so probably for the final role out of rollout. So you know it's not me, by the way, a count the candidate Donald Trump was against replacing Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubban. Finally, Today's Lucky Penny Day. I don't know if there's a lucky one in there for me. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show all right? Time for sports, Todd Junior and what you got? You know, as the Golden State Warriors wait for the winner of Toronto First Meal War. Seriously, they just have vacation and day they ain't ready to play yet. Uh game fives a night milwalk in the series tied up to a pieces to a piece to a piece. Oh my goodness. And man has been for good games, for good games. Really talk, you're still riding with Milwaukee, n I don't see no reason why I shouldn't. Wasn't they up too old? Though? They was up to old? Wow? You know Drake is at every game and race. He damn near a coach coach show how you leave your seat? Hey, man, ain't no dude massage? Why it was cute. I saw just a little clip of it. He's in Toronto. I got all that. I ain't got no problem with him doing it. There ain't nothing wrong with it. You just can't rub my shoulders. Yeah, but you come up behind another grown man and pay both your hands. And you know he designed the jerseys for the Raptors too, man, Yeah, and then he just respected. Yeah. He designed to hold those whole team's jersey and he received custom made Raptors over your jacket worth an estimated seven hundred and sixty nine thousand dollars. What the team gave him a Raptors jersey or a jacket. They gave him a jacket that was worth an estimated seven hundred and sixty nine thousand dollars? Wow, what kind of jacket is? For seven hundred? Yeah? And fifty nine? For what kind of jacket is that jacket the team gave me. It's just a Raptors jacket, especially Babe for drink. But but God, damn Jackets, just give me, Just give me the money. I swear to God, I'd rather have seven hundred. What you do about coming you with the jacket? And I tell you how much it is worth? How do you respond? Of then? But waiting? What it's diamond and crusts for you? Is it? Denim? Got your name on it? Yeah, I don't understand. I want to see you Jack. How many seasons award? Joels? I'm gonna have for seven hundred sixty? Dog, I can about two cold lass calls? All right? Oh yeah, all right? Listen. Coming up at thirty four after the Hour and TV Trending News, we'll talk about last night's live episodes of the classic TV shows All in the Family and The Jeffersons. Right after this, you're listening to show all right last night to classic sitcoms All in the Family and The Jeffersons were revived for one night and one night only. Woody Harrelson played Archie Bunker. Marissa Tomay killed it as Edith Bunker. Loved you, Yes, yes, she did. The Jeffersons. Jamie Fox played George Jefferson, I mean did on spot On. He nailed it, he really nailed it. Wanda Sykes played Louise Jefferson. She was great. Your cousin Will Ferrell, I love saying that, uh, played Tom Willis, Carla Harry Washington. Yeah, Carry Washington played Helen Willis, and Marla Gibbs. What a surprise. Marla Gibbs was there. Yeah, what I mean just really really I loved it. I didn't see it. That sounds really cool. Yeah, it made me miss the show, it did. It made me miss it was so good classic Yeah, very well written, Steve. Yeah, and you know what some of the issues you know, watching it, because we've talked about this the other day when you you said this, Steve, those shows were real, Yeah, we were talking about real issues and watching it last night. Those issues we could discuss today that they were talking about on those shows, like politics, like Archie Bunker, the word colored. Uh yeah, George used his famous H word. You know. I mean, just really good stuff though, Steve really good and outfits. Yeah, and then they have the same set, the same set. Jennifer Hudson uh sang the theme song to The Jefferson's Moving On Up. He did it. She did an outstanding job. Yeah, killed it. It was really really good. But those shows they were all I think he had, like how many shows in the top twenty Norman Lear everything do, Yeah, all in the Family, Mad, the Jefferson's Good Time, he had Stamford and Son. Yes, shows he hits. Yeah, they were yeah, they were Yeah. I met him one time. It was really a great autumn. Really yeah, really great. Do you know? So you can't do that anymore on television because of political correctness. You can't do good TV anymore because of political correctness, because someone's feelings is always going to get hurt. Someone's offended, and we live in the worst time for a person to be offended when they're making What's really amazing is in the time we live in now, everyone is so offended. But this is the most they but they do the most offensive things on social media, but when you put it on television, here comes the uproar. And I think, man, because there's so much hate and lying and stuff on the internet. I just don't understand why you're not allowed to write to make good TV anymore, or when you don't police nothing else in this country. You don't police the internet, you don't police Facebook ads, you don't police nothing. I hate group can get a permit to march good but you can't do a damn sitcom and make any type of controversial statement. Yeah you can't talk about it. But here these racists can go down here and get a damn permit and come down the sidewalk that I pay taxes on right to tell me that he hate me. And it's comedians that it seems to have been affected by this political correctness it most of all. It's crushing it. Yeah, it's crushing it. It's one of the reasons that I won't go back. That's one of the reasons. Yeah, that's one of the reasons. Yeah, I already know, because look, they try to dismount on me for saying stuff that ain't that, and so wait, I go out there. Yeah, and then everybody has a camera phone and they can stuff can be taken out of context, and it's risky. Now, it definitely is risky, and it seems like if you, if you do say something, they want to destroy you, crush you. And yeah, there's just coming from it. There's no second chances. None, none, that's the crazy part. Well, the nephews off today. Yeah, he's supposed to be. Don't just no, no, what you're nothing to do? He's off today. We didn't know he was off till he called in and asked us do we think he ought to come on in because he was he overslept. Well, the nephew is not here, he overslept and Junior is here though. With the praying phone call that's coming up right after this, you're listening Hello Tommy, Hello Tommy? What what hey? Man? You have you You do realize we've started to show you supposed to be at work this morning. Tomma. What time is the real time? Work? Tommy? What time is the dog? Tommy? It's it's daytime. Hello, Hey, Tomma, let me ask you a question, dog? What was you was you planning on coming to work today? I'm always planning on it. That was like, we're we're man, Tommy, why are you holling it? Dog? Ain't nobody holly hey man and anybody hailing at you. We're just trying to get an understanding. Are you coming in today? But what to happen? Is it? Don't quit asking me? We at work back to holler you? Why are you coll Just stay what you're gonna say? But sitting call a voice? Man? All right, Tommy, okay, listen, we have a problem. Uh, you've been missing a little bit lately. I just wanted to be missing a little bit lately. Yeah, you've been missing some days. Oh I'm missing today? What other days you talking about? Don't worry about that you've missed over days. I'm just calling to let you know. I'm look man, I'm gonna just make some changes around here. Wait a minute, what what what? What you sound serious? Oun sound serious? No, Tommy, our sounds Are you serious? Right now? What's the prom Wait? Okay, let me sit up? Are you still lying down? Wow? This is worse than when he first started seeing Tommy. Yeah, man, listen, we're just going you coming to work tomorrow because you ain't gonna make it today. Well, what is mean? What he let me ta prank? Than look at your phone? Thank tomorrow memorial that we can and we all No, No, Tommy, Tomorrow's Friday. We work on Friday today Thursday. Man, Yeah, tomorrow's Friday and Monday is the holiday. I tell thee Mornday weekend started on Thursday. Well, why are you thought that? Could everybody be in league? Go all the way conferred to the Monday? Who is everybody? People that work? What? What? What? What is? Because I'm at work. I'm trying to figure out why you're not at work? Okay, uh, y'all, don't call nobody else from chat thing like this? What is just about west? Well tell them one? Yeah, the reason we don't have to chestise nobody like this because don't nobody do this? But you facts let me up? All right? So but we're just okay, so what so what? What? What is it? What is the question? Was nerve? Steve, I'm assuming you're not coming to work? I mean I can't. I didn't try to get there if that's what you wanted to do and get the other man. I thought we were all I know. Everybody was all, yeah, are you serious? How do you think that? How do you think that all let's thought we were supposed to be at work right on Thursday. It's okay for everybody to thank this one hanging in nephew, I ain't got time for you. Mane what my logic y'all to and they just take tomorrow off too? No? See really, no one, I'm not taking them off. Wait wait, see now you're coming serious? Why why am I taking tomorrow if we're gonna work so we're gonna work to morrow, I'm not. We work Monday through Friday, and it's coming out of much shit. That's the other pall of it. That's the other part. I want you to go and just take a few days off, but it will be without pay, says you, suspending him. Wait wait, why why are you? Why are you so bad? You jump into conclusive? But don't do that? From do that? Ok you? Okay, listen, I don't want to. I don't want to say nothing negative right to you right now. But I'm just gonna see this right here, jump into a conclusion. I can't get you jumped on? Okay, Nah, you sound you can mess with my money? Isn't that right? There? Is? I mean, honestly, why y'all, why y'all called me this thirday? What? What? What? Why we called you this? Please? I'll tell you what. Ain't nothing? No, no anytime going enjoy your day off, man, say your money though, don't spend the day spend okay, a lot of because people do this, when the corporate people do this, like can I just work from home? Yeah? Yeah, yeah you can't. No no, no, no no, So you can work from home? Yeah? Do and pranks everything from the house. You have a nice day, man. Okay, that's what I'm knowing. You know what I'm working. That's what I'm doing right. Well. See, we was hoping you'd be working on the mic today, but you're not. So enjoy your time off man without pay? Talk to your party against me? Why why are you so against me? Yeah? Yeah's you don't. You don't love me? No, mom, I got plenty of lovely what love? Yeah? Whoa got to do? Got to do with it? I don't? Is is he not getting time? Time? If he said that one, I swear, I swear, I swear to you. You can't say that, man, even fixture. Now I'll get your phone, yeah, the one you're talking on. Oh my god, what what we gotta go? We have no more time to waste with you. You're suspended without pay by Timmy. Hey, thank you Tommy. Coming up next? It is the Strawberry Letter subject good things do not come in small packages. Oh, Tommy needs to be here for this one. I know he's mad. We'll get into the Strawberry Letter right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it's time now for my Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today, right here, right now, Junior, do the honors. Please in for the suspended sit back, buckle up, and hold old tight. We got it for you. Don't very little. Thank you, Junior. In for the suspended subject good things do not come in small packages. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a mother of two beautiful kids and have been married for eight years. When I met my husband, life was great and out of nowhere. He swooped in and stole my heart. We dated for a good while before he proposed, and I with hell sex until I got the ring. It's like we knew we were soul mates. When we met, so he did not mind waiting until we were engaged to have sex. He took on my two children as his own, and we had planned on having one more child together. That was before marriage. Now eight years later, things are different. The problem is well, he's not well endowed and sex with him is awful. I knew this beforehand, but married him anyway because I loved him and hoped it would get better. I was so used to my ex husband's great sex and thought that I could get this guy to do some different things to please me. But nothing ever worked. I have not had one pleasurable encounter with this man since we started having sex, and now I'm getting bored and I'm in need of more. I don't want to leave the marriage because of the family life we have created for my children. My husband is a hard worker, a Christian man, and a great provider, but we have not had sex in a very long time. We don't hug and kiss anymore either. I'm aware that sex is a very important part of marriage, and usually men cheat when they aren't being satisfied at home, but I'm pretty sure my husband isn't cheating. I never faked it during or after sex. But I also never told him how horrible it was. I'm sure it hurts him as a man to know that he can't please his wife. I don't want to be a cheater, but I long for some intense, great sex regularly. What's a girl to do? Can you offer any advice on this situation? Well, first of all, I have to tell you that you have every right within your marriage to want intense, great sex. I mean, that's part of the reason a lot of people get married. But in your particular situation, it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Because you said you've talked to him, I mean I would suggest that you have a serious conversation with your husband. I mean, after eight years of marriage, you owe him and you owe yourself that you do have a right to be satisfied sexually. The thing is, you knew this before you married him, and you married him anyway because you thought, as you say, things would get better. We've talked about this. I can't tell you how many times we've talked about this on this show, about how women think that we can always change a man. We always think that you knew this going in. Well, we can't change them. I mean and how well you know it now. I mean the time for you to have dealt with this matter, and it's very serious. I don't mean to make light of it. This is a very serious issue right here, but it was you should have dealt with this before, before you got married and after you got the ring, because you said you held out sex at least until you got the ring. So I say, the next time you guys are getting intimate, you have to lay down the law. You have to teach him. You've got to show him and guide him into doing what you like. You all have to have a serious conversation about this, even though you said that you've done that in the past and it didn't work. So I mean you got to try it again. You have to, I mean, because I can't see the only alternative is to cheat or divorce him. You don't want to do either of those things, and you don't want him to do it either. Steve, Well, well, well we got a problem him. Good things do not come in small packages. No, it don't. It really don't. Your problem is you've been married for eight years, you got two beautiful kids, your husband that you Maddie swooped and stole your heart. Dated for a good little while before he proposed. You didn't wait it on. You had with hell sex till you got the ring, you know, because you knew you were soul mates. He mind waiting until he's engaged to have sex. He didn't mind waiting until we would engage to hell sex hell because he knew. He knew that when y'all did have it, he wasn't gonna be worth it that one more time. What he knew that The reason he didn't mind to have sex, it's called he knew it wasn't gonna be worth for damn when you did. You ain't the first person he didn't disappoint it. Oh no, that's why everything else is in order. He ain't welling, died, and sex with him is awful, not bad. A W F you l If you break them two words down A w j ah ah, I can't do the other. But F you is the first two initials, and that all is funny as hell. But I can't say now. I knew this before him. I knew this beforehand, but I married him anyway because I loved him and I hoped it will get better. How does real bad sex ever get better? How I'll be back all right, Steve. We're gonna have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour, right after this Today's strawberry letter. Good things do not come in small packages? You're listening, all right, Steve. Here we go. Let's recap today's strawberry letter, Good things, Well, do you not come in small packs? Ain't much of a recap. He ain't package. She heard about it. It's awful. So she didn't have sex until she got the ring. He didn't mind waiting until we was engage, any man, don't mind waiting. No, it ain't worth a damn what he I might as We gonna just ride this out. You don't want to have sex right now? Okay? Cool? I just keep talking to you. Let me take care of your kids, let me buy them something, Let me care you shoppy so I could get you to fall in love with me, because after we do it, it's sober. But he's a good man, though. Don't nobody give a damn about that. Yeah, it's nice and he's a good man. It's real great. But she wants her she wants she wants her head to be on her eyes and the back of her head. Yeah, she needs some things going on. Well, the problem is he ain't well and dial sex is awful. I knew it before, but I married him anyway because I loved him. I hoped it will get better. I was so used to my ex hood and great sex. Now heat didn't lad he didn't left her lasting and pressure great sex from your ex husband. I thought I could get this guy to do some different things to please me. Oh he won't to, but he just ain't got what it take. Now here's what I said you. You gotta get some equipment in that bad room, and he got to be comfortably using it. We got to get some equipment. And based on where this letter going in, I'm gonna give you a suggestion of some equipment you can use. And this ain't stuff you buy down at the adult bookstore. You need a bull salt. What you need to come inside with someone with a lot of noise. You need that type of thing going while. You need to see if you can go down home deeper and wrench yourself a Jack Himmel. You need to find out how much your hedgehog casts what hedgehog bushes. Yeah, you definitely needs to buy or weed either or anything with either on it. But you got to do something. You've got to do something. I don't want to lead the manage cause him. We've because of the family life you created from my children. He's a hard worker, he's a Christian man and great provider, great provider. What because the one thing you want, he damn sure ain't got that. But he's a great pride we have had. We ain't had sex in a long time. We don't hug all kids because he don't want them to get started. So you get to hug any kiss, and you're probably gonna want some more. So he ain't trying to even touch you because he's sicker to look on your face. When he looked down there at you and you just got that that that you know how you cock your smile to one side. She got that look on this face. This ain't gonna work. You don't hug and kiss now. I'm aware that sex is very important part of a marriage, and usually men don't and usually me and cheap when they ain't getting satisfied at home. But I don't think my husband is cheat. I ain't never faked it doing or after sex where you probably should have, you got that at least try to make him think he didn't done. So how can one holler? Just one damn holler. But I've also never told him how horrible it is. Lady, Please don't do that to him. Don't do that to him. Don't tell this how horrible he is without crushing, without yeah, ost crushing. But you gotta have the stuff in place to tell him what he needed to bring in that because he needed some type of toolbox. He's not gonna figure it out. This man needs some type of toolbox, something with some batteries in it, some that make no and something that you like. That's the only thing that's gonna save this. I really feel bad for you, ma'am, because I don't want to be a cheatah, but I longed for some intense, great sex regularly, and he don't have it. He ain't gonna get you the intense part. You're getting nothing. That's no intensity. He ain't gonna come in that growl, and he ain't gonna army crawled up to bed. He ain't gonna do none of that. He ain't gonna bust out the bad room like he tars in. He's not doing any of that. Fitting to just be sitting up in him. Now. I don't want to be a cheatah, but I longed for some intense, great sex regularly where you're gonna have to start cheating because of that. Well, I ain't telling that she gonna do it. I'm telling you what she's gonna end up there. I'm not suggested she do it. I just predict this is where it's going because homeboy being change it. There's only equipment will help her. Yeah, I mean he ain't gotten the now she just say, little batty, I'm sorry. What you want me to do? Yeah, I don't want it to get him, man, but you know he got to come in there. He got to learn how you use all the toys. Alright. Listen, he got to coming He need help, all right. Listen, Guys, email us your Instagram. That's your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after from the Talk, it is our girl, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, Carlo's Reality Update. But right now it is our girl from the Talk, The One and Only Come on Steve the Sheryl, the Hey, I need that to be my ring tongue. Stop playing Steve Harvey, Schirl the Pearl the one, okay, and how did you know what my middle name is? Genius? Genius? Hey, y'all? Did y'all watch them? They did the live version of All in the Family and the Jeffersons. Yeah, yeah, and Jamie Fox was George Jefferson nailed, yes, But but Anthony Anderson as the brother was just as good. He was just as good. Karrie Washington as Lenna Kravit's mom son, Yeah, that's one. Um. Who else was? What's the other? Wanda Sykes? What you think one of the Sykes? And Wheezy Shirley. I liked her. I think she did an excellent job. I think she did too, And I'm hoping that somebody will bring back to Jefferson. And since you know, Wanda got all the stuff that she do, she got a Netflix special check it out, and Jamie acting and doing everything doing they should have. D. L. Hugley played George Jefferson in the reboot, and Lonnie Love played Wheezy. What's y'all think? Whatcha think? What I think y'all think? They could do it. Yeah, yeah, and see. To me, I think they just need to go back and reboot everything, all of the sitcoms that we love, Like, what's your favorite Carlin, what's your favorite sitcom from the past, from the past, good Times? Okay? Now, if I was in good Times, okay, I would want to play either Lenny No, remember Lenny had any no, or I want to be the counselman. Remember the counselor never could get right? Yeah yeah, he could never get a name right. Okay, what else? What else we're gonna Martin? I want to either be a Roscoe. I either want to be uh Martin Mama, Martin Mama, or you know, I gotta be Ron rolling in the house. Watch. Oh, that's me all day every day. I don't think I ain't got the curly wig. That's me all day, every day, all day. I could do that. I could do that. You know what I want to be too. I want them to bring back safer song. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, point, we gotta get out of here. Coming up next make way for Carla's reality update right after this you're listening to all right, Tommy. Tommy decided to take the day off today because and for the suspended once again, Ladies and gentlemen. In his time for reality, Junior was really good. It was a good intro. Okay, so check this out. We've been watching, uh Shirley, Real Housewives of Potomac. You know, I love the show. I love love, love, love Gizelle. I love me some Giselle Brant. Yes, yes, I love Caring too. But you know Giselle, she'd be wrong sometimes, but I don't care. I love her. So Ashley through her uncle a birthday party. It was a nineties theme birthday party. And anyway, you know, everybody came to the party, but they got a little lit at this party. And but Steve Ashley, she is telling everyone, you know, unfortunately she had a miscarriage, so her and her husband, she's trying to get pregnant again. But she keep telling everybody that she doesn't drink anymore. But in every scene, my girl is drinking. But boo, you got a corona, you got a martini and every scene I don't drink. No boys, I don't get what's going on on with that. But anyway, your girl Ashley through this party, everybody seemed to have a good time. But then her husband Michael, the mic was on and he got really really drunk. And by the way, Ashley is African American and her husband is white and he's an older guy. He's an older white guy, and I think she might be by racial Steve he okay, So he pretty much said he was like flirting with the other guys at the party, and then he was flating with the guys and his mic was on, and then Robin, one of the other castmates on the show, she thought she heard him say that he would kind of go there with a guy, So it was a it was a lot, and he even admitted Michael said, Man, I know I was drunk and I was miked up, so I don't know if I said some things, and so who gets that drunk, you know, but you're saying that, yeah, that k you might go there and and get with a guy, And that's like, wait, the pressures, what's going on? Yeah, So I gotta keep watching it, get to the bottom and see what happened at this party. So that's that, all right. So that's Real Housewives of Potomac. I was watching Real Housewives of Atlanta. That's a mess. But they're getting ready go to Trinidad with Spice and oh, yeah, that's a good idea. I like to go somewhere with a group of friends I fight with let's go out the country, doesn't Yeah, wonderful state. Yeah, and they consistent with that, right, Steve, Yeah, man, Yeah, it's just not indicative of any group of women. I know. Yeah, it's it's a mess. It's a mess. So they're going to go to Trinidad. So we'll see what happens with that. It's gonna be guaranteed what's said. It's gonna be some fighting or arguing going on. And I think it's gonna be pooh, Hiram Hicks wife, she's gonna come on the trip and start more drama with Carly. That's what I think it's gonna happen. And I think it's gonna pop off that way. And if you watch the show, you probably agree with me one hundred percent. Go to at lips by Carl on social media and then we can talk about it. And finally, Steve, we have to talk about it. We already talked about All in the Family and the Jeffersons, but on Sunday Night, one of the most watched shows ended this series I can't do it in a minute quickly. What you thought of the series finale of Game thought? I thought the ending of this series was one of the most disappointing things. Yea, even the dragon, even the dragon melting the chair? How did he know this? No point did we ever think the dragons were intelligent all of a sudden, because Deserate, whatever name is, anyway, I'll come back and give it to you if you like straight talk, no chasing. All right, dear Grace, we'll come back at twenty after you're listening to. All right. When we left off, your Grace had the mic and he was giving us his assessment of the finale of Game of Thrones. Continue, your grace, please. It was horrible. I'm telling I was saying, eight years and we're down to this. I have a declue what went on. I was quite disappointed. First of all, I felt so bad for Rion when he was laying on the pile of rocks digging out his beloved brother and the sister yeah, who was sleeping together, pushed the crippled boy out of the window. Oh my god, Darien was crying. I was the terrier was crying. I was crying because the only person that ever loved terrying that cat about him was the man with the with with the one as yeah yeah, And so that was that. And then they got up then coming across and all out there there under the tent talking who should be keen terring? They run his little their ass out. He hadn't bathed in a week, and the boy would no thing said up then he was running things great, who decided that the queen you don't even have a thing. You can't stop talking. Hana just went on and all next thing you know, they gave a little boy in wheelchair, complete bow and to roll in his ass right down. You're grave, all right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Then Today's entertainment news. Wendy williams eighteen year old son Kevin Hunter Junior, was arrested for assaulting his father. The incident went down at a store parking lot near the family home in New Jersey, and multiple reports are saying they got into an argument over Kevin's demand for spousal support in his divorce with Wendy Williams. So the husband Kevin Junior's father won spousal support alimony from Wendy. Kevin Junior defended his mom in the argument, while his dad claimed Wendy was brainwashing their son against him. Things got physical when Kevin Senior allegedly put his son in a headlock, and Kevin Junior punched his dad in the nose, only to break the hold. Law enforcement said that Kevin Junior was arrested for assault, but Kevin Senior says he loves his son very much and will not be pursuing the matter legally. Well that's good news. Yeah, wow, so her son came to her defense. How are you doing? Okay? Yeah, this is this is such a crazy story. This is it's just a mess. Yeah. Yeah, you don't want to see it, obviously your ex husband and your son his father fighting. But no, but then you can understand how her son feels protective over his mom, you know, yeah, after everything that's been in the news with the other woman and the baby, and it's just a mess. Yeah, and now right to support you. Right, And now Wendy's finally you know, getting her footing. She's you know, talking about the fact that she's single. Now she has her own apartment. So she's, you know, preparing for a divorce and now this, you know, trying to get into the dating all of that. Yeah, that's bad, but that's good that Kevin Senior. They you know, they're trying to work it out. Looking were we gonna say what happened? Y'all know? Good will? I don't say nothing about that situation. I leave that alone. I'm just over here, y'all go ahead and comment, Well, how he doing? Whoa junior? I've no idea. I'm not very concerned about him right now. Yeah, yeah, this news, Yeah, that's why. How are you doing? Crazy? It's a mask, that's as Yeah. Yeah, well I hope they work it out, you know, I really hope they work it out. And other trending news. According to the Treasury Secretaries Steve Manuchin, the redesign of the twenty dollar bill featuring Harriet Tubman will no longer be unveiled in twenty twenty. The unveiling had been time to coincide with one hundred anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment. Which really think that this administration, right, it's gonna put a twenty dollars bill with a black woman on it. No, they don't have a black cabinet member. Yeah, well right, they've got being caused. Who was in the hood, Yeah with Oreo King. Other than that, yeah, he don't have man this White House hill Man. Yeah, they're saying new imagery Steve will be unveiled, won't be unveiled. This is really the White House. Yes, one more time as we go. This White House is really the White Hen. All right, coming up, it's Steve Harvey and his closing remarks. You don't want to miss it. At forty nine after the hour. You're listening. All right, Steve, here we are last break of the day and it's time for your closing remarks. Yeah. I just want to encourage everybody. Look, I know that life gets tough sometimes it really does for all of us. Um A poem I learned a long time ago entitled don't quit. They don't have though, they don't they don't know. The author of the poem has always been entitled Author unknown. Certainly I didn't write it, but it's a poem called don't Quit. It just reminded me so much of something. But I wanted to tell you what made me think about it. Somebody sent me a quote from what Winston Churchill. Today, somebody sent me this one today, and what the quote is is that success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. Let me say that to your kid. Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. I thought about this and I said, wow, you know what, that's really how you become successful. You just go from failure to fail you and just never lose your enthusiasm. Somebody said, Steve, that's hard, and I said, yeah, it is hard. I wish I could tell you that being successful wasn't hard, But it's hard. It really really is. That is no easy way to become successful. It's hard. Now. I can tell you some ways. You can short circuit it, you can mess it up for yourself. I can tell you a lot of those. But to get successful, you've got to be extremely determined. You've got to be pretty much hell been on making it happen. But I tell you, man, what can get you there? Well, I tell you what causes you to get there. You got to have the right motivation. The best motivation to be successful is to have massive dreams. And I'm talking about massive dreams. You've got to have huge dreams. That's the best way to get there. Because what it is and what happened to me along the way was my dreams was so big that not seeing them to come to fruition was unacceptable. I just couldn't see myself not at least given my all to see if it could happen, or if that couldn't happen. Man, could I just get a portion of that to happen? So what happened was I made my dreams so so big man, that along the way, when miss ahaps and setbacks and trials and troubles and hardships and death and remorse and guilt and everything was facing me, I never lost my enthusiasm for wanting to make it because I just wanted so desperately for one of these dreams to come true. So I really do understand when he says success consists of going from failure to fail you without loss of enthusiasm, And it's the size of the dream that keeps you from having to lose your enthusiasm. Because I just kept thinking, man, like my father used to always tell me, aim for the moon, so in case you miss, you will still be amongst the stars and it led me to something that's more telling that said more frequent more or recently. I learned one that came to me when it was time to talk about giving up, and said, the problem ain't that you aim too high and you miss it. The problem is if you aim too low and you hit it. Let your mind go, think of big things, Open up your heart and your mind to the possibilities of God. Stop living your life in probability, and start living your life in possibilities. I'll tell you what I mean by that. When people look at something and they base it around the probability of it happening, that's a problem because what you're saying then is the probability of something is to me, that just means it probably won't happen if this happens, or you probably won't make it if that happens, or it probably won't come true if you don't line up this way, or you know, you probably might not make it. If these people don't sign on to it, you probably won't make it. If that, that to me is living in the probability. You know, what's the what's the factors that blend into the probability of something occurring. But if you just change that, and you went from the probability to purely the possibility. See. I only look at life in terms of the possibility. I have people who work for me, who do probability factoring for me all the time. Some of the advice I end up taking from them, the majority of I don't because I don't care who works for me. They can't out dream me, and they don't have an idea of my vision for me better than I do or God does. So I stopped living my life in terms of probability and I started living my life in terms of possibility. I only care about the possibility. The probability will present itself along the way, but you just gotta stay focused on the possibility. Faith don't make it easy. Faith makes it possible. And that's guided me the whole time. Get your dreams up, y'all, make them big man. Let God into your life. Man, He can do some damage with you. He can do a lot of damage for you. I mean that in a good way. Y'all. Have a great weekend. Who drop it, It's droble for all. Steve every contests no purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening ourday morning show.