Trump, Beyonce, Are You Smarter Than Tommy, Yo Mama, OG, Passwords, TSA, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Jul 10, 2018, 2:45 PM

Trump nominates Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Kelvin VS Tommy. Comedy Roulette leaves the fellas not feeling ashamed to to say that they don't like yo mama. How do you know when you are an OG? Password protection has become most taxing lately, more than anything. TSA can't maintain ashes. The 3 OG's handle Closing Remarks today and more.

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all bat all suit all looking back to back down, giving the mom just like themzing buck bus things. And it's touble, y'all do me true good at Steve had listening to me toach other for stub quickly to listen money. Why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, by join with me. Honey say gadful you gotta turn yeah, you go running. You got to turn to turn turn lovey got to turn out to turn water wanter go, comey, come on your back now, uh I show well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harley got a radio show. I have something and it's so describes how I was living. It's so captures the feelings that I had about beginning on the pathway of my dreams. It's so describes how I felt when I was about to attempt something. And I have some striking news for you. It describes often how I feel still today to a degree. So let me tell you what that is. And I know what's happened to a lot of people. Here's an analogy that I um, I've heard a couple of different ways, but I've kind of, you know, fixed it around to where I can uh drink it better, and I think it fits my personality to describe it to people best this way. You know, I was I was talking. I've talked often about the urgency of doing something with your life, of of getting started today, of stopping the procrastination and putting it off, and waiting on all your ducks to line up in a row, and waiting until the stars aligned themselves. If if you ain't on such a thing, you're you're you're never gonna get started. I don't really, I don't know too many people who can say that all the ducks just lined up in a row. Things happen. Things happen even when you get them lined up. One of the ducks get out of line, or somebody knock over the domino, or something happens. But here's here's here's here's here's the point I'm getting at. God has so many blessings or veil boute to you, you who's listening. God has so many blessings available to you from where you are right now. I don't care what you've gotten yourself into or what you've done. God has so many blessings that he can send your way, but you have to do something. See a lot of people just sit around and go man, I I don't as something always happening to you. You're always getting a break, You're always doing this, you always do. Man, don't nothing come my way. Listen to me. If nothing ever comes your way. You know why that is. It's because you're not doing anything. I promise you you're not. See. Here's a deal. God has all these blessings he wants to send you, but you got to give him something to work with. Now, come on, you have to give God something to work with. God will bless you. God can touch people's hearts on your behalf. He can move situations around for you. He can align the stars. He can set the ducks up in the road. But align the stars and move people around and touch people's hearts and set the ducks up in the road for what based on what have you put forth? Any effort? Have you made a single step in any direction to do the right thing or go the right way? That gives him something to put his finger on. Come on, man, God can only bless you according to your faith. If you have a little bit of faith. Give him that, let him work with that. He can do that. You know, man, I didn't always start with these speeches you're hear in the morning now. I ain't always had these. I grew to these. I stumbled my way to these. I messed up my way to these. Here, I got it wrong so many times to be able to down like I got some sense. I said it often. Failure is a wonderful teacher. Do you know how many times I have had to have failed to have what I have in my head today. I'm telling you, man, it's a process. People get mad at the process. You got to do something to give God something to work with. He'll bless you. But what you want me to bless if you ain't putting forth any effort, any effort, if you just sit down and start. I got a book coming out, I'm telling you, man, that's going to really explain this thoroughly. Man, Where you can get blessed from whoever you are in your life, wherever your starting point is, wherever you find yourself wound up you can get you can get it back from. Now. I've done it, man, by the grace of God, I've done it. I I got over. Man, I learned some things along the way. Because here's the deal. As long as God keeps waking you up in the morning, through with you, yet, when he's done, you're done. But if God still has a plan for you you wake up in the morning, He's still got some more work for you to do. You wake up in the morning. So if you keep waking up, man, it's something that God wants from you, would love to have from you, and he can work with you, man, if you just walk towards him a little bit. So here's the deal. I know it's hard for the average person to start because the fear of the unknown is incredible. What if I failed? What if I don't get picked? You know, one of the hardest things I ever did was walking in to quit my job. Oh man, let me tell you about that day when I decided that I was gonna be a full time comedian after winning an amateur night one time. Quitting your job, following your dream, going forward despite all the nay says, it's like stepping off a cliff. It's like actually just walking off the edge of a cliff, hoping, hoping. Now not really knowing, but hoping hoping. Is the bad basis of faith. I stepped off that cliff hoping that my parachute would open and allow me to drift down. See, I've never sky dived before, but I would imagine part of the thrill. And I don't know this because I'm not going to sky dive to find out. I think part of the thrill for people is the danger part of throwing yourself out a plane and how it feels to be free falling, but the whole time they're free falling, having this exhilarating, over the top moment. You have got to believe in your heart of hearts, you have got the hope with everything in you that when you pull this cord the shoot opens or else. This ain't a good move at all. But you've packed your shoot yourself, You've taken in the lessons, so you go ahead and you make the leap. Now, the only thing about quitting your job and following your dream is you ain't really been trained all that good for this, and you don't really You didn't pack your shoot, but you ain't never opened it before. So I walked off this cliff, That's what it was like. And you following your dream is like you're walking off a cliff. Now, let me tell you something. Here's the part where people don't never make the jump. They see somebody like myself who jumped off the cliff, and the and and the past shot don't open right away. And I hit a couple of rocks on the way down. I got my back cut up pretty bad. I got my clothes ripped off. They see that three years living in a car man, he got his life toe down jumping off that cliff. I ain't jumping off that cliff. But see what you don't understand is you don't you don't know it. But eventually the shoot will open, and I'm at the parachute opening part of my life. Man, where a shooting open and I'm drifting and I'm able to go over to Paris, guide my shoote over to Paris and glide. I've I've glided over to Africa and seen what it looked like. It's a slow ride down. When the passchute finally opened or and my back then hill too, and the cuts that I had on me, I remember now I know how to stay away from the edge. But the parachute and opened, and I'm enjoying my life for the first time I'm gliding, but I got hit up against the rock. I can see more. I get a chance to see more things. I get to glide and see more parts of the world. I'm living my dream. The pass shote open, Your pass shoote is gonna open. But I'll tell you one thing for sure, it will never open if you don't step off that cliff. You got to step off that cliff, got to get the passchute open for you. But you got to jump. Baby. That's the hard part, ain't it not? Question? Is the end of this story right here today when you're jumping, you're listening morning, Good morning everybody. What is going on? You're about to listen to the Steve hot the Morning Show. Whoa The show is dedicated today to ad people who work in the dry cleaner. Is that's right? The dry clean workers people, people on star Man, people on steam keep on folding clothes, people on creases, people's on button zone, people on blouses. They said they wanted back Thursday, but they're back there today. What the hell you, baby? They don't get right here? They getting some love right now. It is the Steam how the Morning Show? Baby? Holding it down? And Shall and stout Bury baby, what's going on? Stout putting creases in my hate hate that the lady on folding is color. You know what? Jake is so funny. Yesterday my husband put on the shirt from the clean and he said they didn't get this out start out. He was mad. That's what goes after y'all. So now didn't I tell you come back Friday? Then what you're doing is do your close attitude. And he is the food number one and Knill praise it's up. I'm working to drive through. You know you can drop him off now, yes, oh yeah, you can drop them off, your bad drop them off. Got a night drop to them people who do the damn thing? Man? Guess what, you don't ever have my ticket to come back to get my stuff. Ever. When they take a pair of jeans and put increasing it the most amazing thing. That's a lot of pressure on them. Gene or my linen, my summer linen. Man. Yeah. And last but not least, if you find five dollars, damn it, Joels, Yeah, don't come back here. Did you see five dollars in Jean? No, I ain't see it. I ain't seeing it. How about the steam covering up those irons. They're doing it back then, that's a facial right there doing. Yeah, that's out y'all. Y'all do it, y'all do the damn thing and cool dedication jail day. They do it, man, because the person the person that works zippers, don't never get the person that clean your growths. And when you get them back, they folded what they took time to even you all that look like that for to bottom y'all. Yeah, that's my life was I like your own underwear. Yeah, we got too much. I'm gonna thank you, thank you very much. I like the Okay, hey, listen, coming up, Republicans and Democrats are responding to the Kevanaugh nomination. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up in about an hour. Guys, guess where we're gonna play? Yeah, day, Yeah, we're gonna play. We're gonna play. Are you smarter? You? If you tell me up, you could win a chance at Steve's grand pride of one million dollars one million. Good to Steve FM to register to play. Okay, and uh, we're gonna have some fun with that today. Yeah. At Google A wear just makes you laugh. Alright, switching gears. Now, let's talk about last night. This was really weird. Last night President Trump announced that Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh. He announced him as his nominee to replace the retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy tank a listen. In keeping with President Reagan's legacy, I do not ask about a nominee's personal opinions. What matters is not a judge's political views, but whether they can set aside those use to do what the law and the Constitution require. I am pleased to say that I have found, without doubt such a person tonight, it is my honor and privilege to announce that I will nominate Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Him, well, yeah, yeah, there you go. Doesn't it seem like a rush job? Though he finished that taping bus saying, the guy who will look out for me when I get in a jam, you go. Loyalty, loyalty. I think that had a lot to do with why he has had everything so much to do with it, you know, um, because he also worked with Ken Starr with President Clinton back in the day and on him Really yeah, right, and he walked away saying, you know, maybe the president shouldn't be try like this, or maybe the president shouldn't be held to this, you know this kind of you know, uh with his feet under the coals like this. So I think that had a lot to do with everything. Yeah, yeah, everything he knew last week. But it happened so quickly though, I mean, you know, I remember, Yeah, it was really really fast. Um confirmation hearings or should I say the fighting because there will be some fights between the Democrats and Republicans yet that begins today, which McConnell will put it up the vote right away. I was saying the time right away, that's what I think. And then when I lave an't gonna get this meat from out of my neck, nailed it, ja every time, nailed it. Gop How Speaker Paul Ryan praised the pick and said Judge Brett Kevin opp brings extensive experience to the High Court. Across the aisle. Now, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said Kavanaugh would rule against women's reproductive rights. Um they're talking, of course about versus Wade here. Schumer also argued that Kevinaugh would threaten the constitutionality of the Obama Affordable Care Act. Wow. So yeah, those two alone anything, they had Obama's name on him. Man, what don't you like about? Yeah? I think Senator John McCain. McCain came out in favor of Judge Kavanaugh saying that it was a great pick or something. He's a great man. A lot of Republican Yeah, yeah, they do. And he's supposed to be um ultra conservative, way more conservative than Justice Kennedy was. So we're in a lot of trouble and we got to get out and vote. We really have. We have to be. Elections are very very import and plead they're so important. And that's why we begged everyone to vote during the presidential election because we told you that the president would have a Supreme Court pick. Are we need anything? Yeah, and we don't even have one. Yeah. Yeah, we need everyone to vote. Vote needed, vote early vote. I'm a register my auntie who passed away. Yeah, we have to. I mean, we're we're joking about it, but in all seriousness, your vote counts. I don't understand how you don't see that you matter. Your vote counts. They want you to think it doesn't count. They want you to think that way and on election day stay at home. But no, your vote counts, every single vote count. And we have these mid term elections coming up. Please get out and register and cast your vote. Please. We need you, We definitely need Yeah, it does. Yeah, a lot of things going on. You guys have been watching the rescue of these um, the soccer team that has been in this cave in Thailand. Well, um yeah, I mean you know, fingers cross, prayers up. The world is watching and hoping as rescue efforts are underway for the remaining boys and their young soccer coach. They are trapped in the Thailand cave. Um. CNN is reporting breaking news that and eleventh boy. That's great news. And eleventh boy has been rescued and as far as the other rescue boys, officials said, they're in good shape overall. Unfortunately, a few of the boys are in quarantine for the moment. Their parents are unable to touch or hug them. They can look at them through a glass partition. Um, they're only able to see them through glass. Yeah. They're expected to remain in a hospital for for about a week. Some of the guys have the boys have a blood disease and then some of them have a long disease. Yeah, infection. What I'm saying blood infection in London? Got all the boys coach or some coaches. Yeah. I'll tell you one thing though, I bet I prefer to be the last boy. My mama go kill me, she go kill I don't kill I want you. I might not want to come about. I know, Nicia, Carol, go kill me out man. What is she gonna say? You've been in a cave? Who told you to take your black ass to a cake? What we gotta get out of here? Coming up? Run that break back with the nephew right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment news. Check this out. Some fans think Beyonce, it's pregnant. What didn't she just have twins September? Dating time? Okay, go forth and multiplied, be fruitful and multiplied. Yeah. Please. Plus, we're gonna talk about the President's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. But right now, nephew Tommy is here with a prank. Nephew, what do you have for us on the menu today? As you're not last year. You know that comes with time when you have to reach in the archive and play something that is legendary. Ladies and gentlemen, Oak triosity better know creosoty uniquet. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Marvin Police. Yes, Marvin, I'm calling you from doctor's office. I'm actually the lab technician UM and you you came in and I got it physical. I guess about a couple of weeks ago. Okay, and my understanding this is for your for your occupation. Correct, Okay, you're you're not What do you do for a living when you're a m Okay? Now I was giving you a call about I'm here looking at your records and all the testings that you actually went through. Um wow, let's see, have you had any Have you had any activity or any problems around your naval area? Noine, Okay, all right, yeah, everything's fine. But I mean if you haven't had any any type of nothing, no breakout or anything around your navel or whatsoever about my nave. Now everything's going straight, man, Okay, see what's going on? Man's okay? Actually, you've been diagnosed with um oak triositis and oatrios oatriosis is actually a fungus that comes to South America. And you have no activity whatsoever around your navel. Man, it's oatriositus, sir. And what what that is is actually you're if you haven't had it yet, you say you haven't had any activity. There's gonna be like a small little tree that's gonna be growing from your navel. And it gets about six inches long and it probably bears about probably about thirty leaves on it, but it's very small. You see a tree gonna be growing out my name, it's gonna be a small tree. And Uh, what's gonna happen is I'm gonna have to get you to come back in probably in the next month. We're gonna need you to come in so we can check it out. But it's got to grow its fullest potential before we can actually do anything to it. No, I can't come in and on mind, I got to come in today. Man, somebody got we we we resolved. I'm gonna get married. Man. Well, we can't. It has to grow its fullest potential, sir. And uh, the full term is actually about four weeks before we can act. And I'm not waiting for those four weeks. Man, somebody got to come tell me something, right Na, Man, I ain't gonna go married. Man, have to fly the time, man and have something going out of my neighbor. Man, y'all going crazy, man, Sir o Trios. This is something that's very rare. We're actually getting this assignment from overseas in South America on how to treat this. And I don't give it down. Where is it? Man, Somebody's gonna have to come give me some some help right now. Man, I'm gonna get ready to get married. Man, I'm not gonna be putting up with it. Man, somebody in this office main got to come down and then do something for me. Man. And what you say, if you said I can cut it out myself. So the best I can do is probably trim it a bit, you know, and maybe knock a few leaves off, But I cannot touch the full stock at all. Man. You can cut this do something. If you cut it, you cannot, sir. If you cut it, there's a possibility of hemorrhaging, and you're gonna really create a bigger problem than what you have already. Man, I'm trying to get this dot. Man. He didn't tell me, ain't nobody that I'm ride on there and get this. Man. I'm gonna get mad two weeks. Man, we're gonna fly to Jamaican. It can't now. Somebody can do this for me. So you cannot pull it out. You're gonna create, good man, You're gonna create a bigger problem if you try to pull it out, Sir. Problems already up. I'm trying to get this pram a man, big hospital, now help me. You want me to do? Man, it's not simple out of and you can do, man, Sir. Autriositys is not something that we treat all the time. Like I said, it hails from South America, so we got I don't give help from Great Britain. Somebody that I feel for me to come down and help me pull this man, Sir. I understand what you're going through, but we have to let it grow. It's full term, which is four weeks, sir, the full root of it to grow. Man. I ain't ro man, I'm gonna go down right now. Man, y'all gonna have to do something. Man. Sure there's nothing we can do. We can probably trim it a little bit. The trim man, do something sir, there's nothing we can do at this point but sit back and wait and let it grow. It's full term. Okay, can we get you wait, man, somebody helped me right, No, man, sir, can we get an appointment for you in the next four or five weeks and we do that. You got to get a poem for me to day. I'm going to give matter. Man, I'm gonna fly to Jamaican. Now. I can't have them ticking out of me. I can't see a port man. He's going embarrassing me like that man that ticking out my neighbor. Sir, I understand it. And like I said, oak triositys is very rare, and it's it's something that we haven't treated that many times here in the States. But overseas, the message that we're getting is that we need to let it grow. It's full term. Me ain't nobody in the mirroricood got man, it's OA triositys sir. So I can get it and nobody else, Sir. I could not believe that you were coming up with autriositis here in the States. It's it's something very rarely seen here. There's been two people in the past has been diagnosed with this and they actually passed away. So now and you're gonna me man, I'm coming down the day. Man, somebody do something that. There's nothing that we can do today until four or five weeks. I got I'm flying to Jamaica. Man. Man, I'm hearing what you're saying. But I can't do anything if you don't see the tree already coming out of the navel. Yet. Somebody got to do something. Now you want me to do? Man, I don't know what I want you to do, sir, but I have one more thing I can tell you. Man, are you listening to man? This is Nephew timing from the Steve Hoppin Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy, Earl Man. You gotta be out my wid man, you too, Nip toming Man, Man, y'all he'll be going crazy here. Man, I'm looking at all of my damn neighbor thinks the truth from the man. I'm on the man. No, you ain't right now, man, I'm already nervously to get married two weeks. Man. Hey, Man, I got one more thing to ask you, Marvin Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land Harvard Morning Show. If you're listening your asses out the wind, so y'all yourself? Yea, Marvin, I'm in love with Marvit to win. Let me drop this on y'all, dudever, The Nephew coming to Jacksonville. I will be there probably late Thursday night and it jumps out Friday night. That's July thirteen to the fifteen Comedy Club of Jacksonville. The neph You coming to town. And then that's a new club. I'm coming down, all right. It's in hate Bill George and right right outside of a t L Atlanta Uptown comedy lines brand Spike and Redone. They had moved it. And uh, if you're in a t L, the Nephew was coming covers on the seats and second, this is the spot you want to be at in the a t M. Alright, alright, nephew, we'll congratulations. All right, coming up and entertainment news Beyonce and jay Z head line of festival honoring Nelson Mandela. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve is on vacation. Don't forget that. And the crew is down and we will until he gets back. Right. Have you ever seen millionaire who comes back from Vaca? Well, listen, coming up in about twenty minutes. Get ready, guys, twenty minutes after the power we're going to play. You're smarter? We've been waiting for it? Are you smarter? The nephew tummy baby here from one? Come on, whoever thinks you know more than me, get it? You know nothing. You could win a chance that Steve's grand prize of one million dollars, but you can't play unless you register at Steve Harvey f M dot com. Okay, I'm right here, I'm right here. Are you smarter? The nephew tell me? Okay, why I know? This's gonna be fun exciting. Alright, it's time now for entertainment news. The lineup has been announced for this year's Global Citizen Festival. It'll take place in Johannesburg, South Africa, and it's going to celebrate the life and work of Nelson Mandela. Yeah, Opra, Yes, Oprah is going to deliver the keynote address at the December second event, which both the lineup of performers, which include Beyonce, Jay Z and Ed Sharon. Now, speaking of Beyonce, if you guys heard this, people think some of her fans think that she's pregnant again. And yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't know. Apparently during a recent show of you know, when she was out with jay Z on the Run two tour Um, be ended the song Bonnie and Clyde by rubbing her belly. And you know she did that before, you know, when she was first pregnant, you know with Blues. Let me say, what pregnant that you've been to do this show when Houston Concept Temple you're gonna do? That's coming to Houston? Alright, Alrup, what the baby do? Bring the bea come on, but we've we've been to do this that. You know that she rubbed her belly, but that's that is far from a confirmation. But remember back in two thousand eleven, she did announce her pregnancy with Blue by Blue Ivy by rubbing her belly. Remember that. Remember that in that case she was purposely announcing her pregnancy. But Summer saying Beyonce is not pregnant. Just last week, she shared a photo with Jay and an open beer bottle can be seen right beside her, so not drinking beer. Hey, let me say this, y'all. The Carters album that album jay Z and Beyonce. I love that album. Yeah, all day track read boss, I love it. She had a track on their cost seven, one, three Junior and first Man. It was just one. Yeah, I got five. But you don't know who called? Who is three folks? Six? Who was there? I'll tell you what. I can't wait though for Are you smarter than ye? Ain't? Ready? All right, let's get an update on Trump Supreme Court nominee j J. Please introduced miss Anne. All right, everybody, it's the news and trip y'all. Thank you very much, everybody. Good morning, everybody, this is a trip with the news. So okay, well let's start with this really quickly. Authorities in northern Thailand say that nine youngsters now have been rescued from that flooded cave, so that now least three more boys and their soccer coach. A couple of the kids who got out apparently have pneumonia, but they were all hospitalized just for check, just prophylactically. Okay, here we go, and this is how the president's announcement went. It is my honor and privilege to announce that I will nominate Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Kurt. Judge Kavanaugh has impeccable credentials, unsurpassed qualifications, and a proven commitment to equal justice under the law. This incredibly qualified nominee deserves a swift confirmation and robust bipartisan support if confirmed. Brett Kavanaugh is going to replace the retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, who scheduled to leave the Court on July three one. Brett Kavanaugh considered one of the more right wing judges that was on Trump's preferred list, so he would almost certainly swing the highest court in the land to the hard right for perhaps the next forty years. Although we tried not to sound like that, my judicial philosophy is straightforward. A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law. A judge must interpret statutes as written, and a judge must interpret the Concertstitution as written, informed by history and tradition. And President Kavanaugh's lifetime amportment would affect such issues as affirmative action, abortion, Second Amendment rights, and so many others. Democrats Senate Leader Chuck Schumer says he's gonna fight Brett Kavanaugh's nomination with everything he has. Last night, they're already demonstrations outside the Supreme Court, and they were demonstrations here in New York outside Trump Tower. Judge Kavanaugh's critics point out that he worked under Ken's starter impeach Bill Clinton. Kavanaugh also quoted as saying that a president should be immune too civil and criminal investigation while in office. That comes at a time when President Trump is being investigated criminally. The tru administration says that it's ready to reunite about half of the one two a quote tender age immigrant children with their parents, This one dred or so among the three thousand children taken into government custody at the border as part of the president zero tolerance policy. The federal judge who said today as the deadline to get all those families together again reportedly inclined to give the government a little bit more time because he says, if feds do seem to be working in good faith, it seems like there's at least one of these kinds of stories every day to talk about. I don't know now, another white woman, this time in Memphis, Tennessee, seeing on video asking a black family to leave the pool of the apartment complex where they live because the woman's boyfriend was wearing socks. Um that's apparently against the rule. Whatever, Uh, it's it's all taped. Apparently the black woman taped her and said, look, other white people are wearing hats. That's against the rules. Also, you're not harassing them, and then the white woman calls the police. Anyway, everything went viral and the white woman has now lost her job as a property manager. There Today is National Penio Collati Day. So if you like, and if you do, you know what to do. We'll be back with more entertainment and today's trending topics. Twenty minutes after the hour of Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, it is time to play Are you Smarter than Nephew? Tommy? All right, Tommy, let's beat our contestants. List do listen you who think they're smarter than me? Good morning? Who is this? My name is Kelvin Calvin. All right, what are you calling from? Man? I'm calling from Charleston, South Carolina, Okay, the Low Country. What you do for a list, sir? I sell calls Cadillac. Whatever you need? Smart, This lie here got everything. Do you really think, though, Kilvin, do you really think you're smarter than me? Absolutely? Don't let me down, man, Alright, alright, Kevin, we're gonna see about this. This wasn't gonna happen. Sary's gonna ask us both, you know, some tri of your questions. Whoever asked the most questions correctly in sixties seconds will win? All right, that's right, all right, Tommy, this is the time you have to step out of the studio so you cannot hear the question. All right, bye bye, Calvin. You're ready? Yes, okay, Cat, I need sixty seconds on the clock. Please, here we go, Kelvin. Which reality TV show did the female character Snooky star in? Oh Snooky? You got hell? All right? Arachnophobia is the fear of spider Snooky is okay? Which team Idol start as Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel, Miley Cyrus? What does the Latin phrase carpet dium mean? Mm? Hmmm uh? How many stars are on the U S Flag three? Which US President gave the Gettysburg Address. The elements of sodium and chlorine combined to form what commonly used substance. Our time's up, Tommy, right here, put the headphones on. Alright, what's happening? How do they do us? And stuff like that? Right now, these questions you'll see, you'll see, you'll see. Just hold on a check, hold on. We will be right back to play. Are you smarter than nephew? Tommy. We'll see Kelvin is pretty smart, so we'll find out if he can win a million dollars is at steak? We'll find out if Kelvin can win it all when we come back at thirty four after the hour. Kelvin is smart, way smart. In you're listening to the st alright, we're back to play are you smarter the nephew? Tommy. Our contestant Kelvin is on the line, and we're gonna find out if he's smarter. Right now, Tommy, you're ready. I need sixty seconds. Cat Okay? Which reality TV show nephew did the female character Snooky star in? Uh that thing with uh Irackmophobia is the fear of what? Which teen idol starred as Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel. I have no idea? What's oil? What does the Latin phrase carpet d M mean? That's how many stars are on the U. S. Flag? Which US resident gave the Gettysburg address? Now? What address is that? Okay? The elements of sodium and chlorine combined to form what commonly used substance chlorina? What sodium's bacon? Soda? Here we go, h Kelvin you you got four right? Tommy got one right? One? All right? Here we go. Which reality TV show did the female character Snooky star in Jersey shore arach Arachnophobia is the fear of what spiders? Which teen idol start as Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel, Miley Cyrus. What does the Latin phrase carpet d M mean? Sees the day being? Question number five? How many stars are in the U S? Flag? Fifty stars? Guys? Which US president gave the Gettysburg address? President Abraham Lincoln? And uh number seven. The elements of sodium and chlorine combined to form what commonly used substance that is salt? Alright, out of that, don't even worry about all right? Calvin got four right? Tommy got one right? Calvin, you got one to three and six right? So yeah, so here we go, Calvin, congratulations, you have just one a hundred dollar cash gift card, and you are smarter. You're Tommy alright now, now, Calvin, I need you to listen carefully, okay, because this is really big right here. If you and correctly gets our four digit code between zero and nine in its exact order, you could win Steve's grand prize of one million dollars. Okay, And I want you to know, Calvin, that we also have Steve's banker Ken on the line, who will verify if your four digit code is correct. Please keep in mind this is not like the lottery. Please just say one single digit number at a time. Remember, we need a four digit code in its correct order for you to win between zero and nine. Go, Kelvin, five four six, one five okay, one four six. Let's confirm this with my uncle Steve banker. We got Kim. Mr Kim, is that four digit code correct? One five six is not correct? Uh? Kelvin, it's still carpet in the den. Well, Calvin will say this, It's okay. You you still want a hundred dollar gift cards and smarter than nephew Tommy. You're a genius, Calvin compared to Tommy, the Big Bang. If you think you're smarter than me and you want a chance to win my uncle Steve's grand prize of one million dollars, go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register. I'll play another loyal listener tomorrow and I will be read Thank you, Calvin congratulation. Coming up, it's the Nephew with a prank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's strawberry letter h the subject I'm addicted to my best friends girl. But right now all these letters are about you, Nephew. I've been there, I've been about some things in my life. You understand. Right now it is time for the Nephew with today's prying phone call. What you got Nash? All right? You know at the beginning of the show, we showed love and people to work at the cleaners. You know, that's when we did it earlier this month. So you know, right right now, this right here is uh condom cleaners. Condom clean up. That's what I called me. You know, sometimes it has to make condom sense. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Jamica Jama's Shane. How are you doing. I'm I'm Brad from Quality Cleaners. I'm the manager over here. Huh listen, Um, did you bring some clothes in this morning? No? I didn't bring anything into you this morning. Okay, Well listen, we we got an order that was dropped off this morning. Here. Uh, it's a couple of suits, some business shirts and a few other things. But there's actually been some articles actually left in the clothing, so that down he this morning. It was dropped off around seven this morning, but we got it's got that's work. It's like about a hundred bucks cash in the pocket. There's a couple of business cards. Uh, there's there's a cup link here. I looked all over as only one cup link and then there's two condoms in here. So I wanted to see if you guys wanted me to put this in a plastic bag or something and have it have it? Can you repeat what was left in there? Again? Well, like I said, we got a Uh it's like right out of Hunter maybe Hunter five bucks of cash. Uh. There's a business card from an insurance company. There's another business card for um, what is this this is um what else was left? Right right? I'm trying to tell you about all the business cards. I don't I'm not interested in the business card because you said something else. Okay, No, there's a coup link that we can't We can't find the other coup link if it's here. We're looking all over the bag to see if we can find it, but we don't see that either. What else is in this pocket? Like I said, you got a you got a hundred dollars in here? There's some No, no, no, no, you have said something to me. Yes, there's business cards. There's an insurance cards, some business cards. She said something else, a couple link. Now there's a coup link in here that we can come. Oh, okay, what the last? There's two condoms in here? Hello? What did you did you say? Uh? Like I said, there's a hundred dollars in here? Did you say, did you say there was some condoms in there? There's two? That's two extra large tims in here. Hello, I'm here. I'm just trying to dodge this. All the stuff that you had just said that that was in my husband's pocket. Now you share that this is my husband, Chris Chris. Uh well it has I mean, maybe you know the idols. Man, this is there's a there's a great suit. There's also a solid blue suit. That's that sounds from that sounds familiar. But I'm not understanding that some condoms the phone number of the phone number that I called, the number that attached to this actual order. So I mean, this is the number we have on file? Is this is this his number? Or your home number? Was your sail? What the number is this? This is our house number? I just don't believe you know what what you're telling me, because we just celebrated our our anniversary last week is this is? What? What? What? What? What? I mean? What's what's wrong? Man? What's wrong? What? First of all, we married and we never used condoms, and then you look that condomy talking about he got condoms left in his soup coat pocket. I'm not on this. Oh I know he ain't cheating on me. Well not not, I mean not necessarily. I mean you know they could have been there. Why he was in his pocket? That just don't make any damn sense. If we're married and we don't use cond doesn't want to what do you have candles in his pocket? I don't know, man, you'd have to talk to Chris about that one. Now. I guess my main reason is it you want me to wait a minute. I wanted to know did you did you clean anything yet? Did you clean the sup No, we haven't cleaned it. I just I just started. I'm starting stuffing on. I don't want you. I don't want you to clean them things and all those articles that that you said. I want you to put it. I want you to I want you to put everything, including the damn condos. I want you to put it in the bag. I want you to put it in the bag. Don't clean uphing. So if I'm gonna come up there and I'm gonna pick everything up, okay, I mean I'll be here the whole day. Like I said, my name is Brad, and I'll be here if you want me to um. If you want me to put him to the side, I won't clean them. I just put him to the side and I leave him in the same laundry bag. Yet when you dropped them all, don't Chris, I don't believe it. I ain't gave this the good years of my life and he's gonna turn around cheat on me. You make sure you don't clean up se because I'm a serious side on that, my damn self. You put on that in the bag. I'm gonna call my job and let him. No, I'm not coming into that slow down. I don't want you to get to get to hysterical. I mean, you know you're getting a little I regular you. Okay, I'm I'm I'm gonna be all right. I am gonna be all right when I get up there. Who Chris is gonna get? That's all I got to say. You make sure you have all that stuff not clean. I don't want you to clean it. I want you to put all that other that you said that you found in the pocket. You put all that in the bad because Chris is I don't know who that What do you think? Okay? Mr Miko, would you like for me to call Chris. I don't want you no, no, no, no, Bobby, I don't want you to know no man. Wait minute, wait, wait, wait. My name is Brad. I'm Brad. I don't give a damn what your name is. So I really don't okay, because Chris is gonna get up. You just put everything in the backside like I had asked you to. I am all my way down there and Chris, no, this ain't going down this way. We've just renewed our vows and man's that don't come those coming three and you know what they're talking about this that's what I'm not understanding that I'm know how to do math. Okay, Chris is gonna get when you get him on tonight. Here's here's something else in the pocket too. There's a note in here. No what is this day? Okay? Man? You know what? This has gotten way way out of hand. I don't want to I don't know any and you need a quick tell Mannie rocket would you need that to me? Not a fact? I want that in the bad too. The more evidence I have, the better off is gonna be from me. What did the note say? The note says, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harbin Morning Show. Your husband Chris got me to play fall called shoot what Oh my god, Chris was going to die tonight. I was we was gonna have a bribe qu in his honor. Do you hear me, Tommy? Do you hear me? Oh my god, Chris Umblie is to me a oh my god, Tommy, hey baby, let me radio show in the last Steve Morning Show, Baby, Steve fos More this show come on now tell me this would made me so nervous. I can really feel her. Couldn't you call he feel her? As you know what? I actually felt bad while I was doing it, but I kept right on it and you did kept right on. Text me this weekend July thirteen to the fifteen Comedy Club of Jacksonville. That's dude, Jacksonville. Plot of the Nephew was on the way right after that. The following weekend, the A t L got a brand new comedy club. Is that they didn't moved it up to Atlanta Uptown Comedy Lounge as July twenty through the twenty second it's in Hateville. This this club has changed, you know, everything, everything, everything we we don't went from raggedy the o MG, this is new and improved Atlanta Uptown Comedy Lounges July twenty through the twenty seconds. Strawberry letter. Up next, I'm addicted to my best friends girl. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, right before we get to the Strawberry letter, I gotta tell you what's happening again tomorrow morning. The winning continues at seven twenty eastern, six twenties Central. We are giving away a chance to win Steve's grand prize of one million dollars. Yeah, yeah, we're gonna play. Oh, we're gonna play. Are you smarter than nephew? Tell me again? Can you have pretty dumb? Today? You were done and you was trying one that he nailed it though, didn't he? Go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register, That is Steve Harvey f M to register to play. Are you smarter the nephew Tommy, or as I like to call it, who isn't? Who is it? Who ain't? All right? No? Wait, all right, well yeah we can wait wait for one. Let's go and buckle up and hold on tight. We gotta put you here. It is the Strawberry letter. All right, thank you, nephew. Subject, I'm addicted to my best friend's girl. By the way, um, please uh send us your Strawberry letters. If you need advice some relationship, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com. Click submit Strawberry letter. Okay, I'm addicted to my best friend's girl is the subject. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty five year old, hard working single male. I'm tall, dark and handsome, and the ladies love me. But there is one lady in particular that I can't seem to get enough of. She's my best friend's girlfriend. I was attracted to her from the moment I saw her, and I could tell she was feeling me too. One day she came on to me and one thing led to another. Fast forward two years later, and we're still having sex. We have to sneak around because I lived with my child's mom. Me and my best girlfriend. Me and my best friend's girlfriend have amazing sex wherever we can find a place to do it. We've done it in the car, in the park, and the mall, in the bathroom at the gym, anywhere we can. My best friend has no idea that I'm keeping his girl sexually satisfying. He'd seriously hurt me if he found out. So here's my problem. Be quiet, Tommy. My child's mom went through my phone while I was asleep, and UH saw all of the text messages and pictures that me and old girl had sent each other. My child's mom threatened to tell my best friend everything, but I managed to talk her out of it. But I know how she is, so now I'm scared if I make her really mad, she could tell it all. You would think that getting caught would make me stop having sex with this woman, but I can't. It's like an addiction. Maybe the danger of getting caught again is what turns me on. So what should I do? Do I continue to risk my friendship with my best friend over some really good sex. What's the guy to do? Please help? Uh? You don't really want any help from us. I mean, let's just be real here, Okay. You don't you like everything just the way it is. You're just a upset that you got caught because you already know that this is wrong, and you know what to do. Stop that's what you do? Uh? Mr Tall, dark and handsome. All the ladies love, And I think that's the thing right there, you know, uh so called best friend. If you're getting all this love from all these ladies, why and you just date one of them? Why couldn't you be with one of them, someone other than your best friend's girl? Hump? You had to go after her. I just think that's foul and and and you're not a friend. I really hope your best friend doesn't find out for your sake, because you're right, he would seriously hurt you and you would deserve that. Okay, his girlfriend a k a. Your side pieces foul too. And yes, if you guys keep on, you will get caught because it's obvious you're you're not that smart since you your real girlfriend, your baby mama found the pictures on your phone. Why didn't you delete that? Okay, you're not that smart. You're supposed to delete all that stuff, baggy. Come on now, um look, uh stop this immediately. I know it's too good to be true. And you it's so good you can't stop. And it's like an addiction and all that. But you're gonna get caught and you're you're you're gonna mess up a great friendship between you and and and your boy. This this is this is just foul. Like I said, Jay, what do you have? And Dan? Dan? And Dan and Dan and Dan and keep smiling, keep doing it. That's what friends are for. In good time in bad time. I'll be tapping that forever more. Wow, boy, at this time, boy, you just gonna die. Yeah, when his best friend finds out and he will would like to do right now, demonstrations of this young man talking to the funeral director and he sets up his own j Let's hear Jallo. Hello, Hello, and welcome to rest Haven. How can I well, I'd like to have on a nice black suit. Yes, we have black suits, and please put a nice smile on my face. We do, that will be the last time I'll be smiling. You have any idea when you will be joy soon? And very soon we're going to see the camp. Please come this way and look at my cast. I'm just as I got in trouble anyway. Yeah, but what type of lining would you like? You're going to be so comfortable? Yes? Yes, would you like to have shoes? All the shoes. I'd like to have shoes on because I'm gonna be running. Yeah, that's what I had wrote down. I had that right now because this one line in this whole thing that got my attention. Maybe the danger of getting caught again is what turns me on. Maybe we need to stop playing a federal. I just said that. I said, you know what agent want color suit? Start lit that flower, Get down here and get the flower. Another question we need to ask right now? How long you won't remark? Do you want three minutes? But how long you are? Okay? Who you won't over the body? And I know what you want on your tombstone told you this time you just stop playing in the arrangements put together? Do you have a whole church? What minister you want to if it? Reverend Johnson, Reverend mack who your body? What? So you won't they walk in? What's all they walk in? What you want is this? We got all kind of the race? All right? Up next, nephew, tell me we'll give hit the response. We'll be back at twenty three after the hour you're listening. Steve Harvey morning. All right, we're back. We're in the middle of this strawberry letter. I'm addicted to my best friend's girl. But before we get to that, some breaking news and this is really good news, guys. According to CNN, all twelve boys and the coach have been rescued from the Thailand cave. So that's really really good news. He's got really good news. You do it, won't he do it? For sure? Yeah? Shout out to the rescue. Yea like the boys and lord in there? What he got him out. Yeah, so all twelve boys and the coaches and the coach have been rescued from the Thailand cave. Okay, that's really good, your coach, and I know I seeing that alright. So back back to the letter, guys of the subject I'm Addicted to my best Friend's Girl. It was written by a thirty five year old, hard working single male. He says he's tall, dark and handsome and the ladies love him, but there's one lady in particular that he can't seem to get enough of. It's like an addiction for him. It's his best friend's girlfriend. Uh. They've been attracted to each other from the start. She came onto him and it was on ever since. They've been uh doing it everywhere they possibly can, for like the last two years now, in the car, in the park, and the mall, in the bathroom, the gym. His best friend, of course, has no idea that this has been going on, and he says if he ever finds out, he's going to seriously hurt him. I think we're all in agreement with that. Uh, he says, here's the problem his Uh, he lives with his baby mama. She went in his phone and yeah, found pictures of him and the girl. Yeah, and text, text messages and everything. So now she's threatening to tell his best friend, and uh, he's he's scared, he said, you would think that would make me stop, but it hasn't. You know, it's only heightened, Uh, the excitement for him to mess around with his best friend's girls. So he wants to know what should he do? Should he continue to risk his friendship with his best friend over some really good sex? What's he What's he gonna do? Uh? Tommy, Uh, this is really hit home to me because yeah, and I feel for this brother. Uh, we both suffer from the same thing. It's an addiction, Okay. And what he doesn't realize he has not he hasn't gonna getten diagnosed to know exactly what's wrong. Yes, what you have is cookie for night. Um, you see it's a it's and I have that all right. And I have been addicted because I've had cooking. Yes, I've had cooking for nights for quite some time. I'm addicted to a lot of people. You understand what I'm saying. So j Low, I'm addicted to her. You understand that, Halle Berry. I addicted to her Neil alone, I'm straight addicted. Gabriel Union, I am addicted. Janet Jackson, Lord, have mercy. I am addicted. Now here's the problem that we have. Now that's your baby, mama notes. We got to take desperate measures, all right. We now have to bring her into the phone. You gotta come to the group. What do I mean it's time for a threesome? We have to what Yes, we have to listen if we're gonna make sure that we are out of harm's way. Yeah, what's somebody to find out? We gotta do them. We have to. We're gonna have to do baby mama. It's going all three of us together in order to work. They in on it. That's what I'm saying. Are you dumb? Here's here's nothing. The only issue I have with you. I'm not mad at you about your best friends. I'm not mad. I've been there before. Addiction is a powerful thing. My problem with you is your damn phone. You don't know how to take care of yourself. How many times? No, We've gone over and over up. But listen what I'm doing. I'm putting the app together, all right, that I'm putting an app together for players that need this. I'm gonna have a phone that a system on your phone that will actually wake up the other person when somebody touches, when somebody you understand you wakes you up. Oh, I'm gonna have it. Well, I got a Porkerpine and a Porkerpine app. When you touch it, throws and stuff just coming up. Don't understand I'm saying, Oh, you're touching it ain't your phone. If you blow up in your damn hending like a fire, you need that. You know somebody lost a finger like that JPP you played for the app. That's what I'm trying to say, a chance if you want this incorporated. Can't sleep peacefully knowing you got this act exactly. That's what I like because like, man, I've been sleeping with a phone on the rope, hangs around my neck. Y phone on a rope, like hang your phone around. You can not sleep knowing you might go on my phone. But what you have to do j You know I've done this several times. Take the battery at your phone, put that in your drawl so you can get some sleep. Yeah, And and they added they added extra touch is waterproof. Yes, you wanted to be waterproof. Yeah, okay, you take the show. You can see you. I know you'll have my phone around my neck in the shop. I just got it. I just got it. One got to happen. You know, they had a TUPAC holograph, have a at holograph. But what your phone is? She thinking? Might be you're looking at it, but that ain't that's not where it is. Yeah, that's not where it is. You got to know how to deal with these situation and how about leave your best friends girl while you're dealing with dealing with that? Is anyone you're trying to judge somebody? Yes, yes, yes, just don't cheat at all. We're not dealing carlos, he asked. He didn't ask how to stop cheating? Wait a minute, an option or what about this? No, don't bring a threesome into the mix. To what we've been saying, why we avoid? She already know who does that? Who avoids? But you know, you know, addicted to something, the way you handle it is to stop. Nobody said we wanted to quit. Some addicts want to keep acting. I've been doing it for ten years. A right, guys, listen, Uh, this is just everybody don't want to. We gotta go, We gotta get out of here. You can email us or Instagram. It's your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M. And this Thursday at one pm, please join me for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook Live coming up in ten minutes Comedy Roulette. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh are you smarter than nephew? Tommy? Hey? K A, who isn't well? The winning continues tomorrow morning right here at seven twenty eastern, six Central. You could get a chance to win Steve's grand prize of one million dollars. That's right to play. Go to Steve Harvey f M dot com. Okay, we want you to register, we want you to win. Okay, it is time now for Jay's Comedy Roulette. Ja tell us about it. I will tell you about it right after this. But tonight is going on at the Jaspond Comedy Club. Anyone westmant just to have a new Los Angeles, California. Ron Taylor, I Done many Killed and Henry Coleman Baby Coleman Baby got It on the twenty Florence on the twenty first. Here we go comedy Roulette. It sounds like a civil rights activist name and yeah, and we're marching commonly roulette. We've done this before. But it's very simple. Give us five damn subjects five. Put them on the wheel. Bunnett Burnett, were stop. We'll do the damn thing. That's that's it's scared, all right, you're ready. Here we go. Number one, I'm not ashamed to say it. I don't like your mama. That's got a lot on. We could just stop right there. Number two. All that stuff ain't real. I've seen that alright. Number three, I've heard this before. Nothing to eat in the refrigerat that right. Number four, all I had said was you and you got mad? Alright? Number five? Number five, you know she's lying right, you know, all right, come on it spun it. You know she lying right? You know you know your mama. I don't like your mama. Well it stopped on. I'm not ashamed of saying I don't like your mama. I'm not ashamed of saying I'm gonna tell you will let your mama. I'm come and let it. Got high blood pressure. Put that much salt in every down? In fact, what is he proud of? What is the issue? Would everything? Damn like everything? I'll tell you what not in shamed to say. I'll tell you why I don't like your mama. Your mama kidding to be shut down? My damn kidding, that's why I don't like your mom. Yeah, I don't like your mama. Is hard beach, she ain't so nothing. I'll tell you why I don't like your mama. I'm gonna tell you right now, I don't like your mama because you alware you talking about your lass Man was the best one. You Hey, you got to say it to me, dude, tell you why I don't like your mama? When when will your mama go to bed? I am I always sitting up there looking at I don't tell you. I'm gonna be honest. I'm not even lying to I'm gonna tell you what I don't like your mama. I'm not ashamed to say it. Because your mama lived just like your dad. I called her. I can't tell him. I'm I'm gonna sit there and tell you why I like your mama. I ain't scared to say it, all right, because they're telling your mama talked to me, she take your teeth owe and put him on the table and talk to me without a damn thinking that what kind of disrespect is that you ain't gonna gome me doing coming. Let's let me tell you why I don't like your mama. Your mama asked me who my people? Who your mama people? Now, I'm gonna tell you I'm not a shame to saying. Let me tell you why I like your mama. To notice about your mama. Your mama feet bigger than everybody, and ain't the way in the world I can respect that. I can't putting my foot down in here. I'm gonna tell you why I don't like your mama. Because your mama gonna bust up in the bathroom while I'm in Then I'm jumping out the shower and holler, he ain't nothing like Shinda bats who Bates was way molding this. Let me tell you why I don't like your mama. Your mama liked the fight and I won't hear it like you, but you push in me. Uh, I'm gonna be I wnna tell you why I like your say this to say that I was she was babysitting our son. I couldn't find him. Turn around, your mama, come around from the back the baby. Talk to the bra. She best freedom. That's disrespectful. That ain't her joy. That is not her job. You know what. Don't wanna make your play and simple? You know what. I don't like your mama because I don't like your mama. Yeah that makes sense. Yeah, I don't nobody like. I don't like your mama. You know. I don't like your mama. And you like to walk around the house and click it every now, just click it. Just no, I'm gonna say this and I mean this. Let me tell you this about your Mama's not a shame. Hey, I don't like your mama. I like talking to people with two front teeth. I enjoyed talking to people with you. I can't sit toil. She keeps fitting in my face. That's why I like your mama. I don't like your mama. She take a wig off. She looked like your daddy. Yeah, yeah, I'm not ashamed. Let me tell you why I don't like your mama. Why she gotta keep reminding me. You know, I've been to prison. What that guy you're doing? You know? Your mama took control. I don't like your mom. I'm not ashamed to say it, But how come your mama fixed my car while I was gone, saying I was gonna do it? Give me some time. I don't like you. I don't like your mama. You know why time she talking to me, she told them to start clipping him right there in front of me. That is the nastiest thing scene. Let me tell you why I don't like you. Come we watched the Christian Town all day long at your mama Housecuse that anybody? Yeah, I'll tell you why I don't like your mama. I don't even know abody she's even see this Like, I don't like your mom because I caught your mom and the roof moving refrigerid right by herself. Come to mama that strong. That's you know what I don't like your mom. I don't tell you right now because your mama fried chicken in fish grease and I don't like that. Man. Comedy Roulette coming up. A New York Giants player who went in on the t s A for us, spilling his mother's ashes. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, I have to just kindly chuckle at this um at this story right here, New York Giants defensive tackle A J Frances revealed on Twitter that's the Transportation Security Administration t s A spill the ashes of his dead mother. I'm not chuckling about that, but man oh man, uh, this story just gets better in his luggage, and so Francis was very angry about their carelessness. Junior, please please read for his tweets. Frances is upset and right and this is this is what he typed too, and he said it, Hey, you pieces of blake at tears A. Next time A blanks feel the need to go through my mother's ashes for no reason, make sure you close it back so her remains on spilled or all my clothes. The last the least of you pieces of garbage can do is blank your job. The craziest part of this tis a sugar honey iced tea, is that I that I don't even care that they checked it. They were just being cautious, and I can understand that, But to not ensure that they won't spill back into my bag if you put it back in the most unassinine and irresponsible sugar honey iced tea. I have ever seen I set. He was upset, you know, yeah, I guess if I was t s A. Well, we have the two t s A. We two to at T s A s workers who was speaking to him and confronted him. He's he's yeah, don't tell no, no, no, we have we have some good news we got and we got a little bad news. We got most of your mom. We got we get all your mom, and we didn't get all your mama. But so this is hypothetically sick. Yeah, guy, we scooped up as much as we could. Y'all gonna let us re enact this now lesten, let us tell us why about his mom? Listen, First of all, were sorry, okay, but we have most of your mama. Now the jenes that was in now some of your mom is in the pocket of them jeans. Oh my god. Okay, just I'm just trying to tell you about your mom. Uh. There's you had a Sweet and Low packet in there, and so that bursts and that's mixed in with your mama, your mama, your mama sweet Man and Low. So we're out if y'all don't get back in this bay. Okay, we didn't know it was. You had it own so tight and then we were pulled. It bust everywhere. It did. Some of it did get on the floor, but when we swept it up, it is some it is some cigarette ashes in there. Listen, I mean there's I hope you're not offended, but there's a there's a paper clip in there. A paper clip. We just yeah, did your mama ever? Yeah, you didn't like paper clip. I'm not even going okay, So we just want to know that we're sorry. We're sorry. We made a mistake. Was the apologize, We made a mistake, apologize but did right? T s A tweeted a real apology. Okay, They said, our officers are trained to handle your carry on and checked property with care out of respect for the deceased. Under no circumstances should the container be opened. Please accept our apologies and our condolences. Junior friends did not accept their apology. He tweeted a response, Please let's have that, Junior, under all circumstances, go blank yourself. That your heart. I think he had his eyes closed when he typed that. Yeah. I think we had a coworker that his cigarette and we stopped right, But let me say this, it just it all due respect. Do you think maybe in the future it would be better to do a carry on and don't not not pack your mind? I wouldn't. I would never. That should be the last time. I think you should put it in the overhead. And first of all, you twig got no right to tell me what to do with my mouth. But this's wrong with your tis ages nothing. You think you're running for things? Right? Okay, all right, it's my bad. I put you saw it was arn right. Well I'm not used to see an error, so that's you got me on that. I thought it was just a nice base. I thought it was a drink. I ain't know what it was that was. So should you should do a carry on? That? But we want you to know we are sorry. All right, let's move on and you again. I just wanted to say again tis A did issue an official apology, and that wasn't it. Okay, I responded to the president. We wanted to make sure you don't understood how stupid from Yeah, I respect him saying that real definitely all right, Yeah, Carlo, you mentioned I hoped, well up, they have an apology of sorts to announce Um, I have. Of course. They said that the name change, remember they were changing it from I hop to I hobb instead of I H O P. They were going to change it to I h O B. And they had everyone guess what the B would stand for. A lot of people said breakfast. A lot of people said, uh, I don't know what, but uh it turns out it was burgers. Um, well they admit that. Yeah. Yeah, they admit that the name change announced last month was just at publicity. Okay, yeah, yeah, that was really smart advertising, right, Um yeah, they wanted to promote its burger menu. So there. Yeah, so it's still gonna be I okay and clever marketing there the one in Hollywood on Sunset they did. Yeah, alright, So coming up, we're gonna talk about O Gez. Okay, O Geez, when do you become an O g I don't want to discuss it. I don't want to hit up. I do know what this has been bothering me. That's what we'll talk about when we come back, O geez. Right after this, Tommy, you're listening to the Morning Show, all right, As promised, we're going to talk about This segment is dedicated to the o G s wherever you are, if you already know you're an o G. And if you're about to find out, yeah, if you just found out, whatever the case may be. What happened Jr. No, about two weeks ago, I wouldn't gonna play basketball, right, one of my partners, Tony Graham Man. So yeah, so we go out to the court and everything, and I'm out there. You know, I ain't played ball in about seven eight years. Play. Yeah, I played play like three and a half games. I don't finished the last. So one guy was coming down the court and the dude said, hey, school, get your man over there. I didn't know who you're talking to. I was schooled. That's how you know. You Oh, when somebody else introduced you to let you go. I ain't never been called school old school, right? Who is he talking? So I'm at this? This is man, this I got two. Um, I'm making fast. So I'm at the Rockets game. I'm at the Rockets game. And this is a while back. Yeah, this is doing the playoffs. This is actually this is game seven and and I'm I'm tech soon shock, and he ain't texting me back. And then he finally says, who is this, I said, this is Tommy. He said, you're changing number again. I said, I ain't changing my number. You do the one always changing your number. He said, my bad, old g Come holly at me doing shock. I'm not old man. You're part of the game. Yeah you older than shock. Yeah I'm older. Yeah. Oh well he's respecting. Okay. Now in l A, when we're here at the studio, I go cross the street. This is a few weeks back. I go cross the street and get get uh to the barber shop and give a beer. Done right, come back across the street and walking here comes to his brother with a pit bull on the leash. And I passed by, and you know, threw my little head up like how you're doing? How you doing? And then he I think he said, old g sir, how you doing? He gave but okay, I will I will see your school and I'll raise your old g. But when somebody meets me to go, oh man, that's um, that's that's old dude. That's old boy right there too. So yeah, you when they tell you, tell me, I'm who's gonna call it school? Don't about the fight. But then but then he was right because I didn't finish all my games because you weren't holding it him. I know, man says like Steve says, old is the goal. All right, we'll be back with more right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve's on vacation crew is in and doing what well? Thanks to our reliance guys on the internet for every single thing, it seems these days people are forced to remember just tons of different passwords, okay, and we have to answer a variety of security questions, and it seems many of us are fed up with it. A recently, yeah yeah, A recent poll finds that of US adults think extra online security procedures are unnecessary. People have had enough of elaborate passwords made up of numbers, symbols, and more, which could explain why people struggled to remember all their passwords. Most people have an average of thirty four different online account including email accounts, social media, shopping account and more. So, guys, do you think you do a good job but creating passwords for your account? Do you have a hard time remembering all your parents had one number? The same number? Yeah, I can't remember none of them. But I hate when you forget and you got to go through this. You know what's your favorite story? He said, what's your favorite ice cream? You know what you told? I don't know what I told y'all Feer first elementary school. Yeah, but the one that gets me is who set behind you in the third grade. I don't know behind me in the third grade. I never get my money there. And the banking one, you got to make sure you know you're well for your baking, because I got locked out my own account and they won't they won't help you at all because you could be anyone identity to tell change real the banks is my thumb print to get into the phone, just get right into your now. If I lose my thumbs, I've in trouble. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. I if I scratched this thumb and it don't print up right there. But you know what I did. I got a notebook right down all the passwords, and sometimes you went backing paper. Listen, listen, because sometimes when you reset the passwords and you want the password that you want, you can't have it. You're going and keep going. Then you come up with one and you go, WHOA, what did I come up? With Yeah. Yeah, I'm really It's not only pad, it's stuff in the house that you like. I know, I put it here. I don't know where the hell it iss. Now you got to find the password with the book all the way home, pass by the day. Can't let that baby sitting. But I put I Love with all my passwords in my phone and then forgot the password to the day. And listen and listen. You have to remember this. This is what I learned recently. You have to remember some numbers in your phone. What if you lose your phone, you gotta I'm just gonna have your wife's number, your kids, everybody. My son's number is son. Yeah, but I have to commit it to memory. You have to commit some of these numbers to My daughter's name number is Kesha. I don't know how we remember some numbers. Yes, they had like three games. Well it wasn't that many numbers. Don't want that many people, That's right, that's right, averybody lit it one. Yeah, but that headspace and put it in your phone. And now you can't put it back in your head space. You have no more space my phone. You never knew I was in that cave. I'll tell you what else I forget. Yeah, I'll be that of the cave. You'll never find me. I love my phone. I don't know about nothing. If my phone was in the cave, I'm going back to I'm going back in that cave, whether or would out to rescue work. I'm going to get that phone. Boy, I don't leave my phone nowhere. Yeah, but you know, if if you know, something happens if you leave it on the plane, call nobody and a lever tell you something. When we live in New York, I left my phone in a cab, I swear to you. I caught that cab at the second like I'll tell you right now. Who don't believe you? Page and walked right in, walk right into that one whole on the floor. I'm telling you, guys, you gotta remember one number because if you're you have to call people. All Right, we'll be back to close out the show. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show, all right? Just before we get to our closing remarks out today, which will be done by the three comedians three Old Gee, I like Old Hey, listen, don't forget. Don't forget tomorrow at seven twenty eastern, six Central We're going to play Are you smarter the Nephew Tommy, or, as I like to call it, who isn't like a loyal Yeah, A loyal listener and Nephew Tommy will each be given sixty seconds to correctly answer our trivia questions. If you are smarter than Nephew Tommy, you'll win a one hundred dollar cash gift card, Plus you'll be given the chance to win the grand prize of one million. You can't play, and let you register at Steve Harvey FM dot com. All right, question Tommy, Tommy, how did you think you did today? You know, I didn't do too bad, you know, really, because you only got one right, you know what? I think it's like spades. It was one with a possible three. I think it went more like that. But you didn't even make a board by Actually it was just one one with impossible. No, you're just one one with im possible. It's embarrassing, man, it's possible that you don't get none of these right way, y'all wait to morrow. I'm gonna show y'all. So let's practice right now. Off the top of your head, name the seven continents right now? What I asked you this yesterday. What the seven continents? Okay? North America, South America, I thought you. I ain't think you got them too, Asia, Europe? I mean I got rest of the boy right japaying No, honey, boy man, I'm not asy to do all that though, but you know we talked to us somebody who don't even know what a continent is Texas. Now I'm gonna go with y'all. Never like you. That's not easy. Smarter than a few tommy tomorrow seven twenty, I am. Yeah, so you can get some money. Yeah, this ain't easy. Tomorrow now easy, but it was easy to that. Well, we'll see, we'll see, we'll see. You only got one okay, Hey, I'm only one person. Okay, we have our clothes, we did, yeah, yeah, we do. Yeah, we got some smart We got some smart clothes around and its goals out to and it's dedicated. First of all, it's from the three it's the three O G. Yeah, I'm not old. Closing remarks to day. The title is this keep your ass out of these caves. Caves. Caves are for bass to hibernate in the winter. That's what caves are for. Now. The Three O G s are gonna talk to our people this morning. Yeah, okay, And we just want to know who's that that coaches that does teers do little football, baseball, football, so whatever the case, snoop dollars football. Yeah, one on in Florida was um in Florida football. And I know what you're looking for. You're looking for some sort of entertainment to have the kids the team, take the team on an outing. Yeah, you know someplace they can go that's safe, right, But caves is not it. That's not it. Say your ass and that we didn't change it to say your ass at the cave. The cave, that's it. And you're talking to who now? People that are coaches, Yeah, coaches that want to take the league football, baseball team, little team, all of that, all of that, but we need to give them some places they can take the team. Take them. You can take them to the mall to walk around in the mall, walk around the mall and nothing with that. But if they you know, if the kids want to they love water, you understand, take them to your house. Yeah, turrying the sprint clown in the front yard. Yeah, let him run through that run through. You don't know how much fun. That is the whole team gonna run through, run through that. These games that nobody you let them sit on, say on your porch and play a game of that's my car. Nobody plays the game. There's nothing wrong with Give you another place that they can go that they see all the time. You know the field that you practice that across that field is a playground. Take the right over there after practice. That's what's on the monkey ball. We gotta go, no can, I'll tell you something better. Find you an old lady in the hood, uh that still got a clothes lane and let them zip line cross there. They got the two feet off the ground, they go across the yard. If you file, you get back up, Get back up. Here's another game. Everybody get a bag of rocks and they throw them at each other. Yeah, it's gonna hurt. Yeah, it's gonna it's gonna be. You ain't gonna be in the cave. Yeah. If you get ten glad trash bags and line them up and make one long one once some water now and just slide across that slipping slide and everybody it's safe. Yeah, you ain't got to go look at but nobody looking for nobody, everybody home. You know what, I'm not even against this, but hop Scott what it's safe? It's a safe game. One you to coach, you to coach, you said we're gonna play hide and go seek. You count a hundred, then you go on the house all night and everybody's fun. You ain't it okay? Anybody looking for you? We got a question? Yeah, they're all the boys have been rescued by the way and the coach, and that's why we had today's for closing remarks. I'm just wondering was it too soon? Safe? They safe by everybody. We love you. Thank you for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void we're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless other wise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. H