Trump and Horseface, TI, BET Awards, Chance and Kanye, Brothel and Sermon, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Oct 17, 2018, 2:45 PM

Hello and good morning. Trump calls Stormy Daniels out of her name. Last night The BET Hip Hop Awards went down. Chance The Rapper makes an endorsement for Mayor of Chicago. Kanye is in Uganda handing out shoes. Brothel owner in Nevada dies and there is a sermon for that. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about the importance of cutting people off and why plus more.

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know. Y'all bay a long looking back to back down, giving them moong like the milking buck bus things and it's tub y'all do me true good to the hearty o ye listening to me toch other for sto bar to hand quickly, moy, why don't you join well moby joint polling me? Honey said you got to turn to go? Yeah? Do you you gotta turn you to turn turn you love, you got to turn out to turn the water water go. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now wanting on this. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Uh huh, one more time, man, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. Ain't God been good to me? Wow? But then again, ain't He been good to you too? Though? I mean really, man, think of all the blessings God has given you. Think of all the things He's done for you, things that you ask for, things that you didn't ask for, things that you were expecting. Being all about all of the unexpected blessings. Man, he just keeps coming with it. Don't it. You know what, that's some good news today, though, y'all. You know, in the in the in the face of all the world being the way it is, the the evilness that's out there, it just it just seems like that's all that's on the news sometimes. You know, we got we got news of parents not really standing up being parents. We got news stories of chill to turn it on their parents. You got, you got everything the economy. You've got places you thought you should be beautiful places to go. Now they've got travel allerged. It's it's just it's all it's it's it's all over. But the good news is there's something that you can have in this relationship with God that gives you a way to deal with it all. And I'm not saying that it will it will protect you from every single thing out that is happening, because some things are going to happen to you. You're going to be in an accident from time to time. You're going to make a mistake and fall down from time to time. But man, wouldn't it be incredible to you for for you if you understood that you had some insurance in all of this that no matter what happened to you, you know you will cover it. You know, look, insurance companies as good as they are, you know, like our friends that stay farm or any other insurance come you know they do, they do some amazing things. Insurance is a really really good thing to happen in the event that something happens to you. You know, you may not want to pay the premium, but guess what in the event that something happens to you, that insurance is absolutely critical. Well, but guess what they cover certain things. You could get life insurance, you can get auto insurance, you can get accident insurance, you can get health insurance. There is nothing that you can buy to safeguard you against life's decisions. You know, if you make a mistake, if you cheat, if you lie, if you if you fall down and you can't seem to get it together, and you make a crazy decision about how you're gonna go about securing an income, that there are there are no policies you can buy for that. You can't buy a policy. If you stop being the man you're supposed to be, and and and and give up on your children. You can't buy a policy. If something happens as a mother, and all of a sudden you're not the mother you're supposed to be. But there is some insurance coverage out there for you. And that relationship that you form with God, that friendship that you form with him, that that alliance that you that that partnership, that that prayer that you put in all the time, there is an insurance policy that you have taken out when you form a relationship with your heavenly Father, when you form a friendship, when you form a bond that protects you, that protects you when these things happen in the event that they happen. Now here's a great thing about prayer. Prayer can head off some stuff from happening. It really really can. Prayer can prevent some things from happening. You know, I'll give you an examt up in my life. Okay, here we go, because see is the best way for me to do it, because see, what I don't like to do is is talk to people without letting them know, Hey, look I'm in this hole with you. I feel where yet? Okay, here we go. I was making some decisions a few years ago because what I thought I was doing was counterbalancing something that was happening in my life. You know, I thought that since I wasn't happy or well, for whatever the reason I thought I wasn't happy, if if I, as wrong as I am, wanted to blame somebody else from my unhappiness, that that's that's really if If if I make a bad decision because I'm thinking I'm unhappy with somebody, hold a part. Two wrongs don't make it right. And I make a decision to do something wrong, and now the consequences come when I do something wrong. See then that I already know as an intelligent thinking man, as most of you are, that when you do something wrong, that you know there is a consequence for that. I teach that to my son's when you do something wrong, there as a consequence. So as an adult, I fully understood the consequence. And so what I was doing was I was making some decisions that was causing some consequences in my life that was delaying my happiness, delaying my progress, causing my business not to go the way it could go, so forth and so on. Well, what I started doing was I took out this insurance policy called prayer, and I started putting it in my mix on a daily basis, and then I started putting it in my mix you know too, three times a day. And then I found myself using it all the time. And then I really started putting it in when when I didn't need any help, when I wasn't in trouble, I started putting insurance and I started making deposits into the bank. I started paying my premiums down. And prayer is like a premium, you just pay in to it. Then when situations started coming up, now it's that prayer that I had put in that in those premiums I had paid, it started preventing me from making the decisions I was making in the past. Thus I didn't have to the suffer the consequences. Thus my businesses didn't have to be delayed in this progress because I had put some payments on some premiums, I had taken out an insurance policy with my life, my real life. I'm talking about your life where you make your day to day decisions in I'm not talking about see life. Insurance is only good if you die. God has a policy that's avasable, that's available for you. Why are you living? See? In order foreign insurance policy to pay something bad got to happen, and now that maybe some others out there I don't know nothing about. But all the ones I got my car insurance, they only come into play if I have an accident. I have an accident insurance policy. Where's it gonna happens to me? I got accident, I got I got my voices covered in case something happened to that. I got that, but but I got to not be able to talk to cash that one. You understand everything I got homeowners insurance. Don't nothing show up on my homeowners insurance unless it's a flood or fire or fil Something bad got to happen for my insurance to even make sense. When you take out the policy with your with your heavenly father, when you pay the premiums of prayer, and that's all it costs. Man, it ain't you. Ain't gotta have no money for this policy. I put into the policy. It pays me dividends and benefits for living. Ain't nothing got to go wrong for me to cash in on this policy. I use this policy for good things. I give you an example. I use this policy to ask God to watch over my family when I travel. I use this policy to ask God to bless my sons on their journey into manhood. He covers me. I asked God to help make my dreams come true with this policy, He covers me. I asked God for the desires of my heart. He give them to me. I asked God to lead and God and protect me and keep me from making stupid decisions like I used to make. He's all right, partner, stop doing this, stop doing that now. Guess what. I'm not perfect, Steve Harvey long away from being perfect. I never claimed perfection. Man, Listen to me, y'all, make the decisions to pay your premiums in prayer, talk to your heavenly father, get you some insurance in your life. And when you have little things like that, keep on stepping man. God loves you. Man, Man, I shall hope you talk to God today because guess what he show would like to hear from you. That's for shows. But ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Fitting Welcome to the United States of America, where our commander in chief refers to women out of their name. Yeah, that's WoT. You know what. I've told a lot of jokes in my life. That one has never come up. What's not funny. I mean, I mean just it's not even not even a subject matter. That's not a premise. It's not what you do though, But I mean, nobody, it's stupid. Man, Good morning, everybody. Let's just do that morning Steve. Hello Steve. Yeah, but that's not the first time he's done that, Steve. He's he being the president. Yeah, he's made it almost his career, of the last of his campaign and now the presidency. Out of that, he's you know, says some horrible things about women. Yeah, he has a history of it. Yeah, derogatory things. I mean, it's disgusting. Here's the incredible thing about it. He can do no wrong to his base dog he said, he told us though he said, I could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue. He knew it because he knows who they are. He knows how they are. They are deep seated in power, control, and money. And as long as he could represent those three things, power, control, and money, they wit him. And what's crazy. That includes the poorest of them, because they love saying age one of us. But even though you ain't one of them, But they don't realize that they think they do benefit. Brother, you ain't only receiving in a nothing he got talking to you know, we'll help small businesses, small businesses, small business seven d fifty million dollars. That's what a small I thought. Seriously, if you look up, just go on the internet. Let's just do this. I'll tell you what when we come back. I'm gonna tell you what it is according to the Small Business Associate. So what the hell are you? Ain't got nothing? Okay, Tommy, I ain't got nothing. We just over here. That's a small business. Wow, you stunned the room. You shut it down with that. You have to have x amount employees to be considered a small business and then as an x amount for mid sized business and large companies. So all these mom and pop businesses things like that. That's not even on the radar. Huh. But we'll we'll talk about that. Now you just got a stove, we'll talk about that, and we'll talk about what President said about Stormy Daniels right after this. I'm not going on today. We'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to show. All right, Steve, So before we left, you were telling us what a small business. How much you had to have to be considered in America a small business. I'm pulling it up now, Okay, Well, in the meantime, I'll tell you about President Trump again. He's um, uh, you know, called a woman out of her name again. Uh. This is according to ABC News. Trump lashed out at Stormy Daniels. You know Stormy Daniels is the adult film star and her attorney, Michael Avenati. Yesterday, the president tweeted, federal judge throws out Stormy Daniel's lawsuit versus Trump. Trump is entitled to full legal fees at Fox News. Great, Now it can go after horse Face. Did you hear what I said? Now I can go after horse Face and her third rate lawyer in the great state of Texas. She will confirm the letters she signed. She knows nothing about me. A total con. She won horse Face when y'all was in the room, though, And see that's not true. She don't know nothing about your total car. You paid this woman a hundred thirty dollars, don't that's real? What's his name? Cohen? Michael Cohen? Him because he don't want to go to jail, right, Yeah, he got recordings all uh huh he and that singing like a human bird and important like octopus your hands, and he wanted to pay the money to her. Yeah, he got more than amos. He got real record, and he got a lot of He got a lot of intrigue and laughs like and let me tell you this and another thing and yet some meth. Yeah, I ain't forgot. According to The New York Times, President Trump, we all know this, has a history of attacking women by mocking their bodily functions, demeaning their looks. He has called women fat and ugly. Do you remember when he posted a picture of Ted Cruz's wife, uh, saying images are worth a thousand words. And yeah, and and pretty recently, after Amarossa left the White House, he called her that dog. Yeah you know, I mean president other United States? Wow, where's that? Get out and vote? Yeah? Did you find it yet? Still? No, I ain't good at this. I'm just gonna stop saying it. Yeah I was. I was. I was taking it back when you said I'm pulling it up now, pulling up so much stuff that ain't it for talking about what you have to have? How much? I didn't I didn't put it in here and phrasing. And I didn't came over with here's what the owner of a small business really earned, because I thought you said seven million at first. But when you do when you're talking about what they're talking about, here's here's what you see. When they say small business, they're not referring to those who own a company or store. You got lawn more service. They're not talking about Donald when they referred that they're here to help the small businessman out. They're talking millions and millions of dollars for small cap businesses. That's a lie that they tell. The Conservative Party cares nothing about small businesses as you think they're talking to you think they care about your T shirt shop? M not at all. Huh No, they're in it for the big run. This is the big boy stuff. But they say small business over and over and over. We care about the small business. You remember when um, I don't forgot who that was that was running and they kept pulling up this Joe the plumber guy. Oh yeah that was wasn't that, uh Met Romney when he was running Yeah yeah with against Obama the second term. Hey, they didn't do nothing for this man. They didn't do nothing they're not really talking about him. They say, small business, we're gonna get you on your feet, but they're still talking about that upper echelon that they don't care that when they say small business, they talk about a small market cap, businesses that make a lot of money with seven hundred employees and stuff like that. And you've got me a captain, you've got large captain. They're talking about that, they're not talking about you. That same tax break that the Republicans just passed, they gave the average person a two thousand dollar tax credit over the year. That's over the year. What they didn't show you was what they gave the big boys. And that's what they were talking about on CNN one night. Was work fair, not welfare, work fair. How many concessions they make for big corporations, which does allow them to keep more money, which does allow them to become more profitable and possibly supposedly to hire more people. They take care of the big boys. Man, And you're talking about small businesses because we're talking about Trump's base. The reason why you're bringing that up because it doesn't matter what he says about women or anything. They think it's okay and that that he's talking to them. Yeah, Stormy Daniels gets her case tossed out and right, and she has to pay his legal face the president's you know, which is really crazy. Yeah, but that has nothing to do with the other suit that they have coming up about the hundred and thirty dollars. That has nothing to do with that. And her attorney, Michael Abanati is considering running for president. There's a lot going on. Uh huh, Yeah, he's considering it. He's he's talked about it on CNN. He's gonna beat Kanye. Kanye is not running. Yeah, yeah, that's if he's doing well. He don't get his ass back away from the edge of the cliff. We've got to get on this medication African right now, Steve, I don't see how Kanye is a good little dude. Man. It's something going on and I don't know what it is, but he got to get away from the edge of this cliff. You can't stand when the yeah is the next one and then the one after that. He don't want to run against Trump because that's his boy, that's his dad. Is dad? All right? Listen, all we can say is vote on November six, and uh when we come back. We're gonna run that prank back with the Nephew right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment News. The two thousand eighteen b ET Hip Hop Awards were last night. We're gonna talk about the highlights and the winners. But yeah, all right, right now, it's the Nephew. He's on deck with run that prank back? What you got next? TV Star slash, TV Star, Facebook bandit Facebook band run I love And I'm trying to reach mart Reese. Yeah, that's maes. How you doing, man, my name is Dorsey. I'm trying to reach out to you. You You're on Facebook quite a bit. I am. I am, I right. I mean I'm on the computer a lot, man, That's what I do. Okay, Um, my wife for some reason, manum, it seems that you've been having a lot of back and forth on Facebook with my wife Denise, and I'm trying to figure out you know, um, you know, at first it was kind of cute or whatever. You know, I don't seeing your name on the wall all the time, and you keep eye end and my wife back and forth, and I'm sing, you mean I am an instant message. That's what I mean. You know what I'm talking about. So my thing is what what is all this here with us? A little? What you said? Your name was? My name? Dorsey? Okay, Dorsey checked this out? Man, I got over four hundred plus friends on Facebook. I don't know who your wife she is. I don't I don't recall. I am in no Denise right now. And hey, I don't know who she is. Man. I think you got let me, let me, let me, let me bring it to you. What so we can refresh your memory because you're constantly asking her about how things used to be. Remember when we did this, Remember when we did that? You know, it's a whole lot of remember this and not and and you asking her, you know, about hooking up whenever she got time. Okay, see, I don't even do that, man. I don't even do that. I don't do that. Man. I got too much to lose. I don't do nothing like that. Man. You know I could, I could. I can have over thirty out of fourteen hundred friends. Man, I can't have it over thirty Denises on that. Man. Okay, Well I'll tell you what man, are you telling all the Denises that you want to hook up with them? Are you telling all the deniss Remember this, Remember that I ain't telling nobody nothing. Man. Look I try to live my life as peaceful as possible. Man, I'm not on that. Okay. So I you know Darius, whatever your name is, man, name is Dorsey. And let's explain something to you. Man. I didn't seen pictures brother of high school pictures of you and a group on the on the site, so I know exactly what you look like. Okay, you say me and who? I didn't seen a group of you all and went to high school together. And evidently you know you wanted these guys. So I'm gonna figure out exactly which one bore. So what I was tagged on the photo or something like that, what however you want to call? I don't know much about the damn All I'm letting you know is that I got a problem with you, Maurice hitting my wife trying to see about can't she get out what you? Can't she do this? Can't she do that? Look? You need to know Dorsey, Man, it's don't give up what your name is? Man. First of all, I'm gonna toilet and you're calling me early in the morning. What I already got. Look, I'm peaceful, man, I don't even cust No mo man, you don't got me out of my out of my zone. Man. Look, I don't know who your wife is. I don't be on Facebook like that. It stay up in the corner while I'm on the computers doing it. Looks like I'm going head. You understanding? My wife is denied. You're talking to Dorothy. You understand me. Now, let me tell you something. If I see you on the wall, if I see you, I end and my wife. It's gonna be some ma reeces. You don't even know where I live, dude, Oh don't I don't know who I will find that if I found your number. Don't think I won't find you find about your find You ain't you? Ain't you do got my number? How the hell did you get my number? Don't worry about that. You're gonna be saying that when I get on your front doorstep. Hell you find my eye dress? Yeah, you come to my door and see what's gonna happen? Man? And when I leave, you happen. Why the hell did you whop my That's what you're gonna be name I got you. Come on, hello, I'm gonna say this one more time, and I'm gonna say it clear my race. If I see your name on my computer dealing with my wife Denise again, I'm coming to your house and I'm whomping your Okay. Look look, Darious, I'm listen. Man, it's botsy man, Dorsey. I'm I apologize, Dorsey. Look, man, I feel for you, you know. I you know, it seems like your wife is on the computer a lot of hay she she, I am in people whatever. But I'm the wrong cat to talk to. Man. You need to talk to your wife. Man. You know y'all need to settle that. Man. Maybe y'all need to go to church, man, talk to the past or something. But I'm the wrong cat. Man. All right, I'm gonna tell you something. Man. You can tell about you feel for me. You understand. Let me tell you something I feel for you. If I see your on my white computer one more time. If I see a baby picture, a high school picture, high school fleet art pictures, I don't give it. If you play football ran track. If I see any picture anything dealing with your name mark reised on my white computer. I'm kicking y'all. Wow, wow, wow. You know women, I don't give up who you is? Gave he is? Whoever? I can't even remember what your name is. Man, do not call my house mo. Mo. I don't know who the white is and you know what my access is. Trill man, you come on down here to Kada, Georgia. You come so what I'm saying to you and get you I gave you get to talk. I told you where I live at. No you bring to my door and you see what happened. I did one more thing and I want to say to you you an you guys say up to me man, yes, I do my reef before I get in my car. Head over. Now, I got one more thing I want to say. Did you listening? I'm hanging up. Are you listening to make what you got to say? This is next? You tim from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just I prank by your boy Chriss. Hello, Well you say who who this is? Neph your timing man from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your boy Chris got me to prank? Folks call you dog called christ Man. Oh believe it? Man, man, man, you're gonna make me close my Facebook account. Man. Wow, let me ask you, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land? Steve Harvey Morning Show? Facebook? Camping about that? You know what I'm saying? Yeah, okay, you know you've been careful out there Facebook. Okay, I'm the prank banded baby, the prank bandit is letting you know, be careful about the Facebook band. It's gonna happen, Timmy. I'm telling face banded, it's gonna happen though, And it's gonna be And what's gonna what's really gonna be crazy about it? Timmy gonna be so surprised. He didn't gonna understand? What what? What? Why? If somebody walks up to me and hit, I'm gonna be surprised. And you know he's got this new TV show, so more people are going to recognize you. Now tell me. And what's the name of the show? Ready to Love? Noticed? They didn't put it w in that they show didn't want to name it. Where to Love? When to Love? Who to Love? Ready? Yea? Make it easy? It would have been funny. November ninth and tent Tunica Tunica, that's Fitz Tunica Hotel and Casino that is in Tunica, Mississippi. And Nephews coming to town November night and tent Tickets on sale right now, laying in the cutting November fifteen through the seventeenth, Richmond, Virginia. The Funny Bone coming to Richmond, Virginia. Been a long time and Nephew was on his way back. All right, that's it for now. Well, I'm a surprised you I'm gonna come to one of them shows. Man. I wish you would though. I told you when the help you want to come open, redo the lineup, then whenever you want to come open. All right, listen coming up at the top of the hour. And Entertainment News two thousand eight. Ten b ET Hip Hop Awards were last night. We're gonna talk about the highlights and the winners right after this. You're listening to the Steve Show, all right. The b ET Hip Hop Awards were last night. It was hosted by comedian d Ray Davis Drake's Funny he Is He Drake Lad with eleven nominations including Lyricists of the Year, Album of the Year, Single of the Year, and m VP of the Year. Cardi b Though was right on his tails with ten nominations. Other multiple nominees include Childish Gambino with six, Travis Scott, and Kendrick Lamar with fun and Carlo You Have More Force, right, Yeah? I watched the show last night. The War Show was in Miami, Steve, so it was it was that, it was different. It was cool though. Album of the Year went to the Carter's Everything Is Love and That is a j and Beyonce. I love Love love that album. Curtie B. Yeah, I know, right, JUNR. That's our album, right man, Curtie B. Yo Gotti t I uh, let's see Gucci maney all perform a little Wayne Uh. He got honored with the I Am Hip Hop Awards. He got a standing ovation. DJ called and Bumby presented him with that Kendrick Lamar everybody they were this, you know, giving Wayne Love in the in the video presentation. But this is it though, this is it for you, Steve. Guests who closed out the show, what is your soul? It? They did? That's weird. Come on, did you ready sick this thing over your board? Man? Yeah? You he killed the cat. He killed it. It was so funny. He had Snoop Dogg in the video presentation. But little Duvall was bouncing across that stage living his best like killing killing it up the ET hip Hop Awards and living his best life. I should say that was funny. All I can do is thinking about you, Steve singing that song. Man, that's my jam it one time, Steve hit it one time. I'm living my bachelor. I ain't going back my bed far, I ain't got time. Yeah, I remember my back. You're gonna kiss my rewrite, rewrite it, make it your Yeah. The name of the song is smiled Kame the song that BT hip hop a boy. So I did this thing that hit the Cipher's last night. Erica Badod was in it chair and t I performed too. So what you got? You know? I was waiting for this t I situation. Okay, all right, we're gonna talk about it. T I the video with the Milannia look alike, the first Lady look alike. Uh yeah, Broy. A lot of controversy over this, yeah, a lot of controversy over this video. White House is a little up in arms, Milania Trump little up in arms, her people up in arms. We'll talk about it. Uh, but who it was crazy UH spokesman for the First UH for the First Ladies. Her name is Stephanie Grisham. She tweeted, how is this acceptable? Hashtag disgusting, hashtag boycott t I. Yeah, until he went too far? Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, he's been doing h it hurt. Don't all right, We'll get into this t I video and talk about it. The Milannia look alike that he had in the video replica of the Oval office all of that time for today's headlines, Ladies and gentlemen, miss a trip? Do you thank? Surely? Everybody out there? This is the news, Okay. The search for evidence and the disappearance of a Washington Post reporter, Jamalica Shogi and his stumble a week and a half ago continues now, with Turkish and Saudi Arabian teams searching the resident of these residents, rather the Saudi Council General, who mysteriously left the country before any search could begin. The latest search is part of the overall search for clues to exactly what happened because show Gi after he was seen on video entering the Saudi constantly but not leaving, and law enforcement from both in Stanbul and Riad reportedly found some things in the constant things that were painted over the church say they have audio and video evidence of kau Show's murder and dismemberment. They also say part of the fifteen man apparent team that flew in that day from Saudi Arabia and then flew out that a lot of them are personal members of the personal guard of the Prince of Saudi Arabia. Product here we go with the fiscal government and the federal government saying that it's just ended the eighteen fiscal year with seven hundred and seventy nine billion dollars in the red. Predictably, the Republicans, like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, blame me. The entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Has been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs. Hopefully, at some point here we'll get serious about this. We haven't been yet. The government says that the seventeen percent jump is mostly the result of the Republican Tact cut and the Trump administration's increase in military spending. The federal deficit expected to grow by more than a trillion dollars that's trillion with a T during the current fiscal year. Authorities for the centers of these these the Disease Control and Preventions say they're investigating an illness that is sick and youngsters in twenty two states this year. The CDC says it's mystery malady causes muscle weakness and paralysis. The children have gotten over quickly some of them, and others remain paralyzed. Researchers say it's called acute flaccid milites or a FM. There are some sixty two confirmed cases, but they're looking at about forty others, and symptoms include drooping eyelids and difficulties swallowing. Dozens of people still unaccounted for in the Florida Panhandle, parts of Georgia and Virginia in the wake of Hurricane Michael. Officials now say the storm killed at least sixteen people in Florida alone. Meanwhile, heavy rains of falling across central Texas have caused a river northwest of Austin Austin, Texas to overflow its banks, and they're expected to keep flowing and flowing and flowing because they're raining there off and on today By the way. The internet domain aim of now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is being used to help sexual assault victims. The New York Jilly News says that Brett Kavanaugh dot Com launched last week as a landing page for survivors of sexual abuse who are seeking help. Finally, today is National Face Your Fears Day. That's right, face him, don't run away most of us do. I do. Use up Steve Harvey mansion. Don't run away from us. Find out if Uncle Steve is smarter than his nephew. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour and a Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So we're talking earlier about this TI video. Yeah, it's trending everywhere. TI video. Um, well, it's got everyone's attention and including the White House. Um he had. It's a video with the Uh. It's filmed in a replica of the Oval Office at the White House. Um. They show President Trump leaving on Air Force one, and then t I is in the Oval Office sitting in a chair smoking a cigar, and a woman comes in who looks like Lannia Trump and has that I don't care jacket on and oh my goodness. Yeah, and you know, t I is um, like I said, in the Oval office, puffing a cigar and uh, Melania look like look alike walks in. She's, you know, wearing that. I really don't care. Jackets strips down, shows off her assets on top of the President's desk. The impostors private parts are blurred out in the clip, thank god, and the caption t I wrote, dear showed off for what I s her private parts here? Yeah, they're blurred out in the clip. Thank god for that. But t I wrote in a caption dear forty five, I ain't Kanye m but she looked just like them. Yeah, yeah for me. You know, you can call it art however you want to do it. Uh, it's it's it's it's a troubling situation. And for two reasons. First of all, I don't do people's wife because I'm not going to allow you to do mine, So I don't do nobody's wife. That's for starting. But secondly, the president has offered up some pretty what flammatory remarks about women from even on the campaign trail, from cruise his wife, how women look to the doctor Ford who was in the trial. I mean, he just has made some remarks about women overall. On the bus with Billy bush Um, He's made some remarks. So when it comes back your way, Uh, Now, everybody in the White House is a paul when so many of us are pauled by so many things, even as recently as getting overturned Stormy Daniels defamation of character. I believe the world was lawsuit. Yeah, and where he called her horse face, you know, I mean, you know, it's it's hard to do that to people and then expect it never to be done for you. I'm a little concerned about it. And I'll tell you why when we come back, I'll tell you who I would not come back. All right, coming up next, we'll talk more about this. You're listening to alright, So, Steve, before we went to break, we were talking about the video with t I and this Melania look alike that he had in the Oval Office replica in his video. There was a video coming out and once again the two things is Donald Trump has said some really really nasty things about women, disrespectful about other people. And so when it comes back your way, the uproard is coming from the White House. House is like, okay, you got this right here. Okay, cool, So I got that part. You put this stuff out, some of it bound to come back to you. Here's the thing that I'm concerned about. And I said this once before, and I even spoke to Snoop about it, you know, when he did the thing about going out on that. Brothers, this ain't nothing to do with fear. This is just using your brain. These people are connected in the government. The I asked, man, don't you think they ain't got friends over there? They start pushing buttons, man, they can start digging up and making your life uncomfortable. That's the only thing I would be concerned about here, you know. And I mean you know, I guess you know. I mean that's cool. People can do what they want to do, you know. And hip hop is the truth tellers of our generation. I got all of that, but man on, man on, man, I just warn brothers, man, y'all gotta be smart and careful because they're not playing about their power, they position and their money. They're not playing about that, and they're not gonna let nothing get in the way of that. They didn't let these accusations of Kavanaugh get in the way of it. They didn't let the fact that he said you can grab a woman by the pe get in the way of it. They ain't stopped it. You can. You can bring a playboy buddy to your house where your wife lives. And you can pay off a poll and stark, you can do all of that, and and and and as long as we get to keep our power position and money, we're gonna let that ride. Do not underestimate these people love of their power, position and money. And you just gotta be smart, brothers. That's all I'm saying to you. Man, you can you cannot support him and dog him and talk about him. I'm with it, but you gotta be careful how far you go organized groups, right, bro, I haven't seen this. Listen. Listen, they make calls to one another and they push buttons. You know, ain't nobody fin to come to your house and pull you out on the porch. Whoop you? That ain't what's finning. Happens. You fin to get some letters in the mail. All of a sudden you just get an audit. Then all of a sudden, something go wrong in the audit. Then you get another call, and then you know, we find out that your probation had a little of stipulation. Well you dog you dog on right there, dirt pics period is dirty, bro, They dirty for real. If you don't think they do this, fellas, listen to me. You don't think the iyists can call you man? Are you free? You know? And I'm I'm all right with Tia. You know, we're friends or nothing, but I'm all right with him. If I had the opportunity to say to him, I would say, be careful, you can't take naked back. This is out. He's a visionary and went there, you know, lord him mercy ter cruise got past it. Donald Trump is our prayers. I said, boy, when he said dirty politics are, I said, that's about the biggest cowardout and sing I'll tell you what I like about Donald right, that's my dude. Man, You know, bro, I was sitting there looking at that going and seriously, that was one of the saddest moments for me as a man. So the White House, Melania Trump spokesperson, they're calling for a boycott of TIA's music. So, and that's stupid because when they yeah, they ain't that grand hustle king on the South, bring him out, bring him out, none of that. I don't even know how I know him. Up next with the prank phone call. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for today. Subject. He talks a lot of trash in the bedroom. Who the subject again? He talks a lot of trash in the bedrooms. But right now, wait till you hear it. Right now, it's the nephew with today's prank phone call. Please tell us frank us first, all right, we'll prank you prayers. All right, that's right. Here's your drunk husband, your husband Cato. You got a hold on hen. Okay, I got your phone. I'll give your wife a call. Hello, hello, right right now. You're inebriated, sir, okay, right now, to be taking you in, But I'm not gonna do that. You let me if I'm able to come and pick you up, I'll let her come get you. All right. I'm Brian is gonna officer. Brian's gonna put you in his squad car. I'm gonna call your wife. I've got the phone dialing now, all right, Okay, Hello, Hello, who is he? Whom? I? Who am I fushing with? Please? Who is this? This is Officer Daniels out for Daniel you just called from. This is my husband not but who is who is out? Tod? I am Officer Daniel's man. Here's your husband's actually being pulled over and he's been uh actually he's in another officer's car. He's he's a little bit inebriated here and we're trying to see about getting them picked up. I'm trying my best not to take him in today, so I'm trying to be a good Samaritan. I'm trying to get someone to come and pick him up. Hold on, hold on, hold on, back up, back up. You got my husband? Uh what I got here on the driver's licenses Kenny Kenny, and he's with you now. He's actually an office to Brian's squad car right now. So he was actually uh bobbing and weaving out on the road and we pulled him over. He's not creating any problems. The young lady wasn't creating any problems. So what we're trying, what we're trying to do is get somebody to come and pick him up. You don't help my husband because my husband has had worked so he can't be in No officers, Bryan in your car and backup? Did you say tim again? Did you say somebody's with Kenney? That was a young lady in the car. Man, we're actually letting her go because she's not inebriated. Uh. From the look though at somebody, she's calling somebody to pick her up. Now, Man, No, I can't believe it. Kenny, and I know that dirty song gotten them back in my car. That's my car and you said that he had Tillman, this officer tell me this look at that and telling what she's look like. If that'd not be there, that'd not be the one. I think you have no excuse me, ma'am. I know what a really cruise. You're marded about it in my cause he's supposed to be working. I'm sorry. Ja jas okay, you're Joe Okay, No, just there. We'll talk to you a moment. Her name is Jasper. I'm not sure who, but keep them keeping yeah, holding that tid I get there. I'm on my way. I'm on my way right now. Hey, Bridget, I want you to watch these children from the time I get back, I'm going to see if I can give me a rat up to the truck stop and I'll be back in a minute. Hello, Yeah, Hello, I'm here. Yeah, I'm here. I'm here. Okay, man, listen, I can't. I can't stay here too much longer. I can, I can say, and maybe another fifteen twenty minutes. Somebody come to get the car. But I gotta keep moving here. I'm just trying to do it for nothing. I'm on my way. I'm all my way. I'm all my way. I got my purse in my hand. Um, all my way to that stop. Please don't take that nowhere because I got something for his And when I get there, I hope like hell and they they they's been calling me, so with me all to then leave for the attack. Get there because I got some things that I need to take care of. This thing. Don't move the squad car toil I get there. I'm all wait right now, right now, I be there in a minute. Well that took my time, picked up the date. We don't had arguments over this. It better not be that. It's better not I bet you. If bet not be here, it's better not be here. I'm all my way. I'll be there in a minute. I bet there. Keep that I get them. Okay, that was Kenny. Let me close and she can hear me better, ma'am. Uh. There was another gentleman that was in the back seat of the car that was riding with Kenny and the young lady. I don't give it others riding with Kenny. You just make sure he's there when I get there. Okay, okay, Now do you know who this other gentleman? Do you know? Uh? Nephew Tommy. I don't care, but I know you Matthew Tommy. Nephew Tommy sent for you. This is Nephew tomm Me from the Steve Wave and morning's your baby, your usban. Kenny got me to pray folk. Oh you yeah, who got you? Got you? Ain't kiddy just gonna happen to nye Tommy to go down the bank head in two eight and he gets home. He's still, oh my god, you are Oh my god. Now I'm gonna kick you at tom oh man, he told me, he said, man, my wife, don't play, he said, my man to pray my wife. You I'm dood, I'm doing it. I'm doing karia though he didn't work here your call at work? Work you be work? Hey, baby, tell me this. What's the baddest radio show in the land, Steve how it show? I don't know that you know what you're saying like that. I gotta say it just like this year acting my damn food acting damn. You don't can't wad you you do? Man? I just can't wait. I just don't. I can't wait for your TV show. I just can't wait. Ready to Love, Ready to Love. It's premiering October the twenty three on on ten nine cent. You don't want to miss me check your boy out. I think I gotta heat. I think it's good. It looks good, Timmy, it looks good. Yeah, well we saw this all Access last night. It was like a teaser of the show, and it looks good. Tommy, thank you. You've been working out. Yeah, I did enough for the summer, trying to lose it. I ain't ont lie. Did I look like No, you didn't look short? I mean fat, But I noticed on the show he was sitting down. I meant fat. You asked for fat, I meant fat. I don't know sure that shut dirt. I mean I meant fat. You said fat, And I'm sorry. What did Short come from out of this? I don't know. I don't know I answer where Short com been coming? This all started with you? You know that. But Tommy, congratulations that. We're so happy for you. Thank you, thank you, good man. It feels good, bro, Yeah, man, what do it feel like? Man? You know what it feels like. It feels good. I'm just I'm blessed. Ain't gonna cry around. Y'all want to do that around? Nobody want to hear around. You can cry. Y'all gave me the blues on that, so let me what was you crying for? Yeah? What was that all about? I gotta show and it looks like it's gonna be a hit though, Tommy, it really does. I think you're gonna like it. Y'all gonna love the ladies. You're gonna love the guys. You're gonna yeah, yeah, they ty And then I got one young stone. Then he don't get on my nerves. I'm just trying to school him and he I guess it's kind of like me and Steve. He don't want to listen to nothing else. He wanted familiar calm. It's come back on me. I'm gonna make you sick as here. You should go on there though you're single, doing you can do it, you know, Tom, you know they ain't ready for me yet. They got my whole body together yet. You know when I get my body, I'll be on it. All right, Let's get to the Strawberry Letter that's coming up next. Subject. He talks a lot of trash in the bedroom. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on sex, on dating, on work, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter, Right, Steve, you better know weed before me. Col I got to call my train and change my workout time. What do you mean I can't work out seven o'clock in the morning in NBC? Why not? Because Hell, I work out of my house. Weight is weight. I can't lift all of it? Know that. Well, you're coming down though, Steve, you are. I'm trying to just being a vegan. I don't know how much longer is is going Thanksgiving. Technically I'm down thirteen pounds. I could be more than that. I haven't checked. But that's good. That's me way moaning that though. Yeah, at this rate, I ain't gonna see the six pack. If I see my six pack, I think I'm gonna have to be sick. Sick back about the only way I think I'm gonna see you to be gravely bugle hold on type, we got it for you. Here it is hold on can say something, what we do that? And it would be my look that if I do get sick, that my stomach would be swollen, the rest of me will be skinny. I'm trying to get that six pack in my second I do not want that visual in my head. See here it is bugle hold on tight. We gotta play you Strawberry, all right, thank you, TV and radio star. Okay, subject he talks a lot of trash in the bedroom. Dear Steven Shirley, I need some serious advice, Steve. I've read all of your books and I follow many of your rules, especially the no sex before ninety days rule. I am dating a compassionate and caring man, and he's such a gentleman. He's affectionate but understood when I told him we should wait to be intimate it was no problem. So we had passed our ninety day trial period and we've started having sex. I felt like the time was right, and so did he. Well. The first three times we had sex, it was great and he was just as pleased as I was. But then things changed for the worst. He started talking dirty to me and calling me filthy names while we were being intimate. I was so turned off. I was so terned. Now I'm no prude, but there was nothing sexy about the words he used. No woman in her right mind would tolerate that. When I told him that I was not going to put up with it, he admitted that he has an unhealthy peign obsession and it affects his sex life. He says that he gets the most pleasure when he imagines himself in a porn film while he has sex. Uh. He said he would try to do better, and for the most part, we have good and bad intimate moment moment excuse me. I have started putting my hands over his mouth to stop him from talking to me crazy while we are having sex. He is often ashamed afterwards and Stephen Shirley, have you ever heard of such behavior? This is damaging our sex life. Please give me advice on how to handle this. Well, you know I have to tell you, Yeah, who hasn't heard of talking dirty during sex? I mean, everyone's heard of talking dirty during sex, but you sound like this is beyond even that. Uh. And to answer your question, No, I haven't quite heard of this kind of behavior. What you're describing here, what you're attempting to describe. And the fact that he admits that he has an unhealthy porn obsession. That sounds like a red flag to me because any obsession, um like that could get out of hand. Uh. You know you've heard of porn addiction, right, Um, you know, people get counseling and therapy and stuff for that sort of thing. He sounds like he has way too many freaky thoughts and words and and behavior for you. He's just too freaky for you, sounds like, and you're not with it, and that's why it's damaging your sex life, because you guys have to be on you know, the same page if you're going to have great sex. I mean, you have to be somewhat compatible here, and it doesn't sound like you are. He's a bit much for you and you don't like it. You've talked to him about it, He's told you his issues, and he's even ashamed afterwards. So I don't know. I think you guys need to do maybe um some sex therapy or something, because, um, this is pretty serious for you anyway, he's ashamed. But I don't know. I don't know, I don't know. I'm trying. I don't know about this. One is damaging your sex life, that's what you don't like. So maybe you need to talk to some professionals, Steve, That's all I got. Well you want to talk to a professional? Here we go rest yourself? What program? Yeah? Right? So you felt like to term was right? So did he. First three times we had sex, it was great. He was just as pleased as our But then things changed for the words. He started talking daddy to me and calling me filthy names while we were being intimate. I was so turned off. Now this wouldn't let it turn wrong. I'm no proof you got to be, because what is a proved person who don't kiss whole hands? No that's not what is? Uhh, yeah that isn't. You can kiss and and still be approved. That's why I just wanted y'all to hear what I'd be dealing with something wild wild. I'm no proof, but that was nothing sexy about the words he used. No woman in him right mind would tolerate that. And that's where you're wrong, lady. I'm sorry asked where you're wrong. Let me just go and say this, Hill, I haven't done just about damn near everything. Come on, I ain't never sold drugs, ain't never been hid them. The only two things other than that, I mean. Now, I don't know what you think is too far, But he've got to talk and dirty and called you filthy names. Now, so I come up with a few that I thought you might be a turn off to you during sex. No, all of these are for radio shore. Yeah, alright, look hold onto those those radio names. Well that two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour's subject of today's Strawberry Letter, he talks a lot of trash in the bedroom. Right after this you're listening show, All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. He talks a lot of trash in the bedroom. She waited ninety days. They thought the time was right. It's here. The first three times they had sex, it was amazing for both of them. Everybody, please next time though, he got to talk, and lord, he called me all kinds of filthy. Name what he called I'm gonna tell you. While we was being intimate, I was so turned off. Now I'm not a prude, but that was nothing sexy about the words he used. No woman and a right now, I would tolerate that. Now, let me just read arrested it before I gets thought. He says that he gets the most pleasure when he dripped himself in the porno film while he had sex. You didn't have to put your hands over his mouth because you got tired and being somebody he didn't there. Now, Oh, I know what's happening, But what happened one he didn't took it too far? On Ah, you spooky looking, Hell spooky, that's a fish. He did took the sex in his out of Now she's spooky looking. Come on with your role in Martin. Looking at okay, these you're right, you could say these are radio You're right. Let him fly. Come on, you better come on, come on, only the yeah, fix it, fix it for radio. Ah, you better give it to me, you ugly troll. Look at it. Come on, with your look just like your mama. Huh, yeah, I can't if you have to censor yourself. Those are pretty bad. That's what it is. It turns her off? Does turn her off? A pinky toe health? Yeah, come on, do me like the mail man when he's bringing him checks at the first out of the mind. Okay, I can't. I can't clean the mom. So unless she was awesome, let's back up a little bit. I think that what has happened is that the name calling then got a bit much. I don't think that it's sexy. You know, you think you used that word that's really offensive. Well, he used to be worded, heard him, but he took He used the rest of them too though. He got a combination. Yeah, he come bolder. Okay. So the first three times was just just to get you know, get it going, baby, good lord, look at hill, thank you. I can't believe I find him. Look at here. Yeah. Then he got comfort. Yea, he got called that ain't sexy? You be black? Oh? So have you been calling some stuff? Tom? Yeah? I stopped right away because it's not sexy to you. Come on, come on your own, you gonna Yeah. I wish I could say that. What do you mean you call me? Who have I ain't stopping. I'm glad to be here. I'm in attendance. Come on, Marcus, I'll be here. Wait a minute, Chris, I'll take it. I don't. I don't think I'm gonna get here. I'm just happy to be here. Yeah, to make sure I get back to you, and I go down to d V chain my drivers, like if I quit, because I can't. You can't stop, Steve, I can't fix my jokes for this. Well, she just wants to know how should she handle it? She well, she put her hand over his mouth. She did that. Yeah, because it's a turn off to her. I ain't feenna be too many more stupid amounts, right, you don't want to be turned off in the bedroom. Yeah, I mean he ain't just you know, sexy, He ain't doing sexy. Yeah, it's not working for her. This is not working for her. He's through out there for her. She's been ugly, spooky, spooky, spook, shout hair, heavy man, multi bag. When double back, she said, no woman in her right mind would tolerate this. M So you know, I like to shut up, but Stevie ashamed afterwards George Wallace looking, she says, it's not sexy. That doesn't sound sexy. Oh, none of this sounds sexy. There the biggie small stuff. Yeah, no woman in her right mind would tolerate this. He talks crazy to her. That's what she said. There's nothing sexy about the words he used. Yeah, surely hearphones play your favorite music. You ain't out of here, and you getting and be in your own concert. That would ask so then you're not present for it physically you are. All right, Look, guys, we gotta get out of here. Email us your Instagram a's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter At Steve RVFM. Coming up in ten minutes, we'll talk about two Chicago rappers, Kanye West and Chance the Rapper. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're gonna talk about two Chicago rappers. First, Chance the Rapper says he's not running from mayor of Chicago. He told reporters that the two thousand nineteen mayoral race will see the largest eighteen to voter turnout in Chicago history, and that's what we need. Uh. So Chance announced his endorsement of Amara uh Inya and underdog for the two thousand nineteen mayoral race. Take a listen. I'd like to say, very uh narcissistically if I back you, you have a chance, absolutely, and I'm I want to work with somebody that's that's about change, then somebody that's about our community, somebody that's about equity, somebody that's about fairness. And the one person and my research of this wide open race that use alive with me, um would obviously be uh candidate Amara Ya all right, I love that young y. Yeah, he said a lot of words. I didn't understand something. He can get the job. It's not running. My girlfriend texted me and said, Chance the rapper is running from mayor of Chicago. Well that's what he made people think. Yeah, yeah, exactly because our Rami Manuel is stepping down right m m yeah, Well, Um, that's good. Chance is for Chicago. He's young. He's going to get those young voters out there. That's what we need all over the country for the mid terms as well, to get the young people's vote too. Why don't you do that? Don't do that? Well, can't you do what them young voters? Kanye Kanye need a break Man. Well, that's what I said. Just stay in Africa coming. He's doing his album now, Yeah, in Africa. Now chances endorsement may put him at odds with his father, Ken Bennett, who has a political background, and his supporting um Cook County Board President Tony PreK Wrinkle in the race. When Chance was asked Tuesday why he didn't endorse prec Wrinkle, he was careful not to trash his father's candidate. Uh, he said, are you asking me why I didn't side with my dad? Like I said first, Amara is the most qualified candidate. At the end of the day, I'm always going to love my dad. I'm gonna always rock with my dad. But that has nothing to do with what I see as the future of Chicago. Interesting. Yeah, he's got his own mind. Yeah, alright, Um, well, another Chicago rapper is trending in the news. He has been for quite some time. We're talking, of course, about Kanye West. Kanye is in Africa right now. He's in Uganda, and he posted on Twitter yesterday a video of himself handing out pairs of Yeasy shoes to children in Uganda. The clip, captioned we Got Love, features Kanye and his wife Kim, arriving with their entourage to meet with a large group of orphan school children who sing songs, who sang songs upon their arrival. Kanye is currently in Uganda to work on his new album. It's titled Yandi. So there you go. So he's doing good things over there. He gave shoes to the Uganda president too, Yeah, signed him. He and Kim signed them. Uh so hopefully. Yeah, this album will be good. That's goods in Uganda. Absolutely, Yeah, it's good at it's over there in the motherland and you know all of that. Yeah, I'm glad that's going on with this president in Uganda. Some other issues, social issues that people are concerned that about. What go then meet with him, Saint Say, Saint Seems, Jim Brown making an album, Cavin they're entourage. Pick Sean is over there. Uh, I know he's good. He is. Yeah, anything you want to say tell me, Hey, don't know. I don't want to say nothing. Yeah, tu told twenty three Ready to love catch me. That's all I'm saying. Remember when you used to say I can say it. I'm not famous. You can't say that anymore. Once the TV show starts, you know that, right, I gotta learn all my little dudes and don't. Yeah, I think before you speak. That's number that's the biggest. That's number one. Yes, that's the one that's gonna hurt him. We're trying to help you because they're gonna be like, why is he Paul Steve, come on, help your nephew out. Well, you know, it's a different thing because his brand has expanded into the television world, which is controlled by sponsorship dollars. And that's what you can't do. You can't say anything so controversial, so offensive that one sponsor pools they all pull after that. So you're pretty much gonna have to just shut up, shut But that's true, though, Steve, because we have to do that to you all the time. Steve. It's exhaust Steve, Steve, it's exa for both of them. Yeah, yeah, man, what now why I can't say that? Because you can't. No, you need to beat your kids. You can't say that. That used to be normal. Exactly, that used to be normal. I think we all should have three that's Tommy allegedly. I know. I don't use my word. I need all I need everybody's words. You need to whole different. Yeah. Yeah, just practice thinking before you speak, that's all. He didn't done that. That's that's what comes out after he thought. All right. Listen coming up at the top of the hour, guys. Brothel owner and GOP Nevada legislature hopeful Dennis Hoff died at the same brothel where Lamar odom overdosed. We'll talk about it right after this you're listening to. The famed brothel owner turned politician died in Nevada on Tuesday. Official said. The seventy two year old was found dead at the Love Ranch in Crystal, Nevada, the same ranch where lamar Odom overdosed after ingesting cocaine and numerous doses of viagraa like medication, and thank goodness, lamar recovered of course. Anyway, the brothel owner died after a celebration with the weekend long bash that included porn stars and celebs like Flavor Flav Wow, Sad News. Yeah, brothel joke. Man. What they're doing in now, man, I don't know, but slaving and give it to let's boy. You know what time it is thought that hot bath suit black and white, spect the shoes on that clock. So when they go to the brothels. Dude, they stayed there like a whole weekend or something. I don't know. But when Flavor comes to the broth to a lot of white women, call, I ain't gonna make it tonight. Yeah. Um yeah, this is according to tmz Um. Dennis Hoff was a master when it came to publicity. He famously hired tire woods as mistress Javon James to work at the Bunny Ranch. That was back in two thousand and ten. He fired her and said I wish nothing but the worst for her. Dennis Hoss name. Wow, Dennis Hoff's name will remain. Yeah, I ain't do I don't do all this Hoff to play a golf dog. Yeah. Mr Haffs name will remain on the November ballot for state Assembly if half Winds and County commissioners would need to appoint a Republican to take that seat until the next election in two years. Wow. Yeah, so they will keep his name on that even though he's dead, even though he's deceased. Yeah, it will vote out there you go? Is the brother gonna stay over? Yeah? Yeah? Hey, what that funeral go look like? Over there? Though? Naked? Well, rolling in Huh, they're gonna have dinnis and flavor talk at it. Oh, I don't give a no, brother, I'm not opening sureley. Oh god, oh man boy, I'm just scared because I know that I know that the clothing gonna be limited after this. There's gonna be a lot to see, like what a a lot of fist. But the funeral should be at the brothel, don't you think it's? Yeah, rolling right on in the way here? You know this? Sure ain't got a church he get handing, ain't nobody. Ain't nobody in the hall back out? White ball impelled them, nasty help us been in him all this all everywhere. Can we get some church music and let Motown preach this thing? This this this you legit j J J P J J Baby to Jackpot joint of JERUSU. Yeah, what's his name? Come on path uh introduced. Welcome to the J P J J. That's the JP right now. Welcome to the Bunny Ranch. Well we are here to provide a wonderful funeral, a going home service, and coming to the podium is the one and only Reverend Motown. You're sure, thank you, Deacon d Thank you, Deacon Yes, yes, yes, looking around the room, I don't see my normal congregation. Now. He ain't no sister Sharonley, Ain't no sister car Ain't no sister Mississippi Monic Kill, not Hill neither. It's Jay. Now. Now we're uh having a going always service. I would say are going home service, but I don't know many people ever wanted to make Hell their home. So let's just say we're going somewhere. I'm here to preach the funeral. Uh. He was a strong man, a kind man. Some say he was a loving maid. A lot of loving. I think he loved too much. That might be here, which is why I'm here today. Today's sermon for the homegoing service is you're going somewhere. I just don't know where hell it is. One more time for the serv You're going somewhere. I just don't know what the hell it is. I like that now if you want to hear the sermon, you can come back later or just we're just doing title last time. You're going somewhere. I just don't know where the hell it is. Stopping right there, stop right there, all right. We'll be back with more on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty after you're listening sta show we we we we back. So I'm assuming y'all must want to heal discernmon. Yeah yeah, today's sermon for the broth Fireyale owner, the brother. You're going somewhere. I just don't know where the hell it is. Thank you. Some people I ventured to say, it's going to heaven. Can't get a man. Some people, others I ventured to say, will be going up a straight to hell. Yeah. Some people are going to the pair of the gates. Some pell's going to pay a tard. Yeah, that's in the mid Some the people, some of the people gonna bust open the gates of Hell. Yeah. Yeah. But we are here to talk about one man, a man that all that owned a brothel. Oh hookah. Yeah, they are here right now, a house of sid and debaucher. Yeah right, and now just ordering up sexual activity, you know, and you ain't getting what you want to show house now you're all down here, would need help them? Yeah, alden up sexual favors sex. Yeah. So we now, when this funeral is old, we need six hookers to volunteer to be Paul Battery. Come out right. You're gonna need y'all to be bad for it, because you're gonna have to carriage cash across that gray. That's how you roll if you want to stab your ass down in that yard you had the pumps on with his fat ass in his box. That we won't. Uh, I'm gonna pick up myself because this is not a voluntary thing. I won't. Six of the strongest hookers from the brothel. Yeah, I have your names right here, Stormy, thank you. Come come this way to thank you. Big Pearl. Please ring your hand right there, Please come this way than Big Pearl retired from the brothel, but she would want to the strongest women I ever knew. Nice back. Look at m hm big that's what they call a big peril Stormy sister. Ah oh w C. Why's that namepan WC. That's staying for weather Chanll. She get in their room and be whatever you need to be. You could be very k does that to relieve Eric QUI. A matter of fact, if if w we all need three Paul because big Perils say she got the whole, she can pack it out on her back. All right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morny Show right after this at thirty three after the hour You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, all Right. The b ET Hip Hop Awards were last night. It was hosted by comedian d Ray Davis. He's Funny, Silly, he is Drake Lad with eleven nominations, including Lyricists of the Year, Album of the Year, Single of the Year, and m VP of the Year. Cardi B, though was right on his tails with ten nominations. Other multiple nominees include Childish Gambino with six, Travis Scott and Kendrick Lamar with five, and Carlo You Have More Force right, Yeah, I watched the show last night. The War show was in Miami, Steve So it was it was it was different. It was cool though. Album of the Year went to The Carter's Everything Is Love and That is a j and Beyonce. I love Love love that album. Cardi B. Yeah, I know, right, Junior, That's our album, right man, Cardi B Yo, Gotti t i Uh, Let's see Gucci Maine all perform Little Wayne Uh. He got honored with the I Am hip Hop Awards. He the Standing Ovation. DJ Kaled and Bumby presented him with Dad, Kendrick Lamar, everybody. They were just you know, giving Wayne Love in the in the video presentation. But this is it thought, this is it for you, Steve guests who closed out the show. What is your soul? Let's see pit the cat they did. That's weird. Come on, did you already say this thing over your board? Man? Yeah, you ain't. He killed the cat. He killed it. It was so funny. He had Snoop Dogg in the video presentation. But new Ball was bouncing across that stage living his best like killing killing it at the Hip Hop Awards, living his best life. I should say, man, that's my jam it one time, Steve hit it one time. I'm living my batch. I ain't going back. I ain't got time. Yeah, I'm living my bech live. Look, kiss my whole, rewrite, rewrite it, make it your Yeah. The name of the song is smiled Kurt break name of the song. So that's a b T Hip Hop Award. So I did this thing that hit the Cipher's last Night Erica. But dude was in it chairly and t I performed too, So what you got? You know, it was waiting for this TI situation. Okay, all right, we're gonna talk about it. T I the video with the Milannia look alike, the First Lady look alike. Uh yeah, Roy. A lot of controversy over, yeah, a lot of controversy over this video. White House is little up in arms, Milannia Trump little up in arms, her people up in arms. We'll talk about it. Oh, it was crazy. Uh. Spokesman for the First uh for the First Ladies, her name is Stephanie Grisham. She tweeted, how is this acceptable? Hashtag disgusting, hashtag boycott t I Yeah, until you went too far? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, been doing huh hurt, don't all right, we'll be back with the last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks. We'll be back at forty nine after the hour right after this you're listening to show. There are our last break of the day, Steve's closing remarks. What you got for Steve? All right? Uh listen? Uh you know what, just want to remind people because it's it's a tough thing to cut people out your life. It's a tough decision for people to make because the average person, uh you know, that's a positive nature. They like positive things around them, positive energy, and it because it's difficult when you, as a positive or decent or caring person, has to be faced with the decision to cut somebody out your life. And I've had to do it many times, and I'm faced with the decision again even this stage of my life, that are people who I really should not have around me now. Because I have a sense of guilt, I continue to keep them. You know, I come up with excuses for them. You know what they're gonna do. You know if they're not here, what would they do if if if I remove them? What happens to them? Well, I mean that's because you're caring person, But can I tell you how much that ain't your business? H It's really really not. It's not your business, nor should you make it yours, because what will happen is if you guilt yourself into holding on to this person, you will continue to possess that nagging, gnawing feeling that you have every time you around them because they actually bring no real value to you. Oh they bring you a lot of promises. Oh they bring you a lot of Oh man, this is man, I got something big I'm working on. Oh you hear that all the time? Or I shall appreciate you. Lord, I don't know where I be without you. You've been, You've been such a blessing to me. You know you're gonna get it all kinds of ways, and that makes you feel even worse about the inevitable decision that you know you have to make. But let me help y'all understand something right here. People can be manipulative. People can be very very manipulative. And when a person know they're getting over on you, they say the things because they know you're a decent person, so they say the things to you to keep in the forefront of your mind and how decent you are. God, bless you. You've been a blessing to me. Lord, I don't know what I do without you. I thank God for people like you. Well, when do I get to thank God for you? When do you become such a blessing to me? When at the point in this relationship where every relationship should be give and take, when do I get to take something out? Because right now all I'm doing is given. I'm telling you, y'all, I know how you're feeling about cutting these people out your life, but you have got to because if there as a person in your life that's just on the receiving end of your friendship and give you nothing in return. They are on the receiving end of your paycheck and give you nothing in the return. They are receiving end of all your goodness and favors and give you no goodness and favors. You no longer have an obligation to that person. You really don't. And I remind you of something that Bishop Jake said. Sometimes you have to let people go so they can be freed up to their own destiny. See, because they keep tying their destiny to yours. But see, God didn't give them your destiny. They got their own destiny. You know, unless you're with your wife and your children, their destinies ain't tied to yours. And once your children get a certain age, your destiny don't belong to them no more. They have to they, as Marjorie says, their wings work. You gotta let them get out there and get the flapping so they can fly. So as you make your list of people who bring you nothing but bad news, they have to go. When you make your list of people who every time they call you they just won't something, they have to go. They have to go because they're slowing you down. They dead. Wait, they're sitting on the wagon and they ain't pushing. They ain't getting out the wig wagon to remove no rocks and to breathe out the way. They ain't trying to fill a pothole for you. They don't even repair wagon wheels. They just own your wagon, sitting there, legs up and just chilling you out on a rope, just pulling. You got to get rid of them people. The other people you have to get rid of is sometimey people, because you know what's so hard about some timeing people, because you don't never know when their time gonna be because they some timey. So sometime they're cool and sometime they ain't. And on the days when you need them be cool, that's what that's one of them some days where they am. So now you got on these sometimes people in your life and you've been going, well, they cool over here, but they ain't cool over there. If the people in your life ain't cool everywhere you take them and every time you talk to them, you got to get rid of them too. I'm sorry, now that's gonna shorten your list, But what good is the list if it ain't a good list. Stop just trying to have a list. It's like people in a bad relationship. So you're gonna stay in the bad relationship just so you can say you're in a relationship. Or will you free yourself so that you can be freed up to your destiny to possibly be in a good relationship. But you're never getting a good relationship if you're gonna stay and sit in the bad relationship which has proven year after year after year to be of no substance and no just no goodness for you. It just does nothing for you. But you're gonna stay in it just so you can say you in a relationship. That's crazy, man, that's crazy. So y'all think of about it. Those people that you gotta cut loose, You got a tough decision, but you have to do it. God to bless you for it too. And guess what, you have more more free time, you have more money and everything when you let them go and you don't even have to deal with the aggravation to them anymore. That's an amazing thing. So it's my closing remarks. You just want to remind you all that have great week. Be in everybody for all. Steve Harvey Contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.