Good morning and welcome to the ride! Call yo mama and dem it's official The Steve Harvey Morning Show is up and running. Find out who is closing doors and finding phones. The Chief Love Officer hears about a manipulative child with divorced parents along with trolls and more. 45 had an interview with ABC News. Tommy gives a wellness call to a loyal listener that works in her local hospital. The attorney for the family of Aubrey Arbery is pushing for immediate arrests. Sheryl Underwood spends extra time with the crew talking about Georgia and Indiana. Trump forgets his mask in AZ. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve has questions for a specific demographic and so much more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time? I don't know, y'all a sun giving them like the million bucks things in the stubbs stood Steve to the mother, I don't join joining. You gotta turn you're going to you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water, the water go. Come come on your baby now, ah I show. Well, Good morning everybody y'all listening to the voice. Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeo, man boy, God has been good to me. Man, I can't really count at all. You can't either, you know, it's all in perspective. You really can't count all that God has done for you if you look at every little thing. It's unbelievable the things He's done for us. How many times you know, we got through something without even talking to him about it. He just he just blessed us with it. How many you know? It's just it's so much that the fact that you wake up in the morning, the fact that you still have a place to stay, the fact that you know may be struggling out here, but guess what, You're still going to work you. You know, you live in check the check, but you're making it all. You got all the plates spinning. You know, it's hard. You got a lot of plates spinning, but you keep him up there somewhere. Every now I near one break, but he put two more back up there to look a little bit better. And you got to get to spending them so it all works. And then you got a lot of people who just can't seem to mentally put it together as to you know, why their life isn't in a position that they wanted to be. We talked about this oftentimes, but I don't want to try another angle with you to day. You know, maybe it's you. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe it's you. Maybe it's no external force that's at fault, like you keep making the excuse to be You know, so many people I hear, well, if this hadn't have done this, if he hadn't have done that, if she hadn't have done that, I would have been further along. I wasted all my time, my years with this man, and he did this, and I could have been here, and I could have been there, and this woman she did this to me. If she hadn't have done that I could have been here, and I could have been there. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's not really that external force that you keep making it out to be. See, I've done this to myself before. Once again, I'm talking to you about something I know about. I've done this to myself before. I've had the reason I wasn't where I wanted to be. I had it figured out as some external force. I had worked it out in my mind. Clearly it wasn't me, because if so and so, or if this hadn't happened, and if they hadn't have done this, I would have been further along up the road. That's what I was saying. But WOLDO hold on it. But I learned a valuable lesson. Man. See, if you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. If you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you you to go. I was listening to Bishop td Jake's one day, and I heard him say, you can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. You go outside and try that. Try to drive your car, but keep your eye in the rearview mirror. All you looking at is where you're being. All you looking at in that rear view mirrors where you're passed or should have passed, something you should have moved on from. All you're doing is looking in that rearview mirror at what happened back there. If you don't stop looking in the rearview mirror, you're gonna crash your car over and over and over again. All you got to slow it down so bad in order for you to keep looking in that rearview mirror. If you don't learn to let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go forward because you keep reviewing the past. The past is the past, and I know it's hard. Man. I watched a show and this lady said, well, I just can't ever forgive them for that, or guess what. Guess what God may have already forgiven that person. That person may be extremely remorseful, could have gone to God and Godden forgiveness for it years ago. But you you sit here and you keep hanging on to the back. I can't ever forgive that. M Then I heard Bishop Jakes come on the show one time and say something that really really struck on. You keep drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. He said that. I just shook my head and went, wow, you drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Revenge is poison to you, you know, if hatred is poison to you. Unforgivingness, when you won't forgive a person, that person could be going on with their life, made the right with God. Don't know how you're feeling. They're skipping through life. Now. You make adjustments every time you see them, and it takes energy. Man, it takes so much energy to hate. It takes so much energy not to forgive too. That ain't come in the room. You got to avoid them. Stay over here, Oh here they come. Now you got to make a situation over here. They come into the house. It's family reunion. Oh here they come. And where they're gonna be in the basement. I'm going to be on the third floor. I want to go ahead and get some barbecue. She out there at the barbecue, staying, oh lord, I don't want a barbecue. I just eat to take the salary. People man take themselves all out of position, trying to make adjustments, when if you it would simplify your life. If you would let just let it go. Maybe you ain't where you need to be because of them external forces altogether. Maybe you're not where you need to be cause of you. Because you won't let it go, you won't move forward. Look at this, ladies, Let's say you've been in a situation with him man for years. It didn't work out. For whatever the reason, it just didn't work out. I got, I got what you say he did. I got what he did. I got all of that. YadA YadA YadA. When you get through, did not God get you through it? Did not he allow you to survive it? I got you, got some cuts on you, I got you been a little bit bruised. But did he not get you through it? So, now that he's freed you from it, now he didn't went on. He got a whole an other family over that somewhere. He now he trying to make it right because maybe he learned the mistake he made and now he trying to be a better man. He just trying to get it right now. But you're sitting there holding onto it. You're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. So now instead of you enjoying the blessing of finally being free from a situation that was not healthy for you. You create an even more unhealthy situation in your mind by hating, by having revengeful thoughts, by hoping he fall on his face. Maybe you're even doing something to the other situation to make sure they struggle. Oh man, you're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Maybe you ain't where you ought to be in life, not because of your external forces, but maybe it's you. If you don't let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. You can't keep driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Come on, man, Forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for you. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls all around the world. Sit up in your car seats, roll out your beds, pull over in your cars, call your mama, Neil, it's official. Steve Harvey Morning Show, us up and running. I know you've been waiting on it. Here it is, let's go. Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve. Caller Pharrell, Good morning, Steve. What's up board that damn junior board? Morning? Everybody morning? Uh? The fool of fools, foolery, fantastic, yess and gentlemen, Nephew, Tommy, ya ya't top top Baby's Thursday Morning man, Now didn't matter what Dad an. Y'all know we actually got in an argument at our house yesterday about what Dad was really. Yeah, anybody had the I phone around? Yeah? Answer the thing I've discovered about my wife? You know what I asked. You know what I have to the question I have to answer at least three times a damn days. You know that where's my phone? And you know and you know and explains a lot to me because I'll be on the set sometime and I'll be calling and they just go to voicemail in quarantine. Now found out why because she don't count. She just leave her phone right, ain't ever with her? It's Steve. Have you seen my phone? Now? All damn day, everybody is finding out something about their spouse that they did not know, did not know. My wife will come out of a door and she never closes a door, And I just keep walking around the house seeing doors on who's been in there? Every dough she come out of. She don't close the day door. If it's a drawer in the kitchen won't close. Why can't you close stuff? What is this about you? But have you said something about it? Timm? You know I ain't said damn You just walking around here closing doors. Yeah, Hey, Tommy, you closing dos on, finding phones, working on quarantine. What you're doing, Junior, I ain't doing damn thing, sir, Waiting on y'all. Pretty tree, waiting on tree, tree, butt tree, looking good, tree, happy tree, got rain of the night, tree, tree doing fine. Tree. Yeah, I ain't doing nothing. You know what you ought to do, Tommy? You ought to name it. I mean, Junior, you are the name like, Yeah, I'm gonna find a name. Fits Tree had act to day girl. Her name was Tree. Yeah. It's the highlight of my day seeing y'all and working with y'all. This all I before. So zoom is your friend? Yeah? Every time I get a chance to get on and I'm on it, and you know, and when we started zooming so we can see each other. Yeah, I said church Sunday. I don't know who church it was on dog. You ain't know who church? Who church it was? Can't you like zoom zoom as your friend? I love it? I want how is it for pastors, because when you don't get that amen back when you're preaching you all right, guys coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO, the Chief Love Officer, Steve is going to help somebody. Help somebody come flp somebody, yeah, with their relationships. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, time now for ask the CLO your favorite segment. The Chief Love Officer is in the building. Please submit your questions to Steve Harvey FM dot com. This is one question from Sharon out of Kentucky, Steve. She says, I'm a single mother and earlier this year, I moved out of state and took my eleven year old daughter with me. My daughter has had a hard time adjusting, and now she tells me that she hates me. I found out that she's been texting her dad saying I'm verbally abusive and she needs to come live with him. I can't get my ex husband to see that she's being manipulative. He is a great dad, but I know he's not ready to be a single dad. How can I get my daughter to stop lying and acting out? Wow? Well, I don't know who answer that I can give you that keep me out of court. Yes, radio friendly. Yeah, I'm trying to find the radio friendly. So I guess I could say counseling. That's an answer. See. Oh no, you're right that I could stop all this lyne at my house. But you know you're not gonna do that, So counseling. Next question. All right, here's go. Dante and Raleigh, North Carolina says, I'm a young, hard working single guy and I live outside the city. So I shop at a small, family owned store that's close to my house. The store is run by three middle age sisters that look like that look like trolls. Three old women make shopping a living hell for me. They say the most inappropriate things to me and treat me like a piece of meat. I don't want to be rude, so I've been trying to ignore them. I would feel funny reporting them to their dad. How can I get them to leave me alone? Now? Where he say he lives? Shy, He's in Raleigh, North Carolina's too Drive to a Walmart. Yea outside of Raleigh. I don't care. It's Walmart is close by. Get your ass to a Walmart. I'm not going in here take abuse from ugly people. I'm not going to do it. That's what I'm not gonna do. Yeah, I draw the line right here. If you cute, you can talk to me bad sometimes, but if your little troll looking as you can't say not a damn thing to me because it comes cross different. You know, it ain't even funny. You know, when qute people mess with you, you go, oh, I'll see you go. You're ugly person, say something to you, damn it. You know, you keep that look on your face like, yeah, hey man, just drive to Walmart. You and Raleigh. I know you live outside Raleigh. You're trying to support local business, but you ain't got to. Ugly people have ugly attitude. Just leave them at that, true man, So Steve. This one's from Kirby in New Jersey. Kirby says, my husband and I are very active in our church, and our social life was mostly events at church. I stopped going to church when I found out my husband had an affair with the church secretary and everyone knew it but me. My husband confessed and broke down and cried. I told him he needs to get in front of a congregation and apologize to me. Church will reopen next Sunday, and he said he will not do that. He's willing to throw away twenty three years of marriage instead. Should I just let him go? I don't know how the public apology in front of the church's go make you feel any better, be any less hurt, or be even more forgiving. I don't know what it is about that that would make it do now. I think what you're trying to do is because you think everybody knew, and they didn't. Some people knew, But when the story got out, Girl, I saw him over there and I said, you know, you're hearing a lot of that, and a lot of the church members that found out you found out acted like they was in the No suspicion and know is two different things. So I think it's it doesn't make any sense for you to ask him to do that. He's not trying to throwing it away was the affair. He broke down and cried. He said, I'm sorry that you want him to publicly apologize to you, and he said he's not gonna do that. Who goes to church to stand up in front of the church to a That's not what churches fall. Church is a place for forgiveness. You don't go to church to confess, now unless y'all Catholic and y'all got to boot up at the front and they have confession. Didn't do that only too, it's not right. But the ain't nobody got it where you got to go stand up in front of everybody. Hey, you don't know what's going on at that church. Half your church probably need to stand up and say I'm sorry to somebody about something. A matter of fact, all of them and Stee she never even said how she found out. So you're right, maybe everybody of the church doesn't know. And if they do, so, how is that gonna make you better? See? Yeah, I just don't see how what that does for you. You're not loan that line to be If that is a Baptist booth, you're not a loan any Yeah, well short, so do you know how long I have to stay in there? Yeah? It was, sir, a Baptist booth. Sir, how long are you in here with it? Mister hark, mister hark, what is you in that set? Why are you crying again? Again? If it was a Baptist booth, a Baptist booth. I like that, like that instead of how I'll forgive you, give you pentis for your sins. You'll be here. Man, what man you lying? God dog man, I can't help you with that. That party, now, Steve. They do in church, you know, like if you've done something like say this man is done and the pastor found out, they will sit you down. If you have a prominent position in the church, they will do what's called sitting. He got that. She was the church circuitar. He ain't got no position, right, She never said any of that. So, yeah, so she wanted They real active though, he's something in the church. They real active. Yeah, and he was mo active, very very active. All right, well, thank you for your CLLO questions, Thank you CLLO. Coming up next, it is the nephew with run that prank back. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna standing by with more of today's COVID nineteen national news. But right now it is time for your nephew to run that prank back. What you got for us, nev Miss Flow, Rigid, mister rigid, little upset, y'all take a listen. Mister Rigie. Come on, kid, Hello, I'm trying to each de beyond. How you doing, man, this is mister Reggie. Have you heard of me before? No, you don't practice ring a bell or not. I'm a friend of your of your mother's. I'm a friend of Yolanda's. You're a friend of my mother. Yeah, yeah, mister Reggie. She's never she's never mentioned me before. No she okay? Everything cool? Oh no, no, no, your mom is good. Let me let me tell you what's happening. So you you're getting ready to graduate. You're feeling to get your masters, right, yeah, I'm giving my MBA. Okay. First of all, let me just say congratulations to you. I'm proud of you. Your mom been telling me about the whole journey, you know, from from undergrad to to getting your you know, you're getting your masters in business. So I just want to come in you and say congratulations. All right, thank you, brother. I appreciate that. But your mom ain't never, she ain't never mentioned mister Reggie to you. Huh no, sorry, bro, Okay, I got a little a situation that we got here. Man. You know I've been seeing your mom for probably you know, five six years now, and I just that's yeah, yeah, So it kind of puzzles me that she never brought up mister Reggie to you. No, no, she never brought up the name mister Reggie. You know, I didn't even know she had dating. To be honest with you, Okay, So when you started undergrad, I'm the person that you know, stepped up and gave your mom some money so she could put you through school. You know, I knew she needed some money to get you through school and started out, you know, like I guess around your freshman year. So I stepped up and you know, helped your mom out. Man. This is bugged out, bro, because hold on, you're telling me you gave my mother the money, because she told me she got a couple of actual jobs on the side to get some money to face for school. I'm the person that stepped up and through your undergrad I'm the one gave your mom the moneys for you can go to school. And I knew when you graduated from undergrad and then she came back told me you're getting ready to do grad school, and I stepped up some mode. Here's one I'm getting that, man. I'm not even calling mister Reggie mister Reggie and called you wanted me to give you some money when I get a job? No, no, nothing like that. So here's a deal, man, I didn't give your mom all this money for six years. Now here it is now you'veen to graduate, and now that you've fend to graduate, she called herself, wont to break up with me? So, bro, I mean, I don't know nothing about that. That's between y'alls. Bro, I mean, what do you want me to do? What I wanted to? Have? You heard your name before, so I mean, and I understand that, but what I'm saying, what I'm getting that is just right here. I would like for you to least call your mama and say something to it on my behalf because you know, come on, man, I didn't put six years in put you all the way through school and now your behalf I really don't. I mean, I don't know you. I mean, what do you want me to say on your behalf? But you don't understand what I'm trying to tell you. David, mister reggid and stuck his neck out for you for the last six years. You see what I'm saying. Listen, man, I don't even know you. You're calling me out the blue talking about you gave my mama some money and then went up for five years. I don't know you. I never heard you name, never heard of mister Reggie. You just called me out the blue. It's some trippy right now. Man, Okay, okay, I understand, understanding. Look at acor you call your your ex. Girl's fun like, come on, hold on, hold on, this ain't no ex girl. We we've been up y'all, up to up to last week. Up to last week. I didn't paid for you to go to school six years nine. Here it is, she want to break up with me. I don't know about that, man, Like I don't know why y'all broke up. I don't know nothing about that. Maybe and then you called me out the blue and I don't even know you. She never mentioned you. At least you at least you can do what's called on my behalf and say, hey, what's going on with you? Nobody's gonna have I don't know who you are. I'm the person. I'm the person and put your the last through schools. Hey, the text I went to the school. We had my mama's name on him, not no damn, mister Retchi. So hey, bro, I'm sorry it is no, it ain't no he what it is? I don't put your little ass through school. Now, your mamma want to run out on me? I don't want to date me. No, Mo. That's some boys right there, man, and you need to have a little respect for somebody that's then took care of your little last back. I don't even know you. What are you talking about to care of me? I don't even know your guy? Who are you, mister Reggie? What kind of the name is that You usually go by your last name Reggie? People go by my first name. My first name is. My first name is Reginald. People call me mister Reggie, and you're gonna do the same. No, I just called you red man. Come on, Rech, I'm good like I don't know what Okay, Let let let me say this here. All I'm asking for but you need to call her and take care of this yourself. Leave me out this sorry, brother, Now look here, you owe me a little respect, and you owe me at least you know whatever I'm asking you to do. I don't know who you are? You calling me talking about called my mama? You used to date. I don't know who the you up? You're talking about? How old you some respect? Are you crazy? Okay, you get my mamma anyway you wish you're my mamma. I don't. I've been had your number and I didn't spend I didn't spend thousands of thousands of dollars on your little lads. I've been had your money. Come come. You ain't come to an undergrad graduation? What I need to come to that for? I did my job. I took care of your little lass man. You ain't take care man. You need to get the phone off my phone. Bro. Okay, you know what, I'm gonna go by your mama house. I'm gonna go by there, and you know what, I'm gonna deal with her ass today. My damn sir, Look, I'm trying to be her suspectful. Is I care? But if I hear about you going about my mother's house, I'm gonna whoops your mother ass. You're gonna get your ass with by somebody with an NBA must be ass. I'm gonna you up to fight. Hear you went by my mother's house? Did you listening to me? Mister Red? And no, I ain't listening to you. I don't know nothing about you. Once I get off this phone, I'm gonna call and ask about the lister Retchie. But there, I'm gonna you up. I'm going buy your mama house because you ain't gonna just break up me up the six years I got and put the little board through school. Well that's what you get for being a sucker. To sound like you up a victim of Why know you ain't sitting here calling me, no sucker. You sound like a sucker. God, let me hit you win by there. It's gonna be a problem. There's gonna be some smoke in the city. What about What about Jarvis? Jarvis? Jarvis? Gotta do with this? Jarvis a few up to you go by there? He grew up with my mother. How do you know Jarvis anyway? Because job has called me. He told me to call you. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy Jarvis. What old to hold on? Hold on, hold on? Jarvis told you call to say you should do my mother and pay my way from college. Jars of this. This is Tommy Baby, Steve Harvey Mornings show. Your boy Jarvis got me to prank you. Man. He said, Man, my boyfriend you graduated getting his NBA. He said, you got to do it, mister Timmy. I said, all right, all right, tell me all about it so I can't him up with this little story. He said, Oh my god. He said, man, his mom is his heart. Man as his heart. I said, all right, cool, that's where we're going with. My grandmother always said, don't be friends with and thank Jarvis. Hey, man, you gotta give it to me, baby, give it to me. Rate twenty twenty. Mister MBA, you've been to get your paper in the next week. And so what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve in the Water Show. All right, thank you, nephew, coming up, mister Reggie coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and national news for you. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes, nephew Tommy's wellness check in with one of our low loyal, loyal listeners. But first President Trump did a one on one interview with David Muir from eighties see news, and they talked about COVID nineteen testing and the nation's stockpile. Take a listen. So right now, for any American worker who's nervous about going back, if they want to get tested to see if they've been exposed to the virus, they can have access to Voltana test problem and they should have no problem. And as good as this is, we're even getting better. We came up. Don't forget the cupboard was bare. The other administration, the last administration left us nothing. We didn't have ventilators, we didn't have medical equipment, we didn't have testing. The tests were broken. You saw that we had broken tests. They left us nothing, and we've taken it and we have built an incredible stockpile, a stockpile like we've never had before. Many people have heard you say that along the way and have wondered, though you know, you're three years into your first term, you're now applying for the job again, what did you do when you became president to restock those cupboards that you say were bare. Well, I'll be honest, I have a lot of things going on. We had a lot of people that refused to allow the country to be successful. They wasted a lot of time on Russia, Russia, Russia. That turned out to be a total hoax. Then they did Ukraine, Ukraine, and that was a total hoax. He also said the coronavirus was a total hoax too. Yeah, of that too. Yeah. He just not answering the question, and why is he always blaming Obama? The Obama administration formed a Pandemic task Force as soon as he became president, erased a hundred some things that had happened in the Obama administration just with stroke of a pen because he could. And that was one of the things. Don't believe for a minute that the administration before left you with nothing because we had time to ramp up when we have listened to me, since we've been on this lockdown since March. If we and it's just May one, two five, whatever it is, we let's forty some days in right, we lose track of the dates. If in January February, had he reacted, we would have had time, since we have such a surplus now, had we reacted, instead of calling it a hoax and letting everything play out in Spain and Italy and China the way it did before, we did a damn thing about it, and New York became the epics, the epicenter, epicenter of the disease. We wouldn't even be in this position. This guy is shifting blame like he always does. We got to be smart this election, y'all. You cannot let this guy blame everybody. He don't take no responsibility. All that time he was talking about it was a hoax. It's a fluke. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you blame the Obama administration. And when Obama tried to get the stockpile up, when he tried to put more stuff in, Congress did not vote for that. They followed against him doing that, refilling the stockpile. So now you get in three years later. Also, for three years, you didn't do anything. You didn't do anything against Russia and Carl. Russia and Ukraine had nothing to do with you restock in this one program exactly. And it wasn't a hoax. You were impeached because of the Ukraine incident. It's just the majority Senate saved Joe as right, but you were still impeached. You were still you was gone. Yeah, all right, Steve, let's go to miss Anne. Please, all right, ladies, and gentlemen, get ready, miss Anne Tripp here it comes. Good morning everybody, This is a trip with the news. President Trump has reversed another decision, this one announced only a couple of days ago. Trump now says that he will not order the COVID nineteen virus task for US to wrap up its work and hand over what's left to other governmental agencies. In fact, the President now says that he'll even increase the size of the task force by next week. He says he didn't know how popular it was, He says, though he has remained focused on reopening the nation's economy. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill heard from public health experts meanwhile yesterday about the nation's response to the coronavirus pandemic. Doctor Tom Frieden, the former head of the Centers for Disease Control, delivered a dire prediction before a House Appropriation subcommittee. Badly looking at the US as a whole, just calculating forward from the number of people whose infections have already been documented, there will be tragically at least one hundred thousand deaths from COVID by the end of this month. Very very scary. In Chicago, an African American lawmaker says he was stopped by a cop when he left a store. Why because he was wearing a mask to cart against COVID nineteen. Illinois Representative Cam Buckner says that he was dressed casually, you know, like other shoppers. He was wearing a protective mask like everyone else. When an officer has to see his receipt and his ID, he complied. He was told by the cop that he looked like he was quote up to something anyway. Illinois Governor JB. Pritzer very embarrassed by this whole thing. He says, the situation pretty much does look like what he thinks it is. It's something that we're looking into. We obviously believe that there is discriminatory behavior taking place here, so we're gonna make sure that we try to address it. Representative Buckner says, the pandemic is revealing what's already broken in this society. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg participated in the High Courts work by telephone yesterday. Justice Ginsburg underwent a non surgical treatment earlier this week for reportedly benign gall bladder condition. Ginsberg is eighty seven years old. She has survived cancer four times, and first it was toilet paper, now it's meat. Through the temporary shutdowns of meat packing plants across the country due to cases of coronavirus infection, Kroger, the largest supermarket chain in the US, is limiting the amount of ground beef and pork that people can buy there. Costco. You know, people pay like money to join Costco. Customers buying bulks there will Costco has placed a three product cap on purchases of fresh beef, poultry, and pork at Costco. In fact, Monday, about one fifth of the nation's Wendy's restaurants, over a thousand outlets, We're completely out of Hamburgers, leaving folks with the obvious question, why is the beef? Hey, what's the name? You tell him, Clara, Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. All right, the nephew has been doing these wellness check ins. He's been doing them with some of our most loyal listeners. Tommy, such a great job you've been doing. Let's take a listen to this one. Hello, Miss Deborah, Miss Debora, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. Baby, how are you doing? I am doing good. I am giving you a wellness check on behalf of the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. We're calling our fans across the country and we've making sure you are all are safe doing COVID nineteen. You're doing all right. I'm doing wonderful And I work at the hospital. How was that going, Doughing? How are you on a day to day basis? Well, besides taking my babies to the daycare. Heading the word working, we do have to wear a mask. What exactly you do at the hospital? I'm in the kidsen, I cook, and I prepare the meals for the elderly death in the nursing home. Well, let me tell you something. We are we're calling around making sure people like you are safe, making sure we recognize people like you because we definitely appreciate what you're doing. You're putting yourself on on the front line, and uh, you know, we just want to call it and commend you on the dollar. Thank you. And I listened to y'all every morning. Man, y'all be having me holling in my bedroom getting ready for work. That's a good thing. Hey, how many kids you got you say you drop your kids off at daycare? Right, I got three. I got a fifteen year old. He stays home in the two year old and the nine years go to daycare. How do you feel about that, Miss Devor? That is that kind of difficult when you're dropping them off at daycare? Do you feel a little unsure when you do something like that because they do the daycare they do that baby's the same way they do it before we getting that. They do our tempt or and if you got a fever, they would not let you in there. That's so they take them baby's temper. They get in there, and then from taking their tempt they don't have attempt. They let him go on in. But if they got tempt they do them like they do is they send them back home when you out of Georgia. Baby, So tell me this. I want you to say whatever you'd like to say to all the people that are listening, especially people that get up in like you, that are going to work and doing and putting yourself on the front line. What would you like to tell especially these people that don't want to stay home. What would you like to say to these people? I just tell them you know sometimes obedience is better than sacrifice. Listen to your elders. I can't say what I want to say about our president. God God gonna bless him. But anyway, you know, obedience sacrifice you say, don't do but they are dude. Then you say, dude, they won't do it. So on the advice I can give them, just learn to They don't want pat we tell them, and patience they ain't even in their Voca lary. You know. They want a man, but they don't want to go out to cinema man. They want to go out and fix them up a man. Then when it's all cooking crazy, then I've had this man. He did to me. But that's the man you chose. If you want something, you'll sit and wait on it. Be patient. That's from Miss Debra right there, Miss Devil. Tell her all of what's the baddest radio show in the land is calling and making show? We gotta well on this check across the country? Who is it the Steve Harby Warning Show with that crazy Tommy. Let's jesus, yeah, Tommy, she died that val Dalston. I knew you was gonna know exactly where she was. We'll be back at thirty four minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show. Well, we told you yesterday about this horrific news story. This young man twenty five years old. His name is a mod Arbory. He was an unarmed black man gunned down and killed while he was jogging in a neighborhood just outside of Brunswick, Georgia, in February. This was back in February. Now, as family lawyer said, just like you said yesterday, Steve, check this out. He said, skip the grand jury, and he's asking the Georgia District attorney to arrest the shooter. The video killing of Ahmad Arbury has sparked national outrage. Aarbury's family lawyer, Lee Merritt said it's time to take the shooter, Travis McMichael and his father in for custody. Take a listen. They have passed the puck down to the grand jury. The Georgia's Supreme Court suspended the grand jury's due to the coronavirus. They're supposed to reconvene in mid June. We don't have to wait for a grand jury to be convened. The district attorney can issue in arrest quarrant right now and have these men picked up. And that's what we're demanding that the law enforcement community stop what they're doing right now, stop the debate, stop at the conversation, stop the press release, and go arrest these men and then pick the conversation back up. I saw the video horrific. I saw what happened. The crazy thing was after he shot the boy once and the dude was just trying to hold a barrel of the gun. He d shot his man with a shotgun in his frontal area. He was just hanging on to the gun. He shot him again, Doc, you could have pushed him. He made He might have lived, but his daddy jumped out the truck and his daddy had a handgun. So what was his father going to do? Look, man, this is murdered man. Yeah, and on our man, everybody, you got a shotgun? Your daddy jumped out with a gun, y'all just gonna kill this boy? Did oh? Man, y'all, man get out of here. And like I said, what's the grand jury for, right? Yeah? It's necessary. Yeah. His attorney Lee married Steve went on to say that he smells corruption because shooters father Greg McMichael used to work for the DA's office, like we told you yesterday. But the video is all the evidence needed for the DA to issue and arrest warrants. So what are they waiting on? You look foreverdence to issue a warrant? You watched this unarmed black guy get shot and killed. What what what's the grand jury for? Well, it looked like he was attacking the man with the gun. I'm telling you what they do in these rooms, y'all. When those peers get in a room or by themselves and you got one of them, people go, well, what was it doing over there? Running for? And he starts putting that seed in the rest of them head. And since they all live in those communities, they don't want to be the one to say, well, he killed this black guy. You know, he was attacking him. That's what happened to Rodney King. Yeah, he just kept attacking him. I was going, what video y'all watching, they see something completely different than what than what on the tape. What happened to Michael Brown was absurd. You can't watch and it's just it's on and on and on and on it and we we are we are beyond sick of it. Yeah, but what they do is they drag it out to the further go down. That's just like they do people that go on strike in companies, big business. Just let them stay out there till the crowd died out, and then there's two people pickted. Yeah. I can't believe there was footage of it. I can't believe it was. Thank God for this whoever shot it, it was footage and it didn't get out. Yeah, how can you watch it and not see what really happened? That they murdered this man in cold blood? How can you watch that tape and not to see that? And you know what the sad thing is here they co guess. Well, you know he had a shoplifting conviction, Yeah, shoplifting looking in that house in that area at the house where we're I have shoplifting conviction. But I got to die for that, That's what exactly. Yeah, he didn't do anything. He was running. He's kids do any of this if you're black in America, Just that he's black, because, like you say, if this was a white kid, this would not have turned that way. Yeah, it got shot twice. Yeah, so we'll be watching and following this story. Of course, we're gonna switch gears here and coming up next, Nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today, subject my husband is obsessed with and X. Okay, my husband is obsessed with an X. Right now, Nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, NEPs idiot? Hello, Hello, I am trying to reach George Police. My name is Marcus from with WCS. Uh callin see if we can actually try to lend you our services. We understand that you're having a few problems and want to see if maybe WCS can bring a better life to you and you can have an exciting life better than the one you have. Now. Who is it? We are with Wife Correctional Services, Sir. WCS. What it is is we take your wife for a couple of weeks and we reprogram them so that it's of course, you have to sign a waiver contract, but we take your wife and we reprogram them so that they will act in a fashion of what you want them to act. Oh, okay, Okay, whatever, c sir. What it is that we've gotten some We've gotten some reports that you've been having some problems with with your particular wife. And we're here in Saint Louis, sir, Okay, and don't worry. We're totally confidential. This is not anything that's gonna get out. Um, and and your your names are never submitted. First of all, here's here's something we can do. I can ask you questions because we've been notified that this is probably a service that you would probably want. Now, Um, has your wife ever snapped on you in public? And snapped on me? I mean what I mean? She My wife ain't crazy. She don't just snap on me. She might, you know, try to check me or say something. You know what I'm saying. She's just gonna snap on me in public. So your wife your so, your wife has tried to check you, It's what you're saying. May not check me, per se. I mean she might. She might not like some mom doing and might say something about it. But so basically your wife is not in her place where she needs to be hold on. I mean what you mean play? I mean she might say something, you know, I mean I might be doing something more, you know, might be with my boys and might get out of control a little bit. She might just say something at the time, but she don't just try to all out check nobody. You know what I'm saying. Okay, okay, okay, I'll tell you what. Let me ask you this one. Have you ever just had some plans with your guys, We're gonna go out, and had to change your plans because um, your wife. Well, I mean, if if like I'm just come about hanging out and I ain't let her know or something, she might you know, be like, well, baby already had plans, you know, can you stay home with the boys or something. But I mean, I mean nothing on the regular, you know how I usually do what I want to do. Seems like denial. Okay, here's another one, sir, Well, no, just listen, hear me out. Now. Let me ask you this. Um has your wife? Let's say, back when Michael Jordan was playing basketball, did you ever miss a playoff game on television because your wife wanted to watch something else? I mean, we got two TVs in my house. Man, I wish no, I don't even get down. I mean I might have to watch the little TV. Okay, but I mean I usually watch it on the big shaly. Yeah. But but you doing You've been pushed to watching the smaller television. Now, I wouldn't push to do nothing. Man. What I'm trying to tell you is, I mean we compromise. We do fifty fifty in my house. I mean, she might get the big TV to watch her stories or something, and I just had to go out to little TV. Let TV do go out of here. Wants to see there. We got so cool with that though. I'm cool with that. You're cool with that. So you're that You're actually the one that's programmed. And you ain't nothing wrong with my wife. Ain't nothing wrong with within my family? You know what I understand? Well, let me the reason why I'm asking you these particular questions is because someone has actually let me know the problems that are at hand in your household. Let me ask you. I got one question for you. Here's what I want to ask you. Has your wife ever cussed you out at a family cookout? Hey? Man, hold on, man, you know what you're getting a little personal? Man? Is this even legal? Man? I'm here, I'm here. I never heard of this company. Man, I've never heard of. This is something new. It's definitely saying something new. I mean, don't make me be your guinea pig. Don't don't start out calling me trying to get you know, referrals, the clientele or whatever it is you trying to do. Man, don't call me with this nonsense. Partner and I completely understand it. Wcs sir, is here to benefit you, No benefit to me. Man, getting I look at my personal business one and what's going on in mind? Household? Okay, well, last thing I want to ask you, and this is the last question I have for you. Make it. Make this the last I want straight up? Okay, have you do you do? Do you buy your own clothes? Or does she buy the clothes? You know what? Man? This man? You whatever company this is dog, don't call House no more? And whatever put you up to this? Whoever give you my number talking about my wife? Checked me or got me under control? Got me on lock man? You tell him too, don't call me no more? What are you are? You? Are you in denying? Don't call house no more? I'm gonna tell you what. George Foreman or whatever, it's Marcus, it's Marcus pocus. Whoever you are George Foreman, Marcus. Hey, I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm gonna find a one. Yeah, I'm located. Dog, I'm coming down there, and I'm gonna push on as you in my personal pre you're ready, you're ready to retaliate on me, but you don't want to italiate on the problems you have with your wife. Retaliation. Man, When I'm saying you're calling my house, I'm minding my own. And if you're worried about who you're watching on TV in my house and my wife checking me in public, I watched the man. Hey, doll, look, I'm telling mister, don't you want to watch the big television? Big TV? Man, I'm comfortable with the TV I got. You know what I'm saying. It's in my room. I can eat across the bed, watch whatever I want, you whenever I want. Don't you want to be able to go out with the bus when you want to go out with my partners? Doll? Not a fact you need to get partners? You call asking dumb. Listen what you want to do to me and your wife has already done to you. I see you got the damn number block. What's your phone up, man, give me something, Tell me where to find you. Why are you in denial? Denial? I'm gonna tell you what's you need to get your wife checked in the wife Correctional services so that you can live a better life. Whoever, why man? I need to get a life? Man? Can I get the life? Man? Stop calling me doll for I understand it. Can I say one more thing that you say? Straight up? Listen to me, sir? Yeah? What what? Lets his nephew time me from the Steve Harvard the Morning Show. You just got cranked by your boy justin No, hey, hey, hey, okay, y'all got me mine? What is the baddest radio show in the land? You are even know? With you my boy Steve Harvey doing it in the morning on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Partner here. A lot of wives need to go get corrected, y'all, don't y'all? Wow, you don't think you know a nice facility that you can send your wife too if she if you need correcting. Nobody with me on this Nobody with me on this one. No, no, all right, nephew, Well thank you? I think coming up next dry letter subject my husband is obsessed with an X. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter on the air live, just like we're going to read this one right here today. Buckle up, hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is Strawberry letter. All right, thank your nephew. Subject my husband is obsessed with an ex Dear Stephen Shirley. I hope my husband is listening today because I have a problem with him, and he thinks it's no big deal. My problem is that my husband is obsessed with an ex girlfriend that he dated thirty five years ago. She was very beautiful and popular when she was in high school, and he was the star football player. When he went off to college. She married a wealthy older guy that owns several businesses in town. Then she moved to Texas and my husband lost contact with her. Fast forward to present day. My husband and I have been married for eighteen years and social media has become mainstream, so my husband has sort of recommended or reconnected, I should say, with his high school sweetheart. By sort of, I mean that he stalks her social media pages and drools over all of her pictures daily. I don't think she even knows he exists. How do I know all of this? He told me all about her, and I see him looking at her pictures all day. She is still very beautiful, and I think she's had surgery on her body, but she looks great. I told my husband that his behavior is very inappropriate, and he said she's like a celebrity and she lives one thousand miles away, so it's harmless fun for him. He told me it's like me obsessing over Denzel. The other day, I reached my breaking point. He shared a story their sexual experiences and how she turned him out. He said it was the best sex he's ever had, and that really hurt me. He told me, I am being too sensitive. I am ready to hurt this man if he keeps being disrespectful. Maybe, just maybe am I being too sensitive and jealous? Should I let this go or bust his head? Yeah? Girl, go on and bust his head on this one, because he's just being really disrespectful, not to mention stupid. I mean, he's just looking at her pictures every day, right in front of you. I mean, who does that. He hasn't even thought of how this would make you, his wife of eighteen years feel. How does that make you feel? I'm sure not good? And please do not try. I don't do this one. Don't try to compare this with our beloved Denzel. Denzel is a bona fide movie star. He is a sex symbol, and no disrespect to your high school sweetheart and all of that. But she's just a regular person. Okay, she's just a regular person. Don't try to compare this with how we feel about our Denzel. Okay, I'm not having that. Yes, thank you. It's not working over here. And I mean, seriously, though, what husband would ever tell his wife to her face that another woman had the best sex ever? I'm sorry, but how stupid is he? I'm sorry to say that about your man, but that's why I agree with you to go ahead and bust his head on this one. Whatever that means to you. And no, you are not too sensitive, you're not too jealous, none of that. You're a wife who has a husband that's a little out of line. I don't care if she's a thousand miles away. I don't care about any of that. He needs to stop. Okay, he needs to stop, Thank you very much. Don't ever compare anybody to our beloved Denzel Steve. Wow, just regular people. It's really hard for me to believe this letter. I know the letter is true, but your husband is an idiot. I mean, dude, I don't even understand what you're doing here. Your husband is obsessed with an ex girlfriend he dated thirty five years ago. That's high school. What's eighteen and thirty five? Fifty three? Yeah, huh so he bought fifty three. Now he obsessed with the girl. She was beautiful and popular. She was in high school and he was the star football player. I knew exactly what do happen here? See, she was very popular and he was the star football player. Keep that dead. He went off to college. She married a wealthy older guy, owned several businesses in town, moved to Texas. Your husband lost contact with her, but he never forgot her. He never forgot her. Now, let me tell you something. She was fine. Then she took that fineness and married the big wealthy man owned a couple of business left for Texas. Your husband lost contact with her. So now here we go fast forward. Y'all been married eighteen years and social media has become mainstream. So your husband, you say, it's kind of reconnected with the girl, but by that you mean he stalks her social media page and drules over all her pictures daily. Here's a man who cannot cannot let go of the p and because he was an ex football star, that's probably the last time your man was something. Okay, that's probably the last time he was something to anybody. And he had the baddest chick at the school, and he was somebody. All the glory days is gone. Now, Yeah, you ain't what you was no more so since you ain't what you was, you're gonna relive what you was instead of existing as who you ain't. Oh Lord Jesus on time. You're trying to relive who you was, yeah, instead of existed as who you ain't. Hang on, we'll have part two of your response coming up to twenty three minutes after the hour subject my husband is obsessed with an ex We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's My husband is obsessed with an X. Been married eighteen years to his woman, and he's obsessed with an X that he dated thirty five years ago when he was a star football player. His ass is fifty three fifty three. Man, take your ass somewhere and be still all moving around for on social media. Now he went off to college, probably to play football. Obviously that ain't work or ain't none else I ever heard of him? I know everybody ever played professional football since seventy one. I know him all. And he played in Cleveland, I know all the way back sixty four. So now he ain't nobody. Now he didn't find this eld on social media, and he reliving the pass. The last time he was something was when he was a football player. He ain't been that hot a star since she was fine in she married a wealthy dude, moved to Texas. He didn't found on social media. Now he's stalking her social media page and drews over her pictures. Bailey, he can't let go of the pass. And then you say, I don't even think she even knows he exists. Oh, he didn't went on faithbook. Oh or remember me? What do you say? Or remember me? You don't think he'd said that? She might not know he exists because he see she still find You say, still beautiful? You say, but you think she's still very beautiful. I think she had surgery on her body though a little bit. Yeah, you know see some women. Hold on, now, we ain't got worried about how you looking at all that, because I'm pretty sure you beautiful. System, So let's just stay with horse. Wrong with your man? You think she'd had some work on her body? Probably ain't. She just fined. She just fined, and your husband is obsessed because there's something wrong with her. He drew her over her pictures daily. You don't think it is. And how do I know this? Because this fool set up and told you all about her, and I see him looking at her pictures all day. She's still beautiful. I think she had surgery on her body, but she looked great. Why would a man tell her his current wife about an ex that he had that was so beautiful, showing you the pictures and tell you all about it, because where he at right now, he was she where he was back then. This is called self realism. That means you can't look at yourself and deal with what's real about you. So you go back to the last time you in yourself, you felt good about yourself, and you make that your new reality. Which is the new term that I created. I'm gonna call doctor Field and give it to him. It's called self realism. Not okay, not realization but hell novel, but self realization. Now, I walk on one day and found out to realize self a thing about myself. It's self realism. Realism. Okay, this is different. Yeah. Now, I told my husband that his behavior is very inappropriate, and he said, she like a celebrity. Don'tbody know her dog, don't nobody know her. But this is the set up, lady. He set it up. He said, she's like a ce celebrity and she lived a thousand miles away. You know what that's a set up for, because he told me, it's like you obsessing over Denzel now, because den Zel is a celebrity and probably live a thousand mile away from you. See, he set it up to justify what he doing. But this is how dumb his ass. The other day I reached from my breaking point because he shared a story about their sexual experiences and how she turned him out. So he gonna just openly admit that he wouldn't it. Punk ass got turned out, you know what's said? He still turned out, but he told a sexual experienced story to his wife, and then he said it was the best sex he ever had, and that really hurts me. Well, if it's the best sex you ever had, why don't you go see if she recognize your fat pole ass. So ride down to Texas and see if she recognized your fat, broke ass, and see if she wants to leave her wealthy business man your fat chunka broke ass. And now that's why you'd have told your wife she the best sex you ever had. You are to quick giving him whatever sex you giving his ass, and tell him to ride to Texas and get that sex back here since it was all that damn good, go down there and see if she wants your fat, non famous broke ass. How do you really feel about this man? And that really hurt me, He told me, I'm being too sensitive. I'm ready to hurt this man if he keep being disrespectful. Maybe I should be too sensitive and jealous? Should I just let it go and bust his head. I normally don't agree with Sherd on these method but bust him in his dad head the next time he pulled that compute up and show you a whole picture. Take that computer snappy with it, all right? Thank you, sir folkst for commings on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, on Instagram and Facebook. Please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast coming up at forty six after the hour, Guys, our girl from the Talks Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show coming up at the top of the hour. We're gonna bring Cheryl in, but no jokes today, no jokes. We're gonna talk about Ahmad Aubury among other things. And Steve from the Talk please introduce our girl, ladies and gentlemen, Sheryl Underwood. Thank you, Steve Harven. And you know what, usually I come up and I cut the food. We have a good time. You know, it's getting ready to be Mother Day weekend. We shout out all the mothers out there, but there's one mother that don't have a son right there. This is Armand Aubrey, the young man that all you were doing with jogging down the street, had no weapon on him. They said he looked in the house, but can anybody proved that? And then they say, well, he looked like somebody's suspicious, which we always do. So then you got the two men white man, I'm gonna say it, white man. One is in the back of the truck. One tell him to stop. The other one that's filming. It's a third white man allegedly that's filming at all. Now this man, it looked like to me. And have y'all seen this footage. Have y'all seen it, because what it looked like is the young man is being stalked just because he's black. And see this thing is about somebody saying, well, the guy said he was doing a citizen arrest. Well, you can't do a citizen arrest if you have now witnessed a crime. Okay, that's the first thing. That's first thing, now, y'all, Karen, that's what it is, vigilante. It is a lynchen by gun and truck. And I'm going to say that. And this is not Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is Girl Underwood talking. And we are getting tired of this and you know who's gassing these people up, the president is because they think they are a judge, jury, and executioner. And nobody has arrested these people. And then they want them to have a grand jury because most of the people have been in a relationship with this guy that was an investigator and a thirty year cop. This is gobbage and everybody knows it. And then they're gonna hide behind the grand jury. So if the grand jury don't bring back charges, then we'll never get justice. Well, this time, we ain't letting this go. And everybody that holds a microphone and everybody that holds a camera, and not just black people, but other people that understand this could have been your child, This could have been your son, this could have been your brother, and this will not stand. Lebron James, thank you for speaking up. Lebron James. What do we need to do to let people know this brother memory will last. But this did not have to happen. All this brother was doing with Jaggin and he was murdered. And if there wasn't a camera and now now you know how everybody felt with Rodney King. Okay, okay, and so you're gonna let the President gash you up. All these people out here that can carry a gun, they got the gun, and then when they get ready to lose their jobs. I wasn't really yelling at the police. I was yelling at somebody else or oh I'm open my salon. But you're disrespectful to the judge. Why because you're white and all the white people that's listened to Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're not blaming y'all for nothing. We're saying you need to join us because if this passes one day, this will be your child and you'll be crying like this mother is as we get ready to come into Mother's day. Well said, Cheryl Well said, Well said, thank you, Okay, sorry, just man right now, all right, Cheryl, hang on a second. Okay, we're gonna bring you back right after this. You're listening, all right, Cheryl, you're still here with us. We didn't want to let you go because this subject, this is just so important. I mean, here we go again, Steve, Here we go again with this. And then we understand there's another shooting in Indianapolis that took place last night with some kind of police chase going on driving and uh, this young man was on Facebook live and he was driving, according to the police, reckless. They followed him and he parked a car. He got out the car, and while he was on streaming live, he was saying, you know, um, I'm not going to jail tonight and I'm not all this, you know, in front of his followers on Facebook. And then the next thing you know, the police say they chased him and then they gunshots. I heard, and I just heard about nine shots. But a man in Indiapolis, his name is Sean Reid. I'm just amazed, man, at how there are so many good police officers out here, but there are too many bad ones, and the bad ones overshadow a lot of the good work and a lot of great officers due but I will say this, the bad ones are really really bad, and they act out only on people of color. Because I have yet in my lifetime to see the innocent white boy get shot by the police and nothing happened to the police. I'm yet to hear that story. As a matter of fact, I'm not exaggerated. I really don't remember hearing maybe once, maybe, and I'm just trying to give it that but I don't know exactly I don't remember hearing in my years on this planet as a black man of a white boy that gets shot down by the police. I've yet to hear that story now. And let me tell you something. I watched these cops shows. I see them white kids running from cops all the time. I see them get out the copy talking to them police like they've children. What are you gonna do? Wait, do it? That's right, Just do it? Then, Yes, I've heard them, that's right. If your black ass say that, you already know they gonna do it. You don't say anything, You're say nothing that But that's what I'm saying. So I've yet to see the black dude snapping and going off and getting killed. But they were trained, you guys, are as black men are trained to carry yourselves or conduct yourselves in a certain a certain fashion. We know, yes, yes, And I've taught it to all three of my sons. I might tell it to my grandsons too. White people don't have to tell their children how to behave towards the police. That's because the police ain't gunning their ass down. That's right. White kids play their music loud all the time. They don't get killed for that's right. Lebron said the best. He said, we are hunted every day. I mean every day we wake up, we don't know if it's gonna be us or not. Every single day, every we get up, we might be the hunt. And then it's not why black men have so much mental stress, because you're existing as a black man and you don't know if you're gonna come home to your family. Not to mention their wives, their mother, she might lose her son today, a wife might lose her husband, her brother. I mean, it's ridiculous, but I'm gonna tell you something. The civil rights organizations, I'm glad they own this right now. Acou NAACP, a Southern probably law center. I'm glad that Ben Crumb and what's the other brother's name, Lee, Merrit Lee, that's the other lawyer on that. And we're gonna remember this boy's side. All those great organizations, But where are the white organizations outcry? See, until we get these white people to get on board and admit that this is an injustice and help us wrecked this problem, it's never going to stop. See. But remember these were vigilandis. These were people that did not have a badge. They had no reason to stop this young man, and they did it, and they were and the man was fighting for his life, This young brother, Ahmad Rbury, fighting for his life. All the white people doesn't listened to Steve Harvey. If you can laugh and joke with us, then feel our pain right now? All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show Well. First, Mike Pennce. Now President Donald Trump. He toured a Honeywell factory in Phoenix on Tuesday. The factory is making millions of N ninety five masks for the government, but neither he nor the others in his party were wearing masks. Okay. Mister Trump, however, was wearing safety goggles, so that's something I guess. The President defied a sign at the factory that said everyone there was required to wear a mask as employees working on the production line we're doing. Before boarding Air Force one on Tuesday to fly to Phoenix, Trump said, if it's a mask environment, I would certainly do that. I would wear it. If it's a mask environment, I would have no problem. According to a White House official, Honeywell told them that mister Trump and other visitors didn't have to wear the mask. Maybe because they already got a vaccine and they didn't took it already. Maybe that's part. But because you're saying, if there was a mask, environment, isn't that we're in right now? Well, it's called a pandemic. Yeah, okay, come on, that would make it a global atmosphere and condition. It's everywhere. There are no places exempt of this. Lead by example, how about that? No, no, no, no, no, no, Please don't lead me by accent. I don't want to do what you do. Please don't do it by the example. Leave. We gotta go. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, the nephew has been doing these wellness check ins. He's been doing them with some of our most loyal listeners. Tommy's such a great job you've been doing. Let's take a listen to this one. Hello, Miss Deborah, Miss Debora, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, how are you doing it? I am doing good. I am giving you a wellness check on behalf of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're calling our fans across the country and we're making sure you all are safe doing COVID nineteen. You're doing all right. I'm doing wonderful And I work at the hospital. How was that going, daughter? How are you on a day to day basis? Well, besides taking my babies to the daycare heading the words again, we do have to wear the mash. What exactly you do at the hospital? I'm in the kitchen, our cook and I prepare the meals for the elderly that's in the nursing home. Well, let me tell you something. We are We're calling around making sure people like you are saved, making sure we recognize people like you, because we definitely appreciate what you're doing. You're putting yourself on on the front line, and uh, you know, we just want to call and comminue on the dollar. But thank you. And I listened to y'all every morning. Man, y'all be having me houling in my bed room getting ready for work. That's a good thing. Hey, how many kids you got? You say you drop your kids off at daycare? Right? I got three? I got a fifteen year old, he stays home, then the two year old and the nine year going to daycare. How do you feel about that, Miss Deavor? Is that kind of difficult when you're dropping them off at daycare? Do you feel a little unsure when you do something like that, because they do the daycare, they do that baby's the same way they do it before we getting and they do our temp or, And if you got a fever, they wouldn't let you in there. So they take that baby's temper they get in there, and then from taking their tempt. They don't have a tempt, They let him go on in, but if they got tempt, they do them like you do. Is they said, I'm just back home. You want you out of George, So tell me this. I want you to say whatever you'd like to say to all the people that are listening, especially people that get up in like you, that are going to work and doing and putting yourself on the front line. What would you like to tell, especially these people that don't want to stay home. What would you like to say to these people? Sometimes obedience is better than sacrifice. Listen to your elders. I can't say what I want to say about our president. God, God gonna bless him. But anyway, you know, obedience, that's sacrifice. You say, don't do but they are dude. Then you say, dude, they won't do it. So on the advice I can give them a just learn to do we tell them and patience, ay, ain't even in their vocabulary. You know, they want a man, but they don't want to go out to send them a man. They want to go out and fix them up a man. Then when it's all cooking crazy? Then what had this man and he did to me? But that's the man you chose. If you want something, you will sit and wait on it. Be patient from Miss Debra right there, Miss Devil, tell her all of what's the baddest radio show in the land is calling and making show? We gotta wall on this check across the country? Who is it? The Steve Harvey Morning Show with that crazy Tommy Jesus? All right, coming up our last break of the day. It's last break of day and coming up some poignant closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this you're listening to show? All right, here we are, guys, our last break of the day. Wow, and what a day it has been. Okay, you know what my closing remarks I had thought about earlier to day said, Man, I'm gonna do this really really inspirational closing mark. And this story about this young rby oh Amad Harbory, human army kid just bother me so much, man, yeah, so much. Last night it just bugged me. I couldn't get it out of my head. So I have something i'd like to ask America, if you don't mind, And then Indianapolis, who's going on there? Today? I mean, yeah, I mean, here's my closing remarks. This is what I want to do. I want to talk to people in a different tone because I've tried the ranting and the raving. I've tried the yelling, the screaming, the protesting, the marching. So I'm just want to talk to America for a second. I am asking some good people in America to stand with those of us that are in pain. I'm looking to find just a few good white folk, just like the Marines is looking for a few good men. I was just wondering if we could find just a few good white folk. You know, let me ask you a couple of questions. Let me put it this way. First of all, if your white sons were being murdered by all black police officers, how would you feel, what would you do? What would you demand if this were happening. I've thought a lot about this situation. How long would you stand by without protest or anger? How long would you wait on justice to prevail? How many times would you allow the people who kill your white son us slash your children to go unpunished. I'm thinking, I'm sure you wouldn't be okay with this. I'm just just a thought I'm having. I'm thinking that you just wouldn't be okay with this. Let me ask a few good white folks this question. What is it that makes it okay to kill our sons and our children down in the streets like dogs. How many white men and how many young white men and how many young white boys lose their lives just like this in America? I'm I'm just asking, I just want to know a number, if you could just give me a relative number, because blacks are in the minority and whites are in the majority, so I'm soon in this is probably a little bit disportionate, but if you could just show me one white child son that has been gunned down in the street by a police officer. So I could start making just a little bit of sense of this may Are you okay with this simply because it's not happening to y'all? Is that why it's okay? I'm tripping, man. I don't want to believe this about America, but it keeps on happening in America over and over and over again. I mean America. It's actually happened in all the history books I've read. It's horror stories like this that we have to live through every February of the yell thank you for reminding us, but we really don't need reminding. See, it happened to my grandfather, John Harvey. It happened to my father, I see Harvey, it happened to my older brothers, and I got some personal stories of my own. I'm talking about hatred towards the black men that I know, and I can't count the countless numbers who I never met that we keep hearing about over and over over. Man, in the past thirty years. I'm just gonna go back thirty years because I have thirty three more years before the thirty was here. That I could tell you about. I'm not gonna list the names of all the blacks that have been gunned down in the street by white police officers because we don't have the time. And if I named them all, I would still be leaving out a few. Because this was happening before there was social media, before we could catch you on film, before we saw how you did. Rodney King, four cameras and phone cameras was not out. It's been happening. I wish you all were tired too, because I am. I wish you all would care too, because we do. I wish you all would help us too. I wish this was the America that y'all sing about, but it ain't. Those are my closing remarks today. And were tired. We sit and tired keep singing you as it would be great if it was true. But more and more, man, it's started not to sound like the America that we keep singing about them, and that's a sad thing for black folks over here. Those are my closes remarks. Y'all have a great day, Hey, y'all, keep God in your life. God and get us through anything. He's got it through four hundred years and it's in the past. We're gonna get through this too, but we want to speed this part of it up. We got to stop watching these kids die in these streets like this, and don't nothing happen to the people who kill them. That ain't right, y'all. And you wouldn't want it to happen to you. I promise you wouldn't, and I don't want it to happen to you. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.