Tristan Thompson, NY Sex, Spiders, TSA Mask Mandate and more.

Published Mar 14, 2022, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve's hand is being forced. Who will he choose? The Sidepiece Ministry wants recognition and that is ass backwards straight up! The Chief Love Officer comes through with the bottom line. Noise complaints are at an all time high because of too much adult activity happening in NYC. Joro spiders from Japan have made their way to GA. Imagine the fellas answers for this round of Would You Rather! Will you wear masks on planes indefinitely or nah? Today the show wraps with Big Dog helping anyone out that has called out the wrong name. This could save your life! LMBAO!!!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time, y'all don't know y'all back a suit all looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu bu things and it's not me true good. Steve har to mother, stay, don't join jo. You gotta use that turn out. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got the turnout to turnout, turn the water the water yall, come come on your thing, h I shall will a good marning everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show today. It's real simple for everybody that's trying to become successful on any level, in any arena, any genre. I don't care what it is. If you're trying to be successful, this message is for you. Let me help you understand something real clear. You ain't gonna make it the way you want to, and you're not going to make it to the heights that's fully out there and available for you without God. And I'm just keep it real simple and clean for you today. You're not going to make it the way you want to, and you're not going to get to the heights that's available to you without God, you have to get this through your head. You can ride if you want to, because I did. I'm here to tell you I am talking purely from experience. Here you can try it without God, and you can see how far you can get. Will you have some measures of success? Of course you will. Will it feel like days like you might make it? Of course you will. But let me ask you a question, though. What you're gonna do about them days when you feel like you ain't gonna make it. When you're gonna do about them days where it feel like there are no answers to your questions. What you're gonna do about them days? What you're gonna do about them days when everybody laughing that you turn against you. What you're gonna do about them, days when you just don't see no way through it? What you're gonna do about them days? I got the sunshine? You know, sunshine cool? Everybody got friends. When it's Sunday outside, you want some friends, hit the lotto, you want to get rid of them friends, go ask for some help. Man. I'm talking about man. They scattered like roaches when lights come on. I'm trying to tell you. So now here we go again, and you can do this without God now, because I've done it, and you can have yourself some measure success. Let me even hip you to a little bit closer, though, let me tell you why you are doing it without God and having some measure of success. Can I tell you why? Because of God's grace and mercy to us, because of his grace and mercy trying to keep us in spite of ourself, for the real mission that He really got for us. See that's the truth of the matter now now what we're talking about, nasty See. So yeah, yeah, you can do it without God, and you can have some measure success without God. And yeah, you know, you know, yeah you got your little degree and everything. Yeah you completed the program, got all that, YadA, YadA YadA. But don't you know something. It's because of God's grace and mercy that he helps us anyway when even when we ain't asking for help, when he bails us out anyway, when we don't even ask him to be bailed out. You know why, because He loves us that much that he would allow us to exist until we get our mind together where he could take us a way, really trying to take us. Let's get this real straight in clar today. You can do this without God if you want to. But I am telling you to get to where you really want to be and to be all that God has for you. You got to have God. There's no ifs ands buts about it. And let me tell you this here. I don't really care what nobody then told you. Are you listening to me? I don't care what they say. Don't get this thing twisted. They got these people out here talking about they luminatis and all this here. Man, don't don't listen to me. Don't get caught in this mess. Don't get caught in no foolishness. You were created by God. God created you, ain't your soul. We were all created in His image, all of us. Don't get to talking about you find to cut a deal with the devil in all you ain't cutting no deal with nobody. Man. The devil don't do deals. He one sided. I'm taking you to hell. You going to hell. You're burning here, that's his deal. I want your soul. I want you to lose hope. I want you to take your life. I want you to take some other people's lives. I want you to feel hopeless. I want you to realize that there ain't no God. That's his whole deal. His whole deal is negative. Oh he can talk you into dealing drugs if you want to. But let me tell you something about this. I watch these shows all the time, drug ink and all this here cocaine mafia. Everybody on now go to jail or get killed. Our prisoners has filled the day with our young boys because they thought they could outslick the system. They thought they had a way. They thought, they said to them, been here, and they failed. For the old cliche, man, I gotta do what I gotta do. I gotta get this money. Well, the only reason you gotta do what you gotta do is because, like I say all the time, you didn't do what you were supposed to do. It is but because of His grace and mercy that we exist. And God has just taken care of you, looking out for you. Got some angels encamped around you until you get your mind right so he can get you where you're going. But now I want you to understand something. There's a cause and a consequence and a penalty. Everything we do this outside the will of God. That's for all of us, all of us have consequences, penalties and everything that we got to deal with outside of the will of God. Understand that, clearly, don't get this thing twisted sideways. You understand me. You know. I heard a young man tell me one day. He said, uh, Steve, you know, man, I just don't see how God looking out for me, if he would allow all these things to happen to me. I'm having such a hard time in my life. I really don't see how there's a God looking out for me. I lived the young man, I said, the man, it's just something. Man, you're still breathing. He said, yeah, I'm standing here talking to you. I said, you're still free. He said, what you mean. I said, you ain't locked up on You said no, I'm standing here talking to you. I said, where you get them clothes from? I bought him? I said, where you bought him with what I bought him with? Money? So where you get the money from? You? So I got a job, mister, huh, I got a job. I said, well, well where you live though, he's our our apartment. I said, where you could apartment? It's the Harve I'm working. I got an apartment. I got a job. I was okay, okay, So now this this God ain't looking out for you? Thinkin finish telling me what you're telling me. Well, see, man, I'm having it real hard right now. I said, hey, hey, man, you are you hungry? You have you had lunch yet? He sai, yeah, yeah, yeah, y'all already had lunch yet. I said, okay, okay, So gone finish. Tell me about this how God ain't looking out for you? He said, Oh. And you know, man, every every time I try to do something, it seemed like it go wrong for me. I said, but let me the man something. Man, I say, every time I go wrong for y'all, say, somehow you survive it. He said, yeah, yeah, I survive it some kind of way. But it's still be all messed up for me. I say, but but you still got through it though, he said yeah. I said, okay, man, gone finish telling me how God ain't looking out for you? And he stopped. He said him it is Harvey. He said, how come every time I tell you something that's going wrong, you keep telling me God looking out for me? I said, because you're still here, man, I said, See, you don't understand it. I said, you seem to think that you're supposed to just supposed to skate through life, that it's all supposed to go how you want it, any kind of way. I said, Man, Jesus to test to your faith, I say, God looking out for you the whole time. I say, every time you tell me something going wrong, you seem to turn around and tell me how you survived it. You keep telling me what ain't going right, but you keep telling me all these things you have. I said, man, so what you gotta do is you gotta stop looking at what you ain't got, column and start focusing on what you do have. Column. But if you ain't happy with nothing heating done for you, you wanted to keep piling stuff on. I said, you fail in the test, young man. The test is are you grateful for where you are right now? So I could give you more so we can move forward. He said, oh, man, I never even looked at like that. I said, well, why don't you take your blessed cell phone somewhere and sit down? He said, I think I'm going over here and let you finish talking. I said, thank you. So sometimes you just got to look at what you do got, folks, that's all it is, okay, you can't make it without God, y'all. You got me today. All right, let's be clear, let's go. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen. We are sitting here on the custom of what is already a beautiful morning. If you are in it, it's beautiful, whatever your situation is. To all my brothers and sisters that might be listening this locked up, y'all, keep your head up. God still got you, guys, still love you. Oh man. This is Steve Harvey Morning Show. Shirley Strawberry Collin for real, Mississippi Monica Junior better known as well Kill Spakes, better known as Junior, Thomas Miles, better known as Nephew Tommy, and yours truly Junior us starting to trouble me. But what's on your mind? I'll tell you so, my father, Let's just say this, O me, me and Tommy out and we get kids now and they won't five million dollars. Who are you spending the money over you? You rescuing me or you gonna rescue nephew? If you and Tommy are out and y'all get kidnapped and the ransom, it's five million dollars a piece each, Uh, what Let me ask you a question. Where am I when you all get kidnap? Let's say Mexico? What does that make? What is well? So he can thoroughly understand this answer, you're gonna pay the ransom or not? It sounds like, well, I'm just gonna say this right here. I would suggest you start taking some type of course or class on escape scale. I'm in Mexico, I'm still gonna be in Mexico, and I'm probably gonna be playing golf, so I strongly to yes. Let me let me give you some things you probably need to work on. Can't come for escaping squirming out of ropes? Tommy is your nephew? How to que through twine? You're coming to give me here? Coming your ability to snap or plastic ties wet? You're gonna have to find out who can do skinned grass because you're gonna tell yourself, I'm trying to do that all stuff? Well, how long are you gonna holding your breath underwater in case somebody not something to you and throw you over them? And you need to watch all the Hudinity tapes? That's a that's for junior. What about your nephew that goes for both of them. I'm not word, I'm not well. I am Yeah. We're gonna be the million for what because they know you have it? Tell them what you're gonna say. We don't pay that much money on your radio shop. This is just wrong, man, You really see you or either h and marry into some other family. All right, thank god, it's time to go. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, the pastors are here with church complaints right after this you're listening to show. All right, guys, it is time now for Reverend Motown and Deacon death jam and church complaints on this Monday. Oh yeah, and fa fault. We laugh on that one. Autotitiously, glvel amen, amen, multiply and do simplify simply all that we are in a worthy we come to you. It avide vacious, gungarious and austar sptitiously astar spitiously. Yes, all right, pastor, I let's see now we got an issue here. The wheel chair swim team has a swim meet. This is coming Saturday. We are three people shot, two up and drowned the last meet and we're trying at the forefeit. Can you recommend anyone path or for the upcoming swim meet. I have strongly suggested, did we are cheat and us or flotation devices? Now you go, you go already being the strong minded people that they are, they insisting on swimming, so we're going to let them continue and give them no special treatment. All God's children all the same. That's right, that's right, that's right. Now, do you want to be a swim on the team? Pass that they've asked that question too. I don't have a wheelchair. I know that. Well. The wheel tails the reason why three of them drowned last time, So we maybe need to not use the wheel team. I don't know. It's it's up. Well, they're figured out. Don't worry about it now. This one is kind of delicate. Pass it so tiptoe if you would be, or I'm a perfect person for it. Watch hard, all right. The side Peace Ministry is talking about going public if their demands aren't met. Now. They want three three things. Master. They won't a ring they can wear at all times. They want a national holiday that they get to be with the men, and they want a once a month public outing. That's what they want. I'm gonna tell you till one more time. The side. Peace Ministry is talking about going public and their demands are not met. They want to ring they can wear all the time. They want a national holiday that they get to be what they met and they want a once a month public out bas all. That's funny, good at all. You can go somewhere else with On that course, this here church will be closing h February first. If that is an issue with anyone, we won't be participating inside piece nothing. And I'd also like to sitting out a special message to anyone listening to me that might consider themselves connected in any way. Well, let me jump in right here. Such well, well, well, well, well, well, well did right down. Our arrangements is as continued and forever more. It is the payment. It ain't no ups, You're not changing anything, all right? Are you still you want to? Well, let me say something to you or d you or sister Paulina? Wait a minute, now, wait on me. What is she said? I know she partlin ain't got nothing to do this him. Let's move on to the next church complaining. Amen, faster, don't nobody want to talk about a men? Pastor? All right? We got a ride? Shall problem? Pastor? Brother Chauncey, who drives for Uber, had a fight with brother Finley, who drives for Left. They're fighting over taking certain church members home. And the fight broke out this past Sunday because they were fighting over the same customer. You're gonna have to figure out how for them to work this out in the parking lot. It's too too much. We don't have nothing to do with this. We have a vein or church vain And I realized sometimes it got to mean a vein is in your arm or your blood flowers, like you're staying vain or van. Now we have both about you ride back and forth to church that vein. Now that vein may have to make two trips, and people getting tired of if they don't pack in. Now it's siege fifteen Ye said that we've been known to have twenty seven in the vein. Now y'all don't want to pack in like that, don't mold and they got to drop people off. That's two and a half hours. Then they swing background and where where the fight is starting on the swing background because to take too long. Okay, but we're not We're not getting another vein. You can know that for sure. I understand all right, now one vein here we go, pastor, one thin, oh we get come on Kanye as our guest speaker next week. He's asking that all the crimes dressed and look like Kim Kardashian as much as possible. We don't have a church, mimber that fund what we don't. He ain't laying, he ain't. We ain't got nobody close to that. Tell yeasy to come on. He don't notice, but we're charging him a million to speak nice. All right, thank you, pastors. Coming up next, the CLO is in the building. Steve Harvey ready for your love questions. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment News. Our heartfelt, heartfelt prayers and condolences go out to the Braxton family after the shocking death of sister Tracy Braxton and Jesse Smalleett is sentenced to jail, and Chicago Mayor Lorie Lightfoot speaks out on Jesse's sentence. But now it is time to ask the CLO. This one is from Nika in Shreveport CLO. She says, I have a joint bank account with the father of my son, and that's how he's paid his child support for nine years. His new wife said, she's closing the account and my son will get three hundred dollars cash monthly. How do you give a nine year old this amount of cash? Why is he allowing her to take control of our son's child support? Why obviously the child support is three hundred dollars I'm assuming, Oh, because you can't child You can't change your child support. Now how you get the child support? That ain't really none of your business. She wants him to lose this joint bank account thing, because you understand that, because that ties y'all together on paper steel and he's she's not having that. Now, if you don't want the three hundred cash, what you're gonna do. That's the child support, and what he needs to do is give it to you in the form of a cash she has checked so he can keep record of it. Yeah, yeah, that's what the brother needs to do. That ain't no problem. Just take your child support if it's three hundred a month, and that's what it is, and that's none of your business how they give it to you, just as long as you get it. Praise card. She's acting like they're going to actually put it in the child's hand, the nine year old child. That's what she's thinking. That's all right, you know she tripping, all right? Moving on, Moving on, und dollars us when I was how old is it? Boy? Nine? Nine years old? Three hundred dollars a month out of head of candy distribution company. You've been doing it. You were making money of your own business. I would have dropped out of school a mogul at nine hard candy, Yes, all right. Moving on to Pasha in Colombia. Pasha says, a few years ago, I slept with the friend's dad, and we've promised to never tell anyone. He told one of his friends, and the friend propositioned me for a sample of what his buddy got. Women never kiss and tell. So why do some men feel the need to run their mouths and brag? Man? Girl, his old ad you slept with Joe Fried's daddy asked him not to tell. Ill. MM, if you'd have slept with his son and asked him not to tell, he'd have told we brag my stuff like that? Tell it now. He'd just slid over to you and he won't a sample? Should you confront him. What you're gonna say? Yeah, what is she gonna say? I thought I told you not to tell nobody? Well I did. Now guess what he gonna say? What you don't want me to tell nobody else? You know what? You're go ahead and do that? Ah hook me up? Oh mmmmmm? Yeah, she needs to leave those old men alone. Extortion. They have nothing better to do, all right. Courtney in New York says, I'm twenty five and I'm dating a guy that's a virgin. He's come close to having sex with me a few times, but he will never go through with this. He finally said, he loves me, but I've been with two other guys and that's a problem for him. Should I try to convince him that I'm not a whore? Wow? And do I let him go? Or do I let him go so he can find a virgin like himself? Well, I mean, boy, listen to meystack, she twenty five. You can't get mad at her about this two guys. Now you go somewhere with all that. Ain't nobody doing this virgin thing? Butcher, you're the only one an here. I mean, I love to tell you that this world is filled with white garments and robes and praise dancers. But it ain't having on her. That ain't that ain't what was happening to no more soldier. So you got a problem with her being with two guys. You're gonna have to move on because it's not been to change. And young lady, why did you tell him that you've been with anybody? Should Joe quick talking about who you've been with? As soon as he told you he was a virgin, your next statement should have been, oh my god, me too, me too, with a straight face. O my god, oh my god. Better give you time to get the lie together. Ye oh my god, I don't. I don't care what you say. You're not gonna pull me over to the side of lying. Works. Although that was a good one. Classic, Although that was a good one. Yes, pull me into your web of life. I love that one did work. Yeah, I would have done the thing thing and quick, alright quick? Oh my god, you two had a chest is she putting her hand to her chest at that point too. That goes with that goes with oh my god, she's just oh my god, oh my god. All right, Oh, moving on to police and Gary Police writes my husband sits in its car on the phone for a few minutes before he comes inside. I never questioned him, and I'm not about to start. Should I be worried that he's talking to a female? Oh no, hell no, you ain't gotta worried about it. What? No, you ain't gotta worry about it? What couse? What say it? Because what? Because I'm what are you doing? Well? Yeah, yeah, so you take that off your plate over worry, So don't worry. Just be clear. Yeah, he out there shutting it down. I'm about to go in here now say hey, look, I've been going in the house. Just want to let you know. Hey, sleep tight, don't let the bug be bug. Ye, take care of yourself, you know, until we meet again. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, you want to have a prayer before we before we cut it off, the Lord, gracious God out fall, until we meet a kid, ask all these things in his name, and together we say where two or more gathered together? Throw that in there? No, because Lord, No, I love you for real, all right. I talked to you the ball baby. Remember, I'm going in now. I'm gonna go in here. So in case his wife asked, then he could say, honey, for you out there on the phone talking to my prayer group. All right, we'll have some entertainment news. Were you right after this? You're listening to show well? In sad news Shocking sad news, singer Tracy Braxton has passed away at the age of fifty uh esophagiical esop cancer, as reported by her husband. That's what she died from, cancer of the esophagus. Her husband, Kevin Gay bat news. Tracy passed away on Saturday, reportedly surrounded by her sisters, her mom, and her friends. Tony Braxton, her oldest sister, posted the news on Instagram Saturday. Tony wrote that Tracy was a bright light and a wonderful daughter and amazing sister, a loving mother, wife, grandmother, and a respected performer. We will miss her dearly. Wow that came as a shock to everyone, really did No one knew but the family, I'm sure. Yeah, yeah, that was very real. Yeah, only fifty years old. Yeah yeah, yeah, we're so shocked to hear that. So sad. I text Shirley and Monica. We were talking about it and praying for her family. Deepest sympathy and condolence. So sick. Yeah, Um, just and to the Brexton family, Tony and the Zevelin and everyone Tamar, Yeah all right, yeah and moving on. In other news out of Chicago, um a Cook County judge sentenced actor Jesse Smallett to five months in prison, followed by thirty months probation for staging and reporting a fake hate crime to police. Jesse Smallett continued to claim in a sense. Even after the judge handed down the sentence, Smallett acted out and shouted, I am innocent, I am not suicidal. He was waving as fifth in the air wall all this was going on, grid it ride it justice that fish wave where you get in there, ride it to the end. Yeah, all that fish waving. Need hold that up, y'all. Yeah, I don't get plenty of opportunity. Yeah, better than some people thought. It could have been way longer than that. I mean, you know, look, man, he's claiming his innocence and everything, but he didn't kill anyone. Yeah, I understanding. Now, I wouldn't care if he isn't getting no time. I don't care. People people get away with far worse. Use killed two people, and I don't I don't even think it's it's it's a. I don't even think it's jail worthy myself, but you know, community service something. Well you stop all this, do it though? We need Yeah, shut all that down. You're right, stay listen to what the mayor, UH Mayor Lory Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago said. She She praised the sentencing and condemned Jesse for staging the hate crime. Said she hopes his case is a warning to others. She said the city feels vindicated in the ruling that he is being held accountable and that he will appropriately receive restitution for his actions. So you know, she was on the side of the judge. Mayor Lorry Lightfoot uh. Jusse will be held in protective custody while serving his time behind bars, and his cell will be monitored by cameras as well as an officer with a body cam. Jesse will be able to have time outside the cell to watch TV and use the phone without other inmates accompanying. Or I could say, while he's out of the seller, Jesse, pup, Jesse, just sitting out there where the TV had. Yeah, yeah, you're talking about going down that get in line, get your food, Yeah, in line with everybody else. Yeah. Yeah, you think what Cook count boy. Kelly was in there singing all damn day down. Kelly was sitting halls to his sale. He's been there that all. Kelly was in there singing all damn day. I'm talking about twelve played wrong the album. I mean they're doing proper quick track fire, but he's that hit it all. Keller ass was in Cook singing his ass off. Jesse got no don't the way Jesse gonna do. Jesse ain't got no telling. He can sing, and he can sing. He can't say he was a great sing He got enough hits to hold him though. Yeah, well they didn't. They didn't see all that episode. I'm gonna tell you right now, Jesse ain't got enough hits and hold them all. Jesse can't go to the break room, man, he can't go to the break Room't go the break room. But they can't watch Empire, they can't rush. They watch Empire and recognize him looking looking now and innocent. What about that he he had the people in there saying that shirt he not wasn't no rope around his men. He knew them to Africa. Let me strange something. He maintains his innocence. That's all I'm saying, you don't get damn near choked. And when it's over, pick up your sandwich. Subway walk in the house with the Sildwayted, I had a news round my damn that sandwich was a little bit of rope. Yeah, I lost my appetite. When are we talking about tears? How to go? Get him here? Go get him out of that and tell him Lucia's here. I need my barn days. You get out here, be strong, all right? Coming up for twenty minutes after the hour, Nephew, Temmy got some things that need to be said. We can't wait to hear what it is right after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Loud noises loud sex noises big problem in New York City right now. Over the past year or so, hundreds of people in New York City have called their government officials to complain about loud sex noises coming from their neighbors. An NYPD spokesperson said that they will continue to monitor and address all complaints. It's assumed that the loud and constant sex is because people are at home a lot more and they have run out of other stuff to do, so they start having sex, and very loud sex. So here's a question for the fellas. Have you ever heard your neighbors having sex? Better one? Sure? All right, all right, you want to tell would have they ever heard me? Okay, well, I'm getting to that. I'm getting to that. I'm getting to that. Have you ever heard your neighbors having sex? Have your neighbors ever heard you? That's the next one? And has anyone ever called cops on you? Because it was so loud? Really, I'm trying to get some sleep over here. I've had all that him. I'm older, so they've heard you, you've heard them, and they called it police everybody. I'm the louds. I'm v louds. I had an old lady stay across the hall, knocked on the door and said what are you doing? And what did you say? But it sounded like, you know, this was all pre pre Steve Hardy day. That was a little rock. That was a little rock. I bet you didn't to take it easy here? Now, what about you, nephew. I've been smothered befo because I was making too much lugs almost over your just put it over my whole face. Everything I've been smothered. She'll pull it up right before I pull up, right before I died, and then put it right back on. Were was it real or were you faking it? You know it was really? When I'm I ain't. I don't fake holler. I can't do that. I don't fakellar. You weren't faking new Well, what about shoot Junior. Oh that's a loud voice there. I know they didn't hear though all that they got that. Do you have to call the police when you hit that? You have? He's beating hurt man. I'm sorry that was him? Yeah, oh they thought woman Me and Darrel, Me and her both got to say. Voice weren't here, I know, you said me and Daryl. No, no, no, no, I said Darrel, my neighbor. We both be competing. I hit Darrel over there. I know we're still doing it. We're still doing the Cook County. We gotta move on out of thirty four minutes after the hours this spring, watch out for huge spiders that will be dropping out of the sky. Okay, we'll talk about this right after this. You're listening to show. As if we don't have enough to worry about with the war, the pandemic and the gas prices. Now get this, guys. There are some parachuting spiders and they are the size of your hand invading the East coast. Okay. The spiders called the Jural spider. It's from Asia. It was first spotted in Georgia about ten years ago, and it is expected to make its way up the East coast this spring. According to scientists at the University of Georgia, the spiders have parachute like silks, uh, and they have a habit of landing on and attaching themselves to cars. The Jural spider is quite large, and it's bright yellow, blue and red, which may scare people. Yeah, but it's experts. But experts say they are actually really timid and if a person were walking to its web, the spider would run away. Yeah, ain't nobody going for that. Gonna be a lot of stomping and spraying over here if you want. Yeah. But and and the other thing, guys is you don't have to worry about the spider biting you or anything. They don't care, experts said. The spiders fangs are too short to pierce you. They're not Why Why because my ship was undefeated. We stop sprayer black people as anyway. Yeah, and I have a cousin that has a master. I don't give a damn what the fuck the study bug. She knows every bug there is. Yeah, that really spiders. They all died the same way. One shoe shoe because if you do the spray, you do the spray. We need a mask on with you. But are you gonna so you're gonna carry spray in your car then? Because they land up your car? Yeah, okay, alright, I sprayed some gas on you like your butt on fire. I'm gonna get your ball for me, off me and my car. No, not that high as I'm not. I'm not not. Hey, this gas so high right now? They got gas and they selling gas in little weed secks. I got that qualify though, zimp like a regular got that. I got the eight ball for you though a gas eight dollars a ga give me two dollars though, yeah, wow, yeah, to look out for the jural spider bright yellow, No you said Jarl blue, No, j we already had him. And what did we do to him, junior? Joy like or steam? Did we spram? What did that sound? Just like my ears? Though? How you can got to stop. But I mean you got to use a lot because these spiders are as big as your palm. They're that big. Scared the hell out of me that. Wow. Yeah, No, we're not scared, but I mean it is it is a lot. I mean, you know, you talked about the gas, the high gas prices, the war going on in Ukraine, the pandemic. It's a lot. Now we got to contend with spiders. When is this ever gonna stop? This is like a scene We're in a movie right there. Starting to feel like the Bible there. Okay, all right, when you show these, ain't put in spiders your show. He knows better. Don't come up here. Don't bring all that over here, all right? Coming up next, it is the nephew in the prank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening to Save Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at four minutes after the hour. About four minutes after the hour, it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject is he hates his wife, but I don't uh huh. You may hate her, but I don't hate her. All right, we'll get into that in just a little bit. Right now, it is time for the nephew and the prank phone call which you got for us. Nep. We have a catering mistake. A catering mistake. It happens sometimes periodically. Caters might make the wrong mistake, might bring the wrong dish, might do this that. So we're gonna get his it as possible, right here, cat dog give you wood. Catering must sink. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Tammy. Please, this is Shane. Hey, Tammy, this is a dexter over here catering. We catered you your aunt Bridget. Yeah, that's right, that's right, that's right. How are you doing, Dexter. It's good to hear from you. Okay, good good. I'm going through the paperwork here, and I know we have an invoice for you all. I wanted to reach out to you. This is not a bad time, is it. No, this is a good time. Okay. So, first of all, did everybody enjoy everything that we put out for you? Guys? Yeah, we had a good old time. My auntie Bridget, she was so happy. There was no better way to bring in her sixtieth birthday party. We had a great time. The food was delicious. We are so grateful, so thank you so much. You and your team did the bomb job. Okay, good deal, Good deal. I was here when they low it up, the van and everything, and I wanted to make sure. I wanted to follow back up. But listen, I'm looking at the paperwork and um, and we had a little mishap, and I wanted to let you know that we're not going to um, we're not gonna charge you guys for the chicken. Uh, because they made a mistake and they put the wrong pan on the van and they I noticed that the chicken was actually still here, So we want to take off take that off, and I won't that won't be on the on the envoys. So I'm taking all the entire cross. The chicken will be completely taken out. Okay, real quick, let's back up a bit, because we had a lot of people at the party. We definitely had chicken walk. Yeah, I know you had you order some moother chicken. But like I said, the guy put the wrong pan on the on the van, you know, and actually the smother chicken was actually still here, uh, you know, here here at the shop. So you know, like I said, we made a mistake. I'm gonna take it off and that I'm probably not your in like a couple of hundred dollars off of a couple of you as price hold on deck third. So so what are you saying? So? What were we eating? If it wasn't this mother chicken? What was it? Uh? Well? Miss? Tell me? Like I said, you know, I got on this kid for making this mistake. You know, I got on the real bad about it from you know, putting the wrong pan on there. But like I said, this what you guys had? Was it? That was a chicken? What was it though? That's what I'm asking you? What was it that was actually what he put on there? By mistake? Miss? Tell me that was that was rapid? What? You can't be serious right now? Are you out of your rabbits mine? Are you serious your call? No? Tell me? Did your team put the wrong trade on the trucks and then served it to my family? And you're trying to call me about two hundred dollars? Are you serious more than that? You owe me more than that? You don't know who the because allergic to that and you're calling me about two hundred dollars? Are you out of your mind? Well? I wanted to credit you all that. You know what I'm saying no, and there's gonna be no credit. There ain't gonna be no credit. It ain't no credit. Do you mean credit? Wherechard could have died, Monty could have died, Lucie. Uh, we got kids in there. You don't know our dietary needs? Are you crazy? Well? I mean though, it don't matter. If I liked it, I can fall out to night. Stupid. Oh, I'm getting it a attorney. I'm done with this. This is stupid. And who the want to eat bugs? Bunny? Does that right to you? So? Are you stupid? I'm so annoyed right now? Seriously, we ain't know woods people ween, no country people with you? Okay? What what what y'all liked it? Though? Right? No? But you're gonna like my foot up yo, So that's what you're gonna like. I'm gonna bea there later because y'all stupid, don't stupid. My foot gonna be up yo, and y'all gonna be hopping around like a rabbit, the rabbit that you served me. Okay, okay, let me ask you this here, No abl ab miss Avis, your mama right, what do my mama got to do with this rabbit? What's she gotta do with this. Okay. See, your mama got me to call you. This is nephew. Comments from the Steve Hobbin Morty Show. Damn mean your mama to break you. I'm so sorry. Oh my god, this is crazy. Oh good morning. This is crazy. You're crazy, y'all are gonna get it? This is crazy? Oh man? All right, Samman, tell this baby. What is the baddest that, I mean, the baddest radio show in the lake. Steve Harley, you are right right. Yes, I'm just so glad I didn't have rabbit. I'm so glad. Ain't nothing wrong with a little rabbit though. That wasn't gonna hurt you, chicken, chicken. I didn't know what you was gonna tell them they habit rabbit? Is good that she said we no country backward, No damn rabbit. But like that, Oh man, we had such a nice time. It's a good time. It was such a good show. I'm gonna be down there and put my foot dead off in your you're a rabbit, but she changed. We ever been down like that, aren't yo? Have somebody give you some food and didn't tell you what it was. No, I'm pretty good at that I know I know what stuff is because I didn't have anything ain't so you know, you or raccoon meat when you see it, Well, the raccoon impossum could be confusing any kind of weight. I was like, well, I mean, but I've had to eat. I was in the country when you know, if it came down the side of that mountain, my daddy shout it. He was eating it, and he knew how to scrix it. It was actually good, but I mean, when I look back on it, it wasn't good. But when it's all you got's the issues squirrel? Oh hell, they ain't playing the squirrel dog. We used to gonna squirrel hunting. I have never had. We used to gonna squirrel hunting squirrel. The rabbit hunt I hated. I hated rabbit hunt. I hate it. I hated it. I couldn't stop it. Man, well, because you got to squeeze the guts out of him to put them in the pack, to carry them, and that was my job. And I didn't like squeezing the guts out the rabbit because it made a little noise. A little boy, I ain't like that. So they look back there, My pack just be packed. Boy, why are you? Why are you packed fully opened it up? You ain't squeezing the guts out to eat rabbits? Oh whoa too damn man, let's just go home with the walls. We got the rabbit. We got twenty of these fat ass rabbits and here they fat. You ain't squeezing the guts. Shout, oh, squeeze the gutshout for knock you and your huh And they still make the noise. So what's the best wild game you didn't make? I mean, I love dear venicel y'all. I like elk, I like bison, camel, I like kudu. I like camel. Camel is good too, came oh yeah, oh oh oh dog. Camel in the Middle East is delicious. Yea, what part of the camel is? I don't know? Hey, don't you sitting over people house. You ain't gonna be asking all them question. I want to know if I'm eating a hump. I want to know what I'm eating. It's camel, dog eating the back of the hoof your ass? I had everything, man, Why uh boma, come watch me be stupid this Saturday night, that's right, March nineteenth, Saturday Night Beaumont, Texas at the Julie Rogers Theater. The nephew was coming to town. Tickets on sight now stupid is on the way. All right, nephew, thank you, that's for sure. You guaranteed that or your money back? All right. Subjects of the Strawberry Letter coming up. He hates his wife, but I don't. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Send us your letters. You never know we could be reading yours. You never no, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, all right. Subject he hates his wife, but I don't. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a forty four year old married man and my sister in law is living with us temporarily. She and my brother are separated because she caught my brother in her bed with another woman that happened to live next door. The woman happened to live next door. She took pictures of him in the act, and she posted them to her Facebook page. He told her that he hates her in the comments. She was willing to work things out, but the word hate kept coming back to her mind. She had a bad phone call with him one day about a month ago, and when I walked in, she was crying. Naturally, I comforted her, and in her vulnerable state, she told me that it felt good to be touched, so I continued to touch her to make her feel better. It was innocent at first, but then she started touching me back, and she touched me in a certain place for a very long time, so it was only right for me to return the favor. I had the most passionate kiss that day, and it led to us having unheated affair in my house where I live with my wife and kids. It's not even awkward because she and I have an understanding. My role is to help her move past the hurt, and her role is to help me release sexual tension I have in my marriage. I don't feel bad about it, and neither does she. In fact, I encourage her daily to work things out with my brother, and I talked to him about coming to get his wife out of my house. I don't really want her to go because it's convenient, but I'm convinced this affair will still go on even after she's moved back home. I'm concerned that she's catching feelings. Though I had an affair before and had to end it because the the woman fell from me. Can us that she is in this for the same reasons as i am? What if this is some kind of revenge. I don't care how much you try to justify this. This is just wrong. It's wrong, and you're asking the wrong questions. You wrote this letter like you did something good, like you're really trying to help her, like you should be commended because you were there for her to help her get over her pain. No, you're married and this is your brother's wife. You should be asking why are you cheating on your wife and why are you betraying your brother? Or why are you such a disgusting human being who's carrying on an affair in your own home, right under your wife and kids their noses? Why are you doing this and behind your brother's back? All right, here's a question you should be thinking about. If your brother and your wife find out, will they post your affair on Facebook like your sister in law did. The sick part about this is you feel not guilty or ashamed. You don't feel any of that. The answer to those questions is you don't feel any of that because you're selfish. You don't care. You don't care. You took advantage of your sister in law when she was vulnerable. You said that in the letter, and none of us have sympathy for you at all. If your brother finds out, he's gonna beat your behind. He really is. Your brother is going to be more upset than your wife because it's his wife. Your wife is gonna be mad, but your brother can hurt you. This is crazy. Break this off. I know you're not going to, but I should tell you that break it off. It's gone too far. Don't wait for your sister in law to break it off, because she probably won't, but you need to. Steve hey man, let me ask you a question, what the hell did you write us far? Because I don't even get the purpose. He hates his wife, but I don't see. Let me tell you y'all something about this letter. This is not a man writing a letter seeking guidance. This, to me, is a man writing a letter seeking admiration for him. He wanted everybody to see how he operate who he is because you, first of all, donc you said nothing that was redeeming at all, And like Shirley said, you have no remorse in this letter, no damn where you ain't wrong on no stretch, no account. You know what's wrong with you? Man. You say you're a low dude. Man, I ain't gonna lie to you. Forty four years old. Man, you're a low dude. You're married man, sister in law living with y'all temporarily. She and your brother, your brother, your brother. I mean right, hey, man, listen to me. If you can do this to your brother, you are completely incapable of being a loyal friend. Listen to me. Man, people like this, they can't be loyal friends. If you will do your brother, your brother, I know, good damn well you will do me. He has no colde. He he doesn't honor no man colde nowhere. Now she caught your brother in bed with another woman. The apple don't far far from the tree. You and your brother Jesse alike. Now she caught your brother in bed with another woman. They're doing it so good, they so into it. She'da took pictures of him in the act if I is no way you can photograph me, and I don't know it. He told her he hates her in his comments, you know why he hate her. That's a lot of nerd. Man, see you and your brother similar people. He hate hub Why for catching him in they bed in the act with another woman. Hold that thought, Steve, Hold that thought. We'll come back with part two of Steve's response to today's Strawberry letter. The subject is he hates his wife, but I don't. We'll be back at twenty three minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject is he hates his wife, but I don't. Well, like I said, this man is not seeking any guidance from us. He just wants some admiration. He wants to brag about his work. He's a forty four year old brother whose brother is having mental problems, and his wife, who is his sister in law, is staying with him. Now they separated because she caught her his brother in bed with another woman, and that happened to live next door. That's key information. She lived next door. She took pictures of him in the act and posted him on Facebook. He told her in the comments that he hate her. What he hate her? Fault? You got caught she took the pictures. You was with the woman next though in y'all's house. What but the wife? The sister in law was willing to work it out, but the word hate kept coming back. So then she had a bad phone call with him one day bout a month ago, and then this dude that wrote the letter walked in. The forty four year old. She was crying, naturally, I confided her in her vulnerable states. She told me that it felt good to be touched. So I be in the snake in the grass that I am. Yeah. I continued to touch her to make her feel better. It was innocent at first, No, it wasn't. But then and she started touching me back, and she touched me in a certain place for a very long time. So it was only right. It was the only right for me to return to favor me being the snake in the grass. That I am me being the brother of a brother that got caught with the next dot neighbor in bed with the next do neighbor. I got to I got to return to faith. I had the most passionate kids that day, and it led to us having a feted affair in my house. Y'all like to do a lot of stuff in y'all house, you and your damn brother, and y'all ain't never thought about room nowhere. Y'all do a lot of stuff. You're about the next dole neighbor, your brother about the next neighbor over to the house. Now you got his wife in your house, and we had a heat of a fan where I lived with my wife and kids. Hold up, brother, you got no rich respect for your brother. You have no respect for your wife, and you have no respect for your children. Then right after that complete act of disrespect, guess what he said. It's not even awkward. Dog, how that ain't awkward because she and I have an understanding. Oh as long as y'all cool with it, it don't matter who else ain't. My role is to help her move past to hurt, and her role is to help me release sexual tension I have in my marriage. Wow, Wow, dog, that's how you wrote that off. I don't feel bad about it. Here we go again. It's not awkward, y'all having understanding and that he don't feel bad about it. How can you not feel bad about betraying your brother? Right? Okay, doc, I got you having the affair, I got that, But the betrayal of your brother with your brother's wife in your house. Ultimate love? Dog? You just low man? You all the man code. You have no honor, dog, I don't even know why you wrote us man. I don't feel bad about it, and neither does she. That's why she at your house. In fact, I encourage her to daily work things out with my brother, and I talked to him about coming to get his wife out of my house. What. I don't really want her to go. There we go. Let's get right on back to you because it's convenient. But I'm convinced that this fair will still going on even after she's moved back home. Wow, I'm concerned that she's catching feelings though I had no fab before. Yeah you you ain't. This ain't your first rodeo. I knew that I had at the fan before, and it ended because the woman failed for me? Can I trust that she is in this for the same reasons as I am? Oh, you mean for the same self sender, egotistical, self serving, narcissistic route that you're taking. Yeah, yeah, she's in for the same way and she stays there free. Yeah. So this is banging for rent. It's what this is called. Wow, banging for rent, banging for groceries? Now, can I trust that she's in this for the same reason as I am? What if this is some kind of revenge? Well? Brother, what what what difference do it make if it's some kind of revenge? What's your reason for doing it? He's just not asking the right questions now, he No, Charlie, ain't no question. He don't feel awkward. You don't see nothing wrong with it. There is no remorse. There is no love for his brother. There's no honor in the main code. There's total disrespect of his home. Man this dude, miss me man, dog dog, this is going to go all bad for you. It is all bad for you. Please email us back after everybody find out, all right, Thank you? Steve coming up? Hit hit us up on Instagram and uh at Steve Harvey FM dot com to comment. On Today's Strawberry Letter. You can also check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up next, it is Junior with Sports Talk. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior, it is time for Sports Talk. What you got for us? Oh my gosh, Tommy, We're back, Tommy Houston. Texas quarterback des Sean Watson will not face criminal charges come on actual misconduct cases. On Friday, a grand jury in Texas decided not to indict Watson for allegedly groping and sexually harassing nine massage therapists doing private massage sessions. He does still face, though, twenty two civil lawsuits from women in multiple states for sexual misconduct. Watson was very emotional afterwards, and he expressed his extreme gratitude to his legal team and his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Watson stated, I'm gonna keep fighting to reveal my name and reveal my appearance in the community. He also added that he's eager to return to the field once his name is cleared. Okay man, First of all, congratulations to Deshaun Watson. What this does is this clears him of all criminal charges. Nine of the twenty two women volunteered to testify to the grand jury. What happened was none of the stuff they testified to could be collaborated for anything criminal happening. Nothing, that's our judicial system. The brother is clear. Obviously somebody went down there claiming something that did not happen. That's clear right now. The twenty two women who are filing civil sauts civil assaults, nine of those women testified in front of the grand jury and nothing, nothing was said that this man was criminal, Which now leads me to believe that a lot of this civil case now is just about the money, because that's all it is now. And I'm on charges, so now we're trying to get a check. So I think the brothers gonna be fine. Now, let me say this to y'all in Houston. He's looking forward to getting back on the field. It ain't gonna be in texts we got back. Yeah, Yeah, I think he's headed to the Carolina Panthers. Yeah, he got gonna be that Timmy. He not man. He doesn't want to stay in He he don't want to stay in here. He don't want to I understand it, though. I'm just rooting for I'm just rooting for to Sean. I am too. Of course you want to win, and I think, man, I think this is just my opinion. A lot is coming out now that this was a big move for money, because nine, only nine of the twenty two would we even come to grand judy that had something that they thought and none of this was criminal, which means a lot of consensual stuff going on. So now he didn't win, got this oidle to win, got these twenty two other people to build up a class action suit so he can get some more. It's starting out to look real nice about this judicial system. No, no, man, So it is true. All right, all right, junior, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, think about this question. Is it okay to send your ex's best friend some flowers? We'll talk about right after this. You're listening to the Morning Show on Friday. Chloe Kardashian's ex and the father of her daughter. True, we all know who Tristan Thompson is. Well. Tristan sent her best friend Malika a bouquet white flowers for her birthday. Malika posted the picture of the bouquet on Instagram and tag Tristan, thanking him for the flowers. Well, then social media trolls slam Tristan with half of the comments saying that Tristan is trying to get back with Chloe by baiting her best friend with flowers, while others say Tristan is a player and he's trying to get with Malika. Now it's rumored that Tristan and Malika were friends way before he started dating Chloe. All right, that aside, here's the question. Is it okay to send your ex's best friend flowers? Was Tristan right or wrong in this situation? And what do you think in general? Tristan is wrong here? Wrong? You sending her flowers for dog? She'd posted it. Now your ass at the top of the food chain on the social media again, you're stupid his decision making right here? Man, don't kind of friends and y'all and then you and then she posted it and tagged you flower to flowers every day for what you've done. I tell you diet to say to any of my exes, all the friends. Is it safe to say? Don't have nothing to say to any of my exes all they damn friends, everybody associated with them. Ain't ain't on. Steve sent me nothing ain't know where I was. If I was driving down the highway and I saw one of my ex girlfriends on the side of the road with a flat tide, what you stopping? Help right? There's a pause here, Come on, I pull over, but on the other side of the road, and what yea? You need some help? This is what I'll do if I see my ex or one of her friends on the side of road with a flat top I passed by, drive off the exit ram, swing through Chick fil A and get a sandwich and then come back the highway on the other side and park directly across the medium and eat my sandwich. And I thought, you're gonna give them the sandwich now? Now it might be a while I'm watch. What you need is uh? Why are you sound like the alternator? Exactly? Exactly, j that's the fifty fifth person that didn't drove by that you keep a count. Don't nobody like you, Steve, I understand, But if there were someone else other than your ex, or someone relied many times, you would. One of my proudest moments, man, was I was when I lived in la I was driving down Suppoverta between um Wilsha and the Skurball Museum. And this young black girl was on the side of the road one of her girlfriends, and you know, just reminded me of my daughter. I stopped and pulled over. She didn't know what to do, uh, so I called a toe truck. For toe truck came. She had chew to tire really bad, and I paid the tow truck driver for new ties for the girl and had then had She called her father and her father thanked me on the side of the rod Man Steve Harvey, Thanks man, I'm out of town. I can't get there, I said, I got a man, don't where about it. So I had to take to the tech time shop and got a time but she wasn't my ex though, yeah, you'd left your vet. Helped out of drove and said it is just sparing the Trump. We gotta go. Thank god. Coming up at twenty minutes after, as we entered the second year of the pandemic, the TSA has extended the mass mandate. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening. The Transportation Security Administration has extended the federal public transportation mass mandate or at least another thirty days from March eighteenth through April eighteenth. According to CNN, the decision was based on guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and this mandate applies to mass being worn on mass transportation, including planes, trains, buses, and hugs like airports and train stations. So the question is, will you wear masks on airplanes indefinitely? I think I will. Yeah. Probably, that's a long time with a yeah, long coast coast. You just want to let your face out by the time you get when you go to du Yeah today, Yes, I had no problems with that, none. Only time you could take it us off, as if when you ate or drink a sip of water or something, and you had to put it right back on, because that's an enclosed environment up there with the mask on the whole time. I can't do oki, ok, I can't. I can't do my hot ass brother. I don't know how y'all. I don't know if y'all got a whole punch in your mask or whatever, but I need some good lay. There's no way I could deal with this much blowback for seventeen damn blowback all right? When I sleep because I sleep with my mouth open. You who that's sexy? Tell us more coming up with thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll play around it. Would you rather right after this you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, and it's time now for would you rather? Would you rather find one thousand dollars in a public toilet or would you rather have a one hundred dollars bill in your pocket? One hundred in my pocket. I'm not reaching in its toilet getting this Damn, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not reaching in this toilet getting this money. No, I will tell somebody who needs it off dry. Yeah, yeah, you definitely got to do that. Disaffect the money. Uh, sanitize it all right now? Is it my toilet though, it's a public toilet? Public? I'm sorry, okay, oh, here's my toilet all Just relet straighten it out. Just straighten it out. One thousand, blow dry? You're doing it? The money a comic, let's wash it, give me a comic. Yeah, all right? Would you rather have sex in a public swimming pool or sex in the sand? Hey, in the public swimming pool, that's gonna yeah. What's wrong with the saying? Y'all? Have been in that same y'all know you need to stop playing what's wrong with you saying? You know I don't like outside? You know I don't mean side you've been in that saying before. I don't like outside. I'm just everybody what I'm I'm having six myself. You know, you knew you have a different You're gonna have a different feel about that saying. But tell me the germaphobe. You're gonna do it in the public swimming? Yeah, really that's saying is that's some friction you ever seen? Same people? It's right there. It's the same thing gonna cut you up, and you're gonna be shreddy because you're too stupid to stop. All right? Would would you rather? Would you rather say the wrong name in bed B B or have no sex for three months? I'll tell you right now, Because you say the wrong name, you fitn't had just no sick for more months? You may lost that one for life. No, bright, I wouldn't know. I don't know. I don't know a long time ago. But I'll tell you one thing though, you know good in here where I swore down I did of another lie feet All right, that's would you rather for today coming up, it is our last break of the day at forty nine minutes after the hour. We'll also have some closing remarks from the one and only Si Harvey, our fearless leader, right after this. You're listening show all right? Here we are our last break of the day. Hey, Steve, I wanted to clear something up. Our last break we did would you rather? And the question was or the would you rather was? Would you rather say the wrong name in bed or have no sex for three months? Yeah? I said I'd rather hand no sex for three months? We all did? Yeah, right, everybody did. And you said you've said the wrong name before? Oh yea, well back in the day y'all said the wrong name before and immediately denied it. It's no way I'll give a damn with you if you stopped me right as I say it. That's not what I said. Did you Did you just cut My name is Shirley? Did you just call me Shamika Shirley? I said, girly, you better do this thing. I see it. Any name, try any name, Julie, Julie, I said, dude, me do me. I gotta saying no, no, damn Julie. I said do me, Tracy, Tracy, ain't. Nobody said no, Tracy, I say, let's try it in Let's try it is you're saying no, no, damn Tracy. What is you listening? Tamara? Tamera? Tamera. I said, I'll be damner. I said, I'm I'm gonna I'll be I'll be damn if I'm amost Scot, I say nobody, no damn Tampa, Carla, Carla, Carla. Uh huh, I say harder, I say harder. All right, all right, girl, you need to listen. Monica, Monica, are you card to get out of there? Monica, Donica, that ain't you go? I said, you want to go to Mona Carlo. That's what I asked you there. You're not gonna be there, but uh, that's what you should have said Dave Jamilla, Jamilla Jamiller. Yeah, nobody saying about no damn Jamiller. I said, this is a thriller any Manila. I feel like Holly Fraser fight young Man. A thriller in Manila, I want, said Jamiller. Okay, Uh, Brenda old school Brenda. I said bring it, Yeah, you better bring it. I said, nomboy, no damn Brenda, ain't no more Brenda, let's go real. Old school brue, old school chair, rude brue. Everybody said no Route, I said, Ruth. I was, you know, I'm a cute route. Betty, Betty Betty. Iverybody said Noboddy. I said, you better better, dude, like you're doing to get better. It's getting better and better. Everyone to me the old school favorite name Gwen Gwen, I said, I said, Quinny Gwinn. Quit it. Penny Penny, that's old school all the other you got his life in it. Man, my brother had a girlfriend named Penny. I thought this was the baddest chick in the world. Man. Penny was short, man, hazel eyes, light brown way. I thought she was like I was yo, you know, we was polding. I thought she was like from Hawaiian saying Hawaiian wire. My brother got a girl from Hawire eyes. She is right from Cleveland Snake about two blocks over. So come on with the come on with got what I do? How you get out of pinion? Anybody saying that about no Penny, I said, I'm gonna give you plenty. Yeah something, give you plenty. Everybody said, let's see Maryland, Maryland, Marylyn. I said, roll roll, roll your boat I said, mary Lee down the street, they hell you, Joe, I was rolling whatnot? I was saying the song under my prep. You ain't hear me? Girl? All right, here's here's the old school Joyce Joyan, Marylyn jo Dream Joy I said, I said Joe. I said, I'm in Johnny. I'm John I said my dad, Joy, I'm in john stripping. I said, let's do it in my road. Ross. That's what I said, Joan. Giselle. I went to high school with a girl named Giselle. Giselle, I just by saying no, Giselle, I said, this good is hell. Just put his hell right here. Right. So, fellas, ladies, if you're listening, Steve is giving you away. If you make a mistake, you know, during intimacy and call your partner by the wrong name, this is how you recover. So take note. Steve got Linda Linda, Linda, Well, I really say Linda. I said, hold on, I'm I know, hold on. That's how the last one I say. Damn, y'all have a good day man for all. Steve. Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening, she was staying the Harday Morning Show