Tracy Morgan stops by The View and has good news. Meek Mill is released from prison. The crew have parenting questions for Steve. An Alabama Waffle House is in the news. The Closing Remarks will point out the importance of a mentor and more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all a so long looking back to back down, giving them just like the milking buck bus things and it's cub y'all. Do me true good to the hearty guy listening to move to other stood clean hobby. Don't you join yeah by joint be you go with me? Honey, do turn yeah, don't go to you. You gotta turn to turn out, turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn water water go. Come come on your back, uh, I sure will. Good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, oh man, oh man. You know what y'all? I mean, Really, the goodness of God is overwhelming if you think about it, I mean, really really think about it, even even when your circumstance doesn't look so bright, even when you're going through something that's causing you discomfort, pain, even even in that, God's goodness is actually overwhelming, because don't forget why you're going through this moment this first of all, this too shall pass. But also secondly, remember man, ain't everything else that you've gone through that seems so insurmountable at the time. Didn't you get past that too? I mean, it's amazing if you really think about it, if you really be you don't. You don't get stuck on any one issue your whole life. The only people that get stuck on an issue they whole life is people who won't let it go. That's really all it is. There are people who exist, and you may be one of them. Oh please, No, I've been guilty of it myself before. But I learned something. There are things in my past that I just would not let go of. It was done, it was over with, I was past it, but I I would not let go of it. It was over. The dude that did it to me didn't exist no more. The problem that it created didn't exist no more. The only problem that kept hanging on was I would not let it go. And man, you can't go forward if you're gonna keep looking in the past. It's an impossible thing. It's like driving a car. If you keep looking only in the rear view mirror while you're driving, you're going to crash pretty soon. And a lot of people just keep crashing over and over and over and over because you won't drive your car. You keep looking in the rear view mirror at the pass. Oh woe is me? Oh? You know they did me like that? You know, I ain't been the same since he cheated on me. Oh man, ever since she stole my money, I ain't been the same man. She played me and ever since that out and treated women differently. My father used to beat me. Okay, you know now, Look, you may have some deeper stuff going on, like you're abused or molested as a child, but eventually, guess what, do you understand that when you have relationship God with God, you can take that to him too and drop it off and leave it there. Do you know that he can fix and heal that. Maybe it's something serious like that that you need fixing on healing from a relationship with God can fix and heal that. But man, come on, y'all, whatever it is, and I'm not trying to downplay it or make it act like it wasn't traumatic in your life, because oh God, you don't want to you know, you don't want nobody do that to you because you want to be the you know, the post to child for misery. So please don't let me take that from you. You know, if if that's your position, that's your that's your you know, hall of Fame card. You're hanging on too. I'm the post to child for misery. Oh, no, one is more woe than me. Then please don't let Steve try to take that from you. Go ahead and hang on to that. But let me tell you something though. If that's what you're gonna hang on to, that's what you're gonna always be the post to child mystery. At one point time, you're gonna have to get on the move past it. And you can. Sometimes, Man, it's merely a simple thing of taking it to God and leaving it there. You know, some people don't have money for therapy. Some people don't even know who to call for therapy. God is the best psychologist in the world. He he can fix it for you. There is nothing too hard for God. You know, when something seems impossible, y'all, God does the impossible all the time every day. You don't know how I know. I just look at a couple of basic things. Do you know that that sun comes up every day in the morning, It comes up in the east and it sets in the west. You can't do nothing about that. All you can you can wish because you plant your flowers on a certain side of your house, you can wish you all you want that maybe one day he would bring it up out the northwest. So those flowers were. Now now it's gonna come up about these. It's gonna come about these, and it's gonna set in the west. And once the sun hits the horizon when you look in the water, like if you are out in l a and you see the sun going down. Once the sun, once you can visually see the sun touching the horizon, you have three minutes. You have exactly three minutes. You can sit there with you watch. You can time you're three minutes and it's gone. Three minutes, it's gone. It's man. I read that somewhere and then I went and tried it. It's gone every day if if it's clear enough, not cloudy, once the sun touches the horizon on water, you've got three minutes. I don't care who you are, you can want it to be different. That's what he does. When the wind blows, you can't do nothing about it. He can bring it from the northeast, he can bring it from the west, he can bring from the south He can bring it hard, he can bring it cool, he can bring it high. It's certain things that God, God does the impossible all the hi. You can't explain him. You know how those stars sitting up there? How how can you find these constellations the big dip of a little dipper? Ryan the Hunter, Oh that's God. That's got nothing you can do by it. You can't reach them stars, you can't shoot at them, you can't move them out the way you know, or Ryan the Hunter's belt is gonna beat them three stars out of angle. You can, you can, you can call it what you wanna call. It's still that's what it is. See, He does the impossible all the time. He created heaven and Earth. You're saying that God can't get you through your past. Somebody did this to me. It's the worst thing I had, the worst childhood of anybody. God can't get you past that. He can move Heaven mountains Earth, he can form the Grand Canyon, he can make the water come over Niagara Falls twenty four seven. He can't fix your little bit of past yours you you instant, nificant being as we are. It's amazing how people make their problems bigger than God. Somebody told me one time, stop telling God how big your problems are, and start telling your problems how big God is, and go on with your life. Quit driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Ain't nothing back there but your past. And if it was hurtful or painful, or something you just felt like you can't get over, take your problems to God and leave them there. You hear the old spiritual all you've heard it. Take your problems to the Lord, Take your burdens to the Lord, leave them ye at all time. But you think that applies to everyone. But you come on, man, and a lot of people out there going through much worse than you have and have overcome it all. Why won't you take the step to overcome your past so you can get on with driving your con see a God trying to take you, But it's the trick of the enemy. The enemy tricks you from seeing your future by having you constantly looking in your past. Man, it's a trick of the devil. If the man, If the devil just lets you quit, if he would just let you get to drive in your car and look out into your future, your future shows hopefulness. You have hope when you see the future. But he can keep you in misery if he keep you looking at your miserable pass He created you, He got a plan for you. God looking for you. Man. God would love to hear from you. Let's spend some time talking to God today. Hey, God, what's happening. It's me. I know I ain't talked to you in a while, but feel bad about that. But I need you. He know that. Everybody should say that prayer all the time. It's cool, all right, well, all right, you're listening to show, ladies, gentlemen, people, animals. Steve Harvey Morning Show full effect. What's up Sherley, Hey Steve, good morning to you talking about it? Call it good morning. What's up? Cruel coming at your junior morning? Everybody and Thomas smile. Gotta feeling, good morning, good morning. I gotta feel ah, gotta feeling. Somebody's trying to sneak in my friend and they gonna be no like that. Oh when you hear that's all right there you've been to get too. I didn't say we don't do that. Absolutely, that's who doesn't do that. You ain't in the band and be clowning that boy. Man, the man. I mean, man, I just want to go. Really, man, you gotta stop all that. You can't do that. You have people hazing people that ain't ever had they asked. And if you don't know what that is, you don't know what out of bounds like, you don't know where to stop. So you just think you just over here that that's that that a man. Young kids, they don't know nothing about that. They ain't took no whoop anyway, probably not subject. We need to get on get on up out of him. Hey, good morning again. Life is good. Life is good. Any questions for me today though, there's something funny you want to ask to see you this morning. I'm feeling kind of see you know, I think it's gonna be time for some of that, you know, just let it out your system. Yeah, how you feeling about vacation this year? CEO? Right there? No time at all. I mean it's a new year. We haven't started our spring and summer vacation, so I'm just wondering. I know how you've been in the past, but that's the past. Well, I haven't been in the pain. You all. You told us no, we couldn't have vacation stake it on our own time. You weren't paying for vacations. You know, things like that. It's a pattern patterns. I'm thinking, have you changed listen to it? Know, the patting, the pattern just to the pattern caused the pattering about to be about the patty. So in other words, um, we won't be able to ensure you saying you want to take a trip together vacations. Well, I mean, I just you know, he never gives us time off for vacation, So I'm just wondering, Yeah, this year, will we be able to have a vacation finalize? You gotta ask white folks. We're asking the CEO. Leave you out of it. I turn it over to the white folks. I think they hand it better. They have more of a Tennessee to hold me to the letter of the law. They gotta employee handbook. Well, then, yes, we'll have vacations all the days time to be missing. I don't know what the hell they're gonna do about here. I think we'll continue this line of questioning, asked the CEO when we come back after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. You know, being a mom is like a thousand little jobs all wrapped up into one, from trauma nurse to afternoon mathematician, from organizer in chief. Somehow moms do it all. And let me say something. I ain't no mom, but I show appreciate it the one I had, and I appreciate all you mothers out there. So this Mother's day, listen to me. Fellas, girls, boys everywhere, show her your appreciation with one eight hundred flowers dot com right now. When you order early, one eight hundred Flowers will give you an exclusive thirty six but thirty six offer thirty six Starbay roses for just thirty six dollars. That's right, Stephen. To order today, go to one eight hundred flowers dot com, click the radio icon and enter code Strawberry. That's one eight hundred flowers dot Com code strawberry. All right, it is time for something funny. We started with asked the CEO. My question was about vacation. Come on, tell me you got a question for the CEO. H Do you see raises for any of us anytime in the neil you? I see it? Good question, man, definitely see it? Okay, okay? And then will it ever come to fruishing you see it happening. I just said, I see it. I see marsh Millers and rainbows in the sky. Sometime I see rainbows in the sky, but run over there to it and it ain't there, or you're there, it will be there when you get there. What I got a question? Go ahead, Carlin. Al Right, So as a CEO, you're supposed to have, like, you know, this vision and strategy for the company. So we're what in the fourth month of the year. Okay, so what is your vision and strategy for us for the rest of the year. I ain't got vision strategy for nobody but my damn self. I'm all vision and strategy out. I can't be visualizing strategizing for all y'all because they don't need to be wanting to want some for y'all that you don't want for you. Damn a chance. Yeah, we didn't even get a chance to get If you ain't vision and strategizing by the fourth month or the year, you ain't got no plan. Hey, what's your question, junior? First? Okay, so we'll start to get around to our birthday. But you know, like you know, next month, tommy birthday coming up. You know, we want to know could you just provide a party or something like that? For only reason I don't do birthday parties because I don't know your birthdays. Well, well we can get that to you, know, See, you misunderstand what I said. I said reading I don't do birthday parties. It's because I don't know nobody's birthdays. You're getting it to me, don't mean I'm gonna know it. Can you have it and keep it on you? Why would I keep your birthday on me when I need all the space for my birthday? I know, Jenny seventeen. If you want day to be important, you make it importantly. You don't look over here. I ain't asked you for a damn quarter for January semteen. You are no heavy? Offered a quarter? Now? I did? Bye bye? What how about some warm up? Now they was too tight, But I did buy him some because warm up and stow you shop at. I told you it looked like I put it on the trying on the front of everybody. You can't get my clothed baby get I don't care if you do. Get the biggest side they got twenty husky. I still can't wear well, okay, since none of us my business too big for them for the job. I'm a man's man. I stretched out, wore out, poke out, still out, round out, I'd be out. Can tide? Yeah, time, you're bad back. Okay, Well, since we didn't take any we won't be able to get any vacation. What about like personal days, like for our own birthdays and stuff? Can we have those days? There? You go bringing up the birthdays personal being in a birthday, you need to up your damn is the person of day or it is your birthday. We're just trying to get a day off. Used to actually give us those perfects? Who did he used to? Well, Shan ain't here? No, okay you must. You might want to end up with Sean as you can hear. We want to celebrate things together, that's worry about like food, truck, fridays, room, game room in here, like a pool table, ping pong table like that. Like I can't take a about that. I was thinking about crymlal. That's something we all do together. It's it's ever playing. Aren't coming? Ain't it yea here together? Oh? So now because you ain't together, you ain't got time for the loading. Oh that's who we're working with. Come ye, Faith, you're fooling. Yeah, try your okay, come oh, ye sites us a big love. Okay, let's go to the bathrond that we would go. Tommy, you're gonna have to do a re enactment of the major scene. What do you mean? Okay? What that means? I want to go over and see if we can find the place that the baby was born, Baby Jesus. Yeah want that. And we don't find a play, We're gonna make it play. We're gonna reenact the major scene, okay, with all the wise men and and yeah, all the wise me and the baby mother Mary Joseph. We don't have a baby though, we need a baby. Oh, come on, now, you got grandkids? Surely you think I don't think that was a setup that you threw at me. You think I don't think that, Yes, you did? Well, hold on, I got one deep, I got one better that him. Now. I wasn't gonna make you the baby Jesus, because I don't think you qualified. What I was gonna do is pop out. Wanted the boxers that the wise man head with the guilt like a jacket of Hello. It didn't you didn't pop? You pop your pop right, on out. Did we get anything? Did we get anything? I the greatest session to all time. Clear a lot of and that we learned mostly from this go up stands and after wife, Are you the CEO or not? I'm the CEO, but jesz jess in imagery, immagry imagry. Alright, coming up next this nephew Tommy's run that prank back, and we're gonna tell you about Rudy Huxtable a k a. Keisha and I Pulliam. Her messy divorce is finally over. All right, you're about on this show going through the court. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, I will give you today's keyword and more details on how you can qualify to win a trip to the Essence Festival in New Orleans. That's right, but right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back, and later on today I have a parenting question for you, Carla and Sheriff. Okay, no worries at all. All right, I got the blind Baber for you right now, Charley, the blind bomb. That was crazy running cat. Yeah, I'm trying to reach you. Uh that run the buck. Yeah you now you run the barbershop down there, doren't you? Okay? Now, I'm trying to see if if y'all got any uh boot rountals down there. Well, I can come in there and cut them how I've been cutting how a long time. I want to see if y'all got some room down there. They tell me you might, you might have had something come available. I got two booths open right now you need a boot. Yeah, I'm trying to get in there and get the cutting. Now. You know how much you charge for for boothront on a weekly basis two hundred dollars a week, two hundred dollars, eight hundred dollars a month. That they're good because you're two hundred. Now, when can I get down there so you can meet me? You know, when we can show me around the shop so I know what I'm moving from eight to seven? That's that's two are too? Sadness? Alright? Because I want to see if I can maybe meet you there so I can get down and you feel my way around. Well, come on, then, what I want to ask you do you mind doing for me? Do you think you could possibly put up some ramps where you got steps at and uh and your phone? Could you take your mind if you take the phone and put it in breil for me? Oh wait, wait, wait man, what the hell I need to put my taking ramps side and putting phones in the brill for what was going on with you? Well, I'm I'm blind, but I still don't you know, I'm not gonna let that stop me. You know I'm still gonna Oh no, no, no, no, hell no, man, you wait minute, you what I'm blind? But see now, see I've been but I've been cutting my hair for over ten years, and folks say my hair could always look good. So I didn't figuring I'm gonna start cutting half now. Oh well, yes, what you might cut, it might be some good that you do, but just ain't cut nor in my shop. Not being glad that you ain't that jack man? No what ain't got no problem with that, but but you you just can't do it that. Well wait, wait, not cause nothing. You see this what they called they called excrimination. You can't do that. You can't scriminate from people. You're called they got some type of handicap blows to you. Listen, hol let me tell you something, man, I'm not trying to be trying to put you out of being a dock doing what you need to do. But you just can't do that my shot. Man, I can't be calling discrimination discrimination, scrimination or what not. Not it not jot. You just can't do it. But listen, not that I know how to cut how, I know how to give folks aligning and stuff like now. I ain't trying to use no rayzor or nothing like that. But no, man, come on, dude, listen. Can't you frying itself to get into was trying to cut out? Well, this is something this what I like though? This what this? This? I feel like? This is my calling. You can't do it in my show. I'm no good to see now. That's what I don't. I don't care to hear something like this here. Now I've been I got the qualifications and I'm able to do it and I want to be here to come now now. And I told you when I felt what I tell you, I said I wanted to feel my way around. Didn't I say that I don't need to feel your way down. I need you to be able to see what you're doing. I mean, I don't care about you bein't able to cut no aft being blind, you got to be able to see to do that. This could probably do to do wonders for your show people to come from miles around to see somebody like myself cutting that kind of what I said. I heard what you said. But what I'm saying with you now, what you what? I don't want you to do it make me mad about this, But but this because I don't you know not not you don't get mad about something a bit blong to me. I'm I'm offering and you call me your blind. I can't help you when you run go on with that. Now listen, I'm gonna tell you this here, and I'm gonna tell it to you strength. I'm coming down there to that barbershop. I'm gonna feeling boots out and I'm gonna start cutting. Now what one thing I don't want to do and have to get into no tussle with you now, I don't want that about getting trusting with me that if you bring your in my shot that much, you're gonna cut it and he's gonna be some clue you moving around. But I'm coming down there, and I'm coming down That is evening Now, what do you know where you might keep you with my shot? You're gonna You're gonna get you what by blind man is what you're gonna do. You ain't gonna see it coming either. You hit me as long as I got the money to pay my booll rent. You don't give a damn. I don't want your money, can't. No, man, you understand what I say to you. I'm understanding what you're saying. And if I got to call the law about you being discriminate law, you can call anybody you want to call that's mine. You're not gonna do that. You understand what I'm telling you. Now, you bring you goodn't I'll be waiting on you. I'm coming down that this eating and I'm coming and I'm coming to up y'all because you got the name the discriminade gives me. I don't know. I didn't get my coming the first who gave you mom No, you're not be doing I didn't even fix you. They give me. They give me this number and said you is the one that do the hiring round the barber shop. You don't call my personal number. You called myoper don't tell you money, No, not nothing, What different do that make if I'm some man looking for a job. See that? Damn you don't call my personal phone. Shot That's where I do my business. This is what's wrong with black folks. Nine days you don't call my personal number. Whatn' here wrong with you? You understand me? You can't. You're gonna watch your done with me? What you're gonna do? I'll tell you what. I'll tell you one thing you're gonna watch. You're gonna watch me get on your just why you you can't save me? You? I got one more thing I need to say to you. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin. Man, you ain't no good Hey, Mr, I got to ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvard Moaning Show. You're gonna rip them boothside man, all right, and go easy on when you see him, baby, somebody's can catch you. All right, Thank you, nephew, Keisha and I Pulliam Rudy Huxtable of course from Yeah she's officially single now? Uh? I wanting to call it Rudy, but her name is Keisha and Ed Heartwell had a messy split back in two thousand and sixteen, and now the judge has granted Keisha her divorce on the grounds of adultery and cruel treatment. When do THEO go to court? Is he incouding intention? Because here about to own that show in court? I cannot what Policia Claire is not in course, she's on Empire, Okay? Is she on court? In impact? You know? But I think it's coming up. It's coming up, coming up. At the top of the hour, I'm gonna tell you today's key word and details on how you can qualify to win a trip to this year's Essence Festival, and Tracy Morgan said that Whoopie Goldberg is the most decorated woman in comedy. Right after this, you're listening to The Steve Harvey Show. The Steve Harvey Morning Show wants to give you a chance to win one of four trips for two to the Essence Festival, presented by Coca Cola, going down in New Orleans July through the eighth. Just listen for the daily key word, then go online for your chance to win. One winner will be selected each day starting tomorrow. And today's key word is festival. Alright, that's festival f E S T I v A L festival the first spells to enter get rules. Visit Steve Harvey f M dot com. Now in entertainment news, Tracy Morgan, who is back and doing it real big with his show The Last Dog Anyway, he stopped by the View. He talked about how grateful he is to receive his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He talked about, of course, his hit show, The Last Do G. It has been picked up for a second season. Yes, it's already. It's really good, and Tracy gave Whoopie Goldberg mad prop says the best decorated female comedian. Uh tick a, listen to this, Like billions of people's have been the show business and acted, but only like two thousand people gotta star. I'm right there with Lena Horn Wow right, and you know what you don't I mean, we get Star was awesome. But the people that don't win, like Jackie Gleeson is right across the street, but Sakin is right of the street. And these are the people that maybe want to do comedy. But big, I mean to me the most decorated female comedian in the world. Wow, whoop, whooping Goldber. That was really nice that he said that. Yeah, what does that make Manique? Monique is she? Is she? What are you start? What does that make? Amy Shuman? I mean, I'm just now we're gonna decorate this comedy the way were supposed to. I'm just trying to say, now I'm with hire, with when he when I'm with him. But what I'm asking fans like Steve, I'm with him, war whooping Morgan, Tracey whoop, whooping, cold whopping, one of the greatst What I'm asking him everything? Why he didn't say nothing by moniqu As that's one on because he felt that Whoopie was the most decorated comedian already said what he felt and I said, what the colt whoop? What a whataterfi Monique Amos, That's what I'm asking. He didn't mention them. He mentioned WHOOPI go Ber? Why why he didn't mention you had enough? You can't take no stop speak with me? Wait, man hit it again? Cat to me the most decorated female comedian in the world, My dear, I only have five people have got the ego I know what the you got, come on everything grammar to you got that Tony boy, Yeah, girl man, and let me tell you something, Poppy Goldberg. It's the reason black people can wear a hair on TV. Like, come on, Poppy Goldberg started that. Yeah, don't go over the sideways. She got both barrels, she got her stuff in the chamber. Okay, with some fly sniggers on, all right, Steve, let's go ahead and transfer on over to miss Dance, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, our very own talented informative miss and Trip. Thank you, Thank you, Steve. Good morning and trip of the news everybody, Good morning out there. Okay, confirmation hearings on President Trump's nomen need to have the massive Department of Veterans Affairs. You're Admiral Ronnie Jackson. Those hearings have been postponed and indefinitely after the nominations run to some very strong and bipartisan by the way, resistance in the U. S. Senate. Now, there are allegations, unsubstantiated, but allegations that Dr Jackson, for instance, may have overprescribed prescription drugs, that he used to be called a candy man, or that he might have been drinking excessively while performing his duties as White House position to ex Presidents Obama and Bush and now Donald Trump, legislatives say they want to investigate more. Now looks like gop Leady Mitch McConnell is passing the ball to the President, who in turn is passing it to Dr Jackson. It's up to the administration to do the vetting. And um, I'm assuming at some point here it'll be cleared up as to the way forward with regard to the new v A Secretary Admiral Jackson, I said, what do you need this for? President Trump calls the confirmation process ugly and disgusting. Senators already doubted that Dr Jackson would be able to run the human his VA anyway because they're not sure that they say that he has the administrative skills and the way of the murders of four innocent people at a waffle House restaurant in Nashville over the weekend, focus is now on also on the fact that the suspected gunman, Travis Ranking, was not allowed to own a gun in Illinois because the Secret Service canceled his permit, but was possibly within his rights to own one in Tennessee, where he allegedly committed the mass murder. Also, there's a question of whether Ryan King's father could face charges for giving his son back the guns that the Secret Service took from him last month. Travis Ranking currently being held on two million dollars bail and facing four murder chargers. The jury and the retrial of Bill Cosby on sexual assault charges now deliberating that case. Last year, a different jury deadlock causing this mistrial, and that's why we have a retrial now. President Trump is reportedly considering giving a posthumous pardon to heavyweight boxing champ Jack Johnson. Jack Johnson came the first black heavyweight champ in nineteen o eight because he had a white girlfriend who traveled with him. Racist charging with transporting a white woman across state lines for immortal purposes he could was convicted by an old, white, old male jury and sent to prison for a year. Trump has been says he's been thinking about partnering Johnson. Everson Sylvester Saloon called him about the case and asked him to think about please giving him a partner. A rapper, Meek Mill, finally, a freeman. That's right, Meek Mill. In fact, rang the bell before last night seventy in Miami head Game, and finally Today's National Telephone Day, Ring that telephone. Now, we'll be back with more entertainment and today's training topics. Twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steven Show. Billy stand up Meek mil is a freeman. First of all, what to violate his probation because he popped up wheelie and he broke up a fight. Yeah, yeah, that's the violation. So if you're on probation, you you can't be any kind of citizen, not even a good one. So you have to be oatmeal. If you see a fight, you don't go nowhere near as you on probation. If you you see some kids, you can't entertain them with a wheel stands. You have to be a non existent human being on probation. But since you didn't give me a shout out on this song that I asked you too, are you serious? Yes? Yes, I mean it's so serious, horrible injustice, it really is. Jay Z, dr J, Kevin Hart, Rick Ross, Philadelphia seventies Sixers co owner Michael Rubin, and many players from the seventies Sixers and the Eagles Colin Kaepernick. They all, um, you know, have been in support of Meek Mill. When they tell you this is wrong, the the fist tells you this is wrong, the police come out and say he did the right thing. Are you kidding me? And for her to have any insinuated ties, well, I mean, you know, Steve, the last five months have been a just a nightmare for Meek Mill. After that contra visual ruling back in November, you know, Meek received the sentence of two to four years in prison for probation violation. Just like you just said, Steve Shirley. Well, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ordered bail for Meek so he can go free. Over ruling that judge c that you just mentioned, Judge Genice Brinkley, who wanted to keep him there in prison at for at least another sixty days. Meek was ordered to be released yesterday. He issued a statement thanking the District Attorney's office, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, his legal team, Brock Nation, jay Z, seventies Sixers owner Michael Rubin, all of his family, his friends, and his fans who showed support while he was locked up, Meek says he also plans to shauna light on other cases where people of color are improperly jailed and promised to keep fighting. He's gonna resume his rap career, get back to making music. And it was really good to see Meek at the seventies six is Miami Heat game. It was game five last night of the playoffs. If you were there Philly, you were there at Wells Fargo Arena, or you know you were like us, you just watched the game on TV. You know, Meek Mill was the seventies Sixers v I P guest last night at the game. That is just fantastic news. Okay, Shirley, what you got? What we got coming up? Coming up in about ten minutes at thirty four after the hour, Sarah Land, Alabama. We're gonna talk about that little suburb of Mobile. I believe it is well anyway, police are standing by the controversial arrest of a black woman at a waffle house. Yeah wait till you hear this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. According to CBS News Now, guys, police and waffle House corporate executives are defending police intervention at the Sarah Land, Alabama, rest staurant where a black woman's arrest captured on video raised questions about mistreatment. In a news conference, police and Sarah Lend, a suburb of Mobile, said that they responded when employees call them reporting trouble with a woman who appeared drunk and had been asked to leave for bringing in what employees believed to be alcohol. When they arrived, witnesses told them that Shakisa Clemens had indicated she might have a gun and might shoot people. A video shows three police officers wrestling her to the ground. Three police officers wrestling one woman to the ground, uh, to the floor and arresting her while she and a friend complained loudly. The video shows two officers throwing Clements to the floor, her top somehow gets pulled down it exposures her breasts, yeah, and them asking what are you doing? What you know? Clemens was asking this what are you doing? What are you doing? And and the cops says, I'm about to break your arm is what I'm about to do. Uh. Take a listen to the Saralyne police press conference. All witness accounts were in concert and reported the individuals smelled of alcohol and appeared intoxicated. One person did bring a drink into the establishment and they were told that they could not have outside food or beverages in the restaurant. They were asked to lead because of bringing in this beverage, which they also believed could be alcohol. After that encounter, all of the situation escalated, with both Ms. Clemens and Miss Adams being allowed and using profanity towards the employees of waffle House. Words were used towards the employees, such as calling women horns. They were told, you need to cool down and please stop using the profanity. We have other patrons in the restaurant. They told the waffle House employees that I'll come over this counter and beat your I'm gonna have your job. You ain't gonna be here tomorrow. According to one of the witnesses, waffle House personnel are also told I may have a gun, I may have anything. I can come back here and shot, just play something if I need to. Witnesses also record that the officer asked Ms. Clemens to comply with his instructions on multiple occasions to stop resisting arrest, and she refused to comply. Wow, I've done well. You know what's gonna happen man, sadly is when they showed his video, it's gonna make a lot of people say they were justified because of the the pointing back and forth between her and the employee. That's what people are going to do. See. Let me tell you something. These same people, I want you to understand this, looked at the Rodney King video and saw the police protecting himself, saw a man resisting arrest. If they can look at that video and come to that conclusion, please understand that they're gonna look at this video in the same way. Now. Was it are necessary to treat this woman this way? Absolutely? What. You can't tell me that there's not another way to treat a woman. You can't tell me that. And you can't tell me had this woman not been of color, that she'd even be on the ground. I don't imagine, because you have no proof of it happening in the past, and so I don't. I just it's it's a horrible thing that's happened. Um. Look, the witnesses are there saying what she said that could be legit was she resisting arrest? I don't know, But once they claim, once they show you struggling. All they're gonna say is that's resisting that once they see you struck, any type of pulling away anything, don't man, John, I don't know how to get away. You posted just fall out, gold limp, dish rag and then let him jerk you around how they want to wow. Well, Stevie n double a CP has called the arrests troubling and they're investigating to get a firsthand account of what really hasn't Yes, it is. Investigation is needed because this is a woman we're talking about, was talking. We're talking about a woman and they handled the way they handled her. All right, um neview tell me has a prank phone call coming up. Plus, we're gonna tell you what our woman crushed Wednesday is and good it better be good. What our woman crushed Wednesday in Chick fil A have in common. That's what we're going to tell you. Okay, alright, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry Letters subject he chose his wife over me. But up next it's the nephew with today prank phone call. Imagine that what you got. Now you have to be in the situation. Sorry, you got. Uh. You know everybody, uh, you know, all couples are not able to have a child. You know what I'm saying. Everybody is not able to you know what I'm saying. Yeah, so sometimes you need a little help, you know. So let's prank. Right here is what you call unorthodox methods. Unorthodox methods. Run a cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach trying to reach brother Robert and speaking. Hey, how you doing. I'm I'm calling you from the church. How are you doing? Brothers man, I'm doing super fantastic. Any day above ground is a good day. That's good. That's good. Hey, hey, listen, man, we wanted to uh, being one of the brothers of the church, I wanted to give you a call. Man. You didn't make it to day, but you well, you know, your wife stood up to day and uh asked us to keep you all and our prayers because y'all are definitely trying to bring a new child until the world. And she let us know that, you know, uh, she's she's being a little older now forty one for the two you know, she said it takes a little longer to try and conceive a child than you know in your earlier years. So we we definitely wanted to let you know man that we we got you all in our prayers. Man. Man, you just don't know how much we appreciate that. Man. Yeah, we've been trying, but I know what prayers, all things are possible. Yeah, well, we definitely want to definitely want to keep you out of our prayers, man. And uh, I hope that you are able to conceive this child and bring you know, brain, brain brain, bringing new a new child into this world. You know that the book says be fruitful and multiplies. Definitely definitely Who is this again? Brother, brother, Brother. I don't know if you know me directly, but my brother. I wanted the brothers at the church. Okay, okay, brother, thank you not not not not not not Robert. What I want to ask you, man, was have you considered any any alternatives methods as far as you know, maybe helping this situation? Uh, We've got a few. Uh what what what what are you referring to as an alternative? Well, I mean I think I have a good uh thing that that might be able to help this thing speed up the process and and and and you guys will be expecting in no time. Man. Man, we have levels for some things like that. What what what what you got in mine? I mean, uh, well, what I have is a little little unorthodox, man. But I think if you allow me to help you on this, man, I think that you'll be definitely satisfied. And you know, man, if nine months now you gotta be at the hospital wait looking for you, your baby boy, your paper girl, you know, well classified and orthodox. Okay, uh see what what I have in mind, man, is have you considered maybe like a Sarah get father clarified clasified ferry because I'm thinking the wrong thing. I don't want I just want to lead ship with on the same page. What do you mean by Sarah? The fuck? Well? What it is man is you know you know of course the Saraghus is someone that will carry a shy for those that cannot carry one. You know what I'm saying, right right? So what what? What? What? I've gone to the doctor and got myself checked out, man, good physical and everything. I'm physically sitting everything. And you know, maybe I guess the complications are coming from uh you as far as the child not being you know, you're not being able to conceive right now? No, no, I ain't. There ain't nothing wrong with me man, Okay, you know what you mean? Like you physically fit? I mean, what what the hell they got to do with sri. Let's see what I'm saying is if if what you know, if you if you allow me to come over and and supply my services. I mean, let's see if you left for a weekend man, and I stayed over there by the time you get back. Now, what the wrong with you? Is this? What's going on at this church? Man? Am I at the wrong church that you you're telling me? You try? Help me understand. You're saying you want to come over and and hoy have sex with my wife. Well, I mean, I mean, don't don't look at it like that. Don't look at it like that. Look at it up. I'm here. I mean, that's what you're killing me indically, you just ain't you though? What excuse me? Okay, you want to come out and say with my wife? No, no, no, I want to come over and just apply my services man, and put you guys in a better position that you will be sending your life. You understand what I'm saying? You understand what I'm coming from. Now, I don't kid like you tell me you want to have sex in my life? Man? What the wrong with you? Hold on? Hold on no this this this brother awesome. Man. Listen see what I'm what I'm trying to do. Man, I don't give up you brother who brother? Man, I don't know you? And then you're talking about the church. What kind of is this? This? Don't let this church that really, the church don't have nothing to do with this. It's me calling you to lend me when you come to me to be if you allow me to be the sarag and father. I have a pregnant bout the end of the week. Man, you got me as soon as I see I'm coming to brother stead of accusing to see you, you show that said it's like you okay, okay, Gary kidd who you want to have brothers like? You? Keep looking at that like that? How have we gonna get this? We're gonna get past just so we can't get you to this child. Man, we actually gonna get pasted it you talk about her having sex with my wife? Your wife said, brother, you ain't got no way so I have a wife, Brother Robert, what I'm trying to do is help you along with yours and getting this child and see you. That's what I'm trying to help. Does you can't help me talking about having sex with my wife? You said that on anther. I ain't thank you for going out, Brod' you're getting my phone number? Well you know we we have people listed at the church. We have our phone numbers listed. He lifts mind. And when I get that too, I hope to see you that I'm gonna punch your head. Hey, look, man, why don't I Why don't I speak to your wife when she comes to church this week and I see her? Don't see singing my wife? Oh no, I'm just gonna talk to and see how she feels about maybe maybe you know using this now you can't say, man, don't even look in her direction. Brother, by man, who don't want you? I need to see you myself? Okay? What what? What? What does all the anger? Oh? Brother? What? What? What? What do you mean? You're me angry to sit here telling me that the script I'm gonna come half sex with your wife? Okay? Get ain't okay, brother, I got one more thing I need to tell you. Are you ready for conflay this. You better hang up in your say. Okay, are you listening, brother Robins, I'm taling this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife. Man, what do you say? Hey, me doing think that? Man? I'm about to have the rest come to tell you about it. Now you go straight plus pervis in the mound. Didn't look for you here on that one man? Who? All right, hey, one more thing? Man? Tell me? Does what do you what is the badest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the show with Steve you that man? You don't say some people need help? You went too far? Can some people need help? You know? If if you if he ain't swimming many good. But by the end of the week time, by the end of the weekend, I'm gonna help pregnant. By any weekend you ain't gonna worry about. There's nothing to stick your chest out to another man for about his wife. What you want? Hey, hey, you need to stick or something else? Now what you want me to stick? Oh? We're gonna keep that all right, thank you, nephew. Oh lord, listen, it's women crushed well, it's Women Rush Wednesday, and we're crushing on the youngest Chick fil a owner in history. You guys, hear about this. She's twenty six years old. Her name is Ashley Derby. He opened up her first location right by USC in Los Angeles and now her second location is in downtown l A. Derby. Yes, yes, yes, yes, and she is sister. I see it. What's what's the last? It's way too hard. Quenas schnitzey quenas he almost cost. Today's technology makes a lot of things easier, you know, similar because everything is connected and they all connected to your WiFi. But it may only take one week leak and all those connections for criminals to get in. That's why new LifeLock Identity theft protection now adds the power of Norton Security. Norton Security helps protect up to five of your devices from online threats like ransomware, and if there's a problem, Lifelocks agents will work to fix it. No one can prevent all identity theft or cybercrime, or monitor all transactions at all businesses, but new LifeLock with Norton gives you more protection for today's connected world. Join now and you'll get an additional temper cent off your first year. Just head to LifeLock dot com and into promo code Harvey. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, right now, guys, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. Don't forget it. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on parenting, on sex, on more. Uh, submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com. And that a parenting question for y'all. I asked y'all earlier, and y'all are not giving me as we would like to talk to you about him. Maybe about forty one after the can we do it? Yeah, let's let's yet, we gotta get to the water show. But R run your show. Don't take a trying to be in charge of something. What you say, we can't even say it's ws and he's gonna try and defend someone. Oh no, you ain't letting the way stop between all the water burger it's what a burger? Delicious? Friends? Yes, all right, anyway, click commits Strawberry letter and thank you guys, because we have been getting a lot of letters in we need more though, Yes, I just asked him. I told you when it's something like that, now, no sense you would be quiet? Okay, how about that to buckle up and hold on tight? Here it is strawberry letter. They only let me say that because it wow. Thank you Tommy. All right, here we go subject he chose his wife over me. Here, Stephen Shirley, I need your advice because I really want to kick my dad's wife's behind. I am a forty two year old single mother of two kids. My children's dad's don't help me financially, so my father has helped me raise my kids for the past fifteen years. Well, I recently lost my job and everything went downhill. I wasn't able to pay my rent, so I had to move out of my apartment. At the beginning of this month. I called my dad to ask if we could move back home, and my dad had the nerve to tell me that I had to discuss it with his wife, my stepmother. He put her on the phone and she screened h E double l NA yes and UH said this would be the ninth time that I've moved back in with them. She said it's not their problem that I can't keep a job, and that both of my kids dad's are losers. She said she will no longer allow me to ruin my daddy's credit. Then she told me to get off my fat blank and start and start taking care of myself. Before she could finish, I hung up on her. Yes, I have made plenty mistakes, but I don't need her throwing them in my face. So now my children and I are living with my girlfriend, but we can't stay there much longer. My dad will not speak to me until I apologize to his wife. I told him that was never going to happen. Why should I apologize to this woman? She hurt my feelings, so she should apologize to me and let me move in until I get back on my feet. I don't feel like I'm wrong. This was my dad's way. This was this was my dad way before he was her husband. Stephen Shirley, what do you think? Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. How wrong are you? You're just so wrong right here? Uh? And the fact that you don't know this makes this letter even more ridiculous. Okay, your father has every right to do what he's doing, confer with his wife. He has to discuss this with his wife. Okay, it's her house too. Uh. Your your dad doesn't owe you anything, okay, Uh, he doesn't have to let you and your kids move in with them. I mean, how much more is he supposed to do for you? At forty two? He's been helping you for the last fifteen years. That help has turned into enabling. Yes, your dad was you're enabler and he is tired of it now and wife E is not having it at all. Okay, and how old are these boys now? They've been doing this for fifteen years? Yeah, come on, now, it's time for you to take your baby's daddy's to court and get some child supports. You can get the financial help you need to. Uh, you know, live your life the way you need to live your life. And yes, of course, apologize to your step mom and for your dad. You're trying to make them feel guilty for not letting you get back in. They have every right to do what they did, every right. Come on now, Steve, Yes, come on boy, Steve. And he's type of letters who I exhale My gift comes out in letters like this. Let me take you down to it, because you really want to kick your daddy's wife behind I'm futty too. Let's just start that. Damn the single mother, Paul, You farty too? What hever? You ain't twenty four? You didn't flipped it? You farty too? You got two kids? Nothing's wrong here, farty too. Two kids ain't bad, nothing wrong with that. You're ready. Ready. My children's dad's don't help me financially, so they're not sending no child. So my father has helped me raise my kids fifteen years. No, I don't worry about that. I do this fifteen years. You don't need extra breath for that. Somebody's been helping you with the damn kids, and ain't they damned show damn hug your boyfriend's fifteen years. Well, I recently lost my job and everything went down here. I wasn't able to pay my risk. I had to move out of my apartment at the beginning to this moment, I called my dad asked him if we can move back home, and my daddy had the nerve to tell me I had discussed this with his wife. That's cause it's her house. And the other reason it cause your asses. Fardy too, You ain't fifteen you put out, you farty too. My stepmother he put on the phone, and she screamed, Hell now, I love her, and let me tell you why. She said, hell no, because this will be the knife time one time. This will be the knife time. Nine damn times. You're farty two year old behind. They can't crawling back to the house. You ain't crawling up in here no more we come back. I'm gonna tell you why you really can't come back. It ain't just the nine times. Oh that's big, But I got mold and that why yo, the hat can't come back up in here. Nine damn pads who do that? I don't know the blues they placed to stay? Nine ten? You just ain't paying no damn rents. Mad at his wife if the key damn every year you get put out due the stepmama. You're brying our phones and join your ass ain't paying the rent? Right? All right, we're gonna have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's strawberry letter. He chose his wife over me, This fotty too year old woman who is single because she can't get nobody to marry her because she keeps picking loses that don't pay no child important and help her financially with the two boyd I feel sorry for that, but that ain't the problem. You called your daddy because you lost your job, and why you keeping losing job? You keep losing job? Then you call your daddy now he didn't help you in the path it this time and tell you a discuss it with his white Now you want to kill her. You want to kick my wife daddy behind. He putting my step mother on the phone and she's screened. Hell now you ain't coming, Hell no, when you gotta bring it? She said it would be the ninth time, and she did not lie as because you didn't dispute it just the nine damn time that I moved back in with them. She'd been there through eight movie. She said, it's not a problem that I can't keep a job and that both my kids dads are losing. You slept with them, bums. Not ain't helping out with your kids? Come on, this will be the ninth time. She said. She was no longer allowed me to ruin my daddy's credit. Here is what you really mad. She then told me to get off my fat as start taking care of myself. That's what prompted this letter. Right, she had called your father asser. See that wasn't She wasn't gonna right this letter until she told her get off your father and take care of yourself alone. Now we have the letter. Now before she could finish, I hung up because the fatther ass wiped out. This is how the conversation. Get off your fat ass and take care of yourself. Hey, what is daddy and step mom over there doing by theirself? Anyway? What did they do? They live it? They they probably set sixty seventies. They don't want them damn kids, and they eating groceries. But there's already last time she was here, that one reasons you left the pad locked refrigerator. They put combinations on all the camp be sure she could finish. I hung up on her. Yes I have made now here we go. Here comes the confession. I hung up on it. Yes, I have made plenty of mistakes, but I don't need her throwing them in my face. She didn't throw them in the face. You keep throwing them in the face, you keep dragging them. Damn kidding back over there eight times prior. It ain't that they throwing it in your face. You keep bringing it to they face. So now my children are now are living with my girlfriend, but we can't stay there much longer. You know why because your girlfriend know you gotta fat, and you're over there eating groceries up over there too, and the two boys. My dad would not speak to me until I apologize to his wife because see, you ain't just hang up. See see what you called you fat? Take care of yourself. Oh you went out the house like you at the waffer. You gonna come back around? Oh you threw something back up in that house. Then now you gotta regret. I'm fat. Oh I'm fat. I ain't the only one fat. Me and you ain't the same side. Because when I live at I wore your clothes. That's why you can't come back. And that's why you gotta apologize. I told him I was that was never going to happen. Now you're not gonna apologize to you when you ain't getting in this woman's Oh are you stupid? Why should I apologize to this woman? She hurt my feelings? You've been eating her grocery staying at her house, messing up your daddy credit. She don't know you nothing. She hurt my feelings, so she should apologize to me and let me move in until I get back on my feet. Who see, everybody always gotta do something for you. She got to apologize me and let me move in until I get back on my feet. It's hard to get on your feet with ass your side. I've seen big people fall before. It takes a while. They got to roll over, get on both knees. They need a hand up. Ify, ain't no hand on the way, They just stay there. No, I'm telling you this is what this is. I don't feel like I'm wrong. Well, Charley told you all wrong. This was my dad way before. He was a hug. Yeah, your dad. But when you get a wife, he has to leave all others and cleave unto her. That your answers included in the league. What your ass is included in the league. And you could come over with people's house and stay long if you leave some of that as they But she brings that white as stead and replenishing ass. See if you would get in the weight loss business, if somebody wouldn' mind letting you stay there. But you're in the ass replenishing this. You know, they're just blowing that. We're sitting up here watching as we go. Your sons are sitting on it while you're walking around Walmart. You got one son on each cheek. Ain't got your grocer, your boys riding your She really doesn't get it. She says, this was my dad way before he was her husband. Yeah that's right, but so damn what. He's still your daddy and he said you can't come over there. He's not like Shelly said. He's not just your daddy. He's been your enabler. You've been over these people house eight. So what you do is you know you ain't got to do right as long as you don't want to, because you just go over your daddy's house. Well, they put a stop to this, So now I ain't got to go to work. I don't feel like it to day. You five, I'm going to my daddy. You ought to be taking care of dad. You're forty too, You lazy and you ask with like a cor Alright, Steve, we gotta get email us or instagram your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at my Girl Shirley and please join me this Thursday at one p m. For the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. Okay, coming up, Steve, it is your turn to ask us the parenting question. When we come back, it'll be right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Billy Stand Up. Meek Milm is a freeman. First of all, what to violate his probation because he popped a whilie and he broke up a fight. Yeah, that's violation. So if you're on probation, you you can't be any kind of citizen, not even a good one. So you have to be oatmeal. If you see a fight, you don't go nowhere near because you want robation. If you you see some kids, you can't entertain them with a wheel stand. You have to be a non existent human being on probation. But since you didn't give me a shout out on this song that I asked you too, are you serious? Yeah? I mean it's so serious, horrible injustice, it really is. Jay Z, dr J, Kevin Hart, Rick Ross, Philadelphia seventies Sixers co owner Michael Rubin, and many players from the seventies Sixers and the Eagles Colin Kaepernick. They all, um, you know, have been in support of Meek Mill. When they tell you this is wrong, the de fist tells you this is wrong, the police come out and say he did the right thing. Are you kidding me? And for her to have any insinuated ties, well, I mean, you know, Steve, the last five months have been a just a nightmare for Meek Mill. After that controversial ruling back in November, you know, Meek received the sentence of two to four years in prison for probation violation. Just like you just said, Steve Shirley. Well, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ordered bail for Meek so he could go free, over ruling that judge st that you just mentioned, Judge Genie Brinkley, who wanted to keep him there in prison and for at least another sixty days. Meek was ordered to be released yesterday. He issued a statement thanking the District Attorney's office, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, his legal team, Rock Nation, jay Z, seventies Sixers owner Michael Rubin, all of his family, his friends, and his fans who showed support while he was locked up. Meek says he also plans to Shauna light on other cases where people of color are improperly jailed and promised to keep fighting. He's gonna resume his rap career, get back to making music. And it was really good to see Meek at the seventy sixers Miami Heat game. It was game five last night of the playoffs. If you were there, Philly, Meek Mill was the seventy Sixers v I P guest last night at the game. Yea one on five point three D in Philly. We feel like Philly to me. Now, that is just fantastic news. All right, Steve, You've been wanting to ask us this all morning, the parenting question for Carla, Tommy and I. What do you have for it? I wanted to notice, surely you have a daughter of this age. Tasha is yeah, she's not there yet. Tommy, you have boys the son of this age, and your daughters are not there? All right? How do you feel about any of your children being not married to their boyfriend or girlfriend wanting to spend time with y'all on vacation? How do you all feel about so like if my daughter wanted to bring her boyfriendcation on vacation with us and they're not married. Where where where are they sleeping in? Yeah, that's the thing. Yeah, which y'all also separate rooms. See, I feel the same way my mom felt if I wanted to do that growing up. I mean, you know, I'm old school in that regard. Just, um, don't. I don't want that to happen. See, that's one thing. But then maybe he's talking about because the first thing hit in my mind. I got to foot the bill, I got to pay for another person if it's my and I think he needs to be getting that. Just answer that question. Yeah, don't get a problem with that. Understand what you're saying. I feel like, yeah, like my mom felt, if they were me, I wouldn't want them to do it if they're not married, right, But you're not talking about financially, you're just talking about yeah, yeah, yeah, you're just talking about the couple when you were talking about going on the trip, but going on the trip with the parents, that's what you're saying. Yeah, I think it's a problem, but you're gonna sleep over here right as long as this you're yeah, they can't sleep together? Is that what you're asking the others? How y'all felt about It's awkward? Understand how you feel. See, even if they have separate rooms, you don't think they're gonna they ain't gonna stay right, I better not catch you creep and cross you didn't they cannot go. Yeah, I feel the same way. Yeah, my mom didn't want me to do it. I don't want my kids to do it. That's it. It's just the way. It's a different time now, and you know, I'm trying to understand it and get it. But I mean, you know, at the end of the day, you know they millennials. We ain't. We got to be millennius. Know what, I'm gonna stay old. We were raised. I don't have it where you're in my This is the rule that I had to come up with. You can't be in our personal space with it. We could be in the same hotel with it. You can't be in our personal space. Let me ask you this, Steve. Are they grown technically? Oh yeah, there are? Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, like our same age as are Yeah you at You ain't coming now, I bet not. Thank Yeah. You you opened that doing something. We gotta go and we'll come back and and and pick this back up. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvy Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're still in the middle of this conversation. Steve, you asked us this question, how do we feel about um, your our kids. I'm not no, I'm just want your honest opinion. You can't say. I was just wondering. I said, how do you feel about your children who are of age dating, being involved with their significant others, wanting to come on vacation with you? I don't have a problem with that. It's not a yeah, it's cool. It's it might be fun m a whole lot of funny, you know what? Because I was thinking, there's still my baby is still a baby to me, you know what I mean? She yeah, she is. I still he's still my baby. She's still my baby. To be cool with it, because I would be uncomfortable with him. I only have a ten year old daughter, but she can't bring her boyfriend on trips with us. I guess it's just not Well, you're not and Tash Tash will papa gasket? Yeah, having this discussion because you know, because of what we talked about, You're absolutely right, We're not. They're going to have sex. If they're having sex already, they're going to have it. That's not even the questions. Let's let's take that off the table, because let's let's let none of us are naive about that. My daughters one, she has a fiance. I'm pretty sure he asked her to marry her for a reason. You're not being naive about that. He don't know. Okay, they've actually met us places, but they're engaged. That's and this young man has means you ain't know, Daddy, can you fly us over here? I'm not being to fly no boy nowhere. I just want you to understand that I'm not going to give a man a quarter to impress you. M As long as you ain't interrupting my sex while were on vacation, I'm pretty much fine with it. So you're cool with that. I mean, what is the problem, though, Seriously, I don't think. I don't if they're grown, they're twenty one, they're of age, they're legally grown. You're asking this because you must don't want them now, No, no, no, no, no, I really I really enjoyed, Lord. I mean, they're legally grown, So I actually like this young man as long as you like them and they're cool and you get along. I look at it like family time. He took sex off of it. I was just asking y'all how you felt about it. I'm okay because I've done it before. It wasn't awkward for me because it's just a fiance. If you're not engaged and you're my daughter, No, he can't come. No. No, he has to provide you the lifestyle that he can promise you. But if he can do that and they're not engaged, he still can't come. He can't. She could, but he can't. If my son's is dating a significant other and I pay for my son to come, which I don't have to because they all worked, except if he was winking because he's in college. If I pay for my sons had their own money and they bring the significant other, I'm okay with that. I'm not okay if it's different with the You're yeah, you're just it's just a double standard because it's boys, you're not. I don't I don't know what you want to call it double standards it I ain't doing that, but that is a double standard. Well, I'm just calling it what it is. Well, the boys have to pay, though, they have to pay for their old girl to call. Yeah, so if they can pay, they can come. I know you asked the question. Yeah, because now we're getting deeper into it. See you're saying I have a double standard, don't. I don't know what you're calling it dead phone. I'm just telling you I'm not my daughter, ain't bringing no boy on no damn trip. See Okay, I'm calling it that because that's what it is, said the sun the son vacation and you had a significant other. I'll allow that, but you're double yeah my daughter because ain't no boy. Listen to me, I'm times well, if you stop yelling, okay, tim me right now, you're just dealing with trade here. Boy. But soon as Sydney get of age, you this this tone I got, you're gonna have this damn And if Sirley was a man, exactly if I were a man, you met Tasha, who ain't but teen, get of this age and watch how Tosh handled this here. I'm just letting you know how you're gonna feel. You don't have you you have strong as attitude by it like this, But it's still a double standard. Still, it's I bet your black ass won't be on this boat. That's all we know. Now everyone, all your sons can bring their significant significant others, and your daughters are just by themselves on the boat. Don't talk to your mama, talk amongst yourselves to your mama. And let me tell you something. Madred and told every last one of them. That's how your daddy feel. I can't I can't stop it. And what he nothing to do is be uncomfortable on his vacation. He's not gonna be on comfortable. I'm not gonna ask him to be on comfortable. Your daddy work all year for this vacation. I'm not gonna ask this man to be uncomfortable. Cause you wants to do this here. Your boyfriend got to be before to take you the places that he could take. Well, if you can sit up on your doctor on your daddy dad, listen, well let's do that. Said. If he could afford it, let's not worry about these kids. Can't afford it. He ain't coming over here ship. Okay, let's not worry about these kids. Double double stick takes a triple. Yeah, I was significant other. I wouldn't take you know what to get an understanding what's actually happened on this because we don't really example, all right, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Steve Harvey Morning Show wants to give you a chance to win one of four trips for two to the Essence Festival presented by Coca Cola, going down in New Orleans July five through the eighth. Just listen for the daily key word, then go online for your chance to win. One winner will be selected each day starting tomorrow, and today's key word is festival. Alright, that's festival f E S T I v A L Festival fest. To enter, get rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. Now an entertainment news Tracy Morgan, who is back and doing it real big with his show The Last O G. Anyway, he stopped by the view. He talked about how grateful he is to receive his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He talked about, of course, as hit show, The Last O G. It has been picked up for a second season. Yeah already, it's really good and Tracy gave Whoopie Goldberg mad Prop says the best decorated female comedian. Uh take a listen to this like billions of peoples have been in show business and acted, but only like two thousand people gotta star. I'm right there with Lena Horn. Wow, you know what you don't? I mean, we're getting the star was awesome. But the people that I'm win like Jackie Gleeson is right across the street, but Sake is right across the street. And these are the people that maybe want to do comedy, but big I mean, to me, the most decorated female comedian in the world. Wow, Yo, whoop Goldberg. That was really nice that he said that. Yeah, what does that make Monique? She is she? Why are you starting trouble? I'm with him? War whooping, Tracy Morgan, Tracey Whoop, whooping, Cole whopping, one of the greats. She's got. What I'm asking Why he didn't say nothing by Monique and Amos. That's one I'm asking because he felt that Whoopie was the most decorated comedian already said what he felt and I said, Whooper cole whatterfi Monique. That's what I'm asking. Why why he didn't mention you had enough? You can't take no stop speak wait man hit it again. Cat to me, the most decorated female comedian in the world. Only five people got what he got it. Come on, he got everything, gar to you got that, Tony boy, you bad girl man. And then let me tell you something. WHOOPI Goldberg. It's the reason black people can wear the hair on TV like, come on, hoppy Goldberg started that. Yeah, yes, don't go over the sideways. Alright, get ready when we come back the last break of the day and time for Steve's closing remarks. You're listening show all right, here we are, last break of the day with just one more thing, and get ready of course for Steve's closing remarks. He has brought those back for the new year two thousand eighteen. Okay, to date, I thought a good subject to talk about was about I think mentors being mentored, how to attract the right mentor. Um. I don't care what you're thinking of doing in your life. I don't care what decisions you make. Somebody's already done it, attempted, it gone down that role made the attempt. Maybe not your ideas specifically, but the route to get there has already been traveled for the most part. Uh, if you want to be successful, there are successful people. If you want to be a star athlete, there's a star you know what I'm saying. I'm saying to you that whatever it is you're trying to accomplish, somebody has already taken the path. Now, finding these people is really really not that difficult. Now, getting in front of them is where you're gonna find the difficulty. So let me give you a couple of suggestions. What is the best way to approach a mentor. What is the best way to approach a mentor of means and a mentor with means, Because that's that's two different people. You know, Martin Luther King was a mentor of means. He wasn't a wealthy man, but Lord have mercy man, the knowledge that he could have given you about struggling and overcoming and and and sticktuitiveness, those those lessons he could have taught you would have been invaluable. So you have two different types of mentors. You have mentors of means and mentors with means. Now, if you can find the two combined, that's even more special. But you're getting into more of a rare territory. Now, it's harder to find mentors of means and with means combined, because how do you get to that person? How do you get to the oprah Winfreys. When you find someone in your life, or you meet someone that you hear someone, you put them on your vision board. I want to meet this person one day. I would love to have a conversation with this person. You have to understand something. Most people with means of any kind, like Bishop Jake's, he has a lot of means. Man he tells well financially too, but he is also just a man of wealth of knowledge. How do you get to these people? Well, it's several ways to do it, but if you can somehow find that way, because there's no specific way. Right when you get in front of this person, I want you to understand something when you're facing them. They don't mind teaching and sharing because most people of means are great sharers and great teachers a Bishop Jake's, Joe Oldstein, that brother that has the app out, the hip hop uh preacher Eric Eric Thomas brothers like that too, and I listened to him man a lot of times. But getting in front of them, taking their course or whatever you might do. When you get in front of them, they don't mind teaching and sharing. They will mind giving you money. See, most people want to meet them mentor so they can present an idea to him and get some financial help. That's the quickest way to run them off out of it because everybody is used to that. Do you have any idea how many times in a week I'm asked for money? It's sickening. But if you come to me and say, man, could you just give me a piece of advice? I usually don't have no problem with that. I got time for most anybody that wants some advice wants me to share a wealth a piece of knowledge. That's okay. So when you get to these people, have a plan to be taught something. Ask him to teach you to fish, not to give you a fish sandwich. Ask him to teach you to fish. They don't have a problem with that. Now in several ways to get in front of them. But when you do get that, when you finally do meet and meet the main as difficult as you think. Now, if you live in you know, New York, and your mental lives in the l A, You're gonna to find a way to get to l A. Oh, you gotta find out when you come to New York. You gotta do some research, but you have mentors closer than that. You have somebody who's a really well mentally balanced person that you need information from. You have a person who seems to be doing really well with a wife and their children you need information from. Because it's all a balancing act. You can't be successful in your business and while your family sitting over there struggling and in ruins is not going to work. Once you learn the traits of success, it it filters over into every other aspect of life. So you gotta have a balance. You can find these people right here. Don't ask them for money. People want to share and teach and give you information. Everybody needs a mentor. You cannot make it without mentorship. You know, there's an incredible saying, and we ain't got to get into why so incredible. But friendship is essential to the soul. You know why friendship is so essential to the soul. I've lost my mother, my father, I've lost my brother, I've lost my best friend. Before you can live your life without your mother, you may have to eventually one day, you can live your life without your father. You may eventually have to do that one day You can live your life without your uncles and your relatives. But you know what, is very very difficult to live your life without a friend. It is very very difficult to live in this world with no friendship. Nowhere. It's man, you got. Friendship is essential to the soul. Do not avoid mentoring. Don't try to do it all by yourself, because nobody gets to the top by yourself. There's no such thing as a self made You've got to have amenity For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show.