Top 10, Holiday Ask Steve, MTH, H by Steve Harvey and more.

Published Nov 26, 2021, 11:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! You see what day it is, enjoy yourself. Gahhhdog!!! We got the top ten things that your ex CANNOT see you doing! Steve got advice that will get the holiday bonu$ in your pocket faster than a crackhead. There is an exclusive way for you to look good for the holidays. There is a study out there that proves Americans love mistletoe belts and things of that nature on Christmas day. Bitterman has an original Christmas track that surprises nobody! Ever say certain things to yourself after seeing the reflection? Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Lalah Hathaway. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve gives us the $1,000,000 formula.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them like the Millian buck bus things and it's not good. Steve to mother Joy. You gotta use that turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come, come on your thing. Uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Uh huh, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah. Man, ooh boh, boh, boy man, God has been good to me. I can't even I can't even put it into words, man, But I try, though, I try, try try. God does things for me just right on time. He's so cool with it. And I happened to run across Joel Oldstein on television like I often do all the time, and I was sitting there and he had such a timely message for me. A part of it was something that I've said oftentimes about if you really really want to be successful, if you really really want to change, if you really really want to prosper, if you really really want to achieve greatness, if you really really want to have something in life that's worth having, if you really really want to accomplish your goals, you got to push through all of it. He said that when you get closer to it, the more difficult it becomes. Did you hear me? He said, the closer you get to what it is you want or you need, or you have to have, or or you would love to be, it gets a little bit more difficult when you get closer. He told this story that's in the Bible that I've never heard before. This is what he said. He said that was a man who was paralyzed, and he had heard that Jesus was speaking at a house, and so he wanted to get there. So he convinced four of his friends to put him on a stretcher and carry him for hours to get to this house where Jesus was speaking. He said that along the way, these friends said that they went along because he had so much faith that if he could just get to him, it could be better that he could if he could just get over there end he could see him, that he might have a shot at getting held. And so he said they took out along the way, and they walked and they walked and they walked for hours. And then when they got there, the house was completely filled with people. That was absolutely it was packed wall to wall. That was absolutely no way for the men to get him on that stretcher end to see Jesus. This is a story that Joel Osteen said is in the Bible, and he was telling it now. I'm just repeating the parts of it. I got gathered and so he said. They were sat there and they went, wow, man, we walked all this weight and it's four and and and and and and and we can't get there, he said. And then the guy with the affliction told the four men, if you get up on the roof and cut a hole in it and lower me down, I bet I could see him men, and I better to be all right now. He then said, you must imagine how these four men must have felt when you carry somebody for hours on on on on on on the way. They had to carry some cloth connected by a couple of sticks, said the men. Shoulders had to be bruised, had to have deep gouges in them, not cuts, but just indentations were they had carried the weight of this grown man for so many hours, and they looked at him in disbelief, like, man, what are you talking about. We didn't walked all this far. He said, yeah, but if you get up on that roof and you cut a hole in it and lower me down, I can see him and when he see me, it'll be all right. After sitting there and imploring the men, they went up and did just that, and then and then the story that Joel Osteen said, the man was healed. But the point he was making was he was saying that the closer you get to what it is you really want, the more difficult it's going to become. But you've got to push through. See, if you don't push through, you never know, so you can't get right to the answer. And because it gets really difficult, started creating those little saying that we got his people. Um, well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. I guess it wasn't. Or as we all now, man, I guess you should not give up right now. I guess you should keep pressing. I guess you should do more, because see, in all of us, in all of us, when you've had enough, I want you to know something you do have a little bit more in all of us. You can do one more you know. That's one of my favorite things that I heard. Joel Oldstein said. It kind of made me feel good. He said, I always feel like I can do one more anything, and I tell my friends all the time, I can do one more man, I could do one more day. I can do one more anything. Now Here was the jewel that I never really knew that Joel Oldstein and God sent to me I needed to hear. He said that no matter what you're going through, no matter how long the challenge is you've been facing, God has an end date for it all. Did you hear me? No matter what you're going through, no matter what challenge you're facing, no matter what situation you've gotten yourself into, God has an ending date. All you got to do is keep pressing forward. All you got to do is hanging now. All you got to do is don't give up. All you have to do is don't turn back. That is an end date for all of it, even when you think you've had enough. And boy, have I had this conversation with God on several things that I've been going through, and I'm going I've even told him. Look, I got it, man, he said, just keep hanging on. There is an end date to whatever it is you're going through. There's an end date to your illness, your sickness, yo yo, tired of being tired. There's an end date to this relationship that you can't seem to get through. Beyond over that's that's like a cancer to you. There's an end date. But you've got to hang in there. You've got to keep pushing forward. You cannot turn around. You must not go back, because when God gets you through this and you break through to the other side, the reward and the benefit is far greater than the struggle. I oftentimes look at some of the things that God has brought me through in my worst times, and when he brought me through, I went, wow, man, now that I understand that, Now that I'm on the other side and I have the benefit of the reward for it, would you do it all again to get there? Yes? I would. You're listening to ah war war Lord. But now I'm fine, ye Lord who nah lord? I am for my lord, my lord. I have found the Steve Harvey Morning Show and fold that you was lost. Shelly straw Beard, Oh thank God, I'm found. Good morning. I call it Friday. Good morning. Steve never mad on a Friday. Oh look at here. Ladies and gentlemen kills space. They call him Julian morning mentor morning body, morning fat. And I then Jaredity Brown. You didn't know that was me on tambourine. That was me. Nobody else brings toys to work. Nobody brings no ass to work. You got bull horns and monic because good I ain't never seen nobody. When he does show up, it's a damn party. Ladies and gentleman king of pranks, nephing you Timmy Friday, Uncle Steve, It's Friday, baby, Let's get it. Let's have a tambourine that worked to pull it out? Now you you came more often, you know that. I thought it was part of the work for a job description. Who comes to work preparing? Yeah, and a harmonica? They got old band stand quick. Now here is what I thought would be a good idea for people in the workplace. And I made us a suggestion on a zoom call, because whenever I come in the room on zoom, I don't care what it is. I just had a meeting with ABC the other day, I make everybody on the zoom call where they say, well, mister Harvey's here. I make everybody clap because when we go to work, people clap. And I think that all companies should implement this policy to call it jesse O Day. And they nominate whose day to be during the week, and when that person come to work for the entire week, the entire office gives them a round of applause when they come in. I'm telling you the morale in the workplace and the culture we're changing, Missley, and you all would find out the sheer joy of coming to work in the morning with the rod of aprop ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvey, thank you, thank you. I thank you so much. I can't tell y'all how that makes me feel. And I think all jobs should have that. All right, Steve, I feel you. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The nephew is here with run that brankback. What you got for is naff Your child support is late. Let's go Hello, hello, my Fred, Yeah, what's up a little? This truster man me and uh me and in your X man me and we are we've been kicking it for the last three months. I'm man, I don't care about you, and then we're not together. We're not together, so why are you calling me? Okay, you're no, that's cool, right the I understand all that you calling me to tell me the child together something with you. I don't care about what you and do mean not together, I don't. I don't give a damn about what you Okay, Okay, no, no, no player, I understand that what I was calling you about was, you know, you come behind like two to three months on the on the child support man, and I told I was gonna handle this well. I told her I was gonna handle this situation, you know. So now I don't need you to handle nothing. You don't even be worried about about how many months I'm behind? Who the hell telling you all this? Anyway? When when? When can we expect another payment? That's what I'm asking you. First of all, don't you ever call my phone with that. You understand me, don't call my phone man, because don't about my daughter. Man, I ain't trying to ain't trying to handle. I don't need you on my back and I don't need see on my back about no damn child support because I do for my daughter. Man, So don't call my phone with that. Okay, okay, Well, looking is you're working right now? Man? You man say, listen here, what what what's your name? Plenston for the pressure. What I'm saying is you're working right now, rest and I do whatever it takes to take care of my daughter. Man, So don't you worry about my job security and what I'm doing. Okay? Can I just come when I just come by there whenever you get paid next time so I can pick up you know, the child. Man, you don't need to come by nowhere. I tell you what here, you bring your around. You come, I'm give you directions right now. You bring your phone over here, because I want I want to see your calling my damn phone talking about my damn daughter. And then we're looking out for the well being of the baby. Man, that's what we What you think I've been doing ever since she came in as well, That's what I've been doing ever since she got here. I've been looking out for her well being. And I'm come just getting a picture. You want to tell me about my daughter well being? Quite? Where is you? Three months for her? And then, man, a matter of fact, I do everything I can for my daughter. So for you to sit up here and call me talking about I'm three months behind, I don't even keep up with that. I send money when I can. I do for my daughter. I do for my daughter for I do for myself. So if I ain't got it to send, that means I ain't got it at I don't. But give me a second and I'll go get it. But don't be calling me about my daughter, man talking about them three months behind. Okay, Well look here, further of all, I ain't you know, I ain't working right now, so we really need you to go on and get the money over. Hold on, hold on, hold on, you ain't working, but I'm might here hustling you calling me about some money. But you were over that land over most of y'all need to get out, y'all and do what the hell I'm doing. That's what I can't understand. It's true you, but it's one of me, and you want to come to me with that. And I told I was gonna handle this situation. But being behind on this, you know, just a little child to pull situation. That's all I'm saying. I need you to going on and give me a date. Man, on when we can expect a paytent. Okay, I'm getting you a date right now. Bring your over here right now and come pick up the payton. I got it for you right now. You just tell me what kind of call you drive so I know, because I don't. I don't want to. I don't want to bust the wrong to pull up in my driveway by mistake. I do everything my daughter. My daughter don't have no walt on the kneeds. I put shoes on her feet, cobbles on her back, shooting or something. I do everything for her. I don't need you, and I don't. My daughter don't need you with out. I pick up from school every day and take her to her grandmother's house. So hearbody, no two or three months behind because she ain't with eye. I can see if I want two or three months and see with I. Okay, listen, man, that's another thing with me and can't talking about We're not gonna need you to be ticking her from the school. No, No, I'm gonna be getting her from the school. She my wish I would catch you up in my daughter's school. You ain't picking up my daughter. Man, I don't even know who the hell you are. I told you my name is Preston, Man, but I know Preston. I'm telling you what, man, I don't want you know where near my daughter that I'm gonna talk. It's right now because I don't want you know where near my daughter. Man, you understand me. I don't want you know where near my daughter. Man. If I can't neil my daughter, I'm gonna whoop y'all. I'm gonna let my daughter know it. If she me and me and the baby is getting the on fine. Man. All I'm saying is we just need you to send that money. Man. You hey, y'all, I'm glass y'all doing good because she anyway, But don't put my daughter in the middle of man. Man, I'm just happening to be in between jobs, that's all. Man. Well, you need to get out your and look in between your cheeks and go find you something, find you a manhood. Sitting up there probably on the couch eating up all up pop tarts, and I've only had two of them pop tarts, man, that's all. You ain't supposed to be having none of them because I'm about that for my daughter, man, and I appreciate you eating none of that. So you need to get off here and feed yourself like I do. I feed myself and my daughter and probably still let me say this here, man, I just want to talk to you about our child. Man, Our child. That ain't your child. That's my I'm taking you ain't got to do with you. Ain't got ey sake. Man. Don't you ever say that. Man. Don't just ever say that to me. Man. That is not our child. Man, that's my child. Let me tell you something, man, Let me tell you something. Put your here to this phone real close. Man. I'm literally about my daughter. I'm trying to handle it like me, and it's what I'm trying to do. You ain't been here the whole time. You're trying to walk up in here and talk about hour. I'm a daddy man. I'm just trying to be a good step for the man and get them with a child to poor y'all. I gotta get married first. You ain't no man say man to say, I'm gonna talking in helen listen. I gar no, no, no, no, no, no no no no. You don't talk to me no more. You understand what I'm saying, you talk to me. You're dealing with me. I told you I was gonna handle it, so you're gonna make me mad? No, like I haven't told you now, you don't talk no more. I talk to whenever I want to. We got a child together. You've just gotten the pictures you call. No, you don't talk about Can you talk to me? From now? You talk to Preston, I'm gonna talking. I'm haddy hell with trust me? Hey, man, let me tell you something. You don't call man? You deal with me? Do you understand what I'm telling I'm not dealing with you with him? N you hear me? The only thing I'm gonna deal with you is my foot up, Yo, that's a man to deal with. Man. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Man. I don't want to hear nothing else you got to say. Player, I didn't heard everything you had to say. Let me tell you something, man. You want a job. We're hiring right now. I'll put you with the man in the charge. I get you a job. Don't nobody want to work with you? Man, I don't like your attitude. You need to work with somebody because you ain't working with nobody. Right now. I got one more thing I need to say to you. It's you're listening, man, Say what the hell you got to say? Man? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning and I don't give him. Say man, I don't care who you are. I don't play about my daughter. Man. This nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin Kendrick. Man. Oh man, I'm gonna kill it you alright? Oh no, man, because I don't play with by my dollar like that. Man. That's my world. Man, that's my heart. Man, I don't that man. All right, let me let me ask you this here. Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, man, the Steeves Harvey Morning Show. All right, thank you, crazy, you're listening show. This portion of the Steve Harvey Morning Show if brought to you by your good friends at Walmart. Family Mobile Stay a Step Ahead with Walmart Family Mobile with nationwide five G coverage powered by T Mobile. Plans start at less than twenty five bucks a month. Walmart Family Mobile Stay a Step Ahead five G service requires five G capable device availability, coverage and speed berries. All right, come on, Steve. Ten things you have for us that your ex should never ever see you do. Let's go. These are things, fellows, that you don't need joe X to see happen to you. You're ready for the firs. She cannot see you on the bustle, better be driving it. She driving back your ass at the bus on. Here is another thing she beat up. Pull up at the restaurant and your ass is the valet. Why what what? Here's another one. She cannot be driving down the freeway and look over there and your car is broken down. Another not These are things that your ex cannot see. Happened to you, y'all? In line? Huh at the wal Mart? Yes, she behind you and you don't know it. In your car, don't go through. God, you turn around and it's hurt. That's why I left you in the first. There's another thing. Your mama can't she happened to you, girls, I mean your girl, your ex girl can't see this happened to you. You don't move back and to your mama. She leading off some pie to your mama for Mother's Day. You ask them about the basement with a hot shooting and a wife beater and a white beetle with a pack of cigarettes behind you, God damn Johnny, and a coat on because ain't no heat. And here's one that you can't have happened to you. She find out no hold up, this happened to you. Your ex send you a text that was meant for someone else while, but the text say I'm in the shower the doors open, followed by I'm sorry that's cold. That's liberate man, it's tim in'st crying. I'm in the showers the doors open, followed by I'm sorry that was not for you. Here's another thing your ax can't find out about. You mess around and lost that good ass y'all. She walking into you. You now you down at the windy you replenishing the salad ball. She and there with the kids right right, mama, ain't that missing? That's cold? That's cold man, You come to church walking. It all went bad. But here's my favorite one of the ball drum roll cat Ladies and gentlemen. This is the top thing that your ex can never see happen to you. What is your new girlfriend look just like your brother? Dog? Man, man that out, baby, this is my new lady. Excuse me. You know you can't let them see your do gay ever ever, ever, ever, ever ever, oh man can never have a move if you got it going on? Like yeah, you cannot let your ex see your new girlfriend talking you crazy outside. You can't do that. All that her good on. Somebody ain't got it. Let me tell you another thing. You cannot see you do washing cars? That the car real return if they pull off in that car and they look out to see you out there washing cars? Is that here? What you don't want her to see you do out there? Cleaning Porter pott is clean porter potty? You don't want husband, we broken, No, you don't like You cannot be the mascot at the birthday part. Cannot walk away and sitting man, no spongebobs wear fancy her baby birthday part cannot be that is he checking cheese? No check? Your job not be at the Briday party and the many not gonna go for that. I'm glad your ex cannot see you rummaging through a trash. You have lost all your shame everybody else, but she can't see. She cannot see you riding around town on your car and you got that little donut on that he got new money. Your ex can't see you. She had to stop. Yeah, she can't see you pull up next to her. You don't know it's her. You're on your brother bike. Oh my god, waiting like hell, trying to make it work. I'll tell you what you can't see what. I'll tell you what you can't see. She got the kids and pull up to McDonald's window and you work in the window. Hello, your order place. You can't recogniztion. He is one that really hurt. They cannot see you with your shirt open. It's some flip flops in a y'all. They cannot see you open. All right, get it together, guys. Wow, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Stow. It is time for something funny. And seventy percent of workers say the thing they love most about the holiday time in the office is time off, followed by getting a bonus love those also in the survey, workers say, right there, let's just address this one at a time, because I see the dare some smiling going on amongst you. Yeah, see two things you can't do. What is get time off, get your same check, get some time off and get a damn bonus too. And you need to make up your mind what you want the bonus. We need a bonus type effort. Okay, check. So when we give you that, then the bonus is coming. Yeah, when you give me what the bonus? Yeah? When do we know we're working at bonus speeds? Well, first of all, let's just get this straight and understood. Okay, everybody in here get paid? Yeah. Yeah. Hostility though, thank you? This is yeah, we don't need that. They never talk to you. What mold do you want outside? Joe? Check? Okay, can I ask a question? Showcase the question this? We are all working right right now, right now, we'll all work. Yes, so we put in a good job. What level do we have to crank this up to you to get bonus? That's why you have to crank it up to CEO L What a minute? You are already to see that position is taken? Yeah? Can we Well, do you understand what I'm saying? Get your bonus? C A one. Let me read on. I'll go in the survey. Workers say they look forward to the office holiday party. Yeah. Uh, huh. Although although they would give that up to get a bonus or more vacation Back to the bonus, yeah keeps coming up. Man, we stop a Christmas park why cause of an incident at the part? I loud to see old or the company to stand up and give us speech. He still have made the statement that when he prayed, he prayed to himself, that stopped all Christmas parties. The room got quiet. And this, folks, is not a joke. This actually happened. He prayed a hoop to myself. That's why. That's why you shut that down. I'm scared because he didn't replace it with anything. Though we didn't get our bonus or or more vacation time. He actually cost you all your extra activities. Now did he did he give us a bonus before? Or did you give us one? I can't remember. Okay Na, see some job, some jobs give you like turkeys, and we give out. We give all our turkeys away and thanksgiving to the less fortunate, right right ya? Which is a great which is that makes us less fortunate? The CEO, Well, the reason you don't qualify for a bonus is because all of you have multiple supplemental income you're causing me. You're not supposed to look at that? What what do you think he don't know that? I ain't post I see one of y'all. I'm supposed to look at you now your concern sir? Yes it is. Yes, everywhere I go, I see one of y'all. Every dog. I ain't got a gig named the gig Y got brown? See one of y'all. I can't say nothing now. You can't say suit line by the owner one. I ain't got to go down now. And that's another thing. You won't help with your won't help with your writing, none of these books, but your wonta damn bone. That's how you get a bonus. Get involved with everything I don't see your help and drive me around. None of y'all go get me nothing to eat, with the exception of Monica. Monica the only one try to help me out at the station. Well, you don't want you don't want men getting your food, so you don't and I would be happy to cook for you, okay, I would. You don't want to kill the CEO. So this is what we want to ask. Everyone does our office does the office does the CEO? And everyone? Do you think they do a good job of bringing holidays here to our workplace. No, not this office. I'm sorry. This is why I jump off. I'm gonna say, yeah, maybe don't wait to see y'all go what y'all not about to do? See one of my job this survey. Yeah, I'll tell you that much. Yeah, it's great cheering here. Okay, Well what kind of holiday? What kind of holiday related activities do we have? We don't have the party anymore? What else even though even though we have to have a Christmas tree up? Yeah, we have ahee which has been very help. What is that? That's holiday talk? Just a conversation we talk it lightning cheer everybody up. We'd be smiling up. Yeah, look you that's your bonus need. We need a tree with some ornaments on. At this point, let me, you should be saying you're welcome. I think, yeah, he should be saying your welcome for the holiday talk. So Tommy, take some pictures from me this year, you know, under the tree, shots to moths, phone from under the tree. Coming up, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Well, some exciting news for you, Steve, You're launching a full menswear clothing line. It's called the H by Steve Harvey Collection. It is designed by your personal stylist, Ellie Carmo. Yeah, now, let me help you out and understand something. Y'all. We're releasing this in capsules. I'm starting with the all new tie collection. They are fabulous. Go to the website H by Steve Harvey dot com. H is the new signature line I've created with Ellie Caramo is called H by Steve Harvey. All the ties on here are forty nine dollars. Now. The reason they're forty nine dollars is because I put a lot more into these. You know, I used to have twenty nine dollars ties and stuff like that. Those days are done. I want everybody to get balled up. Look your best these is nice. I'm on the website. Go to the website. It's a nice website. H by Steve Harvey dot com. Get your Christmas gifts ready. Finally, give your daddy, your husband, your boyfriend, your man, your uncle, your girl a neck tie that they really won't How many ties have we gotten through the years that just sit in a drawer. Give me a damn Steve Harvey tie from the Age collection, so I can be balling and ladies, I'm telling you they they are really really great quality ties. That's questions different about these times. Oh the quality and the richness of the color. I gotta hold new and I'm releasing it in capsules, slowly but surely because I've changed the suit line completely, all the shirts. Everything is different now because I decided to get involved. Got my stylist, Ellie on it out of Paris. He's concerned, mister Harvey. We have to get the quality of for people. Okay, cool, let's go. The ties are out now. Go to the website right now, H by Steve Harvey dot com. H by Steve Harvey dot com and by all of the ties that's online. Hey man, hey, hey, get one of each, get two. You can only four one, get one. They got different colors, different patterns. I've got a handbone on that and I'm really proud of And I got some solids on there. You notice I wear a lot of mono, monochrome, monocraphic whatever you wanna call it. Monochrome looks Ronald craft. So if you want to match your shirt and your tie a little bit closer, give you that monimalistic or getting worse, surely say it's monochromatic, but you know, you know, yeah, yeah, you know, you know monochrome. You know you know mono mono. But everybody please go to the website right now and take a look at it and place the order for the man or the woman in your life, whoever wear ties in your life. But they real BOSSI h by Steve Harvey. Y'all sell it out for me, hurt my feelings and sell it out all right? Coming up next more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show test the season guys for getting it on. A new survey found that fifty percent of Americans say they're little you know, friskier freak ear during the holidays, and about seventy percent of respondents reveal that they typically get busy on Christmas Day. Yeah you didn't. Here will better be some friskylan, here, some frisk and cake. You been not open and stay tell me this story is Taylor made for you because you just talking about you talked about and we talked about it Monday. I was, y'all know, I said, you know, what you know? Am I wrong to want to do it? Why company is there and we having Thanksgiving? Let's so let's let's speed it up to Christmas. If we opening gifts and and enjoying Christmas, if we slip away for thirty minutes, is that all right? I mean, it's my house, ain't it. Can I do that? Yeah? But are you at your permission? I'm just asking y'all to give me confirmation. So when I asked huh to meet me back here, it's okay. I don't think the confirmation you need has to come from us, right, you know what? You know what? Let me do this. Let me to speak for every man. Ladies. If you're listening, y'all married, when when your men, uh, when it's eleven thirty twelve and he cut your arm and y'all both in the bed, that's a sign, baby, that's a sign. Don't don't hit me a pull away from me? That that that hurts my Yeah, No, I'm not, I'm not. I'm not saying that's happening at the shot. That's happening all over the world. Listen, when we when we when we just when we just touch your arm or your side, guess what we we we we know we gauge in the temperature when it's bad. When you slap somebody's hand back, that's you know. Yeah, we're not actually trying to just cut them out. Ain't no rubbing on you cause we're trying to cut it. I ain't the only one getting this slap back. I know I ain't the only one. So it is after you. It just did Wait we probably sleep yeah, okay, but if you're getting rubbed on, yeah, I have been accidentally hit in my nostril. I mean really, just I have. Man, this this is just really that was the bread win around him. Man, can you help my situation at the time? What's your situation? Like? When I buy the gift, you know, you come back and pick it up. That don't mean get right back in the car. Wow, that do not mean I got you exactly what you asked for. I got receipt the man, kiss me on the cheek, and walk your head back out the door, and I hit an engine, start and drive off. How did you know? Yes, you know what I'm saying. I got these silk gemas I bought for Christmas morning. That's so sweet. You didn't even looked at them. Yeah, you know, it might be time for you to come on the end. Yeah, dog might have smart you know, come on in and what ye old dogs don't look old horses don't look good in the field I'm working. They don't graze the same. We just gotta come on around, ready, all right? Well listen, Oh you got one she needs to come on around. Oh you got one particular? Yeah, yeah, but we're just getting in the call on Christmas Day, they got to stop. How long has that been going on? About four years? Or Christmas? I'll be back. I gotta go by my mama eye. I gotta make my rounds. Yeah, I gotta make my ride. She just leave, takes the gift and leaves you. She doesn't say I'm coming back or anything. Nah, are you don't go? Why don't you just go with her? I was in silk pajama shar Oh. Yeah, I'm so glad. I don't make holiday rounds normal, man, I'm so glad. Yeah. Yeah, I can't stand that. Yea, why we go? I just don't. I just like at home. I'm just cool at home, man, I'm good. All right, Well, listen, coming up next, Thank you guys, Coming up next. Nep you Tommy's praying phone call. That's right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This portion of The Steve Harvey Morning Show is brought to you by your good friends at Walmart Family Mobile Stay a Step Ahead with Walmart Family Mobile with nationwide five G coverage powered by t Mobile. Plans start at less than twenty five bucks a month. Walmart Family Mobile Stay a Step Ahead five G service requires five G capable device availability, coverage and speed ferries. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, Guys, right about four minutes after I got today's strawberry letter for you, the subject I can't call her husband Daddy. Right now, Nephew Tommy is here with the prank phone call. What's you got, nap? Come on the time it is you got to bring those TVs back? Hello? Hello, how are you? I'm trying to reach a Sharon. Please those coming. My name is Paul, Paul, I'm head of security here. How are you? This is yeah? You um, you actually came out and you I think you were here on Friday. Uh, and you came out and purchased four flat Treen televisions forty forty two inches, am. I correct, yeah, but what's your kind to be fun? What I was giving you a call for, Sharon, is that we got a bit of a problem now when you purchase these actual flat treen televisions on Black Friday, so to speak, it seems that we've got them. Um, well, your your purchase went through successfully, I will admit that, but there should have been a red flag that have gone up because we're going back over transactions of the past two three days here and we're realizing that your purchase should not have been successful. It should have been. Boy, your credit card is actually not valid at all now now my credit card because oh we got paid on Wednesday, so my money was there. Well actually, ma'am, I'm What I'm trying to explain to you is that it is coming up in valid now and we're having a problem with it. So I wanted to reach out to you and give you a call and see if we could probably. You know, it was valid when I was at their radius because it went through. I got a receipt and everything I am purchaed that it dinga warranted on all poem, so it was valid on Friday. I don't know what's wrong with it today. But it was good then, and I understand that. I understand that that, you know, just being at the register and you're purchasing it and no problems at all happening. That's pretty much the thought process that you're gonna have when I'm you know, is on the on the back part of it, when you came into the store. What we're getting the day the day after is that it was pretty much invalid. It wasn't good at all. Your credit card was not good at all. But you need to call your bank then, because I don't know what to tell you. You know, I had the money and there the day I went about them, and that fit for me. So I don't know who you need to call, But don't call me because you know they ain't been in my problem. Okay, you know what, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna raise this to be a major problem. We're gonna try to rectify it and get it taken care of. Yeah, do what you need to do. Okay, listen, now here's what we're gonna do. You know what, I wanted to try to work this out as smoothly as we can. What I'm gonna have to ask you to do. Can I get you to come back up to the store and bring all four televisions with you? No, now, you sure can't. The baby. Look, I bought them for TVs. I have read one of them up this under the tree from my hook my mama early. She already got the other TV. We hunt that up for home series when we was watching movie. So it didn't really. Ain't no way we're gonna bring the po TVs back. I think you should go back to Wealth process your credit cards and tell them that they that. I don't know what you're gonna tell them, but you need to go back to them. I ain't got time to be running back and forth to this store. I don't want to. I don't want us to create a problem here. I don't want to do that happen that you need to lower your voice. Okay, but look, you need to go back to wherever do your credit cards because they went through when I was at the stop. Correct, I don't want to it ain't going for that's a no. I told you that it went through. I explained you ain't got no business on my damn phone. They don't call me with this bull no mouth hold on what I don't want to have to do. I don't want to have to come out to your home and conferensate you. I wish you would come out to my house. Baby, we will beat you into bad health. You're bat not bring you over here. Look, you need to call you work and do your credit cards, get your prey with them, because your business with me is done. I gotta restate, and I got an ex speaking the wards. I would have my door. Tell y'all you bring your arts over here there that listen, lady, I don't want to go back and forth with you on this and that you ain't going back and forth. It's over with. I got the TVs, I got a receipt. We's done. I don't know what's wrong the show machine. Listen my wr win through. I'm trying to get her to understand. I understand what I'm saying. You're gonna hang on one second and let me speak with my boss. Please boss on the phone. I tell yo boss, y'all, don't run me back. I got a red sipt for fault TVs and I'm gonna keep our faul TVs. Listen, you know this is pretty much considered a fast process. Listen her can't listen to me, can't. I got a red fish for fol TV. I won't got to swear my receipt. I got my extended warrant. So this ain't no self. What this is is a communication between y'all bank for you. You need to get Joe right because I'm not a pre Paige gaming card. Baby, I don't owe nobody on them TVs. You need to tell Yo back and get them about my phone with the don't you some TVs from a store and damnage you're gonna bring them back? Thank you to come get him get down. I got FO TV, yo job machine. Get him coming, and I'm gonna keep it. We're gonna watch the game on Joe TV. Bring Yo over here to walk to We all mosto coll with YO social call me by North TV's no motion, So you the one ain't gonna have no job for the holiday, which is done. Sometimes you're gonna give no for using bad credit cards at department stores. I don't get your call. Then you understand, man, So that's shoe till me. You put the FO TVs back. Then, Joe ka Ton try the white Man for his TV. You gotta get you a business or summer detailed shoppers, the raft labor, get the South work for them, my folk co fucking me by the Steve. We should about to get this. Listen you listen to me. I got one more thing I need to say to you to scare me. Are you listening to me? What do you want? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Nobody's nephew come up with about some damn TV. This is Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planked by your girlfriend. Wait a minute, Wait a minute. This is hold. This is nephew Timmy, baby, from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got frank by your your girlfriend. Tell me you almost got your Steve. This set me up. I was gonna get Steve. You ain't got now it, guys, you get I play with people like this. Oh man, I got one more thing to ask you, baby. What is the baddest radio show in the lands. Oh that's Steve Harvey Morning Show. That is right there. Stupid is all get out? Catch me Friday night on the Own Network. Ready to Love. That's right. We're in the middle of the season. We half way through, so this is Washington, DC. Ready to Love? Okay, and the nephew was hosting that thing, so make sure you're tuned in. It's eight seventh Central, new Time, eight seventh Central. You do not want to missing only on the own network. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I actually watched my shoulder the night. It's weird watching me. Yeah, yeah, I can't watching Yeah, same thing, same thing, you get it, we get now. It's a great shows. We're looking at me. It's a great show. Thank you, nephew. I had a girl's night out Friday with some of my girlfriends and they told me to tell you they love the show. They're watching Ridden to Love. I don't really know anyone who doesn't watch it. All all right, thank you nephew. Coming up the Strawberry Letter subject I can't call her husband Daddy. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show all right now, guys, it is time for the Strawberry Letter, And if you need advice on relationship, dating, work, or sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter and we could be reading your letter live on the air. Just like this one. Tommy, I'm fu hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry letter Thank you subject I can't call her husband daddy. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a twenty eight year old female and I have a five seven year old male mentor that I work with. He has given me great advice and helped me through some obstacles in my life. This is the first man that has ever treated me with respect and did not try to sleep with me. He is like a father figure to me, and I call myself his play daughter. The only problem is his wife. He knew that I did not have The only problem is his wife. He knew that I did not have any plans for Thanksgiving dinner, so he invited me to his home. He never talked much about his wife, but I figured she would be just as sweet as he is. I took a bottle of moscato with me as a thank you for the dinner invitation. His wife greeted me, and she was polite, but not very talkative. She was finishing up dinner while my play dad and I had a glass of wine and watched the game in the din I must have given off the wrong vibes because his wife seemed to get irritated with me quickly. It didn't help that I had on a crop top and leggings and they were dressed nicely. The next thing I knew, his wife stormed into the den and started going off. She started with, what is this play door to mess? It went downhill from there. My play dad did not defend me. Instead, he fixed me a to go plate and asked me to leave. I was shocked and hurt, and I can't believe he let her go off on us like that. I think she owes me an apology. Now he's been distant at work, and I don't know what to say to him. I hope that we can still have a cool relationship. Stephen Shirley, how should I handle this? All? Right? Now? Listen, I know you're young, You're only twenty eight years old, but really, though you know the letter you wrote made you sound pretty innocent and sincere in the fact that you feel he's a play dad to you. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the of the doubt for that, but you're going about this in the entire wrong way. Okay, you don't go to another woman's house dressed like that, a crop top and leggings. I mean it was dinner, Come on, not just any dinner. This was Thanksgiving dinner. People usually dress up, you know, if they invite you out, you look presentable. Haven't you heard the saying first impressions or lasting and all of that? What was his wife supposed to think? Which you looking like that? I mean, as my mother would say, fanning around her husband. And then you go into the din with him to watch the game, just the two of you. No, no, well, why weren't you in the kitchen with her, you know, at least trying to help her out? Why didn't you offer even if she said no, you stay with her? You know, And what she did is what a lot of wives would have done, quite frankly in this situation, because it just doesn't look right. You guys in the din watching the game while she she owes you nothing. She doesn't owe you an apology. You're not going to get one, so stop looking for that. And you can believe he got an earful after you left about who are you? What's his play daughter? Mesk I bet you are playing with her, you know, all of that, playing around, all of that that's why he's been distant at work. Okay, and he will probably say that way, uh, if he knows what's good for him. So for your sake, I hope this was a lesson learned about you know how to act around someone's wife. Okay, Steve, Okay, Shirley. Everything you said is correct. As a matter of fact, you told her the correct way to behave all right, Come on, now, let's just go and tell the truth. This old ass, out of shape woman jealous insecure you over here with the leggings ow. She can't find no leggings that she can well that look like the ones you had. She can't find it. Unifout your ass over here own thanksgiving. He like a father figure. The you a little lot of shape, ain't what she was mad about it? So now he invited you to his home. He ain't said nothing about his wife. Most men don't bring up crazy people. Yeah, we don't gonna man show. Enjoyed talking to you because this helper our live with. But I figured she would be just as sweet as he was. I took a botta moscatto with me to took a botta moscatto with me as a thank you for the dinner invitation. Let me explain something to you. Hood people ain't really up on moscatto. You had to take something else, Morgan David Man of chev and in greens gree Yeah, something like that. You got to take some spanyarding. Oh that spanyard. You had to take something that's really good leading something where she would go, oh, but you know, you over there with your little up in the cute ass talking about some bottle of muscato. Don't nobody in here drank musquito? What she gotta be that and drink in a cheap as bottle of musquito? You rug, why don't you? Ja brains some off with it. His wife greeted me, and she was polite, but not very talking. She was finishing up dinner while my playdad and I see now listen to me, key words. She was finishing up dinner. Yes, listen to me. She wasn't in that washing dishes. Her big ass was still at the table eating everybody else too. She and that finishing up dinner. Yeah, I thought she meant she was still cooking it. Yeah, she was still cooking it. Uh, she was putting purposes. Yeah, she was finishing up dinner. With my play dad. I had a glass of wine and watched the game in the day. You don't watch the game after you week? All right, hang on, Steve, all right, we'll come back from part two. I think at twenty three after the hour, the subject is I can't call her husband daddy. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This holiday season, thoughtful gift giving means more than ever because buying for others can support the community you love. Like with targets, assortment of unique gifts and brands created by black entrepreneurs like Scotch Porter and the Lip Bar. Everything from fun toys and games to all kinds of beauty products and more make this season more meaningful than ever by gifting black owned brands. Just look for the black owned badge to identify them at a target near you or visit target dot com. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject I can't call at her true is about nasty. This letter is about nasty attitude from a certain woman. And I'm just trying to draw attention to what I think this attitude is. Young girl, still got it going on? Stuff still sitting up older lady at the house. Everything that failed. So don't get mad at me because I'm in here giving you another angle. This is an angle of a strawberry letter that I'm doing. And my mama was a full figured woman, so that ain't what this is about. I love my mama before I loved anybody. This is about this evil health for right here is either because this lady thought that he was gonna be sweet just like her play daddy chief in to be your play mama. The sitting up in here. The only problem his wife had invited y'all. The thanks never dinner he did because he never talked about his wife, because he's scared of he lived in fifth Why would you bring that up? Why is he afraid of his wife? Steve called something wrong with him. She's been sliding off as the years go back. She's only fifty seven. Steve, You've seen some fifty seven year olds that look eighty. You have seen a lot of fifty seven year olds look seventy. I think that's the case. I took a bottle of muscato over there, that's way too bush for hood people, and she come in here with this bottle of musquito, Scott Muscato. Ain't nobody bought you no damn bottle of musquito. Let's she thinking all the wine she could have had, Andy Green ball of coat, could have bought a forty of Mickey's. All up. You set up and bought this cheap musquito. She his wife, greeted me. She was polite, but not very talking. She was finishing up dinner while my play Dann and I had a glass of wine and watched the game. And it did you know, we don't watch the game to after we eat and you got a glass of wine and the watching the game. She and that finishing up dinner. She was sitting there at the table eating another plate. This my husband, herman know I had three servings, three servings. He didn't took your skin ass in there watching the damn game. What does she have on? St leggings and she leggings and a crop top. To her tell me where her belly was out? She sitting up in there. It got a housecoat on from Walmart. Thanksgiving dinner. Yeah, that you just slide over your head. It's a one piece. Sometimes it's a tent. She take them curlers out and then call that now she are and she tried to look at high. Now you're not sitting up with your play. Dad had a glass of wine watching the game in the den, just the two of them. But they ended then they weren't in the bedroom. They ended, damn den. Well, then she said, I must have given off the wrong vibe them tight ass pays you damn right, you sitting up and here with these leggings on. Because she's sitting over there with a pair of dockers on looking just light leggings. Doctor I She said they were dressed nicely. She said, I had on a crop topping leggings and they were dressed nicely. Okay, Because his wife seemed to get irritated with me quickly. It didn't help that I had on a crop top and some legger. They were dressed nicely. Next thing I know, she stormed to the den and going off, she stayed with what is this play? Daughter? Man? Yes, I'm in the den, she said, mass but she didn't say and it went down, what is this play? Daughter? Sugar honey? Iced team sugar honey, iced team? You ain't no damn played daughter sitting there with your own ass playing? It went down here from there. Your play. Dad did not defend me. He can't can't take her for you in her house tilder and came up in here raising hell, what's her name? Tilda? Till Tiller came in here? Damn. Then then instead he fixed me to go play and asked me to leave right there. I told you the food would finny. He didn't, got some fall and made her playing baby, baby, you're go ahead. I was shocked and her. She invited her to dinner here. Everybody take it to go play something to remember the day by. I was shocked and her and can't believe he let her go off on on us like that. Wait a minute, No, no, it was you. He can't stop at What you cannot do is defending another woman to your wife. I think she owes me an apology, And where you think she's gonna give you this apology? Because you're better not take your hands back over there, because all this was was a warning shot. You just set that long enough you'd been you'd have been on the news. You'd have been on the ten o'clock news that night. This a Houston letter right here. Now, he'd been distant at work, told you he was scared of him. I hope we can still have a cool relationship. That's over you, Stephen Sherley, How should I handle this? Don't go back over the time about she owe you an apologie. I've very rarely ever seen old black people apologize and they house. My mama got mad, and my daddy one time said slick, tell her you sigh. I ain't telling the sugar hunt but I ain't feel listening. Look, we gotta get out of here. Steve. Please, how you asked me? You know, sugar hunted? Like? Please email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today. If you won't, that's Steve Harvey FM. You're listening, all right, Seve. Anthony Brown please right now? Since time? Well, you know, folks, I'm just gonna have to tell you, he's just so a throwback from there. He's a relic. It's what he is, old school lady and gentlemen. Ch Anthony Brown, Okay, let's get it. Let's get this over. I sang Christmas songs totally different from the songs that you listen to. The songs I sang ain't like what you hear. There's no joy in my Christmas songs. Okay, none at all. Here we go, Here we go, Lee be gone by Chris, I asked moller, Jay, Oh, I don't care where you go because I don't want to know. Oh, please be gone by chrismers this I ask of thee give you not gone by Christmas? Danna be gone by Christmas Eve? He be gone by because you hate company. This side asked of you. I don't care you go because I James take it out. Come on, Btress play it this I ofded blead be gone by Christmas. Damn it least by new Is Eve. Al Right, that's it. We out. We love you, I love you, Jore your dinners, dinners here all week? Well bells though, Yes, I'm singing to somebody. Stevie then in radio land is listening in that? Yes, Jay sing it so much because I know this. I know this. Everybody is not happy with everybody, that's all I know. Everybody is not happy. But there's some unhappy people out there that songs for you. Okay, please be gone by Christmas. Okay, okay, well, thank you Jay. More of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Steven Show. All right, see this now time for comedy roulette. You guys ready, let's go, all right, let's all right. Here's the subject. Number one, I ain't superstitious, but yeah, uh. Number number two, dang is it? That's his mama? Number three? Number three, things you say to yourself when you look in the mirror and you're out of shape? And number four dang, she used to be blank and she's let herself go. All right, let's spin it. Lets Yeah, that's one. It looks like it's gun stuff on the no it stop. Three Things you say to yourself when you look in the mirror and you're out of shape. Yeah, you say to yourself things you say yourself yourself when you look in the mirror, when you look in the mirrror and you know you're out of shape, You're ready? High man, I got nine chins. This is ridiculous, man, not nine. Yeah, that's a lot. Okay, things you said yourself you look in the mirror, you out of shape? Oh man, I've been that falls leep around barbecue pills. Ain't rot me that with seasoning. You gonna be on the grid. Wh what where's my neighbor? I don't even where? Where am I missing a neighbor. I know it's hill. It's in here somewhere. Steve Harvey, let go this this moment. My god, what have I doing? I like it, I like it so serious. But it's a serious moment. Naked. Yeah, man, you look at yourself, father that whatever. I've had those moments. So, yeah, Jake, didn't you say to yourself when you know you what is it when you're looking in the mirror and you're out of shape? Yeah, I'm not going to this clean as anymore because they are shrinking. Damn, I know they are. I know they're shrinking much. When you have to shape that beer, you need to build your confidence up. Let's say something like that. She like it though, she likes things you say to yourself in them. Okay, uh oh she and the way don't mean, ain't no way. I'm having sex without this shirt on. I'd be damn about I'm gonna tie this in and not I'm telling me like this can't come up just a shirt though the shirt can't come up. I'm butt naked with a shirt on. I'm just talking, all right, Steve, stay yourself, you're standing that neck it in the mirror. Oh hell no, here go to soaper, a little piece of shower you find it? Alright, alright, I think we have time for one more round? Yeah all right? Why am I weazing just because I got out the shower. That don't make no exhausted. I'm tired, clean cleaner. So here's things you say right here, you put your drawers on, you say I'm wearing thongs. Now that's what it ended up being. Yeah, I'm now how do I do like po? How much? How much do they? I got this all day? You got one more? Let's go? Oh hell Rick rothkool with and that made even? How did they? Rulette? Thank you? You're listening to Day Morning Show and the sun goes out to George Wallace wanting my road, Dolph Van, Samuel L. Jackson, Jackson L. L. Cool, James James, Missy Elliott, last but not least Lebron James James take me in bad to another place in time when I had a hellin time will long with Shane, But you keep me the same. My can't mom, whoakay you're my can't come? Whoacka m stous like mine? People say, out of date, I really need to dress, not that I'm a mormage. They're all wrong because I'm look cool in my cane. Oh ain't um, I can't let go. WHOA you're listening, Well, some exciting news for you, Steve. You're launching a full menswear clothing line. It's called the H by Steve Harvey Collection. It is designed by your personal stylist, Ellie Carmo. Yeah. Now, let me help you out and understand something. Y'all. We're releasing this in capsules. I'm starting with the all new tie collection. They are fabulous. Go to the website H by Steve Harvey dot com. H It's the new signature line I've created with Ellie Caromo, is called H by Steve Harvey. All the ties on here are forty nine dollars. Now. The reason they're forty nine dollars is because I put a lot more into these. You know, you say have twenty nine dollars ties and stuff like that. Those days are done. I want everybody to get balled up. Look your best these is nice. I'm on the website. Go to the website. It's a nice website. H by Steve Harvey dot com. Get your Christmas gifts ready. Finally, give your daddy your husband, your boyfriend, your man, your uncle, your girl a neck tie that they really won't How many ties have we gotten through the years that just sit in a drawer. GI me a damn Steve Harvey tie from the Age collection so I can be balling and ladies, I'm telling you they they are really really great quality ties. That's my question. What's different about these times? Oh? The quality and the richness of the color. I gotta hold new and I'm releasing it in capsules, slowly but surely because I've changed the suit line completely, all the shirts. Everything is different now because I decided to get involved. Got my stylist, Ellie on it out of Paris. He's concerned, mister Harvey, we health to get the quality of for people. Okay, cool, let's go the ties out now. Go to the website right now, H by Steve Harvey dot com. H by Steve Harvey dot com and by all of the ties that's online. Hey man, hey, hey, get one of each, get two. You can only four one, get one. They got different colors, different patterns. I've got a handbone on that and I'm really proud of And I got some solids on there. You notice I wear a lot of mono, monochrome, monocraphic, whatever you want to call monochrome looks monod craph. So if you want to match your shirt and your tie a little bit closer, give you that again monomalistic or surely said it's monochromatic. But you know, you know, yeah, yeah, you know, you know monochrome. You know you know mono mono. But everybody please go to the website right now and take a look at it and play to order for the man or the woman in your life, whoever wear ties in your life. But they real BASSI h by Steve Harvey. Y'all sell it out for me, hurt my feelings and sell it out all right, coming up next to our last break of the day, and Steve will have some closing remarks all that's coming up at forty nine after the hour. Right after this you're listening to show Steve Harvey, you've brought your fabulous and very insightful, very informal, very motivating closing remarks. Back is something that you started years ago when you first started the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and people have grown to love them and you know, to live by them and be inspired by them. So what do you have for us yesterday? A real good piece of motivation and makes your quest to become successful a little bit simpler. You know, oftentimes people are stuck in a rut because they can't think, they way clear to see the end result. What I mean by is, some people make lofty goals and then they sit there without a plan of attack to achieve that lofty goal, until they've created a goal that seemed so daunting that they don't even start the process of a trying to accomplish it. For example. And this doesn't have to be the case. I'm just using this as an example. Let's say you want to be a millionaire and you say, wow, I want to make a million dollars, and then you start thinking of how to make the million dollars, and because you can't, it becomes so daunting. Making a million dollars is difficult. If it were easy, wouldn't you do it by Friday? Wouldn't you? Of course you would, But it's a little more difficult than that. So here's what I had to learn in my life. Everybody listening to this was born with a gift. It's inside of you. Because God is very fair. He didn't put it on a mountaintop. He didn't hide it under rob It's in you, and your gift is the thing that you do to absolute best with the least amount of effort. In that lies your greatest chance for success. There's a scripture that says your gift will make room for you and put you in the presence of great men. Let's just look at the first part of it. Your gift will make room for you. My interpretation of that has meant what my gift has done for me. It has allowed me to spread out, it has taken me places I never dreamed I gold. Your gift will do the same thing for you. So now let's just talk about your ability to get to the million. I think it's what your gift because if that's what that he gave you and instill that you at birth, was to make room for you, here's your chance. Now how do I do that? Steve? I call it to maximize your effort by ten theory. It's just something I came up with driving when I was home listening, coming up with to make it, and I discovered something. All of you have something that some will pay you ten dollars to do. Some of you paint. Some of you teach, some of your babysit tutors. Some of you work with your hands, some of you can sing, some of you can choreograph. Some of you there's so many things. Cut grass, play the piano, some of you do something. Some of y'all work on cars, some of y'all dry. But all of you have something that you will do that someone will give you ten dollars to do. All of you have something that someone will pay you ten dollars to because you do something that someone else can't do. So now all you gotta do instead of trying to figure out how to make a million dollars, it's go make the ten dollars that you're able to make it. Once you make that ten dollars, I want you to do it ten more times. When you do it ten more times, you now have one hundred dollars. Once you have a hundred dollars, it's very simple. Do the same thing you did to make thee hundred dollars ten more times. You now have one thousand dollars. See, you don't have to keep thinking of something else to do. Just keep doing the same thing that you've been doing. Just do it multiply the effort. It's the effort that maximizes and brings about the fruition of what your life can be. So, if you make a thousand dollars and you do that ten more times, I have news for you. Now have ten thousand dollars. Now. Now, in order to make a one hundred thousand, you might need a little bit of help. You might need to hire somebody and help you do the thing that you do. But if you make ten thousand dollars and you do what you did to make ten thousand dollars, which is the same thing you did to make ten dollars, if you do it ten more times, you now have one hundred thousand dollars. Now listen to me, my friends. Once you have a hundred thousand dollars, I could assure you you are going to need help because in order to maximize one hundred thousand dollars, you have to have some like minded people around you. Nobody gets to the top alone. Nobody becomes successful and wealthy by themselves. They formed partnerships, relationships, they get employees. But once you make a one hundred thousand dollars doing the same thing you did to make ten dollars if you do it ten more times, I have news for you, my friends. Congratulations, you have just made one million dollars with a ten dollar idea. Stop trying to figure out how to make the million. What all you gotta do is take your ten dollars gift that God has put in you. It's a million dollar gift that you have. You just haven't broken it down inch by inch anythings as sinch and maximize the efforts. That's how you become successful. These jokes that pay me what I make now, it's the same jokes that pay me twenty five dollars a night. They're the same jokes. It's all English. This is not in another language. I don't know no more words now than I knew then. I've taken these twenty five dollars jokes and I maximize them over and over and over and over and over and over and over. It's the same jokes I was telling. Babysitters who charge fifty dollars to watch kids. Babysitters end up opening up daycare centers. Daycare centers turned into franchises, crime dollar crime monastory schools. These are national franchises. Somebody was just babysitting. My partner used to cut grass fust three dollars in the front, three dollars in the back. He got a landscape coming to Cleveland. He made four million dollars a year. You know what he do, He cut grass, same six dollars grass cutting he's been doing. You check out some trucks. Now, what is it that you do that somebody will pay you ten dollars that you can maximize your effort for and turn it into your million. But trying to figure out how to make the million. Take your ten dollars skills set and start hammering it and beating it and working it and grinding and hustling and multiplying and magnifying it, and you'll make a million dollars. That's my closing remarks. Thank y'all very much. Thanks all right now, thought boy, Yeah, y'all have a great week. Here For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show