Good morning and welcome to the ride! Happy Friday and it's Valentine's Day baby. Uncle Steve talks about a deposit. Tommy has specific rules set out for Valentine's Day. Gospel sensation Isaac Carree stops by to discuss his new single HER. Super producer Will Packer fills us in on his new movie The Photograph which is out today. NBA All-Star Weekend is in Chi-Town. Research shows that parents have not had a romantic outing in years and Steve has the answer. Registration for the Harvey Foundation Mentoring Camp opens today and Steve mentions an international announcement. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve speaks to us about love songs and Valentine's Day, plus much more. Have a great weekend!!!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit look like the don giving them like the Milian buck things in its tubings. Do me true good it? Steve har guy listening to the movie together for Steve hand Please hobby, I don't join by join me. You go with me. You gotta turning you you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your bad huh, I show we off. Hey, good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I've been saying it like that since I got it too. All right, I gotta go one for you today. Yesterday the other day, I was talking to you about the most effective weapon available to us as human beings. I think is prayer. I think prayer helps us in so many ways. But right now what I want to do is I want to show you how prayer pays off. I want I want to show you what good it can do for you. Even me, I use it every day, and and the days I don't use it, I feel it that that you know the days that I go, you know, without talking to him as much, I notice it, I feel it, I feel a certain kind of way. You know, those are those that doubt starts slipping in again, that uneasy feeling of uncertainty slips in again, that wondering what I'm gonna do start slipping in again. Happens to me, It happens everybody. Man, I think, I really, really do you know, if people would just keep it real with each other, stop being this Christian, this superman, because you ain't you ain't. There's a scripture that says that's none perfect, no not one. That's everybody that covered all of us don't. So sometimes I think we're a little too hard on each other with that too, Seeing it's how we're not perfect. We immediately want to just just oh man, you just want to kill when we find somebody do something wrong. But if you go public, everything go public now called social media. But anyway, I just want to talk to you about how prayer pays off. It's called all eye and money. People got money, call it all eyes. A return on investment. People are always looking for a return on investment. You know, nobody, nobody in business really gives you money without understanding the return on investment. They don't even give money to charities unless they think it can do something with the bottom line. A lot of companies work like that. I found out out myself. Sad, but it is true. So since everything is expected to work on a return on investment as soon because we're human beings. So since we're all human beings, whether you're in business or not, you're still in the business of living. I think when you pray, you should expect a return on your investment. You talk to him, you spent time opening it up to him, you bowed your head to him, you humbled yourself, you got on your knees. I mean, but really we're talking God here, So really, what you're doing ain't really about nothing. Be honest with You're a little bit that you do do on his behalf. It just pales in comparison with what he does. But let's just say you want to call yourself invested, Well, let me show you how it pays off. This because for me, this is for me now, prayer pays off in different ways. That's what I had to learn. See, I was praying, but I was asking him specifically for what I wanted. I had the audacity, though, to turn around and tell him how to do what I wanted. That's amazing. Man. I can't tell you how many blessings I blocked coming my way by putting my faith in what I said I wanted and how I wanted him to do it. I want you to give me this. I want that person to go away. I want this person to accept everything you say. Then I want to go over here and I want this deal to happen like this, and I want that person to just step aside and let let me through. And then I wanted I was. I hadn't mapped out. God must have been chuckling really hard. He hadn't been going. Boy, I made you to be funny. But boy, you're funny now. So you're gonna tell me how to do it. And you've all heard this right here. If you want to make God telling me your plan, well that's what I did. And that's how we pray a lot of times we pray, and we pray in the prayer with telling him how to work it out. Well, here's the deal. This is what I've learned. Prayer pays off in different ways. There's a different return of my investment when I pray. See, sometimes when I'm praying for something, a situation to dissolve itself or go away, sometimes I get courage out of the prayer. Prayer provides me courage that's just to go on and look at it. I guess face it. Then. Sometimes when I'm praying about a situation, sometimes prayer gives me hanging power. Sometimes, man, it just I look up and I'm just handling it better. Sometimes prayer gives you laugh at off power. Sometimes, man, you just got to laugh at off whatever. Man, you trip it? Do you know what that is? If you could do that, you know. Sometimes it it gives you a show of strength power. Sometimes prayer allows you to have the appearance that you got it all together. Nobody got to know the world. When the tornado, the hurricane that's swirling in your life, you're standing over that like the eye the hurricane you and it's all swirling around you. But you standing that like the eye, you just as calm. That's what prayer does. So when you pray, man, it builds up a lot of things in you. You know what it's done for me. Prayer has built up character in me. It's made me have more character because I'm able to stand stronger on the things I say. Because I've been praying, because I've been asking God for all of those return of investments. I've been asking God for courage. I've been asking God for hanging that. I've been asking him to give me the power to walk away. I've asked him to give me ignored power. I've asked to help me laugh it off. I've asked him to show me strength. But you know what I was doing, I was really praying, not really for them things be real with you. I was asking them to help me, Lord, help me. You ever done that? You ever asked God for help? And then all of a sudden, the list of these things show up. See, sometimes how you want the problem to be solved ain't the best way. There's a lesson to be learned when we make mistakes. And sometimes you got to stay in that fire and you got to learn that lesson. But guess what, though, when you come out of it, you're gonna be better for it. You're gonna know more about it. Come on, y'all, pray. He's solid, His word is true, it lasts forever. He do what he's say gonna do now all day, all night twenty four seven. He do it all day, all night, and then some more. His word don't ever change. It's true. It works for me. It worked for you. It worked for Jake's It worked for Old Steam, It worked for Kirk Franklin. It worked for Paula White, It worked for Billy Graham. It worked for Mother Teresa, It worked for Gandhi, It worked for the Princess Arabs. It worked man, it worked for you. What you're waiting for? Why don't you put praying your game? Watch what happened to you? You're sitting in that jail, Celle, and you're struggling with it, and they're telling you bloody and blood out, you can't get in you. That's foolishness, man, What you mean God can get you out of anything. Look, man, if you didn't read your Bible, he didn't got some people out of some sticky situations. I don't know what you're talking about. If Daniel was in the lions den and Jonah was in the belly of the whale, what you're talking about? Where you are you just sitting in the sale with some dudes round and you're talking about what they gonna do man, you gotta be real. God, it can't nothing to do nothing. Nobody can't nobody do nothing to you. God won't give you to strift to handle. Prayer changes things. Man, you're listening show, ladies and gentlemen might have you undervalued attention. Please, this is the Steve Arvey Morning Show and it's Valentine's Day, So fellas, let me just let me let me get started first, sure to start bed. Hey, good morning, Steve. Have you Valentine's other Valentine caller? For real? Happy Valentine's to day? What's up? Crew? Now? The next two people I'm about to introduce you could care less how day day going, especially about Valentine's There's none of my business, Junior morning everybody. I'm hey, man, I know this is a sad time for you. You know we're gonna pray for you that maybe next Valentine's Day, you know, maybe just you know, somebody want to deal with it. You know, if I think if you quit telling people you're sick, he does you. I think that's what it is telling people about. Don't mention crisis, don't even it's a Christis you're telling them right now. But it was that's what it is, you know, but you could just say it's a flu or something. You know, you ain't got to be you know, just win the hospitaling, just going through something. Ain't got to be a crisis and everything. But you're doing real good being a while. Man. We've been praying for You've been healthy. Yeah, God smiling on you. He show is yeah, yeah man. And I'm and just you are one of the and I'm just gonna say this as a Christian, you are one of the healthiest sick people like that. We just got here already, Shirley. I just feel like today you might embarrass me to feeling girl. Probably probably ain't gonna let you down. Lady Gym and nephew Thommy yahyain' It's Friday, Baby, Happy Valentine, Shirley, call her Happy Valentine's Tell my beautiful wife out there that's listening. I hope she listens. Jack, Happy Birthday. I mean, well, my wife is in the aspen. She can't hear this show, but I'm gonna say Happy Valentine's Day two or two. But if you look like I told y'all, oh what I told y'all what I was doing so h Now it's on line. You can go on line and look at it. Oh really really? I send her her Valentine's Day gift yes today. Sure, no, no, it wasn't to make no listen to me. I sent her, and I sent her a card that said, you are so special to me that I can't imagine you having to share this day with anyone else. So happy February thirteenth, because I think you should have your own Valentine's Day. Come on, man, come on here, come on. I'm seeing her all her stuff to Aspen yesterday. Nice and she posted it yesterday to church say from as I'm just I can't tell what's gonna happen to me? Pass what you call a deposit? Like your strategy, Steve, I like it well. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna talk about some Valentine's Day rules. Okay, do that right after this because you're listening too. Listen, guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, our special guest will be executive producer Will Packer. I think we all know him, you nephew. Uh. Will Packer is gonna tell us about it's a new movie. This looks so good. The photograph starring Isa Ray. It is in theaters today. But as we all know, as we move on, today's Valentine's Day, and the guys, mainly Tommy, it's gonna run down Valentine's Day rules because what there's rules to this, right, let's go. You know the rules, pretty Tony, your girl chose me. You know the rules. You got those rules. These are just these are Valentine's rules. Call it. These are things that brothers need to know. That's out there. Brothers like myself, you know that's that's that's you know, brothers like me. You know things you need to know. Can I yeah, well no, just you know, just need a little Valentine knowledge, Uncle Steve. All right here can I start? Yea? All ready? Yeah, all right? But everybody get the same perfume. Okay, you got more than one. They all get the same. If now they're older, then they get white diamonds. That's how you do that. That's how you do that. It's the way you work this side of fellas. You gotta you got it. You got some old school ladies. Cool, they all get white diamonds. They're happy with that. You got some forty and low forty and low whatever it is, same perfume. You ain't got to be going on. Let me get this one, this one, this one. No, Now you can you confuse you don't know what you got. Somebody get the same thing. You know how to answer? Okay, all right, tim, I just trying to show y'all. I'm teaching you how this go. These are Valentine rule like big teddy balls should be delivered, not left in the car. Okay, you don't do that. Okay, it's hard to explain three teddy balls in the backseat. You can't explaiting that. You've got to get them out of that car. Okay, I'm gonna tell you this. In the case you let's just say you went by somewhere, they weren't there. You couldn't get the teddy bad to him, throw it out the window. You can't take this home, yea, yeah, you can't take this half law stomach. Okay, don't worry about that. Eight it. Yeah, all right now listen, listen, this right here is crucial. Don't get your white side piece the same gift as your black side peace them two different gifts. What yes, what is that? Don't get it? What do you mean, you can't. You can't get them the same thing. There's two different gifts there. It's hard to explain, but it's just it's two different things. Okay, I can't. I can't. You don't. You don't want to mix them up now because you might get a sister, you might get her something that's that sister ish and then the white girl to get it mixed up. Then you know it's confusing. You can't do that, sister. Can I give you an example, Tommy, Go ahead, Like if you give them pie as one of their gifts, you want to get the sister gets sweepertato pie and white girl get punkin pie. Need to know that, Yeah, you can't. Black girl get the sweeper tated pie, White girl get the pumpkin pot. Go ahead, Tommy, All right, here's another fellas here. All of your flowers from different floral shops. You can't aller them from the same place. That's an easy mix up right there, because we guess what. You know what you're doing. You're leaving a little note, you're leaving something cute, You're leaving maybe your little nickname on it. Okay, got that, But guess what you can't depend on the floral to make sure it's right, so you might send something. Guess what now you never send and when they when they open it, here go your nickname Hoppo? Who is Hoppo? I don't know, I don't know. That's your little nickname. Screwing it up. Let me help him out with that time. Get all your sending all your flowers from one eight hundred flowers. That way, you ain't got to wear about nothing cause they don't make no mistakes. Go ahead, that's okay, okay, okay, here we go on, here we go. When you send it out a happy Valentine's text, don't send a group text, dumb ass. Okay, let me tell you something, fella fella me, missflaw. I want to explain something to you somebody, but I try to they gonna do it, junior. I try to explain this to a lot of my fellow Listen. The most dangerous dangerous word on your cell phone it's sin. It is the most dangerous thing. It's the trust me you you want to avoid sin at all times. Look at what you're looking at first check because if you send a group text, huh yeah, that's a bit right there. Sin the most dangerous work on your cell phone is it's sin, that's an You can't take it back, baby, you can't take it back. The fellas listen to him because y'all make this mistake a lot. Everybody's nickname it's Booth. Listen, Hey Boo, hey boom boom boom boo. That's you. Hey boo boo. I thought that was you. Oh luka boo boo boo boo. Okay, when you when you're write it ti boo from boom and you stay clean to boom and from boo you good. That's right, cause Boot don't sound nothing like sweet tea, not a damn thing. Everybody Boot all right now, listen, fellas, I know you're trying to cut down and try to save a little money. Listen because I know y'all be scratching your head trying to figure it out. You don't have to really go with the real diamonds. Okay, you don't have to do that, all right, Listen, listen. They will love Kubic Zaconian in a Tiffnit box or bad. You could do this. All you need is a hook up at the Tiffnit stove to get the box you want to. You want that blue box. Get that box, Hi, then put your cubics a coney in that box man. Yeah, yeah, that's just the real damn IGNI, what is you buying moaning one diamond fall on Valentine's Day? Your ass is stupid. You're buying more diamond because you got more than one person, but you ain't buying them diamonds. Doll Okay, well what is what is we We're buying them cubic conigans. It's what we're getting them. You just need this to last for the fourteen dawn, don't you give damn by the fifteen danger were giving away diamonds on Valentine's Day when they find out that the relationship ain't real. Like them diamonds ain't real. You can messurround and get your ass. Staff that's got you. Thank you, nephew for your Valentine's Day rules. Uh. Coming up after this, more nephew, more ignorance would run that prank back. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, executive producer Will Packer will be here to tell us about his brand new movie. Oh this is a black Love Story for the ages, right here. It's called the photograph. It starts ray and that's at the top of the hour. But right now today's Valentine's Day. We know that, But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank. Back what you got for us? Nap uh, surely I have Valentine's gift card. Valentine's gift card, that sounds saying. And I still got a couple more Valentine Day rules for y'all. That will we ran last last break. I got a cup more for y'all. Okay, and just let you know, I dropped him off from y'all laters throughout the show. You're gonna get this. These fellows got to know what's going on. This is Valentine. They'd be messing this up. You got to know what's happened. Come on, Kat, let's run this here, this right here. Valentine Gift card. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Bryce. Yeah, hey Brent, So how are you doing? Man? My name is Album? How you doing today? I'm good man? What's up? Hey? Listen? Um, I know you're you're you're married Tatricia? Right? Yeah? Who who's this? Like I said, Yeah, my name is Alvin, and I'm just trying to make sure I got the right person, man, because you, um, you have black half white, right from what I understand, Yeah, I'm gonna have black Who who the presidents? Why? Why are you asking me questions? What's going on? Okay? No, no, no, everything's cool, man, everything's cool. Um uh, Trish, So check this out, man. Listen, I'm at work, man, say what you need to say. What's happening? Okay, listen, I actually dentally I sent I sent Tricia some flowers for Valentine's They're gonna get there on Friday. But I accidentally put a you know, I ordered the gift card along with it, and they put this gift card in Tricia's gift bag. And really that's that gift card should really be for my wife, and I was trying to see it. Maybe if you get to the gift bag before, maybe you could get it out from mean, so I could get that gift card. Oh okay, So you said, uh, you said my wife flowers for Valentine's Day, right, saying yeah, yeah, But that's not the key. The key is that it's a gift card in there that I need. You know, that's accidentally sent a gift card and my wife. You just want the flowers to go to her? Is that what you're saying? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I said the flowers man, Yeah, no problem, no, yeah, no, that's cool man. This happens. Then we make mistakes all the time. How about this? How about you come on over and I will be more than happy to give you the gift card because I'm sure you know if you said it with the flowers all I'll just have to handle those. That's a gift card over to you and and probably a nice uh speed until you stupid mother? Why enough would you ever call me about this? Hey? Man? And I didn't expect I didn't expect all this avin it out hostility. Hey bro, all I'm trying to do with Like I said, I said, I ain't your bro. What do you mean you're doing? You didn't think this met? You send my good a white flowers? Mother? But how do you even know my wife? How do you know Tresh? How do you know Tresh? I work in I work in the building with that Trish works in. How you work with her? Okay? Good? Are you? I don't work I don't work with her. I don't work for her company at all. But my my, you know, my floor is on a different floor. I work in a different company, but she works she works in the same building. So yeah, dude, I'm just trying to get the guilt card. Man. I ain't even trying to trip dude, I ain't. So let me. So, you sent some flowers. When the flower's gonna be here? What time the flower' is supposed to be here? The flowers getting there sometime Friday. I'm a Valentine, yea on Valentine's Say, okay, good Jude, So how about you come down here on Friday, okay, and I will give the flowers the trish and I will give you the gift cards. And you mentioned if I was half black or half white, and I'll go ahead and let you know that both sides are gonna beat your mother because you're trying to be the most ignorant mother I've ever met in my guy, Mike, I don't care if you're green, blue, yellow, lavender. I don't know what what the you are, but you are the dumbest piece of sh I've ever met. You come here Friday. You come here, and you get your wife will get her great gift card, and my wife will get your flowers and everybody's gonna be happy. Hey, dude, what's what's all that's about? Man? Okay? So have you gone out with trans? Say you guys wanting for lunch or you know, maybe a movie or I mean, how much? How much time have you spent with my wife? I ain't. I ain't. I ain't spend no time with her. Why are you said hering that? What do you mean you ain't spend no time with it? How you you seem to know all about her? And you haven't gone out one time with my wife? No? I never went out with her. So you just have a crush on my wife's Is that what you're trying to saying? You just act only sent some your bulls to her? Is that I didn't? Actually I didn't actually did only send the flower? I send him because I wanted her to have She's a pretty she's a pretty lady. I wanted her to have the flowers, but I didn't want her to but I didn't want her to have my wife's gift card? Though, What did you think I was gonna be there? How did you think? How did he in? You fucking crazy bulls? Mine? Did you think this was gonna be? Okay? What if I called you? Now? I'm like, hey, I set your wife. Can you send it back to me? How would you feel if I did the same to you? Well, I mean you're talking about something different from flowers and that same That sounds like a little bit offensive. Don't you think? Oh oh that's defensive? Yeah? Man, you know, I'm sorry. You're Albert. You're is Albert. It's not Albert. It's Albert. It's Alvin. Man, it's alb I don't give us what it is. Alvin. Come see me on Friday. I'm gonna have your gift card. I'm super excited to meet you. This is this is gonna be the best Valentine's Day of my life. Come visit me. He sent the flowers to the house, right, I got the address that Tommy gave me. Who the is Tommy? He the one gave me the address? He the one told me Tommy. Come, how about you and Tommy come over to the house. We'll have a we'll have a guys. Now, I'll put it on a game. I'm gonna have some pretel. Why don't you folk come over here? Okay? But why why? Why? Why the hostility when somebody's showing your wife's so No, no, there's no how stility went. Did you hear hostile? I just invited you and your boy till me to come to my house. That's not hostiles. I'm being hospitable. That's what it is. It's hospitable. Come see me, Come see me. Okay, So let me ask you something. Man, don't you take don't you drop Trish off to work every morning? Yeah? I do? I do. Okay, Now, when y'all when y'all riding to work, ain't y'all listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is not to Steve Harry Morrishaw. This is nephew tim me baby, come home bright. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey morn Show. Your wife Trish got me to prak phone call you home. Run y'all, there's no way. Oh now I'm back. I'm pissed it again and now I'm going through somebody abos right. I was like, who could read this? Oh? Oh man? And I am boily holy, she's gonna pay for this one. You got to tell me, Bryce, what is the baddest And I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steven Harvey Show, Baby and now you have it. You know, a little mix up there. All I wanted to card back, That's all I wanted to gift card Man. I can't care about being half white head black. I'm killing about that all I wanted to I can't wait today. Okay, can I drop in the Valentine's Day rule? Can I drop in one real quick? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, edible should not go out to your diabetic side piece. You can't send her that. Don't send that. Okay, don't don't do that. Yeah, you can't do that. That's too much sugar. Don't be sending them chocolate cover strawberries that you're gonna kill her dog. Don't. Man, I cannot with you today. Coming up at the top of the hour, Will Packer in the building right after this. You're listening show right. Everybody asked promise, Oh he's here joining us now? Is just his family. It's one of our favorites. Uh. He's a medium and movie mogul, And I mean I don't watch this board building. He then already set as itself apart as a living legend and producing arena. So far, listen to y'all. He got ten number one box office movies under his belt, ten and he got more on the way. His newest film is called The Photograph. It's in theaters nationwide now and it's perfect for Valentine's weekend. Please welcome to the show, super duper producer, the one and only will pack them him, y'all, Tommy, go ahead and praise him properly. Man, let me say this much love to my other boss. I appreciate y'all about out, and I thank you and I'm grateful, baby ready and love you said. Listen, you know me and Tommy killing it in this day game show. Man, I'm telling you that one our own top shows, and I cannot wait fall. Tommy demanded, we take you to Houston. We had a bunch of other cities were looking at. Tommy said, if y'all don't come to Houston, I ain't doing a damn show. I said, I can't lose top me. I was bluffing Will Will. I was bluffing you did it. You didn't raid enough? You did. Tommy ain't crazy. Tommy would have done Ready to Love Mississippi. Den He got it. Yeah, man, I appreciate your Hey, man. Let's talk about this man. This movie, the photograph. It's in theaters today. Shelly is already a black love story, Steve, who I just got it. I got to hear about it. It's in theaters today. It's a steaming love story starring Esa Ray yep, yeah and uh Mkeith MTh tell us a yes, yeah, you know who the chief is? Right, you know Atlanta? Yes and knives out and uncut Jim. Here's the thing it this is a beautiful black love so or y'all serious, like, this is a story that we do not see enough of. I'm talking about you, and it's not it's not it's not a wrong com and it's not a story about trauma. It's not about pain and and you know, overcoming death. It's truly a love story. It is night screen looking good, interacting the way that we see some mother folks too, but we don't get to see us like that. So it's it's a new genre for me. I'm so excited about it. This brother mcketh has got amazing range. You've seen him another stuff. Wait do you see him? And this y'all know Easter from Insecure, second movie with her and by the way the whole past is amazing. Everybody's a little real Shanque Adams. I got a lot of folks get it, don't recognize it. No, we got what we call parallel narratives in this right. And it's the story of a mother and a daughter both falling in love together in different time periods. It's a really smart, well put together movie. Man, I can't wait for y'all the season. Wow, I can't wait to see it. So what made you step off in this direction? Because this is not normal what you do? I love Love Chump. I'm not gonna like Love Love as all movies that I love, and we haven't had enough of those. Steve and I have been looking for a script for a while that was on par and on the level of those, And this SI name Ellamickey. I got a black female writer director. She came in brought us an amazing script for this love story and I said, I'm all the way in I went, you know me, Steve, I went out, got universe, got the tech cut and said we gotta go out and get the best cast possible. And I left this sister and this is you know, her third or fourth film. She hasn't done. You know a lot of stuff. She's relatively new, but she did in a beautiful job with this movie. She really did. It's something I've been wanting to for a while. I just needed to write script and I finally got my hands on. So let me ask you this. It wouldn't give away too much if I asked you why is the movie called the Photograph. No, it won't. And I'm glad you asked that. And I can't tell you everything, but here's what I would say. The connection is around a series of photographs apps. Because the mother, Issa Ray, and her mother did not have an amazing relationship like a lot of black women heard. Her mom can't get alone. They had a strange relationship, I can tell you that. And she gets to know her mom through a series of letters that her mom wrote her and a series of photographs. And there's one particular photograph which means something very sentimental and it is very symbolic in the movie. So the title of the movie is a symbolic title. But it is also about how pictures tell our life story, how we remember and tell our stories in pictures. We did back in the day, and of course we do now. We don't know about social media, Instagram and all that, but even back in the day with Polaroid, so much of our most important moments were captured by photos. And so there is a photograph that connects these two women as a mother and daughter who are both falling in love and learning to love themselves, learning to love of each other and learning to love the men in their lives. Okay, so, folks, the movie is here. The super producer Will Packer has now got the hot movie that's out this Valentine's weekend. Fellas, get your tickets since gonna be good. Get you girls, ladies, get a gang of y'all going group. This is roll Trip Country. Get your tickets to go see the photograph. It's in theaters now. Make sure y'all ticket has photograph owner. If they give you anything, get it back and demand a ticket. Will pack Philip the theater man appreciated. Always comes from y'all. Always. I love y'all. I love y'all. For that, We're gonna show howyood suf begin y'all ladies and gentlemen, Will Packer thing Yeah. Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, Gospel singer extraordinary Isaac Cree we'll be right here right after this listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, y'all as problems. We got our special guests on the phone. He's a gospel music since say he's a family member too. This is how he won. He won ours right here. I first met him out on tour with Kirk Franklin Man. Since then, this dude right here to messed around, became a household name in the gospel world, putting out a strang of great gospel hits. He's joining us today to tell us about his new single call Her and his upcoming new album, Ladies and General. Please welcome to the show, my man, Isaac Cree. That's my thank y'all, Morning morning. I'm gonna happy to be home where you being like Israel or something. You know. I haven't had an album out him seven years. Huh. I took a huge break. I'm on a huge hiatus, man. I went on tour with Pump, I did a bad Boy tour, then I went on tour with timber Groan safety Or did a country tour for two years, and then I decided to just start back doing it. I was just in a place where I need to take a break. I felt like my place in gospel was becoming stagnant, and I need to just switch some things up, shake some things up, and get some new experience and get some different energy. And now I'm back with new music. So I'm happy to be back where you shook him up with this one from right here. This is my kind of cut right This new single is called Her. It's a perfect song for the day is Valentine's Day. It's a love song to your wife. Man, tell us about your song, because I think. I don't think since I've been listening to gospel music and I ain't no gospel music expert, but I don't know if I've heard anybody write a gospel song until the wife, yeah that I know all I haven't. I haven't either. Uh, it's it's it's it's it's either. I'm sorry, I haven't either. I know you ain't correcting. Nobody talking on this show. We don't talk problem. I have an either either. You can't say either. I welcome to the show. To his beautiful song. A great myself and the producers got together Black Elvis and and and Rid Culture and this guy named Felly I told about I want to write a song, a love song to my wife. And then he's like, yo, how the trust go? We see that? I said, well, it's mother be writing hastefully and and God will day marriage? No uh he or day you you know. So it's like, how can anybody get mad about a song that you're writing to your wife and when the God gave you song? Way we are talking about church people that ain't right. The church people will find a way to get mad about anything. I think know that I'm a living with this. They wrote now song. Hey, Isaac, hold on one second, man, we'll be right back. We talked with Isaac create right after this show. You're listening, all right, y'all, we're back. We're talking with a gospel sensation, Isaac Korey about his new hit her Lord. What is he doing? What is he saying? You heard it? He must have got in some trouble. He must have go messed up. You know. Yeah, I have heard that, but no, it was honestly God. I wanted the song to let my life know how special he was. We just made sixteen two weeks ago and fifteen years married. We aniversary. Thank you? I take me with an anniversary? What few weeks he called and so when I put this song out, it's just me. Hopefully that's in my love to her in a different way and never get it into music. You know, he knows how I feel personally. But I want to guys today more like I like this song. This is how my girl. Sometimes women say we don't do the case, we don't all, we don't express how we feel. I want to at a song for guys who don't know how to put what they feel into words, and put this song on. This is what I feel about you. And it's so far, so good. It's going well, it's beautiful. It really is beautiful. Thank you, Shirley. Let's play, Yeah, let's do it. Okay, we'll set it up all right. This is my brand new single that I dedicated to my wife, and I want all the guys to dedicate this song to that woman. On this beautiful Valentine's Day, gets called her right here on the best show of the world that Steve Harvey wanted show. She st Holy girls, I'm so grateful God. You know you did the most when you created her for me. Lord, you know I have When did your glory all this labor, you show man, when you gave it to me. I had to love what to do with your blessing? Now I know that a man who find it the wife finds a good thing. So every time I think of her, I'm taking you. And when I give my love to her, I'm baking you loving her like Christ a lot of church because you told me to. You See, I'm missing on your glory. Sometimes I don't feel like i'm worth that. But I'm mother. I'm coming this away. You worried. I'm just thinking you let him think of her. I'm just thanking you. When I give a love, I'm just thanking you carried and in love. I I'm just thanking you. You you let him think of her. I'm just thanking you when i'm give her love. I'm just thinking you carried and in love. I was just thinking you you. Song of Solomon, chapter eight. Read it, Tell me, tell me what it says. I know that you don't make mistake, So if it's into book, then it must be a kaid to love. No, I'm not a same. I'm so away. I know one must be to God give me grace and that every night feels like a wedding night. I pray. Yeah, you're a man who finds the wife finds a good thing. So every time I think the fir taking you. And when I give my love time thanking you loving her like crust lot of church. Cause your tone too, you see a Missia. Sometimes I don't feel like a word that I'm taking about you in love with my Bible. Don start thinking about your time, my look, I'm thinking about you. The song is called Her. It is available for download on all music platforms. It's a perfect, perfect song for Valentine today on the great job man, great job, Thank you all, Thank you so much, Thank y'all, love y'all so much, and y'all and joe y'all, Valentine. Now I appreciate y'all the opportunity just opening y'all doors for me one more time. Coming up next the nephew right here in the building with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject she needs a shot, but not my cupid. What right now? Now you're here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nap throw it in Paul and you wait, today's prank kids? Will you be my Valentine? I knew it, so I'm pretty simple, don't it. Yeah, let's go katch. Yeah yeah, I'm trying to reach the dabut Yeah. This this this David? What's happening? Who is this? Hey? What's up? Bro? This? Just uh? This travel? Man? This this trail? They Um you, I got your number? You. I work at the job with you. Man, I'm in a different department, but I work at the job with you. Okay, okay, Trevor Travel, Well, yeah, I don't know, no trap. Well what would I know, Trevor? Um, Like I said, I'm in a different department. Man, I see you guys sometime when y'all going to lunch. Man, we'll be coming back a couple of the ladies or whatever. I see you going to see you going to lunch and you know, back and forth or whatever. But yeah, like I said, I'm in a different department, you know. Oh okay? Well, what can I mean? Okay, Travor? Nother SHOs back. I was in the middle of something. What can I help you with? Man? What can I kind of heppy with something? As your reason first and foremost. Man, let me let me, let me do this. Let me congratulate you, man, because my understanding is that you you might be um you might be getting a promotion at the job. So you know, big up to you on that. I know it's you know, idn't heard about it. That's really personal. So you must work with me. But that's crazy. How did you get my number? I got your number from somebody at the j Yeah, they you know, asking them, did they have Um, I guess everybody called you Dave, but but your name is David In is that right? Yeah? They called me Day. Yeah that's me. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, I got little checks at the job. I got it from your man. But but check us out, man. You um, I know I know that you you now you are Day? Are you married? Man? I know you ain't gonna wear ring? Are you married? And my man, what's up with what kind of questions that I ain't man? What's happening? Okay? Okay, cool? Cool? Cool? Hey, So check us out, man? Um uh? Are you getting out on Friday? You know, I know a lot of people hit the happy hour. You're getting out on Friday? Um uh? Yeah, I mean that was the plan. You know what I mean. But what was the meaning of this? You asked me a lot of questions, my brother, what's up? And you get to the point with this? I got, you know, I got to do. I ain't got time for this. You cool with daddy, is right? That's that's not my brother. What's happening? What's up with that? What's up? Man? You called? I'm trying to get what's up? You know? Man, get to it, bro, I'm trying to Hey, I got I'm coming to give me a minute, five seconds, five second, go ahead, Bro. I want to ask you this. Man, if you know just I don't hate it. I'm sorry rushing in on your time or whatever, but I wanted to ask you this here. Man, will you um, will you beat my Valentine? You say what maybe I heard that brong. We're reminding that, bro, come back, come back around. I said, you know, will you beat my Valentine? So first of all, listen, man, I don't know who told you to call me with this. No disrespect to the people. I was just hoping I get some dinner. No no, no, no, no some drinks. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no, I won't be done at that. Um either, I got a cousin that that that do your thing me personally. Brother, I don't. I don't. What the why would a person get this person? Sir? I don't know why you which Wait, let me ask you this. What is the color that I want? Something that I have a headcut? Did I have a Piersons or something in my nose or something that what made you take home? Was the guy for that? I mean, I just you know, I just I just sensed you know, he Bro, Listen, this is a serious situation. Man. You can't be bro. I don't. I don't. I don't even get out like that. Okay, I know you know I'm not gonna I'm not gonna this job. I'm not gonna this job. You must have got me mixed up with some other person trying me everything. Try listen, man, I'm gonna get off the phone with you. I'm a little confused. I'm just trying to figure out why you thought I was the one to call for this. I mean, maybe somebody told you something about me, bro, and they got it mixed up with somebody else. I know, my name kind of funny or whatever, But That's why I use days, because I didn't want nobody to get it confused or you know what I'm saying, but obviously I need to maybe shorten it or something like that. Maybe because you're saying, you're saying, no dinner man, Bro, do you got of your your man? Bro? So you won't be so so bro? You know, isn't it obvious to you that I'm not playing? Okay, So you're saying you won't be my Valentine's what you're saying. Man, Yeah, I'm not ain't gonna be your Valentine. Man, I ain't want to ask to like I know what time it is and I don't even get down like that. Man. Yo, No, no, don't listen, Tristan. You gotta understand, bro. You Trevor Man, it's Trevor, and I don't give a damn about you. Now. You got me mess stuff first. You got me stuff first of all because I ain't wanted the people that you You know what I mean. I know it's twenty twenty. I know I'm from old school. I understand. I don't I don't even know why this call. I don't even know why you calling me man from giving them right number out of the job. Man, I'm trying to get a promotion. Is you're calling me with this little right in? Man, I ain't got time for this. Man, I got the dude. Man, you I can't believe man, somebody to give you my nuther. Man. I know what my name is. Man, I know how my name, but I don't care. Okay, So so so let me ask you this here. Let me ask you this hit Valentine. Man, he got me what I'm front from, play that I'm from the south stand Okay, okay, so south side, south side. Let me ask you this here. You you know Thaddius right Hey, look, man, I know Thaddius. What they got to do with what we're talking about right now? Every time? It's got all these questions. Okay, it's got this to do with it. Man. The guy ain't going nowhere with nobody and all to let it get to the point. Man, Thaddius, what's up? Man? It's like I told you, like a brother, Thaddius. Thaddius gave me your number. Man, why I'm gonna kill Thaddy. When you kill Thaddys, you might well gonna kill Timmy two. It's Timmy bro let few Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on, David, you got prank baby me and Thaddius got your assu Lord Man to take my jacket off at my word cold, that's what we're doing for twenty twenty. Tommy, come on, I don't play that, man. Oh man, all right, you gotta get it to me. Come on, baby, Daviden, what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio showing the Steve Harvey More the Show. But I'm gonna tell you this, whichever one of you I see first, she's a battiest. You get somebody else. But come on, okay, Oh my god, man, I don't know what so much she was talking to, just chopping many man. He said he was on promotion. Man, I found out he was on his way to hear, on his way to supposed to be getting the promotion pretty soon. So oh man, when I knew when I hit him with it, Hey man, when you will you be my beast? Man? I ain't gonna get the promotion. Oh god, you're stupid for real? Question? Oh yeah. If I get off this phone and I got a conference of man, you better get some security. I'm telling you it's gonna happen Man Comedy Laughest Here I come all right tonight Cleveland, Ohio, Baby, Cleveland, Ohio. Valentine to Night, Cincinnati, Ohio. Is the fifteenth and the sixteenth. Oh my god, I can't wait. Memphis, Tennessee. Here we come. It's the comedy laughest is me said you to entertain the del Humany, dioncle and earthquake. We're shaking it up all weekend long thick us on sale right now. Get ready, get ready to get ready and laying in the cut. Yeah. In March, Baby, your nephew, March seventh, Donthan, Alabama, and then March fourteen, Montgomery, Alabama, Dothan, Alabama. Straight off for two thirty one. You're going to Montgomery. You can take a route straight over to eighty five eighty five to go to the Gump. So they got a side route, but it's a single lane highway. Thank you mister GPS, and thank you nephew. Listen, we got the Strawberry letter coming up next. We'll get into it right after this subject. She needs a shot, but not by Cupid. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right time now for today's Strawberry letter and if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please, baby, please submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Let's go buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here at the timing, Yes, sir, I just want to tell you this for your go now when you go to Dothan, it's all almost two hours. It's a two hour drive because you gotta stay on two thirty one to go up there, two thirty one, two thirty one north, and then you're gonna get on this little junction, like a little junction, then go west. It's just a little junction, but it's mostly two thirty one north. That's a couple hours up there. Now, just say thank you, uncle, thank you. About one hundred and twenty five miles something like, I'm just going on straight recollection, Steve hard the key map that's Tommy on the one teen to get you right off up in there. I'm sorry, dadda dot it solted on the seventh, Montgomery on the fourteen. Let's go buckle up, hold on type, we got it for you here it is thank you, nephew. Subject she needs a shot, but not by cupid. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a married man and I work a few part time jobs. I make really good money, so my line of work has never been an issue in my marriage. I work as a modern day jiggalow, and I mostly get paid to entertain women at corporate events, dinners, and family functions. I also have a few older ladies to call me if they need a tune up, if you know what I mean. I get paid well for that, but I don't do it often. My wife doesn't know about that part of my job. I always use protection with the other women because I have a wife at home. My wife and I do not use protection when we have sex, and we have a very active sex life. I never in a million years would think my wife would cheat on me. But now I have a problem, and I think my wife is the cause of it. I woke up Sunday morning with an itching and a burning sensation in my underwear. My wife saw I was uncomfortable and suggested that I go by my doctor's office this week. I constantly visit my doctor to get free condoms, and he knows what I do for a living, so it was no problem for him to see me right away. Monday, I went and did a yearine test, and a few minutes later I found out that I have a sexually transmitted infection or an STI. I got a shot in my butt and went straight home to talk to my wife. When I got home, all of my courage was gone, and I was scared to bring it up. What if she's cheating on me and her sideman is not using protection. I haven't had unprotected sex with anyone else but her. She needs to take her nasty but to the doctor and get a shot. Now my Valentine's day and night are ruined by itching and burning. How should I bring up the subject? Yeah, yeah, you heard it. You heard it, You heard it. You know. I gotta say this to you, though, Boy, aren't you one to point the finger? Yeah? You were real, real quick to blame your wife on this, But come to think of it, she was. She was very very calm about it, wasn't she. I am surprised, with all your doctor visits, all that stuff, that your doctor didn't catch this Because the truth of the matter is you can catch STIs while using condoms. You said, he knows what you do for a living. I'm surprised he didn't tell you that. Now, according to my research, all condoms are not safe. I mean they lessen the risk, but um, it depends on you know what they're made of. So what the condoms are made of. So I just say again, while you're pointing the finger at your wife, those other four fingers are looking right back at you. So don't you be calling her nasty? But you don't even know the truth yet, you don't really know who it is you know, Uh, you modern day jiggolo who uses the term jiggolo anyway? Yeah, I mean I have a few older ladies they call me when they need a tone up, if you know what I mean. Well, you know you want to know how to broach broach the subject with your wife, you know, because you lost your courage when you went to talk to her. Um, but you know this is gonna be a hard one. But I say, you gotta you gotta come to her, You gotta man up. And you know, because you do care about about yourself, your health, your marriage, your wife's health, your marriage. You care about her. You got to find out the truth. You got to sit her down and tell her what's you know, what has happened? You got she already knows you told her. She's the one that suggested you go to the doctor. So you can stop all this itching and burning and and uh blaming your wife and guessing about it. It's already out there anyway. She needs to get her shot. So um uh you need to go ahead and and and open this one up. I mean, seriously, this is nothing. This is nothing to play with. Yeah, I'm serious? Are you hidding me? I know you don't like to tell Steve this man cain't go in here. Do you know what's really wrong here? She knows what he does for he put this damn fool, this old I need all my time interrupted to deal with this, you mean uninterrupted? Yeah, case see you to miss he this, No, Shirley, she don't know everything. Yes, the problem Oh this food, dumbass man. Yeah, and now he trying to blame her exactly. Hot. No, I'm gonna tell you why he lost his courage. I'm gonna tell you why all this is happening already. No, all right, we're gonna have part two of Steve's respect. But I know itching and burning going on you anytime we heard this. I heard all this, y'all crazy. Come on, come on back twenty three minutes after the hours when we'll be back. Subject. She needs a shot, but not by Cupid. Right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. She needs a shot? Going to help you. This man may works a few part time jobs, which mean ain't none of them that damn good. See if you got a few part time jobs, people that do that ain't got one good job. That's what that is. Now, let's just go keep it real. So manas on, my line of work has never been an issue in my marriage. I work as a modern day jiggalo and I mostly get paid to entertain women at corporate events, dinners and family functions. What and your wife know this? Now? I also have a few older ladies that call them if they need to tune up, if you know what I mean. Y'all know what I mean, And I get pai paid well for that, but I don't do it often. Now here's the key. My wife don't know about that part of my job. Now, I always use protection with other women because I have a wife at home, and my wife and I do not use protection. We have sex. We have a very active sex life. I never in a million years would think my wife would cheat on me. Hold on women, partner, hind a million years, you didn't think she cheat on you. You don't told your wife that you go out with other women. Stop women, ain't women, ain't stupid? Ain't no woman stupid. You're coming home and you think she don't know about this other line where women gotten noses like bloodhound. You come in the house with another woman on you, and see how long that last partner? So now your dumb ass is set up in here. I would never think in a million years my wife would cheat on me. Why wouldn't you cheating on her? But now I have a problem, and I think my wife is the cause. I woke up Sunday morning with an itching and burning sensation in my underwear. Hold On, you woke up Sunday morning with an itching and a burning in your draws. Not when you went to pee. You laying there and the itching and burning started while you was laying there, Not when you went to the bathroom. Partner, you could have got that from any one of them old lass women. You said you could have got that from any one of them. And you have a cuble STD because you can get a shot for this, which you can thank the Lord for that, because they got stuff. Now, ain't those shots for? But you woke up with an itching and burning in your underwear. Wait a minute, holding partner, Now, I don't want to be graphic, but we I can tell you right now, that's a sexually transmitted fungal disease. If you can get a shot for it, itching and burning in your underwear without you year nate. Now, if you year nate, that's gone real. If you just burning and itching right now, that's something else, homie, that's two different. Yeah, dog, that's homane homie. And this ain't nothing you can be quiet about. Yeah, huh you and now everybody in the house. No, you got gone real, you Holly? Yeah? Yeah, so now you didn't got yourself a fungal disease. That's you. My wife saw I was uncomfortable and suggested that I go my doctor's office this week. See you didn't. You just said you was uncomfortable. She said, you ought to go to your doctor's office this week, I consummate to hear other problem, Shelly. I constantly Victor visit my doctor to get free condoms. He don't go frequently go to get checkups. He just going there because his cheap ass get free condoms. Because he ain't making that much money. Surely he got several part time jobs. He ain't making a lot of money, but he liked the jigglo job the best. That's why he can't quit that. So he can't get a real full time job because he loved a jiggalo work more than he loved anything, and so he not gonna get a full time job because that's a stop him from being a jigglo. That's why he got several part time jobs. See, I know men now. He didn't go by a doctor because he cheap he gotta get free condoms. And he knows what I do for a living, so it's no problem for him to see me right away because he know you seeing all these other women, and your wife don't. So she say, now you found out that you have a sexually transmitted infection infection with your fungal with the itching and burning, I got a shot in my button when straight home talk to my wife. Here go the rest of it. When I got home, all of my carriage was gone. You know why I was gone? Because now when your wife tells you that she ain't cheating, she gonna want to know why you gotta sexually transmitted infection. So anyone that your carriage was gone, Yo, your manhood kicked in. And now you can't blow your cover as a real jigglo with all these old ass women because you really ain't a jigglo. You're a madhole and you're passing out tail for little no damn money. And if you go in the house and no, surely he say you get't give money? But why you gotta go by doctor? Get free condo so you don't pass by all these drugs though, Drive your ass back over to his office. Get some free damn condoms. Yeah, Trojan makes real good condoms, but they cost money. You see it don't make no sense? Surely, and why you got to go get free come? How many condoms you use it? So now not he want to know if she cheating on me and her side man not using potential. Now you're Valentine's day and night is ruined by itching and burning because you're nasty ass out there getting lit up, itched and burned on? Right? And how should I bring up the subject going in there telling you a man? Hope? I post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Don't forget you check out the string up subject on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. All Star Weekend in my city, Shy City. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. The NBA All Star Weekend is going down in Chicago at the United Center. Jennifer Judson, Yes, yes, yes, Jennifer Hudson will perform a special tribute to Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna, and the seven other people who lost their lives in that horrific helicopter crash. Uh. Fellow Chicago native Shaka Khan will sing the national anthem, and the halftime show will feature Chance the Rapper, Little Wayne, DJ Khalat, and Quevo. The teams will be picked what the teams will be that halftilf show those white people in the h I love but into yeah but uh, and the teams will be picked by players Lebron James and Milwaukee Bucks Star you know Greek. Oh yeah, yeah they did. They already picked teams, they already got Okay. Also there is a celebrity basketball game with celebrity coaches Steve stephen A Smith versus Michael Wilborn, plus a three point shootout and slam dunk contest. This is all happening in Chicago this weekend. Bundle up, this is gonna be cold. You really gotta be a basketball fan. Ye one. And they just got so it just got snow. What yes, Like Uncle Steve, say what is a degree? What what is Oh? He just say below the oh, below zero. That's cold right there, Uncle. I know you wouldn't going to the to the All Star Game. Wish I would? I go to the go to the super Bowl. The next year is gonna be in Tampa. Looking forward. My only problem though, is the monologue I topped the first year with the second year. I don't know what I'm gonna do next year. I think I'm for NFL honors. Yeah, but that diversity was good though. Many Hey, can I say something? Can I say something that just you know, I shouldn't say. I'm gonna put a Valentine's Day challenge out there? Can I put a Valentine Day challenge? Go ahead and we'll let you know if it's go ahead, switch phones for the day and see if y'all steal in love body. That is a challenge right there, Entine's Day challenge today and see if y'all in love about this? Even all coming up at the time of the hour, I didn't know this. The average parent hasn't been on a romantic date night in more than three years. We're gonna talk about that right after this. You're listening, Well, today it's Valentine's Day and the average parent hasn't been on a romantic date in more than three years. Now. This is according to new research. It's true, Steve, Yeah, I've been I've been knowing that for years. Wow, what why? Why? Why? Because it's so busy with family? Man, you're looking at sometimes. Uh, you know, it takes two two family members working now to make ends meet in the world today because of the cost of living in everything, especially if you live in certain districts, and then you got the work schedules of everybody, and then you add the kids to it, and you put the difficulty in the cost of chow care and babysitting and daycare and all of that, and you run into a huge problem and just monotony of life just sets him. Man, and a lot of couples have not done anything romantic in a while. But you know what, it's funny. Yeah, you're here date night, date night, date night. That's why strip strip clubs are full and strip clubs is fully married. Man. Oh yeah, that's their date night. Oh yeah, because sometimes they get dry. You're not romancing a woman, you know. And if you don't romance your woman, what is she getting all dialed up for? You're not taking her anywhere? You know. So a lot of times when you run into this situation, it's really the guy has to look at his position in Man, my wife don't dress up no more. Where do you take her? You know? What can I say this man on the reel? A woman does not want you to just want her in the bedroom. He right. They want him at dinner, want him at the park, to want them walking and talking, to want them watching TV. They want to be wanted so they can so they can return it. You're absolutely correct, yeah, Tommy, Wow, for sure? Yeah, that was that. That was that was that was that ready to live right this year that experience. I can't believe you, you know, you know, you know Steve on the reel, that's his voice change more than the yeah smile. Okay, okay, Julian, let me go back to being time. Here we go, here, we take here. Listen, ain't no sense. And you're spending five hundred dollars for a hotel room to night when you're gonna be in the same three positions that you be doing at the house. It don't make no damn if. I'm just telling you the true all this money, do the same thing you do at the how home. But but okay, Steve, though, seriously, you are the clo chief love officer. So give these parents you know that don't get a chance to have date nights because like eighty one percent of them say they really want to change things and step up their game. So so give them. Gonna have to save your money and spring for a babysitter, m and you gotta do something like just a little bit different, man. Just go get a room somewhere. Go get a room somewhere. You know, look, look if you don't look, okay, okay, let's say you don't have the money for like you know, a rich car tending all that, where the room service come up under silver tens and all that. Get you a room at a holiday inn, ex rest, get y'all a pizza or a movie on the TV, and get you a room and just do something different. She going there and change clothes. You going in and change clothes, come out, sit on that bed, have your pizza, watch a little movie, and do each other and then get up and go home in the morning. Yeah, I love it home and yeah, and just and do it on a Saturday where y'all can get up, go home and you know, had a babysitter paid overnight, drop your kids off somewhere. But you gotta do it some simple. You don't have to have money for four seasons and all that. Get your room at a holiday and express, get some pizza or stop and get your favorite check out. Get you some Chick fil a sandwiches, take them on to the room, set up, make a little plate, no man, have self picnic on the bed. Coming out, mark music and trending topics and some headlines at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening show, all right, So Steve, Registration for the Harvey Foundation Mentoring Camp for Young Men opens two day. Congratulations on that on another year. Yeah. The Stephen Marjorie Harvey Foundation provides youth outreach services that cultivates the next generation of responsible leaders by providing educational enrichment, mentoring life life transformation skills, and global service initiatives. So again, Registration for the Harvey Foundation Mentoring Camp for Young Men opens today. To register, Steve, all they have to do is go to Harvey Foundation dot org. Ye and thank you again for mentoring our youth change of boys lives. Yea, and we have a special announcement to make. I just struck a deal overseas and I will be leading you all nor I'm going to take some boys and girls out of the country. Wow, that's big. Okay everything, Yeah, get that done. Man, that's big. I'm taking my nephew to your camp this year because he gonna see what on the previous look like. Oh yeah, don't oh he don't know. Oh he thinks money come from Oh he thinks I've got all the money work. Let me from the show you what will people look like? Really strengthing pell show? How blessed you is are you going to That's what's what I want him to do. Okay, well that's what we got it for you. Then thank you. You don't know which one is getting asked women, you'll see him. Wow. All right, Well, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to show. Listen guys. Coming up at the top of the hour. Our special guest will be executive producer Will Packer. I think we all know him, especially you, nephew. Uh. Will Packer is gonna tell us about his new movie This Looks So Good the Photograph starring Isa Ray. It is in theaters today. But as we all know, as we move on, today's Valentine's Day, and the guys, mainly Tommy, it's gonna run down Valentine's Day rules because what there's rules to this, right, let's go. You know the rules, pretty Tony, your girl chose me. You know the rules, you got those rules. These are just these are Valentine's rules. Call it. These are things that brothers need to know that's out there, brothers like myself. You know, that's you know, brothers like me. You know the things you need to know, can I yeah, well no, just you know, just need a little Valentine knowledge, Uncle Steve. Alright here, can I start yea? All ready? Yeah, all right? Everybody get the same perfume. Okay, you got more than one. They all get the same perfume. Now they're older than they get white diamonds. That's how you do that. That's how you do that. It's the way you work this side of fellas. You gotta you got. You got some old school ladies. Cool, they all get white diamonds. They're happy with that. You got some farty and low, farty and low whatever. It is, same perfume. You ain't got to be going on. Let me get this one. This one the no. Now you can you confuse you don't know what you got? Somebody get the same thing? You know how to answer? Okay, all right time. I just trying to show y'all. I'm teaching you how this go. These a balantine rule like big teddy balls should be delivered, not left in the car. Okay, you don't do that. Okay, it's hard to explain three teddy balls in the backseat. You can't explaiting that you've got to get them that car. Okay, I'm gonna tell you this. In the case you let's just say you went by somewhere they weren't there. You couldn't get their teted bad to them, throw it out the window. You can't take this, Yeah, you can't take this. Okays, don't worry about that. Eight it Yeah, all right now listen, don't get your white side piece the same gift as your black side please them. Two different gifts? What? What? Yes? What is that? Don't get it? What do you mean you can't You can't get them the same thing. There's two different gifts there, and it's hard to explain, but it's just it's two different things. Okay, I can't. I can't. You don't. You don't want to mix them up now because you might get a sister. You might get her something that's that's sister ish, and then the white girl needed to get it mixed upthing. You know, it's confusing. You can't do that, sister. Can I give you an example, Tommy, go ahead, Like if you give them pie, that's one of their gifts you want to get your sister gets sweet potato pie and the white girl get punkin pie. Don't need to know that. Coming up our last break up the day and break up the dime, Thank you Steeve, and some closing remarks from the way it only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening all right here we are our last break of the day and of the week. It was a good Valentine's Day. Uh yeah, got these rules Valentine's Day again, ladies. Happy Valentine's Day to you guys, we love you guys. Yeah, and to our husband's of court. Yeah we still have both though. See don't wish me a happy birthday and your husband just save it for your huss A happy Valentine. Still, there is all different kinds of Love's Nesta gonna eat today? Shaw, Yeah, we're going to We're going out. Yeah, this boy can't wait to put that dinner jacket out. Hey, no, it's a plate come behind this one. I got him for Christmas. Wait, I see Nesta in the mirror ship practice and chewing and the shoes all man that we eat tonight. Oh look at the time. But I got it for you, you know, since it's Valentine's Day. I just want to remind, just to men for a minute. You know, the one thing that I've discovered that ain't ever gonna go out of style, and that's love. I've discovered that being in love ain't fitting to go out of style either. Now times have changed. I'll be the first to admit it. I look at young people now and the way they expressed they love and the way they talk about love, and the way they the way they toss it around and share it, and the way it's expressed on social media and everything. But at the end of the day, it has to get right back to the same old thing. Boy meets girl, Girl meets boy. Boy makes eye contact, Girl professes her feeling, boy professes his feeling. They locked, the end up talking. They eventually have to start talking. It can't all be texting now. Something else has happened to love along the way. I remember what I was growing up. We had love songs. We had songs that resonated with everybody. Those songs still resonate today. You know, somebody told me something. This is not a knock on hip hop, So don't get me wrong. Somebody told me everybody don't like rap, Steve, But everybody loves a good song. And I would that's interesting because that's true because most of the hip hop artists I know they love a good song. But then I know, I don't know nobody that doesn't love a good song. No matter what the music genre is they want. They love a good song. Nobody's mad called somebody's singing. If it's your music genre and they're singing, you're gonna love it. Now, everybody don't like hip hop or rap, I got that. Everybody don't like country, everybody don't like R and B. I got it, I got it, I got it. But everybody loves a good song. But back in the day, we had songs that expressed how we really thought and felt about women. We had loved. We had loved songs that told women that we missed them, that we needed them, that without you, I can't go on. Oh I miss you. We had songs telling women my whole world is empty without you. We had songs telling women that they are the sun that brightens our day. They are the sun, the moon, the stars. We had songs that really told women the truth about how we are. Now, hip hop came along and it changed a couple of things, because for the first time, we stopped talking about how we felt about women, and we started telling women off like they needed that some more to be reinforced. And it's hurt us musically. It really really has hurt us musically, y'all. I don't care who you are. I ague this now. Do I have to give hip hop some credit? Oh? Absolutely, because hip hop, it's turned out to be the largest general music genre ever created, almost especially in our community, has created more stars, more millionaires, more job opportunities. So I gotta take my hat off to that man. But when it comes to love those songs, there ain't nothing like the music we had growing up doing the Motown era when they was producing hits, man and everybody had to be able to see. And those love songs still resonate today when it's cold outside. I got the month of May, Well, I guess you say, what can make me feel that way? My girl After the Morning After by Frankie Beverly and Maids, you Know, Smile by Hall and Old Sarah, Smile Smile by Renee and Angela. It's so many hits from the Osley Brothers, the Old Jay's, the Common Doors Ltd. Holding on easy like Sunday Morning. The Common Doors Zoom, the Common Doors, I keep hearing footsteps, Baby in the Dark, The Osley Brothers, You've got your hooks in me, the Old Jays. I could go on and on, the Charlie Wilson's Man, the Pebow Bryson's, the Anita Bakers, the Shore Days, Oh Lord Mercy Though, Breath of Franklin's, the Whitney Houston Stuff, Prince, the Michael Jackson's, the Luther Van Drosses, the the Dog On, Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, the Marvin Gays. It just went on and on and on, because love ain't fen to go out of style, no time soon, partner, And these songs right here can get you through some great times. Show men a lot to me. Those are my closing remarks. I felt good, I felt it myself. Have a great weekend in y'all, Happy Valentine's Day. Player For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show,