Tommy B-Day, Lil Nas X, Magic Johnson, Common and more.

Published May 21, 2019, 11:00 AM

The CEO is happy and singing.  He does a throwback to one of Eddie Murphy's finest cinematic moments.  Nephew Tommy has a birthday story to tell.  Oprah donates $500,000 and Melvin Edmonds of After 7 dies at age 65.  Lil Nas X is now partnered up with Wrangler Jeans.  Common opened up during his interview with People Magazine about his relationship and break up with Erykah Badu.  Magic Johnson clarifies with Stephen A. Smith that betrayal played the biggest role in his departure.  Alex Rodriguez is having his picture taken illegally and has his lawyers on the case.  Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog reflects on the recent abortion laws in Alabama and gives us his opinion on a woman's right to choose and more.  

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them more like the milling buck things in its cubbing me through good it. Steve Hart listening to the movie Together for Stum, Please, I don't join joint be doing me. You gotta turn, don't you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn? You haven't got to turn out? Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh. I show will come on to everybody you'll listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio sill. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Sometimes when I chuckle like that reminds me of my oldest brother to pass or where he used to laugh like that. It's kind of funny how jeans get passed down through the line. I don't know why I told y'all that, just so want to share with you that's all. As always always kind of ask God to help me, you know, um, and and and and I had I had gotten off track a little bit because one of the principles of success I want to share with you all today is a law of attraction. And that is a very very serious principle. It cannot be ignored the law of attraction. And I'm not going to be able to explain it to you as well as the book Secrets can, or as well as some people. I can only articulate it to you the way that I see it. And the law of attraction is very very real. The law of attraction is a principle of success. It is something that everyone has to adhere to. Now, whether you know the law of attraction or not, it does not make it not exists for you. This is the case where ignorance is not the excuse. The fact that no one told it to you. There is no pass for this one. The fact that you never heard it before it does not allow you to do it any other way. So let me see if I can put it to you best I can. The law of attraction, the law of attraction, to put it real simple, is the thing that you focus on, the thing that you taught talk about, the thing that you think of is the thing that you draw to you. It's what you attract to you. That's basically the law of attraction. The thing that you talk about, the thing that you think about, the thing that you focus on whatever it is that is what you attract. The law of attraction does not differentiate from positive and negative. It only does what it does. What I am saying is this in the law of attraction, no matter what you think of, no matter what occupies your time, no matter what you say, or no matter what the focus is, positive or negative, the law of attraction knows neither one. It just attracts it. So let's use some examples here. I can just your best example always uses me that way. I ain't got to figure out nothing. I can just tell you my side of it. I was in a lot of debt one time in my life. This is before any of you knew me, so you can understand. In case you're not think I don't. I don't want you to think that this conversation is about your income level, cause it's not. It doesn't matter what the income level you are. The law of attraction works in all aspects money, family, relationships, job, career, love. It just works that way. Okay, here's the deal. I kept saying, Man, this debt is killing me. I got to get out. That's what I thought was a good goal, to get out of debt. But what I kept saying, was you know, I kept talking about debt, and you know what, it kept doing. It kept attracting debt to me. So guess what, so I could get out that's all? Is that crazy? That is an amazing law to understand. What turned it around for me was I started claiming a life of abundance. God, I am seeking a life of abundance. I want to have more than enough. I want to be able to help other people. I just want to have a law of attraction so that I be able to provide my family the lifestyle that I want to provide them. I want heavily, father, to be able to be an example of your goodness and your grace in my life. That is what I started saying. And guess what, that's what I started attractive. I'm going to have a great relationship with my children. I'm going to be the father that I always wanted to be. I'm going to be a good father. I'm going to be a good husband. Now. I am going to do the right things. I am going to be the type of example that my sons can look no further and go. I can be like my dad. I want to be able to be a place a beacon of light and hope for my daughters to come to. That's what I started saying. That's what I started attracting to my life. The law of attraction does not care if you want it to be positive or negative. The law of attraction just attracts whatever it is. You focus on, what you think about, the words that come out your mouth. You cannot overlook this principle of success and expect to make it because of the fact that you've never heard of the law of attraction, because of the fact that you don't know how it really operates. It does not make it not exist in your day. You can start today attracting the right things to your life by changing what you say, what you think, what you focus on. Change the focus, change the thought, change the words that come out your mouth, and guess what you change what you attract to yourself. You have got to ask yourself, why is it? Man? Man, let me tell you something. Somebody said the Bishop Jake's one time. They said, man, everything you touch turns to gold. He said, no, I just don't touch everything. Man, This is crazy. Come on, man, he has a focus. He has a focus. See, he ain't just everywhere. Bring me any idea, let me try that. No, no, no, man, he has a focus. He has a law of attraction that's working, where he's attracting things to his life that that's positive that he can't ask not to say, Bishop James, don't have problems because we talk often and man, he have them. Oh, please understand. And he not trying to attract the problems. But what he will attract is the proper solution for the problem. And ain't that all you need? Sometimes? God did not say that it would be easy. He just said he would be with you. And if God is with you, who can be against you? God will make your enemies your footstool. God is powerful man, His word is true. He do what he say he gonna do. Now, all we got to do is do some of what we say. We ain't gonna do everything, just do some of what we say. Okay, here's a deal. God is going to do everything he say he gonna do. You and I just got to do some of the stuff we say we're gonna do because He already know we ain't gonna do all of it. He clear on that, He clear on that. All right, Thank you you're listening. Good morning, everybody. I'm gonna do a throwback opening if you don't mind. When you think of love, gotta get it on your mind. Yeah, come on, when you think of a love, gotta get it on your mind. He where you think of love, God and get it on your mind? To Eddie Murphy, the Great Eddie Murphy, Billy Ray Valentine in the bathtub when the two rich dudes brought him to the house and shut the door. That's the song he was singing in trading places. When you think of love, gotta get it only he boy, I love that song right there? What's up? Everybody? Throwing it back from up Shirley sot up collar, what's going out? And see what's up that damn kill space alias Junior Morning Up? Back from Kaleen. Yeah yeah, yeah, we talked about you on our birthday. Boy, what's up with your pimp? Your sid back and stride again, pure and stride again. We saw the pictures hanging out a little bit. You ain't see now, y'all. See y'all the pictures us? What do you mean he send us a few weird Yeah, saw the fool pictures. That's all you needed. That's good right there? Nice cash, Yeah, well, and we know you sent that picture to prove to us that you really knew. I got tired of y'all. I knew that. Yeah, maybe it was just a meet and greeting. You just greeted. Jane's keeping going. I love it. Yeah, it's a mean greet photo. I ain't think it was her. Oh come on, you know, hey, look like Johnny gel. How did that go? So? What happened for your birthday? You went to Vegas? Went to Vegas hung out? And uh, Janet is her doing her residency there? Now? Yeah, so I hit Johnny up wind, I'm getting some tickets. You hit Johnny up good, Johnny through through her birthday party because her birthday was her Oh oh oh oh she heard now no boy man, So Johnny through hub. Yeah, Jackson, you know to meet it, Joe. Oh, it was off the jaindaw what was that? The party? Heathrew was off the boy We need to hear more about. Okay, y'all know who was? All right? Okay, all right? Coming up at thirty two after the hour, we had a lot more about Tommy hanging out with her, not the artist her, but Janet Jackson's Yeah, Miss Jackson, all right coming up at thirty two after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show before we get to something funny and Tommy and this party, Junior, what you got, oh call? Tell you what a guy I got to Steve Hervey Morning Show and Walmart Family Mobile. Want to send five winners and a gift to hang out with me in Los Angeles. You'll tend to taking a family feud and get a meal with me. I'm a Fijian. To enter and get rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. Get everything you love about Walmart in Mobile, push Walmart's Louis Price for g LTE unlimited plans, and start saving today with Walmart Family Mobile. All right, thank you, Junyard, thank you, thank you? Yeah. Yeah, I taste people out. Yeah, I don't see I don't know how I can't get people. Go see Janet you mean her? Yeah? Okay, go ahead, nephew, finish your all right. So I was telling y'all earlier about this party that China Guild through for Janet Jackson surprise birthday party. Okay, okay, do you all share? Are you trying to see you all share birthdays? Now? You and channet. Now you're a couple of days off. Oh okay, he's a yo. You know we talk me about what day's birthday? Yeah, I'm the I'm the eighteen. I think she's a sixth seen. Oh yeah, we ain't babies though, you know, PARSI your's the eighteen hood of sixteen. So you thought you said we made No, we made babies, baby baby, ain't y may babies? Hold the way, because didn't she have a child? Yes, yes, yes she has a baby? Boy? Yeah yeah, that's why I said the tall boy. Ain't you reasonly what one or two? The fact? Anyway through through this party it was of the same. I wind up actually hosting this party. And hold hold if you wind up hosting, boy, you don't stop. You ain't got to like, I ain't like you know what we're gonna call in a minute, y'all keep on, Paul, you hit that par so okay? So man, when you boy Paul there, No, Paul wasn't with me, me and the wife and they all right. So let's get this straight. So you host a show, you host Janet jackson birthday party, and you don't tell the party. And I think y'all got matching calls. Track back to the party. I'm telling you, I pissed off Palm. That's my dog. Come on, so parties opportune? Um um, little Kim is there. She grabs the mic. Oh yeah, I'm bringing them all up. You know I'm doing what see us in the building and I'm talking about ripping young lady he rips. But then ladies and gentlemen, Doug e. Fresh Wise and Hitty hit it right? Something wrong with this jam? Uh huh whoa jam? Jam Tery. I know that's so surprised. Come on, I don't believe you because I'm to I got pictures of you Janney Gill and Janny, but we don't have no pictures of you and all these other people. You say, your brother Kim, see he sends it to me, Hattie Riley. Let me say the beautiful lord ha mercyliber Now you know that's my war. Listen to my dog. You're hearing he him down. What is he saying? What do you mumbling? Beautiful? The cold Murphy? Oh yeah, now she is gorgeous and very sweet. All right. I know this is little kid to get Fresh taller than you, Janet Damn, Hey, Janni's baby damn, how man? Are you for real? Man? What didn't you hear me telling you not? I know, I know, but what's wrong with you? Know? I just said she was down dot for what you named? All the celebrities that singing and rapping? What would you bring onf for? We own the app? People can't. I got no people can hear. I wanted people to hear while I was trying to stop him. They heard that too. It was just doc, that ain't what you don't announce nobody for beauty for you? Murphy was then Si was in the Bild. You ain't suposed to say Sarah sank bo food, what steve you? You don't announce people like that? See a musician, another producer. You just can't throw off some fine chick. I had this one actress that was in there. Okay, man, man, don't tell you man if you make eight years and being mirror, I'm looking here with lemonade from bushing in his head cut his head opened down to the white knee. I still I still want to know what did you talk to Janne? Oh? Yeah, yeah, I mean you know, let me and Janne talked all night. What you talk about? You know? I brought up the weather. You know what else? I brought the weather in Vegas nice day to day. You know, I gets nervous when I get here around superstars. I don't know what did she say? It's nice, it's beautiful. Wow, she's just stupid, funny, but he said you were so stupid. It made me feel so good, Steven, did you hear that? Okay, I know she if she ain't saying nothing else, she came to that conclusion, you're so stupid. What's the sad part of it is? To him, it's a complimence. I'll be here all night. Did she say anything about thank you for hosting? Or yes, thank you such a great chan Oh wow, all right, I love your acting. It's so seven. Oh okay, well, coming up, coming up, coming up next. The nephew more of him would run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news Oprah helps the New Jersey School keep the lights on. But right now the nephews in the building right here to run that prank back. What you got now? All right? You didn't fall and you ain't getting no money. Oh you didn't fall. You ain't getting no money, breddic hell, I'm trying to reach a Glinda and place. How you doing. My name is Brad. I'm actually with the A and C Department Accidents and Conditions. Wanted to give you a call and see how you're doing this morning. Great? Great? Now I am the the Accident and Condition coordinated, the last person that it goes to before actually issuing out of check, and just wanted to give you a call and and see how everything is going going. Have you Have you been to the doctor on your fall, and just just wanted to do a follow up with you and make sure everything is okay. Yeah, have you needed to do any any rehabilitation work or anything like that. This is just a random procedure of all the notes that I have to write down, and like I said, this is the final step of of getting you out of check. Now, the last heard you were offered two thousand dollars? Is that correct? If you were there, you go ad supervised, you were knew how if you work there? Okay, Well, I'm just looking at the file that I have. Man, I don't have everything offer Okay, Well listen, here's what we're doing. Um, I've also been brought some other records. Is this the first time you've actually had an incident like this? What is this the first time you've had an incident of actually falling? Yeah? Time? Okay, Well, actually, what we're doing, uh looking over the records here, I've got some actual incidents that it seems like you've actually fallen several times in other places. And Uh, what I'm having to do here, ma'am, is let you know that I am not going to sign off on this at all. So the money that has been offered to you, I am no longer going to be. Uh, I'm not going to confirm this check to go out to you. I don't think that there's anything wrong with you. I don't think that you have a problem. I think that there's something that you deliberately did in one of our show. I could care less about what you think what happened was that was on the floor. I fail. I'm gonna they're gonna have to pay for the claim either way. Go. No, we're not gonna. Actually, man, what I'm gonna have to do is get you to come down and sign uh an agreement nowhere. Yes, I'm gonna need you to come down and sign an agreement that you actually made this whole thing up and I need that in wrong, I'm not coming nowhere. Look, man, I don't care if you come down or I have to come down and haul your ten because I'm not signing over a check to you for somebody that deliberately laid down in the floor and act like something was wrong with them. Good and lying, deliberately done it? How exactly it was? Witnesses, you need to talk to them. I've spoken to every witness and you know what, man, everyone witness because my friend was there, you haven't spoken to her. There's a lot of people that assume that you're lying. Well, I don't care what they assume. Man, let me explain something. We can take this thing further. I even have you on video actually deliberately lay down in the middle of the floor as if you have no I am not man. We're not going to give you two thousand. We're not going to give you two dollars. What's your name? My name is Brad with the ANC department. Well, you want to be in the job. Too much going on because you're a fool. No, No, I'm not a fool. I want to make sure that you understand. I want to make sure that you understand. You understand that this is not something that you can do or continue to do. Now. I want to hear it out of your mouth. You tell me, did you lay down on that floor deliberately? If you play you think going to sit here and tell you I deliberately laid down in a floor? Am I crazy? Am I crazy? For you sitting here and tell me the tale that it as all? No, deliberately laid down on that floor, and you're deliberately trying to get two thousand dollars worth the money that does not belong to you. What you just reviewed that them caped in and uh, you will see what happened. Would you like for me to get authorities to come over, ma'am and bring you in? Because what we who you get get whether you want to get it. If I need to send authorities down there, moment you you send them over here, I'm scared of them either. I don't think I'm not. I'm not. They're gonna bring you in and you're gonna sign this form I have that deliberately laid down on that floor. You a fool, the nerve of you black people. I'm not coming in. I'm not signing nothing. Now what utah man, I don't know. I ain't ever heard that. Uteh man. Now, I want you to bring your little narrow black behind in here so we can get this stuff rectified. Is what I want done? Are you crazy or dasta? You ain't ther shopest pool in the share that tell you that I am not coming in. I don't know what I would have to come in. Fuck, I want you to sign a form that you deliberately laid down in this floor and it was all fictitiously, no wander would I do something like that and then go to jail. Why would you lay down in the floor in the in the first place, and when you knew nothing. I told you I didn't do that. Yes she did, Yes she did. It's in front of you. I can look you in your eyes and tell when you're lying. I'm told you. I told you what Hellen said. That's all back? Hey, can I say? Let me say one more? Hello? Call her right back? Hello. Well, I don't want to continue to go back and forth. You look, look you're really pissed. Look I told you what happened. I'm not going to keep on telling you that I don't know why you keep calling me. Let me speak to your damn supervis. Let me say well, first of all, man, First of all, I am the supervis. This is what I want. I think we can get this car. Look what I'm gonna come in time. That's what I want you to if you come down and sell it off together. You think I'm going to come and sign some papers saying I laid on them flute, It ain't. None of that true was on the floe? I fail. That's it. That's now. What the are you talking about? Have you been drinking? Have you been drinking? You've been drinking. I want to got to doing anything when I doing my own personal time? Is my bus drinking? Don't keep calling me with that. Okay, I'm gonna say one more things? Still hurt? Are you talking like you ain't gonna give me no money? You cui no tamn gonna get some money? They should hate that flow. Then I'm gonna be having to go none of this you have I've been drinking, Glenda. I'm gonna say one more thing to you and then I'm gonna let you go. What this is nephew timming from Steve Harvey more so you just got preak by your brother Jay Tame James, Baby James, I don't Yeah, James, I'm gonna get him when he gets home. This is nephew Timmy. How are you doing? Baby? You and your ground? Baby stand your ground, Baby stand you are I'm fine, I'm fine. My press was going up a little bit, but now I'm fine. Now everybody here to Steve Harvey Morning Show. We love you, Glenda, Okay, thank you. I love you too that I'm back. Hey, Memphis, Tennessee. This weekend Friday, Sarah to Sunday. The nephew's in tad chuckles, don't be out and popping night. You'll be packed up in there, all right. Listen. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment news. Right after this, you're listening to morning show and entertainment news. We got some really sad news. Who's not a fan of the group after seven? I mean everyone everyone? Um? Melvin Edmonds? Um? Yeah, from the group after seven? Uh. And the older brother of baby Face. He is the older brother of Kenny. Baby Face at Men's died on Saturday. He had a short illness. Yeah, yeah, he passed away. He was sixty five years old, and I mean just a sad situation. I mean he could really sing, and you know how they traded lead vocals in after seven and everything, and just yeah, just a sad situation. Our prayers and our condolences are going out to his family and his friends and to our friend family member baby Face. Yeah yeah, yeah, who can't stop? Ready? Yes, come on the hits? Yes serious? Yes, from the deal yeah, oh boy. Yeah, it's pretty pretty sad though, Yeah, very sad. As a matter of fact. Love that group, absolutely love that group. Yeah. And In other entertainment news, as we move on, Principal Akbar Cook has made a huge difference in the Newark, New Jersey community, and his efforts caught the attention of the one and owned none other than Oprah Winfrey. It turns out Oprah made a surprise visit to Westside High School on Friday night. He donated half a million dollars to help keep Cook's lights on program running What's that You Ask? Well? Principal Cook first made headlines last year for adding a laundry room to his New Jersey school after learning that many students skipped classes because they were being bullied for not having clean clothes. And then more recently, Principal Cook went viral for his lights on program, which keeps students off the street by giving them a safe place to hang out, shoot pool, playball, video games and all that at the school. And Oprah made a half a million dollars five hundred thousand dollars donations. So congratulations to her. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Now was she getting some flak on Instagram? I heard Carla about somebody just wrote why don't you know give money to students like um Robert Smith did to wait a minute, no, wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait see this This is the troubling part of it. The person who typed it in what are you doing? What are you doing? You know what he does? He did a spirit a moment, how you dog? And Oprah? All this stuff? Oprah and done? Do you know what? Wait a minute? Done? She did clap back, Steve, Oprah did clap back. She said she has put four hundred men through more house. She said that, and she gave thirteen million dollars in scholarships. So yeah, since yeah, she was the largest contributor in the African American uh Museum up in DC. The um. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, man, yeah, Okra has done so much. Yes, she had the people who type in this stuff who ain't done nothing, Yes, nothing. Oprah Winfrey sent all those men from more House to college. That's phenomenal, is it? An Oprah's kids? Right? Right? If you get the school in Africa, school in Africa in the school and yeah, all right, Steve, we gotta move on now, time for headlines. I know, man, what is wrong with us? Why we can't be happy for somebody doing anything? If them people got that kind of money, then billionaires are spreading that money around like that, helping people. Man, Why can't we celebrate that? Why you don't do this? Why you ain't doing nothing? Why are you typing? Show monkey ass? Sit down somewhere. All right, let's get show monkey eggs, Steve, or you get crazy with it, please, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Tripp. Okay, this is answered with the news boy. Steve. Uniting Secretary General is calling them both the Trump administration in Iran to tone down the rhetoric commit the rising tensions in the Persian Gulf. Meanwhile, Iran's ambassador is calling for a dialogue among Persian Gulf states. The White House says former Council Don mcghan cannot be forced to testify before the Congress today about the findings of Special Counselor Robert Mallow's Russian election meddling probe, So the President says McGann is not going to be showing up today on Capitol Hill. William Barr's Justice Department says McGann has immunity as a former presidential advisor. House Judiciary Commedie Chairman Gerald Nadler is not expected to accept the Trump administration's position, so his panel could vote to hold McGan in contempt of Congress. The government is looking into the death of a teenage migrant from Guanmala. The sixteen year old boy discovered unresponsive yesterday in a US Border patrol station in South Texas. This is the fifth death of a migrant child in US custody since December. Police in Dover, New Jersey, is seeking to explain a video showing what appears to be an unnecessarily violent takedown early Sunday of a teenager who wanted on an outstanding warrant. One white cop is seen with his hands on the throat of nineteen year old Cyprian Lake while the other white officers punching him repeatedly in the head. Meanwhile, some other officers are saying turnover, turnover, but other officers are on top of him so he can't turn over. The Dover police chief insists that race played no role in what happened. Nevertheless, both cops have been put on administrative leave. Shytown's got a new mayor, Laurie Lyffoot, the first black female they've ever had the City of Chicago, sworn in yesterday, promising to work hard to restore safety for the Windy City residents and more for the shootings, enough for the guns, enough of the violence. For years they've said Chicago ain't ready for reform. Well get ready, because reform is here. Lightfoot, who is also openly gay, succeeds rom Emmanuel, who decided not to seek reelection. Ford cutting some seven thousand white college jaws, about ten percent of its global salaried workforce, at a projected savings of about six hundred million a year. Finally, mixed news from the world of boxing. HBO's popular announcer Harry Harold Letterman has died at age seventy nine. Harold Letterman, a respected boxing judge, passed May eleventh in New York in on an hospice place. He was due to liver cancer, his daughter says. But on the other side of the Deontay Wilder defended his heavyweight title, scoring a knockout win on Saturday Night over Dominique Brazil in just the first round of their schedule. About Among others he thanked was his trainer, Brooklyn's own Mark Brelan, Olympic gold medal winner and former welterweight champ. Breland's been in the fight game since he was eight years old. So congratulations to Deontay Wilder and his trainer Mark Brelan. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the show. We gotta say congratulations to Little nas X, who has partnered with Wrangler Jeans. Right, he's making things happen. Yes, Yes, Our Wrangler released a statement, We're incredibly excited about the success of Old Town Road and our partnership with Little nas X. It is another great example of the power of music and in our case fashion, they've decided to unite and inspire us all. Now, Steve, here we go some more hate. This is According to the Shade Room, some of country music fans feel having Little nas X as a spokesperson is a step down for Wrangler Wow, speaking of half yeah, come on man, yeah yeah, the number one song in the country right now? What see you hating on him? Just let me ask you a question. What was your country asked you to get recognized by Wrangler Levi or any damn body else as your He'll be all song? Now this brother come long top to country charts and all other charts. Not it's a step down. If it's a step down, how to hell he number one? Yes for six weeks, number one record, number one, or step down. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what hit what you do? This is what you should do. The heability to type this in Why don't you not wear no more of the jeans? That's what you do. You stop buying the jeans and let me show you what will happen to they stop? Not a damn thing because that little two pair you buy you you ain't moving the needle if you can't, man, you know what, man, And I'm going to get some wranglers because yeah, because that's right, that's right. You were absolutely how you can't be happy for nobody, you know, the man just because the kid is black. Come on, country. Yeah, it's a step down. Why no, he's getting ready to put Wrangler back on the map. Yeah. The step down is what's happening in the White House. This is a step down. Yeah, you know, somebody who doesn't respect the presidency the office, and then i'll so called leadership that supports anything that he does without having the courage to stand up. Number one, protect your constitution. Number one, protect the integrity at the office of the presidency. You all have foregone all of that to sit up and just say so our party can be in control. I didn't know that I would see this day. It's two days. I didn't think I could see to live to see a black man become president. And I thought I'd never lived to say the day when your president was more important than your country. All right? Coming up next at thirty four after the Hours, Steve Common said he couldn't eat after he broke up with Eric Caabadou. We'll talk about it right after this, you're listening to show. In a recent interview with People magazine, Common talked about his relationship with Eric Kabadiou, Wow, this. I think this is the first time he's opened up about this. Um. He says, this was his first love where you're just open and floating. He was in love, uh, he said. When we split, I was twenty seven or twenty eight. I was in a haze, just going through the motions. It was hard to eat. That was a point as an adult where I just felt like, man, I'm in love. That was the first experience I had as an exult that as an adult that I could really say gave me a great look at what it was to be in love and really loving a woman, and loving a black woman unconditionally. But that bad new wheels a moaning Yes, yes, yes, yes, Steve. Can you relate? Can you relate? Have have you, guys, ever ended a relationship where you know, been in a relationship where it was ended and you couldn't eat. You guys broke up, you couldn't eat. You know, you're just going through the motions. I've had some relationships broke up and I couldn't eat because I was looking out the window. I was scared of getting shot, But you were scared. Wait all right, tell us the story we've heard and things like that. I've been. I've had a woman run up on the curb and try to hit me with a car. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, No, I'm just kidding. I don't through that. You just skidding. I just wanted to play you hit me. Wait a minute, you guys have never had such a bad breakup where you could eat. That's all you did was eat. Maybe it was so bad, that's all you did was z that's how you yea yea food? Huh oh that pizza immediately. Okay, so that's how you get me through. I'm gonna eat comfort food and somebody cream. I'm gonna make you feel bad. Yeah what Connin said he couldn't eat. I was younger than that when I broke up with the first girl I cared about, and I immediately did the only thing I knew how to do. What Steve, get another girl? Well that's what they say now. The only way to get over someone is to get under someone else. Yeah, yeah, immediately it happened, same day, tag, I was the only one. Surely I didn't go through that. I couldn't eat. I've been. Yeah, I've had a bad enough breakup where I couldn't eat. Yeah, yeah, I was losing weight. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I lost weight all that job one time, and I couldn't eat literally because of the money. Yeah. Literally, I'm talking about up. I'll talk about I couldn't eat, couldn't gass up, couldn't go away. Yeah, lord, I was shot. What about you in Big Honey? Tell me you were a little down when you and but I was. I wasnked with somebody the next day though, the very next I have to get over. I don't know who it was, but it was. Yeah. I mean because you and Big Honey had a long relationship. Yeah. You know, when something like this happens to s, you have to sex through it, you know what I'm saying. That's that's my clean way of putting it. Uh huh. You have to sex through it. Okay. Yeah, and Junior, you ate pizza, you ate food? She said, it's all Oh she broke up with you. Yeah, I okay, I'm good. I had oxtail grapes food, Yeah, handy, yam. My grandmother was cooking. Oh she got you through. Yeah. Yeah, if you're cooking trying to cry, not to walk in high what's that she says? Oxtail green band, you know, and all that man, Junior, that's what I want? Man? What's yeah? Man? Right, they'll certainly put some of her crock pot. Think. I was just thinking, Wow, if I had my recipe book, my recipe book, I could look it up. Shirley, stop oxtails. Ain't in your recipe book. Just go to break. We'll be right back. Nephew is coming up next to the crank phone call right after to this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. You're not gonna believe my strawberry letter for today. The subject is you can't have your cake and eat it too. But wait till you hear it right now though the nephews in the building with today's prank phone call, what you got for us? Now? I want to date your mom? Oh see right there, I want to date your mom, Steve, how would you do it again? Please? Let's uh, today's prank is I want to date your mother. Ain't nothing in that? Put some prank on? That? Put some on? Yeah, I mean you know, I mean I can't tell you how to prank because obviously you the king of it. But I was just talking about the introductions. Could use a lot of words. Ye, put some more flavor on that, and now I'll see the flavors in the prank. We'll put some seasoning on that intro though. Yeah. See that's that's where you are not different. And so once again, just do what you want to do, all right? How do you say? I'm sure I can't. I want to date your mom? Do you man? Run it? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach I'm trying to reach miss Burns. This is James, this is her son. How you doing man? My name is Gordon Gordon. Just recently joined the church man within the last month, and I was trying to get in touch with with Miss Burns. One of the members gave me a number, but I guess they they must have gave me the wrong number. I guess it's is this a home number or what is this? A hell of Hello? Who? Who? Who is this again? My name is Gordon Gordon. I'm a new member at the church. Yeah, this is it your number? Yeah? Man, this is my phone number. I'm James, I'm my son. Oh that's your mom. Okay, that's your mother? Right all right? Well, yeah, my bad man. I was trying to get in touch with miss Burns now is, did you have a sale or a home number somewhere I can get in touch with Miss Burns? Wait to telling your name is what? Gordon? Gordon, Gordon. I just joined the church, man, so I might not have met you yet, Jane, Okay, what God bless you man, Thank you man. I appreciate it because it anyway I could get your mom's home number from. I mean, you're just joining the church. I mean I don't I don't see why you wouldn't be able to talk to it. I mean, is there anything there a message I could pass on to it them? Uh? Well yeah, I mean I'm trying to see if it's all right for uh, for me to take her out. I've been seeing them for the last Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold hold about you. You were just saying to you a new member to the church, and somebody gave you or they were attempting to give you my mother's number, and you're asking me if you could take her out. Man. Well, I wasn't asking you. I thought I had her phone number. I guess they gave me your number. Bout mistake, you know, that's my reason for Carl. I thought I was gonna get her. I want to take her out, you know, maybe to dinner or something. Well, I'll be quite outest, man, I just came back from overseas, from fighting and everything. Man, And uh, I mean, you know my pops just passed away not too long ago. And I ain't you know, I ain't too keen or my mama going out with somebody and beside you, you don't even sound like you. He hey, she in the sixties. Man, older you man, I'm thirty six. The hell out of here? You how old man? I'm thirty six, I'm thirty four. What is you doing? You do realize my mom is pushing sixty? Right? You know what? Man? I look at it like James, Right, James, I look at it like it's you know heyes, ain't number but the number man, It wasn't your heart man, And how you carry yourself? You know? Yeah? But my mama hey, hey, but my mama ain't no cougar like that. And I know she ain't coming after you right now. I remember telling me that she trying some new things at this church, but going out with some thirty thirty. How do you you do a baby? Man? I'm thirty, I'm thirty six, dude, man, you like my brother. Something man ain't nowhere in the world. My mama gonna be dating. Okay, and say, let me say this. Man. First of all, I ain't even know I was calling you. Second of all, I'm calling and speak with her. I'm not calling trying to get permission from you. Miss Burns is a grown woman. And whoa, whoa, whoa talking about now? I don't think you're every man. I just came back from fighting overseas. My pops passed away not too long ago. I am the man of the house. Let's get that straight right now. All right. I don't care if I'm still living at home or not. I'm the man of this house, all right. You calling the ass my mama on a date, you might as well just stick the church dog, because you know, as I said, be blessed. But it ain't gonna be no blessing from me to you. I tell you that right now. I'm not looking for a blessing from you at all. Bro. You might no, but I respect the fact that you've been overseas and you've been fighting for this country. Okay, But if I decide I want to speak to Miss Burns about going out. I think miss Burns has every right to decide if she would like to go out with Gordon's or not, if Gordon wants to take her out. I took up holding up. Look, bro, I don't care how old you say you are. All right, Number one, you're too young, as I already mentioned. All right, this ain't going down with you and my mama. I'm straight up, hey man, that's for your mama to decide. O dog, you you bringing up my mama. You're letting the word your mama come out your mouth again. That's gonna get you up, all right. I don't know where you're from. I don't give how old you are. I'm pretty sick. I know what church my mamma go to and and it ain't gonna be her and you you ain't gonna be asking her out, all right. I don't give what it takes. I would show up on Sunday, catch up in the pupit or wherever you're gonna be sitting in the back of the choir. It don't matter something's going down. You are not gonna get with my mama like that. You got that. That's up for your mamma to decide if your mamma want to go out with me down dinner. I ain't looking long with this man. I'm I'm deciding it right now. It ain't gonna happen. I told you before, be blessed or get your whoop. You got two choices, all right, I didn't fight. Let's see these three years to come back and also deal with my daddy did and then come back. Now. I'm suffering from PSD. Dog, I don't know what I'm gonna do unless you want to get it like that, suffer from one a PSD post traumatic stress syndrome, and I will release all that on you. Got that. I don't play. But hey, man, listen, I don't want no trouble. It don't matter to me. You can tell you. Okay. Look man, listen, I ain't trying to have no trouble about you. Man. All I'm gonna say is this right here. I'm I'm gonna I talk to you mom on Sunday. Okay, you ain't gonna talk to me? Are you not hearing me? Man? I'm okay, I'm crazy right now? Okay? Can I say this? Can I say one more things to you? Manfo you explode? You ain't got nothing else to say, I got one more thing before you explode. Man, if you're listening, yeah, Man, James, what hey man, I want to tell you this. Man. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harbin moren to show your mama I got me the frank phone call. You get the out of here. Hey man, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. Your mama told me. She said, my son been overseas, he's been fighting. I'm glad to have him home. She said, we gotta get him back getting the spirit of laughing. Man, my mama, are you Are you kidding me? Man? We got you good. We listen to this show overseas. Man. First of all, I gotta say thank you for fighting for this country. I want to ask you one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Man, nothing but the Steve Harvey More Than Show. Get it overseason in the States. Though, thanks man, you always you know you did. Yes, he played with you already. Well, Mama's mean a little too. Though. I wish you would talk about dat. Man. I might call you next week. I call you next never tend to see. I'm on my way baby, Friday said to Sunday. The nephew is headed to Chuckles too. On Friday to Saturday to Sunday. It is Memorial Day weekend. Come get your laugh on with your boy. I will be in town all weekend long to Friday to Saturday to Sunday, Chuckles. Let's get it cracking, all right. I want to date your MoMA, my fact, bring your mama. No, don't. I shouldn't say wow wow, Yeah. I shouldn't have said it ever. See. See that's just see that's you too far, but you go too far a lot. That's you right there at that edge. But he usually goes to the edge. He steps over it sometime. You you think I'm mobile boll now now perfectly, My god, is this reverse psychologist? I don't matter. Don't psychology. Don't work with her. We're getting ready to get to the Strawberry Letter. Okay, up next the subject you can't have your cake and eat it too. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the show, all right, guys, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today. So before I actually read the letter, I have to do a disclaimer here and ask you please listen to the entire letter. It is not what you think. Okay, it's gonna get a little crazy in the middle, but stick with me, all right. Please, thank you, Buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject. You can't have your cake and eat it too. All right, one more time? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been dating a guy for six months and he's one of the sweetest men that I've ever met. This weekend, he disclosed some information to me and I need your opinion. He and I met when I moved out of my condo. He was a supervisor of the moving company that I used, and he was very professional and handsome, and when he asked me out, I accepted. We started out as friends and now we're in a relationship. On our first date, he said his favorite thing about me was my skin tone and how soft and supple it looks. I had not had that much attention in a while, so I was overjoyed. Whenever we go out, he caresses my skin with his great big hands and kisses my shoulders and neck. We finally got intimate over the weekend, and it was everything I hoped for. I had hoped for, but then it got tricky. After sex, we were lying in bed, and as usual, he was rubbing on me and kept saying how he loves my skin. He then whispered to me, I just want to eat you. I giggled and turned to look at him, thinking he wanted to go for round two. But then he said to me, no, I literally want to eat you. I looked at this man and asked him to repeat himself. He said he fantasizes about eating a part of a woman's body, and it's a big fetish that he has not been able to live that out. He elaborated that overseas it's a big thing where a man will take part of a woman's buttocks and eat it. He said he's been fascinated by cannibalism since he was young, but this is just a fetish and nothing serious. But you burn me? He okay, that's what I said. That he said he's been fascinated. Let me get through the letter, please, deep He said he's been fascinated by cannibalism, Yes, since he was young, but that but this is just a fetish and nothing serious. So I need to know if this is really just a fetish or should I run before it's too late? Have you ever heard of such? I'm falling for this guy, but I don't want to end up with my butt in a frying pan. Please help me? Okay, I mean all I can say initially is what uh wth? I mean? Really? Did I read this correctly? Like you know you said in the letter? Did you hear this correctly? People don't eat people, That's not what we do. What is he talking about? I mean, this is a fantasy he hasn't been able to live out yet. Uh listen, Sure he could be just kidding and this could just be a fantasy and he doesn't really mean this. Sure a booty burger, I mean, he could just be kidding, But but why take this chance? I mean, seriously, he knows too much about it, He's researched it. Uh no. To answer your question, we've never heard of such cannibalism and things like this. I mean we know what it is, of course, but we haven't literally heard of anyone doing this. And yes, I would run. He sounds too freaky. I mean, yeah, he sounds too freaky and crazy to me. That's not freaky to you. That's beyond. That's beyond. Yeah, it's beyond. Uh. He wants to literally eat you. The term is called verare philia. If you guys want to know vare philia. All right, you know that. All right, Steve, I'm done. I think she should all right, this is too crazy. Well, let's go over the letter and just go along on the journey that this letter was taking us. On day six, Moms dating this man wanted the sweetest men she ever mad. You know. He was a supervisor of a moving company that moved her. Professional, handsome, and so he asked her out. She said, all right, Well they started out as friends. With the relationship now because on the first date he told her. The first thing he laughed about it was her skin tone, how soft and subtle it looked. Girl. The attention about to dry this girl crazy. She was over joy when we go out. He'd be caressing your skin with his great big hand. Because then then furniture moving hands. You know, he got them big ass hand he picked up frigerators. Gosh, you're this big man ass hand kissing all over your show. You got intimate over the weekend and large Jesus who it was everything. Then it got tricky after sex, y'all was laying in bed, you know, just like, oh, you're just rubbing on you kept saying love your skin. Then he whisper, I just want to eat you. Now we've all heard this. Careful, alright, let's gone ask me one, Steve. Hang on, we'll have boo of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject of today's letter. You can't have your cake and eat it too. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Let's get back into the letter. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Let's recap. Ain't no damn recap. She didn't got the moving company boy she'd fell in love with, and he out on the date with her, telling about the favorite thing about her was her skin tone and house off and supping. Oh, she hadn't had this kind of a tension in the wild. She was overjawed, go out caressing the skin, had the great big hands kissing all on her shoulder. He had the moving man hand yeah, picking flipping, taking whole rugs down by self, down the steps, picking up on walls, and moving entertainment centers. All this boy powerful. So he finally got the intimate over the weekend and Lord em Mercy, it was everything she hoped for and right after she said everything, I whope folk period. But then it got tricky. Oh. They layed up in in the after glove. They laying in bed just like usually, just rubbed it on there and he kept telling me how much he loved my skin. Then he whispered to me, I just now She giggle turned because she won't to say yes to this. That's what the giggle was about, and turned and looked at him, thinking he wanted to go for a round two. Na. No, now you was hoping that he was talking about what you thought he was talking about. That that what the giggle would for. But then he said to me, now, I literally won't you. I looked at this man and I asked him to repeat himself, because you know what if that's what you really want to do, Just gold say it to me. But I don't know what you mean by literally, so I asked him to repeat himself. He said that he fantasizes about eating a part of a woman's body, and it's a big fetish that he's not being able to live out yet. Now at this point, you need to be sitting up in the bed. You need to sit up. You need to start eyeing his ass because this this is going somewhere else. And then he elaborated that overseas it's a big thing where a man would take part of a woman's buttox and eat it. Now, I don't know wearing this letter. You kept typing, but this would have been a hard letter to type. You're want you what? I don't know who this sister is, but this conversation with you want to eat, You're gonna take you, You're gonna cut who ass? Hold on it works? You're crazy? He said. It was fascinated by candid cannibalism since he was young. But this is just to fetish, and nothing says so I need to know if this is really just to fetish or should I run before it's too late? What the hell? Did you just ask us? You're trying to figure out this a fetish? A man just told you that he wanted to a slice of your ass, just did you know, you know, like his cheese, like like you just a ham a honey bake sitting up on the table. It was just one of a slice of your ass. Cause now he'd talking about this overseas. He's been rubbing on your skin. Now love the texture. Now he said he'd been fascinated by Canada cannibalism since he was young. But this just to fetish? Should nothing said? Now here? Go to cold part right here? So I need to know if this is really a fetish or shit? I run for us too late? Have you ever heard of such? I'm falling for this guy, but I don't want to end up with my butt in a frying pan. Okay, so what is you're typing for now? You might be falling for this guy, but you ain't gonna be able to fall on your ass because he gonna be the NATed what You're gonna wake up one night numb, You ain't gonna know what's going on, and he gonna be sitting over there with a plate with some hot sauce and he's gonna have a napkin rounding that baby. What you eating? Now, he'd numbed you while you sleep. You ain't up, your little booty just tingling. You don't know half it's over there on that damn plated sitting over there, got some hot sauce, and he just chewing your answer. You don't even know it. Shoe stupid behind talk. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Hell no, we're black people, yeah, hell no, we black people. Now. First letter was kind of sexy. He he hell, he talking about taking a slice of your ass and you don't want it into us, and you send up in here. I don't want to end up with my butt in a frying pan. But you think you gonna do. Go ahead, your little biceps and that everything else like a little five meat. Now, all right, look, we gotta get rid of this food. We gotta let the people know that they can email or instagram us. There thought email us. Nothing like this again on The Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or check out The Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Now. Coming up at forty six after the hour, we're gonna talk about Magic Johnson he's in the news and he's talking betrayal. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening day show. This is a huge story coming out of Los Angeles, out of LA concerning Magic. John to remember when he left the Lakers organization about a month or so ago. Well, he says it's because of betrayal. That's what Magic is saying. He made it clear that general manager Rob Polinka was the one that was backstabbing him. He told people that He said that Polinka told people that Magic wasn't working hard enough and he wanted to take his job with the Los Angeles Lakers. Take a listen, But when you allude to the backstabbing, was it Rob Polinka that you're talking about? Is it Rob Polinka and other people with the Lakers organization? Who exactly were you talking? No? Just Rob. I think that other people didn't bother me. It's really funny as I sit here, I don't worry about those type of things. I'm not a guy who is like, oh man, he said this about man, and I worry about it. What happened was I wasn't having fun coming to work anymore, especially when I got to work beside you knowing that you want my position, and I'm okay with that because this is what happened stephen A. I told him in year two, I'm only going to be here three years, so if my job is robbed to get you ready for this position. So you know, I was going to help elevate them to the president's position. And so when all this was coming back to me and guys calling me saying you better watch out for him, and then what it was crazy was before when I took the job, you know how many agents called me and said you got to watch out for him. Wow, that was Magic Johnson of course to stephen A. Smith, and I believe that. Yeah. Rob Olinka answered several questions and said that his allegations weren't true and that he had just spoken to Magic two days ago. So that's where. But you know he gave one of those answers just got Polinka when he said, I love just sitting on with a Magic talking work it out. He's gone, he's left the organization. If you wanted to talk and work it out, you could have had that talking work without situation before. I do not think Magic left for no reason. I think magic is talking from a straight place, you know, and this guy Rob Polinka, with his reputation and all that it has, I think is that I just don't. I don't see Magic Johnson going on TV publicly saying stuff like this. Do you know the scrutiny that this guy has faced in his life, the things that Magic has come out and publicly saying. You think that this dude Rob Polinka is a big deal to him? Oh no, oh no, man, this captain stood in front of the world and made some devastating announcements. I believe in the credibility of what he's saying. I mean, he was all in with the organization. Magic is a leron all the way. I'll probably the Yeah, he loves that team. So you know that ain't that's he's a lake. Yeah? All right, Well, coming up at the top of the hour, A Rod is an illegal hassle over a picture of him sitting on the throne in his home. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to all right, Look, guys, it appears at Alex Rodriguez likes to use the bathroom without closing his blinds. Uh, lawyers for A Rod are trying to track down. Yeah, he's gotten his lawyers involved in this. They're trying to track down a photographer who snapped a picture of him on the toilet. All right, yeah, those he was, He was in his well, he was in listen, he was in his Park Avenue apartment that he shares with j Low Tommy. Um. To answer your question, someone with a clear view, for I'm an adjacent building took a picture of him sitting on the throne with his pants down while texting on his phone. That's terrible and the phone and the phone need sanitized. Am I? Are you you gonna beat Booge? You like that time phoned text? Are you serious? Why have you texting at that time? No? Else? You can't wait? Let me finish. Sure he didn't turn enough, give it down. I'm trying to figure out what this food. It's sitting up saying he don't text when he using phone need to be sanitized. I don't even take my phone. Isn't there y'all y'all sitting there texting? So I've had conversations with y'all, and y'all I won't I won't text now. One of y'all know. I don't know where y'all sitting there? While y'all, but yeah, you asked the question coming by. Yeah, that's it. Emojis, And don't even put your phone now with near mind. No, I don't even want your phone. Don't lay it, don't crop bump up against in none of that, y'all bump you and Monka got the phone. I don't. That's a shame my phone. Y'all need to wipe it down with some sanitize the Germans. Just you going in there, y'all in all the ten minutes, why are you y'all take the phone in there? That's how long little kids grown me ain't gonna being here while y'all ain't regular. Then it's going wrong with y'all. Yeah, y'all, what's so wrong with y'all? Stephen getting quiet? You've gotten quiet. I don't understand. Really Tommy is liking you know, he got a lot of rules for an idiots in German. I just what are you tripping about? And I are to picture a rod? Now a rod? What he got to do? If you're in the New York apartment, come on, come on, man, you gotta put something up to your window some type of All you gotta do is get reflective tent, anything blinds. It depends on how hi up you areto Like when I was on dog, It don't matter how you up in New York. Somebody up there with you. Well they naked too. Now they at work where he stop? Stop talking to him? So when you go to you're saying when you go your naked? Is that what you're saying? No? No, the window, sir, Well the door open too, so all that's coming out the window just about the window. What is it, Steve? What is wrong with you? Why the dog? Why? Why didn't not have his door closed? Where do you see a door? Yeah, we don't have anything. It's not anything. My brooms got dough. But what does that have to do with this? We're talking about the picture from across window, right, and the only reason why they able to take it is because the dough open up. Tommy, they have a picture of Avery Rod. I'm looking at the picture. I haven't seen it. Hello, that might be look at the picture. It's real simple. And then as soon as you see the picture, can you can you fix what? However? You want? This statement to be my problem? But still goes back to y'all's funking phones. But that's all, you're the same one time you don't leave your phone nowhere? Hey, Tommy, when the last time me and you talked on the phone time? So you're not calling me, ain't gonna bother me. But we text each other. But I won't be texting you no more because I know you're sitting in there texting me. I don't want text I did get to last Okay, I don't want them more. Tell all right, Look, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to and political news, guys. Yesterday was a big day in Chicago. It was an historic day. Lori Lightfoot was inaugurated as Chicago's first black, lesbian mayor. All right, yes, Miss Lightfoot or Mayor Lightfoot takes office with efforts to address violent crime, thank god, and improve police and community relations. Miss Lightfoot's platform also includes improving schools and expanding affordable housing options. So all those are good, that's all. These are great things for Chicago, especially tackling the violent crime and education excellent, excellent. So, um, that's who they voted in, Yeah, that's who they voted in. So hopefully she'll be able to have the support that she needs to get the job done. Yeah yeah, Rommy Manuel decided not to running game. Yeah but that's good though. We got yeah black woman that's mayor in Chicago, you know, major major cities and yeah yeah, we got sisters all over. Yeah they're doing it man, Yeah yeah, yeah, good leadership. And you know, I want to make a statement when I get about two minutes, Okay, how about when we come back. Absolutely, I gotta wait till I'm in the bathroom. All right. Look, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hour. This is ignorant show right here. You're listening to show. We got some really sad news. Who's not a fan of the group After Seven, I mean everyone everyone. Melvin Edmonds, yeah, from the group after Seven and the older brother of baby Face. He is the older brother of Kenny Babyface. Edmunds died on Saturday. He had a short illness. Yeah yeah, he passed away. He was sixty five years old. And I mean just a sad situation. I mean he could really sing, and you know how they traded lead vocals and After Seven and everything and just yeah, just a sad situation. Our prayers and our condolences are going out to his family and his friends and to our friend family member baby face. Yeah yeah, yeah, oh can't stop ready? Yes, come on hits, yes serious, yes from the deal yeah oh boy. Yeah, it's pretty pretty sad though, Yeah, very sad. As a matter of fact, I love that absolutely loved that group. Yeah. And In other entertainment news, as we move on, Principal Akbar Cook has made a huge difference in the New Jersey community, and his efforts caught the attention of the one and only, none other than Oprah Winfrey. It turns out Oprah made a surprise visit to Westside High School on Friday night. She donated half a million dollars to help keep Cook's Lights On program running. What's that You ask Well? Principal Cook first made headlines last year for adding a laundry room to his New Jersey school after learning that many students skipped classes because they were being bullied for not having clean clothes. And then, more recently, Principal Cook went viral for his Lights On program, which keeps students off the street by giving them a safe place to hang out, shoot pool, playball, video games and all that at the school. And Oprah made a half a million dollars five hundred thousand dollars donations. So congratulations to her. Yeah yeah, yeah. Now we're she getting some flak on on Instagram. I heard Carla about somebody just wrote why don't you, you know, give money to students like um Robert Smith did to wait a minute, no, wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait see this This is the troubling part of it. The person who typed it in what are you doing? You know what he does? He did a spirit a moment, how you dog? And Oprah? All this stuff opened and done? Do you know what? But wait a minute? Done? She did clap back, Steve, Oprah did clap back. She said she has put four hundred men through more House. She said that, and she gave thirteen million dollars in scholarships. All right, coming up our last break of the day, and of course some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine after the hour. Right after this you're listening to all right, here we go, last break of the day. Steve and Uh, you said earlier that you wanted to make a statement, so now is a greener one. Before I do closing remarks, I just want to say about this abortion laws that's going down in Alabama and all of these other places. You know what I was thinking today. I think that this role versus way that they're trying to overturn. I think that this whether a woman has a right to get an abortion after rape or incests, or whether woman has a right to choose to have to be pregnant or not. You know what I think, I think that decision. I think if they're going to vote, only women should be allowed to vote on this issue. I think dumb asked men are to stay out of it. I think this anything to do with birth, pregnancy, and a woman's rights, I think that should be decided by women. I just really do. I think it should just be women who vote. I don't think men should even have a say so that a man living has ever been pregnant, that knows what it's like, that understands the feelings of having to make a decision or having to carry a child, I just think it should be just a woman's choice. But I'm first of all I'm pro woman's choice, but if you're gonna have a vote to decide whether it stays or lays or whatever it is, I think it should just be women and vote. Because when I listen to men talk about this, I realize wholeheartedly how stupid men really are. You don't know deadly when it comes to birthing the right of a woman, how a woman feels. You know nothing, man, I just think it's idiotic when I'm listening to these old last men up in here making statements about judgment, but how they feel it should go. That's crazy. Man. It should just be women, That's all I want to say. Any right, any voting about abortion, anything, it should only be only women should be allowed to vote. I really believe that, man, because the men I've been here and talk about it, they're so damn stupid. They make some of the most ignorant statements. A statement that a woman would never make. These old men a man, get out of here, about to care what you think. You ain't never carry no child. You don't even know what that's about. All right, that's my statement. I'm ready for closing remarks. All right. I want to share with you all something that I learned today. You're not. I told you I've been doing this morning meditation every day and it's really really been helping me out. And I learned so much every day doing my meditation. I have these days only things that I read and everything, but I wanted to share with you or something that I found to be true. The world is a tough place to live in for all of us, but there is a way to better cope and deal with it because the world is such a changing places, such a tough place to be in. Because what happens is your mind as a person, it leaps from problem to problem to problem. And I've been guilty there. So I'm not telling you something that I've mastered. I'm not. I'm telling you something that I've been guilty of many times. Because I know sometimes when you deal with problems, man, your mind just go from problem the problem, the problem. And when it does that, it tangles all of your thoughts up into a not I mean, man, you get real anxious when you are thinking about problems. You get anxious everybody. And when you think like that, you leave God out of the process. And when you leave God out of the process, because you're just focusing on the problem, how to solve it, what to do about it, how you can change it, why is it happening? And your mind is in these anxious knots. Every time you think like that, you leave God out your process. And once you do that, your mind, your mind is darkened. I know what I'm talking about, because man, I've gone through it. You know how you be pressing with so many problems and you're trying to think of a way out, and you're trying to figure it out and it and Man, once you focus on problems, man, your mind can get real dark. And though even though God really wants to help, God never violates the freedom of choice that He gave us as human beings. God, God is a gentleman. He don't come in and just take over. You have to invite God in. And when you're having these problems and you're getting your mind all tossed up and tangle up in your mind, mind is in a dark space because you've left God out the process. And God, being a gentleman, not gonna violate your freedom. He stands behind the background of your mind, waiting on you to remember that he is God, that he is who he says he was that God don't have no None of his promises come back void. He don't tell you something that's gonna happen and it don't happen. He don't promise you nothing that he don't keep the promise on. So he said he would always be there for you in times of need and trouble. He will settle your mind and give you peace. So when you turn your problems over to God, your Lord, immediately become light of And even though the circumstances might not have changed, y'all, you have somebody to share the burden with. So your compulsion to fix everything, it just gives way to a satisfying connection with God for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.