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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them both just like themazing buck things. And it's tough, y'all. Do me true good to the hut and listening to put together for sto quick money. Why don't you joy? Yeah? Ya joining me? Honey. You gotta use that turning, Yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn about turn love. You got to turn out to turn wan ya. Come come on your thing, dad uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. Here we go today. I think I have something for a lot of people today, at least I hope I do. And this is about on your journey, And this is about something that happens to us all. I mean, what happens to all of us from time to time when we get discouraged. What happens to all of us when we feel like quitting, What happens to all of us when we have that turn back moment. What happens to all of us when it don't seem like it's gonna paying out? Because I want you to understand something that everyone, every single living soul, has those thoughts about something at some point in their life. I mean, you know, look, I've oftentimes been discouraged about things not happening as fast as I like them. All things don't paying out the way I would like for them to have payed out. I mean, there's so many ways to get discouraged. But what but what my encouragement to you is when discouragement comes is understand this. It is a part of the growth process. It is a test. It is a test of your faith. How bad you wanted do you really believe? That's That's all faith is. It's simply, and I've said this how many times. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. So when discouragement comes, set back comes, it is a test of your faith. At least it's been that way for me. Now other people can explain it another way. I'm not other people. I can only give it to you the way it's come to me and throughout my life and man on man on man. Discouragement sometimes it's tough to deal with because it seems at times when you are discouraged that is so absolute that this means the end, and if you allow it to set in, it can be just that the end of you. When Milly Milly, it was a test, that's all it is. But the majority of people that I know who are not successful or who have told me the story of how they gave up it was it was because at a moment of discouragement that they allowed it to set in and it became so engulfing that it became the reason why you shouldn't finish, And then they started justifying it with here the one that I hate to hear. Well, if it if it's God's will, excuse me. If it's God's will that you fail. If it's God's will that you're not successful. If it's God's will that you lay down and give up, it's God's will that you allow yourself to amount to, not to not reach your potential. That's God's will. That's not the God I know. That's not the God I served, that's not the God I've read about. That's not the God I believe in. I'm sorry. I just my mother always taught me something that he didn't bring me this far to leave me. I just don't believe that, not for a second. Now, have I convinced myself or some things? Yep? Have I allowed the devil to come into the picture and paint a different one from it? Yep, yep, I've done all of that. But you can't blame that on God. Now, come on, So when when discouragement comes, try to look at it if you can, as a test of your faith, and you merely have to pass the test. It could be for a day, a half a day, a few hours, a week, a few weeks, it don't matter. Don't nobody know how long the test period is. Your job is to keep the faith and keep moving. Keep the faith and keep moving, keep working, keep believing, keep hope alive. That's your job. If you do that, that's how you pass the test. It could be over tomorrow, It could be over in two weeks, it could be over in a month. You don't know. But all you got to do is wake up and keep the faith and fight the discouraging feelings. And how do you do that? Steve? Now here we go. This is the part I know about for show because how many times I've had to fight off discouragement in order to get to where God wanted me to be. What do you do when you become discouraged. Well, here's a series of things I do. I think of the outcome. When I get discouraged about a task, I think about the outcome. Man, what would it be like if I were to complete the task? What would it be like? Man? What would the outcome be for me? If I hung on in there? If I didn't give up? If I if I if I imagine, I imagine if I don't quit. I imagine if I don't give up. What would it be like? Man, Suppose everything I'm hoping for comes true. But if I don't quit and give up, that might just be the case. I start talking to myself like that, I think of what the upside is. What's the upside to stay in with it? You see, all this is the same thing. I'm just giving you different ways to look at it. I'm saying the exact same thing over and over. But I'm just trying to find the switch that connects in your mind where you can say, Okay, man, I'm gonna hang in there. Because if you think of the outcome, and the outcome is appealing to you, if you imagine what it would be like if you don't give up, or you don't quit. If you if you think only of what the upside is to stay in with it, and then I I go, where can this lead to? If I stay with it, man, and the outcome comes true? What else could that lead me to? Because I mean, there's always more to it? So what where else could this lead me to? What are the possibilities? Man? What are the limitless possibilities? What could God possibly have in store for me if I just hang in there? If I passed this test of faith, if I just passed this test. Now, it ain't gonna be the only one. But you gotta get past this one. No, then you're gonna hear the smooth plane. Then it's gonna be another one. It's gonna be another one. Life ain't nothing but a series of tests. Man. Man, When you're thinking about giving up, when you're discouraged, think of the outcome. Imagine what it would be like if you don't quit, if you don't give up. What's the upside to stay in with it? Where can this all lead to? What? What can this get you too? If if you do this and you get to where you think you want to be, Oh my god, what's after that? What are the limitless and endless possibilities of holding on to your faith. What could really be out there for me? Man? If I just passed this test, you gotta talk yourself off into hanging in there. And sometimes it ain't nobody talking to you about hanging in there but you. But that's good enough because God has a blessing for you. God's got a blessing with your name on it. God has packages bundle up with your name on it. He got blessings just in boxes with your name on it. Man, I want all the mind shipped. I'll be on Faith Street waiting there to receive. I just I'm just believing he's shipping stuff. But if you keep moving from the address of Faith, if you keep getting off Faith Street, why you want to do? Packages to go? They got your name on it and it's based on your faith. But if you keep moving on Doubt Avenue and ain't no Way Boulevard and the pasage get delivered only the Faith Street what you keep moving on Faith Street for? Come on, man, you can't give up. You can't give up. You're the jentlemen, boys and girls. Listen, this is Steve Harvey Morning Show. Let's stop playing around. Just the baddest morning show in the world. Listen to something else, but you can't get this over here. Jimmy Sherley, Bay, Hey, good morning to you. You hear me junior morning everybody. J Anthony Brown, watch you there now in my age. Boon coon, buzzet back, buddy, were go back like Cadillac seat. If you time, you ain't, We're going to build it. Were all opening here. What's going on? Good? Everybody recover? Send it then passed the taxi bier Right, I'm going down there and take whatever advantage I can't. It did help you over there or now, but damn we see in a minute, I'm gonna feel out to paperwork. Yes, like they said, I know some people who didn't care because they ain't paying tasting nothing. We don't, no, man, They passed it a night. How do you pay your taxes though? Man, there's a lot of people don't. It is to tell me it's a whole lot of people don't play. Refuse to pay them. Yeah, ain't got no sign that they exist. But our taxes are complicated over here anyway. They say, you go to other countries and it takes like ten minutes to fill up. You go to Dubai and yeah, okay, ain't no tax in d not a dollar. You make ten million, you get you need to be a resident. Something bad that that's what happens. That you'll pay check when you look at it. But I have known people who have who like teachers and stuff, who've gone over there to live and teach and stuff, and they love it. They won't come back. Dubai. Yeah, Dubaia's Dubaia is my favorite city. Well, I want to get there. First of all, the crime zero point six seven, I like that zero point six seven. They mean they leave a doe with that mean dog. The butler we had, I said, he came to next mon excuse me, what now he know? He acts like that. Ain't nothing. Though he acts like that, ain't nothing. Go ahead, man, keep talking against you. We had a gun. It's okay, you're rich, It's okay, you're blessed. We're all blessed, but you're blessed. Go ahead. I need to hang out with rich people. Active Come on, your butler, your butler, your butlers butlers. But the buttler left the dough. Oh mitnight, and I came downstairs only in the morning. Man with confid I'll see the door with a little like being bagg in the door and said, Yo, my man, can I'm my family up in here and go out of night? Need a dope, Mr Harvey. There is nothing that is going to happen here to you. Everyone knows who you are, We know you are here. There is no crime, No one is here. We are watching you so closely. There was no feel in the butler. Butler's butler out, I'm gonna need you to lock that damn. I got all that you say. But the next night, all that story, Steve, We're gonna come back with the Junior's Truth be told in part two of Steve's Dubai story. The Butler Butler. Yeah, we'll be back after you're listening to the string show. All right, coming up Junior's Truth be told. But before we get to it, Part two of Steve's Goodbye story. This was interesting. Well, I saw the next night the butler he leaves a dope open again. Now, But I'm down there that night and I go out there and I take the bean bag out the door, and I shut the door and locked it. He came back the next morning he was just laughing. You do not believe, do you? He said? You do not believe, do you? It is okay, nothing is going to happen to you. Mr Harvey. Believe me when I tell you you are beyond safe here. Wow, you are so protected. Everyone knows who you are. Why are they come? Why are they come for here? Who is coming? No one? I had the same thing in molds. I told you not to leave the dome, he said. He said, excuse me, where are they going? We are on an island that you can walk around in twenty two minutes door to your dog is coming, and well they're going. There's no way to leave. Why would you still yeah and get caught in? Yeah, go where I see you going to catch you? Yeah, we see. Yeah, I'm not gonna do. Yeah. Women too for that to get out of me to because it is that comfortable, not the doing with a chair up that way. Even if you get in, I'm gonna hear so alright, Jr. Time for in that same vein. Let me just say this. I got a phone call over the weekend. Right, I'm not using no name, but they say, hey, we need you to pray for so and so. Now we've been praying for so and so but I left year, and I'm just saying, since I don't see no change, and so and so and so, don't be told quit this prayer. I just what. I just want to know because I'm tired of getting on my knees asking something clearly that's not gonna happen. I just want to know how long do we have to keep this prap going? Doesn't say anything? So getting off something? Is that? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. But they're back though they was off two days. Jay back in custody. Now, how came we got to keep praying? That's what I'm saying. That's all I want to know. Why how I going down here? You know, I'm surely I know you don't agree with this, but I'm kind of of the mindset that I don't really like praying for people that don't won't pray, don't clearly don't want it, really just have a problem with you always. There's so many things I could be talking to the Lord about that I clearly I won't. I didn't pushed off my house. I won't for him. That the new car I've been asking love, I didn't put on old because we got to keep praying for him. Okay, can I ask the question? Go ahead, I do speak to the Lord. Do you think the Lord gets tired of hearing that person's name? The Lord already know what I'm coming down here? Name? Won no tell hold on, I didn't been three I've been on three way phone calls with my head down. I asked clothes, praying for this food. We didn't did the church. We didn't been a call. We've all been on the knee for him. No, we didn't prayed at devotion. And if he clearly not, won't just prayer? Shouldn't I have the right to stop. I want you and that I am of the mindset that there are a lot of family members that just ain't work for Damn dude. I got the phone call and you know he went back to jail. When when just just last night we need to pray. I'm not praying this week. We all got feminine members like, right, yeah, clearly, I'm like, was it clearly? And some stuff I could be praying for for myself? For yourself, man, I stopped praying for Charles thirty years. You know your cousin. I stopped thirty years ago at church. He left church and winning stores. He what hold on, hold on, We're playing in a church league playing basketball. We get through playing basketball. The bishop of our church was the coach. We had a cold. We had a squad that we could beat all. We could beat the industrial teams. That's how cold we were. He would get through and go in arm robbed stores, wow, and then be a church next morning. When they busted him, he couldn't fast to twenty seven robbers. Whoa up kid? Stick up kids? Yeah, you can my boy with with with a blank gun. It didn't have real but just a blank gun. Twenty seven robbers. They only called him on this one. He got in there and got scared and said he confessed to all twenty seven they have been. They ain't even asking about the mother, about him. What we can do him, that's all. I can't pick your family members. It was so ugly, man, it was so ugly embarrassing. Every family's got them though everything. Yeah, you know, yeah, we all. I had to call him, damn, here it come. You know, I know you don't like I know you don't like company and stuff, Jay, but you do have your family over for the house. No, right, no, not at all. I don't like company. I know you don't like company, but your relatives might leave him go home my couch. Have your ros has ever been over your house? One time? But time? One time? You got a lot of relm to come to your house. Yeah, well you know I have. You know, my immediate family comes, all the kids and they kids. You know, we like that, like you, my kids and their kids. Yeah, my kids and the grand kids. That's the cool thing I company anybody else? Man? Alright, coming up next, the nephew has his run that prank back. I ain't on the welcome and committee at the Dome. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Show, all right, coming up with Top of the Hour, miss and will be here with today's national headlines. And you know every day it's always something, but right now, at this time, for the nephew to run that prank back? What you got? Job off? For sure? Run that thing back, that job off? Here go Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a William William Please, yeah, this is William I will you. My name is Daniel Done with Pluman Agency. Oh yes, how's it going? Okay, I'm pretty good. You You actually came in a couple of weeks and filled out some forms. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I did. I did. You're you're seeking plumber, right, yes, I am. Okay, okay, well listen, I got a few things here I'd like to go over if you don't, If you have the time, I'd like to get a couple of questions from you. I think I actually have something I could send you out on on Monday, if you actually fit the criterias. Okay, okay, hold on, let me grab a pin ref fan. Okay, all right, go ahead, I'm ready. All right. Are you used to physical labor at all? Yes? Okay, so that's the problem, healthwise or physical. You're you're able to handle that kind of stuff? Yes? Okay. About how tall are you? Will you? Um? About five? Eight? Eight? Okay? And um how much do you okay, all right, let's do this now. Um. Have you done any singing at all? Uh? Not? Not. I can sing a little bit, not and I'm not a singer. Singer, but you know I could. I could could blow a little bit, but not not not professionally. But you know you're pretty good at holding a note at least though, right, Yeah, I can. Okay, not bad, not bad at all. Are you good working out in the heat. Is that okay? Yeah, yeah, at this point, man, I'm I'm willing to take anything. Yeah, I'm I'm cool with that. Okay, how long you've been out of work? A man for about a good about a year and a half. Now, okay, well, then we're gonna try to fix that for you. I know, uh, the way economy is, you know, I know how people can be out of work and not be able to find with the looking for. But I think we've got something upro alley. Now let me ask you this question. Are you good working barefooted? Barefooted? Yeah, without without shoes on it all? All right? Well, I mean I guess it. The job it quieted, and I mean, yeah, I can do that. Okay. Now we're gonna start Monday morning, right at sunrise, so we're talking about five thirty six o'clock here. We're gonna need you, uh to report to the field to actually get ready. Okay, what kind of jobbing? I mean, what you're gonna be doing, William, is you gonna what you're gonna be doing is actually picking cotton, and we want you to do it barefooted, and we we'd like for you to actually sing while you're doing it. Well, you got a weekend and then are you serious? I'm that serious to John pays? Uh ten bucks an hour? You know we're gonna get you some good hours out the man, I mean without this thing. Man, I mean that. I mean you're talking about picking cotton and bare feet and in ten an hour. Man, I don't, don't forget. I do need your singing. It's gonna be a Do you know any Negro spirituals? No, I don't, and I don't. I don't. I don't think. Uh, who's this again? Uh? Like I said, I'm Daniel. I wanted the employees here. I work at employment agency. You know, I pulled up your file and saw how long you've been out of work, and you know, I've got something that I think you'll be perfect for. Okay, but what I mean, what is this job really about? I mean you're talking, you're talking about picking cotton. Well, you know, basically, it's kind of like you're getting paid. You know, the ten bucks an hour, you're probably gonna get about ten hours in a day, so so you know you're gonna make a hunter bucks a day. It's it's it's a it's it's kind of like slavery. But it's not it's hold on, hold on, hold up, uh, Man, I didn't sign on for nothing like this, man, And I mean I'm I'm thinking you guys are supposed to be helping me with the up to date job. I mean, slavery don't even exist no more. Man. I mean, I mean we are going to pay you, you understand, but we do want you barefoot. And you're telling me I gotta I gotta sing and walk barefooted picking cotton, singing some slavery songs. Bro, I don't do don'thing like that. Man, I'm voting Tuesday. Man, this this, that slavery is with Man, What then are you talking about? I can't what What did your say? Man? I'm thinking that you guys are gonna be finding me a job, a job job that's regardless of how you like it. It's a job. Now. I need you to report the morning all in the field with no shoes and ready to sing it. Man, I am not reporting no damn where at five o'clock in the morning, at no damn field. Brother, I mean, I don't know a lot of Why are you even calling me with this matter of fact? Matter of fact? You know what, Go ahead and send my dog because I go over there and talk to these people in the beginning, because y'all need to be reported. Like I said, five o'clock in the morning. Report you know, if you can wear your shoes. Man, listen, buck, buck, listen to no not my name is a matter of fact? What's your name? Because you know what. I will be at this tomorrow just to meet you. Because this don't make no sense. Man, You calling my phone talking about some slavery work. Man, you must be out of your mind talking to Are you looking for work? Are you're not looking for work now? I'm not looking for that kind of work, dude. I mean you're calling my phone telling me about some flame works work though you must a matter of fact? What what is your name? What is your name? You can kiss my Okay, kiss is my I don't want to go back and I'm not doing no type like that matter. He can lose all my information. You're gonna get your pluck. I mean, hang on, you're gonna get your fun out there and you're gonna do with you just ain't get my black Well, you know what. I will be there and put down. Can I can I say one more thing? What what the else? You gotta say, man, you didn't say the monthful already. I gotta say this. This is nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife Katrina gotten me to prank phone call you? What the who will you? This is nephew Tommy, Man from the Steve Harvey Morning I believe she did this and like that, man, And and she know I'm looking for Yeah, Man, I bet you won't be saying that when the bills come in next month. Hey man, I'm five for eight, I hunted and shifty. But when I'm ready to getting your get all up in your I mean and she know that that, I mean I would get hot. Man. I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, man, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest rady old show in the land. Oh man, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Nah, what people's emotions? I don't know what else? Do you what else you're gonna play with? Jack? If you ain't playing with people's emotions, people find and they stay on the phone hang up. Oh no, no, no, no, let me let me be real, y'all. Fort of the pranks. I'm getting hung up on the ones we don't hear. Yeah, there's plenty of you don't hear now, you know what I mean. It don't work. You got to stay in the game though. That's why I'm opening up a prank school. You have to stay in the game. People how to prank, how to be great prank s thirs they can so they can get into your job, right, you know what I mean? People want to do this thing you and for me to be to say they came from the school of timing pranks. Come on, now, you're not big. That is to pump boy, ain't well most of everything. I'm just saying a lot of people want to do some pranking them. They say that to you when you meet them. Oh yeah, I get phone. You know what meaning numbers I leave These ain't women's numbers. These are numbers that people won't me to prank. People want you to prank someone they know, yes, not that they want to be a prankster. No, everybody, we need to make up your mind what their story is about. Steve. There's some people that want to prank, and then there's some people that want to have other people prank. Okay, we'll talk about it later about coming up at the top of the hour. Being single during the holidays is cool. You're listening to show, all right. The stereotype of being single during the holidays usually brings looks of pity from people, but really, really it can be cool. It can if you're single. What being single for the holiday? Yeah? It to people. You need to find somebody. I don't, don't. I'm telling you you need to find someday by yourself. Wake up, oh Christmas Day? By your self? Ain't no noise in another room? Okay, well there are There are a lot of things, junior, that single people can do that someone with a significant other can't. How about that? All right, I'm gonna tell you your time is your own for one thing. You have that freedom. But guys, here are ways the singles have it better during the holidays. Check it out, junior. There are no fights waiting to happen, No fights waiting to happen. Yeah, that's a great thing. Or breakups. You know what. A lot of people break up over the holidays. You don't have to worry about that. Can't break up if you ain't gotten no more. Yeah, okay, here's another one. You don't have to buy a lot of gifts. Think about it. You ain't get okay, I'm just looking at the bright side of this. There are no mandatory spouse holiday parties you have to attend. Ain't got nothing on to stove. You don't have to spells in the house. Okay, here's another one. You don't have to choose which family you're gonna celebrate with. There's always a fight about that, you know. Yeah, but you need to find somebody's house though. And then here's a good one. New Year's Eve. You can go into two thousand eighteen focusing all on you. Okay, you have a brought in the New Year's by yourself. When you do, when you do blowing that horn, don't nobody here, don't nobody. You can focus on just yourself breaking in the new year. Okay, but you couldn't do that the year before because you still buy you. We're looking at the positive side of being single. Ste that's all. No, there's there's no positive. No, you don't think you need to find somebody. I remember the first time we moved to Atlanta. First time I didn't go home when I moved Atlanta, all right, when I woke up and there was nothing nothing, I called home. I heard all that joy and laughter and getting passed around on the phone. Ain't fun. Who is that? All the damn questions I'm coming in? Who is that? Let me talk to coming in? What y'all doing it? Now? Who is that? Who is that? Now? Is that the doubt? What baby? Is that? What y'all look at that? You don't want to do that? Wow? I like all of that yourself? Do you like being by yourself during the holidays? So Jack, listen, listen, listen, listen. That's what it sounds. That's what I'm talking about. Okay, Christmas morning is like what your house? Listen? Let me listen. Don't you just love that? No pots ratlings? Listen again? You maybe to hit Who is that joint? You got to be lonely? Got pots rattling? No noise? No let you hear it again? Listen, not a damn thing you love it? No company at all. Don't come to my house. You ain't in the neighborhood because I ain't gonna let you in. You know that we was just in the neighborhood when you outside because you ain't coming in? What is it in your house? About your house? That's just better? Man? I don't even I don't seriously Christmas morning. It just means something beautiful thing introduced Smith Anne, I can't without further duke our very own voice of reason. In fact, no fake news here, folks, And see good morning everybody. This is a trip with the news. Well. The U. S. Supreme Court has now given the Trump administration the official go ahead with its travel ban on mostly Muslim nation six of them and two other nations. The High Court is rule that the Trump's policy can now take full effect, even while legal challenges continue making their way through the courses. That you can put it in now and we'll see what happens later. The band applies to travelers from chad, Iran, libby As, Syria, Yemen, Somali, but also on North Korea and Venezuela. President Trump, by the way, criticizing the Special Council's investigation into Russia's involvement in last year's presidential election again. He says he feels bad about his former National security advisor, Michael Flynn, who admitted on Friday Line to the FBI about his contact with Russian ambassadors. And it's like they ruined his life. It's very unfair, he said, that Helle Clinton lied several times, but he's never supplied any information to back up his claim that Mrs Clinton lied to the FBI. With Alabama's special Senate elect and only about a week away. At first noncommittal, not Donald Trump is now firmly supporting the Republican candidate hoping to assume the seat once held by U. S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Roy Moore is accused of sexually molesting high school girls. He insists that quote the Liberals are out to get him. The tax have been not only false and numerous, but malicious. They've attacked me form, my judicial decisions, my property taxes, and sexual immorality. Now well, the recent poul shows of Alabama. Republicans believe more and do not believe the two women who have come forward, even though one of them accuses the former Joseph sexually assaulting her when she was only fourteen and he was in his thirties. There was a rally in Detroit last night and in support of eight eight year old Congressman John Conyers, who has been accused of sexual impropriety. Supported say Conyers has fought for civil rights and so many other things. He has an incredible legacy and should not be hand hounded out of office over unproven allegations. However, word is that the nation's longest serving congressman may announce his resignation later on today. We'll see today's the day the land of votes for new mayor. The new winner may not be black. The new mayor will actually be a white woman who's gained a lot of black support. New York Giants fired coach Ben McAdoo and general manager Jerry Reese yesterday. Big Blues records horrible. John Marrack, co owner, said had to go. It became more and more apparent that we were going to have to do something at the end of the season. So we talked about why prolonger any longer? Why why not just get it done now? Yeah, the Big Blues record was actually two and ten, so that was kind of bad. The Giants record was so bad. But McAdoo also sent a lot of fans bloods boiling when he benched Eli Manning. That's got the twenty minutes after the Hour and we have Eugene the Butterfly coming up. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve introduced, Jason introduced, you know butterfly, very good. We're not gonna do we'rena today, go ahead, very good. Today we're going to play um myself and out meals Christmas side okay is a very going the people really life and so here it is. Thank you has come to damn it was the knife for Christmas. I'll do the loot. Me and my boy trying to feel real, ring up down, how to keep it real on the Christmas? And now you don't I knows, rubber don't, won't know. Fight I didn't, I really was. It ain't no true, I don't when you called y'all without not ataria brand new bite rabbit in the bottom there what I like? Mommy and the kidsen got the house and to go and the yails and were now to put. Ain't you wait to hit that Mac and cheese, color greens and black eyed peace the right to come on? We come taking white? So what about the outsco Rubisque Doba, Dutch do rob hold of Hope, Battleship g I Joe connect foul. But what nothing better than a hungry hips and the clouds man A quick tripment. It's how many already? This catch first wine WHI towering and turned out pet man send up you check my boy, rude out dancer, prance to fix and the ugly better helf better mind this spit and I better can't I beget on my witness because I'll be damn if your spy My Christmas, I sank. Thank you you teeded to being huge wine sat Jam'm gonna make you. Let's change all the way shot three, that's now, I said three weir routers, guys stop? Why did you just side? So you know what on the real right? Just right? Tell me? Do you like that? When did you guys do that? We did it last year? Well, I wrote it. I just did my part. So you didn't write it. You've right, No, I didn't write it. I cannot you know? All right? Coming up at thirty four after the hour, guys comedy Roulette with the crazy comedians on this show. I love comedy Roulette. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. It is time for comedy. Let us plain it, Let us plain I go. He had though test our comedy ability to give us five subjects. Put him on the wheel. Then the wheel wed stout, will do the damn thing. You don't care. That's very easy. All right, let's do it. I have a category. You got the wheel cat All right, let's go alright. Number one This makes me laugh. I don't know why. Number one girls with big heads, wow, hate all of you. Is there a hat for that? Number two? Number two this makes me laugh too. Busty women, same person. Number three? Number three, there we go, still get it, Get it? Steve High butt Man, read it right? Alad High asked man who put this in there? Number four? All guys who live alone. I love that one, all right? A Number five? You're doing too much at the funeral when don't do half? Oh, okay, you're doing too much at the funeral. When let me tell you when you're doing too much at the funeral. You are doing too much at the funeral when everybody else has gone and they're folding up them damn chairs. Okay, you need to be down when they're putting them chairs on the truck, and you do. I'll tell you when you're doing too much at the funeral, when you got the Paul barons when all the pay and set. Okay, you're doing to day a much Hi y'all gonna carry about. Somebody's gonna drop this boy, somebody gonna fall, somebody drop yourn tell you, I tell you, you're doing way too much when you're up there at the cats get in your Holliday and you're trying to climb in and you will let me go with you, let me go with Yeah, come on, you're doing too much at the funeral when you're laying up there and then you start straightening out his time just suit yours on him for he don't know, he don't care about that. This ain't Earl's funeral. Yeah, oh day you who are you doing too much? We had read of this big church and said I had to die the community and let's play do it way too much? You know that nobody like him? Okay, okay, I got it. When you're doing way too much at the funeral, when you come in with Devantage picture on some T shirt and you're selling the man, yeah, way too much. Wow, Come on, Steve, you're doing too much at this damn funeral. You're sitting at the funeral mad, your arms crossed because he died, he owed you much. You can't even enjoy the same because he's died and owed you for hunted. You know you doing too much at the funeral right the photo services over it ain't Oh you know I went downstairs and made yourself a play every ain't sided. Yeah, you know you up there with a prease. There's people away at the funder me tell you you're doing too much at the field when you get to bitch wearing and you didn't told everybody in that area that they left your name just a way to dale much after? Come on, Steven, close it out. You know you do it? Were too much after the funeral when you drive his car to the grave. Uh no, he didn't call. All right, we'll be back and never time. He's prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it. Today's Strawberry letter and it's a good one. You do not want to miss it. But first, come on, nephew, tell me with the prank phone call. What you got? It's a toss up pick one from me? Man? You know good in here? Well, I'm gonna go with what's that on Raymond in the car? Classic? D you get that's your favorite line. I can't come down there. Best I can do for you I call it along. Don't you come on? Take classes? Man? Shut your demn mouth. Hello, Hello, hey, who can you hear me? You're a ballad? Who's there? This Raymond? Speak up? I can't hear you. This is Raymond. Man speak up. I can't hear you. Who is this Raymond? Raymond? Raymond the rande is my sister to round the brother. Yes, what's up? What's up? Man? What's up? Somebody them broke in the house, taking the house right now? I'm in the hold on, hold on, hold on, man, damn, I batter can here. What you're saying somebody that what somebody them broken house? I whant to hear you're whispering because they're in the house right now. I'm wait a minute, Wait a minute. You're saying somebody there broken the hawk when they steal in there? Somebody I'm broke in the house. I'm getting the house now. Hold on, wait a minute. You're saying somebody that broke it to you, damn house and they steal in there. Yes, what you're doing? See nothing there? Why you ain't called the police. I'm in the closet. I'm in the closet and I'm trying to get somebody to hold on, hold on, Well, I don't know what to do. Then you're saying, somebody in post in your damn house, white, not Okaya? Where do you live at? Where you live at about thirty six street? Because I'm a thirty two A hand? You know what? Hold on after the call? Long? Wait? Wait, wait wait, man, you know what what? Wait a minute? Don't got them? Please, you've seen you to the hould somebody else you know from the kid you and you're talking about. You don't want them arrest it. We've got some illegal stuff. Don't call nobody. Don't wait a minute? Wait wait, Nah, you're saying hold on, you're saying, don't call the damn longs you have to go to the house. Don't call week they got it. That's a nis in the house or doing. Man, what you got? Man? You know what is bad? Do you know what? You've seen your up in there? That's probably while they're in the house. Now you have set you up in the house. That's you in there there. That's I guarantee you that what you what you got in there? And you know one man let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you the best thing to do, even doing the people in your house right now, you need the jollers. Let me call man, you need to let me call the day an low because I'm gona tell you right now you can't get that. I'm gonna but you know what, man, I'm gonna tell you. Don't call you will say that now. I'm gonna tell you now, I get called a loan, I can call a loon. Hold on, I get my wife the call right now. Don't call on the police. Don't call because it's too much my wife. Don't go man, but I'm gonna tell you something, honestly, I can't do it. Thank you down for to go down there. Now. I'm gonna tell you something. I could cut this food to the tell me don't even call the damn low. You know what, man living here, call be honest with you. I'm i ain't gonna go down there. I'm gonna tell you right there now, you know what. The first thing I'm gonna tell you now, Now, I ain't gonna take my down there first of us. They may be tapping my damn lying and I ain't got to do with this you're gonna get, man, I can call it no. I want one. Maybe look go ahead and call them because you know what, You're gonna get your kill down there and they don't know who you are. Man, you know what, And I ain't gonna stay on this one with you so they can find that. You know what, going north, it's like, call it lot. I ain't getting that. I ain't man, you must get Dadpool ain't gonna get that one. So I'm gonna tell you what you can do. Dot. I call it low after they had my wife right now, you know what. You may not like it now, but you appreciate me later because you know what. You have to get your month head. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, just west, I think, I think, man, you know what? This is some crazy dot you to set your um say nothing. I'm gonna try to shoot up for one. Don't get a damn low, damn fool. You better keep your month hads in that closet. I'm gonna tell you right now, you're a damn fool. You walk out because imnna tell you not. They show gonna kill your stupid man. You know what, I ain't gonna lie to you. Man. The only thing I can tell you. Damn, I'm called a law. You're gonna go down, and I'm gonna tell you not. I ain't going down with I don't know why you really even call me unless you want to help, because I'm gonna tell you right now, I ain't to jump in the eyes myself nor my damn family will your only thing I could do. I can help you out in one way. I'm called a law. Now. My wife's gotta selph on what you want me to do? Get me? You must be a damn boo. I'm not ain't going down, but I ain't going you know what. Man? Look look I can't get in there, and my wife did not to call the police. I'm gonna tell you right now. They couldn't calm. Can you can you hear me? I can hear you your damn mouth shut up? Shut? Can you shut your damn mouth right now? Can you hear me? Shut out? I don't know what the hone. That's why you don't shoot the shot and don't peek out that damn dope. Did I say something? Man? You need to shift your damn most. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning show. You know what you just I prank by many just y'all some dirty I do dare well, Man, dog, you just got pranked by your boy. Wind down, Man, I'm sweating like hey, sit up in this damn hugged withdrawals. Ooh, man, you sit up here. I want to play with man. Look at here, boy, I'm sweating like here. Why are you sweating? It was for the because I damn stunt wants to come down to the house. That's the show. I know you aren't coming to I heard it in your voice. I say, Okay, you know what. He ain't coming to get me. Man, I'm gonna be here right now. Man, I might need to take off the word board. Hey, let me ask you something, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land. K't be nobody but the Steve Harvey's Morning Show that you Tom. He's crazy. I don't know what you did got some people down there what they're looking for. I can't get involved in this. I can't come down there. I can call baby, call you want me callecause I can't come. I can't get in bombed. I think that's why we love it so much, because you can get a vision. Dude sitting on the edge of the bed in his drawing. This ain't none but my uncle talking to this dude. He won't to help him, but he no, he can't go down. Involved in it. He in it. He's in it all the way. That's fun. I can't go down. I'm not coming down, said his best baby. When you're do you have a new CD coming out? Oh my god, shout like you said it Walmart? Walt? What am I not? What? I'm stupid because you can't because you can't walk at you, Bob. You know you got that play so het what else I'm about to play down? Won't he do it? Brank c D? Oh my god, it's in Walmart, over four hundred different Walmarts. Won't he do it? Prank c D. It's the best stocking stuff. But you can get get yours today. Won't hold of mane you call it? Won't he do it? I call it? Won't he do it? Hold man? It's church pranks. It's all church prank down. You don't thank you, old Junior. You're a little bit I won't he do it? For Julian? You know who does makes it famous? Who made it famous? Voice? They won't he do it? Prank Phone Call c D is in Walmart today, be a great stock and stuff for this year for sims. Get your copies that over four hundred Walmart. Tommy's all new prank c D and you're welcome, Thank you, Thank you, sir. Where can we all about the DAYMN race? Right after that? Coming up today's Strawberry letter right after this you're listening to show. The race is tomorrow. Mm hmmm, the races between Junior and Tommy seventy five yard Day. It's gonna be on the lot of NBC. Yes, yes, you already have the space and everything. I'm gonna go working out today. They're real challenging people, Tommy, what's your record and everything? And all of its Sanders pretty he's pretty convinced and he got a lot of take us on his side with this. So let me explain something, y'all. What happened was it started last year when we I was doing the bike Challenge to raise money for the foundation. We had to tread meal in there and we got to setting it up on the speed or the top speed on this twelve on this particular model was twelve miles per hour and so you know, I'm not really able to do that anymore. So I ran on it for eight seconds, six maybe six to eight seconds, cops, and I had to stop, you know, because I felt delf tearing and pulling and splitting and opening, and I felt water and more, you know, just coming out of places. It's just at six I was actually starting to come apart at the five second mall. So Junior Tommy got on there ran Tommy is a runner. Though Timmy is a runner, nobody knows anything about Junior at all. And Junior got on there and he had a cell phone and some keys and a loose pair of sweat paying and he was running in Nike ass very blocking shoot. And Junior's form didn't look good. The keys and the phone was running fast. So everybody kind of saw that. So the bet is now tomorrow, seventy five yard dash between Nephew, Tommy and Junior at NBC Universal. I will feel it. The bet is two thousand dollars. Junior and Tommy lost a forty yards. Now he want to run longer, well, he needs more. Turn was over too fast. It is all right, It's time to get to this letter. We'll talk about this later and we're taking new bets. Take it to the letter. You know what, A lot of people said that till the latter we go alright, alright, we gotta put you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, Tommy Bead. Steve subject, forty seven years old and never been tested. Good morning, Stephen Shirley. I am here in Vegas alone and there is something weighing on my heart. So I decided to write in. I've been talking to a man for about a month. I really like this guy, and we connected immediately. I am fifty three and he is forty seven. The getting to know us phase has turned up some issues, but since they won't harm or hurt me, I can compromise. The thing that brought us to a halt is his refusal to be tested for HIV. He says he never has and never will. How are some of us still stuck on stupid and afraid of being tested? Really? I have tried everything to help him see that this is something he should do for himself. We're in Georgia, and I don't know if it makes a difference, being in the Bible Belt and all, but it breaks my art because this is a deal breaker. For me. Do you think there is anything I can do to urge him to get tested? Thanks in advance for any advice. Even though it's only been a month. It is painful pulling away from him, real painful. I think this is a lot after only a month. Uh so much other stuff, um, you know, to talk about after only a month of dating. But since we're talking about it, I'll say this to you. Sorry that you should have to, but you can get over the pain. You say. It's going to be really painful pulling away from him. Time. It takes time, and time will heal all those wounds. And because since this is a deal breaker for you, this relationship after only a month is apparently has apparently run its course, I would say again, I still think it's a bit early for all of this. But um, if you've asked him, if you've told him how important it is to you, how it will make you feel if he did it, If you've made it a requirement, as Eve so often says, and he still refuses to get tested, then stick to your guns. Um. You have every right to want what you want, um and get it. Um, you like him, but if he's uncompromising. You've mentioned in your letter that you've compromised on some things that won't harm or hurt you, and he's uncompromising on this. If he won't take an HIV test, uh, something that will make you happy and secure about his health, then you have to be with someone who will. To me, it's just that simple. Again, I'll say this. I still think it's a bit early to even have that discussion. Uh. Not that you shouldn't have it, but I think it's a little early, Steve, Okay, Chel, I'm sorry I have to disagree with you one on this. I don't think it's too early at all. I think this is a very important conversation. I think they have to have this conversation now it's been thirty days. She's really liking this guy, and this is obviously trying to get made to move in another direction. This is a real simple conversation. This ain't a conversation about marriage and none, which they should be having that conversation too. Because you're fifty three years old, he's forty seven. You ain't got time for new games. Do you would look for us to move forward? Are you willing to get tested? Now? Never? Have? Never will? That's ignorance at its highest level. This is about education. This is about knowing your status. This is about staying healthy, staying alive. This is about your life. This is about the risk and safety of everyone involved other than yourself. What you're meeting now is a man who doesn't care what you think or want, and it's only concerned about his own self. I never have, I never will. That's an amazing statement for anybody to make. And God bless you for having this conversation so early, because this conversation is needed by more people before they have sex than to wait until after they have sex. And that's the problem in a lot of communities. We don't want to talk about it. We don't want to know. Well. I own the hand, on the other hand, would love to know if that was something wrong with me so I could address the issues. If you've met a man who doesn't want to know what's wrong with him, then he doesn't care about what's wrong with you. Very good, Very good, And I'll be And the funny bone is in there. I'm not saying that she should never have the discussion. I never said that. I just think you know it's a little earlier. You have ninety days. Just my opinion. This is the conversation that they have to have now it's about HIV testing. Absolutely, I agree with you. You don't want to have a conversation at right want you it's thirty You got another thirty, You got another thirty? You can you can mix it in there. We gotta go. You're listening to even show? All right, Steve, come on with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. What you got forty seven years old and never been tested? Steve, this fifty three year old woman meant this wonderful man who's forty seven. Uh, you know, they've getting to know each other. That turned up a couple of issues. But the thing that brought him to a halt is his refusal to be tested for HIV. He says he never has and he never will. Uh. The ladies really stuck on this because she's going, how in two thousand twelve are we still stuck on stupid and afraid of being tested? Really? I've tried to get him to see this, Uh what she says. We're in Georgia, and I don't know if that makes a difference being in the Bible Belt at all. No, No ignorance is everywhere. Ignorance is up north out west. No, it has nothing to do with the Bible Belt. It's just some people are just like you say, stuck on stupid. Do you think there's anything I can do to urge him to get tested? Okay, here's all I can think of. If you want to continue to see me, if you want to ever be with me, then we have to go get tested. Period. That's all it is to it. There is no other way to get resolved in this matter. And I want you to understand, ladies, that will work in most cases if the man is really feeling you. Now, after man ain't feeling you, he can't get tested, and he will get whether you stay or go. But if he really wants you to stay, he gonna do everything and it's power to prevent you from going. So, even though it's only been a month, it's painful pulling away from him, real painful. I got that. I got that. But let me tell you what to hurt even more. If you go to the doctor and the doctor tells you you've now tested positive, I can assure you that will hurt you far more than the pulling away part from him. Right now, you cannot afford to play with this issue. This is a serious issue. Take a swab. Don't blame the stupidity on now see we gotta go. You can email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my girl, surely, and please do not forget that. This Thursday we will be live with the Strawberry Letter live after show on Facebook. Okay on Facebook, Meet me there one pm Eastern Time. Alright, switching gears, get ready? Scientists want to take the sparkle out of life on one more time show before how y'all getting Ready tomorrow on the NBC lot. I will record it. It gets Tommy. They're betting two thousand dollars? Can I get in on this bet? Everybody on the show has been on tom Well, you know, let's let's let's talk about that for a quick secon. How is it that these people that are bed ain't on me, ain't even kin to me, but the person that I'm kin to goes another direction away from me. Well, I actually wants to put up some money. Uh yeah, get out of this one. No, I ain't trying to get out of me. No, I mean, but how you against me? I ain't give you. I hope you do well. Kind of sounds like you're against well I am. I care what you think. It sounds like, yeah, I don't killing about all that with your blood. Yeah, if you were jumping on it, you know, I had to go on side with Tom. But Junior ain't jumping on Junior race. I just want to get shot off a treadmill though, you know. But dog, I just gotta be the one that locked our house. I want to bed fire hunting on it. I'm gonna beat it. I'm gonna beat on you at least by te. What did you run with, Dian He didn't look like you were running at all? Prime house? You mean, what did he show up to be a foot rape? He didn't look like it looked like a fighter jet was lined up with a mosquito, right man? People still watching that on YouTube? Still watching it? Okay, So but okay, and I think the race should be he really wants us to have you really want to put some money on videotaping. But let the house better, let me be the house. You take all the money, right af just take he let you get it over? Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold, come over that when you're right now, hold on, show what you want to do with that. Well, one of the reasons, Junior, you know I love you, but I've just never seen Do you want to take that talking about Yeah we're older, you know this. This is Tommy's think Tommy life. Talk about all that he do, uh huh all the time. That's what you talk about. That's what I do. I do this. I just that's what you do all of that. Okay, I don't I like that. Dude got the most. But you ask anybody about me, Okay, I bet you want to ask Brand Bright who brand Brand Brand is his assistant? Yeah, okay, you're Bryan and Race. Oh yeah, okay, I'm not worried, but I'll tell you what time, which one we are, and how many years between you guys. You guys are ten years apart? Years? Oh yeah, oh eleven, that's right, Junior. Yeah, I'm sixty. That's why you hear me saying nothing. You say, damn, it's gonna be so fast. I'm name what you might keep up we come back. It could get ugly. Yeah, it could all right, coming up in forty one after the hour. Stuff that people will eat hot cold or three days old, right, all right, I don't know about that three days yes, you will? What you ain't heard him? Heard him? He always you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay, stuff that people will eat hot cold or three days old? Was the first day he hot to cold? Three days old? Kicking? Okay? But first yeah, the second we can change bit. Two days I'm a too there, man. If there's chicken in the how long Mica Wade kill all that? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, how the cold for three days? Time? Is lunch tomorrow tomorrow after race something? Eight times hot cold? Or three days yet? One tell me? Yeah, yeah, I gotta put it out there. Color green, ain't gonna green, that's right, cold color green, color three day old? Color green. I'm telling you making that face. Mica Wade kill all the Jerry, but I've never had him cold though. Oh man, what's chopped up onions and tomatoes cold? Yeah? I'm not with okay, like hell yeah, peanut butter? Hello? Hello, he hold of three days old? French? Not three days Jake. I don't know what from you is actually falling away after three days now, that's when they crunch you on the store and it is muny and die. That's when they get that crush. You know. I'll tell you what I hold three days old Tommy's dinner tomorrow, up to bed, come holding three days old chicken nuggets? All right, cold a three day Oh uh? Junior? Second say on medicine, I hate wow. Wow, that's trash talking at the moment. Yeah, that was horrible. You eat. I mean, I don't talk condition. I don't say you have said that might make you sick. Junior, I didn't know. He just bring that up. Say nothing. No, you're little short legs out trying to run SETI five to Steve or something. Okay, okay, okay, man, So let's go and figure this out. Junior got two thousand on it. You didn't match the two thousand. I just got five hunted on it because I'm the only one on the morning show this pulling for Junior. Okay, I'll tell you what your Mississippi Monica Minica said she was gonna put some money on it. She changed it to no, no, no, she changed would do the money was so high? Yeah, okay, No, she just in for five dollars. That's cool. Can you put vote dollars on it? No? No, you're not. I mean, you can't even round it up to five? All right, Tommy, Tommy, let me just ask five thousand, wow wow, But granted five thousand and forty yards and forty yard five? Is that what he ran with? That's what I'm said, That's what I want to do. Y'all really gonna pay one another? The loser I'm gonna bringing I'm bringing straight cash. I'm bringing cash, straight cash, five thousand for the yard dash. I'll hold the cash. But let me just say something to here with this bit. Let's go back with this just by he got quiet. First of all, hold on, hold on you because we have been saying, santif your Tommy, do you agree to a fort yard day? Now we're gonna go sixty? Why not for the time? Why not? For we're gonna go sixty? You're right beyond and afford I ain't. I ain't fast it done. We're gonna go six and let me open it, Timmy, Why won't you do forty? Because he's skid? Well, why did he change? And syne you're not asking him why he went from? And why did you because our old ass don't need to run there? For nobody has a time trial don't Sidy has a time trial out ran a sidney five right? The time trials don't make it fitty. We're gonna make it fifty afforded yard dash? Is what time speed? Fifty is? What it is? Junior? No, No, it's making Junior's voice won't be able to hear you down to think about it is it's a forty yard dad, that's what right? Pick of it? That's true? Five thousand dollars. And the boy said, yes, no, no, what is he scared? I'm five? Either way you go, so you ain't don't know we're doing ten more yards? What is that gonna prove? If what you wanted you want three most seconds of being back, then what I want most seconds of making you look bad? We're going fifth in junior fifty yard dash? Five thousand dollars, thousand dollars for each everything. Can I just say I'm new here. There ain't no joke, right y'all? Absolutely not a joke. It's not a game. I'm gonna show up. I'm gonna be right, not dumb behinded me. Oh ji side, this is this is it five? It's gonna be on the universal lot. It's gonna be back there where they shoot movies. I'm gonna go back there and market off market all fifty yards five thousand dollars there it is. That's too high. I'm gonna take my fifty dollars back off the table. It was five hunt. Wait what you know, I'm a professional that this sheley don't question though. How about one okay wait wait yeah, one more Room Street shoes. I like that. I like that. All listen coming up at the top of the hour. Have a stress free holiday season. Well, I can't believe you're gonna pay for my Christmas things for my sickle sale parent. I can't pay for that back. I want to thank you on behalf back. Thank you sir. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Have a stress free holiday season. That's Tommy. But this five thousands is now going to each one of you as foundations. Absolutely it should go to chair, even it's Tommy's and your tears hope, tears hope you're gonna be hop Yeah, can't, can't. Can I just say this, can't a little bit of money just be taken out to mess around. Just go to the strip club or something, you know, man, you know, make it rain, just a little bit of make it rain, like, get somebody to do something for the Jakes, get your run with it. Run it ain't never gonna for you, ain't gonna. I didn't want to see that. I don't want to see two friends go at it like that. It's what's gonna happen. The racist Wensday Thursday gonna be tenching up in the show. Thursday is gonna be Steve with somebody else and then will be posted on Steve Harvey dot com. How about you can go yeah, the ones because of the custing that's going to take place, I can't. I will say this, Junior. You're sounding more and more confident. Yeah, yeah, it's amazing to me. I'm listening to down. Let me tell you to put you down, but I'll tell you what Shirley pet had your day of philis hurt. I'm not Yes, Steve, Shirley for real. I think you're going to be surprised. Well, I'm saying, Junior, sounding more and more confident. I've never heard you talk about racing. You all have not done is you all have not added in and factored the think? Does anybody want me to factor it for you in the age. Okay, wait, hold on, before you do that, I'm gonna ask you this, Steve, have you seen Junior race or run or anything? Okay, A just one. But I haven't seen Tommy race either. Up he looked about damn there as good as I would have moved that. Okay, So go ahead with your factoring in. Here's the deal. This is the part that you're not understanding. And what Tommy never factors in. With all of the bets he makes, Tommy does not factor in. This is not in his mind. This is an actuality. Tommy is fifty. He doesn't even have the quickness that he had seven years ago when Dion sand has mopped him. I don't like this. I'm talking about marked him. Seven years after this, he doesn't even understand. He went to his boys track practice and Tommy had been on the track by himself, just running as a fifty yell. When them when the boys got out there and put that thing on tom Tommy discovered these dudes is blazing fast. See me get running by yourself that when you was literally used to run down the street and look at the cracks in the sidewalk going by real you went, Wow, I'm fine, I'm fast until you ran Dwhite Hill Mojoe White Luck Floyd Well and you find and that's what's gonna happen to Tommy. What you all do not understand is Junior played football in Texas and was ranked really really high and was famous for his speed. And how long ago was that? Don't worry, but hello it it was probably pro probably twenty two years ago. Okay, probably twenty two years ago. But see, Tommy, you ain't recognized for your speed, and that's been more than years ago. Okay, they're trying to get in your head now. I don't want my question. I don't want my question. Can we call Dion and see who you put his money on? Oh he did, yeah, because he said he hadn't seen me run none of that, you know, which is cool, which is what everyone. Let me just tell you, like this, all I've been doing is overcoming ours. You think I that's all I do. That's all I do. Not gonna you can't leave it on the sideline. I hold up tim and hold up that LUs. He can't take the sick got he got the I want other kids would sit and sell to watch this and say you know what I can do. I didn't do that. Wow, boy, this boy, I don't understand what I'm running for. Man, I ain't running for me. I'm not running for me. You're running for I should appreciate you and then let me tell you something else? Can I say something else? Yeah? The reason I've I've been on sick people because you might not have to pay it. What Steve Harvey can take that back? Take that back? Keep crazy you someone and you start and supported written race, but I can't relate and let the joke right up thick me because you might not have never ceased to amaze me. Steve Harding, al Right, we have more of the Steve More of Love the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming on right after this. Say that's funny. Damn you guys, that was funny that you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right? Uh, alright, I'm so embarrassed right now? What do we don't? All right, Steve, I can't believe you said what you said last break. We're gonna just let it rise and you might have to might not have to pay him. I mean, should you want his money to go to his funeral? Yeah? On your face. Junior just told the whole story. You really like that, you had big dog support, right, you do. But see, let me explain I'm to you already. No, Junior gonna beat Tommy just because of the age thing. Huh. It's the age and the way they run. Tommy is a runner, Junior's a sprinterer. That's two different to different people. Here, runners is four hundreds and up. That's what Tommy do. Tommy ain't never ran no forty sixty hundred to twelves. Tommy can beat him in a distance. But tom but from right here to right there, he ain't gonna be able to get you. And Tommy's quickness is nowhere near what do you think it is. That's the point I'm going to prove to him. But what happened is once I get out once thing they go. Once we're out there, Once Tommy first three steps, he's gonna still be looking down. We go. See, man, he's not gonna and Tommy don't do well. We're coming back. What do you mean from behind me? Tommy not to comeback guy, come from behind? No, no, no, no, no, that ain't what he do. Having different attitude if he loses the race. Yes, that's what we're doing. That you don't know Tommy very well. Oh, he's actually to speak to you or anyone else on this show for at least three weeks, which is gonna give me more inspiration what he's Oh, he will look at you. He's not a good loser, right, Uh, you snatching and and he holds onto it for a long he agreed that I cannot. And it's hard to get him to pay I'm gonna just be real with y'all. Hard to get him to pay it. Yeah, he'll come in, he'll look at you. You speak to him. You think he's any of his characters that are fast? I mean, I'm like, isn't Eugene knock Me over? Said that? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, Eugene is knock me man. But I thought he was. And that fast need, I mean yeah, that can slow you down. That's all I meant by that. You ain't never seen nobody, nobody knock Need ever ran a foe three for nobody. Hey, y'all, listen to me. I don't want Tommy Junior is going to collect his money and it's not gonna be good. Well, this is what you need to do. You need to get the money. Let someone me hold the money. Tommy not gonna have his five. Alum, what I'm saying before the race, Before the race, you need to have the money. You gotta come to the race. What's your money? Just say no, I'm gonna write you a check. No, okay, okay, okay, don't call. One's not fast, but it's pay and he's gonna be mad if he loses. You said he's not gonna bring his money. Yeah, man, No, no, Tommy's not gonna have five. That's the first thing y'all need to understand. Well, then you're gonna have to put it up for him, Steve not putting up a damn all your idea. Don't go to write an Oh no, but dog, he gonna had to go get it. Well, good luck with that. No, he's gonna have to get it. But it's only gonna make himself look bad because he just he'd ran his mouth. Tommy gonna lose the race. I'm just telling you, I can't wait for we have to get him this. All right, we'll be back with more of Steve Harvey Morning Show. You gonna lose your money right after this. My five dollars gone kissing goodbye. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. The stereotype of being single during the holidays usually brings looks of pity from people, But really, really, it can be cool. It can if you're single. What being single for the holiday? Yeah, and I'll look to people. You need to find somebody. I don't, don't. I'm telling you you need to find some day by yourself. Wake up, Oh Christmas day by yourself? Ain't no noise in another room? Wow? Okay, well there are There are a lot of things, junior, that single people can do that someone with a significant other can't. How about that. Uh, I'm gonna tell you. Your time is your own for one thing. You have that freedom. But guys, here are ways the singles have it better during the holidays. Check it out, junior. There are no fights waiting to happen. Yeah, that's a great thing. Or breakups. You know what. A lot of people break up over the holidays. You don't have to worry about that. Can't break up if you ain't gotten no more. Yeah, okay, here's another one. You don't have to buy a lot of gifts. Think about it. You ain't okay, I'm just looking at the bright side of this. Uh, there are no mandatory spouse holiday parties you have to attend to stow me. You don't have to sell the house. Okay, here's another one. You don't have to choose which family you're going to celebrate with. There's always a fight about that, you know. Yeah, but you need to find somebody's house though. And then here's a good one. New Year's Eve. You can go into two thousand eighteen focusing all on you. Okay, you ever brought in the New Year's by yourself? When when you do, when you do blowing that horn, don't nobody here, nobody here. You can focus on just yourself breaking in the new year. Okay, but you couldn't do that the year before because you still buy your We're looking at the positive side of being single state, that's all. No, there's there's no positive. No, you don't think you need to find somebody. I remember the first time we moved Atlanta. First time I didn't go home when I moved Atlanta, al Right, when I woke up and there was nothing nothing I called home. I heard all that joy and laughter and getting passed around on the phone. Ain't fun. Who is that? All the damn questions I'm coming in? Who is that? Let me talk to you? Coming in? What y'all doing it? Now? Who is that? Who is that? Now? Is that the doubt? What baby? Is that? What y'all look at that? You don't want to do that? I like all of that. You like being by yourself during the holidays, So Jack, listen, listen, listen, listen. That's what it sounds, That's what I'm ting. Okay, Christmas morning is like what at your house? Listen? Let me listen. Don't you just love that? No? Pots Ratlings listen again? Maybe hit Who is that joint? You got to be lonely? Pots Radling? No, No, it's no Let you hear it again. Listen, not a damn thing you love it? No company at all? Come to my house. You ain't in the neighborhood because I ain't gonna let you in. You know that I'm just in the neighborhood when you outside because you didn't coming in. All right, we'll be back to wrap up the show with just one more thing or last break of the day. Who was that, Junior or Tommy? That was somebody you're listening to? Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we are with the last break of the day. Just one more thing. It's tomorrow. You got something I'm saying, man, Well, I'm just gonna tell you. Man, are you asking? Junior? Ain't gonna I'm gonna beat there. I'm gonna have my cash. I'll be ready. That's all I got to stop? What? What? What? What type of sneakers you wear? I got some rung shoes, I got some night Okay, Okay, why I don't I've only known Tommy from coming on showing me. So he's not gonna have the He's gonna be mad, and he's gonna lose the race. He's not gonna be mad unless he loses. Sure, here's a problem. Tommy can't beat Junior in a sprint. Timmy could beat Junior running, but he can't beat Junior in a sprint. Well, then why did I wonder why he agreed to Because he's stupid? Because Tommy thinks that's why we take the bed. I just want Jay to know Steve how Tommy is when he gets mad. Ok you gotta explain your nephew, because all right, all right, Jay, first of all, let me do this. Tommy is much greater in his own mind than he acts. We had a plane to catch, by the way. Yeah, so this is frees me up to just go on INTI. Tommy is much greater in his own mind, I mean far in a way. He thinks way more of him self than anybody else. I'm always gonna say, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. You should be confident. You should love yourself when you let those thoughts get from with out the inner you. Once you let it come out how you feel about yourself, then open up yourself to criticism. And oh no the hell you ain't you agree to five now, Junior, Because Tommy runs more than all of us on the show put together, always going out running. I'm going to run. I gotta good these miles and I'm gonna do six miles and then I'm go eas some fried chicken is um and ice cream. Get it back. Okay. That type of logic has always like throwing me off. That's why Tommy look has never changed since you have known him. Tommy has looked the exact same. Is that Steve, you've known? What is that? He just looks the same. He just say what it is? He just looks like a life size turtle. What a life size turtle? He looks like looks like turtle. He looks like the dude on the wax bottle. Get the turtle wax bottle and hold it up and look at Tommy from the side and tell me they ain't who that is. Jay. He's going to be mad. He's don't come in here expecting him to say to you. If he wins, how is Tommy going to be a mouth running man? And we cannot afford that o hell now. But if he loses, man, here comes the excuses. Then he gonna shut down the brooding Tommy. Then then then he's gonna actually turn on those who voted for him being number one. Oh yeah, he's gonna turn on Shirley so fast because he gonna be mad at Shirley for voting for him. And then because Shirley gonna won't want to know why she didn't get home fired. Where's her money? Because you are off in her shoe money now, So Shirley gonna have attitude. Calor gonna have a show up. He's gonna kick his car and see Mississippi Monica who voted on Junior. She gonna make a couple of statements to make him just want to complete suicide and your loss. But she she changed and went with Tommy on. She didn't how could ask me that high? And you got all that air, You ain't gotta muscle it out and push your feet around. It's going to be ugly if he loses Jay and Tomorrow, Folks, listen to me, he is going to lose. Don't expect him to come up to the J Spot and do a night like I almost got him moved at the J Spot. So if he loses, that's that's not gonna happen. Forget about it. Yeah, that's not gonna happen because he came facing people go on, how to hear you? Let June I beat you run because I'm gonna come that night. George Wallace, George Wallace This week Jaspive Comedy Club, Top Cold headliner tuz one West Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, California. You better know it. I got drinks. Not like Michael Cary said them tacos a little slow coming out to kitchen, But once you get him, they're real good. Good now they are good. They are good. They got a full barn yet everything drinks alcohol to drink Mommum, Mama, the to drink mom and Steve. Tommy was a little salty with you because you are his uncle. By the way, Yeah he knows I've been his uncle. It is ain't nothing new. I've been his uncle for fifty years. What I got to do? Well, he wanted you to vote on him and not go against him. I ain't ever voted on him. You put your money on Prime when Yeah, I told him. I told him not to go down. Now you don't understand. Oh, he was talking so much trash. He really thought he could eat. Yes, he was. I mean really it was. It was not even pretty man. Yeah, he was wiping dust all out of his he was happy. It was crazy. It's gonna be told him not to go to Dion's boys called him and say, hey, man, crush, just dude talking all this smack on this radio show. He ain't even an athlete, all right. See take us home. Tomorrow's a day, tomorros a day Tommy and Jr. Race. I got all mine on June. See y'all the next day. Hey, have a great weekend. And you'll be saying Mr Timmy the rest of the year. And this is a sad way for him to kick off. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.