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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit all looking back to back down, giving them back, just like the mozing buck bus things. And it's coble, y'all. Do me true good to tea ste how guy listening to me to other for Steve Barny, why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, by joining, have the same Wait do turn out? Yeah you go you run? You gotta turn to turn turn My lovey got to turn out to turn turn want to go? Comey, come on your back at it? Uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I really, uh was you know, it's pretty busy week this week, man, I mean, uh, it's been one of them. That's let's let me leave it at that. This has been a trying week for me. I've been tested in every angle you can think of. But I'm still here. I'm still standing. Um And like I always say, but by the grace of God. I mean, if it wasn't for God's grace, I mean I don't know how it would overcome some of the things that get presented to me or some of the challenges I face, and just like you, but I'm so appreciative of this relationship with God that keeps me um always somehow surviving it, always getting over, always finding a way. He always provides a way for me, always eat right in the nick of time. Here's what I've discovered most recently that in all of my wants and needs and God does provide them all, he ain't ever ever been too late. Never. I'm discovering that I'm discovering more and more that His timing and my timing is usually way off. It's it's way off, man, because see, my my timing doesn't require me to have patience. My timing doesn't require that I struggle. My timing wants everything that's happening to be over, if not right now, at least by tomorrow or can you fix it for me by the end of the week. I can hold out to Saturday at best, but if you get through here Monday, I'll be good then Monday two. That's really how I want everything to have and in my life, I really do. Man. I'm not gonna kill you. I ain't know, you know, just hanging there for a few more years. I've never said that out loud. Man, i'ma just hanging there a few more years. I've never said that. When I go to God, I always go to him with a sense of urgency and a time table in my mind that I've established. It's always off a little bit, though. I mean it's been off considerably at times. But as I look back on all the mistimed events, all that I thought was a mistimed event, it turned out to be right on time because I found out that it's going to happen in God's time anyway. Now, if I mess with that, if I try to help out, if I try to force the issue, if I take matters into my own hands, I then delay the timetable that I said even further, because now I made more of a mess of it. Instead of waiting, trusting, believing, and showing the proper amount of patients, I dabble with it. Now I got some more mess that's gotta get straightened out. Now, my timetable, what I thought I would bring about a little bit quicker for me, has not created a few more scenarios, a few more challenges, a few more situations that now I gotta be ironed out for the end result to happen. So what have I learned here? I've learned that if you're gonna pray about it, don't worry about it, And if you're gonna worry about it, don't pray about it. That's what I've learned. And I keep learning this lesson over and over and over again. I don't know when me mr know all that I should know, and as stupid as I am, when I'm gonna get this one through my head right here? But guess what He has filtered that into the equation too. Let me tell you how good God is man, how really strong he is. He has filtered into the equation that you're not gonna always get it right. So guess what he's done. He has now created this thing called grace that allows us to have these moments of stupidity, that allows me to have these moments of getting it wrong, that allows me to have these moments of doubt and trying to figure it out. He filters all that in and say, I'm gonna take care of my son anyway. This is my child, I'm gonna take care of him anyway. With all of the dabbling he doing, all the mistakes he's making, I'm gonna take care of him anyway. That's his grace and mercy. He didn't felter that into the equation. So all these timetables that I hadn't set up for myself that I want things to happen in my career, that I got a timeline figured out when I ought to be the man. I got a timeline figured when I ought to be making X amount of dollars, or when this contract negotiation ought to be done, or when this son of mine that's in college ought to get his act together. So we can quit having these types of conversation. Every time I get a little frustrated with my son, I just imagine to myself how frustrated God got to be with me at times. You know, I'm his son. These is my son's and every time I get a little frustrated with them and not quite getting it right, I had to refer back to all the times that my Heaven and Father got to have patience with me because I won't get it right. And I'm fifty six, man, he got to be sitting there going, are you for real, dude? All out and done for you? And all I'm teaching you, and all I'm allowing you to have, and all I'm allowing you to experience and survive so you can know these things. Then you turn right back around and you steal tripping, Okay, Steve, Then he're gonna sprinkle sprinkle, He'll go a little bit more grace and mercy. Sprinkle sprinkle, He'll go a little bit more. So what I'm trying to say is what I've learned is when I asked God to for stuff, I got to relax. I got to relax my timetable and just allow him to do it in his time, knowing since He has never been late ever in my entire existence on this earth, he has never come through too late. What am I tripping about? What would make me think that all of a sudden he gonna drop the ball? God ain't never dropped the ball. So now that's the lesson that I'm trying to learn, and I'm passing it on to you, that when you ask God for something, and you know what I'm gonna start doing. A matter of fact, I've never said this, I allowed before you know what I'm gonna start doing from now on. Man, when I ask God for something and I'm going to keep asking because what I'm not gonna be as the one that falls short of that scripture that says you have not because you ask not. That ain't gonna be the reason. With me. I want you to clearly understand that as much as you see me with I am still asking God for things. But I expect God to give me these things because I've been taught by my mother as a Sunday school teacher that God blesses you according to how much he can trust you. See, if you're gonna take whether he's given you and you're gonna help some people with it, then guess what he gonna do. He gonna give your more of it to help more people with it. That's the deal. Now, If you don't get that principle through your head, you're missing out on the valuable concept of life because God blesses you to become a blessing. That's what it's about. Man. It ain't about you getting the house on the hill, and they don't reach back and show nobody else how to get up on the hill. You think you don't want supposed to be on the hill. Now, Man, what good is that you ain't got nobody to play with. If you're the only one got some marvels on the street, eat when well, let me just that's when I ain't nobody got no marvels, no more. But let I'm just telling. When I was a kid, what made playing marble's fun was everybody has some marbles. If I was the only dude with marbles, we're not having fun here because who I'm just shooting knocking my own marbles out the circle. I'm winning my own marbles back. That ain't no fun. Everybody had to have some marbles. Man Butch had some marbles, Manny had some marvels, Amp had some marble, Prude has some marvel Al has some marble. So when we shot marbles, you bring your marvels to the marble fight. We draw the circle. Everybody put foe in the circle. Then you get your shoot up on your thumb and you shoot. If you knock his marvel out the circle, you win nothing. You win that marble. We play this all day. We started gabinet when we was six. But what good is marvels if you're the only one with some marvels? So what good is it for me to know what I know? To have what I have and don't share the information, and let's show nobody else how to get it. What's what is that I ain't got nobody to play with. So now hear what I'm gonna do when I ask Gold for something. When I ask God for something from now, and you know what I'm gonna do right with my request, I'm gonna say, no, God, show me the patience and give me the understanding to allow it to happen in your way, in your time, so I can go on over here and sit down and get to working on something else. Because every time I ask God for something, I don't just sit still and wait on it to happen. I get to I get to working in another situation over here because I live by one simple monto ABC always be closing. I'm always trying to make something else happen. Because you can quit asking God to bless your life and you ain't giving him nothing to bless. So I put enough irons in the fire so he has something to grab and heat up and turn into something. I got something I'm working on all the time. That way, when he blessed people want stuff, I got something over here. I showed could use your hand on this one, lord, that's what almost started doing. How y'all feel about me? Now you're listening Steve eighteen eighteen minutes after the hour, Here we go, Steve Harvey Morning Show, Shirley Carler, Tommy Junior, everybody in the building. I decided that today, oh, would be the beginning of a grid dead, a grid dead. God, no, no, your voice, no, your boy lock it in, decide and didn't go with it. I wait, today's sermon ears all right? Humped it? Dumpty sat on the wall, Yeah, and humped it. Dumpty had a great fall. Yes he did it. Oh, all of the King's hawks and every land wanted the King's meeting could not now watered them put humped it back together again. They couldn't get it back. That leaves us, or shall I say that? Beckons us to the question? What is the question? Why was humped up on the wall in the first place? Come on, now, pastor preaching, Now, let us review this. Come on, now, take your time. Humpty dumpty was a big old fact. What now, knowing that you is an egg, why would you try to sit up high knowing that your bottom is round? Yep? Yeah, yeah, there's another nursery rhyme that goes, when the wind blows the cradle, we'll rock. Now your cradle is round. I thought it filled. They don't file. They rocked the cradle, and my momma read the wrong one that means the cradle. I'm sorry the past. I didn't mean to stop for you like that. The words says the word, the words ship. When the wind blows the cradle, we'll rock fall. We are talking about the bio right now. We're just talking about the cradle, cradle and rocking back and forth cause the storm to come up. When you get extra stone and didn't the by might break? Yeah, the by was all so the bottom of a boat. Yes, you got to know these things. So humped Dumpty said on the wall, humped it dumb had itself a great fault. All of the king me heary laugh. One of the hosses and kingsmen could not wt put humpting back when deckings the question one more again? Why don't humpt it on the wall in the first place, And knowing you was a fat old egg, knowing you can't take no pushing, now you didn't fail and crack wide open. Now your yoke is easy. Your burdens is light. Yeah, yes, sir, won't won't won't you? Won't you please observe what I'm saying. I'm preaching now, I have been accused sometimes, pastor, what is you preaching about? And I say to those of you that I questioned my abilities and skill sets in the pulpit, you ain't no preacher, right right? So what does you suestion than me? Fall A, You ain't been called. Ain't nobody even tweeted you, let alone call. So let's wrap this thing up with the lesson today that it humped, it dumped, set up on the wall, and all Humpty the Dumpty had a great fall in oldly King's horses. They all trotted over there, you see, and all the keen men that ever left one of them. The army was large, because not now water of them put humpted back together again? Did they eat that? They can't know? Not y The question beckons, why was Humpty up on the wall? I think I know. Let me show you what little well, let me show you why you ain't the pastor? Go ahead, deacon, Why do you think he was up on the wall? I think that was down the trump wall and he was trying to get over down the trunk wall gonna be way told it in't that. And if you sit on that wall, you're gonna get shot on. He was a waver. They're Humpty set on the wall. Humpty set on the wall, called some foxes had reaid it to head huh, and humpted fat ass salt and escaped to the hill. And that at the top of the hill that was a wall. So Humpty, being the egg, climbed up on the top of the wall. See, you never knew that side of the story that boxes had raided the hen house, thus pushing Humpty to a wall. Na, let's learn something here. Humpty wasn't nothing but the egg. But after Humpty took a chance, Humpty became famous. Most famous egg in the world is Humpty Dumpty damn a most famous egg? No where that Humpty? You can't name of egg that then got more wrote about him, said about him, humped about him than humped it. Dumpty, Humpty, Dumpty got his heads upon that wall. Humpty dumped it add a great fall. That was the end of his life. But don't you still talk about humpting when they when they're listening to me when the fox is run up in your head house. Had for them hells and do something great and maybe somebody remember you like they remember Humpty. You gotta get some Humpty Dumpty in your life. What is that song you like food? It's the hump. Yeah, that's what the dares came through before you cracked well over. He was down at the bottom of the bottom of the hill Humpty were doing. And I'm so glad you say, working on me, m dump, just sit on all They had a great fall. The king, me and King Hardy. Couldn't nobody put on the head back together again. But Humpty was at the bottom of the hill for he spit over doing then. And the will doors for the church are now open. Won't you come You're gonna come down. I'll come down the aisle doing the what Okay? When we come back from the break at thirty four after the hour, Steve, something funny coming up. You know, we have some black history moments for you, little known black history fact. You're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, we're back thirty four minutes after that. When we come back after this song, ladies and gentlemen, It's time again for a little known black history moments, things that happened in black history that you didn't even know about. Alright, we're back tom after. You want to start with unknown black shiftory in fact, okay, syllabus and a study guy, I'm trying to learn something from you, but I okay, let me let me get this one to you. Nineteen o two on the Steve drummer Dean Patison used to work for Mr schiffer Row. He was a blacksmith there na Ms Lily schiffer Row always was making eyes and drummer date, Nah, it was a summer, ain't he know to Mrs Schifferro went to the next time to pick up some horse shoes, which would leaving drummer Dean and Ms Lily there by their step. Miss Lily invited drummer Dean in, and oh my god, it happened. But drummer Dean was smart. He took some seran wrapped and wrapped it around itself as he in her hand emotions, as I must say, And she said, Miss Lily Shipperro said, coming here like a horse, came in here like a trojan, and there became where the trojan condom was made. Ms. Lily Schiffer Roe. I thought it that Trojan Come. Who would have known that drummer Dean Pattison was behind the Trojan coming. That's just little known Black history facts on the Steve Well name Trojan Man. Yeah, trumma Dean Hey. Next, that was pretty good. I just bought my fat up. Ain't as good either, But ninth, eighteen fifty seven, come on, Loquacious Rice already worked on a sugar plantation down by New Orleans. Okay, he was down there and his job was cutting sugarcane and then splitting it into strips. He did it all. He was one of the top split strippers in the whole county. Lo Cracious was famous for putting designs in some of the sugarcane strips. Well, one day they decided at the barbecue they were gonna have chicken feet. You know, wasn't much for slaves to have back then. So when they threw out the parts that they didn't won't give it stuff like that, slaves learned how to fry hm up and turn them in the tasty delicacy dishes. Right, So chicken feet was on the menu at the barbecue. They was all out that barbecue and chicken feet, and the overseas had came and started bawling a pot of tar next to the chicken feet. Now they didn't know what this tar was fall at the time because tarn and feathering hadn't quite been invented yet, but they knew this tar ain't had no business bawling over hill, So they kind of slowed down with the barbecue to try to keep my eye and discuss this tarm. So finally they was all eating chicken wings and sugarcane sticks and chicken feet, and finally wanted the slaves. Big buck Master Master, Yeah, big buck Master, I don't know what the damn top fall, but I don't want none on me. So big buck Master turned the damn vat of hot tar over. But it knocked over the barbecue picked with the chicken feet on it, and knocked over the table with the sugar cane on it, and they would all be damned. All the sitting down the chicken feet on the sugar cane got black town it. So they sat down and they thought it out, and they waited on it to cool, and the gracious Rice picked up a piece of sugar cane that was covered in black tar and bit into it and said, I'll be damned, this tastes pretty good. And the quacious Rice was the inventor of liquory. You're listening show, All right, we're back. Everybody, get ready to coming up at the top of the hour. This I ain't gonna be here with to day's headline. We're gonna talk to you about New York Fashion Week. Ye nephew, running that prank back relationship. Hey, Brian, Hey, baby, I was I was calling to tell you baby. Look, I just I just can't do it. I got it. Huh oh. Hello, right, hey, this is Greg. I know you know you was just talking to vow, But this is this is Greg talking to you. Just Brian Greg. Wh Yeah, this is Brian Greg. I was just talking to my wife. Did you put it back on the phone. Uh No, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna be able to do that. Why do that? Man? Hey, let me explain something to you. Uh all right, there's some things, you know, long conversations about this. Well, how you know my wife on the first name basis like that? Man? How you who are you? Like? I said, man, my name is Greg. Uh all right, at the airport, okay, airport? What's the airport? And why were you at the airport with my wife? Sort? Hey, let me all of this is complicated, Okay, it's really it is. Yeah, make it simple for me. Okay, So what I want to explain to you. Let me explain to you, man. No that we've had a lot of long conversations about this. It's something that you when where was this? Why? Why are you at the airport with my wife's with me? Why is leaving with me? Okay? What we're leaving? And we do you mean leaving leaving me? Oh? Hell no, put it on the phone. And I don't even want to talk to you, man. Put her on the phone. Put her on the phone, man, and look, you need to put it on the phone right now, leaving. I don't believe that. Now I want to hear her say that you want to talk. Oh here, you're staying. Let me talk to my wife, man, because you you maybe good back baby? Yeah? Yeah, yeah? What's up? What's this dude talking about? To tell you this phone? While? So you think everything but it hasn't been Okay, why are you telling me this phone? Phone? What can't you just come home and tell me. Can't you just tell me this to my face? He bro, come on, man, why are you? Oh? I was looking about Hey, hey bro, I know this is painful. Mane Now you don't know, you don't know nothing, But I okay, the ladies just put my wife on. Oh if you if you got any ounce of a man and you just put my wife's back on the phone. All right, bro, let me, let me let me say. Let me can I say something to you? Man? Saite? Man? It less? Is my wife on the phone, but you ain't got that. I'm gonna put it on in the second. But let me say this to you mann, stay the same, man and wrap it up on because I need to talk to my wife. I just want you to know this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey mar On It show. Got me to prank phone call you what you hold on? So? So okay, if you point to me, what's up with the airport and stuff in the back? Man, where y'all let the airpor No? Bro, your wife is here at the studio. Man ain't not happening. Man, your wife hold on. I'm gonna let you talk you all right. First of all. Are you all right? Man? Oh man? It was about to be a market scene. Man, look at now, who's a big Finally you could have been a little bit. You and your brother. You think you're the only ones can playing people? You and your brother be pranking all the time? Man is life stuff? Girl? Happy birthday baby? Oh you got a birthday coming up? Happy birthday, Brian? Yeah, man, great gifts? Right y man, Let me to my wife. Man, I got ain't got no dude, wife, Hold on what woman? You got me? All right? Don't don't you ain't got to go, Tom. It's supposed to be funny. I did. But I'm glad to know you fight for me like that fight fight. Oh just a you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, last night, I don't know if you guys heard about this, but Easy back in business. He unveiled Easy season five for New York City Fashion Week. Family insider told People magazine that Kim Kardashian and her husband spent the weekend apart so Kanye could focus on the New York Fashion Week. Uh, there's definitely some concern that last night's show would be a bit much for him in the stress department. Uh. This is what the source told the magazine, noting that Kanye gets so involved with his work that it's hard for him to not get obsessed with it. You know, that's who got some crazy clothes about my hand, some linens that was flat. Okay, I got it. But he got some slavory globally and he's bringing him out and yeah, and remember just it was just back in November a few months ago that Kanye was hospitalized in Los Angeles due to excessive stress and exhaustion. He was dehydrated all of that. Uh, Kim has been extra attentive towards Kanye and keeps checking in to make sure he gets enough sleep as events um as such have been very bad for him in the past. So we're wishing him well and that easy Season five will be a success like they all are. And you know he comes out great and waiting on to come one John the Baptist get the soldier to be all right, man, I do I don't want nobody to snap, you know. Yeah, I just ain't that type of person. MA, I don't did jokes ain't worth it. I wish that brother extreme the well man. He got good intentions man, he really does. Man, incredible sneakers. Everybody, friend, all right, Steve, she's here introducer please, ladies and gentlemen, the one and only Miss Anne Trip. Thank you, Steve. Good morning everybody. Okay, this is Andrews. Good morning morning, Good morning everybody. Uh. The investigation underway into the now former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn's communications with the Russian ambassador is focusing on transcripts that reportedly suggests that while Flynn did talk about the sanctions placed on Russia by President Obama, that he apparently made no specific promises. That's according to a U. S Intelligence source quoted by a national public radio. Meanwhile, President Trump says his administration is concentrating on how the information got out in the first place from intelligence. Papers are being leaked. Things are being leaked. It's criminal action, criminal act. Meanwhile, Trump's backing down for his campaign stance on Israeli settlements. He now says he'd like to see the Jewish state whole back for now on building new settlements on occupied Arab land. As for that one state to state solution, he says he'll support whatever solution is good for both. And that's uh. There's a big difference between that one was established a Palestinian state and the other would make Palestine Palestinians under Israel. So it's a big difference anyway. Republicans in Congress wasting no time in getting rid of as many of the rules handed down during the last six months of the Obama administration. Yesterday they rolled back one that was designed to keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill people. GOP lawmakers say they targeted that regulation because they felt to violate the rights of weapons owners. The rule in question required that the Social Security Administration report to the FBI's background check system anybody who received disability payments and who had been deemed mentally defective. They got rid of that yesterday. Actor Harrison Ford's pilot license could be suspended for landing his plane in the wrong place at the California Airport. It was a close call. Yeah, it took place on Monday, Guys Authority sat. Harrison was lined up for a taxi way instead of the runway he was assigned to, and when he took off, he passed right over an American Airline seven thirty seven that was waiting to take off back in Harrison Ford re poorly crashed a vintage World War two plane into a golf course in Santa Monico. So you're time, I'm looking at like in get back to Briden Bike. Hey. By the way, the movie Hidden Figures remains in the top five of the box office, bring in another eight million dollars over the weekend. Had that sort of yes? Did that? Women do some things that nasty, Mr Johnson. And it's not because we were skirts, It's because we wear glasses. That's right. The film's told gross now over one million dollars. Now get this. If you haven't seen the movie, shame on you. But if you haven't seen the movie and you want to, you can this Saturday and for free. In celebration of Black History Month, AMC Theaters and on Century Fox have joined forces to present free screenings of of Hidden Figures in fourteen major market city So contact your local AMC to see where a movie house near you is providing those free showings and you can get in. Today is the National Day Without an Immigrant, That's right. It's to show what immigrants contribute to society without you had a Day without Latinos. We have one coming up in March, call a Day without women. And since this Black History Month, I think I need to tell you that the idea for all of these things originally came from the mind of a black man. A play time you may remember. It was called play called A Day of Absence. It was written in the nineteen sixty five that's when it came out, written by a black American playwright, Douglas turn Award. Uh he did at the Negro Ensemble Company, New York many other places. It was a day when all the blacks in the southern town disappeared and things ground to a hall that was called a Day of Absence. Douglas turn Award received a Drama Desk Award for that play. And finally, guitarist Carlos Santana is under fired for saying that Adele deserved that Best Album Grammy on Sunday and not Beyonce because Adele can sing, just that Beyonce can't. Well yeah, yeah, that's what he was saying. You know, the Dell, the Dell deserve because she can really sing. Santana must have missed Tantana. Carlos Santana, Yes, yeah, So some people are like not so nice about him writing some real nasty things about him and you know, way to get off saying that. Santana must have missed the part where Adele herself said she felt Beyonce should have won the would Beyonce never said she should have. She never got up there and did anything. She didn't do a Kanye West or anything like that. It was Adele who said, but Carlos Santana said, well she you know, she didn't deserve it anyway, because Adele can sing. Yeah, go back to Steve Harvey warning show, isn't life interesting? All right? Thank you? Missing Just a couple more things on New York Fashion Week, Carla, This one's for you and the ladies. Yes, you're welcome. Remember the guy they called um, his name was Jeremy meeks Uh. He was a prisoner and his picture got linked to the media a couple of years ago and everybody talked about it and how fine he was and all of that. Well, he's got a new nickname. It's called prison Bay. They call him the Prison Bay. He made his New York Bay made his New York Fashion Week debut. Um. You know he has a little tear drop on his eye. Yeah, because they loved him. They thought he could be a model. Yeah, he's gone from orange jumpsuits to the catwalk. It was back in yes. Yes, yes, he was serving two years in prison when they first saw him. Uh that he signed a modeling contract before his release date. Yes, he is a married father of three. Uh. He made his runway debut for designer Philip Plyin. Oh Philip Plyine has nice stuff too. Celebrities like Madonna were in the audience, Fat Joe and Tiger Prison Bay posted a pick from the show on his Instagram to think it's Tiger Baby, it's Tiger. I don't know what. I just want to get it right when I see it. Anyway, he thanked applying for believing in him. So there you go. Congrats to that hunt. Can I send out a shout out to Q Tip. Oh yeah, mistakenly thought was somebody else. And I walked past him in the lobby of a hotel out in Beverly Hills, and so man, when he walked past me, I fist bumped him, and he kind of looked at me like my man, and I was going to a meeting. So I just fist bumped because just a brother I saw in the lobby. And when he went off, I told my dude. I said, hey, man, like I know that dude from somewhere. He said, oh, Age, that was cute, tip, and so I ran, but my legs was hurt in front of workout, so I couldn't run. You shouldn't, so I waddled back to see if he went out in the parking lot. I went to the elevator and I ain't see. So if anybody c Q tip man, tell him my hombless apologies walking past him like that. I just was somewhere else in my mind. And then when I said, man, it seemed like I know that brother, and said man, that was cute. Till I was chased him went back down the hall the funny, but I didn't know which way he went, so I lost him. So if anybody s Q two, tell him Steve Harvey giving big love. I didn't mean to walk past him show no show, not sure respect to the brothers. We saw him on the grammy Sunday that I didn't see that either, Yeah, yeah, yeah, the President Agent Orange. All right, uh so coming up at eighteen after the hour, the butterfly is here. Hopefully he's going to be feeling better. Today's you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up, he's here, Eugene will be here with the blog. Whatever it's about today. What is it about? Yesterday? He was Gloria, remember, yeah, heard it was Valentine's yea, and yeah, hey, let's go and get him back out of here, because I'm telling how good this is gonna be next so different today? Yeah, me and that way, Steve, I'm not going to uh you know, I'm hot, yeah, and that is right. So anyway, no, no, no, not hot like that like flashes is players like yeah, I mean, because you're at that age. Men don't have hot flashes. I didn't. Hold on, mhm, Eugene, you don't. Won't hot flashes. No one wants them to see, Yeah, they won't. Everything else you want the outfits, you might as well get the flashes to go with him. All right, come on with your blog. But you better maybe you know, midlife crisis. But that's all right. I'm good. Um, so you sound like you're in a good mood, though, what's going on? I'm in a very very good meal because me and my friend, um, Gloria, you know, we made up for not getting really here, so we're good. All right, and we're going to fashion We're going to Fashion Week. We're leaving today on Thursday, but weeks off and now. But we're just making a stop because we're going, because we're go outside. Got to the NBA All Star in New Orleans. Wow, you better be importsman on Friday somewhere on your stop. I'm gonna be in deportment. But I was giving it to the people. I'm gonna be enforcement um and the win at how I can't understand how y'all don't know how many day on seats. That doesn't make no sense to me. Well, I was trying to come, but they're just stupid anyway, found out there's two thousand seats, and that's why I don't know how many seats was there. That's why what what do you mean by that? That's why when I was at the question, I mean, you know I did five thousand, so I didn't I missed. I saw I never heard of Willard Hall like good luck that ladies and gentlemen is what we call shade. That was a lot of shade. Well, hey man, hey, hey hey, but good luck on trying to fill it up. Shade you and all six of them people you got on that show good luck. I used to go by myself. Go ahead anyway. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get in it. I'm not gonna get anyway. I'll be at the outstard game because you know I'm a big thing of the dunk come this slam dunk, slam duck and the three point game too. I love that. I used to have a crosstopper step that's too easy. You still got me. You wanted the best. Never really, I had a very good cross out. Boy, your cross over better than Tim Hardway. Don't go there. You lose that. But anyway I could, I could once I get you down in that paint. Once I beg you, I've been that paint, Stephen, My turn around jumper was feiss. You'll turn around well, jumper in the paint. Turn turn around jumper in the paint. It was fierce because when I put this and when I played to my defense, Stephen, when I put this press out you, I know how to put that press out of you. I'll check us out, sir. Well. One thing I do know. You know how to get pressed titty right. That's how I have for the blog today. You guys, y'all made up. So that's good. Yeah, y'all just see something engine what's around. We're good. You're the one was crying yesterday. Hell see, you ought to kind open for me in points. You ain't got enough seats in that little bit in this clube club. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up next, Steve, Chance the Rapper is going on tour. Three time Grammy Award winner Chance the Rapper, He's going on tour. Yeah. Magic Johnson wants Kobe to join the Lakers front office, and Charles Oakley says he won't sit with Nick's owner Dolan. See, Dolan wants him to sit so he can get some of this flat off because the owner of the nixt and called hell for this man, because to have that man removed after he bought a ticket. He bought a ticket and to have that man removed like that. And Oak from Cleveland, man, you saw him pushing it. Hey man, get off of me. Dog, don't don't grab me. Oak push for real and then and then it took all of them to get him. And so now you know they've met thanks to Michael Jordan's Mike, Michael Jordan put in a phone call to the commissioner and the Oakland Dolan and you know, because Mike, I mean, Jordan's great ambassador for the game, right, And so he puts the phone call in to get his squashed. And uh so, now the band has been lifted on Charles Oakley to be in the garden. But now he wants an apology from the man to him and the faith and really, man, you you you you can't do the man like that. So Dolan wants him to just come and sitting next to him so he don't have to lower himself to an apology. No, I'm allowing him to sitting next to me. Man, come on, get out of here, sitting next to what I was working security that night. That ain't I'm gonna tell Oakley right now, man, take it from me. Don't go down there sitting next to him. They're gonna take a picture. You're gonna be all types on uncle times. And don't you go down You go down there for the right reasons. Ok. And all of a sudden you've got to be on the time, a coon, a seller, man, don't do it create advice. All right, here we go Magic. Johnason wants Kobe Bryant to join the Lakers front office. Okay, Magic seems to think bringing back the Black Mumba maybe just what the Lakers need to get their win game back, you know, back in the black all of that here it is. Take a listen, holdy understand winning. He understands also these players, you know, And so I would call what role you want, bro, If you got a day, just give me that day. I take that. Whatever time he has, I want him to come and be a part of it. What do you think? I mean, He's exactly right. Why would you not want the Black Mumble involved? That don't make no I mean, the dude is one of the greatest basketball players of all times. His intellect of the game. I don't know anybody in the game currently that has Kobe's intellect for the game. I just don't. I think Steph Curry is a brilliant basketball player court vision. I think Lebron James is a brilliant basketball player and with court vision. He did a pass on on other Timberwolves of the night between Wiggan's legs. Dog with no look passed between the dudes leg that was like fifteen feet from me right on the button to the dude under the basket. I don't know how he saw that vision. Yeah, yeah, man, But Kobe Bryant would be and he's a Laker, he's a Laker. You think Kobe will accept the offer? I don't know. You know there ain't got enough money for him. But he wouldn't do it for money. It would have to be no Magic over there, because Magic is a brilliant business man. He's just brilliant. Man. This dude and did something he ain't back at the Lakers for free. He got own the ship piece of something you don't need no check. Magic ain't going down there for no check. Man. He dined there because he was a Laker. He was he loved a Lakers and it's it's some Laker cats that will make it happen. I had the NBA Legends on Celebrity Family few that will be coming up. I had James Worthy, he was Robert Boys Lakers, Robert Robert Roy. Robert Roy got seven rings man with three different teams. Dad boy right him? Uh Gary Payton, let me think. Uh. Horace Grant used to play with the bulls and do the water goggles and then the other brother was, oh, muggsy bowls. Remember why did that? You know I had my eyes up you know I had I had, I had my eyes up high and then you know I had a lower level to get down there to him, he lived in the middle. In the in the middle looked just like Tommy. About full time, I said, Tommy, I mean muggsy. You keep calling me somebody's showing problem stupid? Did you please don't tell them? Ah? Hell now he bright? Now they can't with sall. That's your You got that by yourself. You're listening show Forday minutes after the hour, Junior just said on the last break going out that Timmy, that's why Tommy don't handle TV show. And I wanted to come to my nephew's defense. He does have a TV show? Which one is it? Against College Challenge Black? He does have a TV show? Alight, I got one already, yephew. Let's getting married. That's getting married today a lot fast. How you doing? My name is Virgil. I was reaching out to you trying to uh, well, I'm trying to get married, and I wanted to know what it took to get married at your church. Excuse me ver, quick question? Where did you get my personal nomen I'm not. I don't know where I got to know. I mean, never mind, we'll deal with it. What's your question? Well, what I'm what I'm trying to get at is I'm trying to get Uh, I'm trying to get married. I really like your church. I've been there several times and I'm really interested about you know, what will it take to get married in there? And I really may be calling you at the last minute, man, I want to get married at the end of February. Well, being in a hurry, I we'll have to go through counseling first, maybe four to six weeks, and uh we can take it from there. Uh, you have to get my call back on that. But tell me a little bit about just a little well, well, what it is that we would You know, we've been trying to get married for a long time. We've had a lot of difficulties with it and never really really found the right church that we thought would be a good place to get married. You know. I think it's it's you gotta feel it in your heart that this is the best place to get married, you know what I mean. So, uh, you know, like I said, we've been in your church, uh quite a few times, maybe about four or five times, and and we have you know, both agreed that this would be the perfect place for us to get married. Uh you know, remember no, sir, no, sir, I'm not like I said, I visited. You know, we've visited four or five times. We really liked it, and we just were sold on trying to get married at the church. Well, go through the council four to six weeks, once a week, and uh we can talk about the rest of it. Enough time, okay, okay, and after that then you're saying we'll be prepared to get married. Then I'm would think, so, yeah, yeah, no problem. How coon were you talking about? Well, like I said, we were trying to do it in the February. Let me ask you this here now, after going through counseling, we made if you be the person to actually perform the ceremony, because that's what I know, that's I know, that's what I want, because for you to actually to perform the proceedure. Yes, yes, that's okay. Well listen, Uh, like I said, let me apologize. I don't know I had your personal number. I do apologize for that. I do have uh my soon to be spouse on the phone, and they would like to ask you a couple of questions too, if that's all right, Yeah, it's okay, it's okay, I can speak with her, okay. Uh Alfred Alfred? Yes, yes, hi, Pastor, how you doing go ahead of Africa? Hey? Hey, hi pass my name is Alfred, and uh I wanted to have a couple of questions myself. I just wanted to know how well it's the capacity of your church, because we got quite a few few friends and family members that we're gonna attend. So one thing I ain't wanted to know about. Uh, that's that's that's that sounds pretty good. Well, that's what That's what we wanted. We wanted to make sure it was enough enough wrong with our friends and we're probably gonna invite about three hundred friends, so that should be fine. Pastor, when can we get when can we get counselor? Started? We? Oh? Uh ad? If you're you getting married you, Alfred, I'm sorry, alfreda's who I married, Pastor, but Alfred and I'm trying to get married into sewere so when can we actually excuse me? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was talking to Virgil. Now we should Virgil. Yeah, Oh, Alfred is on the phone with me. Alfred is is who I'm getting married to? So we want to know when can whoa whoa? Whoa whoa? Excuse us? So pastor Win can when when can we start castholing church? We who who is? We? Yes? When when can we start? Excuse me? We we case scarred? No damn counsel at my church. Not as for telling about counseling, you you need to come to Bible study. Is he talking about what seems to be the problem? Excuse me? What seems to be the problem? What is the problem that we can't get married at your church? The problem is the institute of marriage is between a man and a woman. God did not put Adam in Eve to be Adam and Steve. You just said we go through counseling for four to six weeks. Everything would be fun hell, but counseling. You're on another level. Now. I don't believe in same sex marriage, bro, but people are the same sex are getting married all over the country. So what seems to be the problem? Right and loan if that matters to me? What people are doing around the country and now we're sticking by the bill. The Bible says that the institute of marriage is between a man and a woman. I don't find you tube to do that. I read. I'm really not a pressiative of thee called now being solved. Hell, excuse me? You know no, I can't, Mary, but can you? Can you make an exception? I can't make an exception. But we love each other exactly, thank you, Alfred. Yes we do. I'm glad you do. I'm happy for you. But we don't know. We don't really like that. Bro, You're gonna be ashamed of yourself. I don't want it. Absolutely no. I'm not a man and a woman. My first love their mother and father and key until his wife. You don't see the problem here. I really don't have anything else. I really don't have anything else to say. Okay, but oh you go? Can I say something else to you? Hey? You man, as we have you already been solved me. We got your number from Reverend Chapman. Reverend Chapman, the assistant pass. The Reverend Chapman is the one game. He is, Reverend Chapman. He gave you my no no, no, no, no, man, I really don't have much more time. I need to talk to chat Okay, okay, but Reverend Chapman said, you wouldn't have a problem marrying up. Reverend Chapman said, I wouldn't have a problem. Reverend Chatman said I wouldn't have a problem marrying you. I really don't have a stand for you. Okay, Well let me go ahead and say this, Pastor, I just don't know of the assistant pastor. I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harbin Morning Show. When you've just been pranked, Wait, wait, hello later, wait uh, I need to wait a minute. Chapman, if Chapman, they got nothing better to do? We really bad. We beat the best. I don't know. I got a hard chase the wait a bit, n't got a littit was radio time here thing I can guarantee you one thing. He won't be to the real I gotta ask you this, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane? I have to say, Steve Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Showing up. Hold on tight here it is Strawberry at three subjects. It's a lot going on. You dumb got married. Now ready for a beat down? Let me begin, Yeah, you heard me. Let me begin saying, I gave my husband sixteen years of my life. We got married young. Nevertheless, even need your help. I lost my dad two years ago, and when I hear you speak, you remind me so much of him. I am thirty one years old. My soon to be ex husband is thirty three. He recently informed me he wants a divorce because he says I do not trust him. Well, let me begin saying, he has given me every reason not to trust him, but yet I forgave him. Now. I never caught him intimate with someone, but he has always tried to leave me for someone else, and God has always revealed him. This time he got revealed, and he is mad. No, he is not cheated as far as I know, but he has been on the internet looking at women sending the messages to me. That's internet cheating and I want to beat his butt with the black leather belt dipped in water. I am so tired of his mess He lies, he keeps secrets, He even keeps his phone on silent. He is not a pimp in all caps like he thinks. But somewhere down the line, he thinks he is all of that. I am a woman that cooks, clean, washed his clothes, fulfilled his needs, and makes him feel like he is king of the castle. And this fool tells me he does not like that. It makes him feel that I love him too much. He also said he don't love me like I love him, but he do love me and care for me. He is crazy and losing his marbles, I believe. But all said and done, I do love him, but I am tired and ready to move on. But the love I have won't allow me. It's so much as has went on, and I don't want to go in all detail. But I do need some advice from you. Steve. You are my radio father, and I listened to you faithful. Please help. This is a lot, a lot going on in this letter. It's just it's too much. You know, listen to your man, you know, stop doing all this stuff that you're doing for him. He says he doesn't like it. Uh don't. I don't think he appreciates you. But you haven't caught him doing anything. You said you. I don't know. You don't have any grounds. It's like you're just conjuring up stuff almost in your head that he's doing. You said internet cheating because you caught him looking at women, I guess. But it sounds like you guys are just having some marital issues and you need to sit out and talk to him about the marital issues. It doesn't sound like it's too much of a serious, serious problem going on here, That's all I got. It doesn't sound like it's too serious. No, this is a very serious problem here. To me, I think I don't have time. But see, here's the problem though, here's the key to the whole thing. Uh. He says that he's divorcing me because I don't trust him. What she said, He's given me every reason not to trust him, Yet I forgive him, She says, No, I never caught him intimate with someone, but he has always he's tried to leave me for someone else. Okay, wait a minute. You ain't got to catch a person cheating on you if he's always trying to leave you for someone else. I don't. I don't think she's imagining this one at all. Shirley, And I'll tell you why he would come back. Oh my god. Part two of Steve's response to Today's Strawberry Letter. We'll be back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. After We'll be back. I got more on the Strawberry Letter right after this. Don't go nowhere, alright, come on, Steve, Apparently I missed something in this letter. It's hard. I can't help it. Man, that something you don got married now ready for me? Make you do bright got like scone that just gonna dedicate a song to the woman. And really that's what Sometimes you just need to say a song because this marriage ain't worth a quota. So here's what I would do to you, young long lady. You need to stop. Don't dip the black leather belt in water like you won't to stop. He is not a pimp like he thinks he is. The Bible says a man is as he think he is. If he think he is, that's what he's trying to do. You try to treat him like the king of castle this food. Tell you he don't like that, Okay, stop doing that? Then is he crazy and losing his marbles? Yes he is, so you need to stop. You say all I've done, I'll do, but I'm tired and ready to move on. But if the love I have won't allow me. Yeah, it's true, you do love him, but the fear you have won't let you move on the love, you've got to overcome the fear. You cannot stay in something that's not healthy for you, beneficial for you, and productive for you. You have every right to move on with your life and start again. God is in the forgiving and redemption business. He will let you recover time and time and time again. You just have to trust and believe that you can find someone who treats you just the way you want to be treated. You just have to take the courage and steps to make that happen. It has happened to millions of people before it can happen to you. Okay today Strawberry letters posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweet or instagram me your thoughts at my girls Shirley coming up after the break at thirty four, after the hour from the talk, it is our girl, Cheryl Underwood. She will be in the building. You're listening Steve Morning Show. We're back thirty four minutes after that. Make sure you stick around this morning. The next thirty minutes of our morning show Gonna be Stars steady with special guests. We got high school. But next, get ready for our girl, one of the great fools of all time. Sure, what the wood? All right? Steve introduced our girl. Shut she's here. Hey, you better quit this side of just like my grandmother. Stop it. Hey. Shout out to all my friends in Dayton, Ohio. Tommy Jr. I'll be at the Dayton Funny Bone this weekend, so we're gonna get your laugh off. Yeah, and all my sorrows. And if I beta, we're gonna try to get together on Saturday, have a little brunch. I've been visiting the sauros all over the country and all the cities that I've been uh going into, So now let's ask some fun. First, congratulations are in order. Steve Harvey's daytime talk show. I want to end double a CP Awards. Yeah, we were very happy. You know, we loss, I mean the talk laurels, uh, the real we lowls. But hey, there's got to be a winner. Somebody gotta win, somebody gotta lose. Somebody got a credible that a song? Is that a song? I think that's a song. Any who, man, you better get off right there, right there, and we didn't do that. We didn't do that, Tommy, Wait a minute, let me tell you something. I'm loving social media. They got Look, the president can be talked about. We can talk about the president and still have respect for the presidency. I'm loving the good names. Chee told in Chief stopping Trump thin skin, stop it, stop it. Wait a minute, though, but I like, I like how cool President Obama look. He on vacation, He kicking with his lady, our first lady, Michelle Obama. You know we was all talking to talk about, Yeah, he got vacation days. You know, usually on the job to ask you how many vacation days you got left and when are you coming back? But that's not it's not good. I hear you, girl, President Trump, make president George Bush seemed like Winston Churchill. Those are just them. Everybody that enjoyed the Grammys, we want to know what is in blue ivy person baby doll stuff in it? Like look paper doll stickers? Was who could? But Twitter found one sport huh what look here? Wait a minute, showing that everybody and Ralph's was like, syl why you wear all that gold to the g Underwood? I have asked you that was like, I thought your hair was growing out, Like it's the remake of the winds. What's the color of the day? Man? He walked man like he had the mexicode on like he was what's that dude that used to do the uncola nuts he passed away? I mean when he was in James Bond. Yeah, man, yeah, man, let me tell you something. Slow selo. I'll give it up to him though he'd be on one, but he get the news. He get he get the news. He needs to get on that dick Gregory though, what's happening? Oh shout out the chance the rapper diggnity, given honor to God and come at the same time. That's right, we can be gangster Christians. Charlotte stopped praying me all the time. I'm gonna need some of that kick hat money though. What's see now I'm back. I'm so happy right now. I was on the reconnaissance missing y'all. I had to get deep, deep, deep undercover in the Republican Party. Me and olmar Rosa get Christie Love what what sorry? What? Hey? Hey? Man, get your boy, get your boyar Rosa getting Yeah, you get your boys, get your boy. Chet in chief allyl thank you dear. Coming up next, Carlo Santana is backtracking on what he said about fiance say uh the other day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's cleaning it up. We'll be back happy. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the OURQ gonna be our special guest. All right, here we go. New set of performers for next month's I Heart Radio Music Awards. All right, check this out. They've been announced and music fans are not going to want to miss this year's telecast. First of all, Bruno mars hot off his Grammy performance as Print has already been confirmed for the show. He'll now be joined by Katie Berry Ed sharing the Chain Smokers, Sean Mendez, uh, Noah Cyrus and Big Sean, Big Sean. I decided Sean okay, as we previously told you, uh or I think we've talked about this. Drake leads and nominees this year with twelve twelve. Alright, that is a lot twelve. Yeah, two thousand seventeen I Heart Music Awards will air March fifth, live on TBS, T and T and True TV, So make sure you check that out. Well. Uh, let's get to this story too. It didn't take long for Carlos Santana to backpedal on his comments about why Adele won the Album of the Year Grammy over Beyonce. Alright, Carlos Santanna said in an interview that he thought Adele one because she can sing, sing, whereas Beyonce is very beautiful to look at and it's more like modeling kind of music. All right, Okay, that's what the beehive says. That's what I have said, JR. That's what the beehive said. Uh, they weren't having any of it. Santana wombed up taking to Facebook to clarify what he meant by his comments. He said, my intent was to congratulate Adele on her amazing night at the Grammys. I have the utmost respect for Beyonce as an artist and as a person, and he says she deserves all the accolades that come her way. Hotel said Beyonce should have won for Album of the Year because of Lemonade and how she opened up on Lemonade and became so transparent. So there you go. I mean, I like Carlos Santana too, and so I'm glad that he fixed it fixed beyond growing up in Spanish all right. Before the Super Bowl, the Atlanta Zoo and a zoo in the New England area made a bet that the losing side would name a baby animal after the winning team star quarterback. And because of the Atlanta Falcons collapse in the game, you won't be seeing any baby animals named after Matt Ryan at the Roger Williams Park Carousel Village in Rhode Island. Instead, there's now a Tom Brady at the Atlanta Zoo. So that's kind of cool. You know, they make good on their bet, but give the zoo credit for making the best of the situation. This is really terrible. They named a baby Madagascar hissing roach after Tom Brady. That is really Yes, that's how you come back around. So there's now a cockroach named Tom Brady at the Atlanta Zoo. So if you're making to the Atlanta's yeah, they make good on it. U. Yeah, it's gonna become surely a hot tourist attraction. Tom Brady the roach at the Atlanta ZiT that's how two of the track kill Black people start seeing roaches. Little we said, well, Tom Brady, come up. It's shoes is coming off. And make no mistake. Black people do say roaches and they don't say cock roaches. They roach. I didn't know what guests are hitting cockroach? Would it's still a roach? Right? What that roads do different from other roach? Well, it hitses, that's one thing. It's a roach. O. Big roaches down south, those tree roaches, they fly, they fly. Do you see the roach get up on you? Actually in Texas? Yeah, Teas, Oh I love way you just kill them roaches? Boy, you gotta eat it one time and put your shoes back on the ground and slide your foot back in. Wow, it just made me carry all with Yeah. Who hasn't done that? Got hot blood pressure? Go ahead? But that was the table. Yeah, I'm like, you can't have roach it right there? And that was your hand going to get that newspaperent bringing it here? Get that up? How long she been in there? How many of you guys eat shrimp? You like shrimp? Yeah? You know they called shrimp the roaches of the sea, just saying we could have passed that right. Where are you gonna learn about that? I steal what you It's not going to mess up my papa do. I'm not gonna stop you for meeting it. Why do you know so much jor goes from people that don't cook, slamming shrimp for dinner tonight? What do you know that's his breakfast time? All right, a burglar, let's move on. We're moving on there, right Burglar and Idaho had to turn tail and run after he broke into a house and got attacked by his victim's pet squirrel. Okay, his name was Adam Pearl. He says he came home and immediately sent something strange in his home, then noticed that someone had tried and failed to break into his gun safe. He called the cops to come out and survey the scene, and when a female officer arrived to check things out, his trusty rote and pal Joey, came out to greet her. The deputy asked if Pearl uh if Joey was friendly, and was told he was, but you never know since he is a squirrel. She took note, then left to file her report, but came back a few hours later with most of the items that have been stolen from Pearl's place, along with a confession from suspects she hauled in the cops said. She asked, did you get that from the squirrel? And he says, yeah, the darn thing kept attacking me and wouldn't stop until I left. You're not gonna do this on my watch, Not on my watching. Yes, a reward for its trouble, A bag of Whoppers candy. That is his favorite treat, the squirrel. You're gonna do this? Why I'm here? Really? Oh no? Not today? Put that back. Should have brought some nuts with you. That's what you should have been. Hey, guys, before we get out of here, we still have time. Tell us about this weekend. Where you going? What are we going? Our night? Baby? We run there in Portsmith, Virginia. We're having a comedic revival, Southern fried comedy to a revive in Port Smooth, Virginia. When it hall, Yes, right now, this is Southern stupid and its bis. I've seen the show, y'all. Y'all gotta god, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, just a few more things I wanted to run by you guys. Okay, um Junior, this is probably for you on the show here. It would have been for Tommy as well, but he just um rectified his situation. Put it like that. You got married. So this is for this is for single people. Things you should never put in your dating profile. Okay, Yeah, if you're striking out with the ladies, you might want to tweak or even overhaul your online profile if you're online. Okay, here's a rundown of some photos you should never put on your dating profile. This is according to women. Don't at these pictures up there. Pictures of you with the baby and don't do it. Pictures of you holding dead fish or other animals. You know, if you go out on the boat with your friends and you catch a big old marlin or something, don't put that up there. Well, I ain't gonna hurt no, I mean, you're official. I'd be excited about somebody. Women are not interested in it. I'm into whatever women want to. Okay, thank you, junior. Uh, photos of you at the gym, they don't care. They don't care. They don't they don't care about pictures of you at the gymost stop. Pictures of you, uh, you know, with a shirt on, with your shirt off for no reason. They don't want it. They don't want to. They like that, they don't like it. Okay, Pictures with you with a hand signal and some sort of hand symbol. None of that. They don't want that. Pictures of you with art and this is the one you think they want, but they don't. Pictures of you in bed. I thought that was a good picture of me laying on that confidence. I thought it was. They don't like all that good luck out there. Just you, just just just you. Yeah, okay, surprise, surprise. We have a special phone called Special Guest family member on the line. Tell me you want to do the honors? Can do? Yeah? Here yeah, Special against this morning, y'all. Pioneer of West Coast Rap and outstanding actor and movie producer. He got a new movie in theaters tomorrow. The movie is Fist Fighting, and he's joined us this morning to tell us all about the movie. Put your hands together. Oh my god, the one and only Ice lupa Star. Good morning. How y'a doing? Good? Man? How you doing? I'm doing real good? You know, got just got this hilarious movie coming out to law So it looks funny too, Oh it looks funny. Yeah, it's a funny premise. Man. We all you know, we all know about three o'clock bell ring and so to you know, two of the students getting ready to fight. But this is completely different, man, tell us about it. You know, everybody in every workplace, you know, it's somebody this close to getting their butt wolf right now, we're in school and the school is so bad that it's the pressure to teach us and to having a fist fight after school three o'clock parking lot, old school stop. Yeah, we know about that. Teachers beefen, I'm teachers, you know, teachers get into it. Yeah, yeah, and uh so we just we just took it to the next level and have fun with it. Of course, we don't condone. We don't condone. Know it's in the workplace. But in the movie, how you go, Hey, man, our boy Tracy Morgan back on the scene. Boy, what was it? What was it like working with him back on the scene man in fist Fight? Man, it was just so good to have him around and to see that he was the same old Tracy Morgan. Tracy Morgan is the most inappropriate sincere sincere dudes, you know, so he's both sides of the spectrum, you know what I mean. So it's cool to to just have him around. And I think the accident made him funnier. To be honest, Oh wow, I love that line. I look like a mini He's killing funny as ever. So man, y'all got a lot of action going on. Cute man you you you're there throwing throwing fists. Man, are you doing most of this? Hey? Man? They had me doing all these fights. Man. You know it was an eight day shoot for the just the fight along took eight days to shoot because it's an epic fight and it it goes on forever. I was like, damn, man, are we shooting Rocky or we shooting I still need him aside from that movie. Man, I'm still sore. I'm shooting that movie. But it was all us for real crazy snitches get stitches, Yeah, snitches get stitches for show. You know. It's uh. And I've been wanting to work with Charlie Dave for a long time. Charlie Day, that's funny. He got his own style of comedy. And I knew if me and him did a movie together that that we kill it. And uh, you know, fist fight is hilarious on all levels. And you know it's it's it's some scenes stealing um things going on in there. Man. That that people just gonna fall out their seat. Period. So did you learn anything man about playing a teacher? Yeah, you know, I like playing the teacher. You know, I had a teacher like that name Mr Tucson, one of them teachers that snatch you up by the college you got out of line. Yeah, he had the afro. He used to coming to the front. Yeah yeah, yeah, you mean you mean boy, But nobody, nobody messed with him, you know what I mean, nobody messing. I was like, that's a teacher. I'm gonna play. Let's teach the play play Mr Tucson, listen to what's up? Did you teach you? What you say? What subject did you teach? He back when they used to teach wood you know, they used to yet how to work with their hands, you know, they used to teach kids how to work with their hands. And we had wood shop and he was a wood shop teacher. And uh, man, if you're the saying paper that wood right, you being your real I'm trying to into all this hand rushing to the front though, I'm trying to that. Well, I see that, I know exactly what mean. Yeah, yeah, it's going down tomorrow. Tomorrow's it jumps off fist fight in theaters across the country, staring the very on the outstanding ice Cube hip hop legend born. Yes he is. We love you boy. You gotta give me a ye you get out of here. Oh you know you gotta get it. Hey, everybody goes see fifth fight tomorrow and you know you hand it from your homeboy ice Cube. Ye love me? Did? He hangs up and that's how you're dropping. All right, we'll be back at eighteen after the hour. Thank you, KiB fiss fight tomorrow, baby, Yeah you're listening. Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next pastor Motown Deacon Death Jammer here, you're getting ready more different in the building. Look at hill. It's time. That's what time, idiots, that one and only moretown Nah and be a beautiful Deacon Death jab question today we are gathered at the j PTE j J that's the jack Pot Joint of Jerusalem. Change Change hollelue guy who hollo hollo, I said, hollo back, got your ball my man. The sermon today, Deacon all right, is I believe I can fly? I believe I can't fly. But the question beckons to be asked, what if you can't. Now I believe. I said I believe I can fly. Right, The question is, but what if you say, what if you can't? See? If the name of the song was I can't fly, it's a most definitive statement about flight. Yeah, you standing on the cliff. Yeah, and you were bird and you say to the other bird, I can fly and take off sorry through the air. Now, if you're standing on a cliff and you're bird and you say I can fly, m hm. And you were squirrel and you say I can't too, you're in a situation. Now, got yourself in a problem, messing around listening to that bird. Bird was made to fly squirrels, was ment Klein? Yeah, and so this early Tuesday, mm hmm. Well, if you say I believe I can fly, the question beckons, but what if he can down? All round? I believe I can fly. But the question beckons, but what if you can't something? Now, you didn't jumped your stupid tail off into that hell, flapping hard as you can. But you hear the sound picking up speed, get it to your final destination. You on your way to the ground. You're not going up, You're going down. Yeah, you not fitting to be long much longer a round. You fit to be a memory. You're about to be a part of the past. Bridge. People gonna go to your funeral, and somebody gonna stand up and ask, did he's he could flat? Somebody gonna say I believe he did. But somebody's gonna sit up and say I told him that. The question beckons, But what if you can't. I don't believe he heard me? And he jumped any high all the way down. I could see the look on his face. That flight wasn't exactly in his plans. And there he landed. Ain't no turning back down. Splack the sun splack when he hit the ground. Yeah, yeah, slow it down. Please give me the kings, all the kings host and all of the King's meant. After you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, y'all, let's get to these back to back jails. Cat let's go. He coming up, y'all. We got time for just one more thing would tell you about it. After the break of forty eight, after the hour, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up, y'all, we got time for just one more thing, would tell you about it? After the break of forty eight, after our all right, here's here's the just one more thing story. This is mainly for it, well, it's for everyone, okay, Here, here we go. According to match dot Com Singles in America survey, guys love it when women make the first move. Yeah, i'll do, I'll do, though few women do. Okay. Here here's the numbers. Five cent of single guys are in favor of women initiating the first kiss. That's a huge number. Actually, three percent of men like it when women initiate sex for the first time. Yes, are you guys kidding me right now? Yes, you start it. These are high numbers, carl it. These are in the nineties. Do you understand what I'm saying Here percent of guys are happy when yeah, when a woman asked for their number. Yeah, what are you guys doing? He Oh, yeah, it's easy. Yeah, it's right, it's too easy, okay. And then of guys like it when a woman is the first to call after a good first day, Come on, come to and you want me to cook. Quit doing it exactly, Quit doing it quick giving out. You know, I'm gonn quit that call in first you chased We hunters make them chase. They ain't gotta chase. Then we ain't got a hunt. We just captured. Wow, this is too much quick climbing in the cage. Such a high number. Yeah, all of these things are in the nineties because if you just kiss me, you know, I mean, I know, there's no line about what direction we're gonna go. Yeah right where we at? Yeah? Really? And then you're going all the way whatever we start kissing it if you initiate well, they say the first kiss. And when you initiate sex for the first time, when you jump on me, I have to jump back. Yeah, I ain't no punk Now what you want. We've challenged your manhood at this point. But I love this line. They say. Guys love it when a woman makes the first move, though few women do. All right, here's another one. According to an survey, twenty eight percent of respondents confessed to spending at least five hundred dollars without notifying their significant other. So what they're saying is your wife or girlfriend is probably lying to you about money at this point, and as many as twelve million Americans are keeping secret accounts and credit cards. Hello, this thing on, Steve, did you hear me. All right, your wife or girlfriend, uh is probably lying to you about money. Okay. Now, of the people who responded to the survey confessed to spending at least five hundred dollars without notifying their significant other. Five hundred dollars. Yeah, that's a that's an average, Steve. And then as many as twelve million Americans are keeping secret accounts and credit cards. Million dollars. But I mean, I'm sure it's relative though, you know, five hundred is the ridge. How do we talk about that? Yeah, if you have more money, we need some paperwork. Twelve million Americans keeping secret accounts and credit cards, that's what the twelve Where the twelve million came? You're going there right, chap for twel I'll tell you right now. We're done. Since we're doing these surveys, here's another one. According to a new study, music gives you the same high as sex and drugs. I don't I knew you guys would disagree. What's that? Music? At the very least, music lights up the same part of the brain as sex and drugs, and it triggers a similar experience of pleasure. No drugs are damaging. I ain't never done. No drug music way better than drugs. I'm telling you absolutely yeah, six better than everything, but says music gives you the same high as sex. They never got me there, I did most of the word. Wasn't the song? Um, Tommy, yes, sir. The girls text me what the hell let him take you? Since he started to go yeah, they want to help you, Tommy, which which outfits just because my living pains, Steve, just say goodbye man, since you brought it up, just go ahead, go ahead. So which one brought this to your attention? Don't? Don't there? So they stylist. Now you've said enough, Steve. But it ain't that they are. They just know you. Ain't that I love the way you faced that. It's the fact that they are just that you. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.