Tiffany Haddish, Wear Your Mask, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Jul 30, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! It's no surprise as to what Steve's theme song is. Try Jesus......well you know the rest! The Chief Love Officer offers some advice on how to handle a girlfriend that lacks tact. Six HBCU's received huge donations from MacKenzie Scott the ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. When someone does not wear a mask, what do you or what would you do? Trump is still trying to shut down DACA. Our girl from The Talk reflects on Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, Congressman John Lewis and Bill Clinton. Kanye is furthering his campaign to other parts of the country. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve challenges us to prove that Black Lives Matter in the one single most effective way. VOTE!!!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on giving them like the million bucks things in it to me through good it seether. Please, I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, you got to turn them out. Turn the water, the water go, come come on your back. Uh huh. I show. Well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well, nothing changes about that. Nothing changes about that. Man. I was just so getting ready to come on the air this morning. I was just thinking, man, I was just having a reflective moment of just how really good God has been to me. I just it's it's it's man. Let me just say that again, how really good God has been to me. And here's a cold part. In spite of myself, you understand, in spite of all my shortcomings, in spite of all of my flaws and and and and in spite of all of what anybody has said about me, God, through his grace and mercy, just keeps me anyway. So many of us are exceptional people. But we refuse to just go ahead and be exceptional. We settle for the ordinary. We follow the pack. We try to fit in. Man, oh man, oh man. You know I've heard my wife say this to my children all the time. When she's scolding and talking to him. She'd be talking to him about leadership. You know, why are you following everybody when God clearly made you to lead? So many of us are born, and so many of you are born to be exceptional people, but we always trying to follow the pack. Why would you try to fit in? Why would you try to be like everybody else be ordinary? Why would you follow the pack when God has created you to be exceptional? The key word in exceptional is except you? Ever you ever done this? Right here? You know, everybody did that accept me. Everybody felt that way except me. Everybody said that except me. Everybody won't wanted that. Accept me. Everybody went over that except me. Everybody jumped in except me, accept me. See why have you saying that in your life? If you were not to be exceptional? See you got to say everybody accept me at one point in You'll to I don't know who ain't done it? You know everybody wanted everybody voted no except me? See it? So you're not You're not created to follow the pack. You ain't created to fit in. You ain't created to h you know, to be ordinary. You were created to be exceptional, as exceptional as your fingerprint on your finger is. You were created to be exceptional. Why not make this the year that you go ahead on and be exceptional? Why won't this be the year that you decide in your mind? But just has to be a decision that we make. Now we're not following the pack no more. We're not trying to fit in no more. We ain't settling for ordinary no more. We're gonna be exceptional. But you know, you got you got to go ahead and follow that. You got to get on the exceptional path because that's what you were created for. Why be ordinary? You know? But all of this this comes to it has to start with a thought. You got to first think something thought to become things. A man is as he thinketh that's all you will ever be. So what are your thoughts today? Why not have exceptional thoughts instead of ordinary thoughts? Why not have exceptional thoughts instead of fitting me in thoughts? So why you want to be like everybody else? Why you want to be ordinary when you could possibly be extraordinary with a change of your mind, a change of your venue, And you don't have to be any other kind of way just because my mama was this way, my daddy was this way, or this the school I went to? This? What race I belong to? This is my sexual preference, this is my this, this is my dad? Why? How many? How many? How many excuses? You need? I'm an excuse? What? What? What? What? You? What's it gonna be this year that we let another three hundred and sixty five days slip by without improving our condition, our place, our spot, our life, the quality of life we have. We cannot afford to keep letting all these years go by without changing. You're an exceptional person. How many times have you set up and said, everybody did that accept me? You know I was only everybody jumped in accept me. I told him I knew it. Everybody voted for that, accept me, And now look at it, man, it seemed like everybody went that way, accept me. Okay, do you get it? Do you understand what's being said to you that an't accept me is because couldn't it be because you're an exceptional person, and it's time for you to take control of that. It's time for you to start thinking different. It's time for you to start acting on what you think. It's time for you to start doing something about it. It's time for you to stop taking each and every day that God gives us for granted and letting them go by the wayside. Like you got plenty more. Well, you may have plenty more, but guess what what you wasting the ones you got for? I got you young, and you and you feel like you're gonna live forever. Okay, cool, But let me ask you something. See here, here, here go a part about pose you do live? See see everybody willing about dying. But I got news for you. Suppose you keep on living. You want to keep living in the condition you in now. You want to keep living with the money you got now. You want to keep living with the relationship you got now. You want to keep living by yourself like you are now. You want to keep wanting the right relationship, the right man, the the right woman, but you keep getting the wrong one. You want to keep doing that for the rest of your life. Problem ain't dying. It's problem is if you keep on living. Who wants to keep on living just the way they are right now? And if you can say I'm cool with I am just the way I am right now, it in't cool. This conversation ain't for you. I ain't got no problem with that. You know, you want to say, greatness ain't for everybody. Being exceptional, ain't for everybody. Becoming extraordinary ain't fun everybody. Heck, becoming successful ain't fun everybody. I got it. And you can come up with a way to justify your non existence in your ordinary life. All you won't, And that's fine and dandy. I ain't got no problem with it. Because some people just gonna be regular. Some people just gonna follow the pack, follow the crowd. Some people just wants to fit in. But if you're not that person, if you want to be extraordinary, if you want to be exceptional, if you want to be if you want to dad or be great at something, and you got to change your mind set. You got to get with your creating, find out what he created you fault. You gotta quit thinking of things just in your own thought process, you know, lean not to your own understanding. I don't know what that is, but it's in there somewhere seeing. Once you lean, if you lean to your own understanding, you know what it's gonna do. It's gonna limit you. Man, it's gonna limit you. Why not see what God got for you. I would rather know what God got for me than to think of all the things I could because I can't out think him out and tried it before. All right, it's just the beginning. We're gonna have a good one. Man. Let's go. You're listening, ladies, A gentlemen, man, have your attention. Please welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Two two three. Try Jesus, not me because I throw hands. Try Jesus. Please don't try me because I fight. I don't know how long I'm gonna open the show with that song. But and I didn't have a melody right just now because I didn't think about it, but it felt so good to me. Yeah, I didn't have the melody right a melody? Yeah, let me play it right there. It was Trajesus, act like that's a faki because I throw hayr Jesus. Please don't dry me because I'm thank you, thank you. That's all I need. That was it? That was it. That's my jams, my theme song from Colton that Shirley said, it has been my theme song. It just wasn't written. That's right, and that's why that song has mattered so much to me. In his name, let the church say, man man a man again Man, Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve tried Jesus, not me, because I throw hands, come on now calling for real? I know you know this here song. Whatever girl you told hands, cut tires, fill up gas tanks with sugar, bus out windows, keep cause allegedly, allegedly somebody told me calling girl that they thought that was you, that girl that set that range roll on fire. Well on social media, I was she was a rookie. Rookie and amateurs nothing. Don't even know how to do it, Junior, more than try Jesus never said right with me? No a few times, Yay, I'm in the building. I'm right here, I'm right here, Jesus native man. So the artist Toby, he posted on his Instagram page number two on the charts. Try Jesus already number two, God number one? Try Jesus. What's the artist name? Carla Toby new Wig. We don't buy no other one. Try Jesus. The hood version all right, coming up a thirty two minutes after the hour. He's in the building, the CLO Chief Love Officer. Right after this, you're listening to Steven Show time now for ask the CLO. CLO in the building that is the Chief Love Officer, the one and only Steve Harvey. You ready, mister clo. I'm ready right here, Here we go. This is from Leicia in Gary, Indiana. She says, my brother in law is dating a new woman that no one in the family can stand. We tolerate her because we love him. This woman sells sex toys for a living, and she doesn't have the best reputation. She walks around in shorts and rompers with her booty cheeks hanging out. The bottom's tasteless, classless, and disrespectful to walk around my husband and teenage boys like that. A female relative talk to her about how she presents herself, and she got very confrontational. How do I enforce some boundaries with this woman without her trying to jump on me? Well, you're gonna get jumped home. Women who walk around with their booty cheeks out have jump on capabilities. You have to be prepared because you are dealing with a person who has no problem showing their ass. So now you think that she ain't gonna acco fool if you say something to it. She has her booty out for a reason. You know why, because her specialty is showing it. That's right, Yeah, this is gonna Don't worry about this. This ain't gonna last long. Your sales sex toys and you walk around looking like a six toy. It's a billion dollar business. It's a billion dollar business, but she ain't getting a whole billion. Got the booty, but not the billion. Yeah, don't worry about it, This too shall pass, all right? Angel and Port Arthur, Texas says, I'm a twenty five year old single mother of a two year old and I recently broke up with my child's father. I've started dating again, and I'm not a nice guy online. We talked for two weeks before I told him I'm a single mother. He said he didn't want to talk to me anymore because my child is young, and he's sure there's a little drama still going on with my child's father. He's correct, but I have it under control. Should I wait until my daughter is older to start dating or until my issues with her father are totally resolved. Well, it's two things you gotta do. For number one, you gotta try to get the issues resolved just for your own peace of mind. That's for starters. And then secondly, you talking to a man for two weeks before you tell him you have a child. He don't look what the reason he gave you was because I'm he young, and I'm sure that's still some problems. He don't want no problems, but some men, you twenty five years old, just don't want a young child and to picture. So you talking to a man, I think early on is important to let him know who you are. The child is never gonna go anywhere, and that ain't nothing you surprise a person with, Hey, have I told you I got a baby? We've been talking for two weeks day? What the hell you mean? Have I told you? Hell no, you ain't told me, so it could be a five product. So I would I would be a little bit more forthright in your dating because there's a lot of men ain't got no problem with you having a child. But when he don't want to date a woman it's got a child, then didn't That's gonna be the excuse. But you need to work out your situation with your guy, get the problem solved, so for your own piece of money. So how should she say it? How you said tell him right away? What should she say? Because well, you know, hey, tell me a little bit about yourself. Well, I'm twenty five years old, I have a two year old son, I'm single. That's it. It's it's nothing else to it. Okay, you know all right? She thought it ain't a secret you on the phone. So girl, all right, now, how you doing? What you got on? What is that? Yeah? Yeah, you know what's going on? Good? Ye? Then I got the lights turned down? What you got on? Where I like anybody? Triuldn't think? Is that a goat? Right? All right, we're moving on. This is something you can relate to as well. Steve Biggie in Charlotte, North Carolina says, I'm a fifty biggie in Charlotte. I thought you said biggie, O biggie, you know big big in Charlotte. Oh biggie, I thought you said biggie too. No, no, no, I'm a fifty year old divorced man and I'm in love with a woman that likes to be spoiled. When I met her, she had a nice car, townhouse, fine jewelry, and she was well traveled. I owned several insurance companies. I was initially attracted to her beauty, but I love that she's financially secure. I don't mind buying her nice things, but I hate it when she asked for things and expects me to get them. She said, I should give her my credit card so she doesn't have to ask me to buy her stuff. I would love her. I would love to marry this, this woman. But this is this a red flag or the money? Red flag? That is they landing plane? Is that a red flag? Credit card? Boy? That's the Christian Luberton building. That ain't a red flag. That is the red bottoms, red roof, red raws. Run for the hill man, Pardner, you should give me your credit card so I don't have to ask you for money. Anybody find to do that with you? No thinking ahead? Come on, we dating what he said. He would love to marry her. Go ahead, Pardner, go ahead, don't get married here? Go ahead? Is that a red flag? You're not gonna believe how big this flag is? Yeah? Better pass on. She already has a nice thing. She probably just wants a couple of times. Why she begging? Then? Why's she begging for the card? He didn't say begging, But who says that most people ain't in a position to just give you a credit card? Let you go do what you want to do now. No, I ain't know. It's very very few people that got that. I know, really really well off dudes that's married that have some real problems when that credit card get out of hand. Yeah, all right, we'll coming up and ask thank you cello. Nephew tell me in the building with the praying phone call right after this. You're listening coming up at the top of the hour. Tiffany Hattish said racism makes her afraid to have kids. And wow, wait till you hear this and tell me something good news. HBCUs are reporting the largest gift in history. We'll tell you from home at the top of the hour. But right now, the nephew is here, would run that break back. The postman always rings twight. I want you to turn to your book a postman right now because he always rings twice. Let's go cat diggity, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Carlos say, what is my name? Benny Man, Benny Phipps. Hey you, I want to make sure I got the right person. You You worked for a post office, right, h yeah? Okay? Do you deliver mail off of Murphy Road? Uh? Sometimes? Yeah? Yeah, okay, I live it well. First of all, I wanted to make sure I had the right postman. Nah. It's been brought to my attention that there's a postman that has been stopping by my house. And I'm what I'm not understanding is why are you bringing mail to my door? A post to just putting mail in the mailboxes on the street where everybody got their mailboxes at. What do you say? Is that again? I live at Murphy Road Road? Yeah, I deliver over there. Uh. But he s ain't delivering package at your house. No, I said, you've been bringing mail to my house in the polls. Here's what I'm trying to kill you, Carlod. My wife is at home all day, she don't work. And my understanding is you've been stopping by there on more than one occasion on a daily basis. You're coming by there two three times, you know. But what I'm understanding it ain't no mail being brought over that. I'm trying to figure out what are you doing at my house? Now? What really? Then brought all this to a head because you already know what's going on. Let me go on, let you know that, Carlod, I do know what's going on. I picked up the clothes from the cleaners this morning, and to my attention, it's a man's post office shirt in my packet. What color was it? It's blue? Light blue? Okay, we explain this to to me? How your shirt get in my house? Do I have my name on it? Because that can mean anybody's shirt. Okay, So so oh, hold on, what you're trying to say, it's some it's mo post me and stopping by my hume. See man, sometimes sometimes you know, we do have different guys in that in that neighborhood, you know, because I fears my problem man, My problem is this is that my wife is at home all day every day. And my understanding is that you stopping body bringing more than First of all, you can call you can call the one one hundred numbers, because how do you get my number? Do? Hey? I don't worry about that. I find ways. It's how you how you how you getting my address, that you stopping by that every morning. I just deliver what they give me to deliver, and due I put another in a box. And this is a package I don't get out. Excuse me, I don't do that. That That wasn't me, dude. I just this morning and pick up clothes. And it is a post office shirt in there that belong ever done. It belonged to a man. That's got to be it must be yours. That none of the mine, man, that's not nine. I have all mine. Okay, okay, okay, I'll tell you what this is. We're gonna do, Carlos, because Carlos, you can see what. Let me tell you something. I know you're lying, see and what you're doing is you're delivering more than mail at my house. And I know it. Carlos, you understand me, So listen to excuse me. That's not me. It can't be men. Let me let me tell you something. When you come on Murphy Road tomorrow, okay, I'm gonna be out there at them at the mailboxes, waiting on you for what for what? What was me? And you gonna have this problem that we got tomorrow morning when you bring the mail so when you bring the mail, bring you to. Okay, Carlos, hey, hold on me. Can you threatening me? I'm telling you, when you bring the mail, bring you to. Dude, Dude, I didn't come at you like that. You ain't gonna come to me like that. Dude. Hey man, you came up in my house and I know you tell off the shirts in my house. Dude, that was not me. I don't know where you live, I don't know who you are, but you're threatening me. Dude, dude, Hey man, I'll see you in the morning at the mail box. Bring you, Carlos. I'm out tomorrow, but I would come to your house with playing clothes on it. Whoop, y'all. What you say you want for me? Hey you, it's own. Rub the road if roads, bring your because what you're not gonna keep doing it's running up in my house while I'm out at work trying to earn a living for my family, and you up in my house laying up and you're leaving your clothes. I found some mason now, I guess that's what you use when you spray on them. Dog. I found that too. I'm gonna bring some extra mames. I'm gonna spring it with that, mad I'm will not killing out, so you're I'm gonna be wanting Carlos. I can't wait till tomorrow. Excuse me. I told you I wasn't the one. But if you want to put me ron for real, okay, cool, I'm get when I see your office, when I see you tomorrow, it's old. It's whatever. Hey, you spreading to me all that. I tell you what. I will come over at some playing clothes because you're not gonna make me lose my job. Dog, whatever it's got to be. I don't care if you if you're in the post office uniform, I don't give a damn if you and your put job was Carlos. But when you come to that mail box and I find you out there a boy the mail boxing, that's your man. Because I know you've been in my house, Carlos, I'm telling you I'm there, Okay, so be it, then, so be it. I got I got one more thing else. I want to tell you when you before you get there, tell me what you know. I recall me. What as you listening to me? Yeah? His nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your co workers? Are you you ain't this? Ain't this from my road, Carlos, You are right, man, A dude, I'm driving put to the side of the road. I'm hanging out the truck. I'm about to go crazy. I don't want my way to your house right now. It's on my way to your house. I took God for n I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land? Steve Harvey Morning radioself, no doubt all the way. Never done anything with a delivery person. Yeah, I got my package described. Yeah, I mean just you know, you know it went too far with a delivery person, like you know, No, you didn't answer your dough and I got into a trist with the delivery girl. I never heard you use trist before, Tommy. I gotta say I was shocked too. I was stunned. But my other my other choice was really not gonna make the asp this trist But I ain't, Tommy. I've never said trist everybody. I've never heard you say it. Twenty years. I've never heard you say that it's the tristum. What's thirtieth thirtieth yea, the funniest thing I've ever seen that delivery. Kind of really cute. Girl came to the house when time dropped something wrong and I was surprised, you know, I said, Wow, this girl is cute. Her phone rang as she was walking up to the door. She said, call me again. I'll kill you. What what Walking through the dog she answered the phone and said, call me again, I kill cute with right out coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment and National News right after the trist you're listening to the String Show. In today's Entertainment News, Tiffany Hattrish discussed the idea of motherhood with NBA star Carmelo Anthony. On this podcast, Tiffany says, one thing that scares her is bringing a child into a racist world. Take a listen. I'm older now, a little older, and people it's like, you don't have baby when you're gonna have some babies, when you're gonna drop some babies. And and there's a part of me that would like to do that. And I always make up these excuses like, oh, I need a million dollars in the thank before I can touch you. I need this, I need that. But really It's like, I would hate to give birth to someone that looks like me and then knowing that they're gonna be hunted or killed. You know, like, why would I put someone through that? Wow? Well, she was talking about racism, and she went on, you know, Carmelo, he's a father, so they kind of talked about you know, parenting a little bit and you know, being black. And she says there's hope because she participated in Black Lives Matter and the protests and things like that. So emotional talking about motherhood though, very much podcast. Yeah, I saw it. She very emotional. I mean, you believe it or not, a lot of people feel that way. They do not I want to bring kids into this racist world. A lot of people. You know, She's not the only one. She did speak. I'm glad I brought my kids into that world. I'm not going to retract on that. I like having my children. I'm just very protective and make sure they don't run into the wrong as much as I can. But yeah, but I got my kids right. The good thing about it is, like you said, Carlo, she's not hopeless. She does have some hope for the future, hope hoping that it'll get better, and you know, maybe things will turn around and change. Yes, there's a deal. God will bring into the world who he wants in this world. Amen to that. You can make any statement you want to. Everybody God want in this world gonna be in this world, I believe. Yeah. But there's a lot of people that feel like her, Like Shirley said, they're scared. They're scared to be parents. Yeah. So yeah, because it is the hardest job in the world. It comes with no instructions, no instructions. Once you put him in that baby's seat on the way out, that's all right, It's time now for tell me something good news. Now. This is according to the Black Information Network. At least six HBCUs received huge donations from Mackenzie Scott. And if that name doesn't sound familiar to you, let me tell you who she is. Remember Jeff Bezos, you know who he is, Amazon CEO. Yeah, right, that's his ex wife. So you know she's got a lot, a lot of money. Okay, yeah, she's a billionaire billionairests. Anyway, she gave money to Howard Hampton, Tuskegee, Morehouse, Spellman, and Xavier University in Louisiana. They all announced that they received millions or eight figure donations from Mackenzie Scott, the largest in the university's history, university's history, university's history. That's really great. That is wonderful. That's outing. She gave a lot of money. But she said that when she with the divorce, she said she was going to give a lot of her fortune away to charity. She did say that. Yeah, yeah, so that's awesome. HBCU, Thank you McKinsey, Miss Scott. Yeah, no pre views as asking as well. All right, Steve, it's time now for today's headlines. Miss and trip, thank you, Thank you everybody. In good morning. This is entered for the news. The governor of Oregon says that a deal has been worked out everybody for a phased withdrawal starting tomorrow or federal troops who've been clashing with protesters in downtown Portland for weeks. Actually some of those withdrawals actually will start today. Those clashes, of course, the mayor and other local officials say, were aggravated actually by the fits because of the way they were treating these then peaceful protesters. In fact, American civil levities unions asking a judge to sanction those agents over their treatment of journalists and legal observers of the protest. However, in testifying before a Congressional committee this week, US Attorney General William Barr defended his decision to send the federal troops into Portland because he says there was only one way to look at things. Unfolds nightly around the courthouse cannot reasonably be called protests. It is, by any objective measure, an assault on the government of the United States. Well, local community leaders in Portland say that the push for real change is still now. Kaylee Thornlad put a cold listen together called Reimagine Oregon. It's no surprise that the federal government is using dehumanizing tactics even now to quiet our protest. The late and Great John Lewis also marched in peaceful protests for our civil rights and had his head bashed in with the club. The protests have reminded some and taught other people about Oregon's ugly pass For instance, in its state constitution back in eighteen fifty nine, it was stated that black were prohibited from living in the state of Oregon. The Pentagon has announced that it's prepared to withdraw thousands of American military personnel from Germany, a process expected to cost billions of bucks, but when asked about the move, the President said he might reconsider if Germany was to quote start paying their bills. It's assumed that Trump was referring to NATO fees. The President was in Texas yesterday for a fundraiser. He's told reporters that he may give his presidential nomination acceptance speech at the White House, since the GOP can't hold that traditional nominating convention because of the coronavirus numbers. Meanwhile, another Trump loyalist, Republican Congressman, Louis Goemert of Texas, has tested positive for the coronavirus. Gohmert proudly refused to wear a mask. Finally, another Republican, this one Arkansas State Senator Jason Rappert, tested positive for the virus the other day, also after refusing to wear a mask and calling mandates for masks draconian and COVID nineteen eight hoax. In fact, for the last three months, as Guy, rapperts been sharing articles about how quote liberal quacks have been spreading fear and how COVID nineteen is the biggest political hoax in history. But yeah, he's got it. Final homegoing services are being held later this morning for civil rights icon John Lewis, capping almost a week of ceremonies in his native Alabama. In Atlanta and the Nations of capital of Congressman Lewis died last Friday at the age of eighty after losing a battle to six month battle against cancer. Services to be held in Atlanta's famed ebenez Or, a Baptist Church representative. Lewis is to be buried at Southview Cemetery. By the Way. The eugie is to be delivered by former President Obama, and an attendance will be foreign Presidents Bill Clinton and former President George Bush. The US has reached another grim milestone. Authorities now say over one hundred and fifty thousand Americans have lost their lives due to COVID nineteen, and the CEOs of four big tech companies testified before Congress about censorship yesterday. It's time not about bleacher. President Trump was standing by a retweet of an article by a doctor named Stella Emmanuel from Cameroon. She's living in Texas, Jr. Emmanuel said that the anti malaria drug coxi quint chlora Quinn, by the way, as a cure for the virus. She once said that some medical conditions were caused by demons, and which is having sex with humans in their dreams. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. So the other day I think we told you guys about this yesterday. The other day, Junior and I saw each other in the parking lot of a store. And yes, we were both wearing our masks. We were practicing social especially to me, especially me one on Instagram. There you go, uh huh, quit looking up that all the stuff and look, look, I'll find out where your friends as if that my girl Shirley too right asking for anything, any foolishness, he had come out right got it for you. He comes from closing remarks, Here's a question, guys. Have you been out and someone was not wearing a mask? So, if they weren't wearing a mask, have you asked that person to put his or her mask on? Or did you just stay away from that person or did you just leave? How did you handle it? In other words? No, definitely which one? Well, I haven't been out anywhere, but if you come to my house, you have to have on the mask. Oh yeah, you know, making a delivery. I'm coming in, I'm working, I'm doing some work of the house. You gotta wear a mask, man, Oh, I left it in the car. Unless you're planning on doing your work from the car. Try Jesus, Try Jesus, not me, because I felt hands Tom, You've done both what you say, I've done both. I've been around and people you know, talking, and they ain't got no masks. I just you know, get by ten fifteen feet away from just back. Hell yeah, if I go to my son's baseball game, man, they ain't got no damn mask, none of the outside. But still that's still I'm sitting there with my mask is on the entire time, just sweating. I'm sweating, huffing and puffing breath. You're breathing your own breath back to you and then out. I think I'm working my lungs more than anybody, you know, But I feel but I still feel safer though. But yeah, when you outside, you ain't no telling what you're gonna see. Man. No, I was in the mall, Me and uh Tasha, we were in the mall and we had a mask on. We went in the store and this black guy working in the store, and he was like, well, let me know if I can help y'all. And we were like okay. So these other these other people came in. They didn't have mask on. So the guy working at the store said, Hey, my man, I'm gonna need y'all to put masks on the coming the store. We ain't got no mask. We ain't putting on masks on. He said, my man, I'm gonna need you to come out about to be a situation. Suation I hear, that's all. We don't do three man. We don't what junior, what you said we do to my mans. We don't go. My man, gonna have actions behind it. Yeah, throw them hands my job he talking man. Yeah, yeah, he's like a man mask on my daughter. Let's go where your masks, wash your hands. Social distance please, all right? Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, what's going on and trending political news. We're gonna talk about it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, what's going on? All right, listen to these stories carefully, please, they're political stories. First, Remember the Trump administration had announced it while it's conducting a legal review of the Supreme Court's decision to reject Donald Trump's planned to end the doctor program. It's still taking steps to end legal protections of dreamers. The White House will limit the scope of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DOCTA program until it can find other ways to shut it down. So please keep in mind. Now, these people have literally grown up in the US. They don't even know any other country. They've been here all their lives, and he wants to end that program, and it's looking for a way to do again. Wow, I don't get surprised. Every morning you read some on Trump and you sursed. Well. He's also resended the Fair Housing Act that Obama started, which would allow certain oh developments to be put out into the suburbs. And he's trying to wool the suburban voters by saying, now you don't have to worry about your crime and property values loring because I put a stop to that. He just did that the other day. This dude every thing anything he can do to show his base that he is biased, that he is bigger than as them, racist as them. He has no problem pulling that string. So let me tell y'all if we don't get him out of here in November. You all ain't seen nothing yet. You think you tied to his policy. Now he's faced with reelection and this is what he's doing. Let him get another free four years. We're not gonna believe what he's gonna do to this country, man, And he gonna cut every program out we ever had. All this unemployment y'all getting for the excuse me, I don't mean y'all all this unemployment that he trying to pass out right now, you know why he's doing that for reelection? Yes, the Republicans are sympt cut this weight, man, he to cut this way down. Yeah, the reason he put on the mask, all of that, all of that has to do with his re election, Steve, that's his concentration. That that's where his energy is right now to win in November. Even if he loses, they're saying he's not gonna want to leave the White House. He's not. I'm not gonna give it up. I mean in this country, Yeah, we've always had a peaceful transition, no matter if it was a Republican leading and a Democrat coming in or happens. Don't know if he loses that dude right there, it's gonna be a wrecking ball before he go. Yeah, that's going to get him out of there. Yeah. No, there have marines. We have marines. Yeah, and he's so quick to call him out. Listen to me, that will be a new president. He can't stay in that White House man January. Yeah, he's out. And and it's really sad too, because he was down in Texas. He has yet to say anything to the families that have lost people to this corona, not one thing to these people, because he's just distancing himself from the whole thing. Y'all this November. We can't be playing. We can't be playing. I want Ricky Smiley and d L. Hubilly to get home. Bore. This got to stop. Ninety six days to the election, Steve, what were you saying? No, I was saying what you brought up to farehousing back, and he tweeted that message about suburban voters on his way to Texas, about property value and all these things. So it's kind of like he's trying to appeal to those suburban voters through absolutely Yeah, and his father. All they buildings they have proven history of not leasing to black people. He ain't got no problem getting rid of the Fair Housing Act because he ain't never practiced fair housing himself. Wow, yeah, all right again, got to vote. Ninety six days until election day. If you haven't registered to vote, please go to When We All Vote dot org. Right now, all right, it's time to switch gears. Nephew Tommy is here with a prank phone call, and that's coming up. That craziness is coming up. He is the king of franks, coming up with a brand with the new prank right after this you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject my frumpy friend needs a makeover. My frumpy friend needs a makeover? All right, Yeah, frumpy, I'm gonna send this strawberry let out? What do you mean? Yeah? I got some friends need just this. Yeah. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone falling from me every yeah, right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. I think I got it right that time. What you got for us? Now? If you can't talk straight at the barbershop, then where can you talk straight? Or on the show? This is the barbershop by Brady. How are you doing? Man? My name, my name is Dennis Man. I got a hair cut from you a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, what's up? Hey? Listen, Um, I wanted to get an appointment with you, man. Uh Like I said, I was there a couple of weeks ago. Man, my first time getting hair cut from you. Did a real, real good job. So I want to say thank you for that. All right, Okay, do you have any um any time available on Thursday? Yeah? Yeah, for sure, ye come up to Thursday to be fine. What's what's what's your name here? Brother, Dennis Man? Dennis? Okay, Dennis? Why I can't Dennis about about three o'clock man, something of that nature. I mean, you know, I know on the work performance, you know three o'clock you will be there. Yeah, okay, Hey. I got a little bit of situation though, man, that happened last time I was there. I kind of wanted to talk to you about it, man, because it kind of called me off guard. So I wanted to do how I let you, man and see if we could rectify the problem. For I came back up there. What happened? What's somebody disrespect your something. I mean, what was to do? What? What? Um? It really wasn't somebody man, it was it was it was it was actually you me. Whoa, I mean, what's the what happen? Here's deal? Man? When you was cutting my hair, when it when it was time to turn the chair, you didn't turn the chair with with with with with your hand man. See Brady, man, you you turned the chair with your with your private part. Oh come on, say Dennis, I mean, dni, I'm a profess man. I've been doing this fifteen years bro right right. I don't think it's anything deliberate. Man. I think you just do it unconsciously man, because you know you'd be leaning over on the chair cutting and I think you don't realize, you know, you be turning the chair with your private part instead of doing it with your hand man. And see, my hand got caught out there and I saw it out the corner of my eyes. I saw your private part coming towards my hand. I moved it just in time. You understand, but not see, Dennis, I'm not understanding something. But because I don't, I don't. We don't operate like that, mind, yes, because you know I don't make mistakes like that. But I mean, you know, I don't know you. You're sure you're talking to the right person, man, Yeah, I mean, ain't you the third chair on the right when you walk in the door. Yeah, that's correct. Okay, that when I'm talking about, Man, and you cut me two weeks ago, and like I said, I really like my hair cut, so I wanted to call back and rectify this problem. But you know, you gotta turn the chair with your hand and not your private part. If now we're gonna have a problem. Okay, brow, I feel it. I understand you your complaint and everything. I mean, I'm not understanding what you're saying. But because I don't do that, you know. But I mean, we will be glad to you know what I'm saying. You another cut or whatever? You understand? Man, you know, but I don't move nobody no round with my produm Man, that's just not being Okay. I understand what you're saying, but I want you to hear what I'm saying. If you put your private on there at all when I come in there Thursday, then I promise you're gonna jump up and we're gonna have a problem. Well let's see now now, now right up, and I'm not I'm not feeling that jump up and having a problem because you know, you don't really know me like that. Bro, you know what I mean. I'm trying to be a professional here and and solve your little issue that you got your understanding. But but I all this jumping up and stuff you're talking about doing. I don't know. I'm trying to come in and get a nice hair cut and walk out with a nice hair cut. What I don't want to do. It's come down there, you're lean old, put your private part. Well, I got my arms in my hands and I got up. Now that's what I don't see. Six, you're from the hotline, dude, you're starting. You're touching the wrong, talking about what you're talking about. I'm touching you wrong. You touched me wrong two weeks ago when you put your private on my head. Man, I don't know how to touch you. I tell you feeling and say what I don't know WoT you're talking to? Man? You know dog all I'm trying to say, you know, the brother trying to come in and get his hair cut and walk out fitting like a man and not walk out feeling violated man, because you didn't turn the chair with your private part all up against my head and my elbow and stuff. Man, you know what I'm saying that I'm sing. Bro, You know I'm trying to talk to your fee. But now you don't run me wrong. I ain't gonna punk flying here, and you understanding, but they ain't no punk flying that didn't keep it off my hand. Let me tell you something won't fit. Oh here, you bring your stupid so He'm gonna tell you right now. You understanding and look quicker? Oh here, farmer shop hear me. I hear what you're saying. But let me explain something. You were you using your hips and your private section like a paying ball machine. And I'm gonna tell you right now I will put something on you. You come on, understand me. I come on, dude, I'm just trying to come and get a halh cut. I'm trying to get a hair cut and walk out of there like a man. Feel it like a man. I open you. I'm gonna open you up. Boy. Do you want to stand here now? Now? Now, come on here to do something to your what you want to be? This ain't this is a ball. But shot you understand me, I understand hold what I ain't got no time, damn on that. I got somebody to have a cut running. Ain't got time running drum back. You're gonna come over here too, too straight. I bet you did. I'm gonna do it. I don't do it. You feel me? You know what? Men? What is you? Man? You'll come up, come on your slf and you come up to you. Okay, Okay, I'm gonna put my real name on my shirt. Then you want to know what my real name. That's what's up. That's what's up. Okay, Then you might want to you want you want to know what name gonna be on the shirt? Like then the name on the shirt is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Shown. Say oh man, say bro my bad man. Hey, Hey, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man, every man has gone through this. That's why folded you can you actually keep your arms in your lap because you don't want them to be on the on the arm rest of the chair. Because keep you know, when your bob was trying to move that phone with his med section. That's not it's it's it's a little uncomfortable sometimes I don't want you've been to the barbershop at a long time. But we sit on our hands now. It's been a wild Junior. I ain't gonna lie to you. Uh here, Julie's been fourteen years since I had a hair cut, wild man, its't been that long. It's been fourteen years. Wold that haircut that was doing it was a Christmas vacation. Yeah, you haven't had a hair cut. But when you went bald, I was pregnant. Yeah that I was gonna say. It has something to do with because you called you called Mesha twelve. She'll be thirteen in January. Yeah, but right's I'm telling you because you was like, I cut my hair. Yeah I was. I was forty nine years old when I come. Yeah, because it was for your fiftieth birthday, because she was born. My fifty birthday was coming. But I cut it in Christmas while I was forty nine exactly. Remember that excited Yeah, you were so excited about that. You were like, I did it, I did it, and you sent us pictures the freedom man. Yeah, because do you know how long it took me to cut my hair like that? Every time I cut it that raised a line across your front. Scissor cut spray. Yeah, yes, all day long, in fifteen minutes, three times a week. And when I was on TV, five hair cuts a week. Wow, you had a lot of hats. All right, coming up now thinking of you. Today's Strawberry Letters subject my frumpy friend needs to make over. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Alal, how you look here a book live? How loud? Tie? I'll be r all right, thank you, nephew. Subject my frumpy friend, My frumpy friend needs a makeover. That was close, all right? Just Steven Shirley, I'm twenty nine year old woman and I need your advice on how to help a friend she's been in quarantine alone. So all I've been hearing is how lonely she is. Well, here's why. She looks a hot mess all of the time, and being inside for three months has made it worse. I know everybody has been looking crazy since we are stuck inside, but since she's put on a few pounds and she looks like she hasn't combed her hair since March. She has an old sin that is tattered and she hasn't even bothered to take it out. I told her that shopping online was a great way for me to feel normal while I was in the house, but she said the current styles don't interest her. Her style is different and she wears her crocs with almost everything. It's like she's turned into one of those women that wear oversized T shirts and no bra, short shorts, socks and crocs. Shirley, let's be clear, Shirley, me, Shirley, let's be clear. She should never leave the house without a bra. Well, she not talking to me on that section. Why because I leave a house all the time without of bra? What she calls me out? Okay, Shirley, Let's be clear, she should never leave the house that abroad if if it's not a good look. All she's been talking about lately is wanting a man, and she's not being able to meet a good one. She's got a lot of friends that are male, and they have told her to shower, shave, and comb her hair too. Believe me, she's not depressed, and she's always down for social gatherings. Now that we're able to go out and do more, but we don't enjoy being around her because she looks so unkept and raggedy. She's getting worse and worse, and some of my friends are ready to cut her off completely. I don't know if it is a phase or what. Should I be honest and tell her about herself? I say, absolutely, yes, you should be honest and tell her about herself. Of course, don't do it in a hostile way. But you have some tough love, I say, you know, kind of you know, just be kind about it, I say, but heavy on the love part. You are her friend, right, Well, that's what a friend would do. I mean, a friend would honestly pull her friend to the side and tell her friends. Don't let friends neglect their hygiene and come out with body odor and not combing their hair and all of that. They don't do that. She's in dire need I think right now of an intervention based on what you've said in a letter. And also, let me say this, even if she is hanging out with you guys, that doesn't mean that she's not depressed okay, or has some sort of mental issues. I mean, she's stuck in the house alone, you know, that could be bothering her, and it's showing. She's not combing her hair, she's not showering. That's not a sign that you know, everything is okay. She's not taking care of herself, she's not shaving. She wants a man. No man is going to put up with that. Your friends who aren't sleeping with you and dating you don't want to put up with it. So I definitely think you know, I'm no doctor or a psychologist or anything, but I think it's more to this story. I definitely think some depression or something has taken over. Yeah. Yeah, she needs a little help. She needs some friends right now, and hopefully she'll be willing to hear what you guys have to say. She hasn't been so far, but you know, you got to intervene and get in here somewhere, get through to her some kind of way. Steve, Well, I don't know how to start this letter. How much time do I have? Dave about? How how long I got about two minutes. What I got to say can't be said in two minutes, so I'm not gonna say nothing. All I'm gonna do is prepare y'all for what I'm about to say. Okay, all right, surely I love your response. You try to really help people. Some people can't be helped and should therefore, once I determined from my level of schooling, which is none, and my level of x her tease and ignorance, which is very high. Yeah, yeah, I got that. It comes to a point when I look at some of these letters and I determine I'm not gonna be able to help this person. So I'm gonna allow this person to help us. Oh, this person is about to give us five minutes of complete levity because I have no advice for this woman except these damn jokes. God has given me a gift that has taken me around the world. Why would I not use that gift on this letter. I'm going to think fully of how to dismantle this letter in a comedic fashion that will have y'all talking about it at work all day. That's all I used to say. That is what you do. I am asking God to allow the gift that he has given me to shine through brightly as I talk about a woman who has let herself gone, who gone cut it off, don't give it damn but won A man her friends says she look a hot mess all the time, all the time, and quarantine has not been kind to her. All right, Steve, hold it right there. We'll have part two, or actually the body of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. The subject of today's letter is my frumpy friend needs a makeover. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. My frumpy friend needs a makeover is the subject. This woman is twenty nine and she needs some advice because on how to help a friend. The woman been in quarantine alone, all by herself, so she ain't had nobody to say, you know how you doing today? You know you look pretty? That she ain't had that. She's been in quarantine by herself. So and here's why she needs help. The ladies say, she look a hot mess all the time, and being inside for three moss has made it worse. Let's stop right here. You have a friend that's a hot mess all the damn time. You mean before the quarantine. I think during Steve since no, no, listen to me, Listen to what you said. Okay, I need your advice. She's been in quarantine, alans, so I've been hearing all about how how alan she is. Here's why she looks a hot mess all the time, and being inside for three months has made it worse. Ye, so before quarantine, she was already toe up from the float up. Nah she in quarantine, she'd have lost her damn mind. I know. Then the lady said, I know everybody'd been looking crazy since we stuck inside. But she'd have put on a few pounds. Now, what is a few pounds, Because if you notice as soon as you see her, twenty five is not a few pounds. Now, I'm just gonna tell you that right now, she'd have put on some weight. And if you already a hot mess, when you put on weight, it's very noticeable cause it's more stuff to turn into a mess. Yeah, so we got that problem right there. She didn't put on some pounds. A lot of people didn't put on pounds during the quarantine. But you can't put the pounds on and look a hot mess. Now you got to still beautify the mess. Okay, now, since we stuck inside. But she has an old soul end that is tattered and she ain't even bother to take it out. So what that means is the new growth has been pushing the headline back. How do you know? So in the front it just looked like she' been in the gym just sweating it out. She can't slick it back no more, ain't no licking it, ain't nonna laying it down valley and don't help. Freezed up in the front. Then all of a sudden, it's pony hell. It got a little front cross the front look like a like a head band. And then right after that, just shiny straight out of No damn, this was she got. She ain't combed her hair since March. Now I can't say nothing about that because I ain't either, So let's just gonna pass that you don't have any I told her to get a great way for me to feel normals when I'm in the house, but she said that the Karen styles don't interest her. What Karen style, you know, don't interest a woman? When the last time shell it, call it? You ain't been interested in the new styles? I can't recall. Why would you put a new style on a body that's a hot mess. You're just wasting money. Ain't nobody even gonna noticed the clothes you got on cause of your damn hell if you got that throw in the front and then that pony hair in the back, don't nobody know you got on the latest dose shape? Don't nobody give a damn Okay, I guess I'm weird shaming. Now I can't say nothing by the week. Problem, Now I got to say I can't say nothing by the hell. Well, let's keep moving in. So then her style is different than she wears crocs with almost everything. What did she say? She wears oversized T shirts, no braw, short socks and crocs everywhere. Oh so she just outside looking like a white man cutting the grass. She got on the older sis, some short socks and some crocs. You just an old white man cutting grays. All right, lady, I got one minute, So here I go. So here's what you're gonna have to say to her. These are key lines that you could say to bring her towards the life. Okay, baby, you ain't making it. Humh. These are just little subtle lines you can say to a person that's a hot mess to try to get them to come back. You know, baby, baby, you ain't making it. Humh. Yeah, you know you ain't doing good. Oh okay, here's another one. Okay, well, I see, I see. Quarantine ain't for everybody so far. That's my favorite. I love it. You know, how about this one right here? Baby? What's going on? Is you hoarding exactly? Because you know horders all them look crazy. He's gonna good right? Here is your water cut off? That? Yeah, she ain't showering. Here going another one? You don't smell nothing? All right? More in the latter they say, she's not depressed. This your next statement? How you ain't depressed? Right? Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Our girl from the Talk to One and Emily Cheryl Underwood in the building right after this you're listening to the Steven Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. It's Carla's Reality updated right now, Steve, please introduce our girl from the tournament, Sheryl Underwood. Thank you, Steve Harven and the Steve Harvard manuself familis. Hold the hell is the Black Doctor on Damn TV? Oh? Is this broad brand? Do he find? The ignortis nigros? To listen? There are words that I want to say, stay Hobby. Did you see what she said that demons? Now? I did see this in a movie where demon was Wasn't that the story of Abby? Remember Abby? What I know? I'm old, But Abby was a movie with Carol Speed and she had got possessed by the devil and she was having sex with a lot of people. Look it up. It's called Abbey. It's a it's a it's a matter of fact. It was played in the double feature Tommy. It was usually Blockular and the Abbey. When she had that church outfit on and she was talking about demons, I thought she was standing in for the lady that do the announcements. You couldn't have told me she was a doctor. That's not a doctor. No, no, no, it like she put the code on and then and they find the worst people. We got all kinds of good people that know what they talk, and you had to put this and he picked the worst black people to be speaking for him. And then all white friends be looking at us like I'll be like, I don't know, because they always want to know. Do we know each other? I don't know. I don't know, but I'm gonna tell you who I do know. That girl, what's that Indian girl named Congress froman what's her name? J Pal? What's her name? That girl lit up fat boy bar? Didn't she light him up? She was not letting him talk at the hearing? She let him up? You know, I can't, Oh, she let him up. I can't say it. The only way I remember it. Remember it rhymes with PayPal. That's the only way I know. But that Indian girl let him up. And while we're talking about the Congress, everybody getting in a TV because this is the best home going for our fraternity. Brother A five bettest Sigma John Lewis. When you have all the good presidents show up at your funeral about to speak at your funeral, when you got the good president, President Bush, that's the one I always give Michelle Obama first lady to ment the breathman. He loved Earth, you know what I'm saying. Then you gonna have President Obama speak. But this is the best part. President Bill Clinton, who is also a member of five Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporator. We'll be bringing his brother home. Yes, y'all didn't know that Clinton is a sign Bill. President Bill Clinton is a member of five Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporator, brought in by his brother, the most Honorable John Lewis Blue five. You know, Dancy Brown probably putting his coat on right now, getting ready for the service. Right, all right, Cheryl, we thank you so much. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's reality update. Right after this you're listening to Tommy. Is that time? Let's go? She is here the one and only call a faroll with what reality update? All right, thank you, nephew. Okay, so here we go, Reality start. Kim Kardashian. She has returned home to La after a dramatic trip to Wyoming. We talked about it earlier, and Kanye is still at the ranch. Meanwhile, Kanye is moving forth with his campaign. You know, his campaign party the Birthday Party, and he is hiring more campaign staffers to work the campaign. Kanye has submitted paperwork to get his name on the ballot for the following states New Jersey, Oklahoma, Illinois, Missouri, and now he is working to get his name on the ballot in your home state where you were born, mister Harvey, West Virginia. Them hill billy's don't. I'll tell you that right now. Don't go down at Kanye. You don't know these people right here. They don't know your damn name. They can't spellett. What's this about? Uh serious? Fellet that's running knee Kane is gonna won't you be the president? It's Kanye Kanye. They gonna call him Kane. Yeah. Yeah. Let me tell you something. Calling he's wasting a lot of his money. He got a lot of money, but he's wasting he this You might as well set time. You set to set it on five well, according to the According to TMZ, the West Virginia Secretary of State says Kanye needs about seven thousand, one hundred and forty four signatures by Monday to get on the ballot for that state. By money, the only chance he got is go to Morgantown to West Virginia University and try to get them college kids. I'm in the students. There's a big school. It's a major. Uh huh huh, it's major. West Virginia's major. Man. They've got a great program down there too, the people down there. But y'all, y'all, it's the same the state for that. This is not the time for We don't have time to be playing. Okay, yeah, but down man, and take your medicine. Yeah. So let's move on. Another reality news, Real Housewives of Orange County. They said they will not stop production just because one of their own is positive for a couple nineteen, your girl, Shannon Yes. She announced last week that she and her three teenage daughters recently tested positive for the virus. However, she posted that the girls, you know, they're blessed to be quarantining at the same time in the same house, so they are in the quarantine. Real Housewives of Atlanta, let's move on to there. Nini says she's still in negotiations for her new contract for Real Housewives of Atlanta for the new season. She said there is discussion and there is some drama going on because she said the other side has problems, yes, with her referring to herself as the queen, and why people have an issue with her being the queen, and she wants to know that people have the same issue with Porscha because Porscha wears a crime show, right right, But we have to see Ninie on Real Househwives up the Queen. I mean, yeah, she is a queen. She s queented that show for sure. Real Housewives a Potomac is coming back this Sunday by time. I love this show. Oh, I love Potoma. Let's go Gizelle. Let's babe bad as Gazelle be all wrong, but I love him. Monique Candice Robbing carrying in them Real Housewives of Potomacs and yes they are pretty. And finally come on Marriage boot Camp Monica. And I was talking about this off air, Mississippi Monica, y'all let to Harry's boyfriend grab her by the collar and yell at her. You lucky, I don't hurt you. Other men sat around and watch this man dragging put his hands, not drag her, but put his hands on this woman. Oh it was just horrible, just you know what I saw that clip I thought it happened so quickly that it threw the people. Yeah, other other couples of Phaedra was on there with her man. Yeah, and some other couples and in shock. Who is her friend? He's a friend of hers and her boyfriend and yeah this that was her boyfriend. Absolutely, So we'll be back at twenty after the hour of Steve, you can finish your thoughts. You're listening all right. Before we went to break, Steve, you were making a point with Carla's Reality of Data about the marriage boot Camp segment. Well, yes, carl what will you just say it to Heary? She is one of the celebrity if you will, reality stars on the show. Her boyfriend grabbed her by her collar on the show and yelled at her. You lucky, I don't hurt her. And a lot of men, the other couples that were there, they're being dragged on social media, is what I was trying to say. For not doing anything, for not coming to Tahar's defense. Yeah, and you saw you saw the clip, right Stevie, Security, But see this dude right here is weak man. He's weak on a whole number level. When security run up there and grab me, what no, get off me, take your hands off me, none of that. Men who hit women don't fight me. I wouldn't be surprised if the show press charges. You cannot allow this to happen to a woman, man, right, you cannot allow this, And I don't care if it is a damn reality show. These are still our queens. They belong to us. If they want to do a show where they argue with each other and fus and be friends on Friday, that's reality show. But for a dude to get up in front of a camera and calla a woman, are you kidding me? Many anybody with you with that kind of mess? Right down at your weak ass, o, water down, punk ass dude, man, grab a dude's call it so you can see high Go all right, thank you, guys. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening to show. So the other day, I think we told you guys about this yesterday. The other day, Junior and I saw each other in the parking lot of a store, and yes, we were both wearing our masks. We were practicing social business, especially to me, especially men one on Instagram. There you go, uh huh, quit looking up that all the stuff and look, look, I'll find out where your friends are. It's that my girl Shirley too right, asking for anything, any foolishness. He had come dog right, got it for you. He comes from clothes and remarks. So here's a question, guys, have you been out and someone was not wearing a mask? So if they weren't wearing a mask, if you asked that person to put his or her mask on, or did you just stay away from that person or did you just leave? How did you handle it? In other words? No, definitely which one? Well, I haven't been out anywhere, but if you come to my house you have to have on the mask. Oh yeah, you know making the delivery. I'm coming in, I'm working, I'm doing some work in the house. You gotta wear a mask, man, Yeah, oh I left it in the car unless you're playing on doing your work from the car. Try Jesus, Try Jesus, not me, because I fell on hands. Tom, You've done about what you're saying. I've done both. I've been around and people you know, talking, and there ain't got no masks. I just you know, get by ten fifteen feet away from just back. Yeah, if I go to my son's baseball game, man, they ain't got no damn mask, none of the outside. But still that's still I'm there with my mask is on the entire time, huffing and puffing breath. You're breathing your own breath back to you and then out. I think I'm working my lungs more than anybody, you know, But I feel but I see, I feel safer though. But yeah, when you outside, you ain't no telling what you're gonna see. Man. No, I was in the mall, Me and uh Tasha. We were in the mall and we had a masks on. We went in the store. These black euy working in the store. So these other these other people came in. They didn't have mask on. So the guy working at the store said, hey, my man, I'm gonna need you'll to put masks on the coming the store. We ain't got no mask. We ain't putting on masks on. He said, my man, I'm gonna need you to come out about to be a situation. A situation I hear that all we don't do three mans, we don't your face, What Junior, what you say we do two? My means we don't know, my man, go have actions behind yea throwed him hands coming up. It's our last break of the day, and Steve Harvey will have some closing remarks at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to show well, here we are our last break of the day. I wanted to get this in Steve before we got out of here and got to your closing remarks. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, President Obama is expected to speak at Congressman John Lewis's funeral today in Atlanta. President George Bush and President Clinton will also attend. The services today will be at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. President Obama awarded Congressman Lewis the Presidential Medal of Freedom back in twenty eleven. President Obama said when he was elected president of the United States, he hugged Congressman Lewis on the inauguration stand and told him I was only there because of the sacrifices he made. That. Yeah, ninety six days until election day in November third, and you know, for this president to openly say he won't attend the services to now the other day to repeal the Affordable Housing Act, to tell the suburbs that he's going to protect the market value of their homes and keep crime down. There is no statistic that says when people of color moved to the suburbs that crime rises. There's no status that at all. See, what he doesn't understand is what he doesn't understand or believe, is that black people want the same thing everybody else wants. They want a better way of life. They want their children to have a better life than they had. They want to participate in the American dream. We want to be homeowners. We want to be law abiding citizens. We want to go to church. We want to live in peace. We want to find happiness. We want to have the freedom of speech. We want to have the available right to the pursuit of happiness. But he don't. He don't know that about us, because he doesn't know us at all. His cabinet has proved it. I mean that there are no black people in that cabinet, with the exception of Ben Carson. That's it. Everybody else he's brought up there has been pure white. I got no problem with that. Except dog man, you ain't even thought about your country that you represent and the diversity of it. But you don't bother to make that diversity show up in the White House. After you promised everybody that you were going to drain the swamp. You drained the swamp, man, you cleared it out, and you put all your creatures in people in it, and have them going to jail. And it would be more than that if you would quit pardoning these criminals. Man, this dude is not what we need. And if you're sitting at home and sick of watching him on the news, that's something you can do about it. You understand that what Michelle Obama says is absolutely correct. When we all vote, When we all vote, we can change things. Stop this ignorant mess that show vote don't count. Your vote count just like they vote count. It's one vote. What's wrong with you? Stop my vote don't count. It don't count because you don't cast it. That's when your vote don't count. Your vote counts. Let this man fool you talking about this mail in. It's gonna be fraudulent and all this here. Don't let them stop you with this vote of suppression theme by closing poles in our neighborhoods and condition them down to one and causing you to stand in long lines registered to vote at when we all vote dot org. First make sure you registered, and then find out the date that you can start early voting. And then and then we don't have to have these tremendous lines. We have stop procrastinating and waiting till the last minute before we do something. Do something now. Stop this ignorance that our vote doesn't count. It counted when Barack Obama ran it counted. That was a record turnout at the polls. Guess where in our communities that was a record turnout of the number of votes when that man ran for office. Your vote counted. Then if you didn't vote, then someone's wrong with you, seriously wrong with you. We have got to stop any backwards thinking that will continue to keep us in the place. Black lives matter. Prove it. If you want black lives to matter, prove it. Go to the polls and make the best example you can by voting. It's really that simple, y'all. I'm not gonna get off this. I'm not now if you mess around and don't vote and let him get in for another four years. I ain't gonna mention it. I ain't gonna mention it. But see, I got news for you. I'm not gonna sit here and let this man ruin my life. I'm not gonna do it, because you know what, I'm gonna work real hard to put myself into position not to fall prey to his policies. Now, until you get in this position, we got to do the thing that we got to do for each other. Tyler Perry got to vote for all of us. Oprah Winfrey got to vote for all all of us. Jamie Fox got to vote for all of us. David Chappelle got to vote for all of us. Chris Rock said the entertaining all famous people got to vote for people. Damn we are you. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even boo who we are. We got to vote, man, We got to unify and make this vote count. Black lives matter, dammit, prove it. Get to the polls and vote and stop procrastinating. We ain't got time for this man. Stop acting like we're in nineteen forty five, this twenty twenty. You want them to treat us different than twenty twenty. We got to act different than twenty twenty. We got to get asked to the polls and vote for all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void we're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve harveyfm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.