Those in Quarantine, Healthy Immune System, Lionel Richie, Stimulus Bill and more.

Published Mar 24, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today's show is dedicated to the quarantine. If you are on lock down, then we are here for you. Actively practicing social distancing, we are. So if you are in some type of quarantine, then this for you. Is arachnophobia a deal breaker for a wife or nah? Steve also answers a question regarding sidepieces and the quarantine. The Summer Olympics in Tokyo will be postponed. Idris Elba and his coronavirus test has become and issue with his production company. Steve helps us understand what is really happening with this Stimulus Package. We have the best foods that boost and keep the immune system healthy. Should we get a remake of We Are The World or nah? We give huge birthday shout out to Mississippi Monica's Mimi! Happy 99th Birthday. Today in Closing Remarks, Mr. Steve speaks to us about the benefits of cussin' and more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all a sun giving them like the milling bus bus things in good stehten to movie together for stuy. I don't join Jo. You gotta turn you. You got to turn the turnmown. You got to turn them out to turn the water. The water got me come come on your back. I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only, Steve Harvey, I got a radio show. Somebody sent me an email one day that, you know, kind of a nasty little email, you know, I think I said it wants to before Steve Harvey trying to be a preacher. Man, I'm so far from being a preacher. Man, I can't even tell you. But what I am trying to do is share information. Now. I understand how haters work, and I understand how the devil works. Believe me, I do you know? Sometimes even heat, the devil surprises me at the level and the angles of attack they use, you know which, I go, wow, man, I didn't I didn't see that one. Oh that was pretty slick. I gotta get credit on that. We try to get me. But every time you try to get me, I get saved. I get saved every time, man, because because God got me, God got some angels camped around me. That's what my mom used to always say as a Sunday school teacher. Never really understood it, but you know when I was growing up as a kid, but I got it. Now. He got some angels around me. And angels come into form sometimes of people, people who pull your coat to this, or introduce you to that, or reveal some information to you like this. He got them all around me. So see, having a relationship with God has been beneficial to me, y'all. It's not just that what he gives to me, but what he protects me from. And you know, some some people wonder, well, if you were God, why he letting people do that to you? Now, that's not how it works. See, there's two forces in this world, as good and as evil. And if you succumb to good, that's what you become, that's what you do. But everybody don't succumb to good. Some people succumb to evil. Some people's mission is to hate, to destroy, to tear down, and so that forces at work in this world too. And when that force comes up against me. What God never promised me that I wouldn't see none of that, that I wouldn't see the attacks, that I would not come under fire, that I would not be falsely accused. He didn't say that. A matter of fact, he four warned me that it would happen. Or what he does give me in those moments on moments of comfort and peace, knowing that He's with me, and no, no matter what my enemy does to bring me down, it ain't gonna work. It ain't gonna work. So come if you want to fight, if you will, I have a man that has been attacking me since I owned the comedy club in Dallas. He has been on a mission and that if I don't give him five million dollars, he gonna do it. He didn't done everything, man, he has done everything. Now he've messed around and got itself now claiming in his letters physically ill and his illnesses and what's befalling his family. He's blaming that on me too, as Steve Harvey not stressed me out and paid me this money he owed me, were you coming with this? He just has kept on it on, it on, And you know what he a messed around, got itself sick. He'n messed around, man, got himself in some situation. And can I tell you something. It's been going on since nine teen, maybe ninety seven. He started the attack when I first went on, No before that, probably ninety five. He started the attacks in ninety five, every nine in he didn't got six lawyers. All the lawyers didn't drop the case. After they come in and they discover the fact. But he steady trying. But it's too angels that's around. And I forewarned him several times. Man, and man, if I was you, I go head on because what I'm not gonna do is being because see, you cannot break me because I happened to be a soldier for Christ. I happened to be an imperfect soldier or Christ as nothing, Man as nothing. And oh it ain't like a bunch of people and tried. Now, Oh y'all all been on YouTube, y'all been on the internet. Oh they didn't try. Oh they didn't put some dirt on me. Man, that ain't true. But if you keep looking at me though, and I'm not the prize, but if you put your eyes on God, it's where you go. But if you look at me, He's covered me through it all. And that's been the importance of the relationship I formed with God, is that I know that I'm under his wings, that I'm ever under his ever loving protection, that he got me. And I just want to share that with you that if you got If you're looking for some protection, if you're looking for a way to have the strength to get through what you're going through, get some God man. If if you want to weigh out, get some God man. If you've been gangbanging and you're sick of gangbanging, get you some god man. If you're tired of being on drugs and you're tied to drinking, get you some god man. If you're tired of being if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, get you some God man. I'm just telling you now. If you're trying to make your dreams come true and it looks like you ain't gonna make it, and you still believe that that's for you, get you some God man. If you're setting a new gold dream of aspiration and you're trying to get that and you're gonna start out today, get you some God man, I'm just telling you. I'm just telling you. See it's real what I'm saying. Man, I ain't on fake dude with it. You understand. I'm just telling you real. Get you some God, man, and be patient, have faith, believe, don't doubt, but Lord have mercy. Get ready to work your tail off. Did you hear me? Get you some faith, Believe, don't doubt, and get ready to work your tail off. God can't blessing you. See a lot of times we go to God asking for prayers and stuff, but we go to him and we don't give nothing God nothing to bless. We won't blessings, but we don't give him nothing to bless. You make one step, he'll make two. You start, he'll finish you come, He'll go you dream it, He'll build you started, He'll finish. See you see you trying everything your way. I'm gonna go to court. That conversation with a man yesterday, just sitting and just call me man, and was just talking about but Steve. You know, man, I've just dude been on me twenty three hundred dollars for four years. I just asked him, have you survived the folk without the twenty three hundred. Yeah, man, how much you think you have spent trying to get to twenty three hundred? Just a few hundred. Now, let me ask you something. Do you have a few hundred mold to try to get this twenty three hundred that you've been trying to get for four years? Yeah? I could do that, But do you want to? Man? Do you have the time to dedicate faux more or your years to try to get twenty three hundred? But Steve am out of work right now. I'm fell on some hard times. I could use that money, and I've been praying to God to help me. Yeah, you've been praying to God to help you. God probably got something way greater for you. But you gotta let go of your own thinking and let God have his way. You understand, you feel me. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen. It is time. It is here, the moment, the highlight of the early morning. It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Make no mistake about what's about to pop off today. This will be this show. Let me see, let me two what it is dedicated to. This show is dedicated to the quarantine, the people that's on lockdown. Thank you, people that don't ain't got nobody coming over, but want somebody to come over. We are here. We are visiting your house today. How are you man? Glad you could have us? We are practicing social distancing. Don't get too close to the radio. We ain't gonna get too close to you. This is Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is dedicated to everybody that is quarantine today. And look who's back with us again? Fresh offer a self induced self imposed quarantine Shirley, Good morning, self induced like a coma. Yeah, good morning, ladies and gentleman Sharley Strawberry, and then call a frill and then good morning. What's happening for hall on the Let me see what number you at now? The three thousand, six hundred and fifty third Wonder of the World. Kill junior boy, spits man. Can somebody just come over and stand on my balcony? Is that what you want? Just some back, ladies and gentlemen. The food never let us die, Nephew Tucker, top of them all. I don't, Uncle Steve. I'm gonna lose my family, all right. I see it coming. I see it coming. What are you talking about now? I can't stay with them? Like this. I don't like this. Somebody got to get out this house. Let your family come stay with me. They got to leave. I don't like it. I don't man. Okay, we got we got married. We got married. We loved each other, we were bonded for life. We I it's not working though. This is you know, I love her, but I like to love her from a distance. I need to Can I go somewhere now? I can't go nowhere. No, got to stay there. Okay, you gotta stay there all right till death. But why every room I go in, you in there? Why aren't you in every room in the shout out the shut out? Time? You got kids, you got more than one, so you can go in the room and it always be somebody in. Now I'm walking, indeed, I'm walking the room, sitting on the edge of the bed, just seeing nobody likes the bed. Yea stell. I lost my damn mind. I ain't got none no more. All right, listen coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer, will be in the building, Steve Harvey right after this. Yeah you're listening, Steven show all right, Steve, Time for your favorite segment, asked the CLO chief Love officer that issue, we have some good questions for you. This is from US Steve Harvey FM dot com. This one's from Annika and Marilyn. She says, Hey, morning crew, I need some advice with a ridiculous situation. I'm a thirty five year old woman and my husband is thirty eight. We recently purchased our first home, and since we are on lockdown Tommy, we decided we'd do some renovations on our house. My husband started in the basement and I was his helper whenever he needed me. Yesterday, I was upstairs cleaning up and my husband started screaming like he was being attacked. I ran down to the basement and he told me he had just seen a spider. Oh my god, Yes, a darn spider. Turns out he's terrified of spiders and I'm just finding this out. I killed the spider and then sprayed the entire basement with bug spray. We live in a wooded area and spiders are everywhere. Steve, please give me some advice on how to get this grown but man to overcome this fear. I can't stand the wust come on, arachnophobia. Right, well, it's gonna be tough. These fears usually come from childhood. Now, I'm not a psychiatrist or anything. I don't know, oh psychologist, psychiatrist, I ain't nothing. I ain't really good help. I think the way to stop it is the next time he does it, you have to go down there and go, what what he go? A spider? And then put your hands on your hips and say these words right here, what is your punk ass screaming about? And then walk off? Don't get the bug spray, don't help him out? Or here's another one. Walk down there and go, excuse me, yea, what is it a spider? Good? Walk off? Here's another one. Ain't nobody coming down now to kill another dawn spider? But and that's it. You ain't got just you can help him get out of it. Oh my god. I hope the kids never see this in you. And you have to do that, and if you don't, then the field continues. That's all, okay. So, so you don't like the fact that it's a man being afraid of a spider or just period. No, I don't like that it's a man being afraid of a spider, I don't. You cannot be well, you can be afraid. I mean, men have fields, that's that's normal. You can't let your girls see it, though. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thought else your ass gets a letter on the Steve Harvey morning sho. That's all I'm saying to you, all right. Here's one from Charmaine Steve and Richmond, Virginia. She says, I started dating a married man last September only because he told me he ain't nothing wrong with that. Okay, this is where the clo thank you. We had a good relationship until when until recently, when we all had to be quarantine. He told me he had to stay home with his wife because it wouldn't look right in court if he left her. Now. He also told me that his divorce process is on hold until the country gets back to work. Since he's home with his wife, we haven't communicated much. Part of me thinks he's miserable over there with her, But then my intuition says he may be liking it and the togetherness might fix his marriage. Steve, you've been divorced, so what do you think is going on over there? He quarantined he can't he can't leave his wife. Come over there with you. He quarantined. He it's nothing you can say. What is he going to tell his wife? Where he going? He can't say going to work. He can't say he's going to the stow. It's gonna take too long. What stow did you go to? He ain't got no damn doctor's appointments? What what can he listen to me? Excuse me, ma'am. You you you had a good you had a good relationship with a man that's married until recently, and everything going to hell right now, including your little fair with your married man. It's gone to hell. Well, I don't even know what you're tripping about. Can I say some all number two? You're out? Okay, they'll be back to you soon. Just wait, all right, we're going through something right now. We can't get there right. Some of them we never some of them may never get back to you. He notched yours. Wow, Well he coming back. Wait a minute, he comes now. You don't know that. No, we don't, No, Timmy, no, no, timmy. Let me explain something to you. This quarantine is doing something. This quarantine all the positive, all the positive, it's bringing families closer together. It's on the positive, it's actually causing people to realize what's important and what's not. On the positive, it's causing a lot of men to go wild. Wait a minute, man, I could lose something really valuable to me messing around with something that ain't nothing but a side piece. A man, It ain't all negative. Now, some divorce is gonna come out of this. It's some people ain't gonna ever speak to each other. Oh, it's gonna be some that once this clears up and I get out of the house, I'm never coming back. Oh that's gonna happen. But it's a lot of healing going on too. It is, it is. I just won't number twos to know. I don't like that. When you ain't no hope for tools, tools don't give promotion, tools don't become No, they don't show me a two that's become a number one? Come about millo, Hello, show me a number two? What did what did you just say? She can go, she can get promoted, she can come about my house, just somebody. But see that's not a promotion. You want a number one? Yeah, I keep telling y'all, twuns don't become one man, your man. I don't like that, you don't like I don't like too. We gotta go just quick thinking. You fit to be a one. If you signed up for two and two, they're perfect people. If you sign up for number two, you'll be a two. You can't be a one. Coming out. You're not gonna be aggressive though. You're not gonna do that with the two. Okay, go ahead, guys, coming up, nephew telling me is here as you heard, as you can hear. He's here with run that prank back. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna is standing by with today's national news and her coronavirus update. In Entertainment News, its Elba's crew. They're not happy with how he announced that he tested positive for the coronavirus. The Summer Olympics is finally postponed, and Tom Hank's wife, Rita Wilson, she's wrapping a Naughty by Nature while being quarantine over in Australia. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. Yeah, but right now it is a nephew here to run that prank back. What you got for his nat fairly. This goes out to the beautiful miss Helen your your mother aquage. This is her favorite prank called This is her favorite prank called aqua Buggie. Let's go dog. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Quincy. Please. This is Hey. How are you? My name is Maurice. Maurice calling you from the power company. How are you doing today? I'm all right? What's up? Well? Listen, you're doing some testing in your neighborhood. We're trying to make sure we don't have to actually shut the power down out there. And uh, we're calling around quite a few people in your neighborhood, running some tests on individual homes and making sure the electricity is running correctly. Um, can I get you to do a few things swarm and see in the quicker we get through with this, sir, and as possibility, we won't have to turn your power off at all. I know you don't want us to have to come out and turn power off. And you got stuff in your refrigerator that can spoil and things like that, So we want to try to get this done and hopefully the power with the with the test that we run, it'll it'll run correctly and we won't have to do anything. Okay. I don't know about electricity though, you know what I'm saying, So no, no, no, I understand that. Don't worry about that. All right. Here's what I need you to do. Now. How big is your house? What do you how many bedrooms? You got four bedrooms? Now you have upstairs? Downstairs? It's too short? Okay, all right, so here's what we need to do. Um if you can't gonna take loan though I got because I'm in a hurry. Man, ain't gonna have a lot of time. No, no, no, this this, this won't take long at all. So can I get you to take your breaker and shut down everything upstairs and we're gonna run a test on the stuff downstairs right now. It'll be real quick, all right, just shut everything off. I want you to keep the downstairs open and keep that to the weekns so we can run our tests on this thing. All right, everything's shut everything's down. Okay, you you turned off the thing. I just turned off all the switches. Okay, here's what I need you to do. I need you to turn on your television and then turn it off downstairs downstairs, How many TVs you got downstairs. I got two TVs downstairs. Let's turn them both on. You just turn them on, Just turn them on. You got them on. I got one on. Let's try to turn that other one on. All right, they both on? Okay. Now, you got a microwave in your kitchen. Yeah, microwave. Okay, turn that on. It's already on, man, I can see the lights one, it's got the clock on it. That's got that double hron thing that's going through there, and it's a whole different type of current. I just want to mount on them about what you're talking about. But I gotta get to work. Man. The microwaves on, it's running. No, No, I want you to actually turn it on. I want you to actually push like a minute or two on that thing. Anything, Man, come on now, I mean, what do you gotta do? No, this is a test, sir. What I don't want to have to do is come out there and turn your power off. And I don't want to do that. You got a lot of food in your fridge, I'm sure right, all right, all right, look it's on microwaves zones, TV zones. Okay, now open your refrige. Man, the electricity works downstairs. Okay, but listen now, I know, but what we gotta do is we gotta make sure that this stuff isn't overpower. Now, can you open your refrigerator? Yeah? Yeah, man, do you see the button that actually has you can turn you can push it in the lighter go out. You know what I'm talking about. Come on, man, you ain't got nobody to just be able to check something outside. Man, I mean I'm in the fridge. I understand. But push that button five times for him and see what it does. What the light button? Yeah, push that light button five times? Come on, man? Is it? Then it go off and on every day it's offing on man, there's actually they wrong the refriciate reficiate it's plug then man. Okay, now here's what I want you to do. Right there, and if you're in the kitchen, turn your slink on for me. Sink on. They got through electricity. May say that's a nitural current, that's a nitral current. You wouldn't understand that. But I need you to turn that on for me too. Just turn it on full blast, got it on, I got it on. Okay, Now go in your master bedroom. I can turn it off. Now, let that water run, go on your master bedroom and go on the bath for me. I appreciate you helping me out on this. Man. Come on, man Quincy, I apprecient. I mean everything. It's everything I'm in. I'm in the baths. Plush that toilet for me, Quincy, see where plush that toilet for me? Plush the toilet. Yeah, plush that toilet. It isn't even electrical what it is. It's a it's a it's an awkward book. And heard. You need to get somebody up. Okay, I'm gonna plush the toilet. It ain't no electrical plugs in that in this area, man, right, I understand that you don't see what it is. This is an awkward book. He curR that flows through that water. Plus that thing for me one time? Yeah, yeah, that's it. Okay, all right, Tory works. Man. You ain't got nobody in the area that could come out here and just check it out. Man Quincy. I'm trying my best not to come out and and and and and turn your power off. And I know you got someone to go turn my power off. Man, you're supposed to be making sure the power of stay on, right, I understand that. Now do you have, Quincy, Do you have a blender? Yeah, I gotta blender. Man, I gotta blender. I got a TV, I got a refrigerator, and they all work. The toile it works, everything worked, all right. What I want you to do is get this blender and we'll just throw you a few cues the eyes or something there and turn that thing on for him. Come on, man, we're almost done. I got to get to work, man, just work women who compreciated. Man, this is just the blunder. Come on, man's a bully. I said, I have to mention your current to be walking in this house. Man. You need to check the Nixe house. You don't have no problems with no smoothie or nothing in that thing. Do you see? Man? What the word? I got to do anything? Man, I gotta get to work. I'm just listen a minute minute. Gon too far to come out here or do this, because I need to get to my job and I understanding that job and I can just call and help people go through the damn house playing scavenge and hunt. I gotta get to work, Okay. Now listen to Quincy. One last thing. Are you able to shut that breaker, put that breaker back home, and then shut off downstairs, and then go upstairs and check some stuff for me. Shut off what shut off the breaker downstairs? Go ahead and turn it. I'm not shutting off no breaker downstairs. I shut off the water upstairs. We didn't turn on every damn thing down here. You didn't have me. I got the blender. I didn't turn on the microwave to fridgerate cool man pushing and tile us. I gotta get to work, Quinty. I need you to lose this attitude you got. I need you to get somebody down here to do my electricity in my house work. It worked for you. Call on the longe. Thing ain't work. It's my ain't at work because I'm here doing this book, playing off and all. Get somebody in here. Worst I don't piss me off and make me turn it all the way off work, and when I get back from work, this should be on. I got one more thing I need to say to you, Quinny. It's better be the last thing. That's his nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got prinked by your sister gown Gil better being a witness Protection program. Manh let me turn it one on. Man, Hey, man, let me ask you something. Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about The baddest radio show in the land as got to be the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Tommy uh you call me again. They're gonna be the show used to have Tommy on. Thank you, nephew, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hours of entertainment news and national news right after this you're listening to show. Yesterday, the International Olympic Committee is finally announcing the Summer Olympics in Tokyo. They've said that the uh they will postpone the Olympics to twenty twenty one due to, of course, the coronavirus pandemic. Yeah, and this, Steve, is the first time that the Olympic Games have been postponed ever. W Yeah. So I've been a live in history. I haven't seen a bunch of Olympics. Man, God, dog, these are the Summer Olympics. Yeah, no, bad gamey basketball junior. You don't watch the Summer Olympics for basketball. They do have a US basketball team, absolutely, but that's not why you watch it. Though you watch, you watch it on. You don't nobody came about the USA basketball team. Nobody aloud. Whoo, who's the fastest guy now? Since the brother out of Jamaica's gone? I mean he's not. He's not running the same you're saying. Since you're saying it's gone, you know he finished last. Who's the fastest guy now that boy gate is up? And what's his name? Still running? Uh? Uh? The dark skinned brother? What's his name? He respects you saying he has run a long time. Many Oh, what's this catt man? I'm looking at his face, brown skin, dark skin, dude, muscular, Hitler mustache. Oh that's every track person. What do you talk? I'm like the muscular with the Hitler mustache, with the Hitler. We'll look him up. Okay, well we'll figuring out who that is. So anyway, the Olympics will be next year, though they're saying and h Other entertainment news, inter Elba coronavirus diagnosis has not set well with his co workers. Indris thinks he was exposed on March fourth, but he didn't go into isolation until March thirteenth. Now, in the days following his exposure, he was at an event in London. He was in Santa Fe, New Mexico, rehearsing with his co stars and crew members for the upcoming Netflix movie Idris. Production crew is upset about it, and they're saying he didn't communicate with them about his potential risk after his positive test. Meanwhile, his wife its His wife, Sabrina, has tested positive for the virus as well. In other news, Wendy Williams says she's ready to risk it all and get back to work. Her show is on Higus. Of course, you know, due to COVID nineteen. You're gonna risk it off to get back to your ship. But she's gonna have to wait because the New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, everybody's hero right now. He's just love him. He's doing. My shows are a whole. I'm not everybody all to go back to work. That don't make sense. Risk it all, man, please anyway. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order. He's directed all ninety Central businesses to close. Also some good news, Tom Hanks's wife, Rita Wilson she's doing okay while being quarantine over in Australia. She posted a video on social media rapping to hip hop hooray by Natty by Nature. So she's having a good time. Yeah, he's having a real good time. It's recovering. Well, well, you know, you need somebody like that that's actually got it and surviving. So everybody can quit thinking it's a death sentence. Now. Is it dangerous? Very much so if you have a pre existing condition, is it dangerous. Absolutely, But man's at least have some bit of hope, some by type of faith. True, that's true. All right, Steve, we're gonna switch gears here and get caught up on today's headlines. Take it away, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Trimp and thank you. This is a troop of the news. Good morning, everybody. The latest worldwide number of coronavirus infections is three hundred and seventy two thousand, five hundred and sixty three. That's worldwide, three hundred and seventy two thousand, five hundred and sixty three. Sixteen thousand, three hundred and eighty one people have died, while here in the US there are forty one thousand, seven hundred eight infections with five hundred and seventy three deaths. Now former presidential hopeful. Amy Klobuchar says her husband has tested positive for the coronavirus. The Minnesota Senator said he's being hospitalized in Virginia. But with all that looks like the President wants people to focus not on the coronavirus pandemic, but beyond it. We will have a large team working on what the next steps will be once the medical community gives a region the okay, meaning the okay to get going, to get back, Let's go to work. Our country wasn't built to be shut down. Trump says he's worried about the economic impact of the government's response to the coronavirus. In fact, Trump says he expects to begin rolling back recommendations for social distancing and stuff in some weeks, not months. The nation's governors have been taking the lead and telling schools in certain businesses though to close as and also for people to stay home you know what. According to a recent NPR PBS News Hour Marispole, Democrats and Republicans believe it or not, divided over whether the corona pandemic is a real threat. Most Democrats say COVID nineteen is threatening, but a growing number of Republicans are not convinced, and that's even as coronavirus numbers continue to rise, The survey says the Republicans have. For instance, last month, seven out of ten members of the GOP said they thought the virus was serious and a threat, but now only four out of ten do, and the numbers have been rising. Interestingly enough, half of the respondents say they didn't trust what the news media was saying, while a larger percentage of those survey said they didn't trust with President Trump was saying. Another drive through coronavirus testing units opened in Florida, a sprawling retirement community in central Florida. There Congress in the White House trying to work out a stimulus agreement about a two trillion dollar rescue plan for the economy. This compromise package would push tenths of billions of dollars to hospitals and healthcare providers. It would send direct checks to millions of American households. We're very close to reaching a deal, very close, and we're hopeful, even confident, that we will meet that goal. So cross your fingers. We don't know what's going on so far. The Democrats say that the Republican plan is too kind of corporations and give nothing, really pretty much to average Americans. Rhode Island the latest to postpone their presidential primary. And finally, Neil Diamond's trying to help people doing the pandemic. He's changed the words of his famous song Sweet Caroline, hands washing hands, reaching out, We'll not reaching out. Now. Back to Steve Harvey more show you're listening. All right, Steve, we have more clo questions for the Chief Love Officer. Please can you bring him in him right? Here's this One's from Deborah in te Neck, New Jersey. She says, I'm a forty one year old single mom and I've been dating an She's forty one, she's single, she's a mother. She's been dating a nice man, Steve for close to a year now. She says she used to seeing him every day, and she says we satisfy each other's needs every day, Yes, every day exclamation mark. But now she says, I have a problem because my boyfriend is a transit driver and he's still working every day because he goes out and it is exposed to people daily. He told me that he does not want to risk my health, so he stopped coming to see me. I have not seen him in almost two weeks, and at first I thought he would get over the quarantine rules and come over and please me, But he will not do it. I've tried to be kinky on FaceTime with him, but he's not into that. I appreciate his concern for my health, but I can't help but think something else is going on. Am I just bored and paranoid or selfish? See? Now, if the guy is practicing what they told him to do and wants to limit you getting exposed to him, being exposed to all these people he got on trans and and he trying not to come out, what's what's what's what's the matter with that? You know? I mean I would, I would accept that. But you want every day, Well, ain't nothing happening every day? No damn for nobody nowhere? Yeah, all you gotta do is turn news on. Ain't nothing happening every day no more. I used to go to work every day, and that ain't ain't happening no more. Rights a man going out here every day? I know people used to go to the stove every day. They go to Starbucks every day. It ain't happening, no more happening I used to leave my house every day. That ain't happening no more. Next question, sure coming, all right, and she's from She's selfish. All right, here we go, uh Lynthia in Chicago. She says, Hello, I'm twenty three years old. I'm still a virgin. I've had the absolute worst time and time it just let her read the question. Did you hear that? First? She twenty three years old, she's still a virgin? What's what's wrong? And we're running out of time? Now? You want't stop her from being a virgin. I'll see Jesus, nice, stupid you hear that? What the hell going on? Oh Lord Jesus, what the hell the world coming to? Right? I don't know if we'll have time to finish. We ain't got it, but go ahead. Yeah, I can't finish it. Well, we'll talk about it when we come back, Steve. We'll hear what Thomas response is. I'm not gonna say not cause you get you're changed. You're listening to all right, So everybody knows where we are in this country right now. We're updated just about every day, Steve. With the president and his coronavirus, we're not all day. I'm I'm feeling a little bit less and less comfortable with him as a leader because he intertwines too much of his own personal The other day, it was it's really hard for a rich guy to run for president. Hey man, nobody needs to hear that. At this time. We need information, we need results, and we need some logistics going on. And then he come you know, he's talking about Mitch McConnell came out and talked about how the Democra hats are slowing down the stimulus package. See, what they're trying to do is turn this thing that really got out of hand because our leader said that for two weeks this was a hoax. We could have been two weeks further up the road if he wasn't saying it was a hoax. But now the stimulus package, let me help y'all understand something. This stimulus package is designed for a few things. They're trying to keep companies alive and thriving, you know, whether it's auto or something like that. But now it's important for him to keep the businesses alive. And he's correct in that when this war with the virus is over, you still want to be able to get back and have an economy. But what the Democrats are over there fighting for is not enough of this stimulus package is gonna get itself down to the people who are hurting right now. He keeps saying he's concerned with the worker, but his concern with the worker is at the upper level to keep the companies open. What you need to have open so the workers that have somewhere to go. But the Democrats know that there's a deeper problem going on down there, whether you're working or not right now, and we got to get this problem solved. And he's got more of the efforts of the stimulus package coming from the Republicans to take care of the businesses instead of taking care of business and excuse me, instead of taking care of people. Now, if you say that you need the businesses to stay alive, which is true, so the people will have jobs to go back to. That's the truth. But there are other problems too, and the Democrats are trying to make sure that the people at the bottom survive. To see a company can go two months without a check, the regular person can't see GM gonna survive, Ford gonna survive two months down the worker is going to be hurt him if he don't get a check for two months. The airlines with they airlines, man, they let me ask you about that. When when the airline says the airlines has made billions of dollars, let's just say on an annual basis, you made billions of dollars. Why is it that they now they almost saying they almost feel to be bankrupt, because well, you know, look, man, but a big business, big business can't report everything is profit. They got to give out dividins, they got to payout salaries, and they got that. They got to make it a peer as though, yeah, that they got so much overhead that they can't make money. All them airlines was making money. Why they open all of them. But now now when it gets tight, you got to you got to do what your tax returned. Sad you did. Now you can't just all of a sudden show up with a whole bunch of cash reserves and and then exposed to tax loopholes that you jumped through. That's the whole reason behind Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. We're gonna go after big business and make them pay their fair share because they know big business jumps through the loopholes and the tax system. That's what they know. That's the American way. But rich people have to protect that way because how is they're gonna be rich if they don't protect that way? Man. So it's it's a crazy situation of what the do that great mayor, the great governor up there in in New York and Mayor is saying, hey, man, we gotta get this stuff solveway and they know how to solve it. But guess what, man, Yeah, they got STI they got to pay people to help them because America, until you get down here with us, grassroots folks, America ain't designed to help people. That ain't what is designed for man, Sorry, what do you mean? See, that's what this is about, man, somebody gotta get paid. Oh boy? All right? Um, coming up, it's the Nephew and the prank phone call. Right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject we have a big problem sis. But right now nephew in the building with today's prank phone call, what you got next? Can I paint your wife naked? Okay? Steve, So you're just not gonna say anything. You're just gonna sit there. No, what I'm done, I'm done? What? What? What do you need to say? What are you allow? Did you hear the title of the plank? Can I paint your wife naked? Is every day? Sureley? This start happened to you round two thousand and three? Yeah? Yeah, two years well yeah, two thousand and two, I think, Yeah, this's been happening to me since nineteen sixty seven. Ain't your wife? Nick? Wife? Wife? I said that I hate your wife, Nick? That's a color? What you didn't get that? Empy and the junior wife? Hey, your wife naked? Let's go ken. Hello, Hello, I wish to speak with a mister please, Hello, sir. My name is Sebastian. I am with the Art Institute and I wanted to give you a call about Um. I have a huge showing coming up where I am going to be displaying my portfolio and all of my drawings within it. But I have one drawing that I am looking to display that I have not put on canvas yet, and I'm looking to take something of essence to put on canvas, and I want to call you about getting permission. Well wait, hold on dog, just to stop you right now. I don't do that, all right. I'm not a model. That's not my profession, So you would not waste your time no more. You know what I'm saying. Just go ahead, mister. I don't think you understand that my showing is gonna have some very important people there. I am, like I said before with Art Institute, and I said, I don't do that. That's not me. I mean, I hate it. You know, would you just calling folks up to you as solicitor or something? I mean, y'all just randomly picking out folks and trying to trying to get them the model. Look man, sir, mister, no, I'm not just randomly calling people. I actually have done research in order to get your number. What I'm doing is I'm not calling you as for being a model that I'm going to portray on canvas, but you have something far more greater visually that I would like old on Kansas. Now you're married to your wife? Is am I correct? The whole whoa whoa whoa dob? No for who is this? Seriously? Because I can get my number? How you see my number? Because you're talking about my wife and stuff me my wife. My name is Sebastian. I am with Art Institute. What I'm trying to do with capturing and mortalize the beauty of essence on cana lives. Okay yo, for real, though, you just can't. You don't talking about my wife, all right, So I'm not. I'm not calling in a negative manner towards your wife. I want to. I want to mortialize her and capture her on canvas, the beauty that she beholds. I've seen your wife several times, you guys reside, whoa, whoa, whoa? You see my wife? But wait, what do you see my wife at? Why are you? Why are you? Why are you watching my wife? I've seen her. She she shops on one hundred and twenty fifth Street in hall Im. I've seen her so many times there, and she holds all the beauty that an artist would like to put on Kansas. Like I said before, I have a huge showing in May. You're welcome to come out as well. There's gonna be so many important people there. But I want to call and get permission from you about painting your wife. No, you ain't got that permission. Play well, you just can't. You just can't go around following my wife and trying to motalize or whatever. I just said. All right, so so, but I would like to let you know I have taken the liberty myself. I have painted your wife's head. What, Joe, you have lost your damn mind. You can't be just walking around here, payton folks headed. You gotta get permission for that. What's wrong with you? But if you are crazy? You don't understand your wife holds the essence that every artist wants. I don't care what he holds. You can't be going around payton folks heads. Wrong with you, sir. That's the reason why I'm calling trying to get permission from you. I, Sebastian, want to put your wife on canvas because she holds the essence that every artist wants to behold. She mortalized the beauty of Woa. Hold of God, Hold of the hold of God. You're telling me you're walking around plumn painting my wife's head, because is that? What are you doing? Dude? You're a little too I'm only trying to complete my portfolio. Oh no, your portfolio here? Listen. It is if I see my wife's head anywhere, I don't care a new type of magazine. I don't care wear a deal or wherever yo, I'm gonna find yo. I'm gonna whoop yo. Do you understand what I'm saying to you? I'm gonna suit. Did you you understand that? Sure? I don't want to have a duel with you, sir. A duel, here's a duel. Who they do? What they do? In fact? What name? It's a bashi? Who name is? That's a baship? Sir. All I want to do is paint your wife in her rawest and purest foe. That's there's a law and purest for me. What do you want? Siously? I want to paint your wife? I you want to paint her in the nude? How don't you want your mind? Expective? Now? He's not enough. That's what you should do. Tell me where you as you want to paint something, I'll give you something to pay. Tell me where you at? What twenty fifth? Mee meet on twenty fifth? That's what's up. I want to whoop your read me, meet me, paint me, paint me? You want your mind telling about? You want to paint my wife in a nude? It's gonna take them rush. She's a stick them up with your listen. She loves the essence that every person should. I'll give up what she hold asked. I don't give us your mind to ask me something like that, Sir, I must ask you. Do you think that you are the only person that has seen your wife in the nude chula that has been men before you to have seen her in the net? That for you and my wife ain't no more you call my wife? Is that what you're saying? Are you calling my wife before you? I want to paint my wife and the beauty that she bought on cannabis? Did you not understand? I just said, you know, I told you meet me on the corner of one twenty fifth and claim Powell. I got one more thing, I say, nephew, coming from the Steve harm In Morning Show. You just got pat my your boy? What what this is? This is, nephew, this nephew coming from the Steve Harmy Morning Joe Oh oh oh man, yo man, y'all yeah, I was moving fursh man, dude, imman, you got me dog oh man, y'all got it was Sebastian, Yeah, dude, you get some bashard brother. I was about to move for y'all. An Swebashard. I was pain brushes and alwas the paint autom with your he told me, Man, he said, man, he he loved his wife. L I said, let me let me say this right now. You let me get one more thing from you. Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Yeah. Man, it's Steve Harvey in the Morning. You ain't never painted nobody wife before. Boy, don't even talk to me about nobody. Watch I talk to you. Just have you ever painted anybody's wife? See? My biggest feel is that I'm gonna end up in jail trying to protect your ass. That's my biggest feel. Wow, that's my biggest fear. Ask you something. Why you don't like me? Oh Jesus, we don't. Did it? Just get real? Don't like this? Why you're not like it? Ain't got it having just to day and law, not in front of this nation. You're like, oh you other nieces and nephew likes. All right, all right, listen, we gotta get out of here and get into the Strawberry letters subject. Oh my goodness, we have a big problem. Sis we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Time now for the Strawberry Letter for today. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter alive on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Hold on tight. We gotta call you here it is letter. Did you hear me? Oh? I heard the fact I get to do my intro because when I mean when, when you not you don't want me saying nothing? He don't like me? You mean you mean you mean don't want you saying nothing? Like now when she could be reading the letter like you don't like me, but he loves you. Talk about all right subject. We have a big problem sis. Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been divorced for four years and my seventy year old child is caught up in a dysfunctional mess with me and my ex husband. After my divorce, I found out that my older sister was having an affair with my husband. Throughout the divorce. She was my rock and I turned to her for advice, since she'd been divorced three times. All of the signs were there that they could have been messing around, but I was going through hell, so I didn't notice. My sister had started calling me at work a lot, and I thought it was to check on me, But I found out later that she was making sure I was at work so she could be alone with my husband in our bed. When it all came out, I felt so stupid. It seemed as if my husband was relieved to give me the details. Well, fast forward to present day. My sister lives with my ex husband and they are planning to get married. This is torn up my entire family. My son knows that his mommy and his auntie don't get along, but he does not know why. He constantly asked me why his auntie lives with his daddy instead of me and him living with his daddy. All I told him is that his auntie hurt his mommy really bad. I have never said anything negative about his daddy to him. He's too young to understand. I have told my ex that our son does not need to stay with him right now because it's confusing to him. My ex is so very nasty towards me and still has no remorse for what he's done, so he insists that he gets weakened a visitation. For four years, I've been bitter and angry and want to hurt both of them. Someone mentioned counseling to me, but I need a little more than that. I need peace in my life and in my son's life. How can we move on from this and be happy? Wow, you're a really good person to not have, you know, done something physical and violent to both of them. I must tell you some sort, you know, even if it's at a low level, some sort, I mean, I really have to commend you for that. I'm a I'm a person. I'm a woman that has two brothers. I always wanted sisters because I always, you know, just wanted that closeness. She could be my bff, we could bond all of that. But clearly this is not the case in your situation with you and your sister. I mean, she's ratchet and trifling, she really is. I mean, calling your job to see if you were at work so she could be with your husband your bed. Now she's living with him, you divorced because he was This is just awful. I mean, and I can imagine how this has torn your family apart, and he doesn't seem to carry your ex husband. What effect this has on your seven year old son. That's really where your focus should be. How is he going to come out of all of this? So to you, I gotta tell you, you gotta be strong right now for the both of you, because this kid is confused. Okay, so daddy's not living with us, mommy, but he is still in the family because he's living with Auntie. Now can you imagine how confusing that is for a child? And then your ex husband wants visitation on the weekend, so he's gonna be over there still with his daddy, your sister who now might be his step mom slash Auntie. I mean, the confusion and craziness of all of this. But you know he's gonna find out she's been to force three times. He's gonna find out why in just a few short minutes. He will be I'm sure ex husband number four when this is all over with, because she is trifling, She is wratchet, your older sister. I mean, of all the men in the world, she goes after. You're a man, your husband, I mean, and right in your face. Yeah, but how do you get through it? This is a tough one. Right here, I'm gonna have to tell you if you can, yes, I want you to go to some counseling for sure, for sure for you and your son. And this is hard. You're gonna have to try to find it in your heart to forgive them in this situation, because that's one of the cleanest ways you can move on with your life. I mean, that's hard. If you can. You know. I didn't say forget, but you're gonna have to try and forgive them if you can. That's what I have for you, Steve. Before I read this letter, I want to make this statement right here that nothing I'm about to say is what I really want to say. Nothing. Nothing, Well, it's not so much the cuss, but you do what I want to do to the both of them. I can't save on the radio or recommend. So let me take this approach to this. This woman's been divorced and she's got a seven year old that caught up in this dysfunctional mess her ex husband. After your divorce. After the divorce, now this is after divorce. You find out that my older sister was having an affair with my husband. Okay, So I'm si. Now you found this out after divorce. This is your saving grace in this whole thing that you found out after you got the divorce. God spared you knowing this during for a particular reason, and you turned to her for advice because she's been divorced three times and she did something to make you think she was Okay, when I come back, I'm gonna tell you the grace in all of this that you have. There is an upside. Okay, Steve, hang on, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. We have a problem. Since this woman been divorced four years, got the seven year old child who's in this dysfunctional mess, her ex husband. She found out after the divorce, that found out that her oldest sister was having an affair with the husband that you got the divorce from. Now, there's a reason why you didn't know this during because that would have been gut wrenching. I'm pretty sure it is now, But at least you got the divorce. Now, during the divorce, she was your rock and you turned to her for advice, you know, because she's been divorced three times. I don't know what advice you get from somebody that's been divorced three times, except especially when you're going through a divorce, except just how to get through divorcing. That's the best advice, Especially when you find out that all the signs that were there that they had been messing around, but you didn't notice. Your sister was calling you at work. You thought it was a check on you, but you found out she was making sure you was at work so she could be along with my husband in our bed. Okay, now that's trifling. Let me tell you what's wrong here. You have discovered after the marriage that two of the most despicable, trifling people were in your life. You had a bad husband, you got a bad sister, and it's led to a bad situation. These two people right here are the worst of the worst. The blessing is you had that you got a chance to get away from one of them. Now, the problem with siblings is you don't get to pick them. You're born with them. Because your sisters don't mean you have to be friends. You and your sister are not friends now, Shirley said, a good thing. Shirley said, you have to forgive. I don't know how you forgive this right here, but you do have to move on from it now. When it all came out, you say you felt stupid, and then it seemed as if my husband was relieved to give you the details. Well, number one, he had been living a lie. So giving you the details also was to make you feel a couple of things. Number one like something was your fault, and number two, it was your sister's fault. See, dudes that open up about stuff like this is to say to him some of this, if I hadn't been around in this situation with you and your family, it were half of it is your fault and the rest of it is your sister fault. Now fast forward to present day. Your sister live with your ex husband and they planning on getting married. How you think that's gonna work? That's sure, he pointed out, she'd been divorced three times and she then slept with her sister's husband. What type of blessing you think fitna be on this mess? Right here? Thank God you out of it. See oftentimes when God pulls us through stuff, we mess up by dabbling back into stuff. Well, now your son is another problem. He knows that as mommy and his auntie don't get along. Well, that's cool, you can explain that. Quit taking him over there. He constantly asked me why his auntie lived with his daddy, though the answer a little bit of trouble. And if he's seven, he going to school, somebody else gonna ask too. Instead, you won't know. Instead of why you and him don't live with your daddy. I told him that his auntie heard his mommy really bad. I've never said anything negative about his daddy to him. He's too young to understand. I've told my ex that our son does not need to stay with him right now because it's confusing to him, which is a true statement. But now he has no relationship with his father, which is probably worse. So I don't know that. Since this is causing some confusion in him as to why his daddy is staying with his auntie and not staying with him and his mama, that confusion is going to exist whether he sees his dad or not. But him not seeing his father, he needs that he may not be a good husband. He could be a good father, though my ex is so very nasty towards me and still has no remorse for what he's done. Or he's nasty towards you because that's a defense mechanism. He got to be nast towards you because you have every right to be nasty towards him. But kindness kills baby. Or if you would to just be kind to him and his ex wife, him and your sister, it would kill him. Now it's gonna take a lot for you, and I'm not sure you the person that has that, because for years I've been bitter and angry and I want to hurt both of them. See. Somebody told you that you should go to counseling, and you really should, because you need to talk over this with somebody to discuss your feelings. But I need a little more than that. Well, the only thing more than that is God. See, And the one thing I'm gonna tell you, some old people say sometimes you got to let go and let God. You gotta take this situation that you're going through that's bigger than anything any of us have for you, and you got to turn it over to God. I ain't joking. Now, you really got to turn this one over to God because you need peace in your life. And I know no better way to get peace in your life through a relationship with God. I don't know a better way. It's my piece in my life and in your son's life. How can we move on from this and be happy? You move on to it because He got you out of it. Stop dabbling in it. You got to play the game now, Okay, this your daddy boom and separate yourself. You gotta get to that point a you're gonna lose your mind. You need counseling and you need prayer. Yep. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, We're gonna do Ask the Clo with Steve Harvey right after this you're listening morning show. All right, So Steve, we had a question for the CLO. Actually it's from a twenty three year old woman. Her name is Linthia from Chicago. She's a virgin. She said she's had the absolute worst experiences with dating. When this topic of sex comes up, the guys usually run. Her most recent experience was with a guy that she had been dating for three months. They had the sex talk, but he didn't pressure her about it, so she didn't tell him that she was a virgin until the very last minute when they were about to do the deed. She says, I told him it was my first time, and he laughed hysterically at me, and he didn't believe me because I was acting so dominant the whole time. He told me that he didn't want a girl that didn't know what she was doing. She says. I was ashamed and I left his house and he hasn't called me since. I don't want to be a virgin anymore. But why is it so hard to find a good guy to help me out? Well, you know, it's the same problem that every woman has in finding a great guy. That's the number one thing with most women who don't have anybody is finding a great guy. You'll have a guy that'll that'll be the right guy for you, that'll be patient, which you take his time? Would you be understanding and want you all in want you just haven't met the guy yet. And if you keep having the same experiences, it could possibly be with the way you're breaking the news and how you're explaining the news, maybe your approach to expressing yourself is a little bit off. Because a dude that kicks you out because I want somebody know what he's doing. He just wants somebody. That's freaky, that's all it was. And Steve the fact that she just doesn't want to be a virgin anymore. I mean, I mean, yeah, you know you're not. You don't want to be a virgin anymore. That's your decision. I can't not the one to tell you to hang on to your married because if you've made that your mind, why why would I tell you anything else? You know, but you haven't found mister Wright, you're twenty three years old. You're still very young. Please take the pressure off yourself because you got the rest of your life not to be a virgin. You ain't out of time, No, Tommy, anything you want to say? Oh no, no, no, no, no, sir, no fairly Why how you answering for me? Sir? Yeah, sure, it's the best thing to do with this moment. Trust me, I'm st I'm smart, stop, I got another question, Tommy, I don't think Shirley's gonna let you interject here. You don't realize how smart I am. And that's exactly right. Eddy is right there, nailed it. Okay, right, all right, we'll be back at the top of the hour with more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, so listen. Even if you're not panicking about the coronavirus spreading and all of that, it's still a good a good time to stay as healthy, at least try to stay as healthy as possible to protect yourself from coals and viruses. And one way to do it is by boosting your immune system through proper nutrition. So what should we be eating? That's the question. There's some of these are some foods that you can add to your diet to improve improve your immunity of well, I'm gonna tell you one before you get started, chickens child, let me tell you something. Feel the reason I have no fear or coronavirus for thirty eight years of my life. I don't eat no more, but I have had chitlings in my system. And if a virus coming in and chitness, chidless kill all that. Boy, Yeah, I stopped at thirty eight childne and residue kill all that. We're gonna add that to the list. Chiles. Okay, there's also garlic. My friends have been telling me it's hard to find garlic in the stories right now because it says garlics stimulate your white blood cells and other immune cells to fight viruses and infections by eating garlic. And for the biggest boosts, try it raw and finally minced on dressings or dips like hummus. So well you can. You can eat it raw now doing this quarantine. If you're gonna have to let it go a week photo quarantine up, the steel gonna be in your skin? Yeah, too much? Oh do if you eat raw garlic? Boy, what about that kyolic garlic? Is that it the one that's that's odorless? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, all right. Mushrooms. Mushrooms because they have vitamin BE, it says, and vitamin B helps boost your immune system. Uh. Oysters, I cannot eat oysters, they say they. I know a lot of people do. They contain more sink than any other food and it has powerful anti inflammatory and anti occident property. So there you go eat some oysters, don't they say they were. It raises your libido too, right's yeah, yeah, yeah, you'd be strong when you do, you'll be strong. Sunflower seeds, Carla, that's your favorite, full of vitamin E and these help boots immunity. So get you some sunflower seeds people. Yeah, how about some yogurt? Yeah, yurt can't do yoga yo, I don't do it because of the dairy. But it says it's also a great source of probiotics to help your immune system. It protects your immune system. Yeah, like yogurt. Uh huh. Guava it's a tropical fruit. It has three hundred and fifty percent more vitamin C than an orange, and it's loaded with vitamin A. It's loaded with fiber Vitamin K too. Nobody even know they need vitamin don't look like what do that look like? I think? Is it green? Kind of ugly green color? Yeah? Yeah, it looked like avocado. No, no, no, that ain't what she said said it was green. Yeah, I didn't say that. Ain't why you don't like me? Why? Why you what is it me? She listened to me. Yeah, every time you say something stupid, And I commented on. It's not because I don't like you, it's just maybe what you said it's so stupid. She said it's green like avocado. She said, no, you said it was like green. Well, grapes is green, kale is green? That is No. I didn't say none by no grapes. I said, wow, like avocado. Is that what it looks like? That's what I was answering. No, that'sdoo. Thank you. Why do you not like me? Though? Thank you? Junior? Say it again, Junior, No, avocado looked like an avocadova fruit looks just like a guava fruit. No, that's when I see one, they're gonna say that's a guava. Fru'll have a sign, but he won't put up. But he won't put an avocado in his basket thinking it's a damn guavo. Tast be different. More trending stories. We'll be back on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Show, all right, So Lionel Richie says it maybe time for a new version of We Are the World, you know, this time to raise money to fight this disease. It's coronavirus. Uh Lionel didn't expect the thirty fifth anniversary of the charity single, which he of course wrote with the late Michael Jackson, would be so significant now, but he feels that the global pandemic has made its message so clear once again. He even points to one line that stands out in a time of social distancing. He says, there's a choice we're making. We're saving our own lives. Um we are. Then Bob Dylancy the worst line. There's a charge with me again. Why did they put they had to get all all the most powerful singers and musicians during that time? Well calls a social distancing. I don't see this song coming back. Yeah, it was released back in nineteen eighty five. Yeah, it rates more than sixty three million dollars in humanitarian aid for Africa. I never knew the final things the same studio anymore. Steve Technology. Yeah, well, you know what made it cool was the video they was. It was hard to get that much talent together one time. Remember QUC Jones produced Boy did you see that dude singing next to Michael and he was off key and Michael turn like, man, what damn noticed yours? What do you do all right? We'll have more of the coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to. Everybody knows where we are in this country right now. We're updated just about every day, Steve. With the president and his coronavirus up, we're not seeing you all today. I'm I'm feeling a little bit less and less comfortable with him as a leader because he intertwined too much of his own personal The other day it was it's really hard for a rich guy to run for president. Hey man, nobody needs to hear that. At this time. We need information, we need results, and we need some logistics going on. And then he come, you know, talking about Mitch McConnell came out and talked about how the Democrats are slowing down the stimulus package. See what they're trying to do is turn this thing that really got out of hand because our leader said that for two weeks this was a hoax. We could have been two weeks further of the road if he wasn't saying it was a hoax. But now the stimulus package, let me help y'all understand something. This stimulus package is designed for a few things. They're trying to keep companies alive and thriving. But now it's important for him to keep the businesses alive. And he's correct and that when this war with the virus is over, you still want to be able to get back and have an economy. But what the Democrats are over there fighting for is not enough of this stimulus package. It's gonna get itself down to the people who are hurting right now. He keeps saying he's concerned with the worker, but his concern with the worker is at the upper level to keep the companies open. What you need to have open so the workers that have somewhere to go. But the Democrats know that there's a deeper problem going on down there, whether you're working or not right now, and we got to get this problem solved. And he's got more of the efforts of the stimulus package coming from the Republicans to take care of the businesses instead of taking care of business and I'm excuse me, instead of taking care of people. Now, if you say that you need the businesses to stay alive, which is true, so the people will have jobs to go back to. That's the truth. But there are other problems too, and the Democrats are trying to make sure that the people at the bottom survive. To see, a company can go two months without a check, the regular person can't GM gonna survive, Ford gonna survive two months down the worker is going to be hurting if he don't get a check for two months. Let me ask you about that other steag. The airlines has made billions of dollars. Let's just say, on an annual basis, you made billions of dollars. Why is it that day now they almost seeing they almost seem to be bankrupt because well, you know, look, man, big business can't report everything is profit. They got to give out dividems, they got to payout salaries, and they got that. They got to make it a peer as though over here, yeah, that they got so much overhead that they can't make money. All of them airlines was making money. Why they open all of them? Coming up our last break of the day, Our last break of the day. It's the last break of the day. I love it. And some closing remarks from the one in only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day. See, before we get to your closing, we have to take time to say happy birthday to Mississippi Monica's Mimi. She is ninety nine years two days. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, nine and nine ninety nine. What's Mimi? What's Mimi's name? Um me Monica Evelin Floyd, missus Floyd. Miss okay. Let me tell you about Miss Evelin Floyd. She had one man, okay, twelve children. She went to church every Sunday and she eats whatever she wants to eat. The only job she had was being a mother to those twelve children. She raised twelve children educated. Yes, miss Floyd, she can beat you fishing. She could beat me fishing. Ye. Hey, Um, when you get and I want the Lord to give it to you when you get ninety nine, How you gonna act? I'm gonna probably have a thirty five thousand square foot weeds though what from. I'm not gonna smoke the weed. I'm just gonna walk around it and own it. Yeah, you're thirty five thousand. Yeah, it's gonna be so legally and it's gonna have like weed draws in it. You know they're gonna it's gonna be advanced. You know. Hell, you know weed niche shirts that's woven from weed leaves. It's gonna be real progressive then, you know, yeah, be good. What else? What else you're gonna have going on? You got a weed s though? You're gonna hold back anything anything? No? No, I don't do that now. Wow, Well I do. I do do it now a little bit. But I'm everybody has to potentially getting cussed out or any given day if you say anything contrail to anything, go ahead, shit, I'm hey, mister Steve. How are you feeling today? Are you feeling? I feel like I want to feel for you? Well? You sure, dude, looks nice and spry. You know that's what they say, Come on over you. You know thing? What do you do all day? Mister Steve? I do I do what I want to do? I don't really how No, you know, routine or nothing? To wake up? Whatever the you? What's the word to go down? You know? Whatever the blank? Whatever the blank? Whatever you all do? What the blank? I want to do? What's blank? Blank? What's the secret to living for ninety nine years? Yeah, what's the secret? What is it? Cushing? Keep cushing, keep you young and can get something. You don't have no backup, ain't got no high run, ain't got no no arnory conditions, nothing claude, ain't got no us or nothing. Crushing, Wow, crush everybody out. I cust the passion our last Sunday, passed the tray round twice what I was gonna get? Why are you? Why you custom? I gave what I was gonna get? What do you should the trade round here for twice. No, how hard it is to get my hand on in my pocket and black out by this twice in here? What do you eat? What do you eat? Mister Steve chiders he backed on it. Listen to me black. In twenty twenty, they had on they had a coronavirus. Yes, whatever body had it from me reading about that, called childlers and chillers kill everything. Come down now, chiers from there, chiling, lord h laughing chi killer virus. And then I was twenty twenty one when they had that white man, that that old, that stupid white man. Oh Donald Donald Trump. Yeah, girl, they had a fool in the White House, had it right after they had the first black man in there. Oh yeah. And then then that proved why I should have been a low black man. Did you say that one that was really thinking maybe maybe they should have more than two times? Yeah? Yeah, that was the Obama. That was the Obama. That pretty girl and here Shell. Yeah yeah. Donald Trump wife was cute too, but she wasn't in the White House. She was with him. Oh, she lived that. She didn't want to be that though. That's when all the white men went the jail everything. Yeah, his administration was really something. Well, thank you mister Steve for coming buying nine nine Steve yea no be that I'm mister Harvey. Oh you're mister Harvey. Not not when you get when you get to a hunt at what you're gonna do? You know, Horded? You still stupid? Ain't you? All this time? Other time? For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening Steve every morning show