Things You Say When Team Is Losing, Old Folks Cell Phones, Church Complaints, Nasty House, Overdoing Jobs, Black Xmas Party, Hustle Story, Have This, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Dec 17, 2018, 3:45 PM

This is a new level of ignorosity. Certain things can come out verbally when your team is losing. Should old folks be given a smartphone or nah? Church complaints is here and things need to be upgraded. I'm not saying your house is nasty but......... Do you know someone who overdoes their job? Black Christmas parties are unique. Find out why right here. Uncle Steve used to have a certain hustle at one his old jobs. What do 18% of people have according to a survey? Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about dreams and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back all suit on, looking back the back down, giving them more like the milan buck things. And it's cobles me true good it. Steve listening to the movie together for study, I don't join joining me. You gotta turn you are you gotta turn to turn out, got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your fat h huh. I show will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on, dig me now want and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, here we go. I was working out. I was talking to a buddy of mine, and I was telling him something that Bishop td Jake's told me one time. I would hate to die and not do the thing that I was born to do. I would hate to die and not do the thing that I was born to do. Man, oh man, oh man, man. That hit me like a like a like a pile of bricks man, because it made me feel so grateful that God has allowed me to live my life this way now. And I'm talking about grateful for all of it, the good, the bad, and the ugly. And I have had all of them. The person you see today, it ain't always who I was. It was on the inside of me, but it hadn't externalized itself, if that's a word. It hadn't been brought out. It was in here, but it was under development. Who I am today was a process. But like I said before, don't trip Hem through with me yet. Even today, I'm still an imperfect soldier for Christ. Today. I still fall short oftentimes, but I'll tell you what, I'm ever grateful for the life I have. And you know what, I want to encourage everybody today to explore your possibilities. I mean, man, explore your possibilities. Why would you not want to find out, discover, or know what it is God got for you? Why would you not want to achieve or accomplish all of your possibilities? Now, as I ask you this question, I want you to know that the devil is busy, that he plays mind tricks. So as you hear this, I already know he's saying to some of y'all, Yeah, Steve, that's easy for you to say, but I didn't get myself in this situation right here. Ain't nothing too hard for God? Nothing nothing? And see, so as you listen to me, try to try to get your mind open to this. Why would you not want to explore all of your life's possibilities, what's possible with your life? And I'm talking about from right where you are right now. I'm not asking you to change, I'm not asking you to do anything. I'm telling you this is a fact that God can get you from right where you are right now. Broken, misled, misguided, misunderstood, mistaken, all of that, misfortunate, all of the missus you've been talking about in your life. You know you I missed a lottery, I missed my ride. They fined men, I missed the deadline. I didn't get it. Miss people. People just miss stay self to death. If you've been all in missus, God can get you from right where you are. God at home run hither. I'm here to tell you that he's home run hit her. He's all put him over the wall whenever he wants to, all the time. And you can be a recipient of some of these home runs. He'll put the bat in your hand. But you got to swain. Now, listen to me. You got to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You got to stop holding yourself down with beating yourself up. I was listening to George Meyers on TV the other day and she said that she was talking to God, and she said that she had kept asking God to forgive her over and over one of her prayers, Lord, forgive me and for something she had done, and she was telling it to somebody. As I remember the story she was telling, she says she was telling it to somebody, that minister or something, and the minister said, hey, hey, hey, he heard you the first time. See a lot of us we keep ourselves down and back because we keep beating ourselves up for the mistake sweet and made. But God is in the forgiving business all day long. He forgives you time and time again. He won't hold you down about it if you don't hold yourself down about it. But I'm gonna tell you one more time. The devil is busy. So what the devil do is he makes you think you ain't worthy. He makes you think that you've done something so despicable that you can't come back from it. He makes you feel like you're so low you can't go up high. He knocked you down and make you feel like you've been knocked down harder than anybody else. You can't get up, he wrote, you so deep down in that ditch you can't see over the edge. God can come get you from. No matter where you are, you ain't been to love. I know terminally ill people that's still here today. I know a lady. I know a lady personally. The doctors told her you got sixty days tops a year and a half. Lady, she was still here. You ain't in no hole too deep for God. Steve Harvey can tell you that I know some people can tell you that. Tyler Perry can tell you that. I can name you some people. Bishop Jake can tell you that. Kirk Franklin can tell you that. Donnie Mcclerkton can tell you that. I just know some people personally man that they've been in a hole. I know some people man been down, been in a hole so deep. See you know, See, we don't we don't like to talk about that because now we want everybody to pay extra hard for some mistakes they made when clearly and excuse me for being a new Christian. But there is a prayer that I've been saying since I was a little bit boy, and it took me till I was a grown man to understand it. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust passed against us. So see, it ain't my job to hold nobody down, to keep my knee on somebody's neck. Who am I? I'm gonna need some forgiveness in a second here, probably today. See so all this, you're holding people down with the way you feel in bout the man. She shouldn't have said this, and she will never get it. I never support this again. Man, get up, get up and get real. You're for real. You think you ain't finn need forgiveness? Real soon? You ain't Finn to make a diabolical mistake in your life. You don't think you are. I have thousands of them, probably gonna make a few hundred more for I get up out of him. So I've decided to be in a forgiving business because I want God to forgive my trust passes as I forgive those who trust pass against me. You understand. See, excuse me for being a new Christian. I get I get tired of talking to people man supposed to be saved and talking about their christian I don't want that type of religion. Man, I ain't in that, no more. I ain't in that. You can call me wrong if you want to saying how you want to say. I ain't in that, No more. I ain't in all that. You can feel how you want to feel about me. But I got proof that God work in my life. I got I am a living witness to God's mercy and grace because I haven't been a recipient of it the whole time. Look at me, man, if you knew me back then, I'm talking about really knew me. Man, you be crying too. It time somebody to ask you a question. You know. I can't hardly get it out sometime when people ask me something about deeper on the inside of me, about my soul and how I used to being, and my journey and my trip because people don't know the trip I've been on. You may have been on one worse than me, but you know what. You ain't in a hole too deep. God can't get you out of. Man. I wish I want. I want people to remember that man, God is a redeemer. He the redeemer. Man. God is the great. I am. He ain't the great. Maybe I will be. He ain't the great. Later on, he ain't the great. After a while he the great. I am. That's today right now. So if you ain't got nothing, now what you're asking for? You know, you might not have nothing because you ain't asking for nothing. Could asking God to get you out of debt and ask God for a life of abundance. Then you take the money and you get out of debt. You keep asking to get out of debt. You keep being in debt to get out of Come on, man, what you're asking God for? I'm just tripping today, that's all. I'm sorry. I apologize. You're listening to morning ladies and gentlemen today it's going to be different. I have decided, without conferring with anyone, that today would be a day well come on, wow, every day think that this? No, should not like watch this? Watch this? What a fool but nothing hid front and waiting. Hey ladies, hello, Steve, stay out the way, you try to control it, do your best? All right? Well let's okay, Well then, if this is going to be a different day of ignorance, let's have it. Don't back up now, don't back down now, Okay, what you need Let's start with any question you want to ask me let's just get this started right now. Any question you want to ask me, This can carry over into six thirty four. These are all ignorant, non responsible answers. Oh okay, tell junior. I don't just but tell Junior. You can see how fat you are the most when you are wiping your backside. That's when the most of your fat leans forward and you're able to really see how much fat really is you. So you still so you still reaching behind yourself. Yes, you're retching back. So that's how we're still okay, okay, all right, all right now you're still jamming your hand down the back of the new level of ignorance. Okay, you win? Oh that were you the fattest that? I didn't think. I didn't think you can talk yourselves. I really didn't. But man, oh man, you gotta put your hand on the wall in front of It's early, guys, it's early in the morning. Yeah. People are having they're eating or they're just getting out. Everybody going breakfast time? Wow? Really, okay, let's start this again, Steve, because speak to us again. Yeah, that was that's unacceptable. Far see it. I just wanted to be there. There ain't nothing they ain't I beg to differ with you? Girl? You do all the stuff I inhale back. Give you credit for that. Okay, Okay, how about this, let's not line, Let's not do bodily fun, Let's not do alright? Alright, Yeah, that's out. Be quiet, Tommy. Thirty seconds you got thirty seconds, all right, Tom? We just say it, all right, Steve, I'll just ask you anything. What kind of day are you expecting to have today? How about absolutely incredible? Okay, that's a perfect perfect dam we come back. You're gonna see high incredible idiot, you're listening string show. All right, this Monday morning. A lot of football games were played yesterday. So what you got? Jay? This is it? This is football season and the worst thing is to be around a losers. Loses have best. Loses have stuff. They say, we got one, we got one on the show. I don't know. I don't even have a team. If I hate, I got a world, world weird together because I have a team, and here for hey, I wish you got Jay. This is just stuff that loss say when the team when the team is losing, just things they say, at least they got championship ring. What's your team got what to do with? He said that if you literally can't say you got one hey, damn one word. Word Damn, that's it. That's one word, Tommy. You got to be alright. Come on, Steve, I know he doesn't really want to play. I'm an alumni member, dash right, I'm with them when they win. And you know, damn with all them kids of age, I got no got nine. People say when their team is losing, come on, let's go turning on the old to bat mitten. Just just turned it to bat mitten. I didn't get into that on the reluctant one. I can't believe it's Sunday. I tell you what they losing stuff. People say when the team loves because they got that white boy quarterback. And this is what they say when they say when they lose him, you don't even know how to play. So don't even know why you talking. I don't know. I get a lot. Just stop watching tear into the hockey game. Let's just watch that. Uh, anybody told the Browns we supposed to be playing what anybody told the Browns we supposed to be playing? Time? He can't just keep letting him run. He get real man hack on flag football. It don't matter to me. I ain't got no money on the game. No damn rationalize that thing. People say when the team is losing, you, I'm about to burn this jerset. I'm gonna set your damn jersey on file. Keep playing last week for me. I don't know why they's gonna sell the damn team. Come see, I'm really from Philip Deal, not even from a whole nother city. Keep on running your mouth. You're about to piss me off. Okay, I'll tell you what why they're winning. They got a lot of Pro Bowl players, got a lot of people in Pro Bowl on the team. That's why we ain't got for two here here, this one. Somebody really got up to it. I'm gonna tell you right now, you're gonna mess around and let them cowboys help you get your ass right now. They say that for real, really say that. Some people say when their team is Mister Steve Harvey, all right, I'm gonna say this and get on out this When you really don't have a logical explanation as to why your team keep losing Sunday after Sunday, you're ready count the white people on the team team, No, s got to do exactly. Get the whole people on that one one. That's it. That's got seven white people. Team. You can't win with seven white people, but the whole yea talking about you're so confused at that point, always so racist. Count the white people on tea. Yeah, that's what you your team. You know, when all else fails racial, you know, they don't play good on the road. That's what it is. Yeah, all right, stuff people say when their team is losing, count the white people on the ta. I have to play with a lot of white people. I know what that means. Oh my god, that is so true. A minute, yeah, dog, that's when you really dealt with your team. You're giving up. Give it when you try to throw that out. Yeah, they're always losing it with them Jerseys. Man. Stuff people say when their team is losing. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it when I woke up. That's why I ain't got no money. All right, guys, this is stuff people say when their team is losing. You guys, you know that thing. I'm gonna get it, getting another piece of pack that always by always out right here, y'all ain't want all y'all games right done there? Yeah, I'm gonna head working moment. I think they have watching what happened? Come on closing out? See more time you know lebron nem on eleven games see Colombo? All right, more craziness coming up right after this. You're listening to show it is time for something funny, guys. And here's a question for you. Are your elderly relatives, you know, the ones to a little up in age, of course, are they becoming annoying with their texting? You know, as annoying as young people with their texting and stuff like that. Do you regret your parents and you're in law people like that, other relatives having a smartphone. They don't know what they're doing and they can't see the screen. Good it ain't. My mom would say called him, and they'd be saying, called Hope. You'd be like, come on, now, you don't have to work on this, but they expect you to know. Why do you Why didn't you call me back? You call me a hole? My brother, my brothers and sisters. What Steve see, I'm the youngest in my family, so my my my brother eleven years older than me, my sister twenty one years older. Yep, so I got damn the old people in my family. My sister Poly got a flip phone, so she texted and won't change, but got to hit the number of certain money and Lord Jesus, it's like when her texts come up, it's damn Morrish code. I got a brand people that specializes in encryption to read damn. Like at the end when she signed love Poly, it says something like Lo PAULA what I just go Lo Paul? What the hell is lo Paul? Because you know their patients is short. You just going to see that sound that sounds fine, he'll know what I'm talking about. No, my grandmother just got the internet last year from Christmas. She got the internet. It's not even take na. She emailing me, moning, that's the whole email. I will never get it, moaning. Then she'll come, did you get my email? She just got it? What she doing? I love that. That's the second Aman. They don't even have nothing to do with nothing. I told my brother. I told my brother, I said, hey, man, listen to me. Don't believe stuff that you read about me online. My brother said, where is that? Where's the land Stoke? I love that. Did he get mad when he read stuff about you? Like? He get man like he would be at the grocery store seeing inquire something. Yeah, but my brother hood though, he called me man. He said, hey man, little bro, don't take sugar honey off, iced tea off. Nobody love bro. That's his whole take. Don't take sugar honey, iced tea off. Nobody love bro. Man, Danny see something else then here just text me fall though, seeing and I'm that is your brother and I oh my brother man. I mean, he's all he texts men. But on the flip side, have have your kids ever like taking your phone? Just give it to me. Mom, I'll do it, Dad, I'll do it. Yeah. They don't know how to go into another settings I need. Yeah. Yeah, especially my daughter, she's so everything she texts emojis. It's just absolutely I don't even know what half those emojis mean. But Steve, you're awfully choired right now. I don't really. I said, I sent my daughter some emojis the other day, just messing with her. Uh, she said, Dad, what does this mean? I said, Hell, you sent him. I don't know what yours mean. I just said some eyeball, some black feet and a ghost eyeballs another, I'm sure to kill, I'm sure to kill, I kill you. Describe what I said. Remember we used to call him images images Imagy. Then ended with one hundred everything, my favorite one on what I said, eyeball, roll all right, he gonna tell you what I said. Okay, this fool sent some black feet, uh huh, the looking ass, one eyeball and a ghost. What does that mean? So then my daughter said, give me that. Tell him what I said. You said, hello, respond please? I knew that through a little last city. She said, l m a O. I wasn't really sure what to say to that. Then a little crime face. Oh yeah, so I said, that's laughing. So I told her what it said. That's laughing, stick face, the tears smiles, that's laughing. That's laughing. Yeah yeah, ain't they just got a smiling face for that? Well yeah, but that's that means? So then text what I that's this is what I texted her. Okay, so he explains all the emotions. Now she said, I don't know what that means. I don't know how to respond. So now I said, okay, check this out. It says black feet. Let's go. I see, I means I'll see ghosts. If you're surprised. That's that's all that means. Because we were going to have a lunch date. That's prison code. Hey boy, my daughter, but no, damn prison Okay, crazy snap, but really, Steve though their photos. I mean, that's what I'm talking code. It's the code. I'm not getting dog, that's crazy. The ghost. Let's go, I say, see the eyeball, I see, I see see eyeball and then the ghost. If you surprise, yeah, you do better just call yeah, they have a surprised face on there. Coming up more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time for church complaints. Pastor Motown Deacon death jam in the building. What you got? Um? It is obviously decision time. We've been going forward and back. What about the complaints, whether we're doing them or whether we ain't? No bad? All right, well if you say so, I'm here. I have plenty of complaint. I know you do. I know you do. Go ahead, Deacon, go ahead, all right, pass the eye first and foremost, Deacon Fred Flintstown and Deacon Varney Robber, I ask him for you to have a shoe drive so they can get their shoes down because right now they are bad footing and it is starting to be a problem with them driving. Well, I'm Jay like here, Fred and Barney, we are not buying any more damn shoes unless no listen to me. They don't have any shoes at out. I know they don't, and I know why because they won't upgrade their call. If you're trying to stop your car with your damn feet like we prehistoric, we're not buying no more damn shoes from Fred and Barney. But past that, they have seventy two Chevy or something. But they have worn out all of the sandals. They won their sandals out trying to stop them. Prehistoric called with them times made out of rocks. Right now times have changed. Get yourself something. I understand where you're coming from, path, but but we're not having a shoe drive for them all right, bam. But they are wanting a shoe drive or something. The words or my daddy, people in hell gonna want ice water. What they gotta do with the shoe drive. We ain't from there. You don't think they have any ice water in the air, No, I don't. There's been no mention over the revelation. All right, well let's just keep it going out a technical Bible versus him. It twists his little evil mind. Go ahead, all right. Down to a sister, Sharnice Williams has had her fifth child and it wants to know why the church is not supporting her child fund. She has got it a child fund on the website. Well, they can donate money to the cheering, but but nobody in the church has donated in her name. Sharinese Williams tell Sharnese Williams the reason we ain't donating to nothing to her child fun because they have a turn for that. It's called child support. And if you find the five men daddies and we can pin something on them with some DNA or some paternity tests, she could get child support. Batter you sound like you we look at we're looking at forensic files or something. I don't understand what where you're going. I don't understand how a woman had a fifth baby and don't look the daddy or that one either wants us to help her with a fun. Well, the hell was helping her with a fun We need to help her find someone. Ladies and gentlemen without full or do someone with more intelligence than my deacon. Please welcome the honorable but legitly beloved miss A and true. Thanks Steve. Good morning everybody. This is a trip with the news. Okay, our right wing federal judge in California ruled on Friday that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. However, Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer was on NBC's Meet the Press, and he says it's not going to be that easy to get rid of Obamacare, not as easy as the GOP thinks. A lot of this depends on Congressional intent, and if a majority of the House and a majority of the Senate say that this case should be overturned, it'll have a tremendous effect on the appeal. Even Missouri Republican Senator Roy Blunt says that Friday's ruling has no immediate impact until the case can be appealed. Me While, on another matter, White House Senior Policy Advises Stephen Miller insists that Trump will allow the government to partially shut down at the end of this week if the Congress doesn't authorize the five billion dollars he wants for the border wall, but to that, Santa Schumer says that the President should start dealing with reality. President Trump should understand there are not the votes for the wall in the House or the Senate. He is not going to get the wall in any form again. Sena Shumer was interviewed on NBC's Meet the Press. Critics say that the House and Senate were dominated by the GOP for two years and they didn't get the border wall. Another member of the Trump administrations leaving and may soon be under investigation, this time at Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinky. And Zinky's departure comes after two years marked with allegations of misconduct. Zinky promised to model himself after President Theodore Roosevelt, who believed in the conservation of public lands. However, Zinky's critics say he opened more coastal waters and public lands to oil and gas leasing, that he recommended the shrinking of as many as four national monuments, and Zinky initiated, they say, the rollback of a number of Obama era environmental regulations. Trump tweets a Zinky did a great job and that his replacement will be announced this week. By the way, his personal lawyer, and talk about the president's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani says, quote over my dead body when asked if a president Trump would answer questions in person from special counsel Robert Mueller. A Florida man is on trial in the latest murder case involving that state's controversial standard ground law, this time a white man named Michael Draker seen on surveillance video confronting a young black woman who was sitting in a car parked in a handicapped space. The video shows Drake's verbal assaults on the woman getting louder and louder as she defends herself. The woman's husband, Marquis McLaughlin, sees his wife being Harris, exits the store, pushes the man to the ground. The white man gets up and, without saying anything, fatally shoots a young black man. Draker claims he was following the law. He's charged with manslaughter. Tops to the box office this weekend. Spider Man into the Spider Earth. My name is Miles Morale. I'm a born and only Spider Man. At least this is what I thought. Remember what makes you different, That's what makes you and spider Man brought in thirty five point four million. They were tops. Back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening String show. All right, Jay, it's time now for comedy Roulette that go. It takes food subjects, put them on a wheel, spun the wheel with stop we do the damn thing. All right, here we go. Uh. Number one, I know what you're saying, but something in that story doesn't make sense. Here's another one. Do you ever have any good news when you call? Ever? Number three? I ain't saying this house is nasty, but okay, number four, that's not what you said when they were out of the room. Okay, I'm just saying that's not what you're saying when they were Yeah, all right, come on, cat, see where it's gonna stop. Wait a minute, I stopped it. Number three. I ain't saying the house is nasty, but the house is nasty. But the rat stopped me at the don say dog, don't go in there your house or the house, the house, the house. I ain't saying the house is nasty, but but I ain't saying the house is nasty. But look at at your all over there. I think it is. Don't he come out of there. Hey man, look at uh. I ain't really saying your house nasty, but do your dog always go right now? Right there? I mean, it's it's just I don't know it just sitting there any nasty. I'm just I ain't okay, I ain't saying your house nast. But when I was over there, I said, do you smell that? And you said smell? What? Come on? Come on, come on dog. I saying your house. But I know good hair wear that's smaller than colers. I don't da well, I'm looking at the most I know I'm looking at it. Hey man, let me tell you something I'm not. I'm not saying your house nasty. But why is your flies talking to me? Why? Why are we having a conversation. I'm just saying I ain't got a good one. No. I can't tell how many times to heard that, Steve to pay good money for. But go right ahead, come on, Steve, close it out. I ain't saying your house nash, but when your roaches come out of the house, they dest see each other off. Let me all right. That's it for comedy Roulette. Thank you, guys, thank you so much. All right, you're listening the bides is called people people who overdo their job. All right, they just put a little bit too much in this damn job. We thank you do a great job, but you over crossing guards. It don't take all that. It really god dude, yeah the baby say jay, I I understand it. But sometime they put you hey, hey, hey, hey, back on the cub, back on the cub, hey back up, back up on the get up on the cub on the cub. It don't take all that. They overdo it. I tell you what you got what anybody with a yellow jacket that's say events staff, Oh you don't I know where I'm sitting. I ain't. It's the same game I was at last week. Yeah, can I have some of that? They just gave it a jacket. Any negro with a clipboard, I like that. The key word was negro. It need rod. Let me see, let me see hot. You see man, I love them, show you the hot. I watched everything on the mall. Cop outside the mall that to day doesn't decide it ain't no front do drop off? Dog? Why are you all out? Dog? Hey dog, my mama hip went out. I'm not mom dropping my mama keeping the first guy you see at the car wash, that first guy that try to sell you that detail. You don't want. You just want to quick wash out, let me spread down all your I don't I don't want that. Yeah, and then there's a supreme I want a supreme or the Supreme select. I don't want that. I just want to quick. I don't want that. I'm gonna tell you somebody now, I'm still out here. I'm young and everything. But when I go to the club and I go to the bathroom, the attendant in that, Hey, you're doing too much. No, I can turn on the wall, I can grab the paper tape. What I don't need you to do it. How's it going out there to night? What they look like? Who they doing? You see anything you like? Hey, doc, I'm in here for two seconds. I'm not didn't hear the bun the usha church? Oh my god? That keep tightening up your road? Just coming back, lady, lady ladies. We ain't got to be packed in here like this. There's plenty of space on other road. That's room for another scoot over. Jesus, you tired of standing up? Man people who over their job to drive through attendant Okay, those ain't your ketchups, Those ain't your napkin, those ain't rolls. They don't belong to you. Your job is to pass them out. Okay. Yeah, if I wan't nine, damn it, give me nine. Okay, man, one damn neck. Yeah, the hell I'm supposed to do with it. I'm telling another person overd they job. Whoever sang in a restaurant, overdoing your damn job. We ain in here for the oysters. That's for you. You ain't got the overseen. We don't even know you was gonna be here. These pastors on Sunday that act like the damn game. Man, coming out, I know you did over the job. Dog. You know it's football season. You know it's Sunday. You know this damn game. So like mother, you're steal up here talking about, oh, let's say, going to heaven. Now, come on, coming up, it's the nephew with a prank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening Stry Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after you do not want to miss today's Strawberry letter. But up next Houston's own nephew Tommy with today's prank phone call. What you got, nephew, This is classic baby head is Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach you. Uh, mister, I think that's the name. Yeah, this is this. What's this in regard to? Uh? This about air conditioning unit? You did some workoff force over on uh my household off street. Do you remember coming out there last week? Yeah? Yeah, I remember, yeah, right my Uh it was a lady that my wife, she let you in to come up right right there is their problem? Is there a problem that is not cooling the wood? No? No, no, no, it's cooling everything. Matter of fact, I want to tell you, uh that you did you did a good job. But I got a question for you now. When you was at the house and you was working on an a condition out there in the backyard, did you did you happen to go on the side of my house and pull out and use the bathroom right there on the side. Did you go then and you do number one on the side of my eye? What? Well, what I'm saying is that my wife tells me that when you were there, that you you went on the side she was looking out the winners. She said that when you was there that you uh and went and use the bathroom on the side. I did what what right you you? You you say you did number one over on the side of the house. Not is that something that you did? Say? Man, Look, you got to understand something, man, all right now, I apologize if that did happen, but you got to understand something. You know, we're down inside, man, and you know we're talking eighty five, ninety and ninety five degree weather. Man. I got to stay high traded. I got to drink a lot of fluids. So you know, with me being the age that I am, I have to drink a lot of fluids. And the tend to pass through looking once and once again. I said, I apologize, I understand all that, but you know what, I can't accept no apologies like that when I got a man this foot got on the side of my house and then talking, man, I'm apologizing to you and you coming off on me like that. You didn't put you on the side of my house in front of my wife. I not looking at young man. Now, if your ain't showed me it was, then she needs to see some paper because you ever neally ain't doing something you do that happen. Oh you think you're talking to you don't watching me anyway? Do my work? What is she hit? Hold up that she got a look at a man? Look? Look? Look. All I know is I don't want no man at my house in the high side of the house, back yard. Nothing but look, man, let me tell you you something, dog, let me tell you something. I'm the only person at my house. You understand me. You ain't right at shit out there looking at me, look at fun. I'm a professional, Okay. I do my job, and I take my job with pride. Okay, it's not being professional. If there's something that I did, that's that water running through me? Right? Okay, but you don't. You don't at no other man's house, and you at my house and my wife's sitting there looking at you. I have to wonder, now I got a problem with that or what you need to have come with your wife looking at me? If that's what I did? You know what you need to be at home and give with something to look at other than looking at me. You don't tell me what I need to do about my wife. Now, you don't go to another man. Man, you know what I'm about to lose it all right now? You're gonna you're gonna make you're gonna make me lose a couse. Let me let me get my death dog, let me get my book. That's all yeah, right here, you damn right and let you Yeah, that's I'm up in the sty with you don't at another man's house. You don't do that. And people my wife looking out the window, and I bet you knew that them blinds was open. Yo. Man, Nah, you didn't be real up fit with these accusations. All right. Now, look you had you had what it straight. Now you you know where I'm at. I will show you what I want you to bring your back over here. Feeling you y'alls on that on that on that gone on strength. I'm gonna come over and I hold that for you. I got something for you. Will you're taking this was going to my offensionism and I'm gonna come show you was being about. Look, man, what you don't do is at another man house, and that's what you did. And you know it ain't called for now. You could have had that hologize. Man, I had to go. I told you I drink a lot of fluids in this heat. Man, what else do you want me to do. I want you to keep your flu until you get to the service station down the street, but not in my backyard side of the house. And my wife looking out the window. Many you what you're talking about? If I did I apologize to cant accepting in the hell with it? Look at You're gonna me off and make me do something up And I'm telling you not. Man, I'm told you I don't apologize you and I will come on that kick you, okay, you I take your dude. What Let me tell you something. Kick you because you're from the end of your while your wife is young, and I know you don't. You can't deal with no old school. I can kill young. You're gonna You're gonna get your today. You hit me, You're gonna get Let me take you three two. Come, let me tell you that I got one more thing to say to you. What you're listening to me? Freak freak damn it. This is Nephew timme. If this is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, you just god prank by your boy name. Now you know what I'm gonna get with his He know I got a hard computation. I don't need this type of my life. Man, he said, Man, my boy be out there fixing air conditions that he does all that, he said, Man, let him tell you something, he said, be frustrated to begin with, He say, begain McCall, he said, man, because I got nine or ten more still got to do the date. Hey, man, you right, Yeah, I'm might not in this for you. I might not you and that Steve Harror from Dawn Foods in the morning. I just say, y'all can come on, man, I don't know how I sit back ring laughing and I get people. Y'alln't got me with the same. Oh man, I enjoy y'all show man, y'all good dog gonna work. I appreciate. Man. I got one more question to ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Well, you know the Steven Show Classicated? Yeah, right, Steve, you're in this. This is your segment. You have to judge. It's time for right or wrong with the nephew and Junior take it away. Well, what's the debate? Well, I mean I've been you know, you know you since Junior over there writing for you. Now, now he ain't really got time for me, So I don't know why he texted me back, you know, just he cussing me out. Be a text. Okay, this is what I text him on. You tell me what you think. Tell this boy. If you break a mirror with a rabbit's foot, you even ain't no fad little coming do. If you break a mirror, what a rabbits foot, you're even You're not gonna get this seven. Nothing's going to happen to get even believe that stupid falling out. I don't really understand where he's coming from with that. I don't know why he thinks like that. That right, there is some ignorant thinking. Ain't the rabbit luck and bad luck years? Right? Then? If you break it with you, I'm saying, yeah, no, no, nobody seen. Well. The thing about this segment is the I three with that thing. He said he'll go to one. He didn't even respond to. I see, if you milt dry ice, you can take a bath and not get wet. That's that's the stupidest I can's coming up next Today's Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, right now, it's time. Wait, hold on, Tommy, right now, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you want our advice, all you have to do is submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com. Alright, nephew, let's go just like this one. Buggle lap, Hold on tight, We got it for you. It is the Strawberry Letter, all right. Subject, Me and my man have a little situation. Dear Stephen Shirley. I met a gentleman seven months ago. I'm forty five and he's thirty seven. When we met, he lived three hours away, so he decided to move to my area. It's been four months now since we've been in the same city, and I'm starting to see issues with him. He didn't have a plan in place when he moved to my city, and now he's living in a shelter because I told him he cannot live with me. He doesn't have a car and I refused to drive him around. He does have a job. In fact, he's had three different jobs since he's been here. He has been fired from each job because he has an issue with the way people talk to him. See, he has issues with being short. He is only five three ware. I'm out out a break, but I'm not going to do this. Yeah, let me just say yes, thank you, Jeeves. I told you you were gonna love it, and I asked you enough you to stick around. I'm going to break round. We're a team, all right. See. He has issues with being short. He's only five three. I am five two, so his height doesn't bother me, but it bothers him. He has short patience with people. I believe he's been abused by a woman before because he always thinks I'm talking down to him and belittling him. I jokingly push these issues to the side, but it's getting old. I'm getting to the point where I want to end this relationship. Can I help him overcome this or should I just let him work through his own problems alone? Please help turn let me get back. I tell you're gonna love it, and you're welcome. By the way, You're welcome. Listen. You may not have a problem with his height, but he certainly does, and you got to let him work it out on his own. There are things that you can help help him do. I don't know. Maybe take him to therapy so he can deal with it that way. But there's nothing you can do about his problem with his height. You cannot change people. You cannot change him. You've only known him for seven months. It made me think, did you see him before you guys you know, got together. But I guess you did because you would have said that if you didn't. But now he's moved, you guys and talk about what was going to happen, where he was going to live, whether or not he had a car. You guys didn't discuss any of that before he moved to the same city. How can he's had three jobs since he's been there. He's only been there what four months? He has an issue with the way people talk to him. This is crazy. These are things that he has to deal with on his own, and he's probably been dealing with for the majority of his adult life. You don't care because he's still taller than you at five two. So I don't know if you're going to be able to help him overcome this, because he's got to do it first. The only thing you can do is to be there to support him. Yeah, he's going to have to work through these problems alone. I don't know if this relationship is going to last because he can't keep a job. He lives in a shelter. I mean, you know, and you want him to do better. I'm sure, but he can't because of he has a problem with being little. You know, he needs counseling. I think see where turned now, Uncle Steve the flat boy, I ain't got the time, good advice. This is not the time to be funny and be rude and stuff. Okay, please don't start it out, Steve, as dear Tommy don't supposed to be. I'm the one to get stupid about you. Steven should wait. Now, this lady met this man seven. Y'all need to stop. Let me down, let me go, don't let me down. I promise you down. I'm farted five years old. He thirty seven. Down right now? He shot he down? Eight years he already he now he's eight years shout he already and equated this the inches you can believe that you farted five He thirty seven. When we met, he lived three hours away, so he decided to move to my area. It's been four months now since we've been in the same city. Here's the line in this letter that really amazes me. I'm starting to see issues with him, really, So here we go he didn't have a plan in place when he moved to my city. He now living in a shelter. Your man that you dating, the one that moved to your city, is now living in the shelter. So when you go by, pop in to see him, how's that working for you? Where you sick at the shelter? Little man ain't got no home. Oh you get in my house. Listen to me. Tiny houses they got This boy could have had a place by now. Tiny house nation is old TV. Well left. Part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour you're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on part two. Okay, your response. Now I left y'all with this woman dating this shout man. Yeah, me and my man have a little situation. Yeah. Now she fied, he fired three, she fired two, So that don't bother her. It's an eight year difference in him because she farty five, he thirty seven. Now he'd have moved into town, but he ain't got no plan. She won't let him live with him, so he lived in a shelter. I was just wondering how it is for her when she stopped back. How you gonna see your man at a shelter where you sick. What you end of the bed, he's yours because one thing I know from being a homeless you can't sit on another homeless person stuff. Not that's ruining number one, that's all late got. You don't touch my grocery car. You don't put your hand on my duct tape. You don't get away from this blanket. He doesn't have a job, he doesn't have a car, and I refuse to drive him around. So now he just trying to walk around him the lead. Well he does have a job, Well excuse him. He got a job, but he ain't got no car. You refuse. Now he got to try everywhere. In fact, Tina had three different jobs since he's been here. He's been fried from Me's job because he has an issue with the way people talk to him. And old Lord, how many times have we run into this the right show because we are dealing with this ourselves, and I want to thank you for the opportunity to give us to vent some of the things that we've been going through. Because we got somebody on this show that has an issue with the way people talk to him. He stayed touching he edgy all the damn time. Some are always wrong. He always offended. See, he has an issue with being short. Thing, Ji, wouldn't you have an issue with being short of you? Five foot three? Now? She says, so his height doesn't bother me, but it bothers him. He has short patience with people. What you want him to have long patience, he don't. He don't like nobody because he edgy. He always assumed it's about his height. He produced the thought that we had to produce on this show. If you throw a rock in a pack of dogs, wonder Holly if the one hit. Every time we mentioned height on this show, we got one jump to conclusion that we're talking about him even when we not, like right now, I can bet you he think we talked about his ass right now now, She says, I believe that he's been abused by a woman before because he always think I'm talking down to him. That's because the women he dated was taller. They was talking down to him. It happens to Tom, excuse me, it happens to this person we refer to all the time I'm talking. That kind of slipped out. Now. I believe he's been abused by a woman because they always think I'm talking down to him. I jokingly pushed these issues to the side. But he's getting old. I'm getting to the point where I want to end this relationship. Can I help him overcome this? I want to answer that for you in just a second. Or should I just let him work through his own problems alone? Can I help him overcome this? No? You cannot, No, you cannot. This person can be fifty. You ain't gonna be able to help them, because that's a big number. He thirty seven. I'd have seen this go all the way up to at least I know fifty fifty for damn showing we ain't been able to help him yet. Or should you let him work through his own problems alone? He can't. He has no answers for this because he touches all the damn time. It's all ways about him. Little people got big issues. Little man. Shot patients, they got shot legs, they got short arms, they're sending up. Everything about him is shot. But one thing about sharp people, they get a job. Though I don't care what nobody's say, they always working. I'm surprised why he had a shot shuter at five three. He could easily sign up for foster killer, but he could be in somebody's house. Get the horo. Yeah, he can get in the house because he shocked. And once again, why is he out of work and ain't got nowhere to stay? Why is he in the shelter? Listen? I was watching tiny houses the other day, Tiny house Nation. This be like a mansion for him. Matter of fact. You take this little lass house and you rename it. You can call it like a shadeau or something. Give it a big name, and it be just for little people. Wow. See that's how you do it, genius. You take a little house and give it a big name. See, you ain't gotta call it tiny house, call it a shadeau. All of the rooms pomp out, lift up a lead that was a cupboard for clothes and stuff. It's a bathtub stand you climb up stairs for storage, and a little loft. You move that stuff out the way. It's a bunk band man. The stove and the toilet is the same thing that you fit the food on the toilet. Then you move all the stuff out the way and lift the lid up and you put the food that you just eat down in the toilet. I can't go with you on that one. Now, this is for tiny houses. Surely you ain't got too because you have a hole. But the people right here shop people like this can do stuff like that. I've seen it done. You're right, I'm fine, I'm a man. I'm gonna be all right now. You all right, you ain't fine. Yeah, you a man, But it's two things you ain't You ain't fine, and you're not tall, and you damn near this letter. We have seen see some of the things that were dealing with. All Right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. You can email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at my girl Shirley coming up, it's more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, Jay, Now explain this. This is holiday phrases, at the Christmas holiday phrases at the Christmas party. We'll I'm gonna go to these Christmas parties inside the friends house, our relatives house, and these are some phrases you here. What we're gonna do is make the setting. We're gonna play some music for you. You're in a real Christmas party. And these are some of the phrases that you're here at your average black or family Christmas party. Keyword black. I heard that? All right, here we go, and now we take you to every holiday Christmas gathering and we give you sounds of a black Christmas party. I don't know anybody, it'll have been my Hey, can I can I get some of y'all to help me put an earl in the car? Somebody just well, I'd like to laugh too. So what did she say that was? So anybody's seen my purse? It was right there on the kitchen table, right there. I put it right there. Hey, y'all, y'all can't smoke that in my mama's house. And y'all out of toilet paper? Where y'all keep it? Plunge, I'm gonna need that plunge. Man, Hold up, y'all, don't go in there. So what so what the girl like al have to do with you? But you ain't saying nothing. We can take all this outside. Oh yeah, right now, that's real. Like. I love y'alling all, but I need to stay out of my bedroom. Right. No, it's not a weed. This is my real hair. Yeah, my real hair. Hey. Look, if I was yall, I'll stay out there bad for which about me? For five No? No, no, he no, no, I ain't know it was out and the heel made this eag. That's why I told you I needed help to get him in. The carr went in heavy. I ain't eating that breaking another ornament on that tree. We ain't gonna have nothing to hang on the next year. I know you ain't out there peeing in My mama baked out. Come on, man, come on, dog, stop stop bawling that Christmas paper. We're gonna use it next year. She knew he was married. She knew he was married as him little look who went a white woman? The just sounds you here at a black Yes, I'll accept the charges. Coming watching first. They they don't let him preach at church, but he want to come over here and pray for thirty minutes. It's just too much. Yeah, she had enough. Baby. Hey, y'all, long dis in front of prison. Everybody won't say hi. Yeah, that was my hey, Robert, Right, what's going on? Right? What's up? Y'all? What's up? What's up? Fam? Man? I wish I could be that with y'all. Who all over there everybody around. Everybody? What's man? Huh? Let me talk to bern Hey, Bernita Robert on the phone. I ain't saying nothing, but you know we'll go ahead this, you know, talk to you. I can't believe the family that don't bring the amn thing take the most home. I never look at me. We're about to eat. The game is gone, d it isn't gotten late. We probably gonna have to stay tonight. I don't I don't do that drive now, you know Clariens don't like to drive at night. Why we can't eat the lands? Get here? Y'all going to living room and speak to this Bernies in the Housepital just walk right by. What y'all doing it? Hey? Here the Blacks, we're trying to get a break party. Oh no, we've been out to Crystal Black. How go out there and tell Davante to bring that walker back in here something? Miss still can get to the table. You mean, Timmy, you ain't got no flash greens, Miss burn from from the hospital, bid your grandmama from the hospital. Bid and you get turn them greens down smelling in here? Hey, can anybody he me a jump? I'm trying to go to woodha he working. He get they're getting paid double, get paid double tonight. Yeah, yeahn't get that over time. That seem like, well, that's how I gonna get out of here. Watch this game, y'all. Y'all, y'all TV be cutting on going to the house so I can see this game. Your fool you somebody that took them down falling chills. I know we had eight falling chills. Took that fall off to dab the fall. That's my fault. All right, we gotta go. You're listening to show. All right, it is time for something funny, guys. And you know people are getting ready for work right now, probably and uh maybe they're making their own lunch. You know people do that at home. Well, Steve, it turns out that eighteen percent of people have admitted to eating someone else's lunch at the office. One worker's live tweeting of the mystery of a co worker stolen shrimp fried rice was retweeted over one hundred and seventy three thousand times. Okay, uh, and while you may think it's funny, and it is kind of funny, I mean when you think about it, um, you know, getting away with eating someone else's meal it actually could have some serious consequences on the job. People don't forget stuff like this, and you see these people every single day is according to a human resource expert, it becomes a trust issue. So Steve, I have to ask you, I know you did know? He didn't do it often? No, never in my life taking somebody's food, because I ain't that way. I don't lie. I don't know you. Oh so you don't know what kind of home they have at? How clean? Right now? Two things I have done, I've had mine taken. Yeah, I've called a person what happened? And I've had I've seen a person taking a person's line. Okay, well what happened when someone took cure? Both these is now situations I used to my advantage. So yeah, they see not you don't want this out, So now I need a couple of favors. You the mom, No dog, I mean, look, I saw you because I'm real observing. Y'all know that about me. I'm extreme, we observed. So I'm watching this dude still, this dude food and the dude food he was still. He's deceased. His name is James Paradise, and we worked at General Electric and this dude was taking Jared James paradig Leca jaka cook his ass off and he was just eating James lunch every night then and I caught him. Now, if I tell this to James Paradise dog, I'm talking about you've fen to get drug out in the parking lot and when you come back in, you're gonna need to show the people that to do your id. You know, like sandwiches. You know James cook ribs, He take his ribs. You know he made pork shoulders sandwich. You should bring it in to work for everybody. He stole his pork shoulders sandwich and James was getting upset. So I saw him take James stalk. It was his young white dude that was still in the food because he was single, and you know he wouldn't bring no lunch, had the times a stupid ass boy. So I told him, I say, man, you know, if Jane find out you want taking his lunch, man, you know what's gonna happen to you? Cheese? Wait, what come on, chez? Yeah, that's what I need see. Once I hear that fear in your voice, then I got your ass now, because all geez it's not a hood turn, he said. Ah. I said, look hold on, man, this ain't got to gonna wear No. Look, this can stay right here. But I'm need a couple of favors. Man. Now I'm gonna leave early Wednesday. I need you to cover my job for me. See see, it's not a problem with me, Steve. It's mister Harvey. Harvey. No, now you're gonna put some speck on my next I was the original birds man. Yeah, yeah, you word. So you're gonna put some speck on my name. And so I had him cover cover my job like three times for that. Then I saw a dude take my lunch. This is a black dude had it just got hired, and he would hadn't completed his ninety day probation. Now if I report this, you ain't gonna get the job. Oh man, I'm so sorry. I thought it was mine. Out of hell. Your name ain't Steve Gregory. It's Gregory. Your name Frederick fred stev get confused with Frederick, right right, So I said, so Frederick, look here, man, I'm just need a couple of figures from it. Man. Now I'm gonna come in late. I need you to punch my time clock. When you get at the gate, punch my time clock from me. Hit me in. Oh that's that's that's that's not a problem. Now listen to me. They have a camera aimed at the time clock, so you got to put your back to the camera. So he did it the first time. How do you know all of this? Come on, no, no, no, excuse me, excuse me, Tom Hula, I was never a thug. Hula. Hulum was crime with a purpose, with respect. Thugs just out here doing stuff. Thus, crimes with a purpose, and it was always to better uplift one self. Yes, at the expensive Yeah, And so that's what I had him do so I could leave early caused it a little white dude, and I could come in late black causing Frederick Wow. So I had him a nice little set up. And then meanwhile at school he was you know, hall passage crime, the first huzzling. Yeah, y'all need passes to be late in this hallway? Who name you put on it? See, my name was never on a hall pass, So I ain't no need you talking about you got it from Steve because I ain't got no hall pass. Because I had told her back off my locker anyway. Yeah, and so I kept my stuff. I told her back off my locker. I don't get that. I have the harder bent down and I put on my step behind. So if you open my locking, I ain't never had nothing. Oh I get okay? Yeah, so Steve gave you a hall pa. How the hell I got hall passed? I'm in class, not learning. I'm here miss. Two days in high school, two cut days all I ever did? Man, Oh, woe, your life has been in been wonderful, it really really has really thank you, and look at you now? Look at now? I mean still hustling? Ye? Are you close? Are you still a hoodler? No? I no, I don't do crime. I had a little running. I had a little running. Kind of straighten me out coming up. It's more of a Steve Harvey Morning show. You're listening to show. Okay, guys, check this out. According to a survey by the health site it's called doctor ed dot com, eighteen percent of us have one of these in our lives right now? What is it? Wow? Eighteen what's the percentage? Eighteen percent of us have one of these in our lives? What do you think it is? Right now? Tell me what you say, I said, side peace, and I know it's end a percent it could be it could be greater percentage. Okay, so Tommy says, side piece, that's so much higher percentage? Wow, eighteen percent? Let oh no, go ahead of Jake. Somebody in that family that's affected by either diabetes or heart trouble. Okay, you think it's a health issue, Okay, okay, eight what a friend with benefits? Oh, Tommy was wrong, That's what I was saying, Tommy, right, hold on, it's way. So can you have intimacy with no commitment? Yea, what you think we're doing? Yeah, can do it. Intimacy? What what intimacy with no commitment? Yeah? You can do that. That's what this all calm so like, that's the point. I did what it's called, it's called the end of a marriage a couple times. You know it, well, yeah, I know it. Well you're gonna be up there to night. Yeah yeah, let's do it. Okay, Well whatever intimacy with no commitment, Oh yeah, you can do that. That's that's what it is. But what's more than them committed? The goal is to find somebody who don't have a problem with you. Tom I your lifetime. Give me a number, Timmy, how many women have you been involved with over your lifetime? Give me a number? Right there? Dog? You said, what see it throws with hod on? Hold on, let me ask your question, Tommy, this is gonna throw the women? Is it more than forty? Oh? Hell? What that throws women off? When you say more than forty? Oh yeah? Yeah, Hell, I'm fitty. What is your timber? That's a low number to you? My roaring my roaring twenties was incredible. What are you talking about? What about you see with another zero on that for that? When you're talking to him? What's some spec only numbers for numbers in my whole life? Did you multiply? Jesus, hey, you got to use that new man these kids got when you tell my stuff like this, there's a different kind of man when you don't carry that one. You don't care in your whole life feed thing in my whole life it at minimum numbers. Crazy that you went over a thousand d I ain't know where there on thousand? Dog? Ain't you you you you you You're we're changing in the same group. Agent, ain't no way. I ain't never been with that. But in my lifetime dog, my whole life, the whole runs. I'm the actually dog. I mean, I'm shamed, not real, I knew yours. I'm saying because if you look at that number, it's really it's it's numbing, it's really, it's kind of crazy. I'm shame. I'm not gonna say I haven't. I'm not. I'm not shaming. No, I've only been with seven women, and you know, damn you've been married eight ten so you just didn't even food whatever? Who did you just forget about? Coming up? It's more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three after the hour. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, time for church complaints pastor Motown Deacon death jam in the building. What you got m It is obviously decision time. We've been going forward and back. What about the complaints, whether we're doing them or whether we ain't? No man, all right, well, if you say so, I'm here have plenty of complained. I know you do. I know you do. Go ahead, Deacon go ahead, all right, past the eye first and foremost Deacon Fred Flintstown and Deacon Barney Robber. I ask him for you to have a shoe drive so they can get their shoes down because right now they are bad footed and it is starting to be a problem with them driving. Well, I'm like this hill, Fred and Barney, we are not buying any more damn shoes unless no listen to me. They don't have any shoes that I know. They don't and I know why because they won't upgrade their car. If you're trying to stop your car with your damn feet like we pre his stock. We're not buying no more damn shoes from Fred and Barney. But past that, they have seventy two Chevy or something. But they have worn out all of the sandals. They want their sandals out trying to stop them. Prehistoric called with them times made out of rocks. Right now times have changed yourself something. I understand where you're coming from, Bath, But but we're not having a shoe drive for them all right, path, But they are wanting a shoe drive or something. The words of my daddy. People in hell gonna want ice water. What they gotta do with this shoe drive. We ain't from the heir. You don't think they have any ice water in the air. No, I don't there's been no mention over the revelation. All right, well, let's just keep it going out. She's throw a technical Bible versus him. It twists his little evil mind. Go ahead, all right. Down to a sister, Sharanese Williams has had her fifth child and wants to know why the church is not supporting her child fund. She has got it a tie fund on a website. Well, they can donate money to the cheering but but nobody in the church has donated. Sharinese Williams tell Sharnese Williams the reason we ain't donating to nothing to her child fund because they have a turn for that. It's called child support. And if you find me five men daddies and we can pin something on him with some DNA or some paternity tests, she could get child support. Patter, you sound like we look at we're looking at forensic files or something. I don't understand what where you're going with it. I don't understand how a woman had a fifth baby and don't loose to daddy and that will either even wants us to help up with a fun All right, thank you. We will be back with closing remarks from the One and Only Steve Harvey right after this you're listening to show. All right, Steve, last break of the day. Time for your closing remarks. What do you have for us today? My friend? Well, I did and Act Like a Success seminar this past weekend on Saturday down at in Los Angeles by the airport at the Renaissance Hotel. Doreen Raimi does a good job of running my Act like a Success seminars. And I was a keynote speaker after graduation on Saturday, and so I'm gonna bring a piece of that to what I talked to him about. And I want to keep motivating people. And one of the greatest motivations in my life was my dreams. My dreams were so motivating to me because it put me in a place of not so much focusing on where I was, but it caused me to put my focus on where I was headed. And so as dismal as to where I was was, it didn't throw me off as sinking of a feeling as I had at times in my life. Because of my dreams. I didn't I didn't feel sunken as low as I had gotten at some points in my life. I didn't ever think I wasn't going to ever come up because of my dreams. My dreams inspired me to keep going. So what I'm saying to you is this. People ask me, Steve, what motivates you? What makes you keep going? It's my dreams what causes you to keep getting up, going to work when you sick, fighting through all the stuff they're saying about you. How do you handle all this negativity around you and you just keep going. It's my dreams. It's my faith in God. It's my faith in God that there's no way He brought me this far to leave me that because you hating on me, You ain't my God, you ain't my savior. You can't hate me out of what He has for me, and you're hating me cannot stop nothing God has for me or for you. So my faith in God and my dreams have been my motivation. So let me share what I shared with them on Satday. Motivation. Look at him now? This good motivation. It's when your dreams put on work clothes. Did you hear me? Motivation? It's when your dreams put on work clothes, when your dreams dress up and go to work. That's the motivation. Now, you're motivated. You don't put some work clothes on them dreams. Because see, you can stay sleep and have your dreams, or you can wake up and you can chase them. You need to wake up and chase them. You need to wake up and chase them dreams. You need to put some work clothes on them. Jeans, you gotta get some grips, some dirty on you. You gotta put work clothes on your dreams. That's your motivation. I'm motivated because, man, my dreams they keep me going because it means I'm headed somewhere. Your dreams make your head somewhere. Man, you ain't gotta get stuck on him. Like I tell people all the time, I keep a plaque in my office in Atlanta that says, and a dude send it to me. A friend of mine, when I was going through a bunch of messed up stuff, he sent me a plaque that says, if you're going through hell, just keep going. Why would you stop there? Why would you stop in hell? You're going through hell, just keep going because I'm heading somewhere. So all the hell I've been through, I survive at all because of my dreams, because of my faith. Because my dreams allow me to think that the better day is coming. So if a better day is coming, why am I tripping so hard on what's happening today? Because I know the better day is coming. Because one day, somehow, my God gonna make my dreams come true. Simply because how you know that, Steve, because he said he would. Now, you tell me one thing he said that ain't popped off. You tell me one promise he made he ain't kept. You tell me one thing he didn't assured you of that you can't rest assured. That's gonna just name it. I'm listening. I'm listening. I'm listening. See, I got that much sense as a Christian, as flawed as I am, I have that much sense as a Christian. So those Christians of you that's better than me, congratulations. But guess what I know that about him? No, I know that his promises is true, and I gotta know sense to lean on him. So when you see me falling and making mistakes and doing something wrong and not staying on the white line, you can quit tripping with me. I'll get back on the line. Just give me a minute. I just fell off. I just made a mistake. That's all I said. Someone shouldn't have said I went somewhere. I shouldn't have win. I got that. I'm gonna get it together. Lord forgive me and what he gonna do, and I'm gonna get back up and I'm gonna get it right agreed. I'm gonna get it right again. My dreams motivate me. My faith motivates me. Motivation it's when your dreams put on work clothes. You did. That's what motivation is. When I'm going to do something about making what I dream about come true. My dreams got work clothes on it. So when you see me out there, my dreams got on work clothes. I'm trying to make it happen. My faith in God gonna make sure that happened. And I just give him something to touch my dream. Those are my clothes remarks today. All right, drop the mic, baby, drop the motivation. That's when your dreams put on WORKO better get it right. And you ended with that, Just say it for all. Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void We're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show