Today the show opens up with some heat. We have the things that you want to say to your wife but are too scared to. Rihanna has a brand new album coming up. Steve takes a question from The Steve Harvey Nation and addresses sex before marriage. Inside Comedy Roulette, we have the lies you tell yourself after you get dumped. Fool #2 gives us things that make us say WTF. Steve has an offer that you cannot refuse when it comes to the Sand and Soul. There was a huge number of absences because of employees playing hookie after the Big Game. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog has some tips on how to deal with the haters and more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the million bucks things and its cubs. Do me true good it. Steve har listening to move together for stum, Please, I don't join join me? You doing me? You gotta turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, you got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your fad uh huh, I sure will come on it everybody. Y'all listen to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey. Uh got a radio show. Yep, yep. Sometimes I saw all I can say. Yea help man. How far I've come is really unbelievable. But you know I finally figured it out. Man. God allowed me to have the life I've had so that I can become experienced at so many different things. And then this experience when I'm talking and sharing with people, I will be able to relate to a lot of different circumstances, not exact, but just the circumstances. You know. You know if a person comes to me and they say, man, I've been down and out, Okay, well I know what that is, man, I didn't I didn't have any direction. Okay, got that been there, man, At one point in time, I just kept piling mistake on top of mistakes. Okay, and they're done that too. So you know, I think what I'm trying to say to everybody is when you're going through life and life is dealing the cards that it deals, I want you to understand that life deals everybody these cards. The disappointment card, the setback card, the failure card, the mishap card, the unexpected misery card. Everybody gonna get, the grief card, everybody gonna get, the rash of bad decision card, everybody gonna get them. Understand that going in that everybody is gonna get these cards. It's how you play them, though, you know, from time to time, one more time, it's how you play them, you know. From time to time when I'm watching TV, I love to watch the World Series of Poker. I like watching poker tournaments on TV because it's it's really weird, what's happened to a sport? To a poker? They're actually trying to call it a sport, you know, And as the everyday guy that doesn't have to be athletically inclined to anything, who has a shot of winning a title if they play their cards right. The best poker players in the world don't have the best hands, They just make the best plays. I've seen guys win a hand with nine two in their hand that's nothing, and win the hand because they knew the bluff, they knew the odds, they calculated risks, they made the stakes higher than the other person was willing to pay. They gave off the illusion that they had something with an actuality. They had nothing. So what I what I enjoy about poker and watching it is that these people, these people here, played the hand they dealt and it ain't always a good hand. But it ain't whether your hand is good. And it ain't whether you're gonna get dealt bad cards or not. Because you're gonna get dealt some bad cards. Everybody ain't gonna get two bullets in their hand. You ain't gonna get two aces when you get dealt. Uh. You know, when you play and draw poker, some of your cards gonna be nothing. But you got to turn that nothing into something. So when you get dealt these cards in life, it ain't the fact that you get keep getting them dealt. I was talking with a young person yesterday and we were talking and we keep having the same conversation over and over and over, and they could not understand why they were not moving forward. But I said, you don't understand. Every time we talk we have the exact same conversation. It is simply because you keep getting your cards and you play in them the same way. See. Until you make a conscientious different, the conscious decision to do something different, the results will continue to be the same. See here's the way this works. When you're dealt to disappointments in life, it's how you handle the disappointments that determine the outcome and who you are. Because everybody gonna be disappointment, Everybody gonna lose a love one, Everybody gonna make a bad decision, Everybody gonna end wake up one morning they have done something they regretted. Everybody gonna get caught at the wrong time, every everybody gonna make a mistake. It ain't just you. That is how you play your cards when they get dealt to you, that determine who you are. Na how do I play my cards better? First of all, it's a mindset. Quit looking at everything as just the end when it happens to you. Oh lord, woe is me? Nah, everybody at your circumstances somewhere, it ain't old woe is me. It's hold on, man, Okay, let me play this out to see how God then connected this to something else. See, as soon as a person have a setback, what's the first thing A lot of people do, They go straight negative. I can't see him to get a break. I can't see them move forward. Hold on, man, do you realize this could be connected to something? But if you take the negative position all the time, this setback could be connected to something good that's gonna happen for you in just a few days, weeks, months, or year or years. But it all works for the good. See. You got to understand, man, that this thing is all connected. That you're not having these mishaps and these spills and accidents and falls for no reason. It's so you can become experienced at them. So when He takes you to the next level, when it happens again, you have no how and how to handle it. But if you keep handling the wrong if you don't ever handle mishaps correctly, if you keep throwing yourself off the cliff every time something happened. Come home, man, you're just gonna be a cliff diver. You just every time something pop off. Oh here I go out to playing without the parachute. Man, stop tripping yourself out. I was talking to this young person. I kept saying, and you know what they tried to tell me. They said, you know, I'm trying to stay positive. This is what they told me. I'm trying to stay positive. But the people around here they're just killing that. They just kill it. Whoa, whoa. Oh that's what our problem is. Oh, I see. So when you learn something and you know something, you don't take ownership of it. You allow other people to come into what you know and believe and shake it loose from you. I don't kire who you are. You're not doing me like that. You are not doing me like that, and don't let nobody do that to you. Here's a deal. I have a gift that was given to me from God. That is the gift of comedy. That's what I've done. I've made the bulk of my living on that skill set. Right there. That are comedians who are supposedly friends of mine, who I've worked with who get around in huddles with one another and they say, man, Steve really ain't funny. I don't see what they'd be laughing at. He ain't funny to me, he wasn't the funniest king. To me, he wasn't the funny? Is that to me? Hey, excuse me, excuse me. You're irrelevant in this conversation, sir. If I really want to be truthful with you, you're irrelevant in this conversation because I regardless as to how you feel about me. That are people think that I'm knocked down kill over funny. But more importantly, I own the gift that God gave to me. I take ownership of his blessing, what God has done for me. I claim it and own it because you don't think it so you ain't taking that from me. Stop letting people steal your joy. Stop letting people take what you're supposed to. No. Look, I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a kind person at heart. Man, You ain't nothing now you said, I here going Man, I guess I ain't what you're tripping for. You are a kind person own that take ownership of it. Stop letting things God has given you be taken away from others. The devil is a cold player, and he got cold players working for him, just shaking, just taking stuff from you. You know, I'm a hard worker. I really am intelligent. You stupid, Oh, you stupid man. I thought I was a hard worker. Man. They came in here and said I was stupid. Man, I don't know what I'm doing wrong? What excuse me? You're a very bright person. Hey, y'all take ownership when God gives you something, blesses you would have gifted talent, a skill set, a mindset, own it. Don't let people come in here and take it from you. Man, Okay, I probably shouldn't do with that. You're listening to show ladies and gentlemen playoffs? Everybody, let me have your attention. Today is not gonna be another one of them days. Today is a new day, new day, a new day day? What day? Is it? A new day? A new day gonna be a new game? Is that a song? Something says? A song? Oh? Yes, yes, just shrling murder. A new day brings reality? Yeah? Is that a song? But it's gonna be that? And tell me I heard you say nude day. I heard a little naked and put a little naked in your day. So that naked. Okay, we just got here. We just put our clothes on. Crack it, it's gonna crack. Yeah. It's a little chili out, a little chili wom up, as the old people say, wom up. How you feel? How you feeling, Steve, you know what I'm talking about, right, Yeah, woma, it's up. It's any kitchen on top of it and just warm it up and eat it. Nothing wrong with it. Old people had a house hot no matter what time of the year. And man, let me tell you something. Man, a couple of years ago, a couple of years ago, we did. I took my family out on Thanksgiving. It we delivered meals, meals on wheels, and we delivered all day all you know, two families in need. We went into this old lady's house. Come on, hey, man, it was so I didn't now And as soon as I walked then, Lord Jesus, what not you? What is you doing? Downhill? Baby? What didn't TV people know you? Downhill? She went to her wonder and looked out the color. Ain't no police with you? I said, no, ma'am, Oh lord, you want me to call my nephews. I said it for what so they can watch over you? I said, ma'am, I'm from hill. I heard you was, but you don't. It's Look, what time is it? I said, twelve thirty? Oh you got a little time. Want you to be gone? You're gonna stay till this dog? I said, not here. I got to do a lot of other house. Oh I thought you were gonna stay a while. I said, no, just drop this off. I got some more houses to take care of. I said all that to say it was the hottest house I've ever in my time life. And that conversation we had was taken two damn long. I had reached that age, that hot stage day. Yeah, man, it's gotta be hunt really. Yeah, my room is my kids William come see me. It's too hot over their dad like, oh, that's the reason you made it. Hey, listen coming up at thirty two after the hour, guys, we're gonna start the morning off with a question. Uh and and it's this, what's something you want to say to your significant other but you're scared. We'll do that at thirty two after right after. Oh yes, you're listening to show well now, anyone in a relationship knows that no matter how much you love someone, you know, kissy, kissy, smoothie, all of that, how much you love them, there are things about them that get on your nerves. Okay, I redded Pole asked, what's the one thing you wish you could say to your spouse or your mate but you cannot bring yourself to say it because you know it's gonna cost World War three? Up in there some head, you know, like little bitty gripes like we can just go with that. I've got all right. Oh, why don't you shut up? Oh? Uh, okay, let me, that's me. Let me just let me. Let me ask this question before you jump the gun. Mister Harvey, you say it what you want to say, but you don't say because you scared your spouse or your mate or your significant other? Did you miss your heart? Is there something you want to say to your wife your significant other but you're too scared to say? I'll say it one more time. Why is my answer not sufficient? It's not that it's not sufficient. You got a lot of aggression on you. Yes, are you serious right now? Oh? Don't act like y'all see what killed me? Not not not here, the two foods, all the suddenness concerned that they I totally agree with you. This is the time. I definitely agree that you say what this is about? Every man wants to say that, and that's what I say for him. Say do you wait? So what do you as the only wife here? Do you guys think that Nesta wants to say that to me with everything in him? You know what you want to say? Sir? When the hell are you gonna cook something round here that ain't gonna kill me? No, Shirley, what he has thought that? Yeah? He thought that? Really? Okay, then, believe it or not. There are times in a relationship, and I've been in a line when a man really don't want to hear what you got to say at all at all. Okay, now I understand I get that, Okay, But to say it like you said, it's no you say, I said, this is something I want to say to your wife? What you to your wife's about? But you can't be cause you skate it right? You just yo, this is what my husband is thinking all the time. Not all the time, Shelly, we thought that. When y'all be right, it's something I want to say no, come on, are we ever gonna do it? When I want to do? Huh? You the one pick and choose all the damn time. Hey, that's that's never gone. Yeah. Wow, you guys really have stuff like your You said what you want to, yes, but you're afraid to say it. I didn't think you would say that. Okay, I got one, every man to say, you think you can cook that meal, but you cannot. You ain't never got it right? The hatred that I have built right now for you guys, I think we have not said said it all right? Come on, see you have more dang something you want to say to your wife, a significant other that that that you're too scared to say? Oh, just like you mom? Yeah, I got one okay, yeah, Tommy first, just cause you have any damn hot flash, don't mean I don't have it. Okay, I got one. Yes, that dress makes your butt look did? Okay? Yes? No, I don't want to hear that I got one? What what? Hell? No? Like what you got on? But we gotta get out of here because we laid already. She's only changed time. So bab you like this? Oh yeah, come on, yeah we did. Oh you you nailed it. That's it right, we're saying, we're saying what we want to see this. How scared you are you're trying to man? Okay, let me make it hear here. The girl I had for we got married, knew how to cook some damn going tom Man. You can't say oh no, no, but you can say what you said. It's all the same, sir. I'm oh I got one. Wait till I've seen that. So okay, I got one. Every man is wonder say what you ask me if she's fine? And now my answer, yes, she is fine. Hell. So this is what you guys are holding in. Okay, all right? Is there something you want to say to your wife or significant other that you're too afraid to say? Uh, steve anything else to get off your dress? What? I guess you got one right quick, Timmy. I don't love you like that. I don't. I don't. I don't love you like that right there, right there. I don't love you like that, But I'm just taking another. Yes, that's yes. Oh god, Oh I wish I never had met your ass. I got one to close it out of the zoo. I wish I had never met your Go ahead, Jake, go ahead. Okay, sometimes you just do that too hard. Okay, that's all I'm say. Yes, come on, this has to be like like that movie that's that's out with Teraji p Henson. What men want? You know? She could read their thoughts? Yeah, thank god, every woman can read her husband's thoughts. I hate all of you, I really do. Right now, oh man, I really do you know? All right? Coming up next, it is the nephew would run that prank back. I hate all of you. See Tommy and Jake today. Right now you're listening Day Morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, guys, miss Anne, we'll be here with our national news and I'll have some entertainment news for you. But right now it is the nephew here would run that prank back. Nephew, what you got is that? Oh triosity? Oh triosity? Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Marvin Police. Yes, speaking Marvin High. I'm calling you from doctor's office. I'm actually the lab technician. Um and you you came in and I got it physical I guess about a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, okay, and my understanding this is for your for your occupation, correct, Yeah, okay, you're at what do you do for a living when you're a Oh yeah, I'm a tub job. Okay, Now I was giving you a call about I'm here looking at your records and all the testings that you actually went through. Um wow, let's see have you had any Have you had any activity or any problems around your naval area? Na that's fine, okay, saying all right, h yeah, everything's fine. But I mean if you haven't had any any type of nothing, no breakout or anything around your navel or whatsoever. No about my navel. Now everything's going straight, man, Okay, to see what's going on? Man, what's happening? Okay? Actually, you've been diagnosed with um oak triositis and oristriosis is actually a fungus that comes out of South America. And you have no activity whatsoever around your navel. It's otriositis, sir. And what what that is is actually you're you're if you haven't had it yet, you say you haven't had any activity. There's gonna be like a small little tree that's gonna be growing from your navel, and it gets about six inches long and it probably bears about probably about twenty five to thirty leaves on it, but it's very small. You see a tree gonna be growing out my name, It's to be a small tree. And Uh, what's gonna happen is I'm gonna have to get you to come back in probably in the next month. We're gonna need you to come in so we can check it out. But it's got to grow its fullest potential before we can actually do anything to it. Nah, I can't come in and on money. I got to come in today, man, somebody got to we we get just trying to resolve. Man, I'm tryna get married. Man. Well, we can't. It has to grow its fullest potential, sir. And the full term is actually like about four weeks before we can actual man. I'm not waiting for those four weeks. Man. Somebody got to come tell me something, right, Nah, Man, I ain't gonna go married. Man. Have to fly to time, man and have something going out of my neighbor. Man. Y'all going crazy, man, sir, Oa Triosa. This is something that's very rare. We're actually getting this assignment from overseas in South America on how to treat this. Man. I don't give it down. Where is it? Man? Somebody's gonna have to come give me some some help, right nah, Man, I'm gonna get ready to get married. Man, I'm not gonna be putting up with it. Man, Somebody in this office main't got to come down in do something for me. Man, And what you say, you said I could cut it out myself. So the best I can do is probably trim it a bit, you know, and maybe knock a few leaves off. But I cannot touch the full stock at all. Man. You can cut this day do something if you cut it right now, you cannot, sir. If you cut it, there's a possibility of hemorrhaging, and you're gonna really create a bigger problem than what you have already. Man, I'm trying to get this dot. Man. You didn't tell me. Ain't nobody never I've dried on there and get this put man. I'm gonna get married in two weeks. Man, we're gonna fly to Jamaican. It can't now. Somebody can do this for me. Pull so you cannot pull it out, You're gonna create, good Man, You're gonna create a bigger problem if you try to pull it out. Sorry, problems already out. I'm trying to get this problem. Man, give me tell me a big hospital. Ain't nowt hit me you want me to do that? Man, It's not something man. I poke out of my summer and you're telling me it ain't you can do. Man, sir, Oak triositis is not something that we treat all the time. Like I said, it hails from South America, so we got I don't give a from Great Britain. Somebody for me to come down and help me, poor man, Sir. I understand what you're going through, but we have to let it grow. It's full term, which is four weeks, sir, the full root of it having to grow. Man, I ain't something whoa man, I'm going to go down right, nah Man, y'all gonna have to do something. Man, Sure, there's nothing we can do. We can probably trim it a little bit. The trim get some training so this man do something. Sir. There's nothing we can do at this point but sit back and wait and let it grow. It's full term, Okay. Can we get you doing the waiting? Man? Somebody helped me, right, nah man, Sir. Can we get an appointment for you in the next four to five weeks and we do that. Now you got to get a pointment for me to day. I'm gonna give madder. Man, I'm gonna fly to Jamaica. Now, I can't have them sticking out of me. I can't see it. The apport. Man, you're going embarrass me like that man after got out my neighbor. Sir, I understand it, and like I said, oatriositis is very rare, and it's it's something that we haven't treated that many times here in the States, but overseas or the message that we're getting is that we need to let it grow. It's full term me. Ain't nobody in the Milicans got what man, it's oatriositis, sir, So I get it. If nobody else got it, Sir, I could not believe that you were coming up with oatriositis here in the States. It's it's something very rarely seen here. There's been two people in the past has been diagnosed with this and they actually passed away. So now you tell them dive and you're gonna till me three weeks. Man, I'm coming down that a day. Man, somebody could do something for me, sir. There's nothing that we can do today until four to five weeks or I got to get married. I'm fine to Jamaica, Man, I said, Man, I'm hearing what you're saying, but I can't do anything if you don't see the tree already coming out of the navel. Yeah, somebody got to do something. Man. Now I'm saying what you want me to do. Man, I don't know what I want you to do, sir, but I have one more thing I can tell you what you got to say. Man, Oh, you're listening. I'm listening to you. Man. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harpin Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy, Earl. Man. You gotta be kid, Damn, I'm protected out my wig. Man, you too, lift you Tommy Man, Man, y'all he'll be going crazy here. Man, I'm looking at all of my damn neighbor things. The truth Fella, go out this man. I'm on Man, No, you ain't on right now. Man, I'm already never to get married in two weeks. Man, Hey, Man, I got one more thing to ask you, Marvin Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvard Morning Show. If you're listening your answers out the wed Yeah you out. That's so creosty for Carla right there, shirt, I feel better, Carla. That's his favorite one. Yeah, your answers the weed. You understand that you got the weed. Kleen Texas. The Nephew is coming to town, Baby, February fourteen, fifteenth, and sixteenth twice is Funny Comedy Club. Tickets on sale right now, y'all get them, Get them, get them. The Nephew was coming. All you troops out there. I'm coming to visit the base and hang out with y'all a little bit on Saturday. But that's what I do. Miles A given, I give back to won't do veterans, West Palm Beach, Florida. I will be there February twenty second, twenty third, and twenty fourth at the Improp. Tickets on sale red Nah, thank you. Nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with our national news and entertainment news. I'll tell you that Rihanna has been up to something. I'll tell you what that is. And I have some sad news about a legendary soap opera star that's all coming up right after this you're listening to show, all right, Donald Trump, our president has accepted newly sworn in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's updated invitation to address a joint session of Congress. That'll be tonight at nine pm Eastern. It'll be Trump's second State of the Union address, where he will lay out his agenda for his third year in office. Although Trump has reopened the government fully, that continued standoff about border wall funding goes on, and we'll play a big part in his speech. Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams will be giving the Democratic rebuttal to mister Trump's address. That's good news. I'm sure she'll have a lot to say. And entertainment news. We're excited about our girl Rihanna. She has a brand new album on the horizon. A studio producer confirmed to US Weekly that yes, Rihanna has about five hundred new songs for this project, but of course it's only one album, so they'll probably only choose about ten, so she'll have four ninety left over four hundred, five hundred new songs. That's like Prince Territory, right, I mean that must be five hundred people have submitted songs. Well it's just for her. Yeah, yeah, that's a lot, and she's they're only picking ten, you know how albums go. Also in sad news, this is really sad news for Young and the Restless bands actor Christoph Saint John. He has died. Christoph played the role of Neil Winters on Young and the Restless. He was in that role since nineteen ninety one. It was a role that earned him ten in Double ACP Image Awards. Law enforcement sources reported that one of Christoph's friends went to check on him at his home in the San Fernando Valley of in a Los Angelist and found his body. Paramedics pronounced Christoph dead on the scene. Yeah you remember him, Yeah, pronounced him dead on the scene and reported that there was no sign of foul play, but one four says that alcohol may have played a role. So I don't know, all right, A long time, Yeah, a long time. So we're just you know, Christoph and condolences to his family Rest in peace. I remember, you know what I'm I'm pretty sure I met him backstage somewhere. Man introduced a lot of work as a presenter somewhere. Oh wow, you know, we didn't know each other well at all, but I do remember making contact with him and so at an award show, I introduced him or something like that. Okay, that's sad man. Yeah, it really is, It really really is. You never think about it. I remember when I used to watch Young and the Restless. He and Shamar Moore played brother's on that show, and he just got engaged in August. Who we understand, hey and christ condolences goes out to his family. Absolutely. And on another note, A I wasn't you know, we were kind of touched on it yesterday. I wasn't aware of any super Bowl boycott. Did you all know about a super Bowl boycott in New Orleans? There was one? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah they have Yeah, I know that one. I know that. Rihanna and Cardi B said they weren't performing at the super Bowl to support college capital. Right when they initially asked them, they turned they turned the half down halftime performance down right. I mean, you know, I'm not, I'm not. I didn't know. I didn't know of any organized boycott. No, I don't think anything organized. No, people were talking about it. Yes, the whole French quarter did a black out just to let you know, oh wow, and you really like boycott in this game? Wouldn't have nobody customer to see man the lowest scoring game in the history of the Super Bowl. No, no, no, let's quit calling it that the worst game we've ever seen played in the worst Wow. No, I've never seen the worst game. Well, uh, Steve, let's go to National News with miss Anne. Please, ladies and gentlemen, without further a due miss Anne trip, Thank you very much everybody. In good morning. President Trump makes his State of the Union speech, as Shirley said in it tonight, it's around nine o'clock by the way Eastern. He's expected to lay out his case again for his five and a half billion dollars with a b vorder wall. Now right now, the White House and Congressional Democrats remain far apart on water security funding, and there's no indication that they're going to get any closer to a compromise by the new shutdown or emergency declaration deadline, which is February fifteen fast approaching. And yes, Georgia Stacy Abrams has been selected to deliver the Democratic rebuttal to the speech. Abrams, the black woman who ran in all almost won the governorship of the Peach State last November is considered a rising star in the Democratic Party. Still no resolution in the situation involving Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and that the unearthed medical school yearbook page photo. But how Speaker Kirk Cox, who's a Republican, says that nobody's actually thinking of throwing north amount of office at this point. Impeachment. That's a very high standard. So I think that's why we have called for the resign nation. We hope that's what the governor does. I think that would obviously be less paying for everyone. Well, so far, Northern says he will not step down, but just in case he does, his Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax, would lead the state House. And Justin Fairfax happens to be an African American, by the way, And he is really slamming the Washington Post this morning because they're printing a story and allegation from the same right wing website that unearthed that photo claiming that Fairfax sexually assaulted a woman in a few years back in the Democratic National Convention. He says that's lie and that he's very very upset that the Washington Posts printed at The Washington does admit in the article apparently that they have not been able to verify that allegation. The campaign manager of Northern's challenging me while it seems mifted at the Republican Governor's Association, Ed Gillespie lost, his campaign manager tells Fox News that the Republican Governors Association was responsible for all that so called opposition research, you know, digging up dirt on people, and one is allowed how that racist snapshot of Northern wasn't turned up by them last year during that election. Automaker General Motors has reportedly begun handing out pink slips to about four thousand salaried workers as part of a restructuring of the company. GM reportedly slashing jobs and its information technology units in Texas and Michigan, Arizona and Georgia. And I hate to end this on a sad note, but I have to. Yes, Christophe Saint John is dead. Officials say that the body of the fifty two year old actor who played Neil Winters on The Young and the Restless discovered at his California home. No official cause of death mentioned, but TMZ reports that alcohol might have been involved. Saint John's twenty four year old son, Julian, committed suicide in twenty fourteen. He's been grieving ever since. Down back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, it is time for asked Steve. Here's a question from a listener. It says, Steve, I've been dating a guy for six months and we are both very involved in our church. Now, when we first met, I told him that I was practicing celibacy and he was okay with it. Now he is ready to have sex and I'm not. My friends tell me I'm stupid and I'm going to lose a good man. Am I really being stupid? Steve? Well, you're not being stupid, of course not. Those are your values and morals and you you make decisions for your life what you think is the best. The majority of your friends is calling you stupid. Are they in a committed relationship? Are they married? You know? How do they know what's right for you? And what you decide to do is the right thing? That you and this dude go to the same church and you both agreed. But now let's just have a real conversation here. It is easier to say you're gonna wait for marriage than it actually is to wait for marriage. It is, especially if you're dating on a regular basis. Yes, and especially if you've had sex befoult, yes, hard to say no to that. What are we waiting? It ain't good when we get to yeah, yeah, no, no, it's not. I'm sorry y'all to stay out there. I'm just telling you, the young lady, that is hard to do that. It is that it is, And the guy who said he could do it, he threw. He threw now, And I'm not mad at the guy for wanting you, because that's that's the human nature of it. So you wouldn't even need to sit down and call to have talks. Now. I've heard other people say, you know, there are other things y'all could do, and I don't know what that is. But wait, what, Steve, what did you just say? I said, I've heard people say that's other things y'all can do. I don't know what that is. You didn't hear that from Steve. That won't lead to having sex some kind of way. I just said. I have heard people say, that's other things that two people can do instead of having sex. Now, based on the sex that I've had, I can think of no replacement. All right, look, we gotta go coming up at thirty four, None of this foolishness. Thirty four after Jay's gonna have some comedy roulette for us, and that is your favorite thing, Steve. Right after this, right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys, it is time for comedy roulette. Jay, please do the honors and explain. Go ahead, look on his face, all right, priceless, I know right. You gotta do it, though anything, do you take four subjects? Because we're all comedians, we can do this. You put those four subjects, one at a time on a wheel that goes around and around. When that wheel spins round and around and around, where that wheel stops. Because we're all comedians, will do the damn thing. All right, Here we go with the topics. Things you hide in the fridge from other people, all right. Lies you tell yourself when you're running out of gas, what you say to yourself when you get dumped, and what you say when you oversleep, spend the wheel? Catch spun it spun the wheel. I'm like you's thinking something, but it's what you say to yourself when you get dumped. I want to this one. Let's go, guys, let me start it off. Come on, hey, I was gonna go into service anyway, so this relationship wasn't gonna work out anyway. I don't really like I didn't really wan't her no way, it was her best friend. I really want it to be honest with you. Work it out for yourself. Yes, what you say to yourself when you get dumped, Steve, you don't want crazy? I ain't crazy when trust me, your breath was gonna break us up. You know, I didn't really care for you making me wear all that leather in the bedroom anyway, So I'm glad we ain't doing this. No mother, I'm chap nah. Come on, See what you say to yourself when you get dumbed. I was just about to text her anyway, right after breakfast. You say to yourself when you bring up I don't know how to tell you, but I never did like your dogs. How about you know? Truth be told, Truth be told. My baby mama won't me back anyway. Talk ain't worry about this right here? What you say to yourself when you get dumped? I bet you I can find somebody else love, you said to yourself when you're done, and just in case you get ready to call me, I have blocked all. You know. He's hurt. Oh, he's hurt. He's hurt. You know what, you know what? What you know what, Tommy, she'll be back because don't nobody to do that little thing that I do. Don't nobody else do that. She'll be back. That third person temm me right there, he's hurt. Yes, what you say to yourself when you get jumped. See, you ain't the first person leave me. You think you're doing something. Thank you doing something that didn't knowing I didn't left. That be like you doing something. You say something you get I don't know how to tell you, but the white girl was checking me out anyway, right, Yeah, you know what what you know what, Timmy, I'm gonna we're gonna get our life together. We're gonna going to church and we're gonna just let the Lord as we let the Lord ask about it up. That's a good one. Yeah, one more, Steve close it out. Huh here my lips say he can't be I'm next to next right after the great job. Guys, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today subject could her EX be My Next? That is the subject for today's strawberry letter, Could her X be my Next? But right now the nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call Tommy, what do you have for us today? Sir? No games today, Sir? I couill bookie here it is no games today? Running. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Quincy. Please. This is Hey. How are you? My name is Maurice. Maurice calling you from the power company. How are you doing today? I'm all right? What's up? Well, listen, we're doing some testing in your neighborhood. We're trying to make sure we don't have to actually shut the power down out there, and we're calling around quite a few people in your neighborhood, running some tests on individual homes and making sure the electricity is running correctly. Can I get you to do a few things swarm and see and the quicker we get through with this, sir, and as possibility, we won't have to turn your power off. But all I know you don't want us to have to come out and turn power off. And you got stuff in your refrigerator that can spoil and things like that. So we want to try to get this done and hopefully the power with the with the test that we run, it'll it'll run correctly and we won't have to do anything. Okay, I don't know about an electricity though, you know what I'm saying, So no, no, no, I understand that. Don't worry about that. All right, here's what I need you to do. Now. How big is your house? What do you how many bedrooms? You got four bedrooms? Now you have upstairs downstairs? It's too short, okay, all right, so here's what we need to do. Um, if you can't, ain't gonna take loan though, right, I got it, because I'm in a hurry. Then ain't gonna have a lot of time. No, no, no, this this, this, this, this won't take long at all. So can I get you to take your breaker and shut down everything upstairs and we're gonna run a test on the stuff downstairs right now. It'll be real quick, all right, just shut just shut everything off. I want you to keep the downstairs open and keep that to the weekness so we can run our tests on this thing. All right, everything's shut, everything's down. Okay. You you turned off everything. I just turned off all the switches. Okay. Here's what I need you to do. I need you to turn on your television and then turn it off downstairs downstairs. How many TVs you got downstairs? I got two TVs downstairs. Let's turn them both on. You just turn them on, Just turn them on. You got them on? I got one on. Let's try to turn that other one on. All right, they both on. Okay. Now, you got a microwave in your kitchen? Yeah, yeah, microwave. Okay, turn that on. It's already on. Man. I can see the light zone, it's got the clock on it. That's got that double h run thing that's going through there, and it's a whole different type of current. I just want to mount number what you're talking about. But I gotta get to work, man, So the microwaves on, it's running. No, No, I want you to actually turn it on. I want you to actually push like a minute or two on that thing. Do with anything, man, Come on now, I mean, what do you gotta do? No, this is a test, sir. What I don't want to have to do is come out there and turn your power off. And I don't want to do that. You got a lot of food in your fridge, I'm sure, right, all right, all right, I look it's on microwaves zone TV zones. Okay, now open your refrige. Man, the electricity works downstairs. Okay, but listen now, I know, but what we gotta do is we gotta make sure that this stuff isn't overpower. Now. Can you open your refrigerator? Yeah? Yeah, man, do you see the button that actually has you can turn on? You can push it in the lighter go out. You know what I'm talking about. Come on, man, you ain't got nobody to just be able to check something outside. Man, I mean I'm in the fridge. I understand. But push that button five times for him and see what it does. What the light button? Yeah, push that light button five times? Come on, man, that did it? Go off? And on? Every day's oping on? Man? Actually they wrong with the refrigerate reficiates plug in. Man. Okay, Now here's what I want you to do. Right there, and you're in the kitchen, turn your sink on for me. Turn sink on. What they got through electricity? Many that's a nitril current. That's a nitril current. You wouldn't understand that, But I need you to turn that on for me too. Just turn it on full blast. Got it on, I got it on. Okay, Now go in your master bedroom. I can turn it off. No, let that water run. Go in your master bedroom and go in the bath for me. I appreciate you helping me out on this. Man. Come on, man, Quincy, I appreciate a hurry. I mean everything that. It's everything I'm in. I'm in the baths. Plush that toilet for me, Quincy, see where plush that toilet for me? Plush the toilet. Yeah, plush that toilet. It isn't even electrical what it is. It's a it's a it's an awkward book and heard. You need to get somebody up. Okay, I'm gonna plush the toilet. It ain't no electrical plugs in that in this area, man, right. I understand that you don't see what it is. This is an awkward booky current that flows through that water. Plush that thing for me one time. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Okay, all right, toilet Worse, man, you ain't got nobody in the area that could come out here and just check it out. Man, Quincy, I'm trying my best not to come out and and and and and turn your power off. And I know you got someone to go turn my power off. You're supposed to making sure the power stay on, right, I understand that. Now do you have, Quincy, Do you have a blender? Yeah? I gotta blender, man, I gotta blender. I got a TV, I got a refrigerator. And they all worked the Twitter it works, everything worked all right. What I want you to do is get this blender and we'll just throw you a few cues to eyes or something there and turn that thing on for him. Come on, man, we're almost done. I got to get to work, man, This work women who comprecated. Man, this is just the blunder. Come on, man, it's a bully. I said, I have to mention your current us be walking with house. Man. You need to take the next house. You don't have no problems with no smoothes or nothing in that thing, do you you see? Man? With the world, I got to do anything. Man, I gotta get to work. I understand. I just listen to a minute. A minute got too far to come out here or do this because I need to get to my job, and I got understand that job. Well, I could just call and have people go through the damn house playing scavenger hunt. I gotta get to work. Okay, now, listen, Quincy, one last thing. Are you able to shut that breaker? Put that breaker back on and then shut off downstairs, and then go upstairs and check some stuff for me? Shut up? What shut off the breaker downstairs? Go ahead and turn it. I'm not shutting up no breaker downstairs. I shut off the water upstairs. We didn't turn on every damn thing down here. You didn't have me. I got the blender. I didn't turn on the microwave to from Fritz Lay, cool Man Fresh and the tall us. I gotta get to work, quist it. I needs you to lose this attitude you got. I need you get somebody down here to do my electricity in my house work. It worked for you. Calm me, an't thing ain't work. It's my ain't at work because I'm here doing this book playing off and all. Get somebody in here to work. I don't piss me off and make me turn it all the way off. We must work. And when I get back from work, way this should be on. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Quinny, it's better be the last thing that his nephew Timmy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got preaked by your sister gown still better being a witness protection program. Man, Let me turn it one. Man, Hey man, let me ask you something. Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land as guy be Steve Harvey Morning Show and Tommy you call me again, They're gonna be the show used to have Tommy on. That is Serta. That was my mom's favorite. My mom loved that one. She really did. Yes. February fourteen, fifteen sixteen. You heard you been talking about it. The nephew is coming to Kaleen, Texas brand new Comedy Club twice as Funny Comedy Club. Tickets on sale right now, so go get them, Go get them, and then I am on my way to Florida. I'm keeping it in the low Land, trying to stay warm. February twenty third, twenty fourth, and twenty fifth. I am West Palm Beats Florida at the Improv Pick its own sale Red now the nephew is coming to town. Stupid on the loose. Y'all know how to do it, stupid on the loose, on the run. Yeah, we know how you do it now, stupid and you want to comment from us? Oh yeah, my wife to found out I'm talking about her hot flashes on stage. I didn't, I didn't got a whole Yeah. Yeah. Somebody came back and told her that take money from the joke, they can be in the joke. What you say, If they can take money from the joke, they can be the joke. Thank you your money? That ain't that ain't a good thing to save time? Okay, yeah, he ain't got nobody? All right, all right, thank you nephew. Coming up next it is a Strawberry letter. Could her ax be my next? Right after this? You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And let me tell you. If you need some advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM. And all you have to do is just click submit Strawberry Letter. We'll get your letter and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today right now. Okay, so get ready, y'all, buckle up, a hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject, Could her X be my next? Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a single, thirty eight year old female and I like dating older gentlemen. I'm open to online dating and I've met some nice men on Facebook, so I often look at men's profiles and meet them that way. A handsome man in another city caught my eye and I send him a message. We chatted back and forth and found out that we have a lot in common, even though he is twelve years older than me. When we first started video chatting, I thought that he looked familiar and we're from the same city, so I just figured our paths cross somehow in the past. After we did our video chats for about a month, I mentioned that he looked very familiar, but I couldn't place him. He told me where he used to hang out and what his nickname is. My face dropped and I got quiet. He asked me if I had really figured out if I had finally figured out who he was yes, I knew exactly who he is. He is my sister's ex boyfriend. He said he knew who I was all the time, the whole time, and was just waiting for me to figure out who he was. He said he wanted to see if I was going to be a grown woman about things and continue to chat with him, or if I was going to run away from something that could be so good for both of us. Even though he and my sister dated fifteen years ago, I still stop communicating with him. I told my sister what had happened and exactly how it went down. My sister told me to go ahead and talk to the guy. I told her that I could not date the same guy she dated. She told me that I should at least see where things would go with this guy. I do miss talking to him, but I'm still skeptical. What do you think? Could her ex be my next? Please? Help? Yeah? M M, it's right. You know. There is such thing as a girlfriend code. All women know this. It's an unwritten, unspoken rule where friends and sisters and things. You know. You don't date your your friends or your sisters ex's. It's just not something you do. You just don't do it. It's it's weird. I'm a little torn here because your sister doesn't seem to adhere to the girlfriend code. She's a rare breed among women, because most women would not want you to go anywhere near their ex, husband, ex boyfriend, any of that. So it's interesting that she said you should hang in there and see where this date goes. It's also interesting that her ex is onto you and knew who you were and wanted to talk to you and was kind of pursuing you and things like that. That's interesting. So maybe he was he liked you, you know, the entire time, which is kind of crazy if he was dating your sister. Yeah, it was fifteen years ago. Yes, it was fifteen years ago. There's still that girlfriend code out there. Now. If you do date this guy and it doesn't work out, are you and your sister still gonna be tight and cool and everything, or you know, is she gonna start acting funny, you know, feeling some kind of way about this. It doesn't seem like it in this letter, but people change, especially if you and her ex get really tight and you know, you guys marry or something like that could happen. So I don't know. This is a tough one. I don't know if I would do this even if I did have my sister's blessing. Steve, I don't care for this letter because it don't really mean nothing. Could her ask be my next thing? You're on line talking to this dude sitting out the thing about this girl. I'm a little concerned about it because you know, she's a thirty eight year old female and she likes dating older gentleman. But maybe she just wants because she ain't. She ain't really says she's looking for nothing. I like dating older gentleman. I'm open to online dating. I met some nice men on Facebook, so I look at me as profiles and meet them that way. You know, that's she just just seems to be up and it ain't nothing wrong with it. Maybe that's your life. She's just a serial data to me, so trying to help her get hooked up don't really seem to be the objective in this letter. A handsome man and another city called my Eye. Just send him a message. We chatted back and forth, found out that we have a lot of incoming, even though he's twelve years older than me. When we first started video chatting. I thought he looked familiar. Were from the same city, so I just figured out our pass crossed somewhere in the pass. After we did our video chats for about a month, I mentioned that he looked familiar to you and you couldn't place it. Then he told me so to hang out and his nickname is my face dropped and I got quiet, So he said, have you finally figured out who I am? And I knew exactly who he is. He was my sister's ex boyfriend. Now the dude knew who you were right away, but he wanted to see how long this game did He go to pimp move though. He wanted to see if I was going to be a grown woman about things and continue to chat with him, or if I was going to run away from something that could be so good for both of us. Oh, dog, you're for real, lady, you don't know what game is, because if you don't think that's a game, lie, I just wanted to see if you was gonna be a grown woman about things. See here's what's happening. He's an older man. Your sister was older fifteen years ago. You was what how was you for twenty three twenty three. Sister was what maybe thirty four, thirty five, something like that. They was probably around the same age. I was gonna see if you was gonna be a grown woman about things and continue to chat me or run away from something that could be good for both of us? What was gonna be good for both of y'all? He don't want really nothing from you but one thing, because you ain't told him you want nothing from him but one thing? You know why? Because you were serial data. This just fitting to be another night man you the met on Facebook, then slept with another relationship, and he gonna leave you to y'all, will not come back? Yeah, okay, okay, all right, John commercials in the Super Bowl too. Yeah, but I'm let me tell you this what Well, well, when we're going back, I'm and tell you the rest of it. But this is a setup. This is going nowhere. It has no intentions. But aren't you shocked at the sister though? Well, I'm gonna get to that, So let's get back. I'm gonna tell you why too. All right, all right, we're gonna have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Today's Strawberry letter subject, could her X be my next? All right, we'll have that coming up right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letter sub could her X be my next? Wow? Wow? Yeah? Well, like I said in the letter, this woman is online just dating people randomly. Look like a seal dated to me ends up meeting this gown online that used to date her sister. It took her month or so to figure it out, but finally she thought she recognized him. Then when he said she asked him his nickname, she said that and where he lives? She got quiet. He said, have you finally figured out who I am? And she said yes. He said I knew who you were from the beginning, but I wanted to see if you was gonna be a grown woman about things and continue to chat with me, or if you was going to run away from something that could be so good for both of us. Boy in the world that says game recognized game, I Recknin's game. This is a cold line he didn't used on you. First, he challenged you to be grown up, Then he bated you with something that could be so good for the both of us. But since you ain't never established what you really want with none of these men, because you are serial daily data and you like dating older men, so you're just like dating. So now he figured it's gonna be another day he gonna hit it and be gone. Wow, Now you said, even though he and my sister dated fifteen years ago, I still stopped communicating with him. I told my sister what had happened, So you and your sister got good relationship, and exactly how I went down. My sister told me to go ahead and talk to the guy. I told her I couldn't date the same guy she dated. She told me I should at least see where things were gonna go with this guy, because your sister know you're crazy. Your sister know you're a serial data, and you're sister hoping something just stick for you. Because your sister had moved on, she got her life. It's probably a nice little bowl and everything, but she wants you to have a great life. So she told you to go ahead. Then here you go, because you're going so you just waiting on me, and surely give you to go ahead because this is what you say. I do miss talking to you. Yeah, but I'm still skeptical. What's your skeptical about? What do you think? Could her ex be my next it's going to be according to you, your sister that gave you the green Like you just said, you do miss talking to him, and he didn't challenge you. This could be something good for the both of us. But he ain't said what good he talking about? Do this? Man? Won't you? Or do he just wants something from you? If you take your time, you can figure out the answer to them two questions. But if you're gonna rush back in and just going to let him do what he want to do, then you're not gonna know. And that's what I'm saying to you. Now here's some danger to this right here. I can't imagine this happening with me and my brother. I got an older brother. I'm dating some woman he used to date, and I called my brother, go hey, bro, I'm dating this good ah man, go ahead. See. But now suppose my brother called me up every nineteen to check on me, how me and her doing? But he got advice with it though, h hey, man, be careful. You know she don't like chicken. I don't like chick. She don't like chicken. You know, just a little step, a little stuff like that. Hey, man, let me tell you something. Don't mess round, get yourself slap. I'm just saying. I'm just saying, don't mess round, get yourself slap. Oh she's slapping people. Yeah, she getting mad. She bust your upside your damn here. Okay, just calling with all kind inviting a little bro or you wait till she do this tea. Yeah, that's what happened. It's too much. Knock it down, a little bro, knock it down. Represent see how you see how you stack up a dog? Ass? Call? Is she like big bro? A little bro? Back? Called me back? Man, I don't get it. I don't get it. I don't understand it. I couldn't do it. But you know you're not me. You like dating older men, and you're a serial dating. You don't want nothing, so you're gonna probably end up seeing it. You know. So her sister either really loves her really hates her. I can't figure out which one. Go ahead. You have tried everything going over there. I told you it's a reason I ain't win him. Going over there and see for yourself. Yeah it could be that, it really really could. But he was just laying back, waiting for her to catch on. You know. So you're right about the part with the game and everything, you know, waiting. So my nickname goosey, Yeah, goose, you know, kind of like goose man. You know the you know the Virginia governor. Huh oh oh that nickname? Did they call him goose? They called me goose? Say that was a stretch fore we got it? Yeah, I know it was an obscure joke. Yeah, I really yeah. You know, when you own the radio, sometimes they don't all work. You know, they can't all make it over the wall. Understand, some mom's out. Most of them do, yeah, but some mom's out and that was out. You hear the ball and they catch it at second base. Ain't nobody had to even jump? So what should we tell her to not do this? I mean, it only makes suse not to do it. To do it? Should you know? That's what she won't to do? Go ahead, yeah, I mean of all the guys, so here's nothing gonna do it? Do it well? What you don't want to hear, don't do it? Do it well? Don't want what ja your sister was better? You don't want to you evet back in him. It's not a good look. I'm not a good look. Yeah. Yeah, it could end badly. Yeah all right, Well, if that's all we have, just don't do it. Don't take someone. Your sister stated. Yeah, all right, guys, we gotta get out of here. Leave your comments on today's Strawberry Letter on Instagram at Steve Harvey f M. Coming up in ten minutes. Jay will bring the foolishness with his say what segment right after this you're listening to show all right, we're back. We have changed the segment from say what to uh what? Steve named it yesterday. WTF segment is better. It is much better. It feels good. Explain it, guys, what is it? Explain itself and speak it is when somebody said something to you, you really didn't hear it, but you heard it. The only thing you can say is wtf. You kind of hear it, but you didn't hear You don't believe what you hear. Don't believe, Yeah, you don't believe what you're so For instance, like this, hey man, your number hit yesterday, but I forgot to play it. Oh man, oh man? Really okay man, that number hit big yesterday. That man, I forgot my man. Oh how about this when you go to the dentist and just said, look, I don't know how to tell you this, but your teeth are fine, but your gums got to come out. Okay, my girl, you got your life? Oh god, I w a right. You had the doctor's office. I mean you at the hospital. You're in the hospital. Doctor comes to you and he says, I kind of got my chops mixed up. That's how you ended up with a breast transplant. I'm sorry, I'm sure. Wow, I'm only human, I'm only you. Let me jump in, Jake, what do we doing? W W two? Hey man, you ain't Kinnie's son. How old is that boy? Eighteen eighteen? Wow? Hey, let me that's my son. What I wanted to tell you? That's my son. And I know Connie ain't told you that you and a friend get pulled over by the cops. You driving your car? Who they pull you? Hey? Man, just be real cool. But I put a keilo in your trump what yeah, kel Man, just be cool, Just be cool, be cool. That's telling him, just be cool? All right? You know one, we're all here today too for the reading of the Will, and it seems like your daddy had a lot of money. I mean a lot, a lot of money, but he left it all to the cat. How about the cat? The pig got no place blake that cat. Hey, listen, man, let me, I know we can work this out. Listen, I'm the one. They're broke in your mama house. Okay, but listen, well me, you can split everything, spending my mama's stuff. Man, you're crazy, man, gonna kill you. This show is okay, But I got something to tell you though you broke in the house. You know we you tripping like that? Guess what? Hey, man, I wasn't gonna tell you this what me and your mama kicking it my mama. Okay, I got one. I got one, all right, Hey y'all. I had a bottle in the refrigerator and I had had the word tea on it because it was an old tea bottle. But that was a year in specimen. I supposed to be taking what. I hate this show. Okay, it's so stupid. Hey, I know you you asked me brain that weed over here. I got scared. I just want you to know I just went to the bathroom. I got it out for you. Listen, you smoke it already, all of it, all of it. He man, You and your roommates sitting up there, can he tells you. Man, look, I know you're gonna trip. They came over here. Man, they cut the gas off the date so I sold your car. What they cut the gas off so much? Damn? Call who? Man? Are we so much? Amen? Amen? Amen? Come on, we need you to trip and get all crazy because I know how you are. Okay, but you know you that scratched on the side of your car. Yeah, well it's it's got a dent right there now with you. You know that scratch you outside your car? Hey, don I thought you said. I thought you said. Didn't you say that was your cousin? That's not your That's not your cousin? Okay, because now I was with it. But so you're saying that's your wife. Now you gotta make up your mind, man, Okay, ask yes, close it out. Hey man, the police came over here to talk to me today. I ain't I ain't know what else to say now. I just told him to call you. What. We gotta go crazy? Guys coming up, yeah, coming up at the top of the hour. Sea You're gonna tell no more. Man tell the Steve Harvey Nation how we can join you on the beach this summer. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, Steve, it is time people want to know. Steve Harvey Nation is ready. How do we join you on the beach this October? Surely you'll be there, Yes, carl Ob Dow Junior will be there for show. Yeah, call Monica be there. These two evil bastards won't be there, are you sure? Evil? They don't ever about them? Jay triphon Nass actually asked me for a room for somebody else and he wasn't coming. Oh you black anyway, let's go listen to me. I'm offering this special for a short time only. This will be a great Valentine's gift, A great Valentine's gift. Valentine's Day is coming only ninety nine dollars down. Can reserve your spot for October the tenth through the fourteenth, which is Columbus Day weekend. We are taking over the Hard Rock Casino Hotel in Punta Conor, Dominican Republic for five incredible days of NonStop fund It is the Steve Harvey Sand and solely VI Baby. Here's what you get and everybody can tell you they had a great time last time. It's all include leave your wallet at home. We got all the foods you can eat, all the alcohol you can drink. It includes twenty four hour room service. We got jacuzzis and balconies in every single room, thirteen swimming pools, got eleven restaurants, got twenty three balls and lounges. We got unlimited resort credits and the largest casinos in the cab beat. Now, if that wasn't enough, I want you to get ready live, performing live. Genuine would be that performing live everybody. We're gonna have the incredible Showtime to the Apollo event, the Beauty Ball again hosted by My Girl, My Girl, Marjorie Harvey. We got a party at See Day Cruz going on. We got the Tears of Joy comedy show happening. We got to Act. We got the Vault. It's called the Vault Masterclass. Now it's no longer Act like a success. I've launched a new venture. It's called Vault Vault Masterclass. We got the Eighties Party with Dougie Fresh performing live. We got cigars and cognact all the cigars is hand rolled on site. We got the Casino Royal Party, which simply means just come raisor Shaw dressed to impress. We got the Red Light District Concert with Anthony Hamilton. Red attire is suggested. It's just suggested we're doing a red Light District concert. It's just suggested. I bet you I have on red You had it on last year, Steve, and it wasn't even a red light party. What did I have on some red light? Yeah? Remember in the daytime you had on your at the Toyota thing. Remember and act like a success. You hadn't read, You hadn't all red. It was fly yeah. Podcasts anyway, concert after party, kid could pre performing. Make your reservations and leave your wallets at home. To book this, go to Steve Harvey Sandersold dot com. Steve Harvey Sandersold dot com, or you can call us. We got phone call operators standing by eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. That's one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. Tell them Uncle Steve sent you. Now, let's go, let's show up and show out for Valentine's Day Special ninety nine dollars. Put it in the box with your card and you canny and say hey, baby, were going to Puna. Come and then we'll give you some payment plan. After that, you gotta get your money in. Make it right. Come on, y'all, nest goal. You have to ask anyone. We had so much fun last year. We didn't want sure on it. I had fun. Yes, you were everywhere. I was in the casino letting them have Yes. I was on the golf course. Let the golf course is actually nice. It's beautiful there. We had to go much fun. Yeah, you would love it. Tommy, you gotta come. She was tired to ask him, Shelly, what did you just say? I told Tommy he had to come? Really? Yeah? What did he say? Shu? I didn't hear him say anything because I didn't finish what I was saying. I'm tired of people asking me where it's Tommy right? He got to do nothing here. It's a free vacation. Yes, it's so much fun. That's what I asked. How was the golf course, That's what I asked. Well, if you went, you would now hell yeah, Well, if we tell you unless you come over, then what is this about? Get a monk. Fly your ass over that freaking your big ball ass. Sweet ye, take care of you and your girl. And the people are beautiful. I mean they're so nice. They have delicious he said, you know how much you like pizza? We ate so much. My security guard is Cuban, right this dude right here, man, because he speechs Spanish. He was over there, them girls saying, heaven, mister Harvey, we love you. But oh my god, the man who is the man? I said, y'all can talk to you and he speak Spanish. Oh I know, he's so do girls. It's over there. And dog he married for real. He ain't trying to head thank you, no problem. I'm at work. Yeah, you gotta go, though. It was it's a beautiful time, beautiful, beautiful time. It was a great time. Yeah you missed it, man. Yeah, one thing I ain't gonna beg you know whatever. Ope, well you should go. He shouldn't have to beg you sick of him? I am. I'm sick of them too. Where's Tommy, Tommy? Where's Tommy? I'm j O and oh Lord and Jay because Jake thinking about Jays, he would tell you he coming to den one. We just Jay was gonna be there. We said one thing about it, Tommy, don't counsel that. Damn Jay, I'll be there. Yeah, give me a room. That is not my voice at all to show what you say though. You know, you know I'm team Jay, but you've done me like that. All right, guys, we'll be back of the Steve Harvey Morning This Man. I'm coming, Man, I'm coming. You're listening Morning Show. A record number of employees called out sick yesterday after the New England Patriots won Super Bowl fifty three guys. Companies reported an estimated seventeen point two million employees missing work the day after the Super Bowl. All Right, Carla and Junior, we had two of them. Yeah, when they told me that them two wasn't here, but Tommy was here. We all went what anyway? That resulted in the loss of roughly four billion dollars in productivity. This is according to the Super Bowl Fever Survey. This year marks the largest anticipated day of Super Bowl related absenteeism since they began tracking this phenomenon back in two thousand and five. Both employees and their bosses continue to play hookey the day after the big game. Well, it was the worst big game. Help it was Yeah, the word big got me in front of them. Big and super needs to be removed from this. Yeah. This was a bowl game, Bowl game forty three. They can stop na. Man. I was sitting there, man, and so you know, I was in with a group of people in this suite and the guy said this. Lady said to me, isn't this exciting being here? I said, you want my understand that. She said yeah, And I said, no, it's really not as kind of boring to me. She said, oh my god, to feel the same way. I was just trying to keep an upbeat at the time. Oh my god, I feel the same way. I was just trying to keep an upbeat. I was hoping you had something to say. I said, no, I wasn't nothing born. This was not even cool. So I said, man, because I would have rather had stayed. I don't want to go. My wife has never been to the Super Bowl, so who she wanted to go. Oh, that was nice of you to do that for her. Yeah, you know, And I took invited all my sons. Jason couldn't come because he's sick. They had fifty yard line seats right behind the team Wow, watching nothing went to say dad, but I love you father, I love your father. Yeah, I bet you too. That that was nice, Steve, that was really nice. Yeah. And then my two oldest children, Brandon Carly came to the Honors award the night before. Uh huh, so that was really nice. You know. Yeah, you did your thing on the NFL Honors. I don't know if we've said it enough, but you're a good job. Yeah, you really did a good job, Steve. And you know Temmy wants you to host the sp Awards. Yeah, so this could be, you know, a step to that. That could be your next level. No, no, no, no, no, I have it. That's nothing for me. The NFL Honors was greatness. Well, we're doing the asps when they ask you boys, stop no, I mean if they asked me. But you know, the NFL Owners was like the best award show I've ever done because it was just like, man, I knew all the guys dance. I'm a football fan, man, and it seemed well organized. Who I like that, It was smooth, It was the best rand show. Everything about it was cool, man, Everything about it was cool. And you love an excuse to put on a text, all right, we'll be back, blue cheese. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Donald Trump, our president, has accepted newly sworn in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's updated invitation to address a joint session of Congress that'll be tonight at nine pm Eastern. It'll be Trump's second State of the Union address, where he will lay out his agenda for his third year in office. Although Trump has reopened the government fully, the continued standoff about border wall funding goes on, and we'll play a big part in his speech. Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams will be giving the Democratic rebuttal to mister Trump's address. That's good news. I'm sure she'll have a lot to say. And entertainment news. We're excited about our girl Rihanna. She has a brand new album on the horizon. A studio producer confirmed to US Weekly that yes, Rihanna has about five hundred new songs for this project, but of course it's only one album, so they'll probably only choose about ten, so she'll have four ninety leftover. Four hundred, five hundred new songs. That's like Brent's territory, right, I mean that must be five hundred people have submitted songs. Well, it's just for her. Yeah, Yeah, that's a lot, and she's they're only picking ten, you know. Also in sad news, this is really sad news for Young in the Wrestler his fans actor Christoph Saint John, he has died. Christoph played the role of Neil Winters on Young and the Restless. He was in that role since nineteen ninety one. It was a role that earned him ten in WACP Image Awards. Law enforcement sources reported that one of Christoph's friends went to check on him at his home in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles and found his body. Paramedics pronounced Christoph dead on the scene. Yeah you remember him, Yeah, pronounced him dead on the scene, and reported that there was no sign of foul play, but one four says that alcohol may have played a role, So I don't know, all right, yea A long time, yeah, a long time. And condolences to his family Rest in peace. That's sad, man, Yeah, it really is, it really really is. You never think about it. I remember when I used to watch Young and the Restless. He and Shamar Moore played brothers on that show, and he just got engaged in August who we understand hey and condolences goes out to his family absolutely, and on another note, he I wasn't you know, we were kind of touched on it yesterday. I wasn't aware of any super Bowl boycott. Did you all know about a super Bowl boycott in New Orleans? There was one? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah they have Yeah, I know that. I know that. Rihanna and Cardi B said they weren't performing at the super Bowl to support right when they initially asked them, they turned they turned the half down halftime performance down right. I mean, you know, I'm not. I'm not. I didn't know. I didn't know of any organized boycott. No, I don't think any anything organized. People were talking about it. Yes, Old French Quarter did a blackout just to let you know, oh wow, and you really like one cotton. This game wouldn't hurt nobody because to see man the lowest scoring game in the history of the Super Bowl. No, no, no, let's quit calling it that the worst game we've ever seen played. Initially the worst Wow, No, I've never seen the worst game. All right, guys, that's enough of this. We are moving on. We're gonna come back with Steve's closing remarks, last break of the day. We'll be back at forty nine after the hour right after this you're listening to show. All right, Steve, here we are, last break of the day. It's been a good day. You guys have really really clowned and really embarrassed me today. Okay, good, so then that was a good day. Right, thank you. You're welcome. I hope you enjoyed it. We've got more. But before we get out of here, Steve, you're going to leave us with some enlightening closing remarks. Well, you know, my remark today are just a reminder, as I have to remind myself that the thing that you do have full of complete control over is your mind. We've all got to understand that part of it. Yeah. See, we've all got to understand that part of it that you have a say so in this matter and in this coming year. What I'm trying to get everybody to just be a constant reminder to you that you've got to stay upbeat, you've got to stay appreciative and grateful and thankful even in the midst of difficulties. See, that's a hard part. But what but what will help you through the difficulties is the realizing that you have recovered and gotten through so many other previous challenges and disappointments and difficulties. So in that what I try to do, and I'm not always successful to everybody, I want you to understand that I wish I had it mastered. But what I try to do as often as I can is stay in the positive light. I try to look at everything that's happened to me with a beacon of light shining on it, even when it looks dark, because the only way out of darkness is through with light. You can't come bat dark with more dark. So here it is when haters attack you this year, if you are attack them back with hate, it becomes a spend cycle. Now you are now involved in the cycle of hate. And so now when you cast hate to them, they're gonna recast it on you. Then somebody else that know them starts hating on you, and somebody didn't know you start hating on them, And now y'all in a vicious spin cycle and the hatred has turned into a bigger ball than it actually is. When what could have stopped this whole thing would have been when you were first hit with the darkness, when you were first hit with the untrue rumor, when you first came under attack, if you didn't swing back hard to have a one man fight. If only you had not swung back, the fight wouldn't have grew into what it is today. And it's hard to do that. Man. Do I understand that? Yeah, it's hard to do. Am I human being? Yes? I am. Do. I facetimes when I want to do something different, Yes I do. Does sometimes I end up doing something different regrettably, Yes I do. But the times when I do get it right, the times when I you manage to hold my peace, the times when I do manage to hold my tongue, the times that I do manage to bite down and grit it and just take it, it ends far quicker. Yeah, I don't give it legs. Don't give people gasoline to throw on the fire they trying to start at your house. I just try not to provide you the gasoline, the starter fluid. I just try not to. Now that's hard, but I'm telling you, man, And it's so much energy that you have to give to deal with haters. You gotta muster it up every time you see them. You gotta respond every time you see a post. You gotta comment on every comment. Na man, no stop feeling though, as you got to comment on every time somebody say something bad about you, are negative about you. They don't know you, they have no idea who you really are. They don't And because they'd have lied on you, nothing they can say gonna make it true. That's one of the ones I had to learn, y'all that just because a person lies on you, it's not gonna make it true you lied. I don't have to buy into that. And so now, man, I've just learned, and I'm trying to get better and better. But I invite all of you in two nineteen to move yourself forward with the right attitude. Don't stay on the wall. Listen to me. Stay on the wall, don't get off the wall, addressing stuff that you ain't got time for. And if you can forgive a person, if you can forgive a person, do that. It's in your best interests because we remember, forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for you. It's so you don't have to react every time you see them. It's so you don't have to feel some kind of way sitting by yourself. It's so you don't have to keep rehashing it in your mind. I'll forgive you not forgiving a person. And I've said this a hundred times before on this show. Not forgiving a person. It's like you drinking the poison, waiting on them to die. Bishop Jake's taught me that. I will never forget it. Y'all. Stop drinking the poison. You better than that. Don't deal with the haters. You better than that. Fix your attitude. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. Y'all have a great weekend. I'm so happy for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For a complete kind test rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.