Things Will Happen, Monkey Story, MTH, Comedy Roulette, Sidepiece Santa Claus, Black Folks Timeline, Getting Fat, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Dec 19, 2018, 3:45 PM

Happy Humpday! The CEO has a question just for Fool #2. What things definitely happen over the holidays? A monkey goes overboard and takes a bite out of something forbidden. J. Anthony Brown murders another one just for those who wear Kangol hats. Comedy Roulette is here with the crew talking about how folks don't decorate like they used to. Fool #2 has an original song just for those on the side. Black folks have a timeline and J. Anthony Brown explains. There is a study that links being in a relationship with getting fatter. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about releasing toxins from your life and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving a mom like amazing buck bus things and it's covering me. True good it. Steve har listening to move together for Steve Barby, I don't join joining me. You gotta turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby at it. Uh huh, I shall will Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. Wow man, how good has God been to me? You know? Today? Let me get right to it because I'm I'm kind of feeling this today, and I'm pretty sure that's just quite a few of you who go through the same things today. Today was just a little tough morning from me because I didn't want to leave home yesterday. You don't want to stay home a little I just gotten home, you know, I gotta go again. And sometimes, you know, just the weight of all that you have to do just gets on you sometimes and sometimes you don't feel like doing it today. Huh. You know, I'm just talking to those who feel this way every now and then, and I'm assuming that would be everybody, because I don't know nobody who can just ply through this thing without having those days. Well, what do you do when it gets hard to stay up? What do you do when it gets hard to be positive? What do you do when it seems like things aren't happening for you fast enough or in the time frame that you thought it was going. What do you do? And the reason that I guess I chose to speak about this this morning is because I'm having one of those days. Because I had one of those days yesterday. It's just a tough day. I really can't explain. It's nothing really in particular bad happened. It's just I think the weight of all that's going on started to feel heavy to me. Not being able to sit down with my wife and talk some of these things through so she could help me out. That kind of got to me yesterday because she had to go take care of some business. I had to go take care of some business. When she got in it was late, you know. I got in it was late, you know, And so I guess so so it sort of pushed me into this thing. Now, I didn't hand. Nobody talk to about it. And so what do you do when you when you have days like that, when it's hard to be positive, when it's hard to stay up. Okay, here's what I had to start doing this morning. Now I haven't completed it, can't I just be real with you. I haven't completed it. Excuse me, but I am processing it out because I know what to do, because I've been here hundreds of times before. See. That's that's the cool thing about getting older. That's the cool thing about life is that you gained experiences along the way. You know, been there, done that. I didn't have that pain before. I know what to do. You know, if I sprained my finger, I know what to do now. You know the first sprain I had a Lord, I thought it was broke. I thought I gonna be handac half. I didn't know how I was gonna fit, said the old lord. What now I can't write no mold. Now maybe I don't have to go to school. I was working all kinds of stuff when I first sprained my finger. But now if I sprained my finger, I know what to do. So since I've been in this position, in this hole so many times before, and God has always gotten me through it. I decided I've got to start the process today. Want here are some things now. I'm gonna get to the big one last, but here are some things that you can do immediately to start pulling yourself up. And one of the things I do is I remember the plan. I just sit down and consciously remember the plan. Sit down and I consciously think about the goals I've set. I go over them. See, I've got mine down on an iPad so I can pull them out anywhere I am and pull them up. And I've got two lists that I've made. I've got a list of things that I know I can accomplish if I just keep working hard and if it's some couple of things just fall into place that I can see. Then I got a list of things that I'm planning on accomplishing. And then I have a second list. And the heading of this list is called only God can help Me Now. And on this list, it's things that I'm aspiring for or things that I'm hoping to that in order for them to happen, I absolutely have to have God's help. That's my favorite list. It's the list that I have of the things that I don't see, no way it can happen. I'm just operating on faith and the hope that God hear me, and so sometimes, man, when you gotta when I have this list of who only God can help me, now that list is stuff that I cannot see. I'm just operating on faith that God is so much bigger than me, that he's so much more capable than I am, that I can actually acquire some things in my life, as He's proven to me time and time again up to this point, that He's willing to do for me if I'm willing to just give him some of my life. That's the only why I can't explain my existence today. You know, I began the conversation with my wife, how do I write a book that becomes so wildly successful? That would be God. That's only God. Because if you can plan to sit down and write a wildly successful book, I'd have Benden sat down and did it, and so would you, So that would be God. How it got purchased to become a movie when that was not my intent when I wrote the book at all. Again, that would be God. Right, there has to be because if I can't explain it, and it is by no doing of my own. Then who did it? So when I get down in days like this, I remember the goal. I remember the plan. I remember the journey. I think about of all the things God has bought me to how did I even get to this point. Yeah. I might be having a little bummer of a day. Yeah I was a little down yesterday. Yeah, my bio rhythms is off, whatever they want to call it. Yeah, I'm just having one of those days. I feel a little bit heavy. I need a vacation real bad. I need some time off to just go and regenerate. But right now, man, I ain't got that. So guess what I do. I gotta start remembering the plan. I gotta start remembering the goals. I gotta start thinking about all the things that God has done for me and how He has bought me this far and the blessings that I have instead of what I don't have. And that's what I'm in the process of doing this morning. And on the commercial breaks, I'm gonna pull out my iPad and I'm gonna go over my two lists and I'm gonna read my little list of what I think I can accomplish and I'm gonna really read that only God can Help Me now list, because that's the list that's big. That's the part where I've been telling y'all. I said, quit telling God how big you'll problems are, and start telling your problems how big your God is. See, And that's why I got to sit down to do this morning. And then sometimes, man, you got to stay still. That's the other part. You got to stay still. You gotta quit moving for a second, because sometimes it feel like you're running on a treadmill and you really ain't you going somewhere, but it feel like you're running on a treadmill. Well, when you get that feeling, sometimes you got to stay still. And then when you stay still, sometimes you gotta fight to stay positive. Sometimes you gotta fight not to let the devil win. You're in a fight, Mamer, I told you this. Now, you're in a fight now. So trying to get you to get on that positive train so he can get you off the faith train. So God's delivery package that's coming to you built on your faith that you can he can shake your faith and get you to thinking negative and then he wins. See. So when you start feeling negative. Just know that that's the other force trying to throw you off track. And when you get through it all that here is the key to big one. You want me to tell it to you. You gots to pray, man, You got to pray. You gotta take it to God. You gotta say, hey, God, look I'm having one of these days. I need your help. I got business to take care of. You got blessings in front of me. You got stuff you to ship to me. You got blessings and packages that's on the way. I need to be sitting on Faith streets so I can receive the delivery when you get there. What I don't want to do is be it on be on Doubted Way or or Lack of Understanding Parkway, or Pity Parkway or some street like that, and the package keep going by. I need to be standing and sitting on Faith Street so when you drop that package down to me, I can go on and get it. You feel me. You got to pray. You got to stay still. You gotta fight to stay positive. You gotta remember the plan. You gotta go over the goals. Come on, man, God and brought you too far. Come on, pick yourself up. Today. I'm talking to Steve Harvey this morning. Hope y'all didn't mind you're listening. Ladies and gentlemen, monkey trainers, baboons, contactoness fire either high wire trapez flip artists, and cheerleader have your attention please the rest of y'all. Loser, you ain't wanting here? What are you doing with your life? Including me? This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, live every morning, always in vivid, high tech color on the radio. Yeah, it's up, Shirley, Hello, Steve. How are you doing? What's up? Calling? Hey Steve? What's up? Crew? Yeah, I'm up? Junior everybody, food number one, yeah, and food number two wear his ass at. But I'll tell you what though today, Nah, you don't just take off in this hill already you know, I already had two scares with him. You know what, these people with these diabetes and stuff, you got to be saying the same thing. We got to be good, We got to be careful cause you know. And then let me, first of all, let me say this hill. This that I'm saying about to say is directed directly at Jay Anthony Brown. I don't care about nobody else that has diabetes. Pray for you, hope you heal. But this is about Jay. Is a question, Anthony Brown in a question? This is what I want to know. Do we have to work with a person who can slip into a diabetic coma and we not know? Oh? If we don't know, I'm just saying, what are we supposed to do? You have several remedies? You know the juice thought world. Kay, Hey, look the best I got for Jake. Let me ask you this, Okay, do arge juice still work a remedy for every disease? Range juice. It's the same thing for kill Junior. Hey, if Junior have prices, yeah, he needs to be juice. No boy, juice. We got all his own juice in here for Jay. How did you buy? I have trapic count because I love Tropic COUNTA. I got trab I got nine gallons. Do you think it's gonna keep? First of all? Yes, yeah, all shoes laughs, A long time. I got to a keeper shut. We're ob one out of times? Yeah? But how long it keeps? Yes? I mean it is a perishable thing. All right, Well, I'll put forward minute free makes them something like wow, glad I got insurance? All right? More of this crazy ignorant show Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Steven Show. All right, so um Jay, you and Steve came up. What is this all about? This seed? This segment now better than there's certain things over the holidays when the holidays happen. You can pretty much bet money that some of these things are going to happen. Is that right, Steve? I mean somebody's house. Somebody's house. All right, this might not happen at your house. One of these, I promise you, one of these, it's gonna happen over the holiday at your house. Okay, let's hear it. Come on, I'm ready, come on, come on, dinner, dinner will get interrupted at somebody's house because we gotta go get somebody out of Jake. Yeah, that's that's yeah. Can I finish eating? That just made my place? You hear somebody in the house, and I'll acceptre's here's something else. The new boyfriend, somebody's new boyfriend gonna get beat up by the baby chap somebody else. You thought that all this ain't gonna happen to your house, but you can pick the one that's gonna go down they shouldn't be in the same rule. She never leaves me. She never leaves me. She stepped down when she got with you. Here's another a family secret. He's gonna get told that ain't your real dad, Fred them should have been told. Here's another that's gonna happen. That's somebody's house, maybe not your, but that will be a fight over the drumstick down. Oh yeah, oh yeah, you know I told you I wanted to ley I call that boy even left the house. You know, would be somebody who ain't working, go grab brought a damn thing, ain't got no job. One chick gonna show up at the house with the new boyfriend that's doing way better, got her old. Yeah, this's gonna happening to somebody's house. She's gonna show up pregnant again. You make she can make them. Every black house go aheaded. Somebody gonna show up dressed like they go into a qualms apart and we'll get wet. Understand, ain't you hot? He got attitude? Somebody got shot up at your house. That's been eating meat their whole life, vegan, Yeah yeah, disgusted with all the dishes. Yeah yeah, me Yes, Turkey in the greens because half of we stopped putting park. We upgraded that jets happened. Come on, some of the women gonna have to circle around because he didn't bought the white girl over them. Oh, and they all gonna have to come to the conclusion she is fine. Yeah you might be white, he might be white. Where did she get out of that rum? Fundam a fakenom? A fake? Tis my side? Yeah that ain't real. You know that ain't real? My sis? She fine? I guess, so I take a guess. It might not happen all those things that you'll have, but it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen somebody through and he's thinking right now. Yeah, I'll tell you something, milk gonna happen. What somebody Christmas tree gonna catch on fire? Dold you to change these lightheads all on the tree, always her her hair. Somebody somebody gonna put the wrong gift in the wrong box. Man, you ever wrapped up something? Man, My drunk as uncle did this. He wrapped up his shirt and gave it to my daddy. And when my daddy opened the box, my daddy said, oh man, this night, Oh hell, no, hold on, I didn't get you the wrong shit. That's my shirt my daddy said when you gave it to me. Now it's gonna go down. Ye ready, somebody tooth gonna fall into food. That's nice, y'all. Each slow, each slow, and everybody take these teeth out there. Marcu nephew, Tommy's run that prank back. Right after this, come on, King of Pranks. You're listening. Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with today's national news. But up next it's the nephew and run that prank back. Raymond in the closet all time, Raymond. All right, here you go, Raymond. Hello, Hello, Hey, who can you hear me? Yeah? Bad? Who's there? This Raymond? Speak up? I can't hear you. This is Raymond, speak up. I can't hear you. Who is this? Raymond? Raymond? And Raymond Ronde is my sister round the brother? Yes? What's up? What's up? Man? What's up? Somebody them broke in the house. They in the house right now. I'm in the hold on, hold on, hold on, man, I'm damn I batter. Can't hear what you're saying? Somebody? Then? Why somebody them broken house. I don't want to hear you whispering because they're in the house right now. I'm wait a minute, Wait a minute. You're saying somebody there broken the house and they steal in there. Somebody, I'm broken the house. I'm getting the house now. Hold on, Wait a minute. You're saying somebody that broken to your damn house and they steal in there. Yes, what you're doing? See nothing there? Why you ain't called the police. I'm in the closet. I'm in the closet and I'm trying to get somebody to hold on, hold on, well, I don't know what to do. Man, you're saying, somebody in the house, in your damn house? White not just okay? Wait where you live at? Where you live at? I'm out thirty six straight because I'm at thirty two and a half. You know what? Hold on after to call the lodsn't wait wait wait wait wait man, you know what what? Wait a minute. Don't go them. Please, you've seen your in the hold somebody for the piping to kill you, and you're talking about you don't want them arrested. We got some illegal stuff. Don't call nobody. Don't wait a minute. Wait, wait, nah, you're saying hold on, you're saying, don't call the damn longs. You have to go to the house. Don't call them because the week they got it, guys in Nickels in the hold doing. Man, what you got? Man? You know what is bad? Doc? You know what you're seen? Your up in there. That's probably while they're in the house. Now you have set you up in the house. Got you in there there, that's I guarantee you that what you what you got in there? Actually? You know what, man, let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you the best thing to do, even doing the people in your house right now, you need the jumpers. Let me call the man you need to. Let me call the damn low. I'm gonna tell you right now you can't get don't do that. Don't I'm gonna put you know what, man, I'm gonna tell you. Don't come. You'll say that now. I'm gonna tell you now I get called the low dude, I'm gonna calling low. Hold On, I can get my wife the call right now. Don't call the police. Don't call them because it's too much lega my wife. Don god man, but I'm gonna tell you something, man, honestly, I can't do a thank dame for to go down there. Now. IM gonna tell you something. I could come just food. Tell me, don't even call the damn low you know what? Man looking her car. To be honest with you, I'm I ain't gonna go down there. I'm gonna tell you right down now, you know what. The first thing I'm gonna tell you now, Now, I ain't gonna take my down there first of us. They maybe tapped the my damn lying and I ain't got to do with this. You're gonna get dot. Man. Look, I can call it now one one they just look, go ahead and call them because you know what, you're gonna get your kid out there and they don't know who you are. Man, you know what. And I ain't gonna share on this one with you so they can find out, you know what. Don't look like call the lot. I ain't getting that. I ain't man, you must get dam fool ain't gonna get an out one. So I'm gonna call you what you can do dot, I call it low after they have my wife right now, you know what. You may not like it now, but you appreciate me later, because you know when you're to get your monk heads. Wait a minute, wait a minute, just west, but I think the outside. I think, man, you know this is some crazy dot you to set your I'm gonna call you shook the for one. Don't get what about damn low damn fool you better keep your month haads in that closet. I'm gonna tell you right now you're a damn fool. You are because I gonna tell you not. They show gonna kill your stupid man. You know what. I ain't gonna lie to you. Man. The only thing I can tell you, damn I'm called the law. You're gonna go down, and I'm gonna tell you not. I ain't going down with I don't know why you really evenna call me unless you want for help, because I'm gonna tell you right now, I ain't for the jump of eyes myself nor my damn family yours. Only thing I could do I could help you out in one way. I can call the law. Now. My wife's gotta selphone. What you want me to do? Will you get me? You must be a damn boo. I'm not he I ain't going down, but I ain't going you know what, man, Look look, I can't get it in there and my wife'n out of the count. The police, I'm gonna tell you right now, they're gonna calm. Can you can you? Can you hear me? You can hear you? Your damn mouth shut up? Shut up? Can you shut your damn mouth right now? Can you hear me? Shut out? I don't know when the height that's why they shoot the shot him. Don't peek out that damn dope. Can I say something? Man? You need to shut your damn mouse. Don't look this nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning showing. You know what, you just got pranked by man. Y'all just got you. Y'all sock dirty? I do dare well, man, dog, you just got pranked by your boy. Win damn man, I'm sweating like hey, pin up in his damn house with drawns ooh, man, you sit up here. I want to play with the man. Look at here, boy, I'm sweating like here. Why are you sweating? It was from the dock because I damning wants you to come down to the house. That's a show. I know you weren't coming to I heard it in your voice. I say, Okay, you know what, he ain't coming to get me, man. I'm sit up here right now, Man, I might need to take off from work. Boarded here. Hey, let me ask you something, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? K nobody but the Steve Harvey's Morning Show with Nephew Thomy. It's crazy? That is baby Raymond in the closet, shut shut, favorite. But I can't do nothing, fight, I listen. I can't come down now. I can't do nothing. Fight. I call it law. Which what do you want me to do? What you want me to do? I call law right now? And I think you love it. We talked about it yesterday so much because you can see it. It's the visual. Steve is a storyteller. That's why he oh yeah, yeah, that's my daddy sitting on the edge of the count in the edge of the bed. There's some draws with a cell phone trying to help this boy, but not really right. What you know is, I'm not coming down, but I love this brother. Not Veronica. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne will be here with today's national news and headlines. You're listening to a Florida child who went out for a bite to eat ended up getting a bite of another kind when a monkey took a chunk out of his thumb on a restaurant patio. The monkey's owner, Mary and Richard Van Houghton, brought Jojo to their neighborhood Corraba's Grill on Monday but instead, but instead of settling for a nice banana cream pie, the monkey decided it wanted some finger food. Oh really, it got off. It's a leash, chump to a piece of the boy's thumb. That's crazy. According to the Florida Wildlife Commission, Jojo, the monkey, who was a regular at the restaurant, was laying Yeah, it was playing calmly with the eight year old when something startled him and he bit down, breaking the skin. The owners of Carrabas said they would no longer allow monkeys on. Absolutely no. If you're biting boys fingers, Jojo, you got to go, Joe, Jo Joe. Joe's a regular though. Yeah, I want to storry him that he bit the little boy's finger though his thumb. I wonder what startled him, Yeah, don't tell him. Yeah, where's the restaurant that lets a money. Yeah, yeah, I mean I know in LA people can bring their dogs and you know, in the restaurants and everything. But I've never heard of a monkey ever. And I don't want anybody in LA to hear this story. They might change the laws in LA. I know it was Michael Jackson. They had a monkey, Bubble. Nobody else had a money. Uh. But I don't know that he took Bubbles to restaurants. He took bubbles unca. Steve is the one that knows. Did he take Bubble's places? No, he took Bubba somewhere out in public, going time Bubble. That for Wait what he wasn't used to know? Uh huh. You've seen pictures with Mike with that monkey out with a little suit. I'm dressed like, hey, Tommy, he did take Tommy. You remember gay y'all him clothes? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, Bubbles clothes, you got any clothes? Time to stop it. Damn, I'm gonna want to stop this. Jay. Wait a minute. But coming from a monkey for they that's why I hear eggs that's allergic, you know, and put them on. That's what made the pans be short enough for you. Wow, and you kept that little jacket, didn't you, Because he didn't know he had a bubble jacket. I remember saying to myself, you don't I fly. I hosted Fly. It's a different look for Tommy. But I'm not gonna sit here and take all each other. I'm gonna move over there, Tommy. I'm team Tammy. Damn it? Did he really get you clothes from bubbles? Did he really get you clothes from bubbles? You just look back at your outfit first year, you did. I had a bubble suit on. All right, listen while you guys do Michael. All right, Steve, let's go ahead and transfer on over to miss Danne. Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, our very own talented informative, Miss Anne Tripp. Thanks, thank you, Steve. This is morning, and this is Anne Trip with the news. Morning, everybody out there. President Trump's former national security advisor, retired General Michael Flynn, was scheduled to be sentenced yesterday for lying to the FBI about his dealings with Russia. However, the judge has rescheduled everything for next year, for March. Actually, Flynn told the judge that he knew that lying to the Fez was wrong. He stood by his guilty plea, but US District Judge Mt. Sullivan told Flynn that he was disgusted by Flynn's behavior. He added that quote, arguably, you sold out your country. Flynn's lawyer said that he was still cooperating with the government on another case. Meanwhile, prosecutors have recommended no jail time for Flynn. That judge says he won't necessarily be bound by that. Outside the courthouse, though, General Flynn did have his supporters. But there are also those who remember when General Flynn led a Trump rally chant against Hillary Clinton and sent a similar one right back at him. That's why they were saying, lock him up, Lock him up. According to documents obtained by The New York Times, the Trump administration plans to get rid of Obama era policies aimed at making sure that black and brown children are not punished more severely than white kids are for the same offenses. That's something that's borne out in the statistics, by the way, and the decision reportedly marks the culmination of almost a year long effort by Trump people in the way of the massacre at Florida's Marjorie Stone in High School when seventeen students and staff members was shot to death. Now, the original focus was supposed to be on gun control. However, The New York Times says that almost immediately that changed to a focus on mister Obama's school discipline policies, despite the fact that not one of the nation's high profile mass shootings was perpetrated by a black student, not one, and Trump's education secretary, the Boss is not only recommending the scrapping of the Obama era guidance rules intended to reduce racial discrimination in school discipline, but she also wants to arm school staff. According to Senate Intelligence Committee reports, Russian operatives aggressively targeted Black Americans over social media in twenty sixteen, trying to discourage them from voting so as to help Donald Trump get elected. The reports also revealed that since Trump's election, Moscow has been using the Internet to inflame racial tensions and pushed Trump's social agenda, and that while some other ethnic and religious groups were also the focus of one or two Facebook pages and Instagram accounts, that the black community was targeted by dozens. It's something. Department of Justice has officially found out that bump stocks are essentially machine guns and are legal. The GoJ amended regulations for the Bureau of Alcohol to bacque with firearms. Fox TV hosts Tucker Carlson lost a bunch of advertisers for his show Tucker Carlson after saying immigrants make the US dirtier and poorer and sad. News. Actress and director Penny Marshall has died. She's probably best remembered as Laverne from the sitcom Laverne Shirley's. Penny Marshall was seventy five years older. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show? All right, y'all, Uh, it's time, j Anthony Brown. What you got We're gonna murder hit today? Where we got? We got one for you, Steve and everybody. A lot of people have decided not to let the King goes go the can hat, which is cool, but they're still wearing them backwards and that's just that's not cool. So this is dedicated to those people who will not let the King go go. The Sun goes out to George Wallace, My Road Up, Van, Samuel L. Jackson, L. L. Cool, James Elliott, Last, but not least, Lebron James. Right, you tring me back to another place in time when I had a heline. Time will long with Jane, but you keep me the same My cancay, you're my can whoacame? No stounds like mine? People say out of date. I really need to dress, not for you're on mormaids. They're all wrong because I'm cool, my kid. Oh, I can't let go? Who come only? KINGO is a nice head and George yours is way too small small dude, it's way too damn song. Come on, man, nobody white is gonna tell you this too small? Can't no, no, can't go king no again? Laid Bess right there? That is right there. Damn your elder. Yeah, George, George and George is too small. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys, it's time for comedy routlets. Jay. You want to explain it, real question. It's very simple. It's very simple. Our comedy ability gets tested every week. Tell you what you do? Give us five stuff to put them on a wheel, spending wheel with a wheel stop. We'll do the damn thing and we'll do it fast. All right, here we go. I got the categories, all right. First one, I think this eggnog has gone bad. That all right? Now that's a thin ass Santa. Next one, Ho ho ho. Yeah. People don't decorate like they used to. And there's nothing under the tree. Let's go spend the whale crystal. But do you think it's don't stop, then't kill? I don't know which one. People don't decorate like they used to. People who don't they don't decorate decorate. People used to go all out back in the day. Remember them big hot ass light bubs they used to put on the tree, the big one, the sixty waters Man, you want to you don't have to use heat during the one a time just landing your tree and your your whole living room was heated. Man, you're all out like they don't go all out like that. You out each watered them lights, wanting them lights look like a table spoon, remember, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll tell you why they don't take great like they use. You know, you can go to the neighborhood and all our houses be lit up, stuff all in the yard. Who is the lay this person? That just little bush? Who did that? They just put lights on the bush, sh lamb on the date. Ain't no paddy tool and then they go right back in the house like we're got to clap from it. I remember when you used to actually get your tree flocked to remember that. Yeah, they take the white stuff and spraying on your too. You took the time to wait to get your tree flocked. Now they just put a raggedy green tree in the living room and that's it. Just they don't care like tree. What happened to them a little bit in Reese that they used to hang in the window with the one candle in the room, but it was electric and it flickered and I missed it. We had them in all three of our windows. Yeah, you got an activity scene in your living room. But none of the wise man's got hands because it hadn't broke off. But you don't care, damn But ain't none of the way, none of the hill stay got no hands. The hands. I'll tell you what. You never walk in tobody the house for Christmas. You're going over there and you're looking at the Christmas tree and you can see the metal pole in the middle. Why why y'all didn't put all the pieces over the him tree. You're looking, I can see the tree is so dry. Ain't he got no water? What is going on? The tripolate Christmas tree? Christmas? All the little bristles done. You ain't putting no water. The lights is weighing down ranches wherever the silver sickles little pencils where used to throw all over the tree and making hand. Yeah, and you take them out one at the time and put them back in the box. And year last one. People don't remember the Nativity scene that used to get put outside in the y'all. Yes, but every time you passed by a hood Nativity scene you had to explain it to the kids because items was always missing. First of all, the wise men walked because we didn't have the money for the camels. Secondly, we couldn't use a baby Jesus this year because but Linda wanted a cabbage patch dial. So that's in the box. Up May the Mary and Joseph is two pictures of Deacon Patterson and Sister porter A. People don't decorate. It ain't no, ain't in the main, Jim. It's just looking like burlap. Sat We're gonna have money for the head prank call coming up, decks. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour. Get ready for today's Strawberry letter. But up next, nephew Tommy, what do you have in the print? Call archives? Surely? What so? I gotta say? Before my daddy left you Can I have your kidney? He ran that in his truck over in Can I have your kidney? Take a listen class. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a brother Conny. This is Kindly. How are you doing bro? This is Deacon Patterson called him from the church. How you doing today, Deacon Patterson? Yeah, you're doing fun and you see up side, I'm doing good, doing good, and you know the church is behind you on what you're going through. When we were praying for you, man, we know all the about to You know you're going in the surgeon on Friday to get your get your prancers removed. So I wanted to give you a call, man, have a word of prayer and let you know that we all are pulling for you, and we know that that the man upstairs is gonna pull you through this successful where God bless and keep you. Uh that Deacon, God, blessing keep you because I tell you I'm going through something here. Me and my wife we've been talking about it and we've been praying on it, and it she was a wonderful thing to know that your church is with you and y'all thinking about me in prayer. I I've really had to take this, this to the Lord. This is a serious thing with me and I ain't never had an operation before in my life, and I know I need it. My wife and made it clear, the doctor made it clear that I believe I'm ready to go forward. Deacons, and we don't give the victory to who the victory yourself, he's the victory. He let me. Let me have a word of prayer with your brother Conor. You don't mind just about your head from me. Father God, were as right now we have right now that you touch brother Connley as he goes in one please put your hands on him. We asked, Father, that you hold on to the doctor that's getting ready to go and lay to put surgery on him. Yes, we asked that you make sure that the doctor it's got a strong eye on that morning walk with him. We asked that that that he got a steady hand when he got the scalpel in his hand. We asked that you hold on to him please as he goes into a surgeon, because we know comes side the morning, the victory gonna belong the brother Conley and the Lord. Thank you, Lord, we know all of this. But we we asked that you take that pincress and you remove it out successtingly, closing back up like it will never been into the end before walk with Niki. That's what we're asking. We ask your Lord. At the same time that they're removing this pincres, as Lord, we asked that your reach around his backside and we asked that you touch his kidney. Lord, touch his kidney and make it hold. Make it a hundred and ten percent. We want you to make that that kidney like it's been next best kiddnes Deacon, that's deacon, Deacon who pat Dixon pass. Yes, you know you're saying they doun sir, they're just nothing wrong with my kidney. Deacon. I'm doing I'm doing fine. The Lord is Lord has been needed well, he's gonna work on my pacris. That's what the doctors operating though. The tap me forward and that's what they're playing to remove. So really, my kidding is fine. They did what they called when they'm in my eyes and everything else is fine. He ain't working on nothing but my pancres, sir, right right, right, Well, let me let me say I'm glad you brought that up with this this this wouldn't want I call you, huh. Of course I did call the prey for you. Yes, that you know, because I want to make you know that that that that you make it through this successfully. But what another the reason why I'm getting round it is hire is uh what I want to ask you? And I know we we you know, we've never met face to face. I've seen you a couple of times, like I said, the church, but you've been out most time. Uh were you with your sickness and whatnot? But now, what what I was gonna ask you was, yeah, and I know this is I hate to come at you in the final hour and you're getting ready to go out certain and all that, but if you don't mind it, if you could see it in your heart to see to do something for somebody else, yes, Uh, that's that's the last where you always supposed to have those who right and I'm glad you think like that. It's not when they go in on Friday morning and remove that pinker is out? Do you think that that that that they could go in and get one of your kidneys because I need one? Hold? Hold on, just met being up? What do you say? What you say? See? See see what else? I've been going through myself with a little ailment. And and I'm wondering if if if I need a kidney, and I'm wondering if you can give me one of yours when they go in and get your pinker, they're going already to have you open. Did you say you wanted them to take one of my kidneys? Yeah, and give it to me because I need one? You need a kidney? Yeah? But what I mean you already gonna be landing there open? Wait a minute, mister, you need a kidney. I need help with my packers. You will call me with black that man, this ain't no work of the Lord. Now you say you're a deacon like I said, Dickon Patterson my name, But see what I'm asking you? What you an me? Man? Brother Cornell? What harm is it? If you already open and laying on the tea Oh, you ain't heard a damn thing I saying. Have you? I said, I'll be bad. You're crazy as hell. Now what I'm gonna have to do. I'm gonna need to call the pastor because he's a going on here. You say you knew you man a damn new mister. Matter of fact, you too damn new to know who you're talking to. What what? What I'm saying is you have two k two like you said. You say they did the Mr. You don't give up what I said they did. Man, I got two kidneys. You got to one of yours? Bad. That's your problem. Mister. Let me tell you something. I'm trying to get well, and you calling with this. You say you're a new deacon, you damn show ills and you won't be at the church long. I tell you that, because if I ever get close to your sister, we got some rising to do. What is it gonna hurt for you to give me one of them kidnings? If both them? If both them kidneys is good, it ain't gonna hit him. Think you ain't getting my kidney? Man ain't gonna what's wrong with you? Say? Man? All I'm saying is if you're gonna be oldmen laying on the table. What is it gonna hurt me? Old man? You're gonna kill I'm open laying on the damn table. What count of a pray you in charge of? Mister? Let me tell you something I was I need to meet you for. I get to the hospital and now I can hit out that damn bag getting to yours. I can tell you that you're gonna feel a damn thing. How about that? I'll be damned if you're gonna call and talk to me out of one of my damn kidneness. Man, I'm trying to live just like you. Try to let the Lord take care of me, because what you're talking about it ain't got a damn thing to do with Jesus. You can kiss my and get off my phone, that's what you can do. Can I say one more thing to you? What is you listening to me? Man? And to listen to you and you ain't talking about nothing that's got nothing to do with what's going on with me. Mister, you're running the game. If I could get to y'all put lard in your what Can I just say one more thing and then I gonna let you go as you're listening for what this is, nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your daughter. Oh Lord, have him that girl. Lord have mercy. Lord have much Jesus. And you are right, brother con man. Man, you have made me use language that I swear I don't know, but I heard my nighle's name using that. Gotta stop the long time ago talking that away. Please forgive me. God him whoa y'all. I'm gonna have to lord him mercy. My heart is town painting him. Lord him, mercy, Jesus. This ain't me, This ain't me. And you I'll tell you what I enjoyed Steve Hardy And if you told me, I do, Brother Commy, I gotta ask you one more thing, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. It's gotta be It's gotta be y'all. It's gotta be y'all here. I don't want even name the name of it. Now, the Steve Steve Harbin Mortshow. Lord happen us. I ain't gonna forget it now. Now that's how you make a deacon. Just go left. Questions but that's how you make a deacon just state lose his mind? Why your mind? If they rich around around, give me one of your kidneys because I need one. Go out to Thomas wr mind, senior rich then please that go out to my daddy. How about that? Yeah, that's a good one. Every day Tommy every day had me put it on, burn it on a CD for he said, just burned that by the eight times and just let that run. That reminds me of Steve's Oregon don the joke when he gets to Heaven stuff. I'm not donating anything. Hell, Le'm gonna get my eyes away from working my whole life to see Jesus not best how I gave you my eyes. I'm the only one in heaven with a dog. All Right, we gotta go. Strawberry Letter coming up next. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Write Steve yep exactly and not with you. Buggle up a howl long time we got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry letter, Thank you nev. Subject my marriage is stable but stale. Dear's Stephen Shirley. I have a testimony and I need some solid advice. In the past, my husband was a scam artist and I am an ex stripper and call girl. We both got caught up and ended up doing time, and our family took care of our children. I got I got released from PRIs in first, and I started to rebuild our lives. When he got out, I put him through school. After that, I continued my education and now we make decent money and have a stable home life. My husband used to be a natural hustler, but now he does not share my desire to work hard and earn more money. Besides that, he has gained one hundred pounds and has turned into a couch potato. I am stuck being the dreamer, the planner, the motivator, and the brains. But my problem gets deeper. The worst part is our sex life. In the past, I was used to getting gratification from multiple men, and now I'm not getting my itch properly scratched. I could step out and get great sex from other men. But I have a conscience. I don't want to keep on being miserable in this marriage with mediocre income and sex. I have talked to my husband about the sex and he apologized for not being able to satisfy me, and that was it. So what am I supposed to do? Do I leave and start over. We're taking the kids away from their stable home with your father. Or should I go ahead and cheat on my husband and stay in this stale marriage? Wow, like a dude, I know I can. I can tell your torn I think you know. But oh good, and and I can't wait to hear yours. Thank you? Oh oh oh, it sounds like you want to talk to her. Okay, here we go. These are questions really only you can answer. I mean, seriously, you've been in this marriage for a while. You guys have a sordid pass, scam artist, U stripper call girl all that, But um, you know you did, you paid your dudes, you did your time, and now, like you say, you're rebuilding your lives, which is a good thing. Everyone deserves a second chance. Now you put your husband through school so he has an education. There's no excuse for him not working um and then you continue to yours. You may decent money, now you have a stable home life, but your husband sounds like he's just not happy. This natural hustler in him. He's not happy. So he gained a hundred pounds, he's turned into a couch potato, and now the sex is horrible. You're saying again, these are questions only you can answer. Should you leave him? The question to you is what do you want? I mean, really, what do you want? You can have what you want, but you can't change anyone but yourself in this situation. If you want to stay there, you got to deal with trying to get your husband out of this funk, or helping him get back on the right track. If he's gained a hundred pounds, you know, start meal planning, helping him do things like that, work out things like that, find out what's going on with him, Go to the doctor, why the weight game, talk to him about it. When you did talk to him about it, you said he just answered you or apologizing nothing happened. I say, that's if you want to stay with him, if you love him and all that, But if not, if you want to walk, you know, that's what you're gonna have to do, because it doesn't sound like he's interested in the marriage. Only you can make this, make this change. If you feel like your marriage is worth fighting for and you'll have something after you fight, then you stay. If not, you're gonna have to walk. Steve, I don't really want to answer this now. My whole answer. I want to take a whole other approach. A matter of fact, let me just say, surely gave you the best advice you can get. Now, let me just do what I want to do. Just do it. You don't need permission. I have a testimony. Testimonies are normally given in church. You've bypassed the church part because y'all probably don't know where the church at that because of their past. Well, in the past, my husband was a scam artist. I'm an ex stripper and a call girl. We both got caught up and he ended up doing time, and I've family, took care of our kids. I got released from prison, first started to rebuild our lives. When he got out, I put him through school. After that, I continue my education and now we make decent money and have a stable home life. That's good. People are allowed to make mistakes and recover. Congratulations. My husband used to be a natural hustler, but now he does not share my desire to work hard and eary more money. Besides that, he has gained one hundred pounds and turned into a couch potato. All right, let's start him. The reason he didn't gain this hundred pounds is because he stopped scamming. He was visy, his hands was getting round, he was on his feet, and it's hard to gain weight when you scared because you don't squal as much food when he's scared, scamming ass was on edge all day. He was just like a little crackhead, just nervous man, slim in shape, fast talking. Went to prison. He don't want to go back to prison. So now he's gonna stayed his ass on that couch and picked up a hundred. Now, Shirley, say get on the meal plan. One hundred is too five, you know, here, damn couch potato. He's a potato couch. He's a sack of potatoes. He's a whole bunch of potatoes. He's one fat ass breaked potato. Because he done. He's sitting on that couch with that dry ass life. He don't know what to do. Hell yeah, I used to be married to a strip of n a call girl, and I was a stone cold hustle. You set up here and took as stupid ass to school, mess around, got a damn education, and how we think some damn suburban people. I don't want this. Where are my scams at life? Suck it? Way more fun that we didn't hear punching clocks going to work. Oh man, I'm eating picked up a hunted Oh man. Now this lady say she's stuck being the dream of the plan of the motivator and the brains you left out, you to cook and you the personal shopping. All right, Hold it right there, Steve, Hold it right there. Well that part two of your response at twenty three after the hour, right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter, the subject my marriage is stable but stale. Yeah, stale, because ain't nothing happening no more because of order to him, the way he acted, he had a good life. He just messed up and got caught, But that prison knocked his ass down a little bit. He ain't trying to go back in there so the player is safe. Can't scam from this couch. My ass right here, come out of here listening to the universe. When I went to school, I should have been out scamming. I'm in nice school trying to get it. Damn, g the hell I need that for. I want the top scam artist in the country. Now I'm just sitting there with my fat as. All I do is eat baked potatoes. Now you wanna call me a couch potator potato chips. No, I'm not really trying to help him. But my problem gets deeper. The worst part is our sex life. In the past, I was used to getting ratification from multiple men. Damn that sounds nasty, but okay though, and now I'm not getting my itch properly scratch. Try not to call it edge. Yeah, because you need multiple men and you start itching. That ain't necessarily I know if I ever been with a lot of women and I started itching, and I would go down to the clinic. Yeah, because sometimes you ain't got to get your itch scratch. You got to get your itch taking care of immediately. Any some damn pendicella, You better hope it's just an itche because they got something. Now I ain't no pendicella fall, so now I'm dudia. I didn't want to do this letter. The worst part is our sex life. I couldn't step out and get some great sex from other men. Well guess what you will be then? And though you're back to be in the car girl and the stripple. Yea, you don't want that, lady, don't do that, she said. But I have a conscious and that's good. I don't want to keep on being miserable in this marriage with mediocre income and sex. See, fat boy ain't what he used to be. Let's just break it down. Fat assert he got that hunted on it. But love making got to be stressful. His big ass over here ain't making no money in some side sex and now something got to have If you're gonna have sorry sex and leaders, let her go shopping. Yeah, at least let her go shot. What you can't do is be sitting up in there complaining. And then when she asked you about the sex, your response is I'm sorry, right shelves side, but I ain't gonna do nothing about it. I got this extra hundred on me. What you want me to do? So I was not gonna be good with this letter. I knew it when I read it. Misible in this mediocre marriage with sex and income. I've talked to my husband about it. He apologize. So what am I supposed to do? Do I leave and start over, taking the kids away from the stable home and their father? No, don't do that. Don't do that? Or should I go ahead and cheat on my husband and stay in this stale man? Well, here's a suggestion that might be able to kill two birds with one stone. You could get your husband back off the couch by getting him back into the hustle game. That's when he went to jail. Now, but this time he ain't hustling scamming. What do you do? He working with you to scratch your way. Let him go out and get to mean that you need to be satisfied, and then let him have a cut. Then he'll feel better like he back hustle, You get all that scratch at you out the way. You'll be back in business. But you have a conscious. But if he give you the permission to do what you could do it. I don't like this, I'm good with it, but they but the dude then gave up. Yes, a hundred pounds a lot. That is, that's a lot, farty, you make a comeback a hundred. But but where was she? Yeah when he gained the first twenty five or bad or thirty or fifty, Yeah, she was looking at him at fifty. Okay, do you get out of jail. You'd be ripped you. Yeah, wow, you ain't nothing to do in jail. Button lift weights. You ain't over eating it now it's not healthy right, Oh, they ain't got nothing healthy for you. It ain't no gluten free. You meant top rumming in the saint. You can't gain no weight over that man and not at home one. Yeah, I mean only these are questions only she can answer. She wants to stay. She's you know, do I leave and start over taking the kids away from the stable home with their father? I would say no to that? Or should I go ahead and cheat on my husband? And see? Her options is if I stay with him, because I said stay with him and don't take the kids with him, they stay ble home. All her answers, If I stay with him, I'm gonna have to cheat on him. Yeah, yeah, that's all that. That's her response. So now I'm telling her include him in the cheat. All right, we gotta go Slarner email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter, at Steve Harvey f M and at my Girls Shirley. All right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, please introduce Jay with He's gonna murder a hit here Jay Anthony Brown. It's not a murdered hit. It's an original song written by myself, Ralph Hawkins Junior and Reggie. It's dedicated out there for the holidays. All the number twos. This is for you. Hit it by by by Christmas is a season. Players have a bone, perfect time creeping. If you're a side piece of close terms of family shopping white be killed the mom, but I saved some money for myself to play Sadie seen a clowns might not like how I'm living My call be and don't blessing the moms who give you some help. They need a side peace and the cloths and looking that keep gets don't call and there's cloths lines. I thin it could be the down side soon a cloves or baby I'm Saty singing a cloud. They calling the side peace and close beside peace and clowns or baby inside PyCon A clowns flowing wild. Enjoy your dinners. I'm here all week for you're so talented. iTunes and download that song for the boy can get some money. Style JA. That was very clean, gadding and all that. Yeah, you leave me, you move about, damn good. A rough number two side piece. We have to do a song, Steve. We got it. I'm telling you, Jay, go over there room the whole album, the whole album. Did you? Did you know Steve? He doesn't really like Christmas? You don't, he don't? He don't like none? Well he didn't. And what's up with the side piece? Yeah? Yeah, the holidays are really rough? The sad piece with the side piece rules, right, Timmy? Yes, but she's against side piece, y'all, y'all. Just you know, y'all, y'all, y'all, Carlos against it, her and Carla both all. I'm saying it is y'all are against number two. That's what I'm saying. Do you I ain't? I ain't, Judy, do you? In my life? I am? Yeah? But in your life, don't give us a rule. Yeah, I don't care for it. Well, um, Christmas is not your day. That's one of the rules. It's not stanksgiving, that's not yours. It's not don't expect it. Don't make a plate on what you're making a plate for. That plate is either two days old or two days earlier. You know what I'm saying that the same place I canno your kids get a group gift, you know, something like Operation Monopoly. Money can't be seen when my account notice is quiet though nothing Who you bought a PlayStation for? We got one right? The detective work can get but I don't. I don't have that life no more, and I don't have all times the shared Let's just start with the Christmas Day cannot happen yet, cannot you can get? The hours that you get is from twelve to four thirty on Christmas Eve, afternoons wherever in the afternoon to four thirty to be at the house prime time. You know, you know, white Christmas can't come on and I ain't sitting there. And believe me, when I come by the house, I'm on my way from somewhere of going to somewhere, which means I got to get back to the house. Okay, I'm going to immediately, immediately have all the egg knocked, food pits, everything. We gotta do this fast. Let me go say this. If I eat here or not, I'm not gonna be able to eat over there later. I cook. No, I can't listen. I know you cooked, but I can't eat this. Okay, I know you want me to taste it. I can't do this right now. I gotta eat over there later. Steve question hit the highway. I'm throwing that plate with the love note ow it. Wow. So you said the time slot was what time? Well, p m to folk that p I just to get it the house for White Christmas work. She doesn't get home four or you know, treat it all. You got thirty minutes. You gotta give Being Clouds seeing that Being Cruder gotta kick here. Got to be there for that. I gotta be sitting there, man, I gotta be rapping. I gotta be roasting chestnuts in your ball and edge, and I gotta help with that turkey. I can't put that sweater on. I just can't do it. I can't put that sweat on it, and it don't fit. Ja. Here's another one. You bet not take out picture. No ever dished that I was here, all right, I ain't ever surfaced. Guys. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, some of these side piece rules when we come back right after this. You're listening show, Hi, Jay, this is something you happen to, Steve. Steve, I wrote this for you. This is what happens is. This is a timeline, and the timeline means certain things happen at certain parts of the day. Henceforth the name the timeline. For example, Yeah, for example, all right, it's around seven thirty p m. On a Sunday, Okay, on a Sunday when you decide to call your buddies and say, you know what, man, I'm not coming to work tomorrow. You don't stand what I'm saying. I see how the timeline though, it's time you got one st Yeah. I think it's about two am on a Saturday night, Okay, And I think that's about the time when you realize you probably ain't gonna make it to church. They've been on was just followed by Lord forgive men time me you got what you got? What I got it? It's I got no one It's usually around one or two, right after lunch, when you come to the conclusion that I'm not gonna do another damn thing. Just right about it? You laughter, learn. Let you just say, okay, I got one. I got one. Come on. It happens around from two am three o'clock in the morning. Human drank you had two nice glasses of wine. You decide to call your egg met Hey, who is you? And that college speak to you know, damn when put her on the phone. I don't want to know what the hell you doing over there? Who is it? I said? It went out him to the phone, is me? Yeah? You know? Who to hell me is? Yeah? What time? That time around from two thirty and maybe three o'clock is in the morning. You got yeah, I got one. It's usually about five old one when you've just punched out to end your day. I think that's the moment when most people deside, I'm quick, that was my that was my last day. You just just get to that point, I'm not you got you got one? All right? Yount went to the doctor's off. You din't left work, went to the doctors right right, all right? And you get back in your car after leaving the doctor's office, and you know you're supposed to be headed back to work. And that's when it just hit you. Everybody three thirty right around there when you say, you know where I ain't going back. I ain't going not been there there a little time. I'll tell you another important timeline. It's normally about one thirty afternoon and checks and passed that you ain't got one, and you've been looking at that payroll all was the whole time. I'm going there and say something. They think they played, they got the wrong one. By the time when the police call about one thirty, when it turn it back. Your job starts at eight. You walk in and you sit at your cubicle and you lean back and you look down about folk cubicles and you go, I hate that health. Ain't one minute I got one of that one. It's on Sunday. It's Sunday, and you watch maybe two or three football game, maybe the last game is still on. Right, you had dinner, you went out, had brunch. You know what, I'm still hungry. Let's get a pizza. I know what's set us a pizza for me? Up? The time? Is that Jay? Seven? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, usually right, around two three o'clock, right after a big company meeting, and you go back to your death. You go back to your desk and start thinking yourself, I wonder who they'll put it in charge? If he got I wanted to put put it in charge. This is the person clearly doesn't like this job. There is one thing that happens early in the morning. What's that, Junior? Probably about I say about nine. It's when you didn't already called somebody then your family and say, hey, call up here and tell him I got a family, and I'm trying to get out and may love to my wife and love mclock. Last night about twelve five is when I'm trying to actually tap on the shoulder because I want to do it again, you know, but I really didn't do a good presentation in the first time. I'm saying make up for something. I like it all right, one more to close it out. Come on, it's trouble clock. You would work right right your head out to lunch and you come to the conclusion, Yeah, I don't see why lunch ain't two hours. We love lunch, so we love lunch. It should be. But I'm gonna see today now to Steve. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show, Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this, you're listening. And new study out of the University of Queensland Guys, Queensland, Australia, determined that being in a relationship makes people fatter. Okay. The study found that those were the long term partner weighed on average twelve point seven pounds more than single people. What what is and showed an average weight gain of three point nine pounds per year. And it could be that eating with someone leads people to eat larger portions and more calories. Or it could be that since they don't have, you know, they don't have to impress anyone, couples just kind of let themselves go, Yeah, well that ain't it. What's it? It's when you out there running them, it's actually reduces calories trying to catch huh. Yeah, when you out there, listen to what when you out there running them? You running them, that's exercise, that's work. You gotta get over here, you're back in here. Answer that phone right quick, dive over and knock it off the table. You gotta run down here, dry your car, hide it in the bushes around the corner, walk back over to the house. Your weight gonna stay down. Excuse me? Diving over the table, Yeah, running the ive, dove over a table to answer that phone. Oh, go to get this phone. So you can't be thicker. You can't be You're constantly looking at the windows and who might show up. You don't know. You may plan you you're nervous and you had to have You can't have company over. You don't know we're gonna come over. Yeah, stress and you lie. You can't eat on the table because you gotta keep your mouth for that. And I got nines to I can't be sitting up in here eating and you gotta remember them. You can't eat. You can't eat. You gotta go over that and eat with that person. Run over that man. You can't lie and eat at the same time. It's too much. That's why single people are tremble. It's possible, though. You can't lie and eat. Out't done it out of time. You can do it. It's doable. All this stuff that y'all running from, I run to it. Don't don't. Don't accept this that you can't do. Take the challenge, man, know what you're doing. Take your take your phone at night, put it in your draws, and you ask you this, Do you go back to the house and get your phone? Hey? Oh yeah, and run over eight cars trying to get there? So wait, what are you saying? So you're on your way to work? Yeah? Yeah, you halfway to work. Yeah, you discover you left your phone. You gotta get that phone. I'm gonna be late. You gotta get that phone. I might get fine, And whoever you work for will understand. Yeah, White, hold on, let's let's ask. Let's ask the boss. Is this true? Boss? Oh, we don't. We don't understand. We don't understand. What. Oh we know what's going home? But you have left your fault. Just say it again, what, Dave? You have left your phone? Everything? Dave? Oh you should have heard act like you go back home to hell. Bro, don't worry. Steve was just calm. Everybody worried about Timmy. Oh my god, we ever heard from Timmy? Y'all stop all this, Dave. Something could have happened to him. I'm gonna call his girlfriend. Don't do that. Same thing happened recently with Jay. Yeah, never call anybody's girl. That's where Jay got here. Monica was crying. Jay. Y'all, y'all, you weren't worried at all. No, No, you're listening to show. A Florida child who went out for a bite to eat ended up getting a bite of another kind when a monkey took a chunk out of his thumb on a restaurant patio. The monkey's owner, Mary and Richard Van Houghton, brought Jojo to their neighborhood Corrabba's Grill on Monday. But instead, but instead of settling for a nice banana cream pie, the monkey decided it wanted some finger food. Oh really, it got off, it's a leash, chomped a piece of the boy's thumb. That's crazy. According to the Florida Wildlife Commission, Jojo, the monkey, who was a regular at the restaurant, was playing. Yeah, it was playing calmly with the eight year old when something startled him and he bit down, breaking the skin. The owners of Carrabas they would no longer allow monkeys on their path. Absolutely no. If you biding boys fingers, Jojo, you got to go. Joe, Joe, Joe. Joe's a regular though, Yeah, I storry him that he bit the little boy's finger. Though his thumb. I wonder what startled him. Yeah, don't tell him. Yeah, where's the restaurant that lets some money? Yeah? I mean, I know in LA people can bring their dogs and you know, in the restaurants and everything. But I've never heard of a monkey ever. And I don't want anybody in LA to hear this story. They might change the laws in LA. I know it was Michael Jackson, the head a monkey nobody else had, uh, But I don't know that he took Bubbles to restaurants. He took bubbles. Steve is the one that knows. Did he take Bubba's places? No, he took Bubba somewhere out in public one time. Bubbles. That for you wait what he wasn't used to know about? Uh huh. You've seen pictures with Mike with that monkey out with the little suit on, dressed like hey Tom, he did take Timmy. You remember, get y'all him clothes? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, then we're Bubble's clothes. You got any clothes? Time to stop it. I'm gonna put a stop this jay Wait a minute. But coming from a monkey, for they that's why I hear eggs, that's why allergic and put them on that's what made the pans be short enough for you. Wow, if you kept that little jacket, didn't you? Because he didn't know he had a bubble jacket. I remember saying to myself, you don't need one person. But I hosted a fly. It's a different look for Tommy. But remember, I'm not gonna sit here and take all these jokes. I'm gonna move over there, Tommy. I'm team Tommy. Damn it. Did he really get you clothes from bubbles? Didn't really get out of you clothes from bubbles. You ain't to look back at your outfit first, you did, I had a bubble suit on. All right, thank you guys. Coming up next is Steve with today's closing remarks. Right after this, you're listening, all right, guys, here we go, last break of the day. It's been a good day, Steve. Teach us something on the way out. Steve. Well, you know, um, I think the one thing that one of the other things that I picked up when I was on my vacation this summer, and one of the things that was a great take way for me was how to create value in my life. I mean, look, we all want to have a life that's worth something. We all want to be able to reap the benefits of our labor. We all want to show increase as we get older. We all want to read higher, save money. We all want to hit the big lick. We all want to get make it. We all want to somehow get over. We all want to live our best life. So how do we create the most value? Well, two things that you have to contend with when you're talking about quality of life and value. That's your health and your time. Your health in your time are two of the most important commodities that you have, because if you're out of either one of those, you are in a world of trouble. You can't be out of time, you're dead, and you can't be out of health you're sick. And when you really out of health, it's tough, man. It is tough for people who aren't healthy. Most people I know with money were trade and all their money if they could be healthy again. So health in time. So how do you create the most value? Well, take care of both of those things right there. If you take care of your health and you become an expert at time management, I can't even tell you the value that you've increased in your life. And this is something where you don't need help from anybody else. You can do all this yourself, starting right now. You can actually eat better and start to feel better. You can actually cut out a lot of crap in your day and have more times for more things that's important to you. I mean, man, I'm on this kick right now, really really trying to get myself healthy on the inside, and I'm encouraging people. Look, you don't let old aid age just come and walk you out of here. You got to get in a fight with it. Don't just sit down and rust away. You know, if you don't move something, what you don't use, you lose. So if you're not moving your body, you lose the ability to move your body. That's just common sense. Get up, take a walk, Introduce some greens into your diet. Man, eat smarter, stop so much process food. Nobody's gonna eat perfect, but at least try to increase your health. It'll make you feel better. The quality of life that you have would be better. Secondly, eradicate everything in your data is a waste of time. If you are doing something that's not making you better, feel better, and your life better, why are you doing it? Why are you doing it? Really? Man? When you do something, it should be to progress yourself, even if it means turning around helping somebody that is less fortunate. Do you know the blessing that you send your way by helping the least of these, the less fortunate? You know God pays you for that. Even if you just cut out the people in your life that are negative, cut them out your life and replace them with positive people. Hello, I got news, so you don't even have to replace them. Just cut them out man, where you can have a solid thought yourself. It's horrible when you got certain people. They call you and all they do is call you with bad news. They got nothing positive to say. Ever, they just always on some negative tip and then next thing you know, it's bleeding over in your day. Your day was fine until you took that call. Get those people out of your circle, get them away from you. It's okay. I say this over and over and over, but I can't tell you how many toxic relationships are in your life. That's making your life toxic. And you sitting up in here and don't understand why you sick. You got too many toxic people around you. I have them. I used to have a lot more I think I've gotten rid of all of them. I had a company meeting the other day and something flat up and I squashed it right away, So maybe that'll keep that from spreading. But if it don't, I know who it is. And I just don't like toxic relationships around me anymore. I just decided that I don't have the time to walk you through life on how to be and you ain't really trying to be no better your damn so so why am I wasting my time with you? Remove toxic people out your life, toxic relationships, get out of any toxic situation because all it's doing is making you sick. So if you manage your time better and you take care of your health, those are two things that you could do immediately to start changing your life. I mean you can do this. You can go online. You can go online. You can go plant base for a little while. You can cut out processed foods for a little while. You could just cut i'll sugar for a little while. Take it step by step and see if you don't feel better. If that makes you feel better, implement more that in your life and watch what happens when you get rid of stop talking to toxic people. You have a lot more thoughts in your day that belong to you which could be placed in a positive direction. It's simple, but it's hard. Honestly, those are my thing. Wow, drop the mic. Very good, Steve. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.