We open the show today with Tommy giving Shirley some advice for the year. Fool #2 has some things that you can say when you get into an argument. Uncle Steve has a crazy story of when he got trapped in the bathroom. We have things you say to your neighbors under your breath. Bitterman has little mean things that he does to make himself feel good. The CEO has a story when he fell asleep while selling insurance. J. Anthony Brown murders another one in the spirit of Prince. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve shares with a us some wisdom passed on to him by his father Slick and more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have all suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the Milican bu things and its cous me true good at Steve listening to the movie to other for Steve hand please me and don't join join me. You doing me, honey, You gotta turning, You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, You got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby day. Uh huh, I sure will come on. And everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and all. It's Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well all right, I've learned something and in sharing time, and I am all ever appreciated. I do appreciate God for all that he allows me to learn in my life. And what I've learned. One of the best lessons I've learned is that hardship teaches you some great lessons. Challenges brings about some of my best results. I think what I'm trying to say is in every challenge and hardship, every setback, I've learned something so so valuable and it comes It just comes down to all. It just comes down to how you look at it. You know, um, you've all heard this. We've all heard it. You can look at the glass and you can see it half empty or half full. It's amazing how many people see the glass half empty. I am telling you right now, it's better to see the glass half full. See you can you You come away with a lot more when you use a positive approach. So here's here's what I've You know, I've known this, but I've just learned it at a different angle. Appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Appreciation and gratitude is the key is the key to continued blessings. Appreciation ingratitude is the key to open it up the windows of heaven to pour out a blessing that you won't have rude enough to receive. Now, I don't know how that sound to you, but I can't tell you how true it is. Okay, let's look at it this way. God being fair and just as he really is. He really is. He's a fair and a just God. What's most beneficial to us is he happens to be full of mercy and grace. And I'm telling you something, man, I've probably benefited from his grace and mercy more than anything else. I mean, really, man, if it wasn't for him just forgiving me, and then for him just touching my life the way he has, I mean, I'm not hearing this position today. I'm just not. But a funny thing has happened along the way, even to you, if you look at it, is it your genuine appreciation and gratitude has been the key to you having more for your continued blessings and for making room for having to open up and pour out blessings that you don't have room enough to receive. If you look at it, see God being a fair and just god, which he is, why would he put more on you than you can bad? If you've noticed everything that's happened in your life, if you're still here, you've made it. You know, forget how rough it was, got that, but you made it. Forget what it sent you through, and it hide made you feel you made it. Now, what makes people give up, and you hear about people committing suicide is they leave the God out of their life and they start allowing that other voice to control. And if it's really true that God never puts more on you than you can bear. As long as you stay connected to God, you can get through anything. But you lose that connection, you lose that communication, you lose that relationship with him. If you're not having a relationship with God, then who you're having a relationship with now it ain't but two forces at work at all time. It's good and evil. It's positive and negative is God's satan. Now, this is at work all the time. So if you're not being positive about everything, you leave room for negativity to step in. If you're not trying to be righteous in your way, then you allow evil to step in. If you don't work on your relationship with God. Come on, now, look who you're letting step in. So now I'm asking you to understand that God never puts more on you than you can bar. Okay, now that we got that clear, that's a fact. Okay. Now with that fact in mind, let's go over this right here. Why would God, being as just and merciful as he is, put more on you than you can bear? Example, if God has given you blessings and all you're doing is complaining about him, you're never showing any appreciation of gratitude about it, why would he give you some most stuff to be ungrateful for. Why would he give you some more stuff to complain about? Why would he give you some more stuff that you would not show any more appreciation for? I mean, this thing is real simple, man, ain't it? If you think about it? So? A lot of times, man, when I was going through my positions of not having it and wondering at all like here, I ended up checking myself and going, man, I'm not even showing any gratitude or appreciation for the things he has done for me. Start showing some appreciation and gratitude, because it's the key to having more. It's the key to continued blessings. It's the key to the wonders of heaven opening up and pouring out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. It's the appreciation and gratitude of what you already have, as minimal as it may appear to be right now for you, it is still what you have. But if you've shown no grat no gratitude for the minimal, why would he give you the maximum? I mean, I'm just really just trying to put it real, real simple, so I can keep under standing this thing right here. So let me give you an example. In my life, I had gotten so busy at one point that I had begun to complain about how busy I was. This is true because I am busy, but it ain't the busy part because I asked to be busy, you know, I asked God to give me opportunities and to make a way for me. Well, in that, you got to do something, and you got to get busy. But I began to complain about the business and how busy I was, and I noticed that a couple of things slowed up for me. So I had got to the point where I wasn't showing real gratitude for it. Well, I looked up and a couple of things started slowing down. And then I had to catch myself, and I went, wow, man, you have got to start embracing the fact that you are this busy. Embrace the factor what all comes along with it. Because to whom much is given, much is required. You got to start embracing the requirement part if you want to continue with the giving part. So I changed my attitude. I caught myself, and I started thinking him and showing real gratitude for how busy I was. Instead of complaining about how busy I was, and then guess what, It opened up the windows of heaven and some more blessings got poured out. It just works that way all the time, for everybody, for me, for you, for everybody. So listen, y'all again. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to continued blessings. And your appreciation and gratitude it's the only way that you can get those windows of heaven to open up and pull out these blessings that you won't have room enough to receive. You got to act like you're glad for what you got in order to get more. You feel me. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen, now have your attention please. You are listening to the voice of the man himself. I'm is Steve Hardy Boy, and this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, which would be nothing without the following people. Sirley Strawbay, Hey, good morning, Steve caller for rel Good morning, Steve crew. What's that damn Jews morning? Everybody that damn food dog get dog Yep, here we are. Yeah. I was just writing a song called loading yeah, completely, Yeah, because I want y'all to be loaded this year. I want y'all make a lot of money. Oh, come on, completely load Yeah man, that'd be nice. Man, ye be nice. What's your plan for making more money this year's shore? I'm buying less shoes, seriously making more money. I know I'm saving. Okay, you know what, I don't really have a plan plan right now. I'm failed to plan. Then you can plan to fail. Now, let's get it together. We have been doing preparation talks all week long, and the person that has been closest to this conversation has been you. And what have you learned from this? To not play? Not a darned thing evidently, man. Just sitting over there, just shopping online. That is exactly what I've been doing. I'm looking at shoes right now, I'm looking at shot up. Tommy, Yes, sir, tell her of what she needs to do this year. Help me. This is Tommy mid Show remarked at the beginning of what she needs to do to straighten her life out. In your opinion, I think she needs to plan. I think Shirley needs to get some projects. I think Shirley is the person that a lot of women would actually follow and Shirley put some projects in order. Because I think Shirley got going on. I think, well known for shoes, surely you can have your own show called Shirley Shoe Class. Get there. Yeah, maybe you get everybody people people feel to get married and want shoes for that or blah blah blah, Shirley Shoes. I think, why don't you, why don't you create a shoe line this year? Okay, I'm writing it down right now, shoe line. Can we just give a round of appause to the name? I mean, you really have changed? Okay, okay, shoe line. I have no idea how to start it, but I like the idea. I'll partner with you if you do it. Okay, online business only online, no brick and mortar, no in stores. I will introduce you to some people. You could promote it from the show. That's really a good idea, that is that's a great idea. Temmy, do you want a percentage? No, Shirley, I just want you to win. Thank you, Thank you God God for you, baby, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. All right, coming out more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening to show. Come on, guys, insult you can you an argument? Yeah? The main thing about having an argument is to just switch it into any direction you wanted to go. No matter what the argument is about, just say something that don't have nothing to do with the damn argument. Now you know what I mean? You know, like you arguing somebody, you just throw it out there. Well, if you had some black friends, just wouldn't happen to you. You see what I'm saying. That ain't got nothing to do with you got one. You speak and you always and you gotta say when you know, you lose the dog, when you lose, you got my kid's been to jail. Yeah, just go deep. Yeah, if don't matter. Deven got kids. Yeah, you got thrown out there. You have one time. That's why your dad is white and you don't know it. Now you are about a white daddy. Don't matter that one out, the one out, It ain't got nothing to do with it. Damn if you know so much, how come you got none? They gotta defend that. I gotta talk about the NATO having to say somewhere with you my last feet. That's how you thought out there, like we aren't even arguing about that. You go all right, facing your oldest child is stupid, accepted, yea, accept the fact. But you'll be losing the argue, losing the argument. And I didn't gonna argue saying you know what, you know what, I ain't gonna say this. I'm go ahead and said, how you real fault? This is the time you to know, right, Oh well, when you're losing, you just gotta come out of you. You ain't your mustand mama what you and your must talking about? My mom? Yeah? Look, lets I cannot deal with the way you Look what I got to do about We weren't even talking about that. Yeah. And then when you when you arguing, you got to throw it. And that's why it's always it's always shot. And that's why and that's why you got a three hundred credit score. Boom boom. I would say that that's why your sister sleeping with your hug always That ain't no boom, that's armageddon. What you're dead? Yeah, that boom in your face. Look, that's why your girl are like said, why you always had dirt? Courtel Jackson? Why is your nating curt you did? That's why I thought you got all this is because your son went a helm at the school. Yeah, that's what he's fast because he always running from polies. That's why. How about dad boom boom, Yeah, I'll be honest with you. I'm talking with That's why you ain't got no ask you flat in the back? They got that? Why am I listening to you? Steve? My dad? You on closing out? Man? All right, y'all, keeper go ahead? Who are you talking to? Say what you want to say? I don't care. That's why you got VD right there. Normally it is even call it VD anymore. Well, they know what you're talking about. Cat, Now you got VD. We got time, We have time about another minute. That's why you got all your sexually accounts? Come up all this because your mom is sleeping with the paunst Wow, what is that guy to do with the about right? What are you knowing? Ain't got none? These insults are just talk. You have to do that. You have to go that. Yeah, ok, yeah, well you know what you're wind meiling right now? You know what that's why your life is always all. Why am I sitting y'all y'all in the dog You can't. Yeah, you can't pay your life. How you know more than me you have to go that. Yeah, I hope that thing on your neck is cancer. That that's what I hope. Wow, who are you guy? You like to say it right here? Yeah? Okay, let me ask you why you think your husband is right now? Hurt? Hell, that's what he told you. Steve waiting in the cut, all right, but that's when you hit the plates, hit the table table. You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Ann will be here with today's national news and headlines. But right now it's time for the nephew to run that brank back. Baptized him yesterday, sir, and I'm a baptizing all right. This is mobile Baptismal Pool Mobile Baptismal. We pull right on up, drop your out in there, shake that water off, and send you to work. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Wilson. How are you doing. My name is brother spring water Man. Listen. We uh we we we got paid to actually come by and do some services to for you by some friends of yours, and we wanted to actually call and see about scheduling and see what you had available. Uh some some services. Well, y'all plan on Clesson Gradu, which I do. What kind of services you had? Actually, sir, you've got some friends that have actually spent a great amount of money on you. And what we do is UM we have a Baptismal Owned Wheels servant and what we do is we go and we um we baptize people at their home. And Baptismal Wheels has been it's a new UM company, but we've we've baptized over a thousand people. Now we have a truck with it which actually has a baptismal pool on the back of it, and we actually come to your home and we will baptize you in your driveway and and make you hold again. So we've hostess her brother Water brother Frat again. I'm sorry, Freingwater Springwater. What you want to come to my house and give me a baptism in my front yard? We want to baptize you right there in your drive where your friends are paid for the services. And my friend, what friend will pay for me to get baptized? Man, I've been baptized, are already doc well? From my understanding, sir that but then that you you've had some some bumps and bruises and and and they seem to believe that you need to be Washington comage. I mean that's all good, that's all. That's all. It's all good. But I mean things are I mean, think that matter that it made? Man? I mean, I've been baptized, I go to church. You know, Uh, me and the Lord don't have no problems. I mean we all have setbacks. But for you to pull up with your pool in front of my house to say you've been a baptize me, that that doesn't make any sense to me. Doc, I mean suceeds sir. Sometimes when some people are not able to go to the House of the Lord and get baptized. You know, we're making a lot more convenient for you, but we can actually need no convenience. I don't need no convenience. What I need convenience for you asking me to come to my house on a Tuesday to baptize me in my driveway? Does that make any sense to you? Brother Water? I mean, come on, if you really sit back and think about it, does that make any sense to you? Further? First of all, so that's that's that's that's brothers spring Water. But what I'm trying to what I'm trying to see. The water is holy water, spring water. It doesn't make no difference to me. You can't come to my neighborhood and baptize me in front of my house. So what is all that? This is? This is what your friends are talking about that don't get there. It wasn't My prayers are telling you, man that anybody which which one of my friends, gonna recommend you to come to my damn house. So I'm I mean, and if I don't let that, you don't even make any sense to me. You understand that I'm not I'm not at any liberty to tell you who actually is. Uh, I'm the liberty because of my dam house that baptizes me. But you can't tell me who the hell's gonna see you? But you're not what's man called? You don't even call? That makes sense for you? God, Come on, that doesn't make it no way any world. I'm gonna allow you to come and bring your phone in front of my house and baptize me. Then I'm asking you ask and you you supposed to be a pastor, you supposed to be baptized, and I'm asking you, Okay, what's a friend of mine is sending you to you know, letting you know I need be done. You'll tell you at that liberty, sir, all I want to know. Basically, I've already been paid. I'm coming. I'm baptizing me the back time. I'm going to baptize you on Tuesday in your driveway. Man, I tell you was did you come to my house in front of my driveway? You better bring the old congregation, you understand. You better bring the deacons, the brothers, the sisters, and they have my head as you think how many you got ties? This is a problem. This is what your friends are talking about. This is why you need to be baptized and cleansed again and washed in the blood of the lamp. This is what's wrong. You need to be cleansed. That's what's wrong with you, mister Wilton. What's wrong with me? Now? What's wrong with two? Is calling me in the middle man of Houp Day telling me I need to be back tip in front of my house. If I need to be backtip, don't get the only water I go down to the church. I don't need you come in front of my house making an old cercas. We aren't you afraid of some white sheets talking about to backt athlete? But MoMA understand me, from my understanding, From my understanding, mister Wilson, you missed two Sundays already this month, surning this man, I can't go anywhere and get the water. I don't need you coming here because you telling me I missed two damn Sundays. I'm gonna miss Sunday two because the funmun ain't coming off, Sir. All I know is I've been paid to do a job. I will be there Tuesday morning at seven o'clock and we will baptize you before you go to work on two. Before you would I tell you what you curting my aftereven o'clock and morn, I swear on your lord, I don't gonna bust show. You understand me, you would not cutting my house telling me you would a backtip dow. I don't give a damn who paid you. You understand I was drying your awards mander stack from you teachers, anybody that don't fool brought you that, you understand. I'm all of this anger and all of this, did these problems you have within you? We are going to purge your body and get it out your system. I don't want your clea to me. I call you, I call you brother. Swing water, bring water on it. You're gonna get baptis Tuesday morning. I don't give a gam who pays you, who called you? Bring your I'm gonna I can't kill you. I'm gonna try, y'all say, I got one more thing I want to say to you. With you listening, we gotta matter. I'm missing you ain't got to say to me. I gotta go. You understand you ain't man? I want to say to you, is you listening to me? Whatnot? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy, Mason Collo. Man. Let me check out something, man, let me tell you something boy, y'all y'all was about bridle man, I say, head man, I was about to act a fool on y'all because y'all would have showed up by crib. You're standing me. What y'all ain't got just better to do? Didn't sit around here and just with people during their day. Man, I ain't never thought y'all could give me with this? Who the hell goes around baptize of people as like les On will baptized people with a pull on the back. You FEI, I gotta ask you something. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? You know, it's the Steve Harvey Moran the show that might be one today. Anybody, Charlie Carller Junior, Steve, anybody want to be baptized today? Sometimes you got to rewash your sins, redicate, reddicate your life. That's the baptism. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steven Show. All right, Steve, you started telling us about this woman. I met this girl and in college. Lord, she was fine creole girl. My brother told me how to get her, and he gave me some money to take out. So I told her pick a restaurant. She picked a creole restaurant. I'm seventeen. I ain't had no creole food, so I'm in. She didn't order all this spices stoic. Yeah, I'm eating stuff. Man, ain't never been in my system this far. So I'm taking her home and my stomach is turning. So we get at the front of the house. I'm gonna walker to the dough. She said, come on here for a little while. My mama and I'm gone now. My mama had told me when your stomach just told up, try to go home. Yes, Y put that in nobody else house. Yes, but she he was so fine. I just said, well, man, let me go in here for a little while, because I what kind of man would I beat? Fine chick? Invite you in? And mom and dad ain't there. Let me least go on in here. Something but your stick. I mean, really, Shirlette, it's a girl, and man would have win in there. I'm sitting down on the couch, were watching TV. My stomach is turning. I can hear. So I said, can I go to the bathroom? She said, second, Oh, on the left. I go in there, and Lord have mercy the walls of Gibralta of I didn't grabbed the tie wreck in front of me to just try to hang on. I'm twisting the guest tile in my head like I'm ranging it out. I didn't knock the tallet tissue holder off the wall screws out everything. I hadn't kicked over the trash. But I'm using the bathroom so much that is alarming to me. Yeah, you, I've actually put mo in there than I've ever put in there in my life prior to I think we got the I didn't know what. Don't stop my story shot. This is for junior and time, I know. So I'm filling the bowl up. So finally I'm done. To my relief, I'm but I'm sweating though I'm talking about I'm in there. My shirt wide. I hadn't my whole ship. It's wide. I had hung my pass up on the back of the June because I use a bathroom like my daddy always hate my pants and draws up on the back of the j Yeah, you don't ever use the bathroom. But I got my shirt on, but I didn't open it up because it's hot. I got just just water coming down out the front. So I stand up and I flushed the toilet. Now I'm putting my clothes on. But you know how you're waiting to hear that sound that all I hear is the swirling And I turned around and in his rising rising, I'm asking God not to do this to me today. I'm asking God, not today, Lord, not in here. Part three. This ain't the time for this Lord, stop the swirl from rising Father God, the old God. We have to go to miss Anne's though I will, but Jesus real it is stop this girl coming, all right, Steve, Let's move on to the headlines, please, ladies and gentlemen, Miss and True, Thanks Steve, remembering some of those we lost, Edwin Hawkins, you Massaqula, Craig mac Dennis Edwards, Bert Reynolds. So we get connected up with that body. This is ain't gonna be hand lives pulled to winning journalists, less pain, civil rights icons, the Reverend Wyatt T. Walker than the Brown of Brown versus Board of Education, the great South African freedom fighter Winnie Mandela. I was one of those who where with the people fighting physically against resume. The founder of Black Liberation theology, Reverend James H. Kohn, Eric Garner's daughter Erica Garner, doctor King advisor Dorothy Cotton, voting rights activist Rosen ll Eaton, victim Yvonne Staples, wrestler Bruno, Sam Martino, Austin Powers, minime Verne Troyer Jackson, Patriot Joe Jackson, beauty shop producer Shelley Garrett, Superman's movie Lois Lane, Margot Killer Guy, former Miss Universe and first Black Miss Texas, Chelsea Smiths, Garthy Malone of Peyton Place, Rebend, Billy Graham, f Troops, Ken Barry, founder of the Dance Theater of Hallam, Arthur Mitchell, Pulitzer winning playwright and to Jokie Shangall singer, Right and Baseball Hall of Famer, William McCovey, Creative SpongeBob SquarePants, Stephen Hillenberg, cartoon Is stan Lee, Creative Black Panther, The Incredible Hulk and fider Man, Congressman Ronald Delham, he Went, Secretary General Kofia Muskegee Airman, Wilfred Defour, Senator John McCain for Her, President George H. W. Bush, Black industrial designer Charles Harrison, and a few master gets. Others include Michael Jackson, the Mattress of the University, actress and director Penny Marshall of Laverne Shirley and singing Grace Nancy Wilson, guess who I saw to day and up to the same old dreams And Aretha Franklin means to me, this is everybody you're listening here back, just catch up. I'm over this fine girl house stomach toe up, the eight gree old food seventeen should have went home to use the bathroom set in the house, because she's fine. Now I'm in here using the bathroom and all held and broken. I'm in here, neked, sitting on the cart, just my shirt on because I like to shit wide leg I like to be open and free, and I need it because I had to brace myself a couple of times. But she never came in there to not chet. She coming, that's coming in the store. So I get up. I finally get through, but I've noticed that I'm putting more in the bowls and ever be so I'm a little bit concerned with them shier volume. So I flushed the hart as I'm putting my plays back up on me, and I'm waiting to hear that. But I don't hear it. And I look back and let's going in a slow circle. So I go in. I go to my heavely father. Here, father dog, Now Lord, stop this rising time. Wow, somebown, don't let this swirl get up by the top. But he didn't hear me that day. Yeah, I guess it wasn't less. The next thing I know, it's at the very top of the tarlet. Oh my god, and it's about to flow over. So now I don't know what to do. So I look down and it's a trash can. So I dipped the trash can down in it, and I got a trash can full of it. Yeah, so I pulled a shower curtain back and throw it in the bath too. When here comes some more. So I had to take another trash can full of it and throw another trash can in the bathtub. And here comes some damn mot So now I realized they call it it's broke. They call it backed up, and it started going back down. I say, I gotta get some water and put it in here. So I started running water in the trash can to pour it down there and make the water go clean. So I finally did that, and I said, thank your Lord. And I looked over and the damn bathtub tripp shower cras trip. I looked up. It's on the wall. It's on the wall. Four part four, holdime, this is this is Steve Halls in the bathroom trapped parts folk, coming up right, you're listening here, we are Steve Steve trapped in the bath part folk. Yeah. I then veiled out three buckets trash hands a pure mess. Then throw it in the shower. So when I get all of the water back in the toilet where I got it outside in the water clean, I said, okay, cool. I look over the damn bathtub is striped. So now I cut these people shower on and I'm washing down the walls, the shower curtain with the shower. The girl comes up to the girl because I've been in here now about forty five minutes time, so she said, you caning down everything fast. She said, it sounds like something wrong in that to get away from the dusk my house. So I'm in there. It's just too late. But I noticed they got a candle in the bathroom. I light it. I light the candle, start striking matches and running tap water for my mom always told me strike some matches and run some tap water and to help you get rid of older. So I'm in there. But now I'm washing down shower curtains, wall the bathtub, getting up stuff off the floor. Now now you've probably said, Steve, what is you washing it down with? Yeah? What paper tis in now? But that tie rat that I had grabbed when I first sat down and was twisting it. Yeah, they guest house, the pretty ones with the lace in the Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I washed it down. That my good towel that is tile is brown because I can't rist it all because the color wasn't when it started that was pink. Is awful. Now it towers is running. I don't wash all the walls down. Everything I'm in that sweatings been on the construction site. I've been in that total about damn near hour. So I pulled fastened my clothes, I look at the bathrooms. I got everything up, but I got this big nasty ass tie and I don't know what to do with it. So I take it, put it in the waste paper can that I've been bailing with, and struck all that under the sink. Yeah. I figured this ain't gonna be good. No how Yeah, but at least when they come in here they go, this is gonna take a moment, because I know when you're going there, you're gonna have to say what the hid happened? Because I couldn't remember how the shower curtain was and none of that. And now I got I look, I'm telling I got everything off right. So I walked down the hallway. She's sitting on the couch with the attitude of cooling did. She look at me and she said, why are you betting that so long? I had a little accident this, She said, Oh my god, look at you. What was it? I didn't realize when I was barely all that mess into the shower it was splashes on my pants below my knee. I ain't had time to look at this because I'm gonna too busy cleaning up their damn house. I looked down. It's just specks, splash marks from finding me down my pants was I looked at huh. She looked at me and she said, oh my god, look at you. What have you been doing. I looked at her and said, you ain't gotta talk to me like that, and walked up the foot snam when he ain't got in my car. Had to ride home with all my wonders that because I spank, I smelled like a sitting in that car and drove home. That girl saw me on the campus next day and all her girlfriend was looking at me. I like I had never met her. And that was my save. Harby Wow, trapped Clawton. I'm gonna put some music to that all right, all right, never you tell me. Coming up next with the prank phone call. You're listening Staved Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. You don't want to miss that. But first, come on, nephew with the frank phone call. Are you limo driver? It's the limo drive, this's the bank job. He is right here, good afternoon. I'm trying to get Cecil. Get this seacil. Hey, Cecil, one of my boys. Game in your number, man, I'm trying to get a car service for the night. Okay, listen, this is my personal number. Do you have the main number? Man? I keep calling the main line, but there ain't nobody answered. I had to call that about six seven times. They keep rolling over to it like on to a boys mail or say okay, okay, brother, what's your name? Monday? Tony? Okay, listen, Toner. I got a customer in the back. Let me get them happy, can you you got a few moments, let me get the dough forming all hold the phone, all right, okay, cool, all right, thank you have a good Innes all right, tone, yeah, what's up? Yeah? Now, you're saying you called the main line and then you just keep going the boys mail or something like can you call the main line? But you know, I know I'm called a last minute. I'm trying to get a get a car for the night man. Okay, what you need? What listen? We gotta we got to the SUV. We gotta usudan or two. We got a couple of limits, white up black. What you need if I could get a I guess like a black limos ain't be cruel. Okay, we got that. We got that. What time where I'm picking you up? What time? What it costs? You know? For an hour? Because all I need is an out where's it's sixty five hours of nov But we only do three hour minimum the first three hours sixty five Okay, okay, okay, see we'll see see all I need is an hour, man really like forty five minutes. So do you think they will work women where you can't get them? So you're dealing with me? Let me see. I'll tell you what I'll do you for one hundred and fifty dollars and I'll take k But now I want you to know I'm gonna let them know everything so I got to have either credit card or receive or something on the K to let them know, because I'm not no quickd brother. I'm gonna let them know everything that I'm doing with that fourth face. One faith. You can give you one fifty when you pick me up, that's no problem there. Where am I picking you up? And at what time? All right? I'm at ninety eight Village Drive. Ninety eight Village Drive, okay, when I need twenty? And where am I taking yourself? I'm going downtown on Capital Street, Downtown to Capitol Street, all right? And what time am I picking you up? You could get me like at eleven forty five to night that would be good. Then forty five okay, at forty five minutes two an hour you're gonna need. Then forty five to mexicopecially twelve forty five, twelve thirty four five okay, good that. Um, let me see and downtown Capital what you didn't give me an address? I don't even know the address. I'm going to um to Bank Bank downtown all right? Right? Um? Can I ask you something tony right? Um? Yeah, And I'm trying to get any business. You know, we don't ask questions usually, but a banking knight's gonna be closed. I mean you, you're not going to work because I gotta take you back. So you're dropping off to something somebody or something like. No, no, I ain't dropping no, no, but I'm picking something up to. What I need you to do is just right here. I'm gonna go in there, and I'm gonna be in there probably like about fifteen minutes. But when I come out, man, I need you to out a car running and we need to get side of there. Man. You ask me to run you down to a bank at midnight, and you kicking something up at midnight. And I got to be ready to go when you come out, me and my boys when we come out of there, just when when we get it, when we get back in the back of the limo, I need you to I need you to put the pedal down, man, and let's get out of there. Look here, yo, yo, young brother, Well how old you man? I'm twenty four? Yeah, that's what I figured. Look at man, it sounds like you in some kind of shitty I don't do that, brother. That man, Yo, you're a driver. Dog. Your job is to drive. If you pick somebody up. First of all, you ain't gonna be asking nobody where they going, what doing? You're supposed to drive? Let me what I'm telling you he is man, once we come out of the bank, drive try let me stop it. That's why I'm driving it. Working somewhere else driving because I was kicking like you at one time. But let me tell you something. But I don't know your business and really don't care at this point in time. I'm not doing no crazy like this it. Brother. Let me tell you something, man. What you need to do is get you young into some type of training school or something to find yourself a job. You're gonna go down and the enemy gonna blow your brains out. I ain't really trying to hear all this lay here. What I'm trying to do is pay you this one. I'm fifty you driving me where I'm trying to go because you ain't even back. Brothers, you can't get right now. I'm not even know advice. You need to listen to me. That's what's wrong with you. Jump now, y'all crazy, get rich right off overnight taking or you need to slow down because they got something you feel me. They gotta hold on hold on, man, hold on what you know? You don't know nothing. You don't know, man, I need to know what, brother, How you gonna be preaching the mate out? Because I've been that man, That's what I'm driving a limo because I've been that, young brother. I'm trying to keep you from going that because you won't like it. Look at Tony, I don't know what to tell you at this point. First of all, I'm not doing it, so you can cut that out. Okay. Now I'm thinking of you and all the other young brothers to do this thumb. You watch too many of the movies or something. Brother, You need to get your great because they got a place for you. So let me tell you something they read Mama thought I ready anything. My Mamma told me they didn't want me to know they cut it out. Do you feel me? They looked at me every night where they wanted to fed me garbage that I had to eat or die. You ain't ready for that, man, You ain't ready for I think he got your land. Your brothers don't know what's going on out here. You got it too easy. See now you're talking about going down. They robbing the bank. You ain't no bank robber. You don't sound like no thud go real a remo. The way you're going, you ain't making nothing because they were blowing your young I wah about their paper. You don't understand that, and you show you ready for no jail because I say one more thing to you that yeah, what is it? All I want to do is tell you it is that I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show and your boy card. They don't got me the frank phone call you. I don't give a who you are. If you around with them folks down town, they're gonna blow you. Man, They're gonna get your hundred years under the jem. Did you did you just hear what I just said? Though? What you said? Something about what my partner? You know? I no, no, no, no, I said, I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, your boy the other another driver. Cordelle got me the plink phone call you if he tim oh you mean Steve Harvey on the radio. No man, no, no, no, this is are you serious? Man? He's cecil your boy. Cordell got me to pray phone call you, man, I'm gonna get that I'm gonna get that when you lit my fire man, I don't know that. I mean my fight moved hawer. He say, be careful, he say, big cecil. He's been he been down there. He didn't done some time in that. Ben't that man? Come down, baby, come down, man. I got one more question to ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. I want the nephew Tommy. But see if Harvey Morning Show. I got you, baby, me and your boy go there? Got you? Yeah, Well, I'm gonna get here. May man, we meet you, brother. I old you want to That's good. That was good. That was a great tea chinching moment. Yeah the whole man, It ain't in your business, is that? But the bank closed, so you're going down there to the bank, and so what you're going down that you you dropped something off somebody. Now now I'm picking some no no, no, no, no ho ho. Hold on, man, man, it's just crazy problem with your young brother. Hello, get rich quick man, got some man'll blow your brains out about their paper. They wouldn't everything my mama told me. They looked at they read it. Man, they gave it to me. If they didn't get They gave me garbage to eat if I would go. You don't want this trying to tell him so if your job is to drive, stupid Tommy, First of all, I ain't doing it. Let I'm not in this at all. Learn yourself to take a bicycle delivery. Be that was really good licking stamps. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. Time for today's Strawberry Letter. Guys. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, right, Steve, tell them if you do send it, it's not a guarantee any word and try. We could read your letter like we're gonna read this one today. Tommy, you ready buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you himanes the Strawberry LETTA subject can't keep this secret much longer. Dear Stephen, Shirley, my fiance and I met in college and we've been together for three years. She is perfect in every way. She has the luks a great job and when it comes to the bedroom, she is on fire. But anyway, here is the problem. Last weekend, I took her to our usual breakfast spot and we started talking about the wedding and our guest list. I have met her mom, dad's siblings and grandparents, and she's met my immediate family as well. As we talked more in depth about our relatives. I told her about the small city where my family was from, and she said that her family was from there too. I told her my dad was a huge has a huge family and they all lived near the river. She said that her mom's family lives near that same river. At that point, we both had strange looks on our faces. Intrigued by these unique scumstances, my fiance called her grandmother and asked her if she knew my family. When her grandmother replied, yes, we're all related, our moths dropped open. She told us that everyone that lives on either side of that river is related. Since then, we've done more research and we found out that we are, in fact cousins. I cannot believe that I've been sleeping with my cousins. We are not sure what we should do. We are in love and plan to get married. I don't want to lose her, but I'm afraid to continue the relationship, especially when our families find out her grandmother is bound to tell our secrets sooner or later. We need some advice. What should we do? Wow? God, John, Yeah, this is something right here. I mean, as far as I know, you can't marry your cousin. You didn't say if you guys were first cousins. I think in some countries like England and stuff like that. I think long ago they you know, in the monarchy and stuff like that, they wanted to keep the bloodline going, so sometimes they would marry their cousins and stuff. But you're not over there. Clearly, some states over here, as I understand it, I look this up, they do have laws where you can marry your cousin. So I don't know, I've never heard of this. I know before long ago, like when my mom got married, they used to give you blood tests and things like that to see if you were related. But now when you get married, you don't have to do blood tests. So this right here, I couldn't do it at once I found out it would be it would be hard for me. But you're in love and you plan to get married. You don't want to lose her, and you're afraid to continue the relationship. But remember that look that you had on your face when you found out. Are you going to be able to go on with this marriage knowing that you're married to your cousin? You know when you have kids? That's something to consider? Is this is well above my pay grade here? I'm gonna just be honest with you. I personally would have to back out once I found out that it was in fact my cousin Steve. Well, it ain't above my pay grade. I can tell you that right now. As a matter of fact, let's damn that rivel. Yeah, let's just gonna get to this hill. You don't fell in love obviously the girl of your dreams now y'all lived. I was at this breakfast place, playing in your wed I just can't believe that it took y'all three years to start talking about where y'all from. That's just sort of crazy to me. Now you've each met each other's all immediate family, but y'all started talking about this rivel. And that's why I say the subject of this letter ought to be came keep this secret much longer. Oh damn that river. I like how the subject is, can't keep this secret much longer. Oh damn that river, because that damn river that messed up the plans. You got to talking more in debt about your relatives. I told her from a small city where my family is from. Her family, from a small city. Told her my dad had a huge family. She said, her mama got a huge family. She said her mom family lived near the river. I said, damn, my dad and family lived near the river. Then you got that strange look on your face. Then when you know something wrong right here, you intrigued by these unique circumstances. She called her grandmama, asked her grandmama, and the grandma replied, yeah, we are related. Everybody on that river is related. That river, big mama knows and quit talking to her. Old an, we all related to everybody on each side of that river. Well, if everybody on each side of the river is related, how all and people get on each side of the river. Some cousins don't met before. You ain't the first one, y'all in love, what you need to do is find out how far down the line this cousin thing goes the river because like Shirley say, she didn't, she didn't researched it. I don't research stuff like this because I don't really give damn what y'all do, so so I don't give damn what you do. All I know is damn that river. Now listen, if I was you, I would get a DNA test so you can see how closely it is. Secondly, you're in love. You ain't gonna stop loving Hu. You ain't gonna stop seeing Hu. I don't know how you can. I don't know how this happened. I don't know if it's meant to be. But hear what you can't do. I'm gonna come back and share this information. I'm gonna tell you reasons why you can't have a wedding and have all their asses. That's why, man, you can't have a wedding, and that the ass hill. See, if it's so many states in the US that allow cousins to get married, it's unbelievable. Yeah, and I think I understand that if it's so far down the line, it may not be nothing that can happen. But there's one damn show way to find out if you should have gotten married or not cause that baby got to consider that. Yeah, he could be different too. Of Steve's response coming up, he could be standing on the bridge and be looking at both sides of the river at the same time. We'll be back in twenty three after the hour. The subjects can't keep the secret much longer, or Steve, damn that river right after this you're listening to show. All right, Steve, come on, we're back. Let's recap this letter. The subject can't keep the secret much longer. Or this couple been in love. They're so in love. They've been dating three years. They decided to get married. They're sitting down at the breakfast place. They're going over the list, trying to figure out what they're gonna do, who they're gonna invite. She started talking about her grandmama, her down there, had a big family, lived on the river. He said, his daddy had a big family. His daddy lived people lived on everybody river too, And then that same small city, same damn river. She called big Mama. Big Mama said, yeah, all us, it's related to everybody on east side of that river. What you call hold as far should have messed up everything. Now you're sitting up in here, Big talking to Big Mama. Probably don't forgot half of it. You. First of all, you need to check Big Mama out. If she got you know, she you know something where she lost it. She ain't quite what she was. She might not have all her facts together. But how the hell? Everybody on both sides of the river, it's related. The latter subject is, I can't keep this secret much longer. Oh damn that river. Yeah, that's we're all related. Our mouths dropped open. She told us that everybody that lives on either side of that river is related. Since then, we've done more researcher. We found out that we are, in fact cousins. I cannot believe that I've been sleeping with my cousins. We're not sure what we should do. Were in love and playing to getting married. I don't want lose, but I'm afraid to continue the relationship, especially when our family find out we're talking today. Is you talking to the damn them people down at that river? Their family, Steve, don't give a damn. You ain't gonna gonna live down there. You're left a little rage dass city. It's down that by the river, down by the river, side, down by the river side, down by the river side. I'm going to lay down with my cousins down by the river side. We gonna find mold love. Now, now listen to me, seeing I'm gonna down by the river side, down by the river side, find love like the river side. That in love with the river side. I don't sat by when I didn't lay down from the side of the river side. Flor Dean, Now here's what you could do. You could Elope. Don't tell your family. But y'all seem like good people. So here's a deal. They gonna find out the first worried out of old black people. You just nash. That's coming. That's coming. You're just nash. So now we're about to do a re enactment. Okay, I'm gonna beat the grandmother. Okay, Jay, you're gonna be which one on coming to the mama to find out about it. Okay, I'll be um. I gotta be a woman. Yes, I'll be your aunt and an aunt that's related to the grandmama. Okay, come on, you heard what happened then, you mean about Rodney Neil. Yeah, oh my god, if that's not the nashest thing I ever heard in my tire bone days on this y child, Ain't it dough? Just nash straight nash. It just does something to my spirit. Even hear about it and discuss it with you, do something my stomach. It might it make me? You know, it makes my inside turn inside out just sitting here. You know you know what it did to me, Clara, what did you know? It felt like buttermeal? Oh my god, you know what it did to me. It gave me gass. I had so much gass inside me when I heard that thing. Oh but you know what thought to tell you the truth? Uh huh. I can understand what happened to them, cheerless. Why is that she just liked the rest of her? Uh huh. That onion must have just been jumping. Yeah, and that boy, we're looking at that onion on that girl and went forward. I'm just gonna say that right here and put it out there. And it ain't got nothing to do with the fact that they covered that. The kid's gonna look funny. Rody is funny looking already. I mean that blessed hard he's sweetter person in the world doing anything for you, but he kill you at the Bible say tender eye he were getting you know what, you know this might be able to pass along then, you know, because if you're looking already looking confused, you know, having children, because you know the baby if they has a baby, uh huh. Somebody says that the baby the first thing that they're gonna notice about the baby when the baby get his See if the baby had walleye wale walle eyes when he looking straight but one of his asses looking at the wall, one of them just shoot off and just be on his own, just be looking. But you know, when you see them together, you had to say that they is in love. They look cute, and they makes a cute couple. I was not used the wood cute because she a little funny looking too. That I'm just saying, well, now if you want to know the truth, Claire, Okay, here we go. Now the reason both of them looks strange, it's caused you know his uncle Harold uh and hub aunt uh Debbie. You know they stayed across the river from each other too. I know it, I know it. I know it was something and they said they also say there's something in that river water to make them look that they looking to do with the river water you show ain't got nothing to do with it them chromis zones. All right, Miss Clara and a big mama. We gotta go, all right? Email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve the Baby, don't look too crazy you're listening to Well, it's time for something funny and Jay. This is about the stuff you say to your neighbors under your breath. Please explain. This has to do when we see our neighbors all the time. We're not that fond of them sometimes so we speak, But under our breath was saying little things little, a little and so thing, thing like hey, hiding y'all, keep keeping keeping it? One hundred you got one jack ja. I just want oh, how are you doing? My man? Need some curtains? How you doing? Franklin's good to see it. Hope the boys stay home this time. It takes vacations. Let's see us time. Come on, nephew Perkins, how are you good? Good? I should do something that damn boat restrict I done the skinned, Hey ain't done? Across the street up smelling damn damn kill. How you guys doing the jake too? Stupid ass kids kid. Stuff we say to our neighbors under got to be sick. Come on, Smith's good to see it all right now, I wouldn't be pushing my MoMA deam. She got to do something. Three people, Hey, Bob, how are you good? Good? She can stop your fat air's wife from swimming naked on probably the hell out my dog mist and night going. Yeah, how you got folk clows on block and don't know no? Four cards? Heave yard is a mess. Stuff we say to our neighbors under our breath. Come on here, well us, old boy, I see you have a good with the game. So glad old he cut my grass, he killed my flowers. He spoke to me and cut my grass. Wow, that's bad. That's dragon right hey, Johnson's It's good to see y'all. All right now man, now now we're good. We good right now. I know a baby when to eat paper. I know that baby eat paper. You gotta tell me no more. I know that baby eats piper. Baby, he's smart. Now you gotta bring them up now we good. Birthday part stuff we say to our neighbors under our breath. Tommy go Leonard, Hey, nice day to day. Good, good, wasn't good last night. Damn police, you called him. Stuff we say to our neighbors under our breath, he thought Herman, how y'all doing so? Tell me, y'all put your mom in a hole? Yeah, black people don't do that. Hey, mister Mitchell, what's going on? Yeah, I'm good. You don't see that dog do in your yard? You just don't see stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath. We stop curtains. Hey, cations going on? All right now, ain't the end of that? Damn l he ain't killing that way too much? No, I don't even know how they touched both they stumped. All right, now, I'm good man, Come on, nephew. Stuff, we say to our neighbors under our breath. Kindly, kindly, y'all looking good, looking, real good. You come over with this lying though. You come over. I'm telling you that you know what. Damn you, you know it. You know you know your damn star for that property. Line means something. Its invisible, but it means something. You know what. They're lying man, that's my line. All right. I think we have time for two more Jay and then Steve close it out. Stuff we say to our neighbors under our breath. Let's go ya Hey, Hey, what's going. Yeah, I'm good, I'm good. I'm good. I'm who that night got into the fun? You do it? Yeah? Okay, yeah, come on, Steave, close it out stuff, We stay the right syne. Hey, you could invite me over to the Little Stinks barbe and everything. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So, uh, I see we have here little mean things. Yeah, I know it's me. That is all me. Oh, this is all you, This is all me. I have been dubbed the meanest person here. You're not really a mean person? Is hell? Oh? Bit of yeah this grunt? Yeah, very god, I take all that. Yeah. So what this little things that give me enlightenment? A little mean things that I like to do? You actually do? Yeah? Yeah? Look like okay, if I see somebody's dog using like using outside, I like to hunk the horn real loud and the light right in the middle, just make him. Does that gives me enjoyment? Yeah? Like, if I see somebody running for the elevator, I'm on the elevator and the holiday I'm coming. I act like I'm holding the door, but I go through the mood. You can make it. Come on, man, come on, act like you look. Yeah, I didn't stop pushing that button. And then when that dope close, I love it. I'm sending it back. I'm back down, don't right back down. And if I see somebody in the store, his wife or his girlfriend, oh my god, just so much like when they're not looking, put condoms and loot in the basket. When they down, you put me like that chick. See that look on much? Oh my god, when I see little ottle ladies crossing the street, but with the walk up, just that we didn't get right in front of the just hit the gag, hit that gas. You wut your foot on the brake, right that rabbing straight up, Baby's I'm not yet. I don't mind taking your pocket space. I don't mind. If I see you waiting, I'm gonna get up in there. I don't know you was waiting. You gonna work out for you? Oh A lot of do a lot of go to a restaurant. In the restaurant I go to in my birthday, get that chirday you know, but you gotta say low, you know it? What a lot of saying take you. If I'm in church right and you got your baby face to me, I'm gonna make him cry. Parents. Turnaround that one right, you're going in the ladies and these ladies stories right in the biggest the big shops, and you switch the sizes, right, you put size six on the fourteen so she thinks she got on the sand coming down. It's coming out right, just the last one right here, on, just the last one, hitchhickers. Oh my god, that's the best to the best, because you know they've been out there for a while. You stopped by two flocks up and you had to where you got what come on? I'm going that? Well? Didn't you drive your heads just to watch him in the room with that look? Oh my god, is so hard. I know people still here right that do That was the best when you broke down right and you see it on his tape, you hit that but and it up. You want lock on this nobody going down? Man. My favorite got to be the old lady on that wall. He come right right in front of the didn't they turn and crut you out because they can't do that, just Ross. I know, man, you put them columns in that bast on puttin getting trying to figure out which one of y'all? Right, who this who? You got this proud of yourself? You got another one? Come all right, I go to move theater right, okay, wait to get crowded. Yeah, we all love movies. In the middle, right in the middle, middle seat, right in middle seat, right through the whole movie. Excuse me coming through, gotta pick you go back in the eu me come still, head too much shoulder? Hey, how a time in between you when you're leaving, when you call right right right when podcast you gotta pell I'm gonna had so much soda, these little things with a couple of parties, and this this dude, fat dude kept getting the boy told him say, man, come by here one more. Alright, alright, coming up. One of her favorite segments, the ignorance does not stop on this show. Coming up next. You're listening show, all right, Stephen, Jay, you guys go back, We go back so far, so far, I mean crazy stories. It was never cable. We had a TV. Stephen always tell me about how he's sold insurance, and I think I'm gonna let you finish it. But the story he told about how he was going to sell insurance to these people. Drove way out somewhere late at night, way out and a couple go ahead. That was old. Wait a minute, they was old, and I dried web me it was dog where they lived. I'm sleeping. And I get out there and the lady was real nice man, and she wint got me some tea, and I was taking a couple of SIPs to the tea and they were sitting there and I, you know, the one of them had to hear the age, so I had to speak a little loud, and you know, when you're tied, that takes more energy. And I'm just talking about this policy. The guy got up and went somewhere and came back, and that stopped my momentum. So when he came back and he sat out, I was damned near goal. And I looked at him and I was sitting there, man, and I said, yeah, coming wealth. The couple was still sitting there. That baby was. I don't know, man, I have no idea how long I was sleeping, but the old white people was just sitting there looking at me. I can't go, And when I owed my eyes, I did not know who them to white people? Oh my god, I didn't know. I said, it's just a hot Do they have me? They got a crazy son with an as somewhere. Man. I got to look around and lady said you she are tired, mister. Oh my god, man, I said the man. The only thing that cluded me was I looked back down at my paperwork and it said Commonwealth Insurance. Let me know you an insurance agent. Because I thought it was a hostage situation. Hasn't many white phoones them got me outs? Man, I ain't got no cell phone, you know, weren't no cell phones or nothing. No man, wow, job job. And they looked just like the white people on that on that conflict box, remember oh Ma and Paul Kettle they had to pitch funk Head and wy Frank Glass and look like he'll kill you. Oh my god, but he's weaken people. But they looked like they were real strong too, though. Man. Man, I woke up. Man, I'm telling you, I swear to god, I woke up. I did not know who them two people was. So how'd you get out for that? How was time to go? Now? Time I'm assuming they didn't buy no hell know didn't. Dude, Come tell me where you need to come back when you can stay awake, young man, I am I driving back out here. Y'all gonna be unsure. Damn man, anybody gonna have y'all die to night. And I'm not gonna know you were destined to do what you're doing. I heard him. Yeah, you show, I show ain't gonna bring out no policy check out here. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right? Uh Steve j. Anthony Brown is here to murder another hit. Well you got something for me? Well, this is how you were feeling last week. It's y'all one. You were feeling mighty bad last week. What did you bringing up last week? This is what it sounds like when pimps cry, Jay, you're from Columbia, South Carola. Uh huh, you gotta college day? And guess what they named me? And the game cocks? Man? Who want to be that? You know? Then? I didn't even him talk right there? Somebody come on me and somebody you a game cock with the fight? Putt a little something together for you, man, I hold you like it? Man it out? Yeah, No, don't man, thank you so much, pimping your pain and a pitch of the kick of miss snatic just sweat from Gass covering to him. You knew he's starling and praying and he won't miss even if you can. Let's go. Carter ain't tied Cleveland win soon then the tacame miss serious still do fell on my seat. Now I'm feeling you just leave us hanging. How can you miss that field? Though? So the fans are demanding because then I'd losing the s is getting no nation to drive another one. That won't joke. That's don't lie, Leland. We know what you surpie, but this is what it sounds like when scribing I'm so hurt man, Damn Brown shack classic j Anthony Brown. That was real good. Sound like him cry that cry pimping. I don't know if he's you know, cran ain't got to hear. All right, We're coming back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. As a matter of fact, this is our last break of the day. Steve's closing remarks, you don't want to miss it. It's been a good day. We'll be back at forty nine after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the show. All right, Steve, here we are last break of the day, and does Steve give us something uplifting in your closing remarks? Okay, just over the weekend, I just want to remind some people of some things. Uh. Look, I know when you're chasing your dreams that it gets a little hard for you sometimes. I am fully aware of that. I know sometimes when you're chasing them dreams, it gets daunting. I know you get disappointed. I know, I know really man, that you become impatient because you're going like, wow, man, it don't seem like nothing's happening. I'm just I'm just saying that to hanging there. I'm just trying to encourage you. You know, the one thing in order to make your dreams come true, you can never quit. If you quit one hundred percent, I can promise you your dreams won't come true if you quit. So you got to persevere. You've got to be persistent. You're gonna have to realize that you're gonna be faced with the challenges, the disappointments, hardships, setbacks. It's a part of the life. It's part of life, but it's part of the game of success. What the devil does, though, he has a masterful trick. In this moment of disappointment, setbacks, hurt, and impatience, he has an amazing trick. He starts playing with your mind. Maybe it ain't meant to be here, going real? When he playing it, you know it probably ain't God's will. Oh, you gotta be careful of that, and be careful of people who always tell you it may not be God's will. How do they know what God's will is for you? Be very careful of people who always come to you with that, never a word of encouragement, never a word to say, hey, you know, I'm pulling for you, none of that. You know, if be literally people who say, you know, it may not be for you, Maybe it's not for you. How do they know this? How do they know this? If you bet on that happening, if you've seen it in your imagination over and over and over, if you're thoroughly convinced that this is for you, and if you gifted at it, stop listening to these people. Stop listening to these people. Have you ever heard somebody you know what could be? Maybe you thinking to be Are you kidding me? Maybe it's not your time, maybe it ain't the lord's will. When a person always comes to you with that and never has words of encouragement, you have shared your dream with the worst person you can possibly share your dream with. If you want to kill a big dream, share it with a small minded person. Oh my god, they are experts at hog come. Why not what faults high as supposed to work out? Small minded people only tell you why something won't work. Have you noticed that everybody? Do you have somebody in your life man that every time you talk to them, they got something negative? Say? You know that? You know? Have you ever heard anybody say to them to the you know what? You've really put enough into this? Have you ever heard that you've really put enough into this? Hold on, wait a minute, man, do you realize that in order to become successful that you have to pour your all in all into something? All in all means all you got and all some mote when you when you when something says you have to give you'all all in all that means you have to give your all, which is everything you have, and then you have to find some moe to throw at it. That's what all in all means that's given it all and all, so you gotta throw everything you have at it, and then you gotta throw some more at it. My father used to take this, tell me this all the time, and I did not understand until I got older. He used to always say to me. He said, son, when you think you can't do no more, do some more. And I actually be looking at my father, go, man, this is dude crazy. Didn't he didn't he hear me just say how tired I am? Didn't my father just hear me say I can't do no more? He looked dead at me and say, son, when you feel like you can't do no more, do some more. I bet you can't. And you know what, he was right. I didn't get it until I grew up, and I started thinking about giving up or quitting or walking away. And I found myself just hanging in there, because you know what, when you think you've done everything you could do and you can't do no more, do like my daddy, slip Car said, just do some more. When you want to be successful, you're gonna have to give your all in all. So that means you gotta put all you have into it. And when you can put all you got into something, you gotta find some more and throw that at it too. That's it. If you can do that, If you can do that, that's the end of a very famous poem I learned while pledging. Call If if you can fulfill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance, run, the earth is yours and everything that's in it, and which is more, you will be a man, my son. The key to that is, if you can fulfill the unforgiving minute, then unforgiving minute means it just keeps on ticket. But if you can fill it with sixty seconds worth of distance, run, that means the whole time you and there you hauling, the earth is yours and everything that's in it, and which is more, You'll be a man for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.