We open the show and the crew talks about one of our own that is near and dear. Millennials truly have the edge with technology and we have the things that they will say when they have kids. There are certain black phrases that the crew is known to misuse. We have stories from members of the show who are raising millennials. Comedy Roulette has some information that is useful around the house. Friends with benefits have rules and we find them out from Big Dog and Fool #1. Remember the commercials that you couldn't stand but would sing along to. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks about God's promises and much more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back, the back down, giving them more like the milling buck things in its cubs. Y'all do me good it listening to the movie together for Student Hadley, I don't join join me in doing me. Honey, you gotta turn yet, you gotta turn to turn them out, turn, got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your fad I show will good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Got a radio show because God in the blessing. Business, got a radio show because God is in a forgiving business, got a radio show because God to let you turn your life around. Business, got a radio show because God no better than you know. Yeah, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Didn't see it coming, but he did. I'm gonna share with you today a principle of success. You know. It's it's important that we get our lives together. I mean it really really is. You know, to hear after is exactly what it says, is to hear after and hopefully for the majority of us, that's quite a way he's off. So what about how you living today? How about it now? You know often talk to to talk in the morning about your relationship with God. That can never change. That is at the forefront and the best thought process that I can give you. And I know who I'm talking to on the radio. I'm talking to a lot of people, man, who out there just not sure. And I'm talking to a lot of people out there man that's trying to pull it together. In other words, you know, I'm talking to a lot of people like myself. There is a principle of success that is out there that if more people understood one of the bait. This is just one of one of the basic principles of success, you would have more success in your life. And that principle is this, the more people you help become successful, the more successful you become. The more people that you help become successful, the more successful you become. That's a principle that you have to put into your life if you have any plan at all at being successful, because it's necessary. See that principle of success is in anybody's Bible, any spiritual teachings of them. I don't know what other religions do or teach, but I do know this if it's if the religion is right. They often talk about helping your fellow man. They're always talking about do unto others that you would have them do unto you, and if you can't, just a Bible is full of examples of that. Well, the more people you help become successful, the more successful you become because you are a practicing helping your and as you do unto others, then it's done unto you. You know, you you you build relationships. When you do that, people forget in success, that has to be relationships that. There is no one person in this world who is just successful all on their own. You are successful, and successful people form relationships, and you've got to really coddle these relationships. You've got to nurture these relationships. They don't just happen. You don't just get cool with people just cause you cool. No, you've got to do some cool things to these people and for these people, for these people to be cool with you when you need some cool. I don't know if I'm explaining that right, but that's the best way I can tell it to you. I'm just regular, you know, I just speak like that. This is an important principle to put into your life. The more people you help become successful, the more successful you become. You cannot look. You got to stretch out for people. You got to extend your hand. You have to say to people, Hey, look, I've done that. This is what you got to do. You got to take some time out to share. Yeah, you have to share information, experiences, thoughts. You got to take a minute man to uplift somebody, give them some encouragement. Hey, man, you can do it. Don't give up. You have no idea you you you right now. You have no idea how significant you are to someone else, how your words of encouragement could be the difference maker today I'm talking about it's a person looking at you that you don't even really know your You don't really know them, and you see him struggling with something. Just say, hey, you know what, I've been watching you from afar. You're gonna be all right, man, I see something. Men. You keep doing the right thing. Man, You're gonna be all right. I had a meeting yesterday with a young man for the first time, and this young man came into my office. I never met him. He has an internet service, which anybody can teach me something about the Internet, because I know little too close to nothing. He was twenty seven years old, and he was amazingly bright at this, and I guess you know that it's not that hard to impress me. But the fluid speech pattern that he had about this very very difficult subject. He was tossing around the terms I had heard, but he was actually putting him in sensences where it made sense to me. It's very fluid, very very shure of himself when he was talking about this little things, young dude, twenty seven years old. And when he got through, the woman that had introduced me to him, I was leaving my office and she was going to escort him out, and I turned around and I said, young man, I said, what what size pants are you? And I guessed it because I'm I've been dressing for long. I've been all the sizes. And I said, you bought a thirty words. He said, yes, sir. I said what size shoe? You ways? At nine half? I said what side shirt is? At a medium? He said, I really like extra lodge. I said, well that's too big for you. You just want to look lousy and bagging, and so I was talking to him and I said, man, I'm gonna help you out. I said, man, because let me tell you something. You're a shop, young dude. Man, you are raised a shop. I say, you've really really impressed me today, I said. And you know what, young brother, I said, You're gonna make a lot of money one day. Man, I said, but I want you to get your image up. I want you to. I want you to look at how you dress because you're coming into professional people's office and you're talking about doing something for them, and it takes money to make it happen. I gotta give you money to make this happen. What you cannot afford to do is look like you need every dime of this money. See you, when you're going there and you're talking about money with another person, the person that's gonna give you this money cannot You can't look like you need every dime of this money, you know, So you gotta start wasting yourself. And that's all I just said to him. And I just said, man, but you know what, you shocked. You're gonna make yourself some money. I'm gonna help you out a little bit. I walked out. I went on about my business. Later on that afternoon, I had a meeting with the woman that bought him in and she said, mister Harvey, you have no idea what you just did. He said, his eyes just teared up when you walked out. He said, Wow, man, that man don't even know me, and he just encouraged me. He's a man always thought I might could make it, but he said, I ain't. Never had nobody like him tell me I could make it. And just hearing it from him, man, that's all right. I'm gonna I'm gonna get my clothes together. But you know, I've been homeless. And then he started telling the woman that he had been homeless, and so you know, then she telling me that now I'm fitting cryckers. You know, I've been in that hole before, and I just and I'm just sharing that story. What y'all just to say. You don't know who you talking to, but what does it hurt if you just extend your hand to a and give them a moment of encouragement. See this young brother right here, he could come back one day and be a major benefit to me because he has a skill set that I don't have. Oh, I might be old, mister Steve Harvey, but hey, guess what, I don't know nothing about what this young cat know. And he'd went off and educated himself. And just a word of encouragement from somebody like yourself can make all the difference in another person's life. So remember on your way to the top. The more people that you help become successful, the more successful you become. It's a requirement of God that you do that. That ain't Steve Harvey talking. If you read your Bible. Somebody got a Bible verse that backed me up. Email it to me today. If you know what it is. I don't know, but y'all do out there all right? Man, oh man, you're listening. Ladies and gentlemen, have your attention please, Uh, this is Steve Harvey. I'm trying to get your attention because it's it's didn't started. The morning show is own. I ain't gonna tell you what station it is, because you hear my voice. You own the station you need to be on. Now. They had these things like station I D and all like that, but if you listening to me, you already owned the station. I'm on. Too minute to go around the room announcing it. But all of us great stations, and you're greater for listening. Martin Shirley, Good morning, Steve so calling morning, Steve Crew cutting up doing your morning, their food, big dog in the building. S got your godbody in la Yeah, yeah, check and make sure Junior has this coffee. I was just checking because Monica was supposed to put the cream and sugar in there. Steve. I didn't know that relationshipship was that weight though. What they just got into a major argument about creamy I was, I was listening. I didn't know that. I thought they had more of all. You know, co worker existed. This sound like something withou, like a relationship Tennis. Yeah the hell is your coffee yet? Exactly your clothes? He shut the room down with that. We're working on it, all right, work it, But I'm not playing about my coffee though every morning the same thing. But who you're talking to like that? Yeah? Wait, though she be over there, just grinny girl, you better take care of y'all. Man. Yeah, she ain't got a problem, come getting the nail money and stayed, and you know she is about her now. You know, I've never seen all these years I've known Monica, Miss Monica. She never came in here to day without them done. And she she alternates, she'll go to the salon and she does them herself. Yeah, she's good. She can do them herself. I can't do really, I can't. She's staying in the line. Oh yeah, that's what I'm saying. She looks like I ain't. He don't draw outside the line. Yeah, but it's something with those. I don't know what it is, but it's something. Cough, you got it? None, You're good, I'm good, I'm here. But what were doing? Well? I show I did I put something in the microway? I cooked? Surely putting something in the microwave to heat it is not cooking. It's in the kitchen, thank you. It's here in the studios in a machine that heats stuff up. As far as I'm concerned, ain't cooking that. In my world, that's cooking. Thank you. All right, thirty two after we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So did you guys hear about the five year old little boy in Florida who used his grandmother's kindle and ordered a whole bunch of toys. Uh. Yeah. When the grandmother came back from vacation, they were about twenty five boxes at her door. Uh, and more kept coming. And a little boy said, Grandma, what is that at our front door? He ordered about nine hundred and sixty dollars worth of toys? Um, this is crazy? Now? How did he was just five? Yeah? Out of Florida, a little boy out of Florida. He still went to school. We could do wouldn't make brown? Okay almost as Yeah? You and grandma, watsch that at your dough? That sh ain't it? I don't know one of these boxes that I see a toy in it and I didn't order not. Yeah. Boy, when they when they find out who name on that though, Yeah, yeah, she's gonna send that all back. Well, um kid, that's not concerning. Yeah he's skilled. Yeah technology, But here here go my favorite grandma. What's that on the poor? Yeah? I love that? Yeah. Well that leads us to uh this hour's comedy segment and um, in which Jay ro Ja explain it please. Well, it has to do with millennials and now a lot of them come in parents now, so now they have to tell their kids how tough they had it, Yeah, how tough they had it when they was coming up, Like yeah, see boy, I didn't have a spaceship. I had to catch you uber everywhere spaceship. Yeah, now you got a spaceship. I had what millennials, yeah, yeah, gonna say to their kids when they get them. Hell, I ain't got one dog, I had all this other stuff. Parents today, what millennials hunt will say to their kids. I made it off of fifteen dollars an hour. I made it fifteen. Just sit them head and talk about rough. Do you know? Back in the day, sometime the cable would go out, come tell me boy, Let me tell y'all something, y'all. Y'all, y'all, y'all don't know nothing no real singles. See, you don't know nothing about like Drake Boy. The music huh SA called it be Bruno Bab But y'all don't know nothing about no music. That was music for do you Love Me? Yeah? Yeah, I'm singing this mess right ahead. Don't nobody nobody kick? Do you love Me? Yeah? These are what millennials are gonna say that they're kids. This is what millennials. So you just go we had the FaceTime back in the Jake, all he had was FaceTime. You're gonna sit there pin being your ass over here. Come on, James said that time that you got it rough. You don't know what rough is. I had to borrow money from my mama and my daddy. Come on, Yeah, these are also true. Yeah, both parents? What you complaining for? When I was your age, I was never with my parents, do you hear? Man? When I was you, I lived with them. Let me let me, let me, let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. I didn't have but one hundred and three shoes when I was your sneakers because I don't I had born. You're sitting up in here with four hundred pound Shoot, you don't know how you got it? Yeah, these are what millennials, kid. I'm sitting up in here. You don't even know how hard it was sitting up here here, having the email on everybody email and sitting all these damn emails out. You're sitting up in here reading my damn mind. Yeah, millennials, was gonna say to the kid, let them know they had a up time. Okay, gas was four dollars and fit to ship back in that day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're playing a hundred dollars. We were straggling. Yeah, you and that damn robot playing with each other. I had real friends, I had real people. I had to play with. You gotta damn robot. You're just gonna play with You don't understand. You don't understand. We had our paying sagging around our by hand when we were coming through. You got the way back below your five nine. You don't know how good you have got it. They don't know Plane and all the time plane and all our his complain. We had to carry our phones back in the day. Now you ain't got the down your damn ey. I don't know what it was like back then. When we wanted to have a booty, we had to have button plant. Yeah, he was getting siliconed all times and stuff shot that. All you got to do is sit up here and imagine the nash and head is people just looking at you and you making them see what you want them to see. Millennials, I'm gonna tell you right now, I had no choice. I had to be black. Now you can sit up national anytime you are. Now you're Asian when you come over here, your meskan when you want to be whatever's safett for you, whatever say, you just don't be that. We had to go through. I had to wear glasses. You don't understand it. You got the whole Windshiel prescribed a team come on close in our season, wasn't millennials stay Oh now, y'all don't want a president no more. We had damn Donald Trump. That's all you gotta say. You're listening Day Morning Show coming up. At the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here. She's gonna update us with today's national news. But right now, as promised, it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got new tombs? Oh no, what's wrong? We've got a problem toombs. I'm not gonna be here, huckle bick tom So here it is running back cats nd Hey man, I'm gonna we got a problem with the st Johanna mess around and put the wrong name on my tomb so and will listen, and we got a problem. We gotta get rectified. Man, y'all, hold on, hold on, hold on, man, calm down. And first of all, what is your name? My name is Ritchie Man. But I can't understand all making these tuna mistakes. You know that that don't make no sense. I wrong if y'all haven't been in the business to be doing something like this. So this is a family business. We've been doing this forty plus years. Well, you don't making mistakes like this? Man, What's what? What's the problem? What's the mistakes? What's what mistakes you think we made? Okay, look, man, we're being my amy. Two weeks ago. Her name is Rosetta. Okay, all right, what do you spare? Our name is r O s e t t A. Y'all got r o z e t t An. She was born tune to eight, nineteen forty eight. Y'all got August the six, nineteen forty y'all got the dates mixed up. Then y'all got her name mixed up. And what we ain't going to do? As how my anti are rifted in peace with the row stuff on her thrombstall non combat. Right, you can getting at me? I can't. There's no way I can help you to getting at me. Now, I mean, who fix the problem? Then? Many I could check the paperwork. I can check the paperwork and see what the problem is. Now, if you gave me the wrong information. Your family gave me wrong information. Then we just put down where we would get it, and if we got to change something, we will change it. But it's gonna cause you in my money, y'all. We're we're not paying another damn damn to that funeral all, not another damn damn. The stuff gonna get changed. Bloom this damn toombs, So then we're not paying for none. I'm gonna tell this this. So I'm decided. I'm saying we can help you out. I can help you, but if you gave me the wrong information, that's only here. Why I didn't do that, that's only you. We didn't give you the wrong information. I'm gonna tell you this. You bulls. Your name alone? What is your name? My name is Kendrick. Okay, Kendrick. Let me tell you something. If this don't get changed, body none, Me and some of my cousin's gonna come out there and start digging up about it. And y'all not coming over here and digging up nothing. Go, he's my play. He would get us apect my family and come over here. You're gonna get up what we're gonna dig up? Some Body, if you're gonna come if you're gonna get the wrecked fount of mine toombstop, It's not gonna be none of that. I'm not having you coming over here. We're gonna fix the problem and check the paperwork, and I can get back to you. That's what I can do. But you ain't digging up nothing, but man, my cousin's coming out there digging up some of them. Damn, damn. But it until you don't get this damn thing, six, ain't gonna be nobody coming over there. Hold on, see what now I'm getting excited to comment. Man, let me just talk to you like a man. What I'm saying to you is that the family seals out the paperwork, puts the name in the first date on there. If it is incorrect, it has to be fixed. I have to call the man out here to fix it, and that's gonna call some money. I have to pay him. All I'm saying is if that is the case, if the paperwork is incorrect, it's not on us, and I might have to charge you a little extra money just so I can get it taken care of charge. Where money, man, where I had to bear in my honey, we ain't gotten no more. I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you one more time, mister Kendrick. If I don't see a chat, I'm coming after this evening, and look at my handy toombstal. I'm coming out there now. If the date and the name ain't fixed, I promise you so help me. I'm gonna start digging up but it. And if you're answers out there, I'm gonna put you in one of them holes. Doug up and I'll tell you what vegian. You're not gonna put me in no home man, Like I said, I tell it. I'm trying to talk to you and tell you what the deal is and how we will get this fix. Ain't nobody come out here and dig it up nothing? I've called them. I bet you, I bet you I'm digging up a hole and I'll put you in it. If you don't fix my hand tombstone, then we're both were going in the damn hole. That's what's gonna happen. Now, We're both going in that end because somebody want to fix miss around and put the rong date. You want to put the y'all to spill my hand and man rounding everything. I don't even answer the damn phone, and my uncle get excuses, region reside fix nothing. Mean you're yelling at each other. We mean we don't do this. Yelling at each other is not gonna fix the problems. I still have to do a step here. I have to look at this paperwork. But when are you gonna look at it? Reson, you keep yelling. I don't even have time to gold with its paper work every time. If you're really look at something, you're yelling in my head. Let me this one more time. I'm come at mondfucker. I'm gonna come out there right now. That's what I'm gonna do. You know what we're to come on? Then I try to talk nice to your way to tell you what to I told you that this is a fan of business. You're disrespecting me. You come out here, you ain't no because when we both got it whole days. That's what I'm trying to tell you. What you know you're not looking at but when you needed, because they're duarantee you you're gonna tell. I'm gonna bring then bring no. You ain't none gonna call bigger bull setting hold I'll be when they get rid of that Kendrick on the tombstone. It wrong all women. Come on, you ain't gonna cuts. I need to tell you, yes, you got to say I said, you're listening to me. Kendrick, you wrapped the sixth Regta. This is miss you. Tommy, you just got break by your sector Terry with no your man you Tommy, I'm gonna get damn man, you got you man man Old he was wo being here today say I knew something was funny. Oh man, you got me, but I was gonna do the whole for your today sign of gig all. Hey man, I gotta ask you one more thing. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lands, the Steve Hardy Morning the Show. That is Yeah, he stop on the show. Ever, let's do this right here. No reason I thought about it. You have. I am back in the saddle. Go to Thomas Miles dot com. That's Thomas Miles dot com. If you were looking for me to prank your mama or your dad or your pastor, you need make your mind. You know what is you? Is you? Thomas mind? What are you? Nephew? It's it's been changed. It's been changed. Thomas miles dot com website has been changed. Just let me get this out so I can get my solicitors. Let me do that right quick. Let's hold on become Thomas Miles dot com. You want me to prank somebody hit my website? Oh that's the company. Boys, Shut up. Wonder Love Show coming up at the top of the hour, and we'll be here with our national news. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is called words and black people on this show mess up. All right, So let's begin. Number one. This is easy. You do it a lot. That dare, Yeah, that's the word. I don't upstand. What the problem is that he that dare? Hey, look at man, you're gonna eat that damn ye? Oh my god. The correct way to say it, Jay and Junior and Thomas is that over there? Are you going to eat that? Over? Take too long? That takes too long? Yeah, that's how we get a fasta. All right, let's move on, or even better, Jay, what we're gonna do about that death situation? Yes? That that over there? Yeah? So wrong? All right? Number two? About to No, it's not about to about to no, it's about to I'm about to I'm about to go upside your heads. I'm about to go to sleep, I'm about to watch some TV. I'm about to eat that dad. It's I'm going to or I'm about to. Oh no, not not about to about to. I'm about to disagree with you, Shelly. You guysout to face. Yeah, about to crash trying, I'm trying. I'm about to crab about that dad. Here's another one. Here's another one. I hear this a lot show. I'm post to tell me what is that I'm posting? I'm posed bey all tomorrow, but I'll changed, man, I'm posed to. But since since that dad and came up what I'm about here, that is incorrect. The correct way to say it is supposed to. Can you say that I'm supposed to? I said all the time, supposed to. I'mupposed to eat that dad. I'm about to change my mind. That's that's all. And it's and it's not supposedly supposedly posing posing. I don't want to say it like that. You correct, come on with it. I don't want to come right now so people can understand what you're saying. I don't understand. I didn't even know it was supposed there's no supposed No, it's not supposedly supposedly Okay, okay, all right, all right, Sam, I'm saying, Oh, that's perfect. That's I can't even believe I'm saying. Sim saying, let me tell you, Sim saying, Yeah, what you've been trying to do is correct him. I'm saying, we ain't gonna talk like that. We supposed to be talking like we talked, Him saying, I just want you to know there is a correct way of saying what you said. I'm saying, No, it's do you see what I am host saying and you can't see it? No way. This is going to hurt to me short because I've never spoken proper in my life. But I'm just letting you know that there's another way to do things. Okay with that, Dad, ain't I'm saying you are so wrong. This is what I hear Steve say all the time, especially when he was on the road doing his stand up. Mom and them that, oh yeahma, group of people. Yeah, that's what it is. You think Momin's house, it's mother and them or Mama and them them. It's not them, it's them. Here's miss Anne with today's headlines. Thank you very much, everybody, and this is a troop for the news. Good morning. The Department of Homeland Security has been rescreening every child in custody after the Christmas Eve death of an eight year old Guatemalan boy in New Mexico. The child was in border control custody with his father for seven days. Customs in Border Protection Commissioner Kevin mcaleena says, the officials want to know what happened. This is an extraordinarily rare occurrence. It's been more than a decade since we've had a child pass away anywhere in a CBP process, so this is just devastating for us. We've got two Coast Guard teams deploying today to support our border chill agents and checking the welfare of children in our custody, and we're working to move them to eyes and to better custody situations and release as quickly as we can so that we don't have them in board chill stations. Sorry to say, the child was taken to the hospital with a coffin fever. He was sent away with a prescription. He was brought back later and died early this month. Officials say that a seven year old Guatemalan girl also in custody has died. A President First Lady made unannounced visit to Iraqi yesterday to meet with US two's working in the Iraqi with the Iraqis throughtout ISIS. Mister and missus Trump delivered holiday greetings in person to members of the military over there. They were well received, pretty much, they got a standing oh. The visit follows criticism that Trump had yet to visit troops in a combat zone and more criticism over his decision to pull US troops out of Syrian Afghanistan. On top of that, there was a report in The New York Times yesterday the Desserts that Trump's father pulled strings to keep him out of Vietnam, allegedly getting two doctors to claim that he suffered from bone spurs in both heels in return for free or reduced rents in Trump buildings. A farmer sales exact for Marriott Hotels time share outfit Marryout Vacations Worldwide is suing Marryout for unlawful race discrimination, racial harassment, failure to prevent racial discrimination, and retaliation. Dal Robinson said he was asked to dance during business meetings in front of his white colleagues, and that a female co worker used a photo of a Little Rascal's character Buckwheat to represent him during a team building exercise. Robins says he was the only African American employee in the whole office. He was often left completely humiliated. He finally left the marryout. People say they don't comment on legal issues. Christmas Day, a Violet one of the New Orleans authority stated were five people shot, two killed across the city. One was a forty eight year old man named Leon Bush, who police say was shot a number of times on the street corner. His family says, mister Bush was in town to visit relatives for the holiday. So find out that this had on Christmas. We don't know why, what was the reason? Nothing yet so far, whoever did it come forward, You're gonna have a guilty conscience. You just took a man life for nothing. His niece says that Leon Bush Lee's a wife and three daughters. Another woman was shot in the leg, a fifteen year old boy was shot in the neck while just looking out of his window, and another shooting. A nineteen year old woman was grazed another man and was shot in the knee and another man was shot and injured. Today, day six of the partial government shutdown, a President Trump claims that many of those affected by the shutdown supported Finally, today is National Visits the Zoda and now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. If you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Save Save It. A new survey says forty nine percent of adults between the ages of eighteen and thirty six cannot afford to cover the costs of a five hundred dollars emergency. Also, twenty eight percent of adults over the age of thirty seven admitted they had absolutely no money set aside to cover an unexpected emergency Forbes. According to Forbes, this could be why only sixteen point four percent of students in the US are required to take a personal finance course to graduate high school. Now, according to a study by the Next Gen Personal Finance, seventy six percent of millennials lack basic financial knowledge. Yeah, because they have us parents to give them everything. Uh. Seventy percent of millennials are stressed and anxious about saving for retirement, and thirty four percent what live with their parents. There you go, I'm tired of millennials they get on Monday millennials or something. Maybe it's because I got one. Oh I have one too, jesus man, it's they don't have any money saved with me. You have to. Yeah, well we all have down and every damn thing. That's why I don't tell them anything. Will you tell them everything? I know, dumb as a damn dope know. I know, I know you don't know, sugar honey, what you don't? Oh they think they got you don't know yet? She I know, I know you dumb ass, sugar honey iced tea. Let me tell y'all this. Say, I don't have a millennial. My daughter's generation Z. Yeah, oh don't they call yours? Yeah? I didn't know that generation? So what agent generations? Like? My daughter's thirteen? So what is she z? And she finished from nineteen ninety six whole two thousand and nine. But I mean, you got about two more years. She's gonna start thinking she know everything. Yeah, I was. I was like that when I say, I don't know if I can say this, y'all tell me if I can't, I can't what as of last week? As you know last year? Huh my daughter became a lady. Does that make sense? Yes? Yeah, oh my god, are you really well you know what I'm saying. Yeah, you're you're you're embarrassing her. Tommy, Okay, you have to think about that. Yeah, and we as parents, Uh why you say she was excited? I'm like what? Okay, stop man. You know surely don't like this subject. I don't, but I know it will embarrass the child. I know it will really embarrassing. It's like when we were kids, Carla coming up, you know, and our moms we're talking about, Yeah she wears a braa now blah blah, oh god, very embarrassing. It's just it's embarrassing. Yeah, Monica, Yeah, you're listening to show. It's time for comedy roulette. Jay set it up quickly, comedy rouletts. Each week, you guys test our ability to be comedians. We're gonna show you how good we are. You give us a subject, stop the wheel in any subject we can do a riff on it. That's not good. We have all right, goat, you're ready with the wheel, let's go. These are the subjects. Number one ice cream, number two, old music. Oh come on, come on, yeah, I know all right. Number three, how to protect the food in the fridge. That's a pretty good one. Number four, I'm not the bank's yeah, okay. Number five, sometimes I feel like slapping the mess out of you. Yeah, all right, come on, castle whelp, come on slapping slop and slapping, slipping a mess out of you? Okay. How to protect the food in the fridge so people don't steal it? Easy? What's one is you pick your teeth to they start bleeding, right, and then you bite your sandwich and wrap that in seven things and stop that back in there. I'd be damn anybody your teeth frial good? Did it? Did it? Believe in right? And invite your sandwich? Wrap that seth. Don't be there when you get okay, go ahead, come on, junior. What you got her? First of all? Who fridge were talking about? It ain't nothing mad. It's very easy to protect my friend. I ain't gotten that in there. Better subject would have been how to put food into friend when you really want to protect something? What I would do? Get a ziplock bade Okay, all right and right, let's see where we at. We in seventeen put one one seventeen on that January seventeen. Get on and being right, chitlings on the ziplock. Ain't don't throw away I promise you ain't nobody bothers. Yeah, hid, come and see the best way to protect sandwich work is to put it in sell a frame and then duct tape so they don't even know what it is. Duct take the whole sandwich. You don't look just a brick or duct tape. There ain't nobody gonna open up that damn duc tuc tape cups with everything but not food. Yeah, protective, Yeah, put it in. How to protect the food in the fridge, Jay, Oh, the best way to do it is you can put it way inside. You put it inside and put you you smash it up. You take your sandwich and you bawl it up real tight, just as small as you can make it, and put it and wrap it in, sell it and then stick that inside the bacon, sold the box, put it inside the ball up, sand up the sandwich. That's what I'm talking about. But it will be that when you get pet again, I tell you what we're really do it. Go buy a dog shelter. Get an unhappy pit bull him in the break room. When they opened that door on the inside. Just turn the temperature down just a little bit so he can survive. He's in the fridge. Put in frame. They've been walking in there, Grace, because they've been eating your stuff every day. This can halt that walk ocause, Julie, still you. I got to put it back this one, because I've done this one before. Our dog name is Chopper. I put it in a zip lock bag and put choppers sweet treats on them. Put backside on me, Come my son, Jordan, and put some up chopping sweet trees in there. And got at all confusing. I got a right, come on, we got Steve. Put your whole lunch in a pamp. Well, be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's strawberry letter. You don't want to miss that. But up next, nephew Tommy is here with today's prank phone call. I gotta put you you're drunk ass, hush, yeah, get rid of Hello, got a hold on Okay, all right, I got your phone. I'll give your wife a call. Hello, Hello, right right now, you're inebriated, Sir, okay right now to be taking you in, but I'm not gonna do that. You let me. If I ain't able to come and pick you off, I'll let her come get you. Try all I'm ran. It's gonna Officer Brian's gonna put you in his squad car. I'm gonna call your wife. I've got the phone dolling now all right, okay, Hello? Hello? Who is he? Whom? I? Who am I sushing with? Please? Who is this? This is Officer Daniels Aufer Daniel you just called from. This is my husband number? Who is who is Officer Dan? I am Officer Daniels Many. Your husband's actually being pulled over and he's been uh actually he's in another officer's car. He's he's a little bit of kneebriated here and we're trying to see about getting him picked up. I'm trying my best not to take him in today, so I'm trying to be a good Samaritan. I'm trying to get someone to come and pick him up. Hold on, hold on, hold on, back up, back up. You got my huss Uh what I got here on the driver's license is Kenny Kenny, and he's with you now actually an office to Brian's squad car right now. So he was actually uh bobbing and weaving out on the road and we pulled him over. He's not creating any problems. The young lady wasn't creating any problems. So what we're trying, what we're trying to do is get somebody to come and pick him up. You don't have my husband because my husband has worked so he can't be in. No, Officer, Brian in your car and did you say tim again? Did you say somebody's with Kenny? There is that was a young lady in the car. Man, we're actually letting her go because she's not in heee created from a look though at somebody. She's calling somebody to pick her up. Now, Man, No, I can't believe it. Kenny, and I know that dirt is song gotten a back in my car. That's my car. And you said that he had timid officer timidus look at that at tim of what she looked like. If that'd not be there, that'd not be the one. I think. I have no idea. Excuse me, ma'am. I don't learned about it in my cause he's supposed to be working. I'm sorry, ja Jasmine, Okay, you're Jasmine. Okay, no, just say we'll talk to you in a moment. Yeah, her name is Jasmin. I'm not sure who keep them? Keep keep it yea holding that TI I get there. I'm on my way. I'm on my way right now. Hey, Bridget, I want you to watch these children from the time I get back. I'm going to see if I can give me a ride up to the truck stop and I'll be back in a minute. Hello. Yeah, Hello, I'm here. Yeah, I'm here. I'm here. Okay, okay, man listen, I can't. I can't stay here too much longer. I can. I can say maybe another fifteen twenty minutes. Somebody come get the car, and but I gotta keep moving here. I'm just trying to do another I'm on my way. I'm all my way. I'm all my way. I have my Paris in my hand. I'm all my way to that fuck stop. Please don't take that nowhere, because I got something for his And when I get there, I hope like hell, and ain't they they's been calling me to with me all through the night, leave for the attack, get them, because I got some things that I need to take care of this thing. Don't move the squad car to I get there. I'm all wait right now, right now, I be there in a minute. I well, that took my time picked up them. To date, we don't had arguments over this. It better not do that. If better not, I bet you. I better not be here. It's better not be here. I'm all my way, I be there in a minute. I be therein that I get them. Okay, Well, now here's a god that was with Kenny. Let me call my door. She can hear me. Better. Man, there was another gentleman that was in the back seat of the car that was riding with Kenny and the young lady. I don't give it. I know other rid with Kenny. Just make sure he's there when I get there. Okay, okay, Now do you know who this other gentleman? Do you know a nephew Toime? I don't care. I know nephew Tommy, nephew Tommy synth you. This is Nephew Timming from the steam wavering morning, your baby, your usban. Kenny got me to prank fall called you yeah you got you got you ain't Kennedy because was just gonna happen to Kenny nephew timing going to go down to bank Head in two eighty five, and when he gets home he's still on it. Oh my god, you aren't. Oh my gosh. Now I'm gonna check what you at times. Oh man, he told me, he said, man, my wife, don't play, he said, my man to prank my wife. You aren't saying I'm dood, Tommy, I'm dood. I'm doing what career? Though he didn't work. We don't. He didn't work here, work here, your car at work? Work work? Hey, baby, tell me what the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Holland show out. Sometimes you gotta get your drunk as. You don't have to have to control your drunk as. Let me get your drunk as yah. Won't he do with Frank c. D in Walmart today? Get your coppery right now, hey, coming up at the top of the hour about your past. The Bishop you want, oh lord, I want you want to get in franky, hey man, somebody right there with Bishop Balm. If you want to, You're gonna find out something about real manhood over there. You gonna play with you. We don't let you have you ain't got nothing else to do? Okay, that's fine, but I'm gonna run it come Monday when I get to He's from He's Saint Louis, Illinois. They don't play, okay, telling you that I had recess? Why hell? Because they don't play. They don't play, And you say, lord, dang, I know where to all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, Today's strawberry letter. Girl, I'm dinging your devotion started out as friends. Friend. It's more than I was hoping. I'm glad to let me in doing and baby day night. I'm never right your side, but I'm not with you. You're texting me all night sittings like some pictures of your breast on your behind and seeing like bringing you keep blowing up my night. When night clears to break up you mother the guy, I'm gonna tell the truth. Prepare yourself to crime. You text me but sad and it away. I got a sam sit You text me the test, but sad it away. I got the same thing. Can't get his zone. You teach me the test, but sad in it away. I got the same site. You texting me but sad get it away. I got the same thing, didn't get you're listening to. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need advice and relationships on dating and work, on sex, unparenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Tell him, Steve, you know what what to ask me every day to repeat what this woman has been telling y'all daily. It's starting to get on my nerve. Woman. But if you can send the letter in if you want to, or you can keep your damn problems to yourself. We try to figure that out. We try well. I don't like keep begging nobody, let me have, let me have, let me help? Man? What elf? But we're here to help you though we are and by by this woman. I guess I'm this woman, this woman, this woman, I'm this woman. Hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry Letter, Thank you. Eno. Few subjects closer than close best friends. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have a male best friend that I want to be more than friends with. I was taught that the man is supposed to pursue the woman, so I've never attempted to tell him how I feel about him. We have been friends for ten years, and although we have strictly have a strictly platonic relationship, our friends and family make jokes about us already being a couple. My mom even refers to him as her son in law. He lives four hundred miles away, but we see each other several times a month. He always pays for my flight, hotel, rooms, meals whenever I go to visit him. When he comes to see me, he spends time with my mom, and he makes plans for us to see movies, concerts, plays, etc. I have even been on his family vacation. I know that our friendship is not normal, and we do everything a couple does, except for have sex. He has never shown any interest in dating me, but it's so obvious that he likes me. Every time he gets a new girlfriend, he shares everything with me about their relationship. He even had a child a few years ago, and I was there for him when things didn't work out with him and the child's mom. He's perfect for me, and I can't imagine my future with any other man but him, With any man but him, I want to let him know how I feel, but the thought of rejection terrifies me. Stephen Shirley, what do you think can a man be close friends with a woman and not have any feelings for her? This is driving me crazy. I want him and only him. Should I tell him? Well, yeah, I think you should tell him. I really do. I don't think you have anything to lose. I think you have everything to gain. I think you should definitely take a risk. Plus, I think he likes you too, like you said in the letter, because he spends so much of his time and his money with you. Okay, those things are important, so he does that a lot with you, And that's what makes me thinks he likes you. Not just you, but he spends time with your family, and you spend time with his family. I mean ten years, come on, that's a long time. I mean, there should be nothing that you can't share with this man, especially your feelings. After all, you've certainly been there for him, I mean with his girlfriends and his son and all of that. I really think, I really hope that your friendship can and will withstand it if you, guys do decide to take this to the love level. You know, but you gotta tell him first. Somebody has to break the ice. Even if you try it and it fails. I think I hope that you guys can can be friends and come through it. People always say that you should be friends first, and you guys are definitely that, And you've been friends for ten years. That should mean something. Steve, that's good. Assert it's cute. Come on so much? Got scared to leave out of this damn letter. That's why we have. You know I'm here for it. You know now, this woman right here is in a dilemma. From ten years flying in the town, live four hundred miles away, pay for all your tenches to come see him, y'all going family vacations. Yeah, y'all sitting up here doing everything as a couple. Are you flying in see each other several times a month? He paid for your flight, hotel room meals whenever you go to visit. Then he come see you, spend time with your mama, makes playing for y'all, gonna see movies, concerts, plays, all this right here? Okay, What the hell wrong? Then? Well let's go get to it. Something is wrong because he doing all this, didn't you tell her how you've been there for him? And he had other girlfriends. He tell you all about him, and he had a son a couple of years ago, and you was there for him when it didn't work outween the mom and the baby, the boys sleeping with somebody. It ain't you. Why has he not made a move on you? And why you want him so bad? And he's so perfect for you, but he can't see that anything. It could be one of two things only with a man. Number One, he is afraid that if he makes a move to you that it will destroy the friendship. And he's just hanging around because there's something stupid about him where he has not figured out that you have a physical and a mental spiritual attraction to him. That's the first option. That's the one that you hope it is. Now. The second reason he ain't saying nothing it cause he ain't attracted to you. Now is gonna be a definite blow to your ego. So now what you gotta do is he's told you about all his other girlfriend look him up on Facebook and get a picture of them. Now, if you ain't in the same arena, ask them girlfriends. You have your answer. He's not attracted to you. That's going to be hard. Now. Chances are I don't think that's the case, because we don't spend money on No, we don't. We do not spend time with people. We are not attracted. We just dudes, man, And I'm sorry, but we are just dudes. So I'm hoping it's the first one that he's afraid that he would lose your friendship before he's had the courage and the nerve to make the move, because it's something about you that's so special that he don't want to say that. I let a girl get by with me for years like that. Her name was Michelle p All through high school, even through college. My god, man, you didn't say anything. Jess wouldn't say. We'll have part two of Steve's Joe coming up in twenty three after three hour Strawberry Letters, subject today closer than close best friends Right after this you're listening to show, all right, Steve, come on, let's get two at part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. Closer than close best friends is the subject. Yeah here, this woman been friends with this man for ten years. They've done everything together, vacations flying four hundred miles away, he'd taking a plays concerts, going, take a mama out. They do everything together. Even the family then't joked about him. Y'all in a couple, but he didn't have a relationship with other women. Tell you all about him, y'all ain't never talked about this. I find it so difficult to believe. You mean all they said. I mean, but ain't hell your hand in the moving nothing? Man? What's up? Y'all? Just friends? Men don't do this. But he had a baby with another girl a couple of years. You know that obviously broke. You heard that didn't working out. Now you're going, well, what about me? What about me? Where? What about you? Like I said, it's only two things could be stopping this. He is so afraid of losing your friendship that he's hanging on the outskirts thinking you don't really see him that way, and he just hoping you come around one day. Men can do that because men don't spend money on women that we're not attracted to. We just don't do that. I don't that's funny. I know, it's just funny. I'm just telling you that in a crude way of putting out. I just want you to understand what it meant now. The other thing is he's not attracted to you, and that would be the most devastating visa because nothing you can do can make him attracted to you after ten years. But I seriously doubt that that's the case, because he keeps flying to you. Man, you mean something to this dude, And I got news for you. He loves you. I have news for you. Ain't no dude doing nothing for no woman for ten years. He don't love him. He might be onto something, sir, I got it. He loves you and he wants to be in love with you, but he don't want to lose the love part, so he's scared of mentioning in love part. It's time to walk past his ass. Neked, go do something? Yeah, push? He was only walk right in front of that damn TV and it acts like you're doing something else while the game is a cup of coffee in your hands, some eyeglances and like you read and just walk your ways right across that TV, straight naked. We fendn't find out right after that because I was now, if his comment is this right? He did when you got pluck, baby, baby, you forgot to put your clothes on oh, we got a problem. But if you walk past then you go, then you don't hear nothing. But then you look back and he's staying at it. Yea. Then you walk over there and set your neck ass right next to him and act like y'all friends and keep watching that game and see how long that damn game. That naked is when you just take your clothes bought ass net and walk around in front of somebody to see you naked as Nike. You walk in there so they can see you with the heels. Yeah, not just naked, but it's two different things. And quick coming to bed barefoot all the time, some damn heels on and up to Auntie. Yeah yeah, coming in here bad footing. You know, you look better with you with you up on your toes. Lift that up, I'm with you, Steve. Put that in the air. Hoisting the looks better in the air. You ain't learn you'll find something real quick. So she's got to let them know you agree with that. For sure. She needs to do something. They need to break the ice you talked about ninety day, rude. They didn't win nine year, ten years. Yeah, and he spent a lot of time and money with her he has never shown any interest in dating me. Who oh, that's what she says in a letter. He has never shown any interest in dating me. But it's so obvious that he likes. Yes, if it's so obvious, let's he is. Yeah, then look take the rest. Look you got litmus tests, you got pregnancy tests, you got they got cancer tests out there. You can take an HIV test, you can take a diabetes test. You gotta take the butt ass naked, got to take the test. It's a test. Everybody got tests for everything. You're so obvious what we got a way to find out? But you know you thank you obviously pregnant, But we gotta way to find out. You think you obviously sick. We gotta way to find out. Man, you ain't got to do that. I'm tearing up. I'm trying to tell you time more time. It's the difference between neck is when you come out the show. Neck it is when you're taking a bad neck. It is when you change and clothes for you get dressing. You just neck it. But when you walk out in front of somebody for them to see you come on him, that not become but as that's what we're talking about. This morning and get a couple of suggestions. The next time you naked and you really want to get it, put a necklace on. What is that gonna do? That's all girl? Did you just ask me what that's gonna do? Ye, fellas? Fellas she come to bed necking with us a necklace day? Back about the mind. We gotta go, thank you, Steve. We gotta go email us or Instagram. We don't have any time, Jake. We gotta go email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts to my girls, Shirley. Okay, thank you so very much. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the stew All right, Steve, you are the resident relationship expert on the show, no question, uh. And you know there are some folks involved in a friends with benefits situation. You know a lot of people you know in those kind of relationships. But there are boundaries, of course, as in any relationship, you should still be honest and not take the situation for granted. Though a few mishaps could lend you back in the friendship zone with a quickness, of course, and even if the arrangement is super casual. Then Tommy becomes the expert. You know, yeah, yeah, keep it. So here we go, not being honest about your intentions, not being honest about not being honest about your inten Yeah. So Carl, how does this work? So Steve answers and Tommy comes back. Is that how? Yeah? Because Steve is always saying that you can't have friends all right, So if someone is lying or not being honest about their intentions, well you know, it's bad news for you because you know, uh, look, eventually all everything comes to light, you might as well if you're just gonna be friends, benefits just being honest. Okay, money, here's the money. Let me hit this. Look yet, I don't love you, Oh my gosh. I'm just being real about what we're doing and what we're doing were vocol with that. I'm honest by my intentions. We gonna do this till we don't want to do this no more. This ain't aboudy no love. Matter of fact, we're doing it from We can't even make eye contact because this ain't love at all. Don't don't gaze at me, look at me, look at me, or you look back at me. Don't look back at me when we're in the moment, look forward, don't look back. Don't look back. That's that's in the moment you love. Don't do that. Let's just being honesty. That's brutally acting jealous not allowed good. Uh. You know it's a little tough man when you have an arrangement and you know it's just friends from benefits because the other person could have somebody, and so being jealous is just you puppost to be able to play a little bit better? Wait your turn? Ain't your turn? Waiting? With that part? When I show up with my wife? What is your lip out? That is wrong with you today? What is wrong with you? And why is you texting me? You'll see I'm over here. He talked about this. If you walk past me and my wife one more time, you gonna get your lip back. Here your repaid for what you got your mom this boy here. Okay, here's another one. Guys, assuming yes is forever instead of yes for now? Play your position. Well. You know, if if you've agreed to be with somebody period of time and you know that's all it is, that's all it is. You really can't expect no more than that. Nobody always catch feelings and mess every damn hang up? Oh my god, you know, goodness, Dawn, this for six months. You know that, you know we're not gonna last no longer. Ain't no sensing you won that Christmas, gonna go with you. You ain't been to getting out of that Christmas now. But October we're gonna fade up out here. Oh man, I'm gonna be looking us to break bread ticket down. We're been doing that. Christmas is December twenty six. Now just deal with it. Deal with it, don't okay? Tree back up? Okay, moving on? Uh No, dissing aloud, disappearing acts without explaining what's happening, Okay, I can't do it. Well, you know, um it's kind of touchy because you know the end of the day. You know, if you say you're gonna be here, no, you should be here. It's an agreement and arrangement that we have, that's true. Yeah, Because if I don't know where you at, you might be outside my damn house, and that could get uglan on vacation with my damn What is you? What? What? What? And no, you don't get a vacation. I can't go nowhere with you. Yes, those are pictures we took. That's I don't want to hear about the disappear. Why did I leave while you was in the shower because she would call me. I got to go sitting wait on you to get out. We though with what we was doing. The second is helping somebody. It's all about helping. Man. We hit the help. Why I can't get a vacation if she get one? I got facebooks somewhere as we fiss the girl? And why do I have to keep having this same damn conversation. You're gonna miss grown be out disagreement, that's what being you miss around. We had disagree. Yeah, okay, when we when we said, you know we're friends would benefits? You knew I had kids, and you said, you know you would sometimes take them out occasionally. You know you would be nice to my children. Now you know friends would benefits and you did say you just gonna take kids out? They kids, you know they have things look forward to. You got an audit, your obligation at least get them to the part. Uh huh m mer damn kid, you see my profile on Facebook? Man with kids, your kids see you also where their kids need to match up, and your kids been not speak to me when they see me out damn it. Running up before come the segment right here, mister. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, so these are commercials that we hear all the time, and uh, Jay, you kind of wrote this segment, So tell us what this is all about. It high go. We're gonna play some of these commercials that are on the radio that you see them on television. You hate them. And the reason you hate them because they play him all the damn but you can't stop singing them means working. I mean work. Yeah, like like for instance, everybody's heard this play hitticat, I haven't stop settlement and you don't get your gun. Couldn't have done this. You don't know what about this? What about this? I know you guy is not. This guy's no longer with us, but this commercial lives on. Man's still around, all right? Play play number four. Yeah, stupid but affecting singing cat. Give me the next one man carsurance, Yeah, the one with one was shot. Yeah, Shah the little general and that helmet and shacking that car cart. I can fit the general and shack. Shack is a lot of commercials. Oh man, he got a lot of man shacks making money. Man, commercials are great. I'm making some much money. I'm making a lot of money. Giving the next one cat hundred ye I wanted to be Stanley Stepid. I had the money for that yellow truck with that red righting on. I had a blue truck with white writing on it, and it was a Sammy forward corne line man. I had bought and put wall to wall carpetly given the next one cat. You know, listen to Steve. I know you listening Season Repair Replace. You know, I never know what the hell is saying all I know. Oh that's so far one commercial for But you gonna know this when you're gonna know this. Play the next one cat? That childhood right there? Folders got good as he got his eyes closed. What house is that? It ain't buy outputs. Ain't nobody that happy? All right? I am? I have coffee every day. No, I'm talking about you. How happy to people? Happy? Happy? All right? Now? I know you know this one. It's the most annoying play it. I can't stand commercial hate that. I can't stand up. Damn, they ain't a commercial. It's good for starving ass kid. Yeah, they put from time into these damns, caught them dogs and their worst steak. Oh, the dogs be looking out and I feel so bad for the damn dog. Yeah, I don't be wanting to feel that right now. You turn the channel. Ain't jail the dog ain't gonna furl him over there shivering on the chain. Why are you feeling the damn dogs save him? Yeah? Man? What about that dog that hobbled out that killing back man dog? You can't take it? Man? Alright, alright, this is the last one, this one, this is the one. Take this up. I know you heard this one. Kids ain't even playing they all somebody in your head. Somebody, hurry up and get my car. Time on your hand. The one that has stayed in my head? Low Oh, I like to be in asking that is what that you like to be? Because if I would and ask him, I ween everyone would be in love with me. I hated that, you know one and still yeah, yeah, gold to be a damn hot dog and some low aim and as so good that's what they want to be asking. Are you kidding me? Pa? You want to be in some balling water? Was up my all? My Maloney, that's her first name. Yeah, that was the are plus commercials way out, it's all yeah, the second leanness and a ye h, I love clean then day if you ask me wilding, because that's to Maya has no way less. How's that? But you know what it is though, when you have kids, it's the when you put kids in those commercials wins. Yeah they win. Yeah, they're really so cute. Yeah, because they're adorable. So how about this right here? How many seconds? Come on? I ain't got that k do it? Okay? Well, well we'll do yours when we come back. Okay, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, we're back. We were doing some of our favorite commercials from today and then of course from the past that we hate and I hate it, but we had at all time in the house. Which one. All I want for Christmas is to be tall, To be tall. I'm sold them tired of being shot. He let me be tall. That's all I back, man. I don't want much for Christmas. Oh that's right. Everybody had to learn that singing that stick your answer? Damn that ain't tak what I was cute? Steve, Tommy, you don't remember that. I don't want to talk about it, say and I want to talk about it, and I want term memory. And when you got range gold? Did McDonald's soon? No? They had a jingle they had to all beat patrigent sauceless cheese because I gonna set seat butt. Yes, McDonald's. Why do I remember that? It was? Hey? Man, I've been looking at that McDonald's commercial. Man, I actually wants meet. I didn't know they had a big mac Grand? Now, yeah what big mac Grand? Bigger than the big Mate. I didn't know. I saw it on the commercial. Animal try that. You can't have it up? Man, father come out of his grave. He really is a chapman talking about Steve. You don't think you could give up me? No? Have you ever tried it? Yeah? Yeah, I was a little I had twenty one days my detox for twenty one days met. How'd you feel? I felt great? I mean I was actually light. That's what I'm gonna ask all your light I got? I got clear headed? Uh? You know really good? You have more energy? I mean I I can't have energy with meat too, though, So Yeah, that's that's that's the right things. I mean, you know, let me tell you who has one. Wolfgang Punk grows all of his waggle beef in the same on the same farm in the United States, and it's pretty good. I actually have liked it better than Japanese waggu beef. One of them got too much, marvels, one of them too much? Oh um yea too much. Okay, this one. Don't even I think Wolfgang. I'm gonna sit stakes are excellent. I'm saying marvelous him all the way. I didn't even know. I had no idea what he was talking about. Even talking to these two. Jay and like whole new money and new no money. It's like, you just go, Wow, what have you all done with your time on the planet. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is called words, and black people on this show mess up, all right, So let's begin number one. This is easy. You do it a lot that dare Yeah, that's the word. Yeah. I don't understand what the problem is that. Hey yeah, dare y. Look at man, You're gonna eat that day. Oh my god. The correct way to say it. Jay and Junior and Thomas. Is that over there? Are you going to eat that over? Take too long? That takes too long? Here, go with that. That's how we get a fasta. All right, let's move on. Get what we're gonna do about that situation? Yes? That that over there? Ye wrong? All right? Number two? About to No, it's not about to about to. No, it's about to. I'm about to. I'm about to go upside your head. I'm about to go to sleep. I'm about to watch some TV. I'm about to eat that dead. It's I'm going to or I'm about to. Oh no, not not about to, about to I'm about to disagree with you. Thank you guys. That makes sense. About to face. Yeah, she's about to crash. I'm trying. I'm about to crab about that dad. Here's another one. Here's another one. I hear this a lot show. I'm post to temmy What is that I'm posting? I'm posed bey off tomorrow, but I'm changed my man. I'm posed to. But since since that dad and came up, what I'm about to come in that is incorrect. The correct way to say it is supposed to. Can you say that I'm supposed to? I said all the time supposed to. I'm posed to eat dad, Dad, I'm about to change my mind. That's that's all. And it's and it's not supposedly supposedly poling posing. I don't want to say it like that. Yeah, you correct, Come on with it, man, I don't want to come right now. Huh. People can understand what you're saying. I don't understand. I didn't even know it was supposed there's no supposed it's not supposed to supposedly Okay, okay, alright, alright, see I'm saying, oh, that's perfect. That's I can't even believe I'm saying. Okay, Sim saying, let me tell you, Sim saying, yeah, what you've been trying to do is correct, or Sim saying, we ain't gonna talk like that. Were supposed to be talking like we talk, Sim saying, I just want you to know there is a correct way of saying what you said. I'm saying, no, it's do you see what I am host saying and you can't see it? No way. This is going to hurt me. Shut it because I've never spoken proper in my life. But I'm just letting you know that there's another way to do things. Okay with that, Dad, ain't I see? I'm saying you are so wrong. This is when I hear Steve say all the time, especially when he was on the road doing end up Mom and them. Oh yeah, group of people, mamma involved. Yeah, that's what it is. And you're listening. Last break of the day. We've had a great morning today, Yes, yes, we did. We have fun today. Steve. It's time for you now to take us home with your closing remarks. What you got for us today, Steve. Today, I want to talk to you about something. I was talking with Kire about it and he sent me something and I thought this would be good because this is more of a spiritual a piece of motivation for you. Because I'm talking to people right now who believe that there is a God. I'm talking to people who believe in God. If you're an atheist and all that, I ain't talking to you no matter. You can just turn off right now because I'm pretty sure you won't get this. But if you're a person who knows God but you ain't really that close to it, or you know him and you believe in him, but you know, I mean, look, just maybe you ain't been down to church in a while. Maybe you ain't been around no spiritual people in the wild. This is who I'm talking to. I'm talking to myself today. I'm talking to myself about a subject that I need to remind myself of all the time, and I want to remind you of this too. Listen to me. Don't allow God's promises to fall on deaf ears because he talking to you. See this is a real one, y'all. Don't allow God's promises to fall on deaf ears because he talking to you. See all of God's promises offer each and every one of us. He's talking to us. Don't get fooled and faith out here in life. That God doesn't forgot about you, That God don't recognize your voice, That God don't seek what you're going through. That God ain't got no feelings for you. That's a trick of the devil. God loves you, man, He created you. God has a space for you in his heart. But you got to call on him. You know how many times he even showed up on your behalf without you calling. Imagine what would happen if you had a relationship with him. Because all of you know that no matter how bad your life has been. Don't you know it could have been worse. I talked to inmates all the time to say, man, I'm just feel grateful that I'm sitting here because I could have been dead. I know people in prisoner who have said to me, man, if I hadn't come to prison, I would be dead. I know people man who just barely escape going to prison. If it wasn't for just something that happened, I would have been locked up today. Don't you know that was him? Who else was it? You think somebody put a call in? It saved you? Who put a call in and stopped you from getting in that car? Little Steve Harvey when you were sitting on them steps broke and your boys came by to do this robbery and told you all you had to do and drive. All I had to do was gonna get in the car, and they were gonna give me fifteen hundred. That's all I had to do. I wouldn't have to get my coat. My partner's met me on the porch and say, hey, man, just ain't what you do. You're gonna be somebody hard. I don't know what you're gonna be, but you different from us. Let us go on down there. If I get somebody, give you a little something on it. Man, But don't get in this car with us, because just ain't what you do. You know who that was? That was God saving me, That was God administering some grace to me. That was God man who spared me. Two of them dudes that when down there, they're still in prison. I'm on the radio. I'm trying to tell you, go back, take inventory of your life. You can find someway that God has done something for you without you asking. Now suppose you had a relationship with you. So what I'm going to tell you real quickly is don't allow God's promises to fall on death. Is because he talking to you when he God promised to come to give you life and give you life more abundantly. He talking about you. That's a promise of his. He talking about you when he says that you that you have not cause you asked not. He was talking to everybody. Most people don't have what they want in life because they never asked God for it. It's one of the most important scriptures out there. You have not cause your ask not? Why don't you asking? You keep trying to figure your life out. Why don't you ask him trying to figure out the next move, Why don't you ask him you want a better car, better home, better job, better family? Have you asked him for it? When he said he would lead you beside the steal waters he was talking about shoot Jesus promises he keep making to us. Don't let him fall on death. Is because he talking to you. He said he'd be there for you in times of trouble. Who you think he was talking to? He was talking to you. In his word, he said he would never forsake you. Who you talking? Who you think he talks? He was talking to you. That mean he will never leave you. He'll never leave you. Man, But we leave him all the time. Didn't wonder where he had We left him back over there. He said in his word that he's a healer. He talking about you. Don't let these promises fall on death. Is because he talking to you. He promised that he would make a way out of no way. He talking to you. Hide this little boy on this radio with this stuttering problem, the one that flunked out of school, the one that's on his third marriage, the one that lost everything you ever owned, twice, the one that lived in a car for three years high. He owned the radio the day and all over the TV. Because God will make a way out of no way. That's a promise he made. Don't let it fall on deafens. Because he talking to you that he would give you the desires of your heart. He talking to you, he wasn't just talking to meet. For all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.