The World Lost 2 Greats - 08.21.17

Published Aug 21, 2017, 2:29 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag all, suit all looking back to back down, giving the mother just like the mozing buck bus things and it's cub y'all do me true good to Steve Hardy listening to me to other for stoo bar to listen, Moby, why don't you join? Yeah, yeah, Bobby joining into men say you gotta turn, yeah, you gotta turn to turn turn lovey got to turn out to turn water water go, come come on your back at it. Uh, I shall will come on and everybody you're listening to the voice, come on, dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Oh man, oh man? How many times I got to say that before I get tired of it? M I think it's gonna be a minute, folks. I gotta be real with you, because boy, that Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Clear indication of how God can do some unexpected, wonderful things for you, How he leads your life in directions that you never ever saw coming. You know. I was talking with somebody the other day and they were talking about how man, they were young, and they were doing things and they never knew that the things that they were doing as a youngster would come and and he helped form who they were today as an adult. This guy's fifty years old, and uh, you know the same thing for you. If you look back on your life and all of the things that you've done, it helps shape you into who you are now. This is provided now that you take the positive approach. Now when I say look back at your life and see what you've done, that doesn't mean doll on the misfortunate moments. Because the misfortunate moments were necessary. I know it. It's hard to see that when it's happening to you, But the unfortunate moments are necessary. You know, what really makes you appreciate summer vacation is winter work. What really makes you appreciate a walk on the beach, it's when as cold as raining outside. What really makes you appreciate when you're up, it's because you've been down. See if you are up all the time. Just the nature of us as human beings, we would lose our appreciation for because it becomes case Sarah, whatever it is, well, it is what it is. I'm just what what what you take it for? Granted? It becomes expected. But what happens in life's is it has so many twisting turns, and then you learn how to deal with those twisting turns, which makes you now a more experienced person. And then when the sunny days come, man, you go wild. It's really nice outside. You really want to appreciate how warm weather. Just stay in a bunch of cold weather all the time. I'm you know, you know what I'm saying. I'm just this is really really simple and now analogies, but it helps you along the way. Now here's what I came to say today to everybody out there. And this has helped me in my life. I can't tell you what it's done for me. But a lot of people are struggling with moving forward with their future, their future plans, their future goals, their future aspirations, their future hopes, their future dreams, just simply your future wants a lot of people trying to have a hard time mapping out their future. Even what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna be, what I'm gonna make, how or go about it? What do I do next? I want to share something with you that I had to come to terms with the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your past. You know, It's like I said at the beginning. You know when I say it's it's wonderful to look at your life and review it, because if you look at it, it'll tell you, uh it. It really helps shape inform you today as the person you are now if you look at it in a positive sense. But if you dwell in harp on the negative that's happened to you, then that keeps you from seeing the good in the incident, every bad thing that's happened to you, there was a silver lining behind it. I know people who were on drugs who finally, man just got sent to prison for still in because of their habit. I know cats so dope. Well, he went to prison. He told me one time. He said, Steve, it's a man. It's the best thing ever happened to me to save my life. Now, most people would think, how in the world is going to prison helpful for you? The brother said, it saved my life. First of all, it got me clean. He saw, I've been cleaned for five years from sitting in here. That's for starters. I'm cleaned. I ain't stilling no more. I ain't putting myself in jeopardy, and I ain't jeopardizing nobody else. He said. Now, man, I don't went to college. I don't got a college degree while I met here. Then he was released from prison, and the brother's life was completely turned around. He married, he got a family, he got a great job. He got to work every day. He's a productive citizen. I mean. So he looks back on his incarceration, even his drug abuse, and it taught him how to appreciate the things in life that he had taken for granted and was missing because he said, man, my life was just in a blur. I didn't even know what was going on. He said, Now I appreciate every day I wake up. That's what I mean. Even in your missteps in life, there is a purpose for the missteps. Every time you fail, there was a reason for the failure. See what I had to do was I had to learn that all of my failures taught me how to get back up. So I became a very strong and tough person in getting back up. And then I was down and out so long that it taught me how to really appreciate the up. And so I've taken all of that and used it those experiences that happened to me, and I became a more experienced person. So next time when people talk about me who don't know me, it don't shake me, because everybody's not gonna like you. Man, you might as well gonna get on this train right now. And so what I'm saying to you out there is the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your path. Let it go, man, go forward. It's over. You made it, you got through it, You're beyond it. Yeah yeah, yeah, he left. But like I told us lady on my TV show the other day, sometimes the breakup is the blessing. I know it's hard to break up because now you're loaning you by yourself. But man, but when you in misery, when you was in that, weren't you in complete misery in that? Now you kept asking God to fix it. But it takes two people to fix a relationship. It don't just take one. It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight. Say you know that's that's that's a song. But man, that's so true. You really do have to have two people wanting a relationship to work. It can't just be one person one the relationship. So you can pray about the relationship all you want. If the other person don't want you no more and ain't gonna act right, you can't make him do that or you can't make her do that. So man, the relationship to break up. Sometimes it's a blessing. It's over. Let it go go forward. Quit looking at how much time you wasted. Man, that's that kills people from getting the next if you're constantly dwelling on how much time I gave him and how much time I gave her, and now here I am lost it alone. Oh, you ain't wasting no time. Some of the times was good, a lot of them was bad. So what you're gonna do now? You you ain't gonna have no future because you're gonna keep focusing on your past. Are you serious? So now you're asking God to give you another relationship when you don't even have enough sense to appreciate the fact that you are now available for another relationship. But you steady asking God for a new relationship. But you are yet to be grateful that you are in a position to have a relationship. And you keep harping on the past. You don't think you hear that. I'm just a dude with a show, and I hear it all the time. Let it go go forward. It's over. You made it, He bought you through it, you conquered, you survived it. Why are you dwelling on it and making it the cross around your neck when clearly he had removed it for you. Now, all you got to do is come on. So if you're sitting behind him walls, brothers and sisters, I'm talking directly to you sometimes. Man, you just got to get it right. All this repeat of fitting the business that's for? Who is that for? How ignorant can you be to keep giving your life back to the penal system? Be free, man, walk the streets, do the right thing. Ask God to help connect you. He could do anything. You think he can't give you a job? Are you serious? Man? Put some faith on it. Let's move forward, y'all. Let it go. Let's move you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, the greatest morning show on Earth. Today's show is dedicated to the reliable, dependable, unconquerable chicken farmers, all of you out there to take care of chicken who have given us years of joy. Who don't love chicken. Thank you, thank you, thank you all. Chicken stew, chicken, breaked chicken, bobycue, chicken, fried chicken, and miss chicken and chicken, yes, dis chicken, chicken salad, chicken fricka and soup chicken soup, yes, chicken auberdeine, chicken, hot chicken, col chicken Thai. There isn't community orange chicken. What a my favorite? Damn? Oh no, not the hel pel pet chicken. Tips of the wind, yes, flat flat, oh yeah, like a good flash. That's a heck of a morning. Congratulations on the chicken farmers, on your thing. I love you, I love you, love you, love you? What the lights man? And look what's on commercial on TV? Jeff pop, don't gonna let's go with a hand clap for the colonel. Put your hand gown for church. Put it up, Put it up, pop pop, that's mean does it go? Let me love I put your local that crazy chicken down south in from the tropical to light come on light buffalo wings, bufalo wings stop much welcome, Yes, yes, and Lord, have mercy. Come on now, don't forget this one. I don't This ain't national, it's local. Yeah. It was on Saint Cloud in Cleveland. Yeah, I used to cut class to go there. Wings was five for twenty five. Tell your love for dipping? Oh man, Good morning sir. How are you dear Jack? Chicken chicked for late man, greatest chicken sandwich ever invented them all time? Whoever decided to put a pickle on that? What? Yes? Who nions pickle? Didn't killing? Killed it? Which spread the time? Break? Thank you kicking to break it up? I don't even know you could talk that Six Black People Talk Show shot after talking, all right, we'll be back with Steve Harvey's Daytime Stories at thirty two. After thank you, thank thank you, thank you. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for something funny now as we start the work week off our ceo, our beloved one. Yeah, has a daytime story about the morning crew. But Jay, you want to explain it? What are you gonna do is take candies, very well known candies, describing each person on the show in a bad time story thing, and the whole thing yeah, it is about candy. Yeah, for every description that he has written for me is about a candy. Right, can we have some little Tommy music? Because you sound like Uncle Steve. Right now it's time for we got to well well, well, welcome to Steve Harvey's daytime story. Hey, my boys and girls, and today's daytime story is all about cal baby don't like candy, and there's wonderful it decasion teeth and say it's the reasons dentists are as rich as heir word. It's all ain't that way about that? That ain't the last time you're gonna helm Where do you do something wrong? You're gonna get cuss smooved. Well, gather around, boys and girls. I'm gonna tell you about the kid who work on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'll be using names of actual candidate and I will describe everyone on the show. Let us begin. Let us start with Shirley. She's a pepper mint pat. In order to get that kit cat, you guts to have a bit pay day something. Yeah, he's using that baby tone. You gotta have a big pay day like a grand I ain't got the money, you just some milk. Then let's move on in there's color my little armad Jordan dog chocolate all Jordan, and she's married to Old and they got together and compulated and had themselves a little baby Ruf. Little baby Ruf is at the house. But some days if you cross her, it can go really bad for you. She becomes a real sour path. But all her best days you can hear her in the background, just being a jolly red Well. Then that's Junior. Yeah, we like to call him Junior Mint. Most days it just fits over to Andy Snickers bust out in the old laughter Ta Junior is a part of the three Musketeers. That would be Tommy, Jay and Jui. Yes, hi, everybody speaking of Tommy. Tommy can be a real dumb dum. Yes it is all I'm time to get attitude, just a real sour talk. Yeah, when he snapped, extra Horgy becomes assaulted Armond bro Then and there's the new coming to the show, j Anthony Brown. He's a diabetic and that makes him hot or sugar day. Surely you're ruined in the bill at about to laugh. This is candy now. He don't care for the black cow. All the TUTSI rolls. Um that boy just like white chocolate or that leaves me used to be my favorite candid too. I'm just a big old boxer good and play with a lot of zeros behind my chick. Some days I'm an almond joy, I'm Jay's. I'm just no, they're good. But no matter what, I'm doning Mike b e o, which means I'm the big ball. Yeah. This is Steve Hawser's Daytime Stories the Candy Hungry. How did you like that interpretation? Many good man, man to the paper to the mouth. That's that's why this is what your baby? Have you always been a diabetic? Change no for me? About so you had your share of can Yeah? Oh my god. Yeah? And Halloween is coming and I have a sign to keep a sign in front of my house folloween sound It says I'm gonna diabetic if I can't have candy either, can use take your come up here with that? No, kids can't come and get candy. I'm a diabetic. That means you can't have any If I can't have candon like alcoholic. You know what was your favorite candy though? Before? I'm enjoying my number one candy all time. Oh, yeah, I'm right there, which I'm a snicker's girl myself. It's Monday. Reverend Motown, Dick in death jam or here with church complaints, will be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, will update you on the national Yeah, get out of your baby voice, say we have moved on. That ship has sailed, all right, the baby ship alright, coming up at the top of the hour. As I was saying, we will update you on the national news. A lot of stuff going on, of course, But today is Monday, and that means it is time for Reverend Motown and Dick and deaf jam with today's church complaints. M h hallelujuh h lou. Oh. Yeah, we are here today gavel on the day after the sample. Yeah, but why is it that? Yeah, y Monday, right after sample, we have a bunch of ungracious Yeah do duffless tops precious. Yeah, ain't ever damn happy? Always got something wrong? Why church has so little today? Because they just complained, preached on gratitudes over times. It ain't sunky in yet. Come on, deacon, when I just the messing get passed it, but I do have that. Don't ever just say you the messing because I'm a fan of the god Father move Marlon Brando said, he who brings you the news, be well he is. That's who the god alright, when let's get down to it, passed. The brother side is mouton. The tattoo artists had words in the parking lot with Deacon Raymond Banks about the park in the space two weeks ago. We don't know how it happened, but Deacon Banks now has the devil tattooed on his back and don't know how it got on there, and he blames Brother Cyrus mouton. He wants to sue the church and Cyrus for this problem. That's unique. Ye, Brother Cyrus must come on and tell the truth, because there ain't nobody tattooed your back with you, not nowhere. It can't help. I saw the tattoo this mode. He was in the quash. Then he took his roll off and their sister are building scratched for it's damn near the whole back. Now, Brother Cyrus has been uh keeping several secrets from us here at the church. But at one point in time we know for show. Brother Cire has been bent over and got tattooed, right, he say, he don't loose, you can attach you on your back. You got to bring over to get tattooed on it again. You they ought to tell you something about brother's side, which can clear up a few other rooms. Well, the devil is there. You put the devil on your back. That requires some type of power too or something. Go ahead, I don't know. I'm still on your back, pastor. The drug dealer ministry has been banned from using the church kitchen. The drug dealing ministry, they have been banned from using the kitchen. They burnk up all the pots and we need a new oven. Is brown and mix everywhere, but silk and slim say they're using the kitchen. No matter what, You're gonna have to talk the silk get out of this church. Well, the drug dealer ministry, well we had to have that. The pharmacy ministry, I'm sorry you go all of that, but were readly for drug dealers. We're trying to wing drug dealers off day drugs and to create a more mouth formal drug. We've been doing that in the church base, kind of like all heroin addicts they go in. The real problem is we've had to replace the church stove twice because water or drug dealers trying to make a I know who it was, because it's teeth. The boy moth ragged and the boy moth looked like like like broken chimp. I will handle that myself, all right, So now let's move on. I don't know if you know about this, the church secretary. Since the Monica b is the only person with the church credit card, there is a eight thousand dollars that has been charged on it this past month. Now, I'm just saying, within the last month, her boots have gone from a thirty two to a thirty six double D. I'm just saying past I'm not parting the finger, but I'm just saying she needed that. We're gonna we're gonna not mention that or any Just shut your mouth from speaker, speaker, shut your mouth, okay, to charge it was needed, it was so neat Ain don't need to having a booty like that. You're doing a good work in the Lord just out on the beach looking like a boy who the little boy with the big boy show got a night rack like look, yeah, hanging on it, but we match it up. Now she can't go nowhere near the beach. They all on flood and she has thanked me so more, okay that we won't let that out. Are Mr Monica be named no more? We're in the payback period for the eight grades back there. You hold that down? Didn't go ahead? All right? Passed it? You're gonna have to shut down the Singles Ministry for good. They went on the retreat to Vegas, eighteen people, and they all stayed in the same room and none of them can make eye contact with each other. Something freaking happen in that room passing, and no one is saying what happened. But when they all see each other, they started walking the other direction. You're gonna have to shut them time ministry down. Well, I don't think that will be necessary myself, Deacon, because as long as all eighteen um was in the same room, we saved money on the ministry or a trip eighteen rooms at two fifty room that would have been happy. I appreciate the saving money. Men. Now that bathroom in there, we'll have to burn that. That bath room gonna had to get torch show. Eighteen people in one bathroom, spending all the night. It's a lot went on that shower curtain. You can't touch you all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, our national news and sad news. We've lost two comedy legends this weekend. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Very sad news to report legendary comedian, author, and of course, political activist, Dick Gregory passed away on sad Day. Uh in the early six Yes, yeah, I'm sure everyone who's a comedian knows about Dick greg has been influenced by Dick Gregory. In the early sixties, he became a fixture um of the civil rights movement. He marched with Dr Martin Luther King Jr. At Selma, where he and his wife were briefly jailed. He told the Chicago Tribune he was friends with Malcolm X and Medgar Evers and ran from mayor of Chicago back in nineteen sixty seven. Dick Gregory told it like it was through his comedy, White folks in this country dirtied up to word black, not us. One day we come through with two ins and words blood poward everybody, and we said round strength, Oh everybody, What accepted that and we went men walked down the street without white both Greek and round strength. My brother, also, Reverend Al Sharpton, tweeted on Saturday that he's known Did Gregory since he was sixteen years old. He said he was true, committed and a consistent freedom fighter. A statement from back when he was A statement from Gregory's son, Christian says the family appreciates the outpouring of support and love and respectfully asked for their privacy as they grieve during this very difficult time. Yeah. So did you you ever meet him, Steve? Oh? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I met him quite a few times. Always I learned a lot from him. Uh you know, I'm gonna tell you something else too. I tweeted out for Dick Gregor. I said, what a great artist. He had the ability to teach and laugh and love us all at the same time. He should rest in peace. Job well done. Wow he was eighty four, yes yesterday. Um, Joe Morgan, he did a one man play That's that was just in New York couple couple welcome months ago about Dick Ready. Very good. I hope they bring it back up because it was really really good. We also lost a legendary comedian, actor, and philanthropist, Jerry Lewis. That happened on Yesterday Sunday. Yeah. He was one of the greatest comedians in the history of comedy. He was known for his slapstick routines and became enormously famous, of course back in the day when he teamed up. Yeah he was. Jerry Lewis was also known to millions for decades as the m C of the Muscular Distrophy Telethon, held every Labor Day weekend, where he would raise money for twenty four hours straight. He raised nearly two and a half billion dollars that's billion with eight BA in the late two thousands through his tele telethons. He was also nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize back in nineteen seventy for his efforts in raising awareness and money for the disease. He was ninety one years old. I never met him, never met him at all. Him him. Wow, he did it all to a comedian actor, philanthropists. Yeah, we'll legends. Yep. Check on George the Boy what check on George Wallace. He's alive, okay, on the road with I haven't seen him. He don't care at all hang up, d do you thank you guys? Okay, Yes, this is Andrew the news everyone. The White House says that President Trump intends to layout plans for a way forward in Afghanistan and South Asia's gonna make a televised addressed to the nation later today. We'll find out what he says. It's not gonna be a tweet. He's going to be on TV. And yes, the world did lose two great comedians this weekend. Comedian actor Jerry Lewis died at a one. Remember he teamed up with straight man Dean Martin. Yes, he's starting a lot, a lot of movies from the employment and they said that you made it a very fine, upstanding, very soda jerkor sir, well look no, quite a buddy, Yes, and Lewis raised more than a billion dollars for the fight against muscular dystrophy with his annual telephones. Groundbreaking comedian civil rights activist Dick Gregory has died at age eighty four. Dick Gregory was the first black comedian to do with no other African American funny man was allowed to do before white audiences in the nineteen sixties. That is flat out tell jokes instead of singing and dancing. Dick Gregory continued to lose his platfor use his platform to point out the double standard used against blacks. Was purposing they right, and they're tearing up their own neighborhood. Or what you think the Civil War was about? You think they was tearing up Spain? What was it? What? The first time in the history of football, college finally decided they was gonna have one tinal champion, old one, and then white folks to that town up. It's okay to do it over a damn game. But my mama gets shot in the back of the head by top for any time, and I'm not supposed to to have have nothing. That's visit to Gregory. He marched in the South again and again for soil rights, later focusing on educating blacks about health, even stopped performing in nightclubes because of all the smoking and drinking going on in them. And finally, even if you've been on the rock lately, even you have been under rock late, you've no doubt heard about today's to clips. It's the first one visible in the US and thirty eight years stores across the country running out of Eclipse glasses. If you don't have the proper glasses, don't try and look at it. You won't you won't feel it, but your eyesight will be permanently damaged. Check it out on TV. All the major networks are carrying it, and just think about the Yeah, man, I be your heart, but it's going to be an eclipse, and you do the thing twenty seconds looking at it, twenty seconds looking away, and twenty seconds looking at something else. That's if you have the proper glasses. And you can tell if you have the proper glasses by putting them on now, and everything is completely black when you put them on, and then look at a light bulb. If you can see the filament of the light bulb but everything else completely black, then you have the right glasses, by the filament invented, by the way, by black American inventor Louis Lattimer. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, it is time for the butterfly. Steve, why don't you introduce Jay and let Jay and oh free that friend of mine, legend, my man, Jay, Anthony Brown? What you here? You do? Every bad get read at let the Butterflies. Yeah, thank you, Sam match you get money. Good morning, good morning, it is a beautiful money. Charlie Carlin Jr. Jay Anthony Brown, Steve Harvey, good morning. Oh my god, this is the week half. So y'all have no idea. I am getting ready to have my first fight party. Yes, all of my friends were gonna be flying to Las Vegas. We don't have to tickets to the fight, but we're gonna be throwing a party in the hotel room and we're gonna you know, I get to pay for you. So and to me Sabashi and Philippe Socrates and Um Socrates. Yes, so all of us are going in Um and then jazz dance is going to is gonna be there. Yeah. Stephen, First of all, you can't go to the fight. You're gonna the fight in your hotel room. No, No, you can't. Yeah, you can't, because we've already called and check it out. You can't. I'm gonna saying it again. We can because we already called and checked it out with somebody lied. Now they didn't lie. I talk to the man at the fencer. I was here you because the reason listened to me the reason you cannot order the fight in the room in a casino because casinos want you downstairs on the floor room. That's not how it works in Vegas. That's why they don't many balls in Vegas. Man, they don't. They don't have many balls in Vegas. They don't have snacks laying out on the count. In Vegas. Everything is good to get you down stair room. They got snacks in the room. Boy, Well you you ain't on the strip. What I understand you seesars don't have that, sir? Oh at the wind and squirrel. Yeah, I'm having no wine. I'm not done, no wine and spark. Shut up. You ain't on the trip. Yeah, my friends, I haven't all the hotels on the strip, and that is a lot not ordered to fight your hotel room. We can come in right the first of all. Who you're raising your bus? But give me want me to come you want me to come down. It's my segment. He didn't broke anything. He got misinformation. This ain't no mismation. It's right. I know what I'm doing. Call out there and counsel your room. Counsel you. I got a players called you and your boys, your counsel my room, and me and I my friends gonna be staying in your room. Now, how you want to do that? I'm not Socrates. He's new to the group. He's now, he's in San Francisco. He's gonna meet us there, and then you're gonna be laying next to me in Socrates and get rid of my room. All right, we gotta go, and whatever we learn, we learned. It's gonna be a fight, befot to fight if you keep on coming up next. J Anthony Brown is here. He's gonna murder another hits. We'll be back at thirty four after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, in case you, Mr Jay's here to murder another hit. Come on, Jay, what is this dedicated? This is your time? Side? That is step Dad is sugar, dadd is diabetic. Daddy is step up, step up to the plate. Help out with the stool clothes. I can help you with him. School clouds. I can have you with the school clouds. Clouds. I can have you with them, school clowns. Clowns, I can't have you. I can have you. I can have you with them school clothes clowns. If I can get your kids some croul shoes shot, Oh, I can get them. I can get him. I can get your kids to cluel shoes shoes if I can get them pen and paper. Oh, I can get him. I can get him. I can get them pen and paper. Yea yeah, I can get your kids backpack back back if I get a little bitsy and new school bookies. Now I am I getting that cookie. I can get your kids some bus. Oh, I can get it. If any and I can get your kids some bus. Fan if this goes out to all them brothers out there, you're gonna get that. Can you help me call? Especially around back to school time. I can get it in if I get it simple, I get it. If I get it, I get it. If I don't get it, I ain't with its great. It's a fair trade. And that's how you get That's how you get school cloth. Like you don't know what I'm talking about either? What are you talking about? Tell exactly what I'm talking about? Ye to trying to play crazy to show this healthy sugar daddy girl about me. Yeah? Yeah, they got kids. Actually, while we're in there, I was actually getting closed to ye happy I can have you with the school because it's that time of year. It's that time you're gonna get that what you got to spend? Oh man, I got grandkids. I keep telling my kids I'm not the daddy, I am the granddaddy. So they figuring it out. They don't call me direct. They have the grandkids call me. So you can't say nor, well, I can, but that's a whole different story. Don't you have one favor Yeah, the rest of my real kid that much about you can't say. They know it. I'm it's not a surprise. No, I have, I have, I have ten grandkids. But you can't show favoritism like that with your grand What do we have written that you can't do? You know what, here's the thing, it's ten grandkids. Why am I gonna waste all my time and effort trying to get all these kids to love me. When I get into home, there all nine and they're not gonna show up. Pick one. Yeah, I'm banking on one. I mean, I love times, I love my hockey. I love more than I love him to dawn. But they know they know by now, I mean by now, theyn't know. Yeah, there's no secret. What about your little grandson never, because if you're calling us, what he says that coming never? But you said he always wants to come over and come and me, but he won't come to me if I thought him right never. Now you think I'm ok about him? Never? Wow? Okay, well I love them all. Coming up next, the nephew is here. He has a prank phone call. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right at the top of the hour. Coming up right about four minutes after the hour, Today's Strawberry letter. You do not want to miss that. But up next the nephews prank phone call. What you got surely is football season getting ready to jump off this right here is tail gates ready for it to man that dropped between basketball and football. That dropped right there. My husband's going crazy. Um, can't you guys want to do something? No, no, nothing, no no, no. Football is the great because on every plate action. If you watched baseball, maybe they're hit something. You got to be at the baseball game, yeah, to enjoy the baseball game. To basketball, they don't play hard to the playoffs, you know? All right? All right? Now, you don't you to watch that I called myself watching cricket the other day. I didn't didn't know none of the games. No, I don't know. I don't know why you're throwing damn ball and so close to one another. I don't get it. And how long is you back? I looked like a paddle and then running in the back. Yeah, yeah, I don't understand. I just got in this spot. I don't want to play lacrosse. Oh that's a good spot, you can get it. I just watched little I watched the Little League. Yeah, world, Yeah, that's really that's really love because when them little boys strike out, they cry. Yeah they had. You want to get away with a hundred million dollars, you should handle it like down? All right? Never, let's go here, man, I'll speak to t Rock speaking? Is this t Rock? Yeah? What's up? Hey man? Let me ask you something. All last year y'all was tailgating here in the parking lot at the apartments. Are y'all doing that again this year? Yeah? Always, that's what we do. Hey man. Hey, listen, man, I just move here about a year ago. Let me tell you something. All that noise don't be making down there, then you don't need to go to the con't need to get you'all some money the game. Man, hold on, hold on, Man, hold on, hold on, hold on. First of all, I don't know you want. My thing is that we we would do out here. Man, we all get together, brother, go to work. Man. At the end of we want we want to get together, a little barbecue whatever. That's what we do. Let me calling with that, curt dude you anyway, come, don't making too much. I don't want you for you I live I live here in an apartment too. Man, don't make can't even wanna tell you what. I tell you what you want to talk all that? No, it's about what we're doing out here. Man. I think you do your bucket down here and say it to my place. Who are you? Man? Don't don't worry about who I am? But man first, man, I'm trying to have a good day, and I'm gonna hear him like this. Come on, man, who who are you supposed to be? Man, I'm t rock down. Come down. If we do what we do, we all get together. We try to have a good time with it. You want to come with this? I miss my day? He knows gone with that? Do call man? Man. You know y'all all that knowing man disturbing people water in there. No, man, but I say, look here, I'm I'm pleas at the end of the week, man, brother, get together for the money together, man, and we get together and we try to have a good time. If you want to come down to join us, man, you more than welcome. I'm trying to tell you more than welcome, brother, come down to the play man. But man, please don't try to miss my day of don't dot please don't man, please, man, I'm try y'all missing Monday off with all that day I'm knowing. Man, Come, man, look, this is what we do. You want to join, you to join, you ain't gonna join. Shut the hell up, man, let me do what you're gonna do. But let let us do what we do this as we do on the weekend. This is how we are. We leave our fifth we're gonna try to do something, get together and have a good time. And you want to try to miss that up, make y'all that man. All I'm staying is, man, if y'all tell game, won't y'all call y'all down to the stadium. Man, And what damn cowboys play. We can't the man, we don't want to go down there. We want to get together where we are right. This is what we do, man, this is what we do. Ain't nobody ever complain now one time? Now, I want you the first fund ever complain. We've been doing this three is it's the first time we ever had a complaint. You know, you know it's dright your mother now and off white white white. Why y'all don't buy y'all some tickets to the damn game? Man? What want y'all go go to the game? Why the game to be in my my parking lot? Well, I feel like this and we can't afford a ticket, man, So we do. We should get together. We do what we can. We put our money together, we get together, and that's what we do again. Like I said early, man, you more the orl come down. You want to bring his old monkey? Oh yeah, oh man, gone with that doctor, gone with that. Man. You ain't no cowboy fan move around. Let you let me, let me, let me let me tell you this right here. Man, if y'all find up this pit on Sunday, I'm coming down there and turning it. Y'all. What over? You know what y'all wan on, I'm turning, y'all, y'all find it, pick up. And I promise you I'm gonna turning the damn bob qu Pito, and I promise you'd be standing at the top of the church. You will be staring at the top of church. And that sooner had me pick the flow, You're gonna hit the flow. And man, you're gonna hit it. Don't don't find it. Pick up Sunday you hit me, do not find it. You can't. It's gonna be No, I'm looking for the pit now. I'm looking for him that it's gonna be out there. It's gonna be out there, curing Your mother told you that you're disturbing people, and you're disturbing me more than anything, you know. And y'all here, I'm gonna all last year, y'all tell gay right here in the damn apartments. Man, that's crazy, you know. Want dude, I would apologize you, but let me stay like this here. Man, you don't y'all, I don't tell you. You come down and get a plate to come down to Joina. No, we're just getting together, trying to make it a family down here. Just what you want to bring on me. May you don't out the open. I'm on the other level. Now, I'm on that other level. I don't know. My meal don't know. I want on the other level. Midway through the season last years went on that day, I'm noise, man, man, oh my god. Man, look let me tell you something. My men hit the phong or somebody come back in disturbing what we do. What we do, it's gonna go down. I'm gonna tell you like that. We ain't trying to have no wish. I have no problem. We're gonna get down like that. Were trying to have a good time. That's all we do. We were doing it for three years. We got the chids out here playing. We've got the big screen out where everybody to rock the game, you know, extended. My some love about to come bout half. I play with it. But you're gonna talk about coming knocking my meal as long as I want, I promise you touch the ground. You're gonna touch the ground. Come on, man, I'll go with there with that. Man, he don't do that. Look at him, man, I'm telling you right now. Dog, soon as I swar that bard q pit. So when I smell a little charcold. I promise you I'm turning it. Y'all ain't doing this this year. Man, y'all ain't doing it this year. You do, man, I'm won't you live? Doct you present yourself to me? Man? What you do that? Usually? You know what? There? You can meet me at the least office. I'm at least I'm gonna start walking right and at the least at right now, so all I see who the hell I'm talking to. You need this man? This okay? Well, you need to see who's gonna turn this pit over. Y'all ain't doing that this yeah, man, I want to see that. I want to see that happen because Sue, soon as you touching my pit, the saw that mean hit the float, you don't hit the flow quicken than the meat will. I'm trying to have a good challenge or black you're trying to get together. Man, everybody comes and drinking bill. Nobody's saying nothing, but I don't want to getting your monkey's gonna come out. Okay, I'll tell you what bring you to the leasing office, and I promise you I'm i's in ahead because I'm in the head. You need you need to bring somebody with you. That's what you need to do. Okay, I'm I think I'm gonna brain with me. I got two pimple brain with me. It's gonna be me, my up and I and I bet you just here. You won't putting on meat on that crib, comes Tony, Okay, I won't putting all right on that crib. Tell what you and the damn cowboys? Man, you I'm talking about the cowboys me like that, doc. Now you real me off. We're all cowboy fans. You gonna need me and leasing office is on. I'm a beat and then put a Tony Romo short on your I promise you you you won't be a fan of mine. Okay, okay, but do you know who you you? Do? You know who you're playing with? No? I don't, And I about promise you when I find you. You don't know who you're playing with? Let me let me let me tell you who I am. Yeah, tell me who you are? Tell you I am nephew telling from the Steve Harbin Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy boxy uh, I'm yeah, he ro you bother y'all, y'all, y'all, still each other. Man, Man, missing you lest you ma'a. I'm sorry man you if you was fine anyway, we don't care. We can we can take it Sunday. Man, that's what we do. Everybody pitching in and we all get to govern. Man. It's a it's a family thing. Man. You're good man. You let me ask you. Radio show in the land Man Steve on the show. Brother that is we have a crazy subbarry letter of course. But first later on today from the West coast to talking about the sunual dire in the middle of the day and the moon will block part of the Sun everywhere. It's called a total total solar eclipse. It will occur from Oregon to South Carolina. Now, everyone in North America with clear skies should be able to see partial or total eclipse. Tomorrow, U should be able to see partial or total eclipse. The total eclipse will last two minutes and forty three seconds and two experts. When it's time to actually take the eclipse selfie, here's what to do. Okay, you switch from flash to auto on. Okay, turn on your front facing camera so you see yourself on the screen. You know how to do that. Move around so that you see the moon over your shoulder, use your right hand to adjust the exposure to the moon and hold. Use your left hand to take the picture. Then put your phone away and enjoy the moment. Even if you didn't get the photo you want it. Here's the best mean I ever saw. Listen to this whole thing. It has something to do with it. Does it means a bishop sent us out to me. Dear God, if you want us to impeach Trump, give us a sign like block out the sun anytime in the next week. Yeah, give us a sign like block out the sod. We're sending it next and we know we would know. Thanks American, really, really, Now where do you get the glasses? Because they're selling them. That's a trick. You can just look at it, Okay. They had some people on the news that looked at it. They said, don't look. You do not look directly at it. They will burn your eyes. Y'all. Go look at it and look at you know what it's like she enjoyed his mama naked. You look if you will to as I couldn't let you talk about my putting glasses. Well you know you can't. You know. Look, it's like sun is bright one day and you look up that. If you stay, yeah, yet happen to you, you're gonna be able to glance up there and look at it. But they don't use your regular sunglasses because those aren't strong enough. I guess you get the special. But if you're gonna stand for the whole two million thirty seconds, ye stand for the tooth enough. Then I already said, get your camera and take a picture. You're gonna send him staying to damn the rick sun for two minutes and thirty four second No, for real, that just damn Who got to tell you the course? Staying at the damn right everybody? The sun? As your mama ever said quick looking at that sun? Heard that one in your whole life of living. Now, now you never close your mouth for flying flying. Mama ain't ever said stop looking at looking at that made me kill him. I'm walking in one more time. Get your ass So you're not supposed to look at the well when he will? No, no, no, no, no, no you can't. That's why put that thing over there. Oh no no, you can't look at a welding torch. For a long time, I never heard, oh no, no, no, no, you can't. You can't look at that for no long time, especially if you're doing it. If you're doing it, you're really too close. You ain't gonna make the same thing with your mama. You're back at that j Alright, come on, it's time for this letter. Let's go. Hold on type, we gotta play you the Strawberry Letter. Subject found the Man of my dreams. Good morning all, we'll find out. Good morning all. This letter is really for Steve the code crack. Hello. Excuse me. I'm a thirty five year old mother, single mother of three kids sixteen, fifteen, and eleven. I've been to Force for about five years and don't know much about the games men play. I listened to you all the time, and over the last six months I have really learned a lot. But I have a situation that I don't know how to handle. I've been seeing the Man of my dreams on and off for the last four years. He is everything I have ever dreamed of in a man. But I have three problems I need your help with. First, he is always saying he's not ready to settle down. He's always done the go, but want me there when he returns, He says, he enjoys being with me, and I am the type of woman he wants to be with. Is this game to keep me where he wants me? Second, I received an anonymous text message saying he has a child on the way. This makes three I only know about and have seen one. I forward the text to him and he avoided me for about two weeks. When I finally spoke with him, he confirmed that this was true. He said that one of his old girlfriends informed him that she had his child. I did not ask for details. The crazy part is he got mad at me. We argued about me knowing this information. This really threw me for a loop. He is mad because I know why. I really don't understand that. Do men share information depending on what the person means to them? Did he keep this? Did he keep this because I don't really matter and had no right to ask him about this. Third, I want this man in my life as my man, but after the children's situation, I'm not sure if this is what I want to deal with. First, I mean for the next eighteen years. If I have to deal with text not, what will I have to What if I have to deal with text not, what will I have to deal with once this child is here? Now? Now, now, what will I have to deal with once the child is here? Baby? Mama drama? My kids are almost grown, and I don't know if I want to start over. I want to keep him close to see how this situation will work out. So I asked him if he could satisfy my sexual needs. If he could, if he could just satisfy my sexual needs, thank you, no strings attached. He did not like that, but after a while of talking, he agreed, Is this a mistake on my part? Should I just walk away? I know you have a way of making women feel bad about being stupid, but I don't have much knowledge when it comes to men in their games. What would you tell me if I was your daughter? Signed found the man of my dreams? Wow? Uh, dear, found the man of my dreams. I just want to know, why is this the man of your dreams? Uh? You didn't give us any information or any clues as to why he could be the man of your dreams. You've been with him off and on for four years. Why isn't he turned this dream into a reality to you? He says, he's not ready to settle down, and he's got a baby on the way. That right there is a nightmare. It's twelve minutes after we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, make sure you're joining me live for the Strawberry Letter after show on Facebook. Uh. This week it will be one thirty one thirty Eastern time on Thursday, one thirty eastern. We have moved the time back for thirty minutes. Okay, so don't forget to join me. Yeah, you can find me at Shirley Strawberry and everybody. Everybody who joined me last week. It was a lot, a lot of fun, it really was. You guys got to come with a lot of fun. There you going back? Come on, Steve two found the man on my Dreams. Here we go. Good morning all. This letter is really for Steve coop the cold crap. I'm a thirty five year old mother, single mother of three sixteen, fifteen, and eleven. I've been divorced for about five years and don't know much about the game's man play. I listened to you all the time, and over the last six months I've really learned a lot. But I have a situation that I don't know how to handle. I've been seeing the man of my dreams on and off for the last four years. He is everything I ever dreamed of in a man. But I have three problems and I need your help with First, he is always saying that he's not ready to settle down. He's always on the goal, but want me to be there when he returns. He says he enjoys being with me, and I'm the type of woman he wants to be with. Is this game to keep me where he wants me? Second, I received an anonymous text message saying that he has a child on the way. Well this makes three, as in children I only know, I only know about and have seen one. I afforded to text to him, and he avoided me for about two weeks. When I finally spoke with him, he confirmed that this was true. He said to one of his old girlfriends informing him that she had his child. I did not ask for details. The crazy parties he got mad at me were arguing about me knowing this information. This really threw me for a loop. He is mad because I know why. I really don't understand that. Do me and share information depending on what the person means to him? And did he keep this because I don't really matter and had no right to ask him about this. Third, I want this man in my life as my man, but after the children's situation, I'm not sure if that's what I want to deal with for the next eighteen years. If I have to deal with the text now, what would I have to deal with once the child is here? Baby mama drama? My kids almost grown, and I don't know if I want to start over. I want to keep him close to see the situation. The situation will work out, So I asked him if he could just satisfy my sexual needs, no strings attached. He did not like that, but after a while of talking, he'll agreed. Is this a mistake on my part? Or should I just walk away? I know you have a way of making women feel bad about being stupid, but I don't have much knowledge when it comes to me and in that game, What would you tell me if I was your daughter signed found the man of my dream? Okay, that's fair, that's fair. You want the daughter conversation? Okay, I got that, because I have another one for you too, But we'll say the jokes. Here's the conversation I would have if you were my daughter. Now you say at the top of the letter, daughter, you found a man of your dreams. Okay, he's everything I've ever dreamed of. Okay, then let me describe this guy to you. That's the man of your dreams and everything you've dreamed of. First of all, you said that you've been seeing the man of my dreams on and off for the last four is when you dream of a man in a relationship? Do you dream of a relationship that's on and off? I'm just I'm this is this is my daughter. I'm talking to correct that what you said. H Okay, cool? Do you dream when you dream of a man? Is your relationship on and off? Be careful what you say, ladies. If this is the man of your dreams, but you've been in a four year relationship that's been on and off, this is what you dreamed of. Did you dream of a man who's always saying he's not ready to settle down, He's always on the goal, but he wants me that when he returns. So you just good for him when he needs you to be. You're not allowed to be good to him. See you just listen to me, careful. You're not being allowed to be good to him. You just being good for him. If you don't have a man in your life that positions you so you can be good to him, but he's positioning you so you can be good for him. It's a cold trick women that we play, and we play on your nurturing side to make you think that you that we need you. So now we're position you so you're always there when we say we got to have you, so you're there for us, but you're not allowed to be good to us. Do you see the play on words I'm using. That's because you're being played by those words I just gave. Is this man that you dream about is a man who sleeps around making babies while are you dating him? It's we're still talking about the man of your dreams. Here, I'm describing to you the letter that you wrote to me. I'm talking to my daughter, though. Is the man of your dreams? A man that is mad at you, that don't call you for two weeks? Calls he mad. Real men don't get mad and don't call you for two weeks. That is a female trait. That's a female trait. Real men do not get mad at you and don't call you for two weeks. But you a woman though? What? I don't know what? Dude, just done that? Alright, guys, we definitely have to go email us or Instagram. What's your thoughts? I know today's Strawberry Letter. Go to my Girl Shirley at My Girl Shirley and don't forget. Like I said, this coming Thursday, Strawberry Letter live on Facebook right after the show one thirty Eastern time, so everybody will have time to join us on Thursday. So switching gears. Now, there is a six hundred and fifty million dollars Did you hear what I said? There's a six hundred and fifty million dollar lottery prize up for grabs. Okay, no winner for the latest power drawing Saturday, you did? I'm here? Okay. The winning power ball numbers seventeen, nineteen, thirty, ninety three, sixty eight and the powerball number was thirteen. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show alright, as promise. Coming up at the top of the hour, the Power Update, Carlos Power Update with Steve. This is gonna be fun right here, but first remember yeah, that's right for us for sure. Hey, remember last week, guys, when we when Marshawn Lynch a k A. Bist Mode we know him assist Mode decided to sit down during the national anthem at a Raiders preseason game. Remember that up Well, Marshaun was speaking to reporters for the first time since he sat during the national anthem, and he decided to just ignore the reporter's question about him not standing for the national anthem and decided to talk about football instead. Take a listen question. There's gonna be a lot of people, a lot of people that wearing your jersey in the pallice Saturday. Would it matter to you if they should understand it for the anthem? Uh? So when we run uh or something like that where I gotta scam read on. You know, on on both sides, you know that that'd be pretty difficult. But you know, for the most part, you know, I you know, I'm a veteran, so I can make it work. Man, Why Marshan Mushan, you didn't say my lest which game sir? Anything? You know? Man? When I was running a crossing round man and he didn't pitch it to me, I knew right away why he did because I wasn't as open as I felt. So that's what mean you'll be standing when they play the national anthem? When does that mean that? Or well, you know a lot of the players I go down a lot of the plays, you know, you know, when i'm I try to stay up, but if you hit me hard enough, then then I just go down. So does it mean that you're being disrespectful as it starts the national anthem is playing? You know, I don't cut you off. You know, I expect at all times or to make a contribution to the team that that that right there will always be be my goal ambition in life as a team member. You know a lot of times, you know, when I'm when I'm in a huddle and my players call, you know, I sit down until I get to read correct then I hit the gap or the whole, whichever one is there first. Always make sure that so you're gonna continue to sit down where you be standing any at anything, you know, all all we continue to stayd up for the team because to be a part of this here, you know, and just always you know, be willing to stand up for my team Mason or the players and things well, um in other news meanwhile, because you know it happens to me. Oh man Uh New York City. UH police officers rally for Colin Kaepernick former and current police officers whistleblower Frank Serpico, a former officer who exposed corruption in the New York Police Department back in the seventies. Alfacino did a movie about it. Yeah, attended a rally in support of getting free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick a job in the NFL this past Saturday in Brooklyn. Kaepernick became a controversial figure last year after he refused to stand for the national anthem and what he called a protest against opre s of people of color. The gathering in Brooklyn featured about eighty mostly minority officers wearing black T shirts reading hashtag I'm with CAP. The rally coincided with a wave of mostly peaceful demonstrations yes and Boston and other cities on Saturday, in which protesters addressed white supremacy, Confederate statutes and a statutes, and free speech. Sergeant Raymond said in an interview later on Saturday that he had been planning the rally before the clashes in Charlottesville. Sergeant Raymond went on to say because a frequent criticism of Kaepernick has been that his protest wasn't affront to law enforcements. They said he disrespected law enforcement. Sergeant Raymond said, well, I'm law enforcement and he didn't disrespect me. So there you go. That's not what wow you got. Police officer should give him a shot because he did the right thing. He was trying to bring awareness to a problem. He did the right things he believes. It's just the NFL man has taken it too far. It's just like the suspension of Ezekiel Elliott. This man, young man was found innocent of all charges for domestic violence, all charges the girl. Everybody cleared his name, everything, but because he his name is bought up, they want to take him off the football field because they think that shield is bigger than that flag. That shield they think has a higher honor code than the court system. And it does right right. You know, I don't care what the courts say. We're gonna say something now. That's crazy, man. I think they're trying to send to yeah, to to other people who are thinking about, you know, protesting or sitting down for the national anthem, don't do it, because this is what could happen. You could be black ball too. You know, let's stop it now, let's cut it off. Yes, definitely. If every black player they can knee, then what you got? Yeah, then what you think that happened? That? That's my suggestion for you. But but if you could get the white players to go along with it, it has to be a unified decision. If all of them took a knee for injustices is in this country, stood up against racial hatred from skin heads clans members, then what would they do. That's what they're not gonna do is not have a game that frands that you're gonna throw them coaches into. That's one of the problems the Game of Thrones. The queen is mad because she's mad because he won't take a knee, and he's not gonna do it. He's not gonna that's the problem. And they dealt with it. Of Thrones, you get that dragon upset man and he blows that. What do you think about that, Steve, Game of Thrones? I ain't seen it. We know, oh, you know, the like ain't over the airs though. Really the head or this whole thing reading, this whole thing is exist is the dragon. If you remove the dragons from the scenario, this whole plot, Crump. You know you're all around the dragons because that little white girl with the white hem, the mother of the dragons. She won't answered before you even asked that. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Uh, Carla, Carla, alright, God, we have to talk about Power. You know, I gotta step back out talk about seen it yet? It's real good God, this is like the best one ever, Tommy, seriously, yes, the best one of the Monday. You should have seen it. It's your because it's all right, Carlins. Before I get started, yeah, talk about that. I want to ask you about the um Do you know who leaked those Power episodes on the internet? First, Well, that's it, Jake, now your boy fifty He went on Instagram. He remember he was claiming that Stars blamed him for the suspicious leak, and uh it was reported, Remember the network was gonna launch this forensic investigation and would take legal action against the person responsible for the incident. Well, Curtis Jackson that the leak was all part of his master plan and that he took a selfie saying Powers ratings up another ten percent for episode four. Oh, they're glad I leaked the blank Boy, he didn't. He didn't see it quite like that, did he. You know what, people who watched television on on their phone or the internet, that's that audience, and then there's another audience for people who watch on television, totally different audiences. And you know, one don't hurt the other. In fact, they helped me. One helps the other. Right, Yeah, so there you go. So fifty said he leaked the episode. So now let's talk about episode last night. It was devastating. I don't know where to begin. Okay, did you see it coming oncology? See? No, I did not. I cried last night. My heart was broken. So first of all, he said, he coming. You didn't find that devastating? It makes me at least. Okay, let's let's talk about Let's talk about Lala. Keisha. She did her thing last night. Lala is acting her behind hey girl, Yeah, against her issues that she's having with Tommy. Tommy got a little desperate. He tried to get Keisha back. Keisha was not man. Yeah yeah, so he stood his ground and then we saw Angela and Ghost we saw them as yeah. Yeah, yeah, it looks like they might get back together. So and to look at this big promotion, Steve, and they might get back together. Now we got to talk about your boy, Tyreek ghost Son. So you know, Steve, you talked about you predicted that Big Country and Brains was going to get killed. You said that, you didn't say that. You didn't say that last week, Yeah get killed and they got killed. Yeah yeah, yeah, man goes go go strip it goes. Let no unders, ghost go make everybody goes, call him goes. When you see ghosts, you best to get goes because ghost come and fight. Yeah, he goes. That. In the thing with Angela, is she just she she almost in a no win situation because you know, just like women are always loving the wrong man, always in love with somebody you ain't supposed to be in love with you, you know, you know, I can't see him to get away from the bad boy, you know, and and and then you know she you know, you know he got that grip on him, you know because when he got out, let me tell you something, he want dude get out. When dude get out, he comes, he brings extra heat with because he's been in you know what I mean, what does that mean exactly? You know, he loved extra extra strong. She started up. Yeah, you know, you know, I know you're talking about here a little bad right. She's been in the house. Somebody don't even right right right right right, see, so he he got to go through it. So Ghost in here bringing it now. She kind of scared of him, and then you know, she she learned her wrong, dude. And at the same time he frying bacon. So what can you she she out on three levels. She's scared of him, love with a bad boy, and he's frying the baking the way she likes. So now what's she's gonna do. He's just a girl. She's just a Girl's stay easy about Tyreek, though. The problem with Tyreek, what's gonna slow grows down is Tyreek because some I'm gonna happen to Tyreek cause somebody's gonna try to get back at Ghost and they're gonna go through Tyreek to make a house and then that's gonna hurt Gooes. Well, let me tell you, Tyke has messed up. Steve. What he did was he told his sister. His sister knew that he was in some trouble. Raina Reina st Patrick and she covered for her brother. He asked her not to tell their mother, Tasha, and she covered for him. And he went to the dance with his sister. His sister was there. He was set up, the twins. Theyre Tyree Tyreek was set up and Steve, baby girl is gone. She's gone, the sister. Yeah, you know the cops, Yeah, right, uh huh? What about right? He ain't no good How are you gonna be a good cop named ray Rich? You can't? You got a good cousin name watch you're gonna be a good cop name Ray kill uh kill brains and big look he gonna get Tyreek and that's gonna crush got and then go saying it's gonna get all on and there's gonna beat the big fallout gonna be ray Rey and go and Picky gonna leak that episode for Danner. He got into a fight in this episode. Why won't he die? I die? We got hold up? Hold up Marinan on that. We'll be back with part two. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Okay, we're back with our power updates from Carla and Steve doesn't really watch the show, but I think he's lying after me. He's watching it. Okay, So Steve so back to killed Brains to killed Big Country, killed brain st Patrick. We I cried during that scene. I was devastated. I mean my heart dropped. We didn't see it coming. We didn't see that coming. I did. I've been telling y'all, man, what's been to go down? Watch this hill? Goals gonna get back at him because gold be played with because there don't want to get at him too, because that's his system. Now you know, Ghost love THEREK but they got a little straight relationship been wait for a while. Ghost gonna handle TV has to handle this one. He gonna handles here. Man, what do you think about Dre? I think he's in over his head. He stupid, This is true. You know how you watching this and don't think because he always getting He always doing something where he he ain't at the level. You know, he always trying stuff up, you know, and then what are you gonna end up doing? What he's gonna end up? Now? Okay, okay, I'm gonna tell you today. First of all, First of all, let me go back. La La is acting her hands. Yes, he ain't playing called La La going through some things, and La La is putting it on the screen. Lala is giving it to the people. Now, Tommy just like Tommy get kill always going down it because you always just too much. Just mess ron get himself into something okay over his head like he always in, which is like and then you can't see you can't play with the big boy. Can you tell him anything? You can't tell him nothing. You can't tell him nothing can stupid and thank you everything. Turning that right now, many something something dope game, dope game hall. When you out there and you play the dope game man they played, Yeah, and Dre set the whole warehouse on fire with warehouse full of drugs. He set the warehouse on fire. See now watch see somebody drugs that needed them. Drugs is in there. And see that once you get your drugs, you got you got pay them. People in Columbia understand right now because I don't want to here. I'm still hading from him from the miss universe. Oh my god, say that. Damn I'm still I don't look. I ain't flew over Columbia. I have turned out of offer to come to Columbia, to South Carolina. I ain't been to Columbia side, and I don't drink Columbian. I I do not play with them people. They said, you got anybody to speak at Columbia University? Did you go? They gave? They sent me some bad church by Columbia the fishing. Yeah, I wish I would. You know what Columbia blum uphing? Alright, Well, next week we got one my episode Steve season man, you're with me next week? Oh yeah, I'll be here. That's gonna beach watch what Ghost? Yeah? I think Now this ain't gonna be the end of it. It's gonna be a cliffhanger for the next season. The cliffhanger gonna involved ghost in a big way. Done done, all right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right. A new Whitney Houston documentary will debut this Saturday, August on Showtime. Uh Can I be Me? Looks at the awesome, talent and troubled life of Whitney, weaving together never before seen video, candid interviews, and behind the scenes performance footage. This is a raw and uncensored portrait of Whitney Houston five years after her death. At age forty eight. The director's focus on Whitney's central dilemma. Even though she had made a fortune and was recognized as one of the greatest voices ever, she still was unable to do what she wanted, either professionally or in her personal life. Uh. This film was not authorized by Whitney's family. The director, Nick Bloomfield is known for his conspiracy theory films on the death of Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur. So look out for that. It's called Can I Be Me? You know what I saw this summer in um actually in Capri clad Davis. Really they did a big thing on his life. I think on Netflix. Oh that I didn't see a big thing. I think it was Netflix or HBO or someone clude. David's great guy. Man, you talked to him, responsible for you. He had an AffA talent, he was responsive girl, a lot of yah refa Whitney Deborah Cox. Yeah, who's playing Whitney? Um, I think this sounds yeah, she's like The Bodyguard. The musical is called The Bodyguard. What shut your damn? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah. It was really good. But anyway, nobody else can do it because most people could do and that's been much and that's love after that, love you. When you sucked your breath and it actually sounded better than the note that came out. Did you actually thank you? That was better than the note? Thank you? See thank you, thank you, thank you. That makes me feel so good. Thank you, thank you. Guys, I hated thank you, thank you. You know I loved me some Whitney because you don't hate my poetry. Thank you your poetry with what I just did. Just there's no comparison. There's no comparison. Apples and one of these things are just like the other. Wow, I want to see that though. That's gonna be good because she can definitely sang. Oh yeah, it seems like longer, but it's just all the great ones. Yeah, they don't stare around. And then just over the past weekend, did Gregory Jerry lewis Man I first started doing stand up? I got to see uh at the comedy club. I got to see Dick Gregory unbelievable. Yeah, it was something I've never seen, takes serious issues like that. Yeah, Yeah, wasn't he one of the first black comedians that crossed over? He crossed over and he wouldn't do the tonight show unless they let him sit down, unless they let him sit down. Yeah, I remember reading that ya sit down and do an interview. What did you say? Oh, George Wallace, you know you're doing. If the answer does hang up, ye'll just saying hello, Hello, hell clin he's fine. We just that we don't know that anything. We'll be back to wrap up the show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. All right, here we go with just one more thing, our last break of to day the day. Pretty good show today. Yeah, So on the break, did you check on your friends? Yeah, he's fine, A right, George Wallace, let me Hey, what did your guys think about this? You heard over the weekend Steve Bannon was let go the president's strategist, chief strategist. I think this is a disastrous for the White House. I think this is a disastrous for the White House that he's gone. Yeah, because this dude is not going to go away quietly or lightly. He gonna go tell it because he knows everything. He's not the guy. He's not the guy that's just gonna go over there. No, no, no, you're gonna talk. You're gonna fire me after I got you in. He came up with strategy to getty me, and now you're gonna let me go watch this. I doubt I think, man, that he gonna get out there and spill the beans for real. Wow, you don't. I sure would like to know. I think I think it's gonna get out there and spill the beans. This wasn't on. Hey, I'm gonna give you the unless Trump cut him some a check on the way out and said, hey man, look and then let's not let this go down. I'm gonna give you this. This this just go away quiety. Now, I wouldn't doubt that that happened. He don't want money, Steve. I don't think he wants money. I think I don't think he wants I don't think so either, because he is man, and I think this is about getting back even the Trump. Well, that's what I'm saying. That's gonna be a problem if Trump didn't pay him off, set him up where he can be all right, it's gonna be. Yeah, you don't fire a person and know well all the bones they said. The White House issued a statement that said they were grateful for his service and wished him the best. Uh and then and then the President Jane ain't gonna say the same thing to me when they let me go? Would give me a damn turkey two way two weeks later podcast, I've just had these two years. You're gonna lay me off for give me some damn turkey for Christmas. Wow, you know fans were gonna eat this turkey time when I wish you the best. You are a great attribute to the coming damn you let me go? Yeah, okay, So now he's said, what okay. As soon as I heard that, I saw Jeannie back okay of staff, big boy, look John Kelly, and uh Steve Bannon. The White House said that they have mutually agreed today that it would be Steve Bannon's last day. We are grateful for his service and wish him the best interviews. Yeah, he's doing some interviews I've heard already, and he's getting ready to start Brightbart bad up and back up and just come back with a vengeance. The President tweeted that Steve Bannon will be a tough and smart new voice at bright Bart News, maybe even better than before. Fake news needs the competition, That's what the President tweeted. So he's still his friend, what he's saying that this is a front. Hey, well, can I say something? Can I say Happy anniversary to my husband? Today is our wedding anniversary? Carlin. Yeah, baby, ain't looking to get I ain't looking to go there phone Tommy. Now look, I think I think he's right. Yesterday was one of the greatest moments of my life. I became a father thirty four years ago Brandon Carllige's birthday. Don't they have some popcorn? Talk about their twins and they got twin Pop. I'm gonna help them get their business on. That popcorn is really delicious. They got that, They got cinnamon toast crunch, they got nim and pepper, they got barbecue. Yeah, yeah, they got popcorn, popcorn, they got sweet heat. They actually and it's organic popcorn because you know, they're health nuts, so they and it's all just wholesome organic ingredients and it's it's called Twin Pops. They got a snack company out and uh it's on Instagram. Go to Twin Pop Snack Company. Yeah two company all organic popcorn and snacks to order. All you gotta do is email them at twin Pop Snacks at gmail dot com. Twin Pop snacks at gmail dot com. You can order twin Pops twin pop snacks. Please do not d m Okay, that's not for you to read. Well, it was on their website to say, please don't d don't direct because we can't call you back. We busy. We're cooking all the damn popcorn. And we got one pot, get a kitchen started, and stuff for the girls when they get that thing. So they really are doing well with its twin pops. That's for billion zillion. That was some popcorn. Don't popcorn, you're right, yeah, but they popcorn is really really good and it's healthy. It's healthy. And also I gave out this morning to everybody fresh soap. Yes you did? You did? Man? Which one of them stink? Though? No, No, it's really which one of them in the office. He gave everybody one, but it's really for one person somebody in here. Fun another way. He trying to tell us something Medy. I gave Shirley something to give to her husband. Yeah, and something name is what is? It's Ernesto? But thank you got something. Jake got something, Kid got some bank, Joe got something. Everybody got something. Try the new built sopis at Walmart's. It's liquid and VARs. Definitely, I always say anything cree as always, I like pros. That's one of my favors. Y'all have a great week. Here for all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.