The Winter Olympics, Quincy Jones Vulture Interview, Stephen A. Smith on Big Cleveland Trade, Mike Epps on BET Social Awards and more.

Published Feb 9, 2018, 6:40 PM

The Steve Harvey Morning Show crews announce the start of the Winter Olympics, discuss Quincy Jones' recent interview with Vulture on Michael Jackson, Richard Pryor and etc. ESPN's, Stephen A. Smith calls in to weigh in on the big trade with the Cleveland Cavaliers and Mike Epps calls in to talk about the upcoming BET Social Awards.

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know. Y'all bag a suit on looking back to back down, giving them ba just like theming buck bus things. And it's touble y'all to be true. Good to Steve Hardy listening to me together for Steve Barten Moby. Why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, well by joining me? Honey, say wait do you turn to go? Yeah? You go. You gotta turn to turn turn lovey got to turn out to turn turn water wanter, comey, come on your pack at it. Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man oh man, oh man? Yeah, hey, you know to date. I just want to say something, um that I don't think I've ever shared this way before. UM. The title is very simple, and that is it's been worth it to me, you know. I I just I just kept thinking that this morning, that it's all been worth it to me. And what I mean by that is this relationship that I have with my heavenly father, it's been worth it to me. I can't even tell you the value that it has had in my life. I can't tell you how it's helped me to understand not only my purpose, but to better understand my past. That's that's that's critical, man, because I'm grateful for that, because so many people can't get beyond their past and event a set of circumstances, some calamity that besets them. Maybe it's been grief something, but it ties so many people up. It's been so worth it to me it, man, It's it's been worth having someone to go to when no one else was there. Do you do you understand what I'm saying. It has. It has given me a place to go when no one else has been there. Oh, hey man, we're pulling for you. Hey man, hanging there, hey man, keep your head up, all of that. But I gotta tell you, man, you get yourself in some circumstances and situations in this thing called life, when no one can help you but God, When the only person that could possibly understand or know what you're feeling is God. The only person that I'll sit there with you through it all and understand everything about it has been God. It's been worth it to me. Man, It's it's been worth it to me. You know. Look, look at the moments of ridicule that I go through because of that my faith and and me saying it too many times. Some you know, people don't want to hear it that many times, or he can't talk about nothing else, or ain't nobody trying to hear all that? You know, I get emails all the time. You know why you think you would preach it. It's just people just don't get it, so I can. I can't. I can't help it. Man. I I can't explain myself from my walk to everybody that I meet because everybody that I meet ain't gonna get it. Why would I stop to explain my walk to somebody who ain't even trying to walk? I I just I just don't have time. But man, I can tell you this flat out as sure as I'm sitting here, y'all, It's been worth it to me. It's been the biggest improvement in my life. I mean, man, as as I look back over my life and forming a strong bond with God has been the most beneficial thing to me. You know, these things you read in your in your in in writing, in the Bible or or whatever you're reading. You know, when you when you read scriptures and things of that nature. It it's it's been around a long time. It holds so much truth to it. I mean, man, it's like, how could this have been written so long ago and still pertain directly to today? I mean that that's amazing. That is amazing to me that. I mean, that has to be God at work to have written something so complete, so dead on point that if you read it today it means exactly what pertains to today. That's amazing, man. That That's why my my my spiritual walk. It's just worth it to me, And I keep saying it's worth it because if you're sitting out there and you're tripping like I was tripping, decide, now let me do. I got a few more things I want to do. A couple more girls. I want to howl at, a couple more things I want to get into. I got a couple more deals I want to do. I got a little bit more dirt. I want to roll up on me a little bit. First for I, man, I wish I had known. I really really wish I had known. I really wish I had understood exactly what forming a relationship with God would do for me. But what it has meant to me. Man, It's been worth it. It's been worth every person who out there who hating on me, that don't even know me, it's because I have a relationship with him that I'm fine with that. I don't care for it, but it ain't gonna stop me though, See, because I know for a fact that haters make you greater. I know for a fact that hayes validate your your mere existence. I know for a fact that half of them is out of envy and jealousy because of something you're doing that they wish they could do or they won't credit for, so they just anything all that bam and now you just all over the place with people. Man, I'm so grateful for this relationship that it has not allowed outside influences that do not have my best interests at hard to throw me off course it it's it's it's just been worth it, man. It it has just been worth it. And if you're sitting out there and you're wondering about the benefits of it, I I can't even tell you what it's like to know that when bad things are happening to me, the calming piece that I feel that I know that that's gonna be all right too. That I know that this tool shall pass. That I know in my heart of hearts, man, that there's got to be a reason for this. And if I can just hang on in there, he gonna unfold that from me and he gonna let me see it. But the number one thing I always know is I'm gonna survive this one too. That this tool shall pass. Man. It's been worth it to me. It has been worth it to me, man, to to to have this thing called faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see, and to know man along the way that, oh my goodness, man, even though I don't know what's next, or even I'm not really sure about the next step, I do know for a fact that some moe is coming. I do know for a fact. It is a fact that God will take care of me. It is a fact that he will never ever leave me or desert me. If I just stay here while I'm supposed used to be. He's coming. The Calvary's coming over the hill. He coming over the hill, and when he come over that hill, he's gonna wipe out all this mess down here. That's that's trying to hurt me, that that I don't have to worry about my enemies anymore. That my enemies that are all around you can surround me. You could shoot all the arrows you want. That's not to say that none of them ain't gonna come close. And I ain't gonna say that, you know, I ain't gonna be a little under some pressure, a little nervous about being shot at so hard. But at the end of the day I noticed, for show, ain't none of them gonna stick in me. You could shoot them, but ain't none of them gonna stick in me? No matter what you do, no weapon formed to givest me nothing. Now you can't. You can't do nothing with me. Man, I'm I'm so cool. It's been worth it for me. Man, you're listening to show there it is gentlemen. Bund girl, look him. You are listening to Okay Country Morning. Hey listen, oh lady and gent bud girl, and have your attention. Please listening to UM W C O R N where we do coin better than anybody. Listen to us. Stevie. This is the Stevie Morning Show. Um, this is our slicking ill losses. Baby boy, he's the youngest of five out of what's West Virginia holler number nine. They don't make no more like him. We're doing the show as countries, doing the Country Morning Show this morning, taking over all that old, all that our dunk, contemporary R and B. We're doing bluegrass being stuff, you know, all that we were doing, and we we're doing an hour now. And so I just wanted to welcome everybody to the show this morning. Morning ladies morning, stay, No, don't want you to try to participate. This ain't what you do. Just be your natural self. That's gonna get real hockey in the minute. I'm gonna have to cut this other out too, because he's loud. Good morning, Steve, Hello, Shirley, has you today? I am wonderful one. Collie, Yeah, that's good morning. Welcome, Welcome, Chickade, Welcome to the show. Junior morning, uh said boys, I like right there, committed to Pimpy, Hello Ja that morning. Shout out to Billy hid lost Hall last night. We're up late last night with a how you doing to stay right days loud like I said. And of course my brother there, Hello brother, good morning brother. How are you doing well? It's all good today we're doing this show of Regent sitting in for Steve. We've never let one in our house before, but I tell you what family feud, we let him have one. Tell you what he's That fella right there has a look on his face sometimes like him. I tell you what my mama likes. He's gonna got you to hang out with. Nobody's said damn thing about it. You know what. My mama likes him, and it's just he's he's a nice but boy, you know he say whatever come on his mind. My cousin and my wife, who are the same perch and love him. Tick. I tell you that that's naturally mean and most people got that in their families. Yeah we do that. Yeah, you see becausin of my waping is one person that's right. I'll tell you something MESSI done to come out with that show with them kids on Oh that shows he Laris. Yeah, I'm telling what that Linlar, big shot Lari, that thing ther boy, that thing nor I picture I picture turd? What trying not right? What you wait? What do you say that game? My depends are full. I'm here today because the Kate Mr. Beat. We'll come back with the show and it'll be regularly when we come back. We're gonna do this y'all all day, he said, thank you. Jeezus, I don't say it again. Picture what you're listening Steve Hard Morning Show. All right, here we go with something funny. Guys. The opening ceremonies for the two thousand eighteen Winter Games will take place tonight. Wow. Watching it? I love Yeah, I love it. I'm starting to Yes. But the competition, Yes, competition already underway if you want to watch. That can be challenging. Is South Korea is in the Korea Standard time zone. South Korea is actually more than half a day ahead of Eastern times in the United States. We'll see today. Okay, there, he goes, So you'll do one day next day, I get see you. She had that go oh it's a legged dead. Well, well, this is what it actually means. Ja. That means you have to stay I'm late to catch the action live watch the same time, though. We gotta we got assist. Yes, yes, yes, uh. This year marks she's an ice scared speed skater. Right, Oh my gosh, so fast in the trial man whoa This year marks Lindsay Vaughan's Olympic return. Didn't she she used to date Tiger Woods, right, yeah she did. Yeah. I don't know what that has to do with her coming back to the Olympics, but yeah, that was so good. I hate so that was good. She missed the two thousand fourteen games due to a knee injury. And don't forget the women's Nigerian bob sled team. Don't forget them. Yeah they practice, Yeah they hope they're bob sled team will inspire more Africans to try Winter Olympics, which is cool. Yeah, so, Steve, I know you're big on the Olympics. Um, what's your What do you like most about watching the winner Olympics. I'm looking all my favorite evinces jumping. I like ski jumping. I love watching that, believe it or not. I love watching curling. The people that be mopping the ice. I just wanted to do the stone. I'm not gonna do sweeping. I can promise you that sweeting. You're somebody else is gonna be doing sweeping, not me. Like ice skating I want. Yeah, ice skating is all right. I don't like you know, it's all right. I love ice skating. Side ice skate. I watch it because figure skate watching. I like skating skate, I like the downhill. I love that they put some winter sports in it, you know, like pike and all that snowboard. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, and they actually got snowboard racing. Now I think that's an Olympic sport. It might be just Winter Games when it's the one. I love the loo, I love the bob slip. I don't know who the fool is that late faith first on this damn flid go down. It cannot be my faith first coming down here seventy five miles and now it cannot be crazy first faith. Yeah, I gotta be on the one where I'm laying back at least little footow off. You can't be the first to go. But I do like I love the one to live. But now I don't like watching cross country skiing, but I do watch it, and I don't like to try where you gotta shoot the bowling there or the gun and skiing yea, never stop. You remember nor the track? Remember nor the track you know that simulates Remember that little thing called norder track that simulates you know, cross I had one of them when I lived in Chicago, the simulate cross country skins, but they actually cross country skin and it looks like they're doing and they have a course that they go on and you could see them coming around course, certain turns and going uppels. I like watching How far is that cross country? It's far? I know it's far. Try to go to New York. Yeah, but we yeah, we we will watch it tonight. I will be there in front of the TV watching it. I love that And I love the opening ceremony. Me too watching the you know love it? Watch it. Get one of them jackets, yeah, jack is be nice him sell them. No, you can't get one of you gotta be athletes. I don't like it, but other than that, I'm wild definitely be watching. You know. So they so rios on what times on? You said, surely, Well it's a more than a day and a half ahead of Eastern time, so in l A, we're on Pacific times times three hours ahead of Okay, you watch day. We watched yesterday. Let's hope now South Korea? He is, are you quite done? I'm done. I'm done. I wan't do no more. I'm done. He's a leg dead all right, Okay, so we'll all be watching tonight in congratulations. Yeah, not us. We watched tomorrow. Okay, you hired him, Steve. Just always keep that in the back of your mind. Okay, just always keep that in the back of your mind. And are you done? What are you thinking about? Because you're you're awfully quiet right now, Steve, who you I'm not getting in this in this joke with everybody stepped away. I'm not being in trouble with this one. No more is waiting on me. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not giving them a pian to stick me with. Let's go back and forth joke. All right? Oh my god? Okay, Well tonight Olympic lineup eight to nine pm Eastern is curling. That's what you love, Steve, so and and we'll give give you more throughout the day. Coming up next, nephew, Tommy's run that brank back. That's not what we do. Oh we think we do. We look good, but I want us to win speed skating. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Quincy Jones, Quincy Jones, Quincy Jones, hung out hut. He's even been on the show. Don't you remember when he was on the show Tommy. Um, okay, Steve, you said that when you got older, you're gonna say whatever was on your mind. Well, maybe Quincy got that memo as well, because he's talking about everything and everybody. Quincy Jones says he and Ivanka Trump were hooking up back in two thousand six. He also says the Beatles were thieves and that he knows who killed Kennedy. But right now we'll get to that. But right now it's time for you, nephew, and running all right, fund the boat. We're running that breakback fund the boat. Yeah, he text me all day, thay doun the boat hit it? Hey, Quincy the cat? Hello, Hey man, let me U speak not here? Who's called just stunned the boat from the club man? What does she get in? Hello? Yeah? Yeah, this thun the boat man. What does she get in? What do you mean? What does she get in? Uh? She ain't in here now, but you know what I mean? What you need? Hey, I'm trying to folling up on. I'm trying to actually get an address and stuff. Man, she got me dancing this weekend on Saturday night, and I want to see it. Make sure I got the address to everything. Everything still on. You know, I don't already gave much got you dancing? So what not? What you mean she got you dancing? She asked me to do some mail dancing on Saturday night, so I went on and took off at the club. And uh, you know, she don't already got my mike gall and she ain't had you do no mail dancing my girls? She nah, I guess he goes to go to school at at night on weekends, so you know not Okay, okay, okay, who is this? I named David David fiance? What yeah, that's my gal? Hold on, hold on, hold on, squeaker been getting married, squeaky squeaky, Wait wait wait, okay, I'm David. Right, Okay, that's that's that's that's squeaking squeaker. To give me my girl. You said you're a dancer. I darece that man is. I'm thunderful. But how do you know my girl? She come to the club on Saturday. She asked me about doing some dancing for this coming say that, so she already gave me half the money. He comes to the clubs on on Saturdays. Now, my girl she goes schools on Saturdays. You know, now listen further. All, I'm blowing a way by you trying to tell me Squeaking married that you got me really toe up with stuff. I don't know. No, no, Squeaky, that's what we call her at the club. Man. I look, I'm not gonna get into all of that. What I'm really calling about this she got me working this weekend doing some dancing, and I'm trying to just make sure that we're on for this week because I didn't gave my spot up at the club. You're trying to tell my girl hanging out of him buck Naking Club dance man. Squeak had been coming up in them man for the last buckle week's. He been there long enough to help nickname dog. I do know Squeaky for five years. S Creak had been coming. Man, this this thunderboat. Me and Squeaker go way back. No, man, well we're gonna handle when she get in here. So you can you know, handle your have you got to handle it? Talk to wherever you got to to get your little money or whatever or no, no, no, I don't wait a minute, man, that's not are you that you're listening? Man? I can't get my slot back at the club. The squeaker got to give me the remaining balanced, man, even if she ain't gonna do, I need my other winding balance. Get to give you the raining bounce of nothing. Hey man, I need to ring money money that that she gave you. What your saying, you can just count that out. He's gonna give your thing. Hey man, I under boat gonna get his money. Man, I need my one fit tunder boats don't get it, well, then that's what you got to do to That's what you got to do. Man, I tell you what that's for. Fundabook, but needing to getting no can talking about calling you squeaky and all this whole ain't I ain't working for to give money away to some underboat lighting or whatever. Hey man, look man, it's thunderboat. It ain't lighting. It's thunderboat lighting and work on Wednesday night. There's thunderboat. I don't know who you didn't talk to already about that, but you need to haul that them. But don't be calling here asking my gal to give you some money. Ain't giving you because she don't make nothing. I'm coming over there now and get my money from Squeaky because I ain't. I ain't hear it. Don't make nothing. You think all the money around here, so you ain't gonna get nothing from over year fathering. So you can wipe that your mind. I'm coming over there to get my money from Squeaky today, you're coming over here. I'm coming over there to get my money from Squeaky. I ain't got time to plight out a lot of my slot at the club. See what you get. See if you get some money, get your leg out. Thunder coming over there to get the rest of his souney. You've been. I bring you over here because you come but I tell you was bringing them going over here, and I'm gonna show you lighting it. I ain't know you've got some money off she ran here and give you money the way I'm struggling. I tell you what you bring your over you won't do and watch one throw down. Hey man, all I'm saying is I'm gonna come over there and wait outside down so Squeaky to get there to get the rest of my money. That's what I'm saying to you. You're gonna come over and said outside what I'm gonna come over there and wait outside for Squeaky to get this so I could get the rest of my money over here, and said outside my house. That's what I'm gonna do with That's when it takes for me to get my money from Squeaky. I'll tell you what you bring over here there and sit outside of my house. And when you get you see you blow the hard one. That's what you do. You throw the horns. Come out there and meet you and let you know what's going down for bush them and we made me there. She can see you all laid out like ill come on over and get your money. I'm gonna get my money. It screening you on me a hundred and fifty dollars and I've been to come get. Don't give what she told you is us money she giving you. You gotta be happy with that. You want to come over here talking about you want some old money. You know somebody old thunderbolt on hundred and fifty dollars and Thunderboat gonna get his money. Brotter, try to go down that's at the club on this weekend, so here you will not be dancing at the talking about sitting out front. Squeaky gonna give me my one thing you ain't even got nothing to do with this is no way this transaction is between me and Squeaky. It ain't got nothing to do with you, no way her name is. Then he's got everything to do with me. You call my talking about chilling you from money, and bring over here. I got your money, Come get you and I got your money right here. Gonna be sitting out first waiting on you. Squeaky. Don't want to ask for me to dance Saturday night. Squeaky, Yeah, I told a three hundred dollars plus kills. Now I ain't gonna get no kills, but I'll tell you why. I am gonna get my three hundred dollars. I got one fifty and I'm gonna get the other one fifty with Squeaky. Get out. You ain't getting it from me. You're gonna get your buzzer from me. I got one more thing I need to say to you. What you're listening to me? Man, I'm listen. I can hear you. But this is Matthew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got crank by your homeboy? Who Who's this is? Nephew? Tim Me man from the Steve Harby morning show. You just got pranked by your homeboy. God, you need to quit play too much. Man, y'all had me round this. I'm putting on boots. Man, I'm gonna go out in squabble. I got pikes and bad I'm gonna man man, y'all, bro I'd be glad with somebody frank Yo. I'm gonna get that. Y'all got me, y'all got me? Man. I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, man, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lands, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. That is from the Stupid voted most stupid. You can get my prank c D. It is in Walmart right now, get it. It's called Won't he Do It? I'm pranking church people off. Won't I do it? Ll be a great break? What do you mean, Steve? You keep listening to this show. It ain't just it's his life. You don't see me getting into the key get to heaven and it breaks his ass about getting in Peter be up. They're just some tiffy Timmy nefy Timmy neverytime Taylor Nephew. All right, Well, coming up at the top of the hour, Quincy Jones is going to unload about everything, everything and everybody. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We've been talking about this. Quincy Jones has been saying a lot of interesting things lately. Uh. We remember last week we talked about his twenty two girlfriends. He said he had talked was cool with friends around the world. He talked about that, but at one time, he says, he also dated the president's daughter, Ivanka Trump. Now, this is an interview he gave with Vulture magazine. Quincy says that the matchmaker was none other than Tommy Hill Figure. Here, Yeah, he says, I used to date if Anka. Uh, Tommy Hill Figure who was working with my daughter Cadata said Ivanka wants to have dinner with you, and yes he was interested. Keep going, please keep listening because this line coming up this for you. But didn't uh uh and yes he was interested, but didn't dig her dad back then either, Uh right, you know, yeah, she's a fine mother blanker he knows. Uh, she had the most beautiful legs I ever saw in my life. Now was that but it? But it root it was? Don't you also share that he used to hang out with Donald Trump, whom he described as a crazy mother blanker, limited mentally, uh megalomaniac and narcissistic. I can't stand him. Asked what his first thoughts about the Beatles, Quincy remarked, they were the worst musicians in the world. I thought the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame they were no playing mother blankers. He also alleged, yes, he's a no. If you listen to the Beatles instrumentation, that's not what they were for. It was the Beatles were the look and the London, the style, the hell we love you. It was something we never seen before. The drumming and Todds no ring a very basic ringo was known to be the worst drummer. And not only that, they would overdub his drumming in a lot of sessions. So the mother the mother Blankers were no no. I mean, look, man, they were. They had never been seen before and they became iconic. Now, don't take that away from him. The Beatles are iconic songwriters. They will go down in the history and when you broke them down, McCartney and all them boys, then the boys with some bad boys just as a group instrumentation wise, is what I believe Quincy said. Now that's really true, because you listen to Beatles records many they weren't great musicians. You're talking to a guy who's one of the greatest composers of our turn, which is why the Beatles covered up when they went live, they did a lot of covered songs, cover songs of black artists that you know, shaking up, and they stole a lot, and they stole a lot. They're absolutely right, you know, they were no playing and that's what he said, Okay, And then talking about Michael Jackson because you knew, yeah, I mean you never he knew Michael Jackson very well. Yeah, he produced Thriller, biggest selling album of all time. All that. Quincy also alleges that Michael Jackson stole a lot of stuff Michael Jackson did. He calls him greedy. He adds that he stole a lot. When asked what was your greatest musical innovation, Quincy answers, everything, I've done everything. Yeah, you can't take that away from well, he didn't really steal Michael like the lean, the lean that Michael Jackson does in his performance that was done in a movie called The Wizard of oz. He wasn't the first to do that. There were dances that were doing the moonwalk long before my but but he put it in a place in the scale that was new to people. You gotta remember, Michael Jackson was the first black person ever allowed on MTV. See y'all, y'all getting away from y'all don't know. Man, was this world we live in that blacks were not allowed on empty It was hard for them. No, it wasn't hard. It was Yeah, Michael Jackson was the first black person to get a video played on MTV. The first they did not play them and it was a known fact. It's just like when we started comedy two blacks couldn't be on the same show. They were sitting one of you home. If two blacks came into that comedy club, one of y'all had to go. Was a black book who had a white name like Steve call white. So they would book. And then we get down there and Carl Strong and Steve Harvey be on the same show. Steve Harvey's did not the headliner. I gotta go home not and drove all the way down here to Montgomery, Yeah, from Cleveland, I got damn you don't understand, so don't you know. And then young people today because you're not educated to this, you don't know. You think it's just been this oh love affair the whole time, and it's not. It's just Michael Jackson came along and put so much stuff in the forefront. But let me tell you something. That moonwalking and and and all that stuff that was in the hood. Man, that was already in the hood. Mike just first one did it out there, and he was famous for it, and he did it well and blew it up. He didn't invent the moonwalk. Some black people in moonwalking all that man. Jeffrey Dan to him, All right, now, thank you, Quincy. More, there's more, there's more. We don't have time right now, but there is more. Frequency you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh, Steve introduced Ja so Jay Can introduced the butter fly. All right, this is all I've gotten wind of some things, and so I'm just gonna go ahead and say I'll do it myself, Jake. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Eugene A. Kate, Good morning, Um, Stephen Shirley Carler Junior, j Anthony Brown, good morning to everyone. Tommy, good morning to everyone on the panel. Good morning, good morning, good morning, butter f Well that's to be very good time. Yes, it's a great song. Sow can I get a drum roule as well? Because no, I have a major announcement that but that's why we playing this song. But I can play it with the drum roule. This is why this ain't no why nothing anyway going on? Anyway. I have been accepted into Bishop School, sim same thing, Bishops Bishops School. So I am going to be taking a leave of absence and I'm gonna be going. Bishop said something else, whats that I said? Be shut out now I said, Bishop. Anyway, I'm going to Bishops Skull and I want you guys to really really really similar school. Yes, so I'm gonna take a leave of abs and for a while, Stephen, I still hope you pay me. So I'm okay. I think you're well. I want to take some vacation days, like about at least three months for me to be a good bishop. I'm gonna need at least you siminary schools longer than day because you were called, right, I have been called and I have been accepted. Who called you people that that bishops code from Bishopville, South Atta. It's bishop Universe anyway. Do you know that the Lord is supposed to call you to preach? Yeah? Right, but he should because that's who's gonna pay. Do you think I'm gonna do it? But I thought when you all take a leave of athoms are vacations you get. But you're not taking a leave of after we've already talked about this, Eugene less, you will not be up front and frank about. You ain't never been a friend with me about nothing but over here, right? And I said, okay, well I'll allow you to make the announcement on the radio. And that's what I'm doing today. This sad. See why you're not craying? But I don't hear tears of you. We sing the song every day even though he's not here. I like the song. Do you know the Butterfly? Because I do? So? Why are you? Why aren't any of you? So? Where do you start classes? Well, this is your last dated. He'll get a sever hey man, Yeah, I'll give him several page. And thank you for all you tried to do to the radio, showing the contribution that you've made I gave you thirteen my lights the heart. I'm sad. This is hold on, We'll talk to you a little bit most this your last day. We'll be right back. Yeah, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at nine am Eastern eight Central. This morning, comedian Mike Epps, our friend is going to be our special guest. He's gonna tell us about the b ET Social Awards, all right, so stick around for that. But right now, Steve, please introduce j Anthony Brown. He's gonna murder a hit, but we gotta finish this up with the Butterfly. I'm so sad. Oh, yeah, it is sad. Why are trying to really it's a rough day. Fall ye. Eugene came to me, called me last night and said that he was planning on leaving the show for a while, and I said, well, I think you're gonna have to say something to the crew and your fans tomorrow. And so now he's doing it. He'll be signing up for a seminary school and starting on Monday, so today is his last day. Did you want I wanted to thank you, Eugene for your service on the show, for being an intricate part of it. I'm gonna give your serverance package absolutely absolutely please not give it the time and give it to me. Okay, I will give it to you. How much do you think the severance packages from what I have done and what my participations to this show at least a hundred and thirty thou dollars. That's uns there as far as that does sound fair, but you're not. It's not. It's not that. But he's right though that does sound fair, you're not getting okay, So what don't you see is what will it be? Then? Well, I'm gonna give you a six months severance package fixed six months for all your years. And you know, uh, you want turkey because we got turkeys for when people give it. They had them on sail It Wall. And I'm the only one that said about this, I mean, Bishops that you can't. I'm good with this, announced Smith, because I think in order sometimes for people to grow, you have to go. Uh you know, if you you can't grow with it, growth requires you to go often time. And I'm very proud of the fact that he's going. So when y'all done, girl, y'all leaven spread your wings and go and we and you leave and will help us grow too. Carlo, we gotta plan a party for him or something or going away, going away? Would you like that? Butterfly the end of day, I'm turkey. You gotta do something by something because he out of here to clean out your office, Eugene and everything. God, can we leave the door open in case things don't work out? He can come. What you don't do is do that. So you've been to take my key card, I can't. What do you? Yeah? Yeah, you won't be able to come back in here. So you're treating me like Amma Rosa. You've been to walk me outside you No, I'm not treating you like Ama Rosa at all. I think you've been a wonderful addition to the show, and I think that time has come forward to end, and so here we go. I think you're just gonna fly live. That's not gonna miss you so much. Mh is just not fla butter fly fly. Yeah, well, we're gonna miss you so much. Keep our numbers, Butterfly. Just think I said, fly Butla fly fly emotional. We gonna miss you so much. We'll just come back occasionally. Fly but black live You're gonna miss you so much. Do you guys hear him crying? This is not that they's just steady. See you don't cry, Butterfly cry. He's gonna miss you so much. My weight so wet. I don't rab't frank phone call coming up after this, Bye, Butterfly bad. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after, it's Today's Strawberry letter. But up next, nephew, here he is with today's prank phone call. You gave me the wrong direction. Whoa who is that? That? Another character? You kill one? I'll bring a nothing back. You gave me the wrong directions. You gave me the wrong directions. If you know who that was, don't you here you go. Not gonna do is kill you. It might have been the piece of but what you're not gonna do is kill a player in this lady. That's the same, damn perfect whatever. We'll go back and do it again. If we had two days and y'all don't quit laughing and just do know then what you're not gonna do is talk about my nephew. You two a great flash put y'all in the plate and y'all sit up here telling jokes about it. Now, you wasn't even in no damn play until he came along and got you. We're you're gonna stop saying that because you know it, and you're laughing when you say, but we had two days when you're a quick talking about you two days, we had a full week. You don't quick talking about You gave me the wrong direction. I'm not doing y'all man, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Tommy, I'm trying to stop. You gave me the wrong directions. He showed up at my dough boy. How did I give you the wrong direction? Though? What I do? That's the name of the pranks I called. Now, I called early and didn't get the girl I was trying to get called his funeral. Then I called back, so all the workers there knew I was calling, so they finally got on the phone and just created this confusion like we went to the wrong bearside. Check it out. Thank you for My name is Frederick Stammond. It down that timera. Let me's the office one moment. It just don't it doesn't make sense for the all ago out there like we did and didn't running in the type of problem that Hello, listen, my name is Frederick Stimmonds. Now my sisters, since that is buried out there, and we come out there last week on Monday to come out there and pray over that the spacewa year. Now you as the one that told us that it was a few spaces away from the mars lamb. Now we out out there and prayed over my suchter friends and this barrel and find out that we were in the wrong space, and they say, you was the one that told it to us. So I don't even know what you're talking about. You is the one that told us that my suchter friend. I don't give out spaces. I'm an administrative office. I don't know where you're worn't know what You was the one that told us this. No, yes, you're dead. You was the one that my grandbaby said that she talked to the woman named Tabra, and you had us out there standing over some white man's not a concert. So I can't tell you we're a spaces. So your granddaughter lads to you. Ain't nobody lied to me that you had us out there in the wrong space. I couldn't have had you in the wrong spaces. I don't even know the semis here. You know what, I muna send my grand baby up there to talk to you. Okay, I'll be here to five. You're very mischieved. You know that I'll be here at five o'clock. You have a good day. No, you don't. You hang up this phone on me. You have a good day. No, I'm not gonna have a that that you had me praying over myself the president's body, and that was the rang one and we's in the praying over this white man's body. It was right. Hello, I'm listening to you. You don't have an apology or nothing, because I know I didn't tell your granddaughter where faith was. Then what did you tell him? I don't even know what your granddaughter is? What do you mean this demon's family? We were not that. I don't know who the family is. Not Salmon, that demons, demons. I don't know a Salmon's family. That's what I'm telling you. I'm not a counselor. I don't even deal with family. Here's what I need you to do. Can you go out there and pray over myself the body. I don't know where your sister is buried. It's supposed to be six paids away from the mother limb. I don't are there any where is it? Where is it? We was in texting two, but there was some white man were that. It wasn't myself the friend Okay, I don't even know who your sister friends is. I do not even know we're section two is whoever came into the cemetery instead that they spoke to me. They probably did speak to me, and I probably got the information from a concert, but I never told them exactly where the spot was. So if they were out there praying over your sister and they were in the wrong spot, that's not my problem. That praying over something white man, that's not my problem, sir, you wrong spot, if you gave the wrong information, it is I don't get the wrong information. Tells them, yes, she's in section two. That did not physically go out there and point to the spot to tell them to pray over that spot. Let me explain what I'm trying to stop from happening. If my people come out there, it's gonna be some more bodies getting buried, and I don't almost nobody to get her. I mean, your family can come up here. It's not gonna be no more bodies than buried than What they can do is come up here, right and we can conversate about this, but it's not going to be a world here. I want you to go out there and you pray over friends and the body. I'm not going out to pray over nobody's body. It's not Remember I didn't tell them the wrong information. Do you love the Lord? Do you love the Lord? Then you ought to have some sympathy. I want you to bout your head right now. No, I'm going to end this conversation. Work to do now, and trust to me, I will be hearing to five o'clock. Can I say one more thing for you? Going and I'm ending the car. Okay, this nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. You just got drank COVID. You are crazy. Your sister to me because sets you up, baby, and you just got it baby from Nephew Tommy. Well, you stand in your ground. You like this guys, you wouldn't prayed over the wrong boy. That don't mean that I ain't all right. Check it out. You gotta tell me one thing. What's the baddest radio show? In the land's killed. Well, I'm trying to stay in the character. So how co workers in the background they knew because I'd already called earlier, but she wasn't at work yet. That is, we are at the cemetery. Wrong direction. You gave me the room direction just pretty good. We bring it back Hess for me to do. No, Papa won't get on this show and ruining that place. Papa, Steve, what is that? What you ain't gonna you shut up? Toment. I told you black then not to bring me up. You sound like saying in the Bobba said you hang me on and and put me in the play in the all of the Unknown. That's who said was said with Bret and barber shop. When you're gonna resurrect me up to two? Me? God? Who I have? Got my money? Get my prank? Call Brank CD in Walmar. End of the intermission in Walmart a half time were about the money, won't he do it? Prank c D in Walmart? Coming up at the top of the hour Strawberry Letters. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's Strawberry Letter is up next, and it is a good one. But first bravo and a huge thank you to House Minority leader at Nancy Pelosi. He gave a marathon speech. What was it like eight hours or something? Uh? Yeah, in support of Democrats hoped to legalize the status of the young immigrants known as dreamers. The more than eight hours speech is the longest given by any House member and at least one hundred years and possibly in history. Uh and yeah, and the seventies seven year old did it standing the entire time? Get this in four inch heels? Yeah, yes, yes, yes, I love that. Yes. And she did not take a bathroom break. Okay, I'm glad. Uh Mrs Pelosi started to speaking. I think that's the point of filibustering, right, you gotta you gotta stay there, Yeah, because if you leave somebody else you can take your spot. Just stand there. Just don't drink any water. How about that? Anyway? She started speaking shortly after ten am and finished shortly after six pm. As minority leader, she has the right to speak as long as she wants. During the marathon speech, she said that she would lead opposition to the two year budget agreement negotiated in the Senate because it does not address the legal status of those protected by DOCCA, the Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals program that expires in March. Okay, next month. Get ready for that? All right? Nephew, Yes she did, and four inch fields. All right, let's get it. Buckle up, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry letter subject Should I give up on my best friend? Just Stephen Shirley. I have been best friends with someone for eighteen years. This relationship was strictly platonic for the this period until I finally gain in year nineteen to become more than just friends. After two years of this, I realized that there will be no commitment on his part, so I went ahead and explained to him that I cannot continue with this relationship and I need some kind of commitment. Even though he claims that he has been with no one else. I thought, after all these years of being friends, we would have at least been engaged by this time. Since I broke off the intimate relationship, he keeps calling me and wants to be intimate. Wants me to be intimate with him, to which I promptly hang up and ignore him. I guess he did not get it or understand what I said to him, the issue is this, Should I just give up on being friends with this man who has been my best friend for so long? Or try to reason with him to get him to understand me? P S. I am a woman, all right. Uh. Dear my sister, you know all this stuff really should be discussed and worked out if you guys are friends before you crossed that line. You know, Um, you guys have been friends for eighteen years, and on the nineteenth you decide to to to give in to him. But what do you guys talk about in those eighteen years. I mean, after you do something like this, then you really get to see how close you guys are as friends. Uh, now you're friends would benefit Uh? He obviously, you know, was saying whatever to you just to get you in bed at the time, and he still wants to do that. You know. I do applaud you, though, forgetting it finally and realizing that there is no commitment here. Uh, it's just you know, a sexual relationship between you two. Um. I don't know what happened to the friendship. Looks like it just went out the door. I mean, you can try to be friends with this guy if you want to, but I don't think it's gonna work. I think you crossed the line and you kind of messed it up, and now he's only interested in, um, you know, being your bed partner. So I mean, if I were, I just leave it alone. You know, maybe down the road sometimes you guys can be friends again, just blatonic friends again. But right now now, Steve Um, I kind of have to disagree with you on this one, Shirley, just because of a couple of things in this letter. And then I have a little inside track on how men think you. Remember the other day I said that wants me and think of you in terms of just for sex. They normally don't graduate you to the next level. Remember I said that. Okay, all right, let's keep that. Okay, Now here's a deal. Uh. This woman says she's been best friends with someone for eighteen years strictly plutonic, until I finally gave in in year number nineteen. That's the key to this whole letter, year nine team, which means eighteen years little hey Hey was having you know, just keeping on that string, talking as friends, and they probably formed a really good friendship over that time because there was nothing more to it. But he just kept on. Here's the only mistake that was made. And I've said it a thousand times, and like Shirley said, this is the part I agree. Y'all been talking for eighteen years. You didn't discuss this at all for eighteen years. Hell, you way beyond the ninety route you were you in the eight you had time to figure out everything. But guess what, there's too many holes in this letter and stuff. You'd act like you don't know nothing about You finally gave in and year nineteen to become more than friends. After two years of this, I realized that that would be commitment. It took you two years to figure out that would be no commitment. Well, in the two years of sleeping with him, was a commitment of requirement? Or did you just foolishly set yourself out there after eighteen years of talking and just put yourself out there and no commitment? After eighteen years of talking to this guy, this should have been nothing but a commitment from you for this to even move to the next level. Hell, you become best friends. I really. I hear people say it all the time. It's better to become friends with the person then lovers. I hear that all the time. If you don't set your standards and requirements up in the beginning, you can flip it around. I'll show you how to do it when we come back. But you could flip it around. I thought, after all those years of being friends, we could at least have been engaged by this time. You thought you could be engaged. You did not require that you be engaged. And and it could be very true that he's been with no one else. But you thought after all those years that we would at least be engaged by now, that's what you thought. That was never a requirement in the beginning. It's really not too late for you or anybody else that finds themselves in the situation like that. I will tell you something that you can attempt to do when we come back, and it'll work if he's feeling you and loving you. Now, if he's not loving you, this response that I'm gonna give you when I come back will not work. All right, We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. All right, listen, coming up, Steve Harvey and our friends Steven A. Smith are going to be talking about this big Cleveland Cavaliers trade with Isaiah Thomas. This is big news. Yeah, this is big news. Wait till you hear this one. So that's coming up. Also, um My gaps is coming up. We'll talk about that as well. But right now, let's go Steve with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. Should I give up on my best friend? Um? First of all, this woman was in a plutonic relationship with this man for eighteen years and then year nineteen, she says in the letter, until I finally gave in year nineteen, became more than friends. But after two years she realized that there's gonna be no commitment on his part. So I explained to him that I cannot continue with this relationship. I need some kind of commitment, even though he claims he's been with no one else all those years of being friends. Uh. We she figured after all of this, she figured, all those years of being friends, that we would at least have been engaged by now. I've reminded her that if you do not make the engagement a requirement. See men, let me let me share something with you. Women have a dream of getting married one day most women, not all, but most. Most women dream of their wedding day. They prepared for it from the times their kids. Okay, a man does not dream of his wedding day. A man only dreams of the woman of his dreams. Do you understand me? So see if we can get the woman of our dreams without the wedding day. Hey, are we cool? Get that through your head? Were cool? If you can help us with our dreams, support us, give us that sweet, sweet loving you giving us, you know, help us with the bills, give us some kids. Were cool? We have the woman of our dreams. We don't have to It's no, no, no, no no. I'm just saying. No man dreams of his wedding day. The wedding day is usually the dream of a woman. Understand what I'm saying now. There are plenty of men who will ask you to marry them, but these are usually men who know that that's a requirement of yours. I didn't that men didn't do, but I didn't. Look. They've got bridle shops, they got bridle magazines, wedding planners. Guys. Guys have a tux sedo shop. And when we get through with the tucks, we take it back. Come on now, women keep their dressing storage for years. Pick out the veils, what color flutes, what the invitation is gonna look like? Godn't give damn by none of that. We just want the girl. The day is your day. If you don't make your day a priority, then it's not a priority in our heart. We just won't you. And if we can get you without all that, then we'll do it. But if we know that that's a requirement to have you, then bam, that's how we do it. So if you're a relationship and it's been going on for a while and you want to change the game, then you have to change the requirements to play the game. And if a god loves you and wants to continue to play the game, then he'll give you what you want. You have got to get what you want. So you're saying there's a chance for her to be with this guy's absolutely, absolutely there is a chance, but it has to be a requirement. But see guess what, he keeps calling back asking for the sex. But if she go back and just have it without the requirement, being man, she's doing She's taking the right step. She just gotta stay to it. She's taking the right step. She just had to stay to it and set this guy down because they gotta be of some age about right about now. You know, Dy've got to be a little bit older than So make your move and hold to it. And if he's loving you, he'll do it. If he don't love you, he's not gonna do it. All right, Steve, we gotta get out of here, Email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my Girls Shirley Pitching Gears. Now, now, Carla, you know we love us some. Tiana Taylor, I mean you know, yeah, she's beautiful, she's fed, she's a wife, she's a mom, all those things. She's very, very talented. And Steve Tianna, if you know this, recently celebrated your daughter Laurie's twenty one birthday in Cabo uh last last month. Yeah. Well, now, Tiana Taylor is at nail salon entrepreneur. To her resume, she's a singer, she's a dancer, actress, all of that. She recently announced she's opening Juny Beat Nails, named after her daughter, in New York. Tana posted a snap on the Gram of what appears to be construction underway for the shop, and caption the post thinking of a master plan and nineties themed nail song A nail salon, Yeah in Harlem, Right, the vision has finally come to life and it's ready. Yeah. Uh so, come one, come all, and no matter what shape, size, color, or gender, it's all good with us. She says, she wants to continue to create great opportunities for her community and our talented. You say, that's a great idea, excellent idea. Let me tell you what. Neil salons makes so much money because it is a continuous business that women just say they gotta get their nails done. You gotta get their hair done, they gotta get their feet done. And when you have a nail a nail shop, you have eat customers. Your customers are they're just they're constantly coming in all the time. It's something that women are going to do, get their nails done, get their hair done. And if you open, like if you open twenty four hour, you have some men men get defeat done. I can't go because there's a toe nail that because just just get ugly. Take that sock off when they see it. What's up? What's wrong your toe? What's wrong your toe? Just bump the other to look like dad. Just soak them, soak them all. You're calling technicians over everybody, put food down, come to get everybody, come over, coming out the back everything. I can't. I don't go in there. Why do you stick got soccer? Because I just want you to do one toe? Do one fot. Don't worry about I'm paying the full price. I'm paying the full pright what you're just doing? One foot? I want to get that out of foot. Come man, that's a great business. Can you make appointments jay? Or do you just walk in? You can make appointments in now shop so you can do you do? You? What tell you you get with the Toes' gotta't gotta say come down my keys. I didn't all right, Uh, don't forget. Coming up, we have Mike Epps in the building and then Stephen and Steve. Stephen Steve Harvey and Stephen A. Smith are gonna talk sports. Coming up next, you're to see the Steve Harvey Morning Show Coming up at the top of the hour. Comedian Mike Apps will be our special guests. He's going to tell us about the b ET Social Awards airing this Sunday. Hey, folks, Uh, being from Cleveland, I had to get my main bor on the phone to explain this blockbuster trade to me that the Calves and the Lakers did. Ladies and gentlemen. One of the greatest sports commentators living today, Stephen A. Smith. Stephen, he just explain it all. What happened, Why did it happen, What does this mean? What doesn't mean much to you? My my my brother from Cleveland. I'm sorry to inform you just does not equal championship. It does stop, It does stop the bleeding, it does stop the hemorrhaging. Clarkson and Larry Nange Jor young brothers who can play. Uh, they're gonna be a bit more consistent and more I orderly did devoid of the drama. They're gonna be out there, They're gonna go on the court. They're gonna be about the business of performing and doing their job. I do think that with all that has happened in Cleveland this year, the various teams that could have easily knocked you all off meeting Boston, Toronto, uh, to name a few. But when you get Madge Jr. And you get clarks and I definitely think that helps you immensely. And I do think that you know, it's the ship will get stared in the right direction and at least you'll probably get back to the farther m hmm. Okay, but it ain't enough to be going to state a man, it's Larry Larry Nass a good player that we have two good players, well, clarks said. Clarkson can put the ball in the hole. He's not a point guard, but you can put him at the two spots and he'd be more consistent than the jr. And I think that's a plus in that regard. So again, you'll be devoided to drama because he conceived here's what's on on in your tax. Lebron James came into the season. He didn't want Kyrie traded. He wanted to keep Kyrie, even though he was one of the people that didn't mind Kyrie get traded. There was a deal initially on the table where y'all could have had Eric fled So and Paul George, but in order to make the move, the ownership wanted Lebron to commit. He wouldn't commit. Lebron wanted them to keep Kyrie. After that fell through, but they wanted him to commit. He wouldn't commit, so Gilbert said, to hell with it, Wat should I listen to you? Trade Kyrie? Because Kyrie was talking about how he was gonna suddenly be injured if you didn't trade him, so he had to make that move. You get crowded in Isaiah Thomas in returned. Lebron wasn't happy about that, so he and Dan Gilbert on the opposite end of the spectrum button heads with one another because Gilbert wanted to commit for years. Lebron wants to be a free agent this summer, and as a result, since they can't reaching the court, everybody else's suffering. Tristan Thompson's messing with one of the Kardashi is keaven loved. Let me let me tell you something right now, y'all. You know I gotta recover role in general hospital and damn it just just so far free in Cleveland was better than General Hospital. Before you get out of here, what is Lebron gonna do at the end of the season where he tests the free agent market as well? He definitely would test the free agent market because he has a no way, no trade clause that he refuses to wag because in Dan Gilbert's perfect world, let me tell you something, right now, they're giving them the custer. They wouldn't mind Lebron leaving because of the drama they believe, and they're trying to perpetrate that he puts out there. But he's not gonna trade waivers, no trade clause. He's gonna stay with the team. Then approach free agency and if you don't put yourself in a position to make some kind of blockbust the move. I think Lebron is gonna be gone, but it remains to be seen who's gonna be in a position to get And remember, he wants max dollars and he deserves it because he's the best in the world. So you're talking about a five year in excess a two hundred million dollars. How many people are gonna have that room available? And who's Lebron is gonna want to go to where you can afford to pay him while keeping the nucleus of your team intact, so you can't compete for a championship. I don't know who that answer is. Some people say Houston, some people say San Antonio. To elect the degree they're saying the Lakers. One minute you're hearing Paul George would love to play with Lebron. Another minute you're hearing him say hell no, because you know what I love being here at Okay see well, Russell Westbrook. We don't know anything other than it's all about drama, which is exactly how Lebron likes it. Regardless of what he said. Can us go to the championship? Yes, they can. I think they're the biggest threat to O Golden State right now because James Harden is clearly the leading candidate for League MVP. Honest and Chris Ballast and station lives well together that twenty five and three with one another in the lineup together, they can put the ball in the hole. They spread the basketball. Other guys have stepped up, but that's in the regular season and the postseason where you don't have back to back where you get to lock down, and Golden States has all these long defenders. James Harden with CP three is gonna have to be other worldly in order for them to do it. That's the only condition under which they could beat go to State. But it's not beyond the rum of possibility that they could pull it off because James Harden. Ladies and gentlemen, it's official. He is the heir apparent to Kobe Bryant. He has a robb, he is the leading for League MVP, and he is I think Lebron is looking at Houston. Yeah, I think that's what's gonna happen, because that's the only way to compete with Golden State. But you're right, Steve, But here's the problem. They've already guaranteed CP three max dollars. You gave you re up James Harden. We're over the course of the next five years, he's making about two and twenty eight millions. How much money you guys, all the player toy. We got CP three, one of the best point guards in the game, and we got the two greatest scores out there, arguably next with Stephan Durant on the other team, we we can go phone five. I'm gonna I'm gonna end it. I'm gonna end it this way. NBA rules and by little stipulate you must have five guys on the court. State, Okay, so you gotta pay. You gotta pay the other two guys at least that you have to have, and you're supposed to have at least the roster twelve to fifty. I bet you that you want me to tell you what I bet you on, Steve. I bet you. I bet you you wouldn't do it for a minimum salary. Not today's NBA economy got this discussion. Thank you, Steve. Coming up, Mike Epp, you're listening, Steve, he asked, Promise to everybody. We got a special guest on the phone, longtime family member, friend of ours. Uh, one of the one of the great stand ups of our time has really made a run of it. But he's a movie star, television star, he's all of that, and now he's producing. He's got a new show coming out on b ET, the Social Media Awards, Ladies and Gentlemen of b ETS first ever Social Awards, It asked Sunday at temp him. When we don't find out more about it, please welcome to the legend. Mike Epp, make mo go up. Yeah, man, we gotta, we got, we gotta. We got a nice awards show coming up. Man. Well, we're gonna be honoring the best of two thousands, seventeen honor rees who UH made a big impact on social media. We got a lot of good categories. Man, I think this is gonna be good. This is a new wage. Let me ask you something when y'all talking about social media awards, y'all going like all through social media finding out like best clips or biggest views and stuff like that. What what what is it exactly? Yeah? Well, we got different categories, Steve, we got we got we got a category called It's a Way, and it's a Way category is a category to honor the music people that have made an impact on social media, like Savage and uh Oozy Verd. And then we got another category called laugh My a Off and it's got people like DC Young, Flying Guest, Hilarious. We got different categories that that that people are gonna be under who made an impact in two thousands seventeen, so they're going to be receiving an award. Hey, Mike, y'all got best ass whooping on there? Because I saw the incredible as whopping on you. That's why you know that's on there. Yeah. Hey, man, you got Michael Blaxton. It's hosting the show there. Ruth thought of this here, and you know what Michael Blackton he is so he is so president on social media and his outfits are so crazy, and you know, because he's just he's really a neutral guy who was like, that's the guy to play you with, you know what I mean. He's funny too, He's very funny. Well, man, you had on this show, uh at the BT Social Award is gonna be following everybody some of the biggest moments, hashtags, and trends of the year. It's a one hour show and it's live from Tyler Pair of studios in Atlanta. Okay, man, I didn't know he had a big arena like that. Yeah, he got the whole base man. Oh so so this's from his new spot. Yeah, oh that boy. Yeah, it's like a city down there. And and from from what I heard, you know, people they hearing up and made made this a note for me. They said, you can't get arrested on his uh studios. Hey man, you know, but I think this is gonna be good. I think the kids is gonna enjoy it, man. I mean, it's it's a new wave man. You know, a lot of a lot of older people they can't really get with it, you know what I mean. And I can remember putting flyers on people's cars and stuff, like a man. So well, let me tell you something that were over thirteen million votes for these categories that we're gonna see Sunday nights. Social media is selling more things than TV commercials nowadays. So let me ask you something, Mike, you think it's gonna be an annual show. I think it is, Steve. I think this is the first one. We kind of got a little bit of pushback from the celebrities because they didn't quite know what it was. But I think after they see it this year, everybody's gonna be more comfortable with it. Because when you say social media sometime and you wanna uh cross celebrities in it, they kind of get nervous about it because they don't know what direction they're going, you know, because because you get be embarrassed and all kinds of different stuff on social media. So after they see this year, I think they're gonna know what it is and uh embrace it and it's gonna be good Man. Well man, we're gonna be tuning in Sunday night, Mike to check it out. We'll be watching for that food. Michael Blackson, I'm gonna be Michael black just because he just money and then you don't know how to hell they got. Mike ELPs, Executive BC Social Ward premiers this Sunday night, February level that ten pm Eastern on b E t A. We got love for you boy kill him? Hey man, much love out there man, and uh just I'm just playing that up. I'm just hoping that I don't know Quincy Jones man right there, man four can man? Don don't pushing scan me? Yeah, yeah, would have been out to us. How anybody been quite a few times. Man, I'm sitting up here. Maver's trying to remember he got doing He's gonna get what I say. Mike is cracking up. I've been looking in the marriage trying to see if I didn't have something done to Rundo. Yeah, what women were remember, I'm telling it all. I was over there, pocket over there, keep me out of that was over here Sunday. The b ET Social Awards premieres this Sunday night, February eleven and ten pm Eastern on B E TAY. Thank you, Mike Caps, We love you. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, listen, millennials are going broke. I think we all have millennials. Yeah, I don't have. Yeah, you have a genny. Yeah, you have one of those, Carlin. We all have millennials here. They say they're going broke because of social media, though, according to research by Alian's Life of Millennials, that's compared to eight percent of Gen xers and seven percent of Baby boomers say they've spent money they didn't have because of something they saw on social media. Yeah yeah with our money, right, not keeping away, but we have jobs, we can buy it our kids. Uh, all right. It seems lots of millennials feel pressured to keep up appearances, with nearly fifty percent saying they're influenced by their friends posts of lavish vacations and lifestyles. Now, according to the survey, social media has become the millennials financial Achilles. Heel, all right, yeah, you agree, not have that problem. It's on a polar road. And if you saw it when you were cutting grass and collecting bottles and all that stuff you get money, it was a whole different story. It was a hustle, yeah, or you go allowances. I think it's more reactionary spending available to young people now, compulsive spending. I mean, you know, I think they could just press a button and it's done. Yeah, you know it wasn't though we had to get up, go to the store find it all. Like it. You can just do compulse it buying and you can press a button and press a button. I got that, or I got that and I got that and next thing, you know, no, you don't have that. And I think that's a big cause of it, right there, the accessibility of everything, and it's so easy to do, and we didn't get him a credit card to do it. That's the problem because the parents, you guys live a better lifestyle than how our parents did, so you're able to give your kids. Yeah, but you know, I mean you gotta give him a debit card because that's everything set up on that, you know what I mean. You don't want them carrying to cash, so you give him a debit card. But you've got to teach them. And that's the struggle. Uh, My boys are a better at it. What Morgan is really good with money. But Morgan and her husband are very very self sufficient. Calling and her husband are very selfishufficient. Brandy is out, she's self sufficient. My oldest son, I don't have to concern myself with him. Lauren went and lost damn. Well, then the two that's always had it good. Yeah, yeah, them two right there ain't handle They ain't handled. Are you still in the given situation of their lives? Meaning if they don't have it you am yeah? Yeah, yeah, my daughters yeah yeah, I mean, you know, if they come to me with a situation and I'm gonna help you before I have to let them have to go to some man, yeah, you know, I'll help them before they have to go to some man, because then I know that comes with some stipulation. So yeah, well, one of my daughters just text me today. You know, they make me sick, don't the way they text? Hey dad? You know what? But put something? Are you? Yeah, it's really not a lot behind the big and that they do because it's so short. It's not but I don't but don't text me Hey dad, question mark. I'm busy. I got stuff to do. And but they text like they talk hey Dad, and then they wait on you to go hey girl, and then they go what you're doing? And then it took me fair to find out what w y D was. So I said, walking down, I love it. I love our millennials. And then they're gonna go back and forth like that, and I don't have that kind of time, So I or the Hey dad, what do you want? You know, because I don't have time to take back go hey you? How you doing today? How you that w y D? I ain't got time for that. Figure out. I wish they had. Well we had just a J. C. Painted cat. You better get busy. I say, what could that do to call somebody else? All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We've been talking about this. Quincy Jones has been saying a lot of interesting things lately. Uh. We remember last week we talked about his twenty two girlfriends. He said he had cool with friends around the world. He talked about that, but at one time, he says he also dated the president's daughter, Ivanka Trump. Now, this is an interview he gave with Vulture magazine. Quincy says that the matchmaker was none other than Tommy Hill Figure. Yeah, he says, I used to date iv Anka. Uh, Tommy Hill Figure who was working with my daughter Cadata said Ivanka wants to have dinner with you, And yes, he was interested. Keep going, there's more, Please keep listening because this line coming up this for you, but didn't uh uh And yes he was interested, but didn't dig her dad back then either. Uh, she's right, you know, Yeah, she's a fine mother blanker. He knows. Uh. She had the most beautiful legs I ever saw in my life. Now was that but it? But it really was? It was. Yeah. You also share that he used to hang out with Donald Trump, whom he described as a crazy mother blanker limited mentally, uh, megalomaniac and narcissistic. I can't stand him. Asked what his first thoughts about the Beatles, Quincy remarked, they were the worst musicians in the world. I thought they rock and roll Hall of fame. They could. They were no playing mother Blankers love you. It was something we never seen before. The drumming and the guitars. No, Ringo was known to be the worst drummer, and not only that, they would overdub his drumming in a lot of sessions. So the mother Bankers were no said they were playing. I mean, look, man, they they had never been seen before, and they became iconic. Now, don't take that away from him. The Beatles are iconic, great songwriters. They will go down in history. And when you broke them down, McCartney and all the boys with some bad boys just as a group instrumentation wise, is what I believe Quincy said. Now that's really true. You listen to beatlet records. Many they weren't great musicians. You're talking to a guy who's one of the greatest composers of our turn, which is the Beatles covered up when they went live. They did a lot of covered songs, cover songs of black artists that you know, shaking up, and they stole a lot, and they stole a lot. They're absolutely right, you know, they were no playing and that's what he said. Okay, and then talking about Michael Jackson because you knew, I mean you never he knew Michael Jackson very well. Yeah, he produced Thriller, biggest selling album of all time. All that. Quincy also alleges that Michael Jackson stole a lot of stuff. We're gonna have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are, Steve. We've come to the end of our show. Wow, lot of stuff happened on this show today. Uh. So here we go with just one more thing in your closing remarks. UH, Today I want to talk to something about fear. Yesterday we talked about disappointment. Today I want to talk to you about fear. Um. Fear is a very very real emotion. Everybody experiences it on some level or another. There's not a person alive that does not experience fear on some level. Don't you believe that for a minute. I face it all the time. I know a lot of other people who face it. I know some very very successful people who have had to face it and continue to face it. Fear is so big and so prevalent today that the number one cause of failure is fear. Nothing produces more failure than does fear. It is the fear of failure that freezes people before they even start. It is the fear of failure that causes you to second guess. It is the fear of failure that causes you not to want to deal with the rejection and the potential hurt that failure causes. So fear cripples you on so many levels. Fear is the number one cause of failure in this country. Okay, but how is it that some people somehow manage to get by anyway? What is it that you can do that would help you overcome whatever fear you're facing. M Well, here's what I was taught, and this has helped me in my life, my career, my family, my jobs, my ambition, everything. To overcome fear, you overcome fear with your dreams. I want y'all to listen to me closely. Now, how do you overcome fear? You overcome fear with your dreams? Steve, How my dreams gonna make me overcome my fear? Because I want you to listen to me. Because the dream is everything. The Bible says a man without a dream or vision shall perish. The dream is everything. See, if you have no dreams and visions, you will perish. You were de in fear. You were die sitting somewhere in fear without dreams and visions. Dreams are the counterpoint to all fear. Because listen to this. If you dream, I want you to dream so big. I want you to want something so incredible. I want you to dream of having something that's so spectacular that if it doesn't happen, you would be miserable. Man, if I don't make this dream come true, I'm gonna be miserable. I want you to dream so big that not attaining that dream would absolutely be horrible for you. I want you to dream so big that not reaching your dreams is unacceptable. You cannot live in this world without the dream and the vision. You can live in this world without your mother, your father, your brother. You can live in this world without a wife, a husband. You can live in this world without a lot of things. But what you cannot live in this world without his dreams and visions. You will perish without those things. You have to dream of something and wants something. That's what keeps pushing you forward. So if you want to overcome your fear, you do it with your dreams. Dream big, man, so that and dreams so big that it is unthinkable that you can't have this dream come true. And here's the side note. God is going to make your dream come true. Business, ain't he? He do it all the time. I'm telling you, man, God does it all the time. He makes people's dreams come true. What are you dreaming about? Explore what you're really dreaming about, so you can lose your fear. You're afraid to open your business because if your business fail, you lose the money you save. And you won't open your business because you have to, you might lose your job when your boss find out. Dream bigger, Dream of what opening that business could do for you, the feedom of freedom, of the feeling of freedom that you would have, the extra money you can may have, what you can do for your family, the things you can leave a legacy of. Maybe your dream ain't big enough. Maybe you got the dream of owning a large company, maybe a mom and pop store. Maybe you dream of climbing the corporate letter. Maybe you're dreaming of becoming the supervisor or the CEO or the company. You got to dream so big, man, that if this dream don't happen, you'll be miserable. You have to dream so big that it becomes and and and it's no way you can accept your life without this dream. Once you can do that, you can press through your fears. You can move forward, you can get on with it. I'm telling y'all, I was taught this to overcome fear. You overcome fear with your dreams, dreams so big that if it don't happen, you will be miserable. Dreams so big that if you don't attain it, it'll be horrible. Dreams so big that you can't imagine your life without living your dreams, and then guess what it was. Supply to Fortitude, the strengthen, the courage to face your fear and move on with your life. Dreams is the key to overcoming your fear. Y'all, have a good weekend. I show am I'm going to get mine nailed though. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.