The Winter Olympics, Dog Meat On The Menu, Quincy Jones Interview, Valentine's Day Tip and more.

Published Feb 12, 2018, 5:36 PM

The Steve Harvey Morning Show discuss the Winter Olympics and how dog meat is being served on the menu. The crew expresses their thoughts on whether or not they feel Quincy Jones was telling the truth during his Vulture interview, discuss Valentine's Day tips and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all baby have all so long looking back to back down, giving them just like the Milan buck bus things, and it's cobs y'all to me true good to tea, the horty listening to move to other for stoo handle money. I don't you join? Yeah? Well join me into doing me? Honey said? Do you turn want to go? Yeah? You go. You gotta turn you don't burn the turnout turn you love me, got to turn out to turn water water go? Comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shall will Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Uh huh, one more time, man, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, ain't God been good to me? Wow? But then again, ain't He been good to you too? Though? I mean really, man, think of all the blessings God has given you. Think of all the things He's done for you, things that you ask for, things that you didn't ask for, things that you were expecting. Being all about all of the unexpected blessings. Man, he just keep coming with it, don't it. You know what, that's some good news today, though, y'all. You know, in the in the in the face of the economy being the way it is, in the face of all the world being the way it is, the the evilness that's out there, it just it just seems like that's all that's on the news sometimes. You know, we got we got news of parents not really standing up being parents. We've got news stories of children turning on their parents. You got, you got everything the economy, You've got places you thought you should be beautiful places to go. Now they've got travel allerged. It's it's just it's all little. It's it's it's all over. But the good news is there's something that you can have in this relationship with God that gives you a way to deal with it all. And I'm not saying that it will it will protect you from every single thing out that is happening, because some things are going to happen to you. You're going to be in an accident from time to time. You're going to make a mistake and fall down from time to time. But man, wouldn't it be incredible to you for you if you understood that you had some insurance in all of this that no matter what happened to you, you know you will cover it. You know, look, insurance companies as good as they are, you know, like our friends to Stay Farm or any other insurance company. You know they do, they do some amazing things. Insurance is a really really good thing to happen in the event that something happens to you. You know, you may not want to pay the premium, but guess what in the event that something happens to you that insurance is absolutely critical. Well, but guess what they cover certain things. You could get life insurance, you can get auto insurance, you can get accident insurance, you can get health insurance. There is nothing that you can buy to safeguard you against life's decisions. You know, if you make a mistake, if you cheat, if you lie, if you if you fall down and you can't seem to get it together, and you make a crazy decision about how you're gonna go about securing an income, that there are there are no policies you can buy for that. You can't buy a policy. If you stop being the man you're supposed to be, and and and and give up on your children, you can't buy a policy if something happens as a mother and all of a sudden you're not the mother you're supposed to be. But there is some insurance coverage out there for you. And that relationship that you form with God, that friendship that you form with him, that that alliance that you that that partnership, that that prayer that you put in all the time, there is an insurance policy that you have taken out when you form a relationship with your heavenly Father, when you form a friendship, when you form a bond that protects you, that protects you when these things happen in the event that they happen. Now, here's a great thing about prayer. Prayer can head off some stuff from happen. It really really can. Prayer can prevent some things from happen. You know, I'll give you an example in my life. Okay, here we go, because see this is the best way for me to do it. Because see what I don't like to do is is talk to people without letting them know, Hey, look I'm in this hole with you. I feel where yet? Okay, here we go. I was making some decisions a few years ago because what I thought I was doing was counterbalancing something that was happening in my life. You know, I thought that since I wasn't happy or well, for whatever the reason I thought I wasn't happy, if if I, as wrong as I am, wanted to blame somebody else from my unhappiness, that that's that's really if. If if I make a bad decision because I'm thinking I'm unhappy with somebody, hold a part. Two wrongs don't make it right. And I make a decision to do something wrong, and now the consequences come when I do something wrong. See then that I already know, as an intelligent thinking man, and as most of you are, that when you do something wrong, that you know there is a consequence for that. I teach that to my sons. When you do something wrong, there as a consequence. So as an adult, I fully understood the consequence. And so what I was doing was I was making some decisions that was causing some consequences in my life that was delaying my happiness, delaying my progress, causing my business not to go the way it could go, so forth and so on. Well, what I started doing was I took out this insurance policy called prayer, and I started putting it in my mix on a daily basis, and then I started putting it in my mix, you know, two three times a day. And then I found myself using it all the time. And then I really started putting it in when when I didn't need any help, when I wasn't in trouble, I started putting insurance and I started making deposits into the bank. I started paying my premiums down. And prayer is like a premium, you just paying to it. Then when situation started coming up, now it's that prayer that I had put in that in those premiums I had paid, it started preventing me from making the decisions I was making in the past. Thus I didn't have to the suffer the consequences. Thus my businesses didn't have to be delayed in this progress. Because I had put some payments on some premiums, I had taken out an insurance policy with my life, my real life. I'm talking about your life where you make your day to day decisions in I'm not talking about see life. Insurance is only good if you die. God has a policy that's avasable, that's available for you. Why are you living see in order foreign insurance policy to pay. Something bad got to happen when you take out the policy with your with your heavenly father, when you pay the premiums of prayer, and that's all it costs. Man, It ain't you. Ain't gotta have no money for this policy. I put into the policy. It pays me dividends and benefits for living. Ain't nothing got to go wrong for me to cash in on this policy. I use this policy for good things. Steve Harvey long away from being perfect. I never claimed perfection it as a matter of fact. You know, it's kind of funny, man, how people do. That's that's why I'm I used to be so afraid to even, you know, bring up God in my relationship and what I was trying to do, because just the other day I gotta email in the email back, I'm just telling you how people were. It didn't stop me, it didn't shake me. I just don't want you to understand that people are. See people sit up and listen to you, and then they used that for a point they got to make. Mr Harvey. Since you say you better now and God is making you better and you a change person, why do you treat Eugene the way you do. Eugene is obviously, and then she used three letter word for Eugene that we've never used on the show about Eugene. Eugene is. Nobody never said that. We're just doing the show over here. You see that. Don't bother me no more, because all I want to lady, notice this is just to show everybody this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's nothing more, it's nothing less. You know, a lot of people know who Eugene is. A lot of people know what Eugene do. Some people do, some people don't. But people would take information they hear you about your walk and try to throw it in your way and in a subtle way, in a subtle way, you ain't what you say you are. You ain't walking like you said you're gonna walk. Man, listen to me, y'all make the decisions to pay your premiums in prayer, talk to your heavenly father, get you some insurance in your life, and when you have little things like that, keep on stepping. Man. God loves you. Man, Man, I shall hope you talk to God to day because guess what his show would like to hear from you. That's for shows you're listening to ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of people notably around the world that would be including the White House. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I would invite the White House to start listening because y'all need a laugh today. Instead of providing the laughs, y'all need to sit back and laugh. This's the craziest thing I've ever seen. Let's all thank God for Quincy Jones. Welcome to the Steve Harvey Quest. It had lost it. Damn he needs to of course, it got to be quiet. Queer say queens that Quez said Chris, it needs to be quiet, man. But he is he telling the truth though, dog is well. Quincy knows a lot of stuff. Man. I've set with this man many times. He's one of the most knowledgeable and realest cats I've ever talked to. He's knowledgeable. I've never heard him lie. I don't know who's going on it. Let's just say it's too much right now, That's all I can't It's a lot. He just the spectrum of knowledge is too much. The part that's gonna get the most trouble is he knows who shot Kennedy. We got to well, what did he say the mafia, right, A lot of people have suspected that for years. No, he know who shots. Yeah, he know him. He's old enough to know. Right now, you got to be quiet. Yeah. Yeah. You can say what you want to say about everybody else, but once you start talking that political thing. Yeah, he said, Michael Jackson stole music, um from down the summer. The Beatles can't play. I mean, he said so much. Richard. Well, that's true if you listen to the Beatles music, that they weren't gifted musicians at all. They were this thing that had never been seen before. They were iconic. Oh, they came and they feeled a void that had never They were just the first London group boy band. Oh man, they're killing it. So yeah, No, they weren't great musicians. No, not at all. I didn't know that. I never knew that. You could have never told me that. So we're gonna believe some of the stuff he says, but just not all believe. We have to be. Well, all you gotta do is listen that they're not known for great instrumentation. They were one of the greatest kids of all time, but they were That's not what I'm saying, if we believe the Beatles, then we're gonna have to believe that the Godfather was with Richard Pride. We're gonna have to believe. If we don't believe all of it, well, here's a deal, and you can look at you can listen to the music and tell that that's the truth. You wasn't there for the rest of it was not Ivanka Trump do have nice legs, and I feel for her for a lot of the pain she has to go through, you know. So I don't know, but as a comedian, you are avoiding it. The god Father, I don't even know what all Right, coming up, we're gonna find out what happened over the weekend, Steve, what happened ninety years ago we had you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Hi, Steve, I understand you did some barbecuing over the weekend. Yeah. Yeah, I just got out on the grill. And then my crazy wife, who is a little Mr. The socialite of the family, she just eyes to go on something live. I don't know what it was. She was doing it Instagram Live, Mama Story or Instagram. It was Instagram Live, Instagram Live. Me and the hubby just out in the backyard barbecuing. I can't believe say, haisty, you know goodn heal well, I don't like that. I said, Hey, she said, that's real good for him, y'all. But I was out there putting that grill up. I did. That's what I did. Okay, Now this was crazy. This was a protein weekend. I still got some. I got a little bit left. But that's gonna be it, though. But I did. Um. I did some lamb chops. I did some chicken quarters, legs and thighs. Yeah. Um, they taste way better barbicane, didn't they just do? Man, they're juicier. Yeah, you are not as dry, Shirley, They're not as dry, surely. Yeah, we're talking about cooking. I know, I know the thighs are juicier. You're not allowed to participate, Tommy, she jumped in here. Don't know, But am I not? Emma? Is that not the truth? With confidence? They're juicier? They aren't juicier. I know that I've eaten them before. I may not have cooked them, but I'm certainly eating them before. Tommy. Tommy, she ambushed me. You are not gonna do you ain't no league that person. You don't know nothing by no cooking, god nothing. So anyway we did. I did lamb chops, then I did some THI laid quarters, and then I did some wago wago hot dog dog. Yeah, man, I did not know that. Hey Junior, that costs some money, right, I bet it? Do that? You bet not burn it? You can get him at Bristol Farms. What what is BOMs? It's a grocery store. How much is hot dogs? I don't boy up there with you and Tom Hanks and then there goes draping in. Hey man, I don't know to everyone, Okay, I don't have to go to the grocery store talking about how much. I just pick out what I won't not at the grocery. Stoke, when you rolled around grocer store, do you see Samuel Jackson? Is he in there too? I don't go to the grocery. You have people to do that for you. Oh you didn't go, And now we're getting somebody brought back these hot dogs. Now you want me to talk about you see chicken thighs? Forget forget that time. I mean the real thing is so you see Oscar Maya and just keep going. You don't stop. No, no, no, no, no no, they don't have him in there. You know who Askari my eels though, So Oscar maya getting waggle hot dogs. They don't Oscar myn not in the stoke. I didn't even know that. Listen, y'all. Just go to Bristol Farms. It's a stoke. I didn't even know that. You ain't got to buy that. It's going now. It just they just stay up gourmet foods in there. That's what they're famous for, gourmet foods. So you could go in there and buy stuff and like played it and set it out like you did it. This is a great move for young player. Dudes, play and act like you did it. Come on, boy, and so let me see. We did waggle and then my wife made some wag chili. Oh wow, that sounds good. So instead of she used Wago beef for the chili. So and then I had whatever and just a few chicken legs and that's all I did on the grill. Yet was the beautiful Yeah what grill? The egg? Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, I just did a green egg. So my wife bought these buns that she split butters and puts on the flat top grill, and then she put the big waggle hot dog on that and then coverted in waggle chili with the kidney beans on it, and then sprinkle a little log sliced cheese on top. I had a chili dog that man, I'm telling you throw your in the South had had a chili dog in years. You gotta wigo hot dog? Is it's not that big? But apparently it is. Cly it is you. You know, I'm not a big red meat eater, but no, so I haven't no okay, god, oh but you gave it to me at no boo. You went to the well. I didn't go. I went with him. Oh that's you. You was balling in he was Vegas. Yeah, you was no time and he was balling. He bought dinner. I was with him. But did you eat? Yes, but then you was bowling. They set the wag on fire. Wow, that was delicious meat. Man. You should have said, I tried to bite the meat with me. You don't even need a force that's wanted. The show one day and I got Ashley Graham, the supermodel on the show, and we're talking, and so she saw me. They're eating and she came up behind me and stuck her hand through the railing and oh my god, Steve Harvey, I've got to get an autograph. And I was like, so aggravated I spun around. She said, got you. So she was trying to explain it, so I said, yeah, I saw, I was sitting there no booze and she said it's singular, there's no And I didn't know what to hear she was talking about. I said, yes, it is because it don't belong to me, so it's no booze, it's no. Hey, listen, got ready for Reverend Motown and Deacon death Jam. They're up next with church complaints. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up. At the top of the hour, we'll talk about the Winter Olympics and ms Anne will be here with Today's National News. But right now it is watching them. Yeah. Did you see the young guy who won for snowboarding? Oh yeah, yeah, got the gold man. Yeah, okay, sure you saw that. I must be in your report because I was cooking. I like the Olympics. I watched the Olympics. I watched the Olympics. I watched figure skating short dance. I watched that. A young boy, the eighteen year old boy from America. He got took out because he was raising them grown me and he just didn't know what he was going to do. Man, and gangster him on that short track. But he did good though. He'll be back into it. He got three Olympics to go. Yeah, he gonna remember this whipping next year. Next Olympics, he's gonna be something else. But yeah, I've been watching Olympics going really all right. You know, Korea and South Korea walked out together that yeah, and Kim John's sister was sitting very close to the Vice President of the US who was like playing her really really. But you know what, man, it's like this though at the Olympics. I mean, it's just the one time where you got to you know, look, it's just it's sports. It's a game. It's an opportunity. I thought since North Korea, South Korea came out under one flag. They haven't done that since the war. And I mean, man, that was like iconic move. And then Pences tried to sit there and play tough with you, but she's not. He's just he's just so man. I doe, right, there. But anyway, they tried to play off and wouldn't shake her hand or nothing like that, and everybody else up in their shaking hands to shake the lady hands. Alright, well, Mr Anna's gonna be here with National nat. One more thing. Rocket Man wasn't there. He don't leave out the North because he knows soon as he leaves somebody gonna shoot this right now, motel taking the church complaints, Oh Lord, today, as usual we faced the ungrateful horde that is the congregation complaining, complaining, complain, Ever, talk to me about what they're grateful for. The lack of gratitude of this congregation is out of head. What is it not? Deacon sometime today? You know I'm siding past all right, listen, I be wheel Chair soccer team ministry wants new tires on their chairs. They loust to the Holy Rollers last week due to the slick ties, and they asking if we can actually go into the budget and get them some new tires for all of their wheelchairs. Now there's ten members on the wheelchair soccer Uh, we're a chair soccer team ministry that we it's up to you pass it if we're gonna spend this kind of money on the wheelchair Soccer Team ministry, it's up to you. Well, brother Deacon up admired the courage. But we fourteen games in and ain't nobody scored a goal yet. Well, it's due to the tire, that's what they're saying. Passing. They're saying that if we would have them uh some new tie, they can score the goals and win. But at this point, like you said, we've we've had fourteen games, only twenty games in a season games and ain't scored yet. And brother and brother Bob followed me, was right there last week at the goal. I strew it up and spakeless said kick and he cannot get to it. Passed. But but they're saying that their problem is that the tires to slick on the wheel there. They need more grip with the I don't see what that had to do with Brother Bartolome getting that ball in that And you know what, I agree with the goalie wheel had got caught in the net on the other side. It was nobody there to block it, right. But what I'm trying to tell you I had nothing to do with No, we're not buying wheel. Well, I'll tell you what I'll tell you what, God, get him the wheels. Yeah, all right, get him the wheel and then not passed it. Let me ask you this, Should we get them the wheel now? I should we wait right before the next season start, right right? They don't need to wear any wheels out with these six games, right right. We're gonna wait to the new seat and tell them that. All right, so nick, season you will have wheels, all right? Moving along? They win for the games they got left. They they're getting new gloves too, Pathew, and soccer, why do they need new gloves? Well, what do you think it is pushing the wheels? Boy? Hello, I wouldn't think, man, I just I'm just thinking soccer. You can't touch the ball with your hands. But okay, well let me ask you, so they in the wheelchair, what they're gonna touch your ball with? Moving on, Beacon Pastor Livingston, who won the bass fishing competition but got bit by catfish during the tournament, now wants to suit the church for his mishap. Now, he did win five thousand dollars in the first place. Uh, what do we want to do about him being bit? Uh? Pastor? Because he wants to sue the church for thirty or five dollars for his hospital visit. The bite from a catfish is nothing. They don't possess teeth that they deacon, now they don't. They just inhale. The problem is that them fins on the catfish. He didn't get fans. He just got bit. Right, Well, it's hard for us to do that. Bass got motif than a catfish, and they're not dangerous at all. I think you're going to ignore this request and just let him enjoy the spoils of his victory for the bass winning the bass out, all right, that's all he can get from us right here. He's not getting nothing from us all right. Now. He has another situation since the mose. They are Rilins, who is turning eighty six years old, wants to have her baby shower here at the church next Saturday. She is seven months pregnant. The sisters are totally against this action, but it's totally up to you if she can have her baby shower. Now. See eight is six and seven months pregnant. But we're not gonna as far as who the father don't know Aboudy. First of all, digger, let's stop here because the last time sister Moselle Riley told her she was pregnant. As I'm assuming as is this is the case again she actually had a tumor or size of the basketball that was removed, or sister Mozelle pipes can't produce children's no more. Half of the hour, miss Anna is gonna be not because she would pregnant. Latime it again, Miss Anna is gonna I don't know. Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anna is going to be here with today's national news. Well, yes, yes i am. We'll tell you about some restaurants that are still serving dog meat during the Olympics. Yeah, what I gotta tell you about that? Yeah, yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, listen, guys, some restaurants are still serving dog meat during the Olympics. You heard me. They're still serving dog meat. Roof roof, roof dog meat during the Olympics, because it's dog meat. Don't get I am gonna do get involved with us. Let's let us get in trouble. I'm doing it my way, just like you guys do it your way. But baby, baby, okay, I'm good. I'm just let us go and get into I'll stay on tnc just go. Let me just right, I've art, really because that's barking is not controversial. Some restaurants are still serving dog meat during the Olympics despite government requests. Nearly all restaurants in pyeong Chung That's It, South Korea will continue to sell dog meat during the Olympics. Of the twelve restaurants in the area, only two have complied with local authorities, even though they've been offered subsidies for taking the dish off the menu during the games. Local business owners feels they shouldn't have to change their menu to accommodate foreigners. Okay, you're in my house, y'all. Go just what we eat. This is what we eat, and you bet not fly your dog over. I've been selling dog meat for decades. Stop at JR, says Park Young, a who runs a Young Hun restaurant. His business is very close to the Olympic stadium. You don't know him who you don't know him? Young Restaurant Away has a real joint. Found out he made more money selling dog in South Korea. His business is very close to real puffy or lips. It's business is very close to the Olympic stadium, and he says, it is really difficult for me to change my menu just because of the Olympics. And before you freak out, eating dog meat is very common and legal. I've been knowing that Korea had some over here. I'm know gonna hear well, I have I know gonna here. Well, I've been in the restaurant because I ordered them wheels one time and I said, there and looked at that. What I was thinking, what cald what calf for pig? What piglet? Could this have possibly pit for? I know them things down in the curvage on them bones was just looked too much, turned them bones, It looked too much. I gotta ask you this. I have to ask you. How did it? Yeah, how did it take? It? Was? It was damn near delicious? Really pick up the flavor that it was delicious. Spend I don't know, but we have been known for a long time that a lot of countries like that sale dog. I don't know why everybody tripping. Yeah, it's legal in Korea and it's mostly eaten by older people. Just so you'll know, it's mostly eaten by older people because it's believed to have medicinal properties, and they don't. So do you think you really eating dogs? Well? I did at the Monolian barbecue, kind of had too much of it on Tues. It's all you can eat Mongolian barb and all eat Mongolian cows and pigs in I don't think so. Alright, Missing is here, Steve Missing is here with our Newslets lay gentlemen, Missing, you're very much okay. This is and for the news everybody, And good morning, good Monday morning. Here we go with the U. S. Senate schedule to begin debating immigration legislation later on today. Where it is that most Republicans feel that Donald Trump is gonna sign just about any bill that they can put together. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has promised that he's going to put a bill on the floor this week and that the final version will be arrived at Get this the old fashioned way. We haven't seen that in a long time, the amendments and votes, none of this other stuff. Both Democrats and Republicans have been working on a measure that would be up boarded security U fund Trump's border wall in exchange for a path to citizenship for the hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought here illegally has children. Other words, the dream that you know, the Dream Act, the Data Act expires in a couple of weeks, so that's why they have to get down and do something about it, one way or the other. Meanwhile, the President is to present his budget proposal for the nation's infrastructure to the Congress today. Lawmakers passed a spending bill last week that raises the cap on both military and domestic spending, and what Trump presents in his budget today does not affect that. An investigation underway into what caused Russian passenger jet to crash yesterday. All seventy one passengers and crew have been killed. Plane heading from Moscow to Risk, which is about ninety miles east in Israel. The decision is reportedly expected soon in connection with a corruption investigation into Prime Minister Benjamin Netton Yahoo. In fact, the report says that there could be sufficient evidence to bring an indictment. The investigation surrounds net and Yah, Who's connections with wealthy businessmen and the gifts that he allegedly received. Sad news, actor Reggie Cathy has died now. Cathy was perhaps best known as a political aid Norman Wilson from The Wire wore glasses ballhead. Reggie Cathy also played Freddie, the owner of the barbecue Joint on House of Cards. He was fifty nine years old. In the Winter Olympics this weekend, the US took the bronze and team figure skating. The US men's luge team medal for the very very first time in its history. We have never not the men's team, the women, No, but not the men. Twenty nine year old Chris Matson, an up State of Upstate, New York, won the silver, and he says on NBC conditions were perfect. It's cold, it's technical. People are messing up. I just went for it, took as they said, all the training wheels off. I held it together and it just means everything. By the way, mets are only missed the gold by about two hundreds of a second. And so this stuff goes whoo. And today is National End of a c P Day. It's also National Safety Pup and Kitten Day. So here we go. Okay, there, I think it's like tustling a little bit there, now stop it. Get Eugene the Butterfly coming up. Twenty minutes after the stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Rain Prior, Richard Pryor's daughter, is not among those who believe Quincy Jones claim. We talked about this earlier. Uh, Quincy Jones, Um uh, he's been ranting on and on and on about certain things. We talked about this, but Range Range Prior is not among those who believe Quincy Jones claim that our father once had sex with Marlon Brando. Quincy Jones made the shocking claim among many in an interview with Vulture last week. It seemed to gain some credence when Quincy last year, I mean, but of course you don't know everything, now, yeah, I mean, why would anybody Michael Jackson stole some songs? That's what he says, right, He in the same business. Okay. Now, ever, didly he saw the Godfather go by Richard? No, I'm just not. They didn't say that was at the house. They didn't say that where was Okay, I was trying to let him get that out. Did he make him an offer he couldn't refuse? All right? Prior's widow, Jennifer Lee, has confirmed it. The Brain says It's just not true, she writes on Facebook. Q was once a brilliant music producer who is losing his mind. This is according to Rain, and I sound like it and decided to garner publicity for himself with a sensationalized interview, and he spewed out a lot about my father, who's not here to defend himself. Then, on top of it all, my dad's so called widow validated it because she needs to keep legitimizing herself and tarnish our dad even after he's dead. Rain says, Richard Pryor's ex wife hated Q, and she hated Richard Pryor. She said she hated Q and she hated daddy. Well, you're talking about which one, uh, Jennifer Lee, I mean not Jennifer. She's been at the forefront of all the money making schemes and ideas. She's always been that way. That's all I'm gonna go with Rain on this one. And in a subsequent post a Rain takes a less combative stance. She says, it's one of his children. I should not have to defend my brilliant, abused father to anyone. I mean, Steve, you've said it you're gonna take rainside on this, I'm going ain't. I mean, it's like this, y'all, wait, all these years bring this up. The man going, he can't defend himself, and you know you're just making any statements. So as we're gonna as we're gonna believe half of what Quincance saying, then the other part we don't want to believe what. Either we're gonna believe Quincy or we ain't. No, It's like this, though, if you're talking about music, you can discuss music because you're a musical genius yourself. Okay, everything right there? You ain't been in nobody's how what what was you there? Okay, here's my question. Why? Why was my mom was? What was he over there doing? But my question is this, why is Quincy even coming out with all of this stuff? Why why you come out whatever? Thing? I can't see it? All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I understand we have some special guests yea in the studio. You know, j Anthony Brown ain't here today for some ungodly reason. But weird. Are you happy about it? Hello, I'm brother and I'm brother. That's my brother. He's my brother, and we're brothers. We've been brothers for years. Yeah, we got the same mama and girlfriend and sisters. That's right. And that's what you call all in the family right there. Now, that's right. So we're here today and we're gonna cover a plectora of topics that's been on y'all's mind, and we're gonna cover them. We're gonna cover them from the southern standpoint, right because you know what, it's a lot of silly city folks, you know New York and the say in Philadelphia and all those up Nook, Chicago, just you know, good people, but you need a Southern take on things. What's going on, Shirley, How are you anyway? Sweets? Hi? Brother, I'm fine, Thank you? How are you? Oh? Well? All were good? Were you good? Brother? Brother? I'm good, I'm very good. Now. I tell you what, I'll tell you what you and I are the best best Republican Democrats were right on the middle of the land. Yeah, that's thing about us. We were Republicans, but we like Democrats too though. Yeah, we're Republicrats is what we are. No, it's your new thing. We're called I rep Dems. De Yeah, we're independent Republican Democrats. So let's go Shirley. What are you guys? All right? Well, we were just talking on this Steve Harvey Morning Show about Quincy Jones and some of the outrageous claims he made in a in an interview with Vulture Vulture magazine. So he talked about a lot of stuff. Michael Jackson stole some of his music. The Beatles were non playing musicians. He right, the Beatles. I watched them, he's riding. They couldn't play. They looked good, they're handsome, but they couldn't play with all they had with her. Yeah, they had her. All they had with her shaking and all that they was London boys, that's all they was just new little tight fitted pants come over here. They couldn't play with now where you have a fiddle, you have a still good tar. Ain't nobody have a folk good tar. They don't come out here making the heads come on, cut down, cut out. Quinchy was a nice guy. I don't know why he said all these things, like he just come out of nowhere with it and let it quin you're talking about you talking about the secret Garden. You just came out and let it up. Well, well, hell now we know where that song comes from. You know what. We also did a story about how some of the restaurant owners in South are you going too fast? You didn't say nothing about the story about Donald Trump's daughter, Oh, Ivanka Trump? Evin, what we cower? Her name is? Ivanka Trump? Should have been okay? Well, Quincy said that he dated her and she had fantastic legs, the most beautiful legs. Well, she's got nice legs. That's all that, right, But what was she wrote with Quincy at that point, quite quite some time ago, some years ago? Well, how is she's don't nobody know that? Looking up right? Quick? Monica? You not doing nothing over there? Playing candy crush? Probably that's what she did. She's not girl. Okay. I thought she was like thirty five, but she's thirty six. She's thirty six. Now why would she won a date Quincy? Fifteen years ago? She was baby? Yeah, we got enough time dig off in this lack. We won't too, but I like to dig in. I'm sorry, Well, let's do what are we doing next? Shirley. Oh, we have a prank phone call that we have to play, and that's coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letters. All right, but up next the nephew is right here with today's prank phone call. What you got? Sure? This is what we call small face small he did it to see see shirt didn't but did nobody saying nothing like that, but we were thinking it small favor. You ain't get no taller yelling hello, I'm trying to reach Vicky. Vicky, Hey, Vicky, how are you doing? Are you the Are you the niece of uhh? I think it's at your aunt? Yes, okay, and you're you know you aren't passed away? I mean I mean years ago, y'all passed. It was about five years ago. Okay, listen, I don't over here at the funeral home. Uh my, my my sister just passed away, and uh they gave me your phone number, did you guys? We're going through a little bit of a situation here, did you guys? Aren't you know your aunt was a heavy set woman. Is that right. Okay, Now they had to did they have to put her in a in a Did they have a bit of a special casket for her? Yeah, okay, that's what we're kind of going through with my sister. We ordered a special casket for for for my sister, and uh, I'm assuming this is the same thing that you guys went through. I called several of her, her children, but I wasn't able to get in touch with anybody. But the funeral home actually had your name on file as well, so they gave me your number where I would be able to talk to you. Is that is that? Okay, Yeah, that's okay, you can speak to me, but you know, let's things to be a problem. Well listen, uh we we The funeral is actually in two days and we ordered one of those special caskets, but it doesn't look like it's gonna be in for another week, so you know, it's almost like we're gonna, we're gonna we're not gonna have a casket for her, you know, for the funeral. And you know that, like I said, the funeral home told us about you know that you guys were the last ones that ordered a casket of that size and you know, me and the rest of the family has been you know, we've been trying to figure out what to do and what to do. Do you think it's any way possible we can borrow the casket that your Ain't is in, and then when the casket comes in and we ordered, we can put her in that casket and put her back down to rest like she's always been. Do you think that's excuse me? Hello, hello, Thin, could you repeat yourself? What exactly how are you asking me? Well, what I'm saying is, do you think we can borrow your ain't casket? Because you know, the funerals in two days and the casket is not gonna be in in order for us to be able to bury her in a in a casket for you know, to accommodate her size. That's when I'm asked, what kind of your talking about? First of all, who is this? Okay? No, my name is Larry, Like I said, My name is Larry. I got you, I got you guys. Like I said. I tried to call some of her kids, but nobody ever picked up when I called. Yeah, her nieces number all file to you. You are her niece, Vicky, right, Yes, I am Okay, that's what I'm saying. Do you think that maybe you can talk to the children and see if we can maybe used that particular casket. Okay, wait a minute, what the talking about this? The First of all, who who is this? You? You gotta be losing your man if you think I'm gonna let you dig up my any just to bury yourself stuff. But understand where you're coming from. But what I'm trying to say is that we don't have a casket, bigg enough and they were they they let us know that you guys were the last ones that had a casket that you know, what were gonna do with us? Dash? You don't truck stuff figuring out? Have you? No? No? Well, okay, first of all, what I'm trying to it was this the family been grieving pretty hard and I just wanted to make sure that the funeral will be right. And it ain't gonna be right, and we don't we don't bring my family gonna feel dig in my amy of you. They don't call me with this. Who is the funeral home that gave you my number to add me to use the casket so you can bury your sister? Who is the name of that person. I can't remember, but it was it was. It was the guy the funeral director let me know that you guys had went through a situation where you have to bury your your your your aunt. Like I said, I tried to call what's your name again? My name is Larry. Okay, Larry, this is this is I don't know what, give you my phone number to call me asking you just done? Can you believe they call her asking me the can Bury that's don't have a casset? Hello, No, no, what what's your fault? No? I understand it's not your fault. What I'm trying to say is wh y'all show some sympathy and some love for me and my family going through because we don't have a cask Like I say, my suster, my souster wasn't was you know? Was that if the heaven was a heaven ship? You know, my conduleces go out to you and your family. You know, I'm trying to be as reserved as I can with this whole situation. But do you understand what kind of stupid you're asking me right now to actually dig up my un whose army who's been at for fun yees? Because bury your sister, because let me let me ask you this like this, if we you that you ain't ain't gonna know she ain't gonna know who you for you to say to me what your stupid? You're talking on you smoking crack, what I don't know more? First of all, you know what I First, I appreciate you trying to work with me, but I want to say this is you. You don't even have the authority to make that decee if you give me one of the numbers to one of your cupsins because I was really trying to be nice and be calm. But guess what, we're not doing this stupid. I'm trying to be nice to you and tell and trying to help you out, but no, you want me to get ignorant and ask stupid with you. I was trying to be nice and sympathetic. We're not doing it. I'm not giving you the number. I got the authority to tell you right now. We're not digging up so you can bury yourseluf stuff. Okay, so so so so, so, that's just it. I can't talk to now, that's it. Now you weren't talking to but you're talking to me Okay, I got, I got, I got something else. I need to tell you though, I need, I need to tell you something else or you listen, but tell me. I want to tell you this. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harbing morn It's your VICKI. Your sister Sheila got me to prank phone called hub. Who is this again, Biggy? This is a nephew Tommy from this Eve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister she Look got me to plant phone call you. Oh oh, y'all, you got me over. Y'all worked up. I'm gonna played etty much at I got one more thing to ask. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning for y'all? All right, dad, there, see, when you want somebody to dig up somebody that's been buried for quite some time, you know what I'm saying, it's it's well, it's not an all type, but it's just a small favor. You just want somebody to dig them up so we can. It's a small favor, that's all I'm saying. That's all I'm going to try and take. Have y'all ever not ever had a body dug back up? The only one, You're the only one. In the words of Charlie Wilson, the onliest one between only is one and fishes in the deep blues. How's your CD doing at Walmart? My CD doing good Walmart? That's right, it's called it's called won't he do it? Won't he do it? And yes I will. You can get it in Walmart. I'm pranking church people. It's my latest prank. C D. Won't even do it in Walmart today? Get you one? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour, Today's Strawberry Letter. You don't want to miss it. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you are in a situation and you need some advice, please submit your letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com. That's Steve Harvey f M dot com. We could reach your letter on the air. Nephew. Let's go buckle up and hold down, tied. We got it. Pollo you here, that's the brother right there. All right, subject, let's get it started. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am I am darn near fifty years old and my wife. Okay, you're not gonna stop. You're gonna stop doing that with these letters. You are just like the cuss. Okay, just say it's not your customers what they see. I am darn near fifty years old and my wife. Let me, were you watching CNN when Donald Trump made the s whole comment about Haiti and Africa? Every comment taken upon themselves to take an advantage of that situation because it's journalism, alright, and started being a professional journalist. I am darn near fifty years old and my wife is forty. We've been married for almost ten years and have two children, both under the age of five. I want to make sure you all have a detail. First of all, I love my wife, but it's in all caps. B ut all caps. But here is the problem. If I want some cookie, I have to initiate it per cent of the time. Sometimes she will, but it is rare to me, rare for me. I don't want to feel like I am forcing her to do something she doesn't want to do. However, I think we're both young enough to have the time of our lives. I have often gone to bed frustrated with the lack of cookie in our life. I have gone to bed naked. I have purchased her sexual sexy lingerie, which she does not wear. I have even told her that sometimes she can initiate the sex, but nothing changes. I think she doesn't feel confident in her bedroom skills. But this leaves me frustrated too often or thinking I am just horrible in bed. She acts like I am the best in the world when we do engage, but why doesn't she initiated more often? I feel like she should come and talk to me and tell me I am not as good in bed as I think I am. I have never cheated on my wife and I have no plans to. But I can't keep going to sleep sexually frustrated. What else can I do to have her make the first move? Or am I stuck making the first move forever? Please help? UM? Well, I mean you might have to you you might have to. I mean, if you want it, you have to go after what you want. You've talked to her about it. Uh, you do it of the time that five percent of the time. Maybe that's all you'll have for now. Maybe she is uncomfortable uh sexually and maybe you have to keep going until she gets more comfortable, or you know, maybe she'll never get more comfortable. Maybe it was the way she was raised. You never know unless you guys do have some honest communication about your you know, uh, sexual life or lack thereof. So you're gonna have to talk to her. I mean, I know you want these changes, um, but you it's your wife. You guys are married. You can talk, you can communicate, You can tell her what you like and what you don't like. You can keep starting it and starting it. You want to feel like she finds you attractive too, But when you do, she's cool with it. You said, she acts like you're the best in the world. So you know, maybe you guys are going to have to compromise and come to some sort of agreement right there, meet in the middle somewhere. But talking and communicating is first. I would say, Steve, well, well, well, well, well he goes naked, here we go. Yeah, yeah, the married man's plight. Yeah, let's talk about this for a minute. He fifty, she foughty? Is that what he's saying that he damned? Neil fifty his wife Foughty have been married ten years. They got two kids, both the age of under the age of five senior. He said, I want to make sure you have all the details, was sir, right now, I need to make sure you got all the details too, because see, two kids under five ain't nothing sexy about that. Kids is mood killers, Kids is buzz killers, Kids is blockers. Kids is in the way kids create interference. That's what kids is. So now that you wanted us to have the details, I just wanted to throw that at you. Now you say, first you love my life wife. But here's the problem. If I want some cookie, I gotta initiate nine at the time, I would venture to say, I would just venture to say that that's ninety five of the marital situation today, I would venture to say. I could be wrong, but that's just an opinion of mine. I think in a marriage, once them kids is here, that is usually the man that's trying to initiate ninety at the time in nine manages, not as that other thing. That's some woman listening to Uh, I can't keep my hands off the mind. Well, we're not married to you, and you ain't in this letter. I'm glad you exist, but I ain't got time to go find nobody else. I got jobs, I got a legacy I'm working on in a family, I'm trying to maintain that whole together. So now sometimes she will, but it's rare for me. I don't want to feel like I'm forcing her to do something she don't want to do. However, I think we're both young enough to have the time of our lives. I've often gone to bed frustrated with the lack of cookie in our life. I have gone to bed naked. That ain't nothing for me. I'm in that naked and night. I go to bed naked because I can't afford to having stuff getting twisted and wrapped up on me. I got immovable objects that's rare that can't get tugged and tossed on it. But I sleep naked just in case, Just in case. Be ready, stay ready. I have purchased her sexy lingeriate what she does not wear. I've told her that sometimes she can initiate sex, but nothing changes. I think she doesn't feel confident in her bedroom skills. Dog, it's them damn kids, Them kids is wearing her hass out. You got two kids under five, Dog, you got to understand these kids is wearing this po woman out. She ain't got time for you. Alright, Steve, I want this damn dog out our house. We just bought off in here. How about that personal now, I'm sorry after We'll be right back. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to it part two of your man right here. He fitted his wife for that. They got two kids under five, and he frustrated because he's going to bed naked because she won't initiate sex. He got initiated the town. Now before I left, what I tried to point out to the man, what you tried to tell us at the beginning of the letter. What so we have all the fact that they have two kids under five. It's them damn kids, them kids. It's way and this woman out them kids in something else. I'll give you an example. When the grandkids come over our house, there ain't even our kids no more. I got rid of all our kids. I thought they was gone. But now when they come back, they bring more people with them. They called grandkids. They sleep in the bed with us, which kills my sleeping naked. Can't sleep naked with the grand baby in the baby. Them kids is mood killers. They block us them kids is actually birth control. Maybe your wife ain't so and and c to get up on you because she don't want no more kids. That could be she threw with deep kids. She got these two babies under five, you laying over here naked. She set up in here, man. Then Jeff put him to sleep. She tried to get some rest because she got to go deal with these kids. That could be it. Man, I would venture to say that that's probably it. Now, what are you you would like for her to initiate this a little bit more. That ain't gonna happen. That's all he wants. I mean, you know what. Look, we would all like five girl to be a little bit more forced for hey baby, you know. But for the most part in the manager's usually the man that's initiating it. Usually ain't that right, Sherlet's see what I'm saying, because showing up at the house playing the same damn game, same damn game. What okay? Well all right then, all right then, my ain't I don't won't know? All right? Then? Here? That ain't what I won't. I want some hot fire, give it, Tell your damn clothes off. That's what a man won't now. The man said, ain't never cheated on his wife. He has no plans on it. Well, you gotta fix something at the house. But it's them damn kids though. It's just like now our house is this damn dog. You guys have a new dog, right, yeah, we got a new dog. Bad he blocking you keep talking about this dog. I didn't ask for the dog. You ain't never heard me ask for a dog's black ass. Bad. I want to get off barbecue and smoke cigar. Drake Scott, That's what I want to do when I get off. Didn't work with the Doberman. It's scared of his ask I wish I wouldn't. What I'm not going to do it be scared in my house. So it's the kids dog. Ain't nothing you can do. You'ren't about the lingerie. You want her to come on to you like she did when she was trying to get you, but them days is probably gone. All You're gonna have to invest in some money to get them kids sent away somewhere. No, I didn't mean it. I meant like a like a babysitter, something like the nanny or something like that, or hell board school. You're gonna have to wear what people get their kids sent to boarding school all the time, all the time. This ain't it ain't against the law. That ain't what you wanta do. You want to have your kids close You want to sent on to boarding school so you can have more sex. Yeah, I wish I had thought of that, but I didn't because I would have missed raising my boys and girls. So I I want them close by because I want to steal some things, and that boarding school is unable too, and I've done that. They're not perfect for the hell, I wouldn't even now back to this letter. This how it is, though, Yeah, it's just how it is. Welcome to marriage, one oh one. I tell you right now you can quit going to bed Nike, stop because the damn kids gonna walk in. They're getting about the bed. You're asking that naked, and it's hard because you don't sleep with a bath tower next to the bench. So now you got to get up in the baby seeing you daddy neked walk into the room and then you didn't say if you was in shape or not. Maybe just walk to the back. Maybe you ain't as fine niked as you thought you boy out here email us or Instagram. That email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter and please join me this Thursday at one thirty pm Eastern on Facebook Live for the Strawberry Letter Live after show. Uh and listen. A competition on Celebrity Big Brother has apparently sent Amar Rossa to the hospital. Did you guys hear about that? Uh? She of course was a former White House staffer and Apprentice star. Of course, she was treated for an injury stemming from the show's head of Household competition. As according to a conversation between cast members. TMZ reported that the contestants were required to spin around until they were dizzy and then bowl um. She had an asthma attack. But Amarrossa returned to the Celebrity Big Brother house after receiving medical attention last night for an asthma attack. Uh. Celebrity Big Brother follows a group of celebrities living together in a house outfit it with seven cameras and more than one hundred microphones, recording their every single move. Oh that's crazy right there, That is crazy. Twenty four hours a day. Stop it on me. I'm going to the bare Food each week someone will bet somebody started cutting off some cameras. Each week someone will be voted out of the house, with the last remaining HouseGuests receiving a grand prize. So there you go. Bet you in the past. Let's vote him out. Night God coming up in about ten minutes. What was your favorite food in high school? We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here's a question I have for you, guys. What was your favorite food? Your favorite food in high school? Oh, you don't understand, boy in high school? In high school? In high school at dippest dippest damn chili dogs, dip dippest, foot long chili dogs. Wow, foot long chili dog. Cheese on you chick? You okay? Let me let me ask you this though, back then it did nothing to your body. If you was to eat one, now, what would happen that You're right there? Nothing? If you was to eat the deepest chili dog right now, what would happen to you? First of all, I don't think I could finish it. Secondly, I I don't know. I probably get hospitalized hat at minimum as the reflox in digestion. Everything I hate nephew, what about you? Surely that damn honeybun was probably one of the greatest things in life to me in high school, that honeybun, Oh my god, with milk though, and some milk. I drunk a lot of milk in hot We drank so much. I drunk off a lot of milk. And then and then the them powdery doughnuts. Six pet What that's it? That wrote all over your mouth? Who made that? I don't even know who made it, but it was the great did make those? Oh my god, the honey bun and then powdery dough nuts. I think that's probably the greatest thing I've ever had. Wow, all right, come on, junior, I'm tasting something right now. Every Fate food and every Friday in high school. You know you do sound amazing? Corn dogs. I couldn't wait for fray because I'm going in here. I'm to get the corn dog and just catch up and don't talk to me while I'm eating. I'm gonna dip that roll, this corn dog and this catch up, and I'm gonna bite the hell until I hit the stick. I'm would check my own throat with this stick. My talk corn doll. Every Friday, ms. Maria already dow when she saw me coming. He h they were, Julia, did y'all have them? Two? Yeah? Yeah, and you got four two dollars corn on your error. Different from our era? That the whole lunch special with Fortified sixty. We're talking about breaking it, breaks and stars trying to eat it to think we're working. Oh god, what was the special? Cheesburger, French fries, forty five ship meeting, lo maveread and gravy green beans? Green beans ain't my but listen, listen. The pancakes on Friday was incredible for breakfast. Oh my god, that's first time I had hot syrup. Oh my god, here my mother would Hey what was your fame? McDonald's for layoff fish sandwich? Lord? Talk about it, Steve. I love that, man, I loved McDonald's. Don't help me get this twenty seven six. Yeah, I'm gonna go down here, man, I get this twenty seven cent. I'm gonna go the worth of God, I'm going. When they came up with them nuggets, that twenty pack of nuggets, Oh my god, that twenty McNuggets. Man at McDonald's. Ate them on the way home from track practice and then ate some mold or whatever my mama could. My metabolism was incredible. Okay, we're not gonna start with this way back there, he's going. Now, what did Kevin say about it? You too old negro? Kevin said, with Tommy, he got good eight good first eight steps. After that it was, oh my god, man, he said, he wasn't even looking for it, he just happened to find it. Oh my god. What was your favorite food in high school? I take so we're talking about McDonald brought it up every I don't care every Friday night after that clock hit zero after the game, every Friday, I'm going to McDonald's number one. It was three, nine and nine with tex all day, Big Mac and a sprite don't and then two a path They were two far don't talk to me. Have you seen the McDonald's commercial? Now, what have you seen the Grand Big Mac? Yeah? I just saw a commercial. They I just love Big Mac. Man. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour, we have a few ideas and how you can spend Okay, well, you guys were having so much fun. We have a few ideas on how to spend your Valentine today. While single. Okay, I got that. I don't come up with a Valentine Day, I will be sick. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we have a few ideas and how to spend Valentine Today while single? Just a few. You know, I'm looking at you in your I know how I'm gonna spend it. Okay, how are you gonna spend it? Watching TV? Come on, boys, I'm gonna help you out. I'm helping. It's on Wednesday, yeah, but you can you could be playing on a Wednesday. Yeah? Who you got? I ain't like you, Tommy. I'm ugly. It's too many sins. No no, no, no, no no no. Stop saying you're not like him, because he don't. He won't admit it. He just like I will not be ugly with you. I'm not gonna be ugly with y'all. I'll tell you all that right now. I'm not going to be ugly with offense to that. Okay, Yeah, am I ugly? No? Tell me you're not ugly? Who? I can't ask you now? I'm not gonna ask two ugly people if we wouldn't know we got it down. No, y'all, so into what you think? Everybody ugly? Everybody? Ain't you ain't ugly? Yeah, marsh Fox, ain't ugly? Right? It just help? Ain't you tell me ain't ugly? Right over here with us locked it loaded, I'm loading on ugly, lock it loaded. But you don't tell me as good as you were and think like a man. And I'm talking about you killed it. Why you think they just gave you that one line? Had well first of all, but they can't keep they can't keep doing this to people. So you're telling me, Will Packer, Well, you said it right the first time I got it out when I when I don't think Shirley I could do it? Okay? W Pocker? W Poker, you're signing to say, he think I'm ugly? I know it? Yeah? If we give not so much? Will but the cinematographer uh huh to do the controller cameras? Oh they know? So if W. W. Packer, if we call him, let's say we let's say we called him on the show, he gonna sit here and tell y'all I'm ug how it ain't just well? You know who else? Know you are? Who the camera? The camera? Though? Hey, guys all thought you was ugly. Regina Hall thought you was ugly. Regina, Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, Gabrielle Union, Megan Good thought you was ugly. All the women in the show thought you was u mm hmm. Shut up, Ja what you ain't gonna just jump your see here sitting the whole day. My mic was off the whole my trouble, I got this you have, but I'm telling you what happened my trouble, Mike Trouble's not right, my mom, it's not right. You're gonna wait on the next segment for you. I just want to answer this question to help answer already. No, No, you don't know what I'm ugly, Junior. You ugly all of the men. But I'm trying to help Timic. It's time to think he's not ugly. Here's this would help you can answer this question, Steve. What you need to do, timing is hang out with people like Lavell Crawford, people like you. You got what that need? Flavor Flame what's the name? And you qua quake quite head, Ricky damn could sal Ricky smiling? Just hang out with those two those people. You don't need a group, but you need one of them with you. All the time. Anybody named Wayne, and just see why are you standing there? If anybody come up and ask you, tell me why are you with you? Who's the coach? Get over there, Michael Blackston. Yeah, there's a lot of ways. Don't really funny. Chapelle Rock put all the people ugly man. We all know this. And I'm only doing this joke because she would do it first. Shell Underwood not do it well. Anyway. This started out as me giving you guys a few tips that you can use if you're single. Jule, you were having mic trouble for three hours. You have mine troubles advice. This is how you turn on me? No, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm team Ja. Okay. This is what you do. You pamper yourself. Okay, you go to the spa, you know, if you're a woman or something, you you or transform your bathroom into your very own sanctuary, you know. Put some candles around the tub, some bubbles, some champagne. All you're doing to bring nobody in there. Sure you know what I do now with wipes, waves, quit white, I do a little quit wife go, I live with wife. Now you love them for what damn show can't because it's pleasure. You trying to say, uh, white whit white white. Wow, I'm trying to say you white with white that yes, what are you just say it? White with white? When I'm wet? White white white when I went wet, the fact that you've grown white white when I'm whit. But you cute though, So that's received. I wipe with wipes when I'm wet, when I'm late before we get get a manny petty. Okay, that's one more thing you can do. All right, more of this craziness when we I'm back at twenty after you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, your worst Valentine's Day experience? Why do you look like that? Jake? What happened? So? Um? No, same names, right, because this lady is probably still laugh I take her. She could be Mary Magdalene. I don't know a lot of my people did what So I had just enough money to take this lady to see al Green, Al Green, Steve al Green. It was like eight back then a concert was like eighteen dollars al Green. We go see al Green. Because I didn't have a car, I caught the bus, said I meet you there. We go see al Green. We have the best time on Loving Happen to Loving happening around Now. I'm sitting there because they'd already made plans to go to dinner after al Breen. I'm not enjoying myself because I don't have no money to go to dinner after al Breen. So I just had enough to get her in. So we go to the restaurant. Why do I go? Why don't? Why don't I just say? Why? I'll get you out of my what? What? What? What made me? What? What? What put me in the car in the front seat, girls in the back? Why am I here? He wanted to be with her? Why am I getting out the car going into the restaurant this close to my house? I'll see y'all. Why they bring out the menu? Why why am I ardory? What about me? What? What? What? My doping? I don't have no money to pay for this girl food. So I ordered the coke and some frieses. I figured I'm gonna eat this dagalid bridge with that meat that's on fire. Give some of that, you know what? They bring out that whole trend and in the I don't looking at me. You want to know, I don't want any so we eat everybody. At the end, the guy brings up the bill. It was pretty it was whatever was I couldn't pay. The guy who was with the other girl says, and I quote, hey, man, don't worry about it. I got it. I'm going I'll be damned. Why didn't you say that? Get over here? He crushed. Why the hell didn't you say that when I set my ask down, red crows, I need nothing. I want the money. Hell like that. Damn it your back that I've been homeless for a little while. Man, I went to a Friday's Oh eating that a Frida. I'm by myself. I'm sitting at the ball and there's a little cute little waitress was in there, and she kept speaking to me and smile. I can't get you anything else. And I'm just sitting at the bar eating watching TV. So we got to talking and laughing. It got late. I ain't got nowhere to go, so I'm just in there. Just talking is not an option. You don't have a schedule or nothing. I got. I call it every day because wherever you at, I can be closed by because I'm homeless, you know. So I'm just staying over there about it about it, damn all Friday's and I'll tell y'all rest of the story when we come back. But I know that I slept close to that Friday. But this is the Friday before Valentine's Day. You're listening, Steve Show. All right, Steve, we're back. You were you were talking about your Valentine's Day story with the way this girl name start with a T Tenisha, I'm homeless. I met her on a Friday at a Fridays I got me a little bit of money this gig I had worked. So I'm having a meal at the ball. I'm talking to manager. Let me stay till its old way. I walk into a car, get a phone number, so I'm still in town. She coming to work every day. I'm seeing her. I stopped in for lunch. I'm getting not just stop being give me my iced tea at the ball. Try to walk out without paying for stuff like that. I'm just hustling. So it's Valentine's Day. I've been that Friday, Sadday, Sunday, Monday, valid times days later on that week. So she says, so I'm afraid to ask you this, but what are you doing for Valentine's Day. I said, hopefully you said that. Yeah, I'm single, dog, come on hopefully you and whatever you like to do. She said, oh my god, are you single? I said yeah? She said where you live? I said, you know I travel. I'm a comedian, so I travel. You know. You know I live in Cleveland. But what's your last place? I had, so I ain't lied in the attic. So she says, well, after I get off work, why don't you pick me up? And boys, she got out that Friday uniform, and I put on one of my show out fits. I was t J Max. Damn kind of just come dog. I had on the red short sleeve shirt with the flexing or you couldn't tell me that the white come on boy. So I pick up after work and we get in my car. Now, outn't found this spot like a storage that you could get for like a dollar fifty a day. So I put all the stuff in it so she wouldn't see my cool and clothes and all this help. I couldn't let it because this is my house to now. So I got me a little storage being for a dollar fifty a day, put all my stuff in there. So she wouldn't notice it. I pick up and we go to Denny's. So soon we pulled up in the parking lot. She said, um, why are we here? And I said, we're going in the eating because this is all I got money for. Man, hold up, you don't even understand. I missed an eighth the other day in your restaurant. Now we we can't be due to three restaurants in a week. This can't happen. We gotta go in here and get the grand slam for dollar and nine. I'm already well and I'm not gonna eat. I love your post side. So she looked reluctant, and I get it, but this is all I got. I spent the whole time looking at her forehead because her head was just down. And then you know, the food came. Man, and we're talking, and she picked it through the food. I said hey, I say, hey, what's wrong? She said, Can I be honest with you? I said yeah. She said, I was really I was really expecting something else. I said, well, what do you mean by that? I wanted to go somewhere nice. I'm thinking to myself, I'm homeless. This is so damn nice. Lights is on menus wait staff. You don't even understand how nice. Let's you want to go out here and cut some bologna. I just damn keep. She just said, hang on, Steve, I know there's more. I like this story. All right, listen, we'll be back to close out the show. And then just one more thing. Steve is going to finish this story. This is getting Yeah, all right, we'll be back. You're listening here we are, look at us at the end of the show. Let me finish this. Met this girl when I was homeless. She was a waitress at Friday's. We got to talk and I went up. They had lunch with about three four days in a row. It's approaching Valentine's Day. She asked me what I'm doing. I said, nothing. Is me and her. She go to work on Friday. She get off that night. I pick up. She dressed real nice. I put one more show outfits on. We pull up at the Dennis. She in the car look as said, why are we here? I said that where we're gonna eat? She seemed reluctant. She went on in I'm looking at her forehead the whole time. So we get out to this part right here, I said, what's wrong? She said, well, I was really expecting something different. I said, what do you mean by that? She said, I really want to go somewhere really nice going. You know, I'm homeless. You had no idea how this is. I just damn the full season right now, this, right now, we're a five star because unless you want to go out here and eat out this cool I got. I can go to storage and get this cool out and I gotta roll a bologne and with the red tape around it that I've been eating off for a month now. But I said, now I'm sitting all the time. She said, well, I don't think this relationship can continue. M H. I said, really, why is that? She said, because I don't. I don't want to go backwards. I've made something out of myself. You know what. I'm sitting there saying, you're waitress at Fried This, This, this is what you've been shooting for the whole time. This is your dream. I mean, I know I'm in bad shape. You don't know this yet, but I gotta story for your ass. I don't know why we set up been here, so I said, so, I said, so your dream is to work in Fridays she said, yes, you know, it's just something I've always wanted to do. I'm gonna manage her Friday's one day, and then I'm gonna own one. I said this slick. I thought she met you that already. She said, how about you? And I just got tired of holding up. I said, really, I ain't got nothing right now? I said, I ain't got nothing. I said, I'm out. I'm pursuing my dream. She said, what is that? I saw imna become a world famous comedian one day? That help of laughs. I'm talking about them like you laugh. I'm talking about I'm looking at him man like I ain't just ain't no damn Joe, And I'm looking at the ship bit back. I ain't had no expression the whole time. Just how you're gonna be a world famous comedian like you mean, like Richard Brown? Yeah? Just she looks so ugly to me. Then I said, wait a minute, hold up, I said, why that sounds so far fetter you? She said, you just told me you ain't got nothing. She said, so how are you gonna get from from here to that? Wow? I said, wait a minute, I said, hold up. You're the waitress at Fried damn one step from me. I said, So, now that's entry level position. How you going on one one day? I said, I said, because that's your dream, that's how you're gonna get that. I didn't laugh at you when you said you was gonna do that, but a world famous comedian, you need to bring it down a little bit, brother, and be a little bit more realistic. I said to me, that is realistic. She said, But you had to bottom right now, I said, ain't nowhere for me to go. But I'm looking at this half, and then all of a sudden I started seeing stuff wrong with it. You know, I'm looking at everything wrong with that, and all the money, even ass teeth, sitting up a lot of love, laughing your head back, all the teeth. And now that had just noticed when you locked laugh your head. But one of your teeth is I said, you know, I do like good teeth. I said, I'm looking at all these flaws on this half. Yea, man, this powder on got a couple of dots on the No. Yeah, so now I see what's wrong with you? Said, I'm looking at little chipped up fining the help polishing stuff, hold up a little half dust to help. I should have been here to dream killing ass. I came to so I just said, I said, well, you know, I guess this ain't gonna work out. I said, but one day though, yeah, I said, one day. She said, one day you'll be eating in my fridays. I said, well that one day your fridays. I have my ass up on that TV. Yeah. Wow, I don't love hers came true, but I beat my ass to be v Hello what they do? God, good, God, make your dreaming come true? Thing? Oh God, pick you up, turn you around when everybody else see you down, when somebody think you ain't gonna make it, when the nay says say there is no chance for you. M h, What do they know about you? When troubles calm as sometimes they will, oh, when your face with adversity. But let me tell you this, he's on down. You're gonna get written off many times in your life. You will be told what you will never be in your life. But the one thing, for shure, the only one that can determine your outcome is you and your God. You don't have to listen to nobody. You got to learn how to shake the haters, because guess what, you have a future and a destiny, and it's tied to your imagination. It is tied to those visions you keep having of yourself that you find it hard to explain to other people. You know, something you ever had, something happen to when you're gonna, man, I just see that. Doesn't see that for my life so clear? And then you're going you explain it to somebody and then they shoot it down. Well, what I had to learn was you can't tell your big dreams to small minded people. You can't tell your big dreams to small minded people. They have a tendency of shooting it down. Well, the reason they shooting it down is they don't mean no harm. It's just they can't see it. Because, as Albert Einstein wants said, imagination is everything. It's the preview to life's coming attractions. That's real. Tough, y'all have a great for all. Steve Harvey Contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.