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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all ball suit all looking back to back down, giving the ball just like the amazing buck bus things and it's cub y'all be true. Good to Steve hardy guy listening to me, to each other for sto bar quick Moby, why don't you joy? Yeah Moby joining the same paid for turn out. Yeah you go run. You gotta turn to turn out turn lovey got to turn out to turn turn want to go? Come come on your thing at it ah, I shore will come on and everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dieg me now one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man, y'all do And um I'm grateful for it too, I really really am. I really can't even um, I can't even begin to tell you. Just take a slight inventory of your own life and say it to yourself when you get through, how good is God? Think of all the small things, all this, because that's him. You breathe as him, you still him. That's him. You got another chance, that's him. You ain't out of here. That's him. You got any measure of health. That's him. You're optimistic. That's him. You think it's more to it than it really is, that it already showed up to be. That's him. All of that. You got any dreams of aspirations, you dream of other things, that's him all let that's him. That's him him close, you got, that's him every time you eat. That's why they had this thing called you say your grace. That's him. That's him, man, that's him. It's amazing when you take a small inventory how you find out how big God really is in your life. Now, the more you turn yourself over to him, the bigger he can be. For you see, he'll only be as big as you let him. It's one thing about God. Now, he's a gentleman because he could buffalo this whole thing if he wanted to. Don't don't don't think he can't. He can make you do anything. You know, you get too big for him. You know you you you you, you lose your humbleness. He can humble you. Now. Don't think he can't. You know he can bring countries down if he won't to. But God created man with the power of choice. We're the only creature he created that. He gave us the total power of choice when we made who we made with you know everything, all of it. Man, it's the choice what we want to be, how much you want to make Where we want to live with climate we want to live in. We can live in cold climates, high climates. You know, we speak different languages. You can go learn another language. A bear can't do nothing but be a bar is. He can't go learn how to be a fox. He can't go learn how to be an honor. We are the one creature he created that has total power of choice. You can make every decision in your life. What kind of what you like? That's the one you can buy. Come on, you want to live your life a crime, Go ahead, that's you. He gave you the power of choice. You want to do right? Come on, so now look at this thing. We are all the results, oh, of a series of decisions that we have made. And I need of you getting mad at God. We are a series of decisions that we have made. We made all these decisions. You weigh that because that's what you want to weigh. Now if you don't want to weigh that, and then you know, let's make some other decisions. You can't eat corn bread and fried chicken and and and and mac and cheese. And then look how you want to look that you made the decision now, the fact that it's there and it tastes good. What that got to do with the decision. If we could just identify that the problem is us, we could begin the solution. That's the problem, y'all. It's us. It is what we do. I threw my life down the hill. I can't tell you how many years based on some decisions that I was making. Now I can justify my decision with I wasn't happy and I was doing this and I was in misery, and y'all on then yeah, yes to you when you get through. You made the decisions, though you made the decisions to do wrong. See, two wrongs don't make it right. And you can look at this anywhere you want to, y'all. But at the end of the day, I'm just talking to people that's really really wanting to improve their position in life. How do you come up with a solution? You got to identify the problem to even begin to solve it. But if the problem ain't ever you, how are you gonna solve something that ain't you? If somebody says like I got a child of mine. Man, I just do right here. Man, I don't even wanna get into it this morning, or I'm struggling with this this boy. But man, you go to people, you're asking why they do so. I just I just wasn't taking care of business. Why do you understand that your life is gonna be filled with you got to take care of business. So when you're gonna start, you can't go through life blaming everybody. It's got to be you. See, you can fix you. You can't fix nobody else. If you keep getting married and the marriages don't work? Hello, could it be you? Southoindly had to sit down and just make that decision. They don't need to be coming on the radio talking about nobody else and what they did to me and y'all just don't know. No, no, no, man, what about the part you played in it? Because see, if you got a good marriage, you got a part to play in that. If you got a bad one, you got a part to play in that. Even if you just get down to you the one to pick them, how about that? Mr Mr. I made a decision. So you know, man, once you can I start identifying the problem, you can get on with the solution. The problem is usually within yourself. Do you know That's the quickest and an easy way to fix your life. Fix yourself that way. You ain't got to check with nobody. Here's the beauty of going on and admitting that is you. You don't have to check or cleared with nobody to start the repair process. You don't need anybody's permission. You ain't gotta put it before the review board to see if it will pass. It ain't got to go through Congress. You ain't gotta hope that your local politicians get their hands on it to make a phone call for you. You ain't gotta ask any counselors to come in and sit with you. You don't have to check in the rehab. All you got to do is decide the problem is me. I'm gonna start changing me. Identify the problem and start with the part that you can own up to. Man, that's the deal, y'all it really is, And see you when you Once you identify the problem, then all you gotta do is start to play it. Once you identify the problem, you can start planning on how to fix it or how to get to accomplishing something. But remember this plan, and this important. If you fail to plan, then please plan to fail. If you fail to plan, then guess what. Please plan to fail. It cannot go any other way. If you don't know how to make a plan. Let's just start with the basics. Just make a list of what you want. If you don't know how to make a plan, I bet you know how to make a list of things you want. Make this list and then go to God in prayer with an open mind, and open your mind up to all the clean opportunities that are available here. Why a lot of people won't succeed because certain opportunities come along you don't want to do them. That kills me. Man when I hear here, I ain't doing that. I know young comedians that come to me all the time talking about man with You're not said, man, just take every gig you can, no matter what they pay. Well, listen to me, son, you can go make that money that they pay, or you can make the decision to sit at home and make nobody. It's a comedy, hard business. They ain't paying but a hundred dollars. You gotta drive, drive fifty miles. But if you drive fifty miles and you make the hundred, and you stand on that stage for thirty minutes. You are now thirty minutes better than you was the last time you went on stage. Oh man, man, they don't pay me. I ain't coming. You ain't gonna be a comedian man, not not not not not like this. Hell, a lot of people just don't want to do what's necessary to do. So when the opportunity presents itself and you open up your mind to it, man didn't get ready to go on and do it. Man, you know so remember, come on, y'all, identify your problem. Today. You're listening to Lady kill them boys and girls who are listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. If it sounds weird, it's because it's about to get weirder. We are here today to entertain, but mostly tripp you out, ladies and gentlemen. In the words of a celestial being from the hood, this is dell moaning, show fisted shared. You got them, you got the relatives. That's old but still used it. You know, these women's just be walking around here. There is no z or women. These women's children's, yes, these children's. I have Aunt New Orleans today. Everything she says Collins, what is it everything? Hey? Ba hey, the detoxes old. I'm having call. We're to slice up pound. Kay. Hey, I'm looking at some grapes in a bowl. I'm looking at coffee with carey. I wanted it, yeah, I want it all back in the moment, gradual. You're supposed to graduate graduate now, man, my doctor is still hire dog. I'm really I'm really focusing on my health because I've made a conscious decision that God gives us two incredibly valuable commodities, time and health. They're the two most important things in your life. If you're out of either one of those, you are in a world of trouble. You know. On one of my posts the other day, first of all, good morning, y'all. Were just guys. Let me tell you something. I did a post exercising. One time, a woman said, you could, Why are you exercising so much? What you're trying to tell us? When God called you? Home's your time? I don't care how much you exercise. And sixty is not the new forty sixty is sixty. I went, you ain't got to get to get to God fat. Somebody already owned medication sixty sixty and when God called you home, I don't care about you working out. I went, Wow, So your quality of time here can be better if you're in shape. Now when you're gone, you're gone. But wouldn't you like for the time spent here to be well spent? Absolutely? Yeah. I didn't told my family if I ever need require wiping, just gonna put that plub nobody watching that that I don't want. I'm not gonna wipe. Madre asked me one time, she said, baby, we got old, would you wash me? Now? I wash you? But now wiping, we're gonna high. Yeah, I bathe you now I ain't got a problem. Yeah, yeah, and wiping bring somebody. Yeah, we got all right. On that note, Steve, we got to get out of here. Coming up, it's Junior's turn with truth be told, and we got to tell you about Junior two. We forgot to talk about this yesterday. We'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for Junior's truth be told. Yeah, yeah, all right, Shirley, thanksgivings. Coming up. It's almost big thing that we have discussed. All of the things we discussed when people need to brain food. Yeah, what time dinner start? Time coming. We've discussed all that. One thing. We have not discussed what the one thing where your ass need to leave. We have not people. People don't know when to leave. This time you need to leave. There are statements that will be made you need to adhere to and understand. Like, well that's it. See when you hear that, start getting your keys in your hand. We hear some Jane something, it's time to go. You can't spend all the head. Thenn started to treat it like a restaurant. How long you staying there? You sit down at two by three thirty? Same way about I would already have that. I would hear about the game. We forget all that. You ain't come up here for the game. You came to eat. If you fool, If I say you kick off a shot, your aunt's got to go let me. Yeah, you ain't staying here all day now. My mama tied, she did cook that thing and she fit that body. What else can we talk about? We discussed everything. We know Walter got out of jail. We know hadn't had a hard transplant. We know, yeah, we know, we know mailby had another baby. We got all this after we cover they still having kids? Mail well, still have kids? When you're Malet, come man, your name mail By you probably you probably now you probably through. Haven't been anybody that name Mailby. We didn't all what is the name? Have to deal with it. Steve got a lot to do with your age. Your name is Agnes. You probably didn't hand on you. You probably got your grave, but we didn't come and everything we can talk about. No, we know, Junior, we're back into rehab. We got that. Everything is coming. Let's just go ahead and go home. We just need you to go home. She's through heavns Fatrice, Beatrix, beats beat O datta. It's not having it that he got out of that. I'm giving you the names where I could assure you if this is your name, you are at an age where you are beyond child bearing years. So Journal, So Journal is through having baby. When you want another one, go ahead, Henrietta, Henrietta, She through having kids. Henrietta to distance, Yeah, you know, go ahead. Gwin is through having because she got to fit two year old names see his names. Once you have an old name, you can quit having babies. If your name is Bobara, You're probably through having kids. I'm just saying, there ain't nobody named Bob. We're still having kids. Not Bob, have a kids, hadn't have been through having kids from Batty done Gladys. Yeah, yeah, that's right up there with Agnes. Yeah, I'll tell you who Jackie Els, I'll tell you that. I'm sorry. We can't always over there. We can't hand kids. All right, what's that you went there? Carlo already said Shirley Daddy, Shirley Mary, Marjorie, all of that. Ye, last night, I ain't even sleep in the bed last Esther Steve. You forgot about Esther because Rod slept with his last night. I took my shower. Man, I was tired of him because I fell asleep in my office. So I went up stairs. I took a shower, came into the bedroom. Out of my bathroom, put my light on on my little phone, rose in the bed. I just turned around without I'm not fitting to do this. I don't have her set her down. Hell in my eye about Winton Steve when Winston was a little man. The kids, man, they just they sleep bad. Kid. You gotta where to go. I gotta go to work. You ain't here sleeping bad on your side right out, damn bad? Noah in his bed? Why you got to sleep in here? Okay, well Papa don't want sleep with you. But it heard it though, yea yeah yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah. Papa want to get a little peony in time. Yeah, that papa to you is a little something else to me. Hey, can we tell you about Junior though? We forgot to talk about this yesterday at the J Spot on Taco Tuesday. We forgot to tell you. Yes, yes, yes, he did thing. Yes, I mean, Steve, you would have been so proud of him. It was packed, first of all, thanks to everyone who came out. He Junior was so fly, He looked good. He exactly Steve would have been to he went to work, Steve, he did, He was to work. Yes, he was very good. He was told he was funny everything everything that's funny. You would have wanted him to be. So I just wanted to stay congratulate. You got to go it, man, when you go down, and then I know it is. Oh yeah, taco taco good too. Yeah, the tacos, Like I told you, the tacos are good. Taco to yes, but what was his boot Monica? Yeah, yeah, Monica was. Let me tell you so, y'all really all a quick fooling around. You're Monica Man mine crazy? No wait a minute, okay, you men love crazy. Coming up next, nephew tim He's run that break back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All coming up at the top of the hour and Ms Anne will be here with national News. But first it's the nephew whould run that prank back? What you got? You hit my mama tree. You hit my mama tree. You're gonna stop crying about this tree though. He hit my mama tree. Run that break back? Hello Lord, did you just hang up on me? Yes, sir, I told you I didn't been down on playing role today, now you know what. Look I told you you just came down Clayton Row and just and just told my mama tree up down residential neighborhood today, man quick calling my phone to look my grandmama planet that tree. Now you don't gonna do it, planet it move to my then cut the branches off to them branches. It's clear enough you're not supposed to be driving them at will. Trucks down this residential area like this here, man, I was making delivery. Guy, if I had to come down that tree, I would have. But I told you once I ain't came down on Clayton Street. Today. You just said you had to make a delivery. Now you're saying you ain't been down Clayton Street. Couldn't live down there. I would have came down that tree to come down. Now you've been on Clayton Street today. Now that part I do know. And what you got the wrong no, no, no, no, no no no, I got the right drive and what I do no ill, you didn't tell my mama tree up. We got to cut this on treat out and you know what, you're gonna pay for this. And I ain't saying for a mother treat that treating kidding. I know you ain't talking about my mama tree. Well, guess what, take your tree and take your problem, and both y'all go out there and planning another tree. We ain't playing no more tree. That tree been in our family for years. You're gonna mess around and get your swoop behind this tree. Bring it on, then bring your and bring the tree with you. You're gonna make me whoop with a branch off that tree. Well, I'll tell you what. If you're that bad, then I'll tell you what if I was on Clayton Street today, I met on clay Street with it tree. You come on over here to Clayton right now, because I'm right out here in the street on the card this phone. You come on outside. My mama's sitting up in the crime behind this tree because you didn't told the lives off of it, and we got to cut it down because you didn't mess it up. Don't get us nap teller wife. But then I ain't been down on I know you ain't sitting here talking about my mama. Not see you tripping not dog and tripping dog. You are ready. Look man, I grew up with this tree in my front yard. I grew up with this tree. Now you got the nerve to drive to hell and driving too fast because if you're the droll slow, you wouldn't have been hitting all them lives like that. Y'all be running down here too fast through here man looking And I've told you once, man, I ain't been down on Clayton Street, not like I told you. If you want to meet me on Clayton Street. Well, all right, now, I'm sorry about your mom trip. What hell, it ain't nothing I can do about it, because I ain't been down on Clayton Street. It's one thing you can do about it. You can pay for it. And that's what you're gonna do. Now. You're gonna either give me some money, gonna get it at you. But you're you're gonna you're coming over here. Matter of fact, you're gonna come over him now that big truck around and bring your butt on over here right now. Well, I might well have to turn it around because I ain't paying for no. Three right now. That's fine, that's fine, But I tell you, when you get hire, my cousin here and all my uncles is here sitting up there looking at what you didn't done in this tree, So bring your I don't. Yeah, well look ahead, take that tree and stuffing up you all yo, yo, all right, I ain't in a word with you in the treat no more because I don't told you one. Let me treat you. Come on right now, because you don't know what this tree mean to me. This tree right here used to be home basically for high and gold seat. Are you crying. You big, you're crying too, man, Look at dog, I ain't do'll treat doll didn't look at wipe your eyes and to hell with you this tree right here, I'm turning to my You just meet me on Clayton Street. All right, let me tell you something this it used to be first base for kickball. Do you hit me? Dude? I don't told you once. I ain't all right all around it. Dude, your name Lloyd, but you ain't all hell is cool Jay, And he would not, he would not help come down here and told my mama Tree here is not that kind of person. But you you lord, you prying for? Man? What crying for? Could you didn't mess up my mama? Treat you saw like a girl. I'm crying because my mama tread wrote. Let me tell you something around and bring you down in ten minutes to meet your where's be molding me? My uncle's is ill, my cousin's hill, all the braid of brunch family whatever. I'll tell you what there right now. It's gonna be hot water in this. Don't make me no difference. They call you ll l. Mama knock you out, and that's what you're Finn to get l L. Come on with it because I'm here all right, running cool. Don't make me listen? Right up. I'm gonna tell you one more thing about this treat. Is you listening to me? I'm listening? Is you're listening? I don't told you one. I don't give it about that tree. But if you want to talk about it, go ahead. Let me tell you something. This is Nephew Timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy j J. And look, man, what did you guys say? This is Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy. You got to be kidding me. Man, ain't no, ain't no tree messed up? And you ain't been on Clayton Street. Joe Joe, oh Man, You are right? Hey man? What is the baddest radio show in the land Steve Harvard Morning Show? Man? What y'all thing? Uh gotta get emotional in there, you know what? Yeah? I got to be prinking with it all in your heart and your soul. That's how you brank it. It's in my soul. To night, Louisville, Kentucky, Mama's Boy. Oh my god, the nephews doing it. I'm telling you, Robbing Gibbons, Jack Harry Nephew, tim Me, Johnny Gill, Oh, Shirley Murdoch, little g himself. Let's go on. They're talking about Mama's Boy across the country. Come out and see what they're talking about. And they're talking about that dog on Nephew. Yes, yes, who is this star or the play? I say it's me. I say it's me. I mean me and you. Twinkle Twinkle little Star. We want to, Oh my god, Junior along actually listen sing. I'm sorry Eugene sings Twinkle Twinkle in the show Boy on the State. I'm not laingting for real. Dog. He's coming up. We got to ask him about that. What whine? I mean, what does that have to do? Why is he singing that? Shirley, When you come see the show, you know they got real singers in there. Why Shirley Burdock, anybody, Riley Washington, everybody, everybody with mustaches and afro be sure, Crustopher WILLI don't everybody who all right? Listen coming up at me. At the top of the hour, we'll talk about the toy Hall of Fame us MS and will be here with today's national news and our headlines right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. The whistle Ball is finally getting the respect it deserves. It was inducted this year into the Toy Hall of Fame, along with the board game Clue and the paper Airplane. Now that this year's toys have been inducted, it's time to start. Yeah, it's time to start getting in there. I know, right, it's time to start arguing about all the toys that are not in the Hall of Fame. To nominate a toy, come on, do it, Tommy right in the Action figure section Toy Hall of Fame. I will best action my head. He could run, talk, he traveled real, actually travel. If he don't get in this damn Toy Hall of Faith, it'll be a travishow. Okay, Well, how about these other toys? Steve Crazytition tweet us now you think tom should be an active figure? We all love the nerf Ball when it came out. That's not in there. I don't see that being in there. That ain't major love the ner ball? Are you kidding? Is the water gun in there? Probably? Yeah? It might already be about a cap guard these day, I'm talking about legendary. Have Lincoln logs gotta be in there? Yeah, bubbles? How about play though? Yeah yeah, remember we used to standing onlines. I know I did for my my kid, Cabbage Patch kids. Those dolls they need to be to stand a but that adoption, Yeah that wasn't that the point of him. They weren't cute, but they were cuddly and lovable. Everybody loved everybody. Yeah, that was about the American girl dollar. His name was Irwin. Huh, what'd you say? My sister catad dog, her name was Irwin. You can't get that dollar. His name is Irwin. No, no, Irwin. I planted Irwin a couple of times. How about this one that should be in there? Pac Man, it should be in there. Everybody loved pac Man. Yes, that's not in there, right? Who people with this? The committee? Yeah? Yeah, how we are tracking there. No, sure it's gotta be. I'm sure the calls for it to be you the game operation that should be in there. It ain't any that's yo, Joe. You bring your friens in with you, just keep you in first. I'm just saying I'm gonna put you in the action figure. Second in your Joe, we got you in team. You want to take him with you. You can get your own outfits. Don't worry about your friends sitting up in here of Joe trying to speak up for yourself. Steve, Yeah, Joe is a legend. He's supposed to be in it just because you could wear the man boots and clothes and all his pains. We have to get you in first. Damn. I've been worried about g I, Joe, Mama. A lot of stuff happening in the world now pulling together and introduced, and we got a lot of come on all right, she maybe she can help us get in ladies in general without further ado, miss and thank you. No, I don't think I can anyway. This is antwer put the news everybody, and we do have to get serious. The campaign of Alabama's already scandalized send It candidate Roy Moore is fighting back with now an eighth woman counting one seven eight coming forward to accuse more of sexually abusing her when she was in her teens. Moore's campaign managers, Bill Armistead. He says they're now investigating the women leveling those charges. You can't just stand by idly and let false charges go without some answering. So they're looking into a lot of their women's business. And one woman who says that Roy Moore assigned her book when she was in high school, they're trying to check her his signature to see if it was forged and all that kind of stuff. All dot Com again reports that an eighth woman claims that Judge Moore groped her inside his law office. Police now say that there were five, not but not five, but six people actually shot and killed early this week in rural California. That before gunman Kevin Jansen Neil killed his neighbors and other people, he apparently shot his wife to death and put her body under the floor in their home. They just discovered that Republicans now hoping to tackle repeal of the Affordable Care Acts individual mandate onto their new tax reform bill, which they're going to vote on today. They feel that's the most unpopular part of Obamacare, been making people have to buy insurance, so they're gonna try to sneak that through. We'll see three U c. L A freshman basketball players, Jalen Hill Cody Riley and lo Angelo Ball. Yeah, one of the Ball of our Balls sons back home after being accused of shoplifting sunglasses in China, all thanks to President Trump, who say that he and they hint that he intervened on their behalf with his Chinese counterpart back on us soil. Riley, Ball and Hill took terms apologizing, and Cody Riley put things like this, I know that this goes beyond me letting my school down, but I let the entire country down. I want to think the Chinese police and the government for taking care of us and treating us well during our time there. To President Trump in the United States government, thank you for taking the time to intervene on our behalf. We really appreciate you helping us out. That's right, And all three did thank the President for his help. And all three have been suspended from the team and definitely but yeah, they're glad to be home. Today. Is the great American smoke. I put down that cigarette. Put it down twenty this after the Hour of Wait for Eugene the Butterfly. Stay tuned to Steve Harvey Morn Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, Steve, it is time for the butterfly. We gotta find out about the twinkle Twinkle Little Star thing that Junior was talking about earlier. Uh to Tommy So introduced the butterfly. Whoa do you know the bottle fly cosa? Ah, dude, Oh my god, that was built up absolutely. I love that one. That was that was good. Good morning everyone. No, now it was too good. That was too good. You know you can't tap that one. Good morning like he's Charlie Carlin, morning butterfly, Good morning, Junior, good morning to you. Morning. Butterfly was happy. Tommy, what's know what that's about? Good money to Stephen, so good one. You got to have something to ask me? Well, um, Junior brought it up, the song Butterfly, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and then Tommy said, how ironic was that? Butterfly has a song? Eugene has a song in the play time. He's a lie, Tommy is a lie. Okay, now I've seen rockabye baby. See this, This is how my tee don't know what's going on with the out of Cara. How can you get how can get mixed up? Twink twink rock a bye baby? How can you do that? That's why I probably huh what application? Oh that's a different song. Here's something that he don't want a try to know about what. Guess who's getting bucked without him? Who? Eugene Antoine fergus said, that's right. So I've gotten called to host this show in Montgomery, Alabama next year, alright in April. Alright. They don't want Tommy, they just want me to host it. Baby, you better to add somebody. This has been going on for a very very very long time. People have been wanting the hustle name of the organization. It's a comedy show in my Gomery. But they don't want Timey. They just want Eugene Antoine Ferguson's a house to house shout butterfly. Now, this is what I want to answer, Mr Harvey, Mr Harvey, If if I get paid to go do this show, shouldn't that money go towards anything Eugene Antoine Ferguson wants, whether it's wardrobe or anything else. Am I right now? A portion of it should? But you do have to pay him something because he's gonna have to take it. You just kept it one hundred Steve, so he'll be my assistant, the high Stephen. That's what he'll be doing. Hey, man, let me ask your question. How much they're trying to pay you. I don't want to say that on the radio. See, but they're gonna pay a very good thing. Well, let's just okay, Well, are you gonna get paid more than six thousand? Yes, sir, I am, thank you. That doesn't the one job drive. Wait a minute, Hey, we gotta get out of here. Butterfly, are you getting his wardrobe money? The same old six thousand? Alright? Alright, coming up. The three U c l A basketball players are back home. They held their press conference. We'll talk about that. Yeah, we'll talk about that when we come back at thirty four after the hour. You're listening to show. Alright, the three U c l. A basketball players, lo Angelo Ball, Cody Riley, and Jalen Hill are back home on US soil. They held a press conference yesterday and uh, here's what they had to say. Take a listen. I'd like to start off by saying sorry for stealing from the stores in China. I didn't exercise my best judgment and I'll throw for that. I apologize to my family, my coaches, my teammates and U c l A for letting so many people down. Also apologize to the people of China for causing them so much trouble. A young man, however, it's not an excuse for making a really stupid decision. I don't feel sorry for myself, and I've learned my lesson from this big mistake, and I'm a hundred and tempercent sure that I'll not make a bad decision like this one again. I'd also like to thank President Trump in the United States government for the help that they provided as well. All Right, Steve, so, president Trump got his thank you that he was looking for when he tweeted out, well the U c l U c l A players thank me. Uh they could have gotten ten years in China. So there it is. First of all, I hear the sincerity in their voice, and I mean they did it, so it's not known. You know, we were falsely accused. This boy came out and said, look, I'm sorry for stealing sunglasses. I have to strow in China. That's pretty much. I all love it. So I know that you know they're young. They're young, they made a mistake. They'll never do it again. I got all of that. Here's the problem with sin, and that's for me. My sins, past transgressions, everything I've ever done, seeing cost you more than you want to pay. It makes you stay longer than you want to stay. This is far from over for these young men, sadly, but that's the way it works. And the people that are clamoring for something more to happen, they're gonna get their wish because ce being detained in your hotel room for how many other days they had to stay over there? That doesn't do anything for the PAC twelve officials, That doesn't do anything for the university. That doesn't do anything for your teammates. You didn't play the game, you you've missed all these practices. You are part of a team which is greater than you. The suffering that your family did because these kids families. Man was tripping because this could have easily been ten years. It's a good thing that the president did in a because I'm pretty sure that played a large hand in it. This This is not going to be over for them, not that I wanted to be. I mean, you know, I don't want anything else to happen to him, but it's not my decision. Something else is going to happen, because it can't be. I stole some sunglasses on an international trip out of the country, on behalf of a top flight university program. I'm from a famous basketball family, not only in Westwood but in the league. Now, the other two kids, what were they thinking? I got you young? But like he says, you know, that's not an excuse for making badges. There's a lot of young cats over that didn't steal no sunglasses. That's the problem. See, don't suspended. They have been suspended, and the u c l A coach Steve Alfred. Steve says that they have to earn their way back. And their names are lo Angelo Ball, Cody Riley, and Jalen Hill. Steve, I mean, man, these kids, man, look man, this could have gone really, really badly for them. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a communist country that they committed a crime. And you're absolutely right, Steve. And let me tell you something. If you wasn't on a big, powerhouse basketball team and you just stole something over there, okay, you'd be looking at these ten for real. And honestly, had not the president stepped in on their behalf, you know, he has to get some credit for that, which is what he was seeking when he tweeted that. Uh so, you know, thank god he was there and he was able to talk to the president of China and work something out for the guys. And they amply thanked him. They did, They did, all three of them. And you saved me from ten Pardner. I don't care if you had a little bitty hand in it, right, but I can't do this. Ten. I did think it was I that the president asked, would they thank him? Well, come on, now, come on, but it is Donald Trump. Now he's been several levels. Yeah, it is Donald Trump. All right, thank you. Steve. Coming up the next the nephew with his prank phone call right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's crazy Strawberry letter. But first, it's the nephew with the prank phone call. What you got now? Huh? You heard me? Huh huh. They called me out the dugout. You know when they when they want to ever leave fence, it's that time they call it for the nephew. You're ready, Come on, oh, Schirley today it is shate Leon. Oh dear shate Leon, you don't want to miss an absolutely ravaging prank. I must tell you, Shane Leon. Oh god, somebody you grow up with. You see you seem in a long time and that's how they talk. Hello, Steve, how have you been there? Look at it is that the Mrs Hill Willie, Willie Willie with the English. I'm gonna stop talking like that and use your real boss English. You didn't use that voice when we was in jail that time. Yeah, you weren't talking about Hello, that votes, Hello, sale lates, none of that. Cook County Shelly. What about Madonna? She had an English access from Michigan talking con to for a minute when she lived over there. Yeah, Tina Turner. But people that English? Yeah, yeah, we talked about people ain't been no way over there. That's how I do. When I called go to front as though he started talking, No, I just slowed my worries down and put looks the watch z price. Yeah, I know we're here, well and they're gonna yours go over that with you? All right? Good? My nephew, Hello, thank you for calling me. Hello. I'm trying to reach the cold. Please, how you doing. Listen, my name is Leon, and I was calling you to see if you had any boofrontal in the salon that you're working. I'm sorry didn't get you name. What's your name again? Leon? I mean my real name is Leon, but my artistic name is Leon. Leon is what they call me. Okay. Um, Actually, I do have faith for another person to come in at work. Um. I am in a sweet um. It's rather small in here, but if you are interested in coming in working, I would really like to have someone come in and work with me. That would be nice. Can I ask you a question them? What's your background? What do you do? Well? Actually, I've just moved here to d C. I was actually living in the Los Angeles area, and you know, I've been doing hair there for the last probably fifteen twenty years. I've been doing hair, uh definitely licensed. You know, I just moved here, but I've been doing here care for quite a long time. I specialized and only doing females hair. And um, you know, just looking to get into d C and get back to work. And I really want to find a place where I can do some hair and and you know it's gonna take me a minute to get some clientele built up. But you know, I know my work is good. Okay. Well, um, I am in a high traffic area, and I think this would be a great area for you just coming in from another state, especially California. Um, is it possible you can come in and take a look and see what you can you know, I'd love I'd love to come in and take a look and see what I don't in the type of work environment you have. And so I'm I'm understanding that a lot of people that do had and have different rooms. Is that how this setup is? Yes, that's how it's set up. However, I did you actually have you actually have a sweet? I do have a sweet. Um. It's a double sweep, so there is room for another technician. Um. But you know, with it being such close quarters, you know, you gotta gotta kind of get a feel for the person that's going to come in and work for you. So all right, right's gonna be working real close to each other. Understand. You know, if we kind of meet each other, you know, we can get a feel for each other and see if you can work. Let me ask you something. Have you have you had a phs? Have you worked around a PHS person before, I'm sorry, who's a PHS? Have you worked around? I mean, that's that's pretty much what I do. Have you worked around a PHS. I'm that I'm not familiar with that term. Is that a California term? I don't with PHS? Is? Um? Private hair specialists? Have you worked with a private hair specialist before? Um? Well, I would consider myself private being so I'm in a suite but where you would be working out and open with myself. So I don't know how private you would be. Oh no, no, no, no, no, you know you don't understand where it's coming from. I'm a PHS. Okay, private hair specialists, and what that is is I I do women's private hair, like if they want removal from under their arm or their chin or you know. But most of my work actually resides in the bikini line. Uh. You know, I'm an artist, so I've known to put your name there. I can die at a different color mohawk landing strip. You know. Let me let me let me stop you right there. Um, you did call and say you were hairstylenced, and the last time I check the hairstyles, they be style here the hair on top of the head. Leon does hair, it doesn't doesn't necessarily have to be the hair on the head. I'm just saying, I style here, Leon, Sri Lanka. What's what's your name? Again? I'm sorry, she Leon. You cannot continue to get this wrong, Shane Leon. Okay, I'm sorry. What was the name of your mom gave you? Because my government name is Leon? But okay, Lee Leon, Leon. Again, this is a suite and you will be working in the open with myself and my clients who are accustomed to having a professional setting. Um, and I don't think it would be appropriate for you to have someone come in and have a landing strip, airport, a plane, their baby daddy's name. But I don't, I don't all whatever you do, that's not what we're about. Here. Are you trying to say that you're not open for new ideas? I'm sorry. If you consider that a new idea, then I'm giving you phone number to someone else because this We're not gonna do that here, I haven't, we're not. Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. You called my salon. Where did you even get my number from? Why? What made you think that you could call my shop? And then this is what we do. When you could come here and you could do that, well, I'm thinking that you would be open for something new. Why would you think that I'd be open for that? Who who told you that? I mean, you came all the way from California and you called me. You're not coming to my palon to call your name anybody else's name, and you have a landing strip any type of initials. Okay, this is a professional palan and we found hair. The hair on the head. That's what I'm doing. I'm staring you just go up the head, that sir, that's what she does. Look you, I'm sick of you. I'm sick of you already. So you know what. This is not even gonna work. This is not even gonna work again. We're not doing that here in my shop. I'm sorry. I hope you can call someone else and maybe they all accept your crash. I'm sorry that your career would not a big successful as as you would like it to be because you're not open for new ideas. Very successful, thank you. You know what, I'm gonna come over the pass out fly in front of your shop, letting them know about shell Lean and letting them know also that you are not who you really are. When are you coming? Are you coming today? Don't worry about when I'm coming. I'm know where you are. I'm here right now. Can you come today? Please come, I'm coming to day. Please come over here because I'm gonna be that. I'll side waiting for your bringing up over head. Bring it because you didn't not have understand outside from the Malon's Great Machlon. What you're not gonna do is den Shaney, y'all, You're not gonna Denash. Please come over here because you're gonna catch the front they smoking about the California You bring you over here under One more thing you need to say to you? You thing to say to me? One more thing he needs to say. Are you listening to Shane Leon? What is it? That's his nephew told me from the Steve ven Morning Show. You just gotta break by your girlfriend, miss sew What hello? Oh my god, I'm gonna keep you and her. I don't nobody, don't everybody? What else you got to say? What is the badest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morn show that is set coming up next Shade. Yeah, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up next Today's Crazy Strawberry Letter. Please do not miss today's letter. But first I have to tell you about a girl, Cardi B. She already has a vision, a vision for her upcoming wedding, because that's what we girls do. You know, once we get that proposal, you know, okay, you know she's uh Mary getting ready to marry. Offset from them goes, okay, Well, the way she sees it, the world is not ready, all right. She recently revealed what she wants. She says, everyone's going to be wearing red. She said, and yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're not Eddie. She already said, you're not ready. She says, she's not ready. And she said, and the bride's maids we'll be wearing suits. Was not dresses suits, So it's room. So that's it. That's it. You're not ready for that. And if you didn't know how the romance began between the couple, it happened the old fashioned way. Um uh sliding in the d M s apparently offset message. That's the old fashioned way now right, yeah, hit me on the barely offset message. What messaged one of her friends, saying, I want Cardie but she said at the time that she didn't want to date any rappers. But when Cardie later connected with Offset at a party, it was on after that. So now they're heading off to the happily ever after Congratulations, Explain to me what the world ain't ready for. They're not they're not ready for a wedding, for how she's designed and envisioned her wedding. Everyone red, the bridesmaids wearing suits, you know all of that. They're not ready for that. They ain't gonna be the first person to hear people don't read. You do know that it's gonna be uh televised to like, who was I think she's gonna be on H one because she used to be on Love and Hip Hop. I'm sure Mona Scott got a hand. I was just gonna say Mona Scott Young was talking about she's already talked to Cardie B about it. Yeah, yeah, because I think she said Mona said to BT back off because he wanted it. But Mona was like, uh so I'm sure we'll see it. Yeah yeah, So get ready, get ready for that. You know what we are to put on centric What when Mississippi Monica get married it's not called centric anymore. Did you know that stud Yeah called et her? Yeah, oh perfect be et her. Yeah. So where is Monica getting married? Like by lake? Weres a bunch of catfish and stuff in Mississippi. Okay, so it's gonna be have to wait till they come out withou be et Neil, you Monica and Junior or no, it ain't gonna work out. I don't think it's gonna work out. They can jump to bro. We'll see what she said it yesterday. They both said it, Yes, Junior Junior he a little nervous about it. And then Steve, you said Tommy's marriage wouldn't last past Thanksgiving of this year, and we're almost there. It ain't Thanksgiving yet. Oh I'm gonna make it a thanksgim. What did your tem problem? So? I don't know about your predictions. I'm just saying, m you do better, working on better? Come on about how long I'm gonna be man? All right, we gotta get to the letter. Alright, buckle up, hold on tight, we got it for you. It is Strawberry. Let him subject trapped in a marriage. Dear Steve, I've been married twenty plus years and have two almost adult kids. I've been faithful, devoted, trying to hold things together for my family. I didn't want them to have to live a lifestyle I would have had to give them had I left my husband. Now I'm at a point in my life where to just look at my husband can turn my stomach. Never having been very compatible, I do the best I could, and I'm sure he feels the same. Lots of sacrifices on my part, living with his family, living near his family, taking care of his parents until they passed, now taking care of him because he has developed a debilitating illness and will never work again, and hasn't in the last ten years. I've met a man, not intentionally, not with any forethought. He was just there and always seems to be there when I need a shoulder to cry on or a token of attention. He's married, and although he's been very supportive, I doubt that he has any romantic inclinations towards me anyway. But the feelings I have for him really show up what I don't feel for my husband any longer. My feelings for him went through trial by fire, and there is little left but ashes. Now that the kids are on the verge of adulthood, and he has no one else. I don't feel I can leave him alone. Yet I can't deal with these feelings I have towards someone else. I feel like a hypocrite, adulteress and a home record, even though I've done I've never done anything to encourage this man away from his family. I don't know what to do, but the guilt and hypocrisy are eating away at my soul. Not happy with anything or anyone help me, Steve Dear not happy? Yeah, you know what. You sound like a woman who's just fed up. You've gone through a lot. You've done what any good wife would do and beyond your marriage vows say though that, uh, you know you should stay married through sickness and health, and you are doing that. You're tired, though, you're unhappy, you're depressed, you feel trapped, and this man has come along when you're very, very vulnerable, and it's easy to fall and develop feelings for people when you're in that kind of open state like that, and that's what happened. And now you're sprung on this other man. This other man has taken full advantage of you, and you're in a full blown affair now it sounds like it seems and uh that's why. Um, you know you have this guilt and stuff. You feel this way. You feel like a hypocrite, you feel like an adulteress and a home record. Um, there's only a couple of things you really can do. For starters, stop seeing this guy. You know, you gotta stop seeing him because you're still married. Okay, you could stop seeing him and try to work it out with your husband. You know, you didn't say that you didn't love him. You just said you're sick and tired of him, you know. Or you can leave your husband. You can leave him. I mean, those are really your only options, Steve. That's after. She has a real problem, she really really, I'll get into it when we come back. She has a real, real problem. I'm not sure I don't have it yet exactly what to say to her. I think you're correct in your answer. Thh, Shirley. Really, I think you're very correct. I think she's guilt ridden, though in two ways, and so I'll get into it best I can. It's just my opinion, just like these are just Sherley's opinions. All we have time, No, we won't have time, of course, we won't become, of course, would be just a show. The letter is posted by the way, so if you want to check it out, if you want to comment or send us an email, you can go to Steve Harvey dot com, click on Strawberry letter and get to type in that's it. Twelve minutes after we'll be back with Steve's response. Right after this. You're listening to show just you reem under in twenty minutes. In twenty minutes, you don't want to miss its. Sister Odell will be in the building, my girl. But come on, Steve, come on, let's get to it. Part two of your response to today's Here we go, Uh subject trapped in the marriage? Help me, Steve? Well, Steve can't help you, God can. I can tell you that in this letter because you're in quite a position. Steve really can't help you. God can really. I think Shirley's advice solidly is you have to leave this man alone. But on the other hand, do I sympathize with what you're saying? Yeah, and all the other women who can sympathize with you what you're saying, I'm sure they are. And then they are married women who are going get your hands off my man whilere you over there with this man's with this other woman's husband. It's gonna go both ways. Um the over there with the other husband. You know that's out of line. I don't have to explain that to you. That's morally not the correct way to go about life. And sure you know that you're an adult. That's why you have these confused feelings. But on the other hand, lady, I kind of sympathize with you because you have sacrificed yourself for twenty plus years. You stayed in the manage that you really didn't want to stay in. You never work compatible with him. You sacrifice yourself with him, his parents. Now he's sick. Now, he ain't worked in ten years. I don't wear his paper coming from So you might be supporting the whole show, and he's just sitting over there and might still be talking to you crazy, and you're taking care of him and everything about him, and he kind of talking to you crazy. Y'all ain't compatible. Most people that ain't compatible talk to each other crazy, because when you ain't happy with the person, you're gonna talk crazy when you see him. Now, the sight of your husband turning your stomach. That's gonna be hard to do the rest of your life. Look over there and somebody turning your stomare. And now he's sick. Now I don't know what illness he got, but he ain't worked in ten years and it ain't gonna ever work again. But is he's sitting over there complaining. Say, man, that's gonna be tough for you to stay in that situation. Now, what you could do is divorce. You could do that, and people say, well, Steve, the Bible says, and deviles say, through sickness and in health, yeah, do. But people get divorced all the time, and they people leave for lesser reasons. Somebody was cheating on somebody, somebody, financial problems came up. They just ain't compatible. What are people leave for all the reasons? Well, now that he's sick, you feel guilty and you don't think you could leave. But here's the real problem. You met a man not intentionally, not with any forethought. He was just there and was always there when you needed a shoulder. The crown or token attention problem is he married, and although he's been very supportive, you say in the letter, I doubt that he has any romantic inclinations towards me anyway. Okay, lady, come on, now, come on now, let's get this back into reality. He got something towards you, and you got something towards him. Let's be grown now, you know, I mean, what is it he'd asked for you? You attracted to the man. A matter of fact, you're developing feelings for the man. So you've grown. Ain't nowhere else to go. I don't know how sick homeboy is at your house, but is he's so sick that he ain't bringing no heat. He ain't frying no bacon at the house. You're gonna have to get your bacon fry. Maybe he came from Well, you ain't, Like I said, you got to be able sisily to some at leash woman or something gotta happened to the bacon. You gotta at least take it out the slab and lay it out there, get some fire on it or something. But you can't eat the bacon raw. Ain't nobody can eat raw bacon. You got to get this bacon cooked. Now you might not be getting your bacon cook. And if he do, try to cook your bacon. The sight of him makes you sick to your stomach. So the bacon process ain't even good baking when you get it, y'all just over there now. So now I sympathize with you where you got to do something? Now you have found this romance now a dude married? Now, can I tell you that this ain't going to go nowhere? Can you not find another dude that ain't married to develop these feelings? Fault because you're the married dude ain't going nowhere? Then you says you don't. Uh, You've done nothing to keep him away? Yea, to encourage him, And I feel like a hypocrite adulteress and a home record, even though I've never done anything to encourage this man away from his family. Oh yes, you have you needing him him. Knowing you need him is to draw card away from the family. All right, thank you, Steve. You know we gotta get out of here. Let's introduce that girl from the talk, Sheryl Underwood, Steve, Ladies and gentlemen. Here she is Sheryl Underwood, Steve Harvey. I love that you're being dignified right now. I love you, brother. I'm shouting out to talk right now because Eve, it's now a yeah, she not, guess holds no fault. That's that's cool? Is you know the rapper writer on the tower? Really I didn't know that. Well. Isn't that the coolest? Just like that's a good move. Huh Yeah, I like her to thinking of moving. Now was she in the United States? Wasn't she out of the country with? Now? You know what? She got that millionaire husband. That's the thing. Now, you know, you get the million millionaire husband or a dude from another country like a Nestos. Isn't he Domindican? What? Thank you? Steve don't because you ain't gonna take Esto from Shirley don't. But she got the millionaire husband they live. If you could get who would you marry that's outside the country? Mey, whoa? I can't name him? He already know and he sent me some flower state sent me a mortgage payment of flowers. Listen, and he ain't blank. I'm just gonna tell you straight. Don't get mad at me. Black people I go with who asked me listen? Like, yeah, I gave it up to a lot of people that still don't know me to listen. List I'll tell you God love and that's the truth. Now, you look. Listen now, A lot of people don't seem to know when I'm in the bar. Oh yeah, Black lives matter. After you sober up, You ain't got nothing fun me, what's happen? Huh stop? I'm just telling the truth. And you know I date a lot of white men and something people. Why are you day white men? Some white men do anything? Please let me tell you. I went the white dude. He said, what can I do to make you happy? I said, pay off my student loans. That's what boy, that affects your credit. Tommy, I don't got all that cap of money over Are you playing your FCO? Still mess up your FO school if you won't too. But alright, Sheryl, we made us more curious Steve. Coming up in forty one after the hour, Sister O'Dell in the building. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Magie. Well, before she gets all the way to the mike, I gotta tell you this. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carlo's reality update, Real Housewives of Atlanta are back. First. Mr O'Dell is in the building. Mad. Yeah, I don't know, m M good mornings. Everyone was Dan good, good, good, Hi Collie, Hey, sister Oldale. How you doing? Hey? Junior? Mornus is so Dale? Hi boy? Hey side? Are you doing money Shirley? Good morning, sister Odell. What's going on with y'all today? Anything happening? Yeah, lots of stuff. You know, we're all getting in getting in holiday mood. Yes, Thanksgiving, get made it for Thanksgiving and Christmas, you know, almost bath centennia for you know that means at the same time. Oh, that means too, that's two holidays, same time. Senteno sa Alright, just let him go on with it, yea. Oh, far be it from me? So you have Thanksgiving plans, you know, just let it be far from you then, okay, yes, ma'am, sister oh dal, don't start. Just I just said, you know, she said Bobby being from me, then you know, let it be far That's all I see. That was just you know, for confirmations. Absolutely. So where's going out? Kids? I was asking you your plans for the holiday. Well, I'm, you know, always saving souls and everything. I'm going down to some homeless shelters for the holidays. There's some wonderful people down there that just need a little up live. That's right. Go down and let him know that. You know, Steve used to be homeless. He wasn't in the shelter though he should have been, but his stupid ass wanted to be proud. Stayed in the car for three years. I'm so sick of being with him. I was boting that, but look at him. Yeah, he good, He does good and he helps people's and everything. His mother be so proud of me, yes, he would. Well, now, are any of your family members coming over your house? Are they coming over you host the Yes, you know, Christmas, you know, the grain kids comes back and everything. You know, but we just have Christmas from two to four, oh, just two hours and then I want them to leave all right after that? Well, I wanted to ask you right after Thanksgiving, you know, the day after that is Black Friday? Do you go out? Do you do shopping? You know? I still does that. My grandkids is telling me that I need to do it on the incident, but I said no, I likes to go. I love the crowd. I'll be the first one at Walmart trying to get that seventy two inch TV for eight dollars. I'd be the first one in life for that. I get one every yearn do that on a walk and everything. I just wanted the people with the vest on that I boss through the door. I grabbed somebody with a vest come out getting right. Don't want answer that shop TV? You know every year they achievable. Next year, I'm gonna get an night in two weeks for photos. If you got space, don't spaces on my hair on my head of TV in two rooms. I'm heading across the doorway. I can watch TV in the kitchen and in that room when I'm cooking. I ain't got knock a wall. I put it in that way. You gotta to go to the bathroom. Who hooks all that stuff up for you? But if you he cracked head, he steals O. Well, if you know how to disconnect the TV, your damn shot and all the stuff you have stole out of my house, you better get it on. She'll asks over there and put my TV on that wall. But they're gonna try to get it at night. But I got Bob Wild at my front. No you really, y'all keeps Bob while on the crackheads don't like the FuG What do you buy anything for anyone else beside yourself? That gives everybody scriptures in the stock and they know what they're gonna get. Even the kids. Well, I get the kids a toy. Oh day, all right. I gave a little Nathaniel. I gave him a block last year with an a on it. This year he gets to be he's just a year old. He didn't know these stockings. They not know old stockings you wore water. I mean they just regularly exactly. I take all my old panted holes and days and reads. Wait a minute, talking about Christmas stockings that you hang on the mantel, the fireplace mantel. I saved money. I cut mine off and hang them on. I pushed stuff in it. How did you know that? COMMI I I gave my my bedfriend Agnes. I gave her fruitcake in one of my stock stop. I didn't. I didn't give it a part for the new I had to put a fruitcake in the top hand. There's two things. That's the real stock and stuff for that go on your draw uh put put put a piece of fruitcake in it? Yea and holding the box. They don't know what it didn't look like a fruitcake with a net on it? Yeah, like fruitcakes it, sorry man, and like fruitcake that walk into it when they give it to me, I give it. She loved you gift her fruitcake be gone for New Year. She eat the green pieces, the red pieces, everything. The help is crazy. I never like fruitcake because I didn't know what the green pieces like, like gummy bears. All right, well, sis, you'll del Thank you so much for coming by. We wish you happy holiday's happy. Thanks. Yeah, well this should be your third one. Yes, man, this will be my third one. Yeah, okay, I got to go. Let you want me back. I'll stay here in case you won't be back. Well, Carl's Reality update is coming up. Maybe I'll be in there and ship because I liked to call. I'm gonna listen to you reality thing, Carl. She has to want you. Wait a minute, hold on, hey, hey, hey, we gotta go. We gotta go that you're listening string show. All right, it's that time, getting ready to get ready to get ready. She is here with reality date. All right, thank you, nephew and sister O'Dell is our special guest. She's joining us. Did wants me after all? Of course? Thank you, baby, that's in your ash. Stupid Tommy that's for you, all right, sister Aldana, do you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta? I showed do okay good, so you'll know what I'm talking about. So Kenya, she told Cynthia about her husband Mark. She just talked about him and said he was from the corporate world and that he was a former Wall Street banker and now he's a successful entrepreneur and that they met at a restaurant opening in Brooklyn. Because you gotta remember, Sister Rodell, the crew they have not seen as of episode two, these the cast members. They have not met Kenya's husband yet. He lives in New York and she's living in Atlanta. Right. I ought to keep a dead way too. Why do you think you think that's gonna works? Mago, better keep your man in there, y'all, can you well? Sister Odell. Kenya had a total breakdown while filming the show. She cried to one of the producers, admitting that she was stressed out about all the rumors, you know, all of the stuff on social media. Folks were claiming that she got married for attention, you know, to keep a storyline going and to secure her job on the show. And Kenya said that her husband Mark is very private, and that she doesn't want him to, you know, be a part of all this drama that comes with, you know, being with a reality star. I think she just really wanted to protect him. And then she even said, I don't want to get a divorce already, That's what she said. And you could hear her breaking down behind the closed doors. And you know you felt bad for, you felt bad for and why what you know what she ought to do? What she ought to just going in and live with a man. He's doing good, he's just probably a beautiful man, and just live with him and get off his reality show, the show and try to make her marriage work right, you think, week, why should she have to give up? And when you get fushed out, stopped pushing around, NINNI, sweet girl, Greg, and get fine. But I'm talking about her mother Gains. She's your bully bons chipunks gonna do if keep plunking over the run over here with me? Why bet you run back without it? What I to be on the housewi house Grant is more like you know something, They don't have any shows called the House grand It's the Housewives Atlantic and I see it. I wanted to be on that. Well you do, bet on house grant is you're a lot older than the house What I want old Papa d and would happened here? Didn't fired, I'll do it myself, jiling Ship. Let me continue because I have a question for you. Now. There's a girl on the show, a young woman on the show. Her name is She is a friend of the housewives, but she's been on there a couple of seasons as a friend. She had a bridle shower. She's she's get be married and Porsche is her friend and Shami is getting married in Africa, and so she's very upset that her friend Porsche, they've been knowing each other for a very long time. She's not coming to the wedding. Porsche said it's too expensive to fly to Africa. She has health issues and she's not going to Africa. So do you think Porsche is wrong for not going to Shamia's Well, that's your friends, your post. You ain't post talk about expension postal maka weight, that's right, that's he ain't got no miles? Is this flying? But the pass she's sleeping with me. They ought to be providing you with a ticket. He should have to provide a ticket for her, his wife, to be his friends to come to the wedding. Though sleeping with Africa. He can't get you no ticket. You're back to your original point. It's easy to get mouth when you're flying back from Africa. One trip. Ought to give your ticket. It's a lot of miles, right. Did you say, Posh, you got a medical problem? What she said that for health reasons? She wrong with post look healthy, beautiful. I don't know. That's what she told her friend, and her friend is upset about it. So I'm asked who I used to look like when I was you po Posh? You will you what I wore? Long black hair, Grid, Grid, big old bosom. Many of that Reddit tat tat had it all. You had it all. I'm sagging a little bit, boy, but you wish too, though I ain't the only one shag. And you fit to go stand in the middle staying wide legged. You gotta be nice if you gotta hang around, you've got it well. Okay, but he shot at me. Okay, Okay, shop team, So hit me up on Twitter or lips by Carla. Do you think Porsh's wrong for not going to Shamilla's wedding. Hit me up social media at lips by Carla. We got thirty seconds. I wanted to know if you guys have been watching, is not right? You should go over there? She that ticket ain't that much. Oh we're still talking about that with TV. To be her friend, start shaving and go see your free and at a wind talk about quit front like a yad money, say on some of that hair. I think she should go as well. If that's your friend, if that's your girls, that's right. If that's your girl, Yeah, you should be there for she's so And you disagree, I mean you disagree, Shirley, I'm calling. She's got health issues. Yeah, that's a long way. Ain't nothing wrong with her? What health issue? You ought to be over the cold by the time of wait, take shots and stuff too. We take shots going over there. Now you talk about a healthy you know, jullior Ji, you can't make it. That's a health issue. Post she just got a cold. I need to take a little ship tail over there. You might have a little African friend. He all can double wit because if you've got enough money, all ride in on the elephant. We can do it. Said We gotta get out of here, coming to America, right back to Kidn't you? Thank you? Mr Odell. You're listening to show all right, guys, Thanksgiving. Listen. It's not gonna cook itself, the food, it's not gonna host itself, the parties, all of that. We got to be involved. So I want to ask you, guys, are you hosting Thanksgiving at your place this year? Is your house ready? Uh? You know? Between work, Steve, I know you have all these jobs and stuff, um you know, and and the ladies of course with the shopping for the groceries and all of that, and and Tommy you cook, you're frying turkeys and all of that. So Steve, huh, go ahead. I ain't gonna be home this ship, are you not? Are you out on the road with your plans on the road. So I'm a creator Thanksgiving for the whole cast, though, I'm gonna put that together. You're gonna bry a Turky your new name. I'm gonna to Turkey, but I'm gonna I'm gonna get with a good restaurant and make it happen. He's always did it more time and go ahead, only trying to do something for it. You're doing something for the clue. He should bake for everybody on front. Oh that was nice. Okay, so Steve, I wanted to add come back. I wanted to ask you, crazy man, do you have any tips to help people get the house ready for the guests, you know, just to get ready for thanks holidays, when you come by and people come by. Sometimes you have uninvited guests called the I'm with people. Yeah, So what you wanna do is secure all stuff that's loosen can fit, like ash trade lighters. Put that type stuff away, a little small crystal trades, ashtrays anymore, get stuff like you cain't smoking people house. You can't do that anymore. He ain't been to nobody house. This is the being ready my house, your cigars. Yeah, but when I give it go outside. I gotta take an ass straight with me. Okay, but but you ain't been nobody house a long time. We can't get I ain't been to nobody house. People don't have ashtrays anything. The only person house I've been over Grig Calhoun. I spend the night at Grig Calhoun house sometimes when I'm down there playing golf, I won't stay at the hotel in Montom, I stay at my boy's house. That's the only person house. I stay at him Verily Vyla. In Calhoun, I spend the night a villain Calhoun. So I spend the night at day house. But I don't stay nowhere else. Said not stay nowhere else? So you mean if your nephew Tommy asked you to come to the chateau, if here, you're not going out there. Plus he stayed too far out, but he would have a car come and pick you up. In all of that, still use cars to give me that might not make get ship one of my cars down there and have my driver picked me up in my car. But I'm not getting in time with car. He stay on the side of the road. I'm not getting his car. Now we're on the side of the damn bro. You know how that had a look? Man? He's up car man, Hold on, hold on, hold whoa stop car? Doc is that? Try back up? Dog? Don't get your phone, give me your phone, give me your phone now, can't do it? Ship? Well, I mean he's fried a turkey for you. He's I mean a huge spread for his uncle because his uncle is finally coming to the shot town. You need a car. He's going to get your car service and all of that. Okay, but like a black SUV. Yes, whatever he gets what's your used to? Yeah, ain't Tommy. Yes, you got the chateau decorated always the how d. Yeah, it's real nice. Surely you've seen it. I've been over there. I saw the declarations before over there. You know he's send pictures. It's beautiful. He showed y'alling far away shots, get up on that stuff, all that stuff. It's a small whirl at all. We've been to his house for his Christmas party, all that stuff. A small way trade, take far away shots, walk up on some of that stuff. Like coming up next, we're gonna talk about toys. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Whippleball is finally getting the respect it deserves. It was inducted this year into the Toy Hall of Fame, along with the board game Clue and the paper Airplane. Now that this year's toys have been inducted, it's time to start. Yeah, it's time to not getting in there. I know, right, it's time to start arguing about all the toys that are not in the Hall. Of Fame to nominate a toy. Come on, Tommy right in the action figure section Toy Hall of Fame. I will be distraught action he could run, talk, he travels, real action. They don't get in this damn Toy Hall of Faith. It'll be a travishow. Okay, well how about these other toys? Steve Crazy tweet us. Now you think tom should be an active We all love the nerve ball when it came out. That's not in there. I don't see that being in there. That ain't major love the nerve ball? Are you kidding? Is the water gun in there? Probably? Yeah? It might already be about a cap gun These day, I'm talking about legendary stuff like a Lincoln Logs gotta be in there. Yeah, bubbles, how about play dough? Yeah yeah, Remember we used to stand in long lines. I know I did for my my kid, Cabbage Patch kids. Those dolls they need to be you to stand in laughing. That ain't but that adoption, Yeah, that wasn't that the point of him. They weren't cute, but they were cuddly and lovable. Everybody loved everybody. Yeah, that was about the American girl Dog. His name is Irwin. Huh, what'd you say? My sister cat Pad, her name was Irwin. You can get that dollar. His name is Irwin. No, Irwin. I planted Irwin a couple of times. You mean, how about this one? That should be in there? Pac Man, it should be in there. Everybody loved pac Man. Yeah, that's not in there, right. Who are the people the committee? Yeah, we're tracking there. No, sure it's gotta be. I'm sure paid the call for it to be. You the game operation that should be in there. It ain't an that's Joe, Joe. You bring your friezz. Let's keep him in first. I'm just saying I'm gonna put you in the action figure. Second, in your Joe, we got you in here. You want to take him with you. You can get your own outfits. Don't worry about your friends sitting up in here, Joe trying to get you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go with the last break of the day. With just one more thing. Guys, if you're gonna visit Bernita Sykes house, make sure you don't sing or have a song stuck in your head. Here's why the forty nine year old had three people over a house in South Dakota, including a man who was singing a song that was stuck in his head. It's unclear what he was singing or for how long, but at some point Bernita took a skillet and hit the man dad in his head. She was sick of it. She hit him in his head with the skillet. Fortunately the man didn't suffer any serious injuries. But Sykes was arrested regardless. Okay, she is now facing and aggravated assault charge. Aggravated assault charge. And Steve, have you ever just I mean, just went in on a guest who was at your house. She hitting with a skillet. He nos injury. She ain't hit him with the edge of it, you know. And are you speaking from experience or oh yeah, yeah, I've been hit whatever the household of plaster is. I had toasted through me one time. Toaster you gotta do to get a toasted thrown at you. I hadn't done damn the everything though, I hadn't opened refrigerated though real hard and hit me with it. I saw that coming. It was too slow because I had that suction at the first time. She worked strong enough, so I saw that one coming. I stepped out of wah, put a hole in the wall though, baking sheets come at me everything, specially what you doing. You got all thrown at you. We're just living my life, you know, the young dude. I remember that raw chicken though. Yeah, I'm just making promises. I couldn't keep you know, stuff like this with lying lying, you know, problems bad. Feel a wet piece of chicken on your head? Uh? That staying pretty bad. I ain't gonna lie to you. That wet piece of chicken, that raw chicken, chicken, breast, boneless, ballless. It will wide open. I don't know how to open wide. But let me ask. Did she cook it afterwards? Oh? Yeah, I don't know. Hell, I had to get out that house. I don't know what the hell she did with that, but I know some of us got on my mouth though I might have had something of Nella. I was in the kitchen and she just hold didn't throw it, kept it on like on her between her thumb and her index finger, pinched it and slapped me with it full range. Dude, I never saw it coming. Oh you did something, Yeah, I just don't do it. Yeah, just a lied to Yeah? Was it a farm raised, No, I wouldn't get it back then, I chicken their head. I'll try to get different for a nine town Yeah, two dollars dinner. Yeah, that's crazy, Steve, Wow, have you girls? He hits somebody with some huh huh, let's go to that. Oh yeah, I've thrown a lot of study seedy cases. I'm good. That was good. That's like a frisbee. You can throw it like, oh, the whole caselling the wrist, it's sold that risk action, strong plate. Oh yeah, yeah, a glass, a book, yeah, oh, a shoe though, a shoe, shoe, that's the that's the god growing item. Anyway. You just take it off and throw it. It would be your good shoes or your old shoes, whatever shoes. You're mad. You don't care. When you're in the moment, it doesn't matter. You do know that he can put somebody out, you know, hoping, hoping about that before you did what you did. I was hoping at the moment that it would Yeah, what's I was hoping? I wanted it to do that. Yeah, but that was you know, Carl, what's what's my favorite word that you say? That was alleged? You can't you can't in the court of law. You can't prove that in the court of law. I like that, boy, Sessions, I don't. I don't recall they grilled him, didn't they. Yeah, your asks really don't need to be in office because you can't remember a damn thing about Russia. Though. I don't recall I've been called that. Yeah, I don't, but I don't recall answering to that he didn't know nothing. Yeah, they grilled them. Yeah. I like when one of and said yes or no answer, he boy that he gave them both yes. And Wow, it's a lot going on. Lord Lord, Lord, Lord, prob What about the fallout with Roy more More in Alabama. Yeah, that's a that's a big thing. The Republicans are calling for him to get out of the race, now, won't he's defiant defiance. Did you hear that? Um? I think it was one of the malls down there. Someone said that he had been banned from the mall or in the back in the eighties for approaching young girls. Yes, you know what, I do think that this guy is guilty, I really do. And I know in this country, man is innocent to prove and guilty. But it's too many people coming out. And now a guy that I saw on the news the other night that was saying that he remembers working at the mall and he was banned from coming into the mall to least told him, and he said, well, it wasn't for women. He said, well, I don't know, but he was banned. Police just told me if I saw him calling me, he'd take care of it from that. All right, Tennessee Titans at Pittsburgh Steelers in Pittsburgh at Heinesfield tonight. Come on, Titans, take us home. Steve, Yeah, I hang ya, keeping I don't wait in ain't ever as cold as you think it needs. Hold Jim sick, God bless you him. Nice week. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show.