Meghan Markle is now The Duchess of Sussex. Ever since Junior lost weight, he has been acting brand new. Janet Jackson becomes the first black woman to win Icon Award at the Billboard Music Awards. Today's Strawberry Letter is twisted to say the least. Cell phone use after 10p poses some surprising dangers. The Closing Remarks talks about our actions today affecting our future and more!
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Y'all know what time is. Y'all don't know y'all bags all so long looking back to back down, giving them mong just like theming buck bus things and it's tub y'all do me true good to study, listening to me toach other for sto bar hand moy w don't you join ya joining me? Honey? Say do you turn? Yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn out turn you love me? Got to turn out to turn water wanter go come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shall will come minding everybody y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and all it Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Oh man, ain't god good? Yeah? Yes, hey, you know I want to remind everybody today, uh that you got to keep pressing forward. Man. I know it gets difficult out there sometimes, but you got to keep pressing forward. There's nothing else for you to do. The option of quitting, turning back, giving up it cannot be there. The thoughts can pop into your head, but when they do, you got to pray about it. But you got to keep pressing forward. You got to keep it moving, man. I don't care how dark and dirty it get for you. You got to somehow summing it up within you to keep it moving, to keep pressing forward, because the only way you're gonna get it is you got to stay in the race. You know, you've heard it said a thousand times. The race isn't given to this with but to him that didn't do it to the end. You got to stay with it whatever it is. But I don't know what it is for you. But whatever it is, you got to stay with it. Because Quentin, Quentin, don't Quentin, don't let you see the end result, give it up. Don't let you see the end results, turning back, don't let you see the end. The only way to see the end results is you got to finish the race. You got to stay in the race because the victory may be nearer than it seems. There's a poem I learned in college under some stressful situations, I just said like that. There is a stanza in this poem called don't Quit that says, often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man, And often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup, and he learns too late, when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. Now that's just a stanza in it. The poem is much longer than that. I know the whole thing because I learned it. But I've always remembered that poem that the the goal is often nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man. And oftentimes the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup, but then he learns too late, when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. And there's a last stands of the poem says it may be near when it seems a far, so stick to the fight when your hardest hit. It's when things seem worse that you mustn't quit. That that poem is really doesn't It's an unknown author to the poem, so if you want to look it up, it's called don't Quit. The author is unknown. They never knew who it was. But you know, I'm talking to you today from the standpoint of encouragement. I want I want to show you an analogy that I tripped on this morning when I was thinking about something I wanted, and I was thinking, you know, okay, if you have a job, the way you have to do your job, your job forces you to do this, so you can't just randomly do this on your job. A job forces you to plan ahead a little bit. You know. A job requires that you go through the procedures in order for something to happen that you want to happen. Example, you want a vacation, you have to put in for that vacation, and that's what it's called on your job, just put in. You may dress it up some other way, but the common sense you have to put in. You gotta do that because the job requires that. You got to put in for your vacation. If you want a promotion and you see it post it somewhere that we are now have a position opening, you got to put in for that. You just can't sit back and hope they pick you, because they're probably going to pick the person who wants it, who shows the initiative to go get it. So you have to put in for a promotion on a lot of jobs. If you want some days off, a couple of days here, a couple of days there, you got to put in for that. But all of these are things that you want. You want vacations, you want a day off here, and now you want some promotions. If you want to raise, you have to go in and request a raise. It requires an action on your part on your job. And guess what, we've all accepted this as this is the way it's done. You want to raise, you have to put in for a raise. You want to raise, you gotta go in and have a meeting and take a recourse so you can show your value to get to raise. You want a vacation time, you got to put in for that, and then they got they could tell you your name. You want a promotion, same thing, want some days all the same thing. Okay, that's to deal with your job. Well, that's to deal with your life too. That exact picture that I paint it for you that you're all so very much aware of that. You're very crystal clear on the rules and regulations that you have no problem following them, the same rules for your life. What you mean by that, Steve, you got to put in with God. You got to put in for what you want with God all you and it's as simple as that you put in. See, you know you want some more of this, some more that you got to put in with God. You put in with your job. You gonna under asked that man what you want and you ain't got no problem following the rules. Well, put in with God what you want or your list? What's your request? What? What? What? What? What do you really want? How much money are you really trying to make? What are you really trying to live? What kind of career and job would you really like to have? What kind of person would you really like to be? What type of family are you hoping and wishing for? Who is the person you want in your life? What type of person do you wants? The relationship you're looking for? What you want, you got to put in for that. You got to put in. You got to go to God and put in for that. See, we'll follow the rules set to us up, set ups up and set up by us in a system. But we are simple rules of putting in for your life. Man, we don't even do that. I wish I would put in for a job and not put in for God. You gotta be kidding me. You think this man that has this company has more to offer to you in terms of vacation promos and raisors than God, God for you for your life. Man, you keep putting too much faith in Man. That's what's wrong with us. I show hope he give me this rais. I'll show hop. I don't even go to people with that. I go to God about it. Then God touched the people's hearts. Then when I walk in there, it's already done. That's how you capture this thing, folks. It's not a magic trick. It's just a real simple understanding. Why would you not put it in with God? If you're gonna put in on your job? Don't make no sense Where you get the job from? Why your job? Where your boss get his position from? Why did this company come from? So when you peel back to but now, they all make a lot of sense, don't it. It really does. And I'm just a common sense guy. You know. Look, I don't have the education that a lot of people have, but I gotta show show enough bunch of life experience. Though. Oh I've been I've been getting smacked and knocked down the majority of my life. Oh I may look good to you now, did look like he got a shine going on? And I am grateful to God for my life. That I got now because it show ain't the one I had. But I got news for you. It ain't the one I thought I was gonna until I put it in for. I ain't seen none of this until I put in for And you know, after as I saw it shaping informing, then I said, God, could that really be happening? I wonder if you could make me this, Lord, I was wondering, Men, could I really have a since the Cave radio show? Lord, make it happen. If it's in your wee are put in for? Put in for now. I'm working my tail off now because that's a part of it. See. But then God tells you that too. He says, faith without works is dead. I'm working my behind off. But the big thing is I put in for it. So I got a bunch of more stuff that I'm put in for God. I can't tell y'all what it is, but oh, Lord, have mercy. I'm in line. I'm putting in for all the blessings that's due me. If if there's a ray, if God's plassing out of raising blessings, I'm lined up. He passing out of promotion, He's gonna promote some more blessings. I'm lined up. He want to send me on a bigger vacation. I'm lined up. He passing out extra checks down at the job. I'm lined up because I'm putting in Why don't you put into? Come on, y'all, talk to God. He loved hear from you to say, good morning show, thadies and gentlemen. I have your attention. Please. I'm going to need and require a little bit of help this morning to produce this show, as always, of course, but now so a little bit more. There's nothing wrong with me at all. I am suffering from what I've called voice fatigue, and this is it, and this is the best I got in them. It's hurting me. Now giving you all, ladies and gentlemen, to Steve Harving Morning Show. Begin. Oh it is something wrong with you? All right? Good morning, Steve. Yeah, surely you ain't got going on. Just say good morning, but calling good morning crew. What's happening morning? Yeah? Yeah, we're gonna have to talk about that. Jonathan. Yeah, what up? Steve Howey watch out there now, King of Prinks, your third top of them on it. Well, let's get after Junior. This last day was yesterday of the derbs cleans. Junior, how much weight did you lose? Total pounds? You could see it too. Let me tell you what he did first. He came to work. It had on a Blue Seals sucker suit, white and Jordan's Air Force ones whatever they were. You know. He had on a white sweater shirt up under. As soon as you get to work. I've never seen Junior do this. I'm walking down the hallway with him and Brown. They got backpacks. They take the backpacks off as soon as they take it back. But I never seen Junior. Junior took a damn colde off, threw it over the chair. Junior got on a little tight white sweater v neck. I didn't never. I never knew Junior had shoulders chess muscles. Junior walking up and seeing all this hill, I said, wait, man, but he's been brand new, and I think somebody, some of you have run into it. You don't work with it every day. I noticed it. It's not as much fun as I had with Fat Junior, ju Junior, then Junior Junior. Hollywood, Oh my god. Well, Fat Junior was about chicken, get chicken. He would go get chicken, chicken. I did not come out with raw chicken. Cook them right in the in the room, cook them right there. But nothing Junior. And you know he Hollywood, you bring up food? Has he said this? Shot at and and he says it loader hurt you feeling like, then let's get chicken. You know you can't here? How about some frid Wow, you're done with fries, jor, I eat different type of fries. Now they're baked. They're not even potatoes. The hell eat baked friends, No more McDonald's. What I don't. I'm re assessing my life, assessing because you know he's getting he's getting having a big birthday in July? Is it? Is it? What? No? No, no no, I got some more stuff for you right after the break, I tell you. But we'll be back with mo fact Junior versus. I'll be back at thirty two after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's time for something funny and Steve, before we left, you were going to tell us we're talking about Junior. He's lost an enormous amount of weight on the d herbs. Uh, total body cleanse, full body cleanse. And you look great, Junior. You're welcome. And I just say something real quick. He knows it too. It goes from thirteen to fifteen eighteen. Tomorrow it'll be twenty six pounds. It goes up like every day. Yeah, it goes up like pounds probably by Friday this week this week. Listen, how the number go up? Ahead, come on, Steve, you're telling us about fat Junior, or so I've noticed now, Like you know what I'm doing my talk show, Junior normally to stand over there behind the cameras to my far right, you know, with the writers and all that stand over there. So you know, sometimes like doing the show, on the commercial break, I go to the rest room, which is backstage. I go backstage. Oh, this week when you're in the back sitting on the stool surrounded by girl, Oh, you posted up? Oh he's about what's sitting on the stewl with his legs crossed. That's called posted on the bos stood with his legs crossed, wagging his legs. Okay, well let me ask you something. Steve was fat Junior ever back there when you went there. Now, so he has changed Shirley skinny Junior. It's amazing watching him, how hard he'd be grinning in the girl's face. That's Skinner Junior, right, yeah, Skinner Junior. You know you know he used to try to stay out the way. You could almost see a couple of self esteem issue. You know. You know what that ju Junior run. You never stop that Junior run. I'd be trotting down the hallway. He'll be crossing his legs on the stud fact Junior couldn't cross on those streep fell off. So what does Skinny Junior saying to the ladies, Steve, you know, just back there, just jokes. You know, he got Joe. He funny, so you know they just be standing around, just be laughing. The Emmy nomination has he mentioned? No, well you know they all got em me. You know the whole show. You can't he can't use that because that's the whole show was nominated. So he can't use that. But be back there and they y'all all be key king at Junior Junior tell his joke. And then he laughed his damn self stand up and run around. Oh man, that type of smile where you see his whole all his teeth. That he what my mom? You say, So you just backed that back grind And that's that's when you bring itself on showing them back the back of your that's how, that's how, that's how cute she was. Wow, you even talking different. I don't understand this Memorial weekend coming up. No, No, I'm working in Atlantic next. I don't know. You know, I don't think he knew that that Junior knew what he was gonna eat. This kid eat Junior. Did he um like text you guys pictures of his meals and stuff like, let us wraps and stuff like that, let us talk. I got a lot of that from you, he sh No, he didn't send that to me. You didn't get the Oh, no, that he didn't know how he was doing. I got all of that. He's the one that gets me. He's green drink every day every Well, you know, what, what is your life? First? I mean, if I'm going down, if I'm gonna be a million, and it's since being sick, Junior, I see you listening sick, Junior asked me. One time. He said, Oh, they're being here taking your blood, they're being him bringing you food, they're packing your supplements. How about you all this cart, I said, Junior, A guy talked this to me one time. This guy makes about I guess he makes three million a year. I guess, And he told me one time, he said, oh, I spend tempercent of my income on health minimal. So he said, he takes three hundred thousand dollars a year that goes towards trainers, nutrition, stretchers, supplements, all that stuff. I said, wow, you spend three hundred thousand dollars a year. He says, Steve, that's not a big number to you. So let me just ask you. So you got the two most important things in your life is your time and your health. You've always said that, right, I said, right, he said, so why would you not spend a portion of your money to stay healthy? He said, temper cent of your income towards your health. So you told Fat Junior that, and buddy nutritionist, Skinny Junior just fed it back to me this money right, well Junior, that's good. Your healthy it's important. Why does he whisper not? Well? Time? Is not that? The fact that I talked like this because I don't want to get my blood pressure up, because I almost had that at Fat Junior. You don't really it's not rush. It's not rush. I don't rush. I'll enjoyed this j from Houston. Who is that? Who is that? You mean kind of green Jewish? Hey, I'm Julia pig feet about a pound Jews. You're talking about him? Okay, you know you have to enjoy life a little bit. I mean, no ice cream anymore. No, I will always have all. Kay, all right, you heard the model we eat all. We came and we said all We're not in it for prophets. Okay, I don't eat ice cream? All right? Well, thank you, Skinny Jr. Coming on, Thank you, thank you. Shirley, you're coming up, coming up next. You know it's Monday. I know, right Whetown and Deacon Death Jam they're in the building at right after this. If you're listening to last night's Billboard Music Awards where Janet Jackson, the one and Only received the Icon Award. But right now it is time for the reverend and the Deacon. They are here with church complaints. Wasn't wasn't really ready for that. I don't wear anybody pass her hand, don't have my regular deck or regular or Motown voice. Motown have would win a little lord sony Empy Columbia on him and really whoo his heads out. The best of I can, but we are here again Calvary for church complaints. But what is it, dear? I passed that the day we have this, the Vera Jean Gladmore is finally getting her beard cut. He has gotten tired of the members calling her Deacon Vernon instead of Vera Pastor. He has requesting five cases of magic shade to get the entire beard off. I was thinking more of a fun raising event with her. Oh, I was gonna put it in a cage in the basement of the church and help people pay two dollars to see the bearded lady. Well, not that's that raised money for the building full at the circus. Or we could have a black black or like like doing car wash, right, have her at the end behind a drape. Yeah, I can bring this up to it, but she's really focusing on getting the magic saved, only getting the beard out. But that's we'll run that by first before we're spending money on the magic shape. We're not gonna get a case. Well, now she needs more than a case pass to get all that hell off. Well, see, first you have to shave it down or enough you didn you you magic, you don't put it over excuse me, that's deacon. It's not nephew, it's beacon. M okay, getting together, Reverence. Here's something that you need to know, Pastor. Our sister Deaconda Jenkins and brother Lavon Terry Rivers scaredter to be married in three weeks. Instead of you doing the wedding, they are requesting Bishop Carry who just did the raw wedding for Prince Harry and making Mircael. They won't him, as well as third of men on hearts escorting him to the reception as they ride in a carry. Well, well will look like I won't be doing the wedding, will will? I'm just saying this, good luck in getting outside or help with this wind, you might can get the preacher that did. Oh yeah, maybe Marco with man you might be able to. I don't know him, but you made you maybe a brutal train come up with the necessary feet. But what you're not gonna have thirty damn horses that I bet you don't have money for that? All right? I passed the wearing on, Pastor, I listen, beyondest say just about eight new thirty dogs? Don't nobody won't. That's not elegant. That pastor. The elegance is when the horses and elegance costs money, Deacon, and I understand, I'm just telling you what they wanted, but they quit what it was. Well quit um. Now listen Beyond just by the church in New Orleans for eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The members have had an emergency meeting and want to put the j p j J up for sale for a cool million. But they're also throwing you in on the deal as well. If the sales. I'm just letting you know, I'll be starting my own churches with the money, and the members are going with me. Well, let me light you to something. If they throw me in the deal and pay the million, I'm gonna get the million. They can clothed it. Raggs. You want to wherever you want to. You let somebody pay a million for this hell and see it on our ticket. All right, man, I'm just saying we're gonna be calling Beyond Faith about buying the church. I don't think Beyond gonna buy another one. Well, some people have. You don't think it's think of something around with having a chain of churches. Chain. You're trying to act like we fast food. That's not what we are. You can't franchise churches. They did it with the ticket, but all right, we don't have chicken. I know, I know. Here's something you need to know. Passing the trips. The church ropes have now been converted with the pens in them. The choir would be singing a marathon concert to raise money for their summer trip to Jerusalem. Members are complaining. They're saying, this concert is going to stink. It's up to you to fix this one. Pass once again. Well, I understand no need for the quad to have a marathon concert. Do understand the application of the pens inside of the route being? Now, how did they do? Do you? Now you step into the road, You step into the road, and you actually you're stepping into the the pen as you right, right, right right, kind of like a jumper. Yeah, and you zip it out. Okay, Well it is gonna be interested. Sister Bert needs needs help with pro assist to the step down and hust him. You know that, Lord of creator of doing, I'm not talking about the war down that out back either. I'm talking about the original blooming on your put tears in your all right, pass the just that Glinda Fraser will be doing how Sugar Avery song and dance. He's asking that all the men come out and making rain this Wednesday night at the juke joint around the corner. He said, you gave her a hundred dollars the last time, I gave you a whole hundred dollars to stop. She might have been doing the shoe averyding, but she looked your like shoes night. I just learned something that we shoot avery this over time. I swoted. God, I thought it was shooting night, not death death roll shoes night. Look just like it scared me to death. So that hend that I gave her was to stop. Get out right, just like it, bro Lord, before we go path, we had one quick announcement from the E and know it. You're going to start or let me know who you change your announcement. Yeah, I'm sorry that were now on my tears. Complains that I only give you fine that they'll bill beating. They'll bill beating right after service Blonde Hill Black Roots. If you'd like to participate blond Hill Black Route, it'll be beating. Rooms five. That's gonna be crowded, all right. Listen. Entertainment News. It's coming up at the top of the hour, Billboard Music Awards and the History Making Royal Wedding. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. The history making royal wedding was, Yeah, it was Saturday, Prince Harry married Megan Markele and now they are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Sussex, England. I guess there was no shortage of special moments from the A listers in attendance. There was George Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams, Victoria and David. What did you see the outfit and ear rings Oprah Winfrey had, Yeah, damn mouth. The first thing Marjorie said, wait a minute, hold up, will you look at her damn ear rings? Sting, look at her ear rings? Shut it down, Oprah shut it down. Yeah, she had a Stella McCartney dress designed her dress. Oprah had one dress. It was baige, but it came out too white, so she didn't want to wear that because you don't wear white to weddings. So Stella McCartney made her a dress in like a couple of days and that's what she wore too. But you didn't see it. I didn't. I didn't see it. You need to google the princess jacket Steve Jack and I saw his jacket. Yeah he was so he was so black, Yeah, yeah he was. When he walked up the stairs to the chapel. Everything, you would think it was a brother, you know. And more people watched the wedding that will admit to watch, especially watch you want guys don't admit that wat Yeah it was great. Yeah, you know, she looked beautiful. Yeah, she had the hat since two thousand five, but she just refershed, put new feathers on it and stuff. Yeah, everybody was so clean. And you know who else was there? It's just Elba and his fiance, Yes, looking so dapper, looking so dapper. Yeah, Sabrina hum, Sabrina. Yeah. But it was great, I mean it was yeah. I was absolutely stunned. They didn't ask me. Do you know you know, Megan Marcos, you don't know them? Have you ever watched an episode of Suits Your Girl? Do you know the Queen? Do you know Prince Harry? But you're still surprised Stone Prince Charles never made it. But the queen, you know the Queen, Prince Philip. Maybe Prince Philip. Oh, no, nobody live in London. Priss car We're gonna get you some princess, but you're still Donne Paul, the fresh Prince of bel Air. Wouldn't I be damn? What would you have, Warren, Steve, Let's just me and the print would have been battening the groom. Oh girl, how to found out what he would win? And that jacket, jacket, you don't see that jacket just swapped meat Tuesday. Watch that check it up so quick, man. But it was a great It was such a beautiful ceremony when I watched. Yeah, I can't believe you watched, Jake. It was not you probably turned it up right before the Alright, Janet Jackson was on fire last night at the Billboard Awards. She looks really good. You know, we have time now to catch up with today's national news. Steve, please introduce miss Anne, Ladies and gentlemen, miss A and trip. Thanks guys. This is the trip of the news. And yes, we did have an eventual, eventful rather weekend in the way I could get another mass school shooting. Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick is saying that while he supports stricter background checks for gun buyers. That there are also too many doors and windows in the schools. There are too many entrances and too many actions. Who are over eight thousand campuses in Texas. But if we can protect a large office building, or a courthouse or any major facility, maybe we need to look at limiting the entrance and the exits into our schools. Patrick also blames abortion divorced in violent video games. He says army teaches would be a good thing too. On Capitol Hill, Republican lawmakers are very apparently that they may lose Senate and House seats in the November election, or poorly pressing as hard and fast as they can to appoint as many right wing federal judges as they can. A North Carolina councilwoman being criticized in some quarters for a Twitter post where she compares police officers to terrorists. Charlotte Democratic Councilwoman Lawanna Mayfield sent out a tweet on March that said, quote being black under President Donald Trump quote has created homegroown terrorists wearing blue uniforms. Now. Critics are calling and the councilwoman to resign. However, she tweets quote I have and continue to be one of the strongest supporters of law enforcement, but I will not turn a blind eye to corruption assault in the sillings of unarmed black and brown people. The Department of a Justice has announced its Inspector General has been asked to expand his review of surveillance tactics allegedly used on the Trump present presidential campaign. President Trump's been asserting on Twitter that both the DOJ and the FBI placed a confidential informant inside the Trump campaign. The lava flow from the kill away of volcano now causing air quality problems for the people on Hawaii is a big island which is called Hawaii. Scientists say there's a lava haze which can cause eye, lung and scire of inter irritation. So a lot of folks are abandoning the island for now. In case she was somewhere under a rock. This weekend, you need to know that Prince Harry of England and Megan Markle of the US are now married. After a beautiful ceremony at Windsor Castle that mixed a bit of old and new and British and American traditions. They're officially now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Some of the wedding guests included Oprah Winfrey, Idris Elba, Serena Williams, Mr. And Mrs George Clooney and Elton John among the others. By the way, the Billboard War last night. Yes, Janet Jackson, this is unbelievable to me. She became only the first black woman to be given Billboard's Icon Award. I mean, you know, Whitney Houston, Reatha Franklin, I mean jan nothing taking nothing away from Jane. I love Janet, but just believe it or not, Janet Jackson the first black woman to be given a Billboard Icon Award. Oh well, Tops to the box office this weekend. Deatpool two, We're going to form a super duper through meet him Top poorly flexible and young enough to carry their own franchise for tended twelve years, we will be known as X Force. Isn't that a little derivative? You're absolutely right now, Deadpool Board in one d twenty five million dollars more and Entertainment Terry's Trending Topics twenty miss After the hour Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Prince Harry Megan Marko made history a the Duke and Duchess of Sussex or some someone said the Duke and Duchess of success right. The royal wedding was transformative for the British mona Chicago native, Bishop Curry stole the show. The Duchess Megan Markle is very proud of She's a very proud by racial woman. She's mentioned that several times, and she included her culture and her heritage in the wedding. Bishop Curry delivered a sermon talking about the power of love. Yeah, he quoted Reverend Dr Martin Luther King. Here, take a listen. The late Dr Martin Luther King once said in that quote, we must discover the power of love, the redemptive power of love. And when we do that, we will make of this old world a new world. But love, love is the only way there's power and love. Don't underestimate it. Don't even over sentimentalizing. There's power power you love. If you don't believe me, think about a time when you first goll in love the whole world. Ye, a lot of controversy about it. I mean, I thought it was powerful about love gonna be long? No, he was not long. He was right on town. What black path? You know? He ever said, I wanted to sit down as I take my seat, Yeah, one more moment. What do you think we're talking about the power love? What do you think, Steve? Well, you know, I mean that's what we do, don't you know? I don't expect anything less. Yeah, you ain't. No, they don't need to be a controversial about the man being over there? Ain't nobody asked you all to go here? He good. I thought he did an excellent Anybody ought to be angry. Not being over there is me o. Hell, I didn't get it again, have you seen one episode of suits Shirlette? I don't know nobody in England's filmed over here. No, I'm just I don't. I don't know Tom. I just want to be apart and I wouldn't asked to come. So it was a lot of controversy, Steve. People were saying that Reverend Bishop Curry was too long, that wasn't the place for his speech. He taught to his sermon where he talked about slavery. He also mentioned slavery he talked to you know, quoted Reverend Dr King, but I thought it was Look it's it could have been long. I don't know. I didn't see it. Here's a deal. Here's a man who takes a major platform, stage, world stage and gets to make some announcements. And that love part was really for the bride. She's taken a lot of heat for being by racial and marrying into the All family. It's a lot of folks got problem with Oh yeah, a lot of folks. So I think he spoke to that and you gotta you gotta hit him from all angles. I'm cool with it. And they said he wasn't just talking to the people at the wedding, he was speaking to the world. He really was. Okay, hit us up please on all social media. I'm ignoring what you just said, Jay, Steve Harvey FM comment. Okay, take your comments, they're coming up in ten minutes. We will continue this conversation on a history making royal wedding. Right about thirty four after the hour you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Social media and the world is buzzing about the royal wedding. I thought it was so beautiful. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex Prince Harry and Megan Marco made history by including the British Kingdom Gospel choir. Oh they saying, stand by me. Yeah, they had a very talented royal wedding cellis there. He was an awesome young man. I think he was what nineteen years old? And who was a little boy in the bat Yeah did you see that? Oh that was her best friend's twins. Yeah, the one that was carrying her train with her train, Yeah, that was her best friends. She's a set of twins. That was one of them. Plus they were talking about Bishop Michael Curry. Sermon, Steve, you were saying, did you want to finish your point about Bishop Curry? Now? I just thought it was cool. You know a lot of people don't, you know, talking about he was too long and all like this. He might have been, but he took advantage of the stage to make some statements to the world about Marl the King, about love, about people, accepting people. Because this girl tend took a lot of hits over that and her husband and came to her defense. I mean, he you know, you know, he really strong about it. But it was a lot of people over there. The tabloid has been eating her up about by Rachel. They talked about Mama being a drag a lot when woman from the wrong side of the tracks. Oh, they ain't done all this stuff. You know. People called her mother her nanny, she really yeah, yeah, yeah, she said she was a little girl people referred to her mom. And she's heard people call her mom the in word, and she's s some stuff and her mom's very well educated. Prison and I hear all that right now. And as they said in the medieval days, heads will roll, the heads will roll over the head what would you call it? Inward now by your head? See all of that. Yeah, yeah, but it was. It was. It was a great um, a great wedding. I mean so many people came out to wish them well. I mean I didn't see anything. And then a movie for that, like telling it was time, Yeah on lifetime. How they met They met on a blind date. All of that. Yeah, the stuff that she you know, talked about ever showed up the blind for me? Never never ugly was mom on a blind stop. One of their friends set them up on a blind da blind all the day, won't pass my date once j I didn't even know it was for me. But it's a great story. I'm happy. Yeah, it really is a great story. And she's beautiful and I'm so happy for it. And she's gonna i mean, she knows that the role that she's taking on this. You know, she's a role model for a lot of young black girls, you know that look up to her. Now she knows, you know what all the pressure and the responsibility that this has she's taken. You know, no honeymoon. They're not going to take a honeymoon. She wants to get started on her royal duties right away, you know, Mo. But I mean they're going to take one a little later, I think. But yeah, she wanted to keep the because the press is so on them right now. Honeymoon not right now? Yeah, not right now, that's what they said. Right now. They'll have a wedding night, Jay, that was a couple of nights ago. Yeah, I'm sure they're good. Yeah, they have a lifetime together, you think. And you know what, she also broke tradition with them when they had the reception, she gave a speech. Yeah, they said she was very moved to thank the royal family for how they've welcomed her. And been so kind to her mom and all of that. So she gave a speech and usually they don't do that. Over there. That's over there. Yeah, they have a picture circulating on social media. When she was very young she went to London. She took a picture, oh yeah, in front of Sucking hand Palace. And now can you believed? Amen? And so you're a little salty because you weren't invited again, Steve, we're doing teeth sucking. You gotta meet some kings and queens. Man, see what I'm saying perfectly? All right, NewView, Tommy has a prank phone call. It's coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry letter. The subject it is he my kids, daddy or granddaddy. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got? You know, we're gonna do this since the wedding. Okay, I said it, Oh my god, I said, this is wedding in Jamaica. Queen here it is Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach ivan place. Keep that in at the moment. This is Janice, Can I help you? My name is Mark. I'm calling from travel agency. Oh hey, how are you doing. I'm good, I'm good. Um. I actually have some information for him. He just finished paying his last payment. As far as you all turning on, you guys are getting you guys are getting married, going on honeymoon? Is that right? Right? Right? Next month? Than? Congratulations? Yes? Thank you? Okay, Well, listen, I got your information for you, and I wanted to make sure the million and address was correct so I could uh know you guys flight tickets out as well as a few forems and things like that to you guys would be pretty much well taken care of. Okay, this sounds good. Okay, are you pretty pretty excited about this? Oh I'm excited, very excited. I can't tell you okay, good, good, good. Well, I'll tell you what in April, I tell you, Jamaica Queen's is gonna be a great place, and uh the snow will have burned off by then and it'll be pretty much, uh the summer coming around, you know, snow Jamaica Queen. No, we're going to Tario's in Jamaica, you know the islands to wait wait, wait, wait, wait wait, wait, wait, wait, there's no snow. Okay, hang on, hang on, hang on. Um. I've been working with with Ivan on this for quite some time. I actually have you guys book to go to Jamaica Queens. Now there has to be some sort of mistake because oh, you're going to Chario. Okay, but that's not what I am and I have. I have Jamaica Queens, I have New York. Okay. Well, I'm telling you you're wrong. I don't know if you pulled up the wrong person. No, right, I'm sorry, Ivan and Janas and you guys are going out the second weekend in April. Is that correct? That's correct? But we're going to Zaria. No, why are you guys scheduled for Jamaica Queens. There's a problem then, because I'm not getting married there. Um. I love New York, but I'm not getting married there. So what do we need to do? I mean, I don't know what to do at this point right now. I'm just needed to figure that out because I'm getting married next month. And I understand me, understand that. But I worked diligently with your fiance, so to speak, and I got you guys scheduled what you maker Queens. I have the hotel's women, and I'm somebody know it was not Ivan. I know it was not him. I love New York, but that's not where I'm getting married. I understanding. I understand what you're saying. Now. Okay, I'm letting you know because you're you're raising your voice at me. I'm letting you know that I even had scheduled this and you guys are scheduled to make a queens. Okay, you don't let me know where I'm getting married. We've written you check. So I need you to correct the problem and I will continue to raise my boys until you are somebody at your damn wherever you are, corrects the problem. Okay, you're not gonna yell at me. I'm gonna try. I'm avations and now you're yelling at me. No, I'm not yelling. I'm trying to keep about composure. Okay, I've been working with you. We're done. I need to talk to your superior. I'm sorry, we spent way too much money. I'm getting married next month and you're calling and telling me that I I need somebody else on the phone. Okay, I need somebody. You need to tell me where you are, because I'm here to come by here where where are you? To give me a moment. I'm pulling up to see if I can get some flights out to reals. Okay, okay, I did not last minute. Oh I told him to go. Oh my god, the flights are completely booked that week. To make something less. You want to get a private jet for fifty or sixty dollars, man, there's no way I can get you in or out of take dollars. Make it happen. You need to make something happen. Okay, I'm being not You don't want to talk to either, so trust me. You need to make something happen. Get back on your little computer called somebody else in the room happened to be nice. Tell you you continue to read your boys at me. Now you're using profanity at me. Ya going to Jamaica, Queen, listen to me. It was your job to take care of transportation for us to get from the US ut Real from Utia to Mantigo Bay. However that supposed to handle it happened. You were supposed to handle it, and they don't handle it. Your man said you guys were going to Jamaica queens. And that's what I took for No man who said I said Jamaica queens. We were very clear, and I know he was very clear. I'm being very clear right now. If you just listen to me, you have one job. How you screwed that up? I do not know that. I need you to make it happen. He's not going to happen. You're going to Jamaica, queen. Maybe you are his queen and he's taking you to Jamaica, but that's not how he said it. Listen to simple. I'm not getting married in New York. You understand me. Don't mention New York one more time in this conversation. Do not mention new York. Why am I not going to mention New York when that is the actual ticket I have used as before. Because you screwed that up and you can already to correct it. Get on the computer and correct it. Figure it out. Your job is listen to me. Your job is from Ultorel to Montego Bay. Focus on that working out, make it off it. I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you, Okay. I need you, first of all to stop yelling at me. What the kind of customer service do you keep think this is? I asked you earlier in this conversation to get somebody else on the phone if you cannot help me now, what I need you to do is figure out how you're gonna get me from Ultra Reals to Montego Bay. And I'm not getting on a boat. Don't bring up boat, don't bring up New York. I need you to work now. Don't tell me where I'm going to spend my honeymoon. Spend your honeymoon in Jamaica, Queens, New York. Your fiance made a mistake. I'm not gonna pay for the mistake, all right, And I don't have a put something because before that gets talk? Do you hear me? You listening to me? I can't work it up. I've already told you there's nothing about Can you get through your anty out of head? Did you call me? Look? I need you to get somebody else on this I promise you. I'm about to reach through this phone and snatch you up by your neck. How are you talking to me like this? This is the kind of service you get when you make mistakes and don't know whether hell you want to go. We make a mistake and we know exactly where we want to go, and you are not listening to me to monto base. Do you understand? Do you understand what something I need you to understand? Are you listening to me? Yes? What this is Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend Cindy, who is your matron of on this This is not funny, This is not funday. Oh my hands are shaking. Oh my god. We don't know if I could have found you. Oh my god, I'm a kid. H Thank you, nephew Tommy. Listen. Uh. Last night was the Billboard Music Awards. Girl and did it was So good? Salt and Pepper performed with in Vogue Yes to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of then becoming the first female rap artist to hit the top forty on the Billboard Hot one hundred charts and Yes, Oh that was everybody's thing. So and then get ready are you ready? Wait for it? Wait for Janet Jackson ms Miss Jackson, if You're Nasty Baby won the Icon Awards, celebrating her career and her accomplishments. Congratulations to Miss Janet Jackson, take a listen and deeply humbled and grateful for this award. I believe that for all the challenges, for all our challenges, we live at a glorious moment in history. It's a moment when, at long last, women have made it clear that we will no longer be controlled, manipulated or abused. All Right, Janet was on fire. We love her. Congratulations again. Coming up next it is the Strawberry Letters subject using my kids, daddy or granddaddy. Oh you heard me right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Right now, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need any advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter, write Steve, Yeah, step up to the mic. No, yeah, it wasn't he still mad? He didn't go to the wind. Yeah, the windin' man. I didn't go. I'm not mad. I wouldn't even I'm gonna turn them down. If you're you gotta gotta go to that. What are we talking about it? You just wanted to be able to say no, I have a prior engagement. Man, my wife would have killed me. Yes, yes, man, she would have killed me. To the wind. We're not going to wood Wind. I got to work. Blah blah blahlah. Okay, you're not going right. You could have took the whole set over there and have family feud with the royal family. I don't know anyone who didn't want to go to that wedding. Buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here it is subject is he my kids daddy or granddaddy? Dear Stephen Shirley As nephew Tommy would say, buckle up and hold on tight. He just said it, uh for for real this time. There's no easy way to explain my situation. I am a twenty eight year old married woman. I married my high school sweetheart and we have six kids. But I'm not sure who my father, who my kid's father is. Here's why. Ten years ago I lost my parents in a bad accident, and living without them was unbearable for me. I started drinking, partying, and having sex all of the time with different men. I was a mess. My boyfriend had no idea about my secret sex life. One night, when I was drunk, I went to my boyfriend's house looking for him and ended up having sex with his father. His dad and I had amazing sexual chemistry, so we continue to have sex for years. I got pregnant with my first child, and my boyfriend and I got married. Since I've been married, I've only had sex with my husband and his dad. I do not use protection with my husband, and I do not use protection with his dad. Recently, my husband's dad and I ended our affair because it was getting harder to sneak around. I also stopped drinking and decided to get my life together so I can be a better wife and a great mom. But the first thing I need to do is figure out who the daddy of each of my kids. Who is the daddy of each one of my kids? Is it my husband or is it his father. I love my husband dearly and I don't want to lose him. His love and support got me through the worst part of my life. I need to tell him about my affair with his dad, and I need to get him to do a d n A test. My kids deserve to know who their dad is, right, But I don't want to ruin the relationship that my husband has with his dad. So how do I approach this? Please help? Well? Yeah, yeah, this is one of those moments. Um, yeah, you're going to in the relationship. I mean, no doubt about it. If you tell the there's you're going to do that. I mean, uh so, don't even I don't even know why you put that in the letter, because that's definitely going to happen. You know, I'm sorry that you lost your your parents, your parents ten years ago. You know, that's why they have counseling and stuff like that so people can work on those kinds of issues and not use drinking and sex and things like that to get through it. That's what you did, That's what happened. This is really crazy. Um, I'm glad you've changed your life around, but boy, have you left just a trail of mess behind, just a trail. What I don't understand is why you kept sleeping with both of them, both your dad his dad and your husband, the dad's son. Why why did you keep doing it for so long? You said you did it for years, and why were you doing it with no protection? Because you know when you do it with no protection, you can get pregnant or get a disease. Or something. I mean, that was just dumb. U. I don't think you should tell. I just don't. I mean, you know, there there are times, you know, when when this applies, and I just think there's one of them. I just think this is a secret you're going to have to take to your grave, because there's no way if you do tell, you're not going to ruin their relationship. This is just because of your past behavior. This is just one of those burdens you have to carry, and you got to carry it to your grave as far as I'm concerned, Steve, First of all, system you've made a series of bad mistakes and you just got to eat him. But now this moment that you're having in this letter, I need to tell him talking about your husband. I love my husband dearly and I don't want to lose him. His love and support got me through the worst part of my life. I need to tell him about my affair with his dad, and I need him to get him to do a DNA test. My kids deserve to know who their dad is, right, But I don't want to ruin a relationship that my husband has with his dad. So how do I approach this? Please help? Uh? There's nothing to approach here. You've made a series of mistakes, horrible mistakes. You're not the only one to blame here. This man's your husband's father, has a world of responsibility to bear up under this. How could you do this to your son? That's a big issue too, How could you do this to your son? See, now here's the messed up part. You the only want getting everything you want, young lady, you're the only one getting everything you want. You got your husband, you got your fair, you got your kids, you got all this. Now you ain't saying you ain't had no troubles in your life. You have, but you've come hounded him with some other decisions too. But now and then the father in law, this man you have an affair with. He getting everything he won't. He got grandkids, he got his son, he got his daughter in law, he got a chick on the side, he cool. That's trifling. So you and him have been the only ones getting exactly what you knew you were getting. Let's look at the lives who don't know what they was getting. Your kids don't know who they dog on daddy is not really But then it's really not a question for them right now, because they're just assuming that's my daddy. If you take that from them, what have you done? This ain't the time to run your mouth. This is the one time Chillon and got this straight. No, really, really, you've always recommended telling the truth, and you saying live a lie, and this is when you have to live the lot because she's destroying families if she does. It's okay. Surely you've always said you should tell the truth. It's okay you have that's what you're here. Now you change it on this week? You here though, you hear what you're wanting here, that's what you say. Sh surely this is my turn with your letter. Don't w name, keep my name out your mouth. It's the Strawberry Letter. We'll be back, guess we will with part two if Steve's responds at three after the hour. You're listening to Steve harw Alright, Steve, come on with part two of your response to today's Strawberry Letters. Subject is he my kids daddy or granddaddy? Now, this is the Strawberry Letter. I've been asked by my co host to keep her name out of my mouth. I'm finding that increasingly difficult to do. But let's just reiterate this. Twenty one year old married woman married to a high school sweetheart, got six kids. Ten years ago, she lost my parents in a bad accident. She started drinking the health sex with all kinds of men. One time she went over to the house looking for a boyfriend, he wasn't there. She winded up having sex with his daddy. They've continued to have this affair even though they've gotten married. She has always kept an affair going with the with her husband's father. Now she got six kids and she don't know whose kids they are, so she wants to go have a DNA test, so she wants to stop drinking. She stopped drinking and decided to get her life together so she can be a better wife and a great mom. She said, But the first thing I need to do is figure out who is the daddy of each one of my kids. Is it my husband or is it his father. I love my husband deally and I don't want to lose him. You're about to His love and support got me through the worst part of my life, and this is how you repay. I need to tell him about my affair with his dad, and I need him to go get to a DNA test. You're gonna go tell your husband about your affair you've been having with his daddy. Now, I just told you you're gonna ruin these kids live because these kids only know your husband as they dad and they know Grandpa as their grandfather. You're gonna go in there and rearrange that, but you don't want to lose your husband. This is exactly how you lose your husband. You're running out, running your mouth with disinformation right here. The best thing you could do is stop seeing his old man, ask God for forgiveness and going to get your life together. If you do decide to go in there and tell, which will be the dumbest thing you can do. You're going to ruin the kids lives. Your husband his father's son relationship will be damaged, possibly beyond repair. Your life will suffer because you won't have this husband anymore. Then you won't have their fair You had it with and I got something else you haven't thought of. Your relationship with your children could be damaged by this because when they get old and finally figure out what it is you did, that's gonna be a tough one. So you're talking at this point doesn't make any sense to me at all. None. And once again I'm gonna say this though my co host has gotten it right by telling you to stand down and shut your mouth, which goes against normally. See I have I have promoted lying since we got on. This shows the biggest promoter of truth telling been my co host. I have told her sometimes the real in me and lie. It's because if we know the truth ain't gonna go good, we will give you a lie. In state. This is one of those situations where the truth ain't gonna go good. There's no good can come out to agree nothing. And finally I got her to understand why line is necessary. Yeah you can't. He'll destroy everything and everyone shouldn't have been written. Yeah you don't kind of document. But she's feeling guilty. That's what she's feeling, all kinds of guilty since she's changed her Yeah, she's That's one thing she's gonna have to do. She may need therapy after all, you know, to deal with all of this, because she's dealt with a lot. When you do tell them, do the kids say granddaddy, daddy? Everyone? So is your brother really your niece or you? What do I call a kid, what the kids going through them? If? Now I was gonna say something reasonable, Oh, okay, technically the kids will always be brother and sister because they share the same mother. Yea, so technically they always be brothers sister. Now, if you get rid of the technicality, here we go. They're gonna have a damn problem because somebody over there is gonna have to be somebody. One of them bars is gonna be over and one of them girls gonna be somebody on But all of this their cousins. You sign out, your hand's gonna have to be the niece to bring any he has to get the leader roll call at the family union, gonna have a lot of people standing up with the same damn tight and you can have multiple titles in this family. When all the sons of Walter stand up, now, when all the sons of Walter Junior staying, now, let me ask y'all this hell anybody that's Walter senior cousins, Now, we're the same people stand up for Walter Junior. Lord, this is a mess. Yeah, it messages the tree up on the T shirt. Yeah, well I treat tree got access in now. Walter Junior sent a message this year, and he will not be attending the Family Union because he just can't do you. Alright, Steve, we gotta get out of here. Email us at Strawberry Letter, my girl Shirley or and you can join me this Thursday at one thirty pm for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook coming up in about ten minutes. Time to get serious. New York Governor Cuomo tweeted an open letter to President Trump to do something and protect our children against the school gun violence. Oh MG, right after this, we'll talk about it. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve. This past Friday, there was another school shooting in Santa Fe High School in Texas, which is about thirty miles outside of Houston. Uh. The gunman was a seventeen year old student. He used his father's shotgun and a thirty eight caliber revolver. He opened fire in a Texas high school classroom, killing at least ten people, eight students and two teachers, wounded several others. New York City Governor Andrew Cuomo took to Twitter, demanding that President Trump do something. In all caps uh. Cuomo wrote an open letter calling on President Trump, the House of Representatives and the Senate to take action. When is enough enough? Your first responsibility is to the people of this country, not the n r A. Do something. Many of the survivors and activists from Parkland, Florida, offered prayers and support to the students of Santa Fe High School. That whole community there. One of the outspoken activist, David Hogg, we remember him. Uh, He tweeted, get ready for two weeks of media coverage of politicians acting like they give a sugar honey iced tea when in reality, uh, they just want to boost their approval ratings before midterms. Also, Houston Texans star and hero to the Houston community, J J. Watt, has offered to pay for the funeral for victims, and yesterday on CNN, Texas Lieutenant Governor uh Dan Patrick says that we need to arm teachers. That's what he said. I need to get rid of the guns. As has Trump responded at all? Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, he's not going to teachers don't need guns. That's just some more guns. Yes, yes, teachers don't need guns and taking them away from the classroom to learn how to use them. Stuff like that. Yeah. No, teachers did not come into teaching to be armed guards. I'm sorry, man, when you sign up for that job and he come with that check, it don't it don't include shootings. Man, nobody signs up for that. I don't. I don't understand why we we look. We keep talking about every solution except the one. How do we get rid of so many guns? What laws could we pass to prohibit the sale? What laws could we pass for possession of guns? Most people you find with guns is too damn late. Yeah, So that's the problem that we have. And and it doesn't matter if it's an assault rifle, a handgun on a shotgun. We need gun laws, not not assault rifle laws. We need gun laws, effective gun laws. No one has more gun violence in it as a nation than the United States. No one has more in a larger prison population than the United States. No one. Now, something's wrong there, Something is horribly wrong there. No society police department kills more black people than in the United States. Something is wrong here. Something has to be addressed. And it's some real basic things that we have to address, like racism, because black lives matter. Also also, it's not that anybody is saying that black lives matter more because we already understand that's obviously not the case. So no one is saying when they say it black lives matter, they just failed to put also on it or two just so we could say that all lives matter. We just want ours to matter like everybody else. Yeah, and and they know that. But you know, since if we have to put two on there or you know some and like that, then let's do it. But they surely, surely, surely they don't know because they are the professionals of spinning everything. They spin it to make it what they needed to be. Callin Kampennick, Callen Kaepernick is out of work today because they spun it on him. The NFL players don't feel anymore because they successfully spun it. Yeah, these shootings in schools, they spend those shootings and killings so they can keep the money alive. They now, the n i A, they they church mouths quiet on this one. Costs wasn't there was assault rifle? Right, it was a shotgun in a thirty eight caliber, right, So the n A they quiet on this one. Yeah, we got to be on that. The President to send his condolences, but the president is expected to do more. But to expect more from this president, it takes a lot, because I don't know that he has more. I think that our president is who he is, and I think he's shown us who he is time and time again, and we keep expecting more and it's not coming from him. He doesn't have an understanding of what anybody feels like, who may be oppressed on any level, whether it's sexual preference, whether it's having a choice to have a baby or not, whether it's the ranks of poverty, whether it's trying to find a way of life in this country, crossing the border, whether it is black people in this country trying to survive with the skin that we all have. He has no understanding of what any of that is because he comes from the world of white privileged men. All of his hires are white privileged men. He don't hire nothing else. They ain't been an African American considered for nothing up there, or Latino considered for nothing up there. He's hiring white men at an alarming rate, and he don't give a damn if their good white men are not. He just hied white men and every and then they just gotta go. When you find out they ain't work for them, They got to go. His world has never encompassed blacks, Latinos or anybody else or women. The women in his life have been objects. The female there is the female though. The CIA, now this is a number of political move We're gonna elect a woman to head the CIA. Well after being paid off Stormy and had to playboy bunny in your house? Yeah, how did now all? Don't nobody to see this trick move? Right here? I do trick move with more Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Well, folks were lined up in the streets of Windsor to see the history making royal wedding of Prince Harry and making Marko now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. And it appeared to be a lot of walking, a lot a lot of walking at the ceremony and the reception. We saw celebrities walking, uh Serena Williams, oprah Idris Elba, David and Victoria Beckham, Georgie and the Maal Clooney. So jay um that things different? How did you what did you looked at all in people standing and walking and walking and standing, standing and walking, walking and stand. Huh, And I just thought about one thing. Beats was hurting yesterday. Cobble stones ain't nice. I've been to London. Cobble stones ain't nice to feed. You'll go through somethinghen you'll feed hurt uneven and it's never both shoes at one, my right one right about that left. Don't never get me no problems. You can't even be nice when you feed her. That that that interrupts you being nice. Good day, good day in my hast, I gotta go out. I never understand it that when guys say they're feed her, oh my god, you got a flat. No, But sometimes when they've been right in that that look being on the shop doing family Feud season, which is in full swing right now. Yeah, my feet. At the end of the day, I'll be doing Are you serious? But yeah, because I stand up the whole time standing. Yeah, but you're having flats though. It seems like, yeah, they wouldn't bother you with flat the heels to me, yea full show you got on heels. Man. You know, women do something that men never say. Men never say we're breaking them in. We never say that you have to break him in. But we never say we're breaking in. We never say we're breaking Yeah. Yeah, you never have a hit of feet hurt so bad you head hurt. Pop down at the foot, down at the foot. Let me tell you, jake, huh. You know when you didn't get to the end of shoes you get that shoe that curve at the bottom. Yes, it wasn't the name of that shoot like older man where you know it's curfect. No, from a curve up, curves up and back. Elf shoes, that's what it sounds like to me, say, elf shoes. Girl, You probably let me pass to some kind of right you got that? Ain't nobody heard being up at the front? Does it have a bill to pull it? We didn't seen him about it. Yes, that's what shoes. Doesn't have a little bell on it at the tone? What are you here at the house? Tell me come outside to make y'all think he's something else? But you talk about house at the chateau. Yeah, they're normally green? Are they green? No talking? If they're not ill shoe, you're talking about nome? Shoot, these nomes the traveler no travel And you know that's what he patted his whole traveler all his tickets come off that This is true moment. Man. I'm telling y'all we didn't come across something. I didn't know what you Rockford rock board make the help you confused? Ja, Yes, there ain't no rock poort. They don't go to the front end, go to the bass curve. The whole soul is like earth sip. He talking about orthopedic shoes doesn't have bell grow on it. Tommy, the time you hear your uncle calling you, Yes, what you're describing out? What is it? Tell us what sh it out? What is it? Elevated sho that's what half your heel be down in the shoe and the rest of it be out. That's it. It's got a lift on the inside of the hill. Yeah, the ones should be wearing one. I don't have. I know you left talking up for some reason. Nothing sexy about that ship. Nothing sexy about that ship. I don't care what color up to send it to your stay. Okay? Is it just me when he said curved at the top, Hello, that's what you wear at the house. I don't know how y'all missing this right here, I've seen it. Now. He's trying to send us a picture of a rock. But what do you describe kill the keebler elves time and make cookies and the shoes because you know he loves the cook staves to cook. I'm kim Tommy. But time you walk, not only did you walk into it, you set it up. Yeah, he wants it too, it with his little elf. I did not say nothing about no dog curve at the front. And we just figured that that's the only shot. Because Tommy Jay were talking about feet hurting. Here's talking about the roadway and you went to the I turned it, I understand, saying something about y'all know what up talking about? Now, okay, we could turn it back. Things that go you go through when you feed her. Yeah. So you out on your tight shoes, all right, and they're killing you. The president telling and your fired can ask you something. No man, has your feet ever hurt so bad that it made you constantat get all the way up there? Oh how about you need to understand that when your feet hurt so damn bad, they didn't run all up the back of your thighs would locks your book? You need prune you. No, it ain't nothing going you is locked man? Alright, coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. You, guys, turn your phones off at night or you could be depressed. Uh huh, I got turn it off. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show. Turn your phones off, guys at ten p m. All right, everybody here me Steve, turn your phones off, yea at ten p m. This is because a new study is found that using your phone after ten at night can cause depression and it can cause loneliness. Okay, yeah, w y D what you're doing. Researchers say that people who constantly checked their social media throughout the night are more likely to be anxious and depressed. Okay. Basically, constantly looking at your phone during the night messes with your sleep, and poor sleep, of course, leads to a lousy mood. So turn off your phone, tommy and get some sleep. Okay, this is for you. That might have been fat skinny junion my phone. What you're doing? Usually he's taking selfies though of himself. I'm making phone calls. It can I just checked my phone to see if we're still here. It's never just been blown up or anything. It might be ready to be te See, why don't you turn your phone off. No, I can't turn my phone off. My wife travels, I got kids out of state, the city, my kids travel. I can't turn my cat because Marjorie's not answering her phone at all. She doesn't answer her phone. Oh hell no, it could be downstair man man, my wife phone could be anywhere. She didn't walk off and leave it. I got the kids know, like they didn't have their calls breakdown in the middle of the night. They didn't call him, call him. Then they know they didn't call it daddy. Daddy got their phone on. I can't turn my phone. Does any time you get a phone call from me, kids, and it's about it involves money, and they have the nine o'clock his money for my kids. It's gonna be about. Don't have to be about at night. It could be any time of the day. W y d y. Yeah, you think I'm doing it, but something I don't respond, And I know what that means. That's a leading. It usually starts up. You know, I don't bother you much. No, I never had that. I get known't bother you much, and I don't ask for much. I know you bid, but don't much add it? What do you get. What are some of the calls you get to see from your kids? The biggest Texas is Lorian Winton. They text me bating his body. Very rarely get a text from my oldest son for Jason, first is w y d. Now, why are you texting me that? Because I'm working? How's your day? And look do you want dad? Don't be so blunt. I'm having a conversation with you. No, you're not. You're texting me. This is not a conversation to them. It is though, Steve. Two kids, they love to text. That's that's how they Yeah, that's how they can. Wish I could read this tree. I wonder if I could do this with Laurie. Don't do it. I've gotten this so much. Why are you telling my business? If you can take money from the joke, you can be the joke. I get my family understanding. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. The history making royal wedding was Yeah, it was Saturday. Prince Harry married Megan Markel and now they are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Sussex, England, I guess there was no shortage of special moments from the A listers in attendance. There was George Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams, Victoria and David. Yes. What did you see the outfit and ear rings Oprah Winfrey had, Yeah, damn mouth the first thing. Mardrey said, Wait a minute, hold up, will you look at her damn ear rings? State look at her ear rings? Shut it down, Oprah shut it down. Yeah. She had a Stella McCartney dress designed her dress. Oprah had one dress. It was baige, but it came out to white, so she didn't want to wear that because you don't wear white to weddings. So Stella McCarty he made her address in like a couple of days and that's what she wore too. But you didn't see it. I didn't. I didn't see it. You need to google the prince jacket, Steve jacket. I saw his jacket straight. He was so he was so black that he was Yeah, he was. When he walked up the stairs to the chapel, everything you would think it was a brother, you know what? And more people watched the wedding that will admit to watch especially watch You Want Guys do a Yeah it was great. Yeah, you know she looked beautiful. Yeah, she had the hat since two thousand five, but she just referished put some new feathers on it and stuff. Yeah, everybody was so clean, and you know who else was there, It's just l but Fce yes looking so dapper, looking so dapper, Yeah, Sabrina. Yeah, but it was great. I mean it really was. Yeah. I was absolutely stunned. They didn't ask me to do you know? You know, Megan Marcos, you don't know them. Have you ever watched an episode of Suits? Do you know the Queen? Do you know Prince Harry? But you're still surprised Stone, Prince Charles never made it, but the Queen, you know, the Queen, Prince Philip? Maybe Prince Philip. Oh no, nobody live in London, PRIs Car. We're gonna get you some princess. But you're still stunned. Paul, the fresh Prince of bel Air, wouldn't I be Damn? What would you have? Warren Steve, Let's just me and the Prive would have been battened the groom, Oh girl, how to found out what he would win? And that Jack jacket. You don't see that jacket and just wapped meat Tuesday. Watch then that jacket out so quick, man. But it was a great It was such a beautiful ceremony when I watched. All right, we'll be back with Steve Harvey's closing remarks. Get ready, get ready, get ready. We'll be back at forty nine after the hour you're listening to Steve show. All right, here we are, last break of the day. Steve take us home with some enlightenment and some closing remarks. You know, one of the things I think is important for people to keep their mind on and can always be conscious of. I've especially tried, didn't and and burid this in my children. But like all of us, my children no different from your children. Sometimes they get it, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they're here later, but it will register eventually. But uh, I wish somebody had given it to me early and helped me really really understand the importance of this right here. The things that you do today and every day will determine your future. The things that you do today and every day will determine your future. The mistake I was making as a young man was I didn't understand how to lay all the groundwork I needed to lay in order to become successful. I just didn't, you know, you know, I flunked out of school. I didn't I didn't understand, uh, how to set goals and dreams. I didn't know anything about writing my visions down. Uh. I did not know fully, nor did I really comprehend how the things that I was doing on a daily basis back then would affect my future. I just didn't see it. I guess one of the reasons I didn't see it was because, like so many of you and myself, we didn't see what our life had to do with fifteen twenty years from now. It's sort of funny because you haven't gotten to the fifteen twenty year mark, you don't know anything about really setting goals at high All of it is here, and I just didn't at the time that I didn't make enough preparation. I did not lay enough foundation to be as successful as I could have been earlier. So what I tried to impart uple people is to remember this now, that the things you do today and every day will determine your future. All these frivulous days, you keep having these things that you think it won't matter. I'm just young. Look, I'm young. What you want you know? If you keep using youth, that's your excuse. That will be your excuse when you get old. I was young back then, I didn't know no better. Well at one point in time, you gotta stop being young and you gotta start knowing better because that excuse is only gonna be good for you. If you want to explain your failure as a person, then all you gotta do is just keep on talking like that because I got that you don't didn't know then, but you know now. But what I'm trying to get more people to do is to know now what you'll be talking about later on. If I only knew then what I know now. What I'm trying to get you to start thinking about it now because everything you do, the things you do today and every day, will determine your future, because your future is coming. And often said, man, we just spend too much time wasting time on frivolous things. What really does really? What is happy? I would do? It's just a celebration for being off work. It don't put you in line to accomplish much of nothing. How many business network things you can went to out a bar that was really business network. Really, there's a bunch of people standing around in the same predicament you in, wanting to accomplish the same things you want to accomplish, but needing somebody is to get it done. But you're all in there needing something. Man. I can't tell you how many times I've wasted moments of youth pursuing something that had no value to it. Looking back on it, if I had really understood that the things you do today and every day would determine your future, I would have been a little bit more serious about my day to day. But I wasn't. I just wasn't, and I paid for that, and it cost me in my thirties. Oh my god, Man, my thirties was miserable. Ah, Man, my thirties was. I was in a pain. Man, I was in a pain. But I bought it all on myself. So I spent all of my thirties fixing what I should have been doing in my twenties. And I spent all of my forties getting it together the way that I should have been doing in my thirties. I looked up one day and I was fifty, and I said, man, I gotta get it together for real, and that's how it had happens. So just remember this you all, all the things that you're doing today and every day, it will determine your future. And know this the future it's coming. It may very well get here. All right, Keep that in mind. Those are my closing remarks. And drop it, baby, drop it. Drop You might go to a raw way and pretty soon, boy, I dropped it the first time. I threw it down a second. Thank you. Well, y'all have a great weekend. Well let me say this, we will because it's gonna be Memorial Day weekend. Man, I've really got to think of what I'm gonna do because you're not going to believe this now that we've gone now full time family feud, the talk show season is over. This is the only one. Then I gotta work a few saturdays. But I got a weekend on what baby bag boy? Some want y'all to think of what I can do this weekend? Okay, active not just barbecuing, but get at Okay, I got it. We love to know tomorrow what you gonna do For all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.