Cavs VS Dubs again in the NBA Finals. Morgan Freeman issues an apology. Will The Royal Honeymoon be as lavish as the wedding? Weekend Confessions is back with Fool #1. One member of the crew got hacked. Another got their money's worth at the theater. Find out what Nephew Tommy had to say in today's Closing Remarks and more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag at all, suit long looking back to back down, giving them mong just like the moking buck bus things. And it's touble, y'all true. Good to Tete Horton listening to move together for Stu bar hand Hobby. Don't you join yeah, Hobby, join me in beerooing me honey said you got to turn yeah, close you. You gotta turn the town at the time. You've got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on seeing me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. God is in a blessing business. I'm in the receiving line, man. That's a good feeling. That's a good feeling. You know. I thank God for waking me up in the mornings. I really really do. I thank God for the spirit that he wakes me up with because I finally, but I finally figured it out. Such a blessing man, Such a blessing that shouldn't be taken for granted. The fact that you are up today, the fact that you just got off work and you're driving home, the fact that you got a job to come home, from the fact that you got a job to wake up too. Whatever it is, the fact that you can see, think, here, smell, walk, talk, rhyme, reason, whatever it is, it's a blessing, man, it is a blessing. And you know, Um, I was talking to a partner of mine last night and an analogy came to me last night of what my life has been like. And I was just going over my story with a friend of matter, all the some of the things I had gone through, and he never knew it because he said, man, you never told me that we were just talking. One of the things I remember, and it's kind of equated to my life, was when I was a little boy and she got the store with my mom, and um, she would let me buy a jigsaw puzzle. Now, for those of you, a jigsaw puzzle comes in the box. Now are no instructions. It just comes in a box and it's simple. You're gonna dump the pieces out in a pile and you're gonna try to put the pieces together until it looks like the picture that's on the cover of the box. That's as simple as it is. Here is the deal. I would select a jigsaw puzzle based on the picture that I liked and if I thought I could do it now. If the jigsaw puzzle, if the picture looked too crazy, if it looked too intricate, I didn't want that pulse, you know. And the thing was, back in the day you got a jigsaw puzzle, you had a hundred piece puzzles. Four hundred piece puzzles. Man, then they say a thousand piece puzzle. You go. So those were a little difficult for me when I was a little boy, so I didn't want that. As I got a little bit older, I had more challenging puzzles, you know, for fifty five hundred piece puzzles. But I always picked a picture of something I liked and wanted to see happen. So it's very simple. You get the jigsaw puzzles, you get it home, you open it up, you dump it out on the table. You flip all the pieces over so you can see them, and then I would try to sort them based on the colors on the box. If it was like a a black section, I take all the black pieces and slide them over there. If it was some flowers. I try to find all the pictures with little jigsaw pieces with the little floor and I separated, and then I started putting it together. And the way I started was I try to build the border first, because I knew all the straight edges had to be side by side at one point, so I'd go like that, and it was funny, man, because it's related to my life. I would start putting the pieces together of the picture I saw that I liked, and that would be my picture. And oftentimes when I got through with the puzzle, the puzzle would be about m maybe two ft wide two feet high, something like that. I liked them about that side. Sometimes I get a little bigger one pin on the size of the piece of stuff and I would make that poss A lot of people didn't like jigsaw puzzles. The majority of people I knew and my friends didn't like jigsaw puzzles because they didn't like the work. And I had a partner that used to come to my house and see mine and get mad, and he'd go home and start oneting he gets too difficult along the way, and then he'd stopped go back to it, and his puzzle was left unfinished. A lot of times. As a matter of fact, none of the boys on the street like jigsaw puzzles butt me because they just didn't want to go through the intricate details of figuring that out. Really go outside and run or something like that. Well I did too, but in the winter time you on. And so what happened was, as I got older, I wanted more difficult than challenging puzzles, but I wouldn't go too far. I wanted some nice stuff to happen. I had a picture of what I wanted for my life, but I didn't want to go too far because it was so challenging and difficult I had. I couldn't see myself with all of that, and I didn't have the time, the knowledge, the expertise to figuring all the intricate details. And I discovered something when I was talking last night. That's what happens in life to a lot of people. You get bogged down with the details of coming up and trying to create the picture that you want for yourself. You put it to the side, you said, all that pulls are crazy. Next thing you know, you crumbled it up and put it back in the box. So you go halfway and you get stuck and you get to the part where it ain't a lot of different colors, it's all the same, and that's a little bit more challenging. So that may stop you. But it's somewhere in the jig saw puzzle that it gets very difficult and challenging. The bigger the picture you want, but then what are happened in your life? It's just like what had happened in the jigsaw. Once you get comfortable and you don't mind the challenge, you could get a bigger picture. But here's the key to it, though, if you put God in your mix. See the picture that I saw for myself as a boy is not the picture that has happened to me as a man. Because along the way from boyhood to manhood, from the time I was teeing you understand what happened along the riding there was I started putting God in the mix. And so now the picture that I have now is not the picture I saw. It's the picture that God saw. So what I'm saying, this analogy is there you you have may be difficult to complete, but if you were to include God in your life, put God in your jigsaw puzzle, God will not only help you complete the puzzle, and he gonna add some pieces, he gonna do some favors, he gonna show some mercy, and you're gonna look up and the picture that you're able to end up with or be totally different and much more complete, much more beautiful or bigger picture than the one you had. Because there's no way that I could have saw the life that I have today back when I was a boy. And it amazes me when I hear people say I always saw this for myself. I didn't do that. I didn't quite see this for myself. I don't know how you can have the ability to see what God really has for you. But man, he's a masterful jigsaw. Man, he's an incredible puzzle complete. So if you got a puzzle that's challenging to you, maybe you need to see what the picture that God has for your life. If God were in your life, if you completed the puzzle, what would it look like. It'll be a far more extensive puzzle and it would be a far more beautiful piece of scenery than you could have ever imagined. Tears come in my eyes because I can't believe God bought me this far. I can't believe that when I opened up and accepted him and started talking to him, that he would add all these pieces to my jigs All puzzle, and my jigsaw puzzle would look like this. And I can tell you I ain't got a whole lot to do with with with what out and turned into. It's mostly favor and blessing and grace and mercy of God. And I looked up and I just got a much bigger jigsaw puzzle completed. And guess what, He ain't through with me yet. That's what's amazing and exciting about a relationship with God. God could take your jigs All puzzle and fix it. Steve Morning Show. Welcome to the Steve Harvard Morning Show. I said, welcome to the Steve with all our visitors please staying please, you are welcome to the Steve Harvard Morning Show. That's right, it's the voices of you holding it down to clear that out. I'm sorry. I had a long night, had a real long night. I get to that this this this show is dedicated to the Houston Rockets. This show is dedicated to those that don't shoot nothing but threes. That's who. This is dedicated to This is those that don't want to make a simple lay up. We got to shoot threes all the time. We live and die by the three. I will be talking about you Rockets all morning long. I'm still a fan. I'm still a ride to die. I'm in there to win it. I'm with you when you win, with you when you lose. But good God of money, can play, can't we? I'm gonna get that off my chess call a good morning. Hey, Hey, good morning, good Tuesday morning. We are fresh off three day weekend, and I'm with you two. We are so sad about our Houston Rockets. But I'm still a Rockets fan. I'm not a fair Weather fan, and go get over it. We have to say congratulations to Golden State. They are in the NBA finals. Wants to again? Yeah, take on Cleveland? What's up? Wants to again? Chairley Strong? Barry, Hey, good morning. You know I'm still in morning. We'll talk about that later too. Yeah, well we'll get a right to that. Well, we're in morning to we love. I don't know if you love something. Yeah you said I lost something, Yes I did. Let's let's let's speak to j Anthony right right, let me say this, Uncle Stephen and Junior out today and the crew was holding it down. Uh, j Anthony Brown, what's up? If you shoot threes all night long? You have to hit threes all night long? You missed three is all night long? You'll be watching Golden Stay played the damn game. That's that's how I go. That's that I missed. I missed my CP three. That's what I needed last night. What we did? Yeah he did. Yeah, that ain't only three. I'll missed last night. Forty seven three of the right number. What happened? Why would you keep shooting three? That about? That's what got him there, That's what got him there. But we gotta do something different in the new year. I'm tired of watching hard and come down the floor and dribble for twenty seconds and then we got a full second. But let's get to this morning though. Let's get the shirt and Strawberry be any more. You are in I g not morning. If he's not happening, what's going on? He's feeling kind of jay? Yes, yes it is, Yes it is? Would you stop? Okay? Well you know, I mean we'll talk about it later this morning, of course, But I'm talking about of course, Morgan Freeman and him being charged or accused of sexual inappropriateness. Yeah, so yeah, you all know that I was a huge Morgan Freeman fans. Again, a little upset about it. Run that Frank back with the nephew coming up next. You're listening to the Steven Show. Al right, it is time for something funny, guys, and we're gonna talk a little bit about weekend review as well. Don't forget Steve is out, juniors out. They will be back tomorrow. But the rest of the crew is here President account for. That's right, we had all president accounted for and we are in the middle of Fairley. We're not going to run over you lost something very dear to you all know that Morgan Freeman has been accused of inappropriate sexual behavior on movie sets, during interviews, things like that. He's issued a couple of apologies, um, you know, saying that if he offended anyone, that he apologizes that wasn't his intent or whatever he didn't mean. And you all know message to Shirt he did not leave me a message. You all know I'm in trouble now, Shirley. That's a big fan of this. I think it's batter. You find you a new old man. I'm hidding amongst the Pengland, so we gotta find you a man. You gottus. How about the guy from Setting that laugh? What's his name? Get more from old school? Say great mart that's a good old man, guy Garrett, No, no, no, Jake Lewis gossip Julie here, that's a good old man him as an actor. Love him, love him. What about the five guys Billy still around my hand. That's a good old man. I'm not saying they're not good. These are all great. White. You'll go white, it doesn't matter. How about Sean Connery, Yeah, yeah, oh wait, wait wait wait wait yeah, James Earl John. It's a good old man. It's a real dead man. Yeah. He surely to call me. Okay, no, we got you like yeah, yeah, oh I got one. You got one? Now. He might scare you half huh. Anthony Hopkin, you won't be scared. I had a lector, new black old man in a pickle. Yeah, because you all know how I felt about you all know. Yeah, I loved Morgan Freeman. I don't know the producer, the record producer with the where's the long scarves? What's the us Joe Good, old man man, he drop a couple of women because you know he got a lot of them. Right, you get on the team, including Okay, okay, not Trump. Nothing happening at the house. I'm gonna go way back. Dick Van Dyke's old white man. Oh, I got it, I found it, I got it, got it, Tommy, check it out. I never heard him talk, so I don't know what he's sound like. Okay, Joe Jackson, Yeah, yeah, Michael, yeah, Michael goodn't know where y'all can find new groups together and everything to be a producer. Girl, these are all great guys, Katherine Jackson. In case you talking, love sucking talking man normal share many been separating a long time. We'll be read back after these messages. How about this? How about this? Red jacket, black boat tie, black pants, white shirt, Isaac from the Love Boat? Yes, still around. I got somebody that's real. Old performer performed at the first Supper, not the last, the first Jesus George Wallace, You guys are get no older than that. Is it possible to hell a crush? But they didn't passed? Can you have that? Yes? This is this? Surely well in case they're well, I mean, I'm sure people have heard. Over the weekend and even before the holidays started, Morgan Freeman was accused of inappropriate sexual behavior comments things like that from women on the job during interviews, and like I said earlier, he's issued a couple of apologies saying if he's offended anyone, that that was not his intent, and I want to apologize a shirt strawberry. Yes, he did not mention game. You've got to move on away. James Shirley has always had a crush, just everybody knows from Good Time's name, James James, Yeah, little man, damn. He hadn't been through the ghetto come up out of it. I don't have a problem with anyone that you guys have mentioned. They're all great actors, great talents. Whatever. You know what your problem is, you peaky, But she's married. So how about just crush, just a crush, you know what? You know what? John Wilberspoon, Yeah, I appreciate you guys. Question Mark, I don't know. Yeah, I mean, I'll get over him. I'll get over him. I'll get over all right. Coming up next, it is the nephew with run that Frank back you're listening to the Steven Show. All right. Coming up at the top of the hour, guys Entertainment news, Starbucks is closed and Morgan Freeman yes, has issued another apology. We'll have the weekend box office right now. It is done for the nephew to run that brankback what you got right now? This is right here, This is workers Com. You know I'm staying this is workers Come now. You do know when you're at home and you you're supposed to be heard, You're not supposed to be doing anything stringy? Was you know that? Right? Right? So you should not be having sex at home? What not? If we're sending you workers Com because I'm being to find out here here listen, yeah, hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your bencent place. Who's calling my name? Is uh from the human resources? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely. What's what's up? Well? Bencon one of the first of all check on you. We know you're got injured here at the job. How are you doing so far? Yeah? Man, I'm I'm making that man. You know, everything's cool and uh, you know, I don't know how long. The therapy is going pretty good though, but I'm a right I'm okay. Therapy is going pretty well. Yeah, they say I'm doing all right. The pain level is about maybe a fix still, but it's getting done it though. Okay, listen, have you been getting your your check on time? Yeah, I've been getting a man, and I appreciate it. But it really helps, man, because you know, I ain't able to work right now. They said it's gonna be a little while, So I appreciate that. Y'all the one defending the check, yes, sir, yes, sir. We all want to getting the checked out and want to make sure that that's definitely getting there. So you're yeah, yeah, it's good. It's all good, man. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Okay, let me we've got a bit of a problem that we wanted to check out. Now. You haven't been doing any any strain, you was, uh no, no, no, no, I ain't been. I ain't. I ain't been working at all, man. I just you know, I've just been taking it either. I can't do nothing really right now, and they told me I could do nothing all right, And then you do know the rules are that you're not supposed to do anything to jeopardize your back, correct yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm straight. I'm afraid I ain't been doing nothing. Man, Okay, well, let me let me say this to you. We do have some um surveillance cameras that are showing us that you've you've been doing some straining with I ain't even been going nowhere. Come about surveillance cameras. I don't know how they go nowhere. Well, you know, the straining with work that you're doing is actually at home. At home. I'll be inside. I don't I don't do nothing outside. I don't way, I don't even bother. Cue man, what you know what you're talking about? Streams? Okay, have you uh vincent? Have you have you been having have you been having sex at home? What's the kind of question? Who is this is? This is a supervibus something we're kind of Let me talk to people about it that ain't know your damn. I'm with human resources. I don't get a man. Excuse me, dog, But I don't mean disrespect you that because you're paying me, you know, looking out for me. I mean you can call me and and just say any common like that. Man, have you been having kind of call you? Do you having sex at home? Say that ain't none of your business? Dollar if I've been having sex or not in it? What kind of mean? Let me talk? Who are your supervisor? Man, sir? I'm the supervisor here to hear you weren't wrong with my attention and we actually have you on surveillance. You've been you've been having sex? Now you can don't know? I know not you know cambers in my house? I know that much and and who are like that? Anyhow? Surveyor for me? You're not supposed to be having sex if your fact is hurting? Okay? You you even have a man you've been you've been not having no damn camera and my what you're talking about? U you've been surveyor for me having say that's a damn live sir? What's your name? What? What? What's your name? Man? Sir? And who as because I'm look, I'm trying to be nice. You're picking me off and this and her sir sir, here it is and we find out, I'm gonna I'm giving you a warning. If I don't mean I'm giving me your warning. You let me find damn camera house telling me I can't handle sex and all that our aspects If you're that is stringing with work and you're putting it on your back and we're paying you, we're paying you a thing about what you're paying me and what you ain't paying me. You're gonna call my damn Paul tell me talking about you gotta some Natans, cameras and my house. That's okay. Well, let's sir, sir ben sick. Let me say this to you. Don't want, you don't need, You don't need to say nothing to me, but but your last name and then you're supervisor name. That was okay, and you don't need to worry who the supervisor is. You need to make sure that there's no more sex going on until your back is healed. Look, you don't have to cut you out and hang up on your man. I don't have time for this man job because y'all don't what y'all do because y'all doing people y'all think y'all can do, illegal can talk to people crazy, man when y'all coming them. I don't appreciate that at all. Man, this is I don't know who y'all think you'll ears down there. Y'all just do something for them. Y'all can just call them and say anybody ain't. Man, I don't like that, and I ain't trying to be disrespectful, but you got me heated right now? Man? Is that not no cameras in my house? Do you understand that I'm gonna tell you once and one time only, no more sex? What you put your talk about? I'm sorry, man, because I'll tell you one day that you think you're giving up some money? Now, I'm gonna see y'all I catching camera my house. You ain't how to never pay uh? Pay me no more? You're gonna pay me one big check that I'm shooting out of y'all. And you understand that. I understand I need I need you to understand one more thing. Are you listening to me? Man? You go ahead, man, I'm y'all got me easy, man? And then after this he don't even call me, no more telling you because it's ridiculous. Okay. Are you familiar with litter? Familiar with what? Literally? Do you know? Literally you're coworking litter? Yeah? What about him? Literally got me the prank phone? Call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve up and more than your Philson. But you been man, Get out of here, man, you're about to have me the Lord talk about my check and man, no, man, what's up? Man? This is y'all have me going out? Man, y'all have me heated? But I'm well, I'm gonna kicking. It's gonna be calling that is he on the phone? Man? He ain't on the phone. Man, I'm sweating like a so I'm still so. I'm still getting my damn checked. That that's what that means. Y'all have be heated. Boy, I thought y'all gonna take what's up? Man. Nice to hear from y'all. Man, y'all got me though, Man, y'all got me. I got one more question? Man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, of course, no doubt, man, it's the Steve Harvey Morning Show, always will be. Especially y'all don't got me like this here, y'all come on, get a a few something. Oh yeah, yeah, that was funny. So you're not stop punching me. You're not supposed to be having sex if you do anything that's strain. You was you're supposed to do anything strain that's too far. Yeah, you know you're getting this check. So if you can have sex, you can bring it up to work, right. No, no, it doesn't work like that. Yeah, all right, thank you, neverew listen. Well, at the three day weekend box office, you know this kicks off the summer movie uh session and all of that. Yeah, the number one movie is Solo a Star Wars. It made a hundred and three million. Now they're saying that it didn't live up to what they said it was. It was it was bad, very bad. Oh you didn't like it, so you're going to go see it? Uh? Yeah, because if you say it's bad, Because if you say it's good, I've had that. It was the best movie. Evidence number two, Deadpool, uh fifty five million, number three, Avengers Infinity War one point two million, book Club number five was really good. Jane funded. Then Life of the Party six point nine at number five. Okay, you've seen it, seen it. So Solo won the movie box office. All right, we'll be back with more entertainment news right after this. You're listening to show. All right, here we go with entertainment news. Guys. Just a reminder, Starbucks is closed today if you're trying to get your coffee fixed. Um, they're closing about eight thousand of their stores nationwide. Remember, they're going in for that antibias training in the wake of the Philadelphia um just debacle in which two black men were arrested for no apparent reason, just for sitting there in one day exactly exactly exactly about they say about twelve million dollars Wednesday. Yeah that real quick. Yeah, so yeah, so there you go, no Starbucks. So now you can go in there and stay as long as you like. And they say they're going to be some you know, conditions with that. Uh, they're gonna have to some of them are going to have to use their judgment. Starbucks employees, they're gonna have to use their judgment. Isn't that what happened in this case? Judgment? Exactly? Come on, they don't do anything about that eight dollar coffee. That's what we need to work on. That meeting about that. That's your meeting. That book, all right, and we talked about it last hour. But Morgan Freeman has issued a second apology after eight people accused him of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior, and he said his actions should not be equated with incidents of sexual assault or abuse in the workplace. Now. This is according to Morgan Freeman, and in his statement issues, he said that I am devastating. Would you be quiet listen to this though? He said, I am devastated that eighty years of my life is at risk of being undermined in the blink of an eye by Thursday's media reports. All victims of assault in harassment deserve to be heard, and we need to listen to them. But it's not right to equate horrific incidents of sexual assault with misplaced compliments of humor or humor. Misplaced compliments or humor, that's what Morgan Freeman is calling it. He's also issued a statement after allegations first surface, saying that he is not someone who would intentionally offend or knowingly make anyone feel uneasy. He says, I apologize to anyone who felt uncomfortable or disrespected. That was never my intent. I just want to say I'm sorry. Also more news from the Me Too movement, former movie mogul uh Harry Weinstein was rained on Friday on charge of the first and third degree rape and committing a criminal sexual act in the first degree. Yeah that's yeah. So seven months after women began to come forward, Weinstein was charged for alleged incidents involving two women. There you go, that's a lot. Yeah. Yeah, Margan Freeman, how about this, Morgan Freeman. But he wasn't accused of rape. Yeah, he wasn't yet. Yeah. The me Too movement this is serious. Yeah, it is women are finally being heard. What's your status? Kevin Spacey's Yeah, I think he's done. It's safe to say he's done. Maybe he got a whole movie that he was in, Tommy yea, all the money in the world. They shot the home movie over and also he will no longer be in the House of Cards. They're going to come back with another season. But his wife Claire, Yeah, Claire Underwood. Yeah, she'll be president and she'll she'll be running things. Yeah. Real life, we lose the president we have and the last are Kelly Oh yeah yeah, Kelly movement with Kelly. Yeah, the boycott continues from record sales and things like that. With the streaming services. So much is going on. Let's get to it. Tommy please introduced bringing me here. She is the beautiful she has national news and winning on name Miss and Tripp. President Trump who mark Memorial Day yesterday in the traditional way honoring the nation's war did by laying a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery. They came from every generation, from towering cities and windswept prairies, from privilege and from poverty. They were generals and privates, captains and corporals, of every race, color, and of every green. It's now subtropical storm Alberto getting ready to slam it to the southeast with a lot of rain, especially right now in the Panhandle uh the Florida Panhandle. According to the National Hurricane Centers John Kangilosi, even after the storm weakens to a subtropical depression and a remnant low, it could still deliver some flooding rains across much of the southeast and the Tennessee Valley and even the Carolinas, where we could see two to six inches of rain during the next few days. Alberta the first name storm in the Atlantic hurricane season, which actually doesn't begin until Friday. By the way, two members of a local TV crew were killed yesterday in the Carolinas when a tree fell on their news fan. Today's Today. That's a eight thousand Starbucks stores closed for part of the day for anti bias training. The coffee chains to shut down about two PM for four hours. Minnesota Congressman Keith Allison has announced that he will no longer attend NFL games because of the band against kneeling that the league announced last week. The Democratic representative says that while he's a well known lover of the gridiron sport, that the NFL commissioners banned on the player's silent protests against police brutality is quoth, cowardly and idiotic. A lot of folks, by the way, in the social media comparing President Trump's insistence that all NFL players stand for the national anthem to an incident back in ninety three when a German soccer team refused to give the Nazi salute before a game, but that the German team was grounded in Germany for a year. In other words, they were banned from playing outside the country for twelve months. Protests demonstrated out of outside NFL headquarters by the way in Midtown Manhattan Friday, calling football team owners ban against kneeling support for a quote fascist president and designed to keep the issue alive for the Republicans to the full elections season. Sad news. The man who created Beauty Shop, all those beauty shop shows producers. Shelley Garrett has died at age seventy one. Garrett and actor and producer inducted into the Smithsonian National Museum of African American Culture back in October six as the godfather of urban theater and Tompson the box office. Over the weekend, the Star Wars prequel Solo opened in first place with one three million dollars. Driver and I'm a Flyer. They waited a long time for a shot like this. What do you think? Well, what do you know, We'll be back with more entertainment, Today's turning topics twenty minutes after the hour and Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, So for the fourth second, Yeah, it's gonna be all right, man, Rocket, they lost it out to give him something whole three three three. Oh that never boy shot the lights out, all right. So, as I was saying, try to calm down, if you can tell me out of for the fourth consecutive year, Lebron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers pulling yourself together, lacking at the game. He was at the game. Yeah, for the fourth consecutive year. Give him something, Lebron and and the Cleveland Cavaliers, get him a new team. I don't care. Yeah, I don't care. Lebron what a play with a bro Lay. Well, he's gonna be there at the Championships with the to do her with the Keviniers when they meet Steph Curry in the Golden States. Yeah, that's Tommy was there. Maybe you should have gone out on the court and helped him. Alright, so listen. The matchup was confirmed Monday night when the Warriors came back to beat the Houston Rockets one oh one to ninety two in Game seven. They did make the game seven day. This was the Western Conference Finals. Of course, Kevin Durant. Kevin Durant lad the way for the Warriors. I know, I didn't have to say the score, right with thirty four points. Kevin Durant thirty four points? Um? Yeah? And what about Kevin Durant. Yeah, he needs to walk around with a brush on a chage. Just put a hole of the end of a brush and then when around his neck. Alright. The Calves earned their ticket on Sunday, beating the Boston Celtics eight seven to seventy nine. In Game seven of the Eastern Conference Finals, Lebron led the Calves with thirty five points. The Calves and Warriors already made history last season when they became the first two squads to face each other in the NBA Finals for three consecutive years. Game one is in Oakland on Thursday at nine on ABC on ABC. Yeah, yeah, would say that. Yeah, yeah, of course, of course. Well, congratulations to the Calves and to the Warriors. Alright, coming up in ten minutes, Prince Harry Megan Markel planning a boring honeymoon. Yeah, just to get away. You're listening to the show, alright, So listen, guys. After a lavish wedding, we all saw the wedding between Prince Mary and Megan Marco, beautiful wedding. Well remember they didn't immediately take a honeymoon, Okay, So now they're preparing to take their honeymoon. They're gonna spend it at what Page six is calling the world's most boring place. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex planned to head to the Fairmont Jasper Park Lounge in Alberta, Canada. At the resort six thousand square foot they just don't want to. But Kevin, Yeah, it's time to make babies. It's time to make babies. Yeah, it's It's also known as the Royal Retreat. However, Jay is here with a list of visitors that are now going to the castle to see Duchess. Make well. Now that the Duchess of Compton is in London, London, England, she's going to be having people show up who normally would not have show on up before, claiming they know her. We've been tell me you got one man, Uh meet me now, I'm sorry, Magan, we call him he listen, listen, tell her, uh Clyde from Baskin Robbins. Uh right there on Labra. Tell her Clyde from Baskin Robbins on Labra in California. On my side. She knows me. She knows me. She like chocolate and vanilla with hot foot on top. She knows me. Tell her Clyde out here. Yeah, hey, my man with the big hat on. Tell her, hey, my man, Hey, my man with the big hat ont tell her us this right here. I used to sit behind her in the first grade. She know me. Tell I'm here on my side. Hey, let me have let you yo yo, check this out and making it now. Listen, tell her fun tane. They used to work at the skating rank. I used to fix all the wheels on the skates. Tell her fun tane out here. I just got in time. You're trying to come high. Let your boy, that's all look ahead. You ain't got to say but one word to her. Raman just going to say, Raman coming out, just saying like that, Raman, Yes, come out cause she know me. Come remember that sad with me now. Uh, this is the Duchess of Compton is now in London, which is the beautiful making right. And these are the people that are trying to show up at the castle that really don't know her. That's who they look here. Tell her ain't Bertha out here. I'm her mama's mama's auntie. And the reunion is on July eight, and we need to know if she's gonna put some money in on the reunion. We got to get these teas. We gotta get the t shirts with these trees on. But since she British, now is she not gonna be at the reunion. She's not gonna be for brand don't get brand new just cause you're over here with these people y'all in there drinking teeth? What is making this? What is she doing that she can't come to the don see at birth? Hell her? Hell her. I got a little snipe problem, all right, And the problem is I made it all the way over here on my own. I don't need her to help me get bad. Huh. I knew i'd see her, and I knew she good. Fun. I don't tell her I'm here. I want holl of and then if you can help me get back I'm getting. I know she's not gonna sit in that counsel act like she don't know Jimmy Z me me alright, Look, she know me from the tenth grade, almost two lockers down from her lockers on the phone hunted House. You know exactly who Jimmy Z is. Don't get in there, get brand new. H He was on the TV show Suits and I West Suits. You've got Jimmy kidding me. She doesn't know you guys, don't know me. He's in England now, okay, Oh, she can't watch fireworks where brand All right, guys, listen, Nephew, tell me has a prank phone call coming up right after this you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, and the nephew is here now with his prank. Phone call what you got, neugh? If you can't talk straight at the ball, but Shaw, when can you talk straight? This is the barbershop now, Jake, you can relate to this when you when you got the barbershop and you're sitting in the chair and you're getting your hair cut. The last thing you the last thing you want is for the barber. It's for the barber to move the chair with his mid six and it grazes your hand. You know what I'm saying that right there? All I'm saying now, I'm gonna dedicate this barbershop prank too Kevin Durand you know, I think it's just be great for you know, if if he just could make it die there. You understand what I'm saying. Let's fade that thing. It's fade here. It is the barbershop. Brady. How are you doing? Man? My name is Dennis Man. I got a hair cut from you a couple of weeks ago. Hey, listen, Um, I wanted to get an appointment with you man. Like I said, I was there a couple of weeks ago. Man, my first time getting hair cut from you. Did real, real good jobs. I want to say thank you for that. All right, not a problem. It's okay. Do you have any um any time available on Thursday? Yeah? Yeah, for sure. What's what's what's your name here? Bro? Dennis? Man? Dennis? Okay, Dennis? Why I can get Dennis about three o'clock, man, something of that nature. I mean, you know I'm on the work performers. You know, three o'clock, you'll be there. Okay, Hey, I got a little bit of situation though, man. That happened last time I was there. I kind of wanted to talk to you a body man, because it kind of called me off guard. So I want to do how I let you, man and see if we could rectify the problem. For I came back up there. What happened? What's somebody disrespect your something? I mean, what else to do? What? What? Um? It really was somebody? Man? It was it? It was it was actually you? Whoa? I mean, what happened? Here's deal? Man? When you was cutting my hair, when it when it was time to turn the chair, you didn't turn the chair with with with with with your hand man. See Brady. Man, you you turned the chair with your with your private part. Oh, come on safe. I mean I'm a professional man. I've been doing this fifteen years, right right. I don't think it's anything deliberate. Man. I think you just do it unconsciously, man, because you know you'd be leaning over on the chair cutting, and I think you don't realize, you know, you'd be turning the chair with your private part instead of doing it with your hand. Man. And see, my hand got caught out there, and I saw it out the corner my eyes. I saw your private part coming towards my hand. I moved it just in time. You understand, but not not see, Dennis, I'm not understanding something. But because I don't, I don't. We don't operate like that, mind, yes, because you know I don't make mistakes like that. But I mean, you know I don't know you. You're sure you're talking to the right person, man, Yeah, I mean, ain't you the third chair on the right when you walk in the door. Yeah that's correct. Okay, that what I'm talking about. Man. And you cut me two weeks ago, and like I said, I really like my hair cut. So I want to call back and rectify this problem. But you know you gotta turn the chair with your hand and not your pride part. If not, we're gonna have a problem. Okay, bright Now I feel it, and I understand your your complaint and everything. I mean, I'm not understanding what you're saying, but because I don't do that, you know, But I mean we we will be glad. You know what I'm saying. You another cutter, whatever you understand. Men, you know, but I don't move nobody know around with my problems. Man, that's just not being Okay, I understand what you're saying, but I want you to hear what I'm saying. If you put your private on there at all when I come in there Thursday, then I promise you're gonna jump up and we're gonna have a problem. We what let's see now now now right there, And I'm not I'm not feeling that jump up having a problem because you know, you don't really know me like that. But you know what I mean. I'm trying to be a professional here and and solve your little issue that you got your understanding, But I always jumping up and stuff you're telling about doing, I don't. I'm trying to come in and get a nice hair cut and walk out with a nice hair cut. What I don't want to do. It's come down there. You're leaning over put your private part. Well, I got my arms in my hands and I got help you. Now, that's what I don't you're starting. You're touching the wrong, talking about what you're talking about. I'm teuching you wrong. You touched me wrong two weeks ago when you put your private on my hand. Man, I don't want to touch you say what I don't know? You know, hey, dog all I'm trying to say. You're the brother trying to come in and get his hair cut and walk out fitting like a man and not walk out feeling violated. Man, because you didn't turn the chair with your private part all up against my head and my elbow and stuff. Man, you know what I'm saying. You know I'm trying to talk to you unless you don't run me wrong'unk flying here and you understanding we ain't no punk flying that. Then't keep it off my hand. Let me tell you something, say man, We'll said, Oh yeah, you bring your stupid so he I'm gonna tell you right now. You get up. You understanding and look quicker play. Oh here, salon, it's a brother shop. I hear what you're saying, but let me explain something you. We're you using your hips and your private section like a paying ball machines and on that. I'm gonna tell you right now, I will put something on you. You come on, you understand me, dude, I'm just trying to come and get a hair cut. I'm trying to get a hair cut and walk out of there like a man. Feel it like a man? I bes open you know, I'm gonna open you up. Boy, do you wanna stay here? Now? Now? Now, come on here? You know, tell you something to your what's you want to be? This is a bother shot. You understand me? Oh what I got no time said? I'm not saying damn out that I got might have a cold running back. You're gonna come over here to bet you didn't. I don't do it? You feel you know? What? What is you? Man? You'll come up, come on, recommize your sholf and you come up to you can put your name. Okay, okay, I'm gonna putting my real name on my shirt. Then you want to know what my real name is that's what's up. That's what's up. Okay, then you might want to you want you want to know what name gonna be on the shirt? I want to know what? Right? Then the name on the shirt is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Man. Say oh man, say bro my bad man. Hey, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Okay, he's getting close, Frank is getting They'll be crying by. That was dedicated to one and only k D Kevin Rain. All right, thank you enough? All right, switching gears here. Now you guys heard about this right. Kim Kardashian is at odds with one of Kanye west early collaborators, rhyme Fest. Rhyme Fest of course out of Chicago. He's a rapper. He runs Donda's House, Inc. It is a nonprofit named after Kanye's late mom. He recently, rhyme Fest called out Kanye for not funding the organization to help Chicago youth. Now that's when Mrs Kanye West stepped in. Kim Kardashian West uh stepped in and accused rhyme fest of having the audacity to use Kanye's mom's name to try and shed a negative light on Kanye. She defend your man girl. She says he hasn't been able to sustain the foundation and the real reason he's mad is because he couldn't get a placement on the upcoming album Love Everyone. Kim then threatened, you better believe I will make it my mission to take Downda's house from you and let my children run it the way it should be run down this house, Ink says they will no longer use Kanye's mom's name in association with the nonprofit. The charity encourages Kim and Kanye to pick up the baton of servants right right him, Baby, she's upset. Defend your man girl. Yeah, well yeah, we'll be watching that story. All right, coming up, it's today's Strawberry Letter. You got you're gonna love. This subject is sex? The answer for everything I knew that we knew that right, is sex the answer for everything that is the subject of today's Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. Just to reminder, Starbucks will be closing uh. Later this afternoon. They have closed eight thousand of their stores nationwide. Huh closed right now, right now, right now, no morning, nobody. Oh I thought they weren't closing until the afternoon. But anyway, eight thousand of their stores nationwide is closing, you know, for that anti bias training in wake of the Philadelphia debacle which two black men were arrested for apparently no reason, absolutely no reason. They were just s wb sitting while black. Um. But right now it is time. Let's switch gears. Here, It's time for the Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need any advice on relationships, you do, j don't look at me like that. You need some yeah, some dating advice, work, sex, parenting, and morris. Submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click Submit Strawberry Letters. See we'll be back tomorrow, of course. Come on, yeah, we will be doing week in Confessions a little later on this morning. I'm just saying that, I'm just okay, we miss weekend Confessions. You're gonna get it today. Buckle up, hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is the Strawberry alright, and make sure you guys are listening because you're gonna have to chimp in today on this letter alright subject, and we already know your answer. Guys, everywhere in the world, on the planet, and everywhere in the universe? Is sex the answer for everything? You didn't even have to think about it, did you? All? Right, here we go, Dear Stephen Shirley. My husband and I have been married for twenty four years, and he thinks sex is the answer to everything. A prime example of this is last month when we went to a barbecue at his mother's house. When I've been over to get a soda out of the cooler, I caught my husband lustily looking at my butt. A lot of friends and family members saw him too, and they all laughed. I was really embarrassed. I ran in the house to a bedroom in the back of uh in the back, and my husband followed me. When I told him how embarrassing that was, he slowly massaged his crotch, smiled, and said, I got something that will make you forget all about that. Well. Right after that, I know this letter is crazy. I got something better making it Well, how how was that? You know? Abundance? Oh, I got some make it forget all of it. Sounds like you guys have been there before. All right, listen, Right after that, we were doing the do at his mother's house. Okay, two minutes into it, my husband's mother and his aunt came busting through the door. Instead of excusing themselves, they stood there laughing. Now I can't even face his mother. We're close knit family, so I know I can't keep avoiding her. When I try to talk to my husband about the situation, he goes right back to rubbing his crotch and telling me, hit it, jay, I got somebody, no worry God. In fact, he does that almost every time we get into an argument. What shall I do? I enjoy sex with my husband and I will never tell him no. But something has to give. I mean, surely sex can't be the answer to everything. Please advise. All right, Uh, this letter is confusing to me. It really is. Um, it's very confusing. Clearly, you guys have a very active sexual relationship. You have an active sexual sex life. Okay. While others may not see this as a problem, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, and that seems to be what you're saying in your letter. Kind of sort of Uh, you know, it might be the situation here. You say you're embarrassed, you say you're uncomfortable, your relatives are busting in on you. You're doing it at his mama's house. You didn't even go over there for that, but you end up doing it. Then they bust in on you, and you know, and everybody has a great laugh at your expense. But if this is how it's been and how you guys have been for the last twenty four years, I can't believe that you're just now complaining that a confusing part. You know, some married couples would love this, they would just absolutely love this. And then some would think your husband is over sex. It just depends right, and they would think your husband is too much. I think it's ain't nobody overse Let's right too much to her? It is to her, it is. You gotta see you know much, you gotta see her side of it, though, Um, you know what, it just all. It just all depends on what you like and what you can tolerate. No one wants to be disrespected. And if you're feeling disrespected, I'm trying to get exactly what you're saying here. You're saying it's too much, But then you say you enjoy sex with him, and then you say you'll never tell him no, But then you're saying it's too much. That's why I say it's confusing. But if you are being disrespected because your husband isn't hearing what you have to say, you're gonna have to really sit him down and make him look you in your eyes and nothing else so you can tell him what's really going on. You gotta be happy in this situation too, not just your husband. Okay, here we go. Yeah it is. If you wanted to stop, you're gonna have to completely close your mouth and say nothing at all, because no matter what you say, it's going that whatever you say to your man, If you say, can you believe what Trump tweeted last night? I got so to make you forget Okay, question, why are you talking like that? Gets getting on my nerves. That's the sexy thing, you know, That's what it's about to him? Oh my god, the rockets lost. I got something make you forget about. Oh god, I gotta get my nails done. I need a manicure in a pedicular. Yeah, I got some make you forgot about? Yeah? Right? Oh my God, did you hear what Kanye West said about Ye baby, my car has stopped on me and I need rods fixed righty here? That's sexy to you, guys? Yeah, Oh my god, we're running late and I don't want to miss the choir. We gotta get the church something quiet? All right, listen, we have to go to breake right here. I guess we're gonna have part two when we come back at twenty three after the hour. Subject is sex the Answer for Everything? That's today's Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Show. All right, Come on, guys, let's get to part two of today's Strawberry Letter. As we mentioned earlier, Steve is out today. The subject is sex the Answer for Everything? Yes it is, Yes, Yes, it is what we have to do herement alright? This woman wrote in For a second, This woman wrote in she's been married for twenty four years. Uh. She thinks that her husband thinks that sex is the answer to everything. A prime example, she says, is that last month they went to a barbecue at his mom's house, her mother in law. As she been over to get a soda out of the cooler, she saw her husband looking at her butt, like you know who, I want some of that, right, And so then anyway, so she was embarrassed and she went into the bedroom in her mom's house. Her husband came in and said, I got something to fix all of that because she told him how she felt she was embarrassed. And then so they start doing They started doing it right in the mom's house. Then the mom and the aunt bust in the bedroom and just you know, instead of leaving, they just stood there and started laughing. So she's saying she's embarrassed. You know, she's uncomfortable with this. She doesn't know she's going to be able to speak to his mom again. She says also though that she enjoys having sex with her husband and she would never turn him down. But she also says that, uh, something's got to give because surely sex can't be the answer to everything. So it's it's the letter is a bit confusing because it's like she wants it, but she doesn't want it as much. But she does want it and she does enjoy it, but it's just a bit much. Lady Jay, no problem, no from you. Late. I think a better lady than you because you play the lady with anger in your voice, so that that that you don't make a good lady. But guess but guess what? Ja? Yeah, I got something they could make you forgive you so disguesting. I'm so disgusted with you, guested. Yeah, I guess what I want you to be disgust right here that I my car's out there. I need two brand new tires, and what are you thinking about? I'm thinking about two or something else. I was so embarrassed totally at my mom's house. At my mom's house, that's better than your pastor's house. Am I not safe from you? Oh? My god, you're disgusting? Twenty four years you guys have been married. Disgusting. I got so make you forget about put your pants back on now without put them on, and we haven't started because I gotta help you forget about that. I'm not getting on that washing machine again, or well, then we're gonna get on the dryer. I got something make you forget dad. Last week I was washing my hair. I couldn't see you in bam, look at you from your right. I got something that you forget about your hair. I'm afraid to be in the shower because of you. I'm taking I'm taking spongebath just because of that. You up in there taking very bad But that's all right. When you make yes, I do. I got bad news before you check us out. Went to the doctor last week. He said, I'm losing my sight. Oh you ain't gonna see me when I get I got something. Make you for to get you. We're gonna get you some glasses in the middle of a group, I go downstairs to clean out the basement. Who's down there butt necking? Clean out more than the basement. I guess I make you forget abo give it a rest man. When we get through arrested, we're gonna do something. Make up forget abod. That's your answer to everything, because sex is Dianne everything. That's how you played the woman. You don't fight, You give the gentleman. Jathony Brown as wifey up, give it out, get it out you guys. I love that boy, and that's what I'm talking about. We gotta go. Thank you guys so very much. You're gonna email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today God on Today's Strawberry Letter. At Steve Harvey FM. You can join me this Thursday I'm back at one thirty pm for the Strawberry Letter after show on Facebook Live. Okay, switching gears. Now, have you guys seen this on the news. This has been everywhere. And Atlanta based plastic surgeon seen on video singing and dancing in the middle of surgery. All right, you saw this right, yea. So now she's facing several mount practice suits. Okay, Yeah, her name is Dr Windell Boutet, paging dot your bouteto all right, doctor. Yeah, she's in the operating room. Okay. And and and check this up, guys. As she cuts this is serious, as she cuts into human flesh. She's a surgeon. Uh. The Atlanta area dermatologist sings and dances for the camera. Do you really want that? Yeah, she's singing and dancing to songs. Okay. In the video there's video of her doing this. Boutet is seen cutting into a patient's abdomen while she sings and dances along to what else but cut it? You know? This is Bill do so in another bout In another video, Boutet, another Boutet, She's seen dancing around with her surgical instruments and performing her own version of the Mego's Vat and Bougie. More than twenty videos were posted on the doctor's public YouTube channel for promotional purposes. Uh, they have seen. They have since been deleted. Patients have taken notice. There are five malepractice lawsuits pending against Dr Boutet. Go to all social media at Steve Harvey f M to see these doctors videos. Comments. Yeah, famous the new drink like it really is terrible. I mean this, yeah, it really is. And it's life and death. It might be therapeutic. What's she doing violating the patients? Right? Yeah, no, it ain't in the paperwork that you can't saying and dance. All right, listen, call nephew. Listen, guys, call nephew Tommy for Weekend Confessions at eight seven seven twenty nine Steve, and confess what you did over the weekend. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, listen, we have brought weekend Confessions back. This is Tommy segment. Uh, it's time for weekend Confessions. We want our audience you to call and confess what you did over this fabulous three day weekend we just had, right holiday weekend. Huh yeah, and surely I'm not here to help. You want to hear what you're going through this? Yeah, and the guy that helps and and and all of that is off today, he'll be you want help, call tomorrow. I'm not trying to save you Tommy's you want to hear what I don't want to motivate. You can call and talk to me about anything you have the fession. If you just want to say something to the morning show, order Nephew, give us a call. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, call us now. You want to talk about who you picking in the finals? Either you're going with Golden State? Are you going with Cleveland? Calling? How I let your boy My team didn't make it, but I don't mind talking about it. Eight seven seven twenty ninety. The phone lands are open. We don't do this that often. That's time to talk to the people, that's right. But but speaking of confessions, though, you guys did have confessions. Jay Tommy said he has one quession. I'll go out there, okay, Okay, I confess. Okay. I went to the game last night, went to Rockets and Golden State, and I did something that I wasn't supposed to be. Okay, So my tickets really wasn't good tickets. So I went twenty rolls down, okay, rolls down and sat in. We sat in two people of the seat, and then when they came we argued about I don't know how they printed up the same ticket. We have no ticket. We ain't got We made it there for the first half. Then we had to move back up to route. But I confessed it really wasn't my seat. Me and my boys was hanging out. What you got, Jake? I hate to admit this, but when I go to the movies and they have a lot of theaters because you went to see Solo this weekend, yet that ain't the only movie with one price, we can hear you. I saw that, um, the Dingers, I saw Deadpool, I saw one. Yes, you show money is worth or I mean you got no? I did like four movies. All you gotta do is walk out and walk in the other way. It's right there. Yeah, I mean sometimes you go in mid movie, but you just gave so what I missed. You just turn to your neg So what I remember the day you used to go down and open the exit door and let your boys in to go back. And I hate to admit this, but I remember the movie was like a dollar your parents maybe a dollar. Not only you saw two movies. You saw two movies. You saw cartoons, the Three Students, and popcorn was likes, it's ridiculous. Now, so I'm getting all my money back. What you got a confession? Okay, So let me tell you all this. Okay. So the crew knows that my Instagram account was hacked. Oh yeah, my Instagram account was hacked. So yeah, Instagram, they heard all about it, and they know about it. So I tried to play it off with my family like I wasn't devastated, and I was okay, but deep down I thought I was gonna die. That's a lot. I'm playing like. I ain't worried about it. Ain't worried about it. So here follow your girl and that's my car. My followers back. So that's my confession. You have some of man, it's some people that I don't like anyway, So okay, But Jay, I was trying to play it all. Oh you did that. I did when I went to the voice court and I lost, I'm not it was coolant I had no problem, okay, alright, alright, So my daughter I was hungry okay, So I told her I was gonna cook, got in the car, ran over to one of my favorite little Jamaican restaurants. She doesn't know. They have beans and rice and like the stew chicken that I love so much. She doesn't like the plantings. I went and got that. I went and got a small or large order, excuse me of that. Came home, rushed home before she got there, took through all the boxes off, put it all in pots, and acted like I cooked. I did. I did it, honey, put it in that though those very ones. Jamaican guy, you gotta do the cooking again. I did it, though, for the cooking thing now because she's listening, but she did not know earlier. She said this is really good mom, and she was hungry. I'm sorry. OK. Let's go to line six and talk to Joe out of West Palm Beach, Florida. Let's go to going on going on, All good man, all good, well, it's weekend confessions? Man? What you got? I feel bad, man, But y'all had the segment on the Starberry letter about the you know senses everything. But my confession this weekend I slept with three different women. Am Come on, I'm not mad about none of this. You made sit up over here talk to me. Giving we start. We started Thursday, we started Friday. When we started, Joe, we started Friday night. It was Friday night, it was Friday, was Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, and then Sunday, and then we had a cap it off on yesterday. So yeah, that's that's the American dream. Man. It sounds tired right now. Everybody stand up and let's give Joe a big round right now? Yeah, Joe, alright, listen, we'll have more weekend Confessions calls and who are you rooting for in the eight seven Steve. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, we're in the middle of weekend Confessions with the Nephew. I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. You hit the Nephew up on eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Right now eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we can you can give me a weekend confession. You can just call in and talk to me in the care all. You can let me know how you're feeling about the finals, the NBA Finals. Are you going with Golden State? Or Cleveland Cavaliers eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, the lines are open to give us a call. Now we had Joe, Joe tell me that called in earlier last break and now what was this confession? Joe, Joe had three women in one weekend. He Joe runs with toe that ain't wa ran that ain't ran. He had his toes out, His toes was out, and it was ten more toes with it. Joe. Actually Joe had thirty toes this weekend unless the little woman that was missing, who hadn't been there. He said, to taste something fun. We do this. I don't have a big toe. I'm like, one more time, I'm not looking for you big. I need to taste some fo we do this. I don't have a big toe. But you know, you know I'm just about to say back, Jake, I'm gonna need you to keep your socks on. You know you didn't care as you announced that when she had on one stand up. This is ignorant. I don't want to see this little right, I don't want to see this foot. I don't want to flip flop. Man, it was messed up, flipp I just knew her a girl that broke her baby tone and she just had problems with balance until it heals. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm just wondering about that. Yeah, you know, surely had Frank. Yeah, no, she told me it was twelve. And I hate you right now. Tell me about this. So when y'all was counting in school, Shirley, you hold your hands up trying to do timetables you had you had twelve. People just couldn't count with you. I was great at math, that was really good at That's two more little piggies. What did they do? Yeah? Where the little piggies? They weren't full grown. Yeah, they were called extra digits and little I had them cut up. You know who else had twelve fingers? Tommy didn't really Okay, yeah, you can really scratch yourself. You can take some things with twelve I did. He had him twelve finger when he did Stella got a groove back. I think he must have had had his removed as well. You can get what you do. Did you throw him away? Did you put him in? You put him on a necklace? And bologists they kept them to observe, you know, to do experiments and stuff or whatever they do with the whole new meaning. It gives the matter the finger. So certain will you all get high five? You get? Why did you tell about this? It was you know what? You know? How we all know something about each other? Had you been an usher, you had you had a finger sticking out? You actually get the six finger discount. Remember that. I don't know if you remember the toy they had that was that was a gun, but it was called six fingers six? Do you remember it was a finger? Anybody remember that? It's an old as just back with you, I'm bowing out. Yeah. Did you did you play a ball or anything? When? Yeah, I played softball? Tommy? What I mean that other finger though? Was it in the glove? How you? How you did you? Did you ever eat that that that snack called bugles? Remember you put and you put them on all so surely when you put on gloves, if they don't fit, you mustn't quit. He wouldn't. He would admittens that you didn't. He didn't want to hurt that. I did wear growing up in Chicago, I didn't wear a lot of mittens. You couldn't do anything. Yeah, yeah, I did wear a lot of mitten. Mittens are not cool, Yeah, my mom made me wear mittens. Yeah, you can't be cool with him. Yeah, because you can't. You need you, Yeah, you need, but don't you? But you're perfect. It helps somebody to wrap again, put your finger. You would somewhere you can get to. Why did you tell that? I don't know. You didn't get that middle back? Good? Can't you? Before we were talking about something one day? We're talking about something one day we weren't on the air, but we were at work and everybody was just talking about stuff. That. Yeah, that there was confessions and that we didn't know about each other. And that was one you guys didn't know about me. That you had two extra fingers. Yeah, no. The other question were they all on one hand and one on each hand? You gotta be balanced. You got to get to the bottom. But where would that be? Jay? And I hope you were in seven five? I really hope you. But if you know, I mean growing up it was like crazy and you know you have to hold hand him removed. I was good and grown. I was good and grown. Yeah, yeah, I was good and grown. How did you swear? If you like pink? You swear you? And when you went bowling? Did you love folding. I would put a ring on it if I would. Right. Did you ever drawn a hand to make a chicken when you're school? Yeah? Coming up in twenty after, we're gonna take more calls. We need you guys to call in and confess. I just did my confession A seven seven twenty nine seeds. Yeah, I had twelve fingers. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, we're in the middle of nephew Tommy's weekend confessions and it was a three day holiday weekend. Nephew, tell us about it. Oh what you like? Come? What? What? Okay, you're upset about the rockets. We know that, but you want the people to call in because what I'm not here to help you. I'm just going to I'll just hit it. Well, I'm just here for what you're going I'm going through right now. And Steve helps season one. That helps on this show and he'll be back tomorrow the day Cares is out eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, give the nephew a call and talk to us. Whenever you're going through, We here to hear you. We're not trying to help you, ain't trying to do you. We ain't trying to fix it. You want to talk about the game. You want to talk about Cavaliers and Golden State. We can talk about that. We will not be talking about them the Rockets, not this morning. I'm going I had a long night last night. I'm not talking about You're at the game. All right, Let's go to line six and talk to Monique Netflix. No, this is Jackson Alabama. Monique, need that Monique, Good morning, Good morning. Turn your radio. Dad. What you're calling them from? Baby? I was Jackson Alabama? Jackson Alabama? Alright, what's going on this morning? You gotta confession? No, sir, I just called to say go go to stake. Wow, you don't have a damn about helping. I just call. I'm trying to get this band aid on him. Y'all get it all right? Now's your team? Baby, you're Golden State. Fast, Monique, you don't care about Yeah, Tommy's really hurt about the game. I'm sorry. It was a good game, but the best one. He was there at the game, Monique. He was at the game, you know. And that's so amazing because you could have seen that asking TV but I couldn't see. Thank you for calling Nique. Good luck to you in the final. I'm on team Timming, but that hurt. You're the president President Funnue. I said, you're gonna keep doing now. You don't get too in that when wow, oh my god, what Timmy, you're exciting mean the first and second quarter of the game. But it's been that. It's been like that the last two three games. They do incredible the first half. First they fire and then I don't know what the hell they talk about in the locker room when they come out third quarter, say some different paper playing. It's like this said, let's go lose this game, Jim, Team Timmy. You know that's not a team timming language. Stop that. I mean, I thought you would at least go to Is, but I thought you would at least go and say something to shock to him. I'm so depressed. I see shack l because I don't want to, because, you know, being Barkley might have seen something got on my new I just didn't feel like, you don't want to get to fight. Lever Kidney, let me do some kiddy, all right, listen, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Stay with us right after this. Okay, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, So for the fourth second, Yeah, it's gonna be all right. Man, the Rocket they lost it out. Give him something three three three three. Oh that never shot the lights out? All right. So as I was saying, try to calm down, if you can tell me, get out. For the fourth consecutive year, Lebron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers together. He left at the game. He was at the game, left him in the face. Yeah, for the fourth consecutive year. Give him something, Lebron and the Cleveland Cavaliers. Get him a new team. Chris Paul, I don't care Lebron what a play with a pro lag. Well, he's gonna be there at the Champions him with the when the Cavaliers when they meet Steph Curry in the Golden States. Yeah, that's Tommy was there. Maybe you could should have gone out on the court and helped him, all right, So listen. The matchup was confirmed Monday night when the Warriors came back to beat the Houston Rockets one oh one to ninety two in Game seven. They did make the game seven day. This was the Western Conference Finals of course Kevin Durant. Kevin Durant lead the way for the Warriors. I know, I didn't have to say the score, right, We're thirty four points. Kevin Durant thirty four points. Um, yeah, and what about Kevin Durant. Yeah, he needs to walk around with a brush on a king. Just put a hole of the end of a brush and then went around his neck. Alright. The Calves earned their ticket on Sunday, beating the Boston Celtics eight seven to seventy nine in Game seven of the Eastern Conference Finals. Lebron led the Calves with thirty five points. The Calves and Warriors already made history last season when they became the first two squads to face each other in the NBA Finals for three consecutive years. Game one is in Oakland on Thursday at nine on ABC on ABC. Yeah yeah, Houston would say that. Yeah, yeah, of course, of course. Well, congratulations to the Calves and to the Warriors. Alright, coming up in ten minutes, Prince Harry, Megan marcle planning a boring honeymoon. Yeah, just to get away. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right here, we are last break of the day. Let's see what have we learned today. We learned I learned about you had to bring that up. Your relationship with him is over, has team fingers. We learned that Carla her instagram got hacked. Yes, and I tried to play it off and act like I wasn't devastating. So following your girl and lifts my car now for I liked your one new picture, Carlo that you have on your Graham. I liked it already. Thank you, You're welcome. We've also learned that sex is the cure for everything and learning that was the letter. Oh that's what we learning that sneaked into the movie. Oh yeah, oh that's a big one. You paid for one one, but you saw about eight. So everything they make it up on the pope. You know what. We also learned about this guy in France, Spider Man. Yeah, that baby was holding on for a long time balcony. He was dangling off the balcony. The kid was a little boy was and a man on the street saw him and climbed up the balcony. It wasn't an easy climb, but he he climbed up and was able to get the baby and pull him to safety. Now where the dead the baby's dad was what? I forgot what they said he was doing. Why he wasn't there because he could face some prison time? Yeah, yeah, I don't know. But this guy's a hero. Yeah, he is definitely a hero, Spider Man. That people can't do that. That baby still be up there. That's what we learned today. You got out the story, Steve. I'm glad you didn't go with a fat baby, Steve High, your hell, your friends, friends, and because you're the real right Tommy friends on this show. And it is time for closing remarks, Steve would be doing his closing red be proud of us today. Yeah, he'll be back tomorrow to let us know all about it. Yeah right, here, are you guys ready? You got it up time? All right? I got a little music, you know, we're just gonna just drop a little bit of it to start the closing it because they're closing marks today. You're about are you okay? Yeah? Tid uh huh. This closing remarks, living and dying by the three, you're gonna make it. I'm not gonna make it. So what we're gonna do today, is it gonna give you quotes, quote quotes, quotes that losers say. He was all about winning and that's good, but no one ever speaks to the losers. Why do you have to say losers like that? Who would loses today? So today, Timmy and I will give you quotes that losers say when they lose. There's our closing room of Mars, like this one right here. You want the serious music now, to want like this. Okay, it doesn't matter, doesn't matter, doesn't matter. Oh yeah, yeah right there, right right there like that. There's are quotes that loses says when the first one is this one timing, very dear, very serious. The reason we lost is because the other team scored more points. We didn't. We didn't, we didn't lose, we got second. These are things that loses saying. Okay, things are losers say. Anybody can win. It's how you act when you lose. Okay, that makes the mature man. Okay, god is okay, here you go. Winning is only half of it. Having fun is the other half. Make yourself feel good, work it out for yourself. Here's what you need to do. Don't let the scoreboard reflect what we really did that do on that floor Okay, well I think it does, though it doesn't. That's what Sometimes you gotta come to work hurt. Yeah, you know who I'm talking about, Chris Paul. Play with you left? How you let your leg in the way. Here's another one. I can tell you why we lost. I can tell you why we lost. You know why we lost because we didn't win. These are what are? These are? Things are losers. We lost because we don't have enough light skiing people. But we are recruiting lights here people. How are you? If you are available, he might be able to shoot the three drake. Come on, you got that right. I have toback on that. We had way too many dark skin guys. So that's why you lost. It sucks. That sucks. One more, one more. The only way to beat Curry is the half Stepp Curry's daddy on y T he can beat the boy. Thank you five, We love you. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary board where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show.