The Monday After Easter - 04.17.17

Published Apr 17, 2017, 4:21 PM

So, we asked the nation, What's the biggest lie you've told to get a date. These calls are hilarious!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all s all looking back to back down, giving them back just like American bucks things. And it's tough to me true good to study listening to me together for stout hobby. Why don't you joy? Yeah? Yeah, by joy, go with me? Honey said you gotta use that turn out h yeah, you go do yall? Ar you gotta turn to turn the love turns to love. You got to turn out to turn want of yall? Comey, come on your things? Got it? Uh? I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig and naw one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show today. It's it's it's it's real simple, um. For everybody that's trying to become successful on any level in any arena in the genre. I don't care what it is. If you're trying to be successful, this message is for you. Let me help you understand something real clear. You ain't gonna make it the way you want to, and you're not going to make it to the heights that's fully out there and available for you without God. And I'm just kidding. Keep it real, simple and clean for you today. You're not going to make it the way you want to, and you're not going to get to the heights that's available to you without God. You have to get this through your head. Now, listen to me. You can try it if you want to, because I did. I'm here to tell you I am talking purely from experience. Here. You can try it without God, and you can see how far you can get. Now when you have some measures of success, of course you will will will will it feel like days like you might make it? Of course you will, of course without a doubt. But let me ask you a question, though, What you're gonna do about them days when you feel like you ain't gonna make it. What you're gonna do about them, days when you feel like giving up. When you're gonna do about them, days where it feels like there are no answers to your questions. What you're gonna do about them days? What you're gonna do about them, days when everybody laughing at and turn against you. What you're gonna do about them, days when you just don't see no way through it? What you're gonna do about them days? See? I got there, I got the sunshine. You know, sunshine cool. Everybody got friends when it's Sunday outside. You want some friends, hit the lotto? You you, you, you, you, you want you want to get rid of them? Friends, Go ask for some help. You want some friends hit the lotto. You wanna you wanna get rid of some people, Go ask for some help. Man, I'm telling my man, they scattered like roaches when lights come on. I'm trying to tell you so now I'm here, here we go again. You can do this without God now because I've done it, and you can have yourself some measure success. But I want to let me, let me even hip you too a little bit closer, though, Let me tell you why you are doing it without God and having some measure of success. Can I tell you why? Because of God's grace and mercy to us, because of His grace and mercy trying to keep us in spite of ourselves, for the real mission that He really got for us. See that's the truth of the matter. Now, now what we're talking about nasty See. So yeah, yeah, you can do it without God, and you can have some measure success without God. And yeah, you know, you know, yeah, you got your little degree and everything. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you completed the program, got all that, YadA YadA YadA. But don't you know something. It's because of God's grace and mercy that he that he put that he helps us anyway when even when we ain't asking for help, When he bails us out anyway, when we don't even ask him to be bailed out. You know why, because He loves us that much that he would that he would allow us to exist until we get our mind together where he could take us where really trying to take us. But now let me tell you something though, Let's get this real straight and clear today. You can do this without God if you want to. But I am telling you to get to where you really want to be and to be all that God has for you. You got to have God. There's no ifs ands but about it, and and and and and let me tell you this here. I don't really care what nobody then told you. Are you listening to me? I don't care what they say. Don't get this thing twisted. They got these people out here talking about their luminatis and all listen, man, don't listen to me. Don't get caught in this mess. Don't get caught in no foolishness. You were created by God. God created you, ain't your soul. We were all created in His image, all of us. Don't. Don't. Don't get to talking about you, FINNI to cut a deal with the with the devil and all you ain't cutting no deal with nobody, man and dead. The devil don't do deals. He one sided you. I'm taking you to hell. You going to hell. You're burning here. That's his deal. I want your soul. I want you to lose hope. I want you to take your life. I want you to take some other people's lives. I want you to feel hopeless. I want you to realize that it ain't no God. That's his whole deal. His whole deal is negative. Oh he can talk to you in the dealing drugs if you want to. But let me tell you something about this. I watched these shows all the time, drug ink and all this here, cocaine mafia. Everybody on now go to jail and get killed. Everybody on now, our prisoners is filled the day with our young boys because somebody that did because they thought they could outslick the system. They thought they had a way they thought, they said them been here and they failed. For the old cliche, Man, I gotta do what I gotta do, I gotta get this money. Well, the only reason you gotta do what you gotta do is because, like I said all the time, you didn't do what you were supposed to do. Had you just done some of the things you were supposed to do, had you just stayed in that school when it didn't look right, Well, if you had just formed a relationship with God and and and and gotten rid of that, I ain't gonna make it that I'm hopelessness feel you wouldn't have found yourself doing something so far out the box, got you out here being in the spirit that don't even belong to you. God ain't created you to be no dope dealer or no such a thing or nothing even close to that. So see, let's get your mind right. See see, let's get your mind right and understand what's going on here. You know that that's that's that's that's that's that's what I need. Everybody, I need, I need everybody to get me clearly about this. This is not going to happen without a relationship with God. It will not happen for you in any shape, form or fashion. Now, one more time, for those of you that think you're making it without him, I want you to understand something. Clearly. It is but because of His grace and mercy that we exist. And God has just taken care of you, looking out for you. Got some angels encamped around you until you get your mind right so he can get you where you're going. But now I want you to understand something. There's a cause and a consequence and a penalty for everything we do this outside the will of God. That's for all of us. All of us have consequences, penalties, and everything that we got to deal with outside of the will of God. Understand that. Clearly. Don't get this thing twisted sideways. You understand me. So now while we're dealing and we're operating, I want you to understand something that you know. I heard a young man tell me one day. He said, Steve, you know, man, I just don't see how God looking out for me and he would allow all these things to happen to me. I'm having such a hard time in my life. I really don't see how there's a God looking out for me. I looked the young man. I said, the manage is something. Man, you're still breathing. He said, yeah, I'm standing here talking to you. I said, you're still talking and he said yeah. I said you're still free. He said what you mean? I said, you ain't locked up? Are you? Said no, I'm standing here talking to you. I said, where you get them close from I bought him? I said, when you bought him with what I bought him with money? Where you get the money from you? So I got a job. Mr. I got a job. I said, well, well where you live though, he's I got apartment? I said, where you gort department for Mr. Hor I'm working. I got an apartment. I got a job. I was okay, okay, so now this this, this God ain't looking out for you. Thinkin finish telling me what you're telling me. We'll see. Man, I'm having it real hard right now. I said, hey, hey, man, are you are you hungry? You have you had lunch yet? He said yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, already had lunch yet. I said, okay, okay, So so so gone finished telling me about this how God ain't looking out for you? He said, oh, and you know, man, every every time I try to do something. It seemed like it go wrong for me. I said, but lett, let me know match something, man, I said, every time you go wrong for y'all, say somehow you survive it. He said, yeah, yeah, I survive it some kind of way. But it's still be all messed up from me. I said, but but you still got through it though. He said yeah. I said, okay, Man, gonna finish telling me how how God ain't looking out for you? And he stopped. He said him it's harm. He said, how come every time I tell you something that's going wrong, you keep telling me God looking out for me? I said, because you're still here, man, I said, See, you don't understand it. I said. You seem to think man, that that is supposed to be, that you're supposed to just supposed to skate through life, that is all supposed to go how you want it, any kind of way. I said, Man, Jesus, the test of your faith, I say, God looking out for you the whole time. I say, every time you tell me something going wrong, you seem to turn around and tell me how you survived, and you keep telling me what ain't going right, But you keep telling me all these things you have. I said, man. So what you gotta do is you gotta stop looking at the stop looking at the what you ain't got column, and start focusing on what you do have column, because what you do have, it's probably God looking out for you. I said, not a part where is going wrong. Let's think about what you're doing wrong that's making it go wrong. I said. We are all products of our decisions in our life. I said, young man, I said, get your head out of the negative column and put it in the positive coluge. Be grateful for the things that God I didn't gave you, and then God will probably give you some more. But if you ain't happy with nothing He hadn't done for you, you wanted to keep piling stuff on. I said, you fail in the test, young man. The test is are you grateful for where you are right now so I could give you more so we can move forward? He said, A man, I never even looked at like that. I said, well, why don't you take your blessed cell phone on somewhere and sit down? He saith, I think I'm going over here and let you finished talking. I said, thank you. So sometimes you just got to look at what you do got fork that's all it is. Okay, you can't make it without God, y'all. You got me today. All right, let's be clear, let's go. You're listening, yeah, man? Eighteen eighteen minutes after that, I welcome to the ride, y'all, Steve Harvey Morning Show, live as it always is. Gracious God our fall, won't you please on this day? Stre It's been the rittle as no other rider has route make him of v hicular blessing of thine O. Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It has been good, Yes, it happen. Morning, Morning, Morning, h Charley Strawberry calling for real? What's going on? Hey, good morning sir? How are you happy Monday? What's going on? Crew? Hasty? Oh, come on, what's going on? Let us first of all, let brain the two foods and here Junior h Yes, Nephew, Tommy yes, sigh front and center. Yeah, well come on, get yeah, yeah baby here, let these songs. We'll see y'all at thirty four after that the truth change? What will truth due to you? I just want to be heavy, so if I came from doing you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're going to the phone. What is the worst lie you've told to impress a date? Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, Let's go to online for talk to Jeff out of California. Hey, Jeff, good morning, how are you doing? Good morning family? Hello there morning Jeffrey, Jeff. Jeffrey is correct, but Jeff is fine, thank you? Okay, all right? Where are you from? Man? Because you're real particularly about your name? What's what do you do from? I'm a computer? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I could tell because you know you were for the particular about their name, you know, they that's how they are at that type. So I got a great boy. He does he does? Hey, man, what's what's your what's the biggest lie you ever told? Why you were taking? I was, I was with my boy and Tony Fields and ran into this girl who was from each of the girl wasn't too fine. She was three fine, hold on, hold on was too fine. She was three fine fine. I loved he was fine. So the uh so she she ho contry was that you know I'm much women and you're Christian, and you know this is not going to work. So I said, I changed my God for you, and Tony fell out on the floor lot Dian, whoa Jeff? Jeff? Was that sage? I changed my Well did you get her? I mean yeah, you know you actually yeah, yeah she used to come. Oh she did, Yeah she what she succumbed to come? We got We got a Jeff. We just have a stupid persons to me being too stupid. Make it three stupid. Come on, Jill, I love you, Jack, Tom ain't too stupid, three stupid. I'll change my God for you. You fine, you got to be always but listening, y'all. Actually it's just you know, because you know, God and Allah is the same. It's the same, you know what I mean? So he just really just yeah he lyned anyway, So I think might work. We throw it. Yeah he said something else. Pimper, he said something, pimper. Say it again? What do you say, Joe? I said, when when we run to am, the first thing out, the first thing that comes out of our mouth is what it is. You know, we think we can do it the first thing out of the mouth, But what comes out first thing we think comes out our mouth. Yeah. You know, if your company hear you, you're gonna lose your job. Let us say help job because they do not know who worked for the white folks, have no what Jeef really about. So let me go on and help you. Man. You need to think that Joe complaints coming out. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming on the top of the hours with our national news and headlines. But right before we get to the san of course the pastors ch complaints. We here we go again complaining this church every Monday morning. We got a membership that got some prop and what is it now, decon pastor, Well, you were there yesterday, but before you came out of your study, you didn't see what took place during the plane that was going on in uh the sanctuary, pastor. As you know, Uh, Dwayne Willis was playing Jesus better on this big Dan but they could not He's too heavy. They couldn't get him on the cross. Uh. Sister Phyllis Johnson who was playing married just walked off and lapping. Now and the two thieves were from the prison minister. They still actually on the crosses and can get they stilled up there. Now, this was a disaster. It really was the church of all the two thieves. I ordered them to stay up on the cross because they had actually stole two offerings, and so it was my idea to let them play the thieves. And it was a bit of a trick because they punishment is now there. They is up on them crosses and they're gonna remain there until they talk, because that offering was the offering I was gonna used to go to Vegas. Now that trip counsel what you're going the game? Big Duh better known that Duncan, Big Duncan, He said, Excuse me, I said, he said that the deacon told us he was Big d. No, that's for Big Duncan. Duncan. Donuting you allow me to do these jokes right here, said to Sherley. The fact that you don't get them and need explaining on them. I know he said that with Big d. But I said that Big Duncan is what we had called in for Shore, for Duncan do nutting. Well, he was the reason why it's a disaster path because they couldn't get him on the cross. They got him halfway up and they had to come down. Well, I had told him when I found that Dwayne was gonna play Christ to just lay the cross on the floor and then don't raise it up. Just allow people to walk by and see the resurrection in a stretched out of laid down position. So that you are right, though, Deacon, it was a disaster yesterday. And but but mom gonna, as a pastor, do not take them two thieves down off the cross until we find out what happened to the money. That understood, Deacon, That is understood. Pastor, You have no I thank you problems with me at all. Pastor. Well, I know you were excited yesterday that um three hundred and sixty people joined church yesterday. But what you did not realize that it's the same three hundred and sixty two that join last Easter. These are really considered the Easter members. But what we did as charged each one of them fifty dollars for coming in. I did that on my own, pastor, and some of the deacons are mad, but I raised island and one dollar. Well eighteen thousand? How much? How much was the total we have in treasury now, Deacon? A total? Right now we are sitting on twenty four thousand, two hundred and twenty five dollars. Let me get up a minute, colder on one second, I've gotta do some figurations here, how much deacon four thousand? How much? Two hundred and we just need fifty nine million, and nine hundred and seventy five thousand, seven hundred and five dollars for my jet. I don't know what's taking y'all so long with this, but at this page right here, ain't no telling where I'm gonna get this jet. Now that we show fifty nine million, nine on at seven at five thousand, seven hundred and five dollars, I'm gonna breaking right here. I'm gonna have to change mind from a jet to just a Cadillac. You're listening to the Steven Show, all right, she's here. Steve introduced, ladies and gentlemen, the lovely and trip. Thanks Steve. Good morning everybody out there. Sairly call of Tommy. Everybody out there, This is a trip with the news, all right. Cops in Cleveland are on the lookout for a man who says he killed twelve people last week, and who says that they filmed himself murdering one guy, an innocent man who we went up to on the street and shot at seventy four year old man and then put the video on his Facebook page. The suspect is identified as Steve Stevens, about six ft tall, two d four pounds, with a ball head and a full beard. Police Chief Calvin Williams, you want this much piece of we can bring to this right now, and uh we want him to turn himself in. Currently, there are no other victims that we know of. We've checked several locations that we're either in the polst itself or that we got information about, and so far there are no more victims that we know that are tied to Steve's and this incident. The man who he shot, allegedly the victim is seventy four. You A Robert Godwin Sior China says attention over North Korea must be stopped from reaching an irreversible and unmanageable stage. Last week, the Trump administration dispatched a Navy aircraft carrier and its battle group to the waters off the Korean peninsula because they were concerns that North Korea was going to conduct some missile tests this past weekend. Well it did, but it failed, reportedly blowing up almost immediately. However, the Trump administration wants a Chinese government to pressure North Korea into backing down because as National Security Advisor hr Vic Masters says, China has the wherewithal on our allies like we always do, but we're also going to have to rely on on Chinese leadership. I mean, North Korea is very vulnerable to pressure from the Chinese. Of North Korea's trade comes from China. All of their energy requirements are fulfilled by China. And that's why the administration is pressuring China. But they don't know if China's going to actually do what they say they're going to do. McMasters appeared on ABC's This Week. The Presidents tweeted about this weekends a nationwide protest calling in him to release his tax returns, saying quote, I did what was almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican, easily winning the electoral College. Now tax returns are brought up again. Trump's tweet comes after thousands of organized protests urged him to release his tax returns like other Americans. By tomorrow, April eighteenth, at least twenty people were arrested in a protests in Brooklee, California. Meanwhile, Trump says someone should look into who paid the demonstrators. When Trump was asked to release his tax returns during the campaign. You may remember he said he couldn't because he was being audited, and then they asked the I R S about that, and the I R S said, no, he can do it if he wants to, but he never did. Tops to the box office with the East Your Weekend was the latest and the Furious franchise. The Faith of the Furious starring Vin Diesel and the Rock blew everything else out of the water, bringing in a jaw dropping one million dollars for Justice first weekend. But the game has changed now. Dominic just went rogue. Don't give up on them so easy. One thing I can guarantee. No one's ready for this. I don't know if you're ready for this, but no one can guarantee this. But this is guaranteed Faith of Furious to bring in about a half a billion dollars internationally. What a film. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Thank you missing as always, Let's go to the phones. Here's the question, what's the worst lie you've told to impress A date? Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve Line three, Cat Lalyssa out of Mississippi. Hey, Melissa, Lisa, Lisa, Hey, Look listen, how you steve you this morning? Girl? I'm good. I'm good, fine as I can be, really well. I already to Doe that that CEO TV all past and it looks bad to me. Strong girl, strong, Hey, So let me ask you something. What's the worst lie you ever told while you were dating? Well, the worst lie I ever told while I was dating? Um, Well, I met this guy at the church that in Carolina, well, where I was visiting some people at and and he's really a really nice guy, look really good. He served the army and he was just really nice. He had a nice car and everything, and he was trying to talk to me and everything. So okay, I gave him my number. We've been talking for about a month and everything. And I told him that I had a B and which I don't have no B and W. So now you know, we're trying to get together. And so now I'm so nervous. I don't know what to do because I don't have no B and duck. I told him when I was there visiting that my being dept was being service during this three month service dy, you know that loose job in the car change and all. And then he has a nice curse. So yeah, a baby, baby, listen to me, they stole your car, they did it. Yeah, see that's all. See baby, you gotta learn how to lie now, so something when once you start line, you gotta start stacking. Not the best way to not have a car is they stolen. Yeah, they did. They stole my car, and and that's why I don't have it and everything. Now listen to me, now, now, listen to me. Listen to me. He already liked you. He already liked what he saw. We don't care what kind of car women dry me And don't care what kind of car or woman dry. They just they just want what they want. So so don't tell no more lies because you're not good at this. Because this can't even throw a man into nothing. I ain't got no BM done it, man. They don't stole my damn car. Hold on, I'm gonna be late, baby, I'm gonna be late. They don't stole my cohole. I'm on the line with the police right now. Call you back. I got to put the real into it now. See you, you ain't good at telling you right now, just when you get that they stole my car, and be a little bit upset, but I wanted to come see you anyway. Okay, that's a great thing. Oh it's so good. I'm gonna try to use all of that. She's so excited. See, don't try key to line is total commitment. I got to write something so I can remember, not what she does. So yeah, let this be the last life. You gotta get back in the truth telling me church convention. Yes can you steal? Are you? No? No? You actually threw her when you told her to laugh your car? They did? I mean, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, thank you. Listen. I don't know what. I hope it goes all right for you. Stop lying though, all right? Coming up next to Butterfly, Eugene is up with the blog and uh, you just ain't gonna talk about I don't know you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show showing up the Butterfly is up next with the Butterfly blog? Or will it be Oatmeal done? They're done? Good morning, Stephen and Charley Carler Junior. Good money to all of you. I'll what's what's soup? I'm hoping to hip? What's telling you? My dad? Yeah? Beautiful co? What's hood? He old meal? What's up, body, I read it. My damn boy, I live you dow y'all with the Lord is doing for you. I ain't really like the combination between you and jameson what's up? Stay? What's up that? Have you heard anything about any of y'all draining on tummy? I don't eat the reel off the I don't even food. What time I lit? Time to do? What he do? Whatever I stay? I do white. Uh so it's for draining somebody. I know. I ain't the wool. You know what I'm saying. I stayed completely to the to the back of the brain. Do what I do? You know you know whereverybody else do that thing? I don't get it. Nobody to wait as I ain't go, but true beat odo on the reel there you somebody is a coding fleet. That's all I'm saying. I ain't but you somebody there's a code fleet. What are you saying? What are you saying? Are you trying to say I'm a conflict to him? I would I was talking to Steve or they seeing itn't to you, I'm talking to him, however it is. Hey, I'm just saying that you're somebody there's a code fleeks conflict. And if you throw a rock in the back of doll one that holler hit the one that looked like that's you, Eugene, that's not me, Steven. I am truly, truly trying to be I'm the person that that drives us to being better and perfection. So I don't understand any reason why I would be the one that's a Timmy answer the question, am I conflict to you? Uh? You? I mean you create problems sometimes, man. You always you talk about that you're talking about that's not That's not what a conflict is. It's just we're just going back and forth. We're just badgering at each other. That's not That doesn't mean I'm no. You throw rocks at me. You throw rocks and right there throwing the rock. Im this ill? No, we're talking about throw a rock in the back of dopen to throw a rock dead it you You ain't even know doubts. You ain't even go to elbl But I swell you keep to eat my name at Joe math that when Lebron told that that that boy Dad, I'll tell you, I'm telling you the side. Why is it you? I was acting like you want to fight somebody? Why? Why is it? Why are you always I don't know what run upo your it's your tone, butterfly. When it's wrong with my town? Why it's kind of conflicting when it's something against me? No, no, no, no no no, that's not it. We want to help. Always negative. Just quit being You're supposed to be the butterfly. You're supposed to be fun and happily nice. I am fine, and you ain't. No damn phone you, But what is fun about you? You give me what is fun? Aboudy you? You won't hear everybody buy flowers and playing flowery? Nobody what to do? Butterfly trees? And how the top? Don't nobody want to Well, no, damn butterfly, how the top? You're listening to the string show. We're going to We're gonna go to the phones. What is the worst lie you've told to impress a date? Call us eight seven seven twenty nights, Steve. Let's go to the phone. Here's the question, what's the worst lie you've told to impress a date? Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. All right, let's go to line too and talk to Pimo out of Alabama. Pim, pim, what happening we're going on? Pimo eight? Man, let me match some What's the worst lie you ever told why you were dating somethingbody? The worst I ever told? Man? It was like before I started dating people. It just came home from prison. Man, it's like ninety eight ninety nine that law here or be stuff working out, And I had law here, man, I would put on if anybody know about the looks y'all remember the lokes man, the old school sun glass? Yeah, yeah, alrightdeed when I come home and I when it got me some loakes because everybody kept saying, man, you look like busy ball, like for real? Up, I would't got some sun glass with Loup. I put him on. Had the law here, I had my little outfit together. Man. My little brother Rob up in Detroit and then went to north Land Mall and just walked. Didn't say not one word. Man. After I was following behind me, Steve, I felt like you broll. I would walk, man, And the only thing I said. I remember one time I walked through and I said, it's the first of the man, YEA believe that that's what? And I dated a girl because of that about about what. I had to be real because you know, I'm living in the hood, man, were in Detroit. I don't have a big house to take you too. So when I get real with her, I was like, hey, we can still do this. You was interested in me. Now you see at got some money? What's up? And you see it like me, don't you don't I look good? And she agreed. But it was like the words line man offording nothing. Uh uh, it didn't last, of course, you know what I'm saying. It was based on the last that was busy? Was that the light skin? Yeah? Hey, look up my Facebook face. Then y'all got my phone number. I've seen you a taste direct to your phone. You like this, dude, I'm gonna be textbookach other. I love you now. People win win now now people we ain't gonna text. Man, We're gonna love each other. Though. I show appreciate your homie. You're good looking out for your boy. Man. I appreciate everybody to realize that. Thank you, man, appreciate you call Pimo. Hain't strong with it man the first time up? All right? When we come back after the breaking for day after that, we got to break phone call. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Devin Devin y Hey Devin. How you doing? Man? My name is uh Curtis Man, Curtis. I was trying to reach out to you. You your your your son, Uh he plays uh basketball with my nephew. Man, your son is the one that's on the on the Blazers little league basketball team, right yeah? Everything all right? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, everything good man. You know they got a game Saturday and everything. I've seen you a couple of times, Man at the game. I don't know if you remember me. Man, uh, light skinned brother about about six ft. Yeah, I probably met your pa. You know, i'd be so intense with the game. But yeah, what's what's going on? Um? Uh well, actually, man, wanted to hole at you about about your son. Man, Um you you um are you? Are you? Are you working right now? Are you currently working? Am I working? Yeah? I am working? Actually? I mean I mean, I mean, I mean you have a yell a steady job is what I'm asking. I mean, yeah, what you what you get in that? Though? Like you know, I thought you were calling about the basketball team, like uniforms. I know, we got a game Saturday. You know sometimes they want donation for sneakers and all that. Like you know, no, no, no, no, no, no, what I was asking? So? So, I mean you you got a regular nine to five job you go to all the time. Yeah, I got a nine five I mean things is kind of crazy. But I was just kind of short. But you know, I still I still worked. I mean while I was going on, you need a job of something? No, no, no, I'm just checking, man. See what I wanted to get at you about man and seeing are you gonna Are you gonna clean your son on your income tax? Did you hold on? Bro? Now you said, am I going to claim my son on my taxes this year? Right? I mean like you knows as a dependent? So are you asking some real personal questions? Now? You know, like you're the guy that you just said, you know me from the basketball team that my son play on basist you know, and now you don't jump from the Blazers to do I clean my son on my taxes? And do I have a steady income? I mean, like you know, yeah, I got I got a steady income and I'm claiming my son? What I mean what you're trying to get at, Bro, Well, we'll see, man, what I was thinking. You know, I just want to read you see like cool dude. When I saw you at the gym, Man, what I was gonna ask you? Bro? You know see right now, Man, when I get through with my taxes and stuff, I'm gonna have to owe about eight hundred dollars. But now I see if I clean a child as my dependent, man, they're gonna give me by twenty two hundred. You see what I'm saying and what I wanted to get at you about, man, is you know you let me clean as my son, you know, so I can gonna get this good money. Bro. Bro, But I mean, what do you do? Respect? Bro? You're talking about you want to clean my son on taxes? Hold on, but I don't even know you. You're talking about you seeing me at my funds basketball games. You might be the police for all I know. Bro. He sounds like the police. No no, no, it ain't. It ain't. Ain't nobody gonna come at your sideways like that. Man. I ain't ain't trying to come like what I'm trying to say. Man, Now they're going to hit me off of this eight hundred, We'll see I can get twenty three. Huntred, Man, I I kick you down two fifty. You understand I'm saying, Man, everybody too, Simpty, You're crazy. Now you sound like the joke, bro, because now you're insult to me. You're telling me you want to claim mom now for some when you old money. I don't even know you food. So I can make two fifty, Bro, I ain't trying to be on a brother. When I played my kids, I'm getting the same exactly like you're getting. I'm getting squintre honey too. So what look like taking two hundred dollars from I don't know? You know what I'm saying. Okay, but I'm the one stuck over here paying the eight hundred. Man, I'm just acting ask you to look out for a brother. Man, you say, yeah, look out. You know my check and cut from forty hours a week to steen hours a week, and I still got these little sacks to me for Jordan's Michael Jordan. They never put us down. That's why I'm trying to hook you up with two fifty. Man. Damn, you don't even see a good thing when it's coming at you. Bro, Bro, I don't know if you're talking about bro. No two fifty. Bro, when I claim me two little, I'm getting twenty three a piece. Bro, what you think I'm gonna take two fifty from you? Four? I don't even know you like that. So, man, you ain't got it. You ain't got a trip. Then if you're with my bro, you're my people, you know, maybe we could do a little something. I can understand that. But Bro, you ain't gonna get me No. Two fifty when I'm getting the same thing they offering you point three hundred. It's company money from So why did I'm proposed to do? What am I opposed to do? Davin? Tell me that. I mean, Bro, what you posted do is go have you see claim that little every year and you will get what I get. Please look that I'm seeing in clothing every day. That's what you're gonna have to do. My hours un got cut from forty to fifteen hours a week. I had to go pick me up the little spie. I'm stand but rockings in office. Bro, you gotta change your ways. You out here trying to get me locked up for government scams. What I'm trying to do, man, is get this eight hundred off, my bad dog. That's all I'm trying. Ain't nobody trying to get no trouble man, But you're still talking about getting you a hunted and getting me locked up. Now you got me. I'm out here working hard to support my kids. Man, but I need for the city and go through this with you no more. Man, I ain't for the city and go through this with your nor If you're gonna help me with this money or not help you with I see you on Saturday. Bro. I'm gonna up. Bro. I need your son soldier security number right now. That's what I need. Bro. Let me tell you something. BRO said what you look like? Bro? You said you're gonna stop six ft Bro when I see you, when I step in that gymnasium, Bro, I'm on your You ain't on you ain't on Blazing Lakers. Bro, you gotta bring that damn social security number. I think it's a game. I'm gonna come find him, Okay, cool, I got one more thing I need to say to you. You're lifting to me out boom broking to this fool. I got one more thing I need to say to you, man, if you're listening to make last statement. Tombstone Bro, This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got prank baby, this nephew tim me. Man, what's up? Devid? What who you got me out here? Man? You got he do? You got a boy that you work with? Name ya crazy? Put me up to this man, work tomorrow. Man, keep doing what you're doing. We need good daddies in the world. Brother. And one more thing, man, I gotta ask you. You gotta tell me man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? Steve Harvey? Crazy? Man, I'm gonna beat You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, buckle up, hold on time. We got it before you here. It is Strawberry Letta. Think enough you subject. I moved her, but now I cannot dump her. Hey, Steven Shirley. I'm twenty six years old and three years ago I graduated college. I met a nice young lady who I've been with since then. After graduation, I ended up moving back to my hometown, and yes, I took her with me. Before I started dating my girlfriend, who is four years younger than me, I was living on my own. I moved my girlfriend and with me because her mom kicked her out of the house. I am really a good man. I'm very motivated, ambitious, and I take business seriously. However, since I moved my girlfriend to my hometown with me, everything has gone bad. She is very in love with me, but we are just two different people. She doesn't have goals and the only thing she likes to do is take pictures of herself in the mirror, post Intagram pictures, Instagram pictures, and get her hair done. Our appointment lease ends and we we have to go our separate ways because our apartment lease ends. And we have to go our separate ways because to save money, I'm moving in with my parents for a few months, and I feel that now she has extra baggage that I can't get rid of. I feel bad because I know she does not know how to survive out here on her own, and I see no future with us, and I offered to move her back home, but she wants to stay. I'm not in love with her anymore, but I feel obligated to still take care of her. This brother here got dreams and goals, and I do not want to hold myself back and regret it. Sincerely, young brother. Wow, um, okay, she's twenty two. She's a grown woman. You're not responsible for a grown person. Yes, you took her in when her mom kicked her out and moved her out of town with you, but things have changed now. I mean they've really changed. It's not working out beat in the two of you again. She's grown and old enough to be able to take care of herself. Just as you have to cut back on your expenses and move in with your folks, she has to do the same. She has to get it together for herself. You've offered to move her back home, so do that. I mean, the only thing, um with this letter is you sound a bit arrogant to me. You know, you're a very good guy. You're not in love with her anymore, but she's very in love with you, and you know, I don't know. I hope when you do, uh break up with her, that you do it, you know, nicely, and that you consider her feelings at least, you know, for a little while, because you don't sound like that type necessarily to me. But you just, guys, are just broken up. I mean, that's life, and she's gotta gotta go. Your separate ways now, Steve, Well, Charlie, I think he's a decent guy. I think he's very nice. I think him writing the letter and wanting to find the right way to do it, says that about the young man you in the picture, she thinks she Kim Kardashi and what's wrong? Yeah, taking pictures and posting you in the mirror, just taking pictures, selfies, posting him on Instagram. He and love with a no, mo, you move your girlfriend in cause your mom kicked out. I'm gonna just come back and just tell you exactly what the brother doing, what he's gonna doing, what his plan is, and how he going about him. That's eighteen after That's when we'll come back with part two of Steve's response to you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, we're back. We're in the middle of the Strawberry Letters subject. I moved her, but now I cannot dump her. Part two of Steve's response coming up. Appreciate all right, This twenty six year old got three years ago, graduated college man, A nice young lady. She fell on some hard times, fell out with her mama, so he let her move in with her. She's four years younger than me. He was living on his own, moved a girlfriend, and mom kicked out. He saw I'm really a good man of very motivated, ambitious. I take care of this. I take business seriously. However, since I moved my girlfriendto my hometown, everything is going bad. She's very in love with me, but we're just two different people. She don't got gold, she doesn't have goals. The only thing she liked to do is take pictures herself in the mirror, post Instagram pictures and get her hair done. Okay, so you you you're the mood in Kim Kardashi. Without the money, now, you know, now at least go in, and we gotta go out several ways because to save money, I'm moving in with my parents for a few months. I feel that now she's extra baggage and I can't get rid of. I feel bad because I know she don't know how to survive out there on our own. I see no future for us and offer to move her back home, but she won't sustain. I'm not in love or anymore, but I feel obligaged to still take care of this brother here got dreams and goals, and I do not want to hold myself back and regret it's sin. Seriously, young brother, Well here's the deal. Let me let me tell you what's up. First of all, you're not gonna really move back home. The reason you have a hard time financially because you're not taking care to people. So really, when your apartment lease is up, you've told her this is the story. You don't came up with that you're gonna move her. You're gonna move in with your mama so she can go back home. See you're a bright, motivated hardwareking take bs and seriously, you ain't gonna move back home. That's the story. You didn't create it so she can gonna get the hell on. Now. I'm with your partner, but already know you just ain't no grown dude been living with no check fing to move back home with his mama. You already used to having played towards laying around. You ain't gonna do that, man, So now you're not going back home. And you created this story to get her to move back. Now she don't want to go. That's what this lad about. Let me tell you something. You gotta get her out of that house before she get pregnant. I cannot tell you how many people have played this game right here. So if this girl ain't pregnant, man, listen to me very carefully, just from a cat that's seen a lot. Now, make you move. Give her the money to go home and go live at your mama house until she moved out of town. When she moved back out of town, gona get your money going over there and get your another apartment back. That's all this is. But you better do it before she tried to have a baby on you, because there are a lot of people that don't have morals and values who think that's gonna hold a man. That's very true, Steve. Now if you don't think that's a move, and I'm sorry for everybody, why the moment. I ain't got to be the one help y'all. Hey, hey, whatever, whatever, whatever. Straw beard letter, Hell, ain't you letter, ain't your letter, ain't your life? Please don't email me about it? All right, Today's strawberry letters posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweet or instagram me your thoughts at my girls surely coming up after the break at thirty four after the hour, here's a question, what's the worst lie you've told to impress a date eight seven, seven twenty nine, Steve. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Thirty five minutes after that, when we come back, we're going to the phone. Here's a question, what's the worst lie you've told to impress a date? Eight seven, seven twenty nine, Steve. Let's go to line five talk to Mike. Mike out of Texas. What's happening on Steve? Go ahead, man, Yeah, and so anyway, the rightest fly I told the chick wasn't great. The chick was a ballerina, and I ain't know nothing about that. So all I knew was Gregor hands was taped down. She said well, I said, well, baby, my uncle is Gregory Hynds, you know. And she was like, yeah, I say he was on a song. I said, yeah, show up. I was at the studio, so she too, oh yeah, oh yeah. I had no charge. Man. So I'm checking at the table. Yeah, I'm sitting at it. I went pitch up with your house and everything I didn't know was to the ballot, Fox and Identifal come on with both of them, come on over there. Yeah. And so we went back in the room and went to talking and the next day she thinking we said to go to uh uh the Western or something like that. When right the tweetish right there on the south side of home Clark Show. Then, yes, sir, for South Maine. Right when you go up on the underpass on the what you put a quarter in the side, Yes, sir, Yeah, I'm talking about exactly. I have no way of that, tweeted motor House tweeted tweeted motor In. Hey, Mike, did you look behind the manager and see my photo up there? For a lifetime? I ain't killed kill Is that the one? That? Is that the one under the under that overpass? Yeah? Right now, South Maine South Post. I'd have seen that, man, Yeah, I'd have seen that. Mann't sweeting, I have seen You know what's crazy, man, is it's gonna be busy this weekend. Yeah. But Timmy, you know he out on the north Mike, what's side? Tell you all, Mike on the south side, the north side and Tommy one side of time you on? I want the north side. I grew up. I grew up acres home in with pars. But what you grew up we're talking about what I'm in Spring Texas now. Tommy, you're the same one now without the found out the praise speak proper and you from the north side. Okay, that boy from Houston for red. Hold me through with Tommy. I'm dark. Thank you, Mike Hollidge Town. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. It is Monday, so you know it's time for weekend confessions. That's the nephew segment. Weekend confess concessions. Because what nephew concessions are? Confession? Come. I'm not here to help you. I just want to here, Okay, Okay, up next, we're going to the phones. Here's a question. What's the worst lie you've told to impress a date? Eight seven, seven, twenty nine. I would play sad. Let's go to line five. Steve Harvey, who is this Jason silly? Hey, Jake? Oh my goodness, yours funny? Well, here's your chance. What's the worst lie you ever told while you was dating? I asked three. I had much of this guy. He was so sweet and nice. He was in the church, you know, you saying, I'm like, okay, maybe I have to two shows with this guy, compete with him, and you know, we went out on a couple of days three weeks. Said, you know, we're talking and every saying. He asked me about myself. I was like, yeah, I'm single, I'm going out and doing all this some kind of stuff. I won't. I told my handle kids. I have three cheers at the time. Okay, I thought, are we said that we have a lunch. We shouldn't at the table we have a lunch. He is my phone ring? I answered this my daughter. Hey man, what did your daughter ask you? Jane? I can't excuse me, so I told my thing. I felt student from it. Let me let me take this call. That's my that's one of my own, one of the kids in the neighborhood. They always calling me. Let me go. I had handed this phone call. I can hand fower. I can hand phone with the kids on the phone. I had stuck out the rust of one and I came back here. He won't even here no more. He was done, he was gone. Can let me ask you a questions? So I understand why he's just rusting me. You know, I might have told him laugh, but yeah, but let me ask you a question, though, Let me ask you a question. Listen to me, how old were you when this happy? I was thirty four at the time. Okay, cool, let me ask you a question. Could he tell that you had three keys? I didn't know, because you know, no, I just have a nice shape, a nice body. So I mean, I'm five five one in the hand, you know, I wait about one. At that time, I was like, maybe, like, what the are you too? Like fit short? So I mean it was like I handled, No, I handled, I handle strong, winkles in my face and that like that beautiful you know, I'm beautiful, and chocolate my makeup, you know, makeup at the more discards and every saying. So I was looking my question. Yeah, obviously, I think maybe he just got up because you was just crazy. I think so yeah. I think I think somewhere in that conversation he took that phone call as an out, cause before the baby call, if you was talking like this, he was sitting there looking for out, and I think when them kids called, that was his out because you were just talking too crazy to the man I'm saying, So I think so, I think, so yeah, that's probably a though baby hanging out. Hey, listen, quit talking crazy. Okay, I love you girl. Thank you. Jay. All right, let's go to line six and talk to James out of Alabama. Hey, James, what's up? Good morning on James, Shirley Tommy, miss True, Miss True, and she's there. Okay, Okay, James, go ahead. Oh. I was in Louisiana about it's been about baby fifteen years now, and I told this female I was Sydney Thornton of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Told you who sne Sydney Yeahsburgh Man, Sydney Thornton, Sydney thor the play defense. Though, yes, sir, you talk my big Sitney thought, yes, sir, I'm I'm six one. I was three hundred five pounds at the time you told Hibou you were sitting there. Hey, hey, it was a text time for me. So I had to top it off. A ball came yank out ball, everything from champagne, and the girl was so impressed. You went back to the room with me one of her friends. That was the best of minage I had, man, and I didn't know. I didn't know they were video taping. Man. I was in toxicating So I'm like, okay, get back, I'll leave the girl to You're gonna be town. No, longer said yes, So I went out with my boy desk. Then we come back to guy said, well you got five phone calls. I'm like, well, what's what's about? Then the lady called me. She said, look here, I'm taking this tape to the league. I want some funny because I'm taking this this video to the league. You go right ahead. She said why and then she came to the room cause I showed her my ID and she looked at her girlfriend. She said, they ain't no shit. Could I have a copy of the tape? Please? Wow? He said, Goya, I don't give a name a copy. Do you keep doing that? I didn't need a copy. I ain't. Don't forget coming up Weekend Confessions with the Nephew eight seven seven twenty nine Steve eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, call and confess what you did over the weekend. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, nephew, you're ready, this is your son. Ready, let's go w Weekend Confessions. Baby. The nephew was in the booth. I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. Get it off your chest, don't use your real name, cover yourself up, let's go well. Line three. Alicia. Hope that's a change name out of Georgia. Goodness, my name is Alicia. They just call me spring Flower. How are you alright, spring Flower? How you doing? I'm good today, I'm better. All right? You want to confess something to Yes, I have them being a good girl for the last year. I mean my Uncle Steve's book, Think like a woman, Act like a think like man, Act like a woman, and all of that. All the steps meant this guy really really liked he was cool. We went to Uncle Ste's restaurant, waffle House, and then we went and had a couple of drinks. Nice guy never meant to violate me, but I took it too far after a kiss. I'm so disappointed with myself that I fell off. The guy still acts like he likes me, but he's not calling as much. So I totally messed up. And I needed to get me enough book because I forgot the instructions. So I'm mad because I'm not a lady anymore. Now. I'm just hot stuff who just needed to take care of a little itch. And I should have seen on my track with wit that waffle house and that drink? What did got a smother thing cup? But I know what you had? Yeah, wh got them drinks? And then it all J J and just all felt. Paul's just I don't know what happened after that. I really don't. It just was nice. Yeah, because you got scattered, smothering, covered again, that's what happened. I surely did. And and and now I just I just don't know how to get clean no more. I just got to get some more gravy or something. And I don't want to want to be a good girl. Yeah, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it, baby segment. I can't get through to the segment that I need to get through, right Yeah, what you got through with this one? I ain't here to help you. Uh, you have to call another time. Then you have to send your stuff into the drawbar and letter. This right here is just confessing. Now you get back to getting scattered, smothered and covered. And I thank you for calling. God bless you all right spring flower, you keep springing, baby, thank you. I am so so not wanting to be here right now. Let's go. Don't nobody want no waffles right now? I don't want to know what a girl needed help? Yeah, yeah, let's go to line five. Talked to William out of Virginia. This is a confession. What's up, baby, confessed to the nephew. What's happening with um? As? This old Nicki Minaj's thing, this thing they're going on for about two weeks. Um, you know, I recently just you know, my birthday just passed. I'm a little bit older than what I was, and I'm pretty much done with like hip hop altogether. I'm pretty much given up. That's your confession? Uh where you get hip hope? Well, yeah, because I mean it's more true it than that. I mean just you know, I have children of my own, you know, and I mean I feel like hip hop with something it was more of a culture thing. So I've always you know, been a fan of the coach. I've been a fan of you know, the image. But where it's going now with like you know, like Joe solm out with Nicki Minaj's walking around with brushed out and know just last year you were supposed to be like trying to be an inn for the kids. You're leading the kids in the wrong direction. So you know, I can't really support how to get down with that? And you call the man William who said that her breasts look good, that this is the show you called. They're just trying to get through. Understand what you're saying about the keys. I got you all that part to help out. If you're talking to this, Damn William, when you you're gonna have to call. And I really respect what you're saying. Who are you? I just it's William. Well, you know what I'm saying. Who are you? I can't help you right now? You see what I'm saying. Okay, Bill, Bill, I can't help you right now. I understand you got cheering and I got cheering too. And um, I understand where you come from. On yeah, that's what I said. And I understand where you're coming from all this here who but listen, this is just confession thing. I need you to confess some you do. You can gave up? You didn't gave up hip hop? Okay? And and uh well, thank you, will thank you. It was all a dream used to read. Where what does you want me to tend him? I mean I can, I can. I'm giving him the best day hip hop right now? You know he threw with it okay where I'm lying to Mohammed New York. Hey, listen stop listen. If y'all trying to give Strawberry let him at the time for that. Yeah, is he calling from the stake? New York? Hello, Hey, good morning, Mohammed. How are you doing, man? Good profession, my confession. Man. I was living in Chicago, Illinois and my daughter mother out there, and I love this woman. Man. She did the right thing, Bobby, and she was telling me she wanted to move to Texas. So I left, you know what I'm saying, came back home to New York. Man, you know what I'm saying. And I missed this woman. This woman was the best woman, man. She was better than my ex wife. Now you know what I'm saying. Mmm, So that's my succession, you know what I'm saying, Like New Chicago woman is one of the best woman's. Man, These New York women just I came back, kid, can never contend these women from Chicago. Women many and we got two Chicago women on the show right here. What you would you was you locked up? What you was at? Mohammed? I was in the low end, you know what I'm saying. I was in the Wild hundreds with You know what I'm saying. We had a lower house out in Champagne, Illinois. You know. And I tell clothes man, this is the same brother that you're talking to about. When I went to uh Noudation out there in DC. I'm a hustle me from New York City and Chicago. You know what I'm saying. How you lost, How you lose your girl? I didn't lose that. You move to Texas. I didn't want to move to Texas. I sacrifice leaving New York coming to Chicago. You know what I'm saying. I was with her for like seven years. Everything was good, she said, Baby, she didn't want no money. She wanted me. She had a job. I had a hustle. We was getting it. Ain't out them, you know, I was selling clothes. What I'm saying, ya, you don't want to hustle in Texas. Now I can't do to Texas. Baby, that's too far man. You know what I'm saying, show them was closed. Remember he had the Obama T shirts and stuff. No, I had the magazines. I was selling out this and Tommy, I'm gonna hustle. I mnna let you know that Man, I'm hustling from here only to California to Chicago back to New York. Man, you know what I'm saying. And I took care of all my kids doing that. Are you're making good money with it? Then, yeah, it's good money on the street, hustle and all that. You know what I mean. But I appreciate you. You don't think about flying old girl up so you can tell y'all can visit or something. Well, I'm visiting my daughter, man. You know, you know grandmother always let me see. You know what I'm saying, back and forth Chicago, I said, you know, but I want her back, man. You know she's one of the best women. Her name is Jachimacus. Man. You want you go get her, dog, Well, you know she knows why that. Ain't that work your back, dog, You gotta go get up. You want her back, you gotta go get it. Ain't no she know where you at see a woman, ain't no hustle. You try to treat her like a hustle. You know why I'm not, man, I treated like I treated her like a woman. She treating like a good man. She was a good woman. Bro Okay, cool. Then you got to go get her dog. See, if you want her, you got to show her you wanted, because women like to be like to know that they wanted. And you gotta go get up. You're gonna blow it. Man. You gotta let your mom and you gotta go get the best woman ever have had? You ever had it? Don't got serious right here? Well go get up, man. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're in the middle of nephew Timmy's weekend confession. Ain't really confessions. Kind of going a little sideways for you to take. Nephew, are we handing up? You know you never know what's going to go on in the booth on Monday. You know, you're just taking any way it comes want. You're crawling this booth man. You want to confess anything to me? You do I want to confess? Yeah? Yeah, you want to hear? Right after this, I'll confess. You want to weekend confessions? Let's go Line three, La fait out of Tennessee. Hey, baby girl, how you doing? How are you going? I'm good, baby. You got a confession for the nephew this morning? Well, this is nicky and I told you I was going to cheat on my home people going out down on the weekend. I don't know that, nicky, but go yeah, go ahead, okay, either way, Um, I went out with the best friend and we had a wonderful time and saying kicking Google. But I came to the conclusion that I'm going to divorce my husband and you're gonna you're gonna lock it in with the with the with the best No, No, I'm being free. What I did with this the best friend, it was just revenge with fit. I got my revenge and now I'm through. Did y'all go the wife behind by any chance? No man, eating breakface? I missed me years. Man, you can't go on there do cooks and turn around. I know that I love I love it. I know that. Thank you, Nikki, you missed the whole order process for because that's that's a real post statement. Make it again, Junior. I know that who the who the hell? I find? Get all right? Maybe we have time now to go to line three cats and talk to Lafay out of Tennessee. Hello, Hey, how you doing? Hey, baby girl? What you got from this weekend? Me? My friend was together, we having relations and our called somebody of name you call somebody of name, Oh my god, talk to my baby, give me a play an old last name? Actually is every you know. I was over here when the trumpa next, you know whatever, and every chance I heard Julia and he was like sick, I'm look up. I've been sandsizing about Junior every chich and I opened called Junior name when we were having relations? What what do you call him? Junior? But my boyfriend? Who did he say? Do say? Won't they do it? What happened? And I looked though, I looked Jo up and I was like, he's nice booking And I had the spray too, and he was just like, now you Lyne, you ain't talk about no Junior, Steve, are you talking from that somebody here? Let's see. I said no, I said, for real, bad. I shouldn't do it. I said on side because the day before I had a dream that me and Junior went out on a date. Y'all did y'all go to the Wiffe house, ma'am, ma'am. We need your information. Hold on, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, get all the information, get pictures, Facebook, get something. You're listening Steve Hardy morning, Hey, y'all coming up we're gonna close it out. We got time for just one more things. You're listening Steve hard Morning Showing for eight minutes after that coming up next. We got time for just one more thing. Y'all. Have a great week you because I showed you. God is good all the time and all the time. God, you better believe it. Hey man, y'all have a great weekend. Don't forget to praise Londay. Love you for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.