The Jayhawks, Denzel's Message, No Adult Supervision, Cooking Oil and more.

Published Apr 5, 2022, 4:30 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride!  When something is wrong, only one person will make it right.  The CLO!  Denzel had something to say.  Do Black people really over do everything?  There are three motivational surprises inside Steve's VM.  Kansas and that championship game.  Colorado passes a new law.  Does anyone know what sustainable cooking oil is?  Would You Rather was all about making fun of Tommy's Thespian behind and Junior.  Today in Closing Remarks, Steve will be your Huckleberry!

Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things, and it's too good together to please. I don't join me. You turn, you gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come, come on your thing, huh. I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harley got a radio show. I was talking with my wife and she said something her father always used to tell her, just because you can do something don't mean you should do it. I can't tell you how many times I've had to learn that in my life. You know, just because you can do something does not necessarily mean you should do it. I could tell people off oftentimes, but it don't mean I should do it. I could go here and set the record straight a lot of times, but it don't mean I should do it. Well, I've learned a lot in that lesson, folks, And because I have a relationship with my creator, what it's done is it's allowed me to learn even more how to stay still on a lot of issues. That's troubling me. I've learned it the hard way. I do want you to understand that that sometimes it's better to be still. Sometimes it's better to just let God handle a situation. Now. I know it's hard to say because we think as people, but if I do this, I would feel better. If I do this now, they're feel how I feel. See, But that's not always the best way though. I found in my life. Sometimes you gotta like old people used to say, you gotta let go and let God. I'm gonna tell you something, man, I learned a lot from my mother being a Sunday school teacher. But you know, at the same time, when she was when I was young, I thought she was just an old, old person just talking to me. I didn't get it. You know how your parents used to talk to you and you didn't get it, and they used to always say, well wait till you have your own kids. You would get it then and showing off you got it then. Well, I'm the same way. I'm no different. You know. I don't have no different life than you. You know, don't have no different upbringing than you. I don't have no different ways that I can live and you can't. You know that I gotta live by the same laws of the land. You gotta live a boy, I gotta obey the principles of success. If I want to be successful. I got a bamp and you know, and if I want to go to heaven, I gotta do what God tell me to do as many times as I can. Now, you ain't gonna get it at all, right, but he understand that, and I just get on with the best I can. But so many times, man, we get stuck right theamn man worrying about you know, how it's gonna come across and what you know, I'm you know, I'm kind of going around here because I'm trying to find a way to tell you this that you won't get twisted. The bottom line, you gotta let go and let God. You have to allow him to do it his way. See, I thought myself to a certain point, but to go further, I had to let God have it. I found out I wasn't all that good a driver. I found out I wouldn't all that good of all explore with a map. So I had to let go. I had to let God. And you gotta understand that God works in mysterious ways. How often had. I thought it was over for me. But what God was doing was he was teaching me a lesson. He was showing me something that I needed to know. He was allowing me to experience something. But he didn't let me go under. You know how they say God had never put more on you than you can baar, He won't let you go under you know. It's like the scripture that Bishop Olmer taught me when I was going through that traumatic thing on the internet. Man, it was really really man trying to destroy what I had worked for and my family and this new life to God had presented me. And the devil is busy. The devil don't like to see you happy. So here he comes. He puts you under attack, and here comes internet and everything, and my kids are suffering, but you know, here comes God. Though see, God don't put more on you than you can bad. Bishop Almah sent me a scripture. He sent me Isaiah forty three one and two. And then that scripture it says to the effect that you can walk through the water of the rivers and the water won't overcome you. But then it said you can walk through the fire and you will not get burned nor will kindling set upon your clothing. I learned something very valuable that day. See, God sent me through something, but he was showing me something too. Now he didn't do it. God didn't bring that calamity into my life because in Isaiah fifty four seventeen it says clearly that if anyone comes against you, it will not be my doing. Now, this is what he promised you. When people come for you, don't seeing. This is what I learned. That's why I have no fear of the people coming anymore because I learned that. But God had to send me through a traumatic experience in order for me to learn that. You can't have a testimony without a test You know what I'm staying. You can't learn nothing without a lesson. So what he did was he allowed that internet thing crossed into my life, but he taught me something. And Isaiah forty three one and two was and you could walk through the fire and not get burned, nor wi kindling set upon your clothing. So what that said to me was, even though you trying to do me and it's fire all around me, I won't burn. But when it's over, kindlin won't set upon your clothing. What that showed me was not only would I walk through the fine not get burned, but there would be no signs that I was ever in the fire. There's no signs of it. But now hold up, though, now he go apart, though that I had to learn, even though you can walk through the fire, y'all, and even though you're being flames and scorching all around you, if you trust him, he ain't gonna let you burn. But now hear what he did not say. Though he did not say that it was not going to be uncomfortably hot, wickedly hot in there, He can't say that. He just said you won't burn, and when it's over, it won't be no signs that you was in the fire. See what happened to me was after they tried to destroy me, let me show you what God did from it. Not only did they not accomplish what they set out to do, but when they was through with me, though, when they was through throwing the gas and throwing the fire, throwing their hate and writing it in line, and creating all these names for themselves so it could look like more people was hating. When they got through with all that, man, look what he did to me look what he did fun me because he taught me something that day, and I'm sharing it with you because God will do the same thing for you. But you gotta trust him though. You got to get in there and you got to let him do it. You gotta let him handle it. So, just like Pop Bridges taught my wife Margie, just because you can do something, don't mean y'all to do something. Yeah you could go down there and straighten the mouth. But should you though, Yeah, you can go down there and tell them all. Yeah, you can go down stand up and make sure they know it's your voice that they're hearing. And you can get in their face and make a scene. But should you though, or should you let go and let God? So before we run all out in the streets and somebody go out there and do something crazy, let's hold tight. Now. I'm not saying don't go out there, but you gotta watch who you go out there with. But you can go down there with peace in your heart. Somebody deside I'm gonna throw a brick through here and bust a wonder. Hold up, partner, hold on thing what we're down here doing. So see, sometimes man, you gotta let go and you gotta let God. You gotta let God have a situation sometimes and you get it in and do the things that He tells you to do. See Bishop woman and taught me a lot. He had another book out and he said, you know, knowing God's Voice or something like that. I'm not sure the title, but I never really knew the definition of how do you know as God's voice talking to you? Well, he clearly made a statement. God's voice has no sin in it. Whenever you're talking about I'm gonna go, I'm gonna show him, I'm gonna get him back. If it's sin in it, God ain't in it. See thats you now, God's voice has no sin in it. So when you say God told me, be careful because God ain't never told you to go do nothing wrong, that ain't what he told you. And I learned that too. It's a lot. So I'm just sharing to day. I hope it helps somebody today get through a difficult time because the show has helped me. Ladies and gentlemen, I have some news for you. I've given you this news before, but it gives me such pleasure to present it to you, especially when a God allows me to give you the message. It's morning time. It's a new day. Those of us that are just waking are waking up. This is the new gift from God. If you're just getting off your shift, if you're getting in, that's another gift. You made it. If you're locked up and you can hear me, you're still here, you made it. God ain't through with you yet. He forgot about you. He loves you. Might need your attention on a few things, but he's got different ways of getting our attention. He has grabbed mine several times. Oh yes he has. Yes, he has had my undivided attention. Oh you know what I've really learned from that. It's best to listen and just do. Try to do the best you can with what he said. When you totally ignore him and he know you know better, he gets your attention, especially when he know you want to his and you know you want to his, he don't. He got a way into getting your attention. Ladies. Jennifer Sherley Strawberry callin for real Monica Bonds out of Missussippi Kill Space. That's Junior and the man who's got most stuff going on than anybody on this damn show. The legend himself. Mister, I got a heart out now you Tommy, here we go, Junior. What you got on your mind? Man? Oh you legendary Kega, comed hosts of Family Feud, Judge, everything else or that. Any more titles you're trying to grab? You got him all? Well, there's a couple of them that I'm looking forward to getting. Heaven Bound is right at the top of the heaven bound. I really want that to be a heavy consideration. I want to be also when I get heaven bound, I want to be at the front of the Hey lord, you know, I was just joking. Line. I want to I want even have a line for them people because because I definitely I got to be in there. Hey lord, you know I was just joking. Line. A couple of the titles I'd like to have kind of some stuff out. More of all, I want to spread all good news globally. I don't know what that title is yet, but I wish spread good news globally. I kind of want to start up a defense uh you know how you have defensive driving courses you can take to me and Tommy had started this a while back organization called ride down that dot Com and I think we need to bring that back for those that are incapable of defending themselves. Yeah, oh, we need to have an organization. Me and Tommy had started, and I think we need to bring that back. What is ride down there? Dot com woman? Yeah? Go ahead, tom and I was trying to find a professional way to see him. Ain't no way to clean it up and who it is? Like? If we just want to have called us last Sunday been on, it would have been done. Probably would have jumped off at the party while he was We had that oscar in his hand, laughing laugh. All right, Tommy up a thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna start the show off with nephew. Tommy's run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show. Time to start your morning off with the nephew and run that prank back? What you got for us? Enough? I got you ain't married? Okay, take it just like that. You ain't a man. I don't know what happened, but it didn't go right, but you ain't married. Let's go Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Brian. Yeah, how you doing, Brian? My name is Daniel. I wanted to give you a call today. You got a minute? Yeah, okay, listen, Um, you're you're Brian, um, Brian, right, you're married to uh to Alfia? Yeah? Hello, hello, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's that's me. That's my wife's Yeah. Okay, got a question for you. Hello. Have you guys been married? Going on nine years? Now? We've been married? Now? Who is this? My name is Daniel? Were you um? Were you guys married a Greater New Missionary Baptist Church un the Sea. Yeah yeah, yep, yep, that's the name of that church. Yeah, great, by nine years? Yeah, that's right. Why what's going on? Let's ask me all these questions. Fuck, okay, do you remember the minister that officiated your actual wedding ceremony? Yeah? Uh right, yeah, okay, I got the right person. I wanted to make sure I had the right person, Brian. So I'm I'm sorry if it seemed a little weird to you. Here's here's what's going on. We've just come up with a new discovery a lot of information that Reverend none of his credentials are true. Everything is false. He's not a minister at all, he never was a minister, and every single wedding ceremony that he officiated is basically null and void. So and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you and Alphea, even though you think you've been married for nine years, you guys are not married. No, no, no no, no, no no no. You gotta have the wrong person. We got married by nine years ago. And what I'm telling you is he he never was ordained. He's never been an ordained minister. He's not a minister at all. So when he performed this ceremony, you're a wedding ceremony. He had no right to be doing that. You guys are not are not married. You know, you guys have been living in sin for nine years. Hold on, hold on that. Let me tell you something. I ain't been living no man and my wife we have been married for nine years. And that man he's a preacher. I'm telling he's a preacher. I'm preach Grand Sunday Sir. As of today, he has no right to be in anybody's pulpit. He has no right to be officiating, whether it's weddings or funerals, no matter what it is, christenings for children. He's not allowed to do that. And we have officially stopped him from doing anything serving under as being a pastor or a minister. We have stopped at But what I want you to know is that you have been living in sin and you don't. We want to try and get you guys married as soon as possible, so you're not living in sin. Oh now, doc, I have been living in no sin. I have been married for nine years. This one ship been taking care of me and my kids for the past Wait. Wait, wait a minute, wait a minute. You guys have children. Yeah, yeah, we got two, two kids, two beautiful kids. Okay, then those kids are bastards. Bastards, hud On. Let me tell you something. My kids ain't no bastards. What about your kids? Your kids in basketts? No, sir, my kid My kids were born in wedlock. Your kids have been born out. I'm telling you Batman did my service. And he is a preacher. He's a man after God's own heart himself. He hasn't done everything that he could for me and my family. He is a preacher, So I don't. I know it's hard for you to to to swallow the truth, but I want you to know, and I need you to be able to tell out feel that you guys are not married and not as of right now now. No, okay, So now, back in the olden days, but before all these all these colleges and stuff came came about, you telling me that they're men making old days, that they weren't no preachers, that they wasn't meant men after the clough. What you're saying to me, what are you getting at, sir? What I'm trying to say is back in the older day, back in the twenties and thirties, they didn't have all these colleges and all these degrees and stuff like these new preachers got these days that man now he was from back then, and God called them and that's what they went on to. And all them people that they married back then, they did the same thing to day. You don't need no degreed to say that you're a preacher. You don't need no lights to say you're a preacher. Man, My wife would have been mad for nine years. My kids have been born in wedlock. We were married, we were mad. I've read my friends and family. Day was all there, sir. The bottom line is that that you have been living in sin because you have not been married with your wife for the last nine years. And your kids. I hate to say it, your kids are bastards now o. Now I've told you, don't say nothing else about my kids saying I ain't no cussop, but don't push me. My kids ain't no bassis. You understand me. You don't getting there, sir. I'm trying to give you the truth and try to get you in here and get you married so you will not be living in sin any more than what you are. I'm living in no sins. Look, now, you don't make me whoop your ass. You understand, man, my wife we have been married for nine years. Don't shoot up here called me talking about the way. Ain't mat that that man, ain't no pature, you understand. I get out of my phone. But you that's my life. Those are my kids. They have been born in red lives. You understand, sir. So I just wanted to call and give you the information so that you could probably stop living in sin. That's all I wanted to do. I ain't living in no sin. That's what I just told you. You ain't hearing me. I ain't living in no sin. Maybe you're the one that's living a pit of sin. Now, you ain't got nothing else said to me? That man if man's nine years ago? They get your ass off my phone, sir, So, I have one more thing, one more thing I'd like to say. You ain't got nothing else to say to me. You ain't get your ass off my dam phone? Now do you understand me? I ain't got time for this public sir. Can I say one more thing? What you gotta say on me? Now? So, I just wanted to let you know that this is if you tim me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your wife how Field got me to brank phone call you? Oh man? Now, oh lordest dog, yeah, uh do Yeah, I almost went in on you. Dog. You I'm gonna let me go down. Yeah, I'm gonna good. I think you say put you out to this AIA got me to prank you, man, wow man, oh man, hey man? You all right with me? Brother? I got to ask you something, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lands, the Steve Harbor More on the show. I gotta tell you to myself that that's pretty damn good right there. Oh yeah, I'm pretty stupid right there. That's pretty good. Go ahead, Tom, all right, thank you enough. Yes, it was pretty stupid as always. Coming up next, it is asked the CLO with the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey and the building for your love questions. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. And entertainment news. Check out our favorite new TV show, you know what it is, Judge Steve, airing tonight eight seventh Central on ABC and Hulu. We love it, we love it, we love it. And in other entertainment news, Denzel Denzel Washington talked about the slap with Bishop td Jake's at the Leadership conference, and Netflix and Sony put upcoming Will Smith's movie projects on hold. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time to ask the CLO. This one is from Ruthie in Puerto Rico. Ruthie writes, I recently retired and moved to Paradise. I was dating a man for four years and he didn't want to come with me, so I cut him loose. Now he's calling and he wants to be with me. I met someone new, but I do still love my ex. Do I give him another chance? Or do I move forward and make a fresh start here? What is paradise Puerto Rico? Poco? Yeah, Oh, I don't know, ma'am. I don't know. See if you left, if you left simply because he didn't want to move to Puerto Rico, you know, then I may. I mean, he didn't do nothing wrong, He wasn't a bad guy, y'all, wasn't having issues. He just didn't want to go to Puerto Rico. Now he's had a change of heart. Uh, you know you still love him. I mean, if he wasn't abusive, mean, if y'all weren't on the verge of breaking up and this was a strata broke the camel's back. But you've met somebody new and you want to start fresh. I can't answer the question for you, you know. But now, if he was your ex for a different reason that you're not putting in the letter, then let him stay your ex. But you know you just met this guy. Everything good in the beginning, Everything good in the beginning, Okay, all right, might want to check his pass port. He might not be able to lead the country, might have an issue or something. You just saying yea, who her man, But perto Rico is still in the United States, so well, I don't know all that. I don't know. Well, I was just trying to point that out casing some kids in the car listening. Learned that in school, and you just defunct that whole idea. You got to check his pass pody to see if he needs all right, um, moving on to Kamika and Savannah Kamika. Right time, a forty year old married realtor and my husband popped up while I was showing a retired football player at home. He said it was He said it was a coincidence that he was in the same area and when he saw my car, he stopped by. He asked my client for a selfie and an autograph. So how do I address him being a groupie? M No matter, Well that ain't that ain't being a groupie. You know what groupie groupies groupies want to have more than just a picture with the celebrity. Let me help you understand that he's a football fan. You know, It's like if I'm you know, I got pictures with a lot of players and the stuff I'm at the NFL Honors that you know, celebrity family few when they had but you know, go or hall of famers on that. So I don't know that he's a group of you know, but how many times you're gonna be showing a famous person a house anyway? You know? Or did you really just didn't like your husband rolling up on you like that because you were smiling extra hard at every time? Now, let's talk about that, because that's what I think it is shit Now. I don't think he's really got nothing to do with he being a groupie and all that. Just asked for a picture. That's all all the ground. On her job, Yeah, on your job sell a house to the man. I think she ain't gonna post it on her way website. I think he was probably happy that he asked him for a picture because he's retired so he doesn't get that like he used to. Anyway. Man, the man ain't even have no problem with it unless y'all were smiling each other's face and he kind of, you know, pissed him off a little bit rolling up on y'all, which really I think this got something to do with it. Oh really, Yeah, you know you wanted to have an ex football player. You was strutting around. You knew you was gonna show him that house today, or a little tight skirts button and all this. Oh yeah, we is it's on. Huh No, yeah, all right. Moving on to Natasha and Sarah Sota, Natasha writes, I've been dating a forty seven year old man for six months and he only likes to have sex in the morning. I have tried to get him in the mood at night, but he pushes me away. He says, I'm being selfish, but I love every minute of my sleep in the morning. Is there a compromise for us or are we not compatible sexually? Well? Something wrong? He only liked it in the morning. You like it at night. That's that's a big difference. Yeah, just do both of them. It's just thirty years. Yeah, because that's middle of the night in damn sure. Early. I think Junior solved it. Y'all set their maloms at two thirty eight years. Everybody want to be happy, y'all go to this early? Right? All right? All right? Moving on to Danielle and Knoxville, who says, my mother and I have always hung out, and men think we're sisters because she's still a hottie. They often try to date us both, and my mom gets the kick out of that. I'm older and I want to get married, so it's time to stop hanging with my mother. How do I tell my mom that I'm tired of hanging out with her? Well, why don't you why you got to tell her? Just pull her back? Yeah, you ain't got to tell her her the feelings and all that. And your mama liked their attention. Anyway, y'all are draw They want to date both of y'all? Anybody fitting? Dude, this got no time for this foolishness. Who y'all meeting? I want to date? The MoMA and her daughter even make that proposal. Well, they think they're sisters. I ain't ever. Let me just tell you this right, Well, it's not about you. I hate ever ever met a girl who mama was still fine. I just said, I ain't ever. Yeah, and then what did you say, Tommy? Nothing? We heard you, We heard you, We heard I have If you don't even sound like Tommy, your boy, just get it off of him. Yeah, everybody looked like they mama. Everybody looked like somebody mama. You know, So don't it's all that. It's all good. You know what. You know, I met some of the mothers that were tracked, but you could tell it they had they had had their laugh un all right, it was good. They was locking it on in. They was in the bond, you know, doing hay working stuff like that and all of that. How old were you know at that time? Yeah, twenties, thirties, you know. But see, these times are different. These times ain't that different. You know. You got to get you you gotta get these helpers off this Instagram with all these filters, even even they don't look as good as their mama. That's what's really going on. You get these helpers off Instagram. Get these filters off. A lot of them don't look nothing like they damn mama. All right, look coming up at the top of the hour, thank you, see l O, I will have some entertainment news where you're right after this. You're listening to show all right, Tonight's Tonight, Please make sure you check out another hilarious episode of Judge Steve Tonight, eight seventh Central Um on ABC and Hulu and Court is now in session. Steve, you're still loving it, Yeah, I mean it's a great show. I mean it's just it fits all my sensibilities, skill sets. I'm just I'm it's an at home atmosphere. I got free rein to do like I want to. They've stopped me a couple of times, you know, because we went too far with you, you know, judgment and all. But you know, for the most part, man, it's just really really good. I'm having fun. A lot of these people are these cases is real though, Man, Oh, it's just you get yeah, man, they be in This is not reality TV. This ain't scripted. Friendships on the line, daughters and relationships, neighbors. It's your brothers, all of that, all other and sons. Yeah, all right, So check it out again, Judge step tonight, eight seventh Central on ABC and Hulu, and Court is now in session now. In other entertainment news, we all know that Denzel was right there and witnessed. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock on stage during the Oscar ceremonies last Sunday um while appearing with Bishop TV Jakes in part of his international Leadership summit in Washington, d C. This past Saturday. Take a listen when Bishop Jake's aston Zel Washington. What happened? There's a saying when the devil ignores you, then you know you're doing something wrong. Wait a minute, I'm not done. Now, you know, the devil goes, Oh no, leave him along. He's my favorite. Right. Conversely, when the devil comes at you, maybe it's because you're trying to do something right, and for whatever reason, the devil got ahold of that, of that circumstance that night, And fortunately there were people there, not just me, but others in the gap. Tyler Perry came right immediately, right over there with me, and some prayers. You know, keep it, keep it. I want to say, what what we talked about? But there, but for the grace of God go any of us. You know, who are we to condemn? I don't know all the ins and outs of this situation, but I know the only solution was prayer the way I saw. Oh, okay, surely work. We're talking about you know what? You know what you need to pull yourself together? You know, the time him in dress and that old ass Morgan. Every time you hear one of them names, y'all of a sudden you ain't the Christian you're supposed to be. Yes, So you're gonna stop sliding in and out of your Christianity or you just come over here and do like me what you said, thank you, thank you, Carl. You want to come and Steve? Well, I mean it's cool. I understand what then coming from with that here the spiritual confidence you know he supposed to say, talk to it like that. Yeah, you know, I know what all us Christian actors and comedians are saying afterwards, though, Yeah, that's what. I know that. The first time I've heard prayer mentioned its well, laid hands on Chris, he did. Somebody don't mess with him, no one of his favorites. Okay, well, you're the devil. Need to another subject, alright, alright, and I think that clip is available if we need to play it again in the show. Moving on. In related news, but she ain't we could pray together. You ain't gonna, You ain't gonna. And related news, Netflix and Sony have both stepped away from their upcoming projects with Will Smith, the Netflix film Fast and Loose with Sony's highly anticipated movie Bad Boys four have both been put on hold. Wow, I guess until they get it all figured out, you know, until it dies down a little bit or whatever. Do you think that's what? Yes? Yeah, I just you know, look, it's it's the hip, it's the hypocrisy of this country we live in. And nothing is more hypocritical than than Hollywood. Y'all gonna y'all gonna back away from doing films with Will Smith when y'all films is about what what you know? If if you stop making films because some of the actors in the movie act badly, then you'll be making no films in this country. Wills was just publicly seen all them drugs, man, all that casting couch that happens in Hollywood. That's a hypocrity for both of them to talk about. You know, they're gonna step away from Will's projects and not too what man, Hollywood, they walking away from no money. They're not gonna do that man, that that they just not gonna do it. It's just hypocritical. Let mean, look, I think you know it's going there's all there's gonna be consequences for Will's actions. You go, you you can do anything and you want to do like Charlemagne uh said, you can do anything you want to do. You can go ahead, but understand the consequences come with it. And then and then, and that's a true statement, So you know, he got to self with some consequences, but you know the rest of life though. Yeah, I just think it's a hypocrisy of this country. Yeah, and they probably will come back at a later date, man, please thinking. Yeah, but right now while it's so hot, still all right? Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, did you see the viral video of Kings of Comedy Steve and said you and said Steve speaking to each other, plugging each other. Yeah, we're gonna talk about how black people greet each other right after this. You don't want to miss this. You're listening to all right, So Steve, we're gonna talk about how black people greet each other. You know, the video has gone viral of the way you and Cedric the entertainer you're You're King of Comedy, Buddy greeted each other this past Saturday at black Man for Prostate Cancer Awareness event that was held in New York City. So, um, it was I just thought it was so beautiful. I mean, what did you think? What are your thoughts? Well, you know, we were standing there to take this picture, said was late and I ain't seen said it though it's before the pandemic yeah, man, I mean it's easily three years. Easy since I've seen said three years man, person, ye, I mean this is my dude though, this is And so we were standing there taking the picture and we were posing and I heard his voice and my head jerked immediately and it was him. He didn't care, I ain't care. He came straight to me. He wasn't he wasn't going to nobody else, you know me, and said, man, we gotta we got a special bond, man, I said all the time. The most two of the most critical moments in my whole career was with said the Steve Harvey Show and The Kings of Comedy. And I mean, man, that two monumental occurrences in my life. And we were tied together at the Hill doing both of those. And so Sad is the one dude, man that I don't give a damn what I'm doing when I see him. It's just like pure joy. Man. I'm here's a dude, man that I've known since nineteen eighty nine when I booked him at at at a at a bar room called vookou Ray. And uh, this dude, man, We've never had an argument, a disagreement, We never not spoke. We never had to go and set on nothing. It's just hey, man, what you wanna do, well what I want to do, and then we make a decision and we did it. We've been me and about that the whole time. He's best friend. I got in this business, you know. And and that's that's the reaction when I seen you hugged them, but you know, they were talking. I was reading something the comments and the lady next to me like like one lady said, she's sitting up there like she don't know who said it is girl by We love that. I was laughing at some of the reaction to pick. She gonna sit up there and look at them talking about girl. It was like black people greet each other like I love how we do. We overdu everything, speaking to each other, hugging each other. Love that moment, Steve, I really do all them doctors and stuff standing there ain't I don't even really know y'all my dog this dude right here. But yeah, it was a great, great it was. It really was. It was genuine all right. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, We're gonna check Steve's voicemail right after this you're listening. It is time now to check Steve's voicemail, and if you want to leave a voicemail for Steve, call him at eight seven seven twenty nine Steve. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, Steve, you're ready to check your messages. See what's on the people's mind. All right, let's go. This caller is Lakita from Atlanta. High Steve Harvard. This is Liqueta from Atlanta. I just wanted to say that it's sun the morning. I'm getting ready to Starvice, and you came up on my phone. And the realst thing I heard anyone saying a long time is if you woke up this morning, then it ain't open because God has given you a chance to get it right. Guy has given you another chance. And I just wanted to say that that is sobrial and I thank you for that missage. I thank God for explaining you that missage because it is great if we have wal him up. God has given us a chance, and I just want to say thank you, thank you. That's real too, I mean, and she is right, she said, I'm glad God gave you that message. That's where I get him from. I can't really take credit for this, you know, I mean, he put a lot of stuff in my head that I know ain't really there. You know what I'm saying. Hello, all right, let's go to North Carolina and talk to us and North Carolina. Go ahead. I'm sorry to see this is both from North Carolina. I'm like you, I'm sixty years old and I have never seen anyone or anyone our age. I don't think you can slap me or you or any one our age and turn around and walk off and think there ain't gonna be no consequence. So I just want to get that though. Now, all right, have a good day. Yeah, see, both both real simple. I don't know because and I'm telling you, man, that's why I'm telling you. He picked a Hollywood moment. He knew exactly what he was doing. Where else can you go up to a grown ass dude, slap him, turn around, fix your jacket, and walk off. I don't know nobody. I don't know know where except National TV at the Boogie Oscars. Dog, You're not you're gonna button your jacket up and turn around. Oh no, we're gonna take that jacket off. Oh that's jacket shirt. After your pants. All this is gonna be messed up. You're gonna slap me and turn your back like now numb see is at two insults? First you slap me. Three, First you walked up there. You how you fit pick me? That's one. Number two you slap me, and number three you turn around like it's okay, like it's over. I have three motivational surprises for your ask movation. You shouldn't have came up hill. Number two and you slap me. And number three you thought I wasn't gonna do a damn thing about it. I'll tell you what if I wouldn't have done nothing then, because Chris Rock played it perfectly. He held it up with the dignity that I don't know that I have. But at the after party though, when he had that Oscar in his hand, dancing around and all that. The next time we all saw that Oscar would have been after surgery. That's all I have to say. The time he would have saw that Ascar. And they're just gonna need to be washed off right. They're gonna have to recode it. The next message. This also is about the slap and nephew Tommy, Okay, tasty, I sort of slap, and I just wanted to say I am shocked, but I love the way Chris handled it, and he didn't qush argist. I love Chris for that, you know what I'm saying. And I also wanted to tell you I love you, Steve. I love the way you use your platform to do good. You're imperfectly perfect. You know, you use your platform to try to bring people to God and to elevate people. And I want to let you know you are appreciated. Okay, I listen to you every morning. You are appreciated. And Nephew Tommy, somebody gonna kick your ass. I'm hacking up over here. You get wait, wait, wait, wait, you get all this praise at all you heard at the tail end, I'm gonna get my ass. Ain't how you shut down the phone? All right? Speaking of that, and this is why she said it. Coming up Nephew Tommy's prank phone call right after this, here we go. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today, and the subject is is my man a gold digger? We'll get into that in just a little bit. But right now the Nephew is here with the prank phone call for today. What you got ness? All right, before we get started, Sherlot, We're gonna let Charlotte, North Carolina know that the Nephew is coming to town Friday, Saturday, Sunday this week at the Comedy Zone. The Comedy Zone, right, don't think Saturday's already sold out. Got a few tickets left on the albums the Nephew come to town. It's the last show last weekend before the Nephew getting ready to go shoot Ready to Love Miami Style, Ready to Love Miami. Here I go, okay, Miami getting ready The Nephew coming that way. So but right now it's time for some stupid and hopefully I gonna get my butt who by anybody? Okay, Oh, it's gonna happen man one day. All right, this right here? No mo how weaves? No mo how weeds? Okay, all right, let's go get Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Resa, Please Resa, hi Resa. My name is Byron, Byron from the job. How are you? I'm okay, how are you buying? I'm good? Listen. I hate to call you after hours at your home, but there has been some new issues that will be going into effect. That was just tomorrow morning, and we're calling everyone letting them know the new changes that have been issued that will take effect first thing tomorrow morning. So we're giving everyone a call, So don't be alarmed. It's just give me a call letting you know what the what the higher ups have changed. Okay, okay, there's no problem to listen. Okay, that's up tomorrow. What's gonna happen is when you guys come in, you'll be issued a new key card and that particular car. All right, we'll actually registers when you come in and go out. Okay, okay, all right. Second one is there will no longer be any personal Internet at the job any longer. You won't be able. They're actually putting a block on all computers. All the computers will no longer be able to go to a lot of these sites that you guys go to that you've been that's been available here in the past. Okay, okay, all right. The last one is reesa do you do you wear a hair weave? What do you wear a hair weave or a wig? Yes? Okay, Well here's one thing and hopefully you can get this change about tomorrow. There's no weaves or hair or wigs gonna be allowed at the job site from this point on. So as of tomorrow morning, everyone must be wearing their natural hair. You're joking, h No, these are the issues that are going to be that are instated, and these are going to take effect as of tomorrow morning, seven o'clock. What is to have to do with any of these changes? The first two I can understand punching in and being on the internet. Yes, that's something that the corporate But hair weaves and weeks you're getting interchanging, thus are they're looking down upon it. Wigs and hair weaves they have to go. So I'm assuming that if you, like you said, you do have one, it doesn't come out of there taking it down now and prepare your hair to be natural as you come in to work tomorrow. I'm not taking my hair down. I've been here seven years and I've dealt with all the changes that y'all have made. But there's no way that I'm taking my hair weave down. I'm sorry. What's your name, Byron? Yes, my name is Byron, and I'm sorry. Let's get back to your weave. This has you're gonna have to do something because there's someone that you can call tonight to help you get your hair down and so you can look presentable with your natural hair tomorrow. No, my, we've cast over two or three hundred dollars and I'm not about to take that down. I mean, it takes some time. I'm to take that down. Okay, I mean, is this something maybe you can take it down and just wear it on the weekends because as of now, you're not going to be allowed to actually wear it on the property. And how will you know if someone has weave or not? Are you gonna do head checks or something? Okay, ma'am, I'm not quite sure what they're gonna do to check it. But by you telling me that you you have a weave, then I have to write it down that you have confirmed that you do, and we got to make sure that tomorrow morning you're not wearing one. But you don't know what my natural hair looks like from my weave. Are you heard how much I pay for it? So it's a good weave, ma'am. It's not about how good you know the quality of your weave or anything. They don't want it. They want natural hair. I don't know what that means. But they're going natural, they're going green, they're going natural. I don't know what it is. They're going natural, and so will you. Tomorrow morning. You need to come in with your hair completely down. Okay, I'm gonna do it. I'm not taking my weave down. Okay. What is that y'all gonna write me up or something? Okay, ma'am. Do you not want your job? Yeah? I want my job, but this don't make no sense. You're talking about personal appearance. I can understand y'all have a dress coach and forcing a dress code, that's one thing. But telling somebody to change they have you lost your mind? Man, you're crazy, ma'am. I'm not good. I have other people that I have to call. Bottom line is, get your hat out and get your butt into work tomorrow and let's not go back and forth anymore. Okay, Well, listen, buy Land, you're a low mind. If you're thinking I'm taking my weave out, I'm not taking out at all. Risa is coming up in there with her hair and I'm gonna sit down at my desk and do my job. Y'all gonna have to drag me out that handsome weave. You lost your mind, you and your powers that be or whoever they may be. You tell them that I said that way a minute? Wa amute, listen? Are you telling me that you're coming in regardless with your hair on? Right? That's what I just said? Oh good calling me and hold you? Are you then then we need Why don't you go ahead and bring some boxes in because you may I'm not you bring me man, I don't want to have to pack. You get your stuff and box it up, and you're losing your job because you can't take it. You know what? You can do that because I'm an call the news station and tell them you're dragging me out of go behind some weeds. Who's wrong? You're wrong? You're wrong? You stupid? Are you gonna? You need to watch your language, young lady? Why I need to watch my language? I'm at home. You call me on my own home phone and my time. I'm at my house. I'm not on your flock. I say what I want to say on my phone. Okay? Can I say what I want on my phone? And then I'll let you go and you can come into to work anywhere you want to tomorrow. What is it, bobm On? What else you got to say? I want to tell you. I want to tell you that your girlfriend, Jennifer at your job got me to plank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Shows. Say, I don't know you, hey, reason, this is this is nephew Timmy, baby, from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Gennifer, your co worker got me the prank phone call, got my blood pressure. I'm gonna kill it tomorrow and I'm gonna pull a whole weave out. You want to come down there and watch me drank out of the job blood pressure. You can't be doing that to me behind my weave. I pay too much money. I definitely been on my kids. Oh I ain't nothing like a black woman and her hell oh man, Okay, baby, I got one more thing to ask you, girl, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Well, after this prank, you have to be the Steve Harvey Morning Show. God. Oh yeah, yeah, Steward can have. We're gonna all natural around here around this office, okay, all nat you around She was not having okay, you started with key card started with that ye off, Wow, Nashville was off the chain. Seven sold our shows. Man, I want to thank y'all for coming out to see your boy. I a piec of NATed, I a piecing NATed. Did we do the damn thing? Yes? I did, And I'm headed to Charlotte's do it again. Friday said, the sudden that nephew is moving around the country, then we're gonna go shoot from TV. God has been truly good to me. All right, Look what I just try to tell you Sometimes y'all don't want to know. You really don't know what stupid can do. But you, stupid can do some things for you if you're channeling it in the right direction. Won't stupid do it? Yes, it will. You just see you just you just don't know it can happen. Stupid. You can make a stupid way if you want to. I'm just telling I've done it. Don't turn Congratulations for you. We're happy for you for sure. All right? Coming up next, it is a strawberry Strawberry letter and the subject is is my man a gold digger? We'll try to find out Right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air Pop Pop, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. It could be yours. You never know, You never know. Buckle love and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it Strawberry Letter, Thank you, f you. Subject is my man a gold digger. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty one year old licensed cosmetologist, nailed technician, and esthetician. I have a hair salon. I do eyebrows, nails, and I do botox injections Salona's upscale and I have the upper echelon clients in my city. I am recently divorced and I have to pay my ex husband's files of support because the judge thought that my ex husband helped me build my business while we were married. That couldn't be further from the truth. He tore me down and mismanaged money all the time. I used insurance money that I got from my father's death, and it was a nice settlement. So now I am financially set. Because of that, I bought a nice house and two cars. All that's missing from my life now is a man and the family that I want to have one day soon. I have been casually dating this guy for a few weeks and he seems to be a fast talker. When I met him, he said he was about to buy a home and he was living in an apartment temporarily. He said that he's always traveling and he loves the finer things in life. I noticed he had a rolex on when we met, so I thought he might be telling the truth. He drives a pickup truck that's very nice, but it's older. When we got out. When we go out, he wants me to drive so we can ride with the top down in my car. The other day, he wanted to go to a Dacieri bar where he knew all of his friends would be outside when he pulled up. When we pulled up with the top down, he went in stunting like we were the hot new couple, and I went along with it. He told his friend that I have everything a man could want, and I have my own money. I also overheard him saying that he's going to go to Hawaii with me in June, which we never discussed. Is he trying to insert himself in my life and my trip? Is this man a gold digger? All right? Well, it's understandable that you might be a little concerned after you went through what you went through with your husband, who you said mismanaged money. So now this new guy who knows he might be a gold digger. He might not. But the only way to find out for sure is to get to know him him. I mean, I think him always wanting to drive your car and show it off to his friends, it's a bit suspicious. But more than that, you didn't mention any of these things. Does he ever pull out his wallet? Does he pay for stuff? Does he pay for anything? I mean, you didn't say anything about that. That's what you need to look out for. Does he work. You didn't say anything about him having a job, none of that. All you said was he had on a rolex when we met, so you thought he might be telling the truth. Otherwise you said he was a fast talker. So I say, if you feel something isn't quite right, and you do because that's why you wrote us trust your instincts, because you don't. You don't really know this guy. I mean, you know, you can ask him some questions, ask him questions. What's what's wrong with that conversation getting to know someone? You say you're only casually dating him, whatever that means. So, if you're only casually dating him, does it matter if he's a gold digger? Or you want to take this further and you want to know now if he's a gold digger before you take it any further. Either way, you gotta get to know this guy. If you're planning on something more serious with him, take your time, you guys, go out more time, get to know the guy, and then you can make a fair assessment on whether he's a gold digger. Know more about him than just that he's wearing a Rolex Steve. Oh this is right up my alley. Oh God, especially thanks likeness, I'm gonna be so helpful to this young sister. It's gonna be unbelievable. I'm going to be so helpful to you. First of all, you got a lot going on, young lady. Cosmetologist, nail tech, esteticians, hair salon. You do eyebrows, nails, do botox, and jecks. Your scale is upscale, your salon is upscale. You got up echelon clients in the city. Now, you divorced now and you had to pay your ex husband spousal support because it judge thought your ex husband help you build your business while we've married. Couldn't be further from the truth, because he tore you down. Recently, your father passed. You got a nice settlement, so you're financially set. You bought a nice house, two cars, and all this missing from my life is a man. Well, here we go that I and a family that you want to have one day soon. So you have no kids. You've been casually dating this guy for a few weeks and he seems to be a fast talker. Now, women, you all specialize in communication. That's one of your strong suits and attributes. If you meet a man that seems to be a fast talker, if anybody knows that he would be you. So we're talking about this fast talker. And when you say fast talker, I'm assuming you saying it has a little slick element to it. See, fast talkers are usually what I found in my experience all my boys. That's fast talkers and their about I know that's a fast talking has a little slick element to it, something trick about it while you're talking. So damn fair because fast talkers talk so you can't talk. See, fast talkers don't like spaces and pauses in their conversation because that leaves rooms for questioning. And fast talkers like to just put out their narrative. They're not interested in what you think of you. So that's a red light. When I met him, he said he's about to buy a home and he was living in an apartment temporality. That's a cool move right here. But what you mean you're about to buy a home? You're about to buy it? When you're about to buy it? Where where you've been looking? Let me see some of the places you've explored. I got so much motor. Say to you, lad, I'm fing to help you when I come back, young lady, Uncle Steve to the rescue. All right. See, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry letter subject is my man a gold digger. We'll come back with part two right after this. You're listening all right. Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject is is my man a gold digger? Yeah? You know, this lady's doing really well. She's thirty one, she has no children, she's recently divorced, she pays spousal support, she has a beautiful salon, high echelon, upscale clients and things like that. She does all the services. She started dating this guy. She has herself together all she wants as a man and a family. You've been casually dating this guy for a few weeks and he seems to be a fast talking I said before, people who are fast talkers usually we call him fast talkers because they seem to have a little slick element about themselves. All the fast talkers I know have slick elements about themselves. All of them never met one who didn't. So I think you're on point and women being communications specialists. If you think a person is a fast talking then it is. Now. The reason people of me and are fast talkers is because we don't leave. We don't like gaps and pauses and paragraphs and out talking because we don't want you to control the narrative. We want to control the narrative and reduces the amount of questions. You've got to gather yourself, as Shirley said, and you got to start asking the hard questions now. When you met him, he said he's about to buy a home and he was living in an apartment temporality. That's a natural transition. They ain't nothing wrong with that. But what you mean he's about to buy them? What real estate? Let him show the houses he'd been looking at, the areas he trying to move to. This How you can find out about money without asking about money? He says he's always traveling and he loves to finder things in life. That's easy. Who don't? Who don't? What has he said? That's so enriching. I like to finder things in life. Who don't. But now let's look at him real close. After the statement I love the finer things in life. I noticed he had a rolex on when we met, so I thought he might be telling the truth. Don't let that watch throw you. Do not let that rolex throw you. Tweeting girl, you can get the girl. Pawn Shop's got rolexes. You can go downtown New York Canal Street and rolex yourself out. Look look jes like it. Don't let that throw you, but I do want to point this out to you. You said he had a rolex on, so he thought. He drives a pickup truck. That's very nice, but it's older. Excuse me, he just said he liked the finer things in life. What's up with the old ass pickup truck. I'm telling you right now that ain't how men are. Man the moment we got some money, you're finding no about it because what's the purpose of having it? That's how we look good to the what we're trying to trap, which is female man boy. Please, So if you like to find the things in life, he drives a pickup truck. It's very nice, but it's older. Okay. When we go out, he wants me to drive so he can ride with the top down in my car. Oh, he liked flex it. He just told you he liked to find the things in life, and you got he wants to drive with the top down. The other day he wanted to go to a dacory bar where he knew all his friends would be outside. When we pulled up with the top down, he went in stunting like we the hot new couple and I went along with it. He told his friends that I have everything a man could want, and I have my own money. This is not the conversation you want to overhear. We are looking for the chick of our dreads, and it don't mean you have everything. I can tell you that for fast don't get sprang called. Listen to what he's saying. Missing the fast talker. He wanted to pull up in the Dakary bar in your car with the top down and walk in like y'all the hot new couple that's fast talking. Now he'd win in there and talking to y'all like he just everything. Now, you didn't heard him tell his friends he got everything a man come won't got your own money. Then you overheard him saying he's going to Hawaii with me in June, which we never discussed in June. He didn't see he had wrote himself into the script. He in the movie already start Do he have Hawaii trip money? Now you can easily figure this out because you overheard him say that. He didn't say nothing to you because he fast talking with his friends. Now, I don't know if he told you to throw his friends. He gonna pay for the trip, or you're gonna pay for the trip? Is he trying to insert himself in my life and my trip? I just told you he didn't put his self in the movie he's starring in it. Is this man a gold dicker? Well, the answer to that question is yes, because everything he does points to that he won't to ride in your car. He telling he talking about you got your own money. He drive an old ass pickup trouble. I don't give a damn how nice it is men and men always watch their cars. Don't. Don't be fooled by that. And you need to find out why he driving an old pickup trouble. You need to find out about that rolex. And you need to look. Let me give you some things, and look at his shoes. Look at his shoes. If he if he is sneakerhead, that ain't gonna help, because sneakers is sixty nine dollars hundred and forty, you ain't gonna learn nothing. Look at his clothes. Men who got money wear clothes. Secondly, look at his friends. You associate with people who you can participate with. If your friends is high scale, it's because you could do high scale friends. If all your friends is regular. It's cause you got regular ass money. And then you need to look at where he lived and what's in that house? If all that house got our key of furniture in it, which ain't nothing wrong with it, but he not thinking about no house. All right, all right, Steve, thank you. It is Junior and Sports Talk at forty six minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show. All right, guys, it is time now for Junior and Sports Talk. What you got junior, Oh, Shirley gratulations Kansas. That's the chip man. What a game. I'll tell you what. It's not about how you start, It is how you finished for show. Yes, it is because man at halftime, North Carolina do the song up. They had it. They were waving it. Hell, it ain't the saved up shirt off and turn it around your head like a hair a cop like a funeral. Nah. It was about fifteen and hand time in forty to twenty fives. Like, boy, they came out strong. But that second half that defense Kansas put out there on that flow Man erased that whole depth by ten minutes of the second hand next see I'm looking up now. I was like, what would happen. I turned it off. Man, I couldn't. I couldn't watch it. I was pulling so hard. You know, South Carolina had won the night before. I was pulling for the Carolina, So I just let the girls. Victory just had me on the sleep. You know, I wasn't fitting to do that to myself. I ain't out there playing, so I wasn't about I felt bad for Humritt and here I felt bad for the players. But you know, yeah, that's life, man, ain't it. Yeah? Man, I mean you know, there's life, and you can't let that one loss determine nothing about you. That's the motivational lesson we're supposed to get. Boy. Boy that I was sitting there, going, you better dust yourself up, get up, dust yourself off, and let's go again. Boy, with some tears out on that court. Man. I'm talking with their in their jersey. They cried hard. Man. It was just hard to watch a deficit leave right there because they was hitting some shots. Kansas. Well, you know, junior in college, it ain't like the prose. You know, you play a series. It's it's one game. It's elimination. Yeah, you got one chance. Man, you can't lose one, comeback and try to get the next one. Like in the pros. This is everything round robin, this fade. You got to get up the summer. You had to get up, man, Let's stay fourth nasilor championship can crash. Just to Bill self and the Kansas Jayhawks. I ain't like Kansas since since Wizard of Ours. That's what the whole thing still from childhood trauma. I didn't here for kids since the war off to what is it? What is you liking about the Wizard? Off? Great movie? Yes, Wizard, I'm learning. Thank you, Junior. All right, listen, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show resently, guys, in Colorado, they passed the law that allows kids to play outside by themselves without the parents getting into trouble for neglect. So here's a question for the guys. When you were a kid, how often did you do things without adult supervision on a daily bad? And what was it that you did every day supervision? What was on that bike moving around that neighborhood? Boy, what are you talking about way back in the woods, jumping ramps, when the picking bear ris, what breaking winters? What stealing wood? Building a club high? What we get it? Stealing somebody else's bike? What we were doing? That were you doing? Every single day? We made soccer own bikes, just kicking tennis ball to the goal. All we've done the street. We don't know nothing. We're just playing soccer on bikes, That's what we were doing. Baseball basketball at the park where I wasn't supposed to be because people over there don't know how to act. We was all over the neighborhood, were just doing everything. Didn nobody know where I was between nine am and five pm. They didn't know where my mama that they had to call houses to find it is. He over to him come out here and didn't know what he was. That was my job was to play. You had a nine to five place, Steve. I have no idea what they passed or the law for supervision. Do you understand what the horror that my parents would have been in had they seen what I was doing? What were you up to? I was? I was headed in the wrong direction a lot of time. If I had kept going down the path for burglary, being eat, breaking and enter it um robbery. I'd probably be into that. I definitely would be in the arstin I'll set so much stuff on, Yeah, animal abuse, I being locked up for so much stuff we was doing. I had a magnifying glass and burned up a whole colony of ants one day, the whole wiped out, an entire colony of ants with a damn magnifying that all my ass, the stuff we used to do. Man, we finally got hold of that damn dog that had tortured us for years of the stuff that got hold of his ass. And I don't even won't say what happened, but he don't balk no more. He don't balk no more. Yeah, you know he's not able to balk anymore. Major and so you know, you know it was. It was a big, big It was a bushy dog with red fur like a child. He was a mean ass dog man was mean, you know, Larry Singleton's dog King German shep. We wanted big black German ship. We wanted to kill his ass, but we never could. He was too scared. So no, we didn't have supervision. Whatever bike robberies and skateboard thelfton, Hey man, we should ride out to the white neighborhood and play baseball with him because we had to. We had finally formed a little black little league team on our street, but we didn't have the money for gloves. So we go out to the white neighborhood and play with the white kids, and they would give us their gloves, and we would go to the field and then give them their gloves, and then they go out in the field and they give them, oh day gloves and we go out in the field, and we got to about the third inning, and we gave each other the signal. As soon as they tossed us the gloves. We just headed to the bikes. And they were sitting there going, hey, what are you guys doing there without no glove? Well, you know, because they just tossed them to us, and we just on the third about third fourth inning, we fit the head on over to these bikes because we got the gloves. Hey, Hey, where you guys going, Where you guys doing? What are you doing? Hey? Come back, come back? That ain't that ain't what's happen? Alright, baseball team, we got gloves. Now. Well, more of the Steve Harvey mourning show. This ignorant show coming up in twenty minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening to say Mourning Show. All right, guys, this story is just some weird aviation news. The world's largest passenger airliner completed a three hour flight last week using nothing but twenty seven tons of cooking oil. They call it sustainable aviation fuel. That's all they used to power the flight. It was the first airbus A three eighty to be powered completely by cooking oil, which can be made with waste oil and fats and non food crops. Using what is basically cooking oil to fuel the plane cuts CO two admissions by up to eighty percent. Cooking oil alone can't be used as jet fuel, but it can be converted into a biofuel. The UK government has set a target for planes to use ten percent sustainable aviation fuel or cooking oil by a year twenty thirty. Throw the whole plane smell like friend frand just flying and just all that stinking like that. You ain't You ain't gonna be a fuel your jet out the hood. I'm gonna tell you that right. Because we save our Greece, we save our greese, our greese. A the can sitting on the stove. So I'm James right now, we're not gonna be making contributions to that. You can carry that out there where they recycling and all that we recycling all right now, it's in a coffee can on top of the stove. Yeah, So we're not gonna be able to help y'all or running this jet program y'all working on. I'm gonna take you take the hood out the jet program. No, no, we know, you take your little jet program somewhere else until we get voting rights. We're not contributing the damn thing to this jet. I'm gonna greee out of meat. We'll play another round of would you rather? Right after this. You're listening, She's Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for a round of would you rather? Would you rather think about this? Would you rather live in a movie musical? Or would you rather live in a Western movie? Which one movie? Musical or Western West music? Now thinking, hello, come on, come on, come on music. God, I don't know. I'm trying to figure out I want to be West Side Story or Bucking the Preacher. I'm trying to figure out which one I want to do. Now, Man, Steve, you're I'm in the Western. Yeah, I'm cool. Give me that hard saloon? You know how did they fall? Oh? Give me gun, give me all. I'm never finished over here and be talking and all of sudden somebody bus house singing someday I'm Broadway here. I can't stand that. But hell y'all singing fall. I don't like music calls. I've been doing musical I couldn't. The ball was on the cruise ship one time and I went to this thing man the musical call andie Onkley, this little white girl had the red hat, was in this swing swinging and singing. I don't fucking I don't go, and wonder if I dive off the edge of this boat, can I get back to Miami? Make it stop? Oh god, it was some good musical though, Dog it's a music. Bet it wasn't. Bet it Bet it wasn't nothing, bust out singing yes him what size? Well, that's kind of hard for me. I want to be in a Western. I just don't think nobody gonna believe me. But my voice probably be good in the musical. So hey, this hold that everybody, Yeah, I don't think they're gonna believe me. Hey, you chaff in time, you check your guns in at the front station. We roll out of whippers in here. We're gonna stop all this whiskey. Ain't no whiskey outs set. We're gonna shut these saloon girls down. Ain't you on setting up any of my prostitution? In my time? You felt like Bernie's fight. Ain't in the him? Okay that right now, ain't the heaven? Put you all right? Put put your man, put your gun down. Don't make me make my day, make my days, make my day. Stay out clear. We're not buying the Junior. We're not buying. Yeah, yeah, you about to meet me in the gates. He all right. Listen, that was our round of would you rather? Forty day? Coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour, our last break of the day, and some closed and follow me right aft. You're listening to show here we are, guys, our last break of the day on this Tuesday. It's been a good day, funny day. I'm still in this musical audience autist Western. We just did the last break with Junior as the sheriff with his voice was hilarious. One more before we get out of here junior, tombstone, puns, people, pals, people fitting the farm, apostle. I need twelve yards follow me. Who weather, I'm gonna get tag you. We're gonna go in and we're gonna bring them back. Dad Online don't matter to me, Dad Online. I don't need twelve people going down to the more dangerous gang. We're gonna we're gonna bring into James Boy, the James Boy. That way, we're gonna bring into James Boys. We're gonna go in and letting me talk, and they're gonna think we did James girl. Oh man, man, that's funny. You need eight good men. Oh man, everybody, put your cards down. Put him down. I ain't ask you now about put him down. Put you go down. I like it when you get mad, said Truble. I got shot up. Yeah, somebody just shot me in the fanom your finger, all of that, Oh man. Somebody arrived in the next time the junior, it would be as the sheriff in a western Yes, robbing the bank though well, ain't listen to me, got rowl and hit the bank. They got seven hospitals. I ain't trying to be eight about you. We're gonna shot round the bank. Mm hmm. We need volunteer to go in. Can't tell her? Hold on, I do it? Hey, I know I said I was gonna go in, but it be better if I hollow in. Hey, bank robber. You mean sham Junior. That's a bad baby, anyone, I need to change my name. That don't sound powerful, Sham Jim. That don't even sound anybody scared of Junior? Oh God, everybody listen, share big daddy, Junior. Oh that works for you. Come out, put your hands up, all right, not going from it's a crazy transition right here. But here we go with clothing remarks. Well, maybe we won't do clothes in the day. I got one, but I wanted to motivation. All right, all right, give me another situation as junior. Oh I got one. Yeah. You know, he's done everything, solved, all the crimes and everything, so it's time for him to get romantic with missus Kitty or somebody in the western juniors in a war, you know, mowning miss kitty, you know, after all escapades in town healing kind of, you know. Ell And I was wondering this evening if I come by the salooning, you know, bout you half a drink. Maybe we could get on the buck buddy ride down to the ribbon, have little picnic. Oh which, thank miss kitty, Miss kitty, as you sleepy? No, right here, the chiff Junior. Her voice is deeper than junior. You know, miss Kitty, that's the problem we're gonna have kill. Your boss is stronger than mine. I posted me the main hill. You're the man, Tiff Junior. Well, damn, miss Kitty, how old is you? Why miss Kitty sound like my mother? Why miss she just sound like my mama because she worked a weekend. Oh you tied? Oh oh, saloon girl? And it is hard work. Maybe, hey, miss kitty, maybe I could give you a massage. I have my friend oldest come back. We can use his hands. You know, I got the little bit of junior size hands and be counting. They don't moan like a mold, like aggravating animalsage. We have to we don't have to get my horsic off. Well, I got my I got my scout knife. Well I can cut you out. We gotta go spid Hey, y'all, Uh don't forget this. Uh talk to God. Okay, he loved to hear it really work For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.