The Gun Control Debate Continues, Black Panther, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Feb 22, 2018, 8:53 PM

The Steve Harvey Morning Show crew discuss gun control debate, Black Panther, Carla's Reality Update and more.

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all all soon all looking back to back down, giving them ball just like American buck bus things. And it's touble y'all. Do me true good to tea stehty listening to me to other for sto bar hobby. Don't you join yeah? Well by joining me? Hun do you turn to go? Yeah? You want to yall? You gotta turns to turn turn you loven got to turn out to water the water. Come come on your thing at it. I shall a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. I have something and it's so describes how I was living. It's so captures the feelings that I had about beginning on the pathway of my dreams. It's so describes how I felt when I was about to attempt something. And I have some striking news for you. It describes often how I feel still today to a degree. So let me tell you what that is. And I know what's happened to a lot of people. Here's an analogy that I um. I've heard a couple of different ways, but I've kind of you know, fixed it around to where I can drink it better. And I think it fits my personality to describe it to people best this way. You know I was I was talking. I've talked often about the urgency of doing something with your life, of of getting started today, of stopping the procrastination and putting it off, and waiting on all your ducks to line up in a row, and waiting until the stars aligned themselves. If if you ain't on such a thing, you're you're you're never gonna get started. I don't really, I don't know too many people who can say that all the ducks just lined up in a row. Things happen. Things happen even when you get them lined up. One of the ducks get out of line, or somebody knock over the domino, or something happens. But here's here's here's here's here's the point I'm getting at. God has so many blessings of ailable to you, you who's listening. God has so many blessings available to you from where you are right now. I don't care what you've gotten yourself into or what you've done. God has so many blessings that he can send your way, But you have to do something. See a lot of people just sit around and go Man, I don't as something always happening to you. You're always getting a break, You're always doing this, you always do Man, don't nothing come my way. Listen to me. If nothing ever comes your way, you know why that is. It's because you're not doing anything. I promise you you're not. See. Here's a deal. God has all these blessings he wants to send you, but you got to give him something to work with. Now, come on, you have to give God something to work with. God will bless you. God can touch people's hearts on your behalf. He can move situations around for you. He can align the stars. He can set the ducks up in the road. But align the stars and move people around, and touch people's hearts and set the ducks up in the road. For what based on what have you put forth? Any effort? Have you made a single step in any direction to do the right thing or go the right way? That gives him something to put his finger on. Come on, man, God can only bless you according to your faith. If you have a little bit of faith, give him that, let him work with that. He can do that, You know, man, I didn't always start with these speeches you're hear in the morning now. I ain't always had these. I grew to these. I stumbled my way to these. I messed up my way to these. Here. I got it wrong so many times to be able to sound like I got some sense. I said it often. Failure is a wonderful teacher. Do you know how many times I have had to have failed to have what I have in my head today. I'm telling you, man, it's a process. People get mad at the process. You got to do something to give God something to work with. He'll bless you. But what you want me to bless if you ain't putting forth any effort, any effort, if you just sit down and start. I got a book coming out, I'm telling you, man, that's going to really explain this thoroughly. Man, Where you can get blessed from whoever you are in your life, wherever your starting point is, wherever you find yourself wound up you can get you can get it back from. Now. I've done it, man, by the grace of God, I've done it. I I got got over. Man. I learned some things along the way because here's the deal. As long as God keeps waking you up in the morning, he ain't through with you yet. When he's done, you're done. But if God still has a plan for you you wake up in the morning, He's still got some more work for you to do. You wake up in the morning. So if you keep waking up, man, it's something that God wants from you, would love to have from you, and he can work with you, man, if you just walk towards him a little bit. So here's the deal. I know it's hard for the average person to start because the fear of the unknown is incredible. What if I failed? What if I don't get picked? You know, one of the hardest things I ever did was walking in to quit my job. Oh man, let me tell you about that day when I decided that I was gonna be a full time comedian after winning an amateur night one time. Quitting your job, following your dream, going forward despite all the nay says, it's like stepping off a cliff. It's like actually just walking off the edge of a cliff, hoping, hoping. Now not really knowing, but hoping hoping is the bad basis of faith. I stepped off that cliff hoping that my parachute would open and allow me to drift down. See, I've never sky dived before, but I would imagine part of the thrill. And I don't know this because I'm not going to sky dive to find out. I think part of the thrill for people is the danger part of throwing yourself out a plane and how it feels to be free falling, but the whole time they're free falling, having this exhilarating, over the top moment. You have got to believe, in your heart of hearts, you have got the hope with everything in you that when you pull this cord the shoot opens or else this ain't a good move at all. But you've packed your shoot yourself, You've taking the lessons, so you go ahead and you make the leap. Now, the only thing about quitting your job and following your dream is you ain't really been trained all that good for this, and you'ren't really You didn't pack your shoot, but you ain't never opened it before. So I walked off this cliff, That's what it was like. And you following your dream is like you're walking off a cliff. Now, let me tell you something. Here's the part where people don't never make the jump. They see somebody like myself who jumped off the cliff and the and and the pass you don't open right away. And I hit a couple of rocks on the way down. I got my back cut up pretty bad. I got my clothes ripped off. They see that three years living in a car, man, he got his life toe down jumping off that cliff. I ain't jumping off that cliff. But see what you don't understand is you don't you don't know it. But eventually the shoot will open, and I'm at the parachute opening part of my life. Man, where a shooting open and I'm drifting and I'm able to go over to Paris, guide my shoote over to Paris and glide. I've I've glided over to Africa and seen what it looked like. It's a slow ride down. When the passhute finally opened, and my back then heel too, and the cuts that I had on me, I remember now I know how to stay away from the edge. But the parachute and opened, and I'm enjoying my life for the first time. I'm gliding, but I got hit up against the rock. I can see more. I get a chance to see more things. I get to glide and see more parts of the world. I'm living my dream. The pass shote open, your pass shoote is gonna open. But I'll tell you one thing for sure, it will never open if you don't step off that cliff. You got to step off that cliff, got to get the passchute open for you. But you got to jump. Baby. That's the hard part, ain't it not? Question is the end of this story right here today, when you're jumping, you're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. This is to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today. I would dedicate this entire show from me to you as a guilt. I am going to give you nothing but total ignorance. Tommy will be today required to be the straight man, as difficult as that may be. I'm going to see he can talk. He just said, I'm gonna see it. He can reel it back in and allow me the space to be ignorant. Today, Shirley will provide massive doses of laughter and will call it Genior. Will be here in utter disbelief at the things I have said. In that high pitched voice, ladies and gentlemen. This is the moaning show. Hey, what's up, Steve? How you doing? I'm good, I'm good. Color Hey Steve, what up? Crew Junior? Morning out to chat? To go deep? Didn't work? Tomb uncle, Steve straight man, I am there you go? All right, Let the eat this begin. How y'all wanted hey embarrass me any more? Roach stores? After yesterday with the roach story, hall my phone up man, text messages, Yeah, pictures are roaches. Everybody was talking about that yesterday, Steve. Well, we had a strawberry letter about a woman who was dating a man with a lot who had a roach infestation in his house. And then you went on to tell about some of your childhood roach stories, and they were hilarious. We all have them, maybe not to that degree. No, I've been up a partner's house that had mice the same damn weight. Oh, not as many as roaches, but the equivalent. Though. See once you see faux mice, that's like seeing a hunted roaches. I would have made it for mice is equivalent. But I kid you not, I said in his living room, I kid you not. Man, at minimum fifty fifty mice? What at minimum no, I'm listening to me like it was a damn convention. What they mean? Oh god geez. Okay, Okay, I'm gonna tell you the story. I'll tell you the story when we come back in rights me, don't Mr Rat convention. When we come back, they're meeting about cheese. We'll be back at thirty two after Okay, Swiss cheese, shatter cheese. What city was theand Carlin, it wasn't Cleveland? No, not a My story happened in Melphis. Oh it is? And the road story was what city that was? That was Cleveland? I'ma to change some names to all right, We'll be back at thirty two after the hour with with the mice story. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is our time for something funny. Uh Steve has uh my story, a story about mice out of Memphis. But some names have been changed to protect the innocent. As we are. Yeah, yeah, I was act wasn't in the business. Loan had a friend of mine that lived in Memphis. This guy and so I had checked into a hotel down there. But it was like really really messed up. It was only like you know, fourteen dollars a night. You know, that was outside right there, and so yeah, yeah, I can see the car. Call up. So I called him on his house phone. I said, hey, man, I'm in a bad but he said, come on over to the house. Man, My mom and arm they don't mind, you know, they love you yourself. Something to eat. So I got over there about ten thirty. His mama and him in the bed, his brother on the couch sleep. I'm in the kitchen with him, were eating. So he said, hey, man, just enjoy yourself. I'm going out. I said, man, I gotta get up early in the morning, like about five in the morning. Get back out on this road. I got to drive somewhere. He said, no problem, man, you can stay my sister's bed because she gone. So I'm in her sister bed, a little bit of twin bed. And I hit the naises and my suitcases on the floor there and I look and a mouse crawls out of my suitcase. Now I got to get up and unpack. It's about one thirty. I got to unpack your suitcase open. Yeah, I wasn't thinking another how the hell I know? So now I got to unpack, shake out everything, make sure I ain't got no mice in this luggage because I can't put this in my car because I live in it, which you can't live in is a mice infested car. Yeah, and I'm just driving the cross country. I'm committing felons. So I get up and I said, man, let me go in the living room. Man, what the hell going on? So I go in the living room and I'm in a I'm in a I'm in a chair and I hit it scratching by my head and I turned around and it's a mouse on the top of the lazy board chair by my head. Oh my god. Now I just stood straight up out of damn. Didn't touch the ceiling, and I had gnawed off. So that's about one thirty in the morning. Now, now, my boy he gone out. So I set up and I noticed this mouse run across the float from under the couch to this big round coffee table the head in the middle that was made out of fur, but you could go up on this. So I saw this mouse run up under the t I said, man, it's one on the back of the chair, one on the table. I said, what I'm any damn might sitting here. So then the mouse just shot across the TV, just laying across the damn TV, this flow model. So I got he had a fold await chair against the wall, you know the metal fold await chairs. They have a church. So I got a metal fold away chair and put it up, and I got another one from my feet to get up in, and I put my foot up in his chair. I swear to God, I'm not lying to you at all. Damn damn mice was everywhere. They started running across the floor. I said, man, is it one thirty? Is it is this? The prime is gonna ask him about that. They was running across the floor. Man. They was crawling all up on the backs of the chairs. And I look up on top of the curtain and it's two mice on top of the curtain. So I look at the curtains and the curtains is moving. The mice is crawling up the back of the curtains, up on the top rod. Now his brother is on his brother brother. No, no, no, no, no, no, yeah. Yeah. My boy's brother was on the couch sleep his little brother. He's sixteen. The mice all over the couch. They on his show. He ain't woke up I'm looking at it. I'm so scared for this boy. I said, Man, it's actually enough of a motor. They could really start eating your way now, you'd be able to get him in time because there's just mice, but these mics, and I kid y'all not. I've never seen nothing like it in my life. And I had my feet up in the Foloway check because I'm going, man, what the hell is going on? And my eyes is burning because I can't blink because I can't take my eyes off there my eyes. But if I ever needed visine I needed. I was mortified. Mice was running across that float, climbing up on this couch over there on that boy shoulder then that not me, and I just see him brush something. There ain't no fly brushing like them as mosquito. Wake your ass something to help me through this. Help. So I wanted to wake him up, man, because I needed some help to understand this. I'm telling you, man, I've never seen that many mice in my life. What I mean, They're just running back and forth all on over the furniture, across the TV. So about two thirty five in the morning, about three I've been up the whole time. I ain't slept with we. I'm scared to take my foot off the chair. Yeah, the key stick in the dough. It's my boy. He coming back in. He put the key in the door and turned the lock. He opened it door. Hey, man, what's happening? What a mouse? No, damn, you can't explain it. Don't even I'm looking at him, man, he said, He say, he's a love. What's happening? Man? I said, you know what the hell happening? He said, what's wrong? I said, man, you see hate a mouse? I smell you're looking over what I They are all up on the curtain curtains. A man, they've been running up on the mouse. No, damn, brother, sleep like a nothing wrong. About three thirty three or three o'clock in the morning, he came and he said, yeah, bro, I'm huggers here. You want something to eat? Boy, I said, tell you what I'm gonna do. Man, I'm gonna get in my car. I got to take off. Man, I got a hit in the breast. Oh man, I thought you're gonna leave a little bit late. Don't worry about that. I'm gonna sleep in my damn car, and I need to get my car to driveway because they probably climbed up there. Right. All right, look coming up next, we got the nephew in the building. We've run that prank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Sanna's going to be here with our national news for today. A lot going on in the world and in the country right now it is time for the nephew in spring phone call, run that brank. Yes, let's get serious here, Shirley. I'm the straight guy today. The day is Weed in the Church Van, Weed in the church Van. Thank you? How long that? No? About three more minutes. He's killing me. I don't like the assignment I've been giving the day. I can't believe what time me the straight guy Weed in the Church Band. Let's go. Hello, I'm trying to reach dand Brother Brother Dan Dad, Hello, Hello, because I'm trying to brother Dad brother d Okay, Yeah, this brother Scott from the Church and Belt the Baptist. Hello, Yeah, I call you. I'm I'm trying to get a little information about the church band. What's what's your schedule? Uh? Will you drive a church and what's what's your schedule, Uh, Wednesday, Fridays and Sundays. Okay, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, last Sunday. What what is that schedule? O? Sunday. I usually start about eight o'clock in the morning, probably a little earlier, depending on some of the elderly people that I had to go pick up and bring to the church, make sure they get there okay, and get situated and make sure they're on time for the service and whatnot, okay, and then you take them back home after services over. Yes, I try to get all of them back home, unless they got family members or something that come up there and meet them up there and want to take them to Jena on Sunday afterwards. But I usually get about it back home okay. Okay. Yeah, this class Sunday, which is part of the reason why I'm calling me. Ah, they're saying that some of the church uh members that was on the ban in this Sunday Uh, they are complaining saying that that the church van was spending like weed when they got on there. Excuse me, they say, the church van, we're spending like weed when they got on there. And you are the person that was driving. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, not not not the van that that I'm driving. So I don't know. I don't I ain't smoke weed, and no van do you smoke weeds? I don't smoke weed. I mean not currently. I mean I have before, but I don't smoke weed now and I wouldn't smoke weed before. Picking some people love to go to Now where are you from? Who told you this? Well? All I know is what what? What's coming down the pipeline is. They're saying that that A couple of the members came complaining this just happened last week about this pipeline. Don't want to know who the pipeline is because just last week they came and me talking about that. I I was using the van to go places that I wanted to go to all my personal time. Now I don't do that. I don't do stuff like that. And now I haven't had a past, I haven't had a history, but I don't do stuff like that. And I wouldn't smoke in no church van. So are you seriously talking to what? What? What? What? What? What? We're trying to We're trying to get to the bottom of it and see what's going on with you. The elderly person said, do you know which one? I don't know? They love me? Every Sunday, didn't people tell me they love me? Uh? They say, I'm one of the most respectful young gentlemen they've ever met in their life. And so I really find it hard to believe that you you you getting these types of complaints about me what I'm saying to me like oh, we I don't know what that means or nothing like that. Look, brothers, I don't know you too well, and I know you don't know me. But I've been driving this van as as as a point to try to change my life and where I come from. So this was with something that I wanted to volunteer even though I'm getting paid to give my time to do this for the church. And now this is like the second instance where y'all and came at me on some stuff about like I'm trying to do something with this van. Now why would I This was stake the church man by smoking weed in it and then letting the weed stay in there so other people can smell it. Okay, So let me tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna go out here to the church they had to say, we're gonna go out here today and open it up. Now, if we see any seeds or anything around the driver's seat, then that then then we're gonna We're gonna definitely uh a point, open the van up. Man. I was raising that church. Man, My mama go to that church, my grandma. See you go to that church. See the reason we even all left that church. And you think I'm gonna mess up They ain't by driving around in the band fool of elderly people smoking weed. But Dad, I don't know how to band smell like weed. Man, Now I don't. I don't got the answers to these questions. I'm just trying to tell you that it wasn't me. Did you have some weed in your pocket and lit it with your swelling? I ain't had no weed on me. Stop trying to say like I had weed on and you ain't gonna get me nothing that I had no and we ain't had no weed on me. Okay, Now, you ain't gonna mess up my name, on our family's name in this church and disrespect us like this. Now, We've been helping this church for years, and I'm trying to tell you that I ain't riding around and no fans smoking no weed with no elderly people. Did you ask any of the elderly people if they had any weed on them? Uh? Uh No, we didn't know. No, I didn't think about no elderly people having no weed. So you just assume it's me what one of them? Guy got coma or something? What? What? What you know? What? You know? Who? I think? What? Did you know? Who I think the weed belonged to? Oh? I think I think the weed belong and a few times from the Steve Harvean this show. What the damn you just got preak? Oh my god, you just got preak? What is just his name is brother? Uh? Brother Lawrence? Lawrence Lawrence? Uh Larry Larry. Tell Larry Arry here in trouble with me? But hit him with the van man. I got one more thing that I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the saddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Man Steve Hard Morning Man, go No rich Man going on the chill out the rest of the day. I tried, Man, I know I ain't gonna smoke no weed. That is you can get that. That's by my new CD right there. I won't to do it. I'm breaking church people. You understand that, don't you? No, I don't know. It's part of it. You gotta crank church people. Where can I get this new CD? In Walmart? Oh? I did good? Did did I? How did that sound? I don't know? It was soft and quaw. If you weren't franking church people, maybe they can pray for you to get them ages off, to get you to last, to last. Hey, Tommy, just real fast, say it now, say it it won't. That's how I used to do it when he was little and then here scared self. My dad He used to say, honey, boy, stupid, I gotta get serious. Stop stop stop y'all laughing at me too much. Look. I may not can say mybes, but I bet you I can say this that the nep You're gonna be in Baltimore, Maryland. I bet you I can say that, Marge, first, second, and third Thursday, Friday, Saturday. That's right. Tickets own sale at the Comedy Factory. The Nephew is coming to town. One show Thursday, Who shows Friday? Who show said the Nephew come to town? No w is allowed comedy Factory once again. Marks first, Mark Marge third, get your one show Thursday. Who frieda Too said? Stupid is coming to town, Baltimore, Get your ticket. The ignorance is coming to town. I ain't never been to the comedy Factory. Get your tickets right now, once again. March first, March second, March third. The Nephew, that's right, Ignorance is going to left your butt off with no w is allowed. No w is allowed. Comedy factors get tickets. They don't see written at Um, we're gonna have more of today's national news, our top stories. Students turning grief into action in Florida. They don't want any more school shootings, and neither Dewey. Um, we'll be back with miss Anne. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yesterday, massacre survivors from Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School marched, UH the hashtag never again marched to Florida State Capitol and Tallahassee all So. Also last night, there was a town meeting on CNN while powerful Uh. There were students, teachers, political leaders, and a representative from the n r A. One representative her name was Dana Lesh from the n R A Republican Senator Mark Rubio, they were all in attendance President Trump. He directed Justice Department to draft a ban on bump stocks device that makes it easier to fire rounds quicker. Uh. This was the same device shoes in the Vegas mash shooting back in October. Back to the students, um, just, bump stocks do not affect the sales of guns or rifles at all. It's an aftermarket product. It's like the gun, then you buy that, then you buy the bumps. It's like you buy realms for your call. Back to the students, these unbelievably just so bright, so articulate, so smart students. Um he listen, take a listen. Here's what one of them had to say. We're just kids. I know myself. I'm only sixteen, I'm a junior. You're in high school. Most of my worries are what show am I going to watch at six pm? What when do I do my homework? How do I fit in rehearsals for theater? I know, for my other colleagues at sports or maybe film. But everybody needs to remember we are just children. A lot of people think that that disqualifies us from even having an opinion on this sort of matter, as if maybe because we've been through a traumatic experience, that we don't know what we're talking about, that we're speaking irrationally, And I want everybody to remember that is not the case. We more than anybody else, understand the violence that comes through certain guns. We more than anybody else understand what it feels like to lose somebody. We more than anybody else understand Sorry, it's difficult to talk about this sort of thing. The way people today have greeted us or not greeted us, is that we aren't being taken seriously enough. Now. I personally don't know the steps that we're gonna have to take, but once we figure that out, we're gonna take them, and you better believe we're gonna take them as soon as possible. We are old enough to understand financial responsibilities. We're old enough to understand why a senator cares about re election or not. We are old enough to understand why someone might want to discredit us for their own political purposes. But we will not be silenced. It has gone on long enough that we, just because we are kids, were not allowed to understand. But trust me, I understand. I was in a closet, looked for four hours, with people who I would consider almost family, crying and weeping on me, begging for their lives. I understand what it's like to text my parents goodbye. I might never ever get to see you again. I love you. I understand what it's like to fear for your life. But it's going to happen, and it's going to happen before in my lifetime because I will fight every single day, and I know everyone else here will fight for the rest of their lives to see sensible gun laws in this country and so that kids don't have to fear going back to school. Because I want everybody to know I'm supposed to be going back to school in less than a week. I'm not ready. I don't think anybody here is ready. I don't think anybody here is ready to go back to class and just have an empty seat. And you know that that empty seat is because because someone's someone's dead, because somebody lost their lives, and I don't know how I'm gonna cope with it. See now, that's what I'm talking about, Because this this generation is gonna be the one to change. It's because you're right. They're very smart. They're educated. They can google the facts. They know who took court from the n I A that little boy talking about he don't know if you're ready to go back to school because there's a chair missing. There's a body not in a chair, and we know why because they did. Y'all com else if you want to, But we're gonna be voting in two years. You're gonna be out. This is the generation that will make the change because they're sick and tired of it. Absolutely all right, Well let's get some more effects on this, ladies, and gentleman, the voice of reason, the very only that's saying trip. Thank you very much, Stephen. Good morning everybody out there. This is entered with the news. That's absolutely right. High school students from around the Washington d c. Area walked out of school yesterday and rallied outside the White House and support the students in Parkland, Florida, in the wake of last week's massacre. They were demanding federal action on gun control and trying to take away your Second Amendment rights. Nor am I trying to eliminate all guns. But we cannot protect our guns before we protect our children. It is time for lawmakers to realize that we are no longer asking to be heard, but that we are demanding it, and then in a couple of years it's significant and effective change does not come, we will use the power of our vote. And many others held up handmade signs enchanted about the National Rifle Association. Yeah yeah, and hey, hey ho ho. The n r A has got to go. Meanwhile, about a hundred Parkland, Florida high school students who walk the halls of the Tallahassee Legislature yesterday urging elected officials there to propose anti firearms measures. That's despite the fact that in recent years Florida's mostly Republican legislature has only voted to expand gun rights and not retard them. The movement's called never Again. There may be at least some changes comings and minor ones. GOP leaders in the Sunshine States House and Senate, along with Florida's Governor Rick Scott, now say they're working on proposals that would tighten some of the state's gun laws, like one that would raise the age for purchasing weapons to twenty one. Also proposals to strengthen background checks and to allow police to take guns away from people considered threats. By the way, the presidents said to the people at his listening session, what about having teachers and everyone else in school carry a gun. Most of the parents said, no, that's worse. That just exact serbase the problem. Okay, The numbers on Black Panthers keep getting bigger. They now say the Afro centric superhero flick has born in four hundred and four four four and four million dollars worldwide, with movie goers flocking to the theaters in the UK, Belgium, the Ukraine, South Korea, Mexico and Brazil. Black Panther now set for release up to Russia, China and Japan. And believe it or not, the UK has a chicken shortage, specifically Southern fried chicken. Afcason ran out of chicken and closed the restaurants. And the Brits really love their fried chicken. They've been calling the cops and everything. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, all right, So just to continue this conversation, I mean, and it's one that should be had, you know. Um, thank God for these young people. Yeah, that really Um, they've been marching, they've been holding town hall meetings. The survivors from the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. They have a lot to say and they want to be heard, and in a couple of years, they really want to be heard with their vote. They're doing what's called the Never Again March. They have another march plan for march to Washington, UH to talk about the same issue. And here's some more of what the students had to say, so that they will not dismiss us any longer, so they won't reschedule, so they won't push us into another room as they dance around our questions. Because we came here prepared and we're going to come to every single meeting with every single legislator prepared. We know what we want. We want gun reform. We want common sense gun laws. We want stronger mental health checks and background checks to work in conjunction. We want a better age limit. We want privatized selling to be completely reformed so you can't just walk into a building with a hundred and thirty dollars and walk out with an a R fifteen. We want change, and we know how to get this change because we didn't fail. The people around us failed us. And if they continue to fail us, and they will no longer be in office, because soon we will be given the ability to vote and we will vote them out, and the people around us will vote them out. They must do right by us or they will lose their jobs. And we have brought that up to them time and time again, because this is no longer a chance for you to just dismiss us, for you to ignore us and keep doing whatever it is that you want to do while telling us that you want us to be safe and you don't want anything to happen like this again, but not taking any action. They are going to vote them out, yeah, big. They mean it when they say they want change, They really really yeah, and they want to be heard. On one hand, yes, they are just kids, but on the other hand, these are the ones that could make the very difference in change in this country when it comes to our gun laws. This is it. Yeah, these kids are gonna get it done. Yeah, what were you saying, Carlor The lawmakers they wanted to debate on porn being dangerous, Yes, this is assault rifles. Well, see that's the political move. Let's act like something else is on the agenda, so we don't have to address that while they're here. Take the focus off. They don't want to deal with it. They just deflect. Did they changed the narrative like that? But they messing with these kids who got time. See, these senators ain't got the time. These cats got kids. They have more experience than him. But them kids gonna figure out because let me tell you something, this is simply money and power. They're not willing to give up either one of them. But there is a way you can take both of them from him. The vote, that's all. The vote is bigger than the power and the money. And they have a great motivation. You kill my friend, that's right. There you go. There, you go, boy, But your comeback is porn. All right. We'll be talking about this all morning, of course, and when we come back, some sad news to report for Wendy Williams. We'll be back at after you're listening to show wow, some really sad news for Wendy Williams. We all know her, of course from radio and now she's a big TV star in the daytime. Wendy is taking several weeks off from her daytime TV talk show, and this is on doctor's orders. Now she's got to deal with the medical crisis related to hyperthyroidism. We remember a few weeks back. I don't know if you see see I don't have it. Okay, I'm just gonna tell you. I'm just gonna tell you that. Right back to Wendy, you can't even say it's w's Wendy announced at the top of Wednesday show. Say that you can't say it. Yeah, Wendy announced that the well she's suffering from Graves disease a very serious disease. Uh, it's an immune system disorder. She says, one of the symptoms affects the muscles behind her eyeballs. Would she then, of course, try to turn into a joke. Um. It sounds like from what we know right now, that she's going to be okay. But her doctor does say that she immediately needs to take three weeks off for vacation. Ahead. You're gonna get your nephew, Mr Harvey. You're gonna get him. You're gonna allow him. You're gonna allow him to talk about my eyes. It's like, no, I'm not allowing him. I don't disease. You want me to stop. Yeah, okay, but she stopped talking about the story. Isn't about Sherley, No, it's about when I just told you she has Graves disease. She's a medical crisis. Her doctor has ordered her to take three weeks off, and Wendy says, so you have to take about two weeks off? She No, she's gonna have to take medication. Things like that? Is he ignorant? For real? Yeah? What? How does she roll high? But you thought you thought he was joking, shy, I'm not a lowful words here. Huh? Did you not hear me say it's an immune system disorder? It has something to do with your immune system. Okay, So if you have anre thyroid, it causes a hormonal imbalance because to my understanding, it regulates your hormones or something to your pituitary glass. It wasn't difference between hemoroid and thy roid the two roids. The thyroid, like you say, is in your thigh and your hemorroids is somewhere around the him of your garment. Hemroids should be asteroid, though I've made that point the folk, but hemeroid should be an asteroid. I don't care what nobody's thinking, and Wendy would be feeling a lot better she had an asteroid and opposed to the thyroid, wouldn't she might have asteroids. Have to have y'all looked about I have in my heart for you right now cannot be expressed. This is serious, Tommy. As to being said, Steve ain't saying not by Steve, though you want to. But grapes disease. It is that disease when you do see people, you see people. What never mind I say that because you're gonna start talking about my eyes. Just say I'm well, you know sometimes when you see people, some people and their eyes look like they're bugging or they're coming out. Okay, that's kind of um related to this. That's one of the symptoms of grapes, But not that you don't have it. So what you got because her bug been bugging? What her eyes? Yes, you file, you can't say that. You don't. You're right cross room, look at I'm looking at and Steve is awfully quiet right now, and you better stay quiet because well, what I've learned to do is I don't make any comment it's about Wendy Williams. No, I would prefer to not make any about me, So I just stay away from all things. I do. Wish her wail with her health and everything. I want her to healthy. Well Carlin Aska, how are you doing? Oh, we can see how she do. So it was so many stupid things that have been said in like the last few minutes of this show. Wow, how you all right? Look, we'll we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I think you have a prank phone call coming up? You got iro you're listening to Stry Morning Show. I think we've all gotten ourselves together now coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter, the subject I'm married to three people. All right, you don't want to miss that one, but up next to get it laughed for that? Well, you know, all you gotta do is add one word to that missige is about me? Was what's that word? Yeah? I was married? All right? Listen, um Nephews here with his prank phone call. What you got? Well, every church has one churches? Yeah, the Preacher's Wife, it ain't a movie. It ain't a movie. It's the prank. The Preacher's wife running catch God. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister Angela. Sister Angela, please, how are you doing. My name is brother Clayton. I'm calling you from the greatest Baptist Church. How you doing this morning? I'm fine, I'm fine. Yeah, listen, I know that your husband, Reverend Reverend Jonathan, is actually one of the candidates that we may be choose thing to be our pastor since our past pastor has stepped down. Yes, yes, yes, I'm I'm very proud of my husband. I think you'll make a very good candidate. As a matter of fact, here at the church, we've been asking a lot of the deacons and and and assistant uh ministers here have been asking different questions, different things that they would be doing once they became pastor, you know, like your first one hundred days. What would you try and change here at the church or try and make better? So to speak? Yet, but what is here right now? Do you need to speak to us? No, not right now? What what we decided to do? Uh? Since Angela is actually called the wives and asked them a few questions. Okay, that's a little different, and we don't we don't want to take up too much of your time. You know a lot of times. Uh. If a pastor is stressed at home, nine times out of tend, he's likely to be stressed at the church. So I guess, my, my, My biggest question to you is is your husband stressed at home? Uh? No, not that I know of. He eats regularly, he's on a good diet. You know, he goes to the doctor regularly, gets his physical um pretty good. At home, I don't have a reason to believe that he's stressed. He certainly hasnt brought anything to my attention. Okay, No, don't, I don't. I don't. I don't. I don't, I don't. I don't think you follow me? S since Andrew, what I'm saying, is he stressed behind closed doors? Is he stressed in that fashion? Um? I'm not. I'm not too sure I follow you. You said behind closed doors? What exactly what you mean by that? Is he? Is he stressed in y'all's relations Is he stressed? Are you asking me about my personal business? Providence? Well, what I'm saying is if he's stressed at home, he'll be stressed at the church. And if he's stressed at the church, then the members are stressed then the congregation is stressed, so the stress start with you. Excuse me, if you are making sure that he's all right at home, he's gonna be all right at the church. I'm sorry, brother. What was your name? Brother Clayton, Brother Clayton. I appreciate you um conducting whatever interviews you guys need to conduct with the candidates wives. I do think that's pretty much personal territory and I really don't want to answer those kind of questions. It's not personal since the angela win is so many other people involved. See that's why I'm asking you the question, is your man stressed behind? I could assure you, yes that my husband is not stressed at home. If I get your drift, he is not stressed behind closed doors. Brother, and I would appreciate you if you don't call. What these kind of questions are you asking other candidates? Why these kind of questions? Well, I was the one UH dedicated to call to give you a call, and that's the question that I decided to come up with because I want to know if a man is gonna be stressed, because if he's gonna have tension at the church, then then the congregation is going to have tension, the church is gonna have tension, and the church cannot move forward in the direction over. My husband and I have been married twenty to five years, and they've been twenty five good years. If you get my drift, Okay, he is not stressed at home, and whatever goes on at home, my husband has sense enough not to take it to the church. That is not something he's gonna do. So you don't see that about anybody else being stressed at the congregation in the pulpit nowhere. Okay, we asked it together at home, and I appreciate if you don't ask you those kind of questions. But sometimes, but sometimes a woman does not realize that that a husband is stressed. You understand that there's a possible way that you don't know that he's stressed. So how can you get Let me get your phone a fact, let me get your full name. What's your first name. Let's just go with brother Clayton right now. Could you please answer this question. How can you guarantee that he is full not stressed? Brother Clayton, I'm calling the Lord real quick, hold on, Brother Clayton. I'm an honorable woman. I'm a woman who stands by my man. Okay, but you are asking me some questions that very personal, very private, very confidential. You are asking me questions that that that a question is the safety of my marriage? Okay? My husband is not stressed and if I don't send him away from my home stressed? Okay, how do you know? But what are you doing to make sure that this is less stress? Clayton, I'm about to end this phone call. Okay, Now, if you know we're not gonna end this phone call that we know we I need to know the Reverend Jonathan is not stressed at home. They put they assigned me to talk to you, and that's what I'm going to do, and I'm going to leave. He is not stressed. I don't know who told you that the man is not stressed. If he had to stressed around you, I bet you. I bet you he stress because you're stressing me right now now we're both stressed out. How can we understand that that man is not stressed. That's the end of this conversation. Do you understand me? Give me your full name right now, give me some intimate details, and then I'll give you my name to cross the line. You wait till my husband gets here. If this is gonna cost him candescy. Does this so be? We'll find another chunch. I'd have some choice words for you right now. I will give you my name right now. Do you have a yes. I'm gonna writing right now the letter N N is a Nancy E N E P H E W that nephew. Your name is nephew Clayton. My name ain't nephew Clayton. My name is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your husband, Reverend Jonathan. You said his nephew Tommy is from the Steve Harvey Morning It's your Your husband got me to prank phone call you. Lord, I'm gonna killing cold. I don't need that. Oh didn't trust me, sent me this morning. I can't believe I let him get, you know, pranks before. Oh my god, Tommy, I will tell you if this was twenty five years ago, brother, I cussed up a storm. I'm so glad I'm a safe woman. Well listen, listen. Can I ask you one more thing? What is the baddest radio show in the land? The Steve Harvey Morning Show. You know, every now and then you got to test the first lady. You know what I'm saying, make sure she ready? You played too much? What you don't need to prank the first lady to Pastor's wife? What's wrong with you? Else? Who else? On my prank? You're really kind of her today? Who you want me to frank? Called? When do we? We wish her the best? But this is no prank right here, The nephew is coming to Baltimore, Maryly. Did you hear me? I said? The nephew is coming to Baltimore, Maryly, get ready, get ready to get ready March first, March second, March third. The nephew will be there Thursday, Friday Saturday at the Comedy Factory. Tickets are on sale right now, did you hear me? Baltimore, Baltimore and everybody around the way. Ignorance it's coming to town. I ain't never been to the Comedy Factory, and I'm coming March first, second, third, third to Friday, said one show Thursday to Friday to Saturday. Ignorance is coming to town. I just prank the first lady. So all you first ladies, I tell yes, come on out and hang out with the nephew. I'm not gonna frank you, but I'm gonna let you get your laugh on. Coming up at the top of the hour, Today's strawberry Letter. I'm married to three people is the subject. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice for your particular situation, all you have to do is submit your strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M dot com. I'll say it again, submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com. Steve and I could be reading your letter on the air, just like we're gonna do this one right now. Go ahead, and nephew, buckle up and hold on time. She is here. Beats the stuff Roy, it's with the Strawberry LETTA. Thank you, little man, little man, thank you. Oh I'm little. They did a movie about little Man. It's called little Man. Subject I'm married to three people. Dear Stephen Shirley, Greetings from the Dirty South. I have this dilemma that I've dealt with for twenty one years, and I finally had enough. My problem is that I'm married to three people. My husband, his single sister, and his widowed mother. He can't do anything without his sister's and his mother's advice. He talks to them about our marriage, our children, and our finances, probably our sex life too. He talks to his mama as if he doesn't have a wife and four children at home. Any argument that we have, he calls his sister and gets her opinion on it. And yes, of course they hate me because he plays the victim in every situation. He's always available to help his mom and sister out whenever they call him, and he will do whatever they need him to do, often leaving me to run our home alone with the kids. When he's home with us, he spends most of his time on the couch watching cartoons. I know this is not right, and I sound crazy for dealing with this for so long. I should have dropped him off at his mama's house a long time ago and let them be one big, old, happy family. I've value your advice, Steve, so give it to me straight. What should I do? How can I get this grown man to stop being a mama's boy. Well, you hit so many points on the head. I mean, you know so many things are wrong in your marriage. I, for one, don't understand how you've dealt with it for twenty one long years. That's a long long time to deal with this kind of stuff. To to be married to three people at the same time, your husband, his single sister, and his widowed mother. That's a long long time to be put second, third, and fourth in a marriage. Uh, this is really on you. I mean, he is a child, he's immature, and you're right, he's a mama's boy. He took a vow, remember back twenty one years ago when you guys got married, he took a vow, um, you know, to leave the family and cleave to his wife. All that. Let no man separate you guys. But he's done just that. Perhaps he didn't take those vials seriously, Well, that's playing to see that he didn't. Um. I just don't know why you have put up with it for so long. But if you finally had enough, be done. If you're done. I know you have four children. You don't say how old they are anything, but um, you know, no one should have to put up with this. And my question to you is why have you put up with it so long? And if you don't want to, you know what you have to do. I mean, if he this man is on the couch watching cartoons that I don't get. Does he work? Does you know what is he doing? I don't understand. Um, you need either counseling. I don't know if it's too late for that, or you need to get out and get on with your life, a life that you deserve, not one that's a marriage of one to one person legally, but really to three people. Steve crazy, right, You know, I don't like these kind of let us calls. You know, I get tired of respond into this type of thing. The lady, you know what's wrong. It's so obvious to everybody listening. Know what's wrong here. You didn't dealt with this for twenty one years and you finally had enough. Now the question all I need to know is have you really finally had enough? Because if you have, I have a solution for you. But let's let's COVID. You're married to your husband, his single sister, and his widowed mama. So ain't nobody got nobody over there? All them women, his single sister and his mama, they got him and he there can't do anything without the advice. Talk to him about Madge Kid finance, probably talking about sex life. Two here talk to his mom as if he doesn't have a wife and folk children at home. Man argument that we have. He calls his sister, gets her opinion. Of course, they hate you, Yes, they hate you. He's always available to help his mama when they call him here, do whatever they need to do. Leave you to run to your house with the kids. When he hold with us here watching cartoons. We all know what this is. I know this is not right, and I sound crazy for dealing with this with so long. I know you do, lady, and you know it too. You just need some confirmation here. That's why I'm reading your letter again. I should have dropped him off at his mama's house a long time ago and let him be one big old having him. I value your advice to you, so give it to me straight. What should I do? How can I get this grown man to stop being a mama's boy. You can't. You can't. Twenty one years, you cannot change what he is. Rule number one, Ladies always notice about mama's boys. Mama's boys can't become your man. That's the rule. Mama's boys can't become your man. You can't serve two masters. You can't be the head of two households. You can't happily have two wives. Something has to suffer, even a dude that's got a chick on the side. Somebody has to be number one in the pecking order. Ain't no two number ones, No such a thing, No such a thing. Somebody has to play the number two roles. Your husband number one priority is his mama. That's not fitting to change. He's a mama's boy. I don't know how old he is. You didn't say in this letter, but y'all been dealing with you. You've been dealing with this with twenty one years. Let's just take the low end of it. Let's just say you got married at twenty. He forty was the fact that he foughty one laying on the couch watching a cartoon. That is crazy, right there, a cartoon at forty one, right there, And that's all he do until hid mammy called. And that's what you refer to her as. So that's what I'm gonna refer to as you didn't put that in the letter. Your mammy called. I'm pretty sure she mammy, really, your damn mammy call. And you ain't your ass, sister. I'll be back. Then it's talking about your mammy and you ain't your sister. All right, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. You're listening to Steve Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two. See your response. Here's the thing about a woman who's been in this situation so long, Just like women who stay in bad relationships long, because you are such nurturrous by nature, such hell is and such people of you're just nurturrous. You think you can fix it if I just keep loving him, praying bot it it all change. Well, if you're praying for somebody that don't ever pray for their self, I don't really know how that works. You're praying that an alcoholic go get help. But until the alcoholic want to go get help or he can't go down there, you stay in this relationship because you keep thinking it will change. Twenty one years and it hasn't changed. Sureley made another point that he's ignoring the vows that he took to leave all others and cleave only unto you. He didn't hear that when the preacher said that he was looking at it. Mama was longing, not longingly, Steve, I ain't gonna move far away from you. This the stuff he was saying. I'm man huh, but it's still you, mama. This is what a mama's boys saying at the wed. A man her because we sleep together, but it's still you, mama. You married a mama's boy. So he didn't hear that part. When you promise you've to leave all others and cleave only on to her, I cleave only on to you, MoMA. This was the voice that was playing in his head during the wed, so he missed that. Shirley also mentioned that you might consider counseling. I like to use counseling because I have a talk show. I've learned that from my white listeners that counseling is very effective form of dealing with situations and problems. Until I had this talk show, I never thought counseling was worth it them. But since I have a talk show, I've recommended counselor several times. Well, they ain't gonna work in this case because everybody in this letter black. In order for counseling to work with black people, you must take all of all concerned parties to counsel. Ain't everybody you let this little prisson help for talk us into some counselor what nothing wrong with this? Before you're married her? Now all of usaid't get married her. Now we're just crazy people. Ain't nobody crazy? But how setting up that? Just making babies? Yeah, y'all need counseling. But her mammy, his mammy ain't going. And you know his single sister ain't going because she's some way what she's the single sister overweight? How you know that in the letter, I'm just throwing it out. She ain't got no I'm on, I'm talking excessively overway. She overweight, And they ain't that good person. You can be away and getting man, it's some cute. It's cute big girls. I get me and all the time because it because they're nice people and they got that sexiness about him. You know there's a lot of Ashley Graham's walking around in the hood. Yeah, yeah, she ain't one of them. She's not Ashley Graham. She's Ashley Damn. Ladies and gentlemen, you are dating a mama's boy and there's nothing nothing you can do about it. There is no cure. Now what should I do? Do not spend the next twenty one years of your life in misery? Don't do it? Let him go on over there. This could be the thing that jaws him. The thought of losing you could draw him up. I don't know. But do you want to do another twenty one years like you did or do you want to have a different twenty one years? You make the decision. All right, Steve, we gotta get out of your our girls, girl would I was just loving and listen to baby, I was just loving. But hey, Shirlette Dolling, Wait, man, before I get to what I'm really gonna talk about, what's with the mama's. I didn't dated a lot of mama boys because me and their mama was the same age. You don't. Oh yeah, we have the a Tommy. We have to catch the table with the house coats on drinking syncha listening to Johnny Taylor. You think I got to yourself? Okay, I'm sorry that I go to the too. Chuse her son is forty five and the mama sevning five. Okay. Anyway, here's my point of what I want to talk about to day everybody's talking about what the young people are doing, and I think this is amazing. Don't y'all think this is amazing. I'm glad you're talking about it. And I'm not saying that because I work at this network. I'm saying that because CBS did this really good report where they talked about some people that used to be in an n r A and nobody's against the n r A. I believe everybody that got a gun should be a member of the n r A so we can change how they do and think about things and use them for good. But they also talked about this guy named Richard Feilman, who was a farmer n r A lobbyists who now has the Independent Firearms Association, who believes, as long as the Second Amendment rights are protected, there needs to be some changes in gun laws, in gun restrictions and in gun ownership. And I think that's great. People can come together for good. But I think we all need to support these kids. Why because Dr King and the young all them, brother Jesse Jackson, they were young people working in the civil rights movement. A Philip Randolph was a young man when he talked thought about the march on Washington when he gathered eighteen thousand black people to come together in Madison Square Garden to talk about change. He was a young man of five beta sigma when he did that. They were young men and alpha young men, and they were young people doing this. And last for our least, Ruby Bridges, that little bitty girl, what's six years old? When she had the courage to walk in that school, she didn't have any fear. So when you're talking about what these young people can do, they can do it. And if you can do it in Florida, if you can bring people together multiracial, multicultural, then you can do it in Chicago. Then you can do it in l A. Then you can do it everywhere. And we're gonna help support this movement. What do we have a microphone? A microphone to let these kids voices be heard and then we stand beside them. They need money, they need support, and they need our prayers, and we support anything that a young person is doing for good. I'm out, Steve Harvey, and I let your mama. Oh uhl I say I let your mama? Did I not say timing? Do you where y're mama? Because you know I'm getting what you are saying. The soul coming up in about ten minutes. Thank you, Yls in the building. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's time for sister. O'Dell darling. Yeah, I forgot my own in try How you did? Ain't that crazy? Good morning? Everyone was good morning mornings. I don't know why I wait on the interest. That ain't even the way. I just need to just come on, man, Thank you for reminding miss Charlotte. You're so welcome, sister. That's the first sweet thing you've ever done. No, it's not, but I'll take it. Is it is? I just said it won't. Yes, ma'am. First, you're you're so right, so right this very moment. It's all right though, Yes, yes, man, I heard what Thomas said about your How long have you been sick? I am not sick, sister, O'Dell, ain't you got? Ain't you got? What is? You got? What is? She got? Iro? What time? And you got? I rods? I've never heard I rods her herd at that rog and rag? He made that up. He made it up, yes, ma'am. God of funny. Though you got a rods anyway. He's a cute girl. Shelly always nice and and well done up and everything. Wow, that's a good thing. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me ever since. Well, hold on because there's no with it. Okay, don't get it, man, don't get front yourself. Sorry you said that. You do all that because you can't cook it all, So might as well give a man something to look at. She ain't gonna hand knee. What's going on, y'all? Well, a lot of things are going on in the news since Yre Dell. But we'll just touch on a couple of things. Let me tell you something. The kids down their floor, they must with the row water white kids going to change something, yes, ma'am, they are. I'm all for true about time. Ye yes, yes, ma'am. Yeah, they will not What what happened? I excuse me? You know I've been working on that. Just been so pressed up lately, saving the Lord out and FORGT. Oh. Okay, hey, sister Adal over the weekend, did you get a chance to see uh Black Panther Girl? I went on there. That's a good movie, yes, ma'am, yes it is. Did you like I love that moving Black Panther? Yes? I was in there, you know. Where's your boy that played Chadwick Boseman or Michael b. Jordan's No, not Michael be the Starwick King to Challa, King to Chala. I knew it was great great great grandfather from Wakanda, now King Chila. How did you meet him, sister? Well, one time I was in Africa on a mission, you know, saving souls, and we was on a safari you know, and we had it was all on foot because they didn't have uh you know, range rovers back then. We were on foot. This grab big old African jumped. Dr bush Man had a bone through his nose. He was a big man too. He had an elephant bone in his nose. Girl, and he jumped out. I said, good, Lord of matter, he said, going on your horse, I'm on Wait again, he said what I said? I bet you, I bet you won't. I stayed with him for three years over there, just Africa, for three years, swinging on making corn, going to get water. He drank a lot of water. Yeah you know, wait, wait what do you say? I got more? So he said? And I said, I know that's right. Me up and threw me over his shoulders, frank me and carrying me back to this hunting. He was king everything, that his old money everything. We had a weird we broke up though, Oh how did you break it up? Well, he had fifteen wives and I couldn't stay in fourteen fifteen. When I came in, Lord, I was fine. They were so upset with me. Okay, I had breast and everything back then. Back then, that ain't your business. When I got is a brain something you ain't you well, ciccro deel um, this brings me to the other big story of the day. And no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no. Surely we talked about this. Be careful. Yeah, it's like I'm not doing my job properly if I don't say anything. You know, I'm always in this. I'm as I got the feeling there's going to be some other cand of news. Well, sister O'Dell, I mean, please understand the spirit and which I'm I'm telling you this just so you'll know. I mean, he has such an influence on everyone evangelists. Billy Graham passed away yesterday morning. Yes. Uh, he was the preacher to the President's they used to call him. He met with just about every president, Yeah, starting with Truman all the way to Obama Donald Trump, Well tell you need to be the one you've got to be kick I noticed, fuck it, hold til I try to st told me I'm heavy. Were to stay up doing your grammy? Hold on? Hold I got sold that. I got you. Wait a minute now, said hold on jan like to me bad you the same old day. Hold on have a that like say, j hold on on, I know that, said, I ain't stand your held out. Damn my throat, your asso, your head, holm yourself. Oh my god, you m your dad heavy back. You ain't going to heaven. You can be hold on on it. Get high. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Get her hands job little, let's tell her to go. Jesus, let's just a little talk. I'm not disrespectful to my elders, but my God, shut him out. Jesus, I am not disrespectful since your job, but you're not going to stop me from doing my job. Now, enough is enough. She jumped on me. Talk. I'm down. He wrote a book, and that's why I'm left. I'm talking a little cold. We've been on commercial so he wrote a book, said me home. So if anybody going to him and here, let me straighten you out of oh god, helf, listen. That is not necessary. What you gonna calling is not necessary. I don't you don't tell me who's necessary. Wait a minute, did you you don't know? And don't Shelly, that's not cool? This throtell if people don't care for you? Did you? Did you know? Very well? True? Did you know Billy Graham? I knew his grandfather, Graham Cracker I need because Cracker barrel, and I knew his uncle shouting. They all got they were the food business because they were setting up after child others. And I hadn't noticed that he was gonna Billy Graham and large. But I had to gather myself because it's been such a Christian for so long. He he going to heaven unlike somewhere else about Dennis. That's what you mean, Shirley Junior, Tommy no more. She can't handle this. Yeah, but it's like, Shirley, you know, I knew something was up when you said thank I should Yeah, you know, because you're relishous. No not, you're relishou is ain't hurting me. I don't know what that's what she does to do? Connor, don't ever do it comes on this show in college, just a sweet to me Junior is respectful even every little endnant boy. If guy, he's good to me most of the time. I'm always a constant throne in my side us doing my dear. I am not evil, I am not disrespectful. I am a professional. See how you run in your mouth right now? Thank you. Let a woman get herself together after hearing such tragic news. But all you just like that damn president trying to just get your poys. You just truck back, old woman. You're gonna take that bell? Now? Did you hear what she said to me? I just like the President, I didn't wish you said. I was just like, oh no, no, no, no, everybody heard it. I didn't whish you get night down at Trump. It's always about you trying to fix what's wrong with you. They don't care about like the president on different Trump if they had below the bell, sister Dale, that's insulting long below the bell, doul. That's why did That's why I swung it from because she does it to me. Carl, you don't ever want to stop this help from disrespecting her. You don't take it well, Sister O'Dell like Dennis Edwards and the Temptations passed recently. I didn't tell you about that one. I didn't just see shop. Oh my god, Oh my god, I said it. I didn't mean to say it. I was saying. I was trying to tell her. I don't know if she heard it. Maybe she didn't hear it. She heard it. I'm looking at her. Dang it, don't do this. Why am I wrong? Let's check on what you're doing. Come on, now, come on, you need to leave right now. You need to leave. Just a head. Let it out, Let it out, Let it out. I didn't. Yeah, I didn't nothing, share it you. Wow. I didn't sing more. I didn't singing. Don't look at further. That's the wrong song standard, don't share just my imagination, my imagine that didn't. I think you should leave for a minute, I really do. I think you should just like how hat is? What I do is try to do much? Why should keeps me doing that so long? Now you go to stodd right here? What you oh? Don't keep going back and forth? Step fool, friend a rail. I can't say your sale in the world. I can't said your challenge strawberry you make me sick? Whoa whoa star? What is it? Good? You like shell happened? Oh that's why he's saying, got a break, gotta break with me back. I don't won't get us having Oh he's having to kill ground that of that. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's that time. Let's get to it. It's the one and only Carla Ferrol with Reality Update. Alright, back to the show. Yeah, back on, you almost got kicked out here today. Yeah, all right, let's talk about Real Housewives of Atlanta. You remember what a couple of days ago, the Strawberry letter, Shirley, what was the title? Married to a bug? What was the title? Oh my man is bugging me? Alright? Yeah, and Steve, you talked about all these roaches and yeah, what was going on? Well, guess what Real Housewives of Atlanta roach Gate? Yeh, roach gate? Yes, Junior. So here we go. Last week, you know, the women went to Spain. Cynthia put together this trip for them to all go to Barcelona, and Kim and Kenya they did not go. They skipped the trip. And remember I told you that Kim didn't want to go because she had health issues and she wanted her husband to go, but he wasn't invited. Anyway, long story short. On the way to the airport, Nini made it very clear that she doesn't believe that Kim has all of these health issues like cancer, stroke, thyroid, open heart surgery. Well that's the thing, y'all know, I got cancer? Who do that? Well, so the bone collected your girl, which surely we're just gonna call hood the snitch. Yeah, she's just being just ratting back. Yeah, yeah, anyway, she told him what Nini said. They fast forward, they get to Spain sidebar. They don't like the accommodations that Cynthia put together. They didn't think the house was fly enough, so they weren't really feeling the location for the house, I mean where they were and all that. But anyway, Kim snapped back. She clapped back, I should say to the lad she said this big group text to Barcelona, to the girls in Barcelona with the video. She clapped back to Nini and she talked about Ninie having roaches in her house and that her daughter Brill took a video of roaches being in Ninie's house. You know, Nini was not happen Nini went off. She called Kim everything, she called her ballheaded me, it was Naedie went in on your girl. She talked about her house being knew that she didn't have any roach problems, and and it just went on and on and on. So now you know it's game on between Ninie and Kim. Video. But wait a minute, Carla, there were where were those? Were they? Water bugs? What? What was that? Yeah? You know you couldn't really tell on the video. It was kind of grainy. Where the water bugs? I don't know what I can tell you right away. Just show me the video, Okay, I'll show you. I'm an expert. I'll tell you right away what they are and what they ain't. He a specialist things I am. Yesterday, I'm gonna have to say yes to that, right. Yeah, I wouldn't. I wouldn't. I wouldn't. Dad, I could have been a spokesperson for talking. I'm glad you decided not everything. Yeah, So anyway, hit me up on Twitter. Tell me if you're on team Nini or team Kim for the clap back of roach Gate? Do you think Kim went too far? I just think the whole thing was crazy. Sar first of all shouldn't have called what is she calling for? All men? All the men? Love say, I'm not in that line. Don't say all men? Well most men? How about that? A nice girl? Oh yeah, I like her? Yeah for sure. All right, Carla, we gotta go. You have more now, that's it? Okay, all right, Well, thank you, that was good. Yeah, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yesterday, massacre survivors from Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School marched, uh, the hashtag never again marched to Florida State Capitol and Tallahassee. Also last night, there was a town meeting on CNN while powerful. Uh. There were students, teachers, political leaders, and a representative from the n r A. One representative, her name was Dana Lesh from the n r A Republican Senator Mark Rubio. They were all in attendance. President Trump. He directed Justice Department to draft a ban on bump stocks, device that makes it easier to fire rounds quicker. Uh. This was the same device shoes in the Vegas mash shooting back in October. Just excuse me, bump stocks do not affect the sales of guns rifles at all. It's an aftermarket product. It's like, then you buy that, then you buy the bump It's like you buy reals for your car. Back to the students, these unbelievably just so bright, so articulate, so smart students. Um listen, tech a listen. Here's what one of them had to say. We're just kids. I know myself, I'm only sixteen. I'm a junior in high school. Most of my worries are what show am I going to watch at six pm? What when do I do my homework? How do I fit in rehearsals for theater? I know, for my other colleagues at sports or maybe film. But everybody needs to remember we are just children. A lot of people think that that disqualifies us from even having an opinion on this sort of matter, as if maybe because we've been through a traumatic experience, that we don't know what we're talking about, that we're speaking irrationally. And I want everybody to remember that is not the case. We more than anybody else, understand the violence that comes through certain guns. We more than anybody else, understand what it feels like to lose somebody. Sorry, it's difficult to talk about this sort of thing. The way people today have greeted us or not greeted us, is that we aren't being taken seriously enough. Now. I personally don't know the steps that we're gonna have to take, but once we figure that out, we're gonna take them, and you better believe we're gonna take them as soon as possible. We are old enough to understand financial responsibilities. We're old enough to understand why a senator cares about re election or not. We are old enough to understand why someone might want to discredit us for their own political purposes. But we will not be silenced. It has gone on long enough that we, just because we are kids, were not allowed to understand. But trust me, I understand. I was in a closet, locked for four hours with people who I would consider almost family, crying and weeping on me, begging for their lives. I understand what it's like to text my parents goodbye, I might never ever get to see you again. I love you. I understand what it's like to fear for your life. But it's going to happen, and it's going to happen before in my lifetime, because I will fight every single day, and I know everyone else here will fight for the rest of their lives to see sensible gun laws in this country and so that kids don't have to fear going back to school. Because I want everybody to know I'm supposed to be going back to school in less than a week. I'm not ready. I don't think anybody here is ready. I don't think anybody here is ready to go back to class and just have an empty seat. And you know that that empty seat is because because someone's someone's dead, because somebody lost their lives, and I don't know how I'm gonna cope with it. See now, that's what I'm talking about, because this generation is going to be the one to change. It's smart man, all right, And I will be back with Steve's closing remarks. You're listening to all right, we are back here is Steve. Just one more thing in our closing remarks. I want to give you an analogy everybody that I came up with a long time ago, about reaping the harvest of your labor. I think that's what all of us want to do. We all the most folks I know don't mind working. So if you work, you want to get paid, you want to reap a benefit. So growing up around the farm with my uncle and my grandfather, I learned some things about farming that I've applied to my current life. If you look at yourself as a farmer, which we all are, we are all trying to grow some crop that will one day benefit us in selling at the market or being able to have a big spread and eat and sustain our life. But before you can benefit from this, you gotta tell the earth. You gotta tell the ground. You gotta get out there, and you got to turn that soil over to primate and getting ready for planting. So when you plant, you want to make rolls. So let's say you walk your mule down to the end of the row with a plow attached to it. When you get down to the end of the row, you stop. You're gotta go back to the beginning of that role and you're gonna start dropping seeds in the ground and cover them up with your hand as you go. This is how you start the process to be a success. After you've covered it, it takes a long time. This is not a day's process. Now you go back down to that role. After you plant all your seeds and you cover them, you hook yourself back up to the plow and you come all the way down that role back to where you started to make your second row. You want to hook yourself from the plow and you go back up there and you drop some most seeds in the ground and you started covering them up to you all the way back at your plow, which is one row over from the role you first started in. Now, when you look at your road that you first started in, it's time to start watering the seeds that you're planted. And you walk down there and your water water water, water, water, water water. You come back down to the beginning. You hook yourself up to the plow and you start making your third row of seeds. You gotta constantly be be beef planting seeds. And when you make that third row and you get down at the top, you go back to the second row and you start watering that row. Well, by the time you get the round roll five or planting row one is starting to sprout, there's some crop coming up out the ground. And when that crop comes out the ground, but you don't want to do is go over there and start eating it right away, because it ain't even came to fruition. It's not full bearing fruit or full baring car. You're just gonna be eating stalks. So you gotta be patient and let it grow so it can turn into something now long the way you start making your other roles. You gotta go back every now and then you gotta put out pesticides because the haters is coming. You gotta put pesticides out to protect from against the little haters. The little people as trying to eat your crops before they grow up. Put some pesticides out. So you go down there and you keep planting your rolls, and you got thirty rolls made thirty rolls. You look down there, Roll one starting to bear fruit. Now you can go down there and you can start eating off a roll one. But Roll thirty still needs to be tended to. Roll fifteen needs fertilizing, You need water. Sometimes sometimes you gotta cut them back. Sometimes you gotta walk back through your crops and check for weeds. Have you hired somebody or you allowed or relative or friend to infiltrate your plan and they're they're just messing up your garden, digging holes in it and knocking over your crops. You gotta go back, and you gotta dwed your crops. You gotta get rid of some people because if you're not careful, they back the messing up what you didn't work for. And just keep planting rolls, just keep planting seeds. You just keep covering up with dirty You just keep watering him. You keep going back and provide pesticides until you look up and you've got so many roles, so many roles. And the further you look back, there's more crops coming up out the ground. There's more trees bearing fruit, there's more corn stalks producing corn, and now you can go back and eat. That's when they call fruits of your labor. That's when you can go back and you can start eating. But you gotta constantly tend too, the garden man, because the pesticides are always a problem. The weeds growing up amongst your crops is always a problem. We are all farmers in life. We are all hoping to reap the benefits now. Sometimes as a farmer, or drought hits, ain't no water. Sometimes as a farmer, a flood come through. These are the things that happen in life all the time. Because floods and droughts hit farmers, they don't stop farming. They know they got to start again, and they just do it because they understand that's the process of reaping the benefits of harvesting from your labor. They understand that. So farmers don't stop farming cause the drought come. They run through the dry spell and they just keep planning because they know the sun is coming up. They know that the flood's gonna dissipate, and they're gonna have to be and then they'll be successful. Keep planting, everybody, Keep tending to your garden, Keep guarding yourself against the haters with the pesticide, Keep getting out the weeds out your garden, tend to your crops. They will pay off in the long run, because all of us, at the end of the day, it's just a bunch of farmers out here. That's all it is. All right, y'all have a great wom man. Uh, just trying to keep your encourage and keep farming. I'm gonna do huh. So we've benna open up our own whole food bad He just told you, And that's what you got out of that. We're gonna open up. I mean we've been to get some trackers. I mean you know what I mean when I say yeah, and how many roads we got? You get row thirty row? How many? He's so stupid. I mean, we're God. What we should do is doweed and food. That way we said weet, then people get the much saying get we need a weed slash grocery store. Steve. That was brilliant closing remarks. You're it's been all my time trying to Ain't got no mentoring yet. Take us home, I said, have a great weekend. Get messed at up is I'm working this weekend. Anyway, We're gonna be in the field. For all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.