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Why y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bat all suit looking back to back down, giving them mo like theming buck bus things in its tub, y'all to me true good to the hut guy listening to me to other for stout money. Why don't you join? Yeah, well, hobby joining me, honey said dot turn Yeah, you gotta turn to turn at the time, lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water go, come come on your back at it. Uh huh. I shall will come on and everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, if if if I had time enough to tell the whole trip, the whole journey, and y'all would be sitting up in there going, okay, Steve, are we gonna play the show this week? But man, it's been a lot of amazing things has has happened to me over the years, um and and not all of them good. It's been some amazingly bad things that have happened too. But I just come on in the morning as a reminder to everybody of of of the actual goodness of God that you know, man, that these mistakes that you're making, that these setbacks that you keep having, that these falls that keep occurring in your life, that they all are leading you somewhere. If you us don't ever give up. That's the key. You can never ever give up because you don't know how the trip has been laid out for you. You know, if somebody had told me, um years ago, when I had the dream of being on TV and then I thought about being a one of one of the best comedians I could be. You know when when I when I started, somebody had told me everything that was gonna have to happen in order for me to get there, I would have changed it. I would have I would have said, Okay, well I ain't gonna be that. How about this? See and and no one can know all of the events of their life ahead of time. You know. It would be so nice, whenn't it. You know, to prepare for it, see it coming, be aware of the haters, always knowing when the backstabbing moment is coming in your life, always knowing when you're gonna get blindsided by the enemy. We're really great to know that, wouldn't it. Well, that's not how it works, So since no one knows exactly the challenges and the pitfalls and the detools that's gonna be set them. It's it's it's imperative that you just don't give up because see, knowing these things, we as human beings by nature, would choose another route. But it ain't the route God God for you, though. See the route God God for you. If you if you're trying to do the right thing, if you're doing the best you can, if you ain't out here just intentionally just messing over, folks, if you're using faith and that's the belief in things that you cannot see. If you have something on the inside of you to keep saying there's got to be more to life than that, then that's that's you. You, my friend, have a great chance here. And if you've ever had that feeling and gave up on it, just get it back. Just asked for it back. Just say, hey, man, I'm getting back to the way I used to be because there's a change that's available in your life, but you gotta take it. You gotta take a shot at it. Folks. There's a chance for you to get it right, but you gotta take a shot at it. Folks, there's a chance for you to turn this whole thing around with God's help, But you gotta take a shot at it. You see, this decision is yours. The decision to lay down and give up, there's yours. It ain't. It just got too hard for me. Life too much, man, life hard and too much for everybody. What I gotta get you to see is if you don't lay down and give into it, there's some great things in store for your life. Because all of the things every lesson I've ever ever learned, the best lesson has been a boult lesson. And my father used to always tell me, he said, so best lessons in life the born your value and learn the most is about lesson. I didn't quite understand that being young, but I showed God it now ain't no lesson like a bout lesson, the one you pay for. Those are the ones that hold to you, that stick to you, that that that start turning you into who you're gonna be. Those are the character builders. See, um, you got to be forged to get to where you want to go in life. So that's what the challenges and missteps is for. That's what the failing is about. Now, I know you don't like it. I didn't. I know you're not comfortable when I wouldn't. I know you wish it was over sooner than later. I always do. I always wanted to be over sooner than later because the later manager seems like it's so much I gotta go through. But let me tell you something, man, if you can, if you can Ford your way through it and understand that you are forged in life, I don't know. I was on TBN one time when I was doing one of my motivational speeches, and I began to wonder about this experience I had at Ford Motor Company, and um, one of the things that I had came to the realization of was that that job at Ford mot Motor Company taught me a couple of valuable lessons. First of all, that I had to be at work on time, because I always was. I had a really, really good work record. Man, I was a great employee because I because I didn't want to disappoint anybody. You know, I already saw the look on my parents face when I flunked out of college. I didn't I wanted my father to know that I was a hard worker. And so when I got the job at Ford. I wanted to prove to my father, my mother, you know, the the nay says, hey man, I know how to stick to something. But my last job, after the auto industry start going down, my last job was in the foundry and my job was to stand at the end almost where the engines first come out of the furnace. See, the engines are poured into a mold. It's hot, melted down metal whatever they call it, lava or whatever. They poured into a mold and it goes into this furnace that's extremely hot. And my job was after the heat was applied to the engine block, it would come through and it would it would go through a hardening stage. But the way it was hardening, they would cool it. Suddenly they would flush it with water. It was just blast water on it. But the fire and the high temperature is what made the engine block solidified. It's because it's gotta get real hot, get melted down first. Then it's got to get poured into a mold. Then it's gotta be pressure, hit with water and all of this and then it and it's real hot. Now it's still hot even though there's water been shadow but when it comes out the end of the side, there's a lot of flashing in it, and flashing is a metal from that ton dripped through the cast or molding on it, just like flecks of extra pieces of metal. My job was to hit this engine block in the front, which is huge, heavy rubber mallet, knock all the flashing off the front, and when it came around back to bam, hit it real hard again on the back side, and that became the core of what the car is. A car without a great engine is nothing. It's just a pretty looking vehicle over there. But if it can't do what it was made to do because the engine block then cracked. So you can have a car look real good, but if it freezes an engine block crack your car, you can it's it's over man. You gotta get a new block. The block is the core. But in order for you for the car to do what it's got to to, it's gotta have a strong engine in it. In order for the engine to be strong, it's got to be forged and still come through fire, get poured in a mold, cooled off, heated, knocked around, beat on the front end, beat on the back end, in order for it to be what it's gonna be. The moral of the story, folks, is you got to get forged in fire to be what you're gonna be. You got to get beat up, you got to get pressure washed, you got to have heat on you, you gotta get melted down, you gotta get poured into a mold. That's how you become who you are. So the tough things that you're going through, the difficult challenges and the setbacks. I know a brother who went to prison, man, And and the whole reason he ended up going to prison because he was looking out the loop window looking out in the yard and I'm working out. And then the next thing you know, man, this brother decided that he was gonna go out there and work out. Well, guess what, he's one of the top trainers in country today. You're ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. I have your undivided attention. Please. This is what's called a p s A, better known as a public service announcement. You today will be tested, you will be extended, you will be privileged mm hmm, and you will be rewarded. We are going to find out how well you drive in a car, how long you can hold coffee in your mouth. We will find out if you will be able to quiet your laughter, to wear self maintained and not draw any attention to bosses, from bosses or coworkers. You will be tested on your billy of it not to laugh at things that you know good and well you're not supposed to laugh at. This is a test today. Come on board. We hope that you all fail. Yes, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Shirley, Hey, good morning to you, Steve, Yes, Carl, good morning, Happy Monday morning, Uncle Jake. I am now on a championship team Baby Champihip teams Lady and gentlemen, Thomas Miles your side, Top of the morning, Top top top yo. H Well, so so we're done with nephew tom I don't know you don't even know who he isn't well, he knows. They're all. They're all here a something here we have yet to meet. Been that he'd been out here a week. We ain't talked, text called, nothing's got to be on you because he has not next call, tweeted. The only time I talked to Tommy is on the air with you all. So I have decided that this mentory, it's just radio restricted me. That's all we got, Connor, Tommy. January is coming to a close, twenty night day. What's what's happened? We're good, We're good. He won't let me. You know. I'm getting the apartment. I'm getting settled here. Just hold tight, I'm coming. Excuse me, guys, guys. If everywhere twenty eight is what I am, excuse me, guys, you've got another note. Excuse me, guys. That's not what he said. What is he said? January two? That's what I was coming to town. Okay, just the first time here, so you don't need miner and until the lastness and love is all over, and you've made several black states. You're black. You're entering going into spring break. Yeah, no decisions to the twenty. You'll see what I'm up. All right, listening, guys, that's some highlights from last night's Grammy Awards. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh, Steve, before we get into the Grammy Talk, go ahead with your mentoring session on Okay, before I talk to Tommy, just let me get some guidance myself from y'all, because y'all hang out with Tommy. Yeah, if Tommy doesn't want the mentoring session the first one into February eight I'm just I'm just trying to not Okay, January twenty ninth, Okay, so let me say that all of all of this month, now we've been to do all of February, y'all don't think that he gonna make in the first two months of a year any decisions about the new year. Oh, I'm sure absolutely we all have. So what wouldn't you think that now my mentory's gonna be like it's always been. Well, when you do that, now sign that this time he's actually he says this time, Steve, he's says he's actually going to listen to you. You had to say that before because he didn't listen, But not just because he started made the decision. If he's already decided this is what he's doing. I mean you, really, two thousand and eighteen in this business should practically be mapped out by now. Really, well, there they're tapped out. There's such things as late bloomer, Steve. Maybe Tommy's a late bloomer. He's starting a little late. He fitted in the year, not in his chronological age. Now, what he's saying, Shirley is that Tommy he ain't no late. That's what late bloomers means. Though. How long Tommy just moved. He's got to get settled in. Okay, So you asked him what was happening to ship? Okay, what's happening Tommy? What's going on? I'm right here in case say I don't know. I don't know, surely I said, I said, you wait until February Twitter eight fall it was you. Okay, let me say, let's backtracks moving, Okay, Okay, here we go. So I'm in l A today, Uncle Steve all the way to Fry. Do you have any time this week? I come up to the show, not where we are. That's what they did before Junior. We kind of like that, you know, they act like they like they worked the wall and game. I mean even his lunch, this book, it's books solid. This is what they did him. That's how I got February because we love the schooeze you in. But you're gonna go that's Mr Team till me right there. You I mean, he got all his lunche braces book to Oh my god, when does he eat, When does he eat forty five, three, forty six. He's got to squeeze that in six. He's got to be finishing. Back on the We got a drum roll for a date. I have an Okay, tom can you just give me and I can start, give me the first subject we'll discuss, and I can start. I can start texting you information to even start considering. M M. That's that's that's because it doesn't people on the board. Who was the people? What are you talking about? Junior and j We're trying to work to get you in now. I got two men recessions already in that because I hand no problem going in the back room and asked, right, because you're already in there. You're there, you're in the building. Well, he can't get Monday. I got that because man got two Tommy, you gotta you gotta really have to put you probably when are they gonne? That's what I wanted to with the Oscars calling Grammys. You still haven't given him a date. I'm not decorated enough to get all right. Last night, the sixtieth Annual Grammy Awards in New York City at Madison Square Garden, hosted by Late Night Um in car pool karaoke guy you know him James Cordy. It has been fifteen years since the Grammys were in New York City and the show's producers wanted to switch things up a bit. YEP. After being snubbed and overlooked in major categories for nearly four decades, hip hop figures led the pack in nominations. Here Here all Right. Jay Z had eight nominations, including the Biggest Album of the Year, Record of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best Rap Album. Kendrick Lamar Love Him To followed with seven nods. Bruno Mars We Love Bruno had six, Then Our Girls Scissor, She's new to the scene. She's the most Grammy nominated Woman of the Year with five nominations. Yes she is. Yes, she is the most Grammy nominated woman of the Year. She Like I Said. She had five nominations, and she tied with male artists um Khalide and Childish Gambino. Wow. There was plenty of musical performances on music's biggest night, including Childish Gambino, Stay Woke, Pig Scissor, and Kendrick Lamar with his explosive set with you two and Dave Chappelle. Wow, take a listen, all right, I'm doing Chapelle and I just wanted to remind the audience that the only thing more frightened than watching a butt man be honest in America is being an honest black man in America. Sorry for the interruption, Please continue. I got a lot of guys in this building right now that I still out of lost to this day. Jay Z nas Puff, you know, these guys showed me the game through their lives from close and from afar. So with that being said, this show for the hip hop real talk. That's love baby, Jay for President, nothing for Monique for comedy. Alright, Music's biggest night was unbelievable. It was good. But Monday. It is Monday, so get ready for Reverend Motown and Deacon depth Jam. They're up next with church Complaints. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour MS and will be here with today's national news and of course highlights from last night's Grammys. But right now it is time for taking Deaf Jam and Reverend Motown with today's church complaints. M hm oh yeah, oh lord, ma, my mama, that's Johnny Gil if you want to know. Yeah, man, man, man, look we are here again from this great Monday moon, not to give thanks but to give complaints. Wait a minute now to twitch and moan about things going on. Yes, I have the most ungrateful congregation. We're not every man ever galvl on the across and who leaves them? Now we bring off of the bad news. Just this was my friend. We are still. I gave him the position of deacon. He was working down at the car wash doing wheels. Yeah, picked him up, turned him round, RASHAWNDI really good ladies and genera uh death jail. Yes, I get mine and everyone and passed them all in Motown. We have a situation, Pastor. I don't know if you know about this. The u f C Church had fighting team, all right. The u f C Traits Hat fighting team has the first fight on Saturday against Mount Zion Mission. They're about to church our very own sister Barbretta Daniels is favored to have them tapping out in less than one minute. The issue is that the team wants to paint the church van with a slogan Sister Slam Squad and uh, it's gonna be up to you only if you're gonna let these sisters paint on the van. I have told his sisters that Dave got to Martin. Now they have raps, now that you can do your truck in the wrap alright, don't make sister barb Bretta man ask you where hell you cat Bretta can wrap the church. And what the slogan is again, d the slogan is r R Sister slam squad. Wrap it in that, But you can't paint the van. All right, leave the van right and don't ain't the van wrap it in and make sure to cross the showwood. Make sure crowds. Of course, a lot of childs will be trying to cut through craft traffic. We need that cross showing culture. Church van's actually all old used ambulems, right right, all right, here we go, I pastor the wig band that had struck again, only this time he did not go after the sisters. He pulled brother sherman baptize wig Off and his wife had no idea. And yeah, he wants to sue the church called Sister Claudine Baptiste is now leaving him. What the breaking up couples at the church. I don't understand this, He'll complaine. Let me tell you what. One month time the wig band not understanding church gets sued where the church has not caught the wig bandit pastor and not the band is losing his wife because the white didn't know about him wearing his hats. He didn't know anything at all. Well, Degan, I don't really know how the church is hell loable where you got this wig band running around and we we we ain't got nothing. Dam don't get mad at me. I'm just telling you this just a city wide crisis, alright. He ain't just open the here, jackpot I didn't know he was hit another church, yes, yes, so alright this nationwide? Who knew he taking busses? He crossed he to cross town week bed all right. I don't know what to tell him, Okay, I fixed that on. He has a serious issue. Brother Kurt Franklin, Uh won't ask the boycott T D. Jake's and the Potter's house for offering him three hundred and fifth it out of the scene at three o'clock service. He says he knows for sure that they paid Fred Hammond five times that at ten o'clock service. Your thoughts passed on the boycott. We not getting involved with boycotting anything. Bishop Jake's do. He has a mega church. We got thirty two members. I mean, well, what really, what are we gonna do? I mean, do we rather want to krect your saying here? I don't know what to tell? Well, let me ask you this. You gotta get into fight and try to whoop somebody you want to. You want to get jumped on about Kirk wrinkling, or you won't get jumped on by Fred heaven, Now i'd have I'd have to Kirk damp on me. I don't want to bring it a little last on down here. Let's get a story. We're gonna leave, having log and having from Detroit, had a birthday too last week, having come with other issues and other people your so m alright, so t Kirk. We're not gonna to our cat with him. Alright, No, no, no, not at all. Alright, matter of fact, stop that, pastor come on there, Ah, brother Abraham had a birthday, Kirk. If you listen, don't Kirk, it's your brother Abraham. Geddrid has been telling members that he is one percent Hebrew and that he is from Israel. He alstop telling them that most of the people in the Bible he is kin too. Ah, he's telling them to come have a private Bible study with him, because you don't. He knows more than you do that all that might be true, But he ain't no Hebrew path that his land ain't Geltre. His last name is Gretry and his first name is Abraham. Yeah, let's go over some of the Abrahams that could possibly be Hebrew other than him. Was Abraham Lincoln Hebrew? N No? Was Abraham Jackson Hebrew? Not that I know. Abraham Willis was Hebrew? He was not? Now he was not? So he and the hell is Abraham gidrill gonna be he? I have no earth the idea go by? If he was related all the people in the Bible, why is he working down at the toast question? You don't think that the Lord would all would have done something special in his life by now? All right, uh, pastor deacon, And we gotta get out of here, coming up at the top of the hour. You done at just tas you was to the low. More highlights from last night Grammy Awards and MS and will be here with today's national news and headlines. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve. Last night, of course, was music's biggest night. It was the Grammys, the sixtieth Annual Grammy Awards. They were back in New York City at Madison Square Garden. This show was really good. Have to keep me abreast because I noticed it's gonna come as a surprise to you. What I didn't see it just you weren't glued. You usually washed the Grammys all the time. I ain't know. Yes, your dare you watched them last year? We talked about No, I saw Kendrick Lamar and last night watch it. I just happen to be cutting through, But I went, I wasn't cutting through last night because I was glued to NIT. I was glued to TV. Yeah, all right, humble, come on now. Yeah, the show was good. It was good last night. After being snubbed and overlooked, hip hop led the pack of nominations. Jay Z, Kendrick Lamar, Bruno, Mars Scissor, Khalid Um, Childish Gambino, DJ Khalid, Rihanna, et cetera. Here's some of the highlights. Check it out, and the Grammy goes to Loyalty Kendrick Lamar, and the Grammy goes to your Grammy goes to Damn Kendrick Lamar, and the Grammy goes to Dave Chappelle and the Grammy goes to That's what I Like, And the Grammy goes two Funny Cars and the Grammy goes to four karat Magic Damas. All right, Steve, you know we absolutely love us from Kendrick Lamar, some jay Z, DJ Khalid, Rihanna, on and on. Well, tomorrow is another big night the President of these United States. That's the deliver to deliver his first State of the Union speech, is the State of the Union address. So speaking of being glued to the TV, we got boycast behind, that's what you mean because he's all you're gonna hear I probably listen to me. No, no, no, no, all you're gonna hear. Right right, I did it right, you know, I changed the economy. He's gonna talk about the economy. He's going to talk about the strongest military. He's going to talk about the lowest rate unemployment for African Americans. He's gonna talk about the highest numbers in the stock market. He's gonna talk about all of that. That's what this whole thing is going to be focused on, border control, making this country safe again. That's all He's gonna talk about the State of the Trump Address. But there's a lot of people boycotting. You know, a lot of mayors are definitely boy yeah yeah, yo oh yeah. I mean you know, come on now, no, just some people have decided not to watch. He wants you to watch, but there are a lot of people who have decided not to even go and not to watch. But Steve is that one black guy gonna be there, you know, you know, the one I'm talking about the long Pony Deal or whatever. He is Trump right right there. So that's going on tomorrow night. Uh? Is it on Netflix Towork? Yeah, it'll be everywhere tomorrow night or tonight. It's tomorrow night. Okay, i gotta do two shows. I gotta do two shows. I'm gonna probably miss it. Do you think? All right? Miss Anne's here. Come on, let's ladies and gentlemen, she's here, miss Anne Trip, Thank you very much, everybody. Good morning, Good morning everybody. And this is the news. Well, casino mogul Steve Wynn is a reportedly leaving his post as GOP finance chair amid the purports of sexual impropriety. Steve Win, a big donor to the Republican Party, has led the party's national committees fundraising efforts ever since Donald Trump took office and selected him to do it. However, the Wall Street Journal reports at a number of women who worked for Steve Win say they've been harassed or assaulted by the casino owner, and that one case actually led to a seven and a half million dollars settlement with the manicures. That's according to the Wall Street Journal. The RNC says it has accepted wins resignation. Meanwhile, Florida's Republican Senator Marco Rubio says he's fired his chief of staff after reports of improper conduct with subordinates. President Trump scheduled to make his first day the Union addressed tomorrow night. It's as a suggesting that he's going to sound more compromising than combative. We'll see. Trump will reportedly try and sell the nation on his economic and tax policies, as well as how he wants to change the country's the immigration is set up. It's only about a week and a half away before the current federal stopgap funding bill expires one component of the measure as an immigration deal that protects the so called dreamers, young folks board here illegally as kids. The president sentiments on the issue, you know, have gone from hot to cold. But last week Trump proposed giving and the estimated to one point eight million undocumented young people a pathway to citizenship in exchange for Democrats backing his twenty five billion dollars to finish that borderble. He's talking about democrats like Santa Joe Manchin says at the beginning, Republican Senator McCarthy says, the bills the least promising. I think the President did the right thing by laying out where he wants to be, where he thinks the starting point is we've got to decide do we go large, do we go medium, or do we go small. Both lawmakers were on NBC's Meet the Press and last night's sixtieth Grammy Awards a ceremony. Bruno Mars won six Grammys, uh and including this one for Song of the Year, which is, uh, that's what I like, That's what I like. Jay Z was nominated for eight, but he was shut out. Lifetime Achievement Awards were presented to Neil Diamond Queen and the always gorgeous and super talented Tina Turner. And that's what I again, Tom said. The box office when a lot of folks watched and like this weekend, they went to the movies, and yes, there were a lot of things coming on for the first time the first time. For instance, Blade Blaze, Runner of the Death Cure. That was the third and final installment. A Blade rund of Death Cure was number one. They took you because you're immune blague that's wiping out the human race. They think you're worst sacrificing to find a cure. I don't know if they'll find a cure. Eugie the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hour, stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, please introduce Ja, Ja, Please introduce the Butterfly. Happily, Happily downhill, change your head? How can he come to work? Realizing that this segment is almost done but it's not famous on the embarrassing and humiliating for him, Well, I'm just killing him. Do you know a better flack? That? Okay? I want to saying too, did you know did you know he's still here today? Have you known the butterfly? I know him? Have you seen the butterfly right here? Good morning everyone, Good morning, Peter. Lift the butterfly because he's not here, he's right now. I said, I'm right here. Don't do that. Don't do that. Everything must come to it, just like him. Good morning everyone, Junior Carlos about the stress, Good morning, but futter you be strong, great money. I am strong. I am strong. I am strong. I am strong, strong in the strike off. Good morning. So just something to let you out now that I went to the Grammys and you did. But I had tar all but seats because Tommy got tar with I'm sitting way in the back and I wanted to m talk to you about you in the back, way in the back. Couldn't see nothing. It's called way in the top. Yeah, well that's what I mean. But well I've been and let me just say, had you had better seats, you would have had a great time. Yeah. But I want to say this, being part of this show and I allowed to represent the Sea Morning Show, would at least be on the you know, like tenth thrower or something. Is there a way because yeah, because we don't. We don't really get too much participation with the Grammys, so and if we do, Shirley and Cally usually go. But they don't even want a guy. I'm the one that wants to be there, and you know they're more important comple on it to the show. That's why they get off the Grammar request them. They don't even know who you are. Why are you always so negative to me? They don't know just thing you're saying. My segment is going down? Damn hell? Why do you do this? So? Why do you say these things to me? Well? Truth, you're almost out of here, Steve, No, what do you want me to do? Shirley, don't worry about it, because you know why I've been thinking about it. I've been I've been called to preach and that may speak. That must be. What I need to do is to leave this. Hey, the Lord holds on. Okay, it's good to be here to murder another hit? Uh coming up at thirty four. Jesus, you're listening to Steve show a right, Steve, it is time introduce your boys so he can murder an another Jeffrey Brown. Thank you thank you. Bout two more four sold out shows often Shamee top Coat, TUSI sho under It hosted by my girl Shirley Stop. I hope she'll gets on stage because once Shirley Strawberry hits that stage, Steve, I'm telling you, I'm coming coming tomorrow night. I've got so much time, Steve, Please, I'm telling it's crazy. And the next week we got Earthquake. Another song right here is an honor of the Grammars. I got a lot of guys in this building right now that I still out of lostin this day, jay Z nas Puff. You know these guys showed me the game through their LIGs from close and from afar. So with that being said, this show for the hip hop, real talk, that's love Baby Change for President. We went back into the stash and we pulled out a by Kendrick Lamar. It has to do with how the state of the Union is gonna be when President Parapo Barack Obama leaves the White House. Check it out. All eight years he had some safe people people all eight years. Day had roped like he's almost gone in the phone, his times up, but he didn't give funk. And when he leaves a shock. It's gonna be all white, white people. We're gonna be all white white, brother, week gonna be all white, My sister, it's gonna be all white. Do you him? And do you Kimly, We're gonna be all white, right, brother, it's gonna be all white, right, sister, it's gonna be all white white. Maybe it's gonna be all white due here and here and they're gonna be all right up. I'm gonna day comes, Republic comes celebrating shooting handguns the ball. Could you know they're gonna want to take down replace him with the racetrack and her horse down? Oh week and no, we're talking about the black life. Could you know they put it into my life? Whether he sailed in the guard let the highlights not temp Obama, we love it. But once he takes like, oh no, no, that's a no the TV, no more wrapping in the evening, no way back to status quote white is male? Now you feel only playing cut music down reckond b I never singer cut before saying there don't like us double trump. He ends up too bad hend to re check emails on day Bote, but then offline as can be so your best believe when I say't when you gonna black people won't have no vote people instead of raising dope, probably end up back in that first show people and he ate Rice Goes had a number nine that it took to go people. He missr Jake's by boat my eyes getting what to see Obama godless, it's gonna be all white, white people. We're gonna be all white white brother, week, gonna be all white, my sister, it's gonna be all white doing him, and do you can We're gonna be all white, right, brother, it's gonna be all white, right, sister, it's gonna be all white white. Maybe it's gonna be all white doing him and even gonna be all white people. Week, gonna be all white, brother, week, gonna be all white. Like amazes to me is your diversity. It's like alarming to me. How did you know that song? What made you rewrite it? And it actually was prophecy prophesied in the sin. Yeah, there's gonna be nothing for us when Trump gets in the white US, and then very much there's nothing for us. He hasn't come to pass. He has not He has one cabinet member, yeah, one black who never see that we never seen and when he talks, he's not seeing you because his eyes is closed in the back union here we are union. How long does that speech normally like? But thirty it's going to be from nine pm Eastern. Tell about when he's he's the worst speech giver when he's reading. Man, what makes him a bad speech giver is he's reading so it's never fluid. He doesn't read fluid. And then he goes off script and then he got to get back on script. He should just go off scripts in front of him. A world of trouble. Yeah, but when he goes we know how he really feels. That's how he really Yeah, when he goes on the White House said that. Okay, all right, listen, uh when we come back. The nephew has a prank phone call right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter, the subject me and my man have a little situation. Keep word little in that, But I'm next nephew Tommy right here with today's prank phone call. What you got your son too? Fat? Tommy Fat? They with me? One more time. Your son too fat? Here? Here? Here? Were you overweight as a child, Jane? Oh yeah, all weight as an adult. I can tell. I can tell he's still bitter about it. I can't let it go. Yes, jeans and said husky on the back. Yes, I'm still bitterer. Yeah, run a cat, your son too fat? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach Cathy. Please. Um. This is hi Kathy. This is Kirby. I'm actually the the owner at the daycare, Mine's daycare when your son comes. Alright, I'm sure you're familiar with my wife, Anita. All right, how are you doing today? I'm good? Oh, how's a little little divine? How's he doing? He's good. He's laying down taking a nap. Okay, you guys been coming here. I guess about a year now, right, yes, since he was one. Okay, listen, I wanted to give you a call. I'm looking at some some information I was I was Divine doing at home? Is he is he eating properly at home? When you say eating, what do you mean? I mean? Is he getting uh meals every time he's supposed to get them while he's at home? Yeah, he's dotting pretty good. Okay, Now there's there's there's no situation where you guys may be a shortage of food or anything like that. Are you uh as the food? No, sir, my husband works real good. We don't have a problem with as short as the food. Is there a problem with him? Well, you know we're looking at the records and little divines too. Have you looked at the comparison of two year olds the majority of two year olds and in comparison to I guess I should say size and comparison to the bond side, you mean like in body way, buddy size. I mean he's a little tall. You know, he wasn't a small chat when his born he was ten pounds. But no, he's on the scale of right where he should be. He's just a little, you know, taller because his daddy is tall. But he's doing so. You're you don't think he's anywhere in the in the ballpark of of of of of obesity at two you mean fat? I mean, I didn't want to be blunt, but but but Ms Cathy, you're I mean, I mean your sons. Let me just say on a Sunday, I'm relaxed and we're talking about you think my son is a little overweight or what he's what's the problem? Well, I mean I think he's fat, you know, and and and the problem I'm I'm noticing the records of everything is wait, wait, wait, wait, we need to back up to you think he's sat I've never spoken to you, Mr Kirby. Is that what she said? My name is Kirby. Okay, so every morning that I dropped him off for a year and I give my daycare money. Ms Benita has never said anything about his eating habits. So you're telling me that you think my son is fat with him, you deal with him on a daily basis. I don't deal with him on a daily basis. What I'm looking at his records that are showing me that he's eating way more than the rest of anybody at the daycare. And not only that, he's drinking probably a gallon of milk a day, all in the milk. Y'all only get snacks two times a day, and he's there only for breakfast and lunch. And how in the hell is he drinking a gallon of milk? And if he is, but all I know is this, No, No, I'm blown away by this because you're calling me on a Sunday, calling my damn child fat. That's the problem. And your wife has never said a damn thing. Never has she said one thing to me in a year when she collected my damn daycare money. She ain't said my son is eating y'all at a house at home? Okay, Well, you know my wife is a different person, and she tries to be cordial with everyone. He's the one who deals with me. Mr Kirby. I've never met you, never met you, especially on a Sunday. Why I'm calling you on a Sunday, ma'am, is that I know tomorrow if you're gonna be trying to drop your son off, I am gonna drop him off. I am don know. No, that's that's kind of the reason why I'm calling you. Now. Here's where we can do here. Either you can keep him at home. No, I'm not keeping him at home. My husband works and I work. I'm dropping my damn son off at six and he like I do every morning. Because man listening, if we can't get him on the side, because obviously you ain't the one that need to be talking to me, because if you're not there every day and I did with your wife. I'm telling you that your son is too big to be is coming every morning if that's the case, and if he's eating at a house at home, I'll send him some extra. But what I paid my money for is what you're gonna feed him for two full meals and two snacks. And if he needs extra, I'll put some in his bag. But he's drinking a gallon of milk a day or you looking here, I don't care. There's no way possible that he can drink a gull in the milk of day. Here's here's here's the deal. I don't want you to have to stop bringing your son now, and I'm not and I'm not. Here's my second alternative. I will put him on a diet. Okay, I'll give him an apple in the day. You ain't, no, damn you ain't. Are you from the health food program? I will. I will give him an apple and a glass of water in the morning, and I'll give him an apple and a glass of water in the evening, and then you guys can feed him when he gets home. You must be certified in the food program, especially if you're sitting there telling me my damn son is one on a diet and he's not drinking no water and no apple. He needs a full snack. If the other kids is having an apple and water, then that's that you better be serving him. But if that ain't the case in here, I'll know he better get the full snack. So if that's graham crackers and apple juice, well damn it, that's what my son better be getting. And if he won't extra, he better get it. Listen, all I'm trying to tell you is your son drink too MUCHY he drinks too much? Well, well, well you need to back the I know you did not cussing me. I know I did not cut that you. I'll caught mysel ready to come to me. Let me tell you what say. You ain't got to worry about it. We don't have nothing else to talking about. My husband, me, your wife, and everybody that works at damn daycare better be there in the morning because that's six thirty. We're gonna be there, and my son he's coming up week and he gonna eat all week. If he woke two gallons of milk, he gonna drink it. If he want two plates of food, he gonna get it. Because I tell you what we say. Damn good money to come to that daycare sold up there. But I'm gonna have to put him on some swim fast. Now, I will put your child on swim fast. I was trying not to give him, but I will ask gives him some slim fast, and you're gonna get a slim fast swooping. I'm gonna whoop y'all that whoever gave it to him, whoever gave it to him, They're gonna get a slim fast shipping all the little kids that have some slim fasts. If he getting some, he better eat whatever they eat. And if they eating steak, well, damn it, he better have something too. If we had steak, he probably eat the damn cough. He didn't care. I pay what but he's been like getting clim fast. I will shut it down about my child. Okay, I got something else you need to know about your son? What else do I need to know besides you think my son is overweight? What the elf can you tell me today? I need to tell you this. I need to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend Lucresia got me to prank call you. What did you just say? What did you just say? This is Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning. Tell your girlfriend Lucretia got me to prank phone call you. I'm gonna beat that to that. She No, I don't play about my nemn son at all. That's my only son. I don't play about him. I'm gonna be Is she there hear me? It's all after this, It's just all. It is all. Hey, I got one more thing I gotta ask you, baby, what is what is the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning. It's all. I hope you can hear me wherever you Atlantic. It's all what y'all think? I think the gang gang of kids, y'all go to Thomas Miles dot com. Go to Thomas Miles dot com. All the information of any Thomas Miles dot com, Thomas all the information of anyone that Thomas mcrank dot com. And see that's without your mentoring, that's without one mentoring session. Was that okay? Was that a bad Was that a bad move? A good move? That I do? Okay? Thank you, sir, Thank you, sir. I'm gonna make some good moves. We're gonna We're gonna make some good Why do you think that's a good move. That's who he is. He's Thomas Miles. Nobody what character he developed, It's still Thomas. Okay, thank you. Coming up of the top of the hour, Today's Strawberry Letter subjects needed my man have a little situation. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, did you guys see the Grammy's last night? Please hit us up, hit us up on Steve Harvey, f M. Tell us your favorite moment? Was it Kendrick Lamar? That was a great moment. Hi, I'm da Chapelle, and I just wanted to remind the audience that the only thing more frightening than watching a black man be honest in America is being an honest black man in America. Sorry for the interruption, Please continue. Jay Z? Was it Bruno Mars? Was it Cardi Bar? This couple, jay Z and B Have you seen your pictures on the Graham Steve? My wife that's that's the couple. My wife loves. Yes, they look so good. Granted they've been getting at it. JB. Gangster though. Boy. Yeah, he's aging well, you know yeah, transitioning from you thank you. He's doing Yeah, and of course you are. I know that was meant for meat. I'm talking about you. Thank you. Jay Z is coming. They're great. They're a great couple. Yeah. What about what about damn anything? Anything? I can't Monique and Sydney. That's what I'm asking a question statement in Trouble Beautiful, We're ready. Time wait, hold on, Tommy, right now, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you want our advice, all you have to do is submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com. Alright, nephew, let's go just like this one. Buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. It is the Strawberry Letter. Alright. Subject. Me and my man have a little situation. Dear Stephen Shirley. I met a gentleman seven months ago. I'm forty five and he's thirty seven. When we met, he lived three hours away, so he decided to move to my area. It's been four months now since since we've been in the same city, and I'm starting to see issues with him. He didn't have a plan in place, when he moved to my city, and now he's living in a shelter because I told him he cannot live with me. He doesn't have a car and I refuse to drive him around. He does have a job. In fact, he's had three different jobs since he's been here. He has been fired from each job because he has an issue with the way people talk to him. See, he has issues with being short. He is only five three. I'm out a break so I'm not going to do this. Let me just say thank you. I told you you were gonna love it, and I asked you enough for you to stick around. I'm going to the break room. We're a team, alright. He has issues with being short. He's only five three. I am five to so his height doesn't bother me, but it bothers him. He has short patience with people. I believe he's been abused by a woman before because he always thinks I'm talking down to him and belittling him. I jokingly push these issues to the side, but it's getting old. I'm getting to the point where I want to end this relationship. Can I help him overcome this or should I just let him work through his own problems alone? Please help let me get back. You're gonna love it, and you're welcome, by the way, You're welcome. Listen. You may not have a problem with his height, but he certainly does, and you got to let him work it out on his own. There are things that you can help help him do. I don't know, maybe take him to therapy so he can deal with it that way. Uh, but there's nothing you can do about his problem with his height. You cannot change people. You cannot change him. Uh. You've only known him for seven months. Um. It made me think, did you see him before you guys you know, got together. But I guess you did because you would have said that if you didn't. But now he's moved. You guys didn't talk about what was going to happen, where he was going to live, whether or not he had a car. You guys didn't discuss any of that before he moved to the same city. How can he's had three jobs since he's been there. He's only been there what four months? He has an issue with the way people talk to him. This is crazy. These are things that he has to deal with on his own, and he's probably been dealing with for the majority of his adult life. Uh, you don't care because he's still taller than you at five two. So I don't know, Um, if you're gonna be able to help him overcome this, because he's got to do it first. The only thing you can do is to be there to support him. Yeah, he's gonna have to work through these problems alone. UM. I don't know if this relationship is going to last because he can't keep a job. He lives in a shelter. I mean, you know, and you want him to do better, I'm sure, but he can't because of he has a problem with being little. You know, he needs counseling. I think, Steve, now I good advice. This is not the time to be funny and be rude. Just please don't start it out, Steve. I'm the one to get stupid about Steven Shilling. Now, this lady met this man seven. Let me go down. I promise you. I'm farted five years old. He thirty seven right now, he shot he down eight years he already he now, he's eight years shot he already and equated this the inches. You can believe that you farted five thirty seven when we met. He lived three hours away. So he decided to move to my area. It's been foemost now since we've been in the same city. Here's a line in this letter that really amazes me. I'm starting to see issues with him really, So here we go. He didn't have a plan in place when he moved to my city. He now living in a shelter. Your man that you Dayton, the one that moved to your city, is now living in the shelter. So when you go by, pop in to see him. How's that working for you? Where you sit at the shelter? Little man ain't got no home. Oh you get in my house. Listen to me. Tiny houses they got this boy could have had a place by nothing. Tiny house Nation is on TV. Well that part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. All right, you're listening, Steve. Al right, Steve, come on part two. Now I left y'all with this woman dating this shout man. Yeah, me and my man have a little situation. Now. She five, he fired three. She fired too, So that don't bother her. It's an eight year difference in him because she farty five, he thirty seven. Now he had the mood into town but he ain't got no plan. She won't let him live with him, so he lived in the shelter. I was just wondering how it is for her when she stopped by. How are you gonna see your man at a shelter where you sick? Put you into the bed, he's yours because one thing I know from being a homeless you can't sit on another homeless person stuff. You're bet not. That's rule number one. That's all they got. You don't touch my grocery cart. You don't put your hand on my duck tape, You don't get away from this blanket. He doesn't have a job, he doesn't have a car, and I refused to drive him around, so now he just trying to walk around him in the leg. Well he does have a job, he well, excuse me, he got a job, but he ain't got no car. You refuse Now he got to try everywhere. In fact, Tina had three different jobs since he's been here. He'd been friving from his job because he has an issue with the way people talk to him. And old Lord, how many times have we run into this? How many the right show because we are dealing with this ourselves and I want to thank you for the opportunity to give us to vent some of the things that we've been going through, because we got somebody on this show that has an issue with the way people talk to him. He stayed touchy, he edgy all the damn time. Some always wrong, He always offended. See, he has an issue with being short. Jor wouldn't you have an issue with being short of you? Five for three now, she says, So his height doesn't bother me, but it bothers him. He has short patience with people. What you want him to have long patience, he don't. He don't like nobody cause he edgy. He always assumed it's about his height. He produced the thought that we had to produce on this show. If you throw a rock in a pack of dogs, you wonder, Holly if the one hit. Every time we mentioned height on this show, we got one person jump to conclusion that we're talking about him even when we're not, Like right now, I can bet you he think we talked about his ask right now now, she says, I believe that he's been abused by a woman before because he always think I'm talking down to him. That's because the women he dated with taller. They was talking down to him. It happens to Tom. Excuse me, it happens to this person we refer to all the time. I'm trying outside that's kind of slipped out now. I believe he's been abused by a woman because they always think I'm talking down to him. I joking. He pushed these issues to the side, but he's getting old. I'm getting to the point where I want to end this relationship. Can I help him overcome this? I want to answer that for you in just a second. Or should I just let him work through his own problems alone? Can I help him overcome this? No? You cannot, No, you cannot. This person can be fifty. You ain't gonna be able to help them, because that's a big number. He thirty seven. I'd have seen this go all the way up to at least I know fit fifty for damn sure, we ain't been able to help him yet. Or should you let him work through his own problems alone? He can't. He has no answers for this because he touches all the damn it's always about him. Little people got big issues, little man short patients, they got shot legs, They got short arms. They're setting up everything about him a shot. But one thing about short people, they get a job. Though, I don't care what nobody's saying. They always working. I'm surprised why he had a shot shorter at five three? He could easily sign up for Falster killing. He could be in somebody's how get the house? Yeah, he can get in the house because he shot. And once again, why is he out of work and ain't got no where to stay? Why is he in the shelter? Listen? I was watching tiny houses the other day, Tiny house Nation. This be like a mansion for him. A matter of fact. You take this little lass house and you rename it. You can call it like a shateau or something. Give it a big name, and it be just for little people. Wow. See that's how you do it. You take a little house and give it a big name. See, you ain't gotta call it tiny house, call it a shaateau. All of the rooms pop out, lift up a lead that was a cupboard for clothes and stuff. It's a bath tub, you understand. You climb up stairs for storage and a little loft. You move that stuff out the way. It's a bunk. Bad man, the stove and the toilet is the same thing that you fixed the food on the toilet. Then you move all the stuff out the way and lift the lid up and you put the food that you just eat down in the toilet. I can't go with you on that one. No, this is for tiny houses. Surely you ain't got too because you have a hole. But the people right here shop people like they can do stuff like that. I've seen it done. Excuse me, tell me you're right, I'm fine. I'm a man. I'm gonna be all right now, you all right, you ain't fine. Yeah, you're a man, But it's two things you ain't. You ain't fine, and you're not tall, and you damn near this letter. We have seen see some of the things that we're dealing with. All Right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. You can email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my Girl, Shirley. Please don't forget to join me this Thursday at one thirty pm Eastern Strawberry Letters Live after show on Facebook Live. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show Van Jones. You know was our special guest Van Jones from CNN. He has a brand new show on CNN that started on Saturday. Jay Z was his first and very special guest. Van asked jay Z about President Trump and his blank hole comments. He asked him about unemployment for black Americans, and he also asked him about his marriage to Beyonce. Take a listen, we have a president that comes and says every African country is a whole country. How does that land with you as a dad? Yeah, that's it's it's like it's disappointing and it's hurtful. It really is hurtful. More so like if everyone feels anger, but after the anger is really hurtful because like you're like looking down on the whole population to people and you're so missing form because these places have beautiful people and have beautiful everything. Um, And it's just like, this is the lead of the free world speaking like this. But on the other side, this has been going on. It's how people talk. This is how they talk behind closed doors. There was a moment where Donald Sterling had been exposed as this racist on a private phone conversation that he was having and they took his team from it. And it's like Okay, that's one way to do it. But another way it would have been let him have his team and then let's talk about it together unless unless many some penalties. But because once you do that, all the other closet races just run back in the hall. You have you have been fixed anything. What you've done was spray perfume on a trash can. And what you do when you do that is, you know, the bugs come and you spray something, and then they come and then you create a super bug, right because you don't take care of the problem, you don't take the trash out. You just keep spraying whatever to make it acceptable. And then you know, as those things grow and you create a super bugget then now only have Donald Trump the super bulk. I'm being funny. I think I say that too. But somewhere along his lineage, something happened to him, happening, something that happened to him, and he's in pain and he's like expressing it in this sort of way. Well, you know, uh, let me say this, Um, what j is saying makes a great sense because I think when Van Jones was on the show, we even had touched on it. You know, you can say that unemployment is at an all time load for African Americans. But that's not just didn't happen over the past year. I mean, this was some stuff that had been put into place with policy all the way back to the stimulus package to President Obama. Yeah, and it comes around now, it can because he's been the years the president. Can he take some credit for that? Of course he can, and he will and he is. He's taking credit for all. You best to believe if anybody was in office, they'd be doing the same thing. So that part I get. But the part of it is we have the lowest unemployment rate, but we are at our most dysfunctional phase. This is the most dysfunctional I've ever seen this country. I mean, well, in you no, let's let's know, it's not the most dysfunctional I've seen. I'm sorry, I've seen way worse. The segregation of the South, I've seen way worse. But for this to be coming from the White House the way it's coming in terms of policy and rhetoric, I've never seen this at least who and they were doing racial things, they had the at least courtesy to try to mask it with some type of conversation that tried to make you think it wasn't really that races. But now there is no attempting to hide or mask anything. That's what's alarming about this. And I think that jay Z is right. You know you can you can be so wonderfully paid but so miserably unhappy and be sick about it. You know, if somebody pays you a lot of money but treat you horrible at one point in time, man, when you don't spent that money, the treatment outweighs the money, It really does. Example, you can be in a marriage with somebody that's doing really well, and you could be the beneficiary of all this money and all these perks, but if you ain't happy in the marriage, what you got it makes no sense. It's you man. You know how many women walk away from that money? They get up and walk. You can have this money, man. Tina did it in the movie Oh Yeah, I just want my name in a marriage. He talked about that with Beyonce too, with Van Jones. What is it about this marriage is so special that he would fight this hard to keep to save it? Well, it's my soul, mads, person. I love you know, you can be in love with someone. You can love someone and you're not. And if you have an experienced love you don't understand it and you don't have the tools to move forward, then you're gonna have complications. Period. You can either address it or you can pretend until it blows up at some point. You know. For us, we chose to fight for our love, for our family, to give our kids a different outcome you see, see, you know, to break that cycle for black men and women, you know, just to see a different outcome. Like you were saying, it's not this celebrity because we were never celebrity couple. We were a couple who just happened to be celebrities like real people. I mean, that's that's being pretty honest about it. You know. That is exactly how how it plays itself out for who happened. It's just what's sad about it. It's most people don't want to hear the other pain repeatedly over and over because it lasts way longer than you wanted to last. M That's the thing that all someone taught me about seeing seeing cost you more than you want to pay, and it makes you stay longer than you want to stay. That's the cold thing about it. And so when you get in these situations in this relationship, it cost you more than you want to pay, and it makes you stay way longer and you want to stay. And I think what I heard him say was clear. You got to hear the other person's pain, and it's uncomfortable, and it takes some time because they gotta wash through. But most people want to walk away before I said, I'm sorry that. That's what I respect about that situation the most, that they hung in there and try to work it out. They worked on it. It takes work after something like that, and you can you it's a choice that you make to either stay or leave. And it's tough, man, It's not easy. Hey, listen. Coming up at the top of the hour, Jays put together a segment called Phrases that let you know you didn't do well in the bedroom. Right after this, I've apparently I speak from what I knew. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, Steve j is here your friend, the one you hire, the one your your road dog back in the day. Come on, Jay, Phrases that let you know you didn't do with all phrases, every man Once you hear these phrases, they automatically let you know did not do a good job. We all been there, we've all we've all had some bad Yeah. Yeah, jor what man, let you know you have not done it? Like here's one. Here's one. H is that it? Yeah? Is that you've been told that? Yeah and paid money? Wow, I'm like, Tommy, now your money back. This one's on the house. Oh man, this one's now all right. Come on, young junior. Oh what I've heard? What time is your game coming on? What time is your game coming on? Nephew, the worst one I've heard. You got to be kidding, really like that. You got to be kidding, all right. These are phrases that let you know, guys that you didn't do a good job in the bedroom. Come on, Steve, that's okay. You don't have to call me as well. I don't even worry about it. This one, thank you. Absolutely don't no, don't come. I got you tomorrow. I'll call you when to get in. And that's that's okay. This is one that really lets you know you're not doing a damn thing in the bedroom. This one right here, this one right here, this is it's d just stop. Just hold up stop stop stop stop stop stop clothes stop just no, no, stop, damn it stop. Yeah that's true, junior. Well, if they got enough energy just to make a regular statement, which normally what I get after I finished, some time they finished, you just say pass my phone, the phone off the night stand. Now I'm over here, this passing stuff, Nick, you gotta see what's up the ground. You're doing terrible. Ain't nothing like rolls over neck and passing somebody phone. Enough, But in your mind, are you thinking you killed it? She just told me as come on the phrases to let you know you didn't do well in the bedroom. Guys, is this why you left your car running? This is this? This? This this the reason right here. I ain't gonna being here but at right back here. No, no, I don't need a cigarette. I'm good. Do not need a cigarette that I got one right here? This one really hurt right here, this right here. Seriously, don't leave your wife home, okay, precious crash press, don't you leave your house. U. You can't bring that over here. I can't. Wow, guys, I'll tell you what. That's that's what I knew. I wasn't doing a good job and said, tell my son. I said, come here? What what tell my son? I said, come here? Come this is finish? Yeah? So you yeah, she back on it. You're inviting people in here now I'm in the bab Your mama said, come in want you? Why don't you just why don't you just wake me up when you think? Just wake me up? When you throw you didn't put her to sleep on her own phrases and let you know you didn't do such a good job in the bach in the room. Come on, Mr Harvey, what you got? You know what you need? Joe ass like that? Really? Oh my brother? O you guys go through it. J oh yeah, So time does you get here? You want you out immediately like the movie get out? Yeah, Jay, this is hard, but I remember this moment too. You're gonna tell what up? What you gonna tell? So that's I'm told. I'm talking. You did your thing? Phrases that let you know you didn't do a good job in the bedroom. Baby you you you must have ticked around peel. That can't be the one you was trying to take. That can't be. Oh, I don't want to be you guys, Steve, this is a text that you get on your way home. After you get home, you thank you too, did something? You got that little emoed you with the sad face on it with the upside down from dot dot dot. You didn't do a damn thing. You said? You what you alright? More of the craziness coming up at twenty after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, today is Oprah's sixty four birthday and Oprah Happy Birthday, Oprah. Oprah set the record straight on whether she'll run for president in two thousand and it's a no. I think we've heard that, she says, no, she did. She recently revealed it's it's always very a cure and confident. She's always been a very secure and confident person in knowing what she could do and what she could not do. And so it's not something that interests her. Meaning running for president is not something that interests her at this time. She says she doesn't have the DNA for it. You're you're good with that, right, Steve, Yeah, that's perfect. She don't need that man, Yeah, in her life. Yeah, she don't need that at all. She didn't worked really hard, built a great career. You know, she's worked hard. She's just going out and new Joyce. So you can't accomplish anything in government. I've learned. You can't accomplish anything in government. You can't get anything done. Yeah. Oprah even mentioned that her best girlfriend, Gail King, gets stopped all the time by people asking if Oprah is going to run, but Gail knows it wouldn't be a fit for her friend. Uh, it would only be good for everyone else, not for Oprah. So we say happy birthday, Oprah, and thank you for setting the record straight. Okay, because it was good when people we're talking about it. You know, wow, if president only because we wanted we we just knew, would be better than what was in there right now. Yeah yeah, no, let me you know, ignorant stuff wouldn't be coming out of her mouth. But they will not do it right. Yeah, it's no way they would do it right. It would be horrible. Man, When do you think another black man or woman could become president? Steve in the next election but her seeable future? Yeah but who Uh Corey Booker comes to mind. That's about it right now. Kamala Harris out of California Yeah, Sydney for president Goodney, Monique, Sydney Monika, y'all don't even be paying attention. Not a politician. I like, I like your stupid. Ain't gonna like for real? He is you love us? For real? Jack? You say you know she should meet? She texted me did Yeah, she said she wants to talk to me. Sugar brother brother love man. I'm not messing a Monique. Man who different weight class. I ain't messing with that man weight class. Apologize, Monique, I'm sorry, take it all back. I don't. I don't know what to say after that. I just saying that. Yeah, okay, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. I don't know what to say. Should we gonna break here? What's in the world? Jake just jokes he's a comedian. She's a comedian. But yeah, remember, why don't you call it though? I ain't got nothing to say to Moniq. No, you're know you're writing songs and god, that's what But that's what I do, is not what I do. Talked about it, you ask people about the boycott. Yeah, I'm surprised he hasn't written a song. I'm surprised. Yeah, he did that's right? Got song a song? I don't all about that? Base? Yeah? All about yeah? Who does people you talk about? I don't confronts talk about who does that? Just stupid passive aggressiveness. I don't live like that. Who lives that? Dan that dangerous? I defend it's not what it's about. Jay got that right? Yeah, totally doing but is just jokes. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve. Last night, of course, was music's big tonight. It was the Grammys, the sixtieth Annual Grammy Awards. They were back in New York City at Madison Square Garden. This show was really good. Have to keep me abreast because I noticed it's gonna come as a surprise to you. What I didn't see it. You weren't glued. You usually watched the Grammys all the time. I ain't know washing. Yes, you dare you watched them last year. We talked about. No. I saw Kendrick Lamar before and the last night watch it. I just happened to be cutting through, but I would I wasn't cutting through last night because I was glued to NIT. I was glued to TV. Al Right, Humble, come on Now. Yeah, the show was good. It was good last night. After being snubbed and overlooked, hip hop led the pack of nominations jay Z, Kendrick Lamar, Bruno, Marris Scissor, kalid Um, Childish Gambino, DJ Kalid, Rihanna, et cetera. Here's some of the highlights. Check it out. All right, I'm doing Chapelle and I just wanted to remind the audience that the only thing more frightening than watching a black man be honest in America, it's being an honest black man in America. Sorry for the interruption, Please continue. I got a lot of guys in this building right now that I still out of last in his day, jay Z nas Puff. You know, these guys showed me the game through their legs from close and from afar. So with that being said, this show for the hip hop real talk. That's love baby for President, all right, Steve, you know we absolutely love us. From Kendrick Lamar, some jay Z, DJ Khaled, Rihanna, on and on. Well, tomorrow is another big night the President of these United States. That's the deliver to deliver his first State of the u in speech. Is the State of the Union address. So, speaking of being glued to the TV, we're gonna boycast. That's because he's all you're gonna hear I probably listen to me. No, no, no, no, all you're gonna hear right right, I did it right, you know, I changed the economy. He's gonna talk about the economy. He's going to talk about the strongest military. He's going to talk about the lowest rate unemployment for African Americans. He's gonna talk about the highest numbers in the stock market. He's gonna talk about all of that. That's what this whole thing is going to be focused on, border control, making this country safe again. That's all he's gonna talk about the state of the Trump address. But there's a lot of people boycotting, you know, a lot of mayors mid Boy Oh yeah, Georgia, Oh yeah, I mean you know, come on now, whole no, just some people have decided not to watch. He wants you to watch, but there are a lot of people who have decided not to even go and not to watch. But Steve is that one black guy gonna be there. You know, you know what I'm talking about with the long Pony deal or whatever. He is yeah, right right there. So that's going on tomorrow night. Uh is it on Netflix tomorrow every nightwork? Yeah, it'll be everywhere tomorrow night or tonight. It's tomorrow night. I got the two shows I'm probably missing. All right, we'll be back with Steve's closing remarks. They are back. You're listening to Steve Show, Last break of the day, Steve. Just one more thing you're closing remarks? Are before I do that? I want to can I have one open mintory session with Tommy? Right? Of course? The first thing that we will tell now that no Shirley answer she wants to hear. We need two things at the beginning edition. Two things to begin to year with. We need a very competent assistant. We're working on that. Who No, I didn't say you wasn't. I was just saying this what's needed. A very competent assistant who knows more than you. Second thing, yeah, we need a booking system. You should use a travel agent to book your flights. Yes, sir. They can find discounts for you and I think they have ends and outs in more knowledge about when you can fly. It helps say those two things we should work on, yes, sir, yeah, and then I think that one we meet, I will too it. But since because February twenty, well, hell what I'm supposed to do. Maybe you can wait till February. I can't, but that was busy. But until then, those are two good mentoring tips. Tommy. Don't you think he won't stay. I'm fine. I'm fine with what. I gotta go and see my family. Stay. Come on now, Doc, I ain't saying where you're going. I just stated the fact that you won't stay in town. So and I'm available. He gone, Well, weekend, you only weekend. I mean I really can't see you during the week, and I can say you're doing a week? Who needs the mentor it? I don't need memory all the people that mentor me. I'm on the schedule. Did you bring up a very good point? Man? Tell me you have any advice for your Can I say this though? I text Bishop Jake's, I text Bishop Getties, I text Bishop Over, I text Joe Old Steve, I text Robert. I text okay, okay, let me jump. When I text you, you don't respond. I respond to everything, But what all you do is put me in group text me. When I text you, I text you last week. You said, what the blank you want? Okay, but what did you want to blank you want? I'm not responding. Need a day or two. The digest when he said, Steve, as you heard his feelings, he got time to worry about that. He talked to everybody like that though, But he's why he's taking a personal sme. That was the text. Do you want the information or you want this kindness? Steve, you read the Strawberry letter. He has issues with how people talk to him short fifty years Shirley. I ain't wrote that letter. He didn't just get short. Stop talking about the letter time and we know it's about you. Facts facts. Nobody in here. Ain't nobody else thinking with about deal. He has issues with being short. I just happened to have the letter right here. You haven't had that. I don't know, didn't talk too harsh. Yeah, he has issues with being short. He has short patience with people. Uh. He always thinks I'm talking down to him and be little him. I'm six to Uh, what where's the I mean? You know, I mean it goes on and on. He's been fired from each job because he has an issue with the way people talk to him. He has issues with the way people talk to him. So so that kind of speaks to what you guys were just talking about the text, Tommy. We're trying to help you, Tommy, harshly, don't just love Last week, I said, hey, how you doing? You got any time in the next day? So what the blank you want? Not? Well, that's what I got. I'll actually refer again. I'll have to refer again to exhibit A. He has a problem with the way people talk to him. I'm sorry, it's right there. He has an issue with the way you and I had to do was this is what the blank? I won't and we said, well do this like that and that like this. Can we stop text? Cussing in the not gonna happen. You're not to get it in the text, so you can get it in the it's gonna be I prefer taking it on the tail. Right, there's gonna be some cussing, tom because he's not cussing. You ain't talking to you, So he don't love you if he ain't customing. He only cus when he likes you. So what do you want? I'll tell you when I had of me he wants without cussing, that's what he wants. Not gonna get that. Don't look at that. That's just not man's man. Well, the stuff he gave you today was not cussing. It's I got that. I'm run with that. I'm run with that to be if you keep going, Hey Tommy, yes, sir, have you ever have thought about hiring Monica Barnes. No, I haven't, And let let me tell you why, because it's a job that she could easily do and you think, Steve tells, wow, I have a great weekend. Closing remarks will continue tomorrow. You have a great weekend to folk coming up this weekend. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.