The Steve Harvey Morning Show discusses the Government Shutdown, the SuperBowl, the Mo'Nique rant and "12 Things Successful People Do Differently."
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them like the milking buck things in its tub. Y'all do me true good to the hearty to move to other stoley. Don't you join yeah by radio, join me in doing me? Honey? Do you turn to go? Yeah? Don't go to you. You gotta turn the turnout turns to you love. You got to turn out to turn water water go. Comey, come on your thing at it. I show will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show yesterday. I started up talking about my personal journey, and I want to remind you that I'm not saying this to say, hey, look at me. I think I'm more saying it to say, hey, here's what happened to me along the way of making decisions my way, and then what happened when I made a transformation. It's not so much that I made a transformation as it was that I made a decision to start just, you know, being being a little bit closer to my creator and having some conversations with him. And that's how it starts. It starts with some conversations with God. It starts with opening up to your creator and saying, hey, listen, my bad, I'm tripping. I've been doing it this way for so long, and it ain't really really got me to where I want to be. I know, to some people on the outside, I appeared to be successful, But I got news for you, man, Success ain't nothing man, when you ain't happy, and the appearances of successes is can be quite uh delusional at best. You know. Prince has a song out that says, I realized, in his best disguise, a pretty house don't make a home. That's one of my favorite lines in one of his songs, says, I realized, in its best disguise at a pretty house, don't make a home. And uh, you know, I may have had the appearances of a pretty house, but what no home? Man? It ain't. It ain't where you wanted to live, And it wasn't where you wanted to pull up to and reside. It really wasn't. It was. It was some misery. So the transformation started, y'all when I made a decision, and I was saying to people who have been fans of mine has followed my career or kept up with me or whether you knew, two thousand five begin a very life changing time for me. It started a little bit before that, but I was still in in in some some misery. But in two thousand five my life began to make a drastic change. And that change occurred, like I've been saying, when I made a conscious decision to start having more conversations with God. And I'm just trying to share with everybody how basic and simple that was for me, that to talk to God a little bit more, to admit that I've wronged, that I made a couple of bad plays, and I was asking for forgiveness, and forgiveness wasn't a big a big part of it for me because in asking God for forgiveness of my transgressions and my missteps and my sins and flaws and all of that, and asking him for forgiveness, it freed me up from the guilt of like, Okay, so now got well, you know, I mean what people gonna say? Now? You know, man, if you start talking to God a little bit more, how you how your close friends gonna feel? Well? I found out a lot of people wasn't close friends, and that I found out that a lot of people was around me just for the ride. I still got a few hanging on to me just like that. But you know, it is what it is, you know, um. But I found out a a lot of things, mostly about myself, that I needed these conversations with God, that I needed this relationship with him because it was calming me on the inside. It was starting to make the house feel like a home. It was starting to give me a peace of mind. And when you have peace of mind, what it allows, what it does is it opens up your creativity. It opened up your channel to be creative. And when your person, as myself, that's a creative person. That that's that's that's everything. But it's no different than of a person works well with his hands. When you get free in peace of mind, you can work do even better work with your hands. If you counsel better, you become a better counsel. If you're better teacher, you become a better teacher. If you if if you're a better uh E E M E M T person, if you're a better tech person, you become a better a better driver, you become a just a better person. When your mind is free. When your mind is occupied with toxic poisons, it stops you from being the best that you can be at whatever you're trying to be good at. It really really does you think about it. You can't be the best artist if your mind is twisted up. You can't be the best performer. If your mind is twisted up, you can't be the best ball player, if your mind is twisted up. When you free your mind, when you allow your mind to find out what peace really is, and that's the relationship with God, it gives you peace of mind. I told you the other yesterday, I was talking to this guy in the jim that told me he was a stone old hustling. Now we all know what that means. So I'm listening to the guy who's just real honest with me, said Mr Harvey. Seemed like a man with some knowledge under your belt. Man, I just don't have no peace. Well, bro, come on, man, you're involved in the business that don't provide peace. You're in the destruction business of people. You may be making some money, but it's actually expense of other people. Now what you want to happen to you? You reap what you sold. You know, doing to others that you would have them do unto you. If you ain't bringing no good to nobody's life, but you're making some money, well, how how much good do you think that money gonna bring to your life? You know, man, it's it's gonna happen for you if you don't get out the game. You know, man, it's it's it's gonna go down bad for you. I can't fix that story up for nobody because it's a it's a story that's told too many times, and it and and it has the same end results. But I told him, the only way you're gonna get a peace of mind, bro, is you gotta have relationship with God. That's all. That's all. Now, here's what happened after I started having this conversation with God. If you followed what was happening to me closely after two from two thousand five two, now, it's almost unexplainable. And that's why I know it's God, because usually when something happens in my life of the positive nature that goes so well for me, and and I cannot explain it, that's God. Because I can't even take credit for this, I really really can't. Once again, listen to me closely. I'm not bragging now. I'm just telling you what happened to me that the same thing he's done for me he can do for you are the things he's done for others he will surely do for you. See when I see people as balling, that that's doing well. And when I say balling, I mean achieving their goals and accomplishing things on a rather large scale. I don't become a hater. I become a while Okay, so that's that's possible to see. I look at people who who are doing well, not for hate or I wish that was me. It just shows me the possibilities the power of God. You know, God can do this for somebody else. Man, maybe if I do this, I gotta now. I'm not complaining why I'm at not one bid or at all. And if you don't give me no more, please understand. I can make it like this. But I know it's more. I know it's more because God don't bring you this far to leave you. God didn't bring me this far this leave you. He won't bring you that. He hasn't gotten you to this point to leave you. He has more for you. See, this ain't about me. This is so you can see what's in it for you. God has more for you if you open yourself to him. But if you don't open yourself up to him, how you're gonna find out what that is? And if you're waking up every day, like I've said a hundred times, with the notion in your mind, that has got to be more to life than this, that's because it is. So Now I'm asking you, why would you not take the next next step to see what that is? Why would you not get closer to God? Why would you not have a relationship with your creator? How's that working for you? Not having the relationship? I'm just saying, Man, God change your life. Man, God move you in places. Man, you never knew you could be moved God cold. What you're waiting on sitting that tripping is your career is your life? So you're just gonna plame to the left. I mean, I don't know, man, I don't know. Man, Man, I ain't like I did as soon as I heard it either. So I feel you out there. But Man, if somebody came to me and showed me a way I could turn my life around and it wasn't going away I wanted. I take it. That took me a long time to hear the message too, So maybe it's taking you a long time to hear that. I feel you. I'm same with iss you. But Man, when I figured that out, this show got better for me. Man, and I am we I am because of God Almighty. I have no other explanation for you. If it was I wish I could take credit for it. Man, you know the book I would write if I could take credit for myself. Man, that's probably why your arm don't reach you all the way back there when you're trying to pat yourself on the back because you ain't supposed to. You ever thought about that? All right? You're listening to ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls people all around the world. You heard me? Can you hear me listening to it? Because we own don't need no station. I d to know this hill Steve Harvey Martin show like hell. If you don't know what station you're on, hides you own it. Ship ship team baby, That's what it is. Shirley, what's up? Hey? Good morning, Steve? How are you You sound like a good mood today? Rolling call up? Happy Tuesday? What's up? Steve got jor trying to learn how to order liquor? You got schoolbo j? Anthony Brown? What's going on? Watch out there in that championship team baby, Yeah that's it you hear me. Yeah, he's gonna be here later. Will no, you ain't he gonna be here due to pranks and you're gonna sit down? Always something wrong with him? So sick of him? Man? Has it always been like that since he was a little Tommy and every since he was born? Well, I don't know what that money is born? Since we found him? You stopped with that finding. I tell people at all time, Orange prayed out in front of the house. Tommy, his mom is your sister, Steve. Yeah, don't look like none of us. His mom is your sister. Hello, Tommy, don't look like none of us. You guys look alike. We just ball hit it, Tommy. He just don't look like us. Tommy can go in the shape. Look, man, what's the problem. Frustrates nothing because he ain't here. You get on my nerves. Well, Steve, you know, you guys are busy. You're comedians, you're traveling, you know, you're doing things outside of the radio show. So sometimes you're not able to make it all the time. Sometimes, yeah, who have most Sometimes here sometimes he doesn't just do it. You agree to it. You alive because he's stupid though, and that has to do with but you don't agree, Shirley, I'm asking you back. Do you think Tommy is stupid? I'm not behind his back, but okay, in his face. Do you think when he's when he's here, I will tell you, don't call him stupid behind his back? Do you think he's stupid? Junior? Yeah? Absolutely, Jay? Do you think he's stupid over there? He was on the other team too. You saw what happened. Can I tell you sometime he told me that that team timy team tom. He don't know anything. Start with the T. Think it's right. I don't know when you're going better get on this team. Steve to be out of working right now. That's not nice. That's not you're going in. That's not nice to say about You didn't ask me. You didn't ask me because all do you think Tommy stupid? Yes? Thank you? I was just trying to Government is open, everybody that the subject going back to work? Government is open and Netflix in the close all right, it's time for something funny. Junior's truth be told him, we'll talk about whatever else is on our minds. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for something funny. It's time for Junior's truth be told. Then after that we're gonna talk about drive through workers. Okay, stuff they here, yeah, stuff they here every day. Come on, Junior, you got it. I'll tell you what you know what I heard, I'll tell you right now to be told. Ain't nobody boycotting Netflix. Let's let's go ahead. I'm you know, I hear you. I hear you. Great, Monique, I know what you're upset about it. I got you. I can't but you don't understand what Netflix means to a lot of people. For nine, nine and nine a month. You ain't nowhere in the world. We're fin get off of this. First of all, all my come Fu movies is on Netflix. I'm not give that up for this. Is that uh market, The Daily Dragon. You can't find that movie nowhere else but on Netflix. Here another thing, I'm in love with nark Hoast. The whole sixth season of The Narkhoast is on there. And if I want to go back if I want to go back to the back of the day, all the Martin episodes is on now. Now, I'm not gonna boycott which that's the other thing. We can boycott, okay, but it ain't gonna be Netflix, like like say, like, you know, I want to boycott United. I'm with you. I'm with you on that. They dragging people all playing litt boycott them. Okay, we can. We can boycott that. Let's boycott this president, we can boycott that. But but we'll go ahead and try that. But what we're not gonna do is boycott Netflix. I'm sorry. What we're gonna do with these kids? You've seen kids on Netflix, the Kids Channel, all the stuff that's on that man. Man, who's gonna attain these kids. We're not gonna do that. You know how long we've been with Netflix, man, since you got your movies in the mail. We go way back, man, man. Oh, they used to put the movies in the mail for seven ninety nast yo yo, Davy, they show up at the house. Now, all the content on land. We're just not gonna boycott this, right, She's got to find something else that's called chill and Netflix that's what couples get together. And and do you know how many people don't go? Do you know, cousin, let me tell you something. Do you know that got every episode and locked up at a broad dog? I can't let that go. I traveled too much. What if I go over I need to know what not to do. I can't go over there. Well, don't strap no drugs the first thing we came first. Let me tell you another thing. It's on Netflix that everybody like, all of the un FO sightings is on that. I watched all of them. I love the way that people talking about the UFO. I'll tell you came down. It was right there. I saw the life and they hovered and stayed right there for two days. Ain't nobody, Yeah, ain't nobody letting that go? You got to find something else to boycott Monique. That's all we're saying here. Another reason I can't boycotting the Case of Comedy is on Netflix. Hell, I'm gonna let that go. In the game would just be unplugged. Go look at me like I'm short. I can't let all that go. No, no, no, we're not gonna let all let go. No, we're not gonna stop one the Sykes came out and responded to Monique via Twitter. First of all, she thanked Monique for speaking up, and she said that Netflix, this is Wanda talking now. Netflix offered me less than half of your five hundred thousand dollars. I was offended, but found another home hashtag epics, so they offered her according to one to two d and fifty thousand dollars. She said she was offended by that, so she went someplace else with she should just go someplace else and shut it, which the way to do it. You know, this is a difficult spot for me because of how I feel about Moten, So you know, it's a tough spot. I wish it wasn't happening. I wish she didn't have to be the torch bearl or for all these causes. You know, I wish she wasn't fighting, because you know that it's it's hard when you try to be the torchbearer for all these causes. You know, I've had to learn my lesson. I've done some stuff publicly that was, i mean, just disastrous, and I just had to live up to him. So now I try to be a little bit more conscious of the fights. I pick you pick your battle, your battle so well, and what Wanda did was cool. She found another home. You know, she didn't like the TV and punch TV and get a deal because se Wanda didn't come out and tell y'all what Netflix offered her, not until now. Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean, I want my mom shouldn't went on do some business somewhere. Sometimes in this business is it is tough when you speak out against the business, right But yeah, but but but then yeah, but then you have a right to do that if you feel that way. That's a good part about it. Yeah, if you feel you've been wrong, you know. And I hear what you're saying, Steve, But I mean, hey, she felt like she wanted to do it, so she did it right. You know, we got it, Jay, we got it, Folderime, I get ready only just the New Black. It was a big call. It was a big bold call on her part, and it took some courage. Yeah, but she did it. You know, you dinge watch just watch all of it. Yeah, Monique has caught a lot of backlash from it. Yeah, you know, I mean, I just I think you have to watch it, especially with the way social media is. Yeah, everybody's got a voice that didn't have a voice before. M h. And it causes the backlash can be greater than the results. And that's what you have to be mindful of nowadays. I have to remind myself of that all the time. Yeah, we just got a tweet right here to Steve Listener said that Monique when Wanda Sykes made her point. Now she totally understands where Monique was coming from. Yeah, so is it a black woman thing? Is it a right? You know, it's you have to think about all that stuff, you know. But anyway, um again, Jay, you're not by cutting netflick. We get it, We get it now. Okay, that's all I got coming up right after this, Nephew, Tommy's run that prank back. You're listening to Steve Alright, nephew, it is time for you to run that prank back. But I got it. It's about to get it. I dropped your wife. No, no, not from the team, dropped the physically dropped up. Y'all. Ain't never dropped nobody white. No, no, no, no, that's slightly she slipped as a ladyn't get out said here it is. I dropped your wife. Hello, I'm trying to reach Tony. This is Tony, Tony, how are you doing? This? Is nef your Tommy. I can't believe you email to break your yes. Oh my god, I said that like months ago. I didn't think you were going to call me. Yes, I'm calling you now. You'll been married eight years. That's my heart. Okay, let me ask you something. What makes your husband just go off? What can I do that? You know that's a button for him that you don't want to push. Anything has to do with me. Let me tell you he is crazy about me. If anybody mess with me, if anybody tries to go off on me, he will lose it. Okay, Okay, what are we gonna do? What? I'm so excited? Oh god, alright, okay you know what? You know what? Okay? Take this out? Can you click over on a three way? Can you call him? Okay, I can hold it from my phone. Is he gonna be on the phone right? Yeah? I want I want him to think that I got your phone. Okay, I'll tell you what. You just click over. Get him on the line. Just click over so when you click back, you can't say nothing. Now, you got to be quiet because I'm gonna at the end. I'm gonna let you talk to him. Okay, okay, hold on there, I'm here, Okay, bring it all right. You hit me to something? Okay, okay, okay, Hey, what's up? Like? Uh no? This? This is? This? Is this? Darren? Yeah? This darrenl was this? Uh hey, we got a bit of a situation with with Tony. Man, we got a situation for real? You just my white phone? Who is this this? Uh? Actually, man, we are the women. Broho who is this we're trying to get? Uh? Tony actually twisted our ankle. Man, We gotta get her to the emergency room and get her checked out. She twist her ankle, hadally twist Wait wait wait, wait back up? Who who did you say? Who is this? How did Tony twist her ankle? Actually? She she she felled and man, look look my wife is with her mom right now. Who who? And who are you? How had you twist her ankle? And why are you calling me? Why isn't her mother somebody calling me? Who is this? You never told me your name? Bro? No, I'm a friend. Man. She didn't fall. I actually dropped her. How you how did you drop her? When what do you mean you dropped her? We had a couple of drinks at the hotel, man, and she say, wait, wait, wait hotel there you bring the hotel? My wife supposed to be over her mom's house. Now you calling me from her phone talking about if you dropped her y'all at some hotel. But why y'all even at the hotel? What hell are you talking about a hotel? Bro? What is my wife? Where's Tony? Why? Well? Why ain't Tony on the phone? Why you gotta call you gotta calm down? Know you're calling me for my wife? Phone? Tell my she hurt? You dropped the y'all to the hotel. She's spoke a mom's house. Bro, Where is my wife? Man? She's it, Tony, I got it, I got it. Just hang on so Tony I got put on the phone. Man, Hey, dude, just I need you to come down. I need to know. I'm I'm now you're talking about you're about to go to an emergency room. You dropped my wife y'all of the hotel. Dog just putting my hip on the phone before y'all be in the emergency room. Hey man, listen, you gotta calm down. Tony already embarrassed. I don't even know who the hell you are. You still ain't telling me? Put Tony on the phone. I'm gonna listen, man, you gotta chill out. Man, I'm just sprinting. Okay, man, I'm a friend, but get you. I'll tell you what in the emergency room. Kill me. Where y'all at? I come to the hotel. I get my own white and taking away ever she needs to tell me where we as soon as Tony get dressed. Man, I'm gonna get her there, okay, as soon as she gets dressed. What do you mean? Hey? Man? Real talk? Where y'all at? Man? Putting Tony on the man? I'm not putting Tony on YouTube already? Why are you screaming at Hall? And Dude? I swear to guy, I swear to guy. If I find out where y'all let, I'm gonna come with her. It's gonna be one for you at Tony. Hey, Hey, man, where y'all at? Bro I'm cool? Where y'all last? Give me where y'all lof no, No, I'll tell you what, man, I'm gonna get Tony's ankle, taking care of and we'll get somebody to drop a back off at the house. Okay, I take I'll drop off at the house. Man. Just give me where y'all at. I want to come get my wife. I want to make sure she get the treatment that you need. Bro, getting where y'all at? Don't go nowhere. I want you to be there when I come and get it. Don't go nowhere where y'all at. I can't do I mean we didn't. You're shy on the phone. Man, put to put my wife. I'm not listening to me talk to my wife. Bro. Hey, man, it's the reason why I'm calling. Man. She embarrassed about all of this, and now she's gonna be bored in embarrassed. Want Hey, Okay, it's cause ain't to tell. I ain't gonna need to be embarrassed. I love him, man, that's my girl. Man, let me let me how let my wife? Bro? Please, that's no, no, no, I already no wife. Phone bro listen, dude, let me look real talk. You still don't tell me who you want y'all all? I know if you're calling me, tell about you. I don't tell up with my wife. Put us me tell you something. Don't let say lord that ankle will help you say it's wrong of the wife. Get your whoops. Dog. I'm telling you on a further who you are. I'm saying, put my wife on the phone. And that's all because my last time ask you, dog, I promised. He but see you do, I'll write, man, you rape? I want my wife on the phone. Right. That's all I'm saying. You gotta leave town. That's what I'm You got to leave town, my man, you gotta leave. You wanted to do you want to talk? Let Tony decide if she want to talk to you or not? Okay, here put Tony do you want do you want to do? You want to talk? Don't even ask? I ain't known you to man. You'll see what Tony want to do on the phone. Hey, man, pull, I don't even know you. Man. Put on the phone. You you scared to tell me your name? Tony? You want to talk to him? Hell? Yeah, you want to talk to me? Man, I don't need no idea, keep asking, no jump question. You're the phone phone to Tony? Here she is? Man? Yeah, he hay, go to it, baby, I'll have time for games. Were you when that's all you got to kill me? Maybe that's calmed down. I got something. Are you listen to me? Maybe you gotta listen to me. Are you listening? Listen to me real carefully? Okay, where you a baby? Are you listening to me? Yes, I'm listening. Maybe you just got frank by nephew. Charlie. I'm laughing right now. I love you, Okay, girl? Can you hear home? That's cool? You got me? You got me? I think he got a little hot what y'all? Yeah, I'm just that's mission accomplishes. What that is? That's that's mission that the old folks say, rightly. So one day, one day I might get a little bud whoop ah. It's kind of come. You might have happen that you you. Tommy did say it right though. He said, I'm gonna get my little butt with one day. Keyword little. He know that I got your trash. Didn't you hit somebody with a night with a microphone? Base of it? Milflis, Tennessee, Tennessee, Holland boulevard. I saw it was in the back of the man, sweetheart busted him dead in the head with the base of a microphone. What happened? Jathan Brown was on stage the guy was heckling. Jay got the best of the Jay lit him up. That dude said, I'll come up there and kick your ass. Now, I'll tell you that right now, you ain't gonna talk me like that. And Jay said, sir, you're not gonna come up here with nobody there. I'm just letting you know that right there. And so it was, sir, laugher Lots was a really cool comedy called play was a movie theater. You know how to floor slant it and it had a little orchestra pit. And the dude came down and climbed cross the little rail and started climbing up on the stage. Jay took the base of that microphone and just tapped him in the forehead. Centers asked, falling right back down. It don't take much with the base of a microstafe, just a little top. He didn't like, try to kill a dude cock it back. He just took it that. He took both hands and just stabbed the base at him. Coming up our National News, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, So here's the question, what do you think about the blame game for the government shutdown? Of course it's Republicans versus Democrats. Right now, do you think with all that has happened, this is a wake up call for voters from the two thousand and sixteen election. Republicans have proposed a funding extension. Uh, They're gonna give it till February eight, with a firm commitment to Democrats to take up the dreamer's issue separately and very soon, and if it hasn't been addressed by then February eight, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has committed to talking about DOCCA on that date. This is important to note as Democrats have been insisting on long term protections for Dreamers, young immigrants who were brought to the US illegally by their parents as children. To me, this whole thing is just political position all of it. Once we elect these people into these political offices, then the politics begin. There's nothing we can do about when they start doing this political positioning, because it's all becomes what they want, what we want, and they and you can see what they're doing to get what we want. To get what they want, they put it in a way where we gotta give something so they can give that. But it gets to a point where every time where there is no more compromise. Now we have a government shutdown. Eight hundred thousand people's jobs are affected by this. Okay, So now then the back blame game begins. Ain't point it's it's it's the Shumer shutdown. It's the Trump shutdown. It is the Trump shutdown. He said it on Fox and Friends last year talking about President Obama and the shutdown. It clearly rests on the shoulder of the commander in chief, whoever is president. The blame has to fall on the president because it is his job to bring all parties to the table to discuss and make a deal. He showed it on Fox. CNN has been showing it Fox all in Lord, Fox ain't showed it out time. Fox act like they ain't got the footage. Fox with Fox News all the Fox act like he never said that. They won't play it back. But that's what he said. So we are all falling victim to politics right now. And it's ridiculous because and then the child health health care program is being placed up against the Docker program, So we're pitting children against children. We'll give you chip if you let go a doctor, We'll give you a doctor. But we need vote. It's ridiculous what they're doing. We have to vote. I think the Women's March this weekend is going to have a major impact on the upcoming election because when women unite and bad women control stuff. Let me explay some pillow talk at night with these Republicans and Democrats. What your wife is saying in your ear, you us to listen to it or else Guess what you keep coming home to that unhappy house. When women get together and start deciding we're not gonna head, it's no more. See women are concerned about the immigration and doctor and chill because they're the mother of these children. All right, Steve, we gotta go to Missan now with our headlines, Junior, do to honors today, Yes, sir, ladies and gentlemen, miss a and trip. Thank you, junior, Thank you everybody out there. This is a trip with the news. Okay, yes, you heard a little bit about it. Here it goes. The federal government shutdown is over. Members of the U. S. Senate okay to bipartisan deal yesterday to end the shutdown, and the President signed it. It's pretty much the same as the one rejected four days ago, except that the end date is different. The new stop gap funding measure provides for a period of wasn one week shorter than the other one, so it only last until February eight, with the promise from the Republicans that the issues involving immigration are going to be discussed before any newer government funding bill is approved as expected, both is acting like winners. Here are Arkansas Republican Tom Cotton and then Michigan Democrat Gary Peters. Shutting down the government driving American citizens of services because you want amnesty for illegal immigrants is a massive political blunder. This is a commitment that was done on the floor of the Senate, on the record for the American people to see. The measure also includes a six year renewal of the Children's Health Insurance program and delay certain healthcare related taxes under OBAMACAREA. Nevertheless, immigration activists and many Democrats, professive progressive Democrats feel the Democrats you have stood their ground. The Democrats say they want a new deal by February eight, but the GOP is now saying the real deadline is March five, because that's when President Trump has ordered the DOCTA program to end. President Trump couldn't resist bragging that the Republicans had best of the Democrats on Twitter. Meanwhile, though there's still no deal. If there is no deal on or about February eight, then the federal workers will experience the same situation then that they faced yesterday. Some federal workers went to their jobs so they could be told formally to go home. Others work or an't sure they get paid. And still others heard this when they called to check. There is a temporary shutdown of the U. S. Government due to elapse in appropriation, so we might hear that. I guess we'll see in three weeks. A magnitude eight point to earthquake off Alaska has prompted a tsunami warnings. That's right for coastal Alaska and British Columbia this morning, and the rest of the U S. West Coast talking about California and Washington also under a tsunami watch this morning. Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian have selected a name for their newest child. Kim made the announcement on Twitter, and it's Chicago. So now the only week old Chicago West will join her two year old brother st West and her sister Northwest sad news. Legendary South African musician Hugh Masskela has died. His family says he died after a long battle against prostate cancer. He's best known for his night hit Grazed in the Grass. You Massa Kayla was seventy eight years old. And finally, today is National Pie Day, National Handwriting Day, and National Measure your feet Day. Too big? I really hate your feet are too big? Okay, but again it's also a National Pie Day and National Handwriting Day, so you want to make sure that your handwriting is legible. I know a lot of us type and forget how to write. But you know, whatever, do it, do it? Do it? Eugene the Butterfly coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Dave introduced j J. You then take it away and introduced the I learned my lesson yesterday. Do you know the Butterfly? Because yes that Do you know the Butterfly? Because I yes, I do. Oh you know, Jay, I'm thinking that since Eugene ain't making a he is on the stage anymore, I don't think he'll be making many appearances on this show, so let's just let's give him. Why why would you why would you say that? Why would oh god, toms taking him out of his show? Which means quite naturally the next step. I mean, I'm just scaying it could be Tommy could take him out of this show. I think it would go there and we'll get to this show because you know Tommy Tommy small minded. Not come on, he's that small minded. He small Steve, Why are you trying to take me off this show? Mr? Harvey? No, I'm not trying to do nothing. But Tommy took you off the show. Nothing you can do about the Tommy could take you off this show. Tommy is the boss of you, and that's the problem. But you know what, We're moving to California and I'm trying to get him to move. I want to move to West would I wouldn't come the show? Well, I'm want to start my own acting career since he's not allowed me to be a partner of the show anymore. It was one time he didn't say I see it coming, Sirley, I see it coming. You didn't see that coming? Hey man, did not let you be in a stage play for twelve weeks. Oh, then I let you do that. Oh, Mama's point. That's a point, but that that's but I thought we did stand up together to no, no, I let you do stand up. Sometimes you don't. You don't call the shots, you gene, that's your problem. Okay, okay, look at all that. But for me to be caught of the in the middle out of it though, I'm sorry Mr chand the Brown, I don't know really on the real I don't know how it affected me, uh that I'd be a part of the saying up show we was here, which Paul, I'm just saying out. Hey, listen, let me tell both of y'allselfs what I need you call on? Okay, THEO he did do? What damn had my whole Oh my gor g real my head hook? I this ass shades? Oh I mean, I mean, I mean, Eugenie, what made him decide not to use you all? You think I don't know. He's been he did the house show, he did more time than anybody else. He could have allowed us to do what we want to do. Do you think he's trying to separate himself from you too and just become known as you know Thomas Miles. But what didn't what happens to us? Where did I go? I don't you quit crying to mucause I don't know where you go. So I don't know what you know? We care? But whatever, why, I ain't got to kill. We'll have to time and time and don't give a damn about it. What you want me to do, we'll have to can send you this tomorrow. Oh man, we're out of time. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, time now, jay uh for this segment. It's called comedy Roulette. Explain it quickly and let's get to it. Very simple. Love it. It's three of us were comedians, were highly decorated. Take five subject put them on the wheel wedge. Stop, we'll do the damn thing. That's how good we are. Do it? Do it now? All right, let's go comedy rule. Here we go with the subjects. Number one, people who have that stuff you know in the corner of their eye. Okay. Number two, babies that don't look like their dad. Who's the father? Baby show? We are doing in? Number three? Fat guys that won't button that middle button? Yeah? Okay? Number four, what's that thing on your lip right here? Or what is that? What is that? Number five? Just not not not all right? Come on, spend the wheel for his place? There you go, that thing in your corner your I think you wanted this one, Carla. Number three? Fat guys that weren't button back middle button? What is the deal with that? Let's go, highly decorated comedians on this ship. What is the deal with that? It looked like looking at you in the middle of that ship. Don't you feel that breeze on your good don't? They don't do it, They don't button it. They don't. But I'm gonna tell you people who don't button that middle button. I've seen it so many times. But the deacon who handles devotion on Sunday morning stand in front of everybody asking us he's time to start and come to the Lord. Come to a conclusion about this button. And you can't focus. You can't focus on that. I can't see the words to the hymn. Y'all, y'all don't understand what if y'all are looking at it the wrong way. That is not a button. That is a pressure val. You have got to get a release of some of this that he can't breathe he can that if that you close that button, he's gonna get a short, short breath. They don't do it. That's a pressure val. You might be right to because even when they button it, you can see the buttons almost if the button has a face and it's holding two feet of cloth together and it's saying, please help me help, I'm doing thea can The whole is good. I know another person that I've seen with this this button unbuttoned. But the lead singer at every hole in the wall. But I'm sitting that They singing all day hits, but they'd be moving and so the the open part be shifted. I didn't see it. I justn't see chips now, And that's that button saying the same thing. But you didn't seen everything up other that shirt. See it once again, you'll keep looking at it. But that button is actually a hidden whippon. See if he get tired and you're talking or tired and you're looking at him or saying something he don't agree with, he can button it and he and put your eye out with it. Dad, Ain't it's not so bad that is open. It's really sad when the shirt starts to come up just a little bit, and you see full good like straight across, just straight, straight, straight, good all the way up from all the way across. Once again, y'all keeping roll way that ladies and gentlemen for fat people. That's actually Evin. Keep cool, keep cooled out so he do overheat and explode. Can't button it alright? Coming up at the top of the hour, right after Wright, about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. But up next nephew Tommy with today's prank phone call. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. You do not want to miss the Strawberry letter. It is a good one today, trust me on that. But before we get to that, the nephews in the building with his prank phone call, what do you have for us today? On the Moonstone? I like that movie. I'll be huckle Berry Tunes Stone. Everybody's gonna need one. It's one day here it is. Hey man, I'm gonna we gotta problem with the you'll want to mess around and put the wrong name on my tomb so and will is to day and we got a problem. We gotta get rictified. Mald hold on, hold on, mand calm down. And first of all, what is your name? My name is ritchey Man. But I can't understand a funeral home make a name tone think you know what? I don't make no sense even been in the business to be doing something like this. So this is a family business. We've been doing this forty plus years. I don't make a mistakes like this. Man, What's what? What's the problem? What's the mistaken? What's what mistake do you think we made? Okay, man, we're being my amy. Two weeks ago, her name is roset up. Okay, all right? Which what do you spell? Our name is r O s e t t A. Y'all got r O z e t t a. And she was born tune to eight, nineteen forty eight. Y'all got August the six nineteen for the y'all got the dates mixed up, and y'all got her name mixed up. And when we're from to do that's how my anty A rifted in peace with the wrong stuff on her thombs. First, man, calm do right, And you can't get it at me. I can't use no way I can help you to get at me. I need who fix the problem, then, man, I can check the paperwork. I can check the paperwork and see what the problem is. Now, if you gave me the wrong information, your family gave me wrong information. Dude. We just put down where we would get it, and if we got to change something, well change it. But it's gonna cause you some my money, y'all were we're not paying another damn damn to that flore all, not another damn damn. The stuff gonna get changed on this damn tool, So then we're not paying for nothing. I'm gonna say this. So I'm going I'm decided. I'm saying we can help you out. I can help you. But if you gave me the wrong information, that's only here. Why didn't do that, that's only you. We didn't get you the wrong with information. I'm gonna tell you that part you what you put it? Your name turning along? What is your name? My name is Kendrick Okay Kensbreck. Let me tell you something. If this don't get changed, body, none, me or some of my cousin gonna come out there and start digging up about it. Now, y'are not coming over here and digging up nothing. It's my playing he would gets us about my family and come over here. You're gonna get up what we're gonna dig up somebody that gonna if you don't get the wrecking prount of my hand tools, don't. There's not gonna be none of that. I'm not having you coming over here. We're gonna fix the problem and check the paperwork and I can get back to you. That's why I can do. But you ain't digging up nothing. If if you all ain't six three on my hand tone, but me and my cousin is coming out there digging up some of them. Damn dad about it. Until y'all get this damn thing fix, I'm gonna be nobody coming over there. I'm nothing. Just hold on, see what now I'm getting excited to come man. Let me just talk to you like a man. What I'm saying that you is that the family seals out the paperwork, put the name in the birth date on there. If it is incorrect, it has to be fixed. I have to call the man out here to fix it, and that's gonna call some money. I have to pay him. All I'm saying is if that is the case, if the paperwork is incorrect, it's not on us, and I might have to charge you a little extra money just so I can get it taken care of to get charge nothing. We got no more money, man, we ain't got no more money. Charge to bear in my handy. We ain't got no more. M gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you one more time, Mr Kendrick, if I don't see a chat, ain't coming after this evening, and look at my anty tune. So i' I'm in out there now. If the date and the name ain't fix, I promise you so help me. I'm gonna start digging up but it. And if you're answered out there, I'm gonna put you in one of them holes up and I'll tell you what vegging. You're not gonna put me in no hole, man, I Like I said, I tell it. I'm trying to talk to you and tell you what the deal is and how we will get this fix. Ain't nobody coming out here and dig it up nothing. I've called the host you. I bet you I'm digging up the hole and I'll put you if you don't fix my hand and we both were going in the damn hole. That's what's gonna happen. We're both going in that in because somebody want to fix me around and put the wrong d You want to put the spill my hand man round and everything. I don't even answer the damn phone. My uncle get kissing, Regen region fix nothing. Me and you're yelling at each other. We mean, we don't do this. Yelling at each other is not gonna fix the problems. I I still have to do a step here. I have to look at this paperwork. But when are you gonna look at it? The reggy you keep yelling. I don't even have time to gold with its paperwork. Every time I get really look at something, you're yelling in my head. When me to say this one more time, I'm coming at myndfucker. I'm gonna come out there right now. That's what I'm gonna do. You know what We're to come out there. I'm trying to talk nice to you, to tell you what, dude, I told you that this is a fan of business. You just expected me, dud you come out here. You ain't no because when we both got it all day. That's what I'm trying to tell you right now. You know you're not listening when you need to need to my way because they're duarantee you you're gonna change. I'm gonna bring then bring you ain't your cousin? Laughing big at both seven holds. I'll be like when they get rid of the singer, kids are coming to so I right, Oh women, come on you you ain't your couss. I got something I need to tell yest. You got to say listening to McKendrick wrapt, Tommy, you just got breaked by yall. No you, Tommy, I'm about hey man, I gotta ask you one more thing. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Horday Morning Show. That is m to stop. Oh tom anything y'all want reading on y'all? I need to make notes. Yeah, I told you I was sick, Junior. I would have to go with Jake big Dog. What would you put on your too? You had to put a funny quote on that? What would you put I just need a little bit longer. Yeah, how about you sure to call it? You'll got something too soon? Too soon? Soon for the question too soon? All of the involved write something nice on that night put it in cursing. Now, I won't after I would I incurse your print. You know what I want to put on that, I'll be there. I think I would put it. If you love me, come on in here with me. I'll put on the turnaround. I told you I was six. Is it all right? Yeah? That's the best one. Yeah, you believe all the time you're calling for Jake told you you've ever been to a funeral and it all went wrong? Oh? Yes, bits t shirts with people names and felt wrong members not being allowed to get in the cars, people name. I still in line with Biggie wig at the wrong feeling. And boy, when I got up there and saw the body and it wasn't Elp, I said, god dog. I walked past the family. Big was in line talking to these two girls. I couldn't get his attention. He got up there and it wasn't Alph. Can't do it on the funeral horror stories yet, definitely many change. Yeah, let's talk about something. Get back to life. Yeah, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Strawberry Letters up next, and wait till you hear this letter, Steve, You're gonna love it. Well, so listen to everybody, Just so we're clear, the government shutdown is officially over. The government opens back up. Thank god. They're not even gonna post at the government open So wow. I don't know, but that's it. Listen. Despite the protest marches and all of that, President Trump thinks, because he has delivered on some of his campaign promises, the tax reform bill uh is signed, and the stock market is up, voters will turn out in November for the mid term elections. That's what he thinks. So what do you think they're calling him president? Hide and tweets because m I A. During the whole shutdown situation, that's the first time he know what to do the president, and they played he don't know what to do? You know what to say? He had down. He's not he's not political. He didn't know how to stop it or nothing. So he this is the first time he went yeah, man, Steve. They're saying he's irrelevant. He was irrelevant in the negotiation as the president. Irrelevant, Yeah, because he don't know what to do. He's not presidential. Take heed to your own words. The same thing you said about Obama. Where are you man? He has atleast Obama was trying to handle it, and he was front and center when down. Yeah, he didn't find and he updated the American people around going on. But everybody was in front of a camera talking except Trump. Except Trump, he was tweeting. I felt bad for Sarah Huckaby Sanders. She was in front of every camera every day for I mean, I thought she was cracking that you can constantly. She's not gonna be able to handle it. Man, She's done well so far. She's lasted long. Sean Spicer, no, no, Spicy was giving it to the people. Yeah, he cracked under the pressure. But she doesn't look like she's I'm looking at bending I make up any mission and she just stopped drawing it. One man going out here here. Yeah, oh no, she's a tough, tough, tough cookie. Okay, watch, okay, I'm watching. That's that other lady used to be out front all the time, the blonde head lady. Oh so Kelly and Conway. She didn't got in the back. She had a break. Yeah, she just every nine and she was on that every day. Yeah. Well, after m a Rossa came out and said what she said, you ain't heard from Amor Rosen got church mouse quiet because somebody put put the phone calling write a book if you won't what happened? No shows enough. She ain't doing no good more in American Omo. No today, you're not fitting here. I'm listening to me that phone in rain. Now you want us to tell on it? Now talking on the other end if you want the right one. Al Right, everybody, let's get ready. It's time for the Strawberry lettle with my girl, Shirley Strawberry. Thank you Jr. You will all right? Subject sexy and stinky, Dear Stephen, Shirley. My man is so handsome, sexy, very smart, and i and loved by everyone. He is so patient with me, and he spoils me. I love this man and I want to be more affectionate with him, but I can't because his darn breath stinks. We have been off and on for two years, and his breath is a part of the reason the sex is great. But I have to keep my head in the pillow because of his breath. He kisses and leaves a smell on my neck. He won't go get his teeth checked, even though he's got good insurance. I mean, the odor is bad and it hits you hard, especially in the morning. Oh boy, my three year old daughter is even asked him to brush his teeth. Now, don't get me wrong, I have brought this up numerous times, and I'm about to make him a dental appointment. I'm about to let it all out and say, baby, your breath is terrible, and you know it. Please help. I love this man, but this odor is tearing our relationship apart. Girl. I don't know how you hung in there for two years. I just I don't understand it. What do you mean? You know you're you're about to to make him a dental appointment. Make him a dental appointment. Don't make it, do it now. You gotta let this all out. Tell him if you have to go with him, if he's afraid to go to the dentist, and a lot of people are. They don't like the drills and all that. And I'm sure he's gonna need all that, every all the equipment in the dentist's office. He'll probably need it at this point. But you know, maybe he is afraid. Maybe he doesn't know how important this is to you. I mean, and I don't see why it's not important to him, But I got a difference with you on some things. You said that he's so handsome sexy. No, no, no, no, he's not sexy. Thank breath, funky breath. That is not sexy. So stop saying he's sexy. Stopped thinking that unclean, unclean mouth is not sexy. Uh, you know what is sexy. I'll tell you clean breath, fresh breaths, fresh smelling breath. I love kids because kids are so honest without even knowing about it. Even your three year old baby told him to brush your teeth. So what is wrong with you? Mommy makes that dental appointment. Tell him, in no uncertain terms, you cannot be with this man if his breath is smelling like this and he won't do anything about it. Steve you, Stephen Sherley, My man is so handsome, sexy, very smart and loved by everyone. All this distributed, All this can be true. A man can be handseled. He can't be hands I didn't say a man can't be sexy. He walked in the room, he got a swagger. He can be very smart. The boy had been to school, college, maybe he got it together, and he is loved by everyone right up till he opened his damn mouth exactly and all that you just said he was, he ain't no more. And I'm explaining to you we come back. All right, we're gonna have You're gonna need this who We're gonna have Part two if Steve's response coming up a twenty three after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's strawberry letter. Sexy and stinky. This lady got his husband that's handsome, sex and smart, little by every man. Uh, he's so patient with him. He spawled the girl. He loved him. Man, but his breath, don't. We've been off and on for two years. Yeah, you've been off and on for two years because I can't nobody stay only for two years. You got to take a break. You're gonna be in an offer and on relationship with somebody breath because you just can't stay in it every damn day. Let's break up for two weeks so I can breathe. That's why your relationship is off and on. And it's off and on because his breath is always and you're thinking them two weeks. Maybe when you come back, it will be different. It's worse bad breath only get worse down. Didn't you have this experience back in the way, back in the day, oh with this girl. Yeah, yeah, it ain't last long. The sex is great, but I gotta keep my head in the pillar. I can't even enjoy mind with my head in the pit. Needs you to breathe. I like fresh air when I'm doing in my head in the pillar. Something happened. I failed. You don't something else that's going on, but what it is, I gotta keep my head in the pillow case. His kisses leave a smell on my neck. Okay, so now salmon mouth just over his mouth smelled like trout. He don't set up here and there and lick you on your neck. Your next smell like his mouth because mullet mom, punch mouth ass mouth set up in him and put his ass on your neck. That's a hard man. When your got it's hard. That's a dangerous that's a dangerous. He won't go get a teeth check, even though he's got good. In short, the older is bad and it hits you hard, Yes it does, because you'll never be ready for it. Come all out of his bow. And good. He got his this older coat. He talking from his colding. His colding, it's coming up through his esophagods is out his mouth. But yo, does yo, but have tongue and teeth. This man's mouth is a giant butt hole with teeth and a tongue. My three year old daughter has even asked him to brush his teeth when the baby nowhere? Ain't you know when? Because the baby don't have no other things? That what is? Hey? Listen, yeah, yo, baby, you what you can talk to me? I don't want to hug. Come on, get come on, come on, give me a hug. Baby, Come here. Man, you daughter don't ever dude like I said, she don't want to come over that she did too close. Now, don't get me wrong. If there's something numerous times, I'm about to make him a dental appointment. This ain't nothing. You can make an appointment. Folk. You gotta take him down there. You gotta get him in the car, tell him y'all going to a hotel for eat for a day a while, set and drive it right up to the dinner's office. Yeah, he's gotta get insurance, she said. I'm about to let it all out and say, baby, your breath is terrible, and you know it. It's been two years. How you ain't saying it yet? Sitting up in mouth smell like hot guards. You ever walked past a dumpster and smell it in the summertime? You go, whoa, that's his brother. Now here's some suggestions. All the meals you cook him should be in pinsaw. What stop using gree diet. Listen to me chicken, You fry his chicken and past it's gonna taste totally different. But it's the only way I could think to help him. Get yourself a fire stinguisher. And when you come to you, when his mouth open to kiss, just fireing. Fine that in his mouth. It's gonna freeze his tongue, but it'll be all difference. Yeah, here's another one. Have for dinner. Have a dinners come to the house for dinner. We're the suitcase. I'm just trying to think of stuff that you could do. Cooking his food and pass al is a good start. That's a really good stuff. Turn he opened his mouth, just fired it, cooking fire stingers. Get the one with your separate holes over the two. Oh man, you know what is that? I'm like you need. Here's something else you need to do. Now this is really wrong. Oh really, this one's wrong. But this is just the last in his bottle of listery, Poe half of the house and pole acid. Yeah, that is wrong. What he needed to do. He needs an acid washing, he kind of he got to get his mouth saying. You need something that takes some of that namel off the teeth. Maybe take a roll of skiing off his tones. You need to burnish jaw line out. He need to start over. He needs to start over. So half a bottle of listery, half a bottler ask ye, and just burned his mouth out. He ain't gonna swallow, don't know about to swallow listery now, so he's gonna switch it around and there and he ain't'na understand what the burn he needed? What about when he spits it out? Now, when he spits it out, you've got to give him some water to going in and fight the ascid. You gonna have to get him to the hospital, all right, Steve, we gotta go email us her Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girls, Shirley and join me. Please This Thursday for our Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook at one thirty pm Eastern Time. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Well, the NFC champs, the Philadelphia Eagles will take on the a f C champs in New England Patriots at the Super Bowl. Hello. Yeah, the Eagles fans partied in the streets taking over South Philly. Eagles fan channing it's our year, It's our year. And did you hear about the Crisco Cops? Did you hear about that? They're the police officers in Philly who are actually agrees the light poles with Chris go to prevent fans from climbing up you know how the fans climbed climb of the climb. I feel like poles. Yeah. I mean, it's one thing to win, but then you got to clean up the city stuff. That's just not right. That's smart, Chris Cops, Chris, Yeah, shout out to the city of brotherly Love. That would be great. They had a capability to beating the Patriots. They really do. They really do, especially in in in the Super Bowl in in Minnesota. It's gonna be indoors. It's gonna be nice weather because it's an indoor stadium. So I mean, Philly got the team to do it. Philly got a great defense, they got a great running game. Uh, you know, they know how to play Nick Foles. Nick Foles was was a good quarterback before Wentz got there. So I was a Philly fan. But man, now I'm just all Philly. What happened to jack to me? Man? He heard me. Man, they had it, but they relaxed, they changed, They changed their approach in the second half. They had that lead, they just running the ball on first down with for uh and and they just got to be predictable. You know what. I didn't like that they did. They took that knee with a minute left in the second quarter, going at a halftime. They could have took that ball with then they got some more points. They could have took the ball down there they had he was scared of the end and they had that bad punt and then they had them two penalties. It was you got and Jacksonville had him. Man Bottles was playing. I don't know why he gets the flak he get, but Bottles, the quarterback was playing, man, he was he was bawling them boys was bawling. They should have never lost. Man. But that thing that Tom Brady has the second half that he just he don't panic, man, and he just he just he had you gotta lucky break even with his hard hand. Huh. That was nothing that but he just did. Man, Come on, is he is? He can throw that damn ball. Man, it's gone. You can say what you want to say. That boy bad. That's a bad boy. And he's forty Steve is Yeah, he's in a bad white boy Hall of Fame. Yes he is anything. So you guys are going to be watching the super Bowl, Yeah, February for right now? Yea, some having chicken wings at Steve's house for every year I've been going to the Caymans. But oh yeah, that's right. I've been going to the Caymans every year. And hey, can I say one last thing about this Netflix thing? Ahead here, Here is what has to happen. If you're going to call for a boycott of Netflix, that has to be some type of plan of action. I mean, is there a petition? Is there sign this paper if you're willing to let go of your Netflix subscription so you can give it to Netflix and say, hey, Look, if I don't get my money up, or if I don't get we don't get better treatment, then you're gonna lose one and a half million subscribers. That then you have their attention. But if we don't have a plan of action, see two boycott Netflix. Do you want them to a cancel their subscription? Be stop watching or see what what do you want them to do in the boycott? Because when you say let's boycott Netflix, okay, so we're gonna quit watching it or we're gonna unsubscribe to it. And how do we know if you're the boycott is effective? That's what I mean. But you have to have something, a point to attach other than that, it's just a random cry for help, and you gotta give people somewhere to go. It's like the uh what you're saying? So she could take that to Netflix and they could say, oh wow, all these people because of Monique. Yeah, maybe we should look at her a little differently now. So if you got a million signatures and it's Netflix is nine dollars, that's nine million dollars gone this year, next year and the year after, they're na they're listening if you have a valid point. But if there's no point to it, there's no plan of attack nowhere to attach it to. It's just a random act, a solo renegade move, and I don't think it will have any effect at all. That's what you have to have if like you know, when she's saying the beginning of middle and an end the end, you know, man like Shopton comes on and asked us for that action network to do something. He has a petition a march. We're gonna show up, We're gonna do this, We're gonna do that. It's something has to be a plan of action. There's no plan of action national networks. He says it, that's your national network. Did you have to say that right now? I mean, he's the most inappropriate fired him. I did not stop saying that about me. You don't want him. We're having a serious moment. I provided an opportunity. You brought Reverend Allen to it, and he said, what network? I said it? What is that important? Right now? But that's moment. But to him thought, he'll think where he speaking? Never is that a question? Carla really undecorated comedian's so stupidated. I have not accomplished nothing but Steve heard you anyway. Imagine that you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning showy uh, what what do you have for us? This is things you shouldn't tell your kids when their pets are about to die. What well, everybody who has a child has probably experienced when a pet has passed on. Pet is no longer like a goldfish or hamster. They don't last long or ants. The kid has broken up. And these are things you shouldn't tell a kid when the hamster dies. Okay, okay, ran away, he ran away. He's not here anymore. He just ran away. He's gone. You shouldn't tell You should not tell him he ran away, and that that's not that's not. He didn't he didn't hope, he didn't like living him no more. You go too far. The truth is he went to be with another family. You tell your kids this, Jack, it's just too crowded here. It's just so wrong. He had to go to school too, So he's going to school. He's not. He hain't going to school. You you just fed him too much. You you over fand him right said, you shouldn't tell him. He left to go take care of his mom and dad because they're sick, so that's why he's not here. Mom, Tell are you crazy drawing out conversation with this boy about this him? Man would about well listen, little Cindy down down the street needed some gloves. God, I don't believe either one of you said what you just said. And you know better, Mr. He was a bad gold fish. He had to go to jail. What did he do to be bad? Really slimming the wrong way in the bowl my dog? My parent didn't say nothing like that to me. When Kinky left. My mama told me going in the room with all that crack, make it too much? No his stories on. But Kinky girn though you can't. If I can't hit the stary gon kinky star with a k that's kids do too. The two ks will be listening to him. Yeah, I didn't, I ain't. I ain't hear all that. Man. I had a goldfish and I had it last about two weeks. I was hurt. I told my father that my goldfish, that boy fish die. We all looking at like that boy fish, that fish to one day we have fish to night. You think they're looking at it? You ain't. You ain't got no more. You don't about look at the bright side. You don't have the responsibilities. Wo. You gold fish want to be outside. But you know what, you could go in and try to replace the pet with your parents at They can tell right away that ain't the same. They tell they ain't doing. I killed the gold fish one time. I like, I've always had fish. I love fish, and what had What I did was, you know, you know, to remember that little fish flake food that used coming to look like a little salt container. I had messed around and I had to take care of my fish with my paper rounding pop bottle, hustle, my father, that's your fish, you pay for mess around and knocked the flakes over in the water one day, so I had to get him out. So I went in the kitchen. What looked like a flake that a fisher eat. I threw over in there some pepper flakes. Fish been into that red crushed pepper flakes. His eyes got twice. Say the shock that was on that damn because will over eat. That's another thing you ate the inside out of here there sad don't really pepper looked like white and white. Yeah, so I figured he had no tongue. It ain't gonna burn his tongue, So go here, and he should eat anything you put in there. They will grit. Still. I don't care what you put in there. Horn, Yeah you put it, Yeah, you put anything. They don't know. They just eat it. They don't care. And they died. That's what my dad said. I had a dog. His name was my dog. That was his name, my dog, dog Dog. And I said, sir, have you seen my dog? Well, what's the name my dog? So they already knew you was crazy. So so when my dog died, my dad said, if he did, okay, just doesn't worry. But he did, Yeah, he got, he got. Don't don't worry about it. No, I couldn't. I couldn't crab. Some black parents are not sympathetic with it. They don't care. Actually, yeah, sending a bit talking about the damn fish. I got one more month of work for Star Snow and then we were out for a month. About food anymore anyway, Yeah, that's cold. I come around there crying back. Can't give four days in a row. Hey, hey, hey, you're gonna be outside and can't your house. That's why it's gonna be, if you'll shut up out it. No, I did name King King. Yeah, like now, I named him because I want his name to be a k too o king. Yes. And a little poodle. Oh yeah, get a little poodle. But he wouldn't shave like the poodle get around kinky. Yeah, he wouldn't shave like no poodle. Like. Nah. We had the money, we got it. We got it from a white dad. How how did he die? I don't know. I ain't had but maybe I like a year. I don't really know. I ain't know how dogs dad, I ain't. I wasn't umber seven. Okay, more craziness when we come back right after this, I know your dog day. We just made that up. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Have you guys seen Sierra's Instagram post about single women? Uh, it's stirring up a lot of social media debate. Uh, Carlo, you know how much you love Sierra. I love to see you dance like Sierra the whole bit. Well. Uh yeah, Sierra's marriage to Russell Wilson is a hashtag relationship goals for most. However, she made a few people, I guess a little upset with her recent post about single women. She posted a clip of pastor John Gray giving a sermon with the video title too many women want to be married, but you're walking in the spirit of girlfriend and the caption Sierra wrote hashtag level up, don't settle. Some felt the message shame single women and uh Sierra quickly started trending on Twitter. One user who disagreed tweeted, um level up. These types of messages are so toxic to women. Your value does not depend on a man wanting you, and marriage is not the be all and end all. Stay away from that one. H Yeah, I think that Sierra what she meant, she meant. She shouldn't have said it like that. She should have talked about her past. You know, she had baby from futures in some crazy relationships, and she should have said that part first, and then people will probably understand and relate to her where she's coming from because we, you know, we as women, surely you'll agree. We've all been in bad relationships with me and we chalk it up to the game. We try to and not settle and set he was trying to do. She was trying to do a She was trying to do it. Beyonce, all the single ladies. If if he likes to let him put a ring on it, that sort of thing. And but it didn't come off that way, and it came off like, you know, I'm married. Now, you know, you ladies are single, you must not be doing the right thing. That's how the single ladies take it. Yeah. But yeah, and and that's not what she meant meant. This is a question. Could she have meant, don't allow a man to make you just a girlfriend if you want more than that. Yeah, exactly, yeah, exactly, that's exactly what she meant. That's what from right, because you know, yeah, a woman doesn't most some women don't realize this. But you can get what you want from relationships because you're the deciding and the controlling factor. I'm surprised you you decided to stay away from that one, Steve, you wrote the books. You know, well, I mean, what she's talking about, the standards. But if they've already pushed back, what I don't want to do is get in the middle of that and and be a part of the pushback, because you know, I can understand where she's coming from. I think it was taken out of context. And so now see as soon as you tell somebody, as soon as someone hears something that affects them and in a negative way. Then you get the comments like you know, being married is not the end all. That's a dangerous thing for women thinking that they need a man. So I just stay away from you when you married, right when you're outside. Look if you don't want all right, Absolutely, that's what the lady said. Your value does not depend on a man wanting you, and marriage is not the end all be all. That's what one of the women who responded said. He shouldn't respond, Sierra did, He says to those who didn't get her message in a note on the Graham, I was one that girl wanting to be loved a certain way, but was making the wrong choices. I found myself at my lowest moment. I was a single mom sitting at home, and then I realized that the perfect love I was looking for was how God loves me, how he wants me to be loved, and who he was calling me to be as a mom and as a woman. That's when I realized, married or not married, I needed to love myself. Hashtag level up. All right, all right, we'll be back to talk about the White House and what's going on with our government. You're listening to the Steve Show. Steve, So, here's a question, what do you think about the blame game for the government shutdown of sits Republicans versus Democrats right now? Do you think with all that has happened, this is a wake up call for voters from the two thousand and sixteen election. Republicans have proposed a funding extension. Uh, They're gonna give it till February eight, with a firm commitment to Democrats to take up the dreamer's issue separately and very soon, and if it hasn't been addressed by then February eight, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has committed to talking about DOCCA on that date. This is important to note as Democrats have been insisting on long term protections for Dreamers, young immigrants who were brought to the US illegally by their parents as children. To me, this whole thing is just political positioning, all of it onlus we elect these people into these political offices, then the politics begin. There's nothing we can do about when they start doing this political positioning, because it's all becomes what they want, what we want, and they and you can see what they're doing to get what we want, to get what they want, they put it in a way where we gotta give something so they can give that. But it gets to a point where every time where there is no more compromise. Now we have a government shutdown. Eight hundred thousand people's jobs are affected by this. Okay, So now then the back blame game begins. It's it's it's the Shumer shutdown, It's the Trump shutdown. It is the Trump shutdown. He said it on Fox and Friends last year talking about President Obama and the shutdown. It clearly rests on the shoulder of the commander in chief, whoever is president. The blame has to fall on the president because it is his job to bring all parties to the table to discuss and make a deal. He showed it on Fox, CNN has been showing it Fox all week in Lord, Fox ain't showed it out time. Fox act like they ain't got the footage. Fox with Fox News all the Fox act like he never said that. They won't play it back. But that's what he said. So we are all falling victim to politics right now. And it's ridiculous because and then the child health health care program is being placed up against the Docker program. So we're pitting children against children. We'll give you chip if you let go a doctor, We'll give you a doctor. But we need both. It's ridiculous what they're doing. We have to vote. I think the Women's March this weekend is going to have a major impact on the upcoming election because when women unite and band women could troll stuff. Let me place pillow talk at night. Yeah, with these Republicans and Democrats. What your wife is saying in your ear, you guys to listen to. We'll be back to close out of the show. You're listening to show how this show went kind of quickly. Today. Here we are, yea with our last break of the morning. Just one more thing. Closing remarks are back. Motivate us today, Inspire us today, Mr Harvey, I have something that I keep in my um motivational section of my photo albums. You know how you have your photos and they've broken up in the categories. Well, I created a section in my photo albums called motivation and the only thing in it just motivational quotes pictures that people have sent me over the years. UH analogies about success, scriptures stuff out of daily word. I just have an album full of that stuff. So when I'm feeling kind of some kind of way, you know, I just go through it. Man. There's always something in that collection of stuff that I keep that motivates me. And I ran across something this morning that I wanted to share with you all, and I did it at one of my act like a success conventions, and it went over really well. And it's the twelve things that successful people do differently. There are twelve things that successful people do differently. Number One, they create and pursue smart goals. They create and they pursue smart goals. You know what that simply means, just what it says. They eliminate as much ignorance as they can much foolishness. They pursue smart goals. Your one of your goals can't be to get back at somebody. One of your goals can't be to get revenge on this person founding. One of your goals can't be definally make them see who you really are. It has to be smart goals, things that move you forward. The next thing that uh that successful people do differently, they take decisive and immediate action. One of the worst things in trying to become successful is procrastination. Successful people take decisive and immediate action. As soon as you think of an idea, start the process of the action. You don't have to know all the way of how it should go, but at least start the process because you're not gonna do one thing today one the one thing may take weeks to accomplish. So just decisive an immediate action. Next, they focus on being productive, not being busy. That's a difference. Some people just do busy. They don't do productive. Do things that are productive in your life, not busy. Uh. Next they do they make logical and informed decisions. When they make a decision is based on logic, but it's an informed decision. They sought some type of advice to to start it and make a decision. You know, you can see counseling before you make a decision. Number five, They avoid the trap of coming. They avoid the trap of trying to make things perfect. You know some people, you know, I'm gonna do this when I get all my ducks lined up in the road, so when all the kids leave, you know what, as soon as I save enough money. That's a trap. Man, There is no perfect time to do it. The perfect time to do it is now. Number six. They work outside of their comfort zone. If you want to be successful, you got to do some things that's uncomfortable. You know, I've said it a million times. If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting. Here's another one. If you want something you've never had, you're gonna have to do something you've never done. If you want to have something you've never had, you're gonna have to do something you've never done. And that's usually get yourself outside the comfort zone. If you stay in your comfort zone, that's where you will fail. Number seven. They think. They keep things simple. Don't complicate it, Just go about your business. Number eight. They focus on making small, continuous improvements. Remember what I've always told you, Inch by inch, anything's aessentch Just get some small accomplishments and keep moving. Number nine. They measure and track their progress. They're always watching what they're doing, where they are. They measure it, and they track their progress. They don't just keep looking at the goal. They track their progress because there's joying the journey. On your way to becoming a millionaire. You should be overjoyed at the fact that you're making two hundred and fifty thousand, because that's better than the twenty five thousand a year you used to make. Next thing. Number ten. They maintained positive outlook as they learned from mistakes. All mistakes are just valuable learned experiences, and successful people look at it that way. Stop getting buried under your mistakes. Number eleven. They spend time with the right people. Association brings on participation. If you're the smartest person in your new in your group, you need a new group you associate. Spend time with the right people, people as of like mindedness, going in the same direction as you. And number twelve. They maintained balance in their life. There's a time. My building block for success. The balance that I had to learn to do as a man was first is God, second is family, third is education, and fourth is business. God first. That's the balance of life. Family, second, education. And when I talk about education, I'm not always talking about going to school. I'm talking about gathering the knowledge and know how you need in whatever endeavor you're undertaking, whether it's opening a new business, whether it's going back to school, whether it's learning to drive a truck. Educate yourself to it, google it, look it up, study it. That's what I mean by education, and then four business will immediately come into order and have yourself a great weekends. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.