The Debate, Biden VS Trump, Obama, Junior Poetry and more.

Published Sep 30, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! One down, two to go. We survived the debate. Steve and the crew give their take on what took place in Cleveland. The Chief Love Officer feels bad for a man who has a faker on his plate. The first debate between 45 and Uncle Joe went down in Cleveland. There was a whole new level of petty from Donald Trump. Our resident poet has special poetry just for 45. It gets real, fast, The End. LMBAO!!! 44 gives us a message straight from The Shade Room. After last night, it should be obvious why WE need to go and vote. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells us that he has seen what he needs to see and makes it clear that 45 does not deserve to run this country anymore. VOTE!!!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a suit looking back the back down giving them like the million bucks things in the tubings. True good of Steve hastening to the other for st Please I don't join me. You gotta use that turn you you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn. You got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water got come come on your bah, I shall will Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man o, man hey, you know to date, I just want to say something um um that I don't think I've ever shared this way before. The title is very simple, and that is it's been worth it to me, you know. I just I just kept thinking that this morning, that it's all been worth it to me. And what I mean by that is this relationship that I have with my heavenly father, it's been worth it to me. I can't even tell you the value that it has had in my life. I can't tell you how it's helped me to understand not only my purpose, but to better understand my past. That's that's that's critical, man, because I'm grateful for that, because so many people can't get beyond their past and event a set of circumstances, some calamity that besets them. Maybe it's been grief something, but it ties so many people up. It's been so worth it to me it, man, it's it's been worth having someone to go to when no one else was there. Do you do you understand what I'm saying. It has It has given me a place to go when no one else has been there. Oh, hey man, we're pulling for you. Hey man, hanging there, hey man, keep your head up, all of that. But I gotta tell you, man, you get yourself in some circumstances and situations in this thing called life when no one can help you but God, When the only person that could possibly understand or know what you're feeling is God. The only person that I'll sit there with you through it all and understand everything about it has been God. It's been worth it to me, man, It's it's been worth it to me. It's been the biggest improvement in my life. I mean, man, as I look back over my life life and forming a strong bond with God has been the most beneficial thing to me. You know, these things you read in your in your in your in in writings in the Bible or or whatever you're reading. You know, when you when you read scriptures and things of that nature. It it's it's been around a long time. It holds so much truth to it. I mean, man, it's like, how could this have been written so long ago and still pertain directly to today? I mean that that's amazing. That is amazing to me that. I mean, that has to be God at work to have written something so complete, so dead on point that if you read it today it means exactly what pertains to today. That's amazing, man. That's why, my spiritual walker, it's just worth it to me. And I keep saying it's worth it, because if you're sitting out there and you're tripping, like I was tripping, deciding, now let me do it. I got a few more things I want to do, a couple more girls. I want to hoil at, couple more things I want to get into. I got a couple more deals I want to do. I got a little bit more dirt. I want to roll up on me a little bit. First for while man, I wish I had known. I really wish I had understood exactly what forming a relationship with God would do for me. It's been worth every person who out there who hate on me, that don't even know me, it's because I have a relationship with Him that I'm fine with that, or I don't care for it. But it ain't gonna stop me though. See, because I know for a fact that haters make you greater. I know for a fact that haters validate your mere existence. I know for a fact that half of them is out of envy and jealousy because of something you're doing that they wish they could do or they won't credit for, so they just now anything all that bam and now you just all over the place with people. Man, I'm so grateful for this relationship that it has not allowed outside influences that do not have my best interests at hard to throw me off. Course. It has just been worth it. And if you're sitting out there and you're wondering about the benefits of it, I can't even tell you what it's like to know that when bad things are happening to me, the calming piece that I feel that I know that that's gonna be all right too. That I know that this tool shall pass. That I know in my heart of hearts, man, that there's got to be a reason for this, And if I can just hang on in there, he gonna unfold that from me and he gonna let me see it. But the number one thing I always know is I'm gonna survive this one too, that this tool shall pass. It has been worth it to me, man, to have this thing called faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see, and to know man along the way that, oh my goodness, man, even though I don't know who's next, or even I'm not really sure about the next step, I do know for a fact that some mooe is coming. I do know for a fact. It is a fact that God will take care of me. It is a fact that he will never ever leave me or desert me. If I just stay here while I'm supposed to be. He's coming, The Calvary's coming over the hill. He coming over the hill, and when he come over that hill, he gonna wipe out all this mess down here. That's that's trying to hurt me, that that I don't have to worry about my enemies anymore that my enemies that are all around you can surround me. You can shoot all the arrows you want. That's not to say that none of them ain't gonna come close. And I ain't gonna say that, you know, I ain't gonna be a little under some pressure, a little nervous about being shot at so hard. But at the end of the day, I know this for show. Ain't none of them gonna stick in me. You could shoot them, but ain't none of them gonna stick in me. No matter what you do, no weapon formed against me. Nothing you can't. You can't do nothing with me. Man, I'm so cool. It's been worth it for me. Man, you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, it's about time to begin to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's only cracking. I'm Steve Harvey. I think you know that been this way since a year two thousand back in Los Angeles when they put me in Shirley off the radio in two thousand and five, they said we'd never rise again. You and who man, Shirley, that we didn't that we didn't count you back then because you wasn't coming to work regular from his room. You know, man, we was having a lot of trouble out of you in LA. We didn't know you was on the show, but the amount of days you was missing was alarming. When he was late that morning, Stephen, you called him and he was mad at you. What I said, Man, where are you? And I was in the morning person? You don't know? She won't what's not a morning person for what? That's because good morning, everybody, no time for names, Good morning everybody, top top top top morn Where we survived the debates last nights. I don't think we need to. You don't need to. I don't really know if I'm gonna watch the other two. I've decided. Yeah, clear. I was even more convinced after that I was gonna make the right decision last night. You know that he Donald Trump thought that he would buffalo the man by over talking the moderator and Joe Biden, and he did what he usually does. He thought he was at the press conference at the White House when he could just not answer question and move on. Chris Wallace wasn't having it, trying to maintain order, but they just didn't follow the rules, and um, it was hard to watch at points. But if you look at who came across this presidential to me, it was Joe Biden. It's not because I'm biased, but I don't think that Trump understands what climate control really means. That idiotic statement about the forest fires and cause this to look at the forest flow, dead trees laying on that there's like Kenley, Yeah, all those leaves you can't rake up leaves in the forest. Dog, I don't think he ever went to class at all, going through the forest where you're gonna put on them leaves that pocket? And do you understand that the leaves are there to fertilize the ground, which keeps him on? Man? I mean, dog, it's a lot. I just, I just and um, okay, look I don't like Donald Trump, so that has a lot to do with it. But he showed me a lot of why why I don't like him, And there's so many points. I'm pretty sure we'll get into it today. Carl is going to be playing clips from it last night and we'll come in as we go. But I thought, man, this guy, when when you talk about my kis Steve, you're talking about my kids, I'm whooping your ass. Man, You're talking about my kids. Man, I'm whooping your ass. Dog. My kids ain't got nothing to do with this man. All right, we'll take a break from the debates right now. We'll go straight to ask the Cello. Right after this, we'll get into the debates though, all morning. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the Clo. Right after this, you're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk more about last night's first presidential debate in Cleveland, Steve, between Joe Biden and President Trump. Uh, we're going to talk about it all morning long, of course, but first it is time now for the cloth the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. Are you ready, sir, Absolutely, here we go. This one is from Lonnie. Lonnie is an iHeartRadio app listener. Lonnie says, I am thirty three years old and I just proposed to my girlfriend, only to find out that she's been faking it with me in the bedroom. We had an engagement party and she had a lot of champagne and started oversharing. She told our friends that she fakes it most of the time during sex, but she's not into it because she's not into it, or she wants me to hurry up and finish. I was shamed, and now I'm intimidated when we do have sex because I always assume she's faking it. Do a lot of women do this? Should it concern me at all? Hey, don't, Hey don't, Hey don't, hey don't. What is you worried about doing a lot of women do this? She doing it? Don't worry about it. The one you marry, oh, the one you marry. Me and Tommy we marry. If they've been faking its been a lot of years now, yeah, man, I'm not Now you're getting faked on before you go in. Should you be concerned? I would? She told her girl she just wanted to be over with. If you don't have a healthy sex relationship when you get married, dog, it's gonna be hard to keep that one together. I'm gonna just tell you that parton because sex is really important. Line line it's one of your names, Yeah, one of your favorites, Boyne and Cotton. That's just one of the black names to all right, So you're you're telling Liney what is headed to problems? Gets already a problem, have a longer engagement to work on their second and hey, man, you need to stay engaged a little bit longer than all right, movie what you say? What you say, Junior, don't worrynybody you in that though. Ellen and te Neck, New Jersey says. I'm seventy three and I've been a widow for four years. My ex boyfriend from over four years ago, forty years ago found me on Facebook and we started talking on the phone. He lives in a neighboring sighing already, Steve. He lives in a neighboring city, and when the pandemic restrictions lifted a bit, he decided to visit me. His daughter drove him to my house and when he got out of the car, he was in a wheelchair. We had a great visit, but after he left, I broke up with him because I refused to take care of another man with health issues. I do miss him, though, Was that wrong? Because you said me something? I don't know who you won't you know how many more dudes is coming back? I mean, he ain't like they just pull out. If they pull up, if they pull up in a wheel chair, one on, pull up with a van with aft on it, one on something You're gonna need a ramp at your house. It looked like to meet now you know, you need just to access need to widen them doors on that bad room and get some RELs in there. It's what I think, y'all. Ticket you know, get that Tarlet see where it feel like you're standing up while you're using it. That's the way you need. You gonna get all that put in your house, because no, hell no, because that's what it looked like. I'm tired of the damn debates from last night. So one of the original kings that comedy is answering this question. Yes, you should feel bad and let him come back, because if he don't come back, who else coming over there? And let's get some things done to your house? And what else do you want to You need a ramp, lift, need that shower that you can get open the door and sit in. You get all that put in thing. Yeah, you already seventy three. You don't want to take care of nobody. Quit letting him owt ask me and come over your house. Gotta put all this extra stuff in there. You can't just have covered with food in it. You gotta have medicine in there all the kids and not with you. Gotta have a little things where you can keep the counter appeals. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Got to have extra medic alert laying rounding, buzzers and all types of stuff. You need to ventilate it now, all right, she wasn't she wasn't good. She was that oxygen did not a good answer. Good Nicky in Dallas says, I've heard you talk about the Love After lock Up TV show that you like to watch. Um, I have a real love after lock Up life and I need your advice. My man came home from a minor stay in jail for a probation violation. He was gone for over eight months, and when he came home, he's still violating his probation by smoking weed, and I found out that he's cheating on me. I've thought about telling his PO that he's still smoking weed, but I know he'll go right back to jail and he might find out I told on him. Should I even talk to him about the cheating? Or should I leave this bad boy and move on? Why don't you just leave him and move on as I'm as you scared of him? Yeah, Now, what you don't need to do is tell on the man because he gonna find out just break up you threw he cheating on you. He's still smoking. He finn't go back. He violating parole again. He gonna go back. He gonna go back down there for parole. He's gonna take one of them drug test and his ass is gone, Wow, that's true. Now you already know that's coming. Get ahead of this one, well, she says, should she even talk to him about his cheating? Now? Let him go something wrong with him? Talk? What are you gonna do? Heathing to stop? We don't give a damn about parole. You think you care about your feelings? So what you're saying, baby, what are you saying? What you're saying? All right? That's it? M Yeah she I think she is a little afraid of him though, Steve. But I really do agree with you on that one. No get another man because this one going back to prison. She's probably scared to do that too. Well, didn't just keep waiting on him to come out and enjoy the next eight months. But she is a listener because she heard you talking about watching the show Love after lock Up? All right, thank you, Cello. As always. Coming up next, the nephew and run that prank back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about last night's presidential debate in Cleveland, Biden versus Trump. But right now he is here. The nephew would run that prank back. What you got for his nap naked lifeguard? Naked life remember this one from yesterday. It's different jobs out there for everybody. You know. I'm sorry, you know. All I want you to do is take the job. You're ready, naked lifeguard. Let's go care don't hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a carry. Yes, this is carried hi carry. My name is Oliver. Oliver. You put in an application with the employment agency about looking fortunate work as far as being a lifeguard. Oh yeah, I did. Okay. Have you had much experience being a lifeguard? Yeah, I've been doing this for a while out back, since I was like eighteen, I got my CPR certification. I've had as many as like two hundred people at one time watching them. So I'm good. I'm good at what I do. I love it. Very good, very good. Well, I'll tell you what I've looked over your application and I've checked everything out thoroughly, and I'm very excited about maybe getting you too. I don't know if you're familiar with it, but public pool. It's actually in a subdivision. There's two pools there. Are you familiar with Yeah, I'm familiar with it. They're they're near where I live. Yeah, okay, Well there's actually in the back of there's a gated community and that is actually the particular property that I'm talking about. You coming out and working for us there at the pool site. If we can get you on Monday to Friday, We're gonna actually hire some some more college students for Saturday and Sunday. What do you say? Oh, I say, okay, that sounds great. Money to Friday weekends off. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Now we start off. Job actually pays twenty five dollars an hour. Wow. You would be our head lifeguard and we would we would want you to be there from you know, I mean if you start at twelve, we'd actually like you to get there around eleven thirty, you know, just to be prepared and be the overseer and make sure the other lifeguards get there on time, and you know, we'll go from there. I carry there's only one catch that that actually comes along with this job. We want you to work an additional four hours from six to ten at night, but it's gonna pay you fifty dollars per hour, so you'll make an extra two hundred dollars. How do you feel about that? Man? I'm feel good. I mean, with the recession and everything, I can use that money right now, especially during the summertime. Okay, now here's the deal. This is in a gated community, like I told you before, but also it's gonna be adults at night, and they are actually gonna be swimming nude. Yeah, they're gonna be swimming nude. And what they have says, if they're gonna be swimming nude, they want to make sure that the lifeguard that's protecting them is gonna be nude as well. Okay, I'm a certified lifeguard m CPR certified. I'm a student. I've had other jobs, but nudity wasn't on my resume and and I understand that wholeheartedly. But we're talking about you possibly making seventeen hundred and fifty dollars a week. How do you feel about seventeen hundred and fifty a week for your nursing school. I'm sure that'll that'll definitely pay for it throughout the entire summer. That should be a big help, shouldn't it? Yeah? It would, But I mean, I mean, are are you? How do you feel about trying it for a few weeks and then you know, how do you feel about that? I don't know? But I mean, you're gonna watch over some adults who are actually just gonna be nude in the pool, and you're nude as well, up on the big chair that overwatches everybody. Seventeen fifty I don't seventeen fifty carry, you know, I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that seventeen fifty carry. We're talking about four hours of you being nude along with some other people that are already new. So, I mean, what's the big deal. You know? What we need you to do is come down. We're gonna do some drills, some lifeguard drills to make sure that you're definitely qualified. But we're gonna make sure that when you do those, you gotta be naked as well. Okay, what what? Why would I have to do some drills naked? I'm already a lifeguard. What do I need to drill? And I understand that, but in order we for our particular property, we gotta make sure that you're actually prepared and ready. You know, understand. Well, that's the way it is, Karry. We need you to come down and do some drills. Well, it's not gonna take a long probably about a half hour. You come down, you get undressed, you get in the pool, and we make sure that you're qualified to swim nude, to handle to saving somebody's life, nude, the whole nine yards. But what I mean, what if my family come to that? You know what? Carry I You know, I can't go back and forth with you. I can't now. I know you you you know. I looked at your resume, I looked at what you were doing and what you're pursuing in life, and I thought this would be a great opportunity for you. But I can't be here. I mean, I can't do that to my family. You can know. No, wait a minute, hang on a second. Now you can't tell me you can't do it now? Oh yes, yes I can't. So you get your down here in the morning so I can get these drills done. And I want you naked. When you get here and get in this pool, you understand me. Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Are you some kind of pool pimp, lifeguard, human resources hry pimp? You're not tipping me. I don't have to come down there. If I want to come down there, you gotta bring you. Pick it out here tomorrow and get in this pool and do the drill. Do you think you're talking to I'm talking to you. You get you tomorrow and you do the drill me to do it. Go get you a pimple innocent babyway because great be doing a new brastut for you all freaking I don't know them. I don't know them people. I don't give it who you know? Now, you get your down here and you take the job. I'm not coming down that to your fun told tomorrow and swim noodle and life. Go ahead, noodle for a bunch of runchy I don't know you take your time to I'm trying to be nice to you when you come around with that should have stood. But because I'm not that kind of a girl, you got me. Okay, you need to gonna get you a Pamela Anderson Baywatch. You know deep sea diving. I don't know what you need, but I'm not what you need. You get your pluck down here tomorrow. What you talk I'm talking to you. Who you think you're talking to? Who I'm talking to you? Do you think you're talking to? I got something I want to say to you. You're listening. You know what? You've gotta go ahead and stay because I'm hang up this fune in your face right now. This has left you. Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank by your girlfriend. I just this prank you, baby. Your girlfriend frank to you. When I see it, she gonna have one lest float. I cannot believe she gave me like this. All Right, I gotta ask you something, baby, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. She don't want the job to any y'all want the job? Anybody? You know you played too much. I'm just saying, anybody want the job? Just just four hours. Get the dollars an hour. Come on that year. Lady. All right, fairly you swim really you did know you want to do a little nick and life going. Come on, I don't want to talk to you about stuff like this. I don't I have time to address this with you. All right, Yeah, we're out of here, coming up at the top of the hour. We'll talk about the debate right after this. You're listening to show. So last night we all saw it. We all saw it. We all saw the first presidential debate from Cleveland. It was moderated by Chris Wallace of Fox News. It was between of course Vice President Biden and President Donald Trump. Um, no handshakes between Trump and vitam Biden due to the coronavirus, but they did speak to each other, so um, I didn't expect him to do that. Um, but um wow, it was interesting, to say the least, right crazy. It was just unbelievable. I mean, all the interruptions, that everything, it was just crazy. All right, here's a moment from the debate. Take whoever position I take in that that'll become the issue. The issue is the American people should speak. You should go out and vote. You're in voting, now vote and let your senators know how you get on, how you feel it. Let vote now make sure you in fact, let people know we're a senator. I'm not going to answer the question because answer because the question is the question is left shout who is on your list? Joe? This is on your gentlemen. I think this is the segment. We're gonna move on to the second segment. That was really a productive segment. Wasn't it good? You know? I thought that he u handled himself under the circumstances. If they had kept more presidential, Donald Trump would have looked worse. Okay, Donald Trump looks his best when he's doing the bullypool pit thing, because that's his thing. He can't intelligently discuss anything's a politician. Yeah he's not well. He can't intelligently discuss anything. It has nothing to do with being a politician. Yeah he's not well. Yeah, he doesn't prepare. Okay, let me let me ask you this though, Steve, and and give me an honest answer, which I know you will going into the debate. You know, all the hype from all the news sources and everything. Were you nervous? Were you concerned? Where did you look? I wanted Joe Biden. I wanted Joe Biden to do well. I didn't want him to be sluggish. Or anything like that. But he wasn't. He's not that guy. He's very smart when it comes to what he does. And I do think he won. Now this and what makes me pissed off? See I watched Fox right after the debate. I was right over the Fox say. They were saying Donald Trump made a lot of mistakes, but then they blamed Biden for calling him names, racist, clown, shut up. You know, he's still the president. He don't act like a president, and so everybody name he got a lot of nerves, you know, drug tests before or after the debate. Right, But if I was Joe Biden, I'd have said, I'll agree to take a drug test if you agree to take a lot of detect to tests. See, they needn't let me in on some of these damn debates. All all let me moderate one because you know, but I thought that Joe Biden did well under the circumstances. The only thing up Doll's will is the bullypool pit. And yeah, he's petty and child, I mean he lies and he's like a child. Yeah, very immature. And Joe Biden said it a couple of times, this is so unpresidential. He did. But the sad thing about it is his base is the thing that they like about that. They love this ignorant ass leader ship. Each candidate, Steve had two minutes to respond to the moderator's questions, and then the candidates had a chance to respond to each other. And they agreed on this before the debate they were supposed to be able to speak uninterrupted. Here's another debate moment. Take a listen. Isn't true that you paid seven hundred and fifty dollars in federal income taxes each of those two years. I've paid millions of dollars in taxes, millions of dollars of income tax And let me just tell you, there was a story in one of the papers that I paid thirty eight million dollars one year I paid twenty seven. I went, yeah, we've been waiting on this. You can't have paid seven hundred and fifty dollars and then paid thirty eight million dollars. Did he asked him specifically about those years. Now, what can happen is you can pay taxes and get them back with losses. See, he's jumped through all of these loopholes. Man, What what we're not privy too? And what. He's never going to show you all those tax returns because then it will have to show exactly how he did it. And the reason he can't show it to you because he's done it. He's done it. He has pimped the system, and you know, his base don't give a damn. But I thought one of the great moments was when they were talking about Joe Biden said, you're not gonna get back those jobs that were gone, like in cold and mining and all of that, which is what he promised people. I just you know, when it came to the issues in policy, Donald Trump doesn't know anything that's climpidity about climbing control the region we have forest fires, it's because there's dead trees just laying on the ground. They're like kindling leaves. What you can't go and rake eleven million acres dog? Yeah? Man? And then he come right back, well, you know what, we have the billion dollars tree program, said, what we're planning a billion trees planning where Yeah, they once again you say something about my kids, I'm poping your ass. I'm just saying it. Coming up and about twenty minutes after the hour, we'll talk more about the presidential debate coming up right after this. You're listening to Morning show, so we all watched it. We've been talking about it all morning. The first presidential debate, the first of three presidential debates coming out of Cleveland, moderated by Chris Wallace of Fox News. Um, what what do you guys think? I mean, they talked about things like the Supreme Court battle, the pandemic. Of course, they talked about COVID. They talked about racial justice, the protest, the integrity of the election with the mail in ballots. I mean, they talked about an array of things. Here's another debate moment. Take a listen. The fact is that everything he's saying so far is simply a lie. I'm not here to call out his lies. Everybody knows he's a liar, but you I just want to I want to make sure. I want to make sure president can let him finish, sir. He doesn't know how to do that. He has you know, you the wrong guy, the wrong night, at the wrong time. Listen, you agreed with the whole idea. There is no manifesto. Numbers number two just lost the left. Number two, You just lost the left. You agreed with Bernie Sanders on a plan absolutely socialized medicine. Tell you what he is not for any help for people needing healthcare. Wow, wow, the bottom. That's a lot of back and forth right there. Man Joe just got frustrated, called him a clown. Well, you know, he just lost the left. You know, he just has little catchphrases. He's the most immature person to ever hold this office. And it's sad that forty fre million voters are going to pull the handle for this guy and are in agreement with the way he thinks and the way he acts and that and that's and that's frightening. But we're talking about the highest office in the land, the most powerful office on the planet. Steed. Look, that's forty four percent is over maybe fifteen percent of the voters in this country's three hundred and fifty four million Americans. Forty four million people are going to vote for him. That's well over ten percent for sure. Right, So here's a deal with that many people supporting him, and those are just the ones who vote. Let's not let's not leave out them little backwards ask people that don't vote but really are even more racist than he is. Hard to believe that leads his country in a sad state, man, and that and that they support this type of bit. This is really frightening, man, because I thought that the GOP would care about who led the GOP. But when you elect Donald Trump to lead your party and you're supposed to be the moral party of this country, I'm done. Oh I'm doing well. Let's not be that. They're thirty four days left until the November third election. Go to vote dot org. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Day Morning Show. All right. First presidential debate out of three happened last night between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. How do you think Biden did against Trump? Um last night in Cleveland? Steve, what do you think? Well, they didn't let Cleveland boys in there. Let's let's hear another debate moment from last night. Listen. Our suburbs would be gun and you would see problems like he would know a suburb unless he took a wrong turn. Would not I was raised in the suburbs. This is not nineteen fifty. All these dog whistles and racism don't work anymore. Suburbs are buying large integrated There's many people today driving their kids to soccer practice and or to black and white and Hispanic in the same car as there have been any time in the past. What's what really is a threat to the suburbs and their safety is his failure to deal with COVID. They're dying in the suburbs, his failure to deal with the environment. They're being flooded, they're being burned out because he has refusal to do anything. That's why the suburbs are in trouble. All right, Miss president'sped him, but you didn't get it. Messed him up when he said you wouldn't know your way to the suburbs if you made a wrong unless you made a wrong turn. I do know the suburbs. He doesn't. Hey, man, listen to me. Donald comes from money. Donald Trump has never seen a poor day in his life. Donald Trump has no experience with poor people, poor friends, or middle class America. He has none, none, And you can see it in all his policies and in all of his rhetoric. And now for the first time, he's making appeal to suburb to keep the suburbs safe once again, the use of fear. What he don't know is what Joe Biden told him that this ain't the nineteen fifties when Suburbs was all white. Suburbs is a mix of everybody now. And it showed in that statement he made, and Biden exposed him on it. The one thing I'm gonna say this again over and over. We got to get to the polls because what frightening is forty some million people voted for this guy last time, the same forty seven million are going to vote for him again. I do believe now he lost the election by four million votes, but he won the electorial. If we do the right thing, he will lose this one again, but this time it'll be such a landslide, he'll lose the electoral too. We got to vote, man, this guy cannot get in. If you're watching debates, he can't be president. It doesn't make any sense. Do you think do you think he gets Do you think Biden gets better as the debates go on, because there's two more left. Yeah, I think what they're gonna have to do is this is what I think. After the two minutes, I think they cut the other person's mic off. That's how ye see, that's how you're controlling. Then he'll enter up to interrupt, interrupt. All right, here's another moment from last night's debate. Take a listen, people out there need help. But why didn't you do it over in the last twenty five years? Because you are doing ocause you are a president storing things up. You are a senator, and you're the worst America has ever had. Let me just tell you, Joe, I've done more in in forty seven months. I've done more than you've done in forty seven years. Joel, Oh, this was a lot of this back and forth, back and forth all night, interruption all night. Yeah, here's my suggestion. What they should do next time is you get your two minutes, then you get a warning from the moderator, then your mic is turned off. Yeah, and you control it better and we'll learn more and it will give us orderly respect. And if you don't want your mic turn off, you're two minutes. It's the only way to do it. From a guy who's proving that he's not gonna let you talk two minutes. Big up to the media. Did good. I thought he did great. You know A lot of people talking about day Buffalo Cruis. You can't he's a president of the United States. Yeah, that's what hoday. Yeah. They probably hesitate to do things like that because he is the president, like turn their mics off and stuff. All right, we'll be right back with more presidential debate talk right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry Letter. My subject for today, I'm trying to keep all of my women happy. Okay, But right now we're going to get back into some presidential debate talk. It was pretty combative back and forth last night. Here's another debate moment. Take this president, we become weaker, sicker, poorer, more divided, and more violent. When I was vice president, we inherited a recession. I was asked to fix it. I did. We left him a bu booming economy, and he caused the recession with regard to being weaker. The fact is that I've gone head to head with Putin and made it clear to him we're not going to take an even stuff. He's Putin's puppy. He still refuses to even say anything to Putin. About the bounty on the heads of American soldiers. Woow effected though he went in, he went deep. He pushed a nerve, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. And it seems like the president's only a foreign policy thing he had to come up with was to attack the vice president's son, you know. And I felt that was just so disrespectful. Yea to even bring up his son's name, especially Bo who is deceased, who was a war hero. How dare you and even spend any time in the military, nor did any of his kids? So right, come on, suldn't shouldn't that be some things that you can't do in No, because it's Donald Trump. Yeah, that's nothing. He's broken every rule. You're not supposed to be president. If you refer to women in the P word, you're not supposed to be the president. If you've been paid off a pown star, you're not supposed to be the president. If five of your friends is in prison, you ain't supposed to be the president. But he and pown started he did in his taxi. He did, yeah, And then he talked about Hunter, and I thought it was big of a Biden to admit that his son had a substance abuse problem he did. I just thought that was big of him to say that, you know, you know what when he was treated because he didn't say nothing about Trump children. He didn't say that even after Oh no, he couldn't. Yeah, we had a lot, Me and Tom could have wrote that, we could have pulled out this. Yeah exactly. Yeah. Hello, another debate. Another another moment from last night's presidential debate. The first one. They're three to follow. Check it out. The fact is that everything he's saying so far is simply a lie. I'm not here to call out his lies. Everybody knows he's a liar. But you, I just want to tell you. I want to make sure first, I want to make sure president. Can you let him finish sir? He doesn't know how to do that. He has You know, you pick the wrong guy, the wrong night, at the wrong time. Listen, you agreed with Sanders idea. There is no manifesto. Number number two just lost the left. Number two, You just lost the left. You agreed with Bernie Sanders on a plan. Absolutely, you have the idea socialized medicine. Tell you what he is not for any help for people needing healthcare? No didn't people get some of the newscasters are the people on Fox last night, Steve, weren't they offended because Joe called started name calling. They said, when the president is King called him rais and a clown? Yeah, he just yeah, yeah he said that. Just now. Yeah, let's see Hill. I don't yeah, I don't, I don't know all if I lost my trainer thought so much. I have to say, Well, the fact too that the president I felt like he was also beefing with the moderator. Uh. It seems like he was getting beat and he was getting defensive and he was attacking the moderator to anybody that was talking, right, the moderator said, your campaign read this format, so you know you're not playing by the rules that you agreed to. But he doesn't play by any rules. That's the thing. He makes ass This is the kid in the playground. If he ain't playing, he want to take his ball and go home. That's just it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean and I think did or did he think that because Chris Wallace is from Fox, he would go a little easier on him. He proved that when he had the interview with him. A couple of weeks ago that he was going to check them check. I thought Chris Wallace was very impartial. I thought he played it right down the middle of the role. He was tough both ways. He didn't and they didn't get the questions before. That's why, that's why Trump goes into the attack mole, because he doesn't know how to answer to questions. Yeah, he didn't answer any of the questions. And he don't know nothing about issues. Man, He's just not a bright guy. He said, you graduated last in your class. I don't give it Dan, when he graduated, you know nobody? Man? Yeah, and somebody else took his sat didn't didn't they see that? All kinds of stuff about him, and then the whole thing about the voter fraud and the body that was horrible. That he wants to drag this out though after year you heard Biden tell him that he mailed his ballad endough? Did he don't want you to do? He just did? Yeah? I um, I'll be interesting interested. I should say, to see what Fox News will say about Chris Wallace and how he handled it. I want to hear what his colleagues were gonna say about him. I didn't get a chance to listen to see because they're very pro Trump on that network. We know that. Now, come on, jant no, I think no, it's no. It wasn't a drug out of fair. They had enough issues to discuss in the time frame. I just don't It was an hour. I'm good an hour an hour, the president's performances, life fan, no commercials, a real ninety minute. The world saw this too, yes, oh yes, would you say saw this too? Well? Donald Trump doesn't stick to a single issue. The moment you say something he don't like, well, well, how did you how did hunt? You take three and a half million? You're not answering that, Joe, Joe kept going, that's not true. Yeah. The committee, Mitt Romney said, there's no validity to any of this. He knows that he just brings up life to life to line his base. That's right, you get him. I'm a man. I'm listening to some of these backwoods asked people that follow him, his base voters. It's some backwoods ask people. I don't here's the question. I'm the rest of the politicians is in it for the power of the money in the position? Yeah, but then backwoods ask people it's there because they like being in the backwoods. Here's a question for you, and I like him cause each why Joe Biden isn't why there's a question, based on what we saw tonight this ninety minute debate, do we need two more? They're two more scheduled three? You know. No, this hot lost from this. Yeah, based on what you saw, do you need any more? No? No, if you want to and then and I'll say this, let me say this also to President Trump, did did the same thing that he's been doing for the last three years. He will not he will not denounce white supremacy. Yes, he feel not. He not do that. To do that. That's exactly the point I lost before calling you're one correct. He will not denounce white supremacy. He wouldn't do it. He wouldn't talk about Black Lives matter, He didn't address race. He doesn't believe in systemic racism. No, no, no, he abolished it because it just tried to make this country like we're racist. This country is racist. This country has always been rais You bought a whole race of people over here to build it free. Yeah yeah, all right. Wow. Coming up next, Today's Strawberry Letter and the subject is I'm trying to keep all of my women happy. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening show. Well, guys, there are thirty four days left until the November third election. Please go right now. If you haven't registered already, don't wait till the last minute. Go to vote doubt Org. Takes a couple of minutes. You can get updates all the things you need to know about voting. I was on that site today as a matter of fact, and they talked about if you're blind or if you're disabled, they have programs set up for you to vote that way. So so it's everything you need to need to know. Vote dot org. Do it today. If you saw that debate last night, you should have been registered. Why you were going on? But you still have time? Yeah, you thirty four days, but don't wait till the last minute. Please all right, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter here. It is live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here at ease. The Strawberry letter. All right, subject, I'm trying to keep all of my women happy. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm going to dive straight in. I'm a twenty eight year old father of three daughters by three different women, and my girlfriend's pregnant. Now. The problem is, I'm trying to be the best father for the girls and the best possible side piece for all of the mamas. I have a special bond with all of them, and I have to and I have to have sex with them if I want to or not, so they won't put me on child support. If one of the mama's gets angry with me, I have to put in overtime with her and make sure I spoil her more than usual. I live in constant fear of a court system and not being able to see my children. Everything I do is for my daughters, so I continue to sleep with their mamas so they won't start tripping. I've been with my girlfriend for six months and she has no idea that I'm sleeping with three other women. The other three women, so I'm worn out from keeping all these women happy, and I'm making sure they don't tell my girlfriend on me. I know what you're thinking, and yes, I'm wearing condoms with them all. I learned my lesson by having four children before I'm thirty years old, so I'm careful now. The saddest part is that I don't think the relationship with my girlfriend is going to work out, so I'll have even more child support to pay. I'm losing sleep because every other night I'm having sex with a different woman. I'm worn out and I need a break. But how do I get one? My sister told me I need to choose one and settle down. But how can I deprive the other three women like that? If I cut them off, I'm sure they will sue me for back child support. I'm just trying to keep all of my women happy, but I can't go on like this much longer. What advice, if any, can you offer a young brother. You're right about that, if any? Okay, I mean, just reading this letter made me tired, and what must you be going through just thinking about what you're doing. You're sure waited a long time to write us. I mean, maybe we could have helped you after the first baby. But I'm gonna commend you though. This is what I do want to commend you on. You love your daughters, you love your children, and you said you're you want to be the best father for all of them. One way you can be the best father is to make sure you're good, You're healthy, you're strong, all of that. And I don't see how you can do all of that doing what you do. Okay, you don't have to keep these women happy or anything like that. I mean, you know they're they're pimping a game with you. They're getting what they want, and you know by threatening you, they're really blackmailing you. I just you know they're not asking you for money. They're just asking you for sex and lots and lots and lots of it. I gotta ask you, have you even checked the courts? Have you checked into this court situation to see how much you would pay? Or have you asked about joint custody anything? Maybe you know if you can take them to chord. Things have changed these days. You know, there are some judges that will make women pay child support. Very few, but there are some out there. I just think that you have options you haven't looked into all your options, you know, especially before you wear yourself out. I mean, you're still a young man, You're only twenty eight years old, but this has to take a toll on you, even at that age. I just say, thank god you're wearing condoms for now, because this must have just happened because your six month old girlfriend is pregnant with your fourth child. You're too young for all of this. You got them now, so you gotta take care of them. But please stop making letting these women use, women use and control you, because no one can keep up this kind of page. Your girlfriend, I think, knows more than you think, especially if if you have three children, and she knows that, so she has to know you know about some baby mama somewhere. So I don't know exactly how you're going to handle this, but you got to try and figure this out because this is crazy and your daughters are the most important things. Steve Yes, sherely, that's a great answer, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I have a whole nother take on this. First of all, ain't nobody controlling this boy? These is dumbass decisions you made, and now you compounding these dumbass decisions with another dumbass decision. Now, Doc, I'm gonna walk you through this. Son. Now you're twenty eight years old, you got three daughters by three different women, and your girlfriend pregnant. Now, then he go, the problem is the problem is wherever, Harry, what the problem is? You got three daughters by three different women, your girlfriend pregnant. Now the problem is, I'm trying to be the best father for the girls and the best possible side piece for all day mamas. That go the dumbass decision that you didn't made. Listen, being the best father fall your girl's admirable statement. You've messed it up when you said, and the best possible side piece for all the mamas. Do you know the key word in that sentence? Peace? Nobody gets a whole nothing, Everybody just get a piece, and you decide piece side piece refers to a fact that there must be an entrede. I'm explaining that to you when we come back. All right, hold that thought, Steve. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry letter subject I'm trying to keep all of my women happy. We'll get back into it. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Subject. I'm trying to keep all of my women happy. This Poe young man that made the dumbish, damned decision he can do. You're trying to keep all these women have board that ain't even possible. You're account you're attempting the impossible. You got three daughters by three different women, and your girlfriend is pregnant. Now that's a problem. You say, here's the problem. I'm trying to be the best father that I can be. That's already a problem within itself just being a great dad. That's a lot dog. But you got them buy three different women, and you got a fourthfulness pregnant now. And but I'm also trying to be the best possible side piece to all their Mama's keyword in this sentence is peace. Now, what I was telling you before is and the reason you are considering yourself a peace is because no one gets to be the main entree. That's what the side is. You ever go to the store and they say I'd like port chop dnner, They say you get two sides with that. You came in there for the polke chop dinner. They tells you you can get two sides with that. You can get the tatoes spinish, you can get cats and get mixed vegetball. You can get creamy creamy is finish broccoli. You get what you want. But they just side. They can get the sides wrong and you'll be all right. But they got to have that poke chopping there side. You are trying to be the best possible side piece, and don't nobody care nothing about the sides. Plus your girlfriend thinking she got a whole entree. I have a special bond with all of them, and I have to have sex with them. I get that. I know exactly what you mean. I felt that way in my past too. I have to have sex with Yeah, you have to, whether I want to or not, so they don't put me on child support. Son. Child support is coming. It's inevitable. You are not going to get around paying child support. This ride you on is so temporary, it's coming. It's best if you start dealing with it now because the child support is coming. Because you can't keep this up, dog, there's no way you can. Please vote them it's impossible that man don't exist, not on earth. I had to put it in over time with her and want of them get angry with you. I spoiled her more than usual. I live in constant fear the court system and not being able to see my children. Ain't no courting, not gonna let you see your children. Dog, if you're a good father. Now, everything I do is for my daughter, So I continue to sleep with their mama so they won't start tripping. I've been with my girlfriend six months. She ain't got no idea I'm sleeping with the three other women. That's true. So I'm warning out from keeping all these women happy. And you ain't been twenty eight What do you think gonna happen when you fought it? You thank you tied now set symbol. Boy, You ain't You ain't gonna be able to hold a job in a minute party. You ain't gonna wear of my child support. But you ain't gonna getting no passport. You ain't gonna be going nowhere. And I'm warning out from keeping all these women happy. So I make sure they're gonna tell my girlfriend on then you don't think they fit to tell that? Boy? You think these three four women gonna keep this a secret from your girlfriend? What? Boy? You must not know how life goes. I know what you're thinking, and yes I'm wearing condoms with all this. I've learned my lesson by having four children before I'm thirty years old, so I'm careful. Now your folk condoms too late? Yeah, you folk condoms too late. Dog, it took you fold to learn the lessen. Now. I ain't knocking you brought because you'd have had the baby. So the best thing you can do is be the best father. You can do it, but no where in that doesn't require you to be the best side piece. And you can't keep this up. The saddest part that I don't think the relationship with my girlfriend is gonna work out, so I have even more child support to pay. Son, Listen to me. You're going to pay child support. You know why because you have created these lives and you don't get to create lives free. Now, how you think you're gonna play the court system this long? How you think you're gonna play for women this long? Well, you don't see the end coming. This end is coming, real, fans Son, I'm losing sleep because every other night, I'm having sex with a different woman. Oh it was fun in the beginning, wasn't it. My sister told me I need to choose one and settle down. Your sisters right now? How can I deprive the other three women like that? They all ready to deprive food. Ain't none of these women satisfied? Girl? When he come on, he'd just be bringing it. I'm not sure they will sue me for back child support. Your ass is as good as sue a matter of fact, soon as they hit this letter. I'm just trying to keep all my women happening. I can't go on like what advice you give me? Get out dog, You can get joint custody. You can't take none of these women to court. You gonna have to chase child support. These women ain't got to pay you a damn dollar. Quit listening to that foolishness. You fit to pay all this money because they got custody, because ain't nothing wrong with these women. That's what your ass is fitting to do. You fitting to pay child support that you want to start it now? You want to hang it in and get four more years behind. All right? Well, thank you post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on to Man of coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. You know what time it is. Oh, it's not time for junior sports talk. Hi, it's time for a poem. Junior has another poem for us. Yes you're listening to all right, here we go, Here we go. I love it, I love it, I love it. I resident poet Junior is here with another poem. Junior. Ye, you're on deck taking time. Y'all gonna love this. You know. Earlier this week we found out President Trump only paid seven hundred and fifty dollars in tact. That's all he paid. Shame. That's a shame because black people don't like to hear about when you win it and we ain't. So therefore, I wrote a poem. And you can already guess the name of this one. It's called Trump taxas Poem. That's so genius. Yes, here you go, you come on, Donald Trump. The straight up fact is that you ain't never ever paid your taxes. Always front like you got these billions, but you act like paying taxes gonna hurt your feelings. Seven fifty. Can't take it no more? Seven fifty. I wish that was my critics goo, seven fifty that's all he paid. Bet he paid more than that just to get laid. Oh, ain't it funny how some people just get away with stuff? But dang bro damn man. Seven fifty ain't enough. Seven fifty d n love end. That's all. I ain't what from the end and the title though, that's it. He don't pay no more than that. People aren't mad about that too. Yes, a teacher, you paying more than seven fifty. If you make nine dollars an hour, you're paying more than seven fifty. Yes, come on, junior, Oh you got you mean to tell me this all you paying? That's all people told y'all you he can't show y'all, didn't I can't. I kept saying, he can't show y'all because you're going to find out that you pay more taxes than him. I knew it. I knew it. That's why he can't show it. He can never show a tea And they kept for Hammon to show it. Show us your taxes, Yeah, because that I paid thirty seven million. He don't have a piece of paper to say that that's a lie when he said he paid thirty eight million. I promise you he didn't. When do we get to it's illegal though? When do we get to that part? That's why he fighting a stay in office. He got to fight stay long because you know he's going to jail. M Oh, he got to stay in here. Well, I mean everybody else that doesn't pay taxes has to go to jail. Yeah, yeah, hello, yeah, and looked like seventy thousand dollars that it looks like no sevent to twn like Steady wrote off. Yeah, you's up there. All right, thank you Junior for that poem. Coming up right now. We're calling about seven thousand get a stay like that. I ain't gonna lie to you. President Obama was in the shade room. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to show, all right, our forever President Barack Obama was on the shade room. Um. I know you're like, what right, yeah, right, yeah, but but take a listen, hey, roommates, Barack Obama here, Yes, coming to you from the shade room. As you know, the election is coming up, and I've got just one word for you. Vote Actually I've got to vote early right now. From the White House on down, folks are working to keep people from voting, especially communities of color. That's because there's a lot at stake in this election, not just our pandemic response or racial justice, but our democracy itself. So it's more important than ever to make your voice heard. We can't leave anything to chance. Just go to I will vote dot com and put your state, make your plan to vote early, and tell your friends and family to do the same. Because now is the time to fight for what we believe in. Let's go out and win this thing. Thanks everybody him. Now that's the president right here. ABC. You have to miss the fact that he was presidential. Yes, this guy that we have now. Man, it's ridiculous. It is ridiculous. Comment he made it just Biden about don't use the words smart with me. Maybe you're not. You're not smart, man. There's a difference between smart and treacherous. There's a difference. Because you're treacherous doesn't make you a smart person, because I because if you're conniving, that doesn't make you a smart person. He's very Look, man, he said nothing that made me believe anything he said just one lie after the next and when it was time to prove a point, why did your son Hunter take three hundred four? What does that have to do with the damn election? Man? Yeah, yeah, he was out of order for that sure. And he doesn't even understand climate control. He doesn't even know what that is. I don't even denice that it exists, not at all. Smart. But the biggest word you use all night was very was what very bye? A lot of words. I just saw a meme that says, Samuel Jackson's gonna moderate the next Yes, it's gonna be. You got two minutes, blankety blake. That would be funny. Listen, you know, man, if we don't get this job done, there are only thirty four days left until the November third election. We want you to get registered. We just learned recently that Mike Tyson this will be his first time voting in any election. I think we talked to see Dog one time. He said this is going to be his first time voting in any election. I mean, so, don't be embarrassed. If you haven't voted before, now is the time to vote at your civic duty. Do it. Thirty four days left until November third, we want you to go to vote dot org. Vote dot org, get registered to vote. In order to vote, you gotta get registered. Yes, Tommy, call uncle stage, Yes, man, My almost w my house. The third told me, Dad, I'm going to vote this tack. I am, yes, so excited, so excited for him. Let's go together to dude, is I want to go with you on your first tack? What prompted him to say that? Where you got? I think he's really growing up first and foremost, but he's watching what's going on. I think I think he and his friends are like, dude, we gotta do something. So I'm excited. I'm excited to get that. Yeah, that's very to you. Yeah. Yeah. So if you're yeah, if you're young, just turning eighteen, you know you can vote. Just turning eighteen, you have a right to vote at eighteen, So go ahead, vote vote dot org. It only takes a couple of minutes, and you know, make your voice heard, make your vote count. Okay in this general election, you know, please vote dot org. Vote dot org. Coming up. A lot of trending stories, a lot of stuff going on in the world. Uh, we want you to be, you know, keenly aware of everything that's going on, but mostly voting right now, Okay, vote dot org. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right, So you know, because of the presidential debate, debate and the election that's coming up, we've been watching everything very very closely. So after last night's debate, have you seen any poles, Steve, Yeah, I was watching one CNN polls says sixty percent say Biden want to debate, twenty eight percent say Trump won. I mean, you don't look clearly if you look at who was more presidential, who stated the facts? Who was more truthful? I don't care who you are, it was it was Joe Biden. Donald Trump man was just trumpish. And if that's what you think a president is, then that's sad, the hurtful. I got so much to say about this thing, but I'm just telling you, man, we have to vote, y'all. Everybody has to get involved because you have to stop him. And every time they talked about voter suppression and the voting all, the president was saying, this election is lining up to be a farce because he know he's losing badly and he's gonna fight it, and he wanted to get to the Supreme Court, and he put that other lady on there so they could win five before and he's saying this could go months before we figured this out. He's he's setting it up for that. Oh this dude, Well, if we got to the polls and vote, we won't have to Where's a landslide. We ain't even got to worry about the votes getting counted it. Let's land slide his ass out of him. Yeah, and then Clide called the vote. All right, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening show, it is time now for the cloth the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. Are you ready, sir? Absolutely, here we go. This one is from Lonnie. Lonnie is an iHeartRadio app listener. Lonnie says, I am thirty three years old and I just proposed to my girlfriend, only to find out that she's been faking it with me in the bedroom. We had an engagement party and she had a lot of champagne and started oversharing. She told our friends that she fakes it most of the time during sex, but she's not into it because she's not into it, or she wants me to hurry up and finish. I was shamed, and now I'm intimidated when we do have sex because I always assume she's faking it. Do a lot of women do this? Should it concern me at all? Don't? Don't? Hey, don't, don't. What is you worrying about doing a lot of women do this. She doing it. Don't worry about us the one you marry one? You man, Me and Tommy, we're mad if they've been faking with us a lot of years. Yeah, man, so I'm not. Now you're getting faked on before you go in. Should you be concerned? I would? She told her girl she just wanted to be over with. If you don't have a healthy sex relationship when you get married, dog, it's gonna be hard to keep that one together. I'm gonna just tell you that part, because sex is really important. Line Line one of your names, Yeah, one of your favorite boy line Cotton, that's just one of the black names. Love all right, So you're you're telling Linny what's headed to problems? Gets already a problem, have a longer engagement to work on their second and hey, man, you need to stay engaged. Lover low all right? Moving would say? Would you say, Junior, don't worry aboudy? You in Ellen in t Neck, New Jersey says I'm seventy three and I've been a widow for four years. My ex boyfriend from over four years ago, forty years ago found me on Facebook and we started talking on the phone. He lives in a neighboring Are you sighing already, Steve? He lives in a neighboring city, and when the pandemic restrictions lifted a bit, he decided to visit me. His daughter drove him to my house and when he got out of the car he was in a wheelchair. We had a great visit, but after he left, I broke up with him because I refused to take care of another man with health issues. I do miss him, though, Was I wrong? You sent me something? I don't know who you want? How many more dudes is coming back? I mean, ain't like they just pulling out. If they pull up, if they pull up in all we are chair one on pull up with a van with a lift on it. One on summing, you're gonna need a ramp at your house. It looked like to me. Now you know you need just to access need to widen them doors on that bathroom and get some rails in there. Coming up into our last break of the day, last break of the day, and of course, the one and only Steve Harvey will have some closing remarks for us at forty nine minutes after right after this you're listening show, all right, Steve. Before we get into your closing remarks, we have to say thank you to my hometown, the city of Chicago, our loyal loyal listeners from D one. Oh, thank you, thank you, Thank you Chicago. The ratings are in and the Steve Harvey Morning Show, guys, is the number one morning show in all of Chicago. Yes, thank you, Thank you, Lord, love y'all, thank you, Thank you for that love. Thank you. We appreciate it so much. Anything you want to say, Chicagogo, Yes, listen round, man, I thought your hat us did back then. You ain't want me now? I'm hot, y'all on me? Oh dog, all that talking, you know, Come on, y'all, come on. We love we are who we are, Yes, sir, Now you know I love it. Thank you, we can do it without you. Yeah, thank you so much. Thank you. We appreciate it, appreciate the business, appreciate the land. Yea, yeah, so it just Covid. I'm gonna get a deep dish Southside man, Covid, I ain't give a damn decent. I'm going to Chicago. They got nice hotels. They done nice hotels, and I got coats and shot out to my brother Fish. Yes, you know what I'm gonna do. Man, I'm gonna go to Chicago in the summertime. I've never gone in the summer. What No, Because I had to do when I had to do the talk show, it was always from September to March April, and then I went back home, so I missed a little two weeks of summer. They normally, Yes, you've never done the Taste of Chicago. I performed at the Taste Bow. You know who your uncle league. Let's make no mistake about sold off the state. Yeah, sold like that thing in Chicago. MCI sent them. I mean, United is two times you can't everything up. I was selling out all jokes aside when it first opened jokes remember all y'alls, Yeah, uh huh, remember stepping in Chicago though, fifty yard line. Nobody like Chicago though, y'all line. You couldn't wear a hat on the dance floor, you know, you remean. We call it hand dancing and evening stepping. Yeah, when I went to Chicago, I had to go sit down somewhere. Dave was that whole other level. Yeah, yes he was. I was justs and stuff. Me and Sherley do something. Station. When you go see them steppers in Chicago, go sit your ass down somewhere and learn yourself something. Right. It's almost like dancing with the stars for real in those turns. I mean, oh my goodness. Yeah, people steps Chicago wasn't playing some serious They dressed for it. You don't see any jeans on the dance for no, no, no Gane shirts. You ain't got no suits. You ain't coming to you. Women wear dresses heels. Oh yeah, yeah, thank you Chicago. Than let me let me do this. I saw the debate, whether you saw it or not, I saw everything I needed to see. This man is who he says he is. He would not denounce white supremacists. He wouldn't do it. He would not say that he would have a peaceful transition he wouldn't do it. He's already said that this election is a fraud. He has already said it. He said he's done an a one job as president. He never acknowledged the two hundred thousand deaths that has occurred because of COVID. He doesn't have a plan for COVID. He keeps saying that there's gonna be a vaccination before the end of the year. I hope he's right, but everybody's telling him, even if it is available, he can't get out right away and it won't be tested. He keeps talking about what he thinks. This guy could care less about. He does not have a healthcare plan. He wants to get rid of Obamacare simply because he wants to eradicate any memory of President Obama. It's the only reason he doesn't have a healthcare plan. He doesn't have a plan. He doesn't have a plan to stop the spread of COVID. He never addressed the two hundred thousand. This god does not deserve to be the president of the country that we built. We built the United States. We are the reason it is the powerhouse it is today. Their forefathers came and got our ancestors bought him over here against a will, whipped them, beat him and made him do all this labor free, and they built this impiety we called America. Now we have a chance to change that. He can't be in charge of this country and your vote can make the difference. But you have to vote. Don't you dare sit this out? I don't want to hear about your vote don't count, because it does. Stripperston told you that. I don't know who else got to tell you your vote count. Get your show ass to the pole. Quick Plays were tire to begging you. For all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Morning Show.