The Day After (Valentine's Day) 02.15.17

Published Feb 16, 2017, 12:11 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them back, just like the Melican buck bus things and it's cub do me true good it steh to move to each other for stun quickly, Hobby, Why don't you join yeah by joining me? Honey said you got to turn ye do run out you you gotta turn to turn out to turn love. You got to turn out to turn the water the water of y'all. Comy, come on your thing, nick got it? Uh? Well, a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on deed me now one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. First of all, I want to say thank you to everybody who are offers me encouragement with my moments of inspiration in the moment in the morning. Um, I want to say this to you a lot of times I'm I'm saying the things that I need to hear. Oh. Now, I've heard from a lot of people that they really appreciate it and it benefits them and has helped them in so many ways. I thank you for saying that. But you all helped me too, and I thank you for that. You know, I don't have to be in a position. I mean, I'm in this position because of God's grace and mercy in my life. And um, you know, I work hard, I do, I'll admit that, but I've I've learned over the years that you know, you got to give God to something to bless You know a lot of us want blessings, but we ain't got nothing in action. We are moving, you know, to to give God nothing to put his hand on, to touch on your behalf. And that's what I've tried to do. I've tried to work hard enough to give God some stuff that he can put his hands on on my behalf. You know, I take meetings when I ain't really sure how they're gonna go. But maybe maybe God are going there and touch somebody on my behalf. I don't know. But He can't touch nobody on your behalf at the meeting if you don't take the meeting, you know, if you don't go and try and make the sale, if you don't put the call in to make the sale, God, God can't touch nobody to make him by you feel me, I mean, you know, and I ain't trying to make it sound like people around me or I know ain't doing nothing. I'm just telling you that the way I've discovered it now that there could be another way I have not discovered it yet, So doing my little moments of inspiration, I can only come from what I know. And so but I do thank everybody for the encouragement or from time to time that you all sent him me an email bag or see y'all side on the street somewhere while I'm moving around. I just won't say thank you too. But I'm a lot of times I'm trying to get myself through some things. So here's a good one today. Okay, you're ready. Everybody and anybody can pray. See that's the thing about prayer. Everybody and anybody can pray. See and and and and let me say this to what you got to lose by praying what you you ain't gotta make no spectacle of it. It. Don't say you have to go to the center of the courthouse, get on your knees on the other side of the metal detective and cry out that ain't how God work. You ain't got to show out for God, God God to do all the showing out. You are you all you got to do is do you lead a showing out part to God. He's gonna clown for you. Please, No, he's gonna show you off to to to everybody who needs to see it, and especially your enemies. So you lead a showing out part to him. You can pray prayer, I mean everybody and anybody can pray. Prayer is for everybody and anybody. Everybody and anybody. I don't need prayer if you're not, if you're not applying it, I'm gonna tell you, man, you're missing out on something here, because you're missing out on something. First of all, you don't have to check with nobody to pray. You ain't got to clear it with nobody to pray. You don't need permission from anybody to pray. You ain't even got to tell nobody if you don't want to, that you've been praying about something. Now, Like a cat like me that has seen prayer work over and over and over, I ain't got no problem saying out loud that I'm praying about something that I prayed for this and it came true. That I'm praying that God get me through something that I don't really have a problem saying that because it didn't work for me so many times, and it has never ever failed me yet, prayer has never not worked for me. Now, you gotta understand something. Sometime the answer to your prayer is no. But see, I got that too, though. See I understand that part of it, that sometimes the answer to the prayer is no. I got that, you know. Come on, Steve. Sometimes the answer is no, and I've learned to accept that. But at least now that I know that the answer is no, I can move on to the next step or move on to the to the way he got for me. See, sometimes I pray for stuff I won't and then sometimes the answer to what I want is no. Then I said, okay, well, God, what you got from me, what he got from me way better than thing I was about to pray for or the thing I was praying for. And I gotta know too. But but you gotta do it a little bit to understand that part. But let's just talk about the basic benefits of prayer, because he prayers. Ben official, y'all listen to me. Now you're listening to a cat. I'm telling you what I know. I ain't guessing about this one. Here This is what I know. Prayer is for everybody, and anybody can pray. But here are the benefits for me in my life that prayer has helped me. And this is not in the order of significance or importance. These are just some of the elements that occur what I pray. First of all, purpose, I find purpose in prayer, you know, like if I'm trying to figure out, uh, the mission and the how come, the what for? The why I did it, the how to? That that's purpose. I get purpose when I pray. I ask God, what's the purpose? What am I doing it for? What? What? What does it matter? He gives me that in prayer. He can't. He gives me that. Sometimes I get direction. Direction is a beautiful thing. I get, Okay, which way? Which way? Lord? I'm I'm I'm I'm tossed up. I got a decision to make and I ain't really show what to do? What should I do? Show me which way to go? Direction? How many times have you needed some direction? Well that's what prayer does. Let's talk about him again. Now. Purpose. Direction here's another good thing. It provides clarity, Lord, a mercy man, how many times has he cleared it? From me, showed it to me, remove some people out the way, put some people over here, exposed something to me that I really needed to know. See. Prayer work on so many levels. Purpose, direction, clarity, now, oh I see now, oh oh old. Sometimes it's exposing an enemy, showing you, uh, somebody who's betraying you. Sometimes is showing you somebody's just hanging on for all the wrong week. Just clarity, man, I thank him for clarity through prayer. Here's another one. Calmness. It just calms me down, man, It just makes me. It just makes me feel easier to know that I ain't out here dealing with it by myself, that I got a power that out and tapped in that's greater than all powers. The most, the most electrifying, stimulating, sensational power available to mankind is your connection with your creator, with God. There's nothing greater for you, man, that nothing. I don't care what you nobody tell you. There's nothing greater you can do for yourself. Then get in touch with who made you and find out what your purpose is, get yourself some direction about who you are, get yourself some clarity about what you ought to be doing, and then calm down. Man, so every thing don't upset you. You know, sometimes many people want to man, I don't know how you deal with all that, because I didn't prayed, man, and I didn't got me some calmness working in my life to where all these waters that's raging around me and these storms and everything, it ain't tossing my boat upside down, or I'll be up in it sometime, but I'm not turning over and drowning and all this hell. I got a calmness, man, knowing that God is working on my behalf, that he's getting it done for me. And no matter how wrong it looked for me, right now, I know God got me calmness. It's really cool to have calmness. Man. Here's something else and guilts to me too, understanding and wisdom. It just makes me go, okay, I got that. I see Oh you know what, man, I was tripping on that. Okay, I see you know what that's going down because it is and because that happened. And now look at what that. Oh, I see how that's working. That's wisdom, that's understanding, you know, and and that I heard Bishop Jake say one time that the closer you get to God the more friends y'all become, the more he reveals to you his secrets of why he's doing certain things in your life. You ain't gonna never get at all, you understand, but just some of the things. Here's another one. Peace of mind. Man. Prayer gave me peace of mind. Man, when my mind ain't scrambled all day long, just peace of mind. Everything come in my mind. Every time the devil throws on my way. Man, he ain't got me focusing on that because I got God. Man, I didn't prayed about it, and I got peace of mind. So the scrambling technique that Satan used, it ain't up in my head all day. Then it give me strength, give me the power and the strength to get through what a see. Sometimes situation ain't gonna get removed. Sometimes you just need strength to just go on and handle it because you gotta lift that weight so you can get strong that lifting more weight. You know, I'm in the gym with him. And then just one more thing before we get out of here. Just make me feel hopeful sometime. Matter of fact, all the time, it just always got me, got me, got got me feeled with hope that I know something big about to pop off. That's something else about to go down. He just give me hope. Man. That's what prayer does. They do all them things. So if you ain't praying, I check into it today. Really, it's such a powerful and beneficial thing to all of us. Anybody and everybody can pray. Just talk to him, just like just like you're talking to anybody. Watch watch, Watch how you feel you're listening Steve Morning Show. Eighteen minutes after that, our eighteen minutes after that, Our fine, say fine, Steve got a hat at one right there. They don't write songs like this snow more. Yeah, how you just woo woo woo oh whoa. That's my part is early. It's six nineteen, it's gonna be early. I do earlier. We do early, we early rise. We really are. We set the pace for people's day. We let him know what it's gonna be, what they're gonna do. I like getting up early. I'm a morning person. You get a head start on a day. Yeah, I don't like it? Are you really? Yeah? Okay, that's interesting, Tommy. How would you describe yourself in one sentence? How would you describe yourself? Oh? I was thinking one word yeah, I'm gonna y'all have a turn. But after he does, how would I describe h an incredible piece of talent? Peace? I agree with Okay, I worded it wrong. I left it out there. Okay, how about you describe yourself, Steve hard in a sentence? You describe your uncle mm hm an amazing individual. I give you that nice Yeah, I playing I was going to say about you. Then you getting sentimental. You may him feel guilty now he was ready thought his turn. When you see where somebody then came from and where they where they are now, it's amazing man, his journey, right. Yeah. People see Steve and like us, we know the story, we know the journey, and they think it's just instant and then nothing, and they think it's way more glamorous than it is. You know, it is so much beneath the surface of an iceberg. What do you mean, it's the part that you don't see that allows just beautiful glacier, this mountain to exist. People see your success, but they don't see it's what's up under it and all the hard work it took to test. It's like, for example, you see this big tree right and you think, wow, that's a big tree, a lot of branches on it. You know what, you never see the roots system. It's crazy, man. It's some bad stuff that happened in that root system that allowed that caused this big tree to exist. I'm just grateful man that God has used me the way he has, and I have not always appreciated the route. I want you to understand that man has been tough like nothing else but and it's getting increasingly tougher, and you know, um, it gets more difficult. It just does. It gets increasingly more difficult. But you get stronger as you go, and sometimes you're you're pushed instead of jumping, you're pushed into your your your next life. You know. Somebody told me that, Bishop Jake said, you ever all you ever felt bad about somebody you've hired to do a service, whether this, you know, any type of So let's say he cuts your grass. You got to know him a little bit and found out a little bit about his family or something. A guy cuts your hair, you know, you've been talking with him and find out he got kids, you know, so then his service starts to dwindle a little bit. It ain't the same haircut your grass, ain't getting taken care of the same way. Let's say you know your trainer ain't really training you the way you used to, just somebody that you pay. Have you ever felt an obligation to this person, like, man, if I let this person go, what they're gonna do? That happens to everybody. But what I heard Bishop Jake say, sometimes you have to release a person until their destiny, release them unto their destiny, because see, you're holding them there, disappointing you and trying to work with them, and it's creating a source of frustration for you. Sometimes you have a release suppers because their destiny cannot be to aggravate you, too, under service you, to mess up your head, to not cut your yard, to not work the way they're supposed to. Sometimes you have to release a person into their destiny so they can go be whoever it is they post to be. M you have to let him go. It's about to fire someone he had the job. Yo, No, God, what's what's this conversation really about? Somebody gonna get fine? What you're nervous for? I ain't doing your job? He knows us it would be. Will it turned all over? See? No, evaluate you did you post it in the cafeteria, they see no evaluation. Will it turns my hero office? What call? Yeah? What folk boy saying to say? I wish you would turn about hero boy? So okay, so you're not about to find them about it? Okay, sure we want to get that ball. Yeah yeah, because you know, sometimes you say stuff, but you know, mm hmm, you don't really say it directly to the well. So the bottom line here is somebody ain't gonna make it. He talked about his journey, this boy that used to nah cut your yard yet Destiny go ahead on a jump, all right now, Yeah, it's gonna be a good day to day. I anticipate great things happening. Yeah, well, thank you. Yeah. And when we come back from the break at a thirty four after the hour, you're something funny, Steve, Can we up? Well talk about Black History Month? How about that? Some little known Black History Month facts? These are always interesting, to say the least people enjoyed this stuff. You don't even know you're listening to the stew All right, we're back thirty four minutes after the hour. We feel about to do little known Black history Moss's Black History and we've been doing little Don't tweet us, don't instagram, don't say nothing about it. These are little known Black history facts. You want the other stuff cut somewhere else, We are not giving you those. We are giving you little known right after this, all right, who got one? I got one? Tommy. I want to tell your shirty car. We want to tell you all the story of Brevin Bowman Brookwood back in seventeen. Brookwood. Mm hmmm. Uh. He was a man who really didn't do much but sit on the porch and was nos He knew everything about everybody. If you borrowed some money over there, he knew about that. If you was late on a payment, he knew about that. So Brevin Bowman Brookwood really was uh the first Better Business Bureau that we've ever had. What, yeah, that's how we got the b b B. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Bren I wouldn't loan no money over there. The Mr Charles, I'm telling you now, he had all the Telly didn't make her payment on time. I'm telling you better be careful Bowman Brookwood, though, all right, we got time for nothing. Yes, all right, look here, uh eighteen all right, that's the year. This is a ruthless Wade Gay heard his knee real bad, and uh, he said, every time it being it hurt. The Ruf has come up with some type of an ointment he concocted and put it on his knee. He started calling it being gay. He watch where I'm going now, He laid his boy, Jericho Mars use it all right. Jericho Mars was using it and actually at a roof of while they are gay died. But Jericho put it on the market. Jericho Mars did as being gay been making all the money. Now watch me now. The Marvin Gay family, oh is kin to rufe for whi they are gay and then found out by this ardment that belonged to their relative. All right, and and and and they now calling the Mars family about this problem. Bruno Mars then got a car. Now here go, what's gonna flip it now? Robin Think called Bruno Maas said, let me tell you something you about the dog on gay family. You better settle out of cart or promise you you're gonna be bakron. So this right now, it's on the table with the Mars and the Gay family. That right there is some little known black history that you did not know nothing, but wow then yeah, yeah, that's pretty good at that, timas So that all how to do it? For this week's edition to day's edition of Little Known Black History, Man, I can't look at being gay the same boy. Alright, Bruno more. That wraps up another edition a little old Black history facts. Things to keep y'all going throughout the day. We're back tomorrow with more of that you didn't know buf Folk Hill we go. That's ready, Yeah, coming up back, it's run that prank back. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, we're back, coming up at the top of the hour, we got missing, we got the strawberry let and then we'll have all m M. I don't know, they're just gonna be missing and then at the top of the hour miss and I'll be here with today's headlines. But right now we're gonna run that prank back right after this, Nephew, what you got Valentine's yes yesterday? Yeah, here you go, baby, you need this in your life. M hmm. From the Book of Pranks. Hello, Hey, I'm trying to reach Travis. Hey, Travis, check us out. Man, this kids to go. I'm trying to ask. I want to reach out to you. Man, Hey, man, do you know what you're getting? Uh to getting your girl Diane for Valentine? I want to make sure we don't get the same thing. Who is this? This? This Kindred? You wanna make sure that we all get the same thing for my girl? Who? How do you know my girl? I know I work with I work with Diane. Man, I'm getting all the ladies something here in the office. I'm gonna get them, Officer, I'm getting nothing for my girl. Talking about what I'm not Hold up, hold, let listen to me, man, I'm trying to I'm trying to get something for all the ladies in the office. I'm just gonna getting nothing for my ladies. You can get something for everybody else. I don't know about what you're talking trying to you you're talking about it, but tell your lady is against my name Kendrey, Well, my girl, I ain't never mentioned no Kindred told on. Let me come no, No, I don't know about you. You you you you you rolled up too fast. What I'm trying to do, man, I'm just trying to get all of the ladies something, man, Just a little hold on doubt hold on, doubt do on the most. You're doing something right now. You ain't gonna get for my lady. You understand me. Why why are you coming at me sideways? Man? Like I say, I'm just trying to I'm just trying to get it, you know, you know, show my appreciation I worked with man. Just show him a little love. And I want to make sure I wasn't getting the same thing that you might be getting them for. You're doing sala time. Yeah, I'm chelling you. I'm telling you don't. Ma, don't with my girl. You ain't got nothing to do with my girl. You ain't got nothing to do with her? All right, let me call her out? Who the who the hell? What did you say? Your name wasn't my name? Kids? You you're simple gotta leave my girl alone. I know that's the show. You ain't gonna come to me like this here. Man, you don't want to come in surway. Some about you trying to get something my girl. You're stupid trying to do huh. I'm just get hold up, man, I would get my another num man, How how do you get my note anyway? Now? I got your number from you from Uh, it's another dude told me at your number. He the one gave me your number. Men, what's what's the big deal that I've been trying to give us something for Valentine? Man? It ain't it ain't nothing serious? Now what you but you you work at it? How long you've been working anyway? I've been here about three months and now about three more months. Make you think you're supposed to buying anybody anything anyway? Huh? You're like, it's still information? What say the name working dog? My name Kindrick Man? But that why? Why the hell do you want to go? So? Why are you being half style? You're being half stole? Ain't you ain't seen hose dog yet? Dog? I'm trying to say, Well, but that's what I'm trying to do. You know what I'm talking about. I'm just trying to show the ladies in the office. You know that I got love and respect for him. Show my wife blew up? So we got another luve around here. You gotta show my wife nothing. You're simple? What what do you work on? Dog? I work on the fourth floor. I know they're on the third floor, but I work in on there. Are we all cool? Man? I don't even understand the hostility? Man, how do you know my wife? I just know about working with a dog. That's it. So we'll make you think you're supposed to be by a valetized gift. They let me. I think you know with me, I don't even want to argue. Let me ask you to see. Man, do you think she's like Victor? Her secret? I'm on my way there, I'm on my way right now. But what's falling on that I wants to deal? Man? Dog? You know I don't be glad with my family like that. You understand what we've been going through. Dogs, I'm about man, what you say? You on the fourth floor? Yeah? But now what what you are? How style for man? I'm just what what? What? What? You? Because you the dog? Do im? I'm on the I'm on the fourth floor day on the third Dog, I'm you know my cubicle right when you get off there? Unoffaidable? Why is you tripping though? Dog? You're talking about right now? Dog? You ain't nobody buying my little My wife knows toroy your secrets. Hey, you got a girlfriend of wife or something? You gotta you are you married? No? No, I gotta little you know a little on something something I'm seeing right now, but I ain't let me know what good that something. Dog, you can leave my wife invout of this you know what I'm talking about? How many people you didn't call it with this anyway? Now you're the first person I called. I'm the first person you called. I'm glad you did call me. You stupid, You're about to get your whooped out, don't be. You need to focus on that. There's a knapp ahead of that is that you're down on your team. You feel me, you don't talk about to leave mine out of this hell of man on the first of all, And you know what, man, you feeling? Quit talking crazy to me? That what you feeling? You feeling? Quit talking crazy to me? What you say? Wait all I'm said all I'm saying. And if you ain't gotta be you ain't gotta be tripping on hot style with me the way you're acting. Dog, That's all I'm saying. What you know? What telling me talking about you're about to buy a gift for my my wife, you leave me and out of your little book, dog, you're about to get your group. Dog telling me with some like this funk? What you say your name was it? My name't kinders. Man. All do I'm saying is I was trying to be nice to the ladies in the office. Dog, that's all. You ain't nice. We don't need other niceness around here. You're about to get well, that's what's about to happen. Hey, man, you ain't gotta have no hot style attitude about this. Man, you and my attitude. Dog, you just wanted more routapool trying to give with my girl, Dane. You know already know the game, to know the game. You tell me, Diane, you can leave for all it is. I'm telling you you're about to get your to the situation. That's what you're about to do. Come out in fact, don't buy gilt. You buy gilt and you see what happened. Oh so so so okay, oh do you know about gilt or not? Now? I ask you folk, what side of the tour seekers do she? Well? Man, buy whatever you think you will whatever you think she would? You buy that? Okay, So you're cool with me getting something? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm cool with you getting something. It's you cool with me getting a panty? And Bra said, man, you're cool with getting your right now now you're back to be in house style now. Either I can buy someone I can't. Why are you trapping? I don't know how you got my numbers, but I tell you the truth. Man, you better, you better leave my wife along. Dog. Don't don't even look at Diane. You feel me. Don't even look at Diane. Don't get your y don't know you Okay, don let me let me tell you this. Can I sell you something? You man? What? But I just want to tell you this. Man, this is nephew tom Me from Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife died. Head, your wife died. He got me to play phone call you man? What hey do? So this left your Tommy Man for the Steve Arvey Morning Show. Your wife died. Oh, I'm gonna get up. I'm gonna get up nothing common man. Somebody was about to get up there on the fourth plow. I'm coming out with the pup right off the elevator today. You're a fool man. I'm gonna get hut, I'm gonna get hum. Somebody gonna you up Tommy Man for real? Man? That telling you? Man, you had me over here about the ride gonna sing. I ain't gonna say you see you all. No, Hey, hey, one more thing though, what's the baddest radio show in the lane? Man, Steve Varby Morning Show? Man? God, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show? All right? Now, have you guys heard about this? It was a surprise to me. Nick Cannon, Uh, someone we all know and love, a friend to the show. Nick Cannon is leaving America's Got Talent. What that was a surprise. This comes after NBC executives threatened to fire him over a racial joke he made in a recent comedy special he did for Showtime in his stand up routine. Uh, in case you missed it, the joke in question was, I honestly believe this is Nick talking. Now. Once I started doing America's Got Talent, they took my real in word card. They did. I can't do the real inward stuff anymore because then they'll put me on TMZ. So then back to the network. The network felt like Nick's joke disparaged their brand. He felt like he was being silent. He address the issue in a Facebook post. He said, my soul won't allow me to be in business with corporations that attempt to frown on freedom of speech, sensor artists and question cultural choices. I will not stand for it. My moral principles will easily walk away from the millions of dollars they hang over my head. And then he went on to say that nothing, no amount of money, is worth his integrity and his dignity. M h that's a shocker. Huh yeah, I mean it's it's really a shock. Good job. Where is he working that he's still doing out right? Husbands of Hollywood? I guess, yeah, but he was I'm not going to do them like they do me. I'm just not don't do it. So, oh you mean you said them? Yeah? You know, so many people Mannna attacked me. You know, if they see me look like I'm down here, they come with the attacks. I'm not gonna do it. I know, I know, I know a little bit about what's going on. I'm on NBC, but I'm just gonna let it go hanging that Nick, congratulations, Yeah, and hopefully your future is brighter. You know. It is a shocker, though. Be be free? Yeah? Did you get hungry? All right? Then? Free and hunger again? Grandma contractor clauses that we all have in television, especially but even on the radio. Even on the radio. There's behavioral things and all of our contracts. But I have not let me let me. I have no comment one't way or the other. Congratulations Nick. Now that's not the same luxury I've been afforded by my so called friends or counterparts in this business. But I've grown from my experiences, and I've just learned. See, blowing my caundle out don't make yours brighter. H m hm. So you'll be missed, lazier gentlemen, with all the love in my heart, please put your hands together. Trip. Thank you, Steve. Good morning everybody out there. Okay, this is entrepriss. Now. The Trump administration says it was not so much that he quit, it's more like he was fired. The White House says the President Trump lost trust in his National security advisor, Michael Flynn, and that's why he asked him to resign. Flynn reportedly misrepresented his phone conversation with the Russian ambassador late last year, and spokesman Sean Spicer says the President first learned of Flynn's false statements two and a half weeks ago, which is when the White House alerted an administration lawyer that Flynn's conversation included a discussion about these sanctions slapped on the Kremlin by President Obama. That's something, however, Flynn has denied. However, Spicer insists that there was nothing illegal about the conversation. The problem, Spicer says, them from the now ex National Security advisors, misleading accounts of the call, to the Vice President and to others. We got to a point not based on a legal issue, were based on a trust issue. With a level of trust between the President and General Flynn had eroded to the point where he felt he had to make a change. Spice, he says the President was not involved in any of this. Authorities in Missouri say that the wife and stepson of a clan leader have been charged with his murder. A report on the Park Hills Daily Journal says fifty one year old Frank Arcona's body found on a river bank no Belgrade, Missouri, and that his wife and Melissa Arcona, and her son, Paul Edward Jenkerson have been charged with his murder. They say Frank Arcona was the Imperial Wizard of a group called the Traditionalist American Knights of a klu Klux Klan music legend Aretha Franklin has announced her retirement from full time touring. Racklin says her life on the road is going to be over after she releases a new album in September. Seventy four year old singing icon has told her Detroit TV station that she will be recording, but that this will be her last year in concert like going around and stuff, although she says she may appear at some select events. And today is National Hippo Day, National gum drop Day, and on this today, after Valentine's Day, it's also National Single Awareness Day. Okay, now back to Steve Harvey. Morning, chill, all right, thank you, miss Sam. We appreciate you all the time. Let's go to the phones. Let's go to line for talk to Chris out of l A. Chris, what's up, Steve? Ain't no one's that you're in a long dist relationship? Um no, brother, all right, just won't get that clear up. This is if you call them a mile in the head man. My wife's been separated since um, the day after Thanksgiving, brother, and I just don't know how much more I can take. Brother. She've been mean, Steve means, well, they usually ain't mean for no reason. So I think you mean because they take out that mama. Okay, that's why. But what did you do, Chris? Um, I ain't did nothing, Steve. I've been falling up for years. Brother. Um, I think she she got this job, man, and it's just been um for the past three years. She's been turning meaner and meaner and meaner. She makes more money than you. Um. Now, Uh, it's the job stressful. Yeah, I believe it is. I truly believe it is. Like they've been that. They had a couple of deaths out there. The other day, they had un explosion to Um. I know that kind of took a toll on her, but I've been trying to be there for you know. So come on, man, she got a job. Y'all been separated, says thanks you. Okay, right, Chris, but you're not telling me. Um. I'm telling you everything. Steve's like I try to love her, you know, and UM trying to work through the separation. We went to counseling man and shet it up a couple of um A couple of hours after counseling so I don't know, Okay, So y'all went to counseling because you all were having what problem? Because I left because she's been being mean? Oh you left unless she was You left, right, So the separation was caused by you. Yeah, okay, So now what you want her to do? Be nice? I love my wife, Steve, but man, I can't deal with it. I'm old school, you know. I gotta Um, a woman had the no woman's place. You know. That's why right here, that's why you buy yourself? Got a problem, Chris? Where we go? Did just keep talking? Woman? Chris? The Bible. The Bible says that a woman should be to music to a husband. I mean, it's plainly simple, black and white. Brother says Christ treated the church. She can't wear the pants, Shirley. It also says. It also says, you know, love your life. It's Christ loved the church, and you know we know how much Christ loved right and I loved my wife. My wife became my wife before we spent the ten thousand dollars on the week, you know what I mean? So it's um, I love her, Chris struggle, Chris, you got this Bible verse. Man, That Bible verse got you over there by yourself. Man, let me talk Chris, right quick, Chris, I'm here. You know, man, Chris? How old are you for the one? How old is your wife? Oh? What when you have you read that Bible? Verse two? Or Chris? Yes, we both know the Bible very wherever? Well you get hold on, see hold on. I don't want you to think that I'm trying to be chauvinistic when I said that. Okay, well, well let me ask you this. What is? Yeah? I know you're saying you're trying not to be, but how do you think this sounds? Okay? My daddy says, son, you got one job. Your job is to provide a home, right, I mean your job is to provide a house. Her job is to make it a home. You're interfering with the home making process. Okay, see you got on the rules by her staying in her place, but your ways saint in your place. I don't know what to say. Yeah, I know, have nothing done. Man, you're listening Steve Harpy morning. All right, Uh we're back right after this. You know where you know who? Excuse me, you know who who is here with the blog. I don't care, but he does, and maybe you do. Ladies and gentlemen Eugene isn't next? Good morning, Good morning, Steve and Tommy's, Shirley, Carley and Junior. Good morning to everyone. I hope everyone had a better I'm sorry, good morning? What's wrong? Good morning? I hope everyone had a very good Valentine's because some of us did not have a very good Valentines. The blog today is if it did not go out for you yesterday. Break up, That's what it is, Butterfly, and put yourself to go to a break up playlist and play it. Just play it all day loud like slide on the What happened? I will survive? To the left, to the left, everything you want in a box. To the left, Butterfly, you're so emotional today, and break my heart? Stay you're not me again? What did you think? I better let it out? That's not enough, try to get beat out by love? What happened, Butterfly? Is there a crime? He spit up? Sweet me? My reaths? That is all I'm taking with me? What did he do? So good? Bad? Please don't cry? What happened, Butterfly? We both know I'm not what what happened? Something happened yesterday and we all always love you you're going through. What you're gonna tell us, Come on to the end of our row. I didn't get any flowers or anything yesterday, and it just it just it just you gonna put anything what flowers, candy, gifts, things of that nature. Hey man, I ain't getting one either, So I ain't crying a bear. Oh like a big stuffed animal. I love stuffed animals. So my blog today, all of you are that had a very very terrible yester a time yesterday for Valentine's Please get you a breakup list. I break up playlists and just run it out to day today. Just ran it. Then give me one damn below. Well what happened? Why didn't you get a Valentine steak? I don't know, And I've been asking did you argue about it? Yes? I know you're not doing this this morning. I know you're not doing this this morning. Music all I want to say. Maybe it's time to go back. I want no damn glorious you know like who like you? Yeah? Yeah, like you? Because it ain't worked out on the other side, that's all. You can't sustain nothing on the other side. It's time to go back. It's just not fair. Goodness, seems like only yesterday. Come on, Cat, I'll be hell. Turn it out to hell. You turn it out. I can't take it. Please just turn it off. Yes, yes, let it take you away? You remember? Come on, come on, cut it up, cat, Jesus, I can't staying you, Gloria. It's how you're about to begin with. All right, coming up next, we're gonna go to the phones a butterfly. Uh. People are still asking Steve for love advice. So call us eight seven seven twenty nine Steve. So you're listening Morning show. Thirty four minutes after that we come back. We're going to the phones. Okay, you want to go back to the phone, Steve. Okay, let's go to line three and talk to Rodney out of Virginia. Oh dude, can't you tell? Yeah, Gus, Valentine's Day. They want to get it right and it wear it up. Crew, have a Valentine Day to everybody. Do what you got well the hobby I found this. I was blessed by the Lord to bring my queen to me before and a half years of born, through agone and everything with an X, I asked the Lord for what I wanted. I got on my hands and knees for four and a half years, and he found it, brought my queen to me. I didn't I won't look, and she won't looking, and he brought her to me, Mr Harvard, and the same with her. She won't looking after four and a half years after divorce, and he brung both of us together. And like they said, don't miss your blessing, I didn't miss my Mr Harvey. And I heard you talk about the place in New York where you can get the value of your ring, far as the value as far as the money off of it. And I wanted to do that because after they put the ring in my hand twenty years ago because they thought the grass was Greenham, I'm gonna take that ring, go up New York to the place where you were speaking of. I'm gonna trade it in. I'm gonna get my queen her ring, and I'm gonna come out in front of that store and I'm going to sing Jeffrey Osborne right to her in the front of everybody out there. I'm gonna sing the song by Jeffrey Osborne, and I'm gonna love her until the day that I die. Roney, people think about to record that put that on my talk show. Say a little bit now, I have never been to mother in love before. M m m m. You know he had to get in it. Always got love gone and love us, don't they know? Damn never g Yeah, I'm putting down in New York Cities. Never never so much more. He's still all land. Right, sorry, give him a minute, right, could see now never never never is much more than they got in. She was to have come on your shorts thing a song. We got to close it out, run, thank you, thank you. That's right, put it, put the rock on the end up when you've got to that's where you do. Yeah, when you came saying you gotta rough it up emotion. We come back after the break, Uh, Tommy gonna have a break phone called force. Want to miss this one. You're listening Steve y'all's forty eight minutes after the outright, that's what time it is. Hey, Welcome to super Soul Radio. Super Soul. That's right, we're super Soul Radio. We slow down the action, just a fraction for your soul satisfaction. That's what we do. Hi, I'm skip doing on the radio, bringing it to you whether you want it or not. They just call me skip the drill. You know what I'm saying. This is skip the drip dial it right here on the radio. But I like his name, Skip Dillard. I'm gonna use his name as my alter ego for radio. I am Skip the Drip Dillard. Yeah, just dripped the hits at you. Alright, I got it for your relationship departure. Okay, side bother time you didn't know you were coming in, nephew, Coon will be back with really love. Hey, Brian, Hey, baby, I was I was calling to tell you baby. Look, I just I just can't do I got it. Uh. Hello, right, Brian, this is Greg. I know I know you're just talking to vow, but this is this is Greg talking to Brian Greg. Who. Yeah, this is Brian Greg. I was just talking to my wife. Did you put it back on the phone. Uh no, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna bere to do that. Why can't you do that? Man? Hey, let me explain something to you. All right, there's some things, you know, long conversations about this. Well, well, how you know my wife on the first name basis like that? Man? How you who are you? Like? I said, man? My name is Greg h. All right at the airport, Oka Airport. We're the airport and why are you? Were you at the airport with my wife? Sport? Hey? Let me all of this is complicated, okay, it's really it is. Yeah, make it simple for me. Okay, So what I want to explain to you? Let me explain to you. Man. No, We've got a lot of long conversation about this. It's something that you when where was this? Why? Why are you at the airport with my wife's with me? And why is leaving with me? Okay? What we're leaving? And we mean leaving leaving me? Oh? Hell no, put it on the phone, and I don't want to talk to you, man. Put her on the phone. Put her on the phone, man, and look, you need to put it on the phone right now, leaving. I don't believe that. Now I want to hear her say that you want to talk to Oh here, you're staying here. Let me talk to my wife, man, because you you baby? Yeah, yeah, yeah, what's up? What's this dude talking about? See tell you this for a while so you think everything, but it hasn't been Okay, why are you telling me this? Who phone? What can't you just come home and tell me? You just tell me this to my face? Hey, hey, hey bro, come on, man, are you my wife? Hey? Hey bro, I know this is painful. Man. Now you don't know, you don't know nothing, But I okay, the ladies just put my wife on. Oh if you if you got any ounce of a man and you just put my wife's back on the phone. All right, bro, let me, let me let me say, Let me, can I say something to your man's just say man less with my wife on? You ain't got I'm gonna put it on in the second. But let me say this to you man saying man and wrap it up because I need to talk to my wife. I just want you to know this. B this is me. This is nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Moaning show. Got me to prank phone call you. What's your hold on? So? So okay, if you preg to me, what's up with the airport and stuff in the back man when y'all at the airport? No, bro, your wife is here at the studio. Man ain't not happening. Man, your wife hold on. I'm gonna let you talk you all right. First of all, are you all right man, oh man, I was about to be a Murden scene. Man, look at now, who's a big Finally you could have been a little bit. You and y'all your brother. You think you're the only ones can pranking people. You and your brother be pranking all the time. Man, man's life stuff girl. Happy birthday baby, you got a birthday coming up. Happy birthday, Brian, Yeah, man, looking great, gifts great man. Let me talk to my wife. Man, I got ain't got no dude, your wife hold on please, but you woman, you got me all right, we don't don't You ain't got to go this far? All right? Every time to be funny, I did, man, but you kind of started tearing up. But I'm glad to know you fight me like that fight. It was gonna fight. It was gonna be oh girl, just hey, bring your black don't even stop at rent like tell me play way too much time, way too much. Man. I got this. Listen up, everybody, and you want to get some most stupid come in this Friday to Portsmith, Virginia. It's the Southern Friday communentor at will It Hall. Get your tickets right now. Go to ticket after dot com and get your tickets. All right, so the frack come here. We cook the reason but dr Airport in the background. Alright, Strawberry letter coming up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it, alright. Subject I'm frustrated and want revenge Tommy, written by Tommy. All Right, Hello Shirley and Steve. I'm frustrated with myself and I need some advice from the best. I recently ended a dramatic relationship with a thirty year old I am thirty seven. This man, in the beginning was the greatest and worshiped the ground I walked on until months into the relationship. He claimed to work in sales and was living with his brother. He claimed to have had a traumatic childhood with a drug addicted mother and an obsessed father. There he claimed to adore his grandparents and was their caretaker. He claimed his mother was found dead a couple of months ago. He claimed to be the most loyal man on earth. This man turned out to be the biggest pathological liar I have ever met. He is worse than my ex husband and makes him look like a saint. He claimed his father lives in Atlanta as a big corporate giant. Anyway, he is scum of the earth. He lives with his father in Birmingham, Alabama, has been unemployed for years, has nothing in his name, including his cell phone. Has this felony record, uses religion to his advantage, and uses a baby mama to get sympathy and pleasure from women. He was like a disease that I could not get rid of. He was slowly trying to move in my house and claiming illnesses that he did not have. I found out his mother is alive. His grandmother speaks nothing but shame about him. I'm a bit frustrated because he is on every dating website claiming to be a good loyal man. I don't want to make this mistake ever again. So what would you have? So? What would have been the clues that I was dealing with a psychopath? In addition to licking his lips constantly and nose bleeds. I suspected drug abuse but could never prove it. What advice is there for me and other women when dealing with deceptive men? Wow? Well, the first thing I can say is thank God that you ended this catastrophe before it got even worse than it is. Uh. The advice is, if you suspect something, check it out. I mean all the signs were there, a lot of the signs. If if you feel something isn't right, it probably isn't. And I'm sure you felt this all through this relationship. Check it out. You cannot ignore these warning signs. I'm sure there were more signs than a lip licking and nose bleeds, but right there that was really enough for me. You nose bleeds, I mean, check something out. Don't just sit there and be docile and let him tell you all these lies. Um, you know what, you don't say how you eventually found out about him. You don't say that. I wonder what that was. You definitely left that out of the letter. The good thing is, like I said, as you ended it. Uh, my advice to you is to do what you're doing. Let everybody know, I mean, let him, let people know that he's a liar, and uh, you know, write the strawberry letters so we can put it out there if he's on all these websites. But you don't have to get revenge. I'm glad you're out of it. Revenge is not your your main issue at least you're out of it. Steve, Well, this is an interesting letter to me because even in the deception, if women, if you would just learn to follow your intuition, which you all have. How does this sound to you? Okay, let me let me go down the points. I recently ended a dramatic relationship with a thirty year old I'm thirty seven. This man, in the beginning was the great test Oh really, and he worshiped the ground that I walked on. Uh. Here's okay, here is the man that was the greatest. Here are the facts, even if these were lies, listen to the good lies, and how you can tell me this guy's the greatest. Number one he worked in sales and was living with his brother. What thirty you old man? You know need a roommate. Number two he had a traumatic childhood. This is the greatest guy you've ever met. Number three he has a mother was addicted MHM. And Number four his father was obsessed. Then he claimed to a doorer's grandparents as their caretaker. Who the hell wants to take care of two old? Asked people? When you're thirty, Dave? But now where do you fit in this act? Turning people over? And watching them and wiping them boom, feeding them at all like that when y'all gonna go on the date. You ever noticed when y'all was eating there and we reached over to wipe your mouth every night? And then that's cause he's good at it. Why he turned out to be the great I'm just trying to find Then he claimed his mother was found dead a couple of months ago. Don't you they found your mama dead? From what all? These are? What you described as one of the greatest men in the world, Even if these are lies, which we find out later they are, these weren't even good luck at least seriously, man, right now you want us to at the end, she said, what advice is there for me and other women when dealing with deceptive men? Hell? Listen, yeah you knew. Now when we get back, I'm gonna go over the truth of the matter, which ain't too much better than the damn last And then you got to talk about the lip licking, and that we'll be back after He'll tell us we'll be you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Adrian after day, we'll come back. I'll give you the Repper Radio Skippy deal that you know back on the radio. We'll be right back with two of this damn whether you won't it or not, I think you skippy do. Now. We heard the lies the man told that wasn't good lies. Here's the truth about it. He lives with his father in Birmingham, Alabama, has been an unemployed for years, has nothing in his name, including his cell phone, has a felony record, users religion to his advantage, and uses a baby mama to get sympathy and pleasure from women. He has a disease that I couldnot get rid of. Oh he here, you need to kill him. You got disease you can't get rid of. On top of all that, you already ain't got cell phone in your name. What you ain't friend to do is ste No, that's what I thought you said. Tell you the damn advice of this land to change abruptly once you give me I can't get rid of your ass. Needs to go into hide because I'm gonna be looking for you till I can't breathe. No, she didn't say that, okay. He Then she found out his mother is still alive. The crackhead didn't die after all. She's still alive. His grandparents speak nothing but shame about him. Hell, that's because he didn't come over for the wiping. I'm gonna confused. I'm a bit frustrated because he's on every dating web site claiming to be a good loyal man, in addition to licking his lips constantly and nose bleep right there, come on, crackheads is always thirsty cause they forget to drink. See craghead always trying to smoke. See, so crack people are own drugs. A mouth always pasty because they forget to drink because they're always looking for the fix. So they're always looking their lips. They just be dry mouth and the nose bleeds. And this is bad. This is bad cocaine. This one. You didn't just you didn't snort at the membranes out your head. You ain't even got hair and your nose no more. It's just cocaine going straight into the nostrils. And now you've got nose beach crack making nose bleeds. How do you think she found out he was sitting up there and licking his lips at the dinner table and the nose was bleeding alright, kept saying drank some water, and he kept going to the brown food. You're listening thirty four thirty four minutes after that, we're back. We gotta missing coming up right after this song. She's here with this hour's headline, good morning, miss saying good morning, Steven morning, everybody out there, This is a trip with good morning Jr. Well. In the wake of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn's resignation yesterday, Democrats and Congress are calling for an independent investigation. They want to know if anybody else in the Trump administration told Flynn to talk to the Russian ambassador by phone about the sanctions leveled against it by the Obama administration, and if anyone or any of it was involved in the last election. Meanwhile, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says such a high profile resignation so early in a new administration indicates to her something else. Clearly, the president exercise very poor judgment and putting in somebody there who couldn't even manage himself. Thank god he has gone so far. Republican lawmakers have resisted calls for an independent panel to investigate possible Russian interference in the last election. According to a report in the New York Amsterdam News. The Mississippi woman who's claimed back in nineteen fifty five about fourteen year old Emmett Till which led to the youngster's brutal murder. That woman now at miss she lied. Carol and Bryant claims that Emmett made that suggest the remark remember that we all knew that story growing up, that he whistled at her or something like that. In Brian's husband and another man kidnapped the child, beat him, shot him to death, tied his body to a cotton gin, and threw him into Tallahatchee River. Brian's husband and the other man acquitted after an all male, all white jury said they were innocent. Carol and Bryant is now eighty two years old. She admitted that the brutally murdered child never made any verbal or physical advances toward her. She faced a grand jury a few years back when she said that the first time to determine if she should be charged with manslaughter. However, the panel decided not to. The New York Knicks have now formally lifted the band against Charles Oakley, but the fan favorite also wants a public apology for the way he was treated, And for Jim Dolan claiming that he had a drinking problem, he said he doesn't have a drinking problem. And while MSG officials continue to insist they had every right to pull Oakally out of the garden, there's at least one indication that maybe they thought they didn't do it the right way. DNA Info New York says that the Knicks owner has fired his head of security, So we'll see about that. Music legend Aretha Franklin announcing her retirement from full time. She's still be singing an album and stuff like that, but she just kind of wanted to tamp that down. He says. She may may do some appearance at select events when that the rope can be, you know, very very cooling for people. And finally, cheese, so do I. Cops in Baltimore say that a man opened fire at his home after somebody took a bite out of his grilled cheese sandwich, sparking an hour long standoff with police because he barricaded himself inside. Although nobody was struck by the gunfire, police say the unidentified man fired a weapon because he had a real meltdown after either his wife or daughter had a taste of his brill cheese sandwich, which in raised in to the point he pulled out a gun and shot it off in the house. Now that guy faces criminal charges, and if he ends up in the clink, he might get to make all the grilled cheese sandwich as he wants. Could be a lose win for him. They love it in the joint, I understand. Now, back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show with you homie gotta happy. Yeah, all right, thank you, miss and we'll be back with more. All right, keep it right here. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Before the eight minutes after the hour. What's happening in nine o'clock? Nine o'clock? I got a story. Oh you're gonna do a story. So nine o'clock, she gonna do a story. Y'all. All this is on the air call Reality Radio. It's real real. It's the story about the school principle and his new disciplining style. You got to hear about that. I'm gonna give Shirley damp I got it, okay. New thread on the Anonymous Whisper app has folks revealing the real reasons they think they're still single. What app. Can you say it? Tommy Whisper? Right there? Here we go, guys. A new thread on the anonymous Whisper app has folks confessing the real reasons they think they're single, and some are by choice, but others are simply heartbreaking. Reasons people are still single include I'm a selfish lover. I only want love when I feel like it, So that's why I'm single. Yeah, I've been single because my ex cheated on me and I don't know how to move on. That's a big one. I can see that way. Here's another one. I think I'm single because I intimidate people i've and I inadvertently make them feel insecure. Another one, I figured out why I'm single. It's because I'm perfect wife. I'm perfect wife material and guys my age are scared of commitment. Now what do I do? Mm hmm? Yeah, what do you guys think? Steve? Well, I mean, you know, some of it could be true. Um, but if but if hor's wrong, If what you're saying is wrong with you is because of a positive, it's gonna be hard to fix that. I intimidate people because I I'm this, or I'm stronger, or I don't have relationship because I'm perfect, wifey material. Okay, not right there. If what's wrong with you is a positive, there's no chance of you changing or fixing it. So sometimes when you analyze stuff and you're so perfect in the analysis, that's really the problem. It's something you think you ain't. I'm so beautiful. People arepidated by my beauty, perfect wife, million, gorgeous, that none husbands perfect junior? Why you saying what do you mean? What I'm saying? Which one? Which one is? What you mean? Still come out of my mouth? Why did you stay single so long that year? Getting married? The other question? I wasn't enjoying it too much? Get out, all right, we still have time to go to the phone's guys, so let's go all right, Oh you got Let's go to line six and talk to Brian out of Maryland. Brian, good morning, what's happening? Not much of my answer to make things like my girl When we had a little altercation, she told me text her aunt out of her phone. I recommenze've seen the number, I didn't recognize, looks at it, seeing that it's a baby, and stuff like that. And I was drinking and right not realizing that was my work phone. It just went downhill from there. Okay, hold a dolt. A lot of information missing in this story. It's a long it's a long story of time. Okay, cool, I got that. But let me ask you something. She wants you to take your her aunt's number out your phone. No, no, no, her phone. She gave me her phone and text her on our new address to come to the house, so ending that I've seen his number and I clicked on it, and I've seen baby and stuff like that. But I was drinking that nice Steve, not realizing that this was my work number. But I think he's saying to you. Somebody, somebody helped me understand. What he's saying, Steve, is that he in her phone. It was his work number in that phone, and she was talking to him saying baby. But he said he was drinking, so he didn't know. He didn't recognize that that was his work What you're saying, yeah, it was his text messages. Oh so you don't accuse your girl, Yeah, okay, don't. Just don't just seem like an easy fix. It ain't that easy because he was so let me tell what you did. You don't went way out of bounce when you found this text. Huh yeah, yeah, you you went you with hard left and now you can't get back over to the right exactly everything. Oh I see, oh I see, I see right now? All right, dall, hang on, man, I help you out. Quit reading and drinking at the same time, and don't add up. I'm trying to tell you you can't text, drink and read. You pick one somebody who drank, speaking from experience, talking to somebody who you must him talk, drake and read. You can't do it. Ain't gonna come out right, I'm telling you stop. Brian who briant be? Yeah? Okay, so let me help you out a little bit. Man. So you read a text, but it was your work number. You thought it was from another guy, so you snapped and went off. Did you do this while you was drunk? No, I waited. I waited after the party. Okay, So you weren't drunk, not drunk, Okay, So you in your right mind when you called all these yeah okay, now so yeah, so now what you hadn't done is you didn't said some stuff to her that's been like pretty vile pretty much. Yeah, okay, Uncle Steve we know one word. You can't see the trust. Please say he didn't say that. Oh no, he said. God now he said if he did, if he hadn't said that, all kinds of so and souls when you got through? Is that what you're saying? Be Yeah? Yeah, yeah, see you you messed up though. Oh can you fix it? See yeah, he can fix it. But it's a crawl back process. Um, you gotta shower her. You gotta start How how long y'all have been dating B three years? Yeah? Man, you gotta start over. So this is Valentine's Day? What what what you do for for her today? Well? She worked in nights, so last night I just left some rollers, candles, a balloons and a couple of gifts on the bed foot when she came back because I'm not leaving in the room right now. M Well, but they still in the same house. Yeah, well he can work it out of being the same house. Okay, So, but I thought it was a long distance relationship. No, No, that was the car earlier producing this. Dude. I love it. You got a chance to come back. You're in the same house. We got a chance. How long ago did this happen? Let's a wee could come. Oh yeah, you got a chance. But now let me explain something to you. Be. It's going to have to be a constant shower of affection, an array of apologies. One ain't gonna get it. Mhm. The thought of someone else with the love of my life was too much for me to bear. And I thought I was actually losing you to another man. That's pretty damn good. I struck out and I fired off in ways that really ain't me. But if you thought you were losing the love of your life, that everything you ever hoped and dreamed of was walking out the door, what would be your reaction. I'm sorry, Please don't leave me. You the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. And that's got to be consistent. Man, look at six cold boy. Yeah that's good, that's good. But you just said that. That's good, Brian. I definitely appreciate that. More gifts, Brian, more gifts, keep the gifts coming. You gotta show out, Be, You gotta startled, but you can get a back though, dog sober you do that moment you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Genius school principle is making parents go to class with their misbehaving kids. I think I like it. I think I like it. Yeah, twains and teens don't always want to comply with the rules. But one middle school in West Virginia, Steve get That, has come up with a new approach to dealing with bad behavior and it's really making a difference. Huntington Middle School has started something they're calling reverse suspension, where the parent of the suspended student comes to class and hangs out with their kids. They sit by them, by their side all day long. It's bad for the parent, but even worse, they say, for the student. Especially. Think about it. Kids in middle school are totally incompletely embarrassed by their parents anyway, So imagine them coming to class and being next to their misbehaving middle schooler for a whole day. Okay, that would mortify that kid. And and this outside the box solution is actually working. I love it. This is according to principal Frank Barnett. This creative method for addressing non violent, nonverbally abusive behavior has helped the school reduced student suspensions by guests this much. Two thirds. That's a whole lot. Yeah, listen to me, and I love it. I'm gonna I'm gonna take off my jomb down to Coma and come down here ship next year, Bony. I'll tell you what. The last couple of molasses at this house. All your shopping's gonna be with just your fingers because you don't get no mobi. I'll tell you what. Let me take another day off and come down here. I'll tell you what. You know what I'll do to you. Your asked to be in the back of that tree. You understand. I'll tell you a little niked mary as to that tree and I'll beat them. I'll beat the flesh off for you. I'll beat you down to the dark meat funny. That's crazy, that's really crazy, But I like it. I think it a lot. Yeah, what if your parents had to come down there, Steve in middle school? Let's take off, take off work and come Oh. Yeah, I know I know exactly what I'll do. Yeah, I commit suicide. Kill me now, there's no way none. A matter of fact, I need to stop talking to you all for a few minutes because I got to go get myself together. All right, We gotta go to the phones. As people still want to ask Steve questions about love. So let's go he alive. What's not going to be you? We know that? To the phone's we go. I'm here all right, Let's go to line three. Maurice out of Florida and Moussice. What's going on? Man? What talk to him? Hey more? Mr Hard how are you doing? Man? I'm good? Ree what's happened? That's all? I got a story for you, man, it's a such a story. Man. I've been married for I know this lady for fifteen years. I've been married to for fourteen years. And she's my first and she's my only one. And her name is the Shan and Sean okay and see uhbout six years old. Man, I was on my death bed and um I was out here working and my body crept up on me and I had to get rushed to the emergency room. Man, and the doctors came in and told me, they say, man, you make me alive. I said, why do you say that? They say, Man, your muscles shutdown for your kids? Did man? And your kids would have shut down for your musk his name, He's gonna be right here talking to everything. See. I got a sister in law, she's my wife's sister and she came in and she told me it wasn't It wasn't. The hon in my hospital room by myself and everything was talking, and she told me. She say, man, she said, I don't know what it's about you for my sister, love of hell out of you and since dance, Steve, I just I just I just see myself with this woman forever and forever and forever and forever and forever, because no matter if I do wrong, Steve, she's like Dell to put me back in place and let me know that I still love you, still want to be with you. So what's wrong? Though? What's wrong? Steve? Too many times? See if loving you was wrong, then I don't want to be right. That's how I gotta say. Man, that's all I gotta say. Man. Yeah, you know, Maurice is she is? She is? She? Have you called her to distrust you because of your truck driving job? See that that that that more rees that go your problems. See the woman comes to you on your deathbed. The lady tells you this news. You love it, your love and your love her, but you keep giving her reasons to distrust you. But you wanted to stay with you. Now, dog at one point in time. We have got to learn that women are not stupid and that if what we want is what we want is really real, then we gotta get that one and buckle it on down. Now that's a lot easier for me to say now because I've been in a great marriage for ten years. But now I ain't always been this way. But you got the right one. See, I wasn't with the right one. You. If you with the right one, you gotta shut it down. That's the only thing I got for you, man. You gotta shut it down. You already noticed the one. Once your muscle shut down here, you should have shot. Stop you be crying, man, because I'm mad at you. Man. You haven't come back to back until yet. And and um, I need to know how open are doing, man, because I haven't heard opening a long time. I'm mad at you like this. Yeah, So hell, Tommy, you shut up, Maurice. If you don't shut it down, you're gonna lose this girl. Man. See, I'm going to tell you right now, man, from another brother to another brother, ste I respect you as a man. I respect you to tell me that I miss Steve Harvey. I want you to know, man, like fish it alone said when they when they? When you have the legations against him? He said, yeah, five stones and he didn't throw yet. Steve Man, how many stones you have? But Berg, you haven't thrown one yet. And I want to tell you for enough. Man. I appreciate you a front of my heart man for one brother to another. And I thank you man, I really an awesome thank you. Appreciate your black man, I do. I appreciate you so thank you for saying that. I get it. I know where you're coming from. Thank you, my race. I read it. Look at you. What hey guys staying there with your with your girl dow dude, you probably do you here working trulier, bright your head, big out, read it alright, little little like you, little read you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Showing up next pastor Motown taking death jammer here, Yes we are here. What you doing so long? Attention to get my deacon soon out? You don't put me in that you gotta get dressed for the second year. It's on the radio. It's method. I'm sorry, it is a method. Time look at and we gotta get your problem right up. Today's sermony is take anything but that? Would you lose that? You don't care to you, I don't care nothing about about I like you. What was the sermon you suggested, Deacon? Take anything but that, Lord Lord, take anything but that? Right, that's right? His ain't delivered the news today about a sixty four year old man who had went in for an operation to get a vast secklement. But something happened in now and they took off all of it. They didn't cut the line, they cut the pipe, chopped it, shut it off. Now he'd have lost the lawsuit, yes he has. What would you really lose? I said, I tell you why. I'd rather you can take both my eyes and take my sight. Other than take that, I'd rather be blind. You chopped my ankles off, and I ain't gotta even walk down to the liquor. Stoe no more. You can take really my whole spinder card. Just take my back, take my back, jelly, But I got what I need. You take my whole booty, all in a working POD's right. We never got to sit down and join myself on the Tarlet noe more. But please you can take whatever you do. Don't cut that, don't cut that. You take my brain. I could be a bat, but at least I got that. You already you ain't got Yeah, and stick with you. Cut my stone count. That's right. I ain't got to eat another drop. Take my and my kidney, take all that. Take on it, but leave what I need. Your oregans don't take care. Yeah, take my ears, offer us. I ain't got to swallow nothing. You can take my deacon. Who just kidding. When we come back at thirty four minutes after the hour, we will have said I'm back to back. Dam finally showed up. Yeah. I don't know exactly what the jaims is gonna be, but they're back to back. Get out. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, y'all, we're back. Let's get to these back to back jails. Let's go. Hey, y'all coming up. We got just time for one more thing. We'll tell you body after the break. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, y'all, we're back. After this song. We got time for one more thing. Shirley got a story. All right, here we go, just one more thing. Steve, playboy boy is bringing nudity back. I didn't I didn't know. Okay, yeah, one year ago it left. The magazine banned naughty bits from its pages. But today bits bits bits, bits bits. What did you guys think of It wasn't clear around the rooms, all right, naughty bits from its pages. But today, in a statement, Cooper Heffner said, I'll be the first to admit that the way in which the magazine portrayed nudity was dated, but removing it entirely was a mistake. Nudity was never the problem because nudity isn't a problem. Today. We're taking our identity back and reclaiming who we are. Okay, right. The nudity returns with Playboys March April issue A news stands February twenty eighth. Yeah, I'm going down there. Oh no, you're not, buddy, I'm about you and your main Have they called you down? Shoot? Just show up? They can't be bad. You showed up. It's cover is that Steve And he's been on the cover a lot of magazines. You're tripping. Now you're gonna be on that cover, full spread, literally by now. He neck it on the cover of Playboy Boy. What are you gonna do next? Represent the family? Well? The earth Wind and five capon you know, all the wings of love but doing a Jeffrey. Yes, okay, let's be who we are, all right? How are you a naked magazine with no naked Keep your nick be proud of your naked, your Nike, embrace your n I was naked light what y'all? I was? Okay, all right, let's be real. No I was anybody else? Jump in him. It's three people on this show some time and we're the only two. Man, Please, what did you do? What we do? What? Everybody? Last name? Right? Man? I was naked last night too. I got in the shower. That was about it. That was it. You know they called Valentine's Day, Um, if you're single, sad day, it's sad. It's single Awareness Day yesterday. I didn't make it negative like that, Steve. Were you naked last night? What? Hell? Like it? Every night? I come in here with a gift like this? Everybody in the house getting it? Everybody here, though, Boy, Steve, I gotta tell you, I did yourself. We saw the gift. You outdid yourself. I didn't see it, but I heard about it. You're so romantic, Steve, you go, you worked it out to be there because you didn't even know it was Valentine's Day yesterday. That's a And then too, you didn't know how you were going to make it because you had to go to l A. You were in the Cayman Island, you had to go to Chicago. You worked it out, worked it up. Amazing. Oh he know how to get around the world. Amazing. What are you trying to say, nephew, what don't say that? What are you saying? What y'all thought? He was out there lined up in front of Southware What y'all thought? You're not as long has been? And he had peanuts and cocacar. Ain't o that pass and not not like that. You just had something this morning? Tell me peanuts from breakfast? I was delicious. I think somebody on this show was trying to avoid the question last person, Mr Strawberry. Strawberry, where you naked last night? Yes? Okay, though, how was dinner? The reservations were wonderful That I made the chef himself. That's how you turn that with that chef. He came through with that plate. So that chef come out that back with that plate. Girl, are you doing it now? Wait? Do we get home. Well, I'm glad everyone had a great Valentine's Day and night. Yeah, fantastic beautiful flowers. Yes, thanks, yeah, thank you posting my flowers on Instagram. Nice. Yeah. I'm just thinking about Steve though. What are you going to do to top this year, this gift? Because yeah, what you got to do. But I will say you were looking christ you were looking correct. I wish you'd lukas looking crazy when you got to get cold as balas hi as balass don't cost everyone? Oh boy, all right, I'll take us home. Well, y'all have a nice life because I show. Well, y'all have a good weekend because I'm playing on it. Y'all being pc you tomorrow. Yeah, love for all. 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