The Day After Derek Chauvin's Murder Trial, The Steve Harvey Nation Speaks and more.

Published Apr 21, 2021, 1:00 PM

Great morning and welcome to the ride! Today is a great day. Justice for George Floyd! We are talking to the people. The Steve Harvey Nation expressed their opinions. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve spoke about Black folks pain, fears and relief. God bless the Floyd family!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the million things and the tofu good it. Steve listening to the move together for Stuart. Please, I don't join me. You gotta turn. You gotta turn to turn out, turn got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, daddy, I sure will good on everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvis, man old man, got a radio show. Yeah, I do. God so big to me, man, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain, you know, man, I want to share something with you today. You know, if you're out there, start your mission today. Why don't we all decide together better yet? Let's just kill that because you don't that just individually. Look you listening, everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination now, and if you and if you allow practical excuse, man, if you allow procrastination to set in, then that that allows then which is a weakness, you know, but that allows the devil then to just really do his thing, because an idle mind is the devil's playground. So if you ain't working on your goal's dreams, aspirations or visions, and you you just waking up seeing how today gonna go, or the devil he got plenty for it for you to do. See. But if you get your mind right on your goal and your focus and your purpose, then you can go on about your business. Then when the distraction comes, you can catch yourself. Now that don't mean you ain't gonna fall privy or fall prey to some of your distractions, because you will, but you will have a goal in mind, an aspiration that makes you go. Hold on, man, I got to stay focused here because what I really want while I'm really trying to go the thing that I'm really after, this new little thing that's being introduced, this don't fit into the equation. Man, Let me keep it moving, or you may stay up off the line for a little while. You know, like I said yesterday, your thing about God is He's so forgiving that if you get out of line, he'll hold your place. See that's the real cool thing. A lot of people to do that for you too. Like I said, if you're the movie theater, or you're at the amusement park and you're in the line and you forget something, if you politely ask the person behind you, hey, man, I gotta run to my car left something, would you hold my place? Most people say, fine, you gotta go ahead, and when you come back, they don't have a problem. See your problem is is you want to get out the line, go do something, then come back and just get up in the line further up than you were, or cut somebody. Now you got a problem because see everybody looking at you now like Heroy Wall partner, where you come from? You know the line start back here. But see the thing with God is God don't do that. God don't say the line start back here. God holds your place. When you make a mistake and you fall off the line, God hold your place. But if you ain't got no dreams, aspiration, if you ain't got no place, what he holding for you? See, I mean he got a place for you, But you gotta come to it see some people if well, here's what I'm saying. If you got a goal or aspiration, a dream and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God knows where you're left off. Now, you may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off, you can get back on track. I look, man, this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track. Now it got off track. I just kept it as one of the dreams. And in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, all I was hanging on to was just a hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man, sometime it just keep hope alive. Sometimes you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive. Sometimes, man, it's just the hope. I was hanging on a hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and funky out there for me, when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction. You're not gonna make it. You didn't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. He knew I was off tracking how the line, but he said, okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place, put you back in line. Then we're gonna finish the journey. That took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to, But then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I and I see coming, Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I said, every day, see because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Now I have stories to tell, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody, And I haven't been through enough whereas relatable, where enough people can go. Man, that happened to me. Appreciate you saying that that's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff he was pulling off on me. But in essence I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy, he kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there indeed wrong. He forgave me, he said, because man, if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that it's going to be far in above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed of. That's what I did. I just got sick of me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working. And here I am today now as he threw it me. Yet Nope, have I arrived yet? Nope? But guess what the journey is cool? And then you know what I found out that's kind of what it's like in life. If you don't walked off the cliff in life and you ain't got no God in your life, it's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. We all now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right see, were all heading to the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about a relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride. You guide and you're glad, and you're softly, You enjoying your look around and you're smiling. You're meeting other people along the way. You're floating over here to skie a little while. You over there at the beach for a little while, you mess around over here, you get to go out the country a little bit on your parachuting all that here, and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a euphoric fall. Instead of not having no God in your life and you just walking off that cliff every day free falling. Ain't got no core, You steady pulling you, hauling the whole way because you to mess around with yourself and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute since I got to jump every day, than to not have one. God has been like a parachute from me. Ask me why where that came from? I can't tell you. But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain, it's usually him. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen, need us here. This is a Steve Harvey Morning Show, a very very special Steve Harvey Morning Show. This morning. Let me just start by introducing everybody. Shirley Strawberry calling for real Junior and Nephew Tommy. Morning, Morning, Morning, morning, great morning. Yeah. Because yeah, this is right after the morning after the verdict, the long awaited verdict. Everybody was on pins and needles. We've been even though I'm still in Africa. We were on constant communication yesterday through all of this working and and and and trying to figure out the strategy for today and today is is it overall just a great day? A great day? Team, wouldn't you say so absolutely, absolutely absolutely yes, Yes, Justice Jordan Floyd, this is a good day. Yeah. Yes, second degree unintentional murder guilty, third degree murder guilty, second degree manslaughter guilty. Now I just want to say this next is the sentencing. I don't know when they're gonna hold it. But he was out on bail while doing the trial. But now there is no bail. He gone, he's in jail. And so now once you get a guilty verdict on all three of those, those are three separate sentencing guidelines. Okay, between all three of those, Yes, yes, I would imagine, just based on looking at this judge's face. I don't with the quick return of the verdict, I see him getting a lot of time. It's not gonna be no twelve years. I see him getting a lot of time. I don't know though. This judge. You know, he bought up Maxine Waters in the corps that created me. I was so upset about Maxine. Yes, do you try to judge brought it up. Yeah, and he wished politicians would stop talking about the case. So he bought up the fact to the defense that Maxine Waters could whatever she said could be grounds for appeal. So get out of here. Everybody talking about it. Well, when is Donald Trump gonna be grounds for what? And tered crews and all of them that incited the riots on January sixth at the Capitol. Yeah, be careful, y'all, be careful because you're gonna set a precedent. And then lawyers are very smart because they use case prior cases to help with judgments on theirs. You start down this little path about who said something, and you got an appeal. I got news for your pocket. See this show with Hey, Well today that's a great day. We decided today as a team, we wanted to talk to the people. We want to hear from Steve Harvey Morning Show listeners, how you feel, what's on your mind? So today this is a special day. We're talking to the people on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. When we come back eight seven, seven, twenty ninety. What's on your mind? Huh, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is a good day. It is a good day. The verdict is in for the Derek Gibbon trial. He was found guilty on all three charges, all three. Yeah, he was handcuffed and taking away his bed was revoked and we're gonna spend the majority of the day talking to you our listeners. Call us right now, let us know how you feel the day after the Derek Chauvin verdict eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, let's go to the phones, Steve Harvey MORTA show. Who is this? My name is Susan Dickerson from Houston, Texas. Susan Dickerson out of age town. How you doing? That's my answer? How he all the safe this bank care rested peace with his mama because they don't found this man guilty. Yeah, and that's he went to the same high school I went to m h and Yates. Susan Jack Yates all the way three class eighty three mm class thy care? That really is your yeah? You know you know you and your grant me and you're granted. Jumping up and down right, Yeah, just really your hunt? Yes, first said yes, who you thought it was? Steve? Just a random caller. We thank you for calling. Appreciate you all right, Steve, Let's go to line too and talk to Peter out of New Jersey. Peter. Hello, yes, yeah, we can hear you. Just find Peter. What's your comment today, Peter, Yes, I'm sorry for my accent. I'm from Africa and I just wanted to say that it's it's it's really justice, but it's not justice at the same time because being from Africa and coming here, um, I've experienced these kind of year of myself and I think now the family you have some kind of justice and hopefully we can move forward with incorping more us. These cups needs to understand that it's not the way to treat people and you once you do it, you're gonna get taught for it. You're gonna get the consequence coming to you. So I'm really happy with the with the outcome. Yeah. Absolutely. I think that when police officers see the consequences being deal that dealed out for your actions, I think that's gonna that's gonna cause a moment of pause until you start seeing them have to do time for crime. We wouldn't have this problem, but they get a different set of laws that they could do. So he may. Let me ask you a question. What part of Africa you from. I'm from Ghana, from Ghana, Karla is from Ghana Knas Yeah, yeah, Colin for real, her hereditary ended base is from I always go back every year. I couldn't go back last year because of what Okay, yeah, I've met the President of Ghana and the king, the Ashanti King. I've met them both. Oh wow. And then just to see I'm a really big fan of yours. Keep doing what you're doing. I watched all your specials, all your stand ups and man, you're the man. Thank you, brother. I appreciate that. Thank you man. Hey, Man, I got big love for God. I just talked to my boy Kevin O'Curry over that. I wish you a happy birthday. GNA's a great place, man, Thank you very much. Appreciate your call. Thank you by cousin. Let's go to Aaron Line three in Detroit. Hey Aaron, Hey, what's up Steve Harvey? Man? What you got Aaron? Oh Man? First bout the blessing and be able to come on your show. Man. Listen to you guys every morning for the most part. And I'm a big fan, big fan, but a big fan, especially that crazy and a few times. But like to say, like I said, I'm glad the outcome of that verdict. It came out really well. Um. I actually listened to one of your Instagram I guess what you were talking about this morning. Behind will it's going to come out, And it really did, by the greatful God, because you know, a lot of people in America don't realize how serious this really was, you know. And but anybody to have to anybody's family member, that even anybody had to even witness to see something like that. You know, a guy put his knee clear day on somebody just to hold it down and to restrain him and just kill him. You know, that's that's not justice, man, especially coming from a police officer that suposed to uphold the law and everything, you know, And that's just sickening, man, to see stuff like that. But I'm glad it came out like it's supposed to and we can kind of put it the rest. But it just a wake up call for everybody and around America too, just stuff like this. Man. We don't hope to ever have to see this again, you know. Yeah, right, well, I mean hopefully we won't have to see it again. We will, we will. This one won't won't. It won't end racism, but you are correct in this. It is going to have a ripple effect because police officers now are going to have to realize that they may be held accountable to the laws that they are paid to uphold, and you don't have a different set of laws. And I think that could be the ripple effect, man, And I hope, I'm hoping. I think this is beginning of something to quail some of this police brutality against black people, to make them at least have a moment of pause. So you know, but I knew when Amber Tiger Group or whatever her name is, when they gave this white woman time for killing this black man in his own apartment, when they found a way to give her some time, I knew something was going on. I knew something was going on because they don't do that now. This white woman that killed this young brother Dante. Yeah, that said she thought it was her taser dog. She couldn't do some time. Yeah, because you had the gun out in front of you. I don't know at what point in time you didn't know that was a gun exactly. And I could tell the waight difference between a taber and an actual loaded color you know, dog, one plastic, one metal, work with me now, right, one yellow? All right, We'll take more calls when we come back. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, right after this you're listening show? All right. Here we are the day after the Derek Chauvin verdict guilty on all three charges. We want to talk to you, our audience. Please call us and let us know how you feel. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, let's go, Steve. Karen is her name? Steve Right, This is Caraful So he's so glad to hear be on the show. I love you guys, who are just one of the best radio shows ever. I love you guys. I am so relieved, but yet so pause about this decision and this verdict. I'm thankful that they convicted him on all three charges. That we release are on a path, hopefully it's a path to some justice for our brown and black men and women. That you we can get some justice. And like you said speech to the previous caller, that the police officer will now think twice that you will be held accountable. There's more of a possibility for you to be held accountable for your actions when it comes to just doing your job. Just do your job right, don't add the extra Yeah, don't kill someone on your job, reason right, for no reason, you know, defense, defense, everything about oh well, don't don't, don't, don't count the nine point two nine um nine minutes and twenty nine seconds without including the sixteen minutes prior to No, even into that, y'all still used a sective force. Y'all pulled him out the car. He's six peaked or something. You're trying to put him in a space. Looked like I can't confidence and you who wouldn't, well, you know the sixteen minutes before. I saw some of that footage, and I don't know what happened in the sixteen minutes that that deserved this man to die resistance. I just I didn't see nothing in the sixteen minutes prior that says, you know what, he should die. I didn't even think for a moment he could die exactly. It wasn't. It wasn't the fort, It wasn't in the forefront that he's gonna die for them. That's an amazing thing. They made more of it. Worried about his past, his paths ain't had nothing to do with that in that hand, had nothing to do with that. There are men in prison who are locked up for murder. You can't go in there throw one of them on the ground and put your knee in their neck, can kill them. Right. That's that's not that's that's that's not so what. That's really not what we're supposed to be. Once again, what Martin Luther King said is black folks just waiting on America to be what they say they is on paper. That's all this really is. And I and and I got we we got some justice here. But I'm looking at four hundred years right. Yeah, man, I'm just not seeing cops get cups put on them. Yeah. And I've been here sixty four right, and this is just one video on our time. Let's let's hope that we can continue the progress, to continue to do things a little bit better, and that my twenty seven year old twin boys will have an opportunity that they can drive down the street, my twenty nine year old daughter can drive down the street and if she's pulled over, if they pulled over for a reason, it's gonna be Okay, this is a situation. Here's your summons, and and you know, come for it and not got differently. You know, I was happy for a second, but I hadn't think about my children. Still got the ride and the retaliation of this. They're not happy. They're not gonna be happy because I'm gonna tell you something. If you have the Keim reporters, the comporters out there, and the Chavons out there that think, you know, we can do whatever we want to do, there's gonna be something because now y'all got court because y'alls wanted to say ta ka tays when the video says you had the guns before you could say tayser, and we wouldn't know. We only could go by what you said, what we might might have heard, but we didn't have any video to back up your line. Now we got a video to back up your life. Now, Now all right, Karen, we thank you moving You've got to keep moving. Thank you. We appreciate your call. Thank you, Karen. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Jay and Birmingham say in the voice can you hear me? Yes? All I can say in the voice of ice Cube it is a good day. I feel so much relief. I feel so much relief in a black man. It's just I've been crying. It's just wow. It's just so much relief, you know, seeing like Unna see you seven two minutes ago. I've never seen a cop go to jail, and seeing he's going to jail for a crying me commit it unbelievable. You know, I was telling the crew here, I just if they would have said not guilty, I don't know what I would have done. I would not what to do, because, man, the other side of me is still alive, you know. I try not to be Look, God didn't changed me over the years, but I'm telling you, man, that's a piece of me that has the ability to surface. And I was really concerned because I was trying to think of as a radio personality, what do I come on to say to my people who listen to me, who trust our voice in the morning, who tune in to listen to us for information, inspiration, and entertainment. In that vein of what people tune in, what would I say to them the morning after a not guilty verdict, when that other person that resides in me it's saying, okay, all right, we tired of this now. I really don't know how I would have been this morning any other way, because I was struggling because the black man in me is angry and been for a long time, you know, just been mad for a long time. Now, I'm older than everybody on this show. Listen to me. I've been pissed off a long time, and I've had to suck up a lot of stuff I didn't I didn't bid a lot of stuff I didn't want to bite into, just so I could keep moving forward. Then that I'm just grateful this was di verdict right here, and because, like you say, man, just as a black man, the relief that now we okay, I'm okay, our life do matter to somebody. Hey, man, what do you what do you think police officers are thinking now? Those that are still on the job, go ahead, and Jack, go ahead. Now I see that they see Now. I feel that if they see that, hey, you just can't kill a black man to go home free, Cord. Now you see that when black people show up, they're gonna show up and they're gonna get what they want, you know, right, You know what I think. I think that it's going to cause a moment of pause. I think because now and I do so much appreciate it. All the blacks who fought for our freedoms since we since we first landed him, the Nat Turners, the Frederick Douglass, the Harriet Tubmans, the sojourn, the truths all all the way up through the years man fighting for us to get that near the protest that rolls of parks, modernim all the Civil Rights Act, and the Black Lives Matter movement when it started before. But now for the first time, the Black Lives Matter movement had some help. Coming up next National News right after this. You're listening to show. All right, we're taking your phone calls all day today on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We want to know how you feel, our listeners. We know you have something on your hearts and on your mind to call us and let us know. At age seven seven yeah, twenty nine, Steve, go ahead, Jay. I want to thank y'all because and you all put the voice out for the twenty twenty elections. I mean, you all got people out the vote. I mean it was you and our other syndicated morning shows, but you all really helped push out the message to vote. And I really really want to thank y'all so much for that because we got we got age and forty five out of the White House and now we see a new day in Amrathith. So I just want to say thank y'all so much. For that, and you're welcome to because vote. It was a very concerted effort on the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Are we made an effort and the team put together a lot of work producing these shows to make sure we got out to vote. And then I'm gonna just be real with you. I got on the phone with Ricky Smiley and Dale Hugley, who are frat brothers, and I said, look, brothers, we got to unite in this one right here, and they all agreed, and so we got together and we turned out vote like never before. And now we are voting block and we'll never go back to not being a vote in block. So Governor Kemp that passed this racist law, this voter suppression act that he put together in Georgia, the next time your name on the ballot, you gonna romish. No. Thank you, Jay from Birmingham. We appreciate your call. All right, let's go to Columbus, Ohio and talk to Monica. Steve Monica, Hi, how are you? That's right? Well, thank you for having me on here. I just was like everybody else watching the verdict, and I was very pleased for what we saw. I just think at the end of the day. Also, there was no way to not find him guilty when you actually watched the video over and over again being a man put his knee on a black man's neck for nine minutes and just have him like have the life taken out of him. When the prosecutor had said it was just as simple as a nine year old understanding that. I mean, for me, that was it. There was no way to, you know, get past that. I'm very glad that, you know, his family found justice for what happened to him. I also think that had he had died in the police vehicle, I think the outcome would have been a little bit different. I think they would have found a way to skate rop um, you know, guilty guilty sentence. So I think, like I said, at the end of the day, what really got it was like we watched that video over and over again of a man getting his life taken away by the fourth of a knee. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right, it was. It was I hated that it had to happen, but it happened. This brother did not die in vain, No he didn't. He he left a mark, an incredible mark in the history of this nation. Because I'm telling you man, I'm sixty four years old. I ain't really seen this. A police officer guilty on all counts right, murdering a black person. It may have happened somewhere. I ain't seen it. I thank you, Thank you, Monica, thank you eighty nine. Let's go, Steve, all right, it's time for national news. Ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne trip okay, thank you, and let us go. Forty five year old Derek Chauvin spent the night in the Minneapolis lock up. His bail immediately revoked yesterday after he officially became a killer cop. Count one unintentional second degree murder while committing a felony guilty, Count two, third degree murder, perpetrating and eminently dangerous act. Find the defendant guilty Count three second degree manslaughter, culpable negligence creating an unreasonable risk guilty yea. All the charges against him would bring a total of seventy five years in prison if the judge decided to slap the maximums on him and let them run consecutively. However, since Chauvin has no criminal record, he could also get away with serving only twelve years behind bar. So we will see in the meantime, Show was to be sentenced eight weeks from now. His lawyer is most certainly going to attempt appeal. But as the President says, George Floyd's murder last May twenty fifth spark protests against racism and police were tied not just in the US, but in cities all over the world. It was a murder in full light of day and ripped the blinders off for the whole world to see. To found fear and trauma and black and brown Americans experienced every single day, and such a verdict is much too rare. In order to deliver real change and reform, we must ensure the black and brown people are anyone don't fear the interactions of law enforcement confronting head on systemic racism and the racial disparities that existing policing and in our criminal justice system. More broadly, and Vice President Harris was still in the Congress, you may remember when George Floyd was killed, and she co sponsored a special bill last summer, together with Senator Corey Booker and Representative Karen bass I introduced the George Floyd Justice and Policing Act. This film would hold law enforcement accountable. The President and I will continue to urge the Senate to pass this legislation. Black Americans and black men in particular, have been treated throughout the course of our history as less than human. Black men are fathers and brothers and sons and uncles and grandfathers. Their lives must be valued. And of course the case is not over. There are three other fied Minneapolis cops yet to go on trial for aiding and abetting Derek chauven as he strangled George Floyd to death. Just through a remind of folks about how rare this is. The Minneapolis Police initially described George Floyd's death as a result of a medical incident that took place during a police interaction. There was no mention of a knee or anything. In fact, the Minneapolis Police issued a press release right after that stating that Floyd had physically resisted a rest and appeared to be under the influence. Now back to Steve Harvey. Morning, you're listening to show all right, we're talking to you, our listeners. We want to hear what's on your mind. Give us a call eight seven seven, twenty nine s one day to be twenty nine, Timmy, But right nine it's twenty nine. St y'all come on never all right, See we're going to Chicago to talk to Carrie right now, cal all right, Chicago V to v braby you you know it's zvone O three what alright? But go ahead talk to us. I just wanted to say I have a feeling of relief but sadness today. I think about my father, who was born in nineteen twenty nine Helena Arkansas, FIA. Just comes to this country faithfully, what over seeds, hangs out to the uns, nothing. And he told me during my childhood that we would police could never be here. All the quoted they were doing anything to black people ever, and he this was so indoctrinated in him. He really believed it. And he lived through Jim Carl He lives through a whole lot, and sadly never got to see this day. And I feel relieved. I hope he's looking down saying, you know, they got him. But you know, I also feel I feel sadness and mixed release. Yeah, I mean, I agree with you. I know my father told me so many things. I know my father cannot believe today. Absolutely my father was gone. He couldn't believe Barack Obama was president. You know why, I know he couldn't believe it because I really didn't believe it. Absolutely. I'm telling you, I did not think in my lifetime I would see a black man as the president of the United States, any of us. I was stunned. And it was one of the greatest gifts in politics that God has given to us. And so now you know, I do agree with you, and uh, well said, and you know, we got a lot to do, but I think that we're going to remain a voting block power because there there they got mad about Georgia becoming blue and Texas almost flipping and feeling and all of that. So now they're actually coming up with voter suppression laws. What Georgia was blatant racism in your face. We locked the door, we signed a hundred pieces of paper and nothing you can do about it. Wow, yep, you know it's sad, but they're to we do. Thank you so much. Just all right, we'll be back with more of your calls at eight seven, seven twenty nine, Steve right after this you're listening to all right, So it is the day after Steve, the day after the Derek Schaubin verdict. Um. President spoke yesterday, Um, before the verdict. He was saying he was hoping for the right verdict. The Vice president when he talked to the family, talked to the family before and after. Yeah he did. Yeah, Yeah, compassionate, empathetic president that we have. Now. Vice President Harris spoke as well, and we want to hear what you think, our audience. Please give us a call at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, let us know how you feel. This is the day after the Derek Schauvin verdict. Let's go to the good. Um. I think this is the Reverend Steve, doctor Curry, if I had his name correct, Doctor Curry, Carolina. Yes, I'm here, Chief Apostle, Doctor Kerry, and God bless you all. You know. I just thank God for you guys. And as I was telling gentle before I got on that we are here in the state of North Carolina, we are working with agencies here, civil rights agencies to prepare for the next battle that's going to come. I believe this state is going to be one of the big battle grounds because they're already after this statement that God, we have a democratic governor that has tried to cover us doing all these things that are going on. But what we have to realize now that we have lost so many of our great peers. We've lost the John Lewis's, we've lost the ct Vivians, and we have to begin replenishing the ranks because as I was just listening to you with even with this happening, they're setting the next space for what they want to do, and so we have to be indeed ready for that as well. We have to prepare our minds. And thank god, we had a coalition of intelligent people that presented the case that needed to be presented in the right way, and no matter what they said, they could not get out of the eye of the public. Well, when you had people like Immatial and all of them, they could hide what they had done. But you know, because of social media and because of the attention that you guys put on it and all the people that put it in not only America space, but the whole world saw it. If they had brought out any other verdict in what they did, then it was shown this country as a totally unjust country. We're working along with other agencies stout to Stacy Abrams and some of the others because we know that this state is going to be one that they're really looking at. I think they said, uh, one of the Trumps was trying to come in and take the place of our governor here. So we're going to make sure that we get the people active and you know, motivated to get out and vote and do what we need to do to continue or what George Floyd died for. He died for to come back. The injustice that was going on in doctor keeps you know, in justice anywhere, you know, is injustice everywhere. So that's what we keep in mind as we move forward. And like I said, I listen to you guys all the time, and uh definitely want to partner with other people. Uh, you know, hopefully after show, you guys can reach out to us. I'm on the Facebook page and all of that. Chief Apostle, Doctor Kenneth Curry, And like I said, we worked very hard. Um one of the recipients of two Presidential Lifetime Achievement Awards, So I worked very hard to work within the community. I'm a retired disabled military veteran, but I still defend the constitution of this country and that's we have people. Wow, you know Uh, sir, we appreciate all your work too, because it's the foot soldiers that can be of the most that get the most work done. You know. We we on that absolutely. You know. You know, look, we drop our bombs from the air. We were in an airplane, were flying over and we drop bombs. Would be very effective. But you foot soldiers out there are the true champions of justice, and we appreciate everything they're trying to protect, the white privilege and the white supremacists what they're trying to. Thank you, sir. Hey, y'all will be right back with more calls on Steve Harvey morning shows. You're listening to stow all right. Here we are on this day after this historic day. This was a historic trial, um. And the Derek Chauvin verdict is in. He was found guilty on all three counts, all three. You got to do some time. When you don't we you don't get clear none of the charge. And the verdict came back in the time where it didn't let us know, we felt that like wow, this was what we ain't in here talking about that nine I was told the foe. I was the first day. Five the next day. I think they were just in the eating some doing us and stuff in the morning. You know, well they had already decided to see I hope that's another case. I hope. Yeah, really did look at the evidence and no they did. We saw it. There was all we don't even had to do this. Yeah, they thought. We're taking phone calls today from our audience at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, let's go to the phone. We're going to Riverdale, Georgian now and talking to Sean. Hey, how you gans doing. So it's an un first a lot to speak with you, actually speak to you in real life, in your voice, for real man. I love your show man. You guys have been doing great work. I love you guys. And when you come on the morning time you speak, you say, ain't spiritually that I really needed to hear. But um, now on this case, I want to talk to you about which is very important and it shows the war that americally is making that change from doctor King said once before, I may not get there with you, but we will get there as some people. And today it's one of them days that pum, we are getting there. Blacks and whites and other nations are coming together, and we are coming together as one in this country, and we are going to make it. We are going to do whatever it takes to be well. We need to be exactly I think said. And you know something, man, this I'm telling you man. I had a conversation with a woman here who was in the royal family of one of the countries here now, and obviously she watches Fox News. She was a huge Trump supporter. I was stunned listening to this woman talk. I was stunned how great Donald Trump was. And then she actually told me you are Hollywood type. All of you feel the same way. I'm a Hollywood type. First of all, you don't know me, You really really don't that. I'm the last person that's the Hollywood. And then she went to talk about how reverl Lations changed the world and Donald Trump was sent by God, and I went what Donald Trump was sent by God? And this one was just going on and on, and it's just so many people, man, who think see what Donald Trump said. I want you all to listen to what his whole campaign was, make America great again. So what that meant was they didn't like the condition it was in now, so we're gonna take it back to a period of time where it was better for who? When has it ever been better for black people? And that rolls up all these white supremacist groups. They came out of nowhere. That's the reason the Capitol Building was stormed. That's the reason they drove through the crowd and killed people in cause because he gave them the power. They actually felt like they had a man in the White House that ain't God ain't sent him. God's people don't hold bibles upside down and look at it and not even boy, what right? God's people have some stories of going to church. You've seen Donald Trump in one church that was at Bush's funeral. Ain't no photo of him. Look uncomfortable, man, Please, there's no wind about his head. Man, he ain't praying and nothing. So, you know, we got work to do, but we are. I think there's a beginning here. I think there's a change. Thank you, thank you, thank you. All right, um, let's go to Lakewood, California. We're going to talk to Katherine Steve. Hey, Catherine, this is Katherine's husband John. He asked me to pick up the phone for her. She's kind of shiye, but okay, I'm I'm Olsen age to Steve. We're born the same year, fifty seven, and I've got a lot of respect for you and a big fan. And I've been just trying to compose myself and get white Weight teers the wire weight tears for the PAS ten fifteen minutes here. But I think I'm composing enough to speak now. I really m bomb did with some of the brave people that testified at the trial, particularly the young lady firefighter, because I'm a retired African American firefighters out here in the West Coast, and I just thought the people were so brave and courageous to get up there and speak their truth to this matter. And I'm I'm also very much encouraged by the State District Attorney of Minnesota, mister Ellison, and here I just watched his press conference. So the whole, this whole thing is today's victory. But I know that we have a lot of work ahead of us in the future, and the struggle will continue, probably for the rest of our lives, unfortunately, and even to our grand to the lives of our grandkids. But I just I don't want to take up too much of your time. I just wanted to make a few comments. Thank you, brother, and I appreciate you. You know, one of the things that I noticed in this trial that I hadn't really seen before what normally happens, guys, is that prosecutors are often in bed with the local police department. In this case, I was really amazed at how the prosecutors were dad sent on doing the right thing for the people. See see when you go see when you go to state verse sis. When you say that, you gotta understand that you're talking about the paid representatives and the electric representatives that we put in place are gonna fight for the state against to prosecute somebody else. Wait a minute, man, They're usually in bed, especially with the police department. That's why grand juries don't ever ever bring them up for trial, because the prosecutors go in there and they present something to the twelve voting people who are the grand jury, and they give such a vague thing and they say, well, we don't really think we have enough to prosecute, and the grand jury finds no cause to bring forth a trial. That didn't happen in this case. So if we can get more prosecutors who are not in bed with local police, that's going to change things. And I think this also. Let me tell you something else too, because these prosecutors are gonna be ours now, and people love power and position, and other prosecutors are gonna go Wow, I get a case like this, I'm gonna do something that gets the adelation of the nation too, and I'll be a star. I'm telling you, man, something's going on here. That's my comment about. Yeah. But hey man, thank you very much, man, and you and your wife man pull it together. I understand where you're coming from because we've been me and you fifty seven brothers. We've been around here wild and that's right. And you know, man, And I'm gonna tell you something. Hey, doc, we're sick and tired, do you nineteen fifty seven? You know the bullcrap we don't seen. Yeah, we're tired of all this here. Man, We're sick and tired of this and it's about time technically as late as hell, but we'll take it though. Yeah. Yeah, we got our help and we're around to see it happen. And yeah, we both got a lot of left in us, a lot of dog man. Appreciate your brother, Thank you, man. Yeah, all right, y'all sit tight, we'll be back with more calls on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. All right, here we go. This is the day after. This is such a historic day. I mean, everybody was waiting, waiting, waiting. What would the verdict be? What would the verdict be? Please let it be guilty, you know, please. This is the Derek Chauvin verdict um the day after. Okay, he was found guilty on all three charges. In case you don't know that by now, I'm sick of asking you to treat me the same way you treat each other. How about this right here? I don't want to ask you that. Just leave us alone though, yes, hello, hello, good. If you're not gonna treat us equal or the same, how about this, just leave us alone. Yes, sir, we'll make it, We'll we'll be fine. Okay, we've made it all this time. We'll be fine. Just stop killing us yes stop, yeah, yeah, stop all yeah, yeah, I like it. I like that, Steve. Leave us alone. Yeah, just leave us alone. Okay, all right, but we don't want you, our audience, to leave us alone. We want to hear from you. Eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve to the phones, we go, Oh, who is it, Shirley. Let's just go to the phones and see who's there. Then someone's there, Hello, Steve, every morning show. Hello, who's hi? Who's this? Who need them? How are you today? I am blessed. I am truly blessed. Well, go ahead. I am so grateful because as I watched it, and I'm trying not to watch it, but I had to because I have sons, I have grandsons, I have uncles, and I have nephew, so I really had to watch it. And I was praying with my hand. My hand was exactly all my Trump business, and I had to cry. And I am so grateful. This should make an example out of him because they need to know that the Lord is the Lord, and I respect that. But you can't assume you have to hurt people because you think they're going wrong. It's a process and what he did was in a process. So I thank God for that verdict. Thank you very much, appreciate the call of you. Thank you, thank you. When y'all have a black day, thank you so much. All right, Felicia in Middletown, Delaware. Steve, We're going straight to Felicia. Alicia. Yes, these yes, yes, yes, how are we on there? Listen? I am so happy about right now. This gives me hope. This really gives me hope that my son, my nineteen year old son, and my thirteen year old grandson is going to be able to live their lives in this world. This gives me so much hope, so much hope. It is just wonderful that we now have this verdict to let everybody know that black lives matters, all black lives matter, that we are all humans. And I just thank everyone, everyone, everyone who had anything to do with this, this guilty verdict here. I just want to just bless them, and it just gives me hope. It gives me hope. It will make me be able to sleep at night a little bit better knowing that my son and my grandson don't have to look over their shoulders when they're just outside it. Yeah, or I understand what you said. It does give us hope. But now also at the same time, we still have to be vigilant, We still have to be aware of blatant racism because it's not going away over this one. There is now going to be other ways that they will try it. You know, a man when you're dealing with evil people. You got to watch them. Man. They they they strongly hateful people. Man, they don't they don't die easy. So still stay watchful. Men, women, young people, watch where you go, watch how you are, because everybody ain't gonna believe fat meat, greasy. I agree, it's some some it's some police officers going Okay, well i'm gonna cut the body cam off. Okay, well i'll tell you what. I'm gonna do it this way. Yeah, I'll tell you what. I'm gonna get you on the cuffs. I'm gonna get you back back at the station, and then we're gonna see it's it's it's some evil people once again, not all ye, but it's some evil people out there, and so we just gotta stay with you. I agree with you, and thank you for that. Thank you for that. You know, we just just just right now, just living in this moment. It's just it gives us some relief. But I totally understand what you're saying. This is not to stop me from telling my son and my grandson to just be careful. So death not that, but this gives me this, This gives me hope. It all we got to do is convict some mote h when you do wrong, and we got you, you got to paid. And once we get some motor paid, then I think, I think if we can begin the process. But I think for a lot of us, we needed to see this guilty please. Yeah, well I mean, I mean not please. We had to see this guilty verdict because this, anything else would have been a disaster. Yeah, I know it would have because I didn't know what I was going to do. And I'm supposed to have good sense, so I'm supposed to I'm supposed to know better. I'm old, I'm sixty four, I'm I ain't supposed to be having these thoughts, but they was in my head. So I know young people out there, the young lions, if they think like I'm thinking, they're gonna do something to you. Yes, and I'm glad we didn't have to. So thank you very much, appreciate your calling. Thank you, bless you guys, be saved. Thank you too, and we'll be back again. Y'all, y'all stay with us. This is a great day. We're talking to the people. We got more right after this. You're listening to show the day after the Derek Chauvin verdict guilty on all three charges. We were talking to you our audience at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, all right, let's go back to Chicago and talk to Carmela. Steve, Carmela. We in Chicago. Carmela, Hi, listen, Harvey and Shirley Strawberry. We are here. Hello, how you know it? We're doing good. What's your comment today? My comment today is, I'm so relieved that the jury made the right decision. It's about times, it really is. Um. I was listening to you earlier. I don't know what I would have done if it had gone the opposite direction. I really don't. That's been my whole struggle. That's been a morning show struggle because we've been talking about this verdict, you know, because I'm way over in Africa. When it comes down, Steve, Steve, will you be able to be on the air, and you know, fortunate the timing of it all, I am, But we were all trying to figure out the five of us. How do we present this to our listeners if there's a not guilty verdict? And can I tell you something? We don't come up with nothing. I know nothing. I've been searching it my soul too, that if the verdict was not the right verdict, like what do I believe anymore? You know, my whole thought process just everything. So yeah, because not guilty would have said, I know you saw this tape, right, but we don't care. Yeah, y'all black and that's it you did. It would have given us a finger and you know, a finger that would happened. Oh yeah, it would have given us a finger. But I'm gonna tell you something though. It wouldn't have been good, right, But we was gonna be passing out some fingers too though. And see that's that's that's the part that I keep trying to I pray about it a little bit, but every time I pray about it, I get mad because I'm telling you what, we're struggling. The five of us were really trying to figure out if this is not Carlin, Shirley, Junior, Tommy were singing, and we had nothing. We had nothing, so we're gonna be mad too. And then I was just trying to stay over here in Africa and finish my job so I didn't fly back and get some matches, you know, That's all. I was just trying to you don't have to say everything I was going to. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't really mean matches. I mean, you don't like to just match up some people, you know, people to sit down and talk, you know, match people up with each other to talk. I was just trying to get some matches to see if we can find some people people. See what would you have been able to say to the people in Africa? What country are you in right now? I'm in Johannesburg. They don't understand this, you know what they keep saying. They just got a got rid of apartheid just some years ago. Apartei just ended in ninety six. So Ray sitting up going what is going on in America? We thought America was great? And I've been on stage telling them, yeah, but they're killing us though for us man Steve y'all making so much money over there, but they're killing us. They're killing them. They're killing us physically, psychologically, spiritually, like our souls are just freed. Like it's exhausting. And when you go back and you think about like your experiences and where you are now, it's not a grateful God. Yes, yes, that you're here and your mind is here. You know, it's just surely purely by the grateful God. I mean it's everything that everything, yes, absolutely, and to come out with your mind being somewhat okay, you know. And look, we have to feel this way and still get up, go to work, still dress our kids for school, still try to find a way to be successful in this. Still drive our car even though we know we could get pulled over and it could be our turn. We still manage to get up and function anyway. We are such a great people. They're in life. The problem still right there because we are man yeah yeah yeah. And the women, the black women are not safe either. And for me to see my brothers go through what they go through, it affects me absolutely. Hell. You know why because black women, y'all made all us, every black boy, every black man that died, a black woman made them, as some woman somewhere produced this life. Many please and you down in the struggle and take care of you when you've been beat up. We have to deal with that. And that's a lot to deal with. Who wants to see their man or their father or their husband come home day after day. I know that struggle. I feel it I understand. I get it. I'm not a man. I feel you. I got you, brother, you better tell it. You know, agregated city, and I know it is. At any given time, it could jump off, and so I'm already prepared, you know. And that's a horrible way to live when I think about it, but it is what it is. Yeah right, thank you so much for everything you do. Thank you. I really appreciate it. All right, we appreciate you too, Carmelo, thank you, thank you, thank you. Stay woke. We'll be back at forty six minutes after the hour. You're listening to show. We've been talking to our audience all day. This is the day after the Derek Chauvin verdict. The trial has ended. He is in handcuffs and on his way to jail. Are we still about to take more calls? Oh yeah, we're definitely taking all calls all morning. Eighty good. Can I jump in and say so to the people that's that might call uh? And I know we're on a serious note today, but a lot of y'all I'm noticing or stepping out of here, out of out of your bounds. Once again. Steve Harby is my uncle. He knocked y'alls, we're calling him and calling him unc this. You don't even call your own uncle, you know what I mean? So so why calling here claiming, man, you didn't great? Wait wait, let me just say it. You didn't get the uncle you won't it all. You didn't get the one you want it that that has nothing to do with him at all. Whatsoever? I lucked up and got the one I want it. You didn't get that. Go back to your uncle and try to work something out with your uncle. Try to make your uncle a good uncle. But quick calling in here, Hey uncle Steve, he knocked your damn. I'm I'm sorry he knocked your uncle. Okay, get on back to Tommy. Everything that's going on today, we as a people were coming together and full of calling in and you mad at them saying, hey, uncle se I would have a uncle March if I need to play with people. Do I hear you laughing? I know I do. I see you, Uncle March, you're gonna calle told y'all you remember back in LA when we hired. I told ya, I said, I don't really feel good about this. Yes for my sister, call me. I don't feel good about it. I know, I know, oh man, you know he got better over the years, you know, and I know we just took a moment, just a little bit of levity, like the mood a little bit. But Tommy was way worse, folks. He used to didn't come to work on time, sometimes he missed it all. You know, just all how is this about day? Though? Well, you know, let's just give him that a little last moment. It wasn't this this then start out about me calling this what these people calling in you calling him uncle Steve, Uncle Steve. That's my problem calling him and say hello, miss Steve Harvey. I'd like to make my comment on the situation. That's fine, But coming in here claiming to be family, that's what we're not. You know, you're not gonna do this. You're not gonna take this moment and try to slide up on into the family. You're not that man. That's crazy. When my uncle going through, when my uncle going through somewhere to hear y'all that theme, where y'all at what this all right? Look, we're taking phone calls all morning, eight seven, seven, twenty nine. Steve, call us, we'll be right back. Don't say uncle, you're listening to show. All right, Steve, here we are, last hour of the show. It's been a good day so far. People are just calling. Yeah, how they feel off their chests? I mean people, you know, feel some kind of way as they should. I mean, we've been going through this for a long time now. And this is the day after the Derek Chauvin verdict. He was found guilty on all three charges. And we want to hear from you. Yeah, thank god, you know. I like something we mentioned the President and Vice president we're speaking. I like something Vice President Joe Biden said. He says systemic racism is a stain on our nation's soul. Yes, we couldn't agree more. And yes, how do we speak the president? When is it going away? Get something to wipe the stain away, you know, because we're sick of it. Yes, eight seven seven, twenty nine, Steve, if you want to talk to us this morning, let's go to the phone. Steve Delaware. It's Lakeisha, Steve, Lakisha, Lakeisha. Yes, I'm here. Hi, everybody. You own to Steve Harvey more on to show. Where should comment? Um lord, I just want to say that seeing the verdict today gave me hope UM. Sadly, my brother was taken away by Newcaster County Police officers UM on January thirteen, twenty one. So just then that George Floyd family is finally getting the justice that they that they've been loaning forum, it's a blessing and I'm just hopeful and I'm prayerful that my family and I will be able to have this same justice soon. I see the same trend the same trends in all of these type of cases where these officers are trying to get people to look away from or not pay attention to what we see clearlyc on video and let's focus on. Let's big up this person's criminal background, let's dig up the twenty dollars deal, let's pick up miscellaneous stuff that has nothing to do with the heinous act that we are seeing by these people who are supposed to be protecting and service. Yeah. I'm just here. I'm just calling on to say I'm so grateful for the justice for George Floyd, and I pray for justice for all anybody who's going through the same tragedy rights as George Floyd's family and my family for the justice that we're seeking from my brother Lamar modes, well, sister, because you know, I mean this is see. I want people to understand. Now, this sister got it firsthand. Her brother was taking it at the hands of the police officer. Do you know how many stories that are like this see and um, you know the this this trial represents for so many people some type of justice type of Okay, wow, somebody because I haven't seen this man. This is so crazy here man that we and there's nothing for him. It's just this country right here. We have got to establish new laws for police officers that they are under the same guidelines as us. See, we came you to uphold the law, and then you turn around and break the same damn law we're paying you to overhold. And then you can commit the same crime we commit and we have to do time and you get to go home. We pay no, no, no, no. That has to end. And we got to see his signals. But I'm telling you, man, these prosecutors are going to become stars, and other prosecutors are going to want the adamation of America that these prosecutors are gonna get. And I'm telling you but now at the same time, we got to get real ready, we got to get real ready, y'all, because they are in these back rooms trying to figure out a way to stop this from happening again to one of their officers. And I'm not talking about policeman. I'm talking about the system, because police brutality is a way that it's been designed to keep a thumb and a knee on the neck of a certain community and a culture for a long time. It's just the clue Klux Klan with a blue suit on. All right, stay with us, y'all. We'll be back. We're taking calls all morning. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, we can get a call in here. Call or two. Let's go to the phone seven seven twenty nine, Steve Admetris, Hi, how are you all? Tell me your name? Okay? Good? What's your comment? I haven't had a chance to, you know. Every time then came on of the police officer on George Boards. Need that on George Boards neck. I never had attemp. I never wanted to look at it. I never you know, I always turned the down up because it was so overwhelmed me. But when they verdict came in today, I mean I just cried. He talked, I thought about my son, my husband, my nephews, my brother. I thought about all of them on the ground, and so when when their guilty verdict came in, I just I just cried. I just crashed because I said, finally, it's finally something, it's happening. And with me, it's like a win sport because my brother is a police and my daughter is a police and I know that they are great policeman and I know that my daughter helped, help caused a homeless help he give everybody's break. My brother, he even arrested, bad talk. And so just to be in this position and just to see justice done, and I'm just overwhelm about everything. That's a beautiful thing because, like I say, the majority of police officers are fine people. But you know it's too many damn bad apples. All let's leave it right. There were taken some more calls, y'all appreciate y'all call at eight seven seven, twenty ninety you're listening to show all right, we've been taking calls, your phone calls all morning about this Derek Chauvin verdict. Like Steve said, I mean, we appreciate you so much. You're listening to us and and this is your turn today to call and let us know how you feel. Chauvin was found guilty on all three charges for the murder of George Floyd. Uh yeah, yeah, for the Floyd family and just you know, maybe this can be the beginning of something, you know. I hope. So, I really really do, I really do know. More of this, stop killing us, no more of this. All right, we're taking calls eight seven seven twenty nine s. Let's go to New York. Talk to Victoria, New York, New York. Victoria, how are you. I'm blessed. I am happy, Steve, I am rejoicing. My heart is singing. Thank God that that could have been my son, my grandson, my husband, my nephew. This is a small step, but thank God for a cell phone, thank God for a videotape, that that young lady sit there and take all nine minutes and twenty nine seconds. I thank god that I got a chance today to see this officer handcuffed and walk out of that court room. I thank god this afternoon or this morning, I thank god. I do, and I thank you for giving us this opportunity to say just how it's on our heart. We're feeling if we're happy but we're sad. It's like it's a dichotomy. You're happy, but you're sad. But I thank god I got a chance to see this man walk out of the courtroom and handcuffs. I thank you for this opportunity, have a blessed morning. This is a glorious clout. We needed your phone call. I ain't even gonna say nothing behind it. Thank you. You know, man, some sometimes you need some uplift, you know, because you know it's a happy side moment. But man, you know, and then people, well you know, we still got a long way to go. I said, but guess what, at least today today, for this brief moment, we ellective victory as people. And there are a lot of people, man, we can thank for this. Like she said, that woman is said up to inhale that camera for the entire video. That wasn't a cops camera. Darnella Frasier. She was seventeen years old the whole time, seven ten years old, Darnell, and that all the times I tell my kids get off him, damn phones exactly. Thank you, yes, thank you. But see they record everything, and what she recorded was the perfect video. Three did she changed? Yeah, thank you, you're welcome, right, thank you, thank you so much. A less date. Bye bye to dear, thank you, bye bye. Coming up, it is our last break of the day, and of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour right after this you're listening to all right Steve. Here we are our last break of the day. The day after the Derek Chauvin verdict, he was found guilty on all three charges. Justice, Justice, you know, um, the way you know it has it has been a good day, and I want everybody to keep the focus that that's what it is. Now. Look, I know that it's long overdue. I know we should have been here. I got it. I got it. I know the feeling of exhaustion, of steady asking for what is rightly ours. You know, um, this Constitution has never been for us. It doesn't apply to us too many times. Sometimes we get a piece of it here, sometimes we get a piece of it there, and then the rest of it it just don't apply. So today day as we all deal and grapple with the trial and how big it was, and like I said, earlier, I thought, this is just my opinion. You don't have to agree with this, that this was the biggest trial we've seen come across our TV screen that had this much national attention since the O. J. Simpson trial. But this one was different, though, This one was different. This one was about justice for black people, people of color. This was about watching portions of this nation stand together. I watched doing COVID and the killing of this man, the murder of George Floyd. I watched people who I didn't know cared. I watched people come outside and protests and lock arms with people who they just felt for. I watched a lot out of non whites getting excuse me, a lot of non blacks get involved here this trial. So many black people watched it to just see if we could just get our life to matter. How about this one time, how about after you saw the same video we saw. How about after you watch this man murder this man for nine minutes and twenty some seconds that video right there, we were holding with bated breath. How could he possibly walk from this after what we saw? But now we had every right to feel a little apprehension, a little, a little uneasiness here a little on the edge of our seats, a little nervous on sitting on pins and needles, because we've seen it all too many times, police officers brutalized, murder and kill us and get away with it and go home. So excuse us for this moment of celebration, for being able to see what we saw. And today we opened up the phone lines to talk to our listeners, the people who support us Dan Dan out and we felt it was important to do this today because we had to listen to them. And in every single phone call that was a little bit of pain, or there was a lot of pain. That was all a celebration, but there was some pain in every last one of them phone calls because we had to listen to our listeners fears, We had to listen to their relief. We had to listen to them wanting to matter, you know, because I gotta tell y'all something. If you don't understand, this is really quite simple. We just tied of asking you to treat us the same. We're just sick and tired of it. I mean, let me ask you something. Wouldn't you be if this were happening to you, wouldn't you be sick and tired of this. If you were bought over here against your will over four hundred years ago and forced into slavery, and then through an emancipation proclamation be so called set free, and then half to constantly from that moment, all still asked to be free still after that, asked you to allow that constitution to apply to us the way it does to you, wouldn't you be sick and tired. I'm exhausted. I've never in my sixty four years, other than just being a toddler, I've not known what this was like. I've never known a moment where I was just free to be me. I blew up. I saw colored only water fountains to the back, colored and white restrooms. I saw it from sixty four man, I come up in Wealth Trust, Virginia. I'm telling you, I saw it. I listened to my father, my uncles tell stories, horrific stories. I've seen police officers killed black people before, and nothing happened to him. I've seen it, not on TV, not on social media, on my street in my city, down the street from where I stayed up in my playground. I remember cop came up there and killed two kids at the playground because he said they stole some bikes. Then wasn't even the bikes. I've seen all of this, So we tired. So since we tired of asking you to treat us the same, and we seem to have to fight so hard to get you to treat us the same. How about this, how about this? How about you just leave us alone? Stop killing us, just leave us alone. I'm grateful for this, I'm happy about this. We need more. This is just the beginning. We have a long way to go. Don't give up. Stay watchful. It ain't over, This ain't the last one. Stay watchful, Stay prayerful. Congratulations, God bless the Floyd Fair for all Steve Every contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to st