The Day After, Animals, Know A Person, None of Your Business, MTH, Comedy Roulette, Broke Folks, Ask The CEO, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Dec 26, 2018, 3:45 PM

It is the day after Christmas and Steve is talking to the animals in a Madagascar kind of way. How long do you need to know a person before you..........? Here are certain situations that are just none of your damn business. Fool #2 murders more. Comedy Roulette is about hate towards your co-workers. We have a list of things that broke folks should already know. The CEO answers your questions. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about not letting the opinion of other people affect your direction and more.

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back I don't have a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the move like amazing bus bus things and it's cob stop me true good at Steve hard listening to move together for Steve barn Please Bobby, I don't joy by joining me. Have you gotta use that turn be hurting you gotta turn the turnout, got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your back that it h I shore will good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me nah one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, oh man, oh man. You know what y'all? I mean, Really, the goodness of God is overwhelming if you think about it, I mean really really think about it, even even when your circumstance doesn't look so bright, even when you're going through something that's causing you discomfort, pain, even even in that, God's goodness is actually overwhelming, because don't forget why you're going through this moment this first of all, this too shall pass. But also secondly, remember man, ain't everything else that you've gone through that seems so insurmountable at the time. Didn't you get past that too? I mean, it's amazing if you really think about it. If you really don't, you don't get stuck on any one issue your whole life. The only people that get stuck on an issue they whole life is people who won't let it go. That's really all it is. That are people who exist, and you may be one of them. Oh please, No, I've been guilty of it myself before. But I learned something that are things in my past that I just would not let go of. It was done, it was over with. I was past it, but I would not let go of it. It was over. The dude that did it to me didn't exist no more. The problem that it created didn't exist no more. The only problem that kept hanging on was I would not let it go. And man, you can't go forward if you're gonna keep looking in the past. It's an impossible thing. It's like driving a car. If you keep looking only in the rearview mirror while you're driving, you're going to crash pretty soon. And a lot of people just keep crashing over and over and over and over because you won't drive your car you keep looking in the rearview mirror at to pass. Oh woe is me? Oh? You know they did me like that? You know, I ain't been the same since he cheated on me. Oh man, ever since she stole my money, I ain't been the same man. She played me and ever since that out and treated women differently. My father used to beat me. Okay, you know now, look, you may have some deeper stuff going on, like you're abused or molested as a child, but eventually, guess what, do you understand that when you have relationship God with God, you can take that to him too, drop it off and leave it there. Do you know that he can fix and heal that. Maybe it's something serious like that that you need fixing or healing from, a relationship with God can fix and heal that. But man, come on, y'all, whatever it is, and I'm not trying to downplay it or make it act like it wasn't traumatic in your life, because oh God, you don't want to you know, you don't want nobody do that to you because you want to be the you know, the post to child for misery. So please don't let me take that from you. You know, if that's your position, that's your that's your you know, Hall of Fame card. You hanging on too. I'm the post to child for misery. Oh, no one is more woe than me. Then please don't let Steve try to take that from you. Go ahead and hang on to that. But let me tell you something though. If that's what you're gonna hang on to, that's what you're gonna always be the post to child for misery. At one point time, you're gonna have to get on the move past it. And you can. Sometimes, Man, it's merely a simple thing of taking it to God and leaving it there. You know, some people don't have money for therapy. Some people don't even know who to call for therapy. God is the best psychologist in the world. He can fix it for you. There is nothing too hard for God. You know when something seems impossible, y'all, God does the impossible all the time every day. You don't know how I know. I just look at a couple of basic things. Do you know that that sun comes up every day in the morning, It comes up in the east, and it sets in the west. You can't do nothing about that. All you can you can wish because you plant your flowers on a certain side of your house. You can wish y'all all you want. Then maybe one day he would bring it up out the northwest. So those flowers were Now now it's gonna come up about these. It's gonna come about these, and it's gonna set in the west. And once the sun hits the horizon when you look in the water, like if you ever out in la and you see the sun going down. Once the sun, once you can visually see the sun touching the horizon, you have three minutes. You have exactly three minutes. You can sit there with your watch. You can time you're three minutes, and it's gone. Three minutes, it's gone. It's man. I read that somewhere and then I went and tried it. It's gone every day if if it's clear enough, not cloudy, once the sun touches the horizon on water, you got three minutes. I don't care who y'are. You can want it to be different. That's what he does. When the wind blows, you can't do nothing about it. He can bring it from the northeast, he can bring it from the west, he can bring from the south, he can bring it hard, he can bring it cool, he can bring it hot. It's certain things that God. God does the impossible all the time. You can't explain him. You know how those stars sitting up there, How how can you find these constellations? The Big Dipper, the little dip of Ryan the Hunter. Oh, that's God, that's God. Nothing you can do by it. You can't reach them stars, you can't shoot at them, you can't move them out the way you know, or Ryan the Hunter's belt is gonna beat them three stars out of angle. You can, you can, you can call it what you want to call. It's still that's what it is. See, He does the impossible all the time. He created heaven and Earth. You're saying that God can't get you through your pass Somebody did this to me. It's the worst thing I had, the worst childhood of anybody. God can't get you pass at He can move Heaven mountains, Earth, he can form the Grand Canyon. He can make the water come over Niagara Falls twenty four seven. He can't fix yo little bit of past yours. You you insect magnificant being as we are. It's amazing how people make their problems bigger than God. Somebody told me one time, stop telling God how big your problems are. And start telling your problems how big God is, and go on with your life. Quit driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Ain't nothing back there but your pass. And if it was hurtful or painful, or something you just felt like you can't get over, take your problems to God and leave them there. You hear the old spiritual all you've heard it, Take your problems to the Lord, take your burdens to the Lord, leave them yet all time. But you think that applies to everyone. But you come on, man, and a lot of people out there going through much worse than you have and have overcome it all. Why won't you take the step to overcome your pass so you can get on with driving your con see with God trying to take you, But it's the trick of the enemy. The enemy tricks you from seeing your future by having you constantly looking in your pass. Man, it's a trick of the devil. If the man, If the devil just lets you quit, if he would just let you get to drive in your car and look out into your future, your future shows hopefulness. You have hope when you see the future. But he can keep you in misery if he keep you looking at your miserable pass. He created you, He got a plan for you. God looking for you. Man, God would love to hear from you. Let's spend some time talking to God today. Hey, God was happening. It's me. I know I ain't talk to you in a while, but feel bad about that. But I need you. He know that. Everybody should say that prayer all the time. It's cool. All right, well, all right, you're listening to show ladies and gentlemen, boys, girls, monkeys, ring of things, gorillas, chimps, rhinoceros, elephants, hippos. I must repeat this especial love to them, big j'all, Ring of team man, what's up? What that's how you open the seals? Puis? Yeah, everybody, I know, I started off with a series of monkeys, my favorite and it was not a reference to you all in anything, So don't tweet that. I was just making reference to them because they're my favorite animals in the movies. We don't don't go well, yeah, that goes without saying something up. Oh good, wow, Shirley, Hello sir, Happy hump day. Yeah, morning everybody, Oh food, top of the morning. That's how you started off ignorant. You pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, y'all. I'm gonna tell y'all something on this show. Okay, we have several leader people. I know. They try to just blame it on me. Yeah, but that's not the ring leader though. If you want to talk, you know, reference you. Okay, I'll be season Ye. Hey man, who is that in the in planet at the apes? Who is that monkey? And state man? It was his name, one with the messed up eye? Oh yeah, I think, Oh my god, I supposed you're still in touch with big your friends from Cleveland? Hey, Oh yeah, dude, lifetime friends of mine. Yeah, he was at the yard. He was at the presentation of my street. Oh yeah, he was standing in the crowd. Now, one dude was in the crowd. Ain't nobody seen in years? Coba? Oh yeah, yeah, Coba Coba. You're right. But a lot a lot of my cats came up for the naming of the block after me. One dude had been on the run twenty years. Ain't nobody seen him? He showed up for he was standing in the back. So that was wonderful to see. Yeah, support from childhood from the Hood, childhood, Oh man them dude right there? Ricardo Prude Butch married of Al brown Man and Calhoun, John Mole, Jeff Gill, Jerry Calhoun, Tommy can stop amp amp am be Nutt Fleet Onion arm did you mention Onion? That's John? Okay, all right, listen, first time you try not to call him onion on nor More because he ran for counsel. That's that's nice. Sea. Polit's big of you tried to be but I think he raised his hand up for victory one time. He lost a lot of support. All right, coming up something funny. Uh, here's the question, how well do you have to know someone before dot dot dot dot? We'll be back at thirty two after you're listening. It's time for something funny. Guys, I want to ask the crew, how well do you have to know someone before? Yeah? Sex? Okay, all right, you want to there, let's go there. Steve says, what days and it's book? Steve said, I mean, look, if you're trying to have a relationship, you ain't got nobody, no time to have sex. Yeah. If you're just trying to you know, you just trying to do something that evening? Yeah, that that evening you can do something I've never I've never cared for that. I don't know. I ain't like I ain't had a one nice thing, but it never never was never ever. Yeah, well you always like to have a little more meaning behind your action, Steve. Look, look, let's lie to each other. I miss you, I love you, I love you. I was thinking about you. You know it's turn I like that part of get some fun at this, but you know, I'd rather forward to have some relativity to it. I don't want just this hill because I hadn't had that day, you know. You like, I've been young, like everybody else, I haven't had one night they stand. It ain't ever ever rewarding. Ain't your night standing when they ain't ever been good rewarded? What are you saying? They are some of the greatest moments of all time. You got your relationship in trouble. Well, no, my relationship is fine. But when I had one night stand, But way back in the day, those were great days. Wow, wonderful, so great. I ain't got to call hers, she ain't got to call me. It ain'tthing to cost me arm and they live relationships Colls. You know that love coughs. So you meet someone, meet them dinner. Maybe we can get a quick bite. What now, let's get on too. We're not finn wise. We had dinner talking. We're not gonna be talking on my wife. How fast is the bike? The bit is real? How much? How long as you get them fries in your mouth and McDonald talking to right there and eat this, eat on, eat on the way your her house. You ain't come to my house. I don't know you like that. I can't, but you know her enough. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna put this whole glad trans back on and we've been to get down with it. Wow, all right, look everybody good. Can we move on? Sex behavior? Yeah? I just think it's for me. It was just it was a waste of time for me. I only had one one woman that after it was over with, I looked for her, oh man h and she was gone, huh, yeah, I want to do to marry her. I didn't find it because the next worried out of my mouth was with you man sixteen at the time. Hell no, oh you were older than thirty thirty? Yeah you want to continue this? It's such a romantic I was homeless. Hell you gotta do what you got to do. She looked good and having a partner. I don't understand. Okay, so more questions, more questions, or do you guys want to stick with that? Okay? How well do you have to know someone before you loan them money? M M Steve, you go last on this one. Okay, I'm done with the loaning before yeah, before you okay forty years Yeah, I'm done. Yeah, it's gonna have to be that Oh my mom, mom could have anything I got. No, that's you now, that's you now, back in the day, back in the day. Oh god, I was, I was too. Given six months. Okay, then you loan them some money. Okay, Junior, I had to know all your grandparents on both side. Come on, Steve, we we we had we We had to have a friendship at least at the very least. Yeah, we had to be considered friends. Are really close, super cool? You know, maybe not, but we're real cool. Before you ask me for something, Okay, here's a good today. Right now, if you want ball money from me? Uh you uh, you don't really lend money now, no, but I'm lon giving money. He'll give you, but I'll give you some money, But no, I don't want to be looking for Yeah, okay, how well do you have to know someone before you let them stay at your house? Let them stay with you? That's a good one. Yeah, yes, you can't stay at my house. I don't give a damn who my family case. We can't stay at my house. You're talking about come stay with me? Yeah? No, hell no, I don't care who. You know. You can't relay house temporarily until they get on their feet, like I don't never have they say or don't or let me play something to you until you get on your feet. How what were you using when you walked over feet? Own them, get on them and go somewhere else. Now, I wouldn't let one of my children come live with us, yeah, you know if they're transitioning, because one of them talking about doing that, coming to LA and living, and so we'll let them stay with us until they get their place. Oh cool, my kids, that's what I'm doing. I'm trying to get a place this week. I didn't know I could have came over the kids. Children, you already know you can't come stay in no, hold on, hold, let's just gonna get this out, you know, you can't come stay in my house. I don't give a damn horus roll you got. You gave too many parties when your uncle was out of town. But I cleaned up. No, no, not cleaned though. Now some good parties they'll see. No. No, that time you threw the party and used my bed, but then made the bed. He used your bed, yeah, but then made the bed. Well that's where the cleansing person would do it. Make the bed up, right, Hey, dog, change the sheets we slept. That's it, dog, You don't change your sheets after you sleep one night. Who did you have in now? Was that slab? Or? Her name was Kiwe remember that Kiwi? Let me tell you something, Kiwi? In now? It looked like a wild animal had been in my bed. Hey, look, we gotta coming up right after this, nephew. Temmy's run that prank back. You're listening. It's Tommy's run that prank back. Come on that it is again. Well, I'm trying to read cecil. Yeah, c hey, this manny man, I lived like about four five streets over from you, this manning. How you doing, brothers, I'm doing good man? How you doing? I'm good? Hey? Uh, I see you you. You got your Christmas lights up right? You know? Yeah? I got him up. I got my whole of them. Many things set up. Man, it's just looking rid to Okay, let me let me ask you something. Man, The theme you got in your yard? Where you get that idea from? What you mean? Where I get him from? The idea? Like you got a snow man, you got Santa Claus, some reindeals, you got your whole house decorated. You got Jesus with the Manger and the wise men around him. Where did you get your idea from? I'm I'm lost what you're talking about. Man. You asked me where I got a theme from? I mean you try to imply from them. I'm I'm asking you a question. Where did you get the idea from? I made this up. I made up Jesus, Jesus and the man you know that represents Chrystmas. Man, you go with a team that's Christmas base, man, And that's that's Christmas base. Jesus there, Chrystmas, Jesus and just in Jerusalem and Beth Lamb And hey, what's what's going on? Man? I'm who are you when you get my number from any I'm I'm I'm manning, man, I'm manning. I got I got your number from one of the people that live on your street. And I'm just asking you on the real where you get this idea from? I made this idea. If I made this up, man, I made this up just the second time you ask me why I get idea from? What are you trying to go? The real deal? Dog? The same thing you got if you come four streets over. I got the same thing in my yard. And it looked like you just stole my idea. And see what you ain't gonna do is try to win Christmas Yard of the season and you don't stole my idea. That's the problem I got with you. Now, the problem you got is like to twisted. Okay, to see I put this together without here, I never even heard of you, manny begin with. Secondly, I've been doing this particular theme in my yards as I've been standing over. I've been standing over in six years. You ain't had that. You ain't had that theme last year. You ain't that man this thing last year. And to give THEO and I put myself in the same place every damn time I put it down. You did not have this last talk about who are you to call me and tell me about my theme and about my yard and what you got going. I know you ain't copying there, man, I'm gonna tell you right now, and I ain't gonna go no further. You need to rearrange your theme and get a different thing, because you got the same theme I got. No, you need to rearrange your okay, because I ain't rearranging Jack over here. Hey, man, let me tell you Jack. Tell you something, man, And I'm being really as real as I can be with you. If I got to come over there and unplugged stuff, if you got to come out, if I got to come over to your house unplugged some stuff, no, no, no, fig if that thing my foot will be getting a plug from your First of all, you ain't gonna come on my street, in my house and just suspect me at all about anything that I got set up in my y'all tell me I ain't that way. I'll tell you what. Then, I'm just gonna do this ship. I'm gonna just come over there and take Jesus and take them and take them wise men at your yard. That's what I'm gonna do. Come over this way because of about messing with Jesus in the manger. It's gonna be some real files because football that's fake. Sign with it. That's that's the center other things. Now, if you want to come over here and you want to kind of do something like that, you're gonna need Jesus to help you because it's gonna be some rolling around going on, like Yo, what the bottom line is this? Right here? You got the nerve to do the same thing. My god, I'm full streets sober. I'm driving through looking at everybody's over here, man, looking at everybody's the only one and same way, the same place. Good the doubt long year. Ain't nobody ever called me your stuff look like? Man? It from four five streets? Who the head? This man in any Wait? Man, ain't got no right coming on my street because you don't stay on this street. You're going around looking at people trying to get your ideas. Man, you got a rich No. No, I'm very original. I moved to this neighborhood and fol you did. I've been here. I've been here ten years. You've been here about six. I know you've been living over here. I've been living over here. Six years this fu. The vision was just coming up when I came over here. How are you gonna tell me you've been running your teams would not been running mine? Fool you crazy? Hey man, and I ain't. I ain't got time to go back. Man, You know what, I got better things, So I still got some more lights put up. Hey, I gotta want to class can go back and forth. What I'm gonna tell you is just right here. I'm gonna come take Jesus off your yard. I'm gonna take Jesus and then one to take Jesus out of my yard. I see now you're sounding like when I'm crazy people come about taking Jesus out of my life. That's where you got life and mess up. Come on over, I got somebody, man, and what you look here, don't turn your lights on. Light's gonna be on the nighte tomorrow night and every other night talking about taking my Jesus in the makers. I'm original as a written it can be. Come over if you want to. I got something. You have stole my ideal and we're talking about this stelling ideas. Come on, here's hey dog dog. Let me tell you something right now. Jesus and then wise men is coming I choll yard today. No, you know what, man, I'm through with you. Man, I'm through with you. You know what? Come over here if you want to touch my bathing Jesus, touch my mainjer touch men josph and the wise man, and I'm gonna put the North Star over your literally, hey man, I don't know where you get my number from? A night? Who are you? Anyway? Who is it? Who are you? Man? I tell you what you tell about? Coming over here? Missing with anything's on cob okay, set to go off every evening at the funs. The story getting dark, my going on? Let mine? I come on the night be for you anyway? Why why are you white? You can't come up with your own team? Man? Why you can't my own thing? Look at it. I'll tell you what, man? Who for you? Anyway? We're just watched like you say, four five three over? What kind of call you got me? Where I come find you? Little? Come deal with you right now? Where are you at? Right now? Where you you know what? Don't worry about where I'm at. I'm a ready on your life at literally now, I'm gonna come fine. No, your life ain't coming on tonight what never not come on the night. There's gonna be some files in your life. It's gonna be on the breeze and you I'm gonna let you know this many many fruit who for you anyway? Man? You can caused me out of the blue telling me that you're gonna come disconnect my life and still my major and take my baby jeess out the man? Who are you should up feel accusing me of feeling your things when it's been my theme or all these years six years I've been doing this night of war best yard three years or three years running in this season. Now I think you're trying to get mine. But but see the problem is you don't want best yards because you're still in my idea. How can I be sitting your man? Man, you know what you and your and I'm ready to deal with your right. Hey, dog dog, I'm not going to go back and forth with you. You stole my Jesus theme. Dog, Hold on, wait a minute, how can I have one that's yards three years running and you're saying I got the thing you you should have been getting. You must not be doing your right. Let me let me, let me let me go on on say this to you right now? Dogs? What Larry on your streets told me to call you. Larry? Larry told you to come who lay gave you my numbers? Larry and Tommy told me to call you. Larry and Timmy told you to call me. Do you know who Tommy is? Nothing that, ain't that, ain't never missing, ain't Tommy to me? Whom I'm Tommy? I'm Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planked by your boy Larry Man. Nephew Tommy, you want the show told me to call you. It's a you win every single year the Christmas. But it's kind of funny. Hey yeah, let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the lane? Oh? Man, hands, I don't know. The show with Nephew Loves. It's about being stupid, That's what it's bout. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. This segment is called none of your darned business, Jay, Please it explain. Okay, it's very easy. You need to stay out other people's business. You see something going on that. Don't bother you, That don't concern you, basically, ain't ain't no damn. For instance, you see somebody steal somebody's order at Starbucks, daniels, just take it right on the end, you know what it put and they take it. Then you damn your name anyway they put your name on away. Yeah, you don't know what that person going through it. Let them have that call. They got some mold back there. It's fourteen dollars a cup. Anyway, let him your name is on the coupe, and don't change inside the cup. You don't. And it ain't but an eight cent loss to star Write it off, Write it off? What you want to tell you? What you know? If it's the fifteen uh huh. And you go to your mail box, uh huh, and you see somebody else opening somebody else's checks, Yeah, that ain't nothing help. How does that concern none of your damn? I ain't got you know, what's the fifteen? You know the check coming? They ain't told me gonna take the money they did. Yeah, yeah, this happened to me before. If I'm standing in line at the bank, uh huh, and I go up there and I and I'll give her a withdrawal slip uh huh, and she give me too much money? Right, that is none of my damn did don't your blessings and go home. Don't excuse me. Yeah, I'm gonna get into a whole lot. Now, you that extra time walk away and that ain't your being. I hate to say that stealing. Okay, that's not stealing. Gave it Timmy money was given to him. But it's not your money. It is. I didn't slide her a note. I slid her withdraw all last league. Now, how much you put in there? That's none of my bars, not at all. If it's not enough, it's my bills too much, nobody, I just I won't spend it for your fine going right here? You at work and you know one of your co workers arms is uneming. I mean chicken smoking caps. Just don't sit, that's dumb. I point your fan towards that. Why they're going through something, just like that coffee stealer. You wouldn't that smell like hot garbage and they got nothing to do with you. You wouldn't fly them over there, You wouldn't. I wouldn't say anything when you in the parking lot and you see somebody bad. You're doing another and I'm talking about heating good. But then they look up and see you drive. You wouldn't get their light that you forgot the men information that you your ass gonna be in a witness, protect your program, call the police. No what you came for. You get hurt. Stuff that ain't your business will get you hurt. Ladies and gentlemen. Here she is our very own talented news voice of fact, reason and truth. Miss Anne Trip. Welcome back. A lot of folks are going to work today. Actually loan that many, but some of them. This is answered with the news. The US immigration authorities say that an eight year old Guatemalan boy has died while in US government custody. He died in New Mexico. Customer officials say the child was treated at a hospital on Monday for symptoms of a cold and fever. He was released with prescriptions of the medicine he needed. Then, they say, he was later brought back to the hospital and died Christmas morning. The cause of death has not been determined. The partial government shutdown amazing effect and is expected to really be felt today as this is the first back to work day. After Christmas holiday, a quarter of the government's been shut down. That's about eight hundred thousand workers. Core government functions are not affected. However, TSA and air traffic control agents are working, but will be paid retroactively. Am tracks running, the post office is open. People will still receive their Social Security checks. Custom and Border protection agencies are still on the job, as are our military around the world. A lot of folks still are forced to cancel their vacation plans, like those in the FBI, immigration enforcement, and officials at prisons, because if they qualified as essential personnel, that means they're required to work during any government shutdown. So he had to like say bye bye to the vacation. The President, meanwhile, says of the shutdown won't end until Democrats agree to the funds he's demanding for the border wall, and the President insists that a wall it is the only way to keep undesirables out. You have drugs, you have human trafficking, you have illegal people coming into our country. We can't do that. We don't know who they are. In the caravan six hundred and eighteen. People were very bad, in some cases criminals. The Department of Homeland Security posted a statement on Facebook last months saying that they were over six hundred convicted criminals traveling with the Central American caravan. By the way, the shutdown has affected something called the Violence Against Women Act. Now you may not know about this, but it expired midnight on Friday. Both the House and Senate passed spending measures that would have extended the Act until February, but since the measures tied to the overall budget wall border wall thing, it was not reauthorized. Now, the Violence Against Women Act funds and administer several programs assisting survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, and the grants already award remained in effect, but all the new funding, as you would expect, is on whold Tennessee Republican Bob Corker, by the way, it's calling the border wall government shutdown quote juvenile contrived fight and claims the President Trump, and he says some of them, you know, not so flattering things about the President. President Trump is slamming back as he does on Twitter, claiming that Corker supported the Iran nuclear deal, which he didn't, and that the GOP senator came to him and asked for his endorsement to run for reelection, and that when he refused to give it to him, that Corker announced he was retiring. Corcus says that's not true either, and he adds, yeah, just like Mexico supposedly paying for the wall. Sanator cork was blasted the president with the hashtag alert the daycare staff. Americans meanwhile all over the country of sharing their personal and financially related shutdown stories or via the hashtag shutdown stories. Looks like the new superhero flick Aquaman rule the Christmas holiday box office. Over the weekend the long one Aquaman earned some seventy nine million dollars. Combined with international sales, Jason Momoa's film broaden over a half a billion bucks. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show all right, Steve Jay is here to murder, Come on, introduced him. Play brow. This song is Catta Bee's song. I took it and did this with it. Check it out, baby. I like my girls. You better leading man When I tell you I like my girls, you better leading man when I tell you yea. I like my I like Heavy, I like Hefty, I like Burt Beach, I like Belly, I like because with big meals, but a salad, they don't want it. I like because yes, I got him. They eating never stops shaking down a twelve in tumor diet cope that's on the rock. She's got and she bleches, but she loves to restrict. She pain. I like to see her in her thong and she does her sexy dang call him nick chicken meat and sweete rolling, only good eating jell belly, diet beat it. Extra stomach keeps me heating. I'm on to see not on my knee. Her ways too heavy for me. I take it eating as much as I can't eating the lit nicking, the pain get you mad. I'm sorry, you're just why I do on him on the show, Anthony, I got them, Mike, I gotta go college greens and fan back my girls. Mack and she she got that. I like my girlsand please don't stop with ba. I like my girls. Lots of braided on her stake. I like my girls. She's costing the d I keep her bull. I like my girls. Wallet is hurt. I like my girls. I like them curse. I like my girlsand I like my girls. Fand you better be leaving me when I tell you I like my girls, your sock off my men and what you got okay, don't get well. You heard about the pe challenge in the D challenge. This is the C challenge. You see him down for the comedy, Brown for the comedy. Since death Jam, I've been around for the comedy, Pit for the comedy, right for the comedy. Think about it, morning, noon and night for the comedy, him for the comedy, fit for the comedy, had a good job. I had to quit for the com you see, I'm smoke for the comedy, joke for the comedy. Been to divorce core three times for the time. I got love for the comedy, Club for the comedy every nine and then I need a hook for the comedy. I hope for the comedy. Note for the comedy. Did a cruise ten years on a boat for the cop talk trash for the comedy, got cash for the comedy, even got some real good ass for the connue, Black for the comedy, White for the comedy, or senting your hall. He let me write for the SHI and I go back for the comedy. Make stacks for the comedy. Got much love and that's a fact for the comedy. Take a feel for the comedy. Feel for the comedy. Don't get mad when they still for the comedy. I'm about for the comedy. They shout for the comedy. Gonna drop the mic here because I'm out for the am I am? I too old to see you? Okay, you're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, fellas, time for comedy roulette, Jacob, quickly set us up again. Please you test us every week, you test our comedy ability. Give us five subjects. Put them on the wheel, spending the wheel, wed stop. We can do it, but you got here's the topics. Number one, people I hate on my job. Man, everybody can do that. Number two, your mama keeps hitting on me. That Number three, I thought they was dead already. Number four Jehovah's witnessed. Number five, people with a clean house. Put them on the wheel, spending the wheel with You got people I hate on my job? Let me have first. You know the people on your job who bring that food item that don't nobody want any damn one, but they all booze you by it. First of all, don't nobody like pumpkin pie? All right? Why then't bring it to word? And didn't make an announcement. Hey, I gotta slice of pumpkin pie and then don't touch it. You ain't got nothing worry about it? Fucking pie? What else you got, junior? I tell you what I like. I don't like people that I work with that act like they healthy than you. That's an issue for me. You know, I'm sicking. He's sick. He do me ain't like he mo healthy to me? But he got at told. I want you to know he ain't told. An't it now? I ain't talking about nobody I do. But you just hate them. I can't stand the dude that that that that right on you when you clock out of hour, you would hear you thought you had a cool with him until you get halfway home. Yeah, they are they looking for you? How do you know? I'm going? I I don't like people send you video, email you videos of their life. That just got personal real. The topic is people I hate on my job. Let's go. You know what the people I hate on my job and not only are they sicker than you, but they have functions to raise money about how damn sick down. We don't have nothing for diabetics. Were running We make a speech. We ain't out there doing that. We don't have a month for with you having a date or a month or a marathon. To me, just to me, you are sicker than me. You know what I don't like about my job. I know some sick people. I'm not calling no name, I ain't telling no line. I ain't that, But I child like people that got DIABETD. They act like type two is better than type one. Careful all really all that? I take my menas Yeah, I don't shoot my mena They told me the other sick people about it. Yeah, I mean you really still old man? Ain't my fun fat? Ain't your ways out? You was at one point? You right? That's all I'm saying. I talked about nobody on my job. I can't stay nobody. I can't stand nobody on my job. Who a millionaire? And every time they come to work, they alway, who I'm going through? Where you going through? You ain't going through who? The Lord Testament ain't testing you. I ain't not wrong with who I'm going through who. I don't know what your part going through? God? They had your boy, I tell God, man, I'm gonna make it through who. Man? They trying to test your boy. How is they testing you when you come back? Who all these champagne ass prod? All right, we gotta go. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up with the top of the hour. You do not want to miss the Strawberry letter. It is a good one today, trust me on that. But before we get to that, the Nephews in the building with his prank phone call, what do you have for us today? On the Moonstone? I like that movie Huckle Barring Tunes Stone. Everybody gonna meet one. It's on one day here it is Homeser. Hey, man, I'm gonna we gotta problem with the steer harm Man. Y'll want to mess around and put the wrong name on my tombs and wills to day, and we got a problem. We gotta get rictified. Man, y'all, hold hold on, hold on man, calm down. And first of all, what is your name? My name is Ritchie Man. But I can't understand a funeral home make a name tone of a stake, you know what, I don't make no sense. I'll even been in the business to be doing something like this. So this is a family business. We've been doing this forty plus years. Well, I don't make a mistake like that. What's what's the problem, what's the mistaken? What's what mistake you think we made? Okay, look, man, we're being my am. Two weeks ago. Her name is rose Up. Okay, all right, what do you spare? Our name is r O s e t t A. Y'all got r O Z e t t an. She was bored tune to eight nineteen forty eight. Y'all got August the six, nineteen forty y'all got the dates mixed up. Then y'all got her name mixed up. And when we're ein't going to do That's how my anti are rifted in peace with the wrong stuff on her thombstall combat where you can't get him at me, I can't as no way I can help you to get him at me now I need it's the problem, then, man, I could check the paperwork. I can check the paperwork and see what the problem is. Now, if you gave me the wrong information, your family gave me wrong information. Dad, We just put down where we would give it. And if we got to change something, we gonna change it. But it's gonna cause you some more money. No, y'all. We we're I'm paying another damn damn to that fo all, not another damn damn the stuff gonna get changed on this damn toom. So then we're not paying for none. I'm gonna tell this this so I'm I'm decided. I'm saying we can help you out. I can help you. But if you gave me the wrong information, that's only you. Why didn't do that, that's only you. We didn't give you the wrong with information. No, I'm gonna tell you this here. You put it on the name wrong. What is your name? My name is Kendrick. Okay, Kendrick. Let me tell you something. If this don't get changed, body noney, me and some of my cousin's gonna come out there and start digging up about it, right, y'all. Not coming over here and digging up nothing, y'all's my play. He will disrespect my family and come over here, and you're gonna get up what We're gonna dig up some burdens. If you're gonna if you're gonna get the direct problem of mine, Tombston, it's not gonna be none of that. I'm not having you coming over here. We're gonna six the problem and check the PaperWorks and I can get back to you. That's why I can do. But you ain't digging up nothing. If if, if you're six six three on money, get tonsta. But even me and my cousin is coming out there digging up some of them. Damn damny body until you don't get this damn thing six, I'm gonna be nobody coming over there. Hold on, see what now I'm getting excited to comment. Man, let me just talk to you like a man. Listen. What I'm saying to you is that the family seals out the paperwork, put the name in the birth date on there. If it is incorrect, it has to be fixed. I have to call the man out here to fix it, and that's gonna call some money. I have to pay him. All I'm saying is, if that is the case, if the paperwork is incorrect, it's not on us, and I might have to charge you a little extra money just so I can get it tacking killed to get charge nothing. We ain't got no more money, man, we ain't got no more charge to bear in my money. We ain't got no more I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna tell you one more time, mister Kendrick. If don't see or cha, I'm coming after this evening, and look at my anty tunstalk. I'm coming out there now. If the date and the name ain't fixed, promise you so help me. I'm gonna store digging up but it and if you're answer that there, I'm gonna put you in one of them home and I'll tell you what vegid. You're not gonna put me in no home? Man? Like I said, I try to. I'm trying to talk to you and tell you what the deal is and how we will get this fix. Ain't nobody come out here and dig it up nothing? I bet you. I bet you I'm digging a hole and I'll put you if you don't fix my hand. Then we both were going in the damn hole. That's what's gonna happen. We're both going in that in because somebody you want to fix me around and put the room d you want to put the spill my hand, man run and everything. I don't even answer the damn phone. And my uncle get excisions region what Regid? Fix nothing mean you're yelling at each other? We mean we don't do this yelling at each other is not gonna fix the problems. I might. I still have to do a step here. I have to look at this paperwork. But when are you gonna look at it the rather if you keep yelling. I don't even have tiny golden paper word every time and you're really look at something. You're yelling in my head. Let me say this until you one more time. I'm come at mondfucker. I'm gonna come out there right now. That's what I'm gonna do. You know what We're to come on there so I try to talk nice to your to tell you what to I told you that this is a fan of business. You just respected me. You come out here. You ain't no because when we both got it all days. That's what I'm trying to tell you right now. You're not looking at ten when you need. You need to know them on my way because they're duarantee you you're gonna try it. I'm gonna bring you then bring no. You ain't your cousin laughter gonna call bigger bull setting holes. I'll be when they get rid of that said the thombs. I mentioned the fan right oh, when come off, you ain't gonna cussing. I got something I need to tell. Yes, you got to say, I'm saying listening to Kendrick, you wrap the miss Tommy, you just got branked by ya. No, your man, you Tommy. I all, hey, man, I gotta ask you one more thing. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Hardy Morning Show. That is to stop. Oh, Tommy, anything y'all want written on? Y'all? I need to make notes. Yeah, I told you I was sick, Junior. I would have to go with Jake big Dog. What what would you put on your two? We had to put a funny quote on that? What would you put I just need a little bit longer? Yeah about you? Sure to call it? Y'all? Got something too soon? Too soon? You're soon? For the question of too soon, all of the involved write something nice that put it in curse now, I'm I would incurse your print. You know what I want to put on that? I I think I would put it. If you love me, come on in here with me. I'll put on the TURNAROUNDT told you what six says it? All right? Yeah, that's the best one. Yeah, you believe all the time. You call James told you you've ever been to a funeral and it all went wrong? Oh? Yes, fights, fights, t shirts with people names and felt wrong for the wrong members, not been allowed to get in the cars. Yeah, people name. I still in line with Biggie Wig at the wrong funeral. And boy, when I got up there and saw the body and it wasn't Alp, I said, god dog. I walked past the family. Big was in line talking to these two girls. I couldn't get his attention. He got up there and it wasn't Alph. Can't do it on their funeral. Horror stories ain't definitely many change. Yeah, let's talk about something back to life, Yeah, ja, spot back. You're listening to show. All right, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you're in a situation and you need some advice, please please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com. Steve and I could read your letter on the air. Who knows just like this one? Uh? The subject today is whose is it? Come on, Tommy, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. To Strawberry letter. I don't know. For some reason, I love this subject whose is it uh? Dear Stephen Shirley. This past Valentine's Day started out as the most amazing day with the man of my dreams. We planned to go out to dinner, so after work I went to his condo and waited for him to get home. The moment he walked through the door, we got busy quick and wild style. Afterwards, we pulled ourselves together and went out to dinner. He gave me the bottle of perfume that I had always wanted, so the night was going great. After dinner, we went back to his condo and had some drinks, listen to some music, and ended up getting intimate again. The love making was so intense and passionate this time until he abruptly jumped up and yelled, what did you say? It took me a couple of seconds and then I realized, Oh my goodness, I just whispered my ex's name. How did this happen? I've been divorced for ten years and I have no contact whatsoever with my ex. My man looked at me with this hurt, angry, disgusted look and left the bedroom. This is the second time it's happened. I did the same thing a few years ago. He eventually forgave me the first time and we got back on track. But this time, I don't think it's going to be that's going to happen. I've apologized over and over, but we've only spoken twice since then. I'm so mad at myself. I'm heartbroken and confused. What is wrong with me? Do you think he will forgive me again? Or is it best to just leave it alone and walk away? By the way, we're in our mid fifties, both divorced, and we've been together for the past seven years. I don't want to lose him. Please help. Wow, what a way to mess up for a really good evening. Girl, What were you thinking? I mean, okay, I can hear your brain, I can hear breathe. You guys had a great night. You say, this is a man of your dreams. You guys have been together for seven years, you've been divorced for ten. Where did this come from? I mean, did you have too much to drink where you drop? You know, maybe you can blame it on that, but yeah, this is this is kind of crazy, and you you hurt his ego, you know, not just one time, this is a second time you've done that. How do you think he's supposed to feel? It makes him think? I guess from a man's point of view that you're thinking during the most endimate time, not about him, but about your ex. And that's not cool. I don't know how you did that. You slipped up really badly. He forgave you the second time the first time. I mean, eventually, I don't know if he's gonna forgive you this time. I don't know. It depends on you, know, how you make it up to him, if he allows you to make it up to him. I don't think that you should just leave and walk away without you know, doing everything you can. But you're in your mid fifties, you're both divorced. I mean, it sounds like you have a good thing going. You just messed it up. You're just gonna have to I don't know, really, you know, plead and appeal your case to him. Maybe he'll forgive you a second time. I don't know, Steve, Well, I don't need to how much time I got how many minutes? You've got plenty of time, because I could do this three minutes. I can get all this in in one time. Come on, let's just let me explain something to what happened was has happened to a lot of men before. But the title of the letter is whose is it? So obviously he asked the question in the middle of the session. Whose is it? And he said it because he knew he would putting in work, take a time. He had had this thing all moaning this round to y'all back you walk in the door, is passionate, all haild and broke blues. Then bitch your buttons off and that's when you know it's question her buttons. He couldn't just ripple. I'm gonna need two times to do this because I forgot. I got to set up. What the hell happened? Y'all came in the room, tan of each other. The anticipation was incredible. He gave you perfume that you always wanted. Y'all walked through the dog. Y'all got busy, she says in her life quick and lois style. Lord, you know what wild style? This all? Yeah? This when you break spindles off in the banister, This where you can't explain how the hell hell the refrigerator handle in your hands? This how wild? Yeah? The blood that hold of mallet and butcher knife. It broke. You can't don't even find that other kitchen chill. You don't even know what the hell why is the kitchen chill outside? He just got three? Now? Yeah? And who told the hot water handle off? The speech? That's pretty wild. It just happen. All the cushions on the couch is whipped. Come. You can't explain none of this. And it's a crack in the flash screen TV. That's how wild he did. And the fireplace don't work no more. It just popped off. This is quick and wild stock. When you in there, you can't explain nothing. People coming on? What is all the neat prints in it is caught? Yeah? God, is your knees bleeding? He got a zipper print on his cheek. That's how wild it got up in Now. Now, when I come back, I'm explained to you because right in the middle of this wild style, while he was performing at his high level ever before, he asked the proverbial question whose is it? There's a word missing in there, but we all know what he meant. You said, whose is it? When I come back, we will go down the list of things you could have said and then a list of things that you probably said right after this all hell break you. All right, we'll have birt two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three after the hour you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter subject whose is it? You had some lists? Yeah, Tommy, yes, sir. Now for the first time, I'm gonna play the role of her. I'm gonna do Tommy's not gonna be the oh, okay, Tommy, it's say whose is it? Okay? Then this first list, it's because she said something wrong, because in the letter she said the Tyler letters, whose is it? In the middle of the letters, she said, he jumped up and said, what did you say? So, now after he jumped up and said to avoid the what did you say? Let me give you, ladies, a list of things that you can say if you're on shure of whose it is? So, Tommy, go ahead, whose is it? Oh? Chi, I see that's easy. Like a bear. That's all right? Come on, No, he sounded like a bear. Whose is it? Who is you? Daddy? You daddy, You're not a good girl. I ain't gotta be. I'm just trying to save your man. Who's this? Big down? Any of these would have worked. Whose is it? Y'all? Look at me? Whose is it? Who you thank? Whose is it? You better know it? All of those would have worked. One more, Thomas, Who's this? That's my favorite? Now, those are list of things that you can use to keep yourself out of trouble, that would keep a man engaged, working hard and giving his all. Now here's what you can't say. When he asked you, Now, his name is nath Fang. The name is my name, it's Nathan, it's quake name. I forgot that that wants on driving like? So come on, Tommy, whose is it? Oh? Harold? What? I don't know? What I say? Ning to be calling me? Harold? Come? I said, Nathan? No, no, no, you said hair Nathaniel? Why would I come? Okay, go again, let's go, Come on, baby, Okay, whose is it? Oh? What what you're doing? What you did you say? Go ahead? Tom Me do it all right? Baby? Whose is it? Okay? Okay, okay, have me think that time? You gotta go? What did you say you gotta keep doing that? What did you just say? What did you say? Do it again? Go ahead? Whose is it? Baby? I don't know? What did you say? You're doing good? You don't know. Come on, baby, whose is it? Baby? Baby? I said, whose is it? I'm confined? Why are you asking me? What you talk about? I asked you? Whose is it? Last one? Baby? Baby? Whose is it? M? What did you say? What did you last? One? Time? That hard? Talk to me baby? Talk to me baby? Whose is it? Baby? Whose is it? What? Your name is? My name name? Think my name name? Think you Oh that's what you mean? Fill it in? Yeah? Classic, alright, fun Steve oh Man, thank you word? Sorry that just tell me he was really into fort a part. I know it didn't. Yeah, you reading hard. It's just a re enactment. I mean he got that part down. Yeah, put your shirt back on. We don't know you like that? All right? Listen, we gotta get out of here. Guys. You can email us your instagram us, your next on today he Strawberry Letter and my girl Shureley. You're listening, okay, right now it is time for broke people. Jay tell us what this segment's all about. Please, Steve is gonna let us know some things that broke people need to know that should know about being broke, just the way to carry yourself around as a farmer broke person. Yeah, as a farmer well, you know, with more expertise at broke in My life was sp Yeah, the advast majority of my life was spent as a broke So you know the dudes and dounce I know all of them, man, and you like first and foremost. You know, if we're getting ready to go somewhere, just say you ain't got it. Just let me know off the top. Don't don't wait till after we're in the car and we at breakfast and you didn't order, you didn't order already, and you know you ain't got no money. Just tell me up front, ain't man, I ain't. I ain't got nothing. Wait to the chick. Come, ain't scared because they didn't help me know what I need to order? Yeah, you're in that order like you got it. So I'm in here ordering like I got it because I got it. But now because you didn't order so much, I ain't got it. Somebody that whispered real like you know, whispering like yeah, yeah, yeah, just get it to me so I know then I can whisper my order to the way. I ain't got to be all live. Give me extrage over there, Yeah, throw that, throw that on that extra extra sausage. It don't matter. It don't matter if you it's paying for your food, if somebody m if somebody else is paying for you food, don't over They don't need that. You ain't been you know, at least act like you care. You on't the men, you all this stuff, you don't know nothing about. What is that dessert over there that's on fire? I like that? I like that? Can I had a dessert that's on fire? I like that? You no, no, what do you mean? You know what? What are you referring to the dessert that I saw them five when I first come in? Yeah that's what I want. I like that. But you ain't got no damn money. But you just old on. Let me tell you something. If we did all chipped in to buy your ticket to essence, at least have suspending money that we didn't get. We didn't. We didn't got your ticket. You're on the plane, you're in the room to room. We got all that, we got all that. Why you ain't gotten You can't buy a hot everybody got a drink. But you there's another thing broke people can't do. If you ain't putting no money in. Stop making suggestion about daddy fum stop yes and and the vertical out if you that's your daddy anyway? Oh you know, if he's tripping, come on, he like blew his cats could all to be blue when he can't see the cats money in it anyway, he don't see the out saying that true? Man, that moment for me right there. Man, Nah, you ain't got no money, right you broke? Somebody invites you just you know, we'll look. I got you. Let's go to the nails a lot. Just go in there and get your nails. Just go get your nails done. By saying nothing about doing your feet and the massage room you put looking back there after massage, take this table. You're not going back there. Get your damn nails done and put some clothes, toe, shoes on and going about your pills, no money and know all of a sudden you're getting massages and back rubs and face shows and got your shoes off. You You getting two people on you at one time. I'm sitting over here getting my nails done. You got two people working on you at one time. Yeah, that makes sense. Man, you're breaking it down. Both people need to have a conduct themselves. They need to have that way. Now, your boy, your boy needs you to do him a favor because he working, right, You boy working you. He got a job. His girl that came to town. He can't get off. He said, hey, man, do me favor take my girl to the airport in your car. I know, man, I'm asking you a big favor. But higg on the gas car man, put some gas in your tank. Now you're back there filling up your gas tank. And now and now you on all chip. You're not not, not all of a sudden your car in the garage somewhere on a lilt for one airport trip. Try now, damn dog, you asked me to take your girl to the airport. Man, I get in the car. Man, my all light came on, he said, Dog, your all light always one. Yeah, but I don't be going way out to no airport, right, I said. So those are just things you have to look out forward. People that have got no money. Broka, that's the head. Yeah, yeah, man, you nailed it right. More of this crazy ignorant show Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, now it's time for something funny. Guys. We're gonna talk about annoying things that grown people do while you're driving. So when you are driving, so these people are in the car with you, riding with you, the passenger, the passenger, all the bad seat kids are just yeah, just you the driver. So you got to focus. Yeah, yeah. And it's this little stuff that gets on, just little things, man, like just that little Steve like you driving right. I can't stand people to point to stuff for me to look at I'm driving. Oh look, oh look look you missed out, you missed you? Oh you they got tomatoes on sale? Look look yeah, come and see that fat. And I ain't know where that word, man. I can't stand for people to sing Dad gets on my marri Come. First of all, you don't know the words to the song. I can't sell and you don't sound nothing like nothing like the song the song? Are you even when you just change the station when they're singing Twitter on Talk, I'll talk rady. I don't care what they're talking about. We started listening to Talk the minute you open your mouth and amazes and gentlemen, we are here to do. When we going Crosstown to my Auntie Hop, I hadn't been there a thousand times. My wife want to give me directions though, to go this way, go this way, Yeah, forty five and then take fifty nine. If you take fifty nine, we'll get there a little quicker. But we've been there several times. I know where I'm come on, Steve, I know I can't damn when people driving they damn call looking over at an accident that they ain't he a about to get us in one over him. I can't stand over there. I can't tell you know what this se that window. That window is not to be played with okay, down, up and down ye yes, or women with hot splashes. Yeah, yeah, I can't standing that. That's why I got win the locked. That's why I got locked. Yeah, you got the lock to winter. Take the jow off. I'm not not doing it. Don't look at how brown you. I'm not gonna do it. You know. I can't stand right as I getting my car washed and I couldn't pick up take it sowhere. If you eat in my car and drop any fact I don't know when it. When you're driving, you always notice somebody dropping something. Yeah, you got chips. I see the chip fall down your shirt and should have seaten to my floor, But you keep eating like it ain't down it. Okay, okay, I hate to go there. Come on, I'm driving in my car. I look out the little just look out the little peripheral of my of my of my right side. Are you hicking? Yo? Know? Wait a minute, where are you? Where are you dusting that? A man? Where's that going? That's on my flow? Man? Now? Bro, bro, but y'all is saying that you didn't seen it. I used to hate getting there. Somebody called and don't nothing work. We ain't got no radio, we ain't got no help. We're just sitting up in here, hot, in silence, and it's starting to smoke. Tower this one. Okay, you have gum in your mouth. Yeah. I don't want to hear you click it, y. I don't want to hear your pop it. Oh yeah, I don't want to see him making bubbles out of it. Damn it. Just shooting, okay, just shooting, that's it. That's why they call it showing. You know. I had this problem right now. I won't. I want to drive like uncle, but I don't have one. But right now, stay out my damn glove box. Why you? Why is you in there? What the hell made you click that two buttons and pull it down? And what are you looking for? You got something here? When did you put something in there? It's like when you go to someone's house and they go to their medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Okay, this is what bothered me. We pull out the driveway. Yeah, I'm rolling my son in the backseat. He started holling and crying. We can't go. We got to stop. Wait a minute, what's wrong? The Wi Fi ain't work? It hate what? Don't ask me to use my car? Please? Man, you don't want your feelings. You don't know how I really feel about you. Don't ask me to use my damn car for nothing? For nothing, go to work to stove. Yeah, you're gonna find out where you really in the phrase. Well, it's just sitting there. That's why it's just sitting there. Call it's my car and I ain't right. Well, it's just sitting there, so yeah, so what, Yeah, it's one I hate. I'm backing out now and in order to back out, you gotta look back. Why am I looking at you looking back at me? Backing out? It don't take two of us. Come back out. I'm looking. I'll tell you one thing I can't then, don't diagnose my car. How you know what's wrong with my car? Sona, you got a bad time? How you know you just got in? Come on, Steve, this got what this one last one? This got something to do with using my car. This is what a Fred did to me one time, called a cap to my house, asked me to use you should ask That's great, all right, and come in, great guys, coming out more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on, tell me you got a question for the CEO. H Do you see raises for any of us anytime in the near future? I see it? Good question, man, I like, definitely see it. Okay, okay? And then will it ever come to fruition? Did you see it happening? I just say it. I see it. I see marsh Millers and rainbows in the sky sometime. Wow, I see rainbows in the sky. To run over there to it and it ain't there, or you're there, they ain't gonna be there when you get there. What a play? I got a question? Go ahead, Carla. All right, So as a CEO, you're supposed to have, like, you know, this vision and strategy for the company. Okay, so what is your vision and strategy for us for the rest of the year. I ain't got vision strategy for nobody but my damn self. I'm all vision and strategy out. I can't be visualizing strategizing for all y'allone because they don't need to be wanting to want some for y'all that you don't want for your damn we don't even even a chance. Yeah, we didn't even get a chance. Again, if you ain't vision and strategizing by the fourth month or the year, you ain't got no plan. Hey, what's your question, junior? First, Okay, we're started getting around to our birthday, but you know, like we want to know, could you just provide a party or something like that? For the only reason I don't do birthday parties because I don't know your birthdays. Well, well we can get that to you. No, see, you misunderstand what I said. I said reading I don't do birthday parties. It's because I don't know nobody's birthdays. You getting it to me don't mean I'm gonna know it. Can you have it and keep it on you? Why would I keep your birthday on me when I need all the space for my birthday? I know January seventeen. If you want day to be important, you make it important. You don't look over you. I ain't asked you for a damn quarter for January seventeen. You would know heavy offered a quarter now I did, bye bye who? I bought some warm up. Now it was too tight, but I did buy some warm because warm up and stow you shop at. I told you it looks like caprize. I put it on and trying on the front of everybody. You can't get my clothed, baby, I don't care if you do get the biggest side they got twenty husky. I still can't wear well. Okay, since none of us my business too big for them. I'm a man man. I stretch out who out, poke out, stick out, round out. I'd be out. Can't tight yeah time like cam me up? You are bad back. Okay, Well, since we didn't take any we won't be able to get any vacation. What about like personal days, like for our own birthdays and stuff? Can we have those days? There you go bringing up the birthdays? Yeah, you personal day? A birthday if you need to up your damn is a personal day or it's birthday? If we're just trying to get a day off. Sean used to actually give us those birthday Who did he used to give us? Though? Well, Sean ain't hit him more. Okay, you must want You might want to end up with Sean, as you can hear. We want to celebrate things together. I'm worrying about like food truck fridays, or room game room in here, like a pool table, ping pong table like that, Like you think about that. I was thinking about criminals. That's something we all do together. It's player aren't coming, ain't it? Yeah, we're not even here together. Oh so now because you ain't together, you ain't got time for the low. No, we're celebrating, Oh last who were working with? Come o fee you're fully yeah? Try ok? All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go This segment is called none of your darned business. Kay, please explain, Okay, it's very easy. You need to stay out other people's business. You see something going on that don't bother you, that don't concern you, basically, damn you damn minutes. For instance, you see somebody steal somebody's order at Starbucks, daniels, just take it round on the end, you know what it put and they take it. Then your damn business. But your name anyway, they put your names on away. Yeah, you don't know what that person going through it left him have that call. They got some mold back there. It's fourteen dollars cup anyway, let him name is on the cup and don't change inside the cup. And it ain't but an eight cent loss to stop them write it off? Oh really write it off. You want to tell you what you know? If it's the fifteenth uh huh, and you go to your mail box huh, and you see somebody else opening somebody else's checks, that is none of your damn bad I ain't got none. Do you know what's the fifteen? You know the check coming? Ain't told he gonna take the money. They did. Yeah, yeah, this happened to me before. If I'm standing in line at the bank, uh huh, and I go up there and I and I'll give her a withdrawal slip, and she give me too much money? Right, that is none of my damn did don't your blessing. Ain't go home? Don't excuse me. Yeah, you gonna get into a whole lot. Now you that extra time walk away and that ain't your bill. I hate to say, that's stealing. Okay, No, that's not stealing. You gave it to Timmy money was given to him. But it's not your money. It is. I didn't slide her a note. I slid her withdraw all last league. Now how much you put in? Now, that's none of my bills at all. Now if it's not enough, it's my bills. Too much, nobody, I just I won't spend it for your fine. Right you at work and you know one of your co workers arms is nming, I mean kicking smoking your bus. Just don't sit. That's dumb. Get away point your friend towards that Q. That is why they focus. They're going through just like that coffee dealer. You wouldn't smell like hot garage. And they got do with you. You wouldn't fly them over there. You wouldn't. I wouldn't say anything. Don't know that punk When you in the parking lot and you see somebody back into another and I'm talking about hit it good, but then they look up and see you saw them, and they drive right down. You wouldn't get the light that play that you forgot to leave information that at nothing. You wouldn't get their lin Your ass gonna be in the witness protect your program called the police. No, you get what you came for. You get hurt. The stuff that ain't your business will get you hurt. Coming up the last break of the day, Steve will have some closing remarks for us. Don't go anywhere. We'll be back at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve your closing remarks for us. Hey, let let me give you this thought that will help you out about other people's opinion. Don't let other people's opinion determine your direction. Don't let other people's opinions affect your direction. See, let let me explain something to you. They don't know, They actually do not know what's best for you. Most people don't. Even people who are well meaning, they just really don't know the answer to your success lies. Really, I'm telling you, between you and the relationship you have with God. God is in the dream come true business and whatever he puts in your imagination, that's what he had for you. We've covered this last week. But if you're gonna allow people's opinion, other people's opinion to affect your direction, you are now being guided by some people other than you and God. What do they really know? Another thing about other people's opinion. You got to be careful of them because sometimes you need to look very closely at the person that's providing the opinion. Look at them. Some of them really really shouldn't be in the advisatory capacity. They really shouldn't. Man, it's some people passing out advice in your life that hain't that ain't took their own advice. It's some people giving you advice who need to be advised. It's some people giving you advice that don't listen to nothing nobody else got to say. And their life is just an example of it. They are walking results of their of their opinion of themselves, and and and and the and their ability to follow directions. So you gotta be careful when you're taking directions from other people because everybody don't mean well, they don't even when they think they do. Man, how many times man in my life? Man, if I let somebody give me an opinion about me, an opinion which I should have never have listened to. You know, I'd say this all the time. I was watching um um um Joel Osteen on TV, and he said, people's opinion of you is none of your business, nor should you make it yours. It doesn't matter what their opinion of you is. It just doesn't matter, because God, isn't it come get you business. Let me tell you something, man, wherever you are right now, I'm gonna tell you a story I hurt one time. It's called it's like the Thomas and the Boat story. This man named Thomas one day was out on the boat by ourselves, a beautiful day. It's out there sailing on a boat, and a storm came up out of nowhere, and it capsized the boat and he was way out and he was lost at seat. But he got lost and he got washed up on a deserted island, and so he got up. He woke up he was shook up pretty bad, and he found himself on his deserted islid. He didn't know where his boat was or nothing. He was just sitting there because the boat it capsized, and so he's sitting there. So days went by, days and days and days went by. He just out on his olive, just trying to make it work, running out of food. He can't get nobody's attention. He drawing notes in the sand and stuff. Help. Nothing planes going by, he don't he waving, don't nobody see him. He just owned this eyelid. So weeks had went by, so he got kind of crafty, so he decided one day to build himself some shelter. Took some bamboo and some banana leaves, and he built, you know, a little covering just from some shelter at night. And this is going along pretty good for a few days, but he getting a little bit more and more depressed because nobody can find it. I mean, it ain't a boat going by or nothing. And it just started getting real down on itself because his predicament seemed so unbelievable. So it made a fire like he do usually at night, and a wind came up, and when the wind came up, a couple of the sparks hit the shelter, these dried banana leaves and bamboo, and caught it on fire. I mean a horrible fire. It's just burning it down. It had been raining that night, man, and it started raining real bad, and he trying to stay warm, and all of a sudden, sparks catch holding. All of a sudden, his whole his whole house, little hut, temporary shelter is on fire. And he just through now and he just going, God, where are you? Man? I'm so what are you doing to me? Now? I've been out here weeks. I can't get off this island. You don't hear me? And now you didn't burn down my shelter. I mean, it's just a fire, just burning. And he's standing there, man, just complaining and telling God how he didn't forsake him, and he didn't forgot he was out here in all this trouble, been out here all these weeks, Lord, where are you now? And all of a sudden he saw some flashlights and he saw some people running up on shore, and he couldn't believe it, but some people had had found him, And he said, man, I've been out here for weeks? What did y'all do? How did y'all fire? They said, we saw your smoke signal that you sent up. We just responding to your smoke signal. He just dropped down and started crying because he thought God had forsaken him, burn up his hut. But see that disastrous moment right there, turn out to be just what he needed. That smoke signal, and they saw that and what he thought was a disastrous far The one ship that was going by saw the flames and the smoke, and he rescued it. God is coming, man, No matter what anybody's opinion of you is. God is coming, no matter what they think, no matter how dog it's singing for you, God is coming. He always is. Keep that in mind. Have a great weekend, y'all. For all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residence at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening the Harday Morning Showing