The Crew Tests Their Comedy - 06.29.17

Published Jun 29, 2017, 7:12 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know. Y'all have all sung looking back to back down, giving them just like American buck bus things. And it's tough y me true good to tea, the horty listening to me, to each other for stood clean hobby. Why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, we love by yado joining me. Honey, sat turn Yeah you're gonna do you. You gotta turn't to turn out turn you love you got to turn out to turn water want to go, comey, come on your back at it? Uh huh, I shall well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. That's business too. You know. I've been talking for the past couple of days because I've been rereading again the book The Secret. I was saying the other day, and I was talking to the TV audience also that it's the best book I've ever read outside of the Bible. I've read some great books, and so it's kind of a hard statement for me to make, but it is about the best book I've read outside of the Bible. I've learned more from the Bible than anything. I mean, I would be flat outline if I told you I didn't, and I'm I'm trying to get people, uh to deal with this one thing, and that is the law of attraction and how you can start thinking yourself and acting your way out of any situation. See, it really is true that a man is as he thinking. That piece of scripture is not um This is not that that ain't in there for no reason. It's very small, but it's so huge in the way that I've been taught uh to apply my faith throughout my life and the things that I've learned along the way throughout my life, and so many things are written that our guidelines for all of us. If we would only just pay attention to it, you know, that's all we have to do to understand that God operates only on faith. You know, that's an amazing piece to get folks that He operates on faith. He can only give you and award you what you believe. So everybody gets awarded and receives up to the level of their belief, which is their faith. Once again for the thousand time. What is faith. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. That's the best way for me to describe it. That's how I was able to wrap my mind around it. There are other descriptions of faith, and probably people who can do it more eloquently, but in basic when you peel back to banana, this is what it means to me. This is the interpretation that it is the belief in things that you cannot see. Okay, look, if I'm running a race, and let's say it's one time around, however long that it could be miles yards whatever, it's one time around, and halfway around, I get tired. But at the halfway point, I can see the finish line. Then guess what, I know that if I just continue on that right there, I win. If I just finished, I win. But I can see the finish line. So us what it makes it a lot easier for me to keep going because the finish line is in sight. What makes the great runner, though, See, it's the person who is running and cannot see the finish line, but runs with the hope and aspiration that if he just keep running, he gonna get to the finish line. That's where you got to get to see. That is the person that exhales, that goes beyond the realm of ordinary and gets into the realm of extraordinary. When you can get your mind to believe in in something that you can't see, that's when you open up the possibilities that God has for you. See, if you're operating only on what you can see in your mind, and then it's gonna be limited. And but that's where you will be. But if you expand your faith, if you expand your belief into I believe that God has so much more for me. I believe that God is gonna give me this life of abundance. I believe that God will take care of me. I believe that no weapon formed against me your prosper I believe that I can walk through the fire and I will not get burned. That right there, Now we're talking something else now, folks. And if you can get yourself there, then you open up yourself to some amazing things from God. That's how you get an amazing life. And I want to say amazing life. I want you to understand I'm not always talking about money. I'm talking about man. God to put the right person in your life. God to bring the right situations around. He'll cause you to meet the right people. You'll be sitting in the right meetings. You'll be seating sitting in meetings that all of a sudden that have substance, instead of y'all just sitting there meeting ain't nothing going on. He'll He'll give you new friends of like mindedness around you, people that are going in the same direction as you. Somebody that you can share some thoughts with, that got some things in common, that know what the rough party is you're going through, because man, I'm going through the same thing. That's what I mean by giving you a wonderful life. Those are the things that make life wonderful. Not money. I want to first tell you that am I against it, Not at all. Uh, it's a very useful to money can be at times. But that boy Biggie Smalls, he he never he never lied when he said more money, more problems. That that is a true statement if I've ever heard one. But guess what though, See, God also provides you the wisdom and understanding to deal with the new problems that arise, and he'll get you through it. But you've got to open up your mind to the possibilities of your life. Because God operates on faith, and a man is as he thinking, you've got to understand that law scripture that's so big in your life people overlooked at. So you know you are what you've attracted to yourself. Lord, I'm sick and tired of meeting no good men. Oh okay, so don't blame this on God. Now I want you blame this on yourself. Lord, I'm sick of meeting no good men. The law of attraction doesn't work on I'm sick of what is that? You're sick of what? I'm tired of meeting? That meeting? What the subject that the law of attraction works on? What you put out off your transmitter was, I'm sick and tired of meeting no good men. So what you attract to yourself is more no good men that you can be sick of meeting. If you don't think it works like this, then I'm sorry. You know. And here's one thing that the book says clearly about the law of attraction. It does not matter if you believe it. It doesn't matter if you accept it. It doesn't mean if you've ever been aware of it. It doesn't mean that if you don't acknowledge it, it just goes away. For you know, it works for you anyway. It is the law of attraction. Break that down. Guess what it is? A man is as he thinketh Break that down now, so you can wrap your mind around this thing. So guess what you got to watch and be mindful. There's a scripture that I do not know what it is or something like this, but it me it tells you to be conscious of the words you speak. Now. I don't know what the scripture. I don't know where it is. I'm sorry. I know it's in that or and I've heard it. When I heard that, I went, wow, Man, that's powerful. But you got to be conscious of the words you speak. See, the words you speak are usually what you're thinking. So if you speak it into existence and that's what you think, that's what you become a magnet for no good men. I think I gave you this example yesterday, and I repeat it. Lord, I want to get out of debt. The law of tra action. Here's that. And guess what it is sent to you? More debt for you to get out of. Lord, out of I k ever, get out of this debt. Guess what the law of attraction does. It attracts more debt for you, not to get out of When are we going to stop saying it that way? If you make a simple change in your life and simply say I am going to live a life of abundance, Well, if you have abundance, don't that mean you have enough? Then guess what? You will have enough to pay off people you owe. That's that's the great thing about it, man, It's it's such a small tuning of the mind, tuning of the speech pattern. Stop hanging around people ain't talking about nothing, always talking about people and being negative people that talk about people that ain't going nowhere, man, no where? Okay, alright, y'all, I hope you give me thank you. You're listening to y'all are singing grow? Why don't you sing something fall? I got nothing but love for you, baby, got nothing but loved or you. Baby. Hey, good morning. It is the Steve Harvey Morney Show, nephew, and the bill I really did. We should all talk after the show. Y'all gonna meet on me, worry about you, my friend top up the morning to my good friends. That's surely that's color. That's Jay Anthony Brown and there Now what's going on? And everybody, everybody on this good Thursday. Oh so good, so good, so good, so yeah, less highly favorite. You know what, tell me we're laughing, but I'm actually Ralph treadspant when he on the bt ET Awards, when he when he did his little speech, you know, everyone did a speech in the group. They allowed everyone to speak, and when he finished, she said, yeah, this is Rizzo. I'm out the group who started my own from from the five heart beats. So tell me you're actually right on. Yeah, it was really cute. It was I'm trying to think of the guys. Yes, mine Flash, kids watch Flash if they want. What a great movie? Yeah, feel to be me at a game at nobody coming to see you man? Or oh this from Yeah either one, either one. Those are the best two group movies to meet you. And I have to say though, I did love Sparkle. You guys like Sparkarkle good. But you know you don't have a lot of people around quoting Sparkle. You don't remember, I don't remember. I love the movie. That's a good movie. It was. It was a good movie, dream excellent movie. I seem lead Curtis, Curtis Curtis. That was my favorite line. Am I ugly to you. You guys about to love me? What a great movie once Once we get home to a movie, we got it. It is weird our movie favorite line from Temptations. We kind of did it already, but come on, Carlo. This David was in that apartment at that cocktail taby. Y'all know what he was doing with that? Yeah, the oldest to see all David. Right, alright, guys, we'll be back. And when we come back, it's time for juniors, truth be told. We'll be back. You're listening Steve Harvey Show. All right, here we are. It's time forget another junior. You're ready, It's time for truth be told. Yeah, I'm not taking it no more. It en up. Let me tell you something. This weekend you're gonna see a lot of them. But I'm taying right now. If your motorcycle got three wheels, you're not a biker, and you don't need to get a jacket. You don't need a Mikael jacket. You're giving bikers bat you one wheel from a car, Get in the car. Just get in the car because you already there trying to be tough all the time, and your own three wheels. If I got to look down at you out in my car. You're not really on the bike. I don't know why you walk around with biker's attitude. You give the bikers a bad name. Where you get a jacket from? Oh my god, Yeah, you've seen this, y'all seen this. It'd be three people, you know, three people. I mean, what you scared of? If you that's scared to be on two wheels, get in the car. They tried to throw us off when they built this motorcycle with the two wheels in the front of the one in the back. Just because you're leading forward a little bit. You ain't dangerous, You ain't doing nothing getting you can't what who are y'all fooling? You? Just an angel? No heir? You know what I'm saying means you want looks like somebody just on the diving board. They get on the end of the diving board but won't jump. What jack. I just want to tell y'all we're not going forward this weekend. Get your behind in the car. If you're gonna ride a motorcycle with three wheels, didn't shut up. Don't be trying to mean mug. Nobody got you got one too many wheels. To be trying to mean mug people. Nobody's sad, nobody on three wheel motorcycles. Were just all that, all the spikes on your knuckles. We don't want to go around with chaps. Like you know what I'm saying. You go back your You got a trunk on your bike. What do just get back in the car. Were just getting back in the car. Just understand boys for like, yeah, you know what I'm saying. I mean, just all these slogans and you're not dangerous. You're not dangerous at all. You're giving us a bad name. Could have got the wallet with the chain on it that around you come around to the front and connect, got all these boots on. But then you got on your helmet like you like we scared. Get that one little spike at the top of that silver helmet, like we're scared of you. You you got to throw your knee over to get in. What are you doing? The rebels? The rebels, Yeah you're a rebel. If I open my car though, I hit you in the head, you better stop. You better put playing manbody. Scared of y'all. Just I'm not having You don't need no biker jacket. You don't need no mike jacket. I don't know where in the hell you get your jacket from. You're not scandal you from man next time to du Yeah three wheel man, I'm like calling from the gut woo. That's it. I'm think that's funny. J a that. Yeah, you'll see that this weekend. Up. Don't let them them tastles off your handle. Bo I mean you put in your registration out of the jot, out of the boats right in the front. No you're not. Damn, Oh my god, just safe rid Get you another wheels, you know, the wheel in the trunk and get in here like the rest of us with your scary pine and to the family reunion. About yeah, iramming that engine? Yeah I sat it. A little boy with a big will make you feeling bad? Be growing me and though I'll be killing me. Speaking of that, though, Junior, besides him, Oh who whacked motorcycle? Yeah? Who don't you want to see at the barbecue at the family reunion this weekend? I know it's someone I know. I'm telling you my uncle, my uncle Jr. I really don't. I don't want to see him at a family Yeah, he don't. He don't bring nothing that he shows up absolutely empty handed and leave with seven or eight plates. I don't I don't understand. Uh, he don't. He don't bring nothing. That's like my aunt. She comes prepared with uh, used aluminum foil in her bag, you know, and it's used because she's taking the she's taking it off covers of others stuff that she's had. She just you know what people saying, people save recycled. She'll yeah, she'll just put that fold that up, put that in her Bagash, all this is old. You know. She wants a plate, you want. I have my own and a plate. Just that, a plate, not a saucer. Not okay, you don't want to see Tommy. I'm scared because I'm mad, but I'm scared to say it. You know. Let me just try to put it away. We got a relative that I think I think she got eight keys, but it just accumulates more every cow. It'd be like two more keys and two mokeys. Where are you getting all these kids from? And she's pregnant when she's she keeps shot with right years, she said, with more kids, yes, do we cook out? It'd be another kid and me she getting pregnant, right, after the Yeah, every year, I think barbecue makes her fertile of something. You know when this kid is coming from man alright, well, here's the thing. Here's the thing. Every family it just will not accept you with a white woman. They just want you get funny looks showed up with him. Jay looked at you like you the first black man with a white woman. A right, And yeah, she should have a T shirt on. She wouldn't she have a T shirt off? She'll never make the tree'll never getting the shirt. Wow? And that alright? Coming up next. You know it never stops. Why do you even think it's going to one day? It's not going to the ignorance Coming up next, Tommy's run that prank back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, miss and we'll be here. She'll have today's National News Plus right now, Tommy, what's your gut? You're running the prank back this morn I'm running it back, Shirley. Uh, I don't think my lady is on this show. Have this, but today's running that prank is Jezebel Spirit. Jezebel Spirit, touch three people and let him know, Jezebel has a spirit. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a sister, Alicia Frank. Alright, alright, alright, you may not know my voice, but I'm sure you probably know me if you saw me. But I'm I'm brother Greg at the church. Okay, all right, how are you doing. I'm good, I'm good. I'm sorry to disturb your evening. I wanted to reach out to you the you know, the workers at the church. We we had a meeting, uh, a lot of the beacons and the sisters at the church the have come to had a meeting, and I wanted to give you a call. Melanie, Melanie, that's that's that's your sister, right ya, sister. Okay, alright, well, now we got a bit of a problem, but uh, they felt that it would be best for me to call you and discuss it with you and and let you know what the you know what they have agreed upon. I'm just basically the messenger, and I'm just calling you to give you the word of what's going on. Okay, Um, brother, right, yeah, brother Greed, Greed. Uh, your wife has an a choir, right, uh yeah, yeah, like yeah, okay, okay, I know I think I know. Yeah, okay, okay, all right, Um, Well, like I said, Sister Alicia, what the officials of the church are saying is that they they're saying that they have reason to believe that your sister has been having an affair with with pastors and uh, my sister, your sister, Melanie. They're saying she's having it and having a fair with having an affair with pastor do not. I'm, like I said, I'm just the messenger. Okay, So why are y'are calling me about something Melanie doing. Well, like I said, officials had a meeting, and what they're saying is this is nothing but a jezzerble spirit and what they are not wait wait, wait a minute now, and now you're being rude. Now come on, okay, I'm gona here yet. Now you're just hear me out. Now. They're saying that this is a juzzlebell spirit and they would rather oh of the family not be welcome at the church anymore. Okay, First of all, why are you delivering a message to me about my sister. If you have a problem with my sister, seems like you will be calling my sister. Now we two separate people, So why are you calling me about my sister about a rumor? And now you say y'all don't want me in the church. Is that? Is that what you're saying for the entire family. So if you got some brothers, sisters, aunt team they want because they evidently all of the ladies in the comps of fact must have some tide of Jezebel spirit of nobody they don't and they don't want to Wait wait, wait, wait a minute. Now, you just like I said, now, be be mindful who you're speaking to, calling somebody or Jezebel. What you know, what you can't do is called somebody and accuse somebody and then call him a derogatory word. Come about somebody of Jezebel and a Jezebel. Now you're being rude, sir. Well, it's a Jezebels spirit. It's what they were saying that they's got to be the most asternine, foolish. And that's I've ever heard in my life. Who've done that? Who aren't you to call me? Don't ask me no like that, you're calling me all like some bush like who who can hell call my body? Got a Jezebell sis? That's gon to call somebody a kid, come like you got a bad kid? Is your mama rale Jezebel kid? Don't wait, wait, wait a minute. I'm just did your mama did your red little sit where my wife's out of Jezebel's spirit. I'm asking you and your ass that's what's gonna happen. You're gonna mess around and get your ass up and get draw through the damn pool pit around with the top. Well, as of right now, the family can't come to the church. You think we want to be around a church that got people conferts asking me, I sholl damn might do I have a Jezebel? But you never answered the question do you have one? I might have a ray had spirit? Now you know she was a good Bible. Now I've been if never this dame church for the last eight year. I don't say plenty tides to this damned church and it's attacked the priblem with me. Do help that I have a problem with me? Just Alicia, Yeah, let me tell you this. Then I'm gonna be go ahead. First of all, before you see another damn work, you need to apologize and speak to look like you got something Okay, can I say this? Go ahead? I apologize. Okay, I apologize because this is a few Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show and you just got franked by your sister Melanie. I'm gonna kick that was right? That was that was a good for you? Ya got Melanie asked for that. I don't know who the lady is in the choir with the real live sticker with that. I have no the idea, alright, No Jezebel spirits, none of that. We all right? Maybe maybe you ray half like I did. Maybe your ray hal because you don't even more than the one the Bible. She did good work for the kingdom, because you know, I'm just working for the kingdom now. I have been a long time now with Oh God at church people. I love church people. Hey, let me ask you something. What is the baddest radio show with the lay? You tell him, girl, you tell him, You tell him. Jail's Abel's spirit. That's right, Junior boy. One day away, one day away from Megafest Dallas, Texas, tomorrow night. Oh my god, Kay Bailey Hudginson Convention Center. Tickets on sell right now. I'll take the master outlets. It's me. It's said the entertainment, it's your vun Oorgy is Tony Robertson the Let's goes on J. J. Williamson, Let's go on and on and own and own, hosted by yours truely. Tickets on sell right now, and I will have this brand new prank. CI do you won't he do it at the convention Center? I shall we all come by and get it. If you in Dallas, come by and get it right now. I wish we could be there. That sounds like fun. You got playing money fun? I said, I wish I could be there. Um, Carl and Jr. Is working you. If you ain't with me and Dallas, you should be with them in New Orleans. Now you're gonna have to make a decision. You want to wear your church hat or you want to do the electrics? Lad, which one you want to do? I'm in Dallas, So who's gonna barbecue at my house? Really? Tommy? Really? How intensitive of you? Who's gonna do those sides? Not you? I'm just saying I will be working all right. Listen. According to Sports Illustrated, apparently, when you finally win the World Series after a hundred and eight years, you get to go to the White House. The Cubs are in Washington, d C. To play the Nationals, and they're gonna make their second visit to the White House since winning the World Series. The team was there in January met with President Obama before he left office. Today's meeting with President Trump is just ribbed as informal. It was set up by a team's co owner, Todd Ricketts. Rickets. Miss Anna's coming up with national news. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve har All right, miss Anna standing by with today's national news. But Phil Jackson is out in New York. Okay, so polish your resumes. And New York Knicks are looking for a new general manager after parting ways with Phil Jackson. Yeah, after three losing seasons. Uh. Phil Jackson had become embroiled in offseason scuffles with Carmelo Anthony and some of the other players there. Uh And though owner James Dolan had pledged support for Jackson just months ago, the Knicks decided to make a fresh start. Jackson got his start as a player with the Knicks back in the seventies, but is best known, of course as the mastermind coach behind the triangle offense that powered Michael Jordan's Bulls and Kobe Rance Lakers to multiple championships. Oh yeah, uh, this doesn't solve, however, the Carmelo problem. Okay, we're calling this the Carmelo problem. He still wants to stay in New York, but his salary is so high is keeping them from making other roster moves. And uh, I mean, you know, they pay him a lot there, so they're gonna try to finagle some stuff, I guess. But speaking of Carmelo, he is gearing up for brand new gig two Okay, sources say that Carmelo is pitching a reality show about his work as a political activist. The weekly half hour show would feature Carmelo addressing social issues with other celebs will also work in activism, and venturing out to meetings and rallies. Interesting, uh, very interesting. Yea in sports that knows politics, that would be cool. So yeah, this is according to sources in New York that you know, he's doing other things. Branching out, branching out, branching. He's been branching out. Somebody let it go him with me. Come on, he's been branching. Now, the club way he's been branching. Okay, Lala says they're best friends. They're best friends right now, and she left it open. You never know if they'll get back together. And now the baby don't need to be seeing this, That's all I'm saying. Baby, don't need to be seeing you go ahead and lead the Knicks. Man, he just should go here and go He should because he at the end of his career. You want to get on a good team at least try for a championship. Yeah, some rumors he may go to Boston or something. Did you hear that? Yeah, Boston. Want anywhere he needs to go other than New York, you know, like like Toronto ain't bad right now, mellow University canuck you can go down there, close to college. He really should be in Atlanta. You know what I mean? You're right by Magic said. You know what I'm saying. You get you know, cheats right down the coln. You know we wrong, We wrong, Yes, we wrong. But a lot of basketball news yesterday. Did you hear Chris Paul go right down, baby that we got him. Now. All we need now is Lebron and Wen. You don't see that you think positive, dream and then get Phil Jackson, his coach. He all right, come on, let the beautiful, the one and only. We got national news with m Is and Trip. Thanks Tommy, Good morning, everybody, Toria, Carla, Shirley and Junior and Joy Anthony Brown, everybody out there and Trip. Okay, here we go. The parts of the President's a travel band permitted now by the Supreme Court, going to affect at eight pm tonight, and immigration lawyers and members of the American Civil Liberties Union are going to be at the international airports to help people if they get, you know, entangled. In all this, officials on the Justice Department, Homeland Security, and the State Department drew up a list of criteria that visitors from the six mostly Muslim countries will now have to meet before being allowed to enter this country. The measures include the increased screening of electronic devices. Also, a person has to have a bona fide relationship quote unquote with the U. S. Citizen, like a parent of sibling or an adult child. So we'll see how that shakes out. Republican leads me, while working with the President try and revise the Senate's healthcare bill, but already Leader Mitch McConnell's now promising to get a vote on it once lawmakers returned to the Capitol after the July fourth recess. We'll contin working so we can bring legislation to the floor for debate and ultimately a vote. We know that we cannot afford good delay on this issue. We have to get this done for the American people. Republicans need fifty votes to pass the measure. They have fifty two seats. But but, but at least seven GOP senators say they're not going to pass this bill in its current form. McConnell has to find a way to appease the moderates who disagree with the cuts to Medicaid and the Conservatives who don't think the cuts go deep enough if he can kind of a bridge that develvide somehow, I don't know. And then on top of that, a no vote can be taken on the measure until the federal number of crunches the Congressional Budget Office take a look at it and issue a report. Beef processing company in South Dakota and ABC News have agreed to sell their multimillion dollar legal spute over It's an undisclosed amount over a product called pink slime. You remember hearing about this a few years ago back in ABC News broadcasts a series of report about a substance that was commonly added to ground beef highly processed beef trimmings, but the network called it pink time. Now, that's a term coined earlier by a scientist at the U. S. Partment of aarticle. What happened though people heard pink slime? Confused consumers stop buying anything that they thought might contain the product the company's suited saying. ABC News reportedly reports ruined the reputation of what they said as a perfectly safe food. And it's not slimy or anything like that, so they can I eat. I don't know what the lettuce anyway? President Trump. Now, the first fundraiser of reelection campaign last night the cheapest ticket with thirty five thousand buccal Rooney's. And today is National Tapioca Pudding Day and National Body Piercing Day. That's what I now. Back to the je the butterfly at the twenty minutes after the hour. You want to stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You know we come to you every morning, and here we are again bye bye, everybody you're listening. Steve Harvey. Steve Harvey is out today. The crew is in as always, and is that time. Jay Anthony Brown is on you right now. Jean Baby's volume. Thank you, thank you, I love it. Good morning everyone, Shirley Color, Junior, jay Zy Brown, every time me. Oh my god, it is a pleasure to be here. How ya doing this morning? Good morning baby, flap on, flap on, brother, Oh my god, Oh my god. So this is what's going on, because we're getting ready, I'm getting eyes tuoped up. But the pot with you lack. So this is what I'm having. I am having a red white and blue pink party, a red white and blue pink party, and I want everybody, everybody on this show to come dressed as a revolutionary South. Okay, all right, if we're gonna before we eat Bobby, before we eat barbecue, we're gonna marche around the yard and everybody's gonna have a real white, blue and big the biggest just my play. But anyway, um, and you're gonna be like, You're gonna be like a captain, Jay Anthony, You're gonna be a Calthin. Okay, That's what I want you to do. But you're gonna have a little um you know the Nickabockers. You know it's gonna stop at your knee and then you're gonna have your stocking, your stockings, and you're gonna have a wig because we're gonna be we get ready to fight. We're gonna revolutionary jor uh huh. You know I need a druma boy. What's somebody got to be my drama take it to be a captain. I get to be a drummer boy. You're gonna be my drummer boar drama boy. Okay, but you get to play something different. You don't have to play nothing, you know, revolutionary or nothing like that. You can play with you like like some jay z or so you play something like that. Okay, Shirley and Carlo, y'all, y'all gonna be throwing confetty and stuff as we walk across through through the yard, red white and blue confetty and we're gonna have five works going. I've been stop and I'm gonna have Roman candle. I'm so excited. So it is the Red, white and Blue Pink Party. We just this is something we're gonna start doing traditionally before we do our bari kills. Okay, the flu Wait, when are we gonna be doing it? I just wanted to get that. It's what did you say? We're gonna do it Tuesday. We're gonna do it. We're gonna do it. I don't know something about tradition this Tuesday. Yeah, because ye're gonna be through with um, with essence and time. We're gonna be through with um. Make a been and everybody. We're gonna we're gonna kind of my house and we're gonna do it. It's gonna be good. Just listen. Just get your drums. You don't be wearing about nothing. El get your drum and your beat. I can't do this too. We walk. You need a new drums. I do it, But man, how are you leaving the group before we put the group together? Have a summer cold skitter to me? And on Tuesday, you gotta wa a sommericle. You gottunderstand. You put this wig on and play these damn Johns down. Do that, Anthony, you asked me earlier. If you can, you don't. I don't want you to play the fluke. I want to bring you, bring your heart minor. That's what you do? All right? Coming up next, it's time for Comedy Roulette with Junior and the Nephew and of course Jay at thirty four after that's the movie you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, as promised, Uh, comedy Comedy Roulette is coming up. It's right now. Actually, so we gotta explain because we've only done it one other time before. Yeah, we've only Yeah, let's okay, it was very simple. You guys always wanted to test us, to test out comedy skills. I don't know why you do. I don't know why we do this every day. We're so good because it's just that good. So what you guys gonna be gonna put five subject on the wheel? You're gonna spin the wheel. We don't know where it's gonna stop, wherever it stops. Because we're so good. We don't just riff on that one subject. It too hard. I don't know the subject. I don't even stay ready what you got. Let's let's sear the subject with the subject. You know, I was gonna, okay for to read off the subjects? Yeah, what's the subject? I don't have them in front of me. On the wheel. Okay, put them on the wheel there. Okay, that makes it even more fun if we put it on the wheel. All right, Just what's here? Alright? Got him? The subject is I know y'all can do this. The subject is people who have one hand smaller than the other. First of all, it's a shocker. What is wrong we're going first? First of all, it's a shocker. First of all, if I look down there and your hands are not matching, I don't know. I don't know what you've been doing. The one thing I found out, people with one hand that's smaller than others. They're good for getting changed at the quarter of couches. They can get in there and grab whatever's down there. Just find somebody, anybody hands dollars then the other. Please get that here and get this change. Tommy, I'm gonna say this. I'm gonna say this, and you are probably one hundred percent all man, You probably are. But what you can't be is my right hand man. That's what not. You're not gonna be my right hand man. Not with that hand you're not. Not only is the hand small, but it's the first hand they put out like they got another perfectly nice size hand out that they never that they never greets you with what isn't And here's the thing, it's always kind of mortis. I don't know little hands. I don't know why I say that either, Jay, you know the people with small hands always asking for stuff like hand me that piece of paper. The first thing you think of his hand. I've seen him so small, tommy small. Okay, they got the one big hand and since the other hand is small, they have a small watch on the small you know, Okay, let me try. I don't I don't have a problem with you writing to me or writing a note to me, but when you're write it in short hand, I can't. I can't get you understand. You can't write to me in short hand. I don't read short hand right though, with that hand, because I don't like, I ain't like hugging people with little hand. One hand. They put that hand they wrap around the back and they put that hand in the center of your back like a baby pushing you that. Yeah, And it's just a little bitter than a chicken foot, not really that little. Yes. In fact, a chicken foot has more meat on You don't want you know what you know? You are the real reason they say, don't let the left hand know what the right You're the reason why they put it out there in the Bible. Right, don't never let the lift hand the right hand. Alright, alright, good job, guys, great job. I think I never tell me frank phone call coming up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour. It's the Strawberry Letter. About four minutes after the hour, so get ready. The subject for today is keeping it in the family. Keeping it in the family, all right, But up next the prank phone call. Come on, nephew, what do you have on the menu for us today? It don't stop. Shirley Weed in the church, Van Weed in the church, vain so you can join. What are you saying. I'm just in the church and we're not gonna have it. We're not gonna have it. Hello, I'm trying to reach Dann Brother brother Dan. Hello, Hello, because i'll TV that I'm trying to brother Dad, brother Dan. Okay, Yeah, this brother Scott from your church and Belt the Baptist. Hello, brother, Yeah, I call you. I'm I'm trying to get a little information about the church man, and what's what's your schedule? Uh? Would you drive the church and what's what's your schedule? I drove it Wednesday, Fridays and Sunday. Okay, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Now Sunday. What what is that sketch O Sunday. I usually thought about eight o'clock in the morning, probably a little earlier, depending on some of the elderly people that I had to go pick up and bring to the church, make sure they get there okay, and get situated and make sure they're on time for the service and whatnot, Okay, and then you take them back home after services over. Yes, I try to get all of them back home, unless they got family members or something that come up there and meet him up there and want to take them to them or something afterwards. But I usually get everybody back home, okay. Okay. Now this class Sunday, which is part of the reason why I'm calling. Uh. They're saying that some of the church uh members that was on the van this Sunday. Uh, they are complaining saying that that the church van was smelllling like weed when they got on there. Excuse me, they say the church van were spending like weed when they got on there and you are the person that was driving them. No no, no no, no, no no no not not not the van that then I'm drying. I'm so, I don't know. I don't know. I ain't smoke weed and novel h do you smoke weeds? I don't smoke weeds, I mean not currently. I mean I have before, but I don't smoke weed now and I wouldn't smoke weeds before picking some people up to go. Now where you from? Who told you this? Well? All I know is what what? What's coming down the pipeline? And they're saying that that A couple of them members came complaining this just happened last week about this pipeline. I want to know who the pipeline is because just last week they came at me talking about that. I I was using the van to go places that I wanted to go to on my personal time. Now I don't do that. I don't do stuff like that. Now. I have had a path, I haven't had a history, but I don't do stuff like that. And I wouldn't smoke No church fan, So are you seriously talking? What? What? What? What? What? We're trying to We're trying to get to the bottom of it and see what's going on with you. The Sutherly person said, do you know which one? I don't love me? Every Sunday then people tell me they love me. Uh, they say, I'm one of the most respectful young gentleman they've ever met in their life. And so I really find it hard to believe that you you getting these type of complaints about me, one of them saying smell like who we I don't know what that means or nothing like that. Look, brothers, I don't know you too well, and I know you don't know me. But I've been driving this van as as as a point to try to change my life and where I come from. So this was was something that I wanted to volunteer even though I'm getting paid to give my time to do this for the church. And now this is like the second instance where y'all and came at me on some stuff about like I'm trying to do something with this van. Now, why would I disrestake the church van by smoking weed in it and then letting the weeds stay in there so other people could smell it? Okay, so let me tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna go out here to the church. They had to say, we're gonna go out here today and open it up, like if we see any seeds or anything around the driver's seat, then then then then we're gonna We're gonna definitely, uh point open the van up. Man. I was raised in that church. Man, My mama go to that church, my grandma. See you go to that church. See the reason we even all left that church. And you think I'm gonna mess up, they ain't. By driving around in the band full of elderly people smoking and I don't know how to band smell like weed. Man, Now I don't. I don't got the answers to these questions. I'm just trying to tell you that it wasn't me. Did you have some weed in your pocket? And with your sing? I ain't had no weed on me. Stop trying to say like I had weed on me and you ain't gonna get me nothing that I had and we ain't had no weed on me. Okay, Now, you ain't gonna miss up my name or my family's name in this church and disrespect us like this. Now, we've been helping this church for years and I'm trying to tell you that I ain't riding around and no fans smoking no weed with no elderly people. Did you ask any of the elderly people if they had any weed on them? Uh? No, no, no, I didn't think about no elderly people having no weed. So you assume it's me what one of them got? Got coma something? What? What? What you know? What? You know? Who? I think? What? Did you know? Who I think the weed belonged to? Oh? I think I think the weed along and nephew time from the Steve Harvey this show. What damn you just got prink? Oh my god, you just got preak. What is just? His name is brother? Uh? Brother Lawrence? Lawrence laws Oh Larry called her Larry, but law Larry Ry in trouble with me? Hit him with the man. I got one more thing that I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is saddest and I mean the saddest radio show in the lands? Man, Steve, come on, come on? Not geting to him that? Yeah, won't he do it? Yeah? Yeah? Did you ever if they were I didn't think about that. Yeah, he got it. Threw you a little bit on that one get off me with it. Yeah, you're not gonna get me. My mama. Go to that church man take coma Coma just gonna feel like that. That was good. Won't He Do It? Comedy Seat Prank c D is coming out and it is going to be or writing Dallas, Texas at the Kate Bailey Hutchinson Conventions in and you can get it. I'll be at the booth on him Friday and Saturday and you can come hang out with your boy. I get your get to be the one to get the first c D the Won't He Do It? Tommy is pranking church folks again. Yes, I ah, every last one and take a picture with you. Get a picture several look and ladies buy the CD. It's his latest pres You don't have to buy anything. Picture like tom too. Yeah, mega best this weekend. So many hats over there, Dallas, Texas. Oh God, I'm a sure call him about y'all. I had about season hats onself. I got it. Huh okay, all right, well nephew, thank you so very much. Good job. You are the king, the undisputed King of Franks. Yes, you are coming up in about an hour. Uh, we're gonna talk about what's bothering nephew time, and he's up again with these nursery rhymes. Here, y'all don't understand is I'm trying to ain't I ain't know. Broke this down to y'all before I'm down. Oh, I got knowledge in wisdom j that they don't never let out the nursery rhyme broken down. The girl's talk about it? You wait, call it call what you know what? Call? I may impress you one day. It's been years when all right, this strawberry letter is coming up. Next to the subject is keeping it in the family, Keeping it in the family, that's the subject. I like that it sounds. Yeah, this is a letter I think you will like. Nephew keeping it in the family. It's deep. Yeah, it's it's kind of deep. Yeah, all right, we'll be back keeping it in the family. Uh, that's the subject of the strawberry letter. We will be back. Thank you very much. You're listening, Steve. Alright, it's that time. Let's buckle up, let's hold on tight. We got it for your strawberry letter. Yes, we do, nephew, subjects keeping it in the family. Dear Stephen Shirley, please help me what I want to do may cause turmoil within the family. Here's the situation. A young lady and I have a crush on each other, but she used to be married to someone that was related to me by marriage. She used to be married to my stepfather and get follow along with this, okay, she used to be married to my stepfather's sister's son. Got it. Her husband is deceased. Now. Before her husband died, we had only seen each other three times. After the third time, we realized we had a connection, so we kept in touch. We only texted each other on special occasions and holidays back then. Now we text more frequently and we enjoy each other's company. We know that we are not related, but out of respect for the family, we want to do the right thing. She keeps trying to hide her feelings, but I can tell she feels how she feels about me. She also encouraged me to write this letter to you for your opinion. So should we move on with our lives or can we pursue a relationship to see what happens. We really need your help with this to to prevent a disaster. Do you think it would cause a major problem within our family? Please advise you're right, Uh yeah, I think it just might cause some turmoil in the family, a major problem. As you put it. It might raise a few eyebrows. It might cause a few of your cousins just to side eye you with their hands on their hips. But it's not like you're being disrespectful to anyone here. The husband is deceased and he was not related to you at all. This is so far down the line, this situation. He was not he he was. This is what he was, Your stepfather's sister's son. You all are not related at all. So you need to really decide together if you want to beat with each other. If you're feeling it, go for it. Get your relationship tight, figure out what you're gonna say to people, and all that kind of stuff. You know, if you choose to do that, then you know, after your relationship is tied, you've got the friendship going and everything, then you can start slowly showing up to family reunions. But you know, it still might make them a little uncomfortable, but I think eventually they'll come around. Jay No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. We did a bit earlier about people who have one hand smaller then the other. And the reason this happens is because people in the family get together. And this is what happens. This is how the kids come out while you got one foot facing the front and the other foot going to the back of you. When when that's they are, yes, there are This is not to be played with, Charley. This is why you have kids whose eyes are totally crossed, you know what I mean. They can watch the party for you because they got cross This is why you had these kids with the big water here related. This is why you had the kids with one ear bigger than the other year. But they can't hear damn fact. All right, don't do not do not play with us, all right, don't minx these jeans up. Leave it alone. I'm telling you. You've been warn you've been one a thank you. They're not related. Okay, come on, if we ain't related, we doing it you hear me. Let me tell you something. It's all right to be with your step aunties, cousins, baby dadd and nephew needs to adopted sister. It's all right. It's all right to be with your step aunties. Cousins, baby dad is nephews needs adopted sister. Ain't nothing wrong with it. I have been through this before. I was with my uncle's second wife's daughter in law's twin sisters cousin. We dated for six months and did the family have mixed emotions? Yames, But that's all right, love who loved you? Let me tell you something. After your second cousin, everybody is open game. Do you hear me? Do you hear me? You can't be a superfine, drop dead gorgeous third cousins. I'm marrying you. Yes, I won't you in my life. Yes, to hell with the family. Will deal with it at the family. Yeah, I married my third cousin. I don't know about half third causer, dude, dudy't what's your who? Your third cousin? Call him? You don't even have a real name. Already used again. I dated my uncle's second wife's daughter in law's twin sisters cousin. That's who I dated. To Mika, Yes I did. I dated my uncle's second wife's daughter in law's twin sisters cousin. My name was to Maka. Yes I did, and it was the greatest stay together. Oh no, you know it just it got it was I don't know, complicated, complicated, complicated. That's that's what I'm trying to say. Complicated strong. You gotta be strong, like yeah, you got all right? Come on, young one in the group keeping it in the fan, tell you what this one line that got me? He said. She said, uh, she used to be married to my stepfather sister son. Her husband is deceased now before the hood that we had only seen each other three times. What do you think killed him? What do you think killed the man? She said it Now, we had only seen each other before her husband dad, We had only seen each other three times. What you think killed the husband? And it's always in threes to always killed They was folding around for they had to be food around for that. Yeah, that's what killed him. When he found out it was who wasn't Timm, who was it was? It was, uh, your stealth auntie's cousin's baby and dad is nephew's niece adopted Suster. Now, when he walked in the room and saw him, that's what killed him, said, I'll be damn. It's my brother's cousins. Third whatever, people are not related related, not related? Why was he at the funeral crying harder than anybody on the cast gets so hard show? You know you put him down? All right? If you have some issues, some relationship issues, please send your letter. Email us your letter at Steve Harvey dot com. Okay, we want more letters. All right, we'll be back with part two. We have some more on this letter. It's called keeping It in the family. Will be back all right, you're listening to the Steve har al right here we are back on this strawberry letter. Part two subjects keeping it in the family. Uh, this was written by a young man. I'm assuming he said what he wanted to do may cause some turmoil within the family. Uh. He and this young lady have a crush on each other. But the problem is she she used to be married, the young lady, to someone that was related to him by marriage. You hear that Jay related to him by marriage no blood, no blood. She used to be married to his stepfather's sister's son. Her husband is deceased. Now, okay, the stepfather's sister's son that was her husband, he's no longer living. Before her husband died, they had seen each other three times. After the third time they realized they had a connection, so we kept in touch. He says. They only texted each other on special occasions and holidays back then. Now they text more frequently and they enjoy each other's company. We know that they're not related, but out of respect for the family, they still have respect for the family. They want to do the right thing. She keeps trying to hide her feelings, he says, but I can tell how she feels about me. She also encouraged me to write this letter because she wanted our opinions. So should we move on with our lives or can be you need to go? And then I love it. It's not her brother, it's her stepfather sisters being wrong. If cousin hugging, they're trying to fix her life. Carl trying to hug him. Hug him tight, hug him with the love that you have. Brad, kiss your stepbrother, cousin, kiss him stepfather's sister's marriage, a second cousin, go out ahead. But growing up, didn't you always have a crush on your cousin? Tell you everybody had a crush on there. Everybody did, but you know not You knew not to cross that line because wasn't I would have asked that. She'd said, go look at your second cousin. You think they intimate. Well, let's see. She keeps trying to hut her feelings. But I can tell how she feels about me. Um, I think they're hand any guinea. They've already done that. They didn't done it. What are you talking about? But but out of respect were the family. They want to do the right thing. I can only go by when they did it. They doing the right thing that time. I'm tima. He had candless rolls, pedals, all that lights low, and she walked in the room and family reunion was playing each other special occasions, and they should do it again, and do it again, do it again. Now they're texting more frequently. Well, you could get something out of and now we enjoy each other's company. Yeah, don't say nothing to me when your kids have to wear baseball caps on. They're not related, Jay, there's no blood. There's no blood between them. Okay, there's no blood. Don't don't have no kids, don't have no children, not related, and tell me you did it before, so stop. He got away with it. I'm go said again. It was my uncle's second wife's daughter. In law's twin, sister's cousin. Okay, I think that's a pretty good distance away. Shirley all right, and so is this? Okay? So is this? We're moving on, guys, go to Instagram with your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at my girls. Shirley all right, okay, come on, Jay introduced her girl from the top. Yeah, please put your hands together for the one and only Blue Stop crags my brother five betis. I'm glad you brought that up because I'm on my way to Albuquerque for the Zeta Pacific Regional Conference. And man, you hit me, look just like I just crossed. I stayed loyal because I'm finer got last time with last time you be to the cap of meeting bro when let's have you been to a conference? Uh, not too long ago, but about two months ago? Okay that you weren't performing at How We're gonna go this? That's what I'm talking That's what I'm talking about. And I will be at the Zaida Leadership Conference in Washington, d C. And I will be at the Sigma Conclave danth Brown. I will be in Detroit with the Brothers of five Babi segment so it's gonna be a blue and white for the July for me, and and blue and white July for me. Then Junior, I will be in Charleston, South Carolina with Sean Jones and Mike Washington at the Double Tree. I'm gonna be doing some comedy, doing some things. So let's get let's get to it. Brothers. Uh, let's see. I don't even know whether else. I don't know. Charles, I don't. I don't know whether I don't. That's both of y'all. I don't know where to start now. The brother with the Bachelor Paradise, stop doing right now, just stop talking call us. It's not getting any better. It's it's not just the marry what is his name? Yes, damn damn to marry up you. That's one of the greatest comics in the history of one of the greatest greatest. Gotta shout out, damn damn Mario's Look. Let me see what else I didn't stop doing. Um it's something else. Oh, please stop trying to get viewers on the internet doing wild stuff. Now. They just had the girls shoot her own boyfriend, her baby's father. She got one baby and one on the way. Just shot the boy in the chest holding a book trying to do something viral. Yet you ain't heard about that. Don't do that. Look, look, the only viral videos we like to see when you burn your house down trying to barbecue. Now, those aren't hilarious. At fourth of July, when somebody has messed up the potato salad, that's hilarious. Harm when somebody finds out you have par boar the ribs, that is hilarious. Thank you. That's blasphemous. When you try to make your barbacue from scratch and we could taste all the ingredients paprika, thank you. That's see, that's what it is. Yes, pepricas only go on the salad and the devil eggs. Everybody knows that. Yeah, I speaking of nights that everybody knows. No, I am not in the in the movie. Armed response. I am not in that movie because look, this is a Westley Snipe movie. Stop asking listen to me. Now, I was in passenger. Well I was a stun All right, thank you, Cheryl. We got to get out of here. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour. It's Carlo's Reality Update. But right now, next, you tell me. We've been talking about this all morning. What is your issue? What's your problem? In a nursery rhymes? So I've been doing nursury rhyme with my son, okay, you know, Jordan six years old. So we read nursery rhymes and it bothers me because all these nursery rames, every last one of them, just bad relationships. That's all they all. Every every nursing rame is a bad relationship, every single one of them. I don't care how you look at. When I get through reading, I was like that, ain't that but just a bad related relationship? Okay, first of all, let me just say this, what you stupid with you? I'm gonna play along with you. I got playing, I'm serious. Okay, all right, well then Tommy, okay, how about the story of gold locks into three bands? An example? Okay, go ahead, what's the story story? You know where the three bears who weren't bothering nobody? Okay, they left the house real quick. Okay, this one with a little white girl shows up and breaks into their house, messes up stuff, eats their food, and then falls asleep. Okay, So so stop right there. You don't see a relationship in this story. I don't see that. How do you see what you see? Okay, okay, okay, you don't see that. This ain't nothing but the ex coming by her ex boyfriend house. You don't see that. Let me ask you something. What did she do? She ate up everything? Where was she when everybody walked in the house? Well, sleep, sleep in the bed. That's what an X will do to you. Soon as you walk in the house, she had found herself back in the bed. And here you come in the door with another woman. That's how it goes down. This ain't nothing but the relationship, because guess what the ex know how to do? Ex no, how you see, know how to get past security and everything and getting your house, laying your bed and wait on you. That's what the ex can do. Three bears ain't nothing but a damn relationship that the went bad. Ignorant, that's right here. I don't know how y'all don't see it? Right? Can we bring the music down just that little bit? Yes? Yeah, I can't what you call you? You? Okay? Your little girl, little old Now she probably ain't in the nurse you rap, But didn't you used to read them to him? Yes, of course, Okay, you didn't see none of this. I see No, I don't, I don't see none of that. Come on, all right, okay, how about how about it? How about three You don't see him on the three pe You know what I mean? Really really really are reaching right here? What's the issue with three pigs? One of y'all an't one of y'all three pig stories? The pigs they had they build a house, and and every night when they build a house, the wolf would come along and huff and puff, and he blow the house down. And the story that's one of the stories of the three pigs. And you don't tell us that's a bad RelA, that's relationship gone bad. Here's what's been going on all these years. Here's what being Don't none of y'all, none of y'all know nothing about the three peg do you? Y'all have been, but y'all been siding with these three pigs since you heard this story. Y'all have made the three pigs the good people in this thing? Am I right? I'm Terry, Listen to me, Listen to me. This is nothing but a relationship gone bad. If y'all don't even know them pigs name y'all done names, yes, Willy and Willing the third, You Willing and Willing the third. These ain't your average pigs. They let me tell you something. They all lived together, houses, side by side, right a wrong? Right? Okay? Why would a wolf just show up at their house? You know why? You want to know why? Because these three pigs been messing with the wolves. Old lady for the longest she was she was into that kind of thing, you know, that swinging, thanks into that. So he showed up. He was upset, he got tired of it. And what he do He blew all the house and down. That's what's just about, oh man, Tommy, the fact that y'all don't look past the pictures. So y'all looking at pictures and little skid pig behind the straw and any one. But then y'all wind up in the brick house. I'll come in. Stop stop ahead, if you can do this one, okay, this one. This one is a nursery rhyme. Okay, remember this one. There was an old lady who lived in a shoe. Okay, I'm no, there wasn't old lady who lived in a shoe. Go ahead, Yeah, okay, she had so many kids, remember that she didn't know what to do. Say that part again, she had so many kids, she didn't know what to do. Now, bunch of relationship, Man, I don't know what. I'm gonna stop you. I'm gonna drop the mic right there. That don't mean no exper You got kids coming all out the side of the ship. You got kids coming out of the soul and the heal the tower that you what don't want to get out of these kids from that's nineteen relationships right there. Yeah, you see that all out the shoelations, just kids just hanging out all on the thread. What do we talk? We're gonna feed all these kids. This is relationship. This ain't This is y'all support. You don't see baby mama, baby mama drama. Going to agree with him. I'm really agree with it. Shirley, Shirley. Yeah what Carla, Yes, you're a tom Tommy give one getting one more? What? Yeah, you're all feel welcome to me. Man. I'm tell you right now, I'm asking for a raise when he goes. If I got to do this type, I need point though, Junior and Junior next week. Next week, I'm tell you about the Instibents and Spider. Wait, all right, just hang on and hang on hand when he's right with Reality Update with Carlo Carlos. Reality Update coming up. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, now it's time, nephew, let's go, let's go here it is Buckle up, hold tight, it's that time. Reality Update. Alright, nephew, I heard that. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Alright, crew, here we go, loving hip hop. It's up. Let's go, Shirley girl. All right. So you brought Kirk Lawyered up to fulfill his promise that he made to his wife Rashida to get a DNA test to find out if he is the father of Jasmine's baby and the family they went on the like a little getaway, and Kirk told his wife that he is doing what he needs to do to protect his family. So just in case his alleged baby mama, Jasmine goes after their assets, Kirk hands his wife paperwork saying that he would give her everything is she wants a divorce and he's doing, yeah, you're thin air everything but disrespectful to his mother, to her mother, Yes, because you know Ms. Charlene Rashida's mom, she is so sick of her son in law. She's so sick of Kirk hurting her daughter. She is not having it. She wants Kirk to take this DNA test once and for all. Then you know, it's kind of a heating exchange. He's so tired of mister len All in the business. And then they in this particular scene, they kind of showed this promo for next week's show where Kirk is standing there saying, I'm tired of love and hip hop tearing up my family, like it's the show's fault. You cheated, really, yeah, you cheated when you was in that stream on the once. Yeah. I was like, you need to really stop, Kirk. So, I don't know why they make it a big fuss out this DNA tests. Just bring up by my grandmother's house. We'll let you know in five minutes. Just let us your grandmother did that. You know, old people look at babies and tell you right now that baby yours and that they already to know that ain't in. But we'll see next week. I think they will reveal the d n A results and you're right doing you're talking about dragging it out. Yes, yes, surely. Stevie Jay's daughter, Savannah and I remember, you know, Stevie Jay's daughter, they had an issue with Joscelyn, and so Savannah met with Mimi and told Mimi about Joscelyn's whack apology and how Joscelyn was trying to be the victim during her apology. It was just really really whack. And uh, MEMI met with Stevie J. And she told him that, you know, she does not want Jocelyn around her daughter Eva. And Jocelyn wants to get back together with Stevie J. And she wants to get married. But Stevie J. Yeah, he kind of he lied to me me and said that Jocelyn wants to apologize to everybody and that, uh, they're just gonna be friends. So he is lying to Mimi about Joscelyn's what her wish is are, on what she wants to do. Mimi wants a protective order against Jocelyn and she can't get it unless Eva, their daughter, has been physically hurt by Joscelyn. So these people forget that they're filming. I don't think they can. They forget the cameras are there. Okay, yeah, yeah, you know thinks anymore. I don't know. I don't either, because she's, yeah, she's running a loge. She's not coming correct nothing. No, no, you're not gonna get me to go down this street with you anyway. Yeah, so we'll see. I think Mimi bottom line, she thinks that Joscelyn is a bad influence period and she doesn't want a daughter around. And I'm not mad at Mimi for that. Let's move on Basketball Wives, John Her Basketball Wives is back, yeah, and why it's back? But why? But anyway, Tammy invited the ladies on a trip to New York City and then Evelyn she took her girl, Shawny back down memory lane. They was visiting the Bronx and then Jackie and Evelyn, Jackie, Christie and Evelyn they have been beating, beefing, and so things got heated. Evelyn told Jacqueline not to call her the B word in front of her daughter, and Jackie apologized, and then she wanted Evelyn apologize to her. Jackie went off and told Evelyn that she's a non factor, and you know, Evelyn made that line famous, and then that set Evelyn off along with other things. Yes she did, Yes she did. She went in Evelyn kicked off her shoes, Jay, and tried to charge at Jackie. And it's like here we go again, at me, but don't hold me that. Yeah, let me go. They're they're too old for this. They're a way too old all of that. But I love Jackie's crazy, Carly. Jackie is crazy. Yeah, And surely Evelyn let Jackie push her, but she let her take her Yea. Yeah, she took the bait and took the bait from Jackie. When people know that you can you get round easy, they use it against you. They really do. Man. Well, you know, Jake, it's crazy Evelyn. You know she had this new image about her. She's working on that new image of not going there and being more good. Yeah. And she was on Fix My Life with ian La. Remember she had show on own, so she was trying to turn over a new leaf and have a different attitude. But with them, turn your leaf back over, you know what, Jake, Don't go there with them, don't z And my final question, I wanted to bring this up to you guys. It's not a reality show, but it is about the b ET Awards. Now taking a cue from his hit song mask Off. You know Future Future. Okay, so you saw the performance Future and his daughter. You know, they had these very expensive crystal mask They said they cost a fortune to make. They were about what about nine thousand dollars for all three of these mad dollars. Yeah, they were very expensive masks. But you ain't got to depend on that question. Ask my question, do you think it was appropriate for Future's daughter to wear that mask because of the lyrical content of the song mask I think it was appropriate to make a thousand dollar for that. Well, hit me up on Instagram or Twitter at lips by Carla and answer that question. Do you think it was appropriate for futures daughter her name was London to wear the mask during his performance of mask Off because of the lyrical content of the show. And that's reality. Update will be back at twenty after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. This is a brand new survey today, uh from survey Monkey. Yeah. Yeah, anyway, survey Monkey pole revealed that sixty five sixty of married adult no there's spouses social media passwords? Oh I believe that. Yeah. Other results of the survey of the survey monkey Pole show that fifty eight percent of married couples say they share the household chores. Equally nocent say children are not necessary for a happy and complete marriage. I believe that. I kind of I believe that too. And twenty percent said the thing they most commonly argue about is everyone ready for this one. Let's go around the room. What do you think it is? I would say money, money, carla um finance, Yeah, money, or maybe it's Tommy, can I change paying for sitch? Money? Guys, It's funny, that's what they most commonly. I used to love. Every woman does this. You know, you guys know this. I'm this is not a secret that I'm revealing from the sisterhood. But every woman loves shoes, and they buy shoes and they keep him in the trunk and then they bring them in when their husband's not looking. And when they wear them and their husband said, oh those new shoes. No, no, I've been had these just to make him feel comfortable. Sex happens. It comes back around. You know. You know, hey, you got new shoes. You old meet up exactly and it doesn't even matter if you bought him with your own money that you worked hard for. Yeah, we always have to lie about that. Crazy. Have you seen that commercial with the guys driving and everybody's got their headphones on? Yeah, even commercial, it's a great commercial. Yeah. So yeah, I think that it's it's it's social media. Uh. Money, we know more about each other than the other person thinks that. You know, I know, I know what you're doing. Yeah. But the number one thing they argue about money. I can see that. I can see that. Yeah. And money can stop an argument here, just be glad to take some money. They can stop and start the route to all whole of the evil. The love of money is in the Bible, is all right? A stretch of Los Angeles Roadway, This is really good news. Here, a stretch of Los Angeles Roadway will soon bear the name of our forty fourth president, really the one we all love. The The l A City Council yesterday unanimously approved a plan to rename a three and a half mile stretch of Rodeo Road in southwest l A to Obama Boulevard. Area is known for its President's Row, series of streets named after former presidents, including Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Boulevards that Obama began his career in Los Angeles. Odell Obama. Yeah, I love that. I love that is congratulations. All right, coming up, we'll find out where Carla and where Junior are going to be and what they're going to be doing this weekend. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are, we are here, but they will be there talking about Carla talking about Junior in Essence for the music festival weekend. What's happening, guys. That is when you get you get brand new car. You just started a little giggle. That's looking man. We're going down to Essence. That's what it is. You know. You know main stage tomorrow night. You know Junior boy being there Helo with Dina and John Legend and India. When we at the stage, Junior, what are you gonna say? Morning every about it and it's at night. You know what I'm saying. That's what I did. Go ahead called he talking ahead talking about talking to people. Holly would like that big show I've never done. So this is this is it, you know. So when I see you in the Superdome night, don't talk to me. Come and think of it. Timmy did that kind of funny when he Yeah, let me tell you my entourage is in town too. You got at entage. It's eighty five of us. When you see us, you look like you'd have the d n VA. You gotta pay all the people like Homa. You know, when you get your money, you gotta spend it, you know, Yeah, like, hey, you need to find eighty two of them. No, no, no, I got everybody, every situation. No no, no, don't even worry about that. I got this time. Oh well, okay, so you're gonna do your thing. Well, let me tell you about my thing going on Friday. Okay, sureley, So we kicking things off June thirty and through July swod all weekend long, I will be hosting Essence Eats Experience. This is the stage inside the convention Center where we will have celebrity chefs doing all kinds of cooking demonstrations, sampling some yummy food, shrimping grips, crawfish, red beans and rice, gumbo, soul food, greens. Do you know how we do it? In the n O. We love to eat. It's nothing some nothing like some good food and good times. And we are going to have a ball. Now, you got a register for Essence Eats, So go to my Instagram page and get all the details. Look at the details like that, get yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah right. My Instagram page is lips by Carla and you can get all the information. Or you can also log on to Essence dot com and get all of the festival information. Rundown And I see that your girl nephew, Tommy halle Berry will be there at Essence. Don't do this. Yeah there Friday, June thirty if kicking off all of the daytime activities, including Essence Eats at the convention. Halleberry in the building, in the build. That's I'm sorry, y'all. That's Michelle. Hey, Michelle, Michelle who show? Yeah? How you doing? Yeah? First, what voices that? Yes, we know the first Lady of Essence. Yes, but I no, no, no, no, no, no, soon I get off hitting that way ten seconds. I gotta go ya. Don't do what you do. I'm doing me to wrap up the show. Just one more thing. You're listening to the Steve Show. All right here we are last break of the day. This morning went by fast. Uh, it really went by. We have time for just one more thing. Um, all right, this is this story right here is crazy too. A White House reporter named Brian Carram got into a heated exchange. These reporters man their tempers with Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders the other day over what he said, Yeah, over what he says as President Trump's ongoing efforts to undermine the press. The tipping point came when Sanders criticized CNN and the press as a whole for ignoring positive stories about President Trump and instead perpetuating what the administration calls fake news. Karen lashed out at Sanders, saying, you're inflaming everyone right now with those words. Karen said the confrontation was a long time coming, and he reached a point when he had to take a stand. He says she took the opportunity, first thing off the bed to go after the media. She was trying to go after cn CNN specifically and the media in general. We've been called the enemy of the people from that White House. We've been told that we're fake news. We are bullied and broadbeaten every day, and I pretty much have had enough of it. We can't take the bullying anymore. It's undermining the Fourth Estate, it's undermining the First Amendment. Was a reporter out of line for lashing out at Sanders? Do you think should the other reporters have done more to support him? That's interesting. They just lot all the time and got to defend, cover it up, or fix the And that's why Sean Spicer has such a tough job, and that's why they stopped sing it on television. Just doing the audio now now that's the White House press briefings. Yeah, they just show audio now. So will the press be invited back? Why? Why can't the people know be in the room. I don't understand that. It's called freedom of the press for a reason. They have access to you as president, the American people, that's yeah, to know what's going on, and the press is the one that delivers. They did a story that he has lied every day for the first forty five change, that he was real. Well man, that's right there, that is really really that reporter will not be invited back? No, no, no standing up? Yeah, yeah, Brian caram is his name. He said he was up man. Because they're not allowing them to do their job. Everything is fake news unless they say it right exactly. And then it didn't help. CNN got into some trouble, did the right thing. They fired the people, and you know, they took sorry all about some they did make up something, made up some stories. But it was high but the reporters, it was Yeah, it was high up in the editorial department, right, Like it's a problem when Nate when somebody else lies, not them, not them. But it was at a time when President Trump is you know, it's a win for him. Yeah, you know what incredibility. I don't like calling the president. I'm gonna just calling forty five. A lot of people say, Thatt, Wow, he's just a barrel of laughs. Man, I just I just never seen a president. It's funny. Man, it's time in my life. And that's why it's so hard for me to watch House of Cards right now. And I love love House of Cards, love it. It's the same thing. Yeah, but it's like I'm double watching. It's like, yeah, I'm watching the White houseman's going on and and then you go it's too much because truth, Yeah, yeah, it's too much. Been a better president, yeah, oh he would have for sure. This president doesn't have a clue on nothing. You don't know nothing. Healthcare, taxes, it doesn't matter nothing. All we know is it's going great, folks, it's going great. A lot of great ideasaks and those um superlatives, you know, fantastic. Great's gonna be great. Yeah, Like people are out here defending you and you're going against the tweets. The president is not under investigation. Let me repeat, He's not. I'm under investigation. This is a wee an investigations. You know, I'm making my business. It's it's his You respect the office of presidents. I mean, this is the man who runs our country. But he makes it so hard. He really makes it hard. You know, he won't listen to anyone. You can the president. You cannot go out there and said, I'm gonna say it right now, tweet and then I'm going on a campaign trip man, and have my you know, my my loyalists come out and and and gass me up, and then I'm gonna go back in there. You know, what are the business hours over at the White House. We know he's up at night because he's tweeting like you know that, But in the morning he does look glad. He needs a nap. He had no idea what he was getting himself into. He had no idea. He didn't know he was gonna win. Yeah, oh yeah, everyone was shocked by that. Everyone he does have that looked like I got to be president every day. Yeah, remember that. You gotta do the work, absolutely, Carla absolutely governed the people. You have to do. And that's what I want to see. When does that happen in all of these scandals and headlines. It's like, we governor has a great follow the money, follow the money to find out what Trump is. She always says that that movie The Candidate with Robert Redford, Robert Redford when he ran. You know, he was a good looking guy. He ran for a Senate position, I believe, but he wanted no idea, what was going on, no idea. He was clueless, But he won. He got in that car and that limo after he won. What the heck do we do? Now? Say all the time. It's like people who heckle you, they think it's easy. And Steve will say, well, come on up here, Lucy, what you got No, No, I don't think he wanted your job anyway. I wanted the title. Yeah, thank you, we'll be back tomorrow. We love you to listen. We appreciate you. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.