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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all looking back to back down, giving the ball just like amazing buck things. And it's tough not to me true good to the how guy one to move together for stock hobby? Why don't you join? Yeah? By joining me, honey said, got to use that turn out. Yeah you go very run y'all. You gotta turn you to turn about, turn to you lovely, got to turn out to turn water. Want of y'all, comey, come on your thing, mcnat it uh huh, I shall will come on and everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Oh man, oh man? How many times I got to say that before I get tired of it? M I think it's gonna be a minute, folks. I gotta be real with you, because, boy, that Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Clear indication of how God can do some unexpected wonderful things for you, How he leads your life in directions that you never ever saw coming. You know. I was talking with somebody the other day and they were talking about how man they were young and they were doing things, and they never knew that the things that they were doing as a youngster would come and and help help form who they were today as an adult. This guy's fifty years old, and uh, you know the same thing for you. You look back on your life and all of the things that you've done, it helps shape you into who you are now. This is provided now that you take the positive approach. Now when I say look back at your life and see what you've done, that doesn't mean doll on the misfortunate moments. Because the misfortunate moments were necessary. I know it. It's hard to see that when it's happening to you, But the unfortunate moments are necessary. You know, what really makes you appreciate summer vacation is winter work. What really makes you appreciate a walk on the beach, it's when it's cold as raining outside. What really makes you appreciate when you're up, it's because you've been down. See if you are up all the time. Just the nature of us as human beings, we would lose our appreciation for because it becomes case Sarah, whatever it is, well it is what it is. I'm just what what what you take it for? Granted it becomes expected. But what happens in life's is it has so many twisting turns, and then you learn how to deal with those twisting turns, which makes you now a more experienced person. And then when the sunny days come, man, you go wild. It's really nice outside. You really want to appreciate how warm weather just stay in a bunch of cold weather all the time. I'm you know, you know what I'm saying. I'm just this is really really simple and now analogies, but it helps you along the way. Now here's what I came to say today to everybody out there. And this has helped me in my life. I can't tell you what it's done for me. But a lot of people are struggling with moving forward with their future, their future plans, their future goals, their future aspirations, their future hopes, their future dreams. Just simply that your future wants a lot of people trying to have a hard time mapping out their future. Even what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna be, what I'm gonna make, how or go about it? What do I do next? I want to share something with you that I had to come to terms with The quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your past. You know, it's like I said at the beginning. You know when I say it's it's wonderful to look at your life and review it, because if you look at it, it'll tell you, uh it. It really helps shape inform you today as the person you are now if you look at it in a positive sense. But if you dwell in harp on the negative that's happened to you, then that keeps you from seeing the good in the incident. Every bad thing that's happened to you, there was a silver lining behind it. I know people who were on drugs who finally man just got sent to prison for still in because of their habit. I know cats so dope. Well, he went to prison. He told me one time. He said, Steve, it's a man. It's the best thing ever happened to me to save my life. Now, most people would think, how in the world is going to prison helpful for you? The brother said, it saved my life. First of all, it got me clean. He saw, I've been cleaned for five years from sitting in here. That's for starters. I'm cleaned. I ain't stilling no more. I ain't putting myself in jeopardy, and I ain't jeopardizing nobody else. He said. Now, man, I don't went to college. I didn't got a college degree while I met here. Then he was released from prison, and the brother's life was completely turned around. He married, he got a family, he got a great job. He got to work every day. He's a productive citizen. I mean. So he looks back on his incarceration, even his drug abuse, and it taught him how to appreciate the things in life that he had taken for granted and was missing because he said, Man, my life was just in a blur. I didn't even know what was going on. He said, Now I appreciate every day I wake up. That's what I mean. Even in your missteps in life, there is a purpose for the missteps. Every time you fail, there was a reason for the failure. See what I had to do was I had to learn that all of my failures taught me how to get back up. So I became a very strong and tough person in getting back up. And then I was down and out so long that it taught me how to really appreciate the up. And so I've taken all of that and used it those experiences that happened to me, and I became a more experienced person. So next time when people talk about me who don't know me, it don't shake me. Because everybody's not gonna like you. Man, you might as well gonna get on this train right now. And so what I'm saying to you out there is the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your path. Let it go, man, go forward. It's over. You made it, you got through it, You're beyond it. Yeah yeah, yeah he left. But like I told us lady on my TV show the other day, sometimes the breakup is the blessing. I know it's hard to break up because now you're loaning you by yourself. But man, but when you in misery, when you was in that, weren't you in complete misery in that? Now you kept asking God to fix it. But it takes two people to fix a relationship. It don't just take one. It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight. Say you know that's that's that's a song. But man, that's so true. You really do have to have two people wanting a relationship to work. It can't just be one person one the relationship. So you can pray about the relationship all you want. If the other person don't want you no more and ain't gonna act right, you can't make him do that or you can't make her do that. So man, the relationship to break up. Sometimes it's a blessing. It's over. Let it go go forward. Quit looking at how much time you wasted. Man, that's that kills people from getting the next if you're constantly dwelling on how much time I gave him and how much time I gave her, and now here I am lost it alone. Oh, you ain't wasting no time. Some of the times was good, a lot of them was bad. So what you're gonna do now? You You ain't gonna have no future because you're gonna keep focusing on your past. Are you serious? So now you're asking God to give you another relationship when you don't even have enough sense to appreciate the fact that you are now available for another relationship. But you steady asking God for a new relationship. But you are yet to be grateful that you are in a position to have a relationship. And you keep harping on the past. You don't think you hear that. I'm just a dude with a show and I hear it all the time. Let it go go forward. It's over. You made it, He bought you through it, you conquered, you survived it. Why are you dwelling on it and making it the cross around your neck when clearly he had removed it for you. Now, all you got to do is come on. So if you're sitting behind them walls, brothers and sisters, I'm talking directly to you sometimes. Man, you just got to get it right. All this repeat of fitting the business that's for? Who is that for? How ignorant can you be to keep giving your life back to the penal system? Be free, man, walk the streets, do the right thing. Ask God to help connect you. He could do anything. You think he can't give you a job? Are you serious? Man? Put some faith on it. Let's move forward, y'all. Let it go. Let's move you're listening. I'm just a bill. I'm only a bill, and I'm sitting here, calpter here. I'm sorry. Those are the days that I grew up at school. Lady in the building holding it down for our feel as leader who is out on vacation today, the one and only Steve Harby, So welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Whether nephew was holding it down. But I can't do it by myself. There is a crew. There is ensemble here that makes this whole thing work around. Put your hands together for Colin Farrell, Why are you talking like that? I don't know? Good morning? What is it? Thursday? This week is going? Ain't nobody ground you? I'm sorry dog? That came out my mind. And a good morning, Tommy, Shirley, Jay and Junior. Happy Thursday to you guys. What's going on? Mm hmm surely Strawberry, Hey, good morning now if your morning everyone, everyone on this show and throughout the world, thank you so very much, my brothers and sisters. Morning everybody. That's wrong. That's it's not a crisis. No, I've only been sleep thirty minutes. I've been packing. Oh you're moving, that's right, yeah, across country. Yeah, I've made it to work. Wow. That's good man, that's good. Okay, I'm picking up in a minute. It's different. Oh, yes, it's very different now. You know when the Beverly Hill Bill. He's went through because you hand it to Severn. He didn't strike oil different loads, clearly if he's packing himself, right, Anthony Brown, what's going on? This is the day the Lord has made. Watch out there now those two things don't go together. And be glad that too. And watch out there now, all right? Learned the word. Yes. Yesterday Jack and I was on the phone just talking. I said, no, no, no, no, no no. He said, I don't even realize. No no, no, to put it on a shirt that works, to it works, that works. So it's Thursday. It is storms, Cindy pounding the golf coasts with heavy rain. Yah know, I ain't no good. Yeah, he hates thunderstorms, he does. He You talking about just getting somewhere and hiding, shutting off the phone stuff. That's why I was brought up. I mean, you sit down somewhere, let the Lord do his work. My grandmother would be like, get the Bible. The lightning sends me into a get off the phone. Yeah. Yeah. My mom was the same way though. She would hide in her closet in the back of her bedroom, sitting in a chair in her closet. She was the exact same way she hated thunder and lightning, feeling like we could always find you no matter where you since the term lightning. Alright, coming up, it is time for Junior's Truth be Told. He's gonna tell us what that's all about when we come back. And then, um, Reverend Adnoid, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, coming up, Reverend Alan Adnoid is in the building with today's call and respon and he'll have a little help on that from Deacon deaf Jam also in the building. But right now Junior is here with Truth be Told. Junior. Yes, yes, morning, everybody, listen. I've been thinking and I saw something that really made me really really want to change careers. And I'm and I'm telling you I'll probably be changing here in the next month. Uh. Connor McGregor is fighting Floyd Mayweather. Yes, and I think that's gonna be a really nice fight. I really do. But Connor McGregor has never boxed. Never, He's never what wait what, Yeah, he's never boxed, and he's fighting Floyd Maywether, who was the greatest boxer of his generation. He has never lost the fight. He's a brawler, and I found out that Connor McGregor is making a hunting million. Never fight Floyd and Mayweather, you can do that. I'm not even trying to win here, people, I'm trying to just get in the ring. If I get in the ring, you can knock the hell out of me hunting million dollars, because when I wake up, I'm quite sure I'm rich. I can take the criticism if I lose for a hunting millions. He didn't put up an effort. No, I didn't, because when I woke up, I am rich. The people talking about me don't have near as much money as I do. What's wrong with this? I got a good name and everything. When I step in the ring. Junior jaw dropped space. Yeah, matter of fact, I would have other people that I know come in and knock me out after I come back through because one of the sunrises. My bank account is different. I ain't even want my stat sheet to even have a stat on it. Four hunting million dollars watching I thought I was never expected to win anyway, Get yourself together and go get you a different career. I'm saying, I don't see why everybody's tripping I think this is a good move for me. Don't feel bad for me. I may have brain damage. They don't matter how Floyd get a running start you hit me. He could get a running start, and I will hold my chin out for a hunting me. And so you're not a sparring. You're just practicing getting in the ring. Tim Let me tell you something. My pre fight gonna look like I'm gonna win, though Brown. I am over there rolling shoulder, But when they ring that bell, I swear to you, I'm about to get knocked out. And that's just the truth being told. For a hunt and he's never boxed Floyd. You know you want some of you. Come on, Floyd, that's what you won't All right, let me go ahead and throw it on over. Man's time to go ahead and talk to my boy man thinking def jam. I thank you very much, Hunt a million. I appreciate that it brings me. I must not love to bring one to the stage. Who's going to bring us the message today? The one and only I reverend at that sits today. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for that high energy intro. Thank you so much. We'll be speaking from the Book of the apostles the sugar Hill Gang from the book. From the book. A lot of people have no idea, but the several books in the Bible will be pitching today from the rappers. Delight to assist me, To assist me, Sister Shirley, will read and will do call in response, go ahead, Sister Shirley, thank you, Red hip hop hippie to the hippie. Hold on right day. Could you read that again, hop hippie to the hippie, hip hop, hip it to the hippie, she said, I said, hip hop, hip it to the hippie. Read on, Sister Shirley, the hip hipper hop and you don't stop a rocket, she said, the hip to the hop and you don't stop the rockhead out, go right on her head and read on. Bubba to the Bang Bang Bubba. Hold on, Bubba to the Bang Bang Wiggie. She said, say it again, Bubba to the Bang Bang. I don't take they heard you. Could just say it again, Babba to the Bang Bang BIGGI read on, Sister Shelly, Bubby to the boogie boget to to the rhythm, to the rhythm of the Oh my God, did you hear that phrase right there? Took the biggie to the rhythm to be go ahead on the read on, bull ahead, read on, now, read on. Now what you hear is not a chilow that down and say it again. Now what you hear? I said, I said, I don't take go ahead, man, I said, read it again. Now what you hear is not a test. Now what you hear is not a test. I'm rapping to the beach, to the beach and me the groove and my friends. That's all three of us, Me, the groove and my friends. I'm gonna try to move your feet. We're gonna try. We're gonna try to move your feet. See, I am Wonder Mike. See me right here, look at me, and everybody looked at me. Take a look. I am Wonder Mike. Shall I read? Let me get that again. I am Wonder Mike. Don't play with that. You catch it? You couldn't wake up with that? Read that, sister, she see I am Wonder Mike. And I'd like to say hello, Wonder Mike. And I'd like to say hello to the black, to the white, the red and the brown, the purple and yellow, to the black, to the white, the red, to the brown, the purple and yellow. But first I got a bang bang the boogie to the boogie. I first got the boogie. Say up, jump the boogie to the bang bang boogie. Let's rock you don't stop. And I'm gonna take it home with that. Let's rock, you don't stop. That has been out sermon today. Thank you so much all the time. Rang back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne is going to be here with today's national news and the latest on this tropical store tropical Storm Cindy. But right now it's the Nephews turn with Run that prankback what you got now in case you missed it. Fix your appearance, Fix your appearance, Mona all that mayor name, Fix your appearance, Mona na run that Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Mona. Please, Hi, how you doing. My name is James over with the corporation. I'm with your corporate wardrobe. You've been with the company for about eight years now, Mona. Okay, Like I said, I'm from a corporate wardrobe. I wanted to kind of give you a call. There's been some conversation about it, but wanted to give you a call about your appearance in the office. Okay, okay, now you're you're your pearance seems to be pretty much in tacts for your clothing is concerned. So it's nothing that has nothing to do with that. Okay. Now, first of all, what uh my peers have to do with your corporation? Well, what's going on? Like I said, you you've been with court for about what eight years? And now I'm all right, yester, I have okay, and uh you're calling me telling me something about my kids, but I didn't need. What I want to talk to you about is that what what what some of the workers in the office are having a problem with. And what we want to do is get you an actual doctor's appointment because we want to see about helping you get a breast reduction. Oh what a break? Actually okay? Now you you you you? I mean, from from my understanding that your your breasts are too large. Hold on, hold on, now, who was this first? Who was? Who is my name is? James? Like I said, I'm with Corporate Wardrobe and I'm calling you actually pretty much human resources of corporation. Okay, And if you ain't kind of here about something else. Certainly what we do here telling you, calling me, telling me somebody giving me a retroduction. What you need to do is try to dig up some because what I'm doing up in here, I'm gonna well, they was old here and I'm gonna wears that came out I wear frob mona. All we want to do is we want to get you a doctor's appointment so we can help you get your get your breast reduced. So you know you you feel a lot more comfortable and the people in the office will be a lot more comfortable. Okay, I'm not you ain't even do it. Man. You ain't gonna cume me in and tell me some But what's not gonna do to me what you're talking about. I'm even just being this far almost eight year and I ain't never had no problem with nobody telling me some of my friend. So what you need to do is find out who's going around here and making these rumors. And first of all, I'm gonna dig up because maybe one needs up in here talking about me and you know, jealous because I'm on top of about and they're jealous of me. Is I'm gonna you know, I want my ask and they ain't got top of my breast. Look, man, if my job is to get your breast reduced, I gotta get I gotta bring them down my big too. Can't you reduce that? Excuse me, my just big? Can't you reduce that? Man? Listen, I gotta get your breast down to it. I gotta get up down, I gotta bring them down. Ain't what you're gonna get down, That's what you're gonna get done. And worried my breast. So you and whoever whoever calling you are telling you something about what I'm doing that this this tell them. I said the kids my to why do you do I'm gonna do me? So they don't like that? And hey, how adam? Because I'm gonna find whoever doing it because they tell us I'm a bad They don't understand it. And the man's come in and what whoo whoo? Will they come to little? They come to my desk, ask little, they ask for me mona, mona, I understand that. But what I'm saying is your breast star distraction in the office, and I gotta get your breast brought down first. Low whoever you are, you might need to come see. You can sit to the front of my dead and see how you look. You want to come back and bring out you crew, Mona, I can't. I can't. I don't want to come sit your desk and see your your I gotta get you to a doctor and get your breast reduced. Now the women you wanted the point. But I ain't gonna see though. I'm going to a dot. You're going to a doctor that you bring, so he ain't going the doctor. What you're talking about? The doctor whoever you mean to go see. I ain't trying to hear you hear what I'm gonna do. If they said you would act like this, Mona, they said you would react just this way. This is what the people in the office are talking about. I don't give her down what they'll be in this covert almost a year. Ain't no nobody counting me telling me some about my friend. What you need to do. First of all, you need to come me and see me because you might like what you see. Because I'm a big, bad, bone free woman. You better year. Yeah, what's your name? And now what's up? What's your name? But why do you need my name? I don't need some name, because I ain't never hed somebody the cow my damn joy tell me something. I need to know your name is. I'm gonna get some lot in this because I don't play this seed. I don't play that. So whoever you is in your corpert or whoever commy by my bread, I don't play that. I need your name, I really do. Come you don't, I'm gonna find out who this is? Nothing? Do you want to know, my mate? I want to know your damn name. He y'all, I want to know your name. What is it? Are you listening? What is this? A nephew Tommy from the Steve Harbit Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend? Where her bread being of mine? You know? Got a limp? Me? Y'all need to where you don't make me go. I can't believe it seeing her bread begging in man and then she gotta limp. I listened to this show every morning, and I just can't believe I got got she did, she got me got me. But I'm gonna care to little. I'm gonna care to watching. It's okay. I'm gonna get him by. I got one more thing for you, baby? What is What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Now you already know that one and only Steve Harvey won the show. Ain't tell me guess what play on this phone. I just want to let you know. I'm a Slide six team with a low cut. Yeah. I like that. I got guy risk bigger than Man's your man. It's going down. Tune thirty, Mega Fast, a time to laugh. Come get your tickets at all ticket Master outlets. It is the comedy show that you do not want them is a time to laugh Mega Fest at the K Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas, Texas. It is me hosting, and its Cedric the entertainer. The list goes on and on. Tony Roberts, J. J. Williamson, Um, miss Orgy, I'm just saying miss Orgy. That's her name all the way from Insecure, beautiful, beautiful and the band leader, the one and only who did I tell y'all was the band leader? Who did I tell you? Yes, we're bringing it up in hill? Did you tickets? They don't say? All right now? Time to laugh making fish Yeah, June, Wow, Okay, Well, thank you, nephew. We will be there supporting you all the way as we always do. You know, we've been talking about this movie All Eyes on Me, the Tupac movie. Um. Well, Cat Graham, the lady who plays Jada Pinkett Smith, she said that she before the movie, she contacted Jada Pinkett Smith. You know, Jada Pinkett is a little upset about the way relationship was depicted. But Cat Graham, the actress who played Jada, says she contacted Jada and the producers to make sure, you know, everybody was cool. And she said, uh, Jada had nothing but support for her, And yeah, nothing but support. You want to know what the problem is with this movie? I liked the movie. Ms Anne is gonna be here coming up, guys with national news. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Miss Anna standing by to give us the latest on tropical Storm Cindy. Heavy rain pounding the Gulf coast right now. She'll talk about that, but first, boy, this was disturbing, disturbing, disturbing. I think the most disturbing story so far this week and it's Thursday. Um. Recently, Minnesota cop officer Geronimo uh Yanez was found out I found not guilty of killing Philando Castile, an African American motorists in Minnesota. Remember this, he was pulled over for a broken tail light. Now, dash cam footage from uh Yanez's patrol car was publicly released yesterday for the first time. Uh some of the most disturbing UH footage ever. I mean, um, boy, this was Yeah. To watch this, Yeah, to watch this. Man. If they don't see what we see, I don't know how. I don't know how you couldn't see how baby with the baby in the car. Yeah, this was just anyway. Uh. Stevie Wonder music legend Stevie Wonder recently spoke at the Conference on Peace in Minneapolis, which focused on ending youth unviolent. Stevie said, it's in your hands to stop all of the killing and shooting wherever it might be, because you cannot say black lives matter and then kill yourselves because you know we've mattered long before it was said. But the way we show that we matter, and the way that we show all the various people of color matter is by loving each other and doing something about it, not just talking about it. Stevie also told the crowd he's tired of seeing so many lives cut short. And um, I mean you know, of course we all agree with that we kill ourselves. And then I mean, you know, we kill each other. I should say we kill each other. Uh and then yeah, you know, yeah, because we do matter. All lives matter, of course, Black lives matter. This this film again was horrific and if you if your stomach, if your heart can take it, I mean watch it. I think it'll um if you were leaning the other way. And if partner didn't even see it, yeah, yeah, yeah, he he actually picked up the little girl and took her out, you know, away from the car and everything on the film. Um, but oh my goodness, who the partner dude? Yeah, he was yelling, get get the baby, get the baby. It was I mean, you executed this child's father and while she was in the car and you remember his girlfriend, remember she was on Facebook live. Yeah, And for the longest that was all we had, you know, that's all we were able to go on and what she was recording and what she was seeing. And then this is released and it's just terrific to see it. Just a little this little baby is going to be traumatized. I mean for for what she saw and what she lived through. She was pleading with her mom, please, mom, just be quiet, and she said, I don't want you to get shooted. I don't want you to get shooted, you know, just please mommy. Yeah, it was It's just horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, And and he got off, the officer got off. I just don't see him. Yeah, but we keep seeing this over and over over and over and over again, over and over and over again. Anyway, yeah, yeah, And and what Stevie said was right. Okay, uh, as we move on, Tommy, all right, it's that time we got national news with the one and only miss A and Trip. Thanks guys, thank you very much. This is a trip with the news. Okay, let's start out with the storm. Tropical Storm Cindy has made landfall this morning in southwestern Louisiana. The storm is moving northward. Sad news in Alabama already, A ten year old tourism Missouri was killed yesterday while vacationing in the South Alabama on the South Alabama coast. What happened, a long washed up in the rough surf and struck the child and killed him close to roads and close from now Louisiana to Florida the Panhandle this morning. The National Weather Service says that Cindy is expected to move into south eastern Arkansas by tomorrow morning and Tennessee by later on Friday. The details of the Senate's new healthcare bill still a secret, even to Republicans like Mike Lee of Utah, and a lot of people ask me specifically when the healthcare bill is going to be released to the public. Why it isn't public. Uh. The short answer to the question is, I haven't seen it yet either. Even though I've been a member of this working group, I haven't seen the bill. It's not being written by us. It's apparently being written by a small handful of staffers for members of the Republican leadership in the Senate. So if you're frustrated by the lack of transparency in this process, I share your frustration. I share it wholeheartedly. However, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says that the details will be known and soon. I expect to have a discussion draft on Thursday, and we will go to the bill obviously once we got a CBO score. Now the Congressional Budget Office that's the CBO has to estimate the cost of the plan and its efficiency. By the way, today is Thursday, so we'll see GOP Congressman Steve Salice, who was shot in Alexander, Virginia last week during practice for Republican versus Democrats baseball game. Scalase now listed in fair condition. The fifty one year old scolease the number three Republican, very very good. Yeah that no one died. Uh. The gunman you know, has been of course arrested. Uh, he was and then killed. He died as well. Anyway, a six six year old James Hodgkinson. They say didn't post any online threats or have any terrorist ties, but if already say he really digly disliked President Trump and other Republicans. Scalase initially was in critical condition. He underwent a number of surgeries. Doctors say he's now expected to recover, although it'll take some time. Several other people were injured that day and they are recovering. A former Milwaukee police officer has been acquitted a first degree reckless homicide and the death of a black man last year. Yeah, here we go again. Dominick Hagen Brown, though is also African American he fatally shot Silvo Smith after a brief footchase. Silvo Smith's death sparked large street demonstrations in Milwaukee. Tyreek Smith ranked as a number one fourth defensive tackle in the class of eighteen or a very special T shirt to Ohio States Camp this piece of this Weekend. It says, I hope I don't get killed for being black today. He said he wore the shirt to bring attention to the epidemic of blacks being killed by the way. Terek says a shirt designed by his brother. It's for sale on Twitter direct message. You want to check it out, check out my Facebook page and trip Okay, and today National Chocolate a Clay Deer and National Cuckoo Day going on. This is and trip. We'll be back with real cookol Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hour morning show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve's out today, the crew is in and coming up. We're gonna talk about funny nicknames. If you know anyone with a funny nickname, or or if you yourself that's my brother. If you yourself, Yeah, I had a funny nickname growing up or now even we'll take it now call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Funny nicknames coming up. If you don't know, you need to tell somebody because it's time. But the butterfly, baby, oh my god, from now? You know why? You don't want to bring me out? From now? I don't care if Mr Harvey is here not you bring me out somebody I love with somebody to bring me out right, to bring me out? I don't know what butterfly it's always been butterfly or to put the cat swallow tail. That's a particular type of butterfly. Who's too much? You don't know? Baby? So anyway, let me say this what it's down to me? And why am I person for my audition? And I'm going in the day. I have a comback really good. Oh my god, y'all Eny Brown, they got me auditioning par being Rains part in baby boar this mon aloud, baby man, Anthony car Shirley Jr. How much you to help me? Kitchen, I'll be making with an april. Now I'm going there, I'm going I'm going that room. I'm going to room. Put your booty out but my boody gonna be fan. I'm good. Listen, I'm going there and I'm I'm gonna put that on a headline, and I'm saying, you know what, they're probably what you young brothers, he said, you do everything about the damn worry about. You don't know nothing. Well, I see you got yourself a little bee. If it's gone, you know what. You make that paper. But when you're making that paper, you gotta learn some rules that go with it. You gotta learn the difference between guns and bottom. That's a difference the two types of negros in this world. The negros with guns, the negros with bottom. Now what are the guns? The guns that's the real estate. You know. The stocks and buns are work. You know stuff that I appreciate. Where they all? You look at me? What I'm talking to you? I do that party? What's the bottom? Cause clouds, jewelry, all that other junk that don't mean nothing after you buy it. But that's why you let out dumb people that don't know that. And sen alright, yes you don't know watching and I want you to be baby boy. I ain't rehearsed with me coming, So I'm gonna talk funny nicknames. Call us eight seven, Steve, you're listening Hardy Morning Show. All right, this is a segment we call the funny nickname Segment. We all have funny nicknames growing up. All right, I guess i'll start. We can go around the room if you like, and we're gonna take phone calls. We have people on the line. My nicknames were bubbles, bubbles, and headlights. And I'm really happy that he like, no, no, no, I'm gonna tell you why. I'm happy that Steve's not here, because it's about my eyes. Yes, yes, headlights, head like they were about my eyes. They were about my eyes. Oh those are mine. It was very easy take heat. That was care boy. That was yours mon. It was cute though, was nose because yeah, she thought I had the cutest nose. Everybody to be like without nose, and I'd be like mine. Has a little short story. I always wanted to drum for Christmas, and some of my mom got me a drum. Now, all my friends got bikes, so in order to hang out with them, I wrote my sister's bike. They called it the fish truck, henceforth the name fish. So that's so if I go to South Carolina and I hear fish, I know it's somebody that didn't know me real close. And if you were ever to hang out with my brother, Yeah, we were voting around. I did a show in prison one time. I heard somebody said fish. One of my friends was in jays got bubble lips big when I was young. Yeah, but I knew a guy. I knew a guy in my cousin's neighborhood. His was this is crazy. His was peel back. And it took me a long time. Yeah, it took me a long time until I asked my cousin. I say, why y'all keep calling him the peel back down? He ain't say, I'm saying. I'm like, oh my god, how did that information? I didn't even ask that part. I didn't. I could never beat my cousin up, so I never questioned how you knew that? Let that go by one. Let's go to Mohammed out of New York. Our audience always wants to get in on it, you know, Mohamed, Mohamed Mohammed, how how you doing this morning man? What's your nickname? Nickname Strawberry? This is the same Mohammed that you met before, but I did with the T shirts y. Yeah, for the very reason why I wanted to call you. Let you know that Jay Jackson a Nation Jackson was a real close friend of mine from the mark were too far before. He was the rough riters for all of us. Had nickname big Blue, I mean bick Gluey. We should call him by. My name was nick. My nickname was nap Tun threw thiss Kyle really was threw this that we had? Why was you niptune? We had a Joey store in the market were to five back in the day before j Jackson was what that my rough riders for rough viters and comply. Yeah. We just recently um had this throw and everything and we had Memorial had problem Alicia kids performed and everything. So no family. We thank you Mohammed pre Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Let's go to line three, also out of New York. Good morning, how you going? Good morning? I'm fine, How are you were good? We're talking nicknames? Baby, what you got? My nickname is Meatball? Meatball explain that. Well, it was a chubby baby at a round face and a little round body. And he looked at me. It's a meatballokey. Let me tell you a quick story. I was taking my father to the doctor and um, he was behind the scenes and he had the nurse come out and say, meat ball, is there a meatball here? Because he wanted me to come back. You look up, got up cheapishly. I got up in walks back there. He called my sister stumpy because he's short. My other sister grandma, and I don't know why he calls her grandma, but he does. He's got nick. We got yeah, we got to get out of here, all right. Never Tim's frank phone called coming up right after this jam. You're listening, coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after the hour, get ready for today's Strawberry letter, the subject I want to live out my fantasies. I want to live out my fantasies. But up next, Come on, nephew, Tommy, what you got for the prank? Phone called today? That ain't my brother baby? Right there? That aggressiveness? That ain't my brother baby? So much aggression? What did I say? That ain't my brother baby? The baby don't need to be seeing this. That's my brother he lived here. Don't worry about it's something I need to take care. I talked to man, I speak to Terry. My name is Darryl. Damon is my brother. I don't live in Dallas where y'all live. That I'm the one that live out of town. But we didn't have a family meeting and talked about it. And uh, I know Travis is your soon he eight years old. But the problem is the reason why I'm calling you, Uh, Terry is called. We didn't find out that Travis ain't none of Damon's child. Excuse me, Travis ain't none of damon child. He'd been paying you child support here for the last eight hold on, and you said your name was who I'm dare, I'm damon brother, and who gave you this information? We we all have found the information out. We actually gonna go down there to the courthouse and get all this stuff rectified. But we didn't find out that Travis ain't nothing, ain't none of Damon's child. And he've been sitting up here sending you money seven eight hundred dollars a month and this child ain't even here. Now. I hate for Travis to find this out, and he's gonna have to find it out. But he ain't. Why are you calling me? Look, the family din't had a meeting, and I'm the one that they decided to make the phone call and tell you what's going on. Now. You you, you don't have a damn thing to do with this. You You ain't nobody daddy over here. So I'm not sure what you're calling for. Who God made you? Key wanted you to be here in charge to call but that it's not gonna work out. But let me why why are you doing this to my brother? That's what I'm saying. For eight years, the man have been sitting you seven hundred seven dollars a month and and this ain't even his child, you know, uh whim? Why am I even talking to you? I'm not really sure your brother need to call me if he has any problems with questions. You have a good dame. You don't hang no damn phone up on me. Damon told me in the last was hard headed anyway. Now look you know what you got the wrong one, baby, Like I'm trying to not lose all my religion today, but you're about to make me lose it on your You don't know who you over here? So, like I said before, uh my fun your nephew that you're trying not to claim over there. I don't know why you came from wherever the here you said you came from the downards to try to I came from California down here to Dollar and I'm telling you need to take your back come back to California because down here if you don't know me like that, no, I don't know, but I'm fending know you and TRAVI has been to know that my brother ain't his daddy. I don't know. You know what. You need to talk to your brother again. That's what you need to do. And you don't need to be talking to me. You've been to send us all the money and my brother then set y'all. I and when I do, Look when I said, when I send all that eight years worth of money back, you're gonna send every dime back because it belonged to my brother that ain't my brother. Child. Now, we ain't got time to be going on on Mari repover showing nothing to find out who you know what? Like I said, you picked the wrong want to be your best bed not to call me anymore. You actually it is a good thing that you call because if you can't knocking on my bro, you got you with to day, No you go, that's my second thing I've been to do. If we can't rectified over the file, I don't have a problem coming over there knocking down some does and getting some questions answered, because damn it, this ain't Damon's baby. Obviously you must wish you with yours. So you're taking for much entry now it ain't mine. But but it ain't games either, and we got my head in and look of the from but I'm sorry this was taken over here and Damon where we continue to play when he oh, Damon, don't open with your brother's day that I want to say. I'm sorry. He's gonna continue to play. And you can call wherever you want to come to whatever you want to do. So go back and tell your mama and everybody else who who's waiting for this meeting to let them know it ain't having Look, my mama ain't got nothing to do with it. Mama been that's your mama. You say your mama, y'all got to get it. She's the same way, Like I'll see where you get it from. You're like this, I call Mamma knows it, y'all from knows it. People. My y'all's am business. That's a groad man. That ain't. My mama said it from the get go, that it wasn't Hunt, that it wasn't Dame when China, I mean your mama's two past lock because you're ain't with your mama said you ain't Benna. Sit here and bring my mama up in this well. If you know so much, then you come back on my belly. I'm not gonna go if you want to. We didn't done. The man. Seven hundred and fifty dollars times twelve times eight is seven in two thousand dollars. That's how much money and my brother didn't send you and how much we want back. And I need you to get to working on this money. Not okay, Why don't you come over here and get don't get your woo today, Terry, come on over here. You don't see you on your thing? You you in Dallas. I don't care nothingbody but I'm in no Dallas't you so what? I don't even know what I don't. I don't even go one way for my time talking to you. Like I said, your brother is a week if he got to have you had a meeting and you got to be the one to call. I'm not really understanding. Look, I got one more thing I need to say to you, is you're listening to me? You know you know my dam nerves. That's what you're doing. You respect me? Are you listening to me? What that's the nephew timing from the Steve Harvy Morning Show. You just got Oh you just got pranked by your sister telling your baby. She said, talk to her about her baby, daddy and that baby. Yeah. I don't play with the chills. Oh my god. Let me ask you this, what is the baddest But I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Boys, What he's like? I don't play. I don't play about the children. The children he is going to continue to pay your house support. That's what's wrong with you? Mean? Now, Hello June, come check your boy. The Time to Laugh. It is the Megafest in Dallas, Texas Magafest. This is the comedy show A Time to Laugh on Friday night, nine o'clock, June thirty, at the Cave Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center. Who that's long? Ain't Yeah, I've been there. It's a big place. We're gonna fill it up me, said the entertainer Tony Robbers J. J. Williams miss Orgy and there's more and more, with the one and only Fred Hammond as the band leader. Baby, I got a band. You don't understand I got a band. I'm rocking up in here right now in the direct free and ham But you don't understand up in the direct way. An, I can't direct slow your road partner, I can't. I can't be Kirk Franklin from one might. Come on, come on, well height wise, but that's it. That's come on. What told you to think the gospel music that's going too far? Come on, come on, you're talking about he lives Fred. Yeah, he's about Jesus. Build offense around all around me. Direct Fred. He don't need I understand it. But I'm from the direct friend though, why prayer, I'm directing you go here. That's my brother, he lives here, that's my my friend. Free watch me direct you listen. Man, that's gonna be fine though. That's gonna be fun. That really really is it is. Can't wait to check that out. Hey, coming up in about an hour from our favorite TV show, Power actress and a Torris Notton will be here. She's, of course, ghost wife Tasha st. Patrick. She's going to be our special guest next hour at forty one. After the hour, she's gonna tell us about the brand new season of Power. It premiers this Sunday night on Stars, of course, and I know I can't wait. It looks so good. It really really does. Yeah, all right, now, oh uh, I don't think Yeah, I don't think either, because we've heard about everything else in her life, right yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't think so. Yeah. Oh boy, okay, it's quickly. Um. A woman's grandmother was in the hospital, really wanted to see her dog to her little granddaughter disguise the dog is a baby, and brought her in, put a little bonnet on the dog and everything, but the hospital had a no pet policy. Yeah, it looked like she knocked her in. She snuck her in. I love it. He's bad, he's you can't say that. Strawberry letter coming up next. I want to live up my fantasies. We'll be back. You're listening to show, all right, chop chop, Let's get to it. Buckle up and hold on tight, we got it for you, Strawberry letter. Alright, thank you, nephew. Subject. I want to live out my fantasies. Dear Stephen Shirley. I have been married for two years. I love my wife with everything inside of me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Her. She is an amazing mother and wife. We have a great sex life. My problem is that I want more. I want to be in an open relationship or at least a swinging couple. I've had this desire for a long time, and I don't want to live the rest of my life and not be satisfied. I want to live out my fantasies. I don't think my wife would go for it. I'm afraid that if I tell her my true feelings she would I feel like she's not enough woman for me sexually. Sometimes I feel like I'm way too freaky because I would like to have several sexual encounters with women and men. I would like to have sexual encounters with women and men. I don't want a relationship with others just sex. What should I do? Please help me? M I think if i'm I think Mdia had a movie about this. It's called why did I get married? Okay, that's what it's called. And so I ask you the same question, why did you get married? Why? Why? Why would you do this to yours too? It's not not to yourself but to your wife? Okay, you know you need to be single. That that's that's the point in this whole letter. You writer of this letter man that's been married, uh for for two years, who loves his wife with everything inside of him and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. She's an amazing woman and wife. You've had great sex, but you want an open relationship that doesn't go together. That doesn't go together. You need to be free to be freaky. Okay, that's what you need. You can be as free as you as free as you want to be, to be freaky with whoever you want to be freaky with. I mean, I just think it's yeah, I think it's I think it's so unfair to your wife to expect her to be a part of this. I mean, you know you could have laid this out for her before you guys took the vows. Okay, because you take the vows to love each other, it doesn't say anything about you know, any open relationship or or or living out your fantasies, your sexual fantasies and anything like that. I think your wife is Um, you kind of got her in a trick bag with this one. Um. You know, no one gets to do whatever they want to do sexually when they're married. I mean, yeah, you have fantasies, but anyway, I just think it's unfair to your wife. And what should you do? Uh? Yeah, tell your wife and see how she feels. I uh suspect she will walk out at this point because she can't. You're right, she can't compete with this. She there's nothing. She can't keep up with all of this. You need to be single. Why did you get married? Jay? First of all, he's already doing what he wrote about. That's already being done. And if you're doing what you wrote about before you wrote about it, I hope you're out there practicing safe sex. Please you don't want to take that to the house, then you will have something to explain. Okay, you know what I'm saying. It's like sometimes you said you want that extra piece of pie, and you already had the pie. So you can't bring your wife into this. Just do what you've been doing. Keep it to yourself, keep your mouth shut, and enjoy your life. Just do what you've been doing, keep it to yourself, keep your mouth shut. Everybody ain't got to know what you're doing. Well, now it's mill. People know, they don't know who this guy. This guy could be somebody at the bank. Man, because your wife is not going for this at all at all. Yeah, he needs to be free to be freaky, okay, because if you tell her, not necessarily, if you tell her, she's out. You can be freaking man. Let me get straight on that, but not like this. I'm talking about open relationships. You know, several parts at that point. You're right, so at some point some of us gonna come to the house. Yeah, this is no. Yeah, you need to be freaking free, all right. Come on, This is another case here of a possible selfish woman. That's what to see. This is another case of a possible selfish woman. The man is the heat, and he must lead now wherever he takes you. That's where you go. What if he leads you to a swingers party, then you do what your man did, all right. Your man has a freaky bucket list, and there's some things on it. He got to get checked off. You got to say, you know what, I'm with my man. I'm riding with my man. Cannot believe the level of stupidity. We've been saying it every day. Let me ask you too late? Is something? Is your man your husband's the head of your house? Yes? Do you follow your husb he leaves now? If he's walking down the sets to see you got these little conditions, that's that's long. Let me say this. Let me say this. It always makes sense, It always likes sense. But even if it don't make sense to you, then you should steal follow your man. And if your man say, get your ass we're going somewhere, we're gon and go hang out to night. And you just happened to be at a party and the gathering and everybody's having a good time and there's some drinks flowing and some orders moving around, and then all of a sudden people start taking clothes off. Guess what. It's not time for you to run out and say maybe no, no. But if your man started pulling his shirt off, hello, he I don't think so. All I'm saying is I hope you got to ride home. I'm saying I'll take my shirt off and she don't take hairs off right after me. We got a problem here with the with the union. What did it say? What God has bringing together? Letting? No, man, what what don't you I'm not I'm just not. I'm just saying we're not gonna use it when it's just convenient. Come on now watching because I'm going somewhere right to the swing of club. When I swing, you swing just like that. When I swing, you swing like that, you swing back toward me. Swing. Oh my god, I want to get freaky with you. Okay. Part two of the Nephew's response. We're gonna hear from the young one to uh after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, back to this crazy letter. But first coming up at forty one after the hour from our favorite TV show you know we love us in Power Ghost Wifey will be in the building. Tasha st Patrick are our girl actress, not Tory Notton will be our special guest. Of course, uh Shell Underwood is on deck too to come up. But let's get back to this letter. Part two of Today's Strawberry Letter. It is called the subject I want to live out my fantasies. Now listen. If you have a problem, if you have a relationship issue, you do want to email us those at Steve Harvey dot com. He wants some advice from Steve and I, uh, we're here to help. So go to Steve Harvey dot com and send us those letters. Yes, we are all right, remember yeah, subject, I want to live out my family's I'll read my fantasies. I'll recap quickly. Uh, this is from a young man. I'm assuming he's a young man. He's been married for two years. He he loves his wife, he says with everything in him, she's great. He wants to spend the rest of his life with her. They have a great sex life. All of that, I mean, all the bells and whistles, is a wonderful marriage. Except for one thing he has a problem with. He just doesn't get enough sex. He wants an open relationship, he wants to swing, and he wants to have with women men. He's just way too freaky just to have one person. Yeah. So, um, he doesn't know what to do and he doesn't want to tell his wife because he's afraid his wife or leave him if he tells tells her and you know she will she will. Yeah, all right, agree, Come on, nephew, wrap up, and we want to hear from the young one on the crew to last, not least, what you should do. Brother, Sometimes you have to shock your woman into something. Just take her to want of easy events and just not let her know this is what's going on and just shock it into it. And that's what is she gonna follow you? Man, I promise you. Just just do what you got to do. Do what you got to do. This from one player to another player, do what you got to do. Trying to live out your bucket list. This how you go in. That's an age limit on being a player, and you've passed that. I just want to let you know the out of the mouth of babes what you got junior. Did y'all not hear me on the first part? What you said? Nothing? Here we all the second part. I have nothing. I don't have these feelings. I don't know what to tell you. I can relate to it. I have been in some encounters and some things I popped off. I didn't like it. It should be limitations, so sick, hold on, hold on, wait just a minute, wait a minute, Wait a minute. So back in the nineties with me and you left the comedy club and we wind up. Shut up, Tommy, he shut up, shut up. You look back over at me. We was high five? What what we was doing? Something else that wasn't us missing? Just two people are missing the bottom line. What should he do? Don't tell your wife. Don't tell you what she's leaving. She's you know she's not. You need to be single if you want to be this freaky all right, we was in l a Junior quiet, all right, yeah, go to we gotta get out of here. We have to go. We have to go. We have to go email or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter and my girl surely so so come on, Jay introduced our girl from the Talk Chryl Underwood. Yea, give it up on stage Jay on comedy Stagey, let's go, Cheryl. Let's hey, look, I'm gonna need you to come on after the star doman me just like I wouldn't it be wild if we all went on tour did our own will be so cool? Me? Tommy Junior closing, Oh, you can go close close, Let's just go get the checks. People right on, right on. You know what they always say, it's favorite Nations. And I will be fellowship with with my sorrosers. AATA five Beta will be in the Birmingham, Alabama, Hoover area because I'll be at the start them. But on Saturday afternoon we'll be with the SUTs at five Beta. Now, I got a whole bunch of things I want to talk about, so I'm gonna dispatch the serious stuff first because we're gonna clown at the end. Now, everybody talking about how mad we both be about Bill Cosby, and they always want to use black people when it's somebody black first, About anybody mad about Bill Cosby? Just because twelve people couldn't get together tend um and say guilty. Two of them say, I don't know what's going on. That's right, I ain't mad. Ain't nobody mad about Bill Cosby. It is what it is when we're mad about is when a Hispanic cop and a black cop kill black men. They're found not guilty, and the only thing they lose is their jobs. If we don't start putting police in jail. They will never understand that when you take a life outside of that color of authority. You will lose your your freedom just like any other person that goes up against the state and my right brothers, and that's right. We want good police. That's what ice Cube was saying. When ice Cube was on BI on My show and he got in that I'm sorry call out about to say a word bill show. He talked about that black people want good police. We want police with integrity. We are not anti police, We are anti people that go above that badge and my right brothers. Okay, I'm about to preach on the fact that George Clooney and Cindy Crawford Amanda made a billion dollars off off Conya the Rock. Thank you. Let's start brewing it up, brothers, and because thinking that we need to be making it something last but not least, what the else going on with our shoting the selfie he took. Have you gotta see it? Listen, Let let me tell some I've had sex with a lot of little boys, but they have always been get with out shopping because he could teach me how the lout way. Dick Gregory called and said, you need to take all of my diet and stopped playing. If our shot can get my stuffing to go down. We can get barried. We lit the hair mine just missing at the top in the middle shop and Rick Ross get together them wins me really really good. Come out, get with me, baby. I'm gonna put some meat on them bones. You got all right? Thank you, Cheryl. We love a girl. Actress, Notori noting Tasha st. Patrick from Power on Stars is coming up next. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we gotta have a drum roll for this one. We got to you already ready, y'all. Don't understand. This is this is mine right here, this is what I watch. All right, y'all. Here we gonna the highly anticipated new season new season of the stars hit drama Power. It kicks off Sunday, June. Power, as you know, is centered around a drug kingpin, King Pen. He's struggling to get legit in New York City. Night Like last season ended with some cliffhangers, so we can't wait to see what unfolds this season. Jordan us Now is a dynamic actress that stars as Tasha st. Patrick on Power. Put your Hands Together. The one and Only Miss Ntori Notton Thank you, Oh my god. I can't wait for the show man. Thank you all for having me. It's going down, you guys return on Sunday Night on Stars. Last season, uh ended with some Cliffhangers Ghosts played by Amari Hartwick, who the girls love so much. Yeah she's married. Yeah, but you know the Fellas over here, we love us. That's right, I love I love to Yeah. Yeah. Last season ended on a on a crazy you know, I think Cliffhanger Ghosts is arrested by his mistress and also fed Angela. You know, yes, um, she thinks that he killed Greg. It's a whole thing, and this season is going to kind of pick up right where were left off. I can't wait for people to see because I think it's going to be a really powerful, exciting ride. It's gonna be a little scary, so just I would say, get ready because season four is gonna blow your mind. Listen, wait, wait, wait, hold on the Tory make no mistake. We are a team, Tasha, please, thank you, Oh never never, never, and baby, when you checked her at the apartment building in the lobby, boom, yeah, we were right there with you, were right there in my hands. Yes, can we expect Tasha to try to get her family back together. Can we expect that? I mean, that's all that she really has been trying to do. She definitely wants you know, Tarik is missing. She you know, he he's acting crazy out there. We came in and you know, I need to make sure that my kids are saying. I don't know if Tasha's focus is as much about ghosts and the family together, doesn't mean that they have to be together. I think she's just trying to keep you know, give the kids some foundation and some stability. So Ghosts he's been running around with Angela is so long that I think Tasha is tired of trying to beg him to get it together. I think she's ready to kind of figure herself out and live her own life. How many times do you have people come up to you in the street and go you just wrong for that? Now you're just wrong? Oh my goodness. People people are so passionate. They kill me and I live in New York so you know it's a New York City show. They're like, uh, you don't got the driver killed and met ghost. I mean, they have so many don't they believe the that's but that's the sound of a good show. And really that point. His name is josephs Achord, the one that plays Tommy. Man. He can so scary, but he's so sweet in real life. Yeah, it's so funny. We're nothing like our character, right because you know him and Ghosts are at odds right now. So Tommy, you know that is he finally gonna be in control since ghost is in jail now, he's gonna step up and definitely be in control. Tasha had to step up to actually Tommy and just my TV girlfriend. I said, hey, you're funny. Yes they yeah, is wrong? So um yeah, I know it's gonna be an interesting interesting right. You can't wait. I cannot wait this Sunday. Yeah, but I gotta ask for this La is she dad? I can't answer. I know everybody wants to know where the kisaid we you will see episode one. It will be revealed. I can't give it all away, but I'm just you know, I'm not gonna let my best friend and go go out like that. And La is such a great job. We love the characters and it's just good for Tasha to have you know, her roll dog, her her Ace and that's a lukisha. So we'll see what happens, right, No more, I know? And oh yeah, it's that. That show is so good. The act real good. It's so real. It's so I mean, you guys really are believable in what you're doing in those roles. You really believe. I have us believe in it, and I know he has him. He's so good is Kane. And it's causing people to be upset. Yeah yeah, but he's doing a great job. And this season you're really not gonna like kanean this year. Is he a good boss? Notori? Is he? Because I know he's executive producers here? Oh yeah, yeah, he's a great boss. He's fun to have on set. He's really genuine and a pleasure. So I enjoy working with fifties. It's a great it's a great energy that he brings. Good And we gotta get we have to get you guys nominated for some Emmys too. How about that? What I'm gonna call them and let them know. This fourth season, come on, this show was excellent. Yeah, it's so good. You're pregnant. How's that going? It's going good? I can't complain. And eight months and one more months ago. Okay, well, a happy, healthy delivery, and we wish you all the best and we will be watching this Sunday and every episode thereafter as long as you guys really appreciate it. I hope y'all. I hope y'all stick it out. Don't get mad at me, don't all day Yeah, baby Tasha. Alright, Power returns this Sunday, June nine pm, eight Central on Stars. You're listening to the stew all, right, come on, it is that time, y'all. Better buckle up, hold on tight. You might want to pull over because it's that time. Reality update. Thank you, nephew. Here we go. Let me get things started off by telling you Essence Fast. It kicks off June thirty. Sir, hurry, I am your official host of the Essence Eats Experience at the New Orleans Convinced the Center. Yeah, you can take a seat by the Essence Eats. Stay each as you indulge in some amazing food. You know, it's some good food in the world. Hungry, delicious, delicious. Mean go to my Instagram page right now at lips by Carla and get all of the details. Now let's go Ratchet Tree TV yes, yes, Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. Okay, this is really my show, Shirley. I love this, I love it. It's been so good lately. Yes, it was so good. Okay, So me me cannot stand Joscelyn. She really really can't stand. Yes, she told her baby daddy is Stevie J, that she doesn't want their daughter Eva all around Jocelyn. I want to round to no, Mimi told Jocelyn. And you don't need that voice. Somebody told her mom that she spent some time with her dad and Jocelyn. I remember the girls were on this trip to Jamaica. They were on their girls getaway. Baby girl, MEMI packed our bags, left Jamaica, went to Atlanta to put a protective order in against Jocelyn. And if you want to know what happened, why does Mimi just can't stand Jocelyn so much? Last year it was kind of like a sick attempt to get revenge, Joscelyn put out on social media allegations that Stevie J molested his seven year old daughter Eve. You don't you know that's Mimi's daughter, So MEMI, yeah, that's Mimi's salty. She's not having it. She doesn't want Jocelyn around her daughter Stevie. You know he has other daughters as well, and his oldest one of his older daughter, Savannah. She was very upset with Jocelyn and what she did. She can't forgive her for lying about her father and sister and Josh and Savannah went off on Joscelyn. Jocelyn apologized for what she said, but it was too late. Savannah was not hearing when behind on this show. Yeah, well it got close, Savannah. She wasn't no humility at all about what she said. Um, and also looks like you know the whole secret baby drama with Kirk. You know that whole thing, uh, the baby mother Jasmine, she is now going to take a DNA test to prove to her current boyfriend that her ex boyfriend Logan is not the father of her baby and Kirk, who is married to Rashida, is the father of her baby. That's what she is. One more time, Jasmine has to take a DNA test to prove to her current boyfriend that her ex boyfriend Logan is not the father of her baby. And she is claiming that Kirk, who is married to Rashida, is the alleged father of her basic. Yes, so now you're all caught up with loving hip hop Atlanta, Let's move on. According to page six, Kenya MOR's husband has been revealed. We finally know if you guys didn't know, Kenya More from Real Housewives of Atlanta is married and she tied the knot with Marcus Days a restaurant in Brooklyn, and Kenya said on her social media post, you are the best man I've ever known than loving me unconditionally. My Rada died. Bonnie and Clyde hash she didn't get married on the show. I don't know man been after her? You need protection? Well, speaking of that, Junior, Speaking of that, just one more thing. That judge has granted Kenya a one year restraining order against her ex boyfriend Matt Jordan. Yeah, yeah, so this you know. She had a temporary restrainting order against Matt back in April. Jordan's Matt Jordan is to stay at least two hundred yards away from Kenya Moore and her family her new hunts. Do people know when they two hundred yards? Did you walk that off? How do you know when you far in when you not gonna get in trouble? Get back get that. Yeah, imagine. Alright, moving on from the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Last week during reality Update, um, I told you about Bachelor's in Paradise. You remember the contestant, rand Olympios, who is white. She said that she was a victim of sexual assault from a fellow castmate. His name was Damario Jackson. He's a brother. Now Warner Brothers, they shut down production to conduct a sexual assault investigation. Well, the investigation is complete. The cast of Bachelor's in Paradise is headed back to Mexico after producers say the show will resume filming. Now, the brother de Mario Jackson has been asked to return to Bachelor in Paradise after Warner Brothers found no evidence of edge ms cod Yes, thank you, yes. Yes. However, Jackson he feels that damage has been done and last week he said that he had been defamed by false accusation and claim that he lost his job as a result, because remember they did fire him and they weren't even finished with the investigation. But they have, yeah, they have asked him to come back. And then this is kind of interesting. There's an article on CNN and there this writer said that there is this racist stereotype that persists that black men are criminal and that their sexuality poses a threat to white women, and so you know, yeah, to do that every day. Yeah, breaking news here. Yeah, we we kind of talked about this. J We were talking about this too last week when this story, uh, when we found out about this story that um uh, you know, when we learned that Karen was white and Damario Jackson was black, you know, and then now that the investigation is over and they found no misconduct, and it's like, okay, we go back to the show. Well wait a minute, this was damaging, but now it's back. They invited him back. It's uncle. It's unclear whether she will return. I couldn't find information to see I think she said no, I think she says she will. Yeah. I was kind of trying to look that up to see if she was going to return. And her lawyer still want to conduct an investigation because they have all these witnesses that didn't come forth before. Yeah, you're all caught up. That's reality update with your girl, Carla. But the minute I didn't get to go ahead, Lyn, did you're listening to show? Oh, Tommy, do I have a story for you? But I'm not going to do it right now. I'll do it in a minute story a story for you though. I'll tell you about this one first. Think about this Instagram college. Instagram college. Just just let that marinate for a moment. A university in China is offering courses. This isn't the one for you, Tommy. A university in China is offering courses on how to become a social media star. This is a college course, now, okay, yeah, and this and this stop at jay and this is serious business. It may seem crazy, but this fashion entrepreneur and blogger has earned forty six million dollars. He earned that back in two thousand and sixteen. His name is zang Uh, more than China's top actresses. Um yeah, since going to college. Moving on, Okay, alright, moving on. This isn't the one for you either, Tommy. Here's a question. Do you spend more time with Facebook than your friends or you know, being on social media or whatever than your friends even when you're together. Uh, It says ignoring your real life friends right in front of you because you're busy with social media has become such a problem and a common practice now that there's even a name for it. It's called um well, I'll get to that in a minute. But psychological researchers from the University of Kent have dubbed this fubbing bubb you heard me subbing. It's called phone Yeah, it's called phone snubbing. Phone snubbing, also known as phone So with your friends, you're just ignoring them and you're on your phone. Yeah, you can't do that. Knock your phone out your hand. And phone snubbing. Yeah, it is the practice of focusing on your phone instead of the friends sitting around the table with you. Well, we're so connected to the phone. That really unbelievable. The old picture, back in the day, when people get to finished with sex, it would smoke. Now grab your phone, you grab your phone, yeah, and send somebody a text. He was terrible again. All right, Tommy, I love you. Kids. Get together like my daughter when they had played eight, these kids look at each other, they beg for the parents to get them together, and then they on their phone the entire Yes. Yeah, play is different. Yes, it's crazy, It really, really really is crazy. Right now. All right, Tommy, this one's for you. I don't know if you've done this before, but we travel a lot. We all travel a lot. We have to you know, uh, live in hotels when we travel, right, we have to stay there. Um, don't take a bath in your hotel room. Don't do that. Don't do that, Tommy, this one's for you. Get ready. This this is cringe worthy though. According to a study, if you're soaking in a hotel tub, you're pretty much soaking in bacteria and cleaning chemicals. The fact is that housekeeper sponges their mops, the same ones used to clean the hotel bathroom. They put all that in the tub, and the tubs are full of germs. So do not take a bath in a hotel room. And Tommy is such a germophobe that I knew this story would just creep them out. Yeah, I have taken I have taken a bath with socks home. I have student a shower with sox phone. Alright, alright, coming up, we're gonna talk more about tropical storm Cindy. We'll be back with an update. Okay, you're listening to alright. In our effort to keep you updated and informed about what's going on in the country, in the world, especially right now with this um tropical storm Cindy. Uh here we go. Gulf States were in for a third day of rough weather as tropical storms Cindy slashed ashore early today in southwestern Louisiana. Already blamed for one death in Alabama, Cindy was expected to keep churning seas and spinoff bands of severe weather from eastern Texas to northeastern Florida. The storm's maximum sustained winds had increased to nearly uh forty miles per hour this morning, with additional weekend weekending expected, the U S National Hurricane Center has said. Louisiana Governor John Bell Edwards declared a state of emergency along with Alabama mon Knoxville, Tennessee. The power generating Tennessee Valley Authority said it was drawing down water levels on nine lakes it controls along the Tennessee River and its tributaries in Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentucky, anticipating heavy runoff from Cindy's rains. So there you go. Yeah, she's still doing her thing. Tropical Cindy. Tropical storms Cindy. Yeah. I think when people hear about tropical storms and hurricanes, they think about, oh, well, it's not windy outside, so you know, if the winds aren't that bad, they think that the storm is not as bad as forecasters have predicted. But when it comes to that rain and that downfall and flooding, you have to you have to listen to the officials, the state officials, your local officials about being safe and having your supplies. You know, just from experience myself. You know, I was I don't know j if you know that, but yeah, I was in katrain of my husband and he's from the Orleans. And there's just some basic things as we kick off hurricane season. I mean, this is the third season of the third storm of the season, and it's just what June, the third week in June. So there's some things you just have to remember, you know, to be prepared in batteries and water and non imperishable food items. Keep your phone charge if a storm is coming in you think you might lose power, the medication formula for babies and diapers, all these supplies, and cash. Keep cash on hand, you know, because of you know, you may not be able to get to an ATM machine. So make sure you listen to your local authorities and uh, don't tune them out. I mean, I remember last year Louisiana, southwestern Louisiana, it was a lot of flooding in the Late Charles area and it wasn't a hurricane. It was just rain, A lot of rain, a lot of flooding along that it in quarter. So make sure you gotta stay safe, be prepared, becare of full. Yeah, all of that, and and most of all, stay prayed up to you know that never hurt, that never hurts, never heard. Um. Okay, So we've had the h the All Eyes on Me Tupac movie, so possibly coming to a theater near you. Next will be Two Live Crew. Remember Two Live Crew. Yeah, Hell Luke and then Luke and then Li. Lion's Gate is signed on to produce a biopic on the group. The working title is The Book of Luke. It's based on Luca cambell uh It's based on his memoir The Book of Luke, My Fight for Truth, Justice and Liberty City. Craig A. Williams is reportedly writing the script for the Book of Luke, which is described as straight out of Compton meets the People of the People versus Larry Flynn. Mike Epps has also signed to produce the film. So there you go. Rate it. On the third night, we'll be back. Yeah, this coming up, our last break of the day. We'll be back to a close out of the show. Just one more thing coming up. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh, this is our last break of the day. Boy this day. Yeah, it's time for just one more thing, just one more thing. Uh. The announcement of Floyd Mayweather Connor McGregor the fight has been the talk of Vegas. It's actually been the talk of this show because we're trying to figure out how can we be down or Yeah, we want to go see it. I'm not training on nothing, a hundred million dollars, no experience necessary, y'all. Don't want to side of this. Going to get night, going to get knocked off. When I came through, your will is on in order, Junior, j When I come through, you can't tell me nothing. Yeah, but that's when you catch him, Junior. You catch maywelling your hook and real tight and whispering and looking at him, and two to the head and one town you grab them. You say, you get your chicken, got I'm about to get mine. Mayweather is gonna return to the ring at age forty. Uh, he has confirmed a boxing match against twenty eight year old Connor McGregor. You're right. The talk is that Connor will get a hundred million, and I think Mayweather stands to to to the purse for him is three hundred million. My god, I love it though. Um anyway, here's here's the other thing that we didn't know about the fight through all this noise, one other event has been lost in the mix. Uh. The August fight has been scheduled on the same night get this guy's as Ice Cubes Big Three Basketball League. Oh and both are scheduled at the T Mobile Arena. Yes, yes, yes, yes, So this could be No, this could be a bit inconvenient, Cube says. However, the businessman that he is, he's perfectly willing to give up the venue if the price is right. Okay, he is a businessman, he says. He says. If they do what they're supposed to do and make us happy, yeah, we'll move. Yeah. Thing as though this fight looks to bring in hundreds of millions of dollars, Like we said, we're thinking they could really afford this. Here, here, and here, which one would you choose to fight or I love, but I'm going to the fight. I'm choosing the fight like Alan, I'll gonna miss that. Yeah, yeah Mayweather though. Yeah, Connor mocked Mayweather's age. I told you he was forty by attaching a photo of floyd sixty four year old father and uh yeah. This is when he confirmed on Twitter that the matches on. He mocked his age by attaching a picture of Floyd's dad. Fans retweeted the image nearly two hundred thousand times. I guess they thought it was funny or something. Yeah, this should be interesting because I didn't know who this guy Connor was is when you worked up with Amnesia Hunt. So he's a mixed martial artist. Yes, he's never boxed before before, right, never never. He's good, he's good mixing the sports like this. No boxing, it's exciting. Yeah, differ and why is it exciting? Why is it exciting because people get beat up? Why? Yeah, he is. He's going up against the twenty eight year old though that has no boxing experience, and you're gonna get in the ring. Good look for Floyd. You're gonna get in the ring with one of the best pound for pound fighters. In the world then happen though undefeated, don't forget Yeah that barbag night, Hey anything? Neither one of them were fighters? Are they both going to get this money? I will to change I want Connor McGregor is not even expected to win the fight. Oh so he's gonna get a hunted me for no expectations for showing up, just for showing to change your career. Yeah, why not getting the ring? Get a hunted me? Knocked me out? Basically you got nixed. That's what you're saying. I won't floyd right after, I won't flow it right after. It doesn't that kind of taint the sport there, he's just doing it for Yes, yes it does. You all have no problem whatsoever? So do you don't understand football is down? In basketball? Just finished? We don't have nothing right you all don't care. Go to the mall. Take we all go to the mall. I bought them all. I need stuff change my life. Run wow. August six at the T Mobile Arena in Vegas. It's going. We need to go, guys, we need to make it. We need to go to that. You know well, I checked it and the cheapest seat was too grain for the fight. Hey, you think Steve will take all of us? I know, I know he can't afford it to spend it on us. Let's yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll ask him. We'll ask him. Can you take us to the Connamer Gregor Floyd Mayweather fight at the Tmobile Arena in Vegas August? See what he says, Well, he might want to go himself. Though he might go, we ain't going. All right, Well, that's our show for today. Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you for hanging with us. We love you so much, Thank you, thank you, thank you. Happy birthday, mama, Oh my god, happy birthday. Birthday. Yeah, happy birthday, mama. You look good girl. I love you and I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Yeah, right here here here For all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary board where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visits Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. H