The crew talks Obamacare Repeal and Steve Sends Tommy a Bad Text in a Group Message

Published Mar 25, 2017, 7:30 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag a suit looking back to back down, giving them back, just like the mozing buck bus things. And it's coble true good to the hardy guy listening to move together for stoo bar quickly money. Why don't you join? Yea yeah, by joining the same way you got to use that turn he love go. Yeah, you'll you gotta turn to turn out at the time hobby got to turn out to turn turn on the ya comey, come on your things, got it? I shall will Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show. You know. I eventually wanted to syndicate after I was given the opportunity, But the whole thing about the radio show in the beginning was not my idea. My idea simply was, I asked God to make me one of the premier stand ups in the country. That's all I wanted from me. I asked him that in That's that's all I asked him for. He's done so much more for me since then. He's blessed me with so many more opportunities He's opened up so many more doors, He's poured out so many more blessings. It's hard for me sometimes. Really, man too, you can take it all in because I feel like wow, man, billy me, thank you. I mean, I'll take him, don't get me wrong, but it can be overwhelming at times. I often used to hear my mother say, who was a Sunday school teacher? And I remember these words all the time. Now, God will open up the windows of heaven and poort of blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. Wow. I kept waiting on that day, Mama, where is that day at? Because I got plenty of room because I'm dirt pole right now. I got room for a thousand dollars. I had room for you know, a car. I had all that. Now understand, one of the things, though, that He's done for me, that I've asked him for in my lifetime is that he has made me matter. Okay, Steve, what do you mean by that? So? I used to ask God a long time ago one of my prayers was to help me matter that I want to matter to the people that come in contact me. Look, I just don't want to be a man that they meet a young guy that they meet, and when they meet me, it don't it doesn't cause a ripple in the in the pond. I want. I want to make ripples in the pond. I want. I want to be that rock that when you throw you try to count the ripples as it go out. I want to be a fourteen ripple rock. I don't know if you know what that means. But when I was a little boy, we should stand on the bank at ponds and stuff and throw rocks out into the water. We should either skip them or we throw them, and when they would land in the water, they would create these rings that go out. If you threw it high enough and it dropped straight down in that water, the little rings would start forming out like it would create a little waves. And these waves just look like circles in the water. And I remember one time I made fourteen of them, and that's always stuck with me as a little boy. That was because nobody in my circle could make fourteen rings, and they all counted them so they saw. So I enjoyed that because I had made a bigger splash, a bigger ring pattern than anybody else. So I've always asked God to make me matter in my own way, make me a big ring pattern, see, because that's important to me. Now, it was important to me, but I didn't understand why I needed that to be the important part of me. Because here is the other part. You know, the thing that you know to who much has given, much is required. You've heard the thing do unto others that you would have them do unto you. You know those those things like that that you learned along the way. Well, if you matter to people, then guess what all of those become a real possibility in your life. See, you can't ask for the yang without the yang. You can't ask for it without without the responsibility that comes with it. See, God can't bless you with a lot, and then you think that it ain't gonna be a lot required of you. I have people pulling at me all day, but I have to remember that prayer I made. Now, I wanted God to help me to matter. That This is important, y'all because see, if your prayer is to matter, that means that you want to You want to matter in the circle that you in, no matter how big the circle you in, no matter how small the circle you in, you want to make a difference. You want to have an impact on somebody's life in a positive way. If that's one of your prayers, guess what God a readily give you that. Because when you do something for the least of these, it's just like you've done it on His behalf or you've done it as him. You know what I'm saying. I don't know if I'm explaining that right, But when you do something for the less fortunate, you're doing God's work. God gonna bless you for doing that. So now here's a deal. So if your prayers to matter is to become an impactful person, then guess what God gonna help you do that, Because guess what, You're gonna do some work on His behalf because you're gonna run across somebody that's less fortunate. You're gonna run across somebody could that could use your impact. You're gonna run across somebody man that ain't quite knowing what your way to going because you haven't been down that dirty dog road before. You can say, hey, my man, let me let me pull your coat to something. You can do this now, But let me tell you what's gonna happen. If I were you, I would consider this that's making an impact. That's like the guy that passed out in the l a named Lou Danzler out there that had this boys and girls sent out there in the hood. And man, I can't tell you the people's lives he impacted. I remember when Eric Davis, a bad baseball player, came back. Can spoke at the group one time, looking at them kids and hug and Lou Damsel and thanking him man for changing his life. This guy became one of the superstars in the Major League Baseball and then just thousands of people that lives that he affected. And when he passed, what he did was he left an imprint. He left an imprint. That's huge. And that's all I wanted. Man. I just said, Man, if I could make an imprint, you know what I mean, it's like you're walking through life, right and you're making footprints and saying, I want my footprints to be so deep that after I'm gone, people can still tell I had come through there. People have can still see that I did out. Oh man, he amen, Amen, Harve walked over there. Holdup, man, look right here, man, Steve Harvey came through here. Because I want my footprints to be so deep in the sand that I'm matter to so many that even after I'm gone, I can still show you the way that even after I'm gone, I still have an effect on my children, on my sons, so that my sons can look up one day and gonna remember all the conversations we had. Man, my daddy used to tell me this, and maybe I can turn wanted to turn my sons into men. You're understand. Turn my daughters into ladies, you understand, So they ain't got to follow the crowd and get out here. You know, man, you you, you, you gotta wanna matter. Man, you gotta wanna make a difference. And so at the end of my life, when it's all over and the winds is blowing, the saying back in my footprints, I wanted to take a while. I wanted, I want. I want several sandstorms to have to come through that before my footprints get filled up. That's how much I wanta matter. Mattering is important. It's gotta be important to you. What's your legacy, what you're gonna leave behind, what they're gonna say about you. There's a cold thing, you know, when you die, you get a tombstone. Tombstone has your date of birth. Your tombstone has a dash, and your tombstone has the date of your death. Here lies so and so, so and so born such and such a day, dash died such and such a day. Now you would think that the most important thing on that plaque, on that tombstone is your birthday. Or you would think that the most important part on that tombstone is the day you left here. But it's not. See when they put your birthday on the tombstone, they put a dash, and then they put the date you left here. The most important thing on that tombstone is that dash. What did you do while you will here? It ain't your birthday they're gonna celebrate. It ain't the day you die they're gonna celebrate. They're gonna celebrate that dash. What you did while you was here. It's the smallest thing on that tombstone, but it's the most important thing on that. Man, what's what you're doing about your dash? Y'all? You gotta wake up to matter to somebody. You gotta make an imprint in the saying. You gotta affect some people's lives, and you got to do it all in a positive way. So we gotta wake up every day thinking about them footprints. We're laying down that legacy, we're creating that. That that what they're gonna talk about when we're gone moment. What you're doing about your dash? My dash is January seventeen, nineteen fifty seven. That's my date, my dash. I'm working on that right now now. When I leave here. What I want him to talk about, Steve Harvey, ain't January seventeen, nineteen fifty seven. Ain't the date I'll leave here. I want him talk about that dash man when he was on here. This is what he did, man, that was my man. All right here, let's Steve Harvey Morning Show. Eighteen minutes after that, I welcome to the ride, y'all. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve Happy Friday, Darling Friday Friday. Yeah, it's going on, calling for real. What's happening to Steve? Never mad on Friday? Baby, How the baby doing? Tisha's doing good, doing good? Thank you pass. She got the new jail house shoes. Yes, y'all was gonna get her. The jam candles, Jesus sandals. They just look looked like jail house. She's doing happy. Got a competition this weekend. You know, my Julian. That's good. What's up? Healthy? Another day on that day out is better than another day. Yeahthing around here? What's hadding up, had Rick? What's happening? I'm good man. I heard, uh, there's a rumor going around about you. I just want to know if it's true. What isn't that well? I mean it's I mean it's it's it's good news. I heard that you and your new queen getting your closets redone. It's just one. It's just one closet. We just that's all we just trying. Is it show us? You know we haven't. Here's a hers claus Huh yeah, yeah, it's a here's a herst clous But I think I think she don't want to be in there with me. I think that's wants it to be mostly hers. So what the question of who getting moved out? I think I'm getting moved out slowly that when I talk to the contract he said, I think this is your little area over here. I said it down, Okay, come on, Steve, make me proud. But y'all up, I mean, you wouldn't even really expecting the bigger was come on, you see he said, look all these little jackets, that's what all this little bit of shoes, Yeah, a little contractor it's just setting up that going okay, I'm gonna get this woman all this and you can't get mad about the little Errand he didn't look at the jackets. How he didn't imagine them. He trying to figure out who the waiter he is in the family. I'm getting moved. So Monica told me that y'all gonna redo one of the bedrooms and turn it into a clause. No, it's that's not the case. I definitely, I'm just okay, so what is the case? So I do in case we want to do something like that, you don't use like that. You have plenty of space. You don't do that. So anyway, took one closet, gutting it and then and then extending off to the side of the house with more room. You'll add more rooms so we can happen. You're gonna add to the house. Yeah, what are you? Hey, I'm sorry? It is what I just say? What you just say that what you're saying was here we go sorry call I'm sorry. Hey. Yeah, And then he had to explain it, Tommy. So you you adding all to the chateau. No, that are not really that was existing, an existing porter cauche on the side. So what a porter cauche To those that don't know what that is? What what is that has? I don't know what it is. You know what it is. You just don't know what it's called. You've seen it. Yeah, it's called it's called a car port, yeah, car points yeah, my friend. Yeah, no, no, but it's a porter cauche. When you got a chateau. Yes, you don't use regular terms. He time me is the new HR department. And you have to just understand where you're coming from. Because Monica opened her mind. I mean, well you know that's the new sauce, that's the mind for the South. Well, it's kind of on this subject. I just want you to know. Tell me that I was rolling down the street yesterday and um, I saw the store that I've never seen a store like this before. It was for men. It was for men. It was it was for men, but it was for five eight and under men. You could you could go there. Sorry, I'm just telling you. I'm just telling you. You don't if you get a five Husky or the big old sign five eight and under proud. Okay, I'm just saying you owe me very will you? I love you, man, great for you. I am not bothering. I'm just holding strong in the struggle. That's all. If you add on to the shot to is we're trying to turn it into a mansion. Just need some closet room. I'm going through. Whatever man go through is living with a beautiful lady. You're gonna have to get rid of some clothes or make some space. Something got to happen, man, I know what you mean when you hear what ugly woman? What? What? What? What that guy doing? You don't need some space? A silence? What's the issue? Steve the contractor with the amount of storage for a little for a little suit area? Over here? The man measure the jacket, bring Tate mark he didn't want an yeh and talk to Jordan's baby. All right? Well, so interesting talking with Tommy and Half Rich Department. You just find out how life can come up. Man, I'm really enjoying this new segment called you used to call it the half and to have not rit. You just got a segment called half Rich. That's that's two checks from screwing it up. That's what that is. That's two checks from, like I said, you the new HR department and HR stands for Halvy. Alright, we come back from the break at thirty four. After the hour, Junior will answer today's question of the week. Have you ever texted someone the wrong messager, didn't hang up the phone and that person heard something you didn't want them to hear? All right, we'll be back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, y'all, here we go. Uh, it's thirty four after that. I question of the week is, have you ever text somebody the wrong message and didn't hang up the phone and that person heard something you didn't want to be here or you sent the wrong take? Well, Junior did, and he's gonna tell her about it. Nick A, Junior, what have all right? Listen, y'all, I was about thirteen years old. I had my own phone in the room. First of all, several of us, a couple of us on this show case ever have said that, oh, yeah, your phone. Thirteen We was getting the phone put in our kitchen one line. So one of the biggest problems I had was taking my clothes off and throwing them hangers in the floor, the wire hangers, throwing them hangers in the phone. Well, my mama worked the night shift, so she called me on my on my on my room phone and I answer phone, how, I want to what? That's how? I answer phone what? And she said who you wasn't I said, I'm sorry, Mom. She said, listen, I noticed all them hangers is behind that dough. You need to get them hangers up for I get home now. I get home in the morning. I want all them hangers out to float. So I took the phone. I said yes, ma'am, and then I tried to slay the phone down, but I missed. And I said, I'm sick of this, sugar honey, I iced tea. I want to live somewhere else. I'm tired of this. Always got something to do around here. And I looked at that phone and saw that light under the bottom was still gosh. So then you know, I go back to playing on my Nintendo. At the time, I know you didn't hand one damn them. I had no I was playing with Power I hadn't Intendo. So I got back to playing with the Nintendo. I goes to bed, and didn't get them hangs up. Oh Mama wanted the knight ship. I told you now. She got home by three in the morning, which I am dead sleep. All I felt was a belt hit me at three thirty in the morning. I sat straight up, and then she reminded me of what I had. So, you're sick of all this sugar honted iced tea. You don't want to live here no more. You're tired of this. And my daddy is standing in the hallway died last. These hangers ain't up yet, and I was already on strike two. You know, I ain't take the trash shot. I ain't did the dish it and not left these hanging to flow. She beat me for about twenty five and thirty minutes, and I'm laying there in the corner, in a corner because I didn't ran all around are now I'm just cut it up in the corner. My daddy. My daddy come in the door and he leaned the door where he say, so, let me ask you something. Did you still sicking this sugar honey iced tea cup. I'm still sick of it too, and I want to know if I got somebody on my team what. It had a profound effect on me because the next day we went to Ross. I walked in Ross and almost died because all other hangars that was in the floor. And what is y'all doing? They are hating people, but hangars in. Somebody get these hagars out the fool. I would around Ross picking up hangars, hangars in the floor night. They are killing people. Y'all help me get these hangars up. I'm gonna come to your house and start picking hangars up. God just just saw that lifetime. When I saw that light, I knew it. Sugar honey iced tea. Couldn't wait to get straight in there. That's going around the room. He was also all her nursing getting a nighttime beating us, beating up out of your sleep. Yeah that is did you wake up and don't know what's going on? All right? Thank you, Junior. Get ready up next, it's run that breakback with the nephew. You're listening all right? Coming out that top of the hour, y'all, MS ain't gonna be here with national news, including uh, the latest on the vote for the healthcare bill, a surprise down as they try to repeal Obamacare, which really is like they found out that it has so much good stuff in it. They cannot agree on what to take out because the thing I've started to snap shoot it, uh, take a snapshot of it on my cell phone. Last night, they're talking about what the conservatives want. The moderates are okay with leaving it there, but the conservatives want the mental health care taking now any drug treatment taken out uh uh uh and like to other it's some really yeah, and they want a big one taken out. And and the other moderates are going, we can't do that because our constituents, they're Republicans. They want this stuff because a lot of enough, a lot of that is tied to the the pre existing conditions, and they want that removed. The ultra conservatives, oh yeah, they want that remove because see they want to go back to business as usual. So healthcare companies regularly, I mean yeah, health care and insurance can set the regulation. This is a horrible mistake. All right, Well we'll we'll Yeah, I'm Sand's coming up. Plus Steve, don't forget, we got the sand and coming up in the Bahamas. M we're gonna talk about talk about that, talk about all that and then checking the waffles. M that sounds good. We can go for that, all right, we can. We can worked that out for you. You want that right now? Yeah? Oh boy, let me let me see what I can do after I run this prank back. Right now, We're gonna run my refriger radar running that thing back you. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach you, Mr. Please, this is Jackson. I'm the driver, man, I'm actually the delivery guy that's bringing you refrigerator over the day. What's going on? Okay, listen, I know we had a window that was from eight to twelve this morning, just leving thirty now, so we run a little bit behind schedule. Man, we have some problems at the yard getting everything loaded up. Man, come on, man, you're killing me. I can y'all. So y'all running behind, were a little behind schedule, Man, We're gonna happen. We we'll be there somewhere between twelve and four. Come on, man, you know to do better than that. Now, I understand, sir, I understand that. Actually it's I got man, I got my food in here and and uh coolers and stuff. Man, I got every where. I man, So I mean, what's what? What's what's going on is y'all ain't got the restrigerator. I'm trying to figure out. No, No, we loaded up. You know, we just had some problems. I think one of the fourth lifts went out and you know, it kind of pushed us back. So that four hour wind that we had from eight to twelve, man, just got ruined. And now we're pushing things from our twelve to four. So between twelve and four, man, we would definitely be there. And it's I spoke to yesterday. Actually the warehouse supervisor, he's actually out to day. He's not here, so he's not in. Yeah, Man, Yeah, I work every one. You said, y'all not gonna be he until in between twelve and four, I'm gonna be work. Want to I understand it, man, I greatly apologize. Man, this rarely happens, and it just so happened this morning and forklift was down and we had a lot of stuff to load up. You know, we got I got ten refrigerators on this truck, man, and one of them is definitely yours, sir, So I'm definitely gonna be getting into you as soon as I can. So man, pushing it. I'm supposed to be at work, and you know, I scheduled everything else around this because I'm supposed to. You know, I gotta have got all my food and stuff and in the kitchen and whatnot. The refrigerator went out? Did the refrigerator went out? Is that what happened? I mean, I hadn't had it for quite some times, which you know, so it's just amount of time for we'll go out. So I try to believe and get the newes. You know. That's why. Well, now I scared you. I will scaredu you next week sometime if you want me to. I mean I can't. I can't afford that. I just we're gonna pave this food that I got to hear all over the flow. Let me let me get the hustler man and see if I can move as quick as I can. But twelve four is the window. Man. Like I said, I apologize, Mr. But we'll be the man. We're gonna, We're gonna, We're gonna be that what you were read to day. Okay, okay, So so when you when you on your way, how about I want you to call me and let me know that you on your way, so I know what's going on. We don't know. We don't know him to call when we're on our way. We just come on in and get things set up. What do you mean you don't call? You just called me just now. Yeah, like I said, the problem is on us, man, I'll give you a call when we're around. Okay, okay, I appreciate that. Now you said you said between tweven four. Now, yes, sir, twelve and four. We definitely be there. We got your on the truck man. Okay, don't I don't want miss man. No, no, we got you. We got you. We'll see you in a minute. Man, alright, they care. Hello, Mr. This is Jackson again, the delivery guy man with refrigerator. Well, yeah, listen, this is about man. We run into a few more problems here. Man. It looks like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator till tomorrow. Sometimes you you said, what we run into a few more problems, man, it looks like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator to the marrow. Into a few more problems. A few more problems like what we got some problems with some uh, some more delivers we got just with all the delivers we got it just don't seeing we're gonna make it on your side of town to beare to get this thing take. You're not gonna make it on my side of town? What is that you decide you want to take my money when I pay for, when I paid for, but you're gonna tell me you don't and you ain't gonna make it on my side of town. Well, well, we can definitely get out there to morrow. Man, we definitely can get out of the mall, can't. I can't have them out of here to morrow. I got chicken and beef and uh and then briskited all over here in my float and you're going to him you can't make it into the mar What is that? Uh? You you ain't got no answers for me on that. I understand, No, No, I don't. I don't think you understand. So because I got sick, I got food and ice and city in here and coolers, all of them the floor of my kitchen. You don't tell me that I did. Just you can't make it in here to the marrow with with with my frigat here because because you you you you you're yelling on the back ram yesterday the word that was I know you're spoke to about. I told him yesterday I had to have my work at one o'clock. I told him, I think that you got refrigerated your own time because I gotta grass work. Well, I don't talk to Unimore women, like I said, certainly not working today, he's not. He's not into day charge. Well, actually the lady name one that's actually in charge and when lanry Lee's. But I don't even know if I saw mom. But but you you what are y'all doing over there? Now? We're gonna have it there. I took out my job, but y'all have had a refrigerate here. I'm here there at home, and now you called me back, and all I can tell you is we're gonna be there tomorrow. Okay, I'm not gonna go back and forth. You know, you know what you and refrigerator. Sorry, y'all you take the refrigerator, you stick the refigerator. I don't want to know more. I'm gonn aud. This s food in my neighbor refrigerator, and I'm gonna go give me another from somewhere else because the time for your men, sir, I don't know if I don't know if that's refundable. You know what you mean. You know that when you got time, you're gonna take my money and you're gonna tell me that I can't have my money back. You can't get my fridgerd on your time. Sir. Listen, there's one more thing I needed something to Okay, but I have one more thing I need to tell you. Okay, are you listening? This will probably help everything. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife. Do you know what I'm gonna fix up? That's what I wanna know. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go, folks. May I have your undivided attention. Sad and So Festival It's coming October six through the Knife at the fabulous Atlanti's Hotel and the Glorious Bahamas. Baby, that's Columbus Day Weekend. Y'all come hang with us. It's pretty over there. It took the whole family over there. They got a water park, they got white sand beat it. We got five hotels to choose from. We got all the entertainment you won't. We ain't doing nothing but partying, gambling, eating, and drinking. That's it. Ain't ain't no siminars. Don't ask me nothing but what if I want to jump? Though? You need to jump on that plane and get jumped the hell over the That's right. Gotta sand and sell festival dot com for more information. We want to see you there, yea. Our question of the week. Have you ever texted someone the wrong message or didn't hang up the phone and that person heard something that you didn't want them to hear? I mean something awful? Call us and tell us all about it. I got one for ted. Have you ever set the wrong picture? Call us and tell us about it? Eight seven seven Steve and god quiet, you mean that one of the greatest moments of my life. Alright, let's go Line one. Steve Lea from Alabama. The question is have you ever texted someone uh the wrong message or have you forgotten to hang up and someone heard something you didn't want them to hear? Okay, Hey girl, Hey tell us what? Okay? So this was about a month or so ago. Um, me and my husband we were in the middle of doing that thing and my phone rung. It was my mom. So I'm thinking, oh, she's calling me about my granddad who was in the hospital. I answered Tom, I answered the phone, and she just wanted to talk about hair. So I told her, don't mom, I gotta call you back. She never hangs up the phone, so you have to remember to hang up. Apparently I forgot. I set the phone down. We started back and we were going at it, and all you hear muffled in the background. Stop, Oh my god, I hear y'all stop. Oh god, you never never ever just the phone. I hear y'all stop saying that. He was like, where the kids? Oh my god, just screaming. So finally I just put a phone and the next day I was like, hey Mom. She was like, oh my god, I just can't believe y'all did that in front of the kids. I was like, the kids and not manner, what are you talking? Tell who does that? And my husband couldn't look here in the act for like two weeks. It was Oh my gosh. My mom was larious. So she proceeded to tell my grandma about it and go, you, oh, your your man was holling your husband and saying things. I mean, it was out there, it was out there. What was her, poor mother to take your n put it up on this headboard. O, my god, baby stop make me But he just talked to MoMA on the phone. No, no, no, no, he don't even know. He think it's huh, poor mom, you heard my baby making men? Make stop? Where are the kids? Stop it? Where about your that's funny. Yeah, make sure you're well. Scharlon. She's here today to give us an update. Tell us what's happening. Good morning, miss Saying, Good morning Steve and Carla, Tommy Junior, all you crazy kids, Good morning everybody. This is an tried with the news. All right, let's get serious here. Authorities in London say they've identified the guy who they now say killed five people. Of the death toll has gone up to five, including a police officer and Wednesday's attacked near Parliament before being shot and killed himself. They say the fifty two year old Halid Massud was born in southeast England. He lived a little north of London. They say that although he was not the subject of any current investigation and not considered a terror attack fit by the way, but he did have a previous conviction record for assaults and weapons possession. Thousands of people held candles in London's Trafalgar Square last night as part of a vigil to honor the victims of Wednesday's attack. They say the five people who died and the dozens who were injured came from eleven different countries around the globe. Okay. On Capitol Hill, yesterday's much anticipated House vote on the GOP healthcare bill had to be put on hold when it looked like it simply didn't have the votes to pass. The bill faced opposition from both the GOP Center and it's right, with about two dozen members of the so called Freedom Caucus announcing their intentions to vote to measure down they say doesn't go far enough and repealing and replacing Obamacare. So looks at the President Trump, for all his bragging about being a big dealmaker, has so far anyway have not has not been able to make it happen anyway. A North Carolinic Republican Mark Meadow, though, says he he heads up to Freedom Clawford. He says he's kind of hopeful about out it. We have not gotten enough of our members to get to yes at this point under what we're currently considering. However, I would say progress is being made. So he's a little hopeful the president is making a move considered part gamble and part threat. President Trump's demanding a make or break vote on the measure this morning, with Trump saying if a doesn't pass, there'll be no more work on any package repealing Obamacan. In other words, it's my way of the highway. Guys, vote for it or forget about it, so we'll have to see what happens. Stay tuned. Uh The senters top Democrat New York Chuck Schumer on the record as opposing President Trump's choice for the Supreme Court, judge Neil gorci Some members of the Judiciary Committee accused Gorcian's are refusing to answer any legitimate questions about his judicial history and his opinions. Israeli authorities say they've arrested in an Israeli American teenager for allegedly phoning in a bunch of bomb threats and the Jewish community centers, synagogues, private companies and public venues in the U s, Australian, New Zealand and Israel. They say he's a ninety year old Jewish young man from southern Israel and that he's also made a bomb threats to Delta airlines. Get this. Authorities say the Indiana father for whose wife voted for Trump now facing deportation to Mexico himself. And today World Tuberculosis Day and National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day, we do like cho this is hand trip on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Ladies and gentlemen, I know you wanted everybody do is Eugene being replaced by oatmeal? Has Eugene become like cookie has become to Roger Phinton too much to handle? We will find out. Shortly called the Butterfly Blog, ain't been the blog since. Good morning, Good Marning, Steve and Tommy ear Lake College Junior. Good morning to everyone. I'm on the show. Good morning, good morning, better flutter flutter are you doing that? It's Friday. I already want to say it is here. Good mois really calling to your time? Really it's fright, but little want to stop bad say yallo because I'm from what I'm understanding you this right hills supposed to be here like uh like two people out the same sick before. What I'm understanding it right now that it's you know, just here to do my poets so good mod So is it now right? Eugene and open blog? That's not what this is not what is not doing? What has happened? Because I've been hearing him a lot, I don't not worry what. I love it than you. Why did you call it the butter blog? Butter blog all weeks? Been here all week? He's just talking out of turn. It's Eugene's butterfly block. That's what it's always been. That's what it's I'm thinking we now need to tell you the name O new It could be Eugene and old mumuh whatever you want to count it. But standard ain't nobody got a prida with me being adeo sure m h listen, chance, welcome on, healthy, y'all is welcome in the house. Surprised. Tomorrow I'll be in death in Alabama doing a shower at You ain't by yourself. You're trying to say something that ain't nobody else in here. Hello, I'll be a dothe it too already, old Meal to be justice and way and not say something you want to say? What did I talk about flowers? This? I tell you about the damn flower? Now he playing flowers, I'm playing trees, trees wood, what man? It is the Butterfly segment. It is. I understand why he's a little upset. You know what I would say to you. I think you have I think you're a beautiful like like I ain't trying to interrup and then like this deal now you people have been taxed and emil and saying they like O me only see well and we do we do too. But I mean you can understand why. That's all I'm saying. I understated, But let me say this it though, But won't you do this here? I won't you tell tell you that you like me on this sea? Kay? Apparently they don't do this? Do you like him on this? On this segment? Get enough this segment somewhere else. It's far. I agree with you, Butterfly, it's your segment. I think you should keep it. What is you? Crab food? Who did you cram with him? Whimpering? You know what you do? Only what back? Because he wants a segment to himself. He doesn't want to oatmeal. This was supposed to be movie Friday and go out and watch different movies on Friday. And I was gonna tell you guys, the movies that you just made that up just now. You ain't never told about the movie Friday. Now I'm saying today's blog, what's gotta be movie Friday? That's what I'm thinking. What what is you cram food? Ain't nobody hit you down? If you wait? Oh, you'd have been raised though with me, my cousin des Ray if you if you did cold, We're gonna get it worked out, butterfly, we are. We're gonna get it work right now. You got wiped right now, right now, you go wipe your fate. Alright. Our question of the week, have you ever texted someone the wrong message or didn't hang up the phone that person heard something you didn't want them to hear. Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright. Our question of the week. Have you texted someone the wrong message or didn't hang up the phone and that person heard something you didn't want them to hear. I know you did at eight seven seven, We'll be back. All right, Let's go. Let's go to line too and talk to Za out of Tennessee. Zack, ma'am, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, man, what's your story, Zach? What happened? All right? So what happened was my girl had moved in with me um and she had a kid, and I wasn't happy, so I told her I wasn't wanting to break up. My friends came over and we went to ride around outside whatever, and my phone was in my pocket, and I guess I accidentally FaceTime there when we happened to be talking from smack about her for like ten minutes at FaceTime there, and I got this text message and it said I just heard everything that y'all just said about me. And I get home and she parked a car across the driveway, so I didn't see her car. She was hiding in the bushes and just came out and attacked us all on a Covi sect on a weekday in this neighborhood. And I get her in the house and I'm renting this house. It's fully furnished by this, uh the family I know. And she's breaking mirrors, she's throwing wine glasses, she's throwing punches, and all my friends are right there in the house. Did you? Did you? You don't have no problem with did you? I mean, you did feel like you had it coming once you figured out she knew everything. Yeah, I did see what we What we did was we drove by the house first to see if her car was there, and we didn't see it, so we didn't even know if she was there. And she came out like grilla warfare, just came out of nowhere behind trees, just throwing stuff, almost the cops punching me in the face everything. Za, what's her name is that? Because I think I didn't have had this chick? My name is Jessica. I'll go Yeah, that's same chick, roll from under my car. Same. Guess what. He's a crazy story. I'm about to move in with her and probably about two weeks, y'all back to Yes, we are many and they laugh about it. Hey man, can I ask you a question? Yeah? Go ahead, see how old are you? I'm twenty three. Can I tell you something? Man? Can I tell you something? This is gonna happen again, young man. Man, that's what I've been told. No, no, brother, listen to me. This is going to happen again because you have not cured what is wrong. This is going to happen again, young man. And the feelings you had before they're gonna come back again. Yeah, yeah, I know, young man. That's why I'm telling you. Just take it from an old cat that broke up sixty nine times. Listen to me, son, before you do it, just make sure you'all way at all out. Y'all talk it all out, sit her down, and y'all talk about different scenarios. And if y'all don't agree, then don't do that. Brother. Yeah, I feel you'll feel because man, you're gonna you're gonna twist your life up hers too. And she got a baby. Yeah, see, you don't. You don't want to affect a child that way. You want to go into a happy home environment. Y'all's y'all's environment before wasn't happy. You got to go into a home environment happy. Man. If you're not going to make this girl happy, I mean, you know, and she's not a happy person. Okay, let's let me rephrase it. If you have to make her happy, this is a bad relationship. Bishop Jake's told me one time it's not your job to make another person happy, and you can't do it. He said, you can't make another person happy and it's not your job. So if she's not a happy person. She might be sexy, she might be fine, she might be a good mother. I got all that, yeah, man, But if she's not a happy person, you're not gonna be able to make her happy. I agree. I agree. That's the only thing you gotta be worried about. Man, Is she a happy person? I think it's been about I say, it's been about four or five months. Is all that went down? That at that's like a week ago. You're gonna you're gonna get your whip again. Three you got my three? Phone her from her? I mean, I mean, I mean if the way she handles anger is breaking stuff, throwing stuff, and throwing punches, what has changed for the next time she gets angry, she gonna get mad again. But see, if throwing and breaking stuff and hitting people is your way of handling anger, you've been being a world of trouble. Man. If you're not with the person who wants to sit down talk, you can raise your voice. That's argurs sometimes, but y'all got at least keep it at the talking level. Once you get physically get the throwing stuff, you're the wrong person hanging that, man, y'all, geve me calls coming when we come back after the break for that. After that time, I got to break phone call. Coming down. Listen, Steve, Hey, y'all, we're back coming up. At the top of that. We got a strawberry letter. But before that, come on, food, I got it for you. Let me tell you what the sell is. Uh. It is a prank call called breast enhancement. Breast enhancement. Of course, I'm not talking to nobody on this show. Move along. Oh you didn't, Yes, I did. They tied to you. I'll see that joke. If you blessed. We ain't nothing wrong with breast blessed? What's wrong with all? Right? Think your chairs out to be proud? Move along, move along? Stop stop, it yn't no Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Lashonda, Lashonda, Ashanda. It's built from a human resources human resources here at a group. You've been here with us for a year now. Oh yes, hi, good morning, Good morning to you. Listen. You actually had an evaluation because you've completed your first year, right, yes, correct? Okay? How how is everything in the in the work environment? You feel comfortable? Oh? Yes, everything is great. Um. I enjoyed my employment here and I don't have any issues with anybody, UM, maintained a professional friendship. Good deal, Good deal. How do you feel about your your physical appearance in the office. How do you feel about that? The physical appearance in the office? Um, we could use some pain in the office. You mean well, I mean your actual physical appearance. You're you're a tire, you know, are you? Are you comfortable with yourself? Yes? Okay? Am I comfortable with my physical appearance? Yes? Yes? Okay. Here's something that that lestando I wanted to reach out to you about that came from the higher ups. Or would you be willing to actually change to to enhance your your breast size? Hi? I'm sorry I didn't hear. I didn't hear the last question. Would you say? I said, would you would you be willing to enhance your breast size? My breast s eye? Do you think you would have a problem getting your breast enlarged? Did you come from human resources? I'm built here in human resources? Yes, okay, And you're asking me about my breast eyes? Yes, I'm asking you do you mind would you mind getting them in large? What? What the what the higher up feel is that it actually um beautifies the entire working area and really I don't care what the higher ups still or how whomever feels about my breast side. That's really inappropriate, very inappropriate. I'm sorry. What's your supervisor's name, williams? Um, I'm William. You're Williams and you're calling me asking me about my breast side? Right? Correct? Is that what you're asking me? Is that what you're asking me? Listen, calm down a minute. Listen, No, no, no, no, no, there's no calm down a minute. This is very inappropriate. What does my breath side have to do with my employment? How do you? I don't work for Hooters? Is not who are we Hooters? Now? Really know what? What? Listen to me? If you look around the room, If you look around the room and you when you get to work, you'll notice that most of the girls have had there is in large and it's really right now? Are you look around? What do you? First of all, I'm not looking and going to work in looking at other women. That's number one. That's number one. Number two, why are you calling me from human resources asking me to look around them? That's really ridiculous, is it? Not? Are we know what professionals are professional? But what we're trying to do William Bill. William Bill is your name? No, No, who's your supervisor? Okay, you know what, Why don't we do this? Let's start over and let me try to again. How don't we do this? Who is your supervisor? Because first of all, I've never heard of a William Bill or whomever you say it's William. They call me Bill for shim because you're calling me like really inappropriately, and you're you're being really nasty right now. This is ridiculous, Lashanda. We're gonna pay for half of this? Are you? Are you serious? Right now? You know what you're gonna pay for. You're gonna pay for a whole lot, because I'm I'm about to press charges on you want for harassment and to the company, will be who's your supervisor? It doesn't matter. It does not matter who my supervisor. So it doesn't matter who your supervisor is, because I'm quite sure they do not approve of you calling around trying to get people to in. And there's nothing wrong first of all with the way I look. There's nothing wrong with the size of my bread. You don't agree, don't complain about the way I look. You don't know, you don't agree that they're small. You don't agree that to that this is the way. God, maybe I don't have to have big break. It don't matter what I look like as long as I'm doing my job. Like, aren't you serious right now? I don't understand why there's a problem even thinking about taking on the issue. You know what you mean? Are you? Are you serious right now? You're serious? I'm very you know what. It don't have to be an issue because I know what human resources is like. You're calling me on some real, real dump right now, talking some breast size that we're gonna see how big you're be as if we beat out of you. You understand that, you get that because you know what I mean. When my man gets to see who's calling me asking me about my you know what, you know what, I think you're taking it the wrong way. I think you're taking it. Don't even we don't even need to talk the more and we don't even got to talk about You understand that we have nothing to talk about. Bill. Just just understand this. You just set yourself up with the right. You just set yourself up with the right. I'm telling you that right now. Understand that. Please know that, Please know that you got the right number. Monday, Monday morning, nine o'clock, I need for you to be at human Resources. Understand, will be there and I will be there and my man won't be there, and we'll talk about when we get there. Keep running your mouth and know this that this conversation is is gonna get put out there and everybody's gonna know about this organization, the company. And I'm soon you'd staying that? Why why do you continue to wild? Why? No, there's no wild? Why nothing? Understand that you heard what I said right, I'm hearing what will y'all blow? You have no idea who you you understand that? But you will know on Monday. I promise you that with me, you know idea you've been Wait, you need to watch them now. We need to know she was done with Nephew Tommy. You need to know that. What Hello Lisanda, Hello, Hello Linda, This is Nephew Tommy for the Steve Harvey morn Now are you kidding me? Right now? I was going to Okay, I gotta ask you what is the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the lace clearly the Steve Harvey Morning Show with Netphew, Tommy, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's the time. It's the time. Buckle up and hold on tight, y'all. It is Strawberry letter three al. The subject this time around is Stoker, says Dear Shirley and Steve. I am an eighteen year old freshman, and I'm an eighteen year old and freshman in college. I'm having trouble with getting a certain someone to leave me alone. We've known each other at least six months now, so he does not seem to uh, and he does not seem to take no for an answer. The problem that I'm having with him is he always wants to spend time with me on his time or else braid his hair. I don't have a problem with doing his hair, but along with him getting his hair done, he wants to cuddle and kiss up on me. He constantly gets upset when I remind him that it is strictly business and that I'm in a relationship, or when I push him off. He is a nice guy at all, but I'm just not interested in him that way he is with me. Several times have I sat him down and said for him to give me my space and to respect my boundaries. He tried, but he continued to drift back to his old self again. It is now to the point where I'm avoid him. He's being too forward and it is working on my nerves. Also, he tries to remind me about what he can do for me and how he can treat me if we were together. I don't want his feelings to be hurt, but he needs to know what should I do? Okay, dear? What should I do? First of all, you got to stop talking to this guy. You gotta stop braiding his hair. You know. You gotta leave him alone because he's not getting it. And let me tell you something else. You say he's a nice guy, and all a nice guys don't do this, okay, If you tell them no and all that, you know they go on. This man is not a nice guy. And and another thing, stop worrying about his feelings, hurting his feelings. Worry about your own self and your own feelings, you know, because this guy is bad news. You know. Didn't you say you were in a relationship, by the way, I hope you weren't just saying that to get him up off you. But if you are in a relationship. Where's your man and why isn't he handling this for you? Uh? You know he needs to step to do and tell him to leave you alone. But in any case, you shouldn't be dealing with this guy. He's crazy. I say, Um, you know, do yourself a favor, and if you have any male friends or any male relatives that can come up there and put a stop to it, that's what you should do. Steve subject stalker. Um, the subject throws me off because I don't see stalker in this. I see a guy that you know, who you've invited into your life and now you're having trouble getting him out. Well, let's go over this letter. Let me point out a couple of things, young woman of eighteen, and I'll share something with you about him. Man, I've said it before and I'll say it again today. You're an eighteen year old freshman in college and you're having trouble getting a certain someone to leave you alone. And you've known each other for six months. Now, let's take a look at this. College starts up in August, September, October, opener, January, February, March, April May. Uh, that would be seven months so you met him shortly after college started up. Okay, great, ah, you were friends album soon. But he doesn't seem to take no fun answer. The problem that you're having is he always wants to spend time with me, on his time or else. I've said it before that when a man really wants you, you can't run him off. Well, here it is, you can't run him off. You've told him no. He don't take no forun answer. But here's your problem, though. I think your whole problem stems around braiding his hell. I used to have braided hell. I used to wear braids in college. A matter of fact, I kept my hair braided in college. I had braids him down to my shoulder. I wore him under a skull cap, Apple had all of that. Just getting every girl that ever braided my hair, I actually had to sit between their legs. I cannot share when you the affection I built for certain women just because I was sitting between their legs. One girl, Gwen Harris, braided my hair. Gwen was a heavy duty cute. It's never been my style because I just ain't well man enough. But when I sat between big Gwen's thighs, I can't tell you the warm fielding that came over. I felt like a baby being rocked in the bosom of his big Gwen. With braid my hair, I would pull in big massiz in on me and I was skinning back. Then her thighs would actually lock all the way around my hip. And the warmth from gwen thighs caused me to build an affection for Gwen Harris that I should not have had. Understand which, ah went by gwen house one evening. We had nothing to do with my hair getting braid was already braided, Wasn't I just braided your hair? All I was thinking of with your thighs. I ended up in a relationship with Gwen that night. That night. Yeah, I was eighteen. Yeah, ain't going nowhere. I ended up in a full blown relationship, a man with a plan and everything that night. I actually saw a future with Gwen that night. When did something to me at eighteen that I've never recovered from. Yeah, I don't get my hair braided between no heavy dudey cutest thighs no more, cause it gets to you after the break at eighteen after the Hour, Part two of Mr Harvey's response to Today's Strawberry Letter, Steve Harvey show, She'll be here, m h sister Odal, Yes, they and we got part to the Strawberry Letter coming up next, the Who She Hid? It's an eighteen year old freshman in college's girl and it's having trouble getting this certain someone to leave her alone. You know, a lot of these problems seem like common sense to all of us. You know, when you hear other people's problems, it's easy to just say, why don't you just do this? Why don't you to do that? What was the tough Maybe she doesn't have a dad, maybe she doesn't have a brother, or maybe she's just trying to figure out how to handle it on her own without dragging it in because you all know that you have family members that you cannot call because they're gonna go too far. All the boy is doing is coming over there. Won't his half braided too much? Now he's trying to push up on the girl. That's natural, that's what they're gonna do. But if you call Nathaniel, you already know when Nathan you get on there, the boy whole college career could be gone. So she trying to handle it herself. Your problem is, here's what you have to do, your lady. First of all, you have to stop doing his hand on the reel, because a guy interprets that as she cares. If here, yeah, she cares, you're touching me, you're sitting, So we were interpreted that. Surely you don't cook either, right, is not a requirement though cooking is how to do that. So why to hear what we think? You want to bra somebody here? You don't cook, but you help tens do that, and you don't braik for money. Now anyways, young lady, look and then you say you're in a relationship when you push him off, if he's spending all this time with you, what kind of relationship you in? You're very young. Listen to me. You can tell your boyfriend about the problem. He can talk to the guy. Let's be scared of him, because you haven't given us a physical description of this guy. So look, it's it's young. That's the way it happens. You're learning a valuable lesson. Don't leave a guy on and you won't have to want to. You thought it was an innocent thing, as Brad in his hair, he took it too far. It's a very simple letter, though, set him down and tell him, hey, you know, or you can just do what they do is stop it from coming over Braid's hand wrong do one side of corn rolling in Plato oven. Today's letter is posted as they always are. Go to Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweet her Instagram me your thoughts at my girls. Shirley now coming up after the break at thirty four, after the hour, we're going to the phone since has been a hot question all week about texting the wrong message to the wrong person. Okay, eight seven seven nine, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. And you know what people think about the DearS full body cleans. They automatically think about losing weight, but there is so much more to it. Sherley has said that her skin, her hair, and her nails always improved when she does the cleans. Well, I can't speak on the hair part, but my skin definitely looks better. And it's just amazing what that internal shower does for you. Hey, Steve Harvey Nation, go to Deer dot com right now, that's d herv dot com. Summertime coming. Hey, you have a text somebody wrong message or didn't hang up the phone and that person hears something you don't want them to hear. Carlos, tell us what it is. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, all right, let's go to line three CAT and talk to Laurie out of New Jersey. Hello, he very one. Hey, what's up Laura? Hey, Laura, what's your story? Tell us whatever? Okay? Well, I worked as customer service wrap on the telephone, and I'm usually very nice on the phone. You have to be very nice for the customers and you know, answer politely. So there's always going to be that one customer that you know, insane and wants everything for free and wants free shipping and you know everything. So um, she was just asking for so much, and I kind of put her on hold, which I thought was hold button. Uh, it was the speaker button. I had no idea. And I'm going on and off and off with my other coworkers things. This person wants everything for free. She's insane, She's asking me for everything. I can't do this, but you know, I was saying a lot more than that, but I can't say it over the radio. Blank and Blank won't all it. Blank ain't got a quota. I just didn't realize that she was there when the silence happened, and I hear, you know, like mmmm on the other end, and I'm like, oh my god, she's on speaker and heard everything. Yeah, I wanted to die at that moment. Laurie sounds so sweet. I really, I said, oh God, now I'm gonna have to definitely give her free shipping, you know, free gifts. Oh god, I felt so bad. But everything. What did she say when you got back on the phone. Uh huh, oh, well, that's exactly what she said. I heard you talking about me. I said, you know, I really wasn't talking about you. I know at that point that I you know, she heard me. I said, I was talking about other customers that call. And she said, and I said, you know what, I can give you free shipping today. I just wanted to, you know, make everything better. Give your free shipping. We're gonna get your pair shoes. We're gonna get some stockings too. You were stocking to because you sudn't. Oh, so we're gonna send you some stockings. Eggs we did, we did a botte on eggs. And when you wear queen or what what do you know about queen? You know you you know Queen coming the egg. That's Queen's size. Man, you know too much. I know a whole lot, Shelly, I've been live a long time. Pay attention. I had to go to Stow to buy the big blue blocks with the rose on the front and the purple box start with the K. Yeah. I had to go down there to get that big old box to come in the bag and took about the top of the bag. I'll be passing by the teenage boys. I was a little, hey, little boy, what's in the box? Something that for your mama? I'd be mad as hey, y'all, punk ass, better quit talking about my MoMA. By lord, love you great story dollar, hey tango, but yeah, watch that whole button. Get ready. Coming up next at about forty eight after the hour, Sister Odell is in the building and we're gonna talk to her, see what's on her mind. We haven't talked to her in a minute. Girls, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's next though. It's your girl. Is she ready? Well, I'm going down here and get him. She is the reigning Mother Supreme of all churches globally. Yeah, the one and the only sister old Dale. Hello, Hello, Hello, go play this Davilis record anywhere. I'll be here right after there. We'll be back for one reason and reason only, Sister old Deal, he's hill coming up all way. L you're gonna go get her. M hm well, God save you, gonna be glad for all ejs sis He save you, you will be glad. Ah jeez es us say it hurt, yes, so read to me. Sometimes I want to shout, hey, h got to glory my love how loon loon ain't done? But praise and worship service. That's all it is. Good mornings, every was Hi, call it hey, sister a Hi, tsh. She's doing good, she's doing really good. Good good good Thomas, Yes, ma'am, Hi boy, yes ma'am. And yes, ma'am. Good good Little Junior, good morning, is oh Dale? You sound healthy? I'm healthy? Yes I am. Keith. Oh. You know what they said when you have a sickle sale crisis if you eat two pop cicles in a cool really really you don't go to something in the pop cile to help with the sickle. So try that next time. Junior had two popsicles. Yes, maam, I'm gonna have to pups. Shirley, how are you today? Well, good morning, sister O'Dell. I was wondering if you were going to speak to me. Just saved you for lesh. You know, it's wonderful. Not hows your husband? Well he's doing well? Thank you? How about you? How are you? You sound good? He learned how to cook it? Baby? Why don't you come over and let me show you, Shirley how to cook? And you know what, that's a great idea, sister O'Dell. I think I will. What's your specialty? What can I cool? So food? Comfort food? Oh? Like um, colored greens and stuff like that, like colored greens and stuff like that. Where do I have a name for it? Oh? What what is it? What's called camp? Camp? What is what is that? Cam? K A m L. That's the kind of food I cook? Okay? And what does that stand for? That's keep a man food. That's what he needs to learn how to do? You know? They say sit around the camp fire. You need a lot of camp cooking camp so you can keep a man food. All right, Well we'll make a date of it. I'll come all right, we'll come back sweet that shall way? Teach you tie your breaths up because I don't like lott clevelange when I'm cooking, because I'm straight, you know. All right, let's move on, all right, Um, A lot of things going on in the news. Did you hear about the three three year old little girl who went to Rome with her godfather, And godfather took her over there, and she got so excited to see the Pope that apparently she wanted more than a handshake. She tried to take the Pope's hat off. At the Vatican greeting, the Pope kissed her and she reached around and took his zucchetto off his head. The Pope took it all in stride. He started laughing when he realized what had happened, so, you know, he was just it was all in fun. It was she was just three years old, so he didn't you know, I didn't see that. You know, I respect the Pope and everything. You know, he's not my past, yes, ma'am, No, I know the Pope I know this, and in the three in front of him. Oh, Pope is good people now, yes, yes, poaches good people. Especially. I bought Pope John. I bought him about his first pair of velvet shoes. I bought him from city slickers up in Detroit who knew that they had initial on it. Cs C bought him some bergling and purple velvet slip shoes for the pope. Slickers had everything. Okay, yeah, well, um, some sad news, sister, about the three year old though. You know, they took she took his one off. Yeah, the little white skull cap that he wears, it's called a zuccatto. They took that off. She took that off. You said she was white, Well she was, and his skull cap was white. Yeah, okay, Well you know that's got that. That type of crime is white on white crime. You can do that, you can. That's that's a crime that don't get reported. And don't nobody get shot. Um. Some sad news, sister, O'Dell. And I hate to be the one bringing this to you, but rock and roll legend, slash pioneer slash Yeah, Jane, I'm sorry, Jane, he was nineties, sister, Chuck. No, no, yeah, ain't you ain't. Don't shoot the messenger, sister, O'Dell. I'm just here to tell you what's going on. But it did happen. Yeah, yeah, oh, sister, I'm sorry. I breathe it. See, this is why I need to tell her these things. But I knew she didn't know. Sister O'Dell. Are you okay breathing straight? Are we still going to have our cooking lessons? It was Chuck Berry, Sister Odal, Yes, ma'am. I'm so sorry, sister. You're all right, Sister Odal, Sister O'Dell, is she okay? Ship people? Deal? Does she know Chuck? I mean, I know he's a legend. She took this one, really will. She's off the mic. I feel so badly. She's got to be all like that, Dawn. You have to breathe. You gotta stop. I'm about to go. I'm about to go with him if you don't stop. Damn. I love that Jan Barret, yes, ma'am, I'm so sorry. He was nineties, sister, Dad. I knew it. Daddy Black, Oh, you ain't little bit. And it is how much that ruins I'm I'm just delivering the news. Just relage. You always don't want doing it. I don't know what I don't want to do it, but you every daw for you always try to crack my faith with am bad. I'm surprised you didn't know he was a damn I can be a surprised. I don't listen to this show, James. I'm sorry, sister, o'del you all right, I have to breathe. You gotta get yourself together, sister, like I got four a good trains. I got four good time trains at my house on my I used the time. I'm deel. We're running out of time, so maybe you could take this time. I promise levels and seriously, the same time, I bought the vote. That's how he was able to do that duck thing that he does with a good many permise level. I want. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, uh, let's move on if we can. Okay that here we go. Less than fort of people have accomplished all their life's goals by fifty that's amazing. Well as you approach almost while thirty nine percent of people believe that life actually begins at fifty. Now, Steve, you say it's way less than that. I think there's a less percentage of people. Then how many you say enjoying their life dream? Less than of people have accomplished all their life skulls by fifty and then say life. Yeah, life actually begins at fifty. Now, this is what I want to ask the fellas on the show, Steve Tommy Junior, what things should everyone do before you turn seventy? Tommy? What should they do before you turn fifty? Junior? Forty? What you know? I just want to hear you got a lot of men want to get that out. Yeah straight there, Uh, okay, that's your list. Okay, so you're about to turn fifty, so the three huh I've been here man, I'm I'm good, okay, Junior, Well, I can't speak for everybody. Just gonna speak myself. Something I need to get done before I turned fort years. I need to get my own medical equipment. I need to get dead right now because this healthcare be I don't know if I'm be able for to go to the hospital. I gotta do my stuff at home. That first thing before I turned forty. I don't know you qualif j I'm gonna be. I'm gonna I told you to do what. I'm gonna do what I told you. I'm friend to get I'm friend to get hooked up with the with the veterinary clinic. I'm just gonna go down there. What animals there? Get myself take care, said the man who does it all across the exam. Yeah, the same size and test. Okay, see, what do you think before seventy? What should what should everyone get out of their their their way? Things to do? Bucket list stuff before seven? Before seven? Yeah, I think you should try not to die. That like a health related answer. Damn shall help with getting a seven? Okay, Yeah, that's what my is to not that. Well Tommy's was threesome. Get that out of the way. Yeah, yeah, they didn't done that. Him and Jimmy didn't done that. Doesn't gone what I adn't never had. Don't be speaking for me what Tommy says? You should? You should before you turn forty or fifty? What you think? What are you saying, Steve? What are you saying? It ain't gonna be what you think it is? Letter know the rules going in? Hey? What what? What? What do you mean? What are you saying? Probably you need to know the rules. Probably you just need to know the rules. You need to get a rule, but you need to talk to somebody. Done to be you going in? You don't know what to do? What do you mean you wasn going on there. I don't know what I ain't know, ye, I was trying to split equal time amongst everybody. Two minutes here, two minutes over there, three minutes over here, three minutes over there. I kiss you kiss Huh. I ain't know how this work, Atlanta. So yeah, so you did enjoy enjoy that experience, is what you're saying. No, Lord, they taught me one thing about me. What Yeah, I'm definitely a one woman, manything. Yeah, I just need one set of everything I didn't do on this other one ships one. Some people think the more the merrier, steve that. Some people who can do that, and some people enjoy that, and that's the world. They go ahead, do your thing, one set abreast. That's all all. We need to put the dough one booty, that's all. Yeah. Yeah, you put your tongue in my mouth. I put my tongue in your mouth. There we go, Here we go. That's right. So you can concentrate what I can't have. It's a tongue on me somewhere else and other than this one open here in my mouth. You do it back there. I like that. It's too much stop hold not to knock down. I need all the experiences, no loss, so four cheeks it's too much for you. Yeah, I don't want to be kissing and getting fundled and then somebody decided to do somebody in ask for it, and all of a sudden, I'm gonna flow. Somebody el's zipping a suitcase. Hey, put like that? Come on, now, what is that? Put that off? Cut that off? But you're the one that's that feel that's scared me. Tickle. No, don't you talk about baby oil baby one person. I don't want to come off the don knob into a pile of piece. He's only talking about monkeys, monkey animal people in here though, with choiceing monkeys. Do what you have? Bubbles sit over there, bubbles just sit over there. Yeah, man, I'm a parent in the room para just for Pete me too. I like it like that. I like it like that, you got the bad stuff like that. I want hitting all the person in there talking about solfarter. But I love it when you're talking about this. Alright, alright, yeah, my time to spread. He turns. I got a rest you're gonna do for me? Oh? The attitude? You don't like the attitude questions? Yeah, all right, uh girl, thank you. Man, your life is so crazy. I'm telling truth though I ain't got head right there. That ain't you know? It ain't even love that stuff man be talking about I'm going I'll be listening to to it. I just stay out the conversation because it's not Have you ever thought, no, skip it? Man, We ain't got to go into this. That ain't what I do day what Man? When I got through with mine that first time I did that, I said, Man, I have got to go get saved. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right past your motown, taking death jam on the way and building we But today I've been sitting here, deacon, yes, listening or to the chattel of the moaning shot. Yes, yes, And it had led me to the Today's sermon. Yeah, come on now, I'm with you. Today's ceremony is one thing about me, I ain't for three one more time if you want come on now. One thing about me, yeah, is I ain't with three because two will do? Come on past? Now say it again, deacon, I said to will do, Yes, it will. That's how excuse me? He would create it in the beginning. M H. Adam was given Yeah, because how many would do Deacon? I said to what will do I say? Because one thing about me I ain't with three in the beginning, that was Adam and Eve. You ain't heard nothing about your vet, just Adam and Eat. That's Adam didn't know nothing about no your vet. All Adam hands was fool would win Adam and Eve, not Adam and Eve and your vetti. Once you that came up in there, the game change, Adam got tired all of a sudden. Adam was laying down in the garden of eat and sleep all the time because even your vet was working him all the time. It wasn't happening. Then. That's why Jennifer too, it wasn't for that pastor Yeah, come on back now, come on, I was just showing you. That's why you never heard nothing about your vet, because it wasn't supposed to be. It was just Adam and Eve. Because one thing ain't by me. I ain't down with three, cass what nain man, cause two will do? Let to do you that's all you need. And if y'all to keep doing it enough, it'll be three or y'all anyway, you're right about that. Now that is our sermon for today's shortened quick and to the point. May the doors of the church open both for them night and just notice it ain't but two dough that's right, and swing out. You got a door to go both ways? You got problems? Yeah, the best bathroom is a dough that go in and one go out. If you got the same dough that go in and out, somebody won't get there and knocked in the float. We come back from the break, Thank yous. Odd But the true though, sisters Sherley, Yes, sir, the best door is one to go in and one to go out. If you got a kitchen door the restaurant, you want to have one to go in and one to go out. If you gotta do to swing both ways, somebody gonna get their ass knocked on the ground. You ain't post the swing both ways. My my, my man, preach that thing this morning, my lord, my lord, good God him back jams coming out every morning show. I'll we're back. We're back to these back to back jams. Come on, cat, let's get it. We come back for that minutes after the hour, y'all, we got time for just one more. Do you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. We come act for these minutes after the hour, y'all, we got time for just one more thing. We're doing it. Do Pastors Hill special tras back. This is another wrong waiting want it? Putting this robe on now, sishy, thank you. We we want to share something with you. I want you to know. Um huh. Then the thing I want you to know rhyme with soult. No rhyme was sore. I'm having problems with my voice. Just talk to the people for a second. Decon. Pastor is getting himself together. He has a major announcement here coming. But as we are getting ready, we want you to get your mind right for the message. And this is going to be a great message, I mean from our fearless leader to let you know something that you do not want to miss. So to turn up your readio loud and get ready. But the fearless later we have the one and only Reverend that motown. Thank you so much, Deacon hell folk problem, that's all right, try dealing with you know, preach so much. Yeah, they're correcting you. That's folk. Okay, Is that a problem with y'all? No? No, thank you, thank You're talking about See my folk and I need situations. We have been worn today. Here we go thing I want you to know it runs with soul. Why are we in church talking about souls? Because we at this church is in the soul? Say even business, Yes we are. We've decided a new way to save souls, am is to have a festival. Yeah, come on now, and don't you see where I'm going with this? So we're trying to save souls and the new approach is at a festival. Yeah? Na, what better way to save people at a festival than to take them out back and roll them in the scene? Come on now, come on now. When you get rolled in the scene, it exfoliates you. Yes, it's a natchal exfoliation. It's a natchal exfoliation. So we're gonna save soul. I'm gonna take it outside the church. We're gonna do it at a festival. But how we're gonna save you if we're gonna roll you in the sand? Now, why are we're calling it the sand? Is so festival? Come over here now, and now we can't get you saved over here? Where do people get baptized in? What? Why have it in a pool when God doesn't made the whole ocean. So we're gonna pall you out in the middle of the ocean, on the island called Nassa, in a place called Atlantis, at a destination called pad Dice Island. Come get your soul saved out of festival, getting dipped in the ocean, rolled in the sand. It's caller saying it's so feasible. I want to do it. You want to do it? October six through the ninth. If you go to saying it's so festible dot com and you're going to the line they got packaged Fie hotel to choose from. Pick anyone you want to pin on how much you want us be all of it gonna be good. Ball yourself out you deserve or get away. You deserve something nice for yourself, working all the time, take some time out for yourself. October six through the ninth. Come out of that. We're gonna be drinking or we're gonna be laving. Yeah, we're gonna be parting. I'm gonna be gambling, smoking cigars, drinking my ties and mohitos, car is, moles and and all outside. Some of y'all, I'm getting illegal activity. Yes, that ain't none of my business. Some of your drink gonna have umbrellas in it. Someone, I'm just gonna have i Q. I don't care what you do speaking i Q. He coming to saying the Soul Festival, gonna line and get it and lay away your package today? What are you doing? You won't he do it? Won't a doing? All right, Hey y'all, y'all have a great weekend. Okay, okay, I like it for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. H