The Crew Reflects on Childhood Duties - 08.14.17

Published Aug 14, 2017, 6:13 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag at all suit looking back to back down, giving them like the molking buck bus things. And it's touble y'all to be true. Good to try, guy, listen to me together for stooard Moby, I don't join yeah, yeah, by joining me? Same way do you turn? Yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn out at the time. You got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come, come on your back at it. I show will a good morning everybody. Y'are listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I have something and it's so describes how I was living. It's so captures the feelings that I had about beginning on the pathway of my dreams. It's so describes how I felt when I was about to attempt something. And I have some striking news for you. It describes often how I feel still today to a degree. So let me tell you what that is. And I know what's happened to a lot of people. Here's an analogy that I um. I've heard a couple of different ways, but I've kind of you know fixed it around to where I can uh drink it better, And I think it fits my personality to describe it to people best this way. You know I was I was talking. I've talked often about the urgency of doing something with your life, of of getting started today, of stopping the procrastination and putting it off, and waiting on all your ducks to line up in a row, and waiting until the stars aligned themselves. If if you ain't on such a thing, you're you're You're never gonna get started. I don't really, I don't know too many people who can say that all the ducks just lined up in a row. Things happen. Things happen even when you get them lined up. One of the ducks get out of line, or somebody knock over the domino, or something happens. But here's here's here's here's here's the point I'm getting at. God has so many blessings available to you, you who's listening. God has so many blessings available to you from where you are right now. I don't care what you've gotten yourself into or what you've done. God has so many blessings that he can send your way. But you have to do something. See a lot of people just sit around and go Man, I don't and something always happening to you. You're always getting a break, You're always doing this. You always do Man, don't nothing come my way. Listen to me. If nothing ever comes your way, you know why that is. It's because you're not doing anything. I promise you you're not. See, here's a deal. God has all these blessings he wants to send you, but you got to give him something to work with. Now, come on, you have to give God something to work with. God will bless you. God can touch people's hearts on your behalf. He can move situations around for you. He can align the stars. He can set the ducks up in the road. But align the stars and move people around, and touch people's hearts and set the ducks up in the road. For what based on what have you put forth? Any effort? Have you made a single step in any direction to do the right thing or go the right way? That gives him something to put his finger on. Come on, man, God can only bless you according to your faith. If you have a little bit of faith, give him that, let him work with that. He can do that. You know, man, I didn't always start with these speeches you're hear in the morning. Now. I ain't always had these. I grew to these. I stumbled my way to these. I messed up my way to these. Here, I got it wrong so many times to be able to sign. Don't like I got some sense. I said it often. Failure is a wonderful teacher. Do you know how many times I have had to have failed to have what I have in my head today. I'm telling you, man, it's a process. People get mad at the process. You got to do something to give God something to work with. He'll bless you. But what you want me to bless if you ain't putting forth any effort, any effort, if you just sit down and start. I got a book coming out, I'm telling you, man, that's going to really explain this thoroughly. Man, Where you can get blessed from whoever you are in your life, wherever your starting point is, wherever you find yourself wound up you can get you can get it back from. Now. I've done it, man, by the grace of God, I've done it. I I got got over. Man. I learned some things along the way, because here's the deal. As long as God keeps waking you up in the morning, he through with you. Yet when he's done, you're done. But if God still has a plan for you you wake up in the morning, He's still got some more work for you to do. You wake up in the morning. So if you keep waking up, man, it's something that God wants from you, would love to have from you, and he can work with you, man, if you just walk towards him a little bit. So here's the deal. I know it's hard for the average person to start because the fear of the unknown is incredible. What if I failed? What if I don't get picked? You know, one of the hardest things I ever did was walking in to quit my job. Oh man, let me tell you about that day when I decided that I was gonna be a full time comedian after winning an amateur night one time. Quitting your job, following your dream, going forward despite all the nay says, it's like stepping off a cliff. It's like actually just walking off the edge of a cliff, hoping, hoping. Now not really knowing, but hoping hoping is the bad basis of faith. I stepped off that cliff hoping that my parachute would open and allow me to drift down. See, I've never sky dived before, but I would imagine part of the thrill. And I don't know this because I'm not going to sky dive to find out. I think part of the thrill for people is the danger part of throwing yourself out a plane and how it feels to be free falling, but the whole time they're free falling, having this exhilarating, over the top moment, you have got to believe, in your heart of hearts, you have got the hope with everything in you that when you pull this cord, the shoot opens or else. This ain't a good move at all. But you've packed your shoot yourself, You've taken the lessons, so you go ahead and you make the leap. Now, the only thing about quitting your job and following your dream is you ain't really been trained all that good for this, and you don't really you didn't pack your shoot, but you ain't never opened it before. So I walked off this cliff, That's what it was like. And you following your dream is like you're walking off a cliff. Now, let me tell you something. Here's the part where people don't never make the jump. They see somebody like myself who jumped off the cliff and the and and the pass shot don't open right away, and I hit a couple of rocks on the way down. I got my back cut up pretty bad. I got my clothes ripped off. They see that three years living in a car, man, he got in life toe down jumping off that cliff. I ain't jumping off that cliff. But see what you don't understand is you don't you don't know it. But eventually the shoot will open, and I'm at the parachute opening part of my life, man, where the shoot and open and I'm drifting and I'm able to go over to Paris, guide my shoote over to Paris and glide. I've I've glided over to Africa and seen what it looked like. It's a slow ride down. When the passhute finally opened, Uh, and my back then heel too, and the cuts that I had on me, I remember now I know how to stay away from the edge. But the paraschute then opened, and I'm enjoying my life for the first time. I'm gliding, but I got hit up against the rock. I can see more. I get a chance to see more things. I get to glide and see more parts of the world. I'm living my dream. The pass shote open. Your pass shoot is gonna open. But I'll tell you one thing for sure, it will never open if you don't step off that cliff. You got to step off that cliff, got to get the passchute open for you. But you got to jump. Baby. That's the hard part, ain't it now? Question is the end of this story right here today when you're jumping, you're listening Steve Show. Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's show is dedicated to all retired athletes. Well yeah, all retired athletes, not pro level, just dudes that you used to play stuff but can't play it no more. This show is dedicated to those of you who can't do what he used to do. Yes, Yes, good morning Steve. How are you? Yeah? Yeah? What so calling? Hey Steve, Happy Monday, Hey crew, morn everybody morning Foo number one, Top of the Morning, Steve and everybody in the bid other food. Thank you Columbus for coming out at a good time. Sold out show what's that dam now, Steve hard you know why your show selling up here? We let you sell. That's important. He pulled me over to the side and said that man, they let you promote over here. He whispering like, well see, here's a deal. The bigger y'all are the bigger. We all. It just doesn't work without it. If y'all go out here and blow up across the country and stand up, we better. It's like tim and time to do these pranks right, and they'd be killing at the end of the prank. He asked him one question, who got the baddest I mean the baddest one, And they say to you Harder, I said, up here, Tommy, your pranks too long, tom while we got that contact, let him do, let him do him dog, let him go. At the end of the day, we all win. Yeah. Yeah, people work. And when when the comedy club, they say from the Steve harbit mort that's what they say, not that's what they say. They used to be over there, but now he over here. Yours mine is a little different. He used to be over there, but now he's on championshipship. Say well yourself, miss saying to be here with a lot of news to talk about. Thing. Yeah, yeah, so awful. Yeah, but he will be here. Okay, Well, let me ask you a question. Didn't it seem like to you that it actually tragic of an event as it was? For the first time this year, I've seen both parties, Democrats and Republicans agree on something. Yeah. Well, oftentimes, you know, tragedy brings people together, opposites together. You know, that's just, unfortunately how the world works a lot of times, you know. And the shooting at the baseball game, you remember the congressional baseball game. They tried to come together. All right, Coming up something funny, Carla wants to talk about chores today and do kids even do half as much as we did? We did a lot we did. Alright. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for something funny. What you got, Carla? Okay, So recently, you guys, I posted a picture of my nine year old daughter Tasha washing dishes is now one of her chores for the first time on my Instagram page. You can check that the Lips by Carla. But this is our first time washing dishes. So j Anthony Brown and I we were on the phone. We were talking about this and chopping it up, and Jay, we were saying, do kids today do they do even half as much as we did back in the day? So I wanted them. Yeah, So let's talk about some of the chores that we did, especially at nine years old. At eight, I was cooking. I was cooking. At eight years old, I was I was cooking. I detailed call. We didn't got my mama in the front yard looking looking cooking. I do remember going to the laundry man, washing clothes, uh with in the wagon in a big wagon, putting all that in the wagon. Sheet in a big sheet, in big sheet with a red wagon that we borrowed from next use known on wagon. So cooking looking at Yeah, I'm good and grown. Don't cook? What Okay? But Jay, how old were you when you went to the laundry back? Hello, man? Let them twelve? You know, and you knew how to separate clothes. No, nobody's separating any damn thing. Just take three pounds and you watch three loads of clothes and wait till they're drying in your bringing white blue, black, Yeah, wait till they dry. I didn't, did you, sir? It didn't didn't matter. I'm doing. Mycount helped me change his all. You know, you tried to get a puck of the car with your granddaddy. You ain't have don't say so. I was hanging Christmas lights at six on the house, just the front of the house, on the roof. Yeah, you had to do it. What you were going to say? No? Yeah? That all I had to do. My sole responsibility and I had to do this was keep the house clean and clean clean, not just no I am, I am. I had My mother taught me how to make up a bed with hospital corners, all of that, how to I had to wash walls, wash, scrape the corners at the floor, scrub the floor with my hands and knees, all of that. I had to do all of that clean and had chopped back in the day. Cleaning kitchen, me and wash the dishes, dry the dishes and put away the floor. Put the trash and take the trash out, put mast the floor absolutely, and the cabinets if anything got on the cabinet. If the refrigerator looked out, looked out of whack. You had to do that. You remember defrosting the refrigerators clean. We're talking about that deep freeze. If I can scrape that though, I hear you. What's happening? What happened? What to do? I was good and home? That was good and home I was, you know, formulating ship breaking. It could not poke chops you win. And right after that head was chopping cotton. I don't know what my kids, but that's part of the problem because we had to do all that stuff. Then we wanted our kids to have a different experience. We don't expect that kids are doing anything. Slopped hogs, fair chickens. I took mules down to walk bled. Hey, I had to do you do this before you had Yeah, I had to feed the hunting dog. You gotta do all this before you were breakfast because they are the reason that you're eating. They eat first because they're the reason you got some need. After that, then you go eat breakfast. So what time did you get up morning? I've been getting I ain't. I was never the little boy to sleep in later. And you you go on Saturday, they sleep to about two games. Games. Now, I'll tell you what happened over the weekend. What Marjorie ordered these spinning tops, and the spinning tops are just made out of wood, remember, just sime. But they get increasingly difficult to where you really have to think of how to make this top spin. My kids were over with your grandkids. None of them, none of them get to the top. What they got the simple ones, but the difficult one and they were just there. You put the string around it, and you know you have to work, you have to spin it with your hand. But one of them is the last two are very difficult to make spin. So they called me that. So Marger said, Steve, coming here, can you make this? Said baby, I've been a boy my whole life. My kids in that struggling, I want him in to add a falling. Yeah. I went right over that leaned on the table scene which way it rocks one hard turn. The thing was up on this point spinning. And then they couldn't do it because they didn't play. I saw all I had to play with at the top. I play with blocks and rolls. That that's all I knew how to do. And they were in there that they couldn't get them top spinning because they're from a digital No, I can't play Madden Football and they shot, they shot. I can't play none that because I can't figure out why, and they and hold out to press down the g and yeah, it looked like a real game to me. I swear does real You can't play make a gold card out of two by hell? Yeah? Us some grocery car wheels, what yeah, and give me a pair of some reba from down at the construction site. So I get some old wagon wheels or some reball, Give me some nails and a couple of ham hooks, and boy, give me and give me some strong chain dog and I'll make a call. I used to can make dog close at that counts close? Yeah, I like that? Alright, yeah, all right, here we go. It's Monday, Rebend Motown digging death jam in the building, carriage complaints coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna update you on our national news. Today is Monday. Of course, that means it's time for Reverend Motown Deacon death jam. Take it away? Oh oh what piece of oh what joy? Divine? Come on now? You would think that our church would be representile of such a slogan per taint because they're so busy complaining about what in the world and hell is going on. And to lead off their complaints, they have insured the activity I call behavior antiocal behavior of deacon death jail. He is a procrifer, nato of it death, Come on with it passed the fancy complaint insisted in Becca Yvonne Calhoun has a boil on her right but cheap. Uh. The kids keep pushing it like it's a doorbell and screaming ding down. Uh. Little Ivan saying Tea was the last to push the boil and it exploded all over him. The boy is traumatized and the kids keep calling him pus boy. He's asking that you stop the kids from teasing him. Well, we're not gonna stop the teasing that church. For every action there's an equal and opposite right action. So all that's happening to hell is because he pressed this Rebecca Calhoun, oh ball. Had he not pressed the ball, that would not be nothing on him. That's right, but now on him and not a lesson has been learned. Right to press bring out the messy and you won't be feeling your best now. Letting little Nashtairs deal with being puff boy? What else you got? Sister Rachel Finne to know, also known as the pleasure cater. She strips during the summer and teach your school during the school. Yeah, she's having her last weekend at the Booty Booty Drop Louns. She's asking that all members come out and support her last dance. Now, Sister Maybe's Rollins is saying that this is sinful and we will not support this call for. What Sister Mabe's don't understand is that how you let me put you this week at the jackpoint, how you come up with your ties is a little to new concert. The fact that she is a steady tie. The envelope geld be full of safe. We're not gonna stop this. Your sister Mabel ain't got to go. Yeah, me and you will be down there. Yeah, we're not gonna all right, all right, pastor. The cripple members of the church want a slide outside the church. It was sliding them right into the sanctuary and laying them on their pews without having to deal with crutches. All were on chairs. The price is twenty five London dollars to install. But the last uh person to approve this, of course, it's you. Well, that's not gonna happen. Now I talked to the criple member or ministry before about this and the problem with the slide is you gotta climb up steps get to the slide. Right now, most of the criminal member members is old white. The word handicapptain very uncomfortable with this. Joe ain't for you. No, we're not change it because after Jack Pard Jordan criminal, we we ain't talking about physically channel or handicapped people. We're talking about the criminal people. We're talking about the criminal people after Jack part jog of the Ruler. Now, this church ain't real, so you can't hold up Canada accountable to what what ain't real? Yeah, there ain't no real church. Now the Cripic people can't get pushed up the slide because it's up the stealth. And the last time I have the crip pason get up on the slide, my fingers got caught in the spokes and I told my ring finger off and I couldn't get my ring off for six weeks. I had had to get stitches put on my head under my ring. So we're not having that a like we're gonna wein sliding into the pewre gonna get rolled in like you've been coming here handicap. No, we're not having that. Now we can put the rampant and slide down on that. The one thing about it though, when the snow outside it is nice though, because we let him use the ramp as a sled and we don't hold them. We just let him go down. There. A couple of them that went out the street and and the mold damn it called the bus well it ain't safe. Well, it's fun for a little water for them. Where they see the traffic, they go, hold on, hold on, where you want to slide of water? Passed the sister. Fradella Dougas called her husband, brother Rory Earl Douglas, kissing. Uh, sister Lavincia Collins in the parking lot of the grocery stuff. Now, after watching them for thirty minutes, they went in the stove. She drove hort car through the stove, taking out the entire produce section, including brother Rory Earl Dugas. He wants to sue you pass the due to your last sermon, which was entire you can fix your problem if you drive through it. Uh what yeah, that doesn't make sense. So as basically, um, she's trying to sue you because she thinks your sermon enticed him to drive through the groc stript though, well, it's absolutely fine, bring it. There's go on, go to coat and see how this hold up. Now, for dare you hadn't have been kissing that woman. But my question is she had thirty minutes to run him over outside? The hell did she wait till they went in the store? Folk? She sat there for thirty minutes, all that crying and watching it ain't help nobody. Bust a move soon as you see it. I said, bust a move as soon as you see it. What is you're waiting to going up in the store? Now? You got the angel or in some folk fault? I think you said bring it fast. Okay, yeah, because on my whole lawsuit, you're the first person sue me. You know I won't be successful. You gotta kerb win it. You got a good lawyer, My lawyer, the law Oh amen, Well I'm you know, I'm assuming that the Lord do work in mysterious way. That be awful, Misterif to me, when don't nobody come to court? All right, guys, we gotta go. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show Racist rally in Virginia. We talked about this at the beginning of the show. Racist rally and Virginia ends in deadly violence. I'm sure you all have heard by now that on Saturday, white supremacists gathered in the city uh for a rally to condemn a decision by the city to remove a statue of a Confederate General, Robert E. Lee. The city we're talking about is Charlottesville. What happened, According to CNN, counter protesters met white nationalists and other right wing groups at the site of Saturday's They called it the Unite the Right Rally. It was an event hours before the rally was set to start. I've never seen a governor like the governor of Virginia. It was good. Wasn't talk about an issue like this. I've never heard a politician talk about an issue like this the way I've heard him talking about it. He was strong with it, he was up he did Steve. Clashes broke out. Police began to disperse the crowds. Local officials declared the rally an unlawful assembly, and here here it is Steve. Virginia Governor Terry uh macaeliffe declared a state of emergency. About two hours later, a Great Dodge Challenger rammed into a crowd of counter protesters walking down the street in downtown Charlottesville. Heather Higher died as a result of this, when a driver slammed the car in reverse at high speed and left the side of the crash. The driver has been arrested, thank god, and federal law enforcement. Yeah kiss, only twenty years old. No, no, no, he's not a kid. Well yeah, yeah, he's a grown man. Trick but yeah, red neck, heeled billy race. Yeah, but you you take this racist mindset. This this is I mean, that's what's wrong. Yeah, that's what's wrong. Uh, it was, it was. It was for me. Now let me okay, this is a question. Yeah, let me ask a question to all of you. Did it not seem to you though that it was? It felt good? And this is I don't want anybody take it the wrong way. Didn't it feel good to you to see as many non blacks as you did standing up for the right thing? You know? I don't, I don't. I don't want that to sound wrong, but it was, it was. It was just an American problem. Yeah, it actually made me feel better to see as many non African Americans as I saw standing up against this type of racism, nationalist, white supreme and stuff. That was really, uh, I don't know the right word, but I know what you're saying. It was. It was it was gratifying in the fact that we don't it's not a fight that we have to fight alone racism. We're standing together. And that's what it's gonna take. This it's making it's making it, the glare of it a lot better because now they can't divide it down racial lines because he is the moment it's black against white. Then somehow, somehow, I don't know how, it always happens, but the blacks always be wrong. You know, you you can't make a sign to say black lives matter because now you're wrong for that. What black lives do matter? But you know, slogan should have been black lives matter all so, but you know, I think that would have helped us a little bit better. But nevertheless, it was, uh, that part of it. The mindset you're saying is starting to change in this country. So many non African Americans out there fighting for the right cause. The Department of Justice has started a civil rights investigation now let's turn it over to miss anity, ladies and gentlemen, miss saying thank you, and I'm going to kind of get a little bit deeper than that morning, everybody, this is answered with the news. Yes, the visial was held in Charlottesville, Virginia last night for the young woman run down and killed as she protested the presence of the clan and other hate groups in her town. Nineteen other anti racist protests were injured. Meanwhile, the suspected driver is to appear in court later on today. James Fields faces second degree murder charges and some other ones. He's being held without bail while he's also the subject of a federal civil rights investigation. The weekend of protests and violence began Friday night with why nationalists marching through the University of Virginia's campuses carrying torches. Saturday was marched by marked by clashes between white supremacists and those against them, and by eleven a m Virginia Governor Terry mccauliffe had declared a state of emergency, staying he was disgusted by the hatred, the bigotry, and the violence. Our message is playing and simple. Go home. You are not wanted. In this great Commonwealth. Shame on you. You pretend that you're patriots, but you are anything but a patriot. But the Unite the Rightest didn't leave. They kept up going, making anti black and anti Jewish remarks. A few hours later, a car allegedly driven by twenty year old James Alex feelsib Ohio plowed into the crowd of counter protesters, killing miss Hire. Meanwhile, lawmakers from President Trump's own party are criticizing his reaction to the violence. We condemn in the strongest possible terms, this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides. It's on many sides. That part got a lot of people kind of upset. The President did not mention by name in any way white nationalists or the clan. He didn't say domestic terrorism, he didn't say Neo Nazis. None of those goose will formenting the violence. And Senator Marco Rubio is among a host of top Republicans criticizing that omission. Utah Senator or and Hatch says, quote, we should call evil by its name. By the way, Donald Trump's name was invoked early during that All Right rally by one of those taking part. Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, who said this was part of a movement strengthened by the election of the new president, represents back, we're gonna We're gonna fulfill the promises. That's what we believed, That's what we voted for Donald's because he said to take our country back, and that's what we got to do. After Duke's statement, Trump did tweet to quote, we must all be united and condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Let's come together as one. But again, that tweet came after David Duke's statement. During the campaign. You may remember Duke plays you support the Trump, although Trump claimed not to know who Duke was. Today the box office, So strange dog was the winner, Annabelle And today is left Handers Day. Yeah, left handers like me and Steve Harvey and President Obama and my late friend Isaac Case. Back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, time for the butterfly. Come on. Steve introduced Jay and Jay, you introduced ladies and gentlemen. The introducer of the butterfly. Yeah, but together, but I want to know that what of fly? Oh my god, I love it, I love it, I love it. Thank you today, Anthony Brown, get ready to you, Steve Harvey, Shirley Strawberry, Carlin Farrell, and of course I'm Tommy and um in Junior. It's a beautiful listen. Today is about memory. Today is about memory. So I'm gonna talk to all of everyone on the show here. How far back can you truly truly remember when you go back to this is good if you go back to, like, you know, two years, seven years old, five years old? Just how far back and you remember? And what is the memory that you still have in your head from childhood? So we're gonna stop. Carla four four, four years out? What do you remember at four? I don't want to talk about it? You gonna it was sad? She don't want to talk about it's saying my parents got a divorce. Okay, okay, that's what I remember. Jim, you're what do you remember about three? You can go back to three? And how do you right now? Did you can remember seven? Three? Yeah? I'm just saying, how do you I forgot thirty nine. What do you remember at three getting getting beat for breaking the lamp? See this is a sad segment. Yes, I broke the lamp. Come out of Anthony Brown inside the womb, I can go back. I remember being in there. Now I won't be in there, and it was the best place to be. It's just cold, cold. What I think you supposed to be warming? It's not something. Come in here. I don't know what that wong man that kicking in asking him come out? Remember I think I was like four or five. I remember running to my mom. My mom was coming home from work, she was walking down our block, and I remember seeing her and being so happy and running to her, running in her arms. I remember that it's a beautiful. That's always a beautiful. That was a beautiful memory. Yeah, it's a beautiful Harvey. Well, I think probably three, I was and living still living in West Virginia, and I had gotten hold to my father's razor blade and three yeah children, and just cut my hands all up and didn't know it and it was just wiping wiping blood on the wall. We gotta go, Jay, Anthony Brown is up next. He's going to murder another hit. Will be back whatever you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, in case you missed it, Jay Anthony Brown Murderer hit uh on Friday. Right, it had to come on Jay to be done. And I've said it once and I'll say it again, and I'll say it after I say it again. If you are a singer and you're in the news and you something stupid, that would be a song about you. I'm just waiting on another thing and to do something stupid. I don't know. This one is a repeat. This is what this is? My man r Kelly, Robert Steve got the song is I Believe I Can Fly. But it's a little different from the way I put it together. I'd like to thank my musical director, but my musical director, Ralph Hawkins Jr. Here we go hit it on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I used to think my fan man work so strong, but it looks like that I've been through from wrong and now somehow I just don't fear the loved. Who knows, maybe I've lost my can'le charm. I can't believe it look like a blue wi. People are saying, so what we knew? And something's half said good bye. Who am I falling? Yes, I know why you used to sell it back in a day. Not some saying deals to pay. They don't love me no more. They're saying a lock door behind my door. I say, I'm good bye. My father saying good bad. No, I'm a made Robert cry. It's not fair to people deep me. You know just I got because I got a hypstach in front of my house and I'll keep my tentner bells. It's not fair. Hello, kidding, sweet senses, It's not fair. It's just not fair. What rises to take a picture? Now? I'm in a bit all right, right? County officials and yeah, you're really saying that when did give you? That was really? Yeah? That was yeah he did. But county officials now in Fulton County, Georgia, are calling for a criminal investigation into r. Kelly's alleged Atlanta sex cult. Fulton County Chairman John Eves claims that John's Creek Police Department has uncovered new evidence against Kel's. Although he wouldn't provide any details, Eves said it's enough for the d a's office to jump on the case. Uh Kell's has adamantly denied the allegations. One of his alleged victims, Joycelyn Savage, maintains that she wants to be with Kelly. Her parents disagree that she is with him willingly and have requested a meeting with R. Kelly in Atlanta when he does a concert there on augusty clock is ticking the same thing. The people who are in cults, they say the same thing. You know, they do say that, and this is this is an alleged what sex cult? But but I'm asking, of course, okay, all right, did the d pick it up? They're saying it's enough, it's enough evidence to jump on the case. They're definitely looking into their saying that they should. I'm not gonna rush to judgment here. I'm gonna wait and see what this is because I know how the media works. And now, if he's guilty of something, he got paid. But if he ain't done nothing, if he's got all these grown people around him, but no sound crazy, Yeah, side coming up next time, Nephew Tommy has a prying phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today Strawberry letter. We'll get into that, but up next, nephew Tommy's prank phone call. Nephew, you're calling. Let's go out to you and all the cheer leader mama's out there. Bottom un appear me. Let's go to come up. Let's do it, bottom appear me. Are you hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Yeah? Can you hear me? I'm trying to reach Angela? Angela, hang on just a second, let me count it down. Okay, Hi, how are you trying to reach I'm trying to reach Angela's This is Angela? Oh yeah, this hi Angela. This is Chip Chip. I'm the new camp director for the cheerleading camp for the summer. Hi, Chip, What can I do for you? I just wanted to give you a courtesy call your daughter. You got her signed up for four weeks with the camp, right, yea, Joe. This is your guys third year being a part of the camp. Yep. And she's really excited. She loved coming to the camp and we think it's a great thing for her to be involved in. What's up? Okay, you guys just finished the whole cheerleading season two? Am I right? The competition season? Yes, that's coming off of that, right, right, Okay, Well, we're getting ready for the summer where everybody's excited about coming out and being a part of what's going on. So here's what I wanted to give you a little bit. Like I said, I'm the new camp director. I was just starting at this job. I got a few notes that that we're given to me about about, so I wanted to give you a call and see if I could talk to you about it. A few notes given to you about Yeah, just a couple of notes. I don't think it's anything that we can't make sure it's okay. What kind of notes. Well, it's been brought to my attention that some of the parents whose daughters are out there as well, there's gonna be there this summer a little concerned about her being on top of the pyramid, that she's uh is get a little heavy? Should she uh basic? Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait ho ho ho? You calling me about some some other bears and saying about how big Michall is or how much Marchal Wait. What I wanted to let you know was was we're gonna put as a a base, put her ain't. Oh no, you ain't gonna put no ba, I don't already pay my money. And what you say your name is Chip? And um, how long have you been the director? Because I was just up there two weeks ago and they told me that she was gonna be the same position that she was last year, because that is what worked, that's the formation that worked. So I don't even know what you supposedly that some of the girls are complaining that she's too heavy to hold up. So that's what it seems to be the problem in there. They're not getting a strong enough tier man. And wait a minute, wait a minute, I know, well, she ain't the biggest one. I felt, have you been? I felt my child is not the biggest chilot there women, because obviously you have not seen these chills. And if somebody's so most I felt. Okay, hang on a second, Angela, I want you to calm down a bit now. An nobody's gonna calm down because I would not already paid my money. And this that's I'll be talking about what parents what Harrison said? Something is it? Is it? Carrie Man? I'm not I'm not gonna state who it is, but let's just say it was several Harris has got something to say out on my child and her position on the chill leading squad, Because if you ain't saying the funk up no names, then I don't understand what you're calling me about. I'll tell you one thing. When she get our tell I didn't pay my money, she bet not be on no base. She better be in the hour. I guarantee you that. Right now, I've been hanging with these and a nobody said nothing to me about in my way and all that. Okay, Angela, can you hear me? I just wanted you to hear me clearly. I haven't seen these young ladies yet. Once I see them, I will critique what I think. You don't even need to be calling me because you ain't even see nothing for you calling me with some He says, she's from some other parents that's been skinny and gritted in my face, and they now wanted to send nothing to me. They have been in my house, we didn't have parties always here with the competition every week end of other day, and they couldn't say nothing to me about my baby. I tell you what, why don't you call your girls on the three way missed the chill. If you can't call him on the three now, I got them. I called him on the three way. Okay, okay, look man much all I wanted to do was make you aware of the possibility that she may be Thank you you have made me aware. And I guarantee you that if I bring my big yellow up there and come to the practice, I guarantee you she won't be a base. How much you want to bet on that, Mr Chill, Look, you're gonna quit holler. I mean, I told you I will try to take a look at these struff But I tell you what your thought is gonna be a face or she's gonna be a back support, whichever I decide she's to do? Who? And do you think you're on honing that? Mr Chill, No, that's not how it's gonna go down, as a matter of fact. As a matter fact, Mr Chief, are you at the registration? Say but two days I'm here now while people are registering. Yes, I am turning around. I'll tell you what. I'm all my way up there. Why don't you and the Paris has been complaining, why don't all y'all come to the table, and we don't have come to Jesus meeting about whether it's gonna be for this coming up season, because I'm not going to tolerate this. I've been told you, I've ben't paid my money and this high is going down. What what is it that you the game way to night? What did they have to do with her chip meeting? Do you agree that probably bigger than most of the girls on the team. Not bigger than most of the girls on the team. Uh, Mom, Nick, daughter, it's bigger and she wasn't no base land ship. They hiked up up some you're gonna get up so we are just gonna be big and plump up in the air. Don't turn the round. And I'm here to tell you the tray table with it before you get here. There's something else I need to tell you. Ain't gonna tell me something. All you gotta do is men, have you and the parents around that table when I get there, because I'm on my way up there right now. Then y'all can say all y'all gotta say in my face before you get here. I just want to let you know, man, what this is. Nephew Tim from the sea, who this is on this phone? Wait? Wait, we will Hollo, what did you just say? This is a nephew time me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Be god Lord Rochelle, that's another pairent named Rochelle. She told me, y'all are good friends out there. She got so she want to break out. All right, we're gonna see the season start shot the uniform to perform be looking for hers. How about I want to break out? Many? Let me ask, baby, what is the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the leg other than the show Carl your little girl at the at the top of appear mire though ain't not anymore. She's tall, so she's a she's a backspot, she's a base. Yeah. Yeah, so she would be the one holding up the flyer. Yeah, and that's the person that everybody don't want you to drop their baby. Yeah, but they need to watch the weight. Yeah right right. Somebody got to be the base. Yeah, somebody got to be the fly. Yeah. Now, your baby can't be the fly that we ain't got nobody want to be the base, to be the base because she's the tallest she was one of But if your baby baby need bottom, yeah, your baby need to be on the b Yeah, your baby on the bottom, because when you throw it, then you throw the big baby up there. The little kids out, everybody ain't nobody nobody? Everybody tree out if you just come down to splay, Yeah, the first thing at the house, so they're coming right back. Don't have that problem. But I haven't seen some girls get dropped. That is not a good look if you be Yeah, they can get hurt like that, you know, you know. Look, look, look we can take that approach to it, but let's just don't stay on it where it is. If your baby big, ain't nobody tossing him? Were you tossing big? We can't get up if you think you ain't posed to be on the stuff. Can you know if you big boned, you're not the one that's gonna get tall. We want that little light ass girl, Look, skin and bones poss up there, should come back down. One of us can catch it, and we really don't care about your baby getting mad. Yeah, give it down. But she wanted her turn to fly. Yeah, your big ass don't get a turn, but it'd be Some thick babies want to be top. Yeah, I wanted me on top one time. You can't ain't no on top happened to Tasha, and this big girl was mad because Tsha couldn't hold her up, and Tisha said, Mommy, my wrist is hurt. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right. Up next we have this crazy strawberry letter, of course. But first, now, this is according to Bloomberg, weddings in state where marijuana is legal, like California, the state we're in. Uh, they're now including bud tenders serving up different strains of marijuana instead of having a bartender. Yeah. Why, these bud tenders will roll for customers and advise them on the strain they want. They also might help with vaporizers, glass pipes, bombs, edibles, cannabis, cocktails and depending on you know, depending on what the couple, Yeah, what the couple wants and where your brown is to you. So I heard I heard of want to There was one going on where it was I want to pull. Were you there? Yes, I wanna pull party. It was the best. It was unbelievable. Nobody was in the water when a good time was had by. Nobody wanted to wet. They we are we don't they get paranoia that at your house? It was so much fun, a good time had. They're doing that, Junior. If you get married in l A yeah or didn't yeah, or Colorado, yeah, you can have a ludender you wanted to. I'm just saying if you wanted to. Anybody was married anything. I thought this was new. Let's not knew that. But they just don't have the table because you're gonna see my cousin and run around color They wrote the same much day. They don't matter. They're passing them out at everybody. They put a faith too. But his name is him over there. It's a time buckle up, hold on ya. This is a good one. Strawberry letter. Oh boy, just the title home wrecker from Hell. Hi, Stephen Shirley, I really need your help. I'm a married mother of three. My husband and I have been together for almost twenty years. Everything is fine except the fact that my husband recently had an affair. He confessed and totally regrets what he has done. However, the low life home wrecker won't leave him alone. She is stalking him in every possible way she can. She also claims that she is pregnant, but from what I've heard, it could be between three men this disgrace of a woman is wretched and skanky. She has two children and a low paying job and struggles with her bills. Therefore, she is chasing my husband for his money. I'm trying to be mature and level headed, but things are going to get out of hand if she doesn't back off. What shall I do? Well, you know what I say. You've done a lot already just by mere virtue, the fact that you took your husband back after an affair. Uh that's big. Okay, You've done a whole lot right there. Now you want things to go back the way they were, uh, back to norm and uh, you know, she might be all those things you say. She is a low life, she might be skanky, wretched and all that, but the fact of the matter is that your husband was with her, okay, the skanky woman. So everything is not fine in your marriage. And I think your husband really needs to step up here since he confessed, and uh, make sure that you and your husband, you and your home, I mean, are protected. You know, if this woman is talking. You know, my suggestion is a restraining order, restraining order on this woman. Steve that you're all right? And I almost twenty years every thing is fine. Accept the fact that my husband recently had an affair. I think she meant to say everything was fine until us recently had an affair. He confessed and totally regrets what he has done. That's very possible. A lot of times when men mess up that the thought of losing what really matters does make them have deep remorse and deep regret. That camp that's very true statement in a lot of cases. However, here we go the low life home record won't leave him alone. She's talking him. She also claims that she's pregnant. Is weird line, but from what I've heard, it could be between three men. Okay, now you know the circle she running? Hi? How do you know the circle she running? Wowing? See? Now you know if this is a stranger across town or do y'all all live in the same complex. Uh? This disgrace of a woman is wretched and skanky. I tried looking up skanking. Uh on the computer, Monica from Mississippi. Try to pull up skanking and see what you come up with, and then give me the definition of wretched so we can find out just how stink she is. Because I'm not familiar with skanky. Familiar with stinking, say, I know what stink is to another level, right, and I just need to know what level we're talking about. She got two children and a low paying job and struggles with her bills. Therefore she's chasing my husband for his money. Oh that's what you think it is. Well, I have some other things in my head that maybe what was going on, and when we come back, I'm gonna tell you what those are. I'm trying to be mature and level headed about things, but they're gonna get out of hand if she don't back off. What shall I do? Well, when I come back, I'm going to focus on the things are gonna get out of hand if she doesn't back off, What shall I do? That sounds like a definitive statement to me, that things gonna get out of hand if she don't back off, What should I do? It sounds to me like you need some advice on when it get out of hand? Should you get it out of hand? We come back. That's what I'm here for. All right. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at the hour. Let's go, We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Wendsay on NBC. Don't miss the premiere of the new comedy Marlon, loosely inspired by Marlin williams real life, The Beautiful Essence Atkins co stars as Marlin's ex wife Ashley. Together they're doing the best of co parents, two kids after divorce. Trust me, you have never seen fatherhood done the Marlin way. Marlin is unpredictable, outrage us, and a whole lot of funny. Exactly what you'd expect from Marlon Williams. You won't want to miss the hilarious premier of Marlin Wednesday after America's Got Talent on NBC. Coming up at forty one after the hour, We're gonna talk about the NFL. We're gonna talk about beast Mode, Marshawn Lynch from The Raiders, any Sequiel Ezekiel Elliott from the Dallas Cowboys. They're in the headlines today. But right now, come on, Steve with the part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter Skank in Atlanta. She said, this disc race of a woman is wretched and skanky. I have pulled the definition of skank off the computer thanks to Monica from Mississippi. She uses it all the time in describing her friends. Uh, and she'd be joking with him. But she jokes with him. But that's what she called it. He skanky, little healthy and then they laugh. So according to Webster or the Dictionary online, skanky isn't a and and an adjective descriptive. Yeah, skankier a SKANKI es you would not want to be the skankiest, Like she's skinkier than her. Yeah, but she's the skankiest of them, all right. It's slain it means dirty or unattractive. And number two promiscuous. That is skank. It's just nasty and everywhere with it. You're just spreading it around like air fresh. You just got your finger on the damn button. How much are you can you're gonna empty out today? I'm answering this question right here. They're gonna get out of hand if she on back or horse your lot music. Skank recognized skank crackheads only sleep with other crackheads. See, if you're not on crack, the crackhead lifestyle is a bit much for you. Crackheads only sleep with crackheads. That's why I think skank recognized skank, which ma'am, you have another problem, because if she is so and unattractive and so promiscuous, what is your man over there for in the first place? Could it be that your man it's skank too. Now, let's try to help you out. You say, now this woman is this woman is stalking him because she's after his money. I want to offer another suggestion. Maybe your man was out there really bringing it. I mean, he was out there with a little skank, being the skanky esque of the two. I just learned this word today and I'm gonna use it in the sentence. Maybe your husband was being the skankiest of the two and was really bringing out the skankness of her and him. Maybe that's why she following him around, because she ain't been scaped that bad, oh that good in her whole life. Also, you're gonna let things get out of hand and you're trying to figure out what to do. Look Hill, call her and tell her that your husband has the solid version of the swine fluid. That she is slowly leaving Hill right now, keeps rereading these rumors. You're gonna have more than the baby. You're gonna have funeral. If that don't work, what's out our apartment windows with a brick with a note tied to it. What's on the note? It's me skank. All right, we have to go. Thank you sir very much, Thank you, thank you, Thank you. Email email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts at on Today's Strawberry Letter at microL Shirley and don't forget this coming Thursday. The countdown has begun and I will start doing my Facebook live after show. Email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts at on Today's Strawberry Letter at My Girl Shirley and don't forget this coming Thursday. The countdown has begun. I will start doing my Facebook live after show Strawberry Letter. So I want Yeah, everybody joined me at You can find me at My Girl Shirley or Shirley Strawberry on Facebook. But it's going to be after the show. We'll talk about that particular day's letter. Anything you want to talk about, relationship wise, whatever you want to talk about, will be there this Thursday at one o'clock. I think you to curse the internet. I don't curse on the air anywhere, and I know it is but you don't curse on the air, So don't Podcast one m. Eastern time this coming Thursday. Oh yeah, but I do want you guys enjoy me when you have time. It'll be fun. What a bad idea this was. I'm sure i'll find myself saying that one o'clock Eastern time this coming Thursday, we'll started. Okay. Yeah, see, surely your Facebook live is gonna be really good because first of all, people get to see her and you actually get to have live comments, so you can have like an open forum, like a discussion. So this Facebook Live, I won't you all to join in because it's like, what time again, it's one pm Eastern on Thursday. That's like on your lunch. Yeah, you just come on trip on your lunch. And people are always coming up to me. No, we're not doing an hour. We're gonna start with fifteen minutes to go to thirty. Yeah, we're gonna build it. Yeah thing, give us the cussing five you. But you know how it is. People are always oh my god, I should write you a letter. They're always telling me that. Yeah, so this is a place for it. This is definitely a place for that. One pm Eastern this coming Thursday. It'll be our first one. My assistant star will be there to help me with all the names and everything, so it'll be fun, you guys. Five, it ain't let y'all work in any damn The truth about the little what I really want to say to these people, right all right? Coming up at forty one after the hour, we're gonna talk about the NFL, Like I said, Beast Mode and Marshawn Lynch from the Raiders, Ezekiel Elliott from the Dallas Cowboys there in the headlines. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, forty one coming up at the top of the hour, Power TV Show Update with Steve Harvey. I love it. Did you see It's see? I ain't ever seen it Ghost and I've never seen I've never seen the cast. If you stood the cast here, I would not know. Marie Hardwick has been on the show Stage show. Yeah, and Tommy, but I've never seen the show. I shouldn't say Tommy, but that's his no. But I've never seen the show. I love him a Hunt, but I've never seen the sho But I ain't never seen the show. I can't watch TV. It's such a good clowning over there, boy clowning. I was off this weekend. Man, It's gonna be great later on today. Man, I mean say it's golf tournament today, really and say it's golf tournament a charity event? Yeah, what else benefiting? We don't play good enough? People pay watching, I'll tell you right now. But I step up to the te box. Naughty people lying down the green. This one might come straight, this one might not be butt six ft head. Wow, I'm talking about all right, Well, here we go. Like I said, Power a TV show update coming up, But first Steve. A year ago, Colin Kaepernick began his protest against racial injustice by remaining seated during the national anthem. Uh And on Saturday, Marshawn Lynch Beast Mode did the same thing before the raiders first preseason game against the Arizona Cardinals. Lynch sat through the national anthem and ate a banana. According to the cb A, yeah, we need we do need to let that banana. He sat through the national anthem and aid a banana. Wown't even though he was back, he just got it, not even though he was bad going back. Yeah, let me just say this. Nobody's saying nothing. Nothing. They didn't say that, you know why you don't want to talk to just what he did do it? He diferent, Yes, he just may not have been nothing about the protest. This according to CBS News, that's funny. Steve mar Sean vacated the locker room before reporters were allowed entry, so he did not explain why he chose to sit down. He doesn't talk to the media. Okay, So Saturday night marked his first game with his home team, the Raiders. As we know, Colin Kaepernick remains unsigned now. In other NFL news, Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott is likely to appeal his six games suspension tomorrow. Elliott has until Wednesday to file an appeal. Elliott was suspended on Friday for violating the NFL's Personal Conduct Policy. There was a thirteen month investigation into whether uh he committed domestic violence against his former girlfriend. Elliott was notified Friday by the NFL that he will be suspended without pay for the team's first six regular season games. Now that one was a little because he was found not guilty, not enough charges. His girlfriend told him it didn't happen and everything, and so he didn't. He did not do it. He hasn't been charge with the cross and the and this happened a year ago, and they did. They went through everything, witnesses, conversations, they pulled up everything, and the police and the d A said, we have nothing here, but the League deemed the evidence substantial and persuasive. As of now, the League is bogus and fake Dale thinks that that shield it's big. The reason Calin Colin Kopernick isn't playing day has nothing to do with the flag. It has everything to do with that NFL shield because he keeps making that bigger than the issue. The young man had a right to protest. The way he chose to protest was a little sketchy because he didn't explain the protests before. He didn't. If he said I'm gonna kneel for racial injustice, it would have been okay. But you got all the military men out there with that flag unfurl, and that created to oh my god, he's not standing and when I patriotic country, no, no, no, no, no, man, the dude just did it on and then he comes back with the Fidel Castro Malcolm X teacher. That ain't help and the dude just keeps doing stuff. And now they got in blackballed and because of that shield. The same thing is nothing about Marshawn Is. Marshawn Is don't talk. Nobody explain nothing in the first place. Yeah, may not have been a protest and didn't kind just sat down and had him for now banana, yeah, I apple, Yeah, some grapes, some damn jelly. But can't go Marshall, he's faking. Don't nobody see him sitting down on the bed. The black's sting town. And then he explained it with what you're looking at me for? That's how would you lead me for? That might have been the best thing for him to do. No, did they will? They lost that game. Now he'll he'll be standing in the next game because he was just a preseason game. Oh he'll understand it. He just my bad. I just wasn't paying both them during the national anthem, though, well, can I take no, he can't answer that well. At Kids State in the seventies, as a protest to racial injustice, African American students at the game's football basketball that we all set in the same section, and during the yacht national anthem, we remained seated as protests and everywhere, and we just set no districtect, nobody blewing nothing. We didn't talk. We just sat there in silentce. That's like those UM athletes at the Olympics at that time. Yeah, when they the banana is not a good look, it's not. I mean, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, before we got to the Power update, Carlin, what is going on with the two remaining episodes of Power? We gotta do the update with Steve and the two remaining episodes. Did he get leaked on Facebook? Even we've heard this now what happened? Yeah, somebody the Stars Network is saying that somebody leaked. They had access to their servers and things like that, so they leaked the last two remaining episodes of Power on Facebook. And so you were talking about spoiler alert. Well fifty is saying that Stars is saying that he did it because of what happened with you guys, remember not too long ago with Game of Thrones some of their episodes got leaked and then their ratings went up. So fifty is saying that Stars are saying, well, you probably did it to try to duplicate what happened with the Game of Thrones thing, but fifty said he didn't he the numbers were still hid for Power, right, Yeah, the ratings are still butt and Stars the network and yeah there's been some issues to talk about the show and and and read doing the show, and um, so we'll see. But Star says they will, you know, have take legal action against whoever they find out leaked these episodes they care about when it fired out, who is it want? It's no money in it. You could pursue that all you want, because it's like the guy that leaked the whole season of thunder Dog. Well, no, that happened to you too. They did it on ABC. But he was a disgrunt on Disney employee and he got ticked and that was the new summer hit that they wanted and then we were still number one and all the time slot. Well look at what you gotta look at is like this, the way the social media is not on the Internet, it's not gonna affect television. People are all over the place watching stuff. It's hard to get a huge number on television anyway. Yeah, so when you lea people online don't watch TV. And people to watch TV. You don't lie. You can't do both at the same time. So it worked out. We still no more, right, it was a yeah. So anyway, okay, so power last night and I just said this right here, you guys told me last week, nothing happened. Come to find out, I'm girl was sleeping with the lawyer. Yeah, ghost wife, Yeah yeah, yeah, ghost wife is sleeping with the lawyer. He would naked to a oratory whatever you call it. Ghost been cheating on her the whole time. How long you think you can just keep stepping on these women like this? Just take this, you know, that's right, That's right. So she hadn't broke him out since he'd been out of jail, right, He did give her a ring, though he still didn't getting that now the Kobe Ray explain that, see, what does that mean? It to Kobe just what it is and no disrespect because I love Kobe Bryant. But they do call it to Kobe when you do something wrong and nice rich white women right now call it the Kobe rad when you mess up real bad all overseas everywhere I go. When when they had these huge rings and said, oh I got a Kobe ring. I mean, yeah, he did something he had to make good. Well, the nice Kobe watch. That's all Age Kobe beef. We'll finally Sandoval is dad. Can you know who next? Who's next? Proctor is next? Proctor lied about the laptop, destroying the laptop to Tommy and ghosts. So what do you think it's going to happen? Steve with the hotel? But did I not tell you? Did not tell you they were gonna get killed? You did? I personally asked you about and I said, because you know too much? He did? And guess what what what the dude right, the dude that did it, gonna do it again again? To do that? Y'all don't know did it that? Did it? Do that? We're gonna saying the whole twist of the whole thing was Sandoval is Angela and the part that she played and getting Sandoval killed was was smooth because she had to protect herself based on what Sandoval was saying. So Tommy calls his daddy in prison to the phone, back and forth. This time he's daddy, that's his dad, got to catch up his d yes. So Tommy called his dad as asked his dad to do him a solid favor. Didn't have to explain what it was. Dad, say, your family to care. Just for surely he's from Shaw Shank Redemption, Just for sure that he from over there. The dad, Yes, staring staring Morgan Freeman. But we gotta get back. We gotta get Steve back. So Steve, now, what do you think it's gonna happen? Well, here's the deal. I want to ask you something specific. Okay, cool, no will But the dude that's in prison, Tommy's dad that's in prison. Yeah, that just like in real life. You know, they called shots from prison out on the street. Yeah. And Angela was a willing participant in this whole thing to set up Sandoval because it got Hut out of that right, because he was in the middle of this mess. He don't see, he ain't like, I ain't watching nothing. I'm just telling. It's a story. And what else they're gonna tell you? They gotta tell his I'm a story specialist. But why you see like you know it though? It's because Tim That's how I do. Dog. I just you ain't gonna watch I'll leave, Okay, So what about Tarik though? Go son? But now I what you expect daddy ain't nothing, you know, you know, all the all these fathers that be going to prison and doing dirt and stuff, and then your son following your footsteps. What you want? Not Tureko mess around. But what's gonna happen though, I'm gonna happen to Trek before it happened to Ghosts, and then Ghosts gonna have a change your heart. And he gonna want revenge because somebody's gonna do something to Trek. Yeah, and it's gonna be a big country. Now brains ain't gonna do it. It's gonna be the dude to kill Sandoval. Like I just told y'all, it's gonna be the dude that dude it don't again, the dude that y'all don't know. Goody, go do it again and have to do We got it. We'll be back. Yeah. It sounds like you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tom Cruise in the news. Fifty five year old Tom Cruise, Um, have a seat. Tom Cruise may seem invincible in those Mission Impossible movies because you know, he does all his own stunts, most of his he's he looks looks great, he looks fantastic. A crazy stunt got the better of him this time around while filming Mission Impossible six on Sunday morning. Now, this is according to TMZ, and you know they always get it right. Tom Cruise, who prides himself again, like we said, on doing a lot of his own stunt work, was trying to leap the picture this now he's trying to jump off a platform onto the roof of a building, but he came up just a little short. Then he crashed into the side of the building instead of landing on top of it. Every one of those shows, I love them, they're good. But his ass was surprised. Yeah, oh yeah, you're you're right, Steve, because he attempted to go on with the scene. He's you know, the show must gone. But he was limping so badly that crew members had to help him off the set. I can tell you who I ain't doing, no damn stuff. Then rings fat ass ain't doing. Tell you what the beef is he eating? All? He's fat ass off nothing. I like them commercial to ile away, so there's no word on the extension. Don't Steve, don't do stunts. No, you don't do any stunts. No, I can't do our got a heel injury right now. I've been wearing flip flop three day. I don't even know how I hurt my heel. Nothing. Yeah, I strained the bottom of him. Man, can I tell you what am I wanted? You know, my drive a little bit different, right, So I told him, I said, I came out of meeting Friday and said, hey, man, found a place of a foot store. I'm going buy me a couple of heel cushions and a heel cup. I went online research all right, man, He said, I found a place for you. So he takes me to the place. He said it's on second floor. So he goes up there with me. We're not discovered it. We're in the medical building. I said, well, maybe the stories inside the place. I'm in the damn doctors. I'm in the doctor's by accident, and I'm studying there, and I'm looking at the people. This just happened to me Friday, and the lady goes, oh my god, Steve Harvey, welcome, welcome to doctor or whatever. The guy's name is, a nice guy. End up meeting him, you know, I said, no, listen, I just wanted to buy hell and thens boss. They told me I can get anything I want out of here. Why do you talk like that when you when you mentioned slave, I'm just telling you he's a great guy. Best that's dude, I know. But so I'm talking, Letty goes, We'll just sign it, m starving. We can take you right away. It was some other people in there, and the people they got tight, and so they gave me an iPad because at this doctor's offer, you don't write nothing. But I haven't filled out doctor paperworking years because whenever I have to go to the doctor, my assistant goes ahead of me, feels out all the paperwork. I just walk in. You know, Megan's been doing this for me for years. So now I'm sitting down, they give me an iPad. They tell me you gotta sign in with your finger. So I wrote it. It didn't look nothing like my signal, and then she said, well, press continue now feel out this whole thing. So I'm trying to answer the question with my finger, but ain't nothing coming up. So I look at the dude next to me, and he's typing all his answer. I had to look over there and see what he did. And I hit the little button and then the keyboard came up. I said, okay, I typed in all of it. The most painful shot I've ever gotten in my life. And I'll tell you. Come back now. I'm gonna tell you something. Man, all right, we'll be back. You're listening, all right. So we're back. So you're at the doctor's office and he gave you a p I'm at the door, and he's nice guy, really knowledgeable. You know. I'm gonna go back and see. So I have a bit of flagelitus. And it comes from there's a band from the ball of your foot back to your heel. And if it stretches too far doing it, he asked me, was I working out? And I said, yeah. If you stretch it too far, it like snaps, snaps the rubber band and so it's like pulled apart. And he says, the only way to fix it is you gotta ice it. I want you to take a want to leave twice a day in the morning and in the afternoon for two weeks, and um, I want you to start wearing like support shoes like new balance or a c S or stuff I ain't got, you know. And so I'm doing that. I don't know. I had on some Jordan's metal flops and I told him they actually make my He said, no, you need more support than that. I said, but these feel absolutely great when I walk in them. So I said, I got him on right now, right, And so he said, all you can, you know, expertite it and get a quicker fixtion. You can take cortizon shot this needles so long and they put it in your heel and then the Cortizon is in the needles. So he says, now it's gonna feel like a beasting. That doctor tells you a beasting. You know it's beast. So he pushes his needle in my heel and oh my god, I went, oh man, and he says, hanging out. He said, yeah, but I can't. So he says, he says, now this because I can handle that with the bestead. He said, now this is the part where it gets a little bit excruciated. I'm gonna inject the cortisone into the heel and it's gonna take about sixty seconds. I'm gonna have to put it in there about four different times, and it's going to be a little a little very painful, just hanging it. And man, when the doctor tells you that, yeah, and I saw him push down on that needle, and man, that dog on cortizone went in there, and lord, ha mercy, it was like fire. It was like fire going into your heel. And then he stops injecting it and it calms down a little bit. Then he goes, Okay, we gotta do another one, and I'm going so he shoots another burst of fire to my heel. He did this four times. He said, this is the last one. And man, my palms of my hands was dripping wet. My unarms were wet, and beads of sweat was just on top of my ball head because when I was getting hot, you know, like peanuts, and I started sweating what I was in there having trouble when I got my foot out of his hand. Now he had my foot in the first time he shot it in there. We almost lost the doctor because I damn the kick. I came to kissing. Yeah, damn chill. And man's let me tell you something. I kid you not. In all of my life, I've never had a shot like that in my life. I've never had looked bad I've had a needle in my eyeball from flashing when I worked in form on. The company had to scrape this little piece of melie got stuck in my eye and they shot me in the eye with a needle. That took thirty minutes for me to not blink. That took thirty minutes for that to happen. So but but it did. But as soon as they touch your eye with the needle, it immediately numbs. That didn't happen with the foot. It was don't ever get a quartos own shot? You help. I gotta go, We gotta go, We gotta go. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, here we go with just one more thing as we wrap up the show. Last break of the show. Uh, here's a question for you guys. What do you do before sex to make it more incredible? Nuga? Really? Is this tailor made for you? Tommy? I mean, I can, I can give you some things what you got, Tommy. I mean you're always talking. I'm trying to feel to it while you're editing. Let me tell you, spur of the moment. Sex is always hot and exciting, but times we have more time to prepare for upcoming sexy time, and putting that time to good youth can make can help things you know, go to the next level, so to speak. Here's how to get into the mood in advance to make sex more amazing. Don't look bored like you already know this, Steve, Okay, like you don't need any help in this area. Look at all the guys in the room like yes, yes, like they could have ridden all sty Okay, First of all, get in the mood. Time to start thinking about what's going to turn you on later. So that's how you get in the mood. You start thinking about what's going to turn you on later. Okay, say it's now, you know, when we get off you start thinking about it now. So by the time we get off work and you get home, if you hey, we're gonna do something home, that's enough. That's enough for any Man's so easy. Stop stop promised me something. You know, we've been turning me only I've been catching her and I don't know what it is. When I catch her, I just boy, when I ktch her hand, it just it happens right there at the animals because the kids don't really come in the launching part of them. Boy, we'd be right. There can't a whole weight, man. I like, I like, like when you're walking up the steps and I'm behind. That's it makes sense. Ironing, it's not sexy. So you have when my baby leaning over and beyond it. God, that is the greatest thing in the world. Now, I'd be like to take these pills. It's on because for the five damn dollar going down. That's do we have to hear about these pills every time? The cost of the pills, all of that every time, every single time? Yes? Okay, So here's another here's another tip, so you know, when you're thinking about it early, start texting, because it takes women a little longer. We're not as ready set go as you guys, so it takes us a long time to warr you know, longer time to warm up to get where you guys already are. And I have another problem with that because I'm such a bad speller. And then I text I'm a ted that grass up and you time she's looking at her like what what she gonna say? Just saying good because I mean ask you to let that time down to tell out that garbage Okay. So they say eat frisky friendly foods, you know, like um don like oysters, things like that. You know, the foods that say that they're aphrodisiac, don't eat. Yeah, yeah, they don't want you to eat. Learn on your breath. It's not cool. It smells a lot like a rick. Cools ever, your breath do smell like a rick? Ain't nothing cool? But that's exactly what they say. Avoid foods that cause bloating and bad breath. That's exactly what they Cigars are not helpful. Boy, you don't know how many times you love your cigars. Yeah, but you know, I know, you know, before I go to bid dog, I have to brush. First of all, I have to wash my much we don't really see, and my lips is a whole another separate. My lips is a whole, su man. I got to brush my teeth with toothpaste, then I brush them with listerine. Then I rest with okay, and then you know, I go eat something cool and refreshing mint. But don't come in there at all now because I actually live with the bloodhouse now smelled like an ass tray. Then it says access your wardrobe. You know where something sexy that your woman might like or your guy might like. So what what would that be for you? Jack? I gotta suggestion. You know, if you decorate a jockey strap the whole out, dang it out, you know, put a little print on it, leoput you know, Okay, all right, put put a snake mouth on it. I'm coming to Vine. Put a T shirt tired in a net. The last thing you don't go up. You do not want shirt to go up. We gotta go, y'all have a great week. Here's y for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visits Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.