The Cleveland Browns, Church Complaints, Tiger Woods, Are You Smarter Than Tommy, Yale University, NFL Talk, Pimpin', Closing Remarks and more.

Published Sep 24, 2018, 2:45 PM

The show opens and Steve is happy to say The Cleveland Browns are 1-1-1. Church Complaints has an issue with multiple pregnancies. Tiger Woods is back to his winning ways. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? All the fellas get it in with Fool #1 in the challenge. A second accuser comes forth for Brett Kavanaugh. Pimpin' makes an appearance and does NFL talk. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about winning and much more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all, don't know y'all bag at all. Suit looking back to back down, giving the mo like theming buck bus things. And it's to y'all true good to Stuyah listening to me to other for sto bar quickly, Hobby, don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, well Hobby joining with me. Sam said you got to turn? Yeah you you you gotta turn. Won't the turn at the time, Lobby got the turn out to turn the water the water? Come come on your back at it? Uh? I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only h Steve harbit Man got a radio show. M Yeah, I do. Man. God been so good to me over the years, in spite of all the mistakes I've made, in spite of all the dirt I've done to myself. I'm talking about when in no one I was wrong, His grace and mercy has forgiven me for all of my sins, all of them. God can forgive you of all of your sins, everything you've done. God can forgive you. He can wipe your slate clean. Now that might you might have some you know things you got to deal with because of some of your actions. Understand that. But you can wipe your slates. You can wipe your slate clean with God and start again. You can repent. God has mercy and grace. You could be forgiven by God. Now, people answer another story. Some people may never forgive you, for you've heard them all, or maybe they're accused and you were doing something else. But you know they may never forgive you. But God, God is in the redemption business man. God will forgive you for every sin you've ever committed. But you gotta want forgiveness now. And then you got to come correct because what you can't do is you can't shoot him the crap. Now you can say that conversation with him. You know what, whatever you told your lawyer, whatever, whatever you told the victims, whatever you told, whatever the story is, you got going if it ain't the truth, you could say that with God, because please know, he know, and he know your heart. He know if you're trying to manipulate somebody just for the system, if you're trying to say this just so you can get out, you know all of that. So if you're planning on shore, can even driving him save your breath before you wind up digging yourself in a deeper hole. Just just let me give you that piece of advice. Because he ain't nothing to play with. He's too great to be played with. And so with that in mind, I want to share some positive stuff with you this morning. Man. I want to say this now. I want to remind you not to let your circumstance and your situations dictate your future or your results. I'm gonna say this again. This is important information. Man. Don't let your circumstance and situations dictate your future or your results. Do you know that in order to get a different future or some different results, you control that entire situation. It is you, It is your thoughts that control the entire situation. It is how you look at the situation that will determine how the situation is for you. See, same situation can be totally different for two different people because you can say you look at the examples of history, just just look look in your neighborhood. How can that was a book that a guy wrote one time who had the name. He had a name, and he did some research and he found a guy that grew up at the same age in the same neighborhood as him, with the exact same name. He went on to become a corporate CEO. The other man was uh uh an inmate, and they had the same name, grew up in the same neighborhood. They were both brothers, you know not, I'm just saying brothers men, And and they grew and they went to them. Because how can two different two people the same situation and the results turn out so different. It is because of the thought process of one was completely different from the thought process of the other. You control it. You don't have to let your circumstances and you'll sit your way dictate your future or your results. Here's the way it works. This is so you can understand this. Your mind. It's the controlling factor of your thoughts. Your thoughts are the controlling factor of your outcome. The Bible says a man is as he thinketh. Please don't short play this scripture here, because this one is the real deal. This is the basis of every self improvement book you'll ever read. It's already written in the Bible. The Bible has all the information you need. But in case you need a little bit of clarity in some simple modern day language, then they have self improvement books. They are all based on Biblical scripture. A man is as he thinketh. That's why Norman Vincent Peale wrote the book The Power of Positive Thinking. That's why a book came out called The Magic of Thinking Big. That's why a book came out called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Heel that all of you, All these titles that I've read that have mattered in my life the most, these three major books that I've read, they all say one thing. Think thinking thoughts, because that's what controls the outcome. Your brain works one of two ways. It works positive or negative. It works good, which is under the column of positive, or the work evil, which is under the column of negative. It will have faith, which is under the column of positive, or you will operate in fear, which is in the column of negative. That is the only way your mind works. Your mind is a factory that's comprised of workers. Those workers are controlled by two formings, forming positive and forming negative. But guess what the CEO of the company, the head man, the boss is you. You come to work in the morning and you say, man, today is a great day. I'm going to take steps towards brightening my future. I'm going to take another step into making that dream come true that I've been thinking about. I'm gonna take another step forward in the development and the changing of my life in a positive, good direction. If you come to work and say that every day as the CEO, the boss, the foremans can only obey you, so that what you just said was a series of positive statements, then forming positive steps to the forefront. He said, I got your boss right away. He turns around, he blows the whistle. He alerts all the workers in the factory. Today is a good day. Today we will take steps towards our future. Today we are putting ourselves on track to get a little bit closer to making our dreams come true. Today we will be assembling all the things we need to make our dreams come true in our life better in the right direction. Everybody break. The workers in the factory turn around and manufacture thoughts to justify the orders given by the boss, which is you. You are the CEO of your corporation. If you don't own nothing else, you own everything that's going on between your two ears. You are the CEO of that corporation. If that corporation is a good one, it's because you set it up that way. If your corporation is a bad one, it's because you set it up that day. If you try, and if you pushing towards your dreams and you see the possibility of things happening in your life, is because you, as the CEO, set it up that way. If you ain't got nothing popping, if you just want to be a criminal taking stuff from people, throwing your life out the window, you're gonna be an inmate. You're gonna be sitting there there and you're gonna be mad at everybody. You got nobody be mad at. But shoot, you understand what I'm telling you this morning. This is the way it is. The Bible says a man is as he thinketh. You are the CEO of a corporation. You can make it happen good, or you can make it happen evil. You can make it happen possible or positive, or you can make it happen negative. You can live a life feel with faith, or you can live your life and feel. You have to make the decision this morning, but you can turn your corporation around today. All you got to do is start today. Change the way you think a man is as he thinketh man. God wants you to know that because God wants you to put positive thoughts in your mind, because God wants you to do better, be better, have more, and be more. God loves you, man, and there is not a whole lot you can do about that. God gonna love you. If you do dirt. God gonna love you if you do good. Might as well do good and see what God can bless you with. Man, how about that this morning, y'all show, ladies and gentlemen. Here we are the Steve Harvey Morning Show, on this wonderful, beautiful Monday morning. Let the church say man man again. Morning, Shirley, Hey, good morning, Steve. Yeah, Colin Farrell, Good morning, Crew, Junior. Morning up, Jake, What up? Steve? Tom and Tom? Well we get started. I just wanted to say that the Browns, the Cleveland Browns, if you have not forgotten, if we won one and one, we got something. Yeah, you know, just you know, when you know, I ain't been on here since Friday. There's the night they won here. We ain't Friday, so you know, I ain't get a chance. I ain't seen y'all this weekend. They had a brown Skol seventeen all weekend. Case anybody tried to forget Cleveland Browns one Thursday night. They are now one, one and one. We touched all categories, lost one time because we got our but you ain't got to do don't rush. No we did. We didn't know we got we got but no, no, no, no, See, don't look at it like that. See I don't want you to look at it. You only say we gotta don't want you to look at it like I wanted to look at the Browns record. I'm looking at the Texans owing three and one, oh right after the wind. That's all y'all got it. One win when we had to tie. That's all y'all had was a tie. You know who? I heard that from Junior and Tom and you said, you said, I told him. Let me ain't something to y'all. Houston better winning this game, be not coming here oh and three and what they do walk right on and three is God good to me. I love Houston. I love my people down in Houston. Plenty shows down there. They always gave me plenty of love and support down there in Houston. I got love for Houston. Galeria. This is it, you know all that that was That was back when I could walk in them all. I appreciate that you're walking all down at the skating ring. Saw one of them. They got skating ring and the GALERIEA they had ice skating. They had a little kiddies ice skating. Me and this little black girl was in the ice skating and they was all doing a little Frosty the snowman skating thing. You know. The little white girl was skating by wind whipping through their little costume. A little black girl with look jet like home mom. And that's the last time I was in the galleria. So I got a lot of little using and melion down there, people down there and everything. Well, listen, coming up, what do you want to talk about? Is there something in particularly you want to talk about? What I want to talk about? That's how you go, you know, Yeah, you could bring in pimpen. Okay, you can bring in whoever you need. Alright, I'm just here, all right, all right, coming up in thirty two after I think we will bring in pimping right after this. We'll be back at thirty two after You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show all right, it is time for weekend review. We're going to find out, you know, what we did mostly Steve did over the weekend, and then um and then we're gonna talk to pimpen see how his weekend was, because you know the last time we saw him, he was talk about what we did, or we're just gonna talk about what he did, what he did mainly. Okay, yeah, yeah, we're gonna buypass all of us. We're gonna go straight to head to hold on, hold on, hold on, I detect I detect him jealously. I'll tell you when you turn about whatever. You don't, don't talk about pipping you would Hill Friday, we talked about new Rabbit, Silver Stiver, Silver Rabbit. You don't understand. I had it on Man round one. Yeah. I went to super Flide that night when the people get their head down and the dude came through and you had the rabbit coach. Soon as I saw that silver, I got and okay, but that was last week. Though, I still got another game this week. But what did you come? I still got the coach. I'm but you're dragging this out from lands week. You need to be more focused on this coming week. Wait a minute, what is you talking about this week? This? You got a game? Hold on, hold up this Monday morning? Playoffs. We got to do a weekend recap. You can't act like it ain't happening, you know, just because you want to forget the weekend now all of a sudden, I can't bring up nothing. You know, we've been bringing up the games after this on win Now you only three mention. This is what it sounds like when pimps cry. Yeah wekend lovely. You know I was loving. I won't I won't, I won't rab it out side to night. Yeah. Yeah, they had a playoffs meeting. Oh okayers, No football players can't come. When you say players meeting, it just happens at the meeting. To me, we're just talking about you know, new rules or players them and everything. You know what players do? You know what that new rules? Nothing to do with sports? Yeah, you know, like you know, like you know, if another dude take your gal, you know, ain't no fighting and all that. You know, you just lost, you know, pimp. Pimps got chugging up. You know it's lost. Yeah, I choose you and I you know, so see if pimps gotta chunk it up to just a lost. Then time to do too, Junior. Yeah, what you guys think about that? We I'm convinced we need a new coach. I'm convinced you need a new coup. You need a wins. What you need? You didn't Brown talking right here? So we won one and one. They needed one somewhere. You got hold on that one. We're gonna hold it, y'all. Hanging on to that old were hanging on to the at least we got something to grab pro grabbing a zero. You know what I'm saying. You ain't nothing. Believe we're listening. We I mean we lost. I can't well, I mean, Pepper, maybe they do need a new coach the Browns we need right we're in a game in two years we kept the same coach. Well that was na your problems and not let it tell you something now, I was playing that I'm seeing some you know, I ain't trying to say nothing. But we was on in sixt last year, and you know how I started. We three. That's when you start looking at the hope for you. I mean you, I mean, I mean right now time and you and Junior, you're tracking you're tracking on the sixty. Y'all need win. Man, you haven't been able to talk trash along. Let me ask you this, do you do you think y'all going to the playoffs? Yeah? We know who ain't We got a better chance of going. What do you want? You guy? You damn right going to the wet but the playoffs we in your division, but we can take your slot. Can't you really make a position like that so early in the season, though, If you if you're talking to somebody that ain't one, I tell you who ain't talking about the playoffs. At least in Cleveland. We're talking about men. Could we be in the playoffs? Nobody in us? He said a damn game about the playoffs. It's like that white dude playoffs playoffs? Who were talking playoffs? Dude trading the coach already y'all kept y'all coaching out, Yeah for two years, three year. But see that's why you got to hanging out with people. You can't just leave j J Watching got two sacks. You know, he hadn't been He had a good game. He had a good game. Too bad he wasn't going sexes points. Sax was plush would at least have to. Y'all got three right now, ladies in June and Minumber ninety wit Sickle Sale Junior. Alright, we got to get out of here. It's time for a church con blank. Wait a minute, che Yeah, we're doing church because planks. Yeah, I got to Chaine. I gotta be somebody y'all won't pimp to handle chest. Come, I'm so hot. We'll be back at after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaughs accuser Professor Blasi Ford Christine Blasi Ford will testify at a public hearing on Thursday, and another woman has come forward. We'll talk about that as well, but right now it is time. Yeah. Yeah, another woman has come forward. Oops. Oh that'd be good, but not for the jail. I'm just trying to tell you I like it when day I'm like, when women come forward, I support women. I ain't no pimp like like I got women worn't for me. Yeah, I just dressed like a pimp. Yeah, I don't know. I don't do not disrespect women. I got a mama's sister, and I don't like I ain't talking about that when I dressed You see this rabbit? Yeah yeah, I dressed like him and talk ain't no silver rabbits though you ain't seen no silver, just like you ain't seen a win. Get ready for a church? Okay, you want me to do church complaints? All right? Here we go, switch it. Let me see your switch it. Show me what I we are here, Oh most gracious by a dollar can forgive it? And maud and the tractionize give of greatness. Oh lord, we here are here to handle church complaints. Speaking death. Jaim is to represent wall at the complaints section for this raggedy busted what membership what we have good membership path and we just have all the time. Yeah you ready, I can't say nothing less out here complaints? All right? To start this thing off, Our sister Older b. Gildre is pregnant with thirty two kids and she is due that's coming Friday. She is asking members of the church the sponsor each child, and she is also starting her own adoption program. Well Suster Gildre talked to her about the the gigg is up such a Guildrey has not had thirty two kids. She has taken in thirty two kids, and all of the kids she has taken in ain't children anymore. For the eight year old me and Stavord, thirty four year old, twenty nine year olds at eleven one of them, one boy just turned eighteen he almost out, and ten this fifty folk man the rest of them is are you saying out of the thirty two one of them? Of them and we're here about forty three year old in there them them as the kids, So we are giving nothing else because all of them should be working. Yeah, but if she wants to start an adoption agency, where don't nobody want to adopt? Or damn for the year old man. Now we're not taking on all that. It's hard enough feeding kids. Now you're trying to figure out a grown man. Bible Movement padded, No more money for her, all right, let's move on the The Adam and Even Ministry is asking when can they come new to church to represent who they are? Sister nare Cox is the president and she is asking when can they come nude to represent their own Now I've seen sister Willcox clothed. Yeah, why is she in the Adam and even I don't understand what you mean when you say that, Oh you do. I think it's obvious. We got a matter of fact. That's why we can't do it. Because she hand picked everybody in there, and they're all friends, and they meet three times a week at Golden Corral. They have buffet busting content, buffet busting content. They're going there and see what one of them can bust the buffet. Who can get put out first? Yeah, the roads are good. In stay in your voice, because you sound a lot like Tommy right now telling me to stay in mind. All of a sudden, I was just talking to near few. Tommy, you got to talk about the roles. This is. This is damn. It is bad as bad acting theory. That's the worst thing on here. I don't apologize about that. I mon along path. There was a light skinning dog skinned choir fight before service on Sunday morning yesterday. The dog skin wanted to be in the front row, and so did the light skin. Uh. Carla was the first one to throw the first blow. I just want you to know that. And what I'm doing is I'm taking bets. I got all my money on the dog skin quad member, don't start, none won't be done And way to swing. Call it out where we were you you in the quiring lead, dark skin in quiet me in my past year. You're not gonna say it, but jeeves qualify. Soon as you want to doon as you want to start singing, you get a rule passed to hear some news that you need to really hear. Trump's lawyer, Deacon Michael Hold. This bulletin just came in. I'm sorry, someone just slid me a note. This Sunday. There will be no light skinned people attending. They're all in the hospital. Thank you for that, go ahead. Trump's lawyer, Deacon Michael Deacon Michael Coin is asking us to support him in his time but distress. He wants us to post his bail, which is three hundred thousand. He says, Trump is good for the back, but it's your cold or pastor. How much is three hundred thousand? Oh, we ain't we don't have three hundred members. Well, I don't know three hundred thousand people. I don't know where to ask for a dollar piece. I can raise some money for you, but you we've probably come up with like a hunter Sandy five by Fried. I don't I don't see why we're trying to get him out anyway. Trump said they were gonna drain the swamp, wouldn't you in the swamp. You're getting drained. Everybody in this swamp doing jail time. I understand, But he is a member, pastor, who's a member, deacon, Deacon Michael Coin. I think you got this huge you know good, you know, you know good, and well we don't hand no white member. Well he just recently asked to join by. Well he just got regually voted out. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, Bill Cosby. The sentencing is today, and women in Hollywood are supporting Professor Christine blasi Ford and another woman has come for it. Yeah, we'll talk about that. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, alright, and today's entertainment news guys. Bill Cosby is scheduled to be sentenced today and tomorrow after being convicted, you know, of drugging and sexually assaulting former Temple University employee Andrea Constant back in two thousand four. The stakes are high for Cosby's two days sentencing hearing, which begins today in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. That's outside of Bill Cosby's native Philadelphia. Bill Cosby, of course, is eighty one years old now, and he faces a maximum of up to thirty years in prison, meaning Mr Cosby would likely spend the rest of his life in prison. Pennsylvania sentencing guidelines recommend twenty two to thirty six months for someone with no previous criminal record. However, state sent yeah do the math. However, state sentencing rules could also allow him to get house arrest or probation. I know, I know, alright. In other entertainment news, women in Hollywood support Professor Christine Blasi Ford, Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh's accuser. We know, um, if you haven't heard, Christine Blasi Ford has agreed to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, his lawyers announced on Sunday, So this happened yesterday. Professor Ford is also getting supported by women in Hollywood like actress Julianne Moore, uh Eva Lo Hongoria, Gabrielle Union. They are just a few of the women that are speaking out in support of Dr Ford. Um, she's accusing Brett having Augh of sexually sexual misconduct. So you know what what what it does? And now you can see vividly how it's so difficult for women to come forward with these types of accusations and charges because the men in power they shut it down so fast, even the president. You know, why, why why didn't she go to police or police reporter? Thirty years ago? Whoa man? Here's a woman who's been struggling with this, who's had to go to therapy, who hasn't mentioned it in therapy. I mean, that's not that long ago, and it happened way further before that. So here's a woman who's been grappling with this, and then here this dude and to get a job for a lifetime, lifetime soment she she wants to say something about it because she's going wild because now she got to hear this man's name every day. But wait a minute, not only do I have to hear his name, you're telling me you're gonna give him a lifetime appointment to the highest judge position in the world. Wait a minute, hold up, something's wrong here, and you got to hear this woman out and you got to make him answer these questions. This is horrible the way they make women feel. So then you wonder why, But I'll tell you what man that brother on CNN. UM, No, not Don Lemon. He's not on that regularly. He's a commentator. He came on and gave the most profound speech I've ever heard on behalf of women because he was molested as a child and he struggled with it as an African American man, and he didn't tell it until twenty some years later that he told one person, and this was only the third time he was bringing it up. He said, and I'm a man. Yeah, so you can imagine a man. He was so compelling. Man. He shut that whole panel down. The ladies, the Hollywood women said, dear Professor Ford, we know how difficult it is to stand up to powerful people to speak to what you were just saying, Steve, you are strong and you are not alone. You are a survivor, and million of us have your back. You and your testimony are credible. We believe you signed your sisters. All right, we gotta go to miss Inn But um, and I'm sure she's going to bring up the fact that another woman has come forward to our charge Judge Kavanaugh with um a sexual misconduct. Yeah, so you're gonna introduce missanntesty ladies and gentlemen, miss and trum, thank you, thank you everybody. This is the entrop of the news and let's get to that. Looks like the Senate. We'll hear from Dr Christine Blasi Ford this week. The college professor says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaughs sexually assaulted her, you know that when they were high school, and the Senate Judiciary is to hear her story and question her. South Carolina Republican Lizzy Graham is one of the eleven men on the panel and seemed to suggest on Fox News Sunday that Dr Ford is going to find the process not at all a walk in the park. I don't know what Dr Ford expected us to do with an anonymous letter if she wanted to stay anonymous. Those who betrayed her need to apologize. But she will be treated respectfully, but she will be challenged, just like Judge Kavanaugh. Where it is that Dr Ford is to testify on Thursday morning, but that may be molled up moved back now. Panel Chairman Chuck Grassley says that only the committee will determine which witnesses to call for her and in what order. And who will question her and Kavanaugh. By the way, there was a rallying support of doctor Ford over the weekend in pool Alo, California, and as you heard truly say that a lot of women in Hollywood are also in support of her. Meanwhile, Democrats want to investigate a report of now a second woman who's accusing Brett kavanoughv exposing himself to her, this time in college. Old Ebra Ramirez told The New Yorker that Kavanaugh exposed himself during a party in a college dorm when they were both studying at Yale. Amira says Kavanaugh thrust his naked lower part of this body to her face and caused her to touch it as she pushed him away, and that the Supreme Court nominee was laughing about it. Another former yalely who chose to remain anonymous, tells New Yorker that, yeah, he's sure that he had heard about the Kavanaugh incident allegedly exposing himself to the woman. Kavanaugh was also denying Debbie Raynier's allegation a Minnesota state represents into his reelection campaign after his daughter a Leslie say he touched her inappropriately for more than ten years, starting when she was only nine years old. Jim not Block is from St. Cloud, Minnesota. He's a Republican. He denies the accusations. A sentencing hearing is set for today for Bill Cosby. Its schedule actually run two days. It's not a sentencing, it's a sentencing hearing. It is to accommodate victim impact statements and the like. The eighty one year old disgrace comedian could get jail time, but he also could get on the probation. But nevertheless, he would be declared. He can be declared a sexually violent predator and monitored for the rest of his life. Rivers in both North and South Carolina expected to crest this week. In fact, some eight thousand voluntary evacuations are underway in some places. And finally get tops of the weekend box office. The house with the clock on its walls, You're perfectly safe. That's safe as the house with the clock in the walls board into a whole lot of money. Year's up. Steve Harvey Nation find out of Uncle Steve is smarter than his nephew. Back at twenty minutes after the Hour and Steve Harvey Morning Show, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, I know you're gonna be glad to hear this. Tiger Woods back. I said, Tiger Woods is back. He's a he's a winner against Steve capping off one of the most remarkable comebacks in golfing history. Uh did you see this crowd? Did you see him when he was I watched the entire thing. I was going back between that and Channel three team yesterday three Tens NFL game Day where you can watch all the games and Houston. No, I wasn't watching Houston, but Houston kept coming across the screen because they was losing. Yeah, you know, you know, you know, you know, Houston's oh and three right now. And so you know, two things was happening yesterday that I had predicted. I predicted that Tiger would win, but then I was really just hopeful because I've been wanting to do to make a car back, and then I wasn't predicted. I was talking to Junior throughout the game, right Junior, I was sending the messages. Let me read some of the messages that I was sending. But congratulations to Tiger Wood, me and all my golfing buddies. Was texting, and it was quite a spirit of Texas Day. I can't say nothing, not none of what we said. Boy, we take We did a lot of texting. Well, before you get to it, you please be reminded that Tiger has had four four back surgeries and it's yeah, four back surgeries and it's been five years since his last win. So this is phenomenal. Yeah. Did just see the crowd though, they just see all those people as his girlfriend. The crowd were amazing. It was massive. They love it. Comes It's got to be hard to play the tournament with because you hit that noise, you know it's in you know. I took pictures of it. I got pictures on my phone. I'll let you'll see it I took. I took pictures on my phone. I said, this is crazy. But if y'all through with that, I want to share with you what me and Junior was talking. Yes, go ahead, I was just giving you time to find yesterday morning from l A at ten thirty two. The game had already been on thirty two minutes, right, Because the game came on at ten thirty two minutes. My first text to Junior was in capital letters, Lord Jesus helped them Lord, because I don't want to do what I must do. What meaning today when you get to work, get your phone out? Then what did you say, Junie, Please don't start. I'm here tearing up now because I know. Then I said, well, sometimes we have to cry. Well, let me get myself together. This is gonna hurt, I said, y'all still got plenty of time though, and we'll do the rest of the texting thing when we get back. All right, Coming up next at thirty four after the hour, we'll talk more about Tiger Woods making us come back and Stephen and Junior's Texas and then uh, I guess we'll play some Are You Smarter than Nephew Tommy? Too? Coming up? Yeah, all that coming up at right. Don't go you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time to play Are You Smarter the Nephew Tommy? So we've decided to play all four of us? All right, here we go? And what city is Rodeo drive logo? Denzel Washington started this movie as Troy Maxim. What is another name for Bigfoot? What popular fast food chain specializes in roast beef sandwich Armies. What R and B Group released the single Friends back in? What city is known as the Windy City? What is Mickey Mouse's dog's name? What does a seismatologists do? Seismologists do? Arachnophobia is the field? What iconic rapper is known as the human beat box? Zack? You fresh on the Jefferson sitcom? What was the housekeeper's name? What is the largest living land animal? Was one of the Mama, No, no, I got something right? Now, you did? You did? Y'all got something right? But it's me and Junior. Yeah, we gotta crunch the numbers. Guys. While we're crunching numbers and crunching, crunching and were retalian and crunching. All right, here we going. What city is Rodeo Drive located? That would be? Got that? I got it? Yeah? The answer is Beverly Okay, so it's in Beverly Hills. So Steve got that one right, and you can quit with that bail You really can't, all right, Denzel Washington start in this movie as Troy Maxin. Nobody got that right? I thought, tell me got this one? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, we have fences. What is another name for bigfoot sasqua? Tell Monica got it written down as a tap? Yeah, yeah, we're crunching over here. I'm just reading. I'm just reading. What popular fast food chain specializes in roast beef sandwiches RBS. That was a tap? I don't know who got it first? And Harvey tap? What? R and B Group released the single Friends back in? That was Tommy? What city is known as the Windy City? Harvey got that? Chicago? You got it, but you got it late? Who got it first? Sir? Steve got it first? What is Mickey Mouse's dog's name? They got that first? Oh, you say Jay or Junior? She said Junior? What does the seismologist? What does the seismologist study? Junior? Earthquakes? Junior? Arachnophobia is the fear of what? Jor what? What does the seismologist study? Earth quakes? Arachnophobia is a fear of what? That would be? Spiders? What iconic rapper is known as a human beatbox? Doug Fresh j on the Jefferson's What was the housekeeper's name, Laurence? What is the largest living land animal? The only one who said it it was wrong? In that one? Elephant? Elephant? Elephant? Joe Waller's Mama, Mama, don't hold not until the elephant You kidding me? Really? Come on? Be quiet, Jay, your friends mom, elephant looked like Spider. What's your telling? What is it? Okay, let me see that. Let me see it. Three for Tommy, four for Junior, and four for me. Everything. I have more then one question, but it's okay, all right, so tell me you got three. I know y'all texting. So y'all working out that y'all gonna cheat together. It's cool, okay, hey, man, listen to this the last time your ask Okay, because what we're going to do isn't fight another soul loser into the game. But you know it's might and funny, y'all text all damn datd yesterday, y'all since I've been here. Okay, alright, alright, listen, we are reading text on the team to president and CEO. Coming up next here is the King of Frankston. We'll have to bring phone call from the nephew. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after today's strawberry letter, The subjects my man's daughter saw it all okay, that is a subject of the strawberry letter for today. My man's daughter saw it all. Okay, but right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got new? Surely you know what everybody has uh been in this situation. The repo man, the repo may everybody woke up at two three o'clock looking outside and see if they got their car to work. I ain't never had to look out the window for these I never called my card. I kept calling. I kept a call for three years without making payment, really because you always parked it somewhere. They didn't a long time. I kept a call for three years, three years, so you would you always walked like a whole time I was home that called it. I ain't making no payments on Yeah, I am no payments. Yeah wow, Well don't try at home, kid, if you got to what else? They can't head it caught him. I need my car slash house. Okay, Hello, I'm trying to reach age. Please. Sorry you My name is uh Robert. I'm with the collection agency. You do on a Sierra two thousand three GMC truck? Am I correct? Okay, we don't show that we've had any payments within the last I guess about three close to four months now, and we want to try and stop having to come in and repossess it. Maybe we give you a chance to bring your payment in, but we haven't had a payment from you in about four months. Sircial with the other another thing, I don't don't. I don't know with the moment, Yeah, I playing all time direct the plot from we're about that, well, I with they've they've turned you over to us. I'm with UH collection agency and we haven't gotten anything from I don't. I don't show any UH any paperwork here on the computer at all that we've had any payments made within the last four months. So that's why they they turned it over to y'all without my permission. The truck overall, well, I understand that, sir. What happens is if you haven't paid it in a certain amount of time, it actually comes over to the collection agency. And that's what they've done. They've actually sent it over to us UH. They've given us UH pretty much all the information on you. I guess it's a gold this type of color UH CR two thousand three GMC truck from my understanding, Am I correct? Okay? Um, Now, what I'm gonna need from you today, Jeremy, is for you to come in uh and make a payment to us this evening for four months so we can see so we don't have to come in and repossess your truck. And I don't want to have to do that, but if I have to send a record out there to you, I have your address on file as well. I don't want to have to send anybody out to pick it up. I'll what y're not coming get my truck and I'm not paying y'all for for no full months. I'm been saying my truck no all time. Every month. That's a dog deal, sir. I don't want to get in a back and forth with you, but I'm telling you exactly how it's gonna go. Now. I come out there and repossess it myself. But I'm telling you what the look look, that's not that's not even where we gotta go with that. Don't be you don't need to be screaming and fusing and chaotic and come get it yourself and all that the truck that's gonna be that what hang on, let's back up, because I'm a man just like you. Man, What do you mean it's gonna that's gonna be that? What are you saying? What are you? What are you? What are you saying to me? Son? I'm telling you. Look, look, I'm telling you that I'm paying my truck note and and that's a fun I don't know, I don't know. Let's get I've already stated to you before I'm with Tan Agency. And let's get one thing straight. You don't tell me I tell you now, Hey, hey, calm down the phone. It don't make no sense to it, you know, over the father whatnot. You can come, you can come get the truck, my truck right here at work. I'm come. You can come try to get my truck. I'm already aware of where you work in the whole nine yards. Now, I don't I'm trying to be as uh cordial with you as I can. Now you can you're talking about I gonna get my truck, and I'll tell you I'll be saying much so you know you should have dropped it and be like, all right, I'm gonna check with somebody. I listen, check with somebody else to make sure I'm right. And didn't call me back. I'm telling you you haven't paid anything. That's what I'm telling you. I've got it listed on the computer. You've been turned over an agency and you haven't done it. You haven't done it. You you you're raising your press groom and a little the phone like that because they ain't even do me me? Are you no good? But you ain't get no money from me? Then you ain't coming from my truck. What a matter of fact, you could come on my truck. I'm gonna being at my truck. Wait on you. It doesn't make any difference, sir. You gotta get repossessed tonight. If I don't get four months payment, definitely, if I don't get four months payment brought into me collection agency, your truck will be taken care of before. Hold on, listen, man, hold on you kind of kind of serious? You quick cursing at me. That's what's wrong. Man. You look right outside. You come over here and get it obviously that way for you. Look, you know what. I'm at the point. I don't give a about this job. I'm ready to come kick your That's what I'm ready to do. Call him bad kake. I don't need a little scared paying up the phone. You're standing here like a man, and you handle your problems. He hold on. I'm I make the work, bro stopped calling. I'm at work too, doing my job the same way you're doing yours. We'll make you want to do. Come get. I got one more thing I want to say to you before you go. Are you're listening? This is a few timing from the Steve Harpy Morning Show. You just got pranked by you got on my teacher the man? You are you all right? Manright, I'm gonna talk this roof. I'm talking about cool one. I'm gonna say you got about I'm trying to get She told me. She told me, man, she said that boy loved that truck. Yeah, that's my choice, my ownest repretation. Man ain't man. Yeah, yeah, you gotta, but you gotta pretty good. I gotta ad. I gotta ask you. Man, tell me, brother, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane st rip? Po man is man? Hey, I put it out there last week that I added a show on Thursday. I want to be proud to say they probably got about thirty tickets left on that second show on Thursday. Come on, not the nephew in the building. Baby. Eight shows too, Thursday to Friday, two, Saturday to Sunday. I'm in the building, y'all better asked somebody zaning his baby. The nephew is on the way this week. Matter of fact, I'm getting on plane winds and stupid has a ride come Wednesday evening. You understand that, don't you? Nashville, do you understand that? Stupid? How's a right? Thank you? Congratulations nephew? All right, come on, yeah, alright? Coming up next, it is my Strawberry Letter for today. This subject my man's daughter saw it all. We'll be doing the Strawberry Letter when we come back right after this top of the hour. Let's go. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need some advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, parenting, and more, please submit you're a Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Was there anything you wanted to add to that? If you don't send, as you would never be famous. We will be a real loser. Is that what you said just chance, damn that we could be reading your letter on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right now. Buggle up and hold on tight. We gotta pull you here. It is the strong buried letter subject my man's daughter saw it all. Dear Stephen Shirley. My fiance and I have been together for a while, but we don't live in the same city, so we do everything we can to spice keep the spice in our relationships. We spend flirt, We send flirty texas and explicit pictures, and when we're together it is on and popping. The texas and pictures we send are so wrong, she risque and vulgar that a porn star would blush. We can't help it. Well, now we have a big problem. My man has a fifteen year old daughter and I have always had a great relationship with her until recently when she went through her daughter's phone, her father's phone and saw it all. Since then, she does not want anything to do with me or her dad. She has not visited him since this incident. I have reached out to her, but she will not speak to me. I am so hurt because she thought of me as her step mom and I called her my daughter. My man is crushed and he doesn't know what to do. By the way, she has been punished several times for going through other people's things, but this time is different. I do now know how. I do not know how to fix this or if it can be fixed. I think my man could be doing more to help. He's got to step up, or his relationship with his daughter may not ever be the same. I need some real advice on how to handle this and keep my family together. Please help? Wow, uh, dear, please help. Yeah, this is a mess right here. This is a big problem. Um. This young lady has been punished already for going through people's things, and you know that's the problem. When you go through people's things, a lot of times you find what you don't wanna, um find, and you see what you don't want to see or what you'd never think in a million years you would see. This is her dad. She's traumatized. This is her her soon to be step mom that you know she highly looks up to, and at a fifteen year old, she as a fifteen year old, she cannot process this. It's hard for her to process. So this is a major problem for everybody all around. And quite frankly, Um, you know, I don't I don't know what to tell you to do. Um, you know you want to keep your family together, Maybe you can start with some sort of family therapy. You know, you gotta try and talk to this this young girl and see if you can get through to her on a different level. I mean, but it's going to be hard because she's seen you like this. So you know, you you got to talk about the respect level. Now, you got to talk about the fact that, um, she sees you as probably somebody nasty and just someone that she doesn't want to deal with. You know, she's so disappointed and upset with her dad. But I think in this instance you and her dad are going to have to sit her down and talk to her, especially her dad. But give it a little time. Let some time go by, and then maybe maybe you can all come to the table and and have a conversation. You know, tell her it was an accident. You didn't mean to uh for her to see all of this, and UM, you know, I don't know this is this is a tough one for me, Steve, not for you. Yeah, it's nothing, that is nothing. You can do. Let's just start with the fact Cat turned it down just a little bit, because what I'm about to say I need everybody's undivided. Come on, here's the whole letters in this right here, we're seeing flirty texas and explicit pictures, and when we're together it's on impoper. Here is the killer. The text and pictures we seen are so runch you, riskate and vulgar that a pawn star with blush. I hadn't done it. What she's saying is what Stormy Daniels did. We're President Trump. Ain't nothing y'all been doing photo photo shoots and set ups from black Tail magazine. Black Tail. Yeah, that's how raunchy. YOA black Tail was a black porno magazine with no makeup, artists, with no no touch up. So photo, we're taking this picture, we're printing it. We ain't got money for touch up. Stretch marks, bullet wounds, bruising cuts, very coast veins, all love it. Black mind. Now what my question to you is when you say runch you ris skate and vocal that a porn starward blush, let me ask you a couple questions. So you obviously have sent a picture where your right foot was on the floor. Well, where was your left foot? She did not put that in the letters. I'm just asking because how raunchy. As we're talking, she said, if your left foot, let's explain something to you, was higher than your pelvic in that picture right there? Who that wrong you? Now, now now that we've covered now that's risk skpe, that's riskape. Now that you got your foot up, hide in your pelvit, what would make it wronch you? What did you do? Well, now you start that had movement in it. Raunchy is movement. So you didn't send a video and you didn't spare it up. Who are you are humping at at that? That's that's that I'm talking about. Like like you like you like a Jackhamil. Yeah, you're and the air hovering like boomerang, you know, like in that scene of Boomerang. Well, yeah, you know on Instagram when you boomerang and photo just keep going back and forth. Then you did something that made it vulgar? What did you have in your hand? Because these pictures is raunchy, risque and vulgar. The the risk skate was when you raised your footo a little bit. Yeah, The raunchy was when you started making your picture, move your eyeball raise. The vulgar is what was in your hand? Lord, Okay, we'll have back to Yeah. Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hours, subject my man's daughter saw it all? Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject my man's daughter saw it all. This fifteen year old girl then broke into her daddy's phone and the state live a part in relationship it they send each other explicit pictures. The text and pictures we're seeing are soul, runch it, risk and vulgar. That a pawn star war blood. We can't help it. Well, the problem is a girl and found the picture, and since she then saw it, she don't want anything to do with me or her daddy. That weren't punish this girl before for going through other people's things, but this time is different. I don't know how to fix it, or it can be fixed. This can't be fixed. But now let's reiterate. You set a picture that was runchy, risk, skate, and vulgar. My breakdown is how to picture was the three things riscape picture is your foot is on the floor, your right foot is flat on the floor, your left foot is somewhere up higher than your pelvit. That makes for risk a picture. What made the picture runch you, runch you was you put that special effect on it where you was at humping real face. You was boomeranging your picture. Now you got that in there. Then what made it vulgar was something was in your hand. Oh the only other thing you could have been doing, you nick it and you barefoot and your right foot is you on your toes on your right foot, but your left foot is flat up against that wall. I'm talking about flat up gainst that wall. So that's the breakdown between risque runchy and yeah, now you haven't done all this hill and you turning round talking back over your shoulder at the camel, and you didn't mention his name. So the little girl thank us hell now all she and you guys, Yeah, and you got linny what you know to look back back there. She could damn there see it yours probably, And when you got your leg up that high, you damn got you look right over your shoulder and right behind your shoulder, plat out, daddy. That's why she don't want to talk to nobody. Now. Now the girl don't want to talk to y'all be cause her damn daddy. It's just the knacks. I'm gonna tell you one thing, because my daddy did something pornographic around me one time, I would not pornographic to me. That's around me, which would have been today, would have been pornographic. My daddy was woke up naked one night and went in the refrigerator and I was coming downstairs to use the bathroom and he was standing in the refrigerator drinking out the ice water ball Nick and I saw and we didn't have money for their So I'm just gonna be honest with you. I still ain't over. I'm STI trauma that he had wasn't as bright as today's turn around at me, but contact and then when he saw me, he continued to drink and put his damn hand on this hip. That it was very different from me back then, so I didn't have to worry about it, and so I was traumatized. This girl is traumatized. She not talking to you all her daddy and h y'all got to get into therapy, but she probably ain't gonna want to go. I mean, I mean if she goes by and said, what's she gonna do? What y'all gonna do? Y'all gonna take your pictures to discuss each one. But you know she's gone to her mom. Well she might not tell have been trouble for looking. Yeah, because she didn't got in trouble. They don't need a whipping her punishing her for this because if y'all hadn't have been sending all that nasty man, what what what? And what code your your fiance guy? Where fifteen year old can get in it? I know, well you know why is it fifteen year old with his phone? That's yeah, thank you have on the phone. But I mean she has a problem obviously with being nosy and go through other people's nosy then got you in therapy. Yeah, now your share of all shot. Yeah, she's looking for something. But in due time, this will heal. It will heal in time because she's gonna go off to college. Her own activities will begin. And what y'all doing with pay only comparision? And what do the kids out here doing right now? I'm telling you all right, Now, do you think they'll get married? Who the lady who wrote the letter in her fiance? Yeah they yeah, man, because that little girl in problem screen shot them pictures and sent them to her home. Yeah, that little girl right there, I would date they're probably gonna have to go on and get married and all that. So I don't know, and we we really can't help. I don't know what to tell you. I don't know how how nasty, risk a runchy and vulgar. There's levels, there's so let me guess what another picture you was on you was necking on the bike like her stationary bike. Yeah, she was nicking on because she was exercising, and yeah on on the tow of the friends, and you got extra jiggy with you, took the seat off, you sent that pignap. No girl in all types of I feel sorry for the little girl. She tried to get her mind rapping on how nasty you and her her damn daddy is and Steve, no one wants to see their parents, nobody, no one like that. Ever, you really don't want to see your mom. You don't want to see and you definitely don't want to hear him. But that's a whole another ship. No, no, no, you don't want to see your mama now your daddy as a boy, You're gonna get past, but you don't ever want to see you don't. You don't ever want to see your mama, your mama, you don't want to see. You just don't want to. And I think the Lord that I never ever had any eel memory of my MoMA. I think, God, my damn dad, give a damn it was his house. Yeah, my daddy, trauma. I've been in the bath tub taking the bath. He didn't came in and said on the toilet to use the bath in the bath. Email us or Instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M or at my girls. Surely now coming up in ten minutes, Will Smith is doing stand up comedy. Did you hear about that? Steve? We'll talk about TV shows that can get a reboot and recast in about ten minutes. Right after this, you're listening to the stew Alright, so Steve, here's the latest. Now is Senate Republicans pressed for you know, they're trying to get this quick vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. This is President Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court. Will Senate Democrats meanwhile, are investigating a brand new allegation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh. This claim dates back to three and nine eight four, that academic school year when Brett Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale. Uh. The offices of at least four Democratic senators have received information about the allegation, and at least two have begun investigating it. So uh yeah, another woman has come forth. Um her name. She's at the center of the story. Her name is Deborah Ramirez. She's fifty three years old now. She attended Yale with Brett Kavanaugh, where she studies uh, sociology and psychology. Uh. She said that when both she and Kavanaugh were a freshman at Yale, she was invited by a friend on the woman's soccer team to a dorm room party. Okay. She recalled that the party took place in a suite uh in the part of Yale known as Old Campus, and that a small group of students decided to play a drinking game there. Okay, she said, a lot of stuff happened. I don't have time to read this entire story because This is like thirteen pages long, but I'm gonna skip to this part. Somebody yelled down the hall. She says, Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie's face. They said his full name. It was his full name. I don't think it was just Brett. And I remember hearing and being mortified that this was out there. Now she's said, yeah, you heard what I said. She's saying that there might be a problem with her giving her testimony because she had been drinking. She had been drinking. She said, will they look into this? Listen to me. The Democrats are looking into it. You are going to find out how much these Republicans care more about power and position over justice, righteousness and morality you are about. This is a clear cut case. They don't care. The men in the Republican Party and the women in Republican Party could care less about these women coming forward if it has the potential to wreckt their power and their position. Nothing. Stop calling the Republican Party the moral majority party, because there's nothing moral about what's happening right now. And the head of the moral party right now is Donald Trump. Over four thousand lies since he's been in office, several acumen, accusations about what from women, he's taken strippers, playboy buddies to his home where his wife lives. Yo, man, look, I mean dog, it's it's really rules to this. If if if you're going to do that, there are rules to that. It's like it's like, for example, it's honor amongst thieves, there's rules and being a theater. What thieves do not accept a race rapists and child molesters that you can do whatever you gotta do to get your money. You can sell dope, you can do stick up, you can do whatever you If you're coming here for raping and and molesting a child, brother they got because there's a now that's in prison in this right here. What makes it so difficult for a woman to come forward, it's because she's got to be faced this absolutely, and she's acknowledged, Steve, if there are significant gaps, like I said earlier in her memories of the evening, and that if she ever presents her story to the FBI or members of the Senate, she will inevitably be pressed on her motivation for coming forward after so many years, and questioned about her memory, giving that she was given that she was drinking at the party. They're gonna press this woman about the thirty years and you know, because but yeah, there there are some gods Kavanaugh's buddy who dove on the bed and knocked all of them off. And um, he he doesn't want to come for he doesn't want to come forward. And uh okay, So so like I said, uh, Senate Republican, well okay, let me go back to this. Uh. The offices of at least four Democratic senators have received information about the allegation. At least two have begun investigating it now. Senior Republican staffers also learned of this allegation last week. They knew about it last week, and in conversation with The New Yorker expressed concern about its potential impact on Kavanaugh's nomination. So that validates what you just said, okay about them caring. Yes, the hearing for this lady is Wednesday, right, Yeah, that's coming back Thursday, Yes, coming on Thursday. So after that, do we actually think they're gonna go into this one? I don't see how they can. Yeah, yeah, so let let me finish soon soon after all this came out. They knew about it last week. Senate Republicans issued renewed calls to accelerate the timing of a committee vote. The Democratic Senate Office is reviewing the allegations, believe that their merits uh that they merit further investigation. This is another serious, credible and disturbing allegation against Brett Kavanaugh that should be fully investigated, they're saying. Now back to Deborah meirez Um, she's saying that witnessing the attempt that they were making to discredit Christine blasi Ford Dr. Blasi Ford, that made her frightened again, validating what you're saying, made her frightened to share her story, which she knew would be attacked due to the gas. And I'm just assuming that what they're gonna do the Republican Party, they're gonna use her own words against her. You were drinking, your memory was foggy. You don't really relax. You can't be under such hard scrutiny and questioning because your memory was foggy. So was it even him at all? Exactly? And you're going to see these men sit there and do it. The sad thing about this in the Republican Party, they have a lot of female support. Yeah, yeah, it's it's it's it's amazing what they've allowed this administration to get away with. Well, yesterday was Week three in the NFL. Stephen Pempen are gonna talk football at the top of the right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, take it away. It is time to talk football. Are you ready to fall to intend? Your own music intended? All right, I'm gonna do it with No, you ain't got to do it well, I can't do it alone. I don't need you now. It ain't need a need you. No, no, no, Houston need a win then we might want just gonna get this? Which one you want? Hey? What's up? Everybody? Was it? J Man? You ain't don't don't get don't get you're losing your pimp tone. You don't sound like a pimp today. You're depressed. Hey, why you got the Jason? That ninety only it's Steve Cloudy Jersey played for Houston, Texas. Yeah, yeah, ninety yeah, yeah. I don't see the nine, but I see that zero. That could be what's coming nine oh and nine? Now, what's up, Tommy? It ain't thating? What's going on with you? Right? Man, I got the scores. I'm trying to see how right, man, Let's go on, let's go on and see. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what I was right about. Yeah, he's trying to rush me. But round one one town one one one. All right, pep, you know what, I don't remember who you manbody to? Come on, ain't gonna lie to New Orleans. Actually beat Atlanta and yeah, that right there, that was my push game. Remember, yeah, we got get a push game because because two teams that I care about deeply the same equally. Yeah, I can't pull from one gets another, so I win. Go ahead, what you got there in Baltimore Baltimore? On seven? Did I say Baltimore? I think you did? He did Baltimore? Be Mo because we don't in Baltimo. Win on in demo. Now here's who I think you went for. You just say I ain't gonna lie Cincinnati at Caroline. I think you went with Cincinnati. Actually one no, no, no, no, no no. I said I'm a cam Newton man all day. I picked the pamphles on that one because I hate Cincinnati. Because then the same division with Cleveland, who is one one and one? Yeah, the division. I hate Cincinnati. See the owner of the Browns he took he left Cleveland, and what you said, Sinnattia started the Bengals. That's why the Bengals and the brown got the same color. And then the Baltimore Ravens snuck out of town one night with Aunt Modell and took the Cleveland Browns and started the Baltimore Ravens. Yeah, y'all understand, were sold gangster. We got our football team that yeah, okay, we're go ahead now I'm good with pamples New York Giants at Houston, Texas and the Giants one wait a minute, why do you want to get into that now? Well, I mean I'm going down say that when we had less time you much want? I love it dead. What did you say? This goal was? It was twenty seven two the New York Giants. So y'all this what now? Can I tell you? Well, you're gonna do it anyway? I just ask you might We'll just say yeah, come oh and three is dangerous because you own pace to do oh in six? You win this right now? Yeah? Yeah, I know. I don't know what about it this year, I don't know nothing about I've got it feels like so long ago. But then then then no winds is fresh. You just got that yesterday. Alright, who did you pick? Who did you pick? Tennessee at Jackson I picked Jacksonville, man, and it was a low school and games. I couldn't leave, and Mariana marry, I don't got hurt. The Hawaiian boy, he got hurt. This was ugly man. Yeah, pay for the titan let him for no. He got a ham straight here it is, go ahead, I mean I got a party. Can't holly right now? He keeping all both his hands. Strange's Todd Francisco ale. He had just hear another pimp was another pip, another pick in platform beet pulling it hand. Go ahead, and Francisco against Kansas City. I told you Kansas City baby, and and uh and the other point he got hurt too, Garriboo. Oh yeah, yeah he got hurt. Man. It's out abound. Yeah he should went on. All right, check this out one. I was pushing beast Mold but a man Oakland at I told y'all, did not tell you? You did? You kept saying Beachmo And I wanted opening to win too, But since they took us all down on elm one. Ever, like I said, Ammy, come on, let's go Buffalo Buffalo at Minnesota, Solda. I couldn't believe that, everybody, and and hey man, and for that. Every week, I'm gonna give out the pimp the the pimp team of the week, and it goes to Buffalo because the dude that quitted halftime last week and then they started running back out and then dudes came out like men. Buffalo gets the pimp Team of the Year. Pick check it out Indianapolis at Philly Philly Wan Tilly this week. Man, come on, tell them how about this here Green Bay at watching the red Skins one in in in red skin, red Skin. Well, come back on and voted for Trump. And you wrap this up with mar right after this. And you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, we're about to finish up football talk. The pimpers in the house. I have been right damn about it this week. Let's see, let's see if the pimp got this right. L HR just versus the l A Rams. Who did you pick? I picked in Rams? Pimp okay, and the Rams one of the top teams in the league. Ain't the child to Philip really ain't winning nothing? Okay, alright, alright, said Chicago in San Diego. Now I picked up I picked the Bears over the car knows is that it Arizona? Yeah, and the Bears one sixteen to four. I didn't even know that I was winning. It ain't even know that. That's when you're winning. Man, When you win, you ain't gonna ware about you ain't hey, hey, hey, we're not gonna take these little short jobs right here? Well you ain't time. What kind of jab you're gonna take? Who did you pick over Dallas in Seattle? You? Well, I picked Sea Ottle. I don't even like that. We all to the hand with that. I ain't never done down one thing. Yeah, dollars used to be in the same division a Browns when it was just one league. It was all in the norm. Yeah, so you know what I'm saying. That's why I ain't never like that. So you picked Seatt of the wind, Well, who did you pick but New England in Detroit? I picked Detroit because I hate New In think they was gonna win, but they sho did. Yeah, And that's gotta be. That's that's gotta be I gotta give out another people ward this week for another people and people ain't easy, but somebody gotta do it. And Detroit, dammit, you did that. They did that. I mean they were attacking Time Brady like he was a patriot. Patriot man, they put that. Let me tell you what they did in Detroit. They put Tom brady ass in front of that fish and cocked it back and knocked his ass to Oh my god, let me ask you who you got tonight man. Tonight is Pittsburgh against Tampa. I'm down. I'm going with TOWMP. I'm going Tamba Bay. I ain't seen no, I ain't seen nothing in Pittsburgh scared me. But they tied with round the one, one and one. I'm I'm going with Tamba Bay. I know fish jail he did. He looked like Conor McGregor. MM find him and he's playing it. And Jamison Woodson can't get his game together. Come Jim Jams can't keep you. I don't know, yeah, yeah, yeah, he's probably somewhere you can crab leg you know, he had a crab legs. You know, I don't think he understand what's going on. We lost again. New he went damn the lost many games' host. Hey, we're gonna quit bringing this back to Houston. Win the ten we threw with that? Hey, probably we threw it that, but you so, so what is you saying? You're saying you threw with Houston. I'm no, no, no, I'm not. I mean they showed playing like Nathan because they three. You're tracking, baby, you can win this week. We bounce back. You want bounce back? You better hope you do because you you really can't have me on here, not two weeks in a row. Thank you guys for not having me. Thank you. Pimps look good when they win. We'll be right back with Market show. I just keep linking. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, I know you're gonna be glad to hear this. Tiger Woods back. I said, Tiger Woods is back. He's an he's a winner against Steve capping off one of the most remarkable comebacks in golfing history. Uh did you see this crowd? Did you see him when he was? I watched the entire thing. I was going back between that and Channel three tens yesterday the NFL Game Day where you can watch all the games, Houston, that's what you're saying. I wasn't watching Houston, but Houston kept coming across the screen because they was losing. Yeah, you asked, you know, you know, you know, you know, Houston's oh and three right now, and so you know to did you know that two things was happening yesterday that I had predicted. I predicted that Tiger would win, but then I was really just hopeful because I've been wanting dude to make a coup, and then I wasn't predicted. I was talking to Junior throughout the game, right Junior, I was sending messages. Let me read some of the messages that I was sending. But congratulations to Tiger. Woods. Me and all my golfing buddies was texting and it was quite a spirit of Texas. Jake, I can't say nothing, none, none of what we said. Boy, we tape. We did a lot of texting. Well, before you get to it, you please be reminded that Tiger has had four four back surgeries. Ah and it's yeah, four back surgeries and it's been five years since his last win. So this is phenomenal. Yeah, did just see the crowd though, did you see all those people as his girlfriend. The crowd were amazing. It is massive. They love it. Come it's got to be hard to play the tournament with cause you hear that noise. You know it's in. You know. I took pictures of it. I got pictures on my phone. I'll let y'all see in I took. I took pictures on my phone. I said, this is crazy. But if y'all through with that, I want to share with you what me and Junior, Yes, go ahead. I was just giving you time to find yesterday morning from l A at ten thirty two, the game had already been on thirty two minutes, right, Junior, Because the game came on at ten thirty two minutes. My first text to Junior was in capital letters, Lord Jesus helped them, Lord, because I don't want to do what I must do? What meaning today when you get to work, get your phone out? Then? What did you say, Junior? Please don't start. I'm here tearing up now because I know. Then I said, well, sometimes we have to cry. Well, let me get myself together. This is gonna hurt. I said, y'all still got plenty of time, don't all right? Coming up? Our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this, we'll be back at nine after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we are, guys, the last break of the day. It's been a good Monday. It's been a good one. It's been a great money Yeah, I think it's been awesome. Steve to any day. All right, I'm gonna say have something really big with you all right now. I would like for you to know that my brand new website has launched. You can catch me every day on Steve Harvey f Film, but Steve Harvey dot Com I've taken full control of and I've made it a very very special website. So Steve Harvey dot Com is launched. I've got a whole lot of new features on it, exciting articles, things about motivation, all types of things. Steve Harvey dot com. So Steve Harvey Nation, do me a favor right now, go to Steve Harvey dot com and just start checking it out. Go to Steve Harvey dot com and start checking it out. It is launched now. I will be reminding you of this all week. And here's the big announce Smith. You know, on my TV show, I play Harvey's Hundreds right the game Harvey's Hundreds. Harvey's Hundreds is now an app and you can actually win things by playing Harvey's Hundreds. So you can go to the Apple Store, the App store, you can go to Google Play and pick it up now. Harvey's Hundreds is right now available for everybody. It's a fun way to kill sometime. It shoppings your memory skills a little bit. It keeps you a little bit on top, and you can win something. Harvey's Hundreds apps is on App Store right now, or you can go to Google Play and pick it up. And Steve Harvey dot Com is a lot. And what's really cool about Steve Harvey dot Com. I've got this a segment called Rolling with Steve. Rolling with Steve is actually all my shows when we go on commercial blade. Oh wow, so behind the scenes, look at what's going on. Let me tell you something because we know, yeah, it's way more ignorant than this show. This is the stuff they can't put on TV. Rolling with Steve Harvey is on Steve Harvey dot com right now. Uh, and you can check it out. I think I gotta do it. Did they put it on film? Don She're gonna have it on Steve Harvey him too, So you can go rolling with Steve Harvey all of the clips that do not make it on television. That's a little bit too much, Steve. They couldn't edit it. I didn't kept all that footage and bought some ignorant Lincoln start. So go to Steve Harvey dot com. Everybody, do me in favor. Go to Steve Harvey dot com right now. Check it out. And while you over there, just going to download of Harvey's hundreds, you got hard play, enjoy yourself, shop in your mind, compliments of the talk show. Now, let me get to this man my clothes remarks that that I want to remind all of you about something that's very very important. Here it is. I'm gonna just cut to the chase. Winners. Listen to me. Winners are not people who never failed, but people who never quit. Winners are not people who never failed, but people who never quit. That's what sets most successful people apart. You've got to develop or see it through attitude. You've got to develop a note never quit mentality. Every time you quit, you short circuit God's ability to bless you because now you've taken yourself out of the fight. You've taken yourself out the mix when you don't even know that God was working on your behalf to make all of this come to fruition and come to truth. But you quit, So now a blessing that God has sent your way because you quit, the package has to turn around and go back because you lost faith in it, you gave up, you stopped. I can't tell you how many times you have blocked your own blessings by quitting. If you stay to the end, you can see it through. You can see what God has for you. If you stay through it. You have to stay. It's imperative, it's critical. Now listen to me. Are you gonna make some mistakes along the way or you better believe you are. Are you gonna fail along the way? Yeah. Failing is different from quitting though. Failing is when you gave your all in all and it just didn't work. Sometimes you'll fail. Sometimes something happens beyond your control and it caused it, the whole thing to crash you in on you. But you fail. But if you get back up and you try again. I don't care if it's something else or something pertaining to or maybe you get up and you build it back up again and take another shot. If you don't quit, you will be there when the blessing arise. But if you quit, you can't be there when the blessing arise. Winners are not people who never failed, but people who never quit. I can truly tell you, as a life that I've lived, feel with failures, Absolutely feel with failures. The one thing I never did, I just never quit. I never gave up on love. I never gave up on my dreams. I never gave up on the fact that one day I'd be a good husband, that I would become a great father. I'm a pretty good grandfather now. I just never stopped believing I would. If you don't give up, God got something for you. Winners are not people who never failed, for people who never quit. Those are my closing remarks. All right, drop it, baby, drop it for all, Steve. Every contest no purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants to be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show h