Good morning and welcome to the ride! We stay radio ready. Happy Friday y'all!!! Does The Chief Love Officer have a jealous woman writing in? Bruce Springsteen pleads guilty in a virtual hearing that is tied to tequila shots. Fool #2 reads to us a letter from a runaway slave. A trending Facebook story prompted the question of childhood dreams. The discussion in Sports Talk with Junior revolves around The Washington Football Team of the NFL. There is a rumor going around about Kanye trying to erase Kim K memories from his space. President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will be in H-Town today to meet with local leaders. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog reflects on "The Baddest Radio Show In The Land" and he thanks The Steve Harvey Nation.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the million bucks things in the stuffing through good to mother, Stay, I don't join joint. Turn you are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you got to turn them out? Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby, I show whim Come morning. Everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man, o man o man. How many times I got to say that before I get tired of it. I think it's gonna be a minute, folks. I gotta be real with you, because, boy, that Steve Harvey got a radio show man, clear indication of how God can do some unexpected, wonderful things for you, how he leads your life in directions that you never ever saw coming. You know. I was talking with somebody the other day and they were talking about how Man they were young and they were doing things, and they never knew that the things that they were doing as a youngster would come and he helped form who they were today as an adult. This guy's fifty years old and you know, the same thing for you, if you look back on your life and all of the things that you've done, it helps shape you into who you are now. This is provided now that you take the positive approach. Now, when I say look back at your life and see what you've done, that doesn't mean dwell on the misfortunate moments, because the misfortunate moments were necessary. I know it. It's hard to see that when it's happening to you, but the unfortunate moments are necessary. You know, what really makes you appreciate summer vacation is winter work. What really makes you appreciate a walk on the beach, it's when it's cold, it is raining outside. What really makes you appreciate when you're up, it's because you've been down. See if you are up all the time. Just the nature of us as human beings, we would lose our appreciation for because it becomes case urah, whatever it is, well, it is what it is. I'm just what what what you take it for? Granted, it becomes expected. But what happens in life, say, is it has so many twisting turns, and then you learn how to deal with those twisting turns, which makes you now a more experienced person. And then when the sunny days come, man, you go wild. It's really nice outside. You really want to appreciate how warm weather. Just stay in a bunch of cold weather all the time. I'm you know what I'm saying. I'm just this is really really simple and now analogies, but it helps you along the way. Now here's what I came to say today to everybody out there. And this has helped me in my life. I can't tell you what it's done for me, but a lot of people are struggling with moving forward with their future, their future plans, their future goals, their future aspirations, their future hopes, their future dreams, just simply that your future wants a lot of people trying to have have a hard time mapping out their future. Even what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna be, what I'm gonna make ham or go about it? What do I do next? I want to share something with you that I had to come to terms with the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your past. You know, It's like I said at the beginning. You know when I say it's wonderful to look at your life and review it, because if you look at it, it'll tell you. It really helps shape inform you today as the person you are now if you look at it in a positive sense. But if you dwell in harp on the negative that's happened to you, then that keeps you from seeing the good in the incident, every bad thing that's happened to you, that was a silver lining behind it. I know people who were on drugs who finally, man just got sent to prison for stealing because of their habit. I know cats so old dope. Well, he went to prison. He told me one time, he said, Steve. He said, man, this is the best thing ever happened to me to save my life. Now, most people would think, how in the world is going to prison helpful for you? The brother said, it saved my life. First of all, it got me clean. He said, I've been cleaned for five years from sitting in here. That's for starters. I'm clean. I ain't still in no more. I ain't putting myself in jeopard and I ain't jeopardizing nobody else. He said. Now, man, I don't went to college. I didn't got a college degree. While I'm in him. Then he was released from prison, and the brother's life was completely turned around. He married, he got a family, he got a great job. He go to work every day. He's a productive citizen. I mean. So he looks back on his incarceration, even his drug abuse, and it taught him how to appreciate the things in life that he had taken for granted and was missing because he said, man, my life was just in a blur. I didn't even know what was going on. He said, Now I appreciate every day I wake up. That's what I mean. Even in your missteps in life, there is a purpose for the missteps. Every time you fail, there was a reason for the failure. See what I had to do was I had to learn that all of my failures taught me how to get back up. So I became a very strong and tough person in getting back up. And then I was down and out so long that it taught me how to really appreciate the up. And so I've taken all of that and used it. Those experiences that happened to me, and I became a more experienced person. So next time when people talk about me who don't know me, it don't shake me because everybody's not gonna like you. Man, you might as well gonna get on this train right now. And so what I'm saying to you out there is the his way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your path. Let it go. Yeah yeah, yeah, he left. Sometimes the breakup is the blessing. I know it's hard to break up because now you're loaning you by yourself. But man, but when you're in misery, when you was in that, weren't you in complete misery in that? Now you kept asking God to fix it. But it takes two people to fix a relationship. It don't just take one. It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight. You really do have to have two people wanting a relationship to work. It can't just be one person want a relationship, so you can pray about the relationship all you want. If the other person don't want you no more and ain't gonna act right, you can't make him do that or you can't make her do that. But you steady asking God for a new relationship. But you are yet to be grateful that you are in a position to have a relationship ship, and you keep harping on the pass. You don't think he hear that. I'm just a dude with a show, and I hear it all the time. Let it go go forward. It's over. You made it, He bought you through it, you conquered, you survived it. Why are you dwelling on it and making it the cross around your neck when clearly he had removed it for you. Now, all you got to do is come on. So if you're sitting behind him walls, brothers and sisters, I'm talking directly to you sometimes. Man, you just got to get it right. All this repeat offender business, that's for? Who is that for? How ignorant can you be to keep giving your life back to the penal system? Be free, man, walk the streets, do the right thing. Ask God to help connect you. He could do anything. You think he can't give you a job? Are you serious? Man? Put some faith on it. Let's move forward, y'all. Let it go. Let's move you're listening one two, one two three, folk, Good morning, everybody. This is just Steve Harvey morning. Expecting another zubering song to go against it. No, I just tried to get your attention to had everybody, what do you finish saying now? But I ain't want to say nothing. I just wanted your undivided attention because what's about to go down is about to go down, already popping hot coming in hot retro, all that radio acting we're dangerous. We're a nuclear plant with a crack in it. We all of that. Yeah, this is Steve Harvey Morning Show, Morning, Shirley Strawberry, Happy Friday, Good morning, Radio Ready, Colin Herrell, stay radio ready. Never mad on a Friday, Hey, crew, never you Oh no, no, Junior Morning, un morning everybody? President and WILLI? J Anthony Brown? What up? Mister Hobby? What's going on? King of Pranks? Ya ya in the building. It's Friday, baby. We've been to treat this like a Friday. I still want Cray schedule. Let's do Friday like real Friday, like like like Freedom Friday. Okay, no, you know you don't tell me we Freedom Friday. We had, you know, but that was the bumb Freedom Friday. The bottle was hot, man, but you know it was you know, times change. You know voice, whose voice you doing? You know that? You know that ain't what they want the sister ozelf. Hey, let me tell you, man, I want to say something. I had a great, great, super great call with the affiliates and Chicago headed it up. It was two hundred people on the zoom cool. The host of it was my very first radio co host, Jane Sparrow. Yes, my damn dog that came in and did sports and everything in news. Damn Joe Solo Soto and man, I did this phone call with v one on three up in Chicago, and man, it bought back so many memories. Man, They told God, yeah, because radio is Chicago still a huge radio city. That's what made me want to get into radio. They talked, They talked about you too. They said you was adah. Yeah, you know, but how many affiliates are how many affiliates? I don't know how many? There's two people on the call, wow, and I'm just a great phone called reminisce went down and you know, answering some questions and had a great time on the phone call. What did you say, y'all don't need to know that because it was crazy. Did you cuss? Did you saying we weren't on the ass? So yeah, then there's that we won't talk about a cuss? What? What? What? What was we talking for? All right, listen, we gotta get out of here because we have to make room for the cello Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show time. Now, guys were asked the clo, the Chief Love Officer, the close Steve Harvey. Uh, listen, we gotta get started. This one is from Anne in Atlantic City and says, my husband and I are retired and we said old in a community of seniors sixty five and up. There aren't many other couples in the building. It's mostly widows, and we are active in game night and movie night, and I'm getting sick of the women engaging my husband in conversation like I'm not sitting there. I've talked to him about it, and he promised to stop talking to these women. He did for a while, but the women are very forward. Should I have a talk with these women and tell them to keep away from my man? Well, I don't know how this works. As senior citizens homes, I haven't been in one, but don't mess around and get ganged up on. But you know you're running up on these women, you know, I mean they just they just talking, you know, right, and they and the talking they friendly. You know she doesn't like it? Well, hey, are you moving the fault? All the women in there? You that's you bring a pork chop to the back of the bulldog truck. How do you think that's gonna work? But now your man, he tried to stop talking to him, but they keep talking to him. He can't be rude. Nobody wants to live in a neighborhood or community and be rude to people. So what should she do? I don't know what to do. Hell, you know you're jealous. I don't know what to do. Llo. No, the dude are doing nothing wrong. The man ain't doing nothing wrong. You can't stop all the women from talking to your husband. Y'all active in game night? Quick? Going to game night? Do well? Then when you go out there in public and you got the only piece of raw meat on the back of the bulldog truck, what you think gonna have them have game night in your room? Now? You got to find another man that's seemed good enough shape to play game night. Because women do better when they aid men fall apart. She says it's mostly widows there though. Yes, that's cause well they don't really feel apart. Yes, all right, Leela and Tallahassee says, I'm a forty four year old married woman and I've been having an affair with my husband's twenty nine year old barber. I met him at the gym and didn't know he's my husband's barber at first. When I found out, I tried to end the affair, but he said he dropped my husband as a client so I wouldn't feel guilty. I could not let him do that because it took my husband a while to get a great barber. He is ready to end a business relationship over me, and I'm flattered, but not interested. How do I tell them it's How do I tell him it's not that serious? No, wait a minute, you don't understand. Do you understand the proposal he's making to you. He's saying he would drop him as a customer so he can keep kicking it with you. Yea, he's not offering you know out, because if he wanted to offer you out here, just let you out and keep taking your husband's money. What he's offering you is an opportunity for him to continue seeing you. Yeah, by dropping your husband as a client. Well, she said, she's flattered, Steve, but yeah, but I don't want to do that because it took him a long time to get a barber. Then you ain't serious about none of this. She ain't been worried about and she ain't gonna stop seeing the dude either. Did you hear that? Adn't let anywhere? How do I stop seeing him? No? How do you stop him from dropping her husband as a client, because it ain't that serious. Were just kicking it. Well, see you for the fold. You think you know everything? Let your husband keep going in there. I'm telling you it's gonna leak. They're gonna be in the barber's shop talking or you know that fine thing you met down in that jim of the old thing at Cougar or one of them Bob is gonna say that, somebody say, and then he gonna be looking upside their head. But they're gonna be cutting the half so they ain't gonna see him looking upside the ag. Yeah, you know the one, the one you got to picture with that with that leopard, Leatar said, on not the leopard, because you know, old people wear animal prints to the gym, you know, is that a thing? Yeah? Old people cougar want to look like a cougar. Old women love animal prints or animal prison and lit them all right, Moving on, This one is from Tony and Philly says, I'm twenty nine and my girlfriend is twenty seven. We party together and get drunk together. Almost always. She wets my bed if she's had too much to drink. It's to the point where she jokes about it and gets towels and puts under herself before she passes out. She said she dreams about going to the bathroom, but her mind and body don't match up when she's drunk. Is this a medical condition? Or should I blame it on the alcohol? Nothing came up on Google? Wait, do you the last line? Nothing nothing came up on Google? Or well, you don't need Google for this. That's how little boys while we pee in the bed longer than girl because we had a pee dream. Yeah, you're outside peeing and you just next thing. You know, you didn't wet the bed. If your grown ass is wetting a damn bed and you putting towels in the bed, your ass is trifling. Serious and you really need to stop drinking. If you so drunk you can't control your damn bladder. Well, you got to put towels in the bed. I wish I would be laying up next to some woman and she pee on me? What are we? What you're doing in here? You're not gonna be on me? No, man, you've lost all your sexuness with me, right right, So we're in here drinking. You in here all of a sudden, my bed warm. I'm here, and it don't stay warm long. We're not joking. This is not a joke, all right. So I cain't in control when I said when I get drunk, Well, it's gonna be by your damn self, because I'm not sleeping with no seven year old bed with her. That ain't yeah, yeah, not. So what we leaves you don't have to put up with that. Man, I wish you don't. You find somebody, don't drink that heavy medical condition. All right, Well, thank you, cello, thank you, thank you, thank you. Coming up next, run that prank back with the nephew right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour and Trending Entertainment News k Michelle explains her viral deflated booty video. We'll talk about that. Also in trending news, Bruce Springsteen's d UI charges have been dropped, and we'll tell you about Harry Belafonte's upcoming surprise ninety fourth birthday party. All right, we're gonna talk about all these stories at the top of the hour. Yeah, but right now, don't surprise Right now the nephew is here, would run that prank back? What you gut for us n f w c S. That's Wife Correctional Services WCS. A lot of folks who want to drop their wives. All right now WCS, Wife Correctional Services. Let's go Kendall. Hello, I am trying to reach George. Please, my name is Marcus from what WCS. Call and see if we can actually try to lend you our services. We understand that you're having a few problems and want to see if maybe WCS can bring um a better life to you and you can have a h an exciting life better than the one you have. Now. We are with Wife Correctional Services, sir. WCS. What it is is we take your wife for a couple of weeks and we reprogram them so that it's of course you have to sign a waiver contract. But we take your wife and we reprogram them so that they will act in a fashion of what you want them to act. Oh, okay, okay, whatever, c sir. What it is that we've gotten some We've gotten some reports that you've been having some problems with with your particular wife. And we're here in Saint Louis, sir. Okay, and don't worry. We're totally confidential. This is not anything that's going to get out. Um, and and your your names are never submitted. First of all, here's here's something we can do. I can ask you questions because we've been notified that this is probably a service that you would probably want. Now, Um, has your wife ever snapped on you in public? And snapped on me? I mean what I mean? She my wife ain't crazy. She don't just snap on me. She might, you know, try to check me or say something. You know what I'm saying. She's just gonna snap on me in pub So your wife, So your wife has tried to check you, It's what you're saying. May not check me per se. I mean she might she might not like some mom doing and might say something about it. But don't just snap on. So basically your wife is not in her place where she needs to be hold on. I mean what you mean in play? I mean she might say something, you know. I mean I might be doing something, or you know, might be with my boys and might get out of control a little bit. She might just say something at the time, but she don't just try to all out check nobody. You know what I'm saying. Okay, okay, okay, I'll tell you what. Let me ask you this one. Have you ever just had some plans with your guys We're gonna go out, and had to change your plans because um your wife. Well, I mean if if like I'm just come about hanging out and I ain't let her know something, she might you know, be like, well, baby already had plans, you know, can't you stay home with the boy boys or something? But I mean, I mean nothing on the regular, you know how I usually do what I want to do. Seems like denial. Okay, here's another one, sir, Well, no listen, hear me out. Now, let me ask you this um has your wife. Let's say, back when Michael Jordan was playing basketball, did you ever miss a playoff game on television because your wife wanted to watch something else. I mean, we got two TVs in my house, man, I wish now, I don't even get down. I mean I might have to watch the little TV, okay, but I mean I usually watch it on the vis Yeah, but but you doing You've been pushed to watching the smaller television. Now, I wouldn't push to do nothing. Man. What I'm trying to tell you is, I mean we compromise. We do fifty fifty in my house. I mean she might get the big TV to watch her stories or something, and I just had to go watch the little TV. Lettle TV do go out of here wants to see We got so cool with that though. I'm cool with that. You're cool with that. So you're with that. You're actually the one that's programmed. And ain't nothing wrong with my wife? Ain't nothing wrong with within my family? You know what I I honderstand? Well, let me the reason why I'm asking you these particular questions is because someone has actually let me know the problems that are at hand in your household. Let me ask you. I got one question for you. Here's what I want to ask you. Has your wife ever cussed you out at a family cookout. Hey, man, hold on, man, you know what you're getting a little personal? Man? Is this even legal? Man, I'm here, I'm here. I never heard of this company. Man, I've never heard. This is something new, is definitely something new. I mean what, don't make me be your guinea pig. Don't don't start out calling me trying to get you know, referrals or clientele or whatever it is you trying to do. Man, don't call me with this nonsense. Partner, and I completely understand it. WCS sir, is here to benefit you, benefit to me? Man, getting look at my personal business one and what's going on in mind? As old? Okay, Well, last thing I want to ask you, and this is the last question I have for you. I want straight up. Okay, have you do you do? Do you buy your own clothes or does she buy the tem You know what? Man? This man? You whatever company this is, dog, don't call house no more? And whatever put you up to this. Whoever gave you my number talking about my wife checked me or got me under control, got me on lock man? You tell him too, don't call me no more? What are you are? You? Are you in denying? No dog? Don't call house no more. I'm gonna tell you what George Foreman or whatever it's Marcus Marcus podcast or whoever you are, George Foreman, Marcus, Hey, I'm gonna tell you right now. I'm gonna find the one y'all located. Dog. I'm coming down there, and I'm gonna push on. As you in my personal fill, you're ready, You're ready to retaliate on meiate, but you don't want to retaliate on the problems you have with your wife retaliation. Man, what I'm saying, you're calling my house, I'm minding my home. And as you worry about who you're watching what TV in my house and my wife checking me in public? I want man, Hey, don look, I'm telling you, mister, don't you want to watch the big television? Big TV? Man, I'm comfortable with the TV I got. You know what I'm saying. It's in my room. I can across the bed watch whatever I want, you whatever I want. Don't you want to be able to go out with the boys when you want to go out with my partners? Doll, not a fake. You need to get partners. You call him, ask listen what you want to do? To me, and your wife has already done to you. I see you got the damn I'm gona block. What's your phone number? Man, give me something, tell me where to find you. Why are you in denial? Denial? I'm gonna tell you what. You need to get your wife checked in the wife Correctional Services so that you can live a better life. Whoever, man need to get a life? Man? Can I get a life? Man? Stop calling me doll? For real? I understand it. Can I say one more thing that you say you can't say? Tell me, man, straight up, listen to me, sir? Yeah? What what? What's his nephew? Timing from the Steve Harvard the Morning Show? You just got frank by your boy justin? I didn't know what. No, hey, hey, hey, okay, y'all got me mine? What is the baddest radio show in the land? You already know with you boy Steve Harvey doing it in the morning on the Steve Harvey Morning, your partner. I see, I did that. I did that right there? I did But I did that. I did did Dude? That was crazy. You know you ain't running nothing at the house. You know you're not running nothing. We see this. You don't want to go out with your boys. If you can't watch the big TV, you're not running nothing. I'm cool that you have it. Wife Correctional Services byte A nephew. All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and national news for you. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Morning Show and today's entertainment news. Came, Michelle responded to her Instagram live video where you can see her booty actually drop or deflate or something. Since then, Came, Michelle has been posting a series of tweets offering up some real talk on the situation. She says, so the video of me dancing is sad that I even have to explain. I walked you all through how difficult this process of removing silicone from my body for three years slash sixteen surgeries. Did we not forget? I almost died due to this. Now I'm in the process of three reconstruction steps. What you saw in the video was a happy woman with my extra fat. I've been very open so I can heal ladies. I didn't have to tell any anybody, and I could have covered up until the process was done, but no, ladies need to see and hear the truth. I decided to use my platform to help. I'm not going to hide nothing in my house. I don't think people truly understand. I'm just happy to be alive. I've come so far with this and I'm proud of myself. Can I ask, can you get your old ass back? What do you mean you should have prefaced that way? I stupid question. I mean to ask you used to have? Can you get that back? Is that possible to get that back? Regardless of what you've added to it? Can you lose all the addages and get what you start? Think that's done? Yeah, it's to the bodies that messes up the muscle and everything that they put it behind or in front of. So and did you not hear the part when I said sixteen surgeries? Did you not hear that part? I got it. I got And you ask him to hold on to the old ass because I just see how this sports out. I hate both right now. I mean it's bad booty, sir. It's just it's just bad booty, you know. Also offers an update on where she is in this process. She says, as far as my surgeries. I have one left in parentheses, I hope, but the skin removal is next week, so I'm focused on that. She went on to say, where I am now, you wouldn't hate so hard. And I'm sure that's real for her because sixteen surgeries and she's been going through this for three years, Steve. Yeah, and you know, and she's trying to get people to understand the dangers of it. Yes, I mean that, you know, because it's all out there, yes, happening. Because I had her on my talk show and she talked about it extensively. She was very sick and even before she came out, we almost weren't able to take the show because she was sick. Backstage, Wow, she was really sick. But she said, I wanted to come out here and just tell people what it is. You know, she's a beautiful woman, She's beautiful. Yeah. I can't imagine sixteen surgeries over a period of three years and she's still not done. She's still not done. You know, this is a you know, really something that she's going through, and you know, I mean it is something that she's taking us with her on this journey. You know, so maybe other people won't get caught in a situation like this, but you know, because I'm getting to dating no matter which one. Yeah, so yeah, we wish her all the best and look forward to her country music. But it is the goal to get our old ass back. I'm just we just said that now to answer your question, are you she just wants to be help? No? All right, so we're moving on. Okay, We're moving on. And other entertainment news. Bruce Springsteen pleaded guilty yesterday morning in a virtual hearing in Newark, New Jersey, to consuming alcohol in a closed area, while the charges of d WI and reckless driving were dismissed. This all stems from an arrest last November in the Gateway National Recreation Area in Sandy Hook, New Jersey, and which Bruce was offered and accepted shots of tequila from fans who recognized him on his motorcycle in the park. Now, after the hearing, Springsteen's Yeah, Springsteen's attorney said, mister Springsteen is pleased with the outcome of today's court appearance. The prosecutor was unable to provide the necessary evidence and facts as it related it to the charge of driving under the influence and reckless driving, and therefore dismissed both of those charges. Mister Springsteen, who has no previous criminal record of any kind, volunteered, voluntarily played guilty, and agreed to wave fine of five Holo, stop, let me explain something to you. You don't voluntarily plead guilty without a plead deal and then very happy with the outcome. You played guilty when you know what the outcome gonna be. How to hell do you plead guilty? And then the prosecutors say, we didn't have enough to prove no damn sense. They didn't have enough to prove that he was driving under influence. He played guilty to taking the shots and having the alcohol in the open container because he took that from the fans in the park. That's what he played guilty. Okay, now let me tell you something. But check this out. That's a deal that was cut. I hear what you're saying. If you plead guilty to this, we'll just dropped him. Mother charging you a better believe his lawyer had that conversation with them. People believe, yeah, absolutely, and how that Yeah, you know, I mean, I like Bruce freed Steve and then he got criminal record and all like that. But let me just say this to black people, don't try this him. You're not don't tell you're going to go in and had a conversation. Don't take no shots on no damn motorcycling. Think Yo asks fitting to pay five hundred dollars. You're gonna get five. But it's gonna be with something. It's gonna be years, be some repercussion. All right, coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we'll look into the mind of Janathony Brown. Right after this you're listening show, Steve introduced him, Ladies and gentlemen, the twisted, the minted mind. Oh Jay Anthony Brown, brilliant, brilliant. Okay, we only have a I think a few more days left for Black History Month, is that right? Yeah? Yeah, So what I'd like to read. I found this. It's a letter from a runaway slave or a freedman. I would like to read this. Hit it Crystal book, god lyon King. If you got this letter, I made it. Now. If the person who opens this letter can't read, give it to someone who can. First of all, I told y'all to come, but no y'all wanted to stay. Trust me. It wasn't easy, but it is such a good feeling to wake up in the morning and not have to pick a damn thing. Weren't easy getting up here. Missus Tubman don't play. She don't play at all. She had to pull a gun out on John Henry and pistol whip him when he started to cry, saying he wanted to go back after the swelling with down, he changed his mind. She passed out a couple of times, but when she came to, she made up for it. Just in case she comes back for some of y'all on a second run. Do not use the phrase please please, do not use a phrase when we gonna get there. That seems to upset her a lot. When we're gonna get there. One thing I found out about running away the female slaves are real friendly at night when it is cold. Yes they are. Upon my arrival, I met some uppery blacks. Acted like they had never picked cotton. Hear y'all so up. They ain't been free but twelve minutes. I said, sp that's short for slave. Please, I get a feeling slave please. It's gonna change one day. I don't know what to I also met. I also met fregless Douglas I don't know what's up with his hair either. He dating a white woman. He introduced me to her sister. Yes, I have crossed over. Well, so much for talking to y'all. I holl at y'all later. Ps, that's what you put at the end of a letter when you have more to say. Give my shoes to the Williams brothers since they both have one foot y'all later just come and asked me if I wanted to come back for a second run. I said, hell no, heavy Black history mom, everybody. After the hour, as we move on, we're going to pose the question are you doing what you thought you'd be doing when you're in elementary school? We'll ask you that and talk about it right after this. You're listening to show, all right. We saw this on Facebook, guys, a guy named T posted when he was in elementary school. Um, he thought he'd be a professional athlete by the time he made it to high school. He thought he'd own a barbershop. So, guys, I got to ask you, what profession did you like obsess about when you're in elementary or grade school? Or are you in the field you thought you'd be in when you were say eight, years old, and we'll start there and then I'll ask you what advice do you have for kids today choosing a career pursuing their dreams? Jay Oh, I wanted to be a tailor and at an early age, but I had a counselor tell me, and I'm glad I didn't pay attention to hood dumb ass. She told me, no, she did. She told me that you couldn't take so on because I want to be a tailor. She said, we couldn't take so on because we don't have any boys sowing machine. We don'tly have girls sawing machines. So when I first my first sawing machines, I went to the store and asked for a boy shine and the man laughed at me. He's like, some it knows this thing as a boy swing machine. It's just suing machine. So yeah, I think I did some of the stuff I wanted to do. But then teachers were telling you you grew up and you don't pay attention, you're gonna be a garbage man and gobbing men make fitty dollars our. I'm like, I shouldn't have listened to that too, So what about you? Tun here? Football years all wanted to be Tone Door Set thirty three. Lived in Dallas at that time. Man, I really want to be twenty. I wanted to run out of bouse, keep my outfit clean. I just wanted to be Ted. That was my hero at the time. Eight years old. Okay, okay, nephew, I wanted to dunk on everybody. You know what I mean? But greet, I wanted to three sixty. I wanted to did. I wanted to dunk on everybody in the gym. Just when I come in, everybody just move by the way. Here comes the time, you know, and come in and just dunk on everybody. Jay, leave your camera right there, don't touch nothing. I only got your ass on the zoom hurt, all right. See, your nephew wanted to dunk on everyone. Uh, what did you think you'd be doing when you were in elementary school? If his ass could have just climbed up on the porch banisters, I would have been happy. What did you want to pick you up? I mean at eight, I didn't nothing. At eight. At ten, I wrote on a piece of paper that I wanted to be on TV. I really did. That was all I wanted. I had no idea how to do it. I wasn't convinced that I would be on TV, but that's what I wanted, and I got no encouragement at all in that direction. They shot stupid, stuttering ass. Thank you Finn to be on TV. Ain't nobody got all day weight on you to say nothing or show thirty minutes? Oh wow, wow, little your little talk on volcanoes was forty five minutes and it was supposed to have been five. I picked the worst. You know, we had the signs, we had to do a speech and everybody had to draw thee ub you out. I stutter, and the subject I pick was volcano. The last word you can give to a little boy that can't that has a stutter is a word that start with a V. That you really that's a that's a you can't do V oh god, V st pr them too, sad and Q you can forget q. Q you you can forget quack. Oh. They were very very challenging words. And so you know that was so disrespectful to my w You got more letters than me. Why would you do that? You know what? It hurts me? Why why would you do that to me when you know you got you got like five six letters in the alphabet. You can't do. Yeah, but I was ten and see and see you could have been to fix yours. But you don't know what's wrong. He excuse me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You don't know who's won't he took a class whatever? All right, guys, well thank you for that. Coming up next, the nephew with the prank phone call right after this you're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject he lives in the hood and he loves it. But right now we'll get into that. But right now the nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What you got for us, Nev. Well, you know, Shirley, you know, you know, Valentine's is still in the wings it you know, it was a couple of weeks ago, but it's still there. So let's let me show a little something that's right here. Is called relation fenship departure. Relieve fenship departure. Let's come, okay, glove, Hey, Brian, Hey baby, that I was um, I was calling to tell you baby. Look, I just I just can't do it. I got it. Huh what? Oh hello Bryan, Brian, Hey, this is Greg. I know I know you was just talking to voun but this is this is Greg talking to this Brian Greg. Who. Yeah, this is Brian Greg. I was just talking to my wife. Did you put it back on the phone. Uh no, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna be able to do that. Why can't you do that? Man? Hey, let me explain something to you. Uh all right, there's some things, you know, long conversations about this. Oh well, well, how you know my wife on the first name basis like that? Man? How you who are you? Like I said, man, my name is Greg U all right? At the airport? Okay, well airport airport? And why you were at the airport with my wife? Sport? Hey let me Hey, all of this is complicated, Okay, it's really yeah it is. Yeah, make it simple for me. Okay, So what I want to explain to you? What? Let me explain to you Mann. We've had a lot of long conversation about this. It's something that's what when when was this? Why? Why are you at the airport with my wife's with me? And why is leaving with me, okay, what we're leaving and we mean leaving leaving me? Oh hell no, put it on the phone. And I don't even want to talk to you, man. Put her on the phone. Put her on the phone, man, and look, you need to put her on the phone right now, leaving. I don't believe that. Now. I want to hear her say that. You want to talk to me. Oh here you're saying, hey, let me talk to my wife, man, because you you feed them? Because yeah, baby, yeah, yeah, yeah, what's up? What they're dude talking about? Seem to tell you this for a while. I see you think everything, but it hasn't been Okay, why are you telling me this phone? Why can't you just come home and tell me? Can't you just tell me this to my face? Hey? Hey, hey bro, come on man, why are you my wife? Hey? Hey bro, I know this is painful. Man. Now you don't know, you don't know nothing, But I noticed. Okay, the ladies, I just put my wife on the Oh did you if you got any ounce of a man? And you just put my wife's back on the phone. Okay, all right, bro, let me, let me let me say let me you can I say something to you man, sitement it left my wife on the phone. You ain't got I'm gonna put it on in the second. But let me say this to you man, very same man, and wrap it up because I need to talk to my wife. I just want you to know this. Brian, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Tommy got me to prank phone call you. What's your hold on? So so okay, if you point to me what's up with the airport and stuff in the back, then when y'all at the airport, no, bro, your wife is here at the studio. Man, ain't not happening. Man, your wife hold on. I'm gonna let you talk you all right. First of all, are you all right? Man? Oh man? I was about to be a murder sing man. Look at now, who's a big Finally you could have been a little bit more than you and y'allo your brother. You think y'all the only one can prank? People say you and your brother be pranking all the time. Man, Man, this is life stuff though. Girl you happy birthday baby? Oh you got a birthday coming up? Happy birthday, Brian? This yeah, man, looking great? Gifts great? Yes, man? Let me tuck my wife. Man, I got ain't got no dude, your wife hold on? Please? But what woman? You got me? All right? We don't don't you ain't gotta go this far? Right? Every time supposed to be funny. I did feel bad you kind of started tearing up. But I'm glad to know you fight for me like that fight. It was gonna be some fights. It wasn't. Oh girl, Just hey, bring your black home. Don't even stop at red like give it to me. Come on, come on, you went on and everything. I'll get yourself. Man, I got sound effect on more background on the unter background. Hey that brother, that brother was crushed. Man, too far, too far to me. Don't you know when you're going too far? You don't know until you go Shirley, Did you say, okay, this is proper? And I stepped over a little farther? Man, You got any answer? Man? Please just put my wife back. She leaves. We're there for Yeah, we leave in your head. Yeah, believe me. Terrible the dude, he was sick to his stomach. Yeah, let me tell you something. Mad news in your stomach. Her, that's how he was. But let me tell you something. No man, if he If that conversation would have continued, he could have got an airline. Let me tell you something, he would the hell up at Delto, so that boy would have been running through TSA gates because you know you can't even you know, since nine eleven. You know, you can't walk your friend people to the gate no more and god, none of that. You have to have a ticket. Yeah, he'd he'd have got through that, though he'd have been on the turn back. I think he'd been on the turn back. He'd about a ticket to the same city. Y'all was going to that playing with and then tell me with putting his wife on first and then at no, I got it, I got it. Let me who is going? Yeah, dumped over that? I said, this far being ballaced together. Okay, too far funny because that didn't happened before. Somebody, I'm sure it's hard to laugh at. Didn't have Somethingbody give me phone, babe, I got it, baby, Hey, hey, hey, listen man, um, yeah, you know when you do that the exam long side. Yeah, this is hard for me to even tell sease you out, so you know, yeah, he's gonna get you. I know what y'all were. But you're not anymore. Okay. I mean that's that's that's out. That's it's me and Bath. Okay, leave it. You're holding us up to leave it. You know what, I don't get you. I don't get to use my little props that often. But the background stuff works. It works when I I'm start implicent. Background. The background was cold, man, because it puts you in there. Now he's taking pranks to another Yes, nice knowing you, nephew, because that is too that was too far because he couldn't say y'all not at the airport. He heard all right, listen, thank you, nephew. Coming up the strawberry letter subject. He lives in the hood and he loves it. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In honor of Black History Month, we've teamed up with our friends at Gold Series from Pantine and Royal Oils from Head and Shoulders to help you discover your heritage. We've got your chance to win. This is really serious, this is really big. We've got your chance to win one thousand dollars in cash. I said one thousand dollars in cash plus haircare give products. Give baskets from both Goal series from Pantine and Royal Oils from Head and Shoulders, and two African ancestry test kits for the winner and their spouse or friend. You can enter and get your thousand dollars and get rules and all of that at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. Discover your heritage today. Get all the info at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. We discovered our heritage. Carlo and I Carlos from Ghana. I'm from Central African Republic and it was great. You'll love it. You'll love it. It doesn't take any time, but anyway, get all the info at Steve Harvey FM dot com. Find out how you can win one thousand dollars today. All right, we're gonna switch gears here now and get into the Strawberry Letter. It is time. If you need advice on relationships, advice, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry letta thank enough for you subject. He lives in the hood and he loves it. Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been dating a guy for about a year and a half now, and I'm concerned that he isn't motivated to do better for himself. The first time I spent the night at his house, I made some comments on how none of the yards have grass and the houses have burglar bars on the windows and doors. I thought to myself, there's no way I'm staying here, but he pressured me. He assured me that he would protect me, so I stayed over the whole night. I heard cars going up and down the street on a lot of commotion. After the first night there, I haven't been back to his house. That was over a year ago, and he's gotten used to spending time at my house. Recently, he had to talk about the fact that we never hang out at his house, and he said that I made it clear that his house was not good enough for me. My next question was, why hasn't he attempted to make it better or move out. He told me about a police chase in his area and how the DA sees a large amount of marijuana from a guy down the street. He said he's not fixing his house up until they get a handle on crime in that area. That letting me know he has no plans to move. He went on to say that he likes to be around his people in the heart of the city where he grew up. He told me I was scared of my own people. Stephen Shirley, That's not true. I've worked hard to separate myself from the criminal element, and I've chosen to do better. I'm from the hood too, but I moved out. We're both thirty seven and gainfully employed making good money. How can we be compatible in all areas except this one? Am I wasting my time? Well? That depends. I mean that really depends. I'm thinking about where this relationship is going. I mean, do you want to marry this guy at some point? Because if you do, this is a big red flag. If you guys can't agree on something as basic as and important as where you want to live and what neighborhood and all that and moving out of the hood, then I would say, you know your relationship is in trouble. The problem is you're both right, You're just not right for each other. You moved out and did better for yourself. Like you said in the letter, he's right in the hood, and he's right that the hood is not good enough for you anymore. I mean, you feel that way, that's why you moved out again. That's okay, nothing wrong with that. I mean, he on the flip side wants to say in his hood and hopes it will get better. You know. For now, I think you guys should continue meeting at your house. I do, and while you're there you need to figure out. You need to have some conversations about what you guys want to do moving forward in this relationship. But this living in the hood thing is a big problem for you too. It can't be ignored and you might have to move on and find someone that shares your same values. Steve Well, I agree with what you're saying, Sherley. I have some more takes on it. Also, to add to what you said, now you've been dating that guy. You say, the subject is he lives in the hood and he loves it. Now the thing automatically is I've moved out of the hood a long time ago on a personal note, but there are things that I absolutely adored about it. There are some things, man, that really do ring dear in my heart about it. You know, now I'm a different person now, I've climbed the ladder of a different way now, so some things I cannot do anymore that I used to be able to do, and in joy, walking to the stove, hanging out at the park, singing down at the mail box, oh man, hooping up at the bust, bond to all in the middle of the night, all that. But see, so I understand that. But you went over your spenders night, spending night at his house, and then you made the comment about it being kind to get over, and then you said it ain't none of the yards got grass in the houses got burglar bars on the winners and doors. I thought to myself, that's no way I'm staying here. But then he assured me that he would protect me. So you stayed the whole night. You heard cars going up downstreet. You know what, this is a lot of commotion the summertime. You know what this is. It wasn't winter. Ain't all that in the winter. You was over there in the summer. Now. I don't know where you live, but this this is some of the sum of them. A commotion first night, Dad, you stay tonight and you ain't been back, sins. That was a year agoing and he'd got used to spend the time at your house. Now here's your whole problem. When we come back, I'll explain it to you. You had to talk about the fact that we never hang out of his house. He said, he made it clear to his house and not good enough for me. That's just to beginning the rest of it. This letter, all right, Part two coming up at twenty three minutes after he lives in the hood and he loves it. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening morning show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject he lives in the hood and he loves it. He lives in the hood and he loves it, and she doesn't. This woman's been dating this man about a year and a half now. She's concerned that he isn't motivated to better himself. That's the conclusion that she came to. And now after this letter, her conclusion is he's not motivated to better himself. First time she's been to night at the house, she made some comments about it being ghetto. And then the yards ain't got no grass, and they got burglar balls on them. And then she thought to herself, ain't know where she's staying there. He told her he protect them. Whole night she heard cars going up down the street and a lot of commotion. I'm reading this into this with summertime in the hood, you know what it is now? Like I said before, I don't live in the hood anymore. I feel blessed and fortunate. But there are some things about the hood that I missed dearly because it served a valuable purpose in my life. It made me who I am today. It created a starch in me, or fight in me, some dog in me, and it just taught me a lot about manhood. I learned most of what I know about manhood from the hood. Okay, cool, And it wasn't just because I was fighting it stuff. It's just I had to grow up quicker than all right. So it's a lot of good stuff that happens in the hood now, she said. And she ain't been over there since that night, and it's been over a year. And he didn't got used to spending time at your house. Now here we go recently, we had to talk about the fact that we never hang out of his house, and he said, I made it clear that his house was not good enough for me. And you did, you talked about ain't no grass, burglar bars on these windows. You know, you made the man feel bad about this spot. So he said, well, I ain't fit the brain over here because we're gonna come over here next week. Ain't fit to be no grass out here by next week. And you know, get damn well, we can't take you down burglar bars all. So now since that ain't ain't change, we can't change. Now. My next question was why hasn't he attempted to make it better or move out? He told me police chasing his air and how the DA season large amount of marijuana from a guy down the street. They're selling we a matter of fact, they've elevated it. Now, they're selling opioids, ox had cotton. Man. They're doing it all and not in the hood of what I meant to say. They do this in the suburbs. See, they're selling weed in the suburbs. It weed houses out there now, oxycotton, opium, all everything, all the medical drugs. That's that's the suburb problem. To harrowing all that's getting sold out there, so it ain't just the hood. And now he said he's not fixing his house up until they get a handle on crime in that ere. Now that the statement right there, dog, we all know when that's gonna happen, especially with the no snitch theory going on in the hood. We ain't gonna be able to solve none of these damn crimes. Ain't nobody telling. So now he ain't gonna fix the house. Now, guess what conclusion she said that let me know he has no plans to move. He went on to he said he likes being around his people and to the heart of the city where he grew up. He just trying to justify. He told me, I was scared of my own people. He just trying to push back at you because you can talked about it this house, because the ain't got no grass, got a little rock guarding outside, all these balls up, ain't no stairs, you know. And you don't put carbet on your stairs in the hood because you need to hear who coming up the steps. You know, all these little tricks and stuff you ever learn in the hood and everything. Stephen Shirley, that's not true. I've worked hard to separate myself from the criminal element and I've chosen to do better. I'm from the hood too, but I moved out. And that we're both thirty seven GameFly employed making good money. How can we be compatible in all areas except this one? Am I wasting my time? You are absolutely not wasting your time? And I want to share something with you about men that an insight that you may not have taken into consideration. This is not a red flag, but you have to understand something. At the time this brother bought this house, that's what he could afford. He probably is very proud of the fact that he's a homeowner that home and being from that neighborhood and finally a wine a piece of property may have a sentimental value to him and definitely a sense of pride he's now a homeowner. Sentimental reasons. Now that what's happening with you all? And you all are not communicating properly, because when you set a man down, he told you that, you know, he felt like his house wasn't good enough for you. That's why he ain't been You ain't been back over there, but you don't You never asked a man why he won't move. See, he just told you he ain't fixing the house something until they get a grip on crime around that. He know it's crime, He know you know it's crime. But this man hadn't bought this house. You ain't giving him no credit for that. You ain't giving him no credit for coming up with the down payment. You don't know what this brother went through to get this house, but you just dogging him for staying in it. He ain't had no reason till he met you to even go nowhere else. So now he's crazy about you. So he's been spending all this time at your house, but he don't want to bring you over there to his accomplishment, and then you dog him about it. See, you're missing one of the points his system. So this is a communication problem. I think I need you to just sit down and really think about why this man is willing to stay there and then go from there. But you don't leave no man because he didn't bought a house and he won't to live in it. Have you thought about that? Thank you? All right? Thank you? Steve. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up at forty six after the hour, we'll talk sports with Junior right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Junior, you are here with sports talk. What you got for us today? All right, Charlie, Well, I don't know what you said that at NFL Honors, but they heard, you know, they really did. The Washington football team is in the process of figuring out its old new name. They are you said, they are on the way to do it. Y'all think he the genius heat, the one that made this happen. That's what y'all think. Said nothing the NFL Honors. I wrote a joke about it and let them get the joke was go ahead, okay, well, let me just see the party. I'll get the party and we'll get to the joke. They letting fans be a part of it all. The team launched a special new website, Washington Journey dot com, that features an area where fans can submit ideas for the next name and even include images for the uniforms and logo. Okay, I'm telling the joke. Jay at the NFL honors. I said, the NFL has one of the greatest brands in the world, some of the most ingenious marketing minds of all. That shield is well protected and well promoted. So I'm trying to figure out high in the world the Washington red Skins couldn't come up with the name. All they had to do was come up with something that wasn't racist. And all they came up with was the damn Washington football team. It could have been the Washington Scandals. They could have came up with the Denzel Washington. All your ass could come up with was the Washington football team. Who paying these damn people in market? I'm telling you, man, and I'm telling you. And after that, now the Washington football team and big lad from the players anyway, and now they got a website. Now got a website, you know, live hater. But I have to go with team timing. I mean, I think it's a really good joke, but I'm in a position that I have to go with team time, right, And and your vote is so limited because you ain't here but twice voting don't matter. But I'm here on voting day. How about that? All you doing vote on timing? Which we already know what that is. Because you think if I get rid of your ass, y'all to go and start another damn show, just tell them you're welcome. Nobody said that. Shut up. Well, let's find out. We're gonna find out what the team name's gonna be, though, But if they heard you, that's all I can team. I'm gonna get involved in and come up with a name. Yeah, man, oh good, yeah all right, yeah, yeah, I mean George Washington. When Washington, we're going with Washington, Washington, don't slave on the junior. Yeah, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about divorce Keim and Kanye right after this. You're listening to Stay Morning show. All right. So there's a rumor out that says Kanye has tried to erase memories of Kim Kardashian. A source said some of Kim's stuff in Wyoming was packed for her to take back to La Lesser items got tossed in the trash um. The source added a quote from Kanye saying in the last two weeks, Kanye was attempting to sell jewelry he had purchased for Kim. Um at least two top jewelers to at least two top jewelers. The friends said that Kim's belongings pained Kanye to see um just to see you know, he was talking about how he didn't want to be reminded of the past. So I mean, I guess that's understandable memories. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and take it from it away and just well, you know, you know, you know, Tommy, you know you got ahead at that moment that I'm doing something when really what you're saying is absolutely the true. Put it in a box. But you gotta get other people, get involved and demonstrate you strong enough to move on. You're gonna sell it. They ain't find getting nothing though it ain't it ain't that jury. It's their memory. And take it from a man who knows by divorce, really knows about it. Take the loss down. Just take it and you didn't take that would be your best thing, because if you try to fight and hold on you up, you're not gonna But you know what, Steve, I I you know, let me you know you and Jay let me just say I've never because they got experienced on me. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not trying to point out But for what I want to say is, you know, I haven't been through a divorce. Man, I honestly, I truly can't see somebody else with my kids. Man, that would that wouldn't crush you to my car, That would crush me to my cord to see someone else with my kids, man, I just well, you don't ever have stuff ain't gonna help you. Selling her stuff is not gonna help you. You know, man, you don't You don't lose your children, yeah, you know. And you can't stay in a marriage for the kids because the kids ain't married to her. Kids gonna always love her, kids will always love you. They're figuring out you. Yeah that, and you just have to go head on. Man. But Jay is right, Selling the stuff ain't gonna make you feel no better. But I also understand time of what you're saying is you don't want to see nobody else raising your kids. Yeah, yeah, I'm saying, I'm Steve was saying. Don't stand it. But the kid kids are not gonna be happy in an unhappy home either, and then that's not gonna work for them. That makes that's even worse. My parents my parents divorced, like Steve, right, Please don't stand it for the kids, because they suffer when you stand it for the kids. Because you know, I realized I wasn't married to my mom and daddy. I wouldn't the marriage because I tried to be my mama. My daddy whooped my ass for trying to protect up. Oh my god, I ain't married to nobody in him. What I jump in when they broke up? The hell I jump in, fuck, I try to protect her. He beat the dog mess oiude of me. I said, you know what, mom, you need to learn how to do better. Song. You didn't know how to talk people. Yeah, you didn't turn how to talk people in here to hell. He mad at me. He was mad at you. Now he mad at me, Joe, he whoop whoop you So yeah he could, but he whooped the mess out of me. And then the next morning, you know, Mama said, can you believe your daddy? Last night? Look at my eyes. I think I believe him. Believe on everybody. And it is it is, It really is like a death. You know you I got if you got memorabile, you're laying around the house that only reminds you, but you're not. You just have to get up and move on. That a thing I do know about Kanye for show, really really good fault, really good with him. I believe that really really good. You know. But when you see another man with your children, I'm sorry, it's crushed. Man. That's gotta be that has to be crushing. I don't know that experience. It has to be crushing. Well, I mean I've seen it before. Yeah, yeah, I mean people do it every day. They lended family. It ain't all that damn crushing. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will travel to Houston today. I just love saying, President Joe Biden, such a relief, such a just an exhale moment. Well, anyway, they're traveling to Houston and today, yeah, to meet with local leaders, should discuss the winter storm relief efforts, progress toward recovery. And then while they're there in Texas, the President walsa visit COVID health centers where vaccines are being distributed. Yes, thank you, President Biden. All right, Joe. He's the leader. That's the leader that yes America, Yes, yes, yes, yes, not golf after his words? What Tommy, he's not golfing. He's not tweeting. You know, he actually doing presidential stuff. He's not lying. Yes, y'all get it together. Lying. Yeahs to the bottom federally of what happened, where the failure went down and he made this fifteen dollars an hour happened. That's what we mean. Yes, I was just thinking that, Jim Jay. Then yes, yeah, Democrats want of the Republicans don't right? So far? Is that all I want? Just get Texas on the same power that the rest of the country is owned, and not buy ourselves independently. We can we hook up with the rest of the country when it comes to electrical power. Okay, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this you're listening to show. Steve introduced him, ladies and gentlemen, the twisted demented mind. Oh Jay, Anthony Brown, brilliance, brilliance. Okay, we only have a I think a few more days left for Black History Month, is that right? Yeah? Yeah, so what I'd like to read A found this. It's a letter from a runaway slave or a freedman. I would like to read this. Hit it crystalpher on my cock lying team. If you got this letter, I made it now. If the person who opens this letter can't read, give it to someone who can. First of all, I told y'all to come, but no y'all wanted to stay. Trust me, it wasn't easy, but it is such a good feeling to wake up in the morning and not have to pick a damn thing. Weren't easy getting up here. Missus tubman don't play. She don't play at all. She had to pull a gun out on John Henry and pistol whip him when he started to cry, saying he wanted to go back. After the swelling went down, he changed his mind. She passed out a couple of times, but when she came to, she made up for it. Just in case she comes back for some of y'all on a second run. Do not use the phrase please please, do not use a phrase when we gonna get there. That seems to upset her a lot. One thing I found out about running away the female slaves are real friendly at night when it is cold. Yes they are. Upon my arrival, I met some upper the blacks acted like they had never picked cotton. Hear y'all so up. They ain't been free but twelve minutes. I said, sp that's short for slave. Please, I get a feeling slave. Please. It's gonna change one day. I don't know what to Also, I also met fregless Douglas. I don't know what's up with his hair either. He dating a white woman. He introduced me to her sister. Yes, I have crossed over. Well, so much for talking to y'all. I'll holler at y'all later. Ps. That's what you put at the end of a letter when you have more to say. Give my shoes to the Williams brothers since they both have one foot. Just come and ask me if I wanted to come back for a second run. I said, hell no, Oh my god. J Anthony coming up. It is our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. Listen to him. What we did last night has nothing to do with the fact that you can use my toothbrush. Okay, all right. We'll also have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are, last break of the day, last break of the week for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Wow, it's been a good full of the week. You're exhausted to Saturday? Yes that you? Yes? Hey, you know what? Can I say something before you get started? Do you know there's a possibility that Watson might actually stay in Houston? It's a strong possibility where Sean Watson? Did you say any word? What is it? When? When? When we get it? Say that on the show. We think it a lot, though we can't say it sound like you said. We've been a good place for it. You know? Slave please? Yeah, he's slave please? And I think something else, but I don't know exactly what. Oh god, no, I don't know. Man. You know, for y'all's sake, I hope you do. But he ain't doing it for you y'all sake. I don't like the way they treat it. Is he good? I'll be honest about that. I don't like great. He's great. He's he's not good. He's great. Now, did JJ go to Cleveland? Is that old fisher JJ balo, jj wat What did you talking about? Buffalo Man, I said, Cleveland. I said, huh he talking? What are you talking about? I said, J Jfalo. Oh oh this is interesting. Yeah, I know it. It really is. Really, it really is. But don't about the care that you don't care, because we ain't got no time, you know. And let me say this in closing um this show. I was talking about it with a group of people on a zoom call to talk about my career in radio and future thoughts in all like this. But I wanted to say about this show right here to Steve Harvey Morning Show, it's it's comprised of probably one of the most talented cast of people in all of radio. And one of the statements that they made on the call the other day when I was talking with the us, it seems like you are genuinely like each other. And you know, we've jailed over the years, and you know, we know a lot about each other personally. You know, we pray for each other as we know when each other's going through hardships and hard times. You know, we've seen each other cry about different things, rejoice about certain things, we celebrate birthdays, and accomplishments of children with one another, with the grandchildrens, with career moves and successes, and it has been a relationship that you spend quite a bit of time with some people. When you work with people every single day, and you go through the pandemic with them, and you go through the elections with them, and you go through the ups and downs, and you try to be entertaining with them, inspiring with them and enlightening with them. Dolls build a bond, you know, and we have that bond on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah. I'm pretty sure other people can say the same thing, but I've seen the turnover on other shows, and we don't have that. We are consistently the same. You don't see people coming in and out of this show. You don't see them changing co hosting, changing parts. We've stayed pretty much the same since we started to syndicated show fifteen sixteen years ago. I've been with surely since two thousand. Tommy came along in two thousand two something like that a couple of years after, and we've been together a long time. Man and Carlin became a part of all this in two thousand and five and Mississippi Monica, and then we got Jay when oh you know, we practiced restoled him, and you know what an addition it was. And I've watched this cast grow over the years and develop into their own until everybody understood who they were on the show. And then we added Junior. Junior came along and it was in addition to the show, and we added parts. We have the really most talented morning show on the air. I know somebody else can say that too, but it ain't true, It really ain't. I'm just telling you flat out, you can't produce. There is no morning show on radio more inspiring than this show. We spend too much time trying to encourage and lighten uplift our people. And then after that that, you cannot be more entertaining than this show right here. You can't laugh harder in the morning at nothing than you do right here on this show. And it's because as an ensemble cast, we have formulated a formidable force in adult contemporary radio to where we are the number one adult contemporary radio station in the world. We are the only music driven adult contemporary station that's on all three major markets. Nobody else can say that we's a bad thing. And thank y'all for tuning in every morning because you help make us who we are and we appreciate y'all. That's how I feel about the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You feel me? Yes for all Steve Every Contests. No purchase necessary, void we're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Day Harday Morning Show.